Spandan 2010 Final

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  • 8/7/2019 Spandan 2010 Final


    Presentation on Spandan 2010

    Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Of The

    Recruitment for the degree of

    Bachelors of Journalism & Mass Communication,


    (Event management Lab, Semester-5th)

    Course Code BJ(MC) 351

  • 8/7/2019 Spandan 2010 Final


  • 8/7/2019 Spandan 2010 Final



    It has been a proud privilege to be able to organize and attendSpandan and acknowledgements are due to all those persons

    who have been helping directly or indirectly in this training

    process as well as in the preparation of this presentation.

    We rate highly the assistance provided by our faculty. They

    constantly looked into our tasks and recognized the efforts

    made by us. We would like to thank Mr. Aatish Parasharwho

    has guided us in the best way possible during the preparation

    and execution of Spandan and in the making of thispresentation. Furthermore we would like to thank our group

    members for trusting each others abilities and cooperating

    with each other.

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    SPANDAN is the annual media and cultural

    festival of the Journalism and Mass

    Communication students of VivekanandaInstitute of Professional Studies. Since 2004,through this unique blend of innovation andexcitement, the final year of students of BJMC

    aspire to learn and master the concepts EventManagement taught to them by applyingclassroom theories in real time.

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    This year too, the four day gala event wasorganized from 22nd November 10, till 25thNovember 10 atConstitution club of India (day 1) and Delhi haat,

    Pitampura (day 2,3 and 4)(courtesy- our venue partners DelhiHaat,pitampura). As most of the Delhi Universityand Indraprastha University participated,Spandan successfully played host to 19competitive events.

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    The journey of SPANDAN has always been astoundingsuccess itself and this year to, we planned to recapitulatethe same success story yet again.

    This year, our four day gala aimed at bringing togethermore than 5000 students from colleges in and aroundDelhi, to gather and enjoy the fervor of the event.

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    Journey of Spandan 10

    Like every year, this year too, Spandan startedonly as a vague idea in the minds of studentswho until that time knew nothing what it is liketo organize a fest like Spandan, but we wereready to dedicate our hearts and souls toSpandan.

    From that moment till the time we completed itsuccessfully made us learn a lot about Eventmanagement and nuts and bolts oforganizing an event.

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    Summary of Spandan 10Day-1

    As it has always been said that Spandan is different from other

    student festivals due to the fact it caters to evolving media

    trends, this year too we hosted an inaugral and interction session on Yuvaon ki

    baat yuvaon ke sath on Day 1 of Spandan10. This is an interactive session

    where students from different colleges and universities are given an

    opportunity to interact with young parliamentarians over various issues. The

    main focus of the session would be to find out why the youth are abstaining

    themselves from entering into politics. The Chief- Guest of the session was

    Ms. Meera Kumar,Speaker, Lok Sabha.

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    On the Day 2, there were events like on

    the spot film making, solosinging/Karaoke, Ad Mad and Act andReact. The talent shown was one of

    thebest one could ever find among

    the students of Delhi.

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    The Day 3 of Spandan, was full of fun andfrolic. It had events like Duet Dance,Group Dance ,Street Dance and Rock

    Band performance which left the

    audience enthralled with foot tappingmusic and beats. Apart from these,there were also events like Photo

    exhibition, Still Photography, Mobilephotography and caption customisation

    and Piece to Camera.

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    Day 4

    The Day 4 was dedicated to a variety of fun

    filled events like street play, Rangoli/

    graffiti/ art competition/ poster making, rj

    hunt, Mono acting and 60 seconds tofame. In the evening, we had valedictory

    function and the prize distribution

    ceremony, followed by a jam session.

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    Our Sponsors

    With the support from our sponsors- Coffee day Express,

    Elite model management, Bonzai, rc cola, freeze, blazeflash, funky boyz, bite and bowl.

    Our media partners were red fm, mail today and Mh1.

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    Division Of different departments

    The first thing we did was to divide the

    students into different departments. The

    various departments wereResearch


    Marketing and PR







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    Ambience Department

    Ambience creates fun, excitingdecorations and thematic sets

    to complete a party or eventenvironment. It is a soul ofany event, in other words, it

    gives a true feeling of anevent.

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    The Theme of ambience

    The Main theme behind spandan wasmagical theme for which we madeboxes , masks etc to give it a magical

    feel but later on it was merged withtraditional theme according to ourvenue. All this and the efforts of the

    students made this theme more specialfor spandan.

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    Tasks we performed :

    1. Establishing an Office The Spandan Office

    As we started to work for Spandan, a strong need of aprofessional

    working environment and space was realized and therefore we

    established The Spandan Office inside the premises of thecollege

    itself. We arranged the desks and chairs for the Spandan teamand

    arranged the computers in the office aswell. We also arranged for a few notice

    boards where progress and daily tasks

    Were to be displayed.

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    Buying raw material required fordecoration and stationary.

    We purchased the basic raw materialrequired in order to start an event. This

    include decorative material to be then usedby the ambience team like cardboards,thermocols, fevicols, different types oftapes, colors, brushes etc. Also the

    stationary material required for doing thepaper work like sheets, pens, pencils,markers etc.

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    Work we did in ambience department

    For the ambience department we

    prepared charts for various events.

    We made decorative boxes and masks as

    per our theme i.e the magic of spandan.

    We decorated pots and diyas going with

    the traditional theme.

    We made peepal tree with the help of

    charts and card boards.

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    Work we did at venue of spandan

    We decorated the stage of our venue.We made rangolis at the entrance as well as

    inside the premises of our venue.We also decorated the polls out there with the

    help of dupattas.We placed boxes, pots and diyas at various

    places we pasted the charts we made earlier at d place

    and time of the event.We also pasted the peepal tree at the entry


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    Handing out invitations todifferent colleges.

    We went to the colleges ofI.P University and Delhi invite them to ourfestival. Our duty did notended here only, we were

    supposed to talk to thestudent coordinators orteachers in-chargeregarding Spandan and toexplain them that how they

    will be benefited byparticipating in Spandan 10.We also placed Posters ofSpandan 10 in their collegepremises.

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    What we learned from Spandan 10

    Through Spandan, the final year students of BJMC aspire tolearn and master the concepts Event Management taught to

    them by applying classroom theories in real time. Therefore we

    would like to share our observations and experiences we made

    during Spandan :

    Event management is a systematic way of organizing and managingan event to achieve certain objectives within a given span of time.

    Make sure the purpose of the event is important enough to merit thetime and expenses needed to staged, publicized and evaluate the


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    Ensure that the team members fully support the event. As efficient manpowerand its proper management is the backbone of an event.

    The target groups that have a special stake in the event should be wellidentified and informed well in time.

    Start working for the event much before the actual dates of the event.Preparations should not be done in a hurry. Plenty of time should be given to theorganizers to plan and organize the event.

    Presentations should be client specific. Pitching should be done, keeping in mindthe language, perception and needs of the client.

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    Make checklists of work to be done and also of work that hasbeen done.

    There is no scope for disputes, arguments and ego-clasheswhile organizing an event. If such a situation arises, solve it asquickly as possible.

    Human resource management is very important while workingfor an event, plan and utilize the resources well.

    Communication process should be effective and clear.Maintain as much transparency as possible with the clients.

    Reach the venue before time and ensure that every thing ison its place.

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    In the end

    Planning and executing SPANDAN was definitely not a piece of

    cake; rather it was an uphill struggle. But as they say, all is well

    that ends well, we came out with flying colors this year in

    SPANDAN. The event became almost a part of our lives, might

    be only for a month, but it definitely left permanent marks on our

    hearts. It was the only aim we had for that particular month of our

    lives and everybody seen around was seen to be working for it.

    Where else could we find such a driven force?

    We actually saw ourselves coming out of the trouble race, butcertainly not empty handed, rather satisfied to the core with our

    efforts. All credit goes to the name or brand or may be a mere

    word called SPANDAN which had immense power in it to

    extract maximum energies out of us.

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    Names of the Group Members :

    Leena Bhatia

    Srishti Jain

    Poornima Tyagi

    Puneet MagooSakshi Kundhi

    This presentation was an effort by the followingmembers :

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    Thank You