Southeast/South- Central Educational Cooperative ANNUAL REPORT FY 2015 “Serving You As You Serve Others”

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Southeast/South-CentralEducational Cooperative


FY 2015

“Serving You As You Serve Others”

Page 2: Southeast/South-Central Educational Cooperative - …€¦ · Web viewFY 2015 “Serving You As You Serve Others” Contents Executive Summary1 Strategic Report3 Financial Report6



Executive Summary______________________________________________________________________________1

Strategic Report___________________________________________________________________________________3

Financial Report__________________________________________________________________________________6

Operational Report_______________________________________________________________________________7

Future Goals_____________________________________________________________________________________11

Contact Information____________________________________________________________________________13












data research



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Executive Summary

After significant growth in 2014, SESC has worked to solidify its position in the region while expanding its services to its members. In 2015, the cooperative has become more intricately involved with work across the region and the state while supporting districts with more focused support. The following report is designed to inform SESC members and other interested readers of the activities and accomplishments of the year and the vision for the future of SESC.

STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS2015 has been another exciting year for Southeast/South-Central Educational Cooperative. Training opportunities and support activities have expanded throughout the year with a specific focus on supporting our schools as they “attack the gap” in student achievement. SESC sponsored several region-wide events featuring national level experts on a variety of topics, drawing district leaders from across the Commonwealth. Partnerships have been strengthened with regional colleges and universities resulting in more professional learning opportunities for our region’s teachers.

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTSOne of the primary concerns with the establishment of SESC as an independent entity was the financial stability of the organization in its initial stages. Due to conservative spending in its first two years of existence, SESC has continued to solidify its financial standing as it steadily grows its support services in an efficient and cost effective manner.

OPERATING HIGHLIGHTSSESC currently employs 15 staff members, 12 of whom are full-time, and operates offices in three locations across the region (Corbin, London, and Richmond). Stability in its staff has provided a consistency in the development of services provided to districts as well as a common mission and vision among the team. SESC employs additional part-time employees through MOAs with the Kentucky Department of Education.

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LOOKING AHEADPleased with recent progress but not satisfied, SESC continues to work to become the best at what it does by providing services designed to support school districts in their efforts to successfully educate all of their children. While much work remains, we are excited for the opportunity!

David R. JohnsonExecutive Director

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Strategic Report

MEMBERSHIPTwo new members, Barbourville Independent School District and Union College, joined SESC in 2014-15. As a result, SESC now serves 27 public school districts (five of which receive special education services only) with more than 175 schools and 80,000 students in a region covering approximately 6,500 square miles. General cooperative member districts include the following: Bell County, Barbourville, Berea, Clay County, Corbin, East Bernstadt, Estill County, Harlan Independent, Jackson County, Knox County, Laurel County, Lincoln County, McCreary County, Middlesboro, Model Lab, Pineville, Rockcastle County, Science Hill, Somerset, Wayne County, Whitley County, and Williamsburg. Those receiving special education services only include Casey County, Garrard County, Harlan County, Madison County, and Pulaski County school districts and higher education members include Eastern Kentucky University and Union College. SESC is proud to serve such a diverse and strong membership.

PARTNERSHIPSSESC recognizes the value and importance of partnerships in achieving its mission to promote educational excellence in our region. This work is too valuable and extensive to be achieved alone. Through its partnership with EKU, SESC serves as a member of the Vanguard East team to restructure teacher preparation programs in the region and has provided professional learning experiences for science teachers in grades K-3. Partnerships with other groups such as KASA and KSBA have allowed SESC to expand its work into other areas as well. The cooperative continues to foster relationships with other higher education institutions such as Berea College and the University of the Cumberlands. Relationships with KDE continue to grow as the executive director and other SESC staff serve on multiple committees.

TRAININGSoutheast/South-Central’s primary focus is providing professional learning experiences aimed at improving student learning. As a result, SESC has expanded professional learning opportunities in 2015 with the addition of new staff and expertise.

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With approximately 70% of its member districts’ students considered at-risk as participants in the federal free/reduced lunch program, SESC offered multi-tiered support aimed at “attacking the gap” in 2015. In the fall, national experts Dr. Robert Barr and Dr. Anthony Muhammad spoke to administrators on their role in shaping cultures of success and hope in their schools. Beginning in January, SESC staff led school teams through Data RetreatsTM aimed at reviewing specific data to determine areas of greatest need and developing a plan to address those needs. The cooperative also employed two Gap Reduction Specialists for the purpose of working with schools and districts to identify and implement evidence-based practices that would help reduce their specific gaps in achievement.

New learning opportunities were offered in other areas as well. One such program was the Beginning Teacher Institute (BTi) made available to the region’s newest teachers. This training spread throughout the school year focused on topics most relevant to beginning teachers such as classroom management, professional ethics, and time management. Along with other interested educators, BTi teachers participated in a full-day workshop on Assertive Discipline from national consultant Dr. Carolyn Reedom in September. Other new opportunities made available by SESC consultants included the identification of Math Enduring Skills and the development of an assessment item bank to be used to assess proficiency and progress on those skills. Partnering with EKU, the cooperative also offered training for K-3 science teachers on the new science standards and effective classroom instruction on those standards. Finally, through a partnership with the Kentucky School Board Association, SESC offered mandatory training for area School Board members.

Through its Special Education Division, SESC offered many outstanding trainings to member districts such as Kagan’s Five-Day Institute on Structures of Cooperative Learning, four-day workshops on Adaptive Schools and Cognitive Coaching designed to support school leaders as they promote school improvement, iPad Bootcamp focused on the use of iPads with students with disabilities, and Zones of Regulation which helps students with self-regulation of emotions and impulses.

A review of SESC’s records shows that the coop has offered 84 training opportunities (general education, special education, and KDE-sponsored such as PGES and CEP) with 2724 attendees since March 2014. These figures do not include on-site and Lync services that were provided to individual districts. With funding provided by KDE, the coop has

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offered specific training in Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) for teachers and principals as well as trainings for individual districts as needed. KDE-funded consultants also led content networks in science and social studies to assist districts in the implementation of the new Common Core Standards. Using coop staff, SESC has sponsored trainings in CIITS, Program Reviews, Gifted and Talented Education, and SBDM training throughout the year.

MEETINGS/CADRESMonthly Board meetings were held for superintendents to focus on school improvement issues as well as internal SESC affairs. Some of this year’s topics included Superintendent PGES (Dr. Tommy Floyd, KDE), Continuous Classroom Improvement (Cay Moore, Jim Shipley & Associates), Global Competency (Phil Shepherd, KDE), Career and College Readiness (Marissa Hancock, KDE), Kentucky Rising and reduction of Novice student scores (Dr. Amanda Ellis, KDE), and proposed changes to Kentucky’s assessment and accountability regulations (Dr. Ken Draut, KDE). Superintendents also heard presentations by Commissioner Terry Holliday, KASS Executive Director Dr. Tom Shelton, KASA Executive Director Wayne Young, and KSBA Executive Director Mike Armstrong. Presentations were given by SESC staff and member districts as well.

Regional cadres held regular meetings for Directors of Special Education, Instructional Supervisors and Finance Officers to provide training, up-to-date information, and networking opportunities.

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Financial Report

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONDuring its second year of operation, SESC has continued to operate in a fiscally conservative manner. One full-time certified position was added to the Special Education Division and a part-time staff support position was transitioned to a full-time slot for that program as well. Otherwise, no significant increases in revenue or expenditures are expected for 2015. One significant change since last year’s Annual Report is SESC’s receiving approval of 501(c)(3) status which will allow the cooperative to pursue more grant programs for expanded services and to produce additional revenue through indirect costs. SESC is currently working with a grant writer to seek out funding opportunities aligned with the cooperative’s mission.

As of the printing of this report, the cooperative has not finalized its audit report for 2014 due to complications with the bidding process managed by the Kentucky Auditor’s office. After receiving approval from that office, SESC is currently in the process of contracting with an independent auditor to provide those services for last year. Based upon SESC’s internal financial reporting, the cooperative increased its unrestricted General Fund balance by approximately 39% in 2014 over the year’s Beginning Balance. Still, SESC must continue its efforts to increase the cooperative’s contingency to an amount that will provide reasonable security should unforeseen needs arise.

Due to continued application of conservative financial management, SESC will conclude FY 2015 in a strong financial position. While the cooperative does not yet boast as large an annual budget as most of its fellow cooperatives, it is stable and growing its annual fiscal balance. Overall, SESC is currently projecting income in line with budgeted amounts despite less than projected revenue from consulting fees. At the same time, projected total expenditures for the year are slightly higher than budgeted allocations primarily resulting from higher than expected costs for auditing and legal fees. Total end-of-year projections for other grant programs are in line with budgeted allocations.

While SESC’s overall financial status is improving in strength and stability, a conservative approach is still warranted until multiple years of data can be used to develop a budget.

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Operational Report

STAFFINGSoutheast/South-Central Educational Cooperative currently employs 15 employees, of which 12 are employed full-time, to provide a wide range of services to member districts. The special education division includes the regional director, 10 consultants, and one staff support secretary. This staff includes specialists in College and Career Readiness (CCR) and Transition, Low Incidence Population (including Autism), Gap Reduction, Behavior Intervention, and Math and Literacy. Training and support services are provided by the staff in specific specialties as well. The general education staff includes the Executive Director, an accounting manager, and a consultant that provides training specifically in CIITS, Program Reviews, Gifted and Talented Education, SBDM Training and Principal Selection as well as other specialty areas. As directed by KDE, the special education division is integrated with the SESC general education division to provide cohesive services to members. Along with SESC general cooperative members, the special education division is responsible for providing services to five other districts (Casey County, Garrard County, Harlan County, Madison County, and Pulaski County) assigned to the special education division by KDE.

Other KDE staff assigned to SESC include two part-time PGES/CEP consultants and one consultant each for the content networks for Science and Social Studies. These consultants have closely communicated and planned with SESC staff to provide services to member districts. The cooperative also currently employs two staff members on MOA with KDE for services provided outside of SESC’s service region.

OFFICESSESC operates three offices across the service region. The coop’s business office is located in the Special Education office building of Madison County School District, stationed on the campus of Madison Central High School in Richmond. All financial operations are handled in this office where the Accounting Manager is housed. The Executive Director’s office is located in the Corbin Technology Center operated by Corbin Independent School District. The special education division is housed in the London Training Center which includes the office of the Regional Director of Special Education Services, a large training room, a small conference room, and an instructional/training materials resource room.

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Regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are held in the Garland Building located directly behind London Elementary School in Laurel County.

By having offices in these three locations, SESC has a presence in different regions of its service area. In order to provide high quality services throughout the region while maximizing time and cost-efficiency for districts, training services are held at centralized locations throughout the region. It is believed that this strategy has increased participation and improved district capacity while limiting the cost for member districts.

MANAGEMENT/GOVERNANCESoutheast/South-Central Educational Cooperative is governed by its Board of Directors composed of superintendents of member school districts and representatives of other member institutions. Like other similar agencies, SESC operates under the direction of governing documents such as an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Board policies which can be amended by the SESC Board of Directors as specified in those documents. Operating procedures include a procurement system which utilizes purchase orders and a MUNIS-like coding system, a travel request and documentation process, and a personnel evaluation system. It is expected that revisions will continue as needed.

The organizational chart for SESC follows:

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SESC Board of Directors

Regional DoSE

Special Education Staff

General Education


Accounting Manager

Executive Director

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COMMUNICATIONSSESC developed a variety of marketing materials in 2015 aimed at better communicating the cooperative’s purpose, goals, and services to member districts. New brochures and a video are now available for use by staff in large-group and individualized settings.

MISSION/VISIONEvery organization needs a common understanding of its purpose for existence. Through a series of conversations among its staff and Board of Directors, SESC has developed the following mission statement to direct its efforts:

SESC provides life changing opportunities for OUR children and OUR communities with OUR partners to promote educational excellence in OUR region.

We believe education can change the lives of children and, as a result, the future of communities. This is a particularly great need in the many challenged communities of SESC. We also believe that this long-term goal can only be achieved through the focused and combined work of educators at all levels. As such, we are committed to form partnerships with higher education, educational agencies, and other willing partners for the purpose of supporting and promoting educational excellence in our region. We emphasize “OUR” in our mission not as a term of possession of children or geography but to clearly state that we are located in and a part of the SESC region and, as a result, are deeply committed to this work.

The staff also developed a vision statement, entitled Vision 2020, for the future of SESC that states our commitment to providing services of high quality designed to promote the success of member districts and their students and staff. Simply put, we want to be the best at what we do! A copy of the SESC vision statement follows.

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Vision 2020By 2020, SESC will be recognized as Kentucky’s leading educational cooperative in

effective and efficient support services that allow its member districts to successfully educate all of their students. SESC will deliver services that are data-driven, evidence/research-based, and customer-focused throughout the region through a variety of delivery methods including face-to-face and technology-based. Our coop will be known for its innovation, expertise, and outstanding customer service. We will be proactive in projecting potential barriers and solutions on behalf of our districts. SESC will be the “first call” by its customers when there is a need for assistance. Simply put, we will be the best at what we do.

SESC staff will be highly competent and professional in manner and communication. Our consultants will be well-trained in their field of services, experts in best practices in adult education, and problem solvers focused on the individual needs of our districts. We will seek out and respond to feedback appropriately and accurately in order to continuously improve the services we provide.

SESC will advocate and promote educational excellence in our region in order to support economic growth, improved quality of life, and an educated citizenry through the use of media and direct communications. Our coop will develop strong partnerships and collaborate with other educational institutions and agencies and other relevant groups within the region and state focused on helping our districts succeed. SESC will be a strong and positive presence recognized across the Commonwealth.

SESC will promote and recognize excellence in its members and in its own staff. The coop will support superintendents, administrators, and teachers in their efforts to grow professionally through individualized and shared growth opportunities such as cadres, book studies, etc.

Starting now, SESC will operate in a manner that is ethical and legal. It will be known for its high expectations of self and accountability to others. Each staff member will be valued and respected. In summary, SESC will be a coop of which we can all be proud as a member or an employee.

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Future Goals

While SESC has accomplished much in the past two years and has reason to celebrate, there is a great deal of work to be done. Following is a list of matters to be considered and issues to be addressed in future months:

STRATEGIC• Maintain and strengthen relationships with current member districts through

improved communications and services

• Expand partnerships to business and political leaders in the SESC region

• Expand partnerships with higher education to include services mutually beneficial to member districts and the universities/colleges

• Expand training to address needs specified by SESC districts

• Strengthen existing cadres and expand to new groups

FINANCIAL• Seek out new revenue sources such as grants and training/conference fees

• Improved finance management software for easy communication of data between remote offices

STAFFING• Expand staff as needed to provide additional services to SESC districts

• Provide training opportunities to support professional growth of SESC staff

MANAGEMENT/GOVERNANCE• Develop a new staff evaluation system aligned with PGES

• Continue to develop appropriate policies for SESC as needed

• Develop a metric to measure effectiveness/efficiency of services and delivery

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COMMUNICATIONS/TECHNOLOGY• Improved website for SESC that allows easier access to services and registration as

well as more complete information about the work of the coop and its members

• Increase utilization of technology to improve time efficiency and cost effectiveness for districts/SESC

• Explore opportunities to utilize technology to expand training opportunities for districts

OFFICES• Relocate Richmond business office due to closing of the current building by the host

school district

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Contact Information

Southeast/South-Central Educational CooperativeAdministrative OfficeDavid R. Johnson, Executive DirectorAdministrative Office222 Corbin Center Corbin, KY 40701606-273-0883 (Cell)606-261-7739 (Office)606-261-7807 (Fax)[email protected]

Business OfficeJohnda Bales, Accounting ManagerPO Box 1777707 N. 2nd StreetRichmond, KY 40476859-625-6048 (Office)859-624-4529 (Fax)[email protected]

London Training CenterMelissa Reynolds, Regional Director of Special Education Services1106 South Main StreetLondon, KY [email protected]


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Administration David R. Johnson, Executive Director

Melissa Reynolds, Regional Director of Special Education Services Johnda Bales, Accounting Manager Tori Corry, IDEA Support Secretary

SESC Consultants Denise Bailey, Gap Reduction Specialist Ginger Brashear, Transition Specialist

Brandi Bray, Low Incidence Population Specialist Connie Brookins, Gap Reduction Specialist

Dena Cole, Language Arts Specialist Sarah Evans, CIITS/SBDM/Program Reviews

Jim Feger, Behavior Specialist Angela Keene, Mathematics Specialist

Renee Leach, Low Incidence Population Specialist Lisa Perkins, Mathematics Specialist

Kristy Stuber, Language Arts SpecialistKDE Assigned Consultants

Kevin Crump, Science Network Brenda Hammons, PGES

Glenn Manns, Social Studies Network Greg Smith, PGES

Mike York, Effectiveness Coach

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Front Row: Tori Corry, Kristy Stuber, David Johnson, Melissa Reynolds, and Johnda Bales. Second Row: Ginger Brashear, Lisa Perkins, Sarah Evans, Denise Bailey, and Dena Cole. Third Row: Brandi Bray, Brenda Hammons, Renee Leach, Angela Keene, and Jim Feger.