SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS NEWSLETTER NO 153 April 2019 The Gardening Group visited Warley Place


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NEWSLETTER NO 153 April 2019

The Gardening Group visited Warley Place


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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman Brian Chilton 01245 321238 Vice Chairman Graham Evans 01621 742524 Secretary Janice Tyas 01245 321110 Treasurer Allen Surrey 01245 320743

COMMITTEE MEMBERS Membership Secretary Sheila Chilton 01245 321238 Groups Co-ordinator Maureen Stockton 01621 741655 Speaker Secretary Kay Miles 01245 401015 Jean Foddering 01245 320874 Adelaide Ogilvie 01245 320716 David Courtenay 01245 321093 Co-opted Members John Freeth 07790707674 Kate Smith

From the Chair. Whilst writing this, I cannot believe that not only has another month passed, but that the end of my first year as your Chairman is rapidly approaching with the AGM looming next month. I also note that the weather continues to keep us guessing as to what to expect next – rather like our politicians. Despite all this we still have our U3A groups and friends to rely upon, so it is not all bad. Brian.


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You are invited to attend our AGM and we hope to see as many people as possible. Please send any resolutions you wish to be addressed to the Secretary by 12 April 2019 The first part of the meeting will deal with the business of our U3A and the second part will be our speaker, Graham Bendall – The Life of a Gamekeeper. Business: 1. Notice of convening the AGM 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes of the previous year 4. Chairperson’s Report and Matters Arising 5. Adoption of Annual Report 6. Treasurer’s Report and Matters Arising 7. Adoption of Financial Statement 8. Appointment of Examiner of Accounts 9. Election of Officers 2019-2020 10. Election of Executive Committee 2019-2020 11. Any resolutions received by Friday 12 April 2019 12. Speaker

Notes: (a) Copies of Annual Report and Minutes from previous AGM

will be available. (b) Written nominations for Officers and Committee Members

should reach the Secretary by 12 April. Each nominee must agree to be nominated. If none are received for any vacancy nominations can be made at the meeting.

Please note only members will be eligible to vote. Secretary: Janice Tyas, 55 Clements Green Lane, SWF CM3 5JS [email protected]


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Social Committee Items

London Walks Group 2 Our walk this month is Thursday 25th April and is called ‘Literary Blooms-bury’. Cost £7. Meet at SWF station for 9.16 train or Holborn tube sta-tion outside the large exit on Kingsway. I will take names and money at the U3A meeting. Janice.

Singles On April 15th we will be having lunch at Courtyard Cafe Highlands Park. Delphin

QUIZ NIGHT This has been booked for FRIDAY 22ND NOVEMBER at Champions Manor Hall. Please put this date in your diaries - tickets will be available later in the year. Please support this event organised by the Social Commit-tee. Jean Foddering


Due to the sad passing of Carol Weston, the French Group would like to honour her memory and give thanks for all the

hard work she put into forming our group. She always made the classes very enjoyable, interesting,

topical and all with a great sense of humour, We intend to continue the group in Carol's memory.

We all miss her very much. Jean

America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but

the moon landing was faked. - David Letterman


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WEDNESDAY 8th May. 7.oo for 7.30pm


24, Mill Rd Maldon MaldonCM95HZ tel:01621 742524

Board out at the meeting

Graham Evans 01621 742524

Walking Group The walking group meet on the first and third Friday of the month; we are not a strolling group and do walk at quite a stiff pace with few stops. If you would like to join us, just turn up. Alternatively, please feel free to contact me for further information about walking, using any of the means listed at the back of this newsletter. You can also get more details about the walking group from our web site; http://walking.swf-u3a.org.uk, which is updated monthly. April Walks Friday 5th April – Goldhanger and Blackwater Walk – 6.5 miles – please meet in the Chequers Inn car park just before 10.00. Friday 19th April – Bicknacre/East Hanningfield Walk – 5.5 miles - please meet just before 10.00 in the Brewers Arms pub car park. Advance Notice of May Walks Friday 3rd May – Crondon Park Golf Course Walk – 7 miles – please meet in the Galleywood car park which is just off of Margaretting Road just before 10.00. Friday 17th May – South Woodham Ferrers/Stow Maries Aerodrome Walk – 5.5 miles – please meet just before 10.00 in Compass Gardens car park. Bob Tyas


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Local History Tuesday 9th April A visit to Marks Hall Gardens and Arboretum, Coggeshall. Guided tour of the grounds by the Senior Arborist. The cost includes entrance and the guided tour. There is a tea room on site which offers a good selection of refresh-ments, these can be purchased separately, they are not included in the cost. Cost of entrance and tour £12. 1.45pm for a 2pm start, please meet at the visitor centre. Booking sheet out at the meeting. Tuesday 14th May A visit to the East Anglian Railway Museum, Station Road, Wakes Colne. This visit links to our March talk on Railways in Essex. The visit includes a guided tour and free time to explore the museum. Access to the museum is over the main line footbridge (the branch line to Sudbury), there is an alterna-tive access for anyone unable to use the footbridge. Cost of entrance and tour is £6.50. Refreshments are available to pur-chase separately. Please meet at the station entrance adjacent to the car park 1.45pm for a 2pm start. Booking sheet out at the meeting. Wednesday 12th June A visit to the Tiptree Jam Visitor Centre The itinerary for this visit is a tractor tour of the Farm followed by a cream tea. The tour will start at 2.30 with tea at 4pm. There is a free museum and gift shop on site for browsing before the tour and between the end of the tour and tea. Cost of the tour and cream tea is £10 per person. Booking sheet out at the meeting. Advance notice of the August coach trip. Tuesday 13th August Coach trip to Hever Castle. Details of departure time to follow, the visit includes a private guided tour of the Castle on arrival followed by time to explore the grounds. Cost £28 for Local History Group Members, £31 for non Group Mem-bers. You must be a member of the U3A to go on the coach trip. Book-ing sheet out at the meeting. Kate


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Gardening On 11th march we visited Warley Place and after a lovely lunch at the Thatchers we had a wander around the grounds of Warley Place, which was full of daffodils and was a great sight to see. It proved a very interest-

ing place to visit on a bright, sunny but very cold afternoon. On Monday 8th April at 2pm we will be visiting Jericho Cottage, The Green, Blackmore, CM4 0RR. This is a small wildlife and woodland garden with mature trees, shrubs, bamboos, palms and ponds. There is also an antique shop and tea shop . For more information see the Na-tional Garden Scheme Essex book-

let or visit ngs.org.uk. If you do not already have a full car, would you please meet at the village hall at 1.15 to coordinates lifts and to ensure that we limit the amount of cars taking the trip on the day. Thank you. Unfortunately this trip is now full as we are limited to 20 members for this group visit. On Monday May 13th we are visiting Kelvedon Hall, further details to follow. On Tuesday 13th August we will be having a coach trip to Helmingham Hall, Suffolk and there will be a board out at the next meeting for this trip. Please note this is a Tuesday, as the garden is closed on Mondays. The price will be approximately £20, however lunch is not included in the cost but can be purchased at the Hall if required. URGENT: I notice that there are some members on the Gardening Group Membership List who no longer attend any of our meetings or trips, so could you please let me know if you no longer wish to belong to the Gardening Group and I will delete you from my list. Thank you.


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London Theatre On Your Feet - Thurs Mat - 27th June - 6+ £39.50 15+ £34.50 band B. Tickets will be available at the meeting. I have emergency contact cards available but if you already have one, please bring it with you. Tina Turner the Musical - Thurs Eve - 11th July - 20+ £39.50. Tickets will be available at the meeting. Please let me know who you are planning to travel with and then we’ll make up groups together. Joseph & His Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat - Wed Mat - 21st Au-gust - 10+ £45. Tickets will be available at the meeting. Come from Away - Wed Mat. - 11th Sept.- 6+ £45 20+ £35 from January to September. I was fortunate to be able to attend one of the preview per-formances and highly recommend this show. It is very interesting with an Irish lilt as many Irish emigrated to Newfoundland. Have a look at the vid-eo clips on line. The last matinee is 11th September unless the show is ex-tended so have suggested that date. Board is out for interest. Waitress - Wed. Mat - 15+ £45 - 20th or 27th Nov. Board is out for inter-est but currently insufficient numbers to make a booking. Please add your name and dates you’re available. White Christmas - Thurs. Mat -12+ £45 - 21st, 28th Nov & 4th Dec. A very short run. A board is out for interest so please add your name and date available and I will make a booking after the meeting if there is suffi-cient interest. Mary Poppins - Thurs. Mat. - 10+ £65 band A, £55 band B/C and £35 Grand Circle. From 23rd Oct. to end June 2020 with first matinee 14th Nov. The original story stars Zizi Stallen and Charlie Stemp. Board is out for interest. My mobile number in case of need is 07932 637521. Pauline

When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's ei-ther a new car or a new wife.- Prince Philip


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Strollers The next walk will be on Monday 29th April, which is not our usual fourth Monday in the month as that is Easter Monday, but I hope that the date will suit most of you. I intend going to Hanningfield Reservoir, meeting at the Fisherman’s Lodge at the restaurant entrance at 10.30. It is a walk of only about two miles, but we can then have coffee in the cafe afterwards. The May walk will only be three weeks after that on Monday 20th May, as our usual 4th Monday is a bank holiday. This time we will walk around the Heybridge basin, meeting at the Daisy Meadow Car Park at 10.30. Also, could you please let me know if you no longer wish to be a member of the Strollers Group and I will take you off my list. Jill

London Walks Group 1 ‘The Lure of the Underground’. What a truly wonderful and eye opening walk this was to start our year. It’s amazing how much we learn about the things we take for granted as we go about in London. This month our walk is entitled “The Crown” and looks like being a nice, perhaps, gossipy walk around the Royal residencies and Offices. If you have followed the series on Netflix it could be of even more interest. We meet for this on the 17th at Green Park tube, exit for Green Park and meet by the fountain at 11 am. At this month’s meeting I will be taking names and money for our May walk. This is “Brunel’s London” on May 15th and includes a boat trip so the cost will be £7 pounds PLUS £5.50 per person for the boat, PLUS optional £3 per person to go down into the tunnel shaft and visit the Brunel Muse-um. Mary

Art and Architecture Tuesday 23rd April - Islamic Art at the British Museum If you have booked to go on this trip you should have received an email confirming whether you are on the morning (11.00) or afternoon (13.30) tour. If you have not received the email please let us know. We will email out meeting up arrangements when they have been confirmed. P.T.O.


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Tuesday 28th May - Kings Cross Regeneration with David Thompson This guided walk will focus on the architectural elements of the regenera-tion project at Kings Cross. This is not specifically the station but the sur-rounding area. Depending upon numbers the cost per person should be in the range £7.00 - £12.00 Wednesday 26th June - Lavenham This will be a guided walk with some of England's best preserved Medieval and Tudor architecture as a backdrop. This walk is £4.00 per person. Thursday 29th August - Art and Sculpture Tour Harlow Organised by the Friends of Harlow Sculpture and the Gibberd Gallery this expert-led day tour of Harlow, explores its history and the life and art of Master Planner Sir Frederick Gibberd and Lady Gibberd. The tour includes:

A visit to the Gibberd Gallery with an introduction to the special exhibi-

tion from the curator, and a viewing of Sir Frederick's 20th Century Wa-

tercolour Collection including work by John Piper, Edward Bawden,

John Nash, Elizabeth Blackadder and others. A coach tour around Har-

low’s distinguished collection of public sculpture, including giants of

post-war public art Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, and Elisabeth

Frink. Lunch at Sir Frederick and Lady Gibberd's former home, and a

meander around the fascinating Grade II listed Gibberd Garden.

This tour is priced at £35.00 per person with a maximum of 30 people.

Wednesday 25th Sept - Henry Moore Foundation (Perry Green)

This year there is a special exhibition 'The Art of Seeing - Henry Moore Drawings' as well as the Sculpture Park, artist's house etc. Tuesday 22nd Oct - (Tate Britain) A guided tour with Simon Whitehouse We will have sign-up sheets for these trips at the Wednesday meeting. For the Kings Cross walk and the Harlow Tour we will be collecting £5.00 and £10.00 deposits respectively. In the event that either of the trips do not run the deposit is returnable. Chris and Roy

The only reason they say 'Women and children first' is to test the strength of the lifeboats.

Jean Kerr


Speakers Today : Vic Botterill ‘If only I’d said’

May 2019

When Graham began his Game-Keeping career he had to start as an under keeper which he did for 10 years. I am sure he has some amusing tales that will keep us entertain for the afternoon SOCIAL COMMITEE Members: Jean Foddering (Group Leader) Phil West (Treasurer) Gill Blakesley Pat Golding Unni Vester-Hodgson Shirley Watters .

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Our Web Site

This contains details of past and future meetings. It also has a copy of the newsletter each month, so you can check any details. http://www.swf-u3a.org.uk

The Crouch Valley U3A web site is at :


Graham Bendall

The Life of a Game-Keeper


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This information is given for SWF U3A purposes only and not used for other purposes or passed on without the person's consent.

Where no contact details are given please use the general e-mail , [email protected] for initial contact only.

All Kinds of Music Meets 2nd Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 pm Group Leader :- Jenny Dale, , Art & Architecture Meet 4th Tuesday @ Group Leader :- Chris Miles 01245 401015 e-mail:- [email protected] Book Group 1 Meets 1st Monday @ 10.00am first Monday. Village Hall Group Leader:- Anne Turner 01245 322933 Email [email protected]

Book Group 2 Meets 1st Monday @ 7.30pm. Group Leader :- Pam French 01245 400311 e-mail:- [email protected] Cards and Games Meets 4th Wednesday for fun Group Leader :- Adelaide Ogilivie 01245 320716 . e mail:- [email protected]

Coffee with Coleridge Meets 4th Wednesday 10.30 am—12 .30 pm Group Leader Doulla Day Craft Group Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays @10:00-12:00am Group Leader :- Sandra Rolfe 01245 320374 E-mail - [email protected] Curry Clique Meets second Wednesday of alternate months Group Leader Graham Evans 01621 742524 Discussion Group Meets 3rd Monday@2pm Champions Manor Group Leader Alan W


Digital Photography Meets 4th Friday @ 10:00am Group Group Leader :- Ali-J Wilson Drawing Group Meets fourth Monday at 2.00 - 4.00 pm Group Leader :- Ali-J Wilson Family History Group Meets 4th Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm Group Leader :- Pat Golding 01245 320846 e-mail:- [email protected]

Find Your Voice Meets 2nd Wednesday 10 .30—12.30 01621740110 South Woodham Ferrers Village Hall small room at the back Group Leader: Shirley Masterson e-mail: [email protected]

French Group Meets 2nd Thursday @ 1:00 pm—3pm Group Leader :- Jean Foddering 01245 320874 Gardening Group Meets 2nd Monday Group Leader Jill Hiskett and Rhona Hathaway.

Contact:- Jill Hiskett 01245320794.

Gin Appreciation. Meets first Tuesday 7 - 9pm at Village Hall.

Group Leader Mary Brindley 01245329162 E-mail rbmb4546@ yahoo.com Golfing Group Meets every Monday Morning Group Leader :- Phil West 07751022666 e-mail:- [email protected] Local History Group Meets 2nd Tuesday @ 2:00 – 4:00 pm Group Leader - Kate Smith e-mail :- [email protected] London Theatres Meets to suit Tickets Group Leader :- Pauline Coster 01245 320437 e-mail:- [email protected]

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London Walks Meets 3rd Wednesday when walks are scheduled Group 1 Group Leader :- Mary Brindley 01245 329162 e-mail:- [email protected]

London Walks Meets 4th Thursday when walks are scheduled Group 2 Group Leader :- Janice Tyas 01245 321110 E-mail:- [email protected]

Luncheon Club Meets 2nd Thursday for lunch at elected venue Group Leader :- Adelaide Ogilvie 01245 320716 Paints and Pastels Meets 2nd Monday 9.45 - 12.15 Mixed Media Art Programme Co-ordinator Sheila Elliott Contact Judith. Play Reading Meets 3rd Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30 pm Contact Judith Science & Technology Meets 1st Thursday 10:.00 – 12:00 pm Group In the Meeting Room @ Champions Manor Group Leader :- Ken Pratt Singles - Social Meets 3rd Monday for lunch 11:30 am & Dining Group Leader :- Joan Bridger 01245 328369 Strollers Meets 4th Monday 10:30 am Group Leader: Jill Hiskitt 01245 320794 Tai Chi Meets every Monday 1:15 – 2:30 pm @ SWF Village Hall Tutor :- Gareth Chandler 07760 234536 e-mail:- [email protected] Ten Pin Bowling Meets 2nd Friday at 9:45 am, Madison Heights in Maldon Group Leader :- David Courtenay 01245 321093 Email:- [email protected] . :

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Walking Group Meets 1st & 3rd Friday Group Leader :- Bob Tyas 01245 321110 E-mail: [email protected]. Whisky Appreciation Meets 4th Friday @ 2:00 pm Group Group Leader :- Alan Golding 01245 320846 email:[email protected] Wine Appreciation Meets 2nd Friday 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Group 1 Group Leader:: David Courtenay 01245 321093. [email protected] Wine Appreciation Meets 2nd Friday 2:00 – 4:00 pm Group 2 Group Leader :- Gerald Malone 01245 325572 e-mail:- [email protected] Wine Appreciation Meets 2nd Friday 2:00 – 4:00 pm Group 3 Group Leader :- Brian Chilton 01245 321238 e-mail:- [email protected]

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Please note the deadline for inclusion in next month’s Newsletter is Thursday 25th April 2019

E-mail to Lyn Kear at [email protected], tel.321367 or post to

11 Clements Court, SWF, CM3 5FB