Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations Kimberly Bowal, Jacob Martin, Peter Grancic, Markus Kraft Computational Modelling Group Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology University of Cambridge

Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

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Page 1: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Soot particle structure:

Insights from molecular

dynamics and Monte Carlo


Kimberly Bowal, Jacob Martin, Peter Grancic, Markus Kraft

Computational Modelling Group

Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

University of Cambridge

Page 2: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Why study soot?

1Guarnieri and Balmes, The Lancet 383 (2014)2Hansen and Nazarenko, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101 (2004)3IARC Monographs, 35, (1985)

Contributes to air pollution1

Poses significant health problems3

Affects the climate2

Reduce soot emissions from

combustion devices


Page 3: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected], P. et al. Carbon, 109 (2016)

Soot nanostructure

Graphitic shell

Amorphous core

Soot particles made of polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Experiments show many different

PAH sizes form a core-shell



To date, molecular modelling

studies represent soot particles as

homogeneous PAH clusters.

More work is required to

understand the behaviour of

heterogeneous PAH clusters as it

relates to soot morphology.

Page 4: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]


Use molecular modelling methods to investigate the stable

configurations of soot-sized mixed PAH clusters to

understand whether partitioning of molecule sizes could be

due to physical interactions


Page 5: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Simulation set up

Randomly mixed Janus Core-shell Core-shell










Replica exchange molecular dynamics

Page 6: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

REMD simulation videos

Low temperature replica (400K) High temperature replica (1500K)


Page 7: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

REMD radial distance over time

Average radial

distance of each

molecule type


Page 8: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

REMD cluster snapshotsCircumcoronene & Coronene Ovalene & Pyrene

Final configurations

independent of initial


Stacked structure


Partitioning seen:

larger molecules stack

in core and smaller

molecules cap the

ends of those stacks

and form parallel outer



Bowal, K. et al. Carbon 143 (2019)

Page 9: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Basin-hopping Monte Carlo method

Challenge: many invalid

iterations because PAHs

often interlock during

random movement

Uses minimisations

between random

translation and rotation

steps to search potential

energy surface5

5Wales and Doye, J. Phys. Chem. A, 28 (1997)


Page 10: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected], K. et al. JPCA 123 (2019)

Sphere Encapsulated MC method

Page 11: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Evaluation of SEMC method





6Rapacioli, M. et al. J. Phys. Chem. A (2005)

7Bartolomei, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. C (2017)

8Hernández-Rojas, J. et al., J. Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. (2016)

Page 12: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Circumcoronene & Coronene


Ovalene & Pyrene

REMD and SEMC results12

SEMC energies show <5% mean

difference of the minimum energy with

10-fold speed up compared to REMD.

Page 13: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Relating to experimental work

Experiments say:

small molecules in core,

large molecules in shell

Simulations say:

large molecules in core,

small molecules in shell

What does

this mean?


Graphitic shell

Amorphous core

Page 14: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Subsequent experimental work

9Botero, M. et al. Carbon, 141 (2018)

Modelling led to experimental work using high resolution electron

microscopy which found that young soot particles contain larger, more

stacked molecules in the core compared to the shell


Page 15: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]


Replica exchange MD and newly developed Sphere Encapsulated MC

methods used to explore heterogeneous PAH clusters

Stable structures present stacked motif with core-shell arrangement, with

larger molecules in core

Further experimental work confirms this trend for young soot particles,

suggesting that intermolecular interactions dominate in arrangement of

young particles


Page 16: Soot particle structure: Insights from molecular dynamics ... · Soot particles made of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experiments show many different PAH sizes form a core-shell

Kimberly Bowal

[email protected]

Thank you