Solar Skyways IEEE Vehicle Technology Society Santa Clara Valley Section 2012 August 29 Ron Swenson International Instutute of Sustainable Transportation Tel +1 408 332 5375 [email protected]

Solar Skyways IEEE Vehicle Technology Society Santa Clara Valley Section 2012 August 29 Ron Swenson International Instutute of Sustainable Transportation

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Solar SkywaysIEEE Vehicle Technology Society

Santa Clara Valley Section2012 August 29

Ron Swenson

International Instutute of Sustainable Transportation

Tel +1 408 332 5375 [email protected]



• High oil prices!• Climate change • Distorted economics

Therefore• Change the form of

our transportation system.

The Concept

• 100% solar powered• Above the streets • Safe to bike & walk • Like car, 1-6 people• On demand=no waiting• Non-stop from origin to

destination• Faster than Corvette

across town

Solar Transportation in Sweden

• Train Station• Commercial district• Football Stadium• Hospital Loop• Technology Park• University

The Route

Uppsala Hospital Loop

The First Step

Solar canopies• Beautiful curves• 2-10 meters wide• Easy to build• No new land needed


10X … or forget it!

• Incremental change vs. “Hockey Stick?”• Work with the scale of mobility requirements.• High leverage solutions require bold transformations.

10X Details

Advocacy in the Market


From Production…

… to Consumption…

Go Solar!!


We can do it!!

University Studentsat San Jose State University

are joining…

The Solar Skyways Challenge

Why Change to Solar?

Energy: Peak Oil

Energy: Equity

Energy: Equity

Energy: Equity

Energy: Net Exports

“Available” Net Oil Exports

• Available Net Exports = Global Net Exports - Chindia Net Imports

Climate Change

Failings of Existing Transport

Limitations of Alternatives

Car Efficiency

Private Automobile


Bus? Train?

Too Heavy


Small is beautiful!• Rail more materials• Rail more energy• Rail uses land

Solar Skyways

Disruptive Construction



Thank you!!

More resources• www.inist.org• www.encitra.com• www.swensonsolar.com• www.oilcrisis.com • www.solarskyways.com/