Software for the Structural Calculation of Buried Pipes

Software for the Structural Calculation of Buried Pipes · 2019-07-18 · 2 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe Benefits of the structural calculation of buried pipes Structural

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Software for the Structural Calculation of Buried Pipes

2 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe

Benefits of the structural calculation of buried pipes Structural calculations help

• to ensure a solid structure regardless of any possible load combination

• to save material and to make an economic design.

While the need of structural calculations for buildings above ground level or tunnels is widely accepted, buried pipes and manholes are not always designed based on static aspects. A lack of structural calculations will often result in major fol-low-up costs in the event of claims, but even more often this will cause overdimensioned constructions and unnecessary expenses.

Benefits for the client

It is in the interest of all clients to insist on individual calcula-tions for the pipes and manholes already during tendering. It is advisable to verify the presented calculations by them-selves or to assign this task to a third party. Reliable struc-tural calculations in accordance with valid standards can prevent follow-up costs, potential conflicts and legal claims in case of damage.

Benefits for the planning engineer

Structural design bureaus are usually involved in pipeline and manhole installations. Way too many designers rely on the manufacturers of pipes and manholes to provide the required structural calculation.

However, only the own structural calculation during the planning phase shows

• which fundamental factors influence the stability of the components

• where the manufacturer has made convenient assump-tions in the calculation

• which of the assumed parameters must be considered in order to assure the validity of the provided structural cal-culation.

• Furthermore, an objective and individual comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of certain materials (plastics, concrete etc.) can only be made considering structural aspects.

Benefits for the pipe and manhole manufacturers

Given the hard competition, it is in the interest of the manu-facturers not to offer overdimensioned components. The structural calculation provides an additional documentation, legal security and transparency.

3 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe

Software for the structural calcula-tion of buried pipes Since 1997 IngSoft develops software to assist engineers and manufacturers with their structural calculations of buried pipes and manholes.

The increasing complexity of standards which must be con-sidered, asks for high-performance software solutions which also lead to economic advantages.

As a professional software developer, IngSoft puts particular emphasis on user-friendliness and a flawless integration into modern IT landscape. By following current Microsoft Win-dows standards it is ensured, that the software can be in-stalled and maintained with low effort.

Although the use of the software is fairly easy to learn, the software addresses professionals with adequate knowledge of the static background.

Software for buried pipe lines

• IngSoft EasyPipe combines a variety of calculation methods in accordance with national (e.g. ATV-DVWK-A 127, DWA-A 161) and international (e.g. SIA V190, AWWA M 45) standards. IngSoft EasyPipe allows calcu-lation of jacking pipes and pipes installed in trenches un-der consideration of various materials.

• Also the structural calculation for the rehabilitation of drains and sewers by lining and assembly methods ac-cording to DWA-M 127-2 (liner/inliner) is possible. Landfill pipes and boxes for seepage water – in particular made of plastic – can be calculated with stand-alone programs.

• Special forms: As a competent partner, IngSoft GmbH supports you in the calculation of rare, complex forms such as taper cross-section, kite-shaped cross section or channels with dry weather flow. Please contact us for further assistance. You will find the contact information on the back of the brochure.

4 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe

One software for various demands There are different editions of IngSoft EasyPipe available in order to meet different needs:

• Standard edition

• Professional edition

• Enterprise edition

Upgrading to a higher edition is always possible.

Figure 1: Input mask

Standard edition

The standard edition meets the basic needs and is especially suitable for users who do not calculate buried pipe static on a regular basis. This edition includes following features:

• Immediate displaying of the most important results in the input mask

• Coloured highlighting of verifications

• Comfortable optimizing of wall thickness

Figure 2: Output as PDF with bookmark and company logo

• Switching between different languages during runtime

• Plausibility check of all entries

• Traceable saving of all entries in project files

• Output directly as PDF (including a navigable document structure), with formulas and sketches on request

• User-friendly Windows interface with an extensive help function

• Automatic software update via the internet (as part of a valid software maintenance agreement)

• Individual output: user has the possibility to integrate the company logo on the output file. A previous delivery of the logo, for example per upload, is necessary.

Professional edition

Engineers who frequently carry out structural calculations of buried pipes as part of extensive and complex construction projects, take advantage of the additional features of the professional edition:

• Creation of separate databases for cross-sections, materi-als and pipes

• Combination of several structural calculations – also based on different standards – in one project file

• Calculation of variations for an easy comparison of differ-ing boundary conditions as a separate position

Figure 3: Modification of the cover depth in the variation

• Integration of any user defined external document (such as plans and sketches) into the output file

• Switching between metric and imperial units while work-ing

Figure 4: Switching between metric and imperial units

Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe 5

Enterprise edition

The enterprise edition corresponds to the professional edition with additional features:

• pdf files can be defined as obligatory attachments. For instance, it is possible to generate only certain pdf files that contain the company’s general terms and conditions. Such attachments can be defined separately for each lan-guage.

• wording of text templates, which are included as a gen-eral note on the front page

It is particularly suitable to assure consistent quality stanards.

All editions are complemented by calculation modules that comply with standards. Further extensions and additional functions are available upon request.

Modular structure Different calculation modules are available. Each of these representing a national or international standard. Language modules make the international use of the software possible.

Figure 5: Several statics within one project (Professional edition)

Ground water levels are taken into account accurately. The crack width verification for reinforced concrete pipes can be conducted additionally. Time-dependent behavior of different synthetic materials is traceably represented in two separate calculation courses.

Calculation module A 127

The calculation module A 127 based on the ATV-DVWK standard A 127, 3rd edition, published in August 2000 is suitable for the structural calculation of buried pipes installed in trenches and banks. It allows the buried pipes calculation of all materials mentioned in this standard.

Partially, the calculation module exceeds the range of the standard. For instance, the trench width is checked according to DIN EN 1610 and the minimal dimension determined ac-cording to DIN V 1201. A consideration of different concrete qualities is possible, steel qualities of RiL 877 are deposited.

Calculation module A 127 extension: circle/egg-shaped pipe profiles with base

As an expansion of the calculation module A 127, circular profiles (KFW according to DIN 4032) and egg-shaped profiles (EF according to DIN 4032) with base can be calculated. Thereby the moments and the normal forces are taken from the publication ‘Structural Analysis of Buried Pipes’ by Hor-nung/Kittel, 1989.

Calculation module A 161

Jacking pipes can be structurally designed using the calcula-tion module A 161, which is based on the 2nd edition of the DWA-A 161 standard. This is the first DWA standard which contains regulations for the structural calculation of pipes with partial safety coefficients according to the relevant DIN standards. This semi-probabilistic concept has its origin in the Eurocodes and it is inherited from the calculation module.

Calculation module M127-2 / A 143-2

In cooperation with S&P Consult a module for the DWA-M 127-2 and its successor DWA-A143-2 has been developed wich provides the verification for the host pipe conditions I – III by means of the finite elements method (FEM).

Thereby the liner can be statically dimensioned in rehabilita-tional purpose.

Figure 6: Input and result preview

The host pipe condition III calculates automatically all necessary load case combinations.

6 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe

Figure 7: Moment diagram output (section)

The DWA-A 143-2 module is currently a blueprint. A final version based on the blueprint is scheduled for spring 2013.

Calculation module M 45

The M 45 ‘Fiberglass pipe design’ published by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) is a manual for the buried pipes design, accepted in many parts of the world. The struc-tural calculation of fiber glass pipes described in M 45 (edition 2005) is represented in the calculation module M 45.

Further calculation modules

• Fascicule 70

• SIA 190 for flexible pipes (it is planned to include rigid pipes at the end of 2013)

• Manholes (planed for 2013)


By licensing additional language modules it is possible to change the language of the user interface and to generate printouts in other languages. For instance it is possible to use an german user interface for entering the inputs but to print the results in polish.

Language is immediately available Language is available on request (a surcharge might


Further languages are available on request.

A purchased language module expands all calculation mod-ules of an existing license if the translation is available. This also applies for additionally acquired calculation modules.

Module A 127 A 161 A 143-2 / M127-2

M 45 SIA 190





Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe 7


Calculation modules can be extended by specific functions on request. These extensions are available for all acquired mod-ules.

On the following page the extensions ‘Load editor’ and ‘Pro-file values from sketch’ are introduced.

IngSoft will gladly develop specific extention features accord-ing to your needs. Please contact us for further assistance. You will find the contact information on the back of this brochure.

Load editor

To represent special vehicles, non-existent in current regula-tions, IngSoft offers the expansion ‘Load editor’. Using the ‘Load editor’, the pressure under stackers, reach-stackers or airplanes such as Airbus A 380 can be determined.

Figure 8: Extension ‚Load editor‘

The approach is based on pyramidal load spreading. The load spreading angle in soil, as well as possibly another load spreading angle in a different layer (road structure) are to be entered by the user.

Any given distances between axes, wheel compositions and wheel loads can be entered.

Regardless of current earth coverage, the load course can be output as a separate pdf file. The output is carried out in graphical and table form.

Profile values from sketch

This extension allows the calculation of cross-sections from drawings of profiled pipes.

Figure 9: Extension ‚Profile values from sketch‘

The picture file has to be processed as a black and white bitmap file (.bmp extension). Only the exact black areas are recognized and assigned to the profile after loading the file in IngSoft EasyPipe.

The computed profile values can be regardlessly output of any current calculation as a pdf file.

8 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe

System requirements IngSoft EasyPipe is based on current Microsoft technology in order to assure highest possible security and compatibility with Microsoft Windows operating systems.

IngSoft provides detailed information on the necessary user rights etc. upon request.

Supported operating systems

Windows XP (from Service Pack 3 onward), Windows Vista (all editions), Windows 7 (all editions) and Windows 8 are supported.

Hence the development component Microsoft .NET Frame-work 4 is used, IngSoft EasyPipe runs only on operating sys-tems wich supports the framework. The official requirement list can be viewed under www.microsoft.com Library .NET developement.

Recommended resolution

A 1024 x 768 pixel resolution (96 dpi) is recommended.

Additionally required software

IngSoft EasyPipe relies on the free Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, which is already installed on most computers. If the framework is missing it will be installed automatically during the installation of IngSoft EasyPipe. Administrator rights are necessary for this process.

For print preview a pdf reader is necessary (e.g. the free Ado-be Acrobat Reader, version 7.0 or newer).

Installation and automatic updates via Microsoft ClickOnce technology

IngSoft EasyPipe can be easily installed from the internet. Thanks to the Microsoft ClickOnce technology ordinary user rights are sufficient to do that.

As part of a valid maintenance agreement the software will be updated automatically via the internet.

Other ways of installation are available on request.


The software is available for download on the IngSoft internet portal https://lizenzportal.ingsoft.de.

The software must be activated separately for each user. For this purpose the software generates a hardware identification code which is transmitted to IngSoft, so that IngSoft can generate an activation key. This procedure can be performed automatically using an existing internet connection, otherwise a transmission of activation data via e-mail is possible as well.

Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe 9

Price list IngSoft EasyPipe Besides the standards introduced here, customized solutions and extensions are available on request.

All prices are displayed without value added tax (VAT).

Single user licenses

The software is delivered via download and must be activated on the computer which is meant to be used (similar to Mi-crosoft software). The name and/or the logo of the license holder will be appearing on every printout.

The listed prices include twelve months software maintenance with standard support option (see section ‘software mainte-nance’). For premium support the prices are increased by 4.4 %.

Information about price discounts for multiple installations, rent and support are available on the next page.

Single user license prices

Module Standard Professional Enterprise

Basic price (includes one language) 600 € 1,150 € 1,500 €

Calculation modules

A 127 500 €

A 127 Extension: Circular/Egg-shaped profiles with base (extension only for A127 module available)

1,000 €

A 161 1,000 €

M 127-2, Basic Liner (Circle ARZ I / II / III, Egg ARZ I / II)

1,500 €

M 45 500 €


Additional language 400 €


Profile values from sketch 600 €

Load editor 600 €

10 Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe

Multiple user licenses

For further installations within one company an extended license is necessary. That means all installations have the same range of functions and work with the same name and logo of the license holder. Following prices apply for the multi-user lincenses:

Number of installations

Price per installation

2 – 4 50%

of the single user license

5 – 9 30%

> 9 25%

(The first license will be charged together with the regular price for the first installation.)

Floating licenses

Floating licenses allow installation of the software on any number of computers. However, the software can only be used simultaneously on as many computers as floating licens-es have been purchased. Floating licences are managed by an internet service hosted by IngSoft. This requires a permanent internet connection.

A floating license costs 175% of a corresponding single user license. No discount applies for additional floating licenses, i.e. the 2nd or 3rd floating license costs 175% of a correspond-ing single user license as well.

Floating license price:

175% of a corresponding single user license

Rental licenses

Instead of purchasing a license for a professional edition, it is also possible to rent the software for a specified period of time.

Only the professional edition is available for renting. Besides that, only monthly rent is available (i.e. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days etc.).

A rented license is bound to a single computer and requires a permanent internet connection during the use of the software. The software is installed locally and it checks the license periodically.

Software maintenance

A software maintenance includes free updates via internet and support service in case of occurring questions. There are two different levels of support available:

• Standard support (online only) Questions sent to us via e-mail or a specific website are answered from monday to Friday, no later than on the following working day.

• Premium support Questions and requests can be placed not only via inter-net but also by phone. A response within four hours is guaranteed. In difficult cases, a response will be given within two working days.

The maintenance fee is calculated on the basis of the current list price of the license. The first year of software maintenance is obligatory and is included in the license fees mentioned above.

Support level Software maintenance fee

Standard 15% p. a. as a percentage of the current license fee Premium 20%

The maintenance fee is due for one year in advance. The software maintenance is renewed automatically for another year unless IngSoft receives a written notice of cancellation at least two months before expiration of the existing mainte-nance.

Monthly rental

license prices


Module Standard Professional Enterprise

Basic price (includes one language) - 172.50 € -

A 127 75 €

A 161 150 €

A 143-2 150 €

M 127-2 150 €

M 45 75 €

Additional language 60 €

Product Information IngSoft EasyPipe 11


The use of the software is self-explanatory. Nevertheless a special training is recommended for users with basic knowledge of structural analysis but no wide experience in the structural calculation of pipes.


four hours

In Nuremberg (up to four participants)

600 €

On-site (Germany, Austria, Switzeland)

900 €

On-site (other countries) On request

Travel and accommodation costs will be charged additionally.

If the training exceeds the above refered duration, every further hour will be compensated with 100.- €.

Figure 10: Training at IngSoft, Nuremberg

Further software utilizations Beside the software for structural calculation of buried pipes, IngSoft offers also the software for structural calculation of manholes. The program is called IngSoft EasySchacht. Detailed information are available on IngSoft EasySchacht product brochure.

About IngSoft GmbH Since 1997 IngSoft successfully developes applications in the field of structural analysis. As one of the market leaders we are internationally firmly established in this specific area.

The focus is on the software IngSoft EasyPipe for structural analysis of buried pipes and manholes according to current standards. Besides that IngSoft offers technical support, individual software solutions, custom-made adjustments and further engineering performances such as FEM calculations.

IngSoft is a DWA (german association for water, wastewater and waste) partner. Under the designation „Statik-Expert“ the DWA standards ATV-DVWK-A 127 and DWA-A 161 are developed by IngSoft.

National and international reputable pipe and manhole manufacturers, municipalities, universities and engineering bu-reaus are our costumers.


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IngSoft GmbH Ingenieurbüro & Software-Entwicklung Landgrabenstr. 94 90443 Nuremberg Germany

Phone: +49 (911)430879-0 Fax: +49 (911)430879-29 E-mail: [email protected]
