Sock Monkey Hat

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Sock Monkey HatDS1 is a huge fan of sock monkeys, all because of a pair of pj pants I bought him with this delightful childrens toy on them. I keep intending to make him one, but I just haven't had time to search for sources of the perfect sock. But his birthday is coming up this week, so as an early gift I made him this hat!

SEE No Evil

HEAR No Evil


Size:Child age 4-9Materials1-circular US size 8 Knitting needle1- circular US size 9 Knitting needle, optional size 9 DPN's (not needed if you are familiar with the magic loop technique of pulling the cable out between the stitches)1- ball Bernat Softee Chunky Heather Gray1- ball Bernat Softee Chunky White1- ball Bernat Softee Chunky Berry Red (only a small amount needed)2- black shank buttons for eyesDirectionsCast on 60 st in Heather Gray on size 8 needles. Place marker (PM). Begin knitting in the round.K2, P1 all the way around. Keep moving marker along with the knitting to keep track of the beginning stitch of each row.Continue with K2 P1 for 6 more rows. Switch to size 9 circular needleBegin to knit all rows until entirehat measures 5 (or longer if the hat is for an adult.)

Switch to white.Knit 2 rows

Switch to redKnit 1 row

Switch back to whiteknit 2 rows.

Begin to decrease. Switch to size 9 DPN's or be ready to use magic loop techniques to finish the hat.Knit 4, knit 2 together, repeat all the way around one rowKnit 3, knit 2 together, repeat all the way around one rowKnit 2, knit 2 together, repeat all the way around one rowKnit 1, knit 2 together, repeat all the way around one rowKnit 2 together all the way around until only 5 stitches remain. Cut off yarn with 1 foot of excess. Thread the tail onto a darning needle and run though the last 5 stitches on the needle and pull knitting needle out. Pull the tail tight to close the top of the hat and tie in securely to finish.

PompomTake a piece of cardboard1.5 inches long. Wrap red yarn around it about 15-20 times. With a darning needle and 1 foot of red yarn, slide the needle under one side of the yarn wrap and tie the ends of the sewing yarn tightly around the hank on the card and knot securely. With scissors on the opposite side of the knot, cut the hank off of the card.With the excess tie ends, sew the pompom securely to the top of the hat.You now have aWork Sock hat,To make a Sock Monkey hat continue on...

Plush MuzzleWith size 8 needle and white yarn, cast on 20 stitches.Row 1: Knit acrossRow 2: Purl acrossRow 3: K2tog, knit across to last two stitches,sl 1, k1, psso(18 st on needles)

Row 4: Purl across. (optional- Switch to red yarn, but do not cut off the white.)Row 5: K2tog, knit across to last two stitches, sl 1, k1, psso (16 st on needles)Row 6: Purl acrossRow 7: Knit acrossRow 8: Purl across. (If using red yarn, join the white back in here and cut off red)Row 9: cast on 1 more st, knit across to last stitch. K in the front and back of last stitch (18 st)Row 10 Purl acrossRow 11: cast on 1 more st, knit across to last stitch. K in the front and back of last stitch (20 st)Row 12: cast off and end

Directions for sewing.Foldmuzzle piece in half longways with right sides together, and with needle and thread sew the short sides together. Leave the long open edge open. Turn right side out for sewing onto the hat.

EarsOn size 8 needles in gray yarn, Cast on 8 stRow 1: knit acrossRow 2 (and all even rows)purl acrossRow 3: knit acrossRow 5: k2tog, knit across to last two stitches slst, k1, psso (6 st)Row 7: k2tog, knit across to last two stitches slst, k1, psso (4st)Row 9:cast on 1 more st, knit across to last stitch. k in the front and back of last stitch (6 st)Row11: cast on 1 more st, knit across to last stitch. k in the front and back of last stitch (8st)Row 13: knit acrossRow 14:cast off and end.

Repeat for second ear

Directions for sewing.Fold the ear in half with right sides together at the last decrease point. Sew each of the the open sides together (but NOT across the end) Turn right side out .

AssemblyPin the muzzle to the ha, with the bottom of the muzzle placed right above the top of the last ribbing row. The muzzle will be stuffed, so don't stretch it out as you pin it into place. With a needle and thread sew around the muzzle most of the way, leaving a space open to stuff it. After stuffing it sufficiently, close the gap with sewing.

If you made a pure white muzzle, embroider the red mouth into place with a darning needle and a length of red yarn.

Ears are not stuffed. Pin ears into place at about the 1/3 mark around the hat (aprox 2" away from each side of the muzzle.) Sew into place. Sew two black button eyes just above the muzzle

NOTE: This pattern could use testers! If you make this and see a mistake, please leave a comment so I can be sure to fix it!!