Social Media

Social Media Presentation

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  1. 1. Social Media
  2. 2. What its all about Appropriate social media vs. inappropriate social media How we can positively represent Ourselves online Ways we can watch out for each other and work together to monitor social media
  3. 3. Ask yourself: would I want my mom or grandparents to see this?
  4. 4. Some pictures are better left on our phones
  5. 5. Inappropriate!
  6. 6. Hide yo beer, hide yo wine Remember: If you are under 21 it isnt legal for you to be
  7. 7. Dont Forget Screenshots are a real threat & once you post something, it never goes away! .
  8. 8. Pictures to SHARE.
  9. 9. Appropriate Pictures
  10. 10. Social Media is Everywhere Whats trending? Who posted what? Which filter looks best? Who liked my profile pic? How many retweets do I have? Protect Yourself!!
  11. 11. Do a Google check! Google yourself and see what comes up. What you see is what EVERYONE can see! Including future employers
  12. 12. And Ellen
  13. 13. pictures are seemingly harmless until They end up online Your boss sees it Its on national T.V.
  14. 14. Your Impact 140 characters or less
  15. 15. We Can Change the Stereotypes
  16. 16. Stop. Think. Post. Think about the consequences Change your privacy settings We have a responsibility to watch out for each other
  17. 17. Sum it up. Use social media to our advantage Hold each other accountable Think before we post