Social Media Planning for Hospitals Vishwanand GovindRaju ( aka Vishy)

Social Media Planning for Hospitals

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Explains the evolution of Social Media, Conceptual viewpoint of digital Activities and healthcare Gamification. For more information visit: http://www.transformhealth-it.org/

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Social Media Planning for Hospitals

Vishwanand GovindRaju ( aka Vishy)

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Conceptual viewpoint of digital activities

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Healthcare Gamification Hospitals and physician practices are starting to use

social media to incentivize patients to lead healthier lifestyles through integrated online and mobile games.

This approach to healthcare is called gamification, and is picking up in popularity among patients and organizations.

Rather than telling people that they should exercise or eat more vegetables, gamification gives healthy choices a purpose and more immediate gratification.

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Zombies, Run

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Zombies, Run ( Cont...) Zombies, Run! is an immersive running game. Players

act as the character through a series of missions, during which they run and listen to various audio narrations to uncover the story. While running, the player collects supplies such as ammunition, medicine and batteries, which can be used to build and expand their base.

The app can record the distance, time, pace, and calories burned on each mission through the use of the phone's GPS or accelerometer.

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Nike+ (Cont...) This app allows people to track their everyday activities,

such as running, yoga, and hiking, set goals, and compete with friends. Nike+ also shares training tips from coaches, and rewards your successes with badges and ribbons that you can then share on social networks with your friends.

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CDPHP Life Points An online rewards program allowed members to create

an online profile, take a personal health assessment, and then log points for every healthy choice they make.  For example, members can earn points for joining a gym, getting an annual physical, logging the number of steps they take, or joining an adult intramural sports team.  Once points have accumulated, members can cash them in for up to $365 a year in gift cards for shopping, travel, dining, or entertainment.

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Baby Blocks Mobile App:

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Baby Blocks The UnitedHealthcare Baby Blocks program is an

interactive incentive program designed to encourage expectant moms to make and keep prenatal appointments and to complete well child visits for the first two years of their baby's life. Baby Blocks is available to all pregnant members and members with children under 15 months of age who are enrolled in a UnitedHealthcare insurance plan. UnitedHealth said that in 2012, 2,296 women used the app.

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Healthcare Gamification Hospitals and physician practices are starting to use

social media to incentivize patients to lead healthier lifestyles through integrated online and mobile games. This approach to healthcare is called gamification, and is picking up in popularity among patients and organizations. Rather than telling people that they should exercise or eat more vegetables, gamification gives healthy choices a purpose and more immediate gratification.

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Case Study on Food Hero (US) Developed for US First Lady Michelle Obama’s 'Apps for

Health Kids' competition, Food Hero is a virtual game for children whose goal is to become a ‘Food Hero’ by eating right and completing a set of running, biking and swimming challenges.

By eating right, the child also earns virtual gold, which can be used to purchase props that help to complete the challenges.

Eating too much makes the player sluggish and the sports challenges become harder.

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Population Health Management

Copyrights – VitreosHealth

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PHM ( Cont...) “Population Health Management" - An approach to

providing affordable, quality healthcare and reduce the healthcare cost.

The aim of population health management (PHM) is to keep the patient population healthy, minimizing their encounter with emergency department, hospitalizations, and procedures. It helps to redefine care delivery paradigm from a disease-specific approach to patient-centric approach. To meet its objective, PHM requires automation across the continuum of care to access population needs and stratifying risk based on patient risk arrived by analyzing clinical and non-clinical data.

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Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics

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Copyrights – VitreosHealth

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Copyrights – VitreosHealth

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Copyrights – VitreosHealth

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Copyrights – VitreosHealth

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Listening to the voices of the people

Social Media is becoming increasingly more dominant in healthcare. Healthcare organizations are using Social Media to engage with patients.

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How they do it ?

An online social health network that collects data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to show what illnesses are going around your area. Sickweather forecasts and maps sickness.

Sickweather tracks keywords on social networks like “pneumonia” and “flu” to monitor where symptoms are showing up in the country

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Developing a Social Media Plan

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Introduction to social media Social media is a group of Internet –based application

that helps to build highly interactive platform, allowing the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Social media is used by individuals and communities to create , share and exchange ideas

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Introduction to social media Social media can be actively used for communication

campaigns and activities to promote participations , and discussion. These activities can help spread important messages, influence judgement and encourage change in behaviour.

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Social media marketing

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Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is a novel way of marketing.

Unlike traditional marketing which is company-focused and product-based, and intends only to increase the visibility of the company and its brand, social media marketing is consumer-focused and in sync with consumer's interest. The messages in traditional marketing are company controlled and motivated, whereas the messages in social media marketing are transparent, sincere, engaging and inclusive.

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Challenge The challenge with social media marketing is that there

are so many channels, so many people and so many conversations that it becomes difficult to decide on what channels to use, what people to engage, and what conversation to join.

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Step 1- Listen to yourself Listening is the first and foremost skill required in social

media planning. Listen to yourself and examine what messages the social media channel convey and does it reflect your mission, and your brand. Determine who your target audience are and assess if you are really able to reach them.

Do a critical analysis of what the social media channels are missing on and what are the shortcomings. Assess if the online users are passive participants or active engagers.

These questions may force you to think about who you are and who you want to be. It also indicates how social media can be used to complement your overall mission.

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Step 2- Listen to others It is important to update yourself on what people around

you are talking about. Keep a tab on:Key public figures and celebritiesMention of your organizationPopular industry/ advocacy sitesNewsgroupsBlog commentsSimilar organizations

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Step 2- Listen to others ( Cont…) You can do this by using the following tools that keep you

abreast of Latest happenings in online media:

Google alerts Twilert Technorati Google trends Socialmention Addictomatic Pipes

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Step 2- Listen to others ( Cont…) The following points can be researched to know more

about social media: The attitudes and issues that characterize you or your

organization The channel that has the maximum activity related to

your site The kind of users do most of the postings The popular organization and issue related to them The kind of negative comments posted most

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Step 2- Listen to others ( Cont...)The research will help you in better understanding of your brand presence and the brand values you should be promoting on social media networks. It also gives insight about the relevant online networks that you should join to target your intended group. You will also learn about the negative attitudes in you that should changed.

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Step 3- Create personas Persona, in Latin means 'theatrical mask'. Personas in

social media marketing means a fictional representation of a user type within a targeted demography, attitude or behaviour set that tend to use a site, brand or product in a similar way.

The personas are created by marketing team, based on research and interview. The objective is to identify character traits, buying behaviour, interaction type and attitudes of your target audience.

Personas can be used by the marketing team to focus their efforts or customize their approach to better engage the potential customers.

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Step 3- Create personas ( Cont…)The following points can help in creating a persona that reflects the particular segment of customer

The best way to reach them- To communicate well with your customers, its important to know how much time they spend on web and what are their proffered channels. It is also important to know whom they go to for advice and how big is their social and professional network. Their online behaviour and interaction with various tools may also indicate their attitude and preference towards written or verbal communications.

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Step 3- Create personas ( Cont…) Attracting and keeping them interested- Once you

identify which channels are frequented by your target audience, you need to find what activity interests them and how to keep them engaged.

Providing value- You should always try to add value to the interactions and conversations. Determine their pain areas and the problems they are trying to solve. It would also be helpful to know what they are expecting from the conversation with you.

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Step 3- Create personas ( Cont…) Knowing their decision making process- To convert

the lead into sales, you need to know how the customers make decision, so that you can guide them and help them in the process. It is good to know the driving factors in a purchasing decisions and the customer's role in it. The time required for making a decision and whether they research before purchasing are also worth knowing.

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Step -4 Map your assetsTime is the most important resource that can be invested in social media. Therefore, it is important to determine the number of hours and the number of people needed to implement a social media plan.It would help to make the social media plan realistic, manageable, achievable and efficient.

Points to be considered: Size and technical experience of staff Volunteer base Time team can devote to social media

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Step -5 Define your goalsFor developing any plan, it is essential to define your goals and then proceed in the direction. The goals of any social media plan can be any or all the following:Build better relationshipRaise awareness about your causeIncrease website trafficBuild up your baseInspire people to actionIncrease donations

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Step -5 Define your goals (Cont..)Keep goals that can be measured. For e.g. We want 20 positive comments per week on Twitter. We want Rs. 2 lacs from our charity mall… We want 4th page rank by next quarter. We want 15,000 fans on Facebook. We want 2000 people to sign our petition.

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Step 6: Clarify your message Define your organization or brand in a single, simple

phrase and have all your social media content reflect the same. This will make your messages focused and to the point. Preferably have a simple theme which has relevance for the group, and which can be effortlessly understood by people with short attention spans.

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Step 7: Select channels

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Step 8- Join the conversationJoin the conversation by writing effective content and

commenting on other postings. Be non-ambiguous- People like to interact with

transparent people. therefore, always offer your full name, your title and your organization. f there are any vested / personal interests, be the first one to admit it.

Use conversational tone- Keep the tone friendly and conversation, as you would write to a friend. Ask a question or for opinion of others.

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Step 8- Join the conversation Write what you know- It is better to write on issues you

are familiar with or are specialized in. Stick to issues relating to your organization. Your writings should add value to the conversation, not just mere opinion.

Admit mistakes- If you do any mistake, take its responsibility, admit it and then rectify it. Do not forget to thank people for bringing it into your notice, as it gives you an opportunity to improve yourself.

Problems are opportunities- Do not ignore the negative comments, it could be an opportunity to turn your critics into supporters. Understand the concerns of your readers and answer their questions. All negative comments should be responded to sender kindly and respectfully.

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Step-9 : Listen and re-strategizeContinue to use the latest tools to find conversation to join,

track responses to your social media activity and discover what messaging works, what doesn't. Based on the inputs, devise a strategy that works best.

The following tools may help: Google alerts Twilert Technorati Google trends Socialmention Addictomatic Pipes

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Strategy for Social MediaThere are primarily three strategies for social media: Broadcasting Engagement Interaction

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Broadcasting The broadcasting strategy involves deciding what to

convey and writing it up in a press release. The link to the press release web page is then tweeted, so that the reader can view the information in press release. The response to the broadcasted tweet may be monitored, but the feedback does not determine the future actions to be taken.

The objective of using social media is simply to broadcast your information. For an organization, the person who broadcasts the information is always anonymous to the readers. The brand is associated with the company and not the individual team member.

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Interaction This strategy involves a transactional approach to social

media. It is very similar to basic customer service. The contact is limited to the transaction happening, the relation ends when the transaction finishes. Someone posts something about you, your organization or your company and you reactively respond. Once you address the concern, that's the end of the relationship.

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Interaction (Cont…) People who use the interaction strategy for social media

tend to keep a log of the transaction types, and watch out for trending topics and issues. This information is then used to start and continue a conversation, or bring about an improvement in the business process, product/ services price or corporate communication. However, the strategy is not customer centric and does not involve putting effort in understanding the customer's intentions and concerns. The organization may choose for or against associating a team member with company's social media brand.

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Engagement Engagement, as the name suggests, is a strategy that

focuses on building mutually beneficial associations. The social media user may try to understand the motives of the readers, identify readers who promote the brand, and turn unsatisfied customers into happy brand promoters.

These audiences can drive more traffic the brand, give their opinion on improving service processes and the quality of your product. The engagement strategy involves an efficient team who become the face of the brand and is well known to the readers.

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# Broadcasting Interaction EngagementInvestment Less More More than broadcasting

and interactionResources Fewest resources. The

process can be automated where a tweet is deliveredas soon as you post a press release.

Requires good resources. A specific person or team is assigned to keep a tab on social media stream, to identify opportunities to respond,and take action if required.

Requires an efficientand dedicated team.

Description The rules of conventional public relation apply. A mechanism can beautomated and established

The team aggregates and analyzes the posts, and provides a summaryto the senior management. Acustomer service team should be in place to service client's requests.

The social media approach isthe reflection of theorganizational culture. Theorganization is promotes bya group of enthusiasts whoare well known by the readers.They may provide valuableinput on the future directionof your social media efforts.

Process The feedback is sought but not worked upon.

Should be in place to serviceclient's requests.

is promotes by a group ofenthusiasts who are wellknown by the readers. Theymay provide valuable inputon the future direction of yoursocial media efforts.

Who uses thestrategy?

News organizations Visionary companies Mayo Clinic

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