Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 2010

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  • 7/26/2019 Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 2010



    Instruction : Choose a, b, c, or d from the questions below!

    Read the text below!

    Smart Brain

    Invite you to attend a morning seminar to learn how you can redict the trends that willassist your clients with the success of their investments

    "o reserve a seat, fill out the sources that drive successful fiduciary service management

    firms#or further information, lease call : $%&'''($$$

    & )ho would be li*ely to attend the seminar+

    a a university student b a newsaer ublisherc a rivate investor d a stoc*bro*er

    % )hat will be discussed at the seminar+

    a fiduciary service management firms b building client relationshisc how to foresee good investments d how to get rid of oor investments

    -ow can you .oin the seminar+a resent this letter b call $%& ''' ($$$

    c send a short form and ayment d send your business card and request

    / 0 : I can1t finish my .ob on time B : )hy+

    0 : I lose my concentration It is

    difficult to wor* in the 22 officea crowded b crowding c crowd d crowds

    3 4esi : -ow much bread 22 in the *itchen+

    5ani : I don1t *now 6et me chec*a are there b there are c there is d is there

    7 Robert : 4o you thin* that dolhin is 22 than a chiman8ee+

    0lbert : I don1t thin* soa intelligent b more intelligent c most intelligent d inteligenter

    9 -ave you watched ;eti*a Cinta Bertasbih %+, "ia as*ed us

    "ia as*ed us if we 222 ;eti*a Cinta Bertasbih %a have watched b had watched c watch d watched

    ' "he tyewriter is not as exensive as the comuter It is 2

    a chea b cheaer c cheaest d more chea

    (4ani : Shall we wal* home+ "ito : I1m very tired I1d refer rather than wal* home

    a to get a taxi b getting a taxi c to wal* home d wal*ing home

    &$ ita : I1m sorry, he is busy now 2222 hone him later+

    a could you b you can c couldn1t you d you can1t

    Choose one of the underlined words or hrases that is not correct!&& 4oes your father refer laying table tennis than laying badminton+

    a does b refer c table d than

  • 7/26/2019 Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 2010


    &% If he live near his office, he will wal* to wor*

    a live b his c wal* d wor* & )hen her father was still young, he can run fast

    a when b still c he d can

    &/ In night, I li*e loo*ing at the stars in the s*y

    a in b loo*ing c at d the&3 I got u on six o1cloc* yesterday morning, so I came late to school

    a got u b on c came d to

    ?ssay "est!

    )rite in good ?nglish!

    & =urid murid bingung *arena ertanyaan ertanyaan itu membingung*an% "an.ungbalai lebih anas dari ada Rantau araat

    ;a*a* saya lebih su*a menonton "@ dari ada mendengar*an radio Arefer rather than

    / Di*a *amu bangun ceat di agi hari *amu tida* a*an terlambat *e se*olahAconditional tye &

    3 =urid murid a*an lulus u.ian .i*a mere*a giat Aconditional tye &7 0yah a*an sedang mencuci mobilnya .am tu.uh beso* agiA#uture Continuous "ense

    Change the sentences below into Indirect seech!

    9 "he man said ,E =y boss is not doing the .obE"he man said 2

    ' Charles as*ed me,E Can you hel me+E

    Charles wanted to *now 2( "he teacher told meE Swee the floor!E

    "he teacher ordered me 22

    &$ =other said to me,E 4on1t close the door!=other ordered me 2222

    "an.ungbalai, %7th=ay %$&$

    "he ?nglsih "eacher


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