Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina

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  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina




    Read the text to answer question 1

    1. What does the aution a!o"e #ean$

    A. Swi##in% in the area is dan%erous

    B. &he swi##in% ati"it' auses no ris(

    ). &he wa"e in the area is un*redita!+e

    ,. Ro(s and ora+ an !e -ound in the area

    Read the text to answer question

    . What shou+d the' do !e-ore %oin% to swi##in% *oo+$

    A. /a(e an a**oint#ent and *re*are e"er'thin%.B. Ha"e +unh and !rin% a swi#suit.

    ). &a(e a na* and ride a !i'+e.

    ,. Ha"e +unh and ta(e a na*.

    Read the text to answer questions 0 and


    2n*redita!+e Wa"es and )urrents3 Ro(s And )ora+ in Water /a' Be a

    Ha4ard ,an%erous Shore !rea(


    ,ear &ara3

    Re#e#!er3 we5"e had an a**oint#ent to %o to a swi##in% *oo+ a-ter shoo+.

    I5++ !e waitin% -or 'ou at ho#e. A-ter ha"in% +unh and ta(in% a na*3 *re*are

    'ourse+- to %o.,on5t -or%et to !rin% 'our swi#suit. We wi++ %o there !' !i'+e.

    P+ease o#e and e+e!rate with us at a

    Surprise Graduation Party

    in honour o- our Son5s hard wor( and e--ort6/athew has %ained a BA

    7Hoes Gra*hi ,esi%n -ro# G+as%ow Shoo+ o- Art8

    9oin us on

    Saturda' /arh :;53 .P. !' /onda' /arh 10;53 Proud /u# ? Louise Gates3

    Orhard+ton )otta%e3 /ain Street3 Rothesa'3 Is+e o- Bute.

  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina



    0. Where is the *art'$

    A. /athew Orhad+ton )otta%e

    B. G+as%ow Shoo+ o- Art). 2ddin%ston

    ,. &he )ast+e Roo#s. @ro# the text we an sa' that ....

    A. the *art' wi++ !e he+d in Orhard+ton )otta%e

    B. &on' and Louise Gates are /athew5s *arents

    ). /athew #ust wor( hard to *ass the exa#ination,. 'ou shou+d on-ir# to /athew !e-ore o#in% to the *art'

    Read the text and answer questions : and .

    :. @ro# the text we (now that @ahri ....A. %ets a #eda+ -or the !est student

    B. is the !est student at shoo+

    ). %raduates -ro# hi%h shoo+,. %ot -i"e -or his test

    . ;... *+ease ste* -orward ...;

    &he under+ined word #eans ....A. o#e to the -ront

    B. #o"e !a(

    ). one ste* to the +e-t,. stand in +ine

    Read the -o++owin% text to answer questions = and

    ,ear @ahri3

    When 'our na#e is a++ed as the !est student *+ease

    ste* -orward?-or hi%h -i"e6

    You are the !est. )on%ratu+ations6

    2n+e @arhan

    To : [email protected]

    From: [email protected]

    RE : Planning 4 holiday

    Date : !ne" 29th2009

    #i" $kmal. #o%&s li'e( )e&re going to ha*e a long holiday this s!mmer" aren&t %e( )hat are !going to do( + kno% s!mmer is a good time 'or cam,ing and hiking. )e ,lan to go to -alakmo!ntain. t&s a nice ,lace 'or cam,ing and hiking" and also 'or 'ishing. There&s a ri*er nearcam,site. /!t &m not really keen on it. $t night %e&ll sit aro!nd the 'ire and sing songs. )hy don&t !

    oin !s( t&ll e more '!n i' ! come. et me kno% soon.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina



    =. What ati"ities is ,enise %oin% to do in the +on% ho+ida'$

    A. )a#*in% and hi(in%.

    B. )a#*in% and -ishin%.

    ). )a#*in%3 hi(in% and -ishin%.

    ,. )a#*in%3 hi(in%3 sin%in%3 and sittin% around -ire.

    . &he' are %oin% to %o to Sa+a( #ountain !eause ...

    A. itCs a su##er season.

    B. itCs a nie *+ae -or ho+ida'.

    ). the'Cre %oin% to a#* and hi(e.

    ,. the'Cre %oin% to -ish in the ri"er.

    Read the -o++owin% text to answer questions D and 1

  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina



    D. Wh' do a++ o- the #ana%ers ha"e to o#e to the #eetin%$

    A. &he #eetin% wi++ -ous on the usto#ers5 dou#ent.

    B. A++ o- the #ana%ers #ust !rin% their own dou#ents.). &he to*i o- the #eetin% is "er' i#*ortant.

    ,. &he #eetin% wi++ !e onduted !' ostu#ers.


  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina


    1. &he text is written with the *ur*ose ...

    A. to te++ how to drin( ou%h s'ru*.

    B. to %i"e detai+ in-or#ation o- the *rodut.

    ). to in-or# the o#*osition o- ou%h s'ru*.

    ,. to desri!e the usa%e o- ou%h s'ru*.

    1:. &he under+ined word in Or aordin% to dotorCs *resri*tionJ has sa#e #eanin% asK .

    A. aution

    B. warnin%

    ). rei*e

    ,. ad"ie

    1. A dia!eti *atient is a++owed to drin( this #ediine !eauseK.

    A. it ontains su%ar

    B. it is -ree -ro# su%ar

    ). it has a %ood o#*osition,. it is sa-e -or a++ (inds o- diseases

    Read the text to answer questions 1= to orld%

    >hen .egot up in the morning it looked like rain% eapon% =e't * sa! the Police

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  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina


  • 8/13/2019 Soal Pengayaan Paket 123 Nina

