So you are a non- profit, now what? Best Practices for Non-Profit Corporations Karim A. Ali Ohio Association of International Baccalaureate World Schools September 27, 2013

So you are a non-profit, now what? Best Practices for Non-Profit Corporations

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So you are a non-profit, now what? Best Practices for Non-Profit Corporations. Karim A. Ali Ohio Association of International Baccalaureate World Schools September 27, 2013. Agenda. 501(c)(3) Application Process Code of Regulations Conflicts of Interest Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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So you are a non-profit, now what?Best Practices for Non-Profit Corporations

Karim A. Ali

Ohio Association of International Baccalaureate World Schools

September 27, 2013

2© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP


● 501(c)(3) Application Process● Code of Regulations ● Conflicts of Interest Policy● Best Practices – Non-Profit Corporation

Governance● Next Steps

3© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

501(c)(3) Application Process

● Submit Form 1023● IRS Review● IRS Comments / OAIBWS Responses● Final IRS Review● IRS Decision

4© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Code of Regulations

● Supersedes the OAIBWS constitution● “Charitable Purpose”● “No Private Inurement” ● Limited Purpose● Officer Duties● Officer Removal● Action without a meeting

5© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Conflicts of Interest Policy

● Highly recommended by the IRS

● Members of the Executive Board (and representatives of member schools) should disclose their personal or financial interest in matters coming before OAIBWS

● Avoid private benefit

6© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Best Practices

● Duty of Care The executive board has a legal duty to exercise

due diligence in good faith-• Executive Board must use reasonable prudence

• Executive Board must reasonably believe a decision is in the best interest of OAIBWS

• Executive Board has a duty to inquire

7© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Best Practices

● Duty of Care Executive Board must be informed about the

financial status of OAIBWS

Executive Board must have full and accurate information to make informed decisions

8© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Best Practices

● Duty of Loyalty The executive board has a legal duty to act in

the best interest of OAIBWS rather than their personal or financial interest.

9© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Best Practices

● Non-Profit Governance Financial reporting and monitoring Established expense approval process Financial audits (at least annually) Formal approval of expenses exceeding

$250.00 Document decision making Re-evaluate processes annually Permanent mailing address for OAIBWS

10© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Next Steps

● Document retention policy

● Annual reporting obligations

● Approval of governance documents

11© Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Contact Information

Karim A. Ali

Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

41 South High Street

Suite 2900

Columbus, OH 43201

(614) 227-2023

[email protected]