SMEs Division © 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business! November 2008, Geneva Won-Kil YOON Counsellor, SMEs Division World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) An Effective Capacity Building and Training Tool on Business Aspects of IP

SMEs Division © 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business! November 2008, Geneva Won-Kil YOON Counsellor, SMEs Division World Intellectual

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SMEs Division

© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

November 2008, GenevaWon-Kil YOON

Counsellor, SMEs DivisionWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

An Effective Capacity Building and Training Tool on Business Aspects of IP

SMEs Division

© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

IP PANORAMAProject Major


How to Use

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!


About the IP PANORAMA Project

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Background and Purpose

May 2003, WIPO OECD Forum

IP Academy as a best practice of KIPO and KIPAIP Academy as a best practice of KIPO and KIPA

Nov 2004, Trilateral Agreement

Joint Development of E-learning Content (JDEC)Joint Development of E-learning Content (JDEC)

• JDEC Article 1. Purpose

to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially of developing countries, and universities with an effective educational tool for sharing IP-related knowledge

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Development of 10 Modules

Module 1: Importance of IP for SMEs

developed in 2004 as a pilot project developed in 2004 as a pilot project

Based on “IP for Business” in SMEs Homepage

• Why is IP Relevant to Your SME?

• IP as a Business Asset

• IP as an Investment

• The Value of IP Assets

• Introduction of IP Audit

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Basic IP Modules in 2005Module 2 : Trademarks and Industrial Designs

ChrisBranding Expert

AlexMarketing strategist

GibsonIP Lawyer



• Learning Points

- TM and ID to increase the Power of Marketing- Brand Building- How to Protect TM and ID- Trademarks Management

• Main Story : Susan faces difficulty in marketing due to weak branding and poor design. With the help of Gibson, her company eventually succeeds in developing a new brand and a nice design to attract consumers.

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IP Promotion

Module 3Invention and Patent

Module 4 Trade Secrets

Basic IP Modules: 2005

• Learning Points - Basics of Invention and Patent- Patent Application- Patent Infringement- Patent Management

• Learning Points

- Basics of Trade secrets- TS Management Program- Violation of TS- TS Audit

Module 5 Copyright & RRs

• Learning Points - Basics of Copyright- Copyright and Related Rights- Ownership of Copyright- Using Works Owned by Others

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Advanced IP Modules: 2006

Module 6 : Patent Information

Module 7 : Technology Licensing in a Strategic Partnership

Module 8 : IP in the Digital Economy

Module 9 : IP and International Trade

Module10 : IP Audit

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!


Major Characteristics of IP PANORAMA

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Storyline based Case Study for IP education

• Each module tells an interesting story, adapted from real life business situations.- Module 2 MP3 player company suffering from a weak brand and a poor design

- Module 3 Folding type mobile phone company involved in patent disputes

- Module 4 Slide type mobile phone company establishing a trade secrets management system

- Module 5 MP3 player company launching a new product and executing a new marketing strategy

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Characters in Module 4

GibsonIP Lawyer

JuneMarketing strategistof Fox Telecom

CalvinCEO of Fox Telecom

EstherIP teammanager

SamanthaDesignerof Fox Telecom

BenitoEngineerof Fox Telecom

CarlyCEO of Mobile Shot

All 28 characters in IP PANORAMA

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Learning Points and More References

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Quiz and Heart-to-Heart Talk

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Inside the story

The story with educational contents flows scene-by-scene


Today’s issue

People in the story

The education contents::: Learning Point

::: More references


Simple Quiz

Self-reflection journal

Heart-to-Heart talk

Learning Flow

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

People in the story --- Self-introduction of characters

Today’s issue --- Background of the story


My reflection journal --- Reflection about today’s learning

Heart-to-Heart talk --- Alex’s talking about his experience

Quiz --- simple quiz about copyright


Story scenes & LEARNING POINT

--- Today’s story is playing

Inside the story

#1. A new MP3 player#2. Commissioned brochure

#3. Website only for the SEONA MP3 player users

#4. Big hit#5. Wrong decision#6. Anna’s lawsuit#7. Urgent meeting

#8. Hard time for mediation#9. Employee training

#10. A new copyright issue

more references1. Copyright protection abroad 2. Copyright notice3. Other legal means to protect original works

more references1. Copyright infringement2. How to get income from copyright3. Role of CMOs

more references

1. How to find out whether a work is still protected

2. Using a work under a limitation or exception

3. Using works published on the Internet

main contents

1. Definition of copyright2. Requirements for copyright protection

main contents

1. Definition of copyright2. Requirements for copyright protection

main contents1. Meaning of ownership of copyright2. In case of commissioned works3. In case of works created by an employees4. In case of works created by several authors

main contents1. Meaning of ownership of copyright2. In case of commissioned works3. In case of works created by an employees4. In case of works created by several authors

main contents1. When do you need permission2. When you don’t need permission3. The process to get authorization4. How to reduce the risk of infringement

main contents1. When do you need permission2. When you don’t need permission3. The process to get authorization4. How to reduce the risk of infringement

[LEARNING POINT 3] Ownership of copyright

[LEARNING POINT 4] Using works owned by others

[LEARNING POINT 1] Basics of copyright

more references

1. A work in public domain

main contents1. Scope of copyright protection (1) The works copyright protects (2) The things copyright does not protect (3) Economic rights & Moral rights2. Basics of related rights (1) Definition of related rights (2) Rights that related rights provide3. Period of protection

main contents1. Scope of copyright protection (1) The works copyright protects (2) The things copyright does not protect (3) Economic rights & Moral rights2. Basics of related rights (1) Definition of related rights (2) Rights that related rights provide3. Period of protection

[LEARNING POINT 2] Copyright and related rights

Learning Map of Module 5

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!


How to Use

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Target Audience

• Employees of enterprise, especially SMEs and SME support institutions

• Students of engineering, MBA schools or law schools, and various other educational institutions

• General public and policy makers

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Free Access Through the Internet• Publicly available from the website of SMEs Division

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!


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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Distribution of IP PANORAMA on CD-ROM

• Member Statesof WIPO

• Partners of theSMEs Division

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Translation and Adaptation• For wider use of IP PANORAMA, it is necessary to

translate the content into various languages; options:- Translate only the narration- Translate the narration and the learning points - Translate the entire content plus sound recording of

the translated narration

• Each company, educational institute or country may adapt IP PANORAMA as per their respective needs- IP PANORAMA adapted for your company- Adapting IP PANORAMA for IP for business courses

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

IP for Business Courses

• We strongly encourage the establishment of an IP for Business Course in educational institutions of higher learning by using IP PANORAMA.

- On-line, Off-line or Blended Learning

- Using IP PANORAMA as main material, sub-material or as a reference

• KIPA runs IP for Business Courses in partnership with two universities in the Republic of Korea.

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Week on/off-line theme contents lecturer

1st Off-lineIP for business in

knowledge-driven society- Introduction of intellectual property (IP) for business- Importance of IP management



(module1,2,3)- Invention and patent (A story about Fox Telecom's folder mobile phone) - Trademarks and Industrial Designs (A story of Seona and its MP3 pleayer)


3rd Off-lineDevelopment of

technology and patent- The basic of patents (International and domestic views)- What is patent, how to protect patent and how to untilze patent for your business


4th Off-lineTrademarks

and industrial designs

- The basics of trademarks and industrial designs (International and domestic views) - The role and importance of trademarks and industrial designs for creating and strengthening the brand of your business.



(module4,5)-Trade secrets (A story about the leak of trade secrets of Fox Telecom)- Copyright and related right (A story about Seona’s copyright infringement)


6th Off-lineTrade secrets and

copyright- How to protect confidential information of company- The basic concepts of copyright and related rights


7th Midterm Online multiple-choice test (in English)


(module6)- Patent Information (A story about the development of new digital camera in Tolmnex) self-study

9th Off-line Patent Information- The concept, role and importance of patent information  - Practice in patent information search (Keyword searching)



(module7)- Technology licensing in a strategic partnership (A story about technology licensing between Tolmnex and Picmara)


11th Off-lineStrategic Technology

Licensing- The concept, strategies and main considerations of licensing- The case study on technology licensing



(module9)- IP and international trade (A story about Knoxx Electronics) self-study

13th off-lineStrategic IP management

in the overseas market- The protection and management of IP in the export market- IP in international outsourcing



(module 8, 10)- IP in the digital economy (A story about online market of Saomink)- IP audit (A story about IP audit of Knoxx Electronics)


16th Final exam Team Project (Make presentation about IP management of overseas and domestic company)

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

World Wide Promotion and Use

No cost or royalty payment for use of IP PANORAMAby non-profit institutions

• Formal agreement with the IP Office of Thailand (Nov. 2007) and of Portugal (Apr. 2008) to create translated versions of IP PANORAMA

• Permitted the IP Office of the Philippines (July. 2008) to reproduce IP PANORAMA CD for wide distribution in the country

• Organizing education programs with KIPA, MNCCI, VCCI, KWIA, NID, Napoli University, etc.

• In cooperation with the Polish IP Office, a Regional Seminar will be held in Warsaw in 2009, to promote the use of IP PANORAMA in creating awareness and building capacity of entrepreneurs, SMEs and university students

• Referred and used by various institutions world wide

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

SMEs Division

© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

SMEs Division

© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

SMEs Division

© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Manuscript(by WIPO)

Building up an instructional design strategy (by KIPA)

SynopsisWith Learning contents Analysis

(by KIPA)

Synopsis examination


RestructuredManuscript(by KIPA)

Scenario(by KIPA)

Storyboard(by KIPA)

Storyboard examination


Characters,Basic designs

(by KIPA)

Contents development

(by KIPA) Contents examination


Contentsmodification(by KIPA)

End ofProject

Narration script& recording(by KIPA)

Expert committee

Evaluation committee

Translation into Korean

Translation into English

Translation into English

Building up the detail instructional design strategy

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Further Development

Basic Modules Advanced Modules

1. Importance of IP for SMEs

2. Trademarks and Industrial


3. Invention and Patent

4. Trade Secrets

5. Copyright and Related Rights

6. Patent Information

7. Technology Licensing in a

Strategic Partnership

8. IP in the Digital Economy

9. IP and International Trade

10. IP Audit

Trademark Licensing (by December 2008)Valuation of IPRs (by December 2008)

Franchising and IPRs (in 2009)Merchandizing (in 2009)

Enforcement of IPRs (in 2010)

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© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Suggested Cooperative Activities• Translation and Adaptation

- IP for Business Series, IP PANORAMA- Open Source Model / Various Business Models

• Establishing Education Programs- Seminars and Academic Programs for

enterprises, students or policy makers

• IP PANORAMA Business School for Korean Companies in October 2008, Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs in May 2009

SMEs Division

© 2005-2007 The Most Advanced e-Learning Content on IP for Business!

Won-Kil YOON

[email protected]



WIPO SMEs Web-Site


“IP for Business” Series

in Publications

“IP PANORAMA” in Multimedia