SMARTPHONE-BASED SYSTEMS FOR DRIVING EVALUATION Mehdi Ghatee * Department of Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT Smartphones play important roles in intelligent transportation systems and driving behavior evaluation contexts. A driver together a smartphone can be considered uniquely and by data mining on smartphone data, the driving style can be recognized. Then any incentive or punitive mechanisms can be applied for drivers to encourage them to drive better. Besides, the insurance and enforcement departments can easily use smartphone-based systems to check the driving behaviors gradually. Since, a smartphone consists of many sensors, memory and a high processing power, it can be used as a black-box for storing the driver statues. This can be analyzed when an agency needs to understand something about driving, crashing, etc. However, the data should be collected with low energy consumption. To this aim, the multiple criteria such as precision, frequency, energy consumption, data quality, security and privacy are considered to select a reasonable set of sensors for data collection and data mining. The type of communication has also a great role for selecting the sensors and for collecting data. The data of the selected sensors are sent to pre-processing and processing phases and the results are sent to applications. For pre-processing, different filters are developed to clean data and to remove noise and outliers. Also to fusion sensors and to model data there are different attempts by the aid of neural networks or other machine learning algorithms. Then, the data are compressed by some intervals, Fourier and wavelets transforms, statistical distribution, stochastic variables or fuzzy quantities. In addition, the necessary features can be extracted from the raw data by the aid of matrix decomposition, PCA, deep learning, etc. Sometimes, it is necessary to reduce the dimension of features by feature selection process. For processing, based * Email: [email protected], URL: www.aut.ac.ir/ghatee

SMARTPHONE ASED SYSTEMS FOR DRIVING EVALUATIONnorc.aut.ac.ir/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Samples... · 2019-01-17 · 2 Mehdi Ghatee on the needs, we can implement data visualizers,

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Page 1: SMARTPHONE ASED SYSTEMS FOR DRIVING EVALUATIONnorc.aut.ac.ir/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Samples... · 2019-01-17 · 2 Mehdi Ghatee on the needs, we can implement data visualizers,



Mehdi Ghatee* Department of Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology,

Tehran, Iran


Smartphones play important roles in intelligent transportation systems and

driving behavior evaluation contexts. A driver together a smartphone can be

considered uniquely and by data mining on smartphone data, the driving style can

be recognized. Then any incentive or punitive mechanisms can be applied for

drivers to encourage them to drive better. Besides, the insurance and enforcement

departments can easily use smartphone-based systems to check the driving

behaviors gradually. Since, a smartphone consists of many sensors, memory and a

high processing power, it can be used as a black-box for storing the driver statues.

This can be analyzed when an agency needs to understand something about driving,

crashing, etc. However, the data should be collected with low energy consumption.

To this aim, the multiple criteria such as precision, frequency, energy consumption,

data quality, security and privacy are considered to select a reasonable set of sensors

for data collection and data mining. The type of communication has also a great

role for selecting the sensors and for collecting data. The data of the selected sensors

are sent to pre-processing and processing phases and the results are sent to

applications. For pre-processing, different filters are developed to clean data and to

remove noise and outliers. Also to fusion sensors and to model data there are

different attempts by the aid of neural networks or other machine learning

algorithms. Then, the data are compressed by some intervals, Fourier and wavelets

transforms, statistical distribution, stochastic variables or fuzzy quantities. In

addition, the necessary features can be extracted from the raw data by the aid of

matrix decomposition, PCA, deep learning, etc. Sometimes, it is necessary to

reduce the dimension of features by feature selection process. For processing, based

* Email: [email protected], URL: www.aut.ac.ir/ghatee

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Mehdi Ghatee 2

on the needs, we can implement data visualizers, predictors, classifiers, frequent

pattern miners or cluster extractors. We discuss on the different concepts of data

mining approaches which can be implemented on smartphone data. Finally, the

application is designed to warn, to define insurance encouragement, to support from

decision or to provide some information for autonomous driving. In what follows,

we present the details.

Keywords: Smartphone Sensors; Data Mining; Sensor Fusion; Feature Extraction;

Feature Selection; Machine Learning; Driving Profiling.

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Smartphone-based Systems for Driving Evaluation 3



A. Quality assurance 18 B. Data visualization 18 C. Data Cleaning 21 D. Data Integration 22 E. Data Reduction 23 G. Feature Extraction 24 H. Transportation Feature Extraction 27 I. Feature Selection 30 J. Data Compression 31 K. Data Modelling and Fusion 31 L. Evaluation measures 32

V. PROCESSING ON SMARTPHONE DATA 32 A. Regression 32 B. Supervised Learning Methods 33 C. Unsupervised Learning Methods 34 D. Frequent Patterns Mining 35

VI. DRIVING EVALUATION APPROACHES 36 A. Driving Modelling 37 B. Driving Evaluation 37 C. Driving Scoring 56 D. Privacy and Smartphone-Based Evaluation 57


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Table of Figures: Figure 1. Block Diagram of a typical smartphone and its devices and sensors.

................................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 2. The relative distance between two smartphone based on their GPS

data (applying GLONASS, AGPS, BEIDOU) when the real distance is 1 meter

(Darvishvand, Ghatee and Eftekhari 2016). ............................................................ 9

Figure 3. A feature extracted from gyroscope can detect different maneuvers

such as lane changing and turn (Eftekhari and Ghatee, 2019) .............................. 11

Figure 4 Distribution of acceleration values for safe and neurotic behavior

patterns for each type of maneuver (Eftekhari and Ghatee, 2018a) ...................... 17

Figure 5. Values of gyroscope sensor data for different maneuvers (Eftekhari

and Ghatee 2018a) ................................................................................................ 17

Figure 6. Smartphone Data visualization: (a) The effect of car sensitivity on

driving data, (b): the difference between dangerous driving and normal driving, (c):

different maneuvers, (d) The effect of congestion on driving data (Bejani and

Ghatee 2018) ......................................................................................................... 18

Figure 7. The tracking of the GSM antenna that save the location and time of a

smartphone (Faghani Omran 2016) ...................................................................... 18

Figure 8. Estimation of origin-destination demand based on the analysis on

GSM data, where the polygons are defined by Voronoi diagram, (Faghani Omran

2016) ..................................................................................................................... 20

Figure 9. 1D time-series of accelerometer and gyroscope sensors data to detect

the activities by a CNN (Ronao and Cho 2016) . .................................................. 24

Figure 10. The average of energy of the gyroscope data based on the

smartphone dynamics with respect to the vehicle (Wahlström, Skog and Händel

2015). .................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 11. The abilities of the different features to recognize the different

maneuvers (Eftekhari and Ghatee 2018). .............................................................. 27

Figure 12. The left and right graphs show the smartphone sensors signals for

U-turn and left turn maneuvers that are very similar, but fusion of rotation rate

around x-axis, acceleration on the y-axis, and device pitch is applicable to

distinguish driving maneuvers using the DTW algorithm (Johnson and Trivedi

2011). .................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 13. Different approaches of driving behavior analysis. ...................... 34

Figure 14. Flow diagram of smartphone-based system for driver behavior

analysis (Wahlström, Skog and Händel, 2015) ..................................................... 36

Figure 15. Motorized vs. non-motorized mode using IMU sensors on

SAMSUNG GALAXY N8000 (Eftekhari and Ghatee 2016). .............................. 38

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Smartphone-based Systems for Driving Evaluation 5

Figure 16. Classification of driving maneuvers by a multi-layer perceptron

(Eftekhari and Ghatee 2019) ................................................................................. 38

Figure 17. Changes in the Z-axis of gyroscope variance in lane changing

(Eftekhari 2017) .................................................................................................... 39

Figure 18. Comparison of acceleration changes in nervous and normal

behaviors (Eftekhari 2017) ................................................................................... 39

Figure 19. Putting the smartphone on the dashboard (Johnson and Trivedi

2011). .................................................................................................................... 40

Figure 20. Difference between accelerometer and gyroscope values for nervous

and normal treats (Eftekhari, 2017). ..................................................................... 41

Figure 21. Decision tree to detect the driving behavior (Eftekhari 2017). ..... 42

Figure 22. An ensemble method for driving evaluation (Bejani and Ghatee

2018) ..................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 23. (a) car axles; (b) smart cell axes; (c) a mobile device placed on the

steering wheel of a smartphone (Liou 2001); (d) the steering wheel of the vehicle

from the side view. ................................................................................................ 44

Figure 24. (a) Smartphone placed on the steering wheel; (b) Car axes and

smartphones axes together .................................................................................... 45

Figure 25. (a) The smartphone placed on the steering wheel; (b) the angle

between the steering axis and the smartphone. ..................................................... 46

Figure 26. The red and blue signals are the acceleration of the smartphone

placed on the steering wheel and the smartphone placed parallel to the car's axes,

respectively. The left and right red signals are before and after applying re-

orientation. (a), (b): Axis x of acceleration for lane changing, (c), (d): Axis y of

acceleration for turn, (e), (f): Axis x of acceleration for U-turn, (g), (h): Axis y of

acceleration for straight movement (Lotfi, Ghatee and Vedaie 2017). ................. 49

Figure 27. Two fuzzy numbers for a safe and a neurotic behavior pattern in lane

changing maneuver (Eftekhari and Ghatee 2019). ................................................ 51

Figure 28. The fuzzy similarity between a driver and a safe behavior (Eftekhari

and Ghatee 2019) .................................................................................................. 51

Figure 29. Architecture of a fuzzy system for driving evaluation (Eftekhari and

Ghatee 2019) ......................................................................................................... 52

Figure 30. The values of extracted features from acceleration in a window with

200 samples. (a) Angular velocity feature (F1(t)). (b) Lateral acceleration feature

(F2(t)). (c) Longitudinal Acceleration feature (F3(t)). (d) Angle variation feature

(F4(t)) (Eftekhari and Ghatee 2018). ..................................................................... 53

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Mehdi Ghatee 6

I. INTRODUCTION Data mining in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a famous and

important problem (Zhang, et al. 2011). Because of some difficulty to work on big-

data collected by such systems, some new challenges are also augmented. As some

instances, the data of connected vehicles, data of different counters and sensors, the

images of surveillance systems, smartphone data and network pervasive data need

big-data approaches to extract the useful knowledge. This concept reveals a

revolution in ITS. In vehicle devices (Toledo and Lotan, In-vehicle data recorder

for evaluation of driving behavior and safety 2006), we also need to process on data

to support the driver by some decisions. Similarly, in autonomous vehicles we need

to mine the data to imagine the real world. However, our attention is on the

smartphones data analysis in this paper, but many results can be extended for

assistant driving and autonomous driving systems.

Smartphones have been considered as an integrated framework for different

ITS purposes. Some applications are presented as the following:

Traffic management (Campolo, et al. 2012),

Sensing in vehicles (Engelbrecht, et al. 2015),

Vehicle telematic (Wahlström, Skog and Händel., 2015a),

Automatic navigation (Wahlström, Skog and Händel, 2015b),

Travel deta collection (Rasouli 2014),

Travel information systems (Nitsche, et al. 2014),

Traffic monitoring (Mohan, Padmanabhan and Ramjee, 2008),

Vulnerable support (Zadeh, Ghatee and Eftekhari 2017),

Safety improvement (Bejani and Ghatee 2018).

Driving style evaluation (Kanarachos, Christopoulos and Chroneos 2018) is

also one the encouraging topic. For some reviews on the most recent references, see

(Wahlström, Skog and Händel, 2017) and (Astarita, Festa and Giofrè, 2018). Dula

and Ballard (2003) presented some measures for driving evaluation.

Now we address some references about the important issues for driving


A) Sensors

Engelbrecht et al., (2015) presented a survey on smartphone-based sensing in

vehicles by considering 24 related works through four categories including traffic

information, vehicle information, environmental information and driver behavior

information. Hoseini-Tabatabaei, Gluhak and Tafazolli (2013) studied on context-

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Smartphone-based Systems for Driving Evaluation 7

aware researches based on user’s smartphone. In this work, different sensors and

different techniques were noticed to extract the necessary features.

B) Algorithms

As the algorithmic point of view, we see a great set of contributions. As some

instances, Eftekhari and Ghatee (2019) developed a fuzzy inference engine for

driving evaluation under uncertainty. Bejani and Ghatee (2018) used an ensemble

learning to evaluate the driving style based on context-awareness. The data-mining

algorithms are widely used by many researchers. These algorithms can be

categorized into three kinds of algorithms:

Pre-processing algorithms

Really, any data-mining project needs data cleaning part (Han, Pei and Kamber

2011). In this part, the irrelevant and the noisy data should be detected and the

exceptions need to be explained and interpreted. Also for missing data for example

in GPS data, we need some special process. Eftekhari and Ghatee (2016) discussed

on some threshold methods for data pre-processing in smartphone applications. The

different feature extraction methods were also used in this reference. Besides, the

transformation is important to extract the features. For example, discrete wavelet

transformation is useful for extracting useful features for driver evaluation (Lotfi

and Ghatee 2018). For feature selection, when the redundancy is high, we can also

pursue some statistical or heuristic approaches (Abpeykar, Ghatee and Zare, 2019).

Processing algorithms

In this part, knowledge extraction from smartphone data is considered. In these

cases, different machine learning algorithms are the base of different researches.

For example, (Cho 2016) and (Jahangiri and Rakha 2015) used a varity of machine

learning algorithms for transportation data. Alvarez et al. 2014) specialized a neural

network and Eftekhari and Ghatee (2016) applied an inference engine for

smartphon data. Zadeh, Ghatee and Eftekhari (2017) also developed a geometric

based learning system for smartphons. An ensemble algorithm was also stated by

(Bejani and Ghatee 2018). Dabiri and Heaslip (2018) applied a deep learning

algorithm and Eftekhari and Ghatee (2018) used a fuzzy inference system for

smartphone applications. For a good survey on the recent works, see (Bhavsar, et

al. 2017).

Application algorithms

The aim of these algorithms is the usage of the extracted knowledge in the

applications. For example, some algorithms are developed to warn the users. As

some examples, Zadeh, Ghatee and Eftekhari (2017) proposed a new warning

system for pedestrian, based on the smartphone data. Driving assistant systems

(DAS) is another example which can use such data for preventing the accidents

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Mehdi Ghatee 8

(Teimouri and Ghatee 2018). These systems support drivers to drive in confortable

and safe status.

For safety purposes, smartphone based systems usually extract the results of

the different sensors that are embeded in different devices of vehicles (Darvishvand,

Ghatee and Eftekhari 2016). Then, by fusion techniques, some information

regarding the vehicle and the context is derived and based on this information some

decision about the driving can be made (Bejani and Ghatee 2018).

Besides, the ability of smartphones to connect to internet and to send messages,

can be considered for making decision in ITS applications. Some alarms and

guidelines can be sent by these abilities, see (Zadeh, Ghatee and Eftekhari 2017),

(Asadi and Ghatee 2015).

In what follows, we firstly give some information about the smartphone

sensors. Then we state some information about communication for safety systems.

Next, we discuss on preprocessing, processing and applications separately. Finally,

we focus on the driver evaluation and summerize the results in a brief conclusion.

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