Smart Account Manager User Guide

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Smart Account Manager

Dealmaker Smart Account Manager applies automation and intelligence so it is easy toadopt account planning and management as part of your company's processes. Use theOpportunity Map to gain a picture of current status and 'white space' areas to explore forpotential business. Align your opportunities with the customer's goals using the Value Map.The Strategy Map provides insight to the customer's business goals and the Political Mapplots the power structure. Using Dealmaker's analysis and advice, the account team canwork together to execute the account strategy to maximize the revenue from each account.

The main modules of Smart Account Manager are:

Plan Creation | Plan Details | Segmentation | Opportunity Map | Value Map | Objectives

Accessing your Account Plans in Dealmaker Smart AccountManagerThere are two ways to access your account plans:

1. Access Account Plans Using the Account Plans TabClick on the Account Plans tab in Salesforce.com

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All of the active account plans to which you have access are displayed in a list. Click onNew Account Plan to create a new plan, Settings to edit the settings for an existing plan, orclick on the Plan Name to access the plan.

In the plan list page there are three filters in the Ownership drop-down:

All plans: Displays all of the plans that you are authorized to see by Salesforce. This isdetermined by the sharing model set up. By default you will see plans owned by you oranyone below you in the role hierarchy.

My Team’s plans: Displays plans owned by you or one of your direct reports.

My plans: Displays your own plans only.

When you click through to a plan you will only see opportunities to which you have access.You will have access to all potential opportunities in the plan because their sharing isgoverned by the account plan. You will only see whatever current or won opportunitiesyou have access to in Salesforce.

If you don’t have access to all the accounts in an account plan you will still be able toaccess the account plan if you are a team member or if you have access to it due to yourposition in the role hierarchy. You will be able to create and view any potentialopportunities associated with that account and will see any of its current or wonopportunities to which you have access.

2. Access Account Plans Using the Accounts TabYou can also access account plans from the Accounts tab. From there, scroll down to theAccount Plans section where a list of account plans is displayed.

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All of the active account plans related to the account will be displayed in a list. Click onSettings to edit the settings for an existing plan, or click on the Plan Name to access theplan.

Inactive Plans

By default, only active plans are displayed. If today’s date is outside the From-To dates,then the plan is inactive and read-only. It will only appear in the Account Plan list if youselect All from the Status list.

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Inactive plans are read-only for all users. The only editable aspect of the plan is the Generaltab in the Plan Settings. From here, you can edit the dates and make the plan active again.

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Plan CreationThe Account Plans tab in Salesforce displays all of the Account Plans to which you haveaccess in a list. Click on New Account Plan to create a new plan or on Settings to edit thesettings for an existing plan.

The list includes the plan name, the active/inactive status of the plan, the plan owner, theassociated accounts, as well as the plan period represented by the from and to dates.

To create a new plan, click ‘New Account Plan’ on the Account Plans list page. (You canalso create a new Account Plan via the Dealmaker section on the Account page - refer toAccessing your Account Plans in Dealmaker Smart Account Manager section inDealmaker Smart Account Manager).

Click on the General Tab, set the plan type, the plan name, the owner and the plan periodfrom and to dates. If today’s date is outside the From-To dates, the plan is inactive andread-only.

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The type of plan you select will impact the set of questions on the Plan Details page and thequestions and the set of Segmentation questions.

You may edit the type of your plan but note that any answers that have been recordedagainst it for Plan Details questions or Segmentation questions will no longer appear as younow have a new set of questions to answer. The data is not lost however and if you changeback to the original plan type you will see any previously recorded data resurface.Changing the plan type does not impact any other data recorded against the plan such asinformation on the Opportunity Map, Value Map or Objectives.

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Plan Solutions

Click to the Solutions Tab to set up the Solutions associated with your account plan. Thefull set of available solutions is shown on the left hand panel marked Available. This is theset of solutions set up by your Dealmaker administrator. To add a solution to your accountplan simply drag it across to the Selected panel on the right hand side. You can govern theordering of the selected solutions as you drag and drop.

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Plan Units

While the Solutions define ‘what you are selling’, the Plan Units define ‘where you areselling’. These will be presented as rows in your Account Plan Opportunity Map.

Click to the Units Tab to enter the detail for your plan unit. To add an Account as a planunit click the New button and search for your account.

When you have added an Account, you may change the name as it appears on your accountplan. This will not change the Salesforce account name. You might want to do this if it is aconsolidation of business and service units. For example, Dickenson plc. might be renamedDickenson plc. Consolidated to represent the parent of its child units.

You may also, if desired, subdivide the account for planning purposes only, into businessunits or services units to better manage your plan. A business or service unit may, forexample, be a department or region of the parent account.

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Click the ‘+’ icon to the right of the Account name. This will present a dialog box with thefollowing information:

Name: the name you wish to set for the added Unit. This is as it will appear on yourOpportunity Map. This may be a business unit or service unit in the account.

Parent: this will show the parent Unit which will correspond to the line on which youclicked the ‘+’ icon. The parent unit may or may not be the Salesforce account. Thedrop-down list displays units already defined against your plan.

Account: this will show the Salesforce account which this unit is associated with onthe opportunity map. If you click on the magnifying glass it will show you other validSalesforce accounts.

To reorder the child units under a parent unit or to reorder the parent units, just drag theunit in question until you have the desired order. When you hit Save, the order ofpresentation on the opportunity map will update to reflect this new order.

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Click on the pencil icon to edit the unit's name, parent unit or associated account. Click onthe X icon to delete the unit from the plan. Click the Save button to save your changes.

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Account Planning with a Salesforce Account Hierarchy

If your Salesforce Accounts are structured into a hierarchy you may approach your accountplanning in different ways – creating an account plan whose units reflect the accounthierarchy, or creating an account plan with a simplified structure.

Reflecting the Account Hierarchy in the Plan StructureConsider the following account hierarchy:

When you create your Account Plan you can add a unit which relates to the KingfisherGroup account (the top-level, grandparent account in the hierarchy above). Below this unit,you can add units for the child accounts Kingfisher North America and Kingfisher EMEA.

It is important to note that once child units have been added, the parent unit becomes arollup row on the Opportunity Map: users cannot add opportunities to a rollup row.Therefore, if you wish to add opportunities to your account plan which reside directly atthe parent unit level, you need to create a separate unit which links to the parent account.

In the example below we have renamed the unit related to the Kingfisher Group account to‘Kingfisher Group Rollup’ to explicitly indicate its function to users. We have also createdan additional unit linked to the Kingfisher Group account and named it ‘Kingfisher GroupAccount’. This unit is not a parent and therefore we can add opportunities to it which residedirectly within the Kingfisher Group account.

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Throughout the account plan we follow this pattern: wherever we have a parent unit linkedto a parent account we create an additional unit whose purpose is to hold opportunitieswhich reside at the parent account level. To this end, the units ‘Kingfisher EMEA Rollup’and ‘Kingfisher EMEA Account’ both link to the Kingfisher EMEA account (the linkedaccount is shown in grey text below the unit name).

Note that within Dealmaker Smart Account Manager you can create a Plan Unit hierarchyup to three levels deep – that is to say units at the grandparent, parent and child level, as wehave in the example above. It is not possible to create a unit hierarchy more than threelevels deep.

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Creating a Simplified Plan Unit StructureAs an alternative to the above approach where the plan unit structure reflects the accounthierarchy, you may wish to create a simplified unit structure. Referring to our exampleaccount hierarchy, you can create a unit which is linked to the grandparent accountKingfisher Group.

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Users can add to a plan unit any opportunities which reside directly in the related accountor in any of its child accounts. In this example, users can add opportunities to the unit‘Kingfisher Group’ which reside in any of the accounts:

Kingfisher Group

Kingfisher North America

Kingfisher EMEA.

Note, as Kingfisher UK is a grandchild account its opportunities are not available to beadded. We therefore have to create a second unit linked to account Kingfisher EMEA. Theopportunities of any child account of Kingfisher EMEA can be added to this unit. Similarlyif Kingfisher North America had several child accounts, opportunities from each of themcould be added into the plan unit ‘Kingfisher North America’.

In the example above we have created another unit called ‘Kingfisher Group Services’ and

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linked it to the top-level Kingfisher Group account. You may choose to do this fororganizational reasons to maintain a particular subset of opportunities in a different row ofyour Opportunity Map even though they reside in the same Account as other opportunities.

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Account Team

Navigate to the Team Tab to add a new member to your plan and click the New button.Search for a particular user by entering part of their first and/or last name and click theSearch button. Then click on the user’s name in the list and that user will be added as ateam member to your account plan.

The Team Tab will now be updated with any new users you have added. For each user youcan set their access level to Read/Write (the default) or to Read-only. The plan owner'saccess level appears as 'All' (which is, in effect, the same as Read/Write access) and thissetting is not editable.

Click on the X icon to remove a team member from the plan.

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Click Save to save all your updates.

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Plan DetailsPlan Details is the area where you record the background information and research on theaccount(s) in your account or portfolio plan, as well as monitor the progress through thedevelopment of your plan.

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Accessing Plan Details

Click on the Plan Details Tab to access the Plan Detail screen at any stage while buildingyour plan to view your progress and to update information.

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Using Plan Details

Plan Details is a set of information areas or questions, grouped into sections that map yourprogress through your account and portfolio planning and execution. Plan Details can beused as an outline of the plan information and as an indicator of the level of plancompletion.

Summary view, seen here, displays a quick view of the status / completion of each section.

The green/yellow/red leading color indicates the overall “status” of the section (based onthe answers to the Plan Details questions), providing you with a quick view of the overallstrength or weakness of that section of the plan.

Note: Dealmaker Smart Account Manager comes pre-configured with section headings,questions and answer values for Account Plans and Portfolio Plans. Your Dealmakeradministrator can change each of theses items if required.

Plan Details - Expanded ViewClick on the Expand icon to the left of the section heading text to show the questions forthat section. From here you can update the status by selecting from the Answer Optionsdrop-down list. Hover over the Tip icon to display the help text for the question.

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Clicking on the Edit icon or directly on the answer text of a question will present a pop-upwindow where you can modify the text.

The detail of each of the pre-configured questions is set out below in the section 'PlanDetails - Question Definitions'.

Using QuicklinksDealmaker provides a capability - Quicklinks - to link to related information for eachquestion. Your Dealmaker administrator may have added Quicklinks to eLearning videosfrom The TAS Group, relevant marketing material, or other digital assets that are relevantto that question. Click on the Quicklink icon to view the attached links.

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Plan Details - Question DefinitionsA default configuration for the Plan Details in Dealmaker Smart Account Manager isdelivered for Account Planning and Portfolio Planning. The default configuration is basedon TAS Account Management and Portfolio Management proven methodology. YourDealmaker Administrator can modify or add to this configuration, but in most cases youwill find that you will be able to apply it for your account plans.Account Plan Details

Portfolio Plan Details

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SegmentationWhen building the account or portfolio plan, you should treat it as a market-place and, aswith any market-place, you need to choose those areas that deserve priority. TheSegmentation Map helps you to assess each of the Plan Units (accounts, business units andservice units) to determine which units are important. With portfolio planningsegementation you are determining the value of the Plan Unit based on the customer'scurrent revenue and future revenue potential. With account planning segmentation you aredetermining the value of the Plan Unit based on the Plan Unit's value to the customer andthe Plan Unit's value to you. Using this structured approach helps you focus your resourceson the Plan Units that offer you the most potential.

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Accessing the Segmentation Map

Click on the Segmentation Tab to access the Segmentation Map at any stage while buildingyour plan to view the map and to update information relating to any of the plan units.

You can also access the Segmentation Map from the Opportunity Map.

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Using the Segmentation Map

The Plan Units are plotted on the Segmentation Map based on their values against thecriteria for the display axes. Each unit is represented by a pyramid icon on the map.

The Plan Units are also listed on the right hand panel in the Plan Unit list along with their‘Type’ which indicates in which quadrant of the map they reside.

In some cases you will have a parent/child relationship between Plan Units. Parent units canbe expanded to show the child units by clicking on the blue triangle to the left of the unit'sname.

Select a Plan Unit and Edit/Set the ValuesYou can select one of the units on the Segmentation Map by clicking on the correspondingpyramid icon on the map, or by clicking on the unit name in the Plan Unit list on the right.

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The selected unit is represented by a pyramid with a black outline on the map, and the unitname is highlighted on the Plan Unit list.

Once you have selected the unit; to view /edit the segmentation answers, click again on thepyramid icon or on the unit name in the Plan Unit list.

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Portfolio Plan Segmentation Criteria

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Account Plan Segementation Criteria

As you update your answers to the segmentation criteria you will see the new plot-point onthe miniature map. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to revert to the previous set

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of answers.

You need set the criteria values for each Plan Unit to position the unit at the right place onthe Segmentation Map. The set of questions and answers and their scoring will have beendelivered as part of the TAS SAM Methodology or configured by your Dealmakeradministrator.

When you have answered the questions for each of the Plan Units:

Plan Units in the upper right quadrant of the map (the A quadrant) represent thegreatest opportunity and should be the focus of your plan.

Plan Units in the upper left quadrant (the B quadrant) represent possible potential andshould be considered for your plan.

Plan Units in the lower right quadrant (the C quadrant) are important but less so than Aor B Plan Units. You should evaluate and consider which C Plan Units you might wantto include in your Plan.

Plan Units in the lower left quadrant (the D quadrant) have questionable potential andare of low importance to your plan.

The Plan Unit Segmentation quadrant will be displayed on the Opportunity Map and youcan also access the Segmentation Map from there - just click on the Segment Type icon onany Plan Unit row on the Opportunity Map.

Segmentation Map Values SummaryYou can also get an overview of the Importance to Us / Importance to Customer values byclicking on the expand tab. Click again to go back to the normal view.

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Opportunity MapThe Opportunity Map provides a view of the revenue opportunities within an AccountPlan. It guides you to map opportunities for your specific Solutions (what you are selling)to each of the relevant Plan Units (where you are selling). Here is where you can identify'white space' - those areas within the account where the customer has not yet purchased asolution - so that you can identify new Potential opportunities.

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Accessing the Opportunity Map

Click on the Opportunity Map tab to access the Opportunity Map at any stage whilebuilding your plan to view or edit the map.

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Introduction to the Opportunity Map

When you access the Opportunity Map screen, you are presented with a matrix or map viewof your account (or accounts) that you added when creating your account plan in Settings.

There are 3 main areas on the Opportunity Map.

1. Solutions: Configurable in Dealmaker Smart Account Manager by your Dealmakeradministrator, the columns on the map represent the solutions you are selling to theaccount. Solutions are what you are selling.

2. Plan Units: On the left of the map is the list of accounts or business/service units withinthe account(s). This is where you are selling. (More detail below)

3. Opportunities: Your goal is to identify, create, and win opportunities at eachintersection of Solutions and Plan Units - called Smart Intersections. On the OpportunityMap, you can record Potential, Current, and Won opportunities, and identify areas whereyou may have further opportunities. (More detail below)

You can get a quick overview of the components of the map by clicking on the MapLegend icon at the top of the map.

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Plan Unit AreaThe Plan Units area on the left of the Opportunity Map lists the account plan units you areselling to. Where Plan Units have child units, the view can be expanded and collapsed byclicking on the icon to the left of the unit name.

A child Plan Unit may itself have further child units. You cannot attach opportunities to thecells or a parent unit – therefore its cells (grayed out) are a roll-up summary of the values inthe cells of its child units.

On each row, you also have access to other information relating to the specific Account orUnit.

Strategy Map is a visual representation of the business challenges for the Plan Unit.Click on the icon to access the Strategy Map.

Political Map displays the people in the Plan Unit, their place in the organizationhierarchy and various attributes that help you to determine how to sell to them. Clickon the icon to access the Political Map.

Segmentation Value represents the quadrant (A, B, C, or D) that you have determinedfor the Plan Unit in the Segmentation Map. Click on the icon to change the values ofthe segmentation parameters.

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Level of Relationship represents the strength of relationship that you have with the theAccount/Unit. It is illustrated as a circle which can be empty or filled with quadrantseach representing: 1/4 %3D Vendor, 1/2 %3D Credible Source, 3/4 %3D ProblemSolver, Full %3D Trusted Advisor. Click on the icon to select the appropriate value.

Opportunities AreaThe opportunities area is where you record the opportunities for each Smart Intersection -the Solution / Plan Unit intersection.

Opportunities are classified as one of:

Potential opportunities are unqualified, have been identified by you as potentialsolutions that map to customer's business initiative, and may or may not happen. Youshould uncover potential opportunities as you are learning about the customer’sstrategy, business drivers and initiatives. These are recorded in the top row of the cell,and the number of Potential opportunities is presented in the blue square to the left ofthe top row.

Current opportunities are active deals that are already in the sales cycle and arerecorded in your CRM as an opportunity. Current opportunities can relate to businesswith new customers or additional recurring-type business with existing customers.These are recorded in the middle row of the cell, and the number of Currentopportunities is presented in the green square to the left of the middle row.

Won opportunities have already been closed in the CRM and are recorded as ClosedWon. These are recorded in the bottom row of the cell, and the number of Wonopportunities is presented in the purple square to the left of the bottom row.

Note: Only opportunities with a Close Date within the plan period are included in the plan.

Where you have identified that there is no existing opportunity (Current or Won) in a SmartIntersection , and that there is no possibility of creating a Potential opportunity, you canmark this cell as Blocked. Typically this will be because a competitor has a long-termcontract, or your solutions are not applicable to the customer's needs.

By mapping the What - your Solutions - against the Where - the Plan Units - you canidentify areas called ‘White Space’, where there is no intersection between the What andthe Where, prompting the question Why Not?, and presenting the possibility of additional

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Potential opportunities.

What's Next?

Before you focus on opportunities, you will first need to know the customer's businessissues, and the key players in each Plan Unit.

Start with the Strategy Map for each Plan Unit to understand Goals, Business Drivers andBusiness Initiatives, and then use the Political Map to get to know the people.

Then you can begin to Manage your Opportunity Map.

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Managing Opportunities on the Opportunity MapFor each Plan Unit, you can record Potential, Current and Won opportunities for eachSolution. The cells on the opportunity map show both the number and summed value ofopportunities recorded against that Smart Intersection.

Opportunities can be only be created / associated with Plan Units that are not parents ofother Plan Units. If a unit is a parent (identified by having an expand icon to the left of thePlan Unit name), the cells on that row display a summary aggregate view of the number andvalue of the opportunities in its child units. You will notice that a child unit is displayed asindented from the parent unit.

In the example above, Ancaster Inc is a parent unit (note the rolled up summary) andAncaster Services, Ancaster Technologies, etc. are child units.

Edit / Add a Potential OpportunityAs you mouse-over Smart Intersections on the Opportunity Map you will see the cellshighlight in yellow for Solution / Unit intersections where you can create or associate anopportunity. As mentioned previously, you cannot add an opportunity to a unit that haschild units (see Ancaster Inc below); or to an intersection that is Blocked.

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Click on the top row in the cell to Edit/Add a Potential opportunity. This presents the SmartIntersection window with the Potential tab selected.

The title of the dialog box displays the Solution and Unit names, and any Potentialopportunities already created against that intersection will be listed, and to the right of theAmount field, there are icons that let you Qualify the Potential opportunity, Edit the name,amount or owner of the opportunity, or Delete the potential opportunity.

Click on New to add a new Potential opportunity.

Select an Owner from the drop-down list of plan members, add the Opportunity Name and

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Amount. Click Save to finish.

Qualify a Potential OpportunityRemember that Potential opportunities are unqualified, have been identified by you aspotential solutions that map to customer's business initiative, and may or may not happen.But, once you have progressed sufficiently with this opportunity, you may wish to convertit to a Current opportunity, and to do that you will need to Qualify it.

Click on the Qualify icon to the immediate right of the Amount field.

When qualifying a potential opportunity you are prompted to enter/edit the required fieldsfor a Current opportunity. When you click Qualify, the opportunity will then be convertedinto a Current opportunity, recorded in your salesforce CRM, and moved from the Potential(top) row in the Smart Intersection to the Current (middle) row.

Once qualified, the opportunity will be listed on the ‘Current’ tab, and the opportunityname now appears as a hyperlink.

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Clicking on the hyperlink brings you to the opportunity record in your salesforce CRM.

You can make further updates to the opportunity on this page and work the opportunitywith Dealmaker Smart Opportunity Manager and/or Dealmaker Playbook should you havethose applications licensed.

Add a Current Opportunity

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The interaction with the opportunity map, when adding current or won opportunities,depends on whether the opportunity is composed of product line items or not. The sectionbelow describes the interaction when the opportunity has a user-set amount and is notcomposed of product line items. If you also use line items continue reading to the section'Adding Opportunities with Line Items to your Opportunity Map'.

There are two ways to add Current Opportunities to the Opportunity Map.

Add Single Opportunity

Add Multiple Opportunity

Single Opportunity: Use this approach to add opportunities to a specific Plan Unit /Solution intersection. Click on the middle row of a Smart Intersection, and you arepresented with the Smart Intersection window with the Current tab selected. At the top ofthis window you can see the names of the relevant Solution and Plan Unit.

Click Add Current Opportunity to add an additional Current opportunity.

You are presented with a list of available opportunities which are open, associated with theparticular Plan Unit (and by definition the related account), and are not already included inthe plan.

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The Search in this window allows you to filter by Name, Amount, Close date, Stage orOwner. You can optionally select to show opportunities that are already included in theplan by clicking on the Show Included Opportunities (top-right check-box).

Note: You will only ever see opportunities that have a close date that is within the daterange you set for the account plan.

Click on the check-box to the left of the opportunity name to add it to the plan, and click onAdd to finish. You will see the opportunity included in the Smart Intersection window.

Multiple Opportunities: Use this approach to quickly populate your Opportunity Map withall of the existing opportunities in the account(s) for multiple Smart Intersections.

Click on the Import Opportunity button at the top of the Opportunity Map.

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Note: This button is only available when the View filter is set to Value.

The Opportunity Map Drag and Drop window is displayed, showing all open opportunitiesbelonging to all of the Plan Units in the plan.

The Search in this window allow you to filter by Name, Amount, Close date, Stage orOwner.

To drag an opportunity onto the Opportunity Map, select opportunity name (or the Dragicon to its left) and drag the mouse. As you start to drag, the dialog box will automaticallyfade revealing the Opportunity Map underneath.

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An opportunity can only be added to a Unit which is associated with the same Account asthe opportunity itself. In the example illustrated above, we are dragging the opportunityAncaster Services - Network Validation which belongs to the Ancaster Inc account. Validdestinations are any of the units associated with that account.

The set of valid destinations for the opportunity is highlighted in light yellow, and theactive destination is highlighted in darker yellow as you mouse over the cell. Release themouse to drop the opportunity into that cell.

Each valid Plan Unit destination is highlighted in light yellow, and the cell that we arehovering over (Ancaster Services / Software / Current) is highlighted in the darker yellow.Releasing the mouse drops the opportunity into that cell.

Add a Won OpportunityClick on the bottom row of a Smart Intersection, and you are presented with the SmartIntersection window with the Won tab selected. At the top of this window you can see thenames of the relevant Solution and Plan Unit.

Adding a Won opportunity behaves in the same manner as adding a Current opportunityand your can use both the Single Smart Intersection Opportunity Add and Multiple SmartIntersection Opportunity Add methods.

Click to the ‘Won’ tab to add a won opportunity. This behaves in a similar way to theprocess for adding a current opportunity. You can search for any won opportunities notalready added to the plan.

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Note: Reminder that you can only include opportunities with a Close Date within the planperiod.

Removing Opportunities from the Opportunity MapIn the Smart Intersection window, when you click the ‘X’ icon for a Current or Wonopportunity, it will result in removing the opportunity from the Opportunity Map. Theunderlying opportunity remains and is available to add back into an Opportunity Mapshould you wish.

When you click the ‘X’ icon for a Potential opportunity however, the potential opportunityis, in fact, deleted.

Opportunity Plan PermissionsWhen you click through to a plan you will only see opportunities to which you have access.You will have access to all potential opportunities in the plan because their sharing isgoverned by the account plan. You will only see whatever current or won opportunitiesyou have access to in Salesforce.

If you don’t have access to all the accounts in an account plan you will still be able toaccess the account plan if you are a team member or if you have access to it due to yourposition in the role hierarchy. You will be able to create and view any potentialopportunities associated with that account and will see any of its current or wonopportunities to which you have access.

Blocking Smart IntersectionsYou can choose to block a Smart Intersection if you determine there is no possibility of anopportunity for that Solution / Plan Unit combination.

Click on a Smart Intersection and select the Block Tab. Enter an explanation of why the cellis blocked and click on Block.

Note: The Block tab will not be enabled if there are already Potential, Current or Won

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opportunities in the Solution / Plan Unit Smart Intersection.

If the cell is already blocked, you will see the explanatory text in on the Opportunity Mapand the Block button will appear as Unblock.

What's Next?If you have opportunities which are composed of line items refer on to the section onProduct Line Items. For such opportunities, Dealmaker supports you in allocating theinidividual line items to their respective Solutions on the Opportunity Map.

Here we have been managing opportunities on the Opportunity Map using the 'Value' view- the primary mode for viewing the Opportunity Map. There are two additional views, aWallet View and a Competitor View. These two views combine to give you a picture of theMarket Landscape within your account.

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Product Line ItemsWhen multiple products are associated with an opportunity (as shown below) the Amountvalue is calculated from the sales price and quantity of the individual Products. Here wehave an opportunity composed of two line items:

1 x 'Annual Maintenance' %3D $30,000

2 x 'Monitoring Software License' (2 x $40,000) %3D $80,000

giving a total amount of $110,000.

Each of these products may correspond to different Solutions on your Opportunity Map.As part of the administration of Products within your organisation your administrator hasset up this Product-Solution mapping between Products and Account ManagementSolutions.

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Adding Opportunities with Line Items to yourOpportunity Map

When adding an opportunity to the Opportunity Map, you normally select the intersectionat the appropriate account unit and solution. If, however, your organization makes use ofSalesforce Product line items (available in Professional and Enterprise editions and above),a single opportunity may span more than one solution.

When you add an opportunity containing product line items to your Opportunity Map, drag it to the appropriate Account Unit row. For such an opportunity, however, you do notselect the Solution – this is allocated automatically according to the Product-Solutionmapping that has been configured by the administrator.

Here we can see that the opportunity spans the two solutions that are related to theindividual products within the opportunity (the $30,000 and $80,000 line items we sawabove).

When you click on an individual unit/solution intersection you will see the amount of theopportunity which relates to the particular solution and also the total amount of theopportunity. Should you choose to remove the opportunity all solutions which it spans willbe updated.

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If any opportunities on your Opportunity Map contain products which are not mapped to aSolution you will be presented with a warning. Click on the warning to show the detail ofthe product(s) which has not been mapped.

In the example below, a product line item of 25,000 is showing with an 'unknown solution'.This means that a product - AM Solution mapping has not been configured for the productin question. The unmapped product(s) are shown in the second list of the ‘UnmappedOpportunity Lines’ dialog. Contact your administrator to have this resolved.

The 'Unmapped Opportunity Lines' dialog may also present a warning where, although aproduct-solution mapping exists, the solution has not been added to the Plan.

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To resolve this, simply click on the [+] icon as indicated above and the solution will beadded to your Plan.

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Product Solution Mapping AdministrationThis section is intended for Administrators

If your organization makes use of product line items it is necessary to set up a mappingbetween Products and 'AM Solutions'. This means that as an opportunity is added to anopportunity map in Account Management, the individual opportunity line items areapportioned appropriately to the Opportunity Map Solutions. The Product-AM Solutionmapping determines how the opportunity’s product line items are allocated on theOpportunity Map.

To set up a mapping for a product, navigate to the product and click the search icon besidethe ‘AM Solution’ field. Enter your search text and click ‘Go’ to find the appropriatesolution for this product. Hit ‘Save’ and continue through each of your products to set upthe Product-AM Solution mapping.

Refer to the 'Account Planning Administrators Guide' for more information.

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Opportunity Map Market LandscapeThere are 3 modes to use in viewing the Opportunity Map.




You can switch between these views using the View drop down at the top of theOpportunity Map.

Opportunity Map - Value ViewThe Value view is the primary mode for viewing the Opportunity Map. Within the Valueview there are two further settings you can use.

The Value Multiple drop-down can be used to set units, thousands, or millions as yourcurrency denominator. Using the Opportunities Filter you can view All of theopportunities, or just the Target opportunities that you targeted on the Value Map.

Market LandscapeIn addition to the Value View, there are two additional views, a Wallet View and aCompetitor View. These two views combine to give you a picture of the Market Landscapewithin your account.

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The Market Landscape offers a view of your competitors and the customer’s totalexpenditure in any given area - their Total Wallet, as well as the percentage of theexpenditure - the Wallet Share that you, and each of your competitors, have.

To update the Market Landscape for any Smart Intersection, select the Market Landscapetab from the Smart Intersection window.

Here you can enter the Total Wallet, i.e. the total expenditure by the customer in this area,and the amount being spent with you, and each of your competitors. Dealmaker willautomatically calculate the percentage wallet share and will assign any remaining balance toOthers. This information will then be presented on the Opportunity Map in the WalletView and the Competitor View.

Wallet ViewSelect Wallet from the view drop-down to access the Wallet view.

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For each Smart Intersection you can see:

Total Wallet - in the top row of the cell, this is the total expenditure by the customer inthis area

Wallet Share % - the percentage of customer's expenditure that you receiverepresented by a progress bar and % figure

Wallet Share Value - the value of the customer's expenditure that you receive

Competitors ViewThe Opportunity Map provides a third view on your market – the Competitors view. Thisgives you a view of the primary and secondary competitors for each Plan Unit / SolutionSmart Intersection. The logo and short-name for the competitors are shown, along withtheir percentage share of the wallet – as defined in the Market Landscape tab. The 3rd rowdisplays the ‘Other’ share which is 100% minus your wallet share minus the share of top 2competitors.

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Account Planning: PoliticsThe Political Map in Dealmaker Smart Account Manager provides a visual representation ofthe people in the buyer’s organization who are involved in your opportunity or account,their relationship to each other and information about each one. You can identify yourfriends and enemies, and uncover the influencers in the organization.

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Accessing Political Map

You can access the Political Map for an account or Plan Unit by clicking on the PoliticalMap icon in the Plan Unit area of the Opportunity Map.

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Using Political Map

With the information you record in the Political Map, Dealmaker can help you to determinewho can impact your success. You should update the Political Map as you learn about thepeople and their roles. Dealmaker will use this information to help identify risk andvulnerabilities.

Add Contacts to the Political MapTo effectively analyze the players, politics and influence in your opportunity, you must firstadd those contacts to your Political Map in Dealmaker. You can include individual contacts or you can import the contacts from a Political Map that you created for another account.

To include an individual contact on the map, click on the 'Add Contact' button at the topright of the screen. The 'Add Contact' pop-up will display with a filtered list of the contactsfrom your CRM. Click on the contact name from the list; a new node will appear on themap for that contact.

Note: If the 'Reports to' value is set for the contact (and the manager is included on themap), the node will be placed on the map under the manager node, otherwise it will beplaced at the top of the map.

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Import Political MapTo import a Political Map, click the 'Import Political Map' button at the top right of thecanvas. Enter the name, or partial name of the map you want to import, and Dealmakerwill present you with a list of maps to choose from.

To select a map to import, just click on the map name, and Dealmaker will present you witha visual representation of the map.

If you want to include the attributes that you have previously set on the map, click onth e Include Attributes check-box. You should be aware that the attributes sometimeschange from case to case. Imported nodes will be highlighted with a red flag icon until youaccept the imported attribute settings by clicking the 'Approve' button on Smart ContactRecord.

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Edit the Political MapEach contact on the Political Map has a number of attributes. You can update theseattributes as you add a contact or at any time after the Political Map has been built. As areminder, you’re advised to update these any time you have new insight about any of thecontacts or if there has been a change in one of their attributes. Each of these attributesmay be named differently, with different option values and others may not be present at all,depending on your organization’s configuration settings. Please see your Dealmakeradministrator if you have questions about your implementation.

The attributes and other settings for each contact on your map can be updated eitherthrough their Smart Contact Record, or by clicking on their attribute boxes on the map.

To access the Smart Contact Record, click on the contact node on the map.

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You can click on the Smart Contact Record tabs (Details, Attributes, Influences, Notes,Strategy, and Advanced) to add information about the contact.

You can also add certain information directly on the Political Map as described below.


Assigned Owner: The contact record in the CRM has an owner. By default, Dealmaker willdisplay the name of this owner on the contact node. If the owner of the contact from yourorganization is different in this case, you can modify the 'Assigned Owner' field on the firsttab of the Smart Contact Record (click on the node to open). If an assigned owner isprovided, his name will be displayed on the contact node.

Attribute Values

To edit the attributes of a contact (Political Status, Decision Orientation, etc.), click on theattribute icon to display a drop-down of the available options. The currently selected valueis identified with a checkmark. Click a new value to change the setting (or append a value,in the case of a multi-select option such as buying role). The icon on the node will updateto reflect the change. Note that all changes are saved automatically.

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You can also add and edit this information on the Smart Contact Record.


The green arrow connections between contacts are lines of influence, where A - B indicatesthat A has influence over B.

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To create a line of influence, select the green arrow on the top left of the influencingcontact and drag and drop to the influenced contact. When you drop the arrow, the line ofinfluence is drawn.

To delete influence lines, open the Smart Contact Record and click on the "Influences" tab.Click the 'x' icon beside the influences / influenced by contact to remove the connection.

Note that the lines of influence can be shown/hidden via the show/hide button in the topright of the map. If hidden, the drag-and-drop arrows are not displayed.

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Further free-text notes can be entered for the contact via the 'Notes' tab on the SmartContact Record.


Based on the information you have entered in the Political Map, Dealmaker will suggest thebest way to work with each contact. You can view this advice either by hovering over thecontact on the map, or by clicking on the Strategy tab in the Smart Contact Record.


Remove Contact:

There are two methods by which you can remove a contact from the Political Map:

1. Drag to Trash: Drag and drop the contact from the map into the trash can displayed inthe bottom left of the map.

2. Click the “Remove” button on the Advanced tab on the Smart Contact Record.

Note, these contacts are removed from the Dealmaker record only (not deleted as contactsfrom the CRM).

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The reporting hierarchy is identified with the reporting lines. You can update the reports-toon any contact (note that this will modify the reports-to value on the contact record inCRM) by dragging and dropping the reporting contact to his manager. When you drop thecontact node, the map will redraw automatically.

To clear the reporting line, go to the 'Advanced' tab on the Smart Contact Record . Click the'Clear' button to delete the reports-to value for the selected contact.

Manage the Political MapThe colors and icons on the Political Map nodes provide you with visual information aboutthe contacts on the opportunity. The legend can be displayed to remind you what thevarious attribute icons/values are.

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To view detailed information about that contact, you can hover over the contact node totrigger the pop-up detailed display. This information is also available in full edit mode onthe Smart Contact Record accessed by clicking on the node.

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Zooming and Panning

The zooming and panning buttons are available on the right-hand side of the map.

On an iPad or other touchscreen device, standard finger gestures such as swipe, pinch anddouble-click will provide the same functionality.

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Menu Buttons

Display OptionsThe menu buttons on the top right of the map include two hide / display functions:

1. Show / Hide Influence Lines - defaulted to on, you can click the button to toggle theinfluence line display on the map. When toggled off, any influence lines are hidden andthe drag/drop arrows at the top left of each node are not available to set newinfluences.

2. Show / Hide Legend - defaulted to off, you can click on the button to toggle the legendto display on the map. Once visible, the legend can be dragged and dropped anywhereon the map, allowing you to place it in a position where it doesn't draw over the contactnodes./li>

PrintThe print option displays the map in a new browser window.

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Collapse/expand nodes of the map and zoom/pan to the desired section of the map, beforeusing the standard File Print facility in your browser to print your on-screen results.

Note: To ensure the map prints correctly, make sure that you enable printing ofbackground images in your browser. This can generally be found in the PrintPreferences/Page Setup settings.

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Strategy MapA Business Strategy Map is a visual representation of the goals, business drivers, initiativesand critical success factors within the Account/Unit for which you are developing yourPlan. It is a tool that you and other account team members can update and share with eachother and with the customer to collaboratively gain agreement on the various businessoutcomes they seek and the mechanisms by which they will achieve them. This helps youinclude existing or uncover potential opportunities within your Account/Unit.

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Accessing the Strategy Map

You can access the Strategy Map for an account or Plan Unit by clicking on the StrategyMap icon in the Plan Unit area of the Opportunity Map

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Using the Strategy Map

The Strategy Map is a graphical tool to be used by the account team together with theircustomer to visually link Goals to their associated Driver and Key Players, allowing theteam, in collaboration with their customer, to prioritize the areas to address and thesolutions to apply.

1. Import Strategy Map Template

2. Show/Hide Private Nodes

3. Show / Hide CSFs (Critical Success Factors)

4. Print map

The main area of the Strategy Map is where to place the nodes of the map to describe theGoals, Business Drivers, Initiatives and Critical Success Factors (CSFs).The lines thatconnect these nodes illustrate the relationship between them.

The node types are:

Goal (What the customer wants to achieve)

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Business Driver (The internal and external pressures that are causing the key playerson this opportunity to do something)

Initiative ( The specific projects or programs that have been identified to address theBusiness Drivers )

Critical Success Factor ( The essential constituents or results that are required for theInitiative to be successful.)

Create a Strategy MapWhen creating a new Strategy Map screen against a Plan Unit, you will be asked to providea name for the map and prompted to “construct the map by dragging and dropping theavailable element types from the left hand side”.

Once provided, the name of the map will be displayed in the top left corner of the map.

You can create subsequent Strategy Maps to include for the same Plan Unit by selecting thedrop-down arrow beside the current map name, and clicking 'Create New'.

Goals are always at the top of the Strategy Map. Under the Goals you can connect multipleBusiness Drivers, and typically Business Drivers will have Initiative nodes underthem. Business Drivers can connect to other Business Drivers, and Initiative nodes can alsoconnect directly to other Initiative nodes. CSFs will typically connect to Initiative nodes,although they can also connect directly to Business Drivers. The hierarchy of your StrategyMap, running from top-to-bottom, will typically reflect the hierarchy of the node typesdisplayed on the left of the map.

Adding / Editing Nodes on the Strategy MapTo add a node to the map, click on one of the node types on the left and drag-and-drop iton to the map area. (On an iPad or other touchscreen device, hold your finger down on thenode, and drag it on to the map area, and then lift your finger.) The edit pop-up will appearfor the new node when it's dropped onto the map.

Here we are adding a Business Driver node to the map. Valid destination nodes arehighlighted in green as you drag a new node on to the map.

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To add/edit any details of any node on your Strategy Map, click the node and view thedetails in the pop-up box.

The edit pop-up for all node types includes the following tabs:

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Short Description (40 character text string, displayed on the node)

Long Description (long text area for further detail, available on hover over of the node)

Confirmed (checkbox to set whether or not the item has been confirmed by thecustomer, results in a question mark or checkmark on the node title)

Private (private nodes can be hidden from the display)

Owner (if provided, the owner's name is displayed on the node title)

Name - Start typing the owner's first or last name to display a drop-down list ofmatching contacts. Select the correct contact from the list.

Free form text field for adding details to the node. The notes are visible on hover over of anode.


Remove button - Remove the node from the map. You can also drag-and-drop thenode into the waste basket in the bottom left of the map.

Disconnect button - Remove the links to and from this node. To connect the node toother nodes, you can drag-and-drop the child node to the parent node.

Rules for Valid Connections between Nodes: The connection between nodes is subject tosome logic rules.

1. Goals will always be at the top of the tree.

2. Only Business Drivers can connect upwards to Goals.

3. Business Drivers may connect to other Business Drivers in a parent-childrelationship.

4. Initiative nodes may connect upwards to Business Drivers.

5. Initiative Nodes may also connect to other Initiative Nodes.

6. CSFs may connect to either Business Drivers or Initiative Nodes.

You can connect two nodes already on the map by clicking on the node representing the“effect” and dragging your cursor to the “cause” node (in other words, drag the child onto

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the parent). Each node is eligible for “many-to-many” linkage (subject to the rules listedabove).

Adding Critical Success FactorsOnce you have built your Strategy Map, and agreed it with the customer, you should be in aposition to identify which specific elements of your product or service will address thecustomer’s specific Business Drivers or Initiatives. You will know that your Strategy Mapis heading in the right direction when you can identify very specific CSFs that solve theproblem described by the Business Drivers or Initiatives.

You can add a CSF to your map in the same drag-and-drop manner as you add othernodes.

Strategy Map TemplatesIf you sell to a particular profile of customer – perhaps customers in a particular industry,or customers who frequently have similar Goals or Business Drivers – you might find ituseful to have a standard template Strategy Map to serve as a foundation for each newopportunity.

Some companies may want their marketing departments to create a standard set oftemplates for the sales team to use in each opportunity. Dealmaker allows you to save anymap you are using as template and then import that template later.

To create an Strategy Map Template, you should first create the complete Stratgey Map youwant to use as a foundation for other maps. Then, click on the map name at the top-left ofthe map, and select Save As Template from the options menu.

When you select Save As Template, provide a sensible name for the template and save. Itwill then be available for import into any opportunity.

To import a Strategy Map template:

Click on the Import Template icon on the top right of the Strategy Map screen.

In the pop-up box, click on either the Template or Map radio button to indicate thatyou want to either search through the maps that were created specifically as templates,or search through all maps. When you have found the map you want, click on it topreview.

Click Import to select.

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Show / Hide CSFs:

There may be occasion when you want to share the Strategy Map with your customer, butdo not want to show the CSFs that you have attached to the map. If you want to turn off(or on) the display of CSFs from the map at any time, click the Show / Hide CSFs icon.

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Printing the map:

To print the map, click on the Print icon. A second window or tab will open in yourbrowser. Here you can collapse/expand nodes of the map (note that children with multipleparents will continue to display if any one parent is expanded), and zoom/pan to the desiredsection of the map, before using the standard File Print facility in your browser to printyour on-screen results.

Note: To ensure the map prints correctly, make sure that you enable printing ofbackground images in your browser. This can generally be found in the PrintPreferences/Page Setup settings.

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Multi-Currency in Account ManagementIf your Salesforce Organization is configured as a multi-currency org you will be able toavail of related features in Smart Account Manager.

When creating a potential opportunity you can nominate the currency to be any one of thecurrencies configured in your organization.

When editing or qualifying a potential opportunity you can change its currency.

In a multi-currency organization the Smart Intersection dialog will list opportunities in thecurrency of the opportunity itself and the corporate currency of your organization (wheredifferent to the opportunity's own currency). The converted corporate currency is shown inbrackets.

Similarly when adding current or won opportunities each opportunity is shown in bothopportunity currency and in the corporate currency (where different).

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Note that it is the corporate currency which is shown in the Market Landscape tab.

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Political MapPolitical Map provides a visual representation of the people in the buyer’s organizationwho are involved in your opportunity or account, their relationship to each other andinformation about each one. You can identify your friends and enemies, and uncover theinfluencers in the organization.

Why use Political Map?With the information you record in Political Map, Dealmaker can help you to determinewho can impact your success. You should update the map as you learn about the peopleand their roles. Dealmaker uses this information to help identify risks and vulnerabilities.

Accessing Political Map

You can access Political Map for a plan unit by clicking on the Political Map icon in thePlan Unit area of the Opportunity Map.

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Political Map Components

Political Map is divided into the following sections:

A. Left Pull-out Panel: This menu contains two tabs. The Filter tab is used to selectivelydisplay contacts on the map according to different criteria. The Contact tab is used todisplay and edit the details of individual contacts.

B. Right Pull-out Panel: This panel is used to add existing contacts to the map and createnew contacts. Contacts can be added individually or by importing from another map.

C. Main Map Area: This is where the map is displayed. It also contains navigationcontrols to zoom and move the map around as well as to show a full screen version of themap.

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Political Map Tutorial

[portfolio_slideshow size%3Dlarge navpos%3Dbottom speed%3D800]

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Edit ContactsEach contact on the map has a number of attributes which tell you about that person. Youcan edit these attributes as you add a contact or at any time after the map has been built.You should update these any time you have new insight about any of the contacts or ifthere has been a change in one of their attributes.

Note: Depending on your organization’s configuration settings, these attributes may benamed differently or have different option values while others may not be present at all.Please consult your Dealmaker administrator if you have questions about yourimplementation.

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Edit a contact in Salesforce

Using the contact icon to the right of the contact's name at the top of the panel you can openthe Salesforce page for this contact. From there you can edit a wide range of informationfor that contact.

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Edit contacts directly on the map

You can also edit the attributes for a contact directly from the map by clicking on thesquare Attribute icons at the bottom of that contact’s map node.

The details which you can change in this way are:

Political Status;

Decision Orientation;


Your Status; and


Each attribute is indicated by means of a unique symbol. Using the Show/Hide Legendbutton you can display the Political Map legend to get an explanation of what each symbolmeans. For an explanation of each attribute, see the Political Map Glossary for more details.

Contact node colorsThe colors and icons used on the contact nodes provide you with visual information aboutthe contacts on the opportunity. This means you can differentiate, at a glance, your

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supporters from your enemies and those in the inner circle from those outside the politicalstructure.

The contact which is currently selected is shown with a highlighted black border. The YourStatus value of the contact determines the color of the banner:

Green indicates Mentors and Supporters;

Red indicates Enemies and Non-Supporters;

Yellow indicates contacts you need to be wary of because they have a strong politicalstatus and you have yet to establish a good relationship with them;

Grey indicates contacts who are neutral because they have a weak political status andyou have yet to establish a good relationship with them.

White indicates contacts where you need to do some more work to gather information.

The number of segments in the banner is based on a score calculated by Dealmaker on thebasis of the available details for that contact.

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Edit contacts using the left pull-out panel

You can edit the details of contact using the pull-out panel on the left of the screen. Anychanges made here are saved automatically.

The left pull-out panel provides access to a range of information relating to each contact onyour map. The following information can be edited in the left pull-out panel itself:

1. Attributes

The attributes for a contact include Political Status, Decision Orientation, Adaptability,Your Status and Coverage. In certain fields, such as Decision Orientation, you can

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specify more than one option for a contact. All changes made here are saved automatically.

2. Details

The details section displays information about the contact such as the contact’s department,default owner and assigned owner. The default owner is the owner of the contact asspecified in the Salesforce contact record. If you want to set an alternative owner for thiscontact, you can specify another user in your organization as the assigned owner.Specifying an assigned owner for a contact does not affect the owner of the contact inSalesforce.

4. Social

This section displays links to the contact’s online social media presence. Information gainedfrom social media can help you learn more about your contacts and discover what issuesare most important to them. To access the contact’s social media feed or page, click on therelevant link.

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Note: If it has not already been enabled on your system, your administrator can enablesocial media functionality by following these steps.

To add or edit this information, go to the Salesforce Contacts tab and edit the details forthis person.

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You can also click the contact icon to the right of the contact's name at the top of the leftpull-out panel to open the Salesforce page for this contact.

4. Influences

Influence lines are a way of representing the power structures in an organization to helpyou understand the dynamics affecting a deal. By understanding how individual contacts ina hierarchy exert influence over others in an organization you can target your activities in amore focused way. Influence lines and how to use them are explained in Structure yourMap.

5. Notes

In this section you can add additional information relating to a contact in the form of free-text notes.

6. Advanced

Here you can remove the contact from the map, clear the contact’s reports-to setting andspecify that the contact must always remain on the map even if it is not linked to any othercontacts.

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Structure your MapOnce you have added contacts to your map you need to describe the relationships betweeneach person so that you can gain an insight into the organization. These relationships aredescribed using the following information:

Reporting StructureIllustrating the reporting structure allows you to see who the key decision makers are ina hierarchy and it allows you to identify people who may ultimately have the final sayin any deal.

InfluencesUnderstanding how individual contacts in a hierarchy influence others can help youunderstand the politics of the organization. For example, if a key player does not have arelationship with you, being able to identify a supportive contact who influences thatperson may be invaluable.

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Edit relationships

Political Map has two editing modes: influence mode and reports-to mode. Thefunctionality of Political Map changes depending on which mode is selected.

To switch between modes, use the Show/Hide Influence Lines button at the top of theright pull-out panel.

When the influence lines are displayed, the map is in influence mode. When the influencelines are hidden, the map is in reports-to mode.

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Specify who a contact reports to

The reporting hierarchy is identified by the black reporting lines. When the map is inreports-to mode, dragging one contact to another updates the reports-to relationship. Whenyou drag the contact, the contact is highlighted in red and a faded map icon appears underthe mouse pointer to indicate that you are changing the reports-to value. This will alsomodify the reports-to value on the Salesforce contact record.

When the reports-to value is set for the contact (and the manager is included on the map),the contact will be placed on the map under the manager. Otherwise, it will be placed at thetop of the map or in the right-hand panel under Others.

Keep a contact on the map

If the contact is automatically added to the Others section, you may choose to drag thecontact directly onto the map. This sets the always on map option in the Advanced Detailssection for that contact in the left panel. This is useful if you want to represent an isolatedcontact on the main canvas area to, for example, draw influence lines.

To move the contact back to the Others section, uncheck this option.

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To delete the reports-to value for the selected contact and clear the reporting line, go to theleft pull-out panel and open the Contact tab. In the Advanced section, click Clear.

Note: When you clear the reports-to for a contact this will delete the value in the reports-tofield in Salesforce.

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Use TBD as a placeholder

If you do not yet know who a contact reports to or do not need to record this information,the contact is placed in the Others section of the right pull-out panel. Under certaincircumstances, though, you may need to keep this type of contact on the map.

To do this, first add a TBD or To Be Determined contact to the map. The purpose of a TBDcontact is to serve as a placeholder representing the unknown links between contacts andtheir direct or indirect reports. This allows you to add contacts to a map even if you do notknow who they report to.

In this example, we know that Michael Briggs works in Andy Young’s group. We do notknow who his direct line manager is. To move these contacts from the Others section tothe map, we first click and drag the TBD icon onto the contact for Andy Young.

We can then drag the contact Michael Briggs from Others onto the TBD icon.

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Note: You can only drag a contact from Others while you are in reports-to mode.

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Specify influences on a map

When the map is in influences mode, dragging one contact to another sets up an influencesrelationship. An arrow symbol appears on the map to remind you that you are about tomodify the influences relationship.

To delete influence lines, open the Contact tab in the left pull-out panel and go to theInfluences section. Click the X icon beside the influences / influenced by contact to removethe connection.

Example of Changing Influences and Reports-to InformationIn this example, the influence lines are turned off and the map is in reports-to mode. Wecan see that Michael Briggs currently reports to Dominic Santini.

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If we drag Michael Briggs to Andy Young, Michael Briggs will now be listed as reporting toAndy Young.

Suppose we now want to say that Dominic Santini is influenced by Michael Briggs. Toactivate influences mode, we display the influence lines using the Show/Hide InfluenceLines button. Now, if we drag Michael Briggs to Dominic Santini, Michael Briggs is listedas having an influence over Dominic Santini.

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Change the way your map appears on screen

To make working with maps easier, there are several controls to change the appearance of amap on screen.

Zooming and panningYou can move and resize the map using a number of intuitive controls. To move a map,click anywhere on the map background and drag to a new position.

To resize the image you can:

Use the zoom control slider on the map;

Use the scroll wheel on your mouse;

Click Full Screen to use the entire screen to view the map.

On an iPad or other touchscreen device, standard finger gestures such as swipe, pinch anddouble-click will provide the same functionality.

Collapsing sections of your mapIf you are working with a large map which has with many contacts, you may find it usefulto hide parts of the map which you are not currently using. To do this, you can collapseindividual branches of the map or entire sections using the arrow at the bottom of a node.

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Clicking on a collapse arrow hides all of the nodes beneath it. The number of hidden nodesis displayed to the right of the arrow.

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Printing your mapThe pan and zoom controls are also useful when printing your map. To print your map,click on the Print icon in the right pull-out panel. The map opens in a new browserwindow. Resize and position your map on-screen as you want it to appear when printed.When you are ready, print the map using your browser's print function.

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Note: To ensure the map prints correctly, make sure that you enable printing ofbackground images in your browser. This can generally be found in the PrintPreferences/Page Setup settings.

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Gain Additional InsightOnce you have created your map and used it to understand basic information relating toinfluence lines, reporting structures and attributes of contacts, you can use the map formore advanced purposes. In Political Map, the Filter function helps you identify contactson your map according to various criteria, for example during team debriefs. Together withthe targeted coaching and advice provided in the left pull-out panel, this allows you to gaina deeper understanding of the factors affecting your deal and decide what to do next.

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How can filters help me?

Political Map is most useful when you are evaluating relationships in your account. In thesecircumstances you need to know about the people with whom you have relationships andwhether they are useful for the purposes of achieving trusted advisor status. In particular,your level of inside support and return access are crucial in achieving a successfuloutcome. By identifying relevant contacts, Political Map shows you where you need tofocus your efforts.

You might use filters in the following scenarios:

1. You need to identify people with low coverage who are part of the political structureso that you know who you need to devote more time to. This will impact yourrelationship objectives in your account plan.

2. If you have several people within the inner circle who are responsible for evaluatingsolutions, it may be useful to filter for people who are at least supporters or ideallymentors on whom you can focus your efforts.

3. To identify future potential, having return access is vital. If you need to determinewhether you have return access within an organization and then leverage it, you mightconsider using filters to find someone in the inner circle or a decision maker and withwhom you have multi- or in-depth coverage. If you do not have a contact like this inyour map, you can set a goal to develop this kind of relationship.

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Identify specific contacts using filters

To access this function, open the left pull-out panel and click on the Filter tab. From thereyou can identify contacts on the basis of multiple criteria such as their details, attributes,influences, actions and owner.

Note: When using filters, Political Map first searches for contacts where that name matchesassigned owners. If no contact has an assigned owner with that name, the filter will selectcontacts with default owners by that name.

Reapply filters after adding a contactWhen you apply a filter, it applies only to those nodes which are on the map at that time. Ifyou add a new contact after applying a filter, the new contact will not be affected by thefilter until you click on the Reapply Filters button in the left pull-out panel.

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Social integration

Information you can gain from a contact's social media use can help you learn more aboutthat contact and discover what issues are most important to them. To access the contact’ssocial media feed or page, click on the contact and open the left pull-out panel. In theSocial section you can find details of any social media links that have been entered for thatcontact.

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Political Map Glossary

Political Map

Inner Circle:T h e Inner Circle is a Political Status indicating that the person or contact "controlsoutcomes". Inner Circle people have Influence and decide what will happen in theorganization.

The number of Inner Circle contacts is usually a correlation with the complexity and size ofthe account or opportunity. You will typically have 2 to 3 Inner Circle contacts for anopportunity.

At the top of the Inner Circle is many times the Approver, the person who approves andfunds projects and initiatives. A second Inner Circle contact has the Approver’s ear whendeciding on which projects to approve and not approve.

Inner Circle contacts are Key Players.

Political Structure:The Political Structure is a Political Status indicating people that “make things happen” forthe Inner Circle and they have influence. Political Structure people are trusted by the InnerCircle to "make things happen".

The number of Political Structure buyers is usually a correlation with the complexity andthe size of the opportunity. You will typically have 2 to 5 Political Structure contacts for anopportunity.

Political Structure contacts are Key Players.

Outside Political Structure:Outside the Political Structure is a political status indicating people that watch and wonderwhat happened.

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Decision Orientation

Decision Orientation is an attribute which is specific to Smart Account Manager indicatingwhat will influence the contacts decision making process. The options include FinancialOrientation, Technical Orientation, Relationship Orientation, and Business Orientation.

Technical:This person’s primary focus is product functionality and technical capability. They areoften analytical and detail-oriented. Product demonstrations, benchmarks, and carefuldeliberation will be key.

Financial:This person’s primary focus is price, cost, and economics. While your product must beviable, numbers and negotiations will be key.

Relationship:This person believes they are forming a business partnership and their focus is the peopleand company that will be serving their organization. While your product must be viable,support, trust, effort, and responsiveness will be key.

Business:This person sees the big picture and overall impacts your product or solution will have ontheir company’s present and future. This person can properly balance the technical,financial, and relationship issues. Their vision often extends beyond their company toinclude their clients, their competition, and their community. Industry knowledge andarticulating business vs. product value will be key.

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Buying Role

Decision Orientation is an attribute which is specific to Smart Opportunity Manager. Theoptions include User, Evaluator, Decision Maker, and Approver.

User:A Buying Role indicating someone who will directly use your product or service orsolution.

Evaluator:A Buying Role that has the ability to say no, but they can’t say yes. The best an Evaluatorcan do for you is to recommend your solution. Evaluators can block the competition orblock you. Evaluators are formally assigned to the evaluation project (for an opportunity).They evaluate and accept based on defined standards, such as, “Do you meet the RFPrequirements?, Have you met the defined criteria?, Do you operate within our standards/company policy/business practices? (An example of standards might be that the customer isa Six Sigma organization and you need to meet the requirement).

Decision Maker:A Buying Role that has the ability to commit the company to a vendor or to a certainstrategic direction. They have accountability for selecting the solution. A Decision Maker isalways in the Political Structure or Inner Circle. A Decision Maker is a Key Player. ADecision Maker cannot be Outside the Political Structure.

Approver:A Buying Role at a senior level who has the ultimate accountability for success of theproject. They review the decision, bless it and typically release the funds. In largeorganizations, there may be multiple levels of approvers with dollar thresholds used todelineate their approval responsibility but they are not the ultimate approver. We arelooking for the ultimate Approver for our map. (If a buyer can say ‘no’ and over turn aDecision Makers decision, they are an Approver). The Approver is at the top of the mapand in the Inner Circle. An Approver is a Key Player.

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Adaptability to Change

Innovator:A person that loves to be the first to try new ideas and solutions. They are not afraid to bedisruptive or make changes in something established.

Visionary:A person who is looking for a competitive advantage; will ask supplier to make changes tostandard offering to give customer a competitive advantage.

Pragmatist:A person who tends to be in-charge of mission-critical-systems; generally relies onincumbent for upgrades and fix the broken system.

Conservative:A person who wants 'plug and play' solutions; does not like lengthy implementations ineither cost or time.

Laggard:A person who will only buy when there are no other alternatives.

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Status is a Person Attribute and includes Mentor, Supporter, Neutral, Non-Supporter, orEnemy.

Mentor:Prefers your solution and sells in your absence. A Mentor is someone who believes thatyour success is critical to his or her success.

Supporter:Prefers your solution, supports you visibly and verbally with others but doesn’t sell in yourabsence.

Neutral:Undecided or indifferent.

Non-Supporter:Prefers something other than you - competitor, business as usual, another project or do-it-themselves.

Enemy:Competitor's Mentor

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Coverage the time or number of contacts you have had with a person relative to the totaltime and number of contacts you have made with the people. For each person you willhave a coverage indicator of Unknown, No Contact, Brief Contact, Multiple Contacts, andIn Depth.

No Coverage of the person, you have not had any contact with the buyer.

Brief coverage of the person relative to your total coverage of the opportunity.

Multiple points of contact have been made with the person.

In Depth coverage of the person relative to your total coverage of the opportunity.

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Value MapWhen you do effective account planning, you should discover many new Potentialopportunities, as well as gather together all of your Current opportunities. To maximizeyour return on effort, you need to focus on those that deliver the highest mutual value, i.e.Value to You and Value to your Customer.

The Value Map in Dealmaker Smart Account Manager guides you to compare the relativevalue of your opportunities to help you to prioritize which opportunities to pursue.

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Accessing the Value Map

Click on the Value Map tab to access the Value Map at any stage while building or usingyour plan to view the map, to update information relating to any of the opportunities, or totarget specific opportunities.

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Using the Value Map

The axes of the assessment are Value to Us (VTU) and Value to Customer (VTC). Whenyou can find opportunities that provide strong mutual value, then you know that this iswhere you should focus.

All Current and Potential Opportunities are plotted on the Value Map based on their valuesagainst the Value to Us (VTU) and Value to Customer (VTC) axes. Each opportunity isrepresented by a circle on the map, and the size of the circle corresponds to the value of theopportunity.

The opportunities are also listed on the right hand panel in the Opportunity list along withtheir ‘Type’ which indicates in which quadrant of the map they reside.

Opportunities are grouped in the Opportunity list according to the Plan Unit to which theybelong. Plan Units can be expanded to show the related opportunities by clicking on theblue triangle to the left of the unit's name.

Select an Opportunity and Edit/Set the ValuesYou can select one of the opportunities on the Value Map by clicking on the corresponding

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circle on the map, or by clicking on the opportunity name in the Opportunity list on theright.

The selected unit is represented by a circle with a black outline on the map, and the unitname is highlighted on the Opportunity list.

Once you have selected the opportunity; to view /edit the values, click again on the circleicon or on the opportunity name in the Opportunity list.

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As you update the Value to Us / Value to Customer answers you will see the new plot-pointon the miniature map. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to revert to the previousset of answers.

You need set the Value to Us and Value to Customer values for each opportunity toposition the opportunity at the right place on the Value Map. The set of questions andanswers and their scoring will have been configured by your Dealmaker administrator.

(You will note in the example that the final question ‘Opportunity Size’ does not requireyou to enter an answer as it is automatically linked to the amount value of the opportunity).

When you have answered the questions for each of your opportunities;

Opportunities in the upper right quadrant of the map (the A quadrant) are of thehighest value to both you and the customer;

Opportunities in the upper left quadrant (the B quadrant) represent high value to you,but less to the customer;

Opportunities in the lower right quadrant (the C quadrant) are high value to thecustomer, but less so for you; and

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Opportunities in the lower left quadrant (the D quadrant) are of low value to you andthe customer.

Target Opportunities on the Value MapWhen you have set the values for each of the opportunities on the Value Map, it is likelythat you will want to focus on a subset of the opportunities, to prioritize where you willallocate resources. You can target specific opportunities by clicking on the Target Icon inthe Opportunity list. These opportunities are then represented on the Value Map by adiamond shaped icon, and you can subsequently filter your Opportunity Map view to showonly those Target Opportunities.

Value Map Values SummaryYou can also get an overview of the Value to Us / Value to Customer values by clicking onthe expand tab. Click again to go back to the normal view.

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ObjectivesA critical component of your Account Plan is a detailed execution plan. You need to createObjectives, Strategies and Actions and track your progress. This is the purpose of theObjectives tab in Dealmaker Smart Account Manager.

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Accessing Objectives

Click on the Objectives tab to access the Objectives, Strategies and Actions (OSAs) at anystage while building or using your plan. Here you can view your OSAs and add and editnew Objectives and Actions.

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Using Objectives

When you click on the Objectives tab, you will see the Objectives that you have previouslycreated.

Description is the overview of the Objective.

The Plan Unit relates to the row on the Opportunity Map

You can have multiple Objective Types. These are Revenue, Business Development,Marketing, Partner, Relationship and Customer Satisfaction.

Strategy describes how you are going to achieve the Objective

Owner is one of the users on the account plan team that has primary responsibility forthe Objective.

Actions displays the number of incomplete/total actions relating to the Objective. Forexample, 2/4 means that there are 4 actions in total relating to the Objective, of which 2are currently not started or in progress.

The Plan Unit filter to the top-right of the Objectives screen allows you to: show allobjectives; show Account Plan level objectives (those with Plan Unit field set to blank); andshow the objectives related to a specific unit.

Add Objective

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Click the New button to create an objective. Set the Description (free text) and Plan Unit.

To associate the objective with a particular unit, select the Plan Unit from the drop-downlist. Leave the Plan Unit field blank to associate the objective with the overall plan.

Then add the Type (select from drop-down list), Strategy (free text) and Owner (selectfrom drop-down list of account plan members). Then click on the Save icon.

When specifying the owner of an objective, the set of available owners you can choosefrom consists of the members of the plan team (plan owner and plan members). This alsoapplies when specifying the owner of an objective action.

You can edit or delete the Objective by clicking on the appropriate icons on the right.

View/Add ActionsTo view the Actions that are related to any Objective, you can click on the Expand icon tothe left of the Objective description.

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To add an action click on the + icon and enter the details.

Further details can be added by clicking on the Edit icon. This takes you to the Task screenin your Salesforce CRM.

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Market View ReportMarketView allows you to create a view of ‘your market’ across a number of Plans. Youcan use MarketView to create a comprehensive rollup of the opportunities in both Portfolioand Account plans that you determine makes up the ‘market’ you want to view.

To create a Market View navigate to the ‘Market Views’ tab and click the ‘New MarketView’ button.

On the ‘General’ tab, set the Market View name and owner and on the ‘Plans’ tab drag theset of account plans you wish to include in your market view.

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The Market View Report lists its constituent Plans down the left hand side (row headings)along with the name of the owner of the plan. The set of solutions (column headings)comprises the union of solutions across the account plans.

1. Click on an a Plan name to navigate directly to the detail Account or Portflio plan.

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2. Click on any intersection on the Market View Report which contains data to view theunderlying detail - the opportunities for a particular Plan / Solution combination.

3. Click on the leftmost column beside a plan name to view all opportunities belonging tothat plan.

4. Click on the top row below a solution name to view all opportunities from the set ofplans which fall under that solution.

5. Click on the topmost, leftmost intersection to view the full set of opportunities in yourMarket View Report.

In the top-left cell you may see a notice that “some opportunities appear in more than oneplan”. Click on this notice to view the detail of double counting: the ‘Market View DoubleCount Details’ lists each such opportunity along with the plans which include it. This is notan error (it is perfectly valid for opportunities to exist in more than one plan) but is justpresented for informational purposes. Where this occurs, note that the totals for thecolumns and rows may include an opportunity more than once (double counting) asopposed to the reconciled total.

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Permissions to Access Market Views

Each user has access to the Market Views created by themselves, created by anyone belowthem in the reporting hierarchy and to any Market Views to which they have been added asa Team Member.

To give someone permission to access a Market View, add them as a team member. Clickon the Settings link for the Market View and click the ‘New’ button to search for teammembers. For each team member you can set their access permissions to Read/Write orRead only.

Before a user can access the Market View they must also have access to each of the planswithin it. Otherwise they will receive the following notice which indicates the individualplan owners to be contacted.

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Note that to delete a Market View, navigate to its Settings and click to ‘Delete’.

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