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Strategic Management Academic Report

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  • University of Tenaga Nasional

    Group Project

    Responsive Model Analysis on Top Glove Berhad


    Strategic Management MGTM633

    Group Member:

    1. Ho Jien Hau SB21041

    2. Ahmad Alsaqr SB21579

    3. Azadeh Taghizadeh Bidhendi SB21333

    4. Putra Bala A/L Balasundram SP21013

    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Zainal Ariffin Ahmad

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    No Table of content Page

    1 Current Situation (Case Summary) 3

    2 Corporate Governance 3-4

    3 External Environment PESTLE

    Industry Analysis



    4 Internal Environment

    SWOT Analysis & Financial Ratio

    Name the Reasons for Weaknesses and Threats



    5 Analysis of Strategic Factors

    O Organisational Diagnosis


    6 Strategic Alternatives And Recommended Strategy 27-31

    7 Implementation 32-33

    8 Visualization of Implementation Plan 34

    9 Evaluation and Control 35-38

    10 Reference 39

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    R Read the case/Recognize the problems or prospects

    Top Glove Berhad listed in the Malaysia share market emerges as the largest glove

    manufacturer in the world. Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai as the founder of Top Glove is

    managing the 26 factories of Top Glove, 498 production lines and a capacity of 43.9

    billion gloves per annum. Looking at the financial ratio, Top Glove Liquidation ratio,

    Net Profit Margin ratio, Return on Equity (ROE) and inventory turnover ratio have

    been decreased. Although the percentage drop is small however the operating

    environment for Top Glove is good, Top Glove shall perform better than the previous

    financial year. A strategic analysis had been performed to scrutinize the entire Top

    Glove to generate suitable strategies for better performance. Cost leadership strategy,

    differentiation strategy, integration strategy and diversification strategy are

    recommended to improve the operation of Top Glove Berhad. Balanced Score Card is

    being implemented to monitor, evaluate and control the performance of Top Glove.



    Top Glove is led by experienced Board comprising members who are specialized in

    the glove manufacturing and various business sectors supported by a wide range of

    other professionals in the economics, engineering and accounting sectors.

    The Board currently comprises eleven (11) members, made up of five (5) Executive

    Directors including the Chairman and Managing Director and six (6) Independent

    Non-Executive Directors. The roles of the Chairman and the Managing Director are

    distinct and separate so as to ensure balance of power and authority. The composition

    reflects a balance of Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors such that no

    individual or small group of individuals can dominate the Boards decision making.

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    Table 1: Top Glove Board of Director Name list

    No Name Title

    1 Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai Chairman

    2 Tan Sri Dato Seri Utama Arshad Bin Ayub Independent Non-Executive Director

    3 Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Bin Haji Hassan Independent Non-Executive Director

    4 Tan Sri Dato Dr. Lin See Yan Independent Non-Executive Director

    5 Tan Sri Rainer Althoff Independent Non-Executive Director

    6 Lee Kim Meow Managing Director

    7 Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee Executive Director

    8 Lim Hooi Sin Executive Director

    9 Lim Cheong Guan Executive Director

    10 Sekarajasekaran a/l Arasaratnam Independent Non-Executive Director

    11 Lim Han Boon Independent Non-Executive Director

    Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai


    Aged 55, a Malaysian citizen, was appointed as the Chairman of Top Glove

    Corporation Bhd on 4 September 2000. He is also the founder of Top Glove Group of

    Companies which was established in 1991 and was listed on Bursa Malaysia

    Securities Berhad on 27 March 2001.

    Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai is the spouse of Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee and the brother of Mr.

    Lim Hooi Sin; both are the Directors and Substantial Shareholders of the Company.

    He is also a Chairman to the Board of Trustee for Top Glove Foundation. He has no

    conflict of interest with the Company and has not been convicted of any offences

    within the past ten (10) years other than traffic offences, if any.

    Tan Sri Lims business rules for the Company are:-

    i) Do not lose our shareholders money;

    ii) Do not lose our health;

    iii) Do not lose our temper; and

    iv) Do not lose our customers.

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    Top Management

    The top management of the company consists of the chairman, managing director and

    executive directors in the board. Each of them is responsible for different department,

    for example, Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee, she is responsible for the Information

    Technology Department, Human Resource Department and the General

    Administration for the Top Glove Group of Companies.


    E Environmental Analysis PESTLE Analysis


    The general election for Malaysia was held on 5th May 2013. Barisan Nasional

    (BN) is the government for Malaysia and continues ruling the country for the

    next 5 year.

    The opposition party had gained extra 4 seats from the previous election, and

    it is continue to grow. However, there is little chance for the opposition to

    conquer the federal government.

    Penang, Selangor, Kelantan are under the Pakatan Rakyat (the opposition)


    The country risk is reduced as all the policies and government projects will be

    preceded. The government is expected to continue its ongoing policies.

    The government is trying to cut the subsidies for the petrol, diesel and energy

    sector, price will be slowly increased for all the items.

    Quota and protection of 30% shares for the listed company will be given to the

    Bumiputra in Malaysia.

    Small Medium Enterprise (SME) aid will be launched to provide soft loan,

    incubate program, Business Accelerator Programme (BAP), SME Emergency

    Fund, Branding to the SME.

    1 Malaysia Transformation program was introduced by the Malaysia Prime

    Minister to transform and help Malaysia to reach develop nation.

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    Global economy

    United State (USA) government has pursued to accommodate expansionary

    monetary policy. In 2013, the Quantitative Easing policy has continued to

    reach to 4th

    time (QE4). The policy is creating more hot money flow into the

    market, causing the global market economy to be blooming. Since interest rate

    is low, more investments are foreseen to be embarked in the emerging market.

    Malaysia economy

    Malaysia economy has registered a 5.1% of real Gross Domestic Product

    (GDP) growth according to the World Bank of report. It is expected to

    continue its growth with 5.0% in 2013.

    Bank Negara Malaysia decided to maintain the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR)

    at 3.00 percent. According to Bank Negara, the global growth momentum has

    continued to be modest. In the Malaysian economy, domestic demand has

    continued to provide support to growth while external sector are showing

    sluggish performance. Investment activities and private consumption are

    expected to attain sustainable growth.

    Malaysia recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 53.10 percent of the

    country's Gross Domestic Product in 2012.

    Standard and Poor's (S&P) has downgraded Malaysia credit rating, rating

    Malaysia A-, its fourth-lowest investment grade.

    In the recently released Doing Business (DB) Report 2013 by the World Bank,

    Malaysia improved its ranking to 12th position among 185 countries, moving

    up six notches from 18th in 2012. Malaysia is ahead of Sweden (13th), Taiwan

    (16th), Thailand (18th), Germany (20th), Saudi Arabia (22nd), Japan (24th)

    and Switzerland (28th).

    The toll charges are expected to hike for the major highways in January 2014

    in the government exercises of reducing the subsidies. The transportation cost

    will be increased to accommodate the price hike.

    The latex price is continued to be in the down trend due to the soft economy

    performance in the Europe and USA.

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    The electricity tariff will be increased 15% by the government.

    The minimum wage policy is implemented in January 2013 announced that

    the minimum wage floor is RM900.

    The employment rate in Malaysia is 3% in the year of 2012.

    Energy alternative is available to use the biomass to obtain the energy instead

    of the natural gas and distillate.

    The Malaysian is now trapped in the medium income category.


    As of 2012, the Malaysia Employee Provident Fund (EPF) required a

    contribution of at least 11% of each member's monthly salary and storing it in

    a savings account, while the member's employer is obligated to additionally

    fund at least 12% of employee's salary to the savings at the same time (13% if

    salary is below RM5,000). An increased of 1% for the contributor whose

    salary is below RM5,000.00

    Goods and Service Tax (GST) will be implemented in this country in April

    2015 by the government.

    Young person under the age of 16 is prohibited to work in factory according to

    Children And Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966.

    Patent law is enacted in Malaysia in protecting the new technology being



    Health-care workers and others were increasingly using the gloves to protect

    themselves against the virus and other infectious diseases.

    The demand for gloves increase due to frequent flu outbreak.

    The population growth rate of Malaysia is expected to reach 1.51% in 2013.

    Malaysia population has reached to 28 millions in year of 2010.

    The composition of the races in Malaysia are Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%,

    indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8%.

    Malaysia government doesnt enforce the immigration law strictly resulted in

    the millions of unskilled foreigners to work in Malaysia covering various


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    The education from primary and secondary is free provided to all the Malaysia

    citizens. Highly skilled workers and tertiary educated graduates from various

    industries are widely available.

    New regulation for the private sector from the Minister of Human Resource

    stated the increment of the retirement age from 55 years old to 60 years old.

    The unionization of the Malaysia workers is generally soft and weak in



    Kossan glove maker is able to produce the CheMaz-7th Sense glove, which is

    a chemical allergy-free glove targeting the healthcare sector, who only

    produce normal nitrile gloves.

    Hartalega glove manufacturer is engaging the technology of automated

    computerization which in turn brings down the production flaw rate further.

    SAP (System, Application and Product) enterprise management software is

    implemented in Top Glove to smoothen and efficiently manage the production


    Research and Development (R&D) centre is setup in every glove manufacturer

    to produce specific types of gloves to meet the requirement of the customer


    Telecommunication infrastructures are fully developed and internet with high

    speed connection is widely available.


    The Environmental Quality Act 1974 requires that the industries to monitor

    the gas emission from the chimney.

    All the discharge of the industries shall comply with the effluent regulation.

    The chlorinated factory shall ensure that the chlorine vapor to discharge to the

    scrubber for neutralization.

    The dust release from the chimney shall be monitored as required by the

    Department of Environment (DOE).

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    B. Task (Industry) - Overall

    Stage of Development

    Top Glove was found in 1991, and it is now become the world largest glove

    manufacturer. It has a shareholder fund of RM1.3 billion or USD401.2 million with

    an annual turnover of about RM2.31 billion or USD713 million as at financial year

    ended 31 August 2013. It has a market capitalization of RM3.61 billion as at 3

    December 2013. Top Glove currently is now at the maturity stage of the company.

    The company is performing diversification and growth strategy seeking to add more

    value to the company.

    Threat of New Entrants

    The threat of new entrants to the glove manufacture industry is low. This is because

    the new entrants have to reach a large economical scale in order to achieve the

    required cost effective product. Currently all the glove manufacturer is producing the

    glove at very big scale. For instance, Top Glove has 26 factories, 498 production lines

    and a capacity of 43.9 billion gloves per annum.

    Moreover, the new entrant has to invest heavily into the technologies and physical

    hardware which impose a barrier to the new entrants. Since the technology of the

    glove manufacturing is changing rapidly, this posses a steep learning curve for the

    new entry. This would be a cost disadvantage for the new entrants. The new entrant

    also has to build up reputation to increase the brand awareness of the customer.

    Bargaining Power Buyers

    The bargaining power of the buyers is low as Top Glove is producing in a large scale.

    Only customer with large buying quantity could negotiate the price with Top Glove.

    Small amount with less than 1 million quantities will have to follow the stipulated

    price. In addition, the special Nitrile glove that Top Glove producing is not

    substitutable. Therefore, the buyers have less power the bargain.

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    Threat of Substitutes

    The latex gloves and Nitrile gloves are easily being substituted. It is a close substitute

    as the customer can easily switch to another brand of glove with similar function. The

    industry-level price elasticity for the glove market is large; the rising of the industry

    prices will tend to drive Top Glove consumers to purchase substitutes products.

    Bargaining Power Supplier

    The bargaining power for the supplier to Top Glove is low as they are price taker.

    They couldnt perform price discrimination. Top Glove usually order in a large

    quantity which is more favorite to the supplier. A larger quantity usually will come

    with lower price. Although the profit for the large quantity is lower than the small

    quantity, the large quantity could actually cover back the eroded profit margin.

    Besides, Top Glove has the ability to plant its own latex. If the suppliers are offering

    higher price, Top Glove could have its own latex supply.


    There are a few major players in the glove manufacturing industry which are the

    Hartalega, Kossan, Supermax and Adventa. Most of them are public listed in the share

    market. The technologies that they are using for the glove production is similar. The

    industry is highly competitive as the public listed companies are looking for sales

    increment every year. All the public listed companies are expanding their market over

    the globe. They are competing not only in Malaysia.

    Table 1

    Porters Five Forces Analysis of the Top Glove Berhad

    No Force Threat to Profits

    1 Rivalry High

    2 Entry Low

    3 Substitutes High

    4 Buyer Power Low

    5 Supplier Power Low

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    S SWOT Analysis

    N Name the reasons for Weaknesses and Threats


    1. World's largest rubber glove manufacturer

    Top Glove has now emerged as the world's largest rubber glove manufacturer. It has

    26 factories, 498 production lines and a capacity of 43.9 billion gloves per annum.

    2. Low Production Cost

    Top Glove has a lower cost structure comparing to its peers due to its advanced

    engineered production lines and less expenditure on advertising and promotional

    activities. Top Glove is producing variety range of gloves in a huge capacity. Thus, it

    is benefit from economic of scale.

    Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai mentioned in a statement, Our ability to grow our sales has

    helped give us the required volume to achieve economies of scale, thus reducing our

    costs and allowing us to price our products competitively.

    3. Wide product range

    Top Glove has a comprehensive product range with 13 major types of rubber gloves.

    80% of production for health care sector and 20% for non-health care sector. Produce

    69% natural rubber glove and 31% synthetic rubber glove.

    Top Glove Products covers Latex Gloves, Nitrile Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Surgical

    Gloves, Household Gloves, Clean room Gloves, Cast Polyethylene (CPE) Gloves,

    Polyethylene (PE) Gloves, Polyethylene (PE) Apron, Industrial/ Long Length High

    Risk Gloves.

    4. Geographically diversified

    Top Glove has a global market share exporting its products to 195 countries with

    more than 2,000 customers. It is geographically diversified and no single biggest

    customer constitutes more than 4% of revenue. Customers are mainly distributors in

    the respective countries.

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    5. Strong technical expertise and ability to adapt

    The expertise of the Top Glove in upgrading the production lines has improvement in

    plant efficiency while enable to help company to save the maintenance costs and time.

    Besides, Top Glove managed to manufacture new gloves to meet customers needs

    through their researches and developments (R&D).


    1. Raw material price fluctuation

    The latex price is fluctuating due to weather impact, crude oil price movement,

    speculation, competition with other usage. The increase in the price could not post to

    the customer immediately. There is a time lag in passing on to customers when prices

    move up sharply.

    2. No long-term contracts.

    There are no long-term contracts and orders are dependent on regular customers

    which has relationship ranging from 1 year to over 10 years.

    3. High investment in technology

    Top Glove needs to invest heavily in buying the modern machineries and need to hire

    more experienced personnel in their production process. The machineries that bought

    were extremely expensive. Thus, the maintenance of the machineries is expensive and

    if there had any minor or major accessories spoiled; it will be costly to the company to

    repair it back.

    4. Lack of brand portfolio.

    Top Glove has only three brand names, i.e. Top Glove, TG Medical and Great

    Glove which accounts for 30% of its production. It may need to invest in a brand-

    building exercise when the industry reaches a point of saturation in order to defend its

    market share.

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    5. Currency exposure

    The majority sales of Top Glove are in USD, subject to USD currency movement.

    Costs of productions are in Malaysia Ringgit (MYR) while the sales transactions are

    carried out in USD. The appreciating of MYR against USD had lead to the fall in Top

    Gloves profit as the cost of production is higher while the return (sales price) is lower.


    1. Demand for gloves increases

    The average global demand growth for the glove is 8% to 10% per annum. Medical

    gloves are a necessity in healthcare industry as a barrier of protection. There is an

    increasing healthcare and hygiene awareness especially in developing countries.

    In some country, the ageing population such as elderly is more susceptible to a higher

    risk of diseases. Besides, outbreak of emergency of health threats is frequent such as

    A (H1N1), SARS, bird flu, and Bioterrorism threats.

    2. Low land acquisition cost

    The plantation land located in the Indonesia which is suitable for the latex plantation

    is cheap compare to the acquitting cost in Malaysia. Indonesia is a developing country

    with vast of land that has not being exploited. There is an opportunity for Top Glove

    to backward integrate to own the natural raw material. This could help Top Glove to

    have more bargaining power to its suppliers in dealing with the raw material


    3. Support by government

    Rubber Research Institute and The Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council help

    Top Glove in begin with R&D efforts and promote the gloves produce by Top Glove

    to overseas. In addition, the government set up the Human Resource Development

    Fund (HRDF) to encourage and push the human resource development. Subsidies are

    given out to reduce the cost of the training.

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    4. Reduction in latex price

    Latex is the main material in producing gloves. The price of one kilogram of latex is

    RM 2.30 in December 2013 compare to RM5.10/kg in April 2010. The increase in the

    latex will raise the manufacture costs. However, most of the manufacture costs can be

    passed on to the customers but with a time lag.


    1. High competition many players

    For rubber gloves, Top Glove and Hartalega are the major two players in the industry.

    It used to be Top Glove only being the largest producer by quite a fair bit while the

    other players like Supermax, Kossan and Latexx Partners are smaller competitors.

    However, recently another player has become larger in the context of market

    capitalization and started to gain much followings which is Hartalega. Top Glove is

    the largest natural rubber gloves maker globally while Hartalega is the largest

    producer of nitrile gloves.

    2. Increase of energy price

    Government is looking for a rollback in gas subsidies, which account for 7-10% of

    total production costs. This would increase the glove manufacturers cost base. Top

    Glove estimates that every 5% increase in natural gas tariff would lower the net profit

    forecasts by up to 3% (assuming no change in selling prices). Besides, the electricity

    tariff is being revised and new tariff with higher price will be imposed to the nation

    effective on 1st of January 2014.

    3. Implementation of a minimum wage policy

    On average, Top Glove staff costs account for 7-9% of total production costs, with

    unskilled labor accounting for 45-50% of the workforce. Assuming zero cost pass-

    through and a minimum wage of RM800-900/month, Top Glove estimates that

    bottom line could be impacted by 10%. Furthermore, the higher staff costs will be

    partially passed through via higher selling price, given that the minimum wage policy

    would apply to the whole industry.

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    4. Higher Tax Cost (GST)

    Government is going to implement a new tax structure which is Good Service Tax to

    all the industry. It is estimated that the cost of the production will be higher due to an

    increase in the tax. Administrative cost will be increased to execute the new tax

    structure. All the accounting software will be needed to upgrade to adapt with the new

    GST policy.

    Financial Ratio

    Figure 1: Earning per share for Top Glove

    The earning per share for Top Glove is maintaining at RM0.32/share for the financial

    year of 2013. The earning per share is lower compare to the year 2012 which is 1 sen

    lower. The earning per share is positive. The company might consider increasing the

    sales volume in order to increase the earning per share.


    0.33 0.32









    2011 2012 2013

    Earning Per Share


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    Figure 2: Earning per share for Top Glove

    Figure 2 shows that the liquidation ratio for Top Glove. The ability for Top Glove to

    pay the short term debt is reduced from 3.0 year 2012 to 2.0 in the year of 2013.

    Although the ratio has decreased, it is still above 1.0 which means that the company is

    able to settle its short term debt without any concern.

    Figure 3: Inventory turnover for Top Glove

    Figure 3 shows that the inventory turnover for Top Glove is reduced from 10.8 in year

    2012 to 8.9 in year 2013. This has shows that the stock in Top Glove is slower to sell

    out compare to the previous year. This might be due to the lack of advertising or high

    3.1 3.0










    2011 2012 2013

    Liquidation ratio

    Liquidation ratio

    10.4 10.8









    2011 2012 2013

    Inventory turnover

    Inventory turnover

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    competition in the market. Top Glove could engage marketing services to increase the

    sales of the company.

    Figure 4: Net Profit Margin for Top Glove

    Figure 4 shows the net profit margin for Top Glove. It is recorded that the net profit

    margin for Top Glove is reduced from 9.0 in year 2012 to 8.8 in year 2013. This

    implies that the operation efficiency for Top Glove has reduced. Top Glove would

    need to look at the production cost and efficiency to point out the weaknesses that

    contributed to the reduced in the operational efficiency.


    9.0 8.8







    2011 2012 2013

    Net Profit Margin

    Net Profit Margin

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    Figure 5: Return on Equity for Top Glove

    Figure 5 shows the Return on Equity for Top Glove has reduced from year 2012

    which is 16.2 to 14.9 in the year of 2013. This shows that the amount of Top Glove

    invested generate less return than the previous year. This might shows a decrease in

    the profit or the cost of the material has increased. However, a 14.9 percent in the

    return on equity is good in the industry. It is a healthy sign for the company.


    16.2 14.9






    2011 2012 2013

    Return on Equity

    Return on Equity

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    O Organisational Diagnosis

    Insights of Top Gloves Growth Strategy

    From operating in just one rented factory in 1991, Top Glove has grown

    tremendously, having twenty factories, of which fourteen are in Malaysia, two are in

    China, two glove manufacturing factories, and two latex concentrate factories in

    Thailand. Majority of the factories in Malaysia are in Klang except one in Ipoh and

    another in Banting. Through the years, Top Glove has become and remained a top

    player in the rubber glove industries via expansions and strategic international

    alliances. Over the years, through continuous improvements and innovations, Top

    Glove is able to meet consistently the higher healthcare and safety demands with its

    top quality gloves at efficient low costs. Their focus on R&D is also to meet the

    customers growing demands as customer satisfaction is their main aim. Due to that,

    they can become the largest rubber gloves supplier and sustain their survival in the

    market of 90 suppliers from 200 plus suppliers in the whole of Malaysia.

    Top Gloves products are accredited with the ISO 13 485, MS ISO 9001:2000

    and SIRIM ISO 9002 standards coupled with other international quality accreditations,

    such as the CE Mark of Europe, the SMG (Standard Malaysian Glove) of Malaysia,

    the TUV of Germany, the NF Mark of France, the TSE of Turkey, the ADA of USA

    and the necessary 510k from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its

    gloves to the USA. Top Glove also has the CGSB of Canada and TGA of Australia

    accreditations for export to these countries.

    The structure

    There are more than ten departments in Top Glove namely, the Human

    Resource, Production, QA, Warehouse, Accounts, Lab, Packing, Documentation,

    Marketing, Purchasing Department and R&D.

    Since last year, Top Glove is aggressive in recruiting fresh graduates with

    good results to work in the company. This year, they are targeting another 200 fresh

    graduates from all fields, ranging from engineers to scientists and accountants. The

    company employs fresh graduates from the engineering and mechanical fields with

    good technical skills to come up with new ideas in respect of upgrading, improvement

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    and automation of the production line. The new chemists to do new compounding

    formulation that produce quality gloves with efficient low cost.

    The Accounting and Finance Function

    The accounting and finance function in Top Glove Group is well established

    with one finance executive director, one financial controller and few accountants.

    They have a finance manager in one of the subsidiaries, Medi-Flex Limited, which is

    listed in Singapore and operating their factory in Banting. In Thailand, each factory

    will also have one finance manager who does accounting functions.

    The executive director is responsible for the overall function of finance and

    accounts department including investor relations and treasury as well as handling the

    corporate exercise of the Group. Thus, he is in charge of risk management, hedging

    and managing the foreign exchange losses.

    Mr. Jeremy Liew, an accounts graduate from USA, is the financial controller

    of Top Glove. He is responsible for the operation, i.e., the financial of the company,

    the products costing and liaises with auditors and lawyer.

    Each of the accountants is responsible for overseeing a few factories. Each

    factory will have its own accounts departments that report to the accountant in charge.

    The accountant will in turn report to Mr. Jeremy Liew who will go down to see the

    accounts staff to understand the problems better. The accountant will consolidate the

    individual factory accounts and reviewed by the Executive Director and Mr. Jeremy


    Mr. Liew also does the product costing for the Group. Every week, a standard

    costing report is done based on that weeks latex price. In addition special costing will

    be done based on the customer specification upon request by the Marketers.

    With a number of accountants in the accounting and finance department, most

    of the financial management and accounting functions are done in-house including

    those related to financial statement compliance, budgeting, forecasting, customer

    profitability analysis, financial planning, product costing and performance

    management. IT consulting advisory is also done internally because they have an IT

    department to handle the accounting ERP System. HR consulting and secretary are

    also done in-house. All those departments mentioned above are not under Mr. Liews

    department but he needs to liaise with them.

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    Top Glove used the services of independent internal auditors responsible for

    internal control and risk management. Besides internal auditors, the company has a

    tax department responsible for tax compliance, tax planning and tax incentive

    application. The tax department has to liaise with government bodies, interpret new

    tax laws, check into the accounts with regards to what is allowed and disallowed, and

    have the schedule tied back with what they want at the year end.

    Factors for Success

    Top Gloves successful growth is mainly contributed by various factors. One

    of the external factors is the ongoing demand for glove by the healthcare and other

    industries Healthcare standards and best practices have improved creating even higher

    demand for better hygiene, cleanliness and more advanced safety requirements. The

    high demand from the traditional medical markets driven by strict regulatory

    standards, aging population and emergence of health threats like A (H1N1) influenza,

    SARS, bird flu and others resulted in Top Glove achieving increasing growth rate

    annually to meet global demand. For example, their ended 2009 financial year with a

    tremendous demand for gloves due to the emergence of A (H1N1) influenza. In

    addition, the emphasis on hygiene by non-medical sectors especially within the food

    and services industries has increased the use of gloves and increased the demand for

    Top Gloves products.

    Since the company is operating in a fairly recession proof market because their

    products are necessities, particularly in the healthcare and food services industry, their

    products demand is anticipated to stay resilient despite slowdown in major consuming

    economies. Even when the prices of raw materials increased, the demand for gloves is

    still there. The outbreak of new diseases, sales tends to exceed greatly than what have

    been forecasted. Last year due to H1N1, the companys sales actually grew

    tremendously and they managed to record a higher profit than anticipated.

    Top Gloves success was also due to innovation in its products. For example,

    they have been successful in producing quality gloves at efficient low cost. Top Glove

    is the pioneer glove producer to reduce the weight of its gloves. As a result, Top

    Glove can now offer their customers a wider choice of either thick gloves or thinner

    gloves depending on the customer requirement. Top Glove also produced flavoured

    glove such as mint flavoured gloves that has mint smell from the gloves will make the

    end customers, such as the dentists patients; feel good instead of smelling the latex.

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    The success of Top Glove was also due to their effort of conducting regular

    internal and external training for their staff to keep them abreast of the latest

    innovations, technologies and processes in the industry. Top Glove recognises

    employees as its greatest assets and rewarded them accordingly. As such, the

    company organised regular recreational activities to foster strong teamwork among

    the staff. Employees health considers an important aspect and the company do not

    recruit smokers. Therefore, KPI is linked to their body mass index (BMI) to ensure

    the employees will take care about their health. They always encouraged their staff to

    join the fitness club and where the company will subsidize 50% of the fees. On top of

    subsidizing fitness training for the staff, the company will encourage staff to read

    books on healthy living and on management skills. Professional development of the

    key management staff is inculcated by ensuring them to read the two books, relating

    to health and management every month.

    Their constant progressive drive for R&D into product and marketing,

    capturing good students, improving products quality, productivity and cost

    management to compete with the world market also contributes to their success.

    Pricing to customer is based on the latest latex price so when the latex is high, the

    glove selling price will be higher and vice versa. Thus price fluctuations, the company

    will not be affected as they can pass the increase in the latex price to the customers.

    Furthermore, their highly efficient energy cost saving measures such as implementing

    biomass facilities in their factories in Malaysia, Thailand and their new factories also

    help strengthen the companys competitiveness.

    In order to achieve a competitive position as a world class cost efficient rubber

    glove manufacturer, Top Glove invests in modern and advanced glove manufacturing

    machineries that can produce good quality gloves. These advance machineries are

    manned by competent personnel and regularly checked and maintained by qualified

    experts to ensure the smooth running in production and ensuring the consistency in

    the glove quality. On-line quality control measures have been instituted throughout

    the manufacturing processes to ensure the highest quality products. Stringent quality

    control procedures in line with ISO 9001 and in strict compliance with ASTM and

    EN455 Standards are also practiced in Top Glove to ensure product quality. Adhering

    strictly to good manufacturing practices (GMP) and Total Quality Management (TQM)

    concept, each stage of the entire manufacturing process, from the receiving of the raw

    materials, production process, and product quality control, pre-shipment quality

  • Page | 23

    inspection until the loading of the finished goods into the container is carefully


    Moreover, Top Glove also collaborates with the Rubber Institute to be ahead

    in the development of rubber research technology. The collaboration was for R&D

    purposes. Both parties conduct a lot of studies, and cooperate in R&D to come up

    with new and keep each other updated on the latest development. Top Glove does

    most of the R&D themselves because it is more glove-related. For the R&D activities,

    they have actually allocated a budget of about 1% of their annual turnover.

    Through R&D, regular testing of the products in the manufacturing process

    and maintaining the strictest quality control, Top Glove guarantees product

    satisfaction and consistent quality at all times. In addition, the company is also re-

    engineering their manufacturing processes to capitalize on economies of scale.

    Top Glove also carries out continuous effort of aggressive marketing strategies

    including participating in various exhibitions and trade shows worldwide. They have a

    team of marketers to liaise with the customer and to get their feedback.

    Living up to one of the companys key taglines like, The World is Our

    Market, they work for their customers and their customers always come first. Top

    Gloves friendly and customer oriented marketing team is well equipped to respond to

    its customer at the fastest turnaround time. The company will participate in many

    trade shows so that they attend to their customers enquiries. They listen to the

    customers complaints and suggestions and continue improve from there. Every year,

    Top Glove attends Medica Fair for the existing customers to visit them and for new

    customers to make enquiries.

    In addition to all of the above, Top Gloves success factor is also due to them

    adopting a two-prong growth strategy. The two-prong growth strategy consists of the

    vertical growth strategy which moves downstream to get closer to their customers via

    setting up of more overseas marketing offices and the horizontal growth strategy in

    product range expansion by increasing their sales in value added products such as the

    enhanced and much improved version of powder free latex examination, soft nitrile,

    vinyl, clean room and surgical gloves to capture a bigger market share.

    The companys manufacturing presence in China also enables them to tap into

    opportunities that synergize with their distribution channel. Furthermore, in order for

    the latex supply to be consistent, Top Glove is controlling it by setting up two latex

    concentrated plants in Thailand to supply the latex to their factories in Klang. Overall,

  • Page | 24

    the ability of Top Glove to grow from strength to strength over the years has mainly

    been attributed by various internal and external factors.

    Challenges and Future Plan

    The company faces several challenges ahead in the quest to maintain their

    position. The first and foremost relates to the supply of latex in Malaysia due to the

    conversion of rubber plantations to palm plantations. As such, Top Glove has set up

    two latex concentrate plants in Thailand ensuring the availability and consistent

    supply of latex to Klang factories. To further secure the supply of raw materials, the

    company is aggressively looking for rubber plantations in Malaysia and abroad.

    Beside the security of supply of latex, another challenge for Top Glove is the

    fluctuation of latex prices, i.e., the main raw material. As the latex prices are volatile

    due to weather impact and speculation, the company has to closely monitor the prices

    as well as the foreign exchange rate as 96% of their gloves produced are sold overseas

    in USD. Whenever the Ringgit Malaysia gets stronger, there will be some forex losses.

    Top Glove is also looking into biomass energy because of the limited natural gas

    supplied and again the government will be withdrawing the subsidies for natural gas.

    In order to overcome that challenge, Top Glove has turned to biomass energy for new

    factories. Besides, their Ipoh factory and Thailand factories are also using biomass.

    By using biomass energy, they can apply for carbon credit. Top Glove is expecting

    the gloves demand to continue to pick up momentum. Therefore, they are all set and

    well positioned to continue with their successful strategy of being the worlds largest

    preferred OEM gloves manufacturer through further expansions in their production

    capacity to derive better economics of scale for the benefits of their customers

    worldwide. As mentioned, the company target of gaining 30% worldwide market

    share by 2012. To cater for the increase in sales, the company managed their

    production schedule by having ample capacity to cater. Every year, they set up two

    new factories. So there is some slack as the plants are also running at 80%. They will

    power ahead to maintain their vision of being the worlds No.1 rubber gloves

    manufacturer with Excellent quality glove products and services that enriched and

    protect human lives.

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    TOWS Strength

    S1 World's largest rubber glove manufacturer

    S2 Low production cost

    S3 Wide product range

    S4 Geographically diversified

    S5 Strong technical expertise and ability to adapt

    S6 High cash on hand


    W1 Raw material price fluctuation

    W2 No long-term contracts

    W3 High investment in technology

    W4 Lack of brand portfolio

    W5 Currency exposure


    O1 Demand for gloves increases

    O2 Low land acquisition cost

    O3 Support from government

    O4 Reduction in latex price

    Top Glove can set the price in the market that has more competitive advantage to itself and lead the market. (S1,O1)

    Top Glove could negotiate with the bank to get the cheapest interest rate. (S1, O2)

    Top Glove could influence and advise the government in the subsidies and support from the government so that maximum

    advantages could be obtained. (S1,O3)

    Top Glove could expand its production line for the lower latex price. Besides, it can produce more during the low price of raw

    material and keep stock. (S1,O4)

    Top Glove could lower the price of the gloves it is selling to draw customer from the competitors. (S2,O1)

    Top Glove could obtain the grants from the government to lower the production cost, for example, applying HRDF grant for

    training the company employees. (S2,O3)

    Top Glove could invent special glove to cater the need of specific group. This could avoid Top Glove to compete with the other

    competitors. (S3, O1)

    Top Glove could engage with the government university for the research and development of the new product. Top Glove might

    obtain tax reduction in sponsoring the researchers in their

    research. (S3, O3)

    Top Glove could expand its sales office to capture the increase of the gloves market. For example, set up a sales office where the

    health care industry is starting to bloom. (S4,O1)

    Top Glove could invent special types of gloves to cater the market need. (S5,O1)

    Top Glove could increase the capacity of the production line to adapt on the growth of the gloves demand. The overhead for the

    largest glove manufacturer will decrease. (S6, O1)

    Top Glove could engage itself in the corporate social

    Top Glove could lock in the price for raw material when the price is low. (W1,O1)

    Top Glove could buy land to plant its raw material which is latex to eliminate the risk of price fluctuation. (W1,


    Top Glove could pursue government in tax exemption for imported raw material. (W1, O3)

    Top Glove could sign low term contract with supplier with the fix material price. (W1, O4)

    Top Glove could offer the customer to sign with a long term contracts with an attractive price to lock in the

    demand. (W2, O1)

    Top Glove could work with the government to supply glove to government hospitals. (W2, O3)

    Top Glove could pursue the customers with lower price and discounts to capture the market share. Once the

    contract is signed the competitors are losing the customer.

    (W2, O4)

    Top Glove could re-design the production techniques to maximize the production of gloves. (W3, O1)

    Top Glove could diversify its business into other industry that rely less on technology, for example, real property

    industry. (W3, O2)

    Top Glove could obtain duty import tax exemption from the government to reduce the high cost of the technology.

    (W3, O3)

    Top Glove could invent a cheaper way to produce gloves. (W3, O4)

    Top Glove could hire brand image services to rebrand the product of Top Glove. (W1, O1)

    Top Glove could obtain grant from the government to

  • Page | 26

    responsibility to increase the image of the company. (S6, O3)

    Top Glove could announce dividend of shares to attract more investors to buy its shares. (S6, O4)

    send employee for the training of the employee on the

    brand management. (W4, O3)


    T1 High competition

    T2 Increase of energy price

    T3 Minimum wage policy

    T4 Higher tax cost (GST)

    Top Glove can use its market position to initiate price war to eliminate the other players. (S1,T1)

    Top Glove can set up an energy efficiency management committee to monitor the energy usage. (S1,T2)

    Top Glove could reduce the manual labour to automatic control of the production line. (S1, T3)

    Top Glove can increase the production output to reduce the overhead cost. (S1, T4)

    Top Glove could set up a purchasing committee to scrutinize the purchasing requisition to make sure that the company is choosing

    the supplier with the best quality but the cheapest price. (S2, T4)

    Top Glove could increase the product range to diversify the risk of depending on the energy price. (S3, T2)

    Top Glove could set up new sales channel to increase the sales to reduce the impact of the increase of energy price. (S4, T2)

    Top Glove could set up new factory at different locations to mitigate the risk of change in government policies and country

    risk. (S4,T3)

    Top Glove could set up new production line at different place where the taxation is favourable in low production cost. (S4,T4)

    Top Glove could invent new gloves to differentiate itself with the other competitor. (S5, T1)

    Top Glove could examine the techniques of the production of glove to less consuming the energy. (S5, T2)

    Top Glove could buy the other competitor company to reduce the competition. (S6,T1)

    Top Glove could lock in the price of the energy by paying the energy cost with cash instead of credit to reduce the transaction

    cost. (S6, T2)

    Top Glove could build factory at different country where the labour cost is cheap. (S6, T3)

    Top Glove could have its own raw material supply to maintain its cost. (W1, T1)

    Top Glove could invent in new technology that using less material and energy. (W1, T2)

    Top Glove could employ cheap foreign workers to reduce the cost. (W1,T3)

    Top Glove could invest in the marketing team to look for long term customer. (W2, T1)

    Top Glove could come out with new product that could diversify the risk of energy price hike. (W2, T2)

    Top Glove could shift its production line in country where the labour cost is cheap. (W2, T3)

    Top Glove could diversify its core business to other so that it is not dependent on the glove business. (W2, T4)

    Top Glove could invest in other business to reduce the risk of glove manufacturing. (W3, T1)

    Top Glove could venture into new business such as plantation to diversify the risk of the glove manufacturing

    business. (W3, T2)

    Top Glove could venture into other business to mitigate the risk of depending on high investment of technology.

    (W3, T3)

    Top Glove could spend its resources heavily in the branding exercise to differentiate itself with other

    competitors and to keep its loyal customer. (W4, T1)

    Top Glove could diversify its core business to less rely on the currency and focus on the local market. (W5, T1)

    Top Glove could lock in the price of the currency to reduce the fluctuation of the currency. (W5, T2)

    Integration Strategy Intensive Strategies Diversification Strategies Defensive Strategies Generic Strategies of

    Porter Forward Integration



    Market Penetration

    Market Development

    Product Development





















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    Top Glove Vision

    We strive to be the world's leading manufacturer with excellent quality glove products

    and services that enrich and protect human lives.

    Top Glove Corporate Mission

    To be a world class glove manufacturer by providing top quality products with

    excellent services through continuous improvement and innovation.

    To produce consistently high quality gloves with efficient low cost.

    To earn 2 healthy dollars and spend 1 efficient dollar.

    Alternative strategies

    Cost Leadership Strategy

    Top Glove could engage into cost leadership strategy with the aim to have lower cost

    than its competitor to draw the customers from the other competitors. With its largest

    rubber glove manufacturer, top glove could use its market leader to set the price that

    is more favourable to the operation of Top Glove. For example, Top Glove has the

    advanced technology that can produce high quality of Nitrile glove; it can set the price

    slightly lower than the other competitors to attract all the customers to purchase its

    glove. The market share will be owned by Top Glove. With this strategy, Top Glove

    could eliminate the other competitors by drawing the market from the competitors.

    Top Glove could use its market power to negotiate with its suppliers to obtain the

    lowest possible price. Moreover, Top Glove could negotiate with the bank to obtain

    the cheapest interest rate with its current position in the market and assets in the share

    market. These strategies will help Top Glove to lower down its production cost which

    in turn increase the profit earned.

    With the high cash in hand, Top Glove could lock in the price for the raw material

    when the price strikes to the lowest region. This could help Top Glove to eliminate

    the risk of fluctuation raw material price. Top Glove could have more control and

    monitoring on its operation of gloves.

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    Moreover, Top Glove could pursue the government in tax exemption for the imported

    raw material so that it has more competitive advantages toward the global glove

    manufacturers. Advanced technology might come along with the high duty import tax;

    Top Glove could have a conversation with the government to reduce the duty import

    which in turn reduces the overhead of the production cost.

    For the high energy price and the reduction of the subsidies by the government on the

    energy, Top Glove could set up an energy efficiency management committee to

    monitor the energy usage. This could help Top Glove in fully utilise the energy which

    it purchases. Waste energy could be utilised for the other purposes until the energy

    could not contribute any more. In addition, Top Glove could engage its R&D team to

    invent or re-examine the techniques of the production to use less energy. This strategy

    will help Top Glove to save its cost in purchasing more unit of energy.

    Due to the implementation of the minimum wages, Top Glove could shift its

    production line from manual labour to automation control of the production. Legal

    foreign workers might be employed to reduce the overhead cost of the factories.

    Meanwhile, Top Glove could set up a purchasing audit committee to scrutinize the

    purchasing requisition to make sure that the company is choosing the supplier with

    the best quality but the cheapest price. Top Glove could inform the suppliers that they

    would not want any gift in return but quality of products. This strategy could

    guarantee that no flaw in the raw material requisition.

    The risk of low cost leadership is that the competitors might imitate the strategy.

    However, due to Top Glove the largest glove manufacturer, lower production cost and

    high cash on hand; the competitor could not easily compete in term of cost. In order to

    ensure that the strategy is on track, the company shall frequently monitor its

    production cost and implement tight cost control. The product which is invented shall

    be easily manufactured with the least input. Rewards could be distributed to the

    production that could meet targeted quality production output.

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    Differentiation Strategy

    Top Glove could invent special glove to cater the need of specific customer. This

    strategy could avoid Top Glove to compete with the other competitors. The profit for

    this type of special glove usually is high. Top Glove could be monopoly in this special


    Besides, Top Glove could hire brand image services to rebrand the product of Top

    Glove. The branding could help the customers to differentiate the product so that

    brand loyalty could be formed. The customer will buy only the Top Glove brand.

    With this strategy, Top Glove could charge a higher price with the Top Glove brand

    instead of compete intensively with the competitors.

    Advertising could help Top Glove to build its brand. Top Glove could spend its

    resources into advertising to teach and aware the customer on the products of Top

    Glove. The customers will slowly recognize the brand and be stay with the brand.

    Besides advertising, involving into the corporate social responsibility will help Top

    Glove to build its brand in the local community. For example, Top Glove could offer

    scholarship to the local community to help the community. This could help Top Glove

    in maintaining a pool of skilled labour. The management could easily obtain human

    resource with the support of the local community.

    The risk of differentiation strategy is that the company shall monitor what make the

    product special. The bases for differentiation could change over the time. Top Glove

    shall certain that the bases of the specialty remain. Competitor imitation on the

    strategy could occur, however, once the advertising and branding exercises have

    created the brand loyalty, it would be difficult for the competitor to influence the

    customer. Therefore, branding exercise shall commence in the shortest time.

    In order the differentiation strategy comes to success, Top Glove shall invest heavily

    in the Research and Development (R&D) team. Highly skilled labour and creative

    minded are the utmost needed. Besides, the marketing team would be needed in doing

    the rebranding.

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    Integration Strategy

    Top Glove could perform integration strategy, for instance, backward integration.

    This is because Top Glove relies heavily on the raw material of rubber and the rubber

    price is fluctuated in a wide range. Hence, Top Glove could acquire land to plants its

    rubber tree to produce latex on its own. This could help Top Glove minimize the risk

    of price hike for latex. Moreover, Top Glove would have more power in negotiate

    with its suppliers on the supply of latex when it has its own latex supply.

    With horizontal integration, Top Glove could open subsidiary at other countries so

    that the products could be offered and sold there. This strategy could help Top Glove

    to mitigate the risk of changing in government policies and country risk.

    Besides, Top Glove could acquire its competitor to eliminate the competition and

    control the market. With less competition in the market, Top Glove could set the price

    higher. Besides, technology of the competitors also could be utilised to invent new


    The integration strategy could help Top Glove to grow into a larger group with more

    products being sold to other countries. Top Glove would be more geographically


    Intensive Strategies

    Top Glove could penetrate the market by spending its resources in the marketing

    department. Top Glove could work with the government to supply glove to

    government hospitals. Due to the rising of the health care industry, Top Glove could

    capture the market by attracting the customers with lower price to sign a long term

    contract with the customer. With the long term contract, Top Glove could manage its

    production line more efficiently. Besides, Top Glove could set up new offices and

    sales channel in different country to penetrate to the new market in the new country.

    The marketing team could look forward for the long term customer. With this strategy,

    Top Glove could get higher sales volume and the share price of Top Glove would

    increase. Moreover, the production line would be 100% utilised with the stable

    demand from the long term customers.

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    Diversification Strategies

    Conglomerate diversification could be the strategy for Top Glove. Top Glove could

    venture into the business that rely less on investment of technology, for example, the

    real property industry. The risk of the strategies is the uncertainty of the economy of

    Malaysia. The high debt ratio in the country and family raise an increasing concern of

    the Bank Negara Malaysia. The people are worrying on the burst of the property

    bubbles. Although it would carry risk, however, with the high cash flow on hand, Top

    Glove shall not only rely on the income from the glove manufacturing. Diversification

    exercise will attract different type of investors to invest into Top Glove. With the

    venture into new business, Top Glove could venture into the business that is less

    dependent on the labour supply and the currency fluctuation. Even with the hike in

    energy price, Top Glove profit could be maintained with this strategy.

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    VII. IMPLEMENTATION- I Implementation of Strategies

    The recommended strategies for Top Glove are cost leader strategy, differentiation

    strategy, integration strategy, intensive strategy (marketing strategy) and

    diversification strategy. Top Glove top management shall involve and lead the

    program of the implementation of strategies by providing signed memo by the CEO

    of the company to the employees informing the upcoming related strategy. Top

    management of Top Glove shall disseminate the jobs to all the related departments

    down to every Top Glove employee to execute the strategy. Each department will be

    set targets to be achieved and to be reviewed by end of the year.

    Cost Leader Strategy

    For the cost leader strategy, the top management of Top Glove shall set the objectives

    of the strategy to the department and matching the managers to the goals of the

    strategy. For example, to lock in the price for the raw material when it is low, the

    manager shall assign an employee to monitor the market of the raw material supply.

    When the price hits the low price, the employee shall inform the management to make


    For the purchasing audit committee, in order to run the committee effectively, the

    management of Top Glove shall identify the ability and potential of each employee to

    match with the job scope. The employee with high credibility, responsibility and

    honest shall be selected for the purchasing audit committee. Training and personal

    development shall be provided to the employee if the employee is lack of the

    respective knowledge on the committee. If the human resource is insufficient, the

    Human Resource manager shall hire the related skill employee to the company.

    For the price setting of the products that Top Glove are selling, the marketing team

    shall work closely with the product development team and the management in order

    to set the price correctly to compete with the other players in the market. All the

    market data, economy and current situation of the market shall be scrutinized by the

    team before setting the price lower.

    The production manager in each line of the production shall be assigned a targeted

    sales and operation cost so that each manager is equipped with goals to fulfil.

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    Differentiation strategy

    For differentiation strategy, Top management shall allocate sufficient budget for the

    Research and Development (R&D) department in order for the team to develop and

    invent new types of glove. Training, seminars and forums for the team to explore shall

    be given as well. Top Glove could engage with the local and overseas universities to

    do the research with the new glove development. Sponsorship or scholarship could be

    given to the researchers in order to keep the pool of highly skilled workforce.

    Besides, Top Glove could assign the marketing and public relation manager to look

    for good brand image building services company to work on the rebranding exercises.

    They could form a working committee mainly for the branding work. If the staffing in

    Top Glove has the appropriate knowledge on the branding exercise, the management

    could spend the resources and budget into the branding committee.

    Integration strategy

    Top Glove shall involve the senior management team to have responsible in the

    integration exercises due to the experience of the senior management and the

    knowledge. The senior management shall be assigned to set up new subsidiaries,

    venturing to the supplier business and acquisition. The senior management shall lead

    the workgroup to accomplish the task. Reward system shall be reviewed to make sure

    that the hard work from the senior management team is compensated.

    Intensive Strategies

    The marketing department is responsible to the intensive strategy which they have to

    study and penetrate the market globally. The quantity of the long term customers that

    the marketing team could obtain would be set as one of the goal. Besides, commission

    shall be given to the marketing team when they have found new customers. This is to

    ensure that the marketing team is working hard on the goals.

    Diversification Strategies

    For the diversification strategies, Top Glove shall use its upper management level

    team to taking care of the new venture in different industry. It could be achieved by

    acquiring developed companies in the related field to expand the non-core business of

    Top Glove.

  • Page | 34

    V Visualization of Implementation Plan

    No Strategy Responsible Department

    1 Cost Leader Strategy

    -Purchasing audit committee

    -Price setting

    -Lower cost production

    Top Management,




    2. Differentiation Strategy

    -New special glove

    - Rebranding

    Top Management,


    Public Relation, marketing

    3. Integration Strategy

    -Backward integration (acquire


    Top Management, senior management

    4. Intensive Strategy

    -penetrate the market share in the

    global market

    Top Management, marketing,

    5. Diversification Top Management, upper management

    Table 2: Visualization of Implementation Plan

  • Page | 35


    E Evaluation and Control

    In order to perform management on the operation of Top Glove, measurement has to

    be undertaken. Figure 6 below shows that the general flow for the measurement

    process which follow the plan-do-check-act. Since the Return on Equity (ROE), Net

    Profit Margin, Inventory turnover, Earning per Share (EPS) and Liquidation ratio has

    been decreasing from the year 2012 to 2013. The measurement value that to be set to

    the top management might be the five ratios mentioned which are the ROE, Net Profit

    Margin, Inventory turnover, EPS and Liquidation ratio. A balanced score card

    approach could be used to monitor the performance of Top Glove top management.

    The management will then disseminate the job tasks to the lower management and

    finally to the every employees so that everyone in the company will be assigned tasks

    to hit in meeting up the objectives of the company goals.

    Figure 6: Measurement of the result of the performance of Top Glove.

  • Page | 36


    Rating scale: Needs Improvement; Performance Improve; Meet Expectations; Exceed Expectations; Super Exceed Expectation. (Your rating will be: NI=1; PMI=2; ME=3; EE=4,SEE=5 )


    WEIGHT (%)

    MEASUREMENT TARGET (KPIs) Comments / Examples / Rationale Manager's

    Evaluation Rating

    Total Rating Achievement Rating


    ROE 25 16.3

    Net Profit Margin 25 9.5

    Earnings per share 20 0.35

    Inventory turnover 20 11.0

    Liquidation ratio 10 3.0




    TOTAL 0

    Table 3: Sample Balanced Score Card for Top Glove Top Management

  • Page | 37


    The behaviour control such as deploy working procedures and checklists to monitor

    the operation of Top Glove could be set up. A good monitoring management control

    would be implementing ISO standard to the company such as the ISO 9001 Quality

    Management System, the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) and

    the ISO 50001:2011, Energy management systems Requirements with guidance for

    use. The ISO 50001 is the new ISO standard which monitors the usage of the energy

    and minimizes the wastage of energy. All the standards stated are to enable an

    organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of

    its operation and management.

    ISO 9000 certification will increase Top Glove international competitiveness. It

    stresses on the commitment of quality on the products and provide assurance to the

    customer that the quality Top Glove could produce.

    Meanwhile, ISO 14000 certification will improve environmental awareness among

    employees, reduces risks of violating regulations, and improves the firms safety

    standard so that zero accidents could be achieved and safe working environment could

    be established.

    Internal audit committee could be set up to scrutinize the Non Conformance (NC) of

    the standards and to fix the problems in the process before it is getting worse. The

    internal audit committee could be set up from different departments, which every

    department is assigned to audit the other department to check the conformance of the

    department to the predetermined standard. All the audit results will be discussed

    during the management review for further improvement and arrangement.

    Whistle-Blowing Policy

    A whistle-blowing system could be developed to strengthens, supports good

    management and at the same time demonstrates accountability and sound corporate

    governance practices.

    It would be a platform to act as a channel for the complaints and fraud to be reported.

    Wrong doings and non compliance to any rules or procedures by the employee and

    management of Top Glove would be voiced out. An Anti-Corruption and Whistle

  • Page | 38

    Blowing Committee will be directly reported to the board of Top Glove. Any issues

    raised by the whistle-blower will be investigated thoroughly.

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    Bibliography Kossan Industry. (2013). Recent Advances in the Malaysia's Glove Industry in Meeting

    Today's healthcare Challenges. Malaysia: Kossan.

    OSK. (2013). OSK Top Glove Investment Review 2013. Malaysia: OSk.

    OSK. (2013). OSK Top Glove Market Highlight 2013. Malaysia: OSK.

    TopGlove. (2009). Top Glove Annual Report 2009. Malaysia: Top Glove Berhad.

    TopGlove. (2010). Top Glove Annual Report 2010. Malaysia: Top Glove Berhad.

    TopGlove. (2011). Top Glove Annual Report 2011. Malaysia: Top Glove Berhad.

    TopGlove. (2012). Top Glove Annual Report 2012. Malaysia: Top Glove Berhad.

    TopGlove. (2013). Top Glove Annual Report 2013. Malaysia: Top Glove Berhad.