Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis in a mouse medulloblastoma model denes networks that discriminate between human molecular subgroups Laura A. Genovesi a,1,2 , Ching Ging Ng b,1 , Melissa J. Davis a , Marc Remke c , Michael D. Taylor c , David J. Adams d , Alistair G. Rust d , Jerrold M. Ward b , Kenneth H. Ban e , Nancy A. Jenkins b,f , Neal G. Copeland b,f,2 , and Brandon J. Wainwright a,2 a Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia; b Cancer Genetics Group, Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore 138673; c Division of Neurosurgery, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre and Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada ONM5G 1X8; d Experimental Cancer Genetics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge CB101SA, United Kingdom; e Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117597; and f Cancer Research Program, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, TX 77030 Contributed by Neal G. Copeland, October 5, 2013 (sent for review June 13, 2013) The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis screen is a powerful tool to facilitate the discovery of cancer genes that drive tumorigenesis in mouse models. In this study, we sought to identify genes that functionally cooperate with sonic hedge- hog signaling to initiate medulloblastoma (MB), a tumor of the cerebellum. By combining SB mutagenesis with Patched1 heterozy- gous mice (Ptch1 lacZ/+ ), we observed an increased frequency of MB and decreased tumor-free survival compared with Ptch1 lacZ/+ con- trols. From an analysis of 85 tumors, we identied 77 common insertion sites that map to 56 genes potentially driving increased tumorigenesis. The common insertion site genes identied in the mutagenesis screen were mapped to human orthologs, which were used to select probes and corresponding expression data from an independent set of previously described human MB samples, and surprisingly were capable of accurately clustering known molecular subgroups of MB, thereby dening common regulatory networks underlying all forms of MB irrespective of subgroup. We performed a network analysis to discover the likely mechanisms of action of subnetworks and used an in vivo model to conrm a role for a highly ranked candidate gene, Na, in promoting MB formation. Our analysis implicates candidate cancer genes in the deregulation of apoptosis and translational elongation, and reveals a strong sig- nature of transcriptional regulation that will have broad impact on expression programs in MB. These networks provide functional insights into the complex biology of human MB and identify po- tential avenues for intervention common to all clinical subgroups. M edulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant pe- diatric brain tumor, comprising 2025% of all tumors di- agnosed in the CNS. Recent advances in therapy have lifted 5-y survival rates for average-risk MB to 80%; however, the outcome for high-risk patients remains poor (1, 2). Additionally, survivors often experience signicant neurological, intellectual, and physical disabilities as a consequence of the aggressive nature of existing treatment protocols (3, 4). Clearly, less invasive and more effective therapies are urgently required. MB is well established as a biologically heterogeneous disease, with several studies identifying at least four subgroups with dis- tinct clinical, biological, and genetic proles (58). Preliminary evidence has pointed to additional intersubgroup heterogeneity (7, 9, 10), with future studies on larger cohorts likely to rene the four major subgroups of MB as consisting of multiple subgroups potentially arising from different cellular origins. Despite these advances, targeted therapies based on the molecular abnormal- ities of MB subgroups are not currently in use. Although inhibitors of the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) pathway component Smoothened (SMO) had shown early promise (11), studies have since revealed that resistance has emerged (12). Furthermore, although some molecular abnormalities of each of the four subgroups have been successfully dened, particularly for the SHH and WNT sub- groups, the specic molecular drivers required for the initiation and progression of MB are still not well understood. To discover candidate cancer genes that function as key drivers of MB, we performed an insertional mutagenesis screen using the inducible Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system (13). We bred mice containing the SB DNA transposon, T2Onc3, and a Cre- inducible SB transposase to the well-characterized Patched1 (Ptch1)-heterozygous (Ptch1 lacZ/+ ) model of MB (14). We hy- pothesized that mice harboring the active SB transposon would acquire mutations that accelerate the rate of tumorigenesis in this sensitized MB model, therefore identifying drivers of MB. To date, one study has reported a SB mutagenesis screen in the Ptch1-inactivated mouse model of MB, restricting SB transposase within granule neuron progenitors (GNPs) of the cerebellum via the Math1Cre promoter (15). Cerebellar GNPs derived from the upper rhombic lip were previously identied as one potential cell of origin for MB (16). However, additional studies have shown that the SHH subgroup MB may have multiple cellular origins (17, 18). In light of this, the approach taken in this study is distinct and complementary to the previously published SB screen in MB, Signicance Medulloblastoma is a common malignant pediatric brain tu- mor. Gene expression data have indicated that the tumors fall into four molecular subgroups, Wnt,”“Hedgehog,”“group 3,and group 4.With the exception of the Hedgehog subgroup, few functional data exist dening key molecular pathways driving tumor growth. Using a transposon mutagenesis ap- proach, we identied genes that functionally cooperate with Hedgehog signalling to promote tumorigenesis in a Ptch1 mouse model of medulloblastoma. Surprisingly, the genes we identied were able to accurately dene all four human mo- lecular subtypes, not just Hedgehog, when used to interrogate published expression data. Thus, we have functionally dened key regulatory networks that illustrate both the differences and commonalities between tumor subgroups indicating a number of therapeutic strategies. Author contributions: L.A.G., C.G.N., M.J.D., N.A.J., N.G.C., and B.J.W. designed research; L.A.G., C.G.N., and M.J.D. performed research; L.A.G., M.J.D., M.R., and M.D.T. contrib- uted new reagents/analytic tools; L.A.G., C.G.N., M.J.D., D.J.A., A.G.R., J.M.W., K.H.B., N.A.J., and N.G.C. analyzed data; and L.A.G., M.J.D., and B.J.W. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conict of interest. 1 L.A.G. and C.G.N. contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1318639110/-/DCSupplemental. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1318639110 PNAS | Published online October 28, 2013 | E4325E4334 GENETICS PNAS PLUS Downloaded by guest on February 7, 2021

Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis in a mouse medulloblastoma … · The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis screen is a powerful tool to facilitate thediscovery of cancer genes

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Page 1: Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis in a mouse medulloblastoma … · The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis screen is a powerful tool to facilitate thediscovery of cancer genes

Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis in a mousemedulloblastoma model defines networks thatdiscriminate between human molecular subgroupsLaura A. Genovesia,1,2, Ching Ging Ngb,1, Melissa J. Davisa, Marc Remkec, Michael D. Taylorc, David J. Adamsd,Alistair G. Rustd, Jerrold M. Wardb, Kenneth H. Bane, Nancy A. Jenkinsb,f, Neal G. Copelandb,f,2,and Brandon J. Wainwrighta,2

aInstitute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia; bCancer Genetics Group, Institute for Molecular and CellBiology, Singapore 138673; cDivision of Neurosurgery, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre and Program in Developmental and Stem CellBiology, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada ONM5G 1X8; dExperimental Cancer Genetics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,Hinxton, Cambridge CB101SA, United Kingdom; eDepartment of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore117597; and fCancer Research Program, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, TX 77030

Contributed by Neal G. Copeland, October 5, 2013 (sent for review June 13, 2013)

The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis screen is apowerful tool to facilitate the discovery of cancer genes thatdrive tumorigenesis in mouse models. In this study, we soughtto identify genes that functionally cooperate with sonic hedge-hog signaling to initiate medulloblastoma (MB), a tumor of thecerebellum. By combining SB mutagenesis with Patched1 heterozy-gous mice (Ptch1lacZ/+), we observed an increased frequency of MBand decreased tumor-free survival compared with Ptch1lacZ/+ con-trols. From an analysis of 85 tumors, we identified 77 commoninsertion sites that map to 56 genes potentially driving increasedtumorigenesis. The common insertion site genes identified in themutagenesis screen were mapped to human orthologs, which wereused to select probes and corresponding expression data from anindependent set of previously described human MB samples, andsurprisingly were capable of accurately clustering known molecularsubgroups of MB, thereby defining common regulatory networksunderlying all forms of MB irrespective of subgroup. We performeda network analysis to discover the likely mechanisms of action ofsubnetworks and used an in vivo model to confirm a role for ahighly ranked candidate gene, Nfia, in promoting MB formation.Our analysis implicates candidate cancer genes in the deregulationof apoptosis and translational elongation, and reveals a strong sig-nature of transcriptional regulation that will have broad impact onexpression programs in MB. These networks provide functionalinsights into the complex biology of human MB and identify po-tential avenues for intervention common to all clinical subgroups.

Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant pe-diatric brain tumor, comprising 20–25% of all tumors di-

agnosed in the CNS. Recent advances in therapy have lifted 5-ysurvival rates for average-risk MB to 80%; however, the outcomefor high-risk patients remains poor (1, 2). Additionally, survivorsoften experience significant neurological, intellectual, and physicaldisabilities as a consequence of the aggressive nature of existingtreatment protocols (3, 4). Clearly, less invasive and more effectivetherapies are urgently required.MB is well established as a biologically heterogeneous disease,

with several studies identifying at least four subgroups with dis-tinct clinical, biological, and genetic profiles (5–8). Preliminaryevidence has pointed to additional intersubgroup heterogeneity(7, 9, 10), with future studies on larger cohorts likely to refine thefour major subgroups of MB as consisting of multiple subgroupspotentially arising from different cellular origins. Despite theseadvances, targeted therapies based on the molecular abnormal-ities of MB subgroups are not currently in use. Although inhibitorsof the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) pathway component Smoothened(SMO) had shown early promise (11), studies have since revealedthat resistance has emerged (12). Furthermore, although somemolecular abnormalities of each of the four subgroups have been

successfully defined, particularly for the SHH and WNT sub-groups, the specific molecular drivers required for the initiationand progression of MB are still not well understood.To discover candidate cancer genes that function as key drivers

of MB, we performed an insertional mutagenesis screen using theinducible Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system (13). We bredmice containing the SB DNA transposon, T2Onc3, and a Cre-inducible SB transposase to the well-characterized Patched1(Ptch1)-heterozygous (Ptch1lacZ/+) model of MB (14). We hy-pothesized that mice harboring the active SB transposon wouldacquire mutations that accelerate the rate of tumorigenesis in thissensitized MB model, therefore identifying drivers of MB. Todate, one study has reported a SB mutagenesis screen in thePtch1-inactivated mouse model of MB, restricting SB transposasewithin granule neuron progenitors (GNPs) of the cerebellum viathe Math1Cre promoter (15). Cerebellar GNPs derived from theupper rhombic lip were previously identified as one potential cellof origin for MB (16). However, additional studies have shownthat the SHH subgroup MB may have multiple cellular origins(17, 18). In light of this, the approach taken in this study is distinctand complementary to the previously published SB screen in MB,


Medulloblastoma is a common malignant pediatric brain tu-mor. Gene expression data have indicated that the tumors fallinto four molecular subgroups, “Wnt,” “Hedgehog,” “group 3,”and “group 4.” With the exception of the Hedgehog subgroup,few functional data exist defining key molecular pathwaysdriving tumor growth. Using a transposon mutagenesis ap-proach, we identified genes that functionally cooperate withHedgehog signalling to promote tumorigenesis in a Ptch1mouse model of medulloblastoma. Surprisingly, the genes weidentified were able to accurately define all four human mo-lecular subtypes, not just Hedgehog, when used to interrogatepublished expression data. Thus, we have functionally definedkey regulatory networks that illustrate both the differencesand commonalities between tumor subgroups indicating anumber of therapeutic strategies.

Author contributions: L.A.G., C.G.N., M.J.D., N.A.J., N.G.C., and B.J.W. designed research;L.A.G., C.G.N., and M.J.D. performed research; L.A.G., M.J.D., M.R., and M.D.T. contrib-uted new reagents/analytic tools; L.A.G., C.G.N., M.J.D., D.J.A., A.G.R., J.M.W., K.H.B.,N.A.J., and N.G.C. analyzed data; and L.A.G., M.J.D., and B.J.W. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.1L.A.G. and C.G.N. contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected],[email protected], or [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1318639110/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1318639110 PNAS | Published online October 28, 2013 | E4325–E4334








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Page 2: Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis in a mouse medulloblastoma … · The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis screen is a powerful tool to facilitate thediscovery of cancer genes

whereby we chose to not restrict SB mutagenesis to committedcells of the neuronal lineage but rather drive ubiquitous trans-posase activity in a broad range of developing tissues. We ob-served significant acceleration of MB formation in mice with SBinsertional mutagenesis compared with Ptch1lacZ/+ controls. Se-quencing of SB-derived tumors identified 77 common insertionsites (CISs)/loci associated with accelerated MB development.We subsequently validated that haploinsufficiency of the highlyranked CIS, Nfia, accelerates MB formation in vivo. Further-more, protein coding genes from the CIS list were capable ofaccurately clustering the four molecular subgroups of human MB,confirming that the murine SB mutagenesis model recapitulatesthe genetic complexity of human MB.

SignificanceGene expression and genome organization studies have revealedthat MB can be divided into four subgroups Hedgehog (SHH),WNT, group 3, and group 4. Genome sequencing has revealeda number of potential molecular defects in each subgroup with thechallenge being to discern the “drivers” from the “passengers.”Weused a SB transposon screen in mice prone to SHH MB toidentify regulatory networks that function to promote MB initi-ation and growth. Unexpectedly, the regulatory networks iden-tified discriminated between all four MB subgroups, indicatingfunctional networks that can be used to target tumors based ontheir commonalities and differences.

ResultsSB-Induced Mutagenesis Drives MB Formation in the Ptch1 HeterozygousMouse Model. To identify candidate genes involved in driving MBformation, we performed a SB transposon-mediated insertionalmutagenesis screen in the genetically predisposed Ptch1lacZ/+

mouse model. Ptch1lacZ/+ mice were bred to mice carrying a β-actinCre (βCre) transgene, which is ubiquitously expressed beginningearly in development (19). βCre; Ptch1lacZ/+ were then crossedto a compound transgenic line containing 30 copies of the mu-tagenic SB transposon (T2Onc3) and a Lox-STOP-Lox SB-transposase allele knocked into the ubiquitous Rosa26 locus(Rosa26SB11). T2Onc3 has been engineered to carry the ubiq-uitously expressed CAG promoter to activate expression of pro-tooncogenes upon insertion at appropriate locations. In addition,T2Onc3 carries splice acceptor sites in both orientations anda bidirectional poly(A) signal and can therefore inactivate theexpression of tumor suppressor genes when integrated within thecoding region in either orientation.Three cohorts of mice carrying different combinations of

alleles were bred and monitored for MB formation (Fig. 1).Ptch1lacZ/+ mice develop MB at a frequency of ∼30% by 1 y ofage (14). Consistent with these data, we observed MB formationin 29.6% (8 of 27) of Ptch1lacZ/+; T2Onc3; Rosa26-SB11 controls.By contrast, βCre; Ptch1lacZ/+; T2Onc3; Rosa26-SB11 miceshowed increased penetrance of MB at 69.6% (94 of 135) (P <0.0001, χ2 test). Furthermore, βCre; Ptch1lacZ/+; T2Onc3;Rosa26-SB11 mice presented with a decreased latency of tumor-free survival of 176 d compared with 290 d with Ptch1lacZ/+;T2Onc3; Rosa26-SB11 animals (P < 0.0001, Kaplan–Meier sur-vival analysis) (Fig. 1). Mobilization of the T2Onc3 transposonvia βCre-driven expression of SB transposase in Ptch1WT mice(βCre; Ptch1+/+; T2Onc3; Rosa26-SB11) did not develop MB;however, we did observe a background liver and hematologicalmalignancy rate as previously described (13). These data suggestthat the SB-insertional mutagenesis identified in this screen willidentify those genes involved in driving MB formation in pre-disposed, hyperproliferative Ptch1lacZ/+ cells.

Sequence Analysis of Transposon Insertion Sites Identifies MBCandidate Cancer Genes. To identify mutations that cooperatedwith haploinsufficiency of Ptch1 to increase incidence and

accelerate the development of MB, we PCR-amplified andsequenced the transposon insertion sites of 85 MBs fromPtch1lacZ/+ SB-mutagenized mice. Mapping analysis was thenperformed to identify CISs, defined as genomic loci thatcontain transposon insertions more frequently than would bepredicted by chance. The analysis revealed 77 statisticallysignificant CISs mapping to 56 protein-coding genes, in ad-dition to five predicted or hypothetical genes and a number ofnoncoding RNAs (P < 0.05) (Table S1). CREB binding protein(Crebbp), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1(Map3k1), and nuclear factor 1/A (Nfia) were identified as thetop three CISs (P < 109), followed by zinc finger DHHC-typecontaining 9 (Zdhhc9) and tetraspanin 7 (Tspan7) (P < 108). Thelikelihood of a particular CIS being an “activation” or “inactivation”event is estimated based upon the orientation and location of thetransposon with respect to the gene, whereby an appreciable fre-quency of transposons within the gene in the reverse orientationsuggests that the CIS is likely loss of function. Mapping of individualintegration events in each tumor for each CIS based on theseprinciples indicated that each represented an “inactivating” event,therefore identifying potential mutations that cooperate with Ptch1deficiency in driving the onset and/or progression of MB.

Transposon Insertion Sites Identify Cancer Genes That Are Capable ofAccurately Clustering Known Molecular Subgroups of Human MB.Although a number of the CISs have been previously validatedin MB, such as Crebbp (20) and Pten (21), the majority have notbeen previously linked to MB tumorigenesis, and represent po-tentially novel genetic mechanisms for driving tumor formation.To assess whether the CISs identified from the SB mutagenesisscreen capture significant biological features of human MB,a cross-species comparative analysis was performed. We mappedthe protein coding genes identified as CISs in the SB mousemodel to human orthologs (Table S2) and used these genes toselect corresponding probes from a previously published ex-pression array analysis of human MB (8). Remarkably, the hu-

Fig. 1. Sleeping Beauty (SB) mutagenesis accelerated tumorigenesis andpenetrance of medulloblastoma (MB) in the Ptch1 heterozygous mousemodel. Three cohorts of mice were monitored for tumor development, withall three cohorts carrying the SB transposon and SB transposase. Inactivationof tumor suppressor Ptch1 was required for MB development, with β-actinCre required for expression of SB transposase. Ptch1lacZ/+ SB mutagenizedmice succumbed significantly earlier to MB (n = 94 of 135) than animals withinactivated Ptch1lacZ/+ alone (n = 8 of 27) (P < 0.0001, log-rank test).

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Page 3: Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis in a mouse medulloblastoma … · The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis screen is a powerful tool to facilitate thediscovery of cancer genes

man orthologs of the CIS gene set were not only able to clusterthe SHH-type human tumors, but accurately defined all fourhuman MB subgroups (Fig. 2A).We compared the clustering performance of CIS orthologs to

that of well-defined human MB subgroup signatures (8, 22). It isimportant to note that the subgroup signatures were developedusing human MB data and were highly optimized for the task ofseparating the four subgroups of human MB tumors. To com-pare our clustering, we used the Rand Index (RI) (23) to eval-uate the accuracy of clustering against the known molecularsubgroup annotation of the human MB tumors. Using only thegenes identified in our mutagenesis screen, unsupervised hier-archical clustering analysis identified clear segregation of MBsamples according to molecular subgroup (RI = 0.461, Fig. 2A),with clear clustering of SHH and WNT subtypes both from eachother and from the group 3 and 4 tumors, which also separated,although with less accuracy. A similar pattern, including someoverlap in group 3 and 4 tumors, is observed when using ex-pression data selected by the human MB subgroup signature(RI = 0.699, Fig. 2C). A heat map of the gene expression valuesof the CIS-derived genes mapped to human MB dataset shows

clear patterns of variability across the molecular subgroups (Fig.3) and demonstrates the variation in expression underpinningthe ability of these genes to successfully cluster the human MBsubgroups. To identify which CISs identified in our mutagenesisscreen are of particular relevance to specific human molecularsubgroups of MB, we identified differentially expressed genes ineach of the human subgroups, and then mapped those to thehuman orthologs of CIS-derived genes (Table 1). A number ofthe CIS-derived genes were underexpressed across human MBsubgroups consistent with their transposon-mediated inactivationin the SB mouse model. Of these, the underexpression of someCIS-derived genes is specific to a certain molecular subgroup.For example, ARID1B is significantly underexpressed in theWNT subgroup alone, with NR6A1 and DENND4B under-expression specific to the SHH subgroup. Specific to group 3,NFIA was the only CIS significantly underexpressed, with under-expressed CIS-derived genes observed in group 4 MB common toone or more of the other subgroups. Although a number of CIS-derived genes were significantly overexpressed in certain humanMB subgroups, the majority of these were underexpressed in othersubgroups, again reflecting their transposon-mediated inactivation.Taken together, these data represent a truly independent valida-tion that candidate cancer genes identified in this study capturebiologically significant features of all molecular subgroups ofMB, clearly demonstrating that, although the candidate cancergenes were primarily identified through functional cooperationwith Ptch1 to promote MB tumorigenesis, they also underlie allMB subgroups.

Local Interaction Networks of Candidate Cancer Genes Are HighlyRelevant to Biology Underlying the Molecular Subgroups of MB.Genes and the proteins they encode do not function in iso-lation, but operate in networks that are important for the normalfunction of the cell. To examine potential cooperation betweengenes identified in our screen, we visualized all 77 CISs ona Circos plot (Fig. 4). Transposon insertions were well distrib-uted across the chromosomes with the exception of chromosome9. All insertions at chromosome 9 were excluded from statisticalanalysis for CISs due to the T2Onc3 transposon concatemerbeing located on this donor chromosome of the transgenic miceand thus commonly coupled to the local hopping phenomena aspreviously described (13). Interestingly, no comutations wereobserved for top-ranked CISs, Map3k1 and Nfia (P < 0.01),suggesting that the inactivation of each CIS alone is sufficient toaccelerate tumorigenesis on the Ptch1+/− background. In contrast,the majority of CISs were comutated in individual tumors, iden-tified by the links across the interior of the plot, suggesting thatsome of the candidate cancer genes disrupted by SB mutagenesismay function as components of a broader signaling pathways ornetworks requiring multiple mutations to drive tumorigenesis.To further explore potential network relationships, the local

protein interaction network for each of the protein-coding candi-date genes was generated from experimentally determined proteininteraction data (Materials and Methods, Bioinformatics), and theselocal networks were integrated to generate a protein interactionnetwork comprising the CISs and their interacting proteins (Fig.5). Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of human MB using thenetwork expanded CIS list, coupled with dimensional reduction,greatly improved the accuracy of clustering (RI = 0.685, Fig. 2B)compared with the CIS list alone, and achieved a level equivalentto that obtained using the highly optimized human MB sub-group signatures. Combined, these data indicate that the ad-ditional information contained within the expanded CIS–protein interaction network is highly relevant to the molecularchanges that characterize the subgroups of human MB.To elucidate the potential function of each CIS as a tumor

suppressor in MB, functional analysis of the local interactionnetworks of top-ranked CIS genes was performed focusing on

Fig. 2. Clustering of human medulloblastoma (MB) samples based on theexpression of CIS genes, CIS network, and human gene signatures. Expres-sion of the CISs identified from Sleeping Beauty (SB)-induced MB accuratelyclustered samples into the four known molecular subgroups of human MB.Unsupervised clustering is based on (A) 49 human protein coding genes thatmap to the CIS list, with principal component analysis (PCA) reducing thesedata to the first five principal components; (B) 49 human proteins from A,plus the local interaction network of these proteins; and (C) the humansignature gene list from ref. 22, which had been previously optimizedto separate the four molecular subtypes of human MB. RI scores for thegoodness of clustering of each of these gene sets are (A) 0.469, (B) 0.685, and(C) 0.699. The colored bar below the dendrogram shows the subgroup an-notation provided with the expression data (8).

Genovesi et al. PNAS | Published online October 28, 2013 | E4327








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Gene Ontology (GO) biological process enrichment. The hu-man ortholog of the Map3k1 protein is known to interact with115 proteins (Fig. S1A) and is the most highly connected hub inour network. The local network of MAP3K1 shows a strongenrichment for translation elongation genes (GO: 0006414, P =4.6 × 10−28) and translation (GO: 0006412, P = 2.2 × 10−17). Thehuman ortholog of the next ranked CIS, Crebbp, interacts with 53proteins, and is the fifth most connected hub in our network (Fig.S1B). The local network of CREBBP shows a strong enrichmentfor a range of transcription associated processes, including tran-scription (GO: 0006351, P= 1.3 × 10−13) and positive regulation ofDNA-dependent transcription (GO: 0045893, P = 2.2 × 10−16).The protein encoded by NFIA was not present in the initial

interaction network, and consequently, interactions for NFIA were

retrieved from the NFI-Regulome database (24) and added intothe network. Only five direct interactions are known for NFIA,including TBP, CREBBP, PIR, GTF2B, and JUN, with no sig-nificant biological processes enriched for this local interactionnetwork after correction for multiple hypothesis testing.

Loss of Function of Nfia as a Driver of MB Tumorigenesis. Amongother functions, the transcription factor Nfia has previously beendemonstrated to play a role in the differentiation of GNPs (25).Given that Nfia was ranked in the top three CISs, we addresseddirectly whether MB tumorigenicity is influenced by the loss ofNfia. Nfia+/−Ptch1lacZ/+ mice suffer from perinatal lethality dueto forebrain defects not evident in control genotypes. Conse-quently, to examine the role of Nfia in MB formation, we used

Fig. 3. Heat map and hierarchical clustering of the human MB samples using 49 human protein coding orthologs of the mouse genes from the CIS list.

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a Math1Cre transgene to create tissue-specific heterozygosity forPtch1 given that we have previously demonstrated that condi-tional inactivation of Ptch1 in GNPs directed via Math1Cre(Math1Cre; Ptch1lox/+) predisposes mice to tumors that resemblehuman MB (17). We analyzed the onset and frequency of MBformation in Math1Cre; Nfia+/−; Ptch lox/+ mice, compared withMath1Cre; Nfia+/+; Ptch1lox/+ littermate controls. We observedthat Math1Cre; Nfia+/+; Ptch1lox/+ mice developed MB at afrequency of 37.5%, similar to that of the Ptch1lacZ/+ modelused in the screen (14). In contrast, Math1Cre; Nfia+/−;Ptch1lox/+ presented with a higher incidence of MB (61.90%)(Fig. 6). In addition, Math1Cre; Nfia+/−; Ptch1lox/+ mice demon-strated a significant decrease in tumor latency, with tumors arisingat ∼128 d compared with 189 d in Math1Cre; Nfia+/+/Ptch1+/lox

mice control mice (P = 0.038, log-rank test) (Fig. 6). Combined,these data confirm that Nfia is a driver of MB tumorigenesisand that reduced Nfia expression cooperates with perturbationin Shh signaling to accelerate MB tumorigenesis in the Ptch1mouse model.

Comparative Analysis with Previous SB Screen Identifies a Role forTranscription and Translation Elongation in SB-Induced MB. Wecompared the list of CIS-derived candidate genes obtained inthis study to the previously published SB mutagenesis screen inPtch1 heterozygous mice (15). Functional analysis of the CIS-derived candidate gene lists from both individual studies revealeda significant enrichment for transcriptional processes (P = 0.045,Wu: P = 8.0 × 10−5), highlighting the presence of many geneswith a known role in DNA-dependent transcription in each list.Close comparison of the two CIS lists identified only 14 CIS-derived candidate genes, including top-ranked genes Map3k1,

Crebbp, and Nfia that were common to both studies, despite thefact that both screens were performed on the same backgroundmodel. Although apparently low, this overlap is nonetheless sig-nificant (P < 0.001). Interestingly, we note that 9 of the 14 CIS-derived candidate genes common to both SB screens have a knownrole in DNA-dependent transcription, including Map3k1, Crebbp,Nfia, Nfix, Brd4, Kdm1a, Pten, Wac, and Zbtb20. Enrichmentanalysis of the local protein interaction network corresponding tothe 14 CIS-derived candidate genes in common to both studiesonce again identified significant enrichment for translation elon-gation genes (P = 1.2 × 10−20). Combined, the presence of tran-scription factors in both SB screens suggests the impact ofdisruption to these genes will be broad and trigger dysregulation ofentire programs of gene expression. The enrichment of translationelongation suggests that these transcription factor-mediatedderegulated programs of gene expression are potentially linkedto this translation elongation and may be therefore implicatedin the accelerated MB tumorigenesis observed in both studies.

DiscussionSB mutagenesis is a powerful tool that allows for the unbiaseddiscovery of genes linked to cancer, with previous studies suc-cessfully using this approach in several cancer types (13, 26–30).In this study, we used the SB model to identify candidate genesdriving the development of MB in conjunction with a mutation inPtch1. We identified a number of genes with previously recog-nized roles in MB and/or SHH signaling. One such gene, Crebbp,has been shown to negatively regulate the hedgehog pathway (31,32), with mutations in Crebbp gene causative of Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome that predisposes to MB (33–35). Whole-genomesequencing of human MB samples recently identified enrichmentof mutations in Crebbp in the WNT subgroup of MB, implicatinga potential role for this gene in multiple subgroups of MB (20).In addition to Crebbp, haploinsufficiency of Pten was previouslyshown to promote tumorigenesis in a Shh-activated model of MB(21). The identification of known candidate genes in MB pro-vides proof-in-principle for the validity of the SB mutagenesismodel in this disease. The validation of a role for candidate geneNfia in accelerating MB tumorigenesis provides further supportfor this, verifying the power of the SB screen as a cancer genediscovery tool for the identification of candidate genes relevantto tumor biology.Nfia is a transcription factor that has previously been impli-

cated in the control of the differentiation of GNPs, such that lossof Nfia function leads to an inhibition of GNP maturation andmigration (25). Given that GNPs are the cell of origin of SHHMB and possibly some group 3 tumors, we asked whether loss ofNfia function as a single event could lead to an acceleration ofMB development in a Ptch1+/− background and indeed this wasthe case. We modeled this experiment on the global SB experi-ment such that we combined haploinsufficieny for both Ptch1and Nfia, although we cannot rule out that in the resultanttumors the wild-type Nfia or Ptch1 allele is not silenced or oth-erwise inactivated. Mutation or loss of Nfia function per se is nota common feature of human MB (36). Nonetheless, this exper-iment serves to underline the relationship between mitogenicsignals and differentiation in the development of MB. In a seriesof elegant experiments, Ayrault et al. (37) demonstrated thatGNPs transduced with the Shh effector, Gli1, developed MBfollowing orthotopic transplant. However, the additional over-expression of the proneural transcription factor, Math1, signifi-cantly increased overall tumor incidence and dramaticallyreduced tumor latency (37). Because overexpression of Math1attenuates the differentiation of GNPs to granule neurons, thesedata clearly demonstrate that MB development is strongly linkedto the control of differentiation. Similarly, the data presentedhere addressing the function of Nfia serve as an additional ex-ample of how aberrant differentiation promotes MB formation.

Table 1. Differentially expressed human orthologs ofCIS-derived genes

Directionality WNT SHH Group 3 Group 4








Significantly underexpressed or overexpressed genes (false discovery rate-adjusted value of P < 0.05) in each subgroup of human MB are listed. CIS-derived genes in bold represent those deregulated in a specific molecularsubgroup, whereas those italicized represent the overlap with the Wu et al.(15) dataset. Of the 11 CIS-derived genes that mapped to human orthologs,BRD4 and KDM1a were not significantly differentially expressed.

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Clearly, a greater understanding of the regulator gene networkdefined by Nfia will provide significant insight into the mecha-nisms whereby a proliferating GNP driven by a mitogenic signaldevelops into a MB.The identification of the SB transposon mutagenesis system

has led to the development of novel mouse models of cancer,with a number of the CISs identified in several SB-inducedtumors relevant to the equivalent human cancer types (27, 38–40). At the onset of this study, we aimed to solely identify can-didate genes that cooperate with the loss of Ptch1 to accelerateMB development, given that the SB screen was performed ona SHH mouse model. However, surprisingly, we observed that

the CIS-derived candidate genes and associated protein networkwere capable of distinguishing the molecular subgroups of hu-man MB, including the difficult-to-distinguish subgroups 3 and 4.These data imply that perturbation of the SHH pathway is im-plicated in non-SHH molecular subgroups, and indeed, supportfor this hypothesis is found in a previous study that identifiedelevated Gli1 expression (a key marker of SHH activation) in 15of 24 randomly selected MBs (41). Furthermore, the degree ofseparation of molecular subgroups was equivalent to that obtainedusing highly optimized subgroup specific signature genes. It isimportant to note that these signature genes represent the cul-mination of a series of experimentally derived gene signatures

Fig. 4. Circos plot of MB common insertion sites (CISs) identified by the Gaussian kernel convolution (GKC) method. Mouse chromosomes are illustrated onthe outer perimeter of the plot. GKC CISs are illustrated on the second most outer ring of the plot marking SB insertions in both the forward and reverseorientation. The number of unique insertions at each CIS is represented by orange bars, with the number of tumors containing each CIS represented by bluebars. The black lines in the center connect CISs that significantly co-occur in tumors (Fisher exact test, P < 0.01).

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all developed and refined using human MB data (5–8). Thepredictive power of the CIS-derived candidate genes identifiedin this study, of an independent mouse model, is particularlysurprising and confirmed that the SB mutagenesis model of MBpresented here captures critical genetic diversity and commonpathways underpinning the distinctive human MB subgroups.Several transgenic MB mouse models have been constructed

through specifically perturbing putative tumor suppressors oroncogenes in the suspected cell of origin for that particular MBsubtype (reviewed in ref. 42). As a consequence, these modelsare generally subgroup specific and do not represent the het-erogeneity that exists in the human disease. A comparison ofCISs identified in this study to the previously published SBmutagenesis screen in Ptch1 heterozygous mice (15) revealeda small, but significant, overlap. We attribute the observed dif-ferences in CIS lists between the two studies as a consequence oftargeting SB mutagenesis to distinct cell types. Previously, thetargeting of SB mutagenesis to distinct development stages ofT lymphopoiesis generated T-cell lymphomas with a significant

disparity in CIS profiles (40), suggesting that the degree of celldifferentiation influences the genetic events that drive trans-formation. Based on this, we postulate that Math1Cre-driven SBmutagenesis in the Ptch1 heterozygous mouse model more ac-curately models SHH-driven MB specifically, whereas the abilityof CIS-derived candidate genes identified in this study to classifyall of the molecular subgroups of human MB suggests that ourSB mutagenesis screen identified driver events of relevance tothe underlying biology of each molecular subgroup of humanMB. CIS-derived candidate genes identified in this study thatoverlap with the previously published SB mutagenesis screen aredifferentially expressed across all molecular subgroups, furthersupporting that CIS-derived genes identified in this study capturebiologically significant features of all molecular subgroupsof MB. Although subgroup specific mouse models have provensuccessful for testing the efficacy of subgroup specific therapiesin vivo (43, 44), the model described in this study representspotentially an attractive preclinical model allowing for evaluation

Fig. 5. Local protein interaction network for the human orthologs of protein coding genes identified in the SB mutagenesis screen. Local protein inter-actome hubs for MAP3K1, CREBBP, and NFIA are circled as A, B, and C, respectively. Nodes colored in red represent proteins encoded by CIS-derived candidategenes that overlap with the Wu et al. (15) dataset, whereas yellow nodes represent the proteins that interact with these CIS-derived candidates. Nodes witha diamond shape represent proteins with an annotated role in DNA-dependent transcription.

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of novel approaches to therapy targeting the commonalities ofMB pathogenesis, irrespective of molecular subgroup.Accelerated MB tumorigenesis has been observed in two

independent mouse models of SB mutagenesis, irrespective ofthe distinct cell of origin targeted for mutagenesis. Althougha modest degree of overlap was observed between the CIS lists ofboth studies, the defined overlap was indeed significant; sug-gesting that the functional impact of the inactivation of the CIS-derived candidate genes is linked to the decreased tumor-freesurvival or accelerated MB tumorigenesis observed in both screens.Significant enrichment of translation elongation genes from the CISlist common to both studies suggests a role for this process in ac-celerating MB formation. Recently, Leprivier et al. (45) identifieda mechanism whereby tumor cells adapt to metabolic stress byblocking translation elongation. More specifically, nutrient de-pletion induces the up-regulation of eukaryotic translationelongation factor 2 kinase (eEF2K), which subsequently inhibitseukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2) required fortranslation elongation (45). Elevated eEF2K activity was ob-served in primary human MB tissue and in both the primary andmetastatic components of the previously published SB muta-genesis model of MB (45). Furthermore, high eEF2K expressionwas correlated with the most aggressive molecular subgroup ofMB and decreased overall survival of patients (45). Therefore,these findings implicate a similar mechanism operating in ourMB model. Although eEF2K was not identified in our screen,eEF2 was identified as an interacting protein of CIS-derivedcandidate gene, Cdkn2a, as was eukaryotic translation initiationfactor 1β (EIF1B), whereas eukaryotic translation elongationfactor 1α (EEF1A2) was identified in our network as an inter-acting partner of Map3k1. Interestingly, EE1A2 has only re-cently been reported as an interacting partner of CDKN2A (46),establishing another link between this CIS-derived candidategene and translation elongation. Given the accelerated MB tu-morigenesis noted in both this study and the previously pub-lished SB screen (15), these data strongly implicate translationelongation in this process.SB mutagenesis represents a powerful tool for the unbiased

discovery of biology, and here we have demonstrated this througha series of computational and experimental analyses. We have

demonstrated a specific role for the transcription factor Nfia inthe development of MB derived from Math1-positive GNPs, andadditionally have identified networks of interacting proteins thatare able to separate human MB subtypes and generate strikinginsights into the biology of MB. Our analysis implicates candidatecancer genes in the dysregulation of apoptosis and translationalelongation, and reveals a strong signature of transcriptional reg-ulation that will have broad impact on expression programs inMB. With the identification of molecular subgroups in MB andmany other cancers, many studies concentrate on the developmentof subgroup-specific treatments. For common cancers, this ap-proach is clearly practicable. However, for the less frequent can-cers such as MB, it is debatable whether the clinical resources willbe available to trial a series of subgroup-specific approaches asa first-line approach. However, this may not be the case for sig-naling pathways and molecular networks in common between thesubgroups, and the data presented here functionally define a seriesof pathways held in common between subgroups. Collectively,these results both demonstrate the power of our integrated com-putational and experimental approach, and open a window intothe complex biology of human MB and potential avenues for in-tervention in all subgroups.

Materials and MethodsTransgenic Mice. To generate the mouse model of MB used in the SB screen,we used the following previously described transgenic mouse lines: T2/Onc3(13), Rosa-LSL-SB11 (13), Ptch1lacZ/+ (14), and β-Cre mice (19). To generateMath1Cre; Nfia+/−; Ptch1lox/+ mice and appropriate control genotypes, weused the following previously described transgenic mouse lines: Math1Cre(47), Ptch1lox/lox (48), and Nfia+/− mice (49). Mice were monitored daily fortumor development. All experimentation involving animals was reviewedand approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of In-stitute for Molecular and Cell Biology or the University of Queensland ani-mal ethics committee.

Histopathology. All tumors generated in the SB screen were processed andconfirmed MB by the Advance Molecular Pathology Laboratory at the In-stitute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Singapore).

Linker-Mediated PCR. Genomic DNA was extracted from tumor tissue usingthe Puregene Core Kit A (Qiagen), according to the manufacturer’s protocol.Genomic DNA was digested with either BfaI- (left side) or NlaIII (right side)and ligated to BfaI- or NlaIII-specific linkers using T4 ligase. A secondarydigest (BamH1, left side; XhoI, right side) was performed to destroy con-catemer-generated products. Primary and secondary PCR were performedusing primers specific for linker and SB transposon sequences along withFusion and barcode sequences. PCR amplicons were sequenced using the GSFLX Titanium (Roche).

Sequence Analysis. Sequences were analyzed for the presence of the barcode,inverted repeat/direct repeat sequences required for transposition, and linkersequences. Genomic sequences were blasted against the mouse genomeusing BLASTN at 95% stringency and requiring a single match. Sequenceswere removed if they were on the donor concatamer resident chromosome(Chr 9), in the Engrailed 2 (En2) gene (because the En2 sequence is presentwithin the transposon), and when a single TA dinucleotide contained mul-tiple insertions from several tumors from multiple mice (because of thepossibility of a PCR artifact). The remaining 45,481 nonredundant sequenceswere used to identify a CIS. A CIS was defined as enriched sites of transposonintegrations above a background level occurring in at least two independenttumors using modified Gaussian kernel convolution (GKC) method (29, 50)implemented in The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute bioinformatics pipe-line. Multiple kernel scales (widths of 15,000, 30,000, 50,000, 75,000,120,000, and 240,000 nt) were used to enhance the modified GKC ap-proach. CISs predicted across multiple scales and overlapping in theirgenomic locations were clustered together such that the CIS with the smallestgenomic footprint was reported as the representative CIS. For highly signif-icant CISs with narrow spatial distributions of insertion sites, the 15,000 kernelis typically the scale on which CISs are identified. The P value for each CIS wasadjusted by chromosome, and a cutoff of P < 0.05 was used. To control forbackground integration bias, normal cerebellar DNA from β-cre; Ptch1+/+;

Fig. 6. Inactivation of Nfia accelerates MB formation. Kaplan–Meier sur-vival curves comparing Math1Cre; Nfia+/−; Ptch1lox/+ (blue line, n = 12 of 21)experimental mice and control Math1Cre; Nfia+/+; Ptch1lox/+ (red line, n = 6of 16) mice (P = 0.038, log-rank test).

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T2Onc3; Rosa26-SB11 animals were sequenced. SB common integration sitesidentified in these animals were excluded from our tumor CIS gene lists.

Bioinformatics. SB-mutagenesis CISs were mapped to mouse and humanprotein coding genes using Uniprot release 2013_4 (Tables S1 and S2).Functional analysis was performed using the DAVID web tool (http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/). Gene Ontology FAT categories were selected, and aP value threshold of 0.05 was applied to the Benjamini–Hochberg correctedP value to determine significance. Pathway enrichment was tested againstKEGG and Reactome pathways also using DAVID and the thresholddescribed above.

Due to the poor coverage of the mouse interactome, protein interactionnetworks were built with the human protein set (Table S2) (51). Briefly, an in-house protein interaction database containing protein interactions from sixInternational Molecular Exchange Consortium (52) members (IntACT, MINT,DIP, MatrixDB, BioGrid, and MPIDB) was queried with the Uniprot accessionnumbers of 49 human proteins of interest to retrieve all direct proteininteractions for each listed protein. Thirty-one proteins returned results,whereas the remainder did not have interactions in the dataset. As NFIA wasone of the genes lacking protein interaction data in the dataset, proteininteractions for NFIA were retrieved from the NFIome database (24). Thelocal interaction networks of each query protein were integrated to gen-erate a protein interaction network with 622 proteins and 666 edges. Weused Cytoscape 2.8.2 to analyze and visualize the network. Pathway anno-tation was retrieved from the KEGG database (www.genome.jp/kegg/).Gene Ontology annotation was retrieved from the Gene Ontology database(www.geneontology.org).

Expression data for a collection of 103 human MB samples was down-loaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (GEO accession no.GSE21140). These expression data were generated on the Affymetrix HumanExon 1.0ST Array platform (GEO accession no. GPL5175). Probes corre-sponding to the human orthologs of CIS genes were selected based on theprobe annotation file for GPL5175, and expression data were extracted fromthe GSE21140 Series Matrix file. No additional probe selection was applied,and if more than one probe corresponded to a listed gene, all probes for thatgene were selected. Sample annotation was collected from the GSE21140

series matrix file. The Pei signature used in this study corresponds to theunique, concatenated set of the four gene sets previously published (22).Expression data for the Pei signature were selected in the same way asdescribed above.

Before clustering, all expression datasets were normalized using z-scorenormalization. Hierarchical clustering was performed with Ward, using theEuclidean distance, average linkage, using the correlation, and Ward usingthe Euclidean distance and the silhouette index to determine the bestnumber of clusters. K-means clustering was performed with and without thesilhouette index, and performance was averaged over 10 repeats. Clusteringwas performed using Python 2.7 and the Scipy, Numpy, and scikit-leanpackages. All clustering results are presented in Table S3. Dimensional re-duction was carried out before clustering using principal components anal-ysis, with the number of components determined by inspection of theinflection point of the corresponding plots of the variance against thenumber of components. To determine which CIS genes were differentiallyexpressed in each subgroup, the human MB dataset (8) was reanalyzedcomparing each subtype to the rest in four comparisons. Data from GEOwere log2 transformed and z-score normalized using R. Differential expres-sion was calculated using LIMMA. A threshold of 0.05 was applied to theBenjamini–Hochberg corrected P value to identify significantly differentiallyexpressed genes. Once all differentially expressed genes in each group wereidentified, CIS genes were identified based on their annotated humanorthologs (see above).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Dr. Christelle Adolphe and Dr. Lena Con-stantin for intellectual input and technical assistance, Dr. Stefan Maetschke forhis assistance with the clustering analysis, and Denise Anderson for statisticaladvice. We also thank Keith and Susan Rodgers for their histopathology supportand Christopher Chin for his bioinformatics help. B.J.W. and L.A.G. are supportedby Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Grant 1034941 andThe John Trivett Foundation Fellowship. M.J.D. is funded by Australian ResearchCouncil Grant DP110103384. N.A.J. and N.G.C. were supported by the Agency forScience, Technology and Research, Singapore, and the Cancer Prevention andResearch Institute of Texas (CPRIT). D.J.A. and A.G.R. are funded by CancerResearch United Kingdom and The Wellcome Trust. N.A.J. and N.G.C. are bothCPRIT Scholars in Cancer Research.

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