Skype This is skype’s logo Once skype is downloaded in our computers, we have to create an account with a username and a password. Then a similar window appears ( I wrote similar because that is from my own account)


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This is skype’s logo

Once skype is downloaded in our computers, we have to create an account with a username and a password. Then a similar window appears ( I wrote similar because that is from my own account)

If you have a look at the top of the window you can see my name and my state, which is no available.

Page 2: Skypeenglish

If we clik on that window we can change to available or occupied, etc

In the menu we have: File, Account, Call, Chats, View, Tools and Help.

If we click on each of them we can see what we can do. For example in File, we can change our state (on line, not available, off,…) we can also see our profile and change it, etc

One of the most interesting is Call. When we want to make a conference we have to clik on Call and a similar window appears.

What we have to do is select the contacts we want to call. To do so we select them and we clik on add, till we have selected all the people we want to talk to. Now we just have to clik on start.

If we want we can also write at the same time, and we can do it directly or we have to clik on the blue picture with a bubble.

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But we can also clik on Chat, and begin the chat with one person or all the participants in this chat.

Another quite interesting thing is to look for our contact. We click on Tools and we write the name of the person we want to add, as in the picture or any data we know

Maybe you are lucky and can find a lot of people.It may happen that you have a more modern version and the pictures or the interface are more modern, but they all work the same. I use it a windows version in my office and a Mac version at home and they are not very different.