The Middle Ages Chapter 14

Sixth Grade Jeopardy Ch 14

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The Middle Ages

Chapter 14

Page 2: Sixth Grade Jeopardy Ch 14

The Feudal System

Life in Europe

The Church

People we

Should Know

Going on a Trip

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The Feudal System 100

Name 3 buildings you might find on a manor

Answer: Manor House, mill, barn, peasants houses, bakery

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The Feudal System 200

What did a “vassal” have to do for a “Lord”?

Answer: Give taxes (money, crops,animals), fight against other lords

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The Feudal System 300

Who did the fighting in the Feudal system?

Answer: Knights

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The Feudal System 400

Whas was the Lord’s role in the Feudal system?

Answer: To defend his vassals and peasants

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The Feudal System 500

How could a serf get his freedom?

Answer: Buy it, or escape for a year and a day

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Life in Europe 100

Which disease spread throughout Europe on fleas living on rats, killing 1/3 of all people in Europe

Answer: The “Black Death” or the Bubonic Plague

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Life in Europe 200

This war led both England and France to feel more like nations

Answer: The Hundred Years’ War

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Life in Europe 300

Answer: a traveling musician who spread tales of knights’ courage

What was a troubadour?

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Life in Europe 400

This document forced the king to give certain rights and freedoms to the nobles

Answer: The Magna Carta

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Life in Europe 500

Why did trade grow in Western Europe?

Answer: Europe became safer, the Church brought stability, and people could travel and trade more

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The Church 100

Why did so many people become Christians in Europe? (what did it offer?)

Answer: The promise of life after death and the punishment of the wicked

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The Church 200

Name 3 events where the Church was involved in everyday life

Answer: births, weddings, funerals

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The Church 300

What were monasteries and convents?

Answer: places where religious people went to live, pray, and study

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The Church 400

How did the Church have power in politics in the Middle Ages?

Answer: they made laws, could excommunicate kings, and they had money

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The Church 500

Over what issues did the Church struggle with Kings?

Answer: power: the ability to choose Bishops

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People We Should Know 100

The French peasant girl who inspired her people to fight the British

Answer: Joan of Arc

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People We Should Know 200

Who encouraged the first trip to the Holy Land?

Answer: Pope Urban the II

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People We Should Know 300

This Muslim leader fought off King Richard the Lionhearted and kept Jerusalem under Muslim control

Answer: Saladin

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People We Should Know 500

What king angered his nobles, leading to the signing of the Magna Carta?

Answer: King John

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People We Should Know 400

The people who held the Holy Land before Christian knights decided to take it back

Answer: The Seljuk Turks

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Going on a Trip 100

The military expedition against the Muslims was called________

Answer: The Crusades

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Going on a Trip 200

Which of the trips to the Holy Land was a victory for the Christians?

Answer: The First

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Going on a Trip 300

Why was the Holy Land important to Christians?

Answer: it was the place where all the events in the Bible took place

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Going on a Trip 400What products did returning

soldiers bring back to Europe?

Answer: Fruits, silks, spices,

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Going on a Trip 500What was the long-term benefit of

these expeditions to the Holy Land for the Europeans?

They learned science, math, astronomy, and began to trade with the East