All the Local News Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH YEAR. NO. 117. ASBURY PARK,. NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, MAY1 1 C, 1900 .-SIX PAGES PRICE ONE CENT SAVE MONEY. Place your Fire' In- surance with the old- est and best com- panies in the world. Represented by t * , D. C. COVERT : 2Q8 Bond Street, ' ' • . • * T• O i ' , *t • ' Asbury Park, N. J. v , '. * ' AHBURY PARK and OCEAN OBOVB { Hotel Branswlalr, Railroad Depot and 1314 Bang* Avenue, Principal Offlco..., .... ,800 MAIN STBEBT . , Goods stored at reasonable rates, Telephone connection. P. O. llojC. 6fi7, V - h .- AflBURYPABK ONLY OiNE .CENT WII! Imy a paatixl. cnril on which to write iw tlmt your dock nopds the doctor. Wm will Burnt for It nt oneo, put it in f.ltOrouifli order, and return if to your lUimtiil before you Imvoscarcelymissed it, •nml chargo you an. honest price for oilr-tlmo , mid-Mltlll. . _. Pioasn stop anil lliliits for one mo- ment. Alii ail your clock!) dolnir u>< well iui they slwuul f Jtwil! cost you nothing to let us trrqp«ot thorn. Wo novor nnd Itnasi- imry faults nor mako unnccusBitry repairs. GUUDE.J.WISEM1N, Jeweler and Optician . __ 64s Cookman Ave. Hpoolal attontlim glven'to fitting irlaraos to correct nil dofoota of vision. EXAJU1- NATIONJLHEE . ______ : ATTENTION! If you take care of your, qjrgs they will take care of you. Many lives are made miserable ! through the neglect of not hav- ing the eyes at rest. ’’If jrou suffer with dizziness, pain in the head or blurred.vision.call ami have your eyes examined, free of charge. W e repair'your. frames promptly and make a specialty _ ^ accurate optical'Wdfk. - Willard C . Wiseman QUADUATti OPTICIAN Asbury Park Optical Parlor, 603 Cookman Aveftue. Cor. Emory Btreet. —Electrlccars pass door. Telephone No. 133 ForSale.,.. Lake Avenue Hotel Asbury Park* N. J. X X X X , .*• A modern hotel with all improvements f thorough^ ly furnished .•through*' \ OUt« 0 *• 0 0 ' t " 0 I PRICE REASONABLE W. H. BEEGLE, '226 Main St., Asbury Paris 'Capital $50,008 ““W * 145,000 Asbury Park m4 Ocean Grove B A N K Uoratf'r Mattison Ave. and Main’St., I - ASBURY PARK. N. J. . , Conier Rain Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway v OCEAN OROYR. ^ KENBY O. WINSOR. Prosldent. , ' GEO. W . KVAN8 , Vlcs-rreallbnt. EDMUND IL PA-V30N. Ouhlor ■■ ---------- JE3SS MINOI1 , Assistant Caahlar - . directors: • T. HUN* iPPMBX DK. J . A. If. BSTBIOK, k. s. nucnAHOH jobn iwbdaro * '•C.Q.CUTOJM . -LfWtS RAINEAR dSo.ttlviaf 8 pro, w; trm at , , 1 a. rxnavnoti amos tilton •HEJTRT C. WINSOB Aooounto Raaneotfully. Solicited. Sdfe Deposit Box«s,to Rent. We Issue Foreign Drafts and Let- era of Credit. BU.EGATB GflOSEN To Attend the National Conven- tion at Philadelphia. MEETING VERY HARMONIOUS. •— - —?-l .. ) Hon. O. II. Drown of Monmouth and F. 1%, Olcott of Somerset tlie l«ucl<y Team . G. II. Tice aud A. S. Church of Middle* box, 'Alternates—Convention Held in This City Thin JVtornln#. * Tim- lt^publlcan ■ convention for tho Third New Jersey congressional district, for tlii! purpeso of' electing two •delegates nnd two alternates to thp nntlonnl conven- tion to 1)0 held nt Philadelphia next, month was held in Educational hall tlils liiornltig. , About .\TA) delegates were present, repniscntihg Monmouth, Middle* sex and Homersot'coiintics. The convention was .called to order about U.Jtt) o’clock and J. IJ. Clover of Middlesex county was named ns te/nponiry chalrmnn. The temporary-•wfcrefctirles wero H. IT. Ogden of Monmouth nnd W. S. Gtlhuly of Somerset. A .committee was.appointed to escort the chairman to tho platform. , Mr. Clever thanked the delegates for tho honor and addressed tho convention for abbUt 15 He pre- dicted the reelection of President McKin- ley aiid tho defwit of William J. Bryan, and toucluHV briefly upon 'tho issuer upon which tho coming campaign will be fought.. Tlio speaker was an orator of. hi£h standing and his speech was liberally applauded. . V The following: committees wero then hanied: Permanent organ!zation-rMon- liiouth, Captain IJenjamin Griggs; Iflid- diesex, John HvSilvers; .Somerset, Charles McMIuhaol. Credentials—Monmouth, L* Ei W atson; MiddlesexV * .7ohn, Conger; Somerset, M., 1), Smalley, Rules-rMon- iiiouth, W . Bayldgo; Middlesex, A. B. Urown; Homerstifc, James Harrington. Hesolutions—Monmouth, E, J). Pettys; Middlesex, Jesse- Colycr; Somerset, S. T. Wyckoff. . ' ^ After a rebess of 15 minutos_the commit- tees presented their reports. ^TKe'cofiu nTKrorT ^im uieHtprgtm izii - tion recommended that the temporary or- ganization I kj continued., Tho rejmrt was adopted, Thq committee on/credentials imported that peace and harmony prevailed in nil the counties and that them was no contest. * The~eoininitteb“on_rulesrecom-t mended that the sumo rules i)rt>valLas-\vere, ■In force last vear. Their mport was nlso adopted. The committee on resolutions 'reported as follows: Tho Republicjins of tho Third congres- slonal district deslfo to con gm tu la to our fellow citizens on tho magnificent results of four years of Republican goveriuuent under the leadership of William McKinley, and upon tho fact- that all promises-mado by the* Republican j»rty have been kept. Tliat the Hi\ances of the cvitntry have been estubUshetT on a sound liusls and that' this country has l)cen mlscd from a idough of despond and Is now enjoying an era of prosjjerlty the like «if wKleh has never been knownr^OurTarms-iufvprbeenrvictorious' on land and sea. Our commerce now. ex- tends to all |Hirts of tho world, and the TJnit<*d States has emerged ns u great world power, Tulmlivd and feared by all nations..r' rfg* "In the pfflBhge of all the legislative measures that have brought about the ele- vation of those . Unlteil States to a higher place In tlie family of nations, wo recog- ni/.o tho fact that Hon. U. F, Howell, our an honoKible part nml has rwilected credit upoitddrt oonstltuonts. • ‘‘We therefore pledge ourselves tiuit in the future, as in tho past, the pledges of the .Republican party will bo kept;, that the;Inhabitants of-tlw new-insular-posses- slons shall receive the protection for their, lives and projiorty and all tho civil and po- litical rights enjoyed by the jieopleof the United States, so far as is consistent with their subordination to the central author- ity of this government; that , tho ling our nation honors shall never bo trailed in tho ilust; that we will do our utmost to bring about the. triumphant election ofaWUUum McKinley this fall.,f .When tlio nomination of delegates was called tor llbn S. W. Klrkbrlde, i“epit*sent ing the Monmouth' county contingent, 4 Jh‘sentetl the nainb of O. II. Hrown. The nomination was seconded hy tlie-didega’ tion from*1 'Somerset, and the chairman of that delegation presi*nted tho name of F. P. Oleott ns tho the second delegate. ’ *• Jiiddlesox county seconded bbtli of these nominations aiul_the .election was by ac- climation. 'Middlesex then named Ghorgo 11. Tice nnd Aiul row S. Churchas candidates for tlio position of alternates. .There was ho opptisitlon and tlie election of those tWo Addi'essos w'oro mada by ,0. H. Brown nivd Mr. Tice, after which tho convention adjourned, __________ . lip cancer removed I)ollento Sjirglcal Operation Successfully l*erforinod Upon AVilllam. Grlftln, , by IJr.* II. 8. Klnnionth. 3)r. II. S. Klnmonth ycsteitliiy. after noon performed a delicate Opera tion upon. \yill)am Grlillii, jr., at his homo in' Wahajuassii, Heights. Ills lower lip •-wits' affected • with a malignant gi-owth known as epifehellonja or epithelial cancer. This the doctor ro nioved by cutting out a V-ghqpcdaHictlon- of the Up about ono Inch In length... Tho sides of tho wound wei*e thon drawn to gether^ and it is thought that in a short timo tho wound will bo unnotlcoablo. OUR CENSUS DISTRICT Monmoutli County I# In Fifth,.and Should ’ Not lie Confounded AVlth Number • ■"or CongreBslonal D istrict. Owing to Bomo confusion in the public mindr arising from* tho difference between the boundaries, of congressional and1 con- sus supervisors’ districts, it seems -desir- able, on local grounds, that the territorial limits of tho fourth and Fifth census dls- tricfe of this stato, lis 11 dally settled upon, should bo jnado clear In tho;minds of-thoso having business with tho census bureaus; Tho counties..of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean comprise the Fifth census district’of New Jersey, and tlio su- pervisor in. charge is Gen. William L. James, whose hcadtjbarters, are at River- ton, Ni J., and wtiereall reiwrts relating to the business of Ill’s olllce should be ad- dressed. • ' v: - . . The district adjoining the Fifth on thb north is under the supervision of Charles S. Tunis and is known (is the Fourth census district' of. Kew Jersey. Jt com- prises tho coUiithls of Hunterilon, Middle- sex, Somerset- aiul Union—ijmbracing; a part. of..,yffree congressional districts, and Mrr—T u iiis^ OfIico - is - located • - in,- Xew Brunswick. , * , The .enumerators in svich district, of course, by this time understand the situa- tion, but as, on account of hjs residence and familiar acquaintance in* this'county, many, letters .oil strictly olllcjai lines are s(ii11 addressed to Mr. Tunis, lie requests that it bo announced ng a matter of infor* liiatlon aiut. tfme*saying#ifor* the writers tlmtjsiidhcommunications siiould be st*nt directly to General James, the supervisor in chargo of the Fifth district, at’his ofllce (is indicated above. • DEFECTIVESWiTdHBbARD Causes Slight Firo tn Appleby JUtlUUnR; X^odgo Kooni—K. G.F.Cliartcr liui'iicd. Furniture Slightly I>aniagcd. • A slight fire was caused last nlglit by a defective switchboard In the lodge room of the Ai)pleby.bullding,'on Mattison avenUe. The blaze was,discovered by Mrs. Rachel; Britton, one of the members of Seaside Commandory, No.*095, United Order of^tbe doldcn,Cross,which was to Have met in the lodge room last night, • A cloud of smoke Envoy FIschor Says Ki'tejitlon by Anierl'* cans : Exceeded Expectations Wessels Denies. Sen<llug Telegram to Krii^or AdvIsIng~Hhri to Surrendeir~If Defeated at Vaal Itlyeri, Xsnv Ybrkf Wednesdny.—The Boer en- voys who arrived-on the ^steamship Maas-* .dam -ycstewlliy, remained quietly life tho Hotel Manhattan all morning. They, will go out for a\lrivo^iWs';nfternoou and to- morrow will me^c JlijyoivVaii 'V^’yck, wlio will extend to/thfem fivedonij bf ;the city nnd welcmfu>\them to. 'American soil. Mr. Fischer, ono jof the envoys', - said this morning that tho wclcdmo tendered them by the Americans far exceeded their best hopes. He said. it. was untrue that the FreG_Stater8^aiHr'Tr(ili.s\Yiaier>rdi^lgreed and that tho Free Staters Wore deserting f rom tlie cause. He said thoy Svould leave for Washington'Friday, Capo Tow.n, Wednesday.—It Is reported hero that tlui Boer eiiydys, Immediately upon their arrival In •America, adyiscuV Kruger to.suri'ender if thti.Boers wore dcj- feated at tho Vaal river. The report has pot been confirmed. r Now York, Wednesday.—Herr Weasels, chief' of the Boers who arrived here yes- terday, saitl this morning that the report regarding his sending of a telegram to -Kruger was tintriio. This.is his statement of.fact, but the belief is current here' that Weasels Is evading _the ipujstion and that tlie cablegram was in reality sent. STREET FILEED WITH I)‘ e AI). poured from the room as Mrs. Britton opened tho 'door and sho ran down stairs calling for help. Tho first volunteer _oh tho sceiio W'asoqulppcd with a tea cup, and this he diligently used in carrying water. He was later reinforced'by al squad wield- ing splttponsr and to tho. cuspidor brigado .bolongs-the-creditof^pntfclngJrtttJheJiro.^ ‘l'ho carpet, which belongs. to Asbury Council, No. 23, Jr* O.'.U. A. M., was lightly damaged(the charter.of Corinthian Castle, Xo. H, K. G. K., was J»ur.nccl^^and Sovenil chairs ami a desk wore charred. Tho building itself suffered .little dainago. It Is*‘understood that^.all the property burned Is insurtnl. ■** ARY THIS EVENING To^Nanilu^te ^Candidate fop Firo Commis- sioner of Neptuue District aud Name the' Appropriation. ( Xotlco has Jhhui given of a primary to Iw held" tonightTivtTTtherWnBhington Kngine* house, Ocean Grovo, for tho purpose of nominating a successor to present Fire Commissioner Harry A. Summers of Nep- tune Fire District, No. 1, and also to vote an appropriation of ftt,G 00 for contingent expenses. The election is to be hold on Saturday, May 2<l, at the Washington- Kngine houso, l>etweon tho hours of Hand 7 p. m. Mr. Sulnmers is a candidate for reolec- reptvsHHtatlVe from thjd 44oUrHtmUt-ls-wU^l-tUat-Il^liomas..Wymcoop- 1s also willing to be! selected. HUGHES’ LEG BROKEN Horne Starts Suddenly'uml Throws -Ex- “-^preOTnutirto'jt.rnumi^iiuirKnrsfar^ Deglnulng of llusy Season. Fmnk' 11 ughos,"u colored expressman of West Park, had his lt;g broken at the As- bury Park station early last evening. He ‘was slttlng in his wagon, When tho horse started unexpectedly, throwing him heav- ily and breaking liis left ankle: The broken limb was set by I)r. Alex. Wil- liamson. Hughes’ accident is peculiarly unfortunate, occurring as it does at tlie Uiglnnlng of his l^usy season. • He has a family' ____ _ Delegates Leave for Cuuveution. -The local delegaUJS to the annual coil- vcntion of tho Kxempt Fh*einon’s asAocia’ tlotv left this morning for Dover, X. J., wlioi*e this year’s conventibi/ is to bo held. Among thoso who went wero F. A. Leg- gett and John Forman of this city, and John J. Smith, Aaron Recti and Mllo£h*ir- (lu of Occan Grovo. A Few (Jood Things. As a life saver.—A doctor may be called, police aUl summoned, firo dejMirtment no- tlfliHl. • ' $3 shoo salo at Stolnbaoh’s, SatunUiy, Annual shoo sale, Satimluy pt Steln- Uvch’s, ^ ' t Ilonnot-IUQ for salo at Kinmonth’s. t * Steinlmch’s sure*, Saturday. I “A T in 1TO1 niliV^^riiTfiuT^pt^Iesr moanrt of negotiating, buying or selling, ummgingian option or closing iv deal. A s an incentive to business,^-Residence aiul shop, produced.aiid.consumer,.manu- facturer and siilesrooin me kept in con stant communlcdtlon, ,, Givator jthan pills or potions.—In tho speed with which It brings relief or miti- gates disaster. A sa time saver.—It lessons tho necessity for travel. As a promoter of friendship.—It keeps the social world in touch and makes possi- ble Immediate and satisfactory Interchange of inquiry or invitation. Asa preserver of youth—Tho saving of wear and tear of travel. M tho anguish, of anxiety and of petty irritation, keeps away ,tho wrinkles, saves tho complexion aiul keeps tho'dlsposltlon.amiable. , -"A-s^aTTT'^' to/iivatrimonlal happiness, Wives may bp notilled of any change'in the husband’s hour of return; meals need not be kept waiting and luul temper and dyspepsia are rehdoretl Improbable; Only a few o f the advantages are lioro outlined of tlu) inany mado available by telephone service, •- The Now York and Now Jersey Telephone ComiMiny, 170 Broadway, Long Branch, ST.. J Underwear lMirgains at>Stoinbach’’s, Sat- unlay. . ' t I’ll moot you at Stelnbuchrs, Saturday. Boer Represehtatives to Start for Washington Friday. WELCOME TO AMERICAN SOIL I Forty-'yiiird Amorl(pan Infantry Killed . Ovor SOO Insurgents April If*. Washington, ^Wednesday/— Geii. Mc- Arthur stiiuls a cablegram to 1the 'war de- Xiqv t i n e n t confirming :jiews of an engaKo- ment with tho insurgents at Catubig oh Ajp’ll 15 with; a detach nient of the Forty- thlitlrhlfaiitry-g^i^ofiiT^^na6^)1ace7iM(> Arthur reports 19 killed a nd O-wounded. Over 200 of the attacking party, were killed, tho street Abeing covered with dead in- surgents. ’.■■■■ ' . NATIVE CHUISTIANS MASSACRED. Antl-Forelgn_Socletv_of._4 *IlQxerfL*LKlll Tlen-Tsm Province People. London, Wednestlay.—A despatch from Tlen-Tsin, China, says that members .of tho anti-foreign society “known as the ^BbxorsvrHmve massacred a number of natlvechristiansin the Tlen-Tsin province. Vesuvlus-ls Again Active. , Na]>les,# Wednesday.—A renewal of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius is notcd today. v r. ADVANCE -GUARD ARRIVES \ Il^lf ,Dozen Hri^Iit Trenton lloys Con- cluded a Trip to tho Shore Wib N aturalln-IIot-W eather^— -------- The advance guard from Trenton ar- rived in this city yesterday on schedule time with tho hot wave. They evidently came to tho conclusion that the time had arrived to take tip their residence at tlie seashore anil nutuniily.. selected Asbury Park, as tho most acceptable place along the coast. By mistake they.took tlio fac- tory building at Brailloy Park for a hotel and took quartet's there for the night. about midnight., however, by. the appear- ance, of Ollloer Chapman, lie corralled tho entire number and escorted them to the township lotlgltig house on South Multi street. __ ________________ ... Ti io - d t»lt*ga 11 on—rtmst sled~t jfr-s boys* ranging from M to Hi years of ag»?. letter developments proved~that the hoys had runaway from, home and jvetv making, a tour through the state. The township otllcials have telegraphed tlte chief of police of Trenton and an etVort . is being made to locale their iiaivnts. The. Ixiys will be held uniII they can l»* placed In thy custody of some member of their family. ____' FREE TRAIN SATURDAY.. The fiteh^b»j>lt/coni|Hmy to Celebrate An- niversaries of Their Itlg-Stores. ----- . Next.Sattuilay will occur tho eighteenth anniversary of the opening of the Ocean Palace store, cortufr Main street atulCook- uiaii avenue, and the fourttf annlverstry of the oponjng of thov Mammoth, corticr Cookman avenue ami lCmorJ* street. 4The Stolnliach company announces that both events will be (lltingjy oliserved by inaugurating special sales in all thede-. partments of both ^tubllshments. A free train will bo run. front Point Pleasant to p. in., reaching" tli is city about 13o’clock. Returning, tlie .tmln-fvlU leave Asbury Park ’at 8 p. in., giving the people who come from points sou Hi fully sjx hours in this city. Shoppers who eoiiiofrom' points north tis far us Red Bank will imvo their faro refunded. At the Mammoth free soda water will be dispensed to visitors, while at tho Ocean .Palace.an orchostru_wl.ll play. All the particulars gun .be learned By muling their big adyertlsomtMit on tho sixth pugo of today’s Pukss. , , S Movements of Wnrshlps. -Washington, May ltJ.~Tlic Dixie has arrived nt Manila. 'J’he Buffalo has nvr aired .at-A«o w*tfr-^L:ltc‘.,pttltin,mreHms-sa li- ed from Shanghai for Hoiigkohg- Tlie |sla de Cuba has sailed from flongkoug for Manila.. . .^ kx . : ' * . Oiir-AnnnKt Shoe Salo . ... Of 1780 iwiirs of fB),'fl and $5 shoos at $2.00 a pair for nion, wtfmeii and chllditni.X'on.i- mepcing Saturday, May 111;' and .lusting until solit ■ 117-20 S tkixhacii* s Masijiotii St' ohk. tV ' Spociul pi'lccd new clothing ‘7it Stoln baun’s, Sutimliiy. . _____ . . f lloniiot-ino cures indigestion. t - UNRULY ROBERT BRYAN Chases Family Outdoorsr at lJelihar/Ee ^ap.esjy.hen^li’refltod. but Is-Flnally .... Lauded in Jail at Freehold. - E.conomy and-a continued reign of peace have led the borough of Belmur into dls- cdrdiug her policemen as useless accessories to the town's governmental staff. An ex- citing Incident ;occurrcd .yesterday, how* over, which ^proves the need o'?p such guar- dians even in Belijiar, v, liolxirt Bryan, about 1« ycuvrs of agej son of a liighly rcspected'widow', Mrs. T. A.- Bryan, livitig.on Eighth avenue, Ijecamo somewhat tinruly, it appears, on Monday night. It is said lie seizeti the tablecloth, drugged ftte dishes, on the floor, and not content .with this wreck and ruin, drove the, members of. his family frotii the hoySe with a butchers knife. Yesterday morn- ing he. again ran amuckYwlth the.knife. Complaint was accordingly niado to Mayor .Tnckson and a warnint \yns Issued and handed to ex-Chief of Police Samuel Hoppock^ who had to bo specially depu- tized to serve the iiistruinent. Bryan Was arrested aiitl committxsd for assault and Imtteiy .on’. Ids mother, {i.iid was to have ’1 jetTti' tjikefi' to Fri^ioid 'yesfi^ Just^ about tmln time, however, he escaiKHti^’ from Deputy Hopijock, ran down tlie track and hid in the building of the Shark River Amusement comiuiiiy. When, found by_ t)ie otllcer he was crouching on top of the big'holler, presumably hunting for the safety valve.. He was'taken to Freehold today. v . FINE SUPPER SERVED At Craud Avonuo. Hotel for.'llenent of jHolutlon Hospital—tadles* Efforts . Iteivarded liy Liberal -Patronage. Tho suppor given at the Grand Avenue hotel last night for the benefit of tho Isola- tion hospital fund proved a grand success, and tliei ladies who managed the affair lire entitled to a grout deal of credit. Tho hos- pital fund was increased, . by a snug amoiint, which accounts for the fact: Ithat those'wlio managed the event do not r<^ gret their, bard work. ' Tho largo diningroom- was; tastefully d(!COKitedforthuoccasiori7^and“ifr-sccmed' as if those in charge of the' numerous tjibles—hatL^endeavQnid-lto.-outdo^ithcir1 neighbors in .the matter of table decora- tions. .>Euch of thetables was in charge of a committee of Asb\iry Parleys prominent ladies and they‘were aided by 71 number of young women. All the ladies were attired in costumes of white. • ’ The menu (fonsistedwjf all the delicacies of-thoseuKomsLTved'iirthe~nT0 st~piliTti£ljle~ manner. Supper was served 'from 0 to 0 o’clock and the Utbles were well 111 led dur- ing tho. Gjitire time. During tho evening* ^anfortl’sijrc.hcstm rendered some pleas- ing musib. Mrs.*A. L. Guy of tho Stafford had full chargeof tho culinary department, which was ably managed. Thecommittce in charge was careful to seo that'all the jwitrohs received courteous and prompt at- tention'.. . TALLIE MORGAN BLIND V 1. ————— ' Rl^ht Eye Sightless and Left Oi^e. Af- fected, Due to Overwork—*To Con- y soitrNovYorlr-SpeciallstrTodajT^ ---- Prof. Tall Kseu Morgan, director of tho Ocean Grove auditorium choir and well known in musical circles^ is. In extreme danger of becoming blind. He has entire- ly lost the sight of his right eye and tlie ight of the other Is falling. Prof. Morgan left on the noon tmln today to consult a specialist in New York. Tho uflllctlon oc- curred very suddenly, It' is said, whilo ho was traveling from New York to this city -ytrslttnlttyr - — ‘ The misfortune seems to hut lightly ef- fect Mr. Morgan’s usually cheerful spirit, lie conducted tho choir rehearsal In the Ociuin Grove high school building last. evening'witlralliils accuptontinl vigor . Morgatr siiys ho sttnfereil from'a similar attack about eight years ago, when lu> was totiiiry blind for about six weeks. He ascribes the trouble to weakness of the optical nerve, due to bodily weakness and exhaustion produced - by overwork, lie thinks a rest will remedy the evil. London, Wednesday.—News of tho cap- ture of, Glencoe, which' Is ;east of Dundee, Is confirmed in the following despatch from Buller received at tho war oillcc tlii .v morning:’“We occupied Glencoe yester-' d a y .. The TWriiSviuilerrt K(ive now eviicu* ate<i their Biggarsbui'g. positions^ aiid the l^ree StitferS of the Drakensberg district are much reduced Iii numbers. The Carp- liiift, LydtmbuVg and Pretoria commanders have trekked north with 11 g(itis and en- trencl 1ed atG luncoe. Th fili* 1a,st train .and: amimlaiiCes left yesterday, morning. This result Is largely due to the excellent work of the yifth division the' last* few days. Trains aro now runuingvas far as Wessel’s Xek station, half way between Ladysmith iind Dundee.” Londop, 'Wednesday.—Roberts reports from Kroonstadt, under date of yesterday, a‘s follows:<i‘Two oliicers and six men of the Prince Alfred guards, while, foraging yesterday, were flrtjd on, hy a . party of Botirs who were' hiding iii a farnihouse oju which aHag of trture was Hying, Two men were killed;-0110 olHcer wounded and the other officer and two men captured. ‘ The owner o ftiie farm says theUoti'rs threat- ened to kill him wh^n he protested against the abuseuf the white flag.” Duiulee, May J5 (delaytid).—The Boors who evacuated Dtindju* yesteitlay 'liuniber- ed 4.000 and had 18*guns. . • v BOERS REPULSED AT MAFBKINC ? Iteporif Has Reached London, Rut No Par- tlcularT line is Mentloned.^_ _ London, Wednestlay.—A despatch from Ijaurenzo.Marfjtie/, sjiys irigri’eiMjrtetL that. The Boers have been repulsed at Mafeffiiife with heavy losses. No dates are mentipn- tioncdand it Is unknown whether tho re- port refers to last Sunday’s fight or some now eiigagement. However, the report strengthens belief that Mafeking is pass- diig through the crisis'of thc/siege. : SYMPATHIZES W IT lrtM ,- ' Gorman Consul Peeke Will Therefore be Recalled From Cape Town. *" " - Boiiln, Wednesday.—Tho UorlliLgovcm-r ment is about'to recall tho German cifiisul, Gonoiiil Fecke, at Cape Town, wiioyi the poolers accuse of entttrUilning view s,of British sympathy. CHICAGO IIOTEL'IJURNS. * FIRE AT WANAMASSA Old Y. M. C. A •Auditorium W as In Danger. Firo Fighters Rested at “ Ililly” (5rif!in*s A fter Hard R un. ;____ Shortly Iwfore o o’clock yesterday (jft er- nooti -an aliirm ^f lire Was sounded In West Asbury Park. The entile depart- ment responded, but the llro.mon- experi- enced some dillieulty In locating the blaze. It filially* developed that the old auditor- ium at Wunumussa was in danger of being consumed. It seems that someone was burning brush in that vicinity and the I lames spread as a result of o Jirisk__»ind uiiich had developed. The Hrc. was ex- tlnguisheil, however, before nny.'Sortous damage was doiie is a result of tho alarui, The weather was very warm and, tJ»oSe who nuido their way out there found themselves tired and wtyiry. Mr.' G rillin’s place was iiandy and many of tho weary travelers found It a convenient place to rest and moisten their dry throats. / * “ College Tea” Tonlglat. . /.The Westminster Juniors ^vvill hold a “collegts tea” in tho church tonight, coin- numcing at 7* o’clock. Supptjr will bo ■served and leejcream, candy and Umionude will boon sale. A fishing pond will fur- nish pleasure for the children. G. T. San- fonl and a number of young musicians will funvKhluusIcT VlSoTiVselect ions will also l)o rendered by local talent and ajady elocutionist will recite. Admission free. Amilversavy side at Steinbach’s, Sutur day... , ' X Coleinan’s.phArtnacy, FotirtTuiTul Kings ley. now open’with a full lliitV Every thing ftesh. Give us a call. 1U 7 -JX) Grand free concert at Stelnbach's Ocean Palace, Saturday.^ . M , ' , . $T>shoes for $2 nt Stein bach’s, Saturday.* British Push Ahead FromDundee and Boers Trek North. FIRED ON FLAG OF TRUCE. Report of Rbe^^epulse. Willi Heavy Loss a t; MufekhiK—(ierniun Con toil.’-at Cupe Colony to be itecalled—Loss of Life • and Property by lllg Flres^-Americaus 'K ill Over JJOO IiisiirgeutH. T CtteritK in 100 Rooms Eneape 'Through WlndoVvs—Ten- Severely Injured. Chicago,Wednesday.—The Hotel Helene, situated on Fljty-Uiird street, was destroy- tnl by lire early this.morning. The Humes MvepB-'threiigh” the“ b'Ullditig ‘ m pidly litid many of the occupants were forced to jump from wituknvs to escitpe tht* Haines. Ten persons were severely .injured, six of whom will probably die. The persons were severely injured nnd one‘or two are thought to have been killed. The building Is a threorstory structure contain- ing 100 rooms. All these werc occupled ijnd tht* place had lieencloscd for tho uight. he occupants had ^to' bo arousot police; * r” - SULTAN MAINTAINS SILENCE. .. Our (iovorument May Soon Lone I’atleneo at Ills Failure to Act. . . ,. -^Vjishingtonr—W'ednesdar^^^A-s— Hiittr wears on and still no answer comes -friim. the Sublime Porte to thc noie Vj»f the Uniied States rcgartlihg the pay 1110111 of indem- nity, the tension hccomes more and more evident In diplomatic circles. State de- partment oillcials decline to diseussHhe matter further than to say that the United States government has tn ke.n n determined .stand and will not be iHit,off with silence or tho promise to pay at some indefinite time in.the future. . - DISCLAIM REPORT-IS A 11 LUFF. Republican Leaders-Say Proposed Reme- ^clial Trust Meanuro W ill Pass. Washington, Wednesday.—^Hi'publlcan leaders in.the house say that tho action- of the com mittee. on judiciary iu reporting hi favor of romeditil trust legislation is not a bluff. They give grave assurance that be- fore adjournment, which may bo expected in about, two weeks,-the measures proposed b.Viniii.Tjiiri ty'TiftIiiTcoiiimittee1■ 'w ill be en-' acted IIItu a law. -DlNTAJUO!A-UI(i-lUltia-I^>SS^ Two lHff Plants Wiped Out^-Loss Will- Aggregate Fully sr. 00, 000. • St*. Catherines, Out , Wednesday.—The entire plant of the \VeIiaiid Vale cqmpuny uul also • the Ctuiadu . Cycle and Motor cartipany's works were -destroyed by fire early lids morid,ug. The loss will uggtv- gate a half million dollars. STRIKERS.UTTER A THREAT. • ‘ —;• Carpenters of Patorsoy Endeavor to Force lioBdes to Accede to DcmandH. Pa toiso n, X. J., WeiljH^day.—The strik- ing carpenters lodliy threaten. to% call out all the . building Crades workmen iti this city'.iC theImssos’do iv'ol t'vcmle tollioir vie” piamls by night. , The bosses remain firm/ Showers Predicted. Washington, Wednesday.- — Showers prolxdily, With thundorstoruis'tonight and Thurstlay; winds mostly northerly. Fctuisoda iit Steluljach’s Mammoth.Sat- urduy. ■ '■ - "• / ' ? '• - Albbons below cost at Stcinbaoh’s, Sat- urthiy; Saturuay next;'then StelnJjuchs. THE ACCIDENT - To the Central Railroad , train serves as a reminder ot the value of accident insur- ance. An accident policy , , of the Travelers’ Insurance . ' Company costing but $25 per annum to preferred risks pays $50 a week in- ~ ” “ dem^ity for a total disability or $10,000 for death by ac- cident while riding as a pas- ' senger in , any railway pas- . - ! senger car. Let us give Y O U further particulars. MltAtJ ROSS AGENCY ^ ., 208 Main Street. MoDmouth Trust -AND- Safe Deposit Company Monmouth BulMinjr, Asbury parkj W. j; CAPITAL,... SURPLGS,,, 4100 , 000. . S5,000. Uxecutes all trusts knowti to the law. .* ^Loans money on bond and mortgage.' Receives deposits sObject to check and allow* interest on dally balances. Acts as Truatee, Registrar and Transfer Agent. Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral, t . . Safe deposit vaults. "*'—“ A> C. IWXJONS, President.-^-^ ........S. B. M.> HARVMY, Vice Pr««Mea». R. A. TUSTING, SccnUn. D. c. COarosu;,Trrauur«r.’ DIRECTORS: R. A. Tusting} R. A. Tusting; V : Hc« ry.Ml tch e 11 , J><- John P. O’Brien, O. H, Brown, T. H. Buchan on, JlrC.'Carnfll,' wrj.Harti«9B. Perry R.amith,' Col. G, B, M. Harvey, s, A. Patterson, George P. Kroehl . A. O. '. winiE», Bruce a.-Keator, M. D„ IX. H. VreeUnd, G. D. w. yroom. . High Grade Fishing Tackle Repairing on Rods and Reels. OlGARSJAND TOBACCO . Imported Key Wost and Domestic Cigar* and all Smokers’ Articles. The best cigar that 0 cents cad buy. J . F . SEGER, 'book^nan Avenue WE HAYE IT Y O U are looking about for youc STATIONERY SUPPLIES:. Y O U want the best- goods made and'want to buy them at reasonable prices. LETWiriterest you. " O U R prices are popular. .. O U R line is up-to-date. BLANK BOOKS. LAW BOOKS RUBBER STAMPS made to order. HOTEL REGISTERS, &c. :— -DAILY- RAPERS~deliverech-------- HARRY A. BORDEN Stationer '^Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. andMattisonlye. HEADACHE Muny thousand pgople Buffer from ' chronic Headache, llndlug no relief lolther in medicine, moderation; of work or other remedies. In many easos the trouble Is caused In -defective eyos, which canba remedied by skilled adjustmont of proper lenses. IVe examine the eyes for every iiosslble defcut and Buarautee our work. Kx- aminatlou free. STILES &: GO. Eye Specialists At 222 Main Street every Friday.. Hours: 11 to I n. m., 2 to 5 B. m. OF A5BCJRY PARK . Mattison Avenue and Bond Street Between Poatofflce and D epot' ' ORQANIZED FEBRUARY, lS 8 t OFFICERS: ' GEORaE-F. KROIiH.L, Prosldoat_ tJTH; iWOWK, tiit Vloo FrSitloat M. L; BAMMAN, 2nd Vice Preaidont M.'V. DAGER, Cashier " M. H. SCOIT, Assistant Cashier P atro n s'v alu ab les reaelved" for anfe keeping free ofcharse. Forelsn exchange bought and sold Collections promptly acknowledged YOU.R BUSINESS FAVOR6 RB- .SPECTF ULUY 8CL1CITED.


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All the Local News

Late News By Telegraph

FOURTEENTH YEAR. NO. 117. A S B U R Y P A R K ,. N E W J E R S E Y , W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 1 1C, 1900. - S I X P A G E S PRICE ONE CENT


Place your Fire' In­

surance with the old­

est and best com­

panies in the world.

Represented byt * ,


2Q8 Bond Street,' ' • . • * T •O i ' • , * t •

' Asbury Park, N. J.


{Hotel Branswlalr,Railroad Depot and 1314 Bang* Avenue,

Principal Offlco...,....,800 MAIN STBEBT . , Goods sto red a t reasonable ra tes ,

Telephone connection.P. O. llojC. 6fi7, V - h . - AflBURYPABK


O iN E .C E N TWII! Im y a paatixl. cnril on w hich to

w rite iw tlm t y o u r d o ck nopds th e doctor. Wm will Burnt fo r I t n t oneo, p u t i t in f.ltOrouifli order, and re tu rn if to you r lUimtiil before you Im voscarce lym issed it, •nml chargo you an. honest price fo r oilr-tlm o , mid-Mltlll. • . _.

Pioasn stop anil lliliits for one mo­ment. Alii ail your clock!) dolnir u>< well iui they slwuul f Jtwil! cost you nothing to let us trrqp«ot thorn. Wo novor nnd Itnasi- imry faults nor mako unnccusBitry repairs.

GUUDE.J.WISEM1N,Jeweler and Optician

. __ 64s Cookman A ve.Hpoolal attontlim glven'to fitting irlaraos

to correct nil dofoota of vision. EXAJU1- NATIONJLHEE .______ :

ATTENTION!If you take care of your, qjrgs they will take care of you. Many lives are made miserable

! through the neglect of not hav­ing the eyes at rest. ’’If jrou suffer with dizziness, pain in the head or blurred.vision.call ami have your eyes examined, free of charge. We repair'your. frames promptly and make a specialty

_ ^ accurate optical'Wdfk. -

Willard C. WisemanQUADUATti OPTICIAN

A sb u ry P a r k O p tic a l P a r lo r ,6 0 3 C o o k m a n A v e f t u e .

Cor. Emory Btreet.—Electrlccars pass door. Telephone No. 133


Lake Avenue Hotel

Asbury Park* N. J.X X X X , .*•

A modern hotel with all improvements f thorough^ ly furnished .•through*'

\ OUt« 0 *• 0 0 ' t " 0 I



'226 Main St., Asbury Paris

'Capital $50,008 ““W * 145,000

Asbury Park m4 Ocean GroveB A N K

Uoratf'r Mattison Ave. and Main’St., I - ASBURY PARK. N. J . . , Conier Rain Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway


KENBY O. WINSOR. Prosldent. , 'GEO. W . KVAN8 , V lcs-rreallbnt.

EDMUND IL PA-V30N. Ouhlor ■■ ----------JE3SS MINOI1, A ssis tan tCaahlar

- . directors: •T. HUN* iPPMBX DK. J . A. If. BSTBIOK,k. s . nucnAHOH • jobn iwbdaro *

'•C.Q.CUTOJM . -LfWtS RAIN EARd S o . t t l v ia f 8 p ro , w; t r m a t ,

, 1 a. rxnavnoti am os t i l t o n•HEJTRT C. WINSOB

A o o o u n t o R a a n e o t f u l l y . S o l i c i t e d . S d f e D e p o s i t B o x « s , t o R e n t .

We Issue Foreign Drafts and Let- era of Credit.

B U .E G A T B GflOSENTo Attend the National Conven­

tion at Philadelphia.

M E E T I N G V E R Y H A R M O N I O U S .• ’ •— - — ?-l . . )H o n . O. I I . D ro w n o f M o n m o u th a n d F .

1%, O lc o tt o f S o m e rs e t t l ie l«ucl<y T e a m . G . I I . T ic e a u d A . S. C h u rc h o f M id d le* box, 'A l te r n a t e s —C o n v e n tio n H e ld in T h is C ity T h in JV tornln#. *

Tim- lt^publlcan ■ convention for tho Third New Jersey congressional district, for tlii! pur peso of' electing two • delegates nnd two alternates to thp nntlonnl conven­tion to 1)0 held nt Philadelphia next, month was held in Educational hall tlils liiornltig. , About .\TA) delegates were present, repniscntihg Monmouth, Middle* sex and Homersot'coiintics.

The convention was .called to order about U.Jtt) o’clock and J. IJ. Clover of Middlesex county was named ns te/nponiry chalrmnn. The temporary-•wfcrefctirles wero H. IT. Ogden of Monmouth nnd W. S. Gtlhuly of Somerset. A .committee was.appointed to escort the chairman to tho platform. , Mr. Clever thanked the delegates for tho honor and addressed tho convention for abbUt 15 He pre­dicted the reelection of President McKin- ley aiid tho defwit of W illiam J . Bryan, and toucluHV briefly upon 'tho issuer upon which tho coming campaign w ill be fought.. Tlio speaker was an orator of. hi£h standing and his speech was liberally applauded. . V

The following: committees wero then hanied: Permanent organ!zation-rMon- liiouth, Captain IJenjamin Griggs; Iflid- diesex, John Hv Silvers; .Somerset, Charles McMIuhaol. Credentials—Monmouth, L* Ei W atson; MiddlesexV * .7ohn, Conger;Somerset, M ., 1), Smalley, Rules-rMon- iiiouth, W . Bayldgo; Middlesex, A . B. Urown; Homerstifc, James Harrington. Hesolutions—Monmouth, E, J). Pettys; Middlesex, Jesse- Colycr; Somerset, S. T. Wyckoff. . ' ^

After a rebess of 15 minutos_the commit­tees presented their reports.^TKe'cofiu nTKrorT im uieH tprgtm izii - tion recommended that the temporary or­ganization Ikj continued., Tho rejmrt was adopted, Thq committee on/credentials imported that peace and harmony prevailed in nil the counties and that them was no contest. * The~eoininitteb“on_rulesrecom-t mended that the sumo rules i)rt>valLas-\vere,■In force last vear. Their mport was nlso adopted. The committee on resolutions 'reported as follows:

Tho Republicjins of tho Third congres- slonal district deslfo to con gm tu la to our fellow citizens on tho magnificent results of four years of Republican goveriuuent under the leadership of W illiam McKinley, and upon tho fact- that all promises-mado by the* Republican j»rty have been kept.

Tliat the Hi\ances of the cvitntry have been estubUshetT on a sound liusls and that' this country has l)cen mlscd from a idough of despond and Is now enjoying an era of prosjjerlty the like «if wKleh has never been knownr^OurTarms-iufvprbeenrvictorious' on land and sea. Our commerce now. ex­tends to all |Hirts of tho world, and the TJnit<*d States has emerged ns u great world power, Tulmlivd and feared by all nations..r' rfg*

"In the pfflBhge of all the legislative measures that have brought about the ele­vation of those . Unlteil States to a higher place In tlie family of nations, wo recog- ni/.o tho fact that Hon. U. F, Howell, our

an honoKible part nml has rwilected credit upoitddrt oonstltuonts. •

‘‘W e therefore pledge ourselves tiuit in the future, as in tho past, the pledges of the .Republican party will bo kept;, that the;Inhabitants o f-tlw new-insular-posses- slons shall receive the protection for their, lives and projiorty and all tho civil and po­litical rights enjoyed by the jieopleof the United States, so far as is consistent with their subordination to the central author­ity of this government; that , tho ling our nation honors shall never bo trailed in tho ilust; that we w ill do our utmost to bring about the. triumphant election ofaWUUum McKinley this fall.,f

.When tlio nomination of delegates was called tor llbn S. W. Klrkbrlde, i“epit*sent ing the Monmouth' county contingent,

4 Jh‘sentetl the nainb of O. II. Hrown. The nomination was seconded hy tlie-didega’ tion from*1'Somerset, and the chairman of that delegation presi*nted tho name of F. P. Oleott ns tho the second delegate. ’ *•

Jiiddlesox county seconded bbtli o f these nominations aiul_the .election was by ac­climation.

'Middlesex then named Ghorgo 11. Tice nnd Aiul row S. Churchas candidates for tlio position of alternates. .There was ho opptisitlon and tlie election of those tWo

Addi'essos w'oro mada by ,0 . H. Brown nivd Mr. Tice, after which tho convention adjourned,__________ ■ .

l i p c a n c e r r e m o v e dI )o llen to S jirg lc a l O p e ra t io n S u cce ss fu lly

l* e r fo rin o d U pon A V illlam . G rlftln ,, by IJr.* II . 8. K ln n io n th .

3)r. II. S. Klnmonth ycsteitliiy. after noon performed a delicate Opera tion upon. \yill)am Grlillii, jr., at his homo in' Wahajuassii, Heights. Ills lower lip • -wits' affected • w ith a malignant gi-owth known as epifehellonja or epithelial cancer. This the doctor ro nioved by cutting out a V-ghqpcdaHictlon- of the Up about ono Inch In length... Tho sides of tho wound wei*e thon drawn to gether^ and it is thought that in a short timo tho wound w ill bo unnotlcoablo.

OUR CENSUS DISTRICTM o n m o u tl i C o u n ty I# In F i f th , .a n d S h o u ld

’ N o t l i e C onfounded AVlth N u m b er • ■"or CongreBslonal D is tr ic t.

Owing to Bomo confusion in the public mindr arising from* tho difference between the boundaries, of congressional and1 con- sus supervisors’ districts, it seems -desir­able, on local grounds, that the territorial lim its of tho fou r th and Fifth census dls- tricfe of this stato, lis 11 dally settled upon, should bo jnado clear In tho;minds of-thoso having business with tho census bureaus;■ Tho counties..of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean comprise the Fifth census district’of New Jersey, and tlio su­pervisor in . charge is Gen. W illiam L. James, whose hcadtjbarters, are at River­ton, Ni J., and wtiereall reiwrts relating to the business of Ill’s olllce should be ad­dressed. • ‘ ' v : - .. The district adjoining the Fifth on thb

north is under the supervision of Charles S. Tunis and is known (is the Fourth census district' of. Kew Jersey. Jt com­prises tho coUiithls of Hunterilon, Middle­sex, Somerset- aiul Union—ijmbracing; a part. of..,yffree congressional districts, and Mrr—T uiiis^ OfIico - is - located • - in,- Xew Brunswick. , * ,

The .enumerators in svich district, of course, by this time understand the situa­tion, but as, on account of hjs residence and familiar acquaintance in* this'county, many, letters .oil strictly olllcjai lines are s(ii 11 addressed to Mr. Tunis, lie requests that it bo announced ng a matter of infor* liiatlon aiut. tfme*saying#ifor* the writers tlmtjsiidhcommunications siiould be st*nt directly to General James, the supervisor in chargo of the Fifth district, a t ’his ofllce (is indicated above. •

DEFECTIVESWiTdHBbARDC au ses S l ig h t F i r o tn A p p le b y JUtlUUnR;

X^odgo K o o n i—K . G .F .C l ia r t c r liu i 'i ic d . F u r n i t u r e S l ig h t ly I> an iagcd . •

A slight fire was caused last nlglit by a defective switchboard In the lodge room of the Ai)pleby.bullding,'on Mattison avenUe. The blaze was,discovered by Mrs. Rachel; Britton, one of the members of Seaside Commandory, No.*095, United Order of^tbe doldcn,Cross,which was to Have met in the lodge room last night, • A cloud of smoke

E nvoy F Ischo r Says K i'te jitlo n by Anierl'* cans : E xceeded E xpecta tions W essels Denies. Sen<llug T e le g ram to K rii^ o r A dvIsIng~H hri to Surrendeir~If D efeated a t V aal Itlyeri,

Xsnv Y b rk f W ednesdny .—T h e B o er en­voys w ho a rrived -on th e ^steam ship Maas-* .dam -ycstewlliy, re m a in e d q u ie tly life tho H o te l M an h a tta n a ll m o rn in g . They, w ill g o o u t fo r a \ lr iv o ^ iW s ';n f te rn o o u a n d to ­m orrow w ill me^c JlijyoivVaii 'V ’yck , w lio w ill ex tend to /th fem fivedonij bf ;th e c ity n n d welcmfu>\them to. 'A m erican soil. M r. F ischer, o no j o f th e envoys', - sa id th is m o rn in g th a t tho wclcdm o tendered them by th e A m erican s fa r exceeded th e ir b est hopes. H e sa id . it. w as u n tru e th a t the FreG_Stater8^aiH r'T r(ili.s\Y iaier>rdi^l greed a n d th a t tho F ree S ta te rs Wore d e se rtin g f rom tlie cause . H e said thoy Svould leave fo r W ash in g to n 'F rid a y ,

Capo Tow.n, W ednesday .—I t Is re p o rted hero th a t tlui B o er eiiydys, Im m ed ia te ly upon th e ir a r r iv a l In •America, adyiscuV K ru g e r to .su ri'e n d er i f th ti.B oers w ore dcj- fe a ted a t th o V a a l riv e r . T he re p o rt h as p o t been confirm ed . r

N ow Y ork , W ednesday .—H e rr W easels, ch ief' of th e B oers w ho a rriv e d here yes­te rd a y , saitl th is m o rn in g th a t the re p o rt re g a rd in g h is s en d in g o f a te le g ra m to -K ru g e r w as tin tr iio . T h is .is h is s ta te m e n t o f.fac t, b u t th e b e lie f is c u r re n t h e re ' th a t W easels Is e v ad in g _the ipujstion a n d th a t tlie c ab leg ram w as in re a lity sen t.


poured from the room as Mrs. Britton opened tho 'door and sho ran down stairs calling for help. Tho first volunteer _oh tho sceiio W'asoqulppcd with a tea cup, and this he diligently used in carrying water. H e was later reinforced'by al squad wield­ing splttponsr and to tho. cuspidor brigado .bolongs-the-creditof^pntfclngJrtttJheJiro.^

‘l'ho carpet, which belongs. to Asbury Council, No. 23, Jr* O.'.U. A. M., was lightly damaged(the charter.of Corinthian

Castle, Xo. H, K. G. K., was J»ur.nccl^^and Sovenil chairs ami a desk wore charred. Tho building itself suffered .little dainago. It Is*‘ understood that^.all the property burned Is insurtnl.


T o ^ N a n ilu ^ te C a n d id a te fop F i r o C o m m is­s io n e r o f N e p tu u e D is tr ic t a u d

N am e th e ' A p p r o p r ia t io n . (Xotlco has Jhhui given of a primary to Iw

held" tonightTivtTTtherWnBhington Kngine* house, Ocean Grovo, for tho purpose of nominating a successor to present Fire Commissioner Harry A. Summers of Nep­tune Fire District, No. 1, and also to vote an appropriation of ftt,G00 for contingent expenses.

The election is to be hold on Saturday, May 2<l, at the Washington- Kngine houso, l>etweon tho hours of Hand 7 p. m.

Mr. Sulnmers is a candidate for reolec-reptvsHHtatlVe from th jd 44oUrHtmUt-ls-wU^l-tUat-Il^liomas..Wymcoop-

1s also willing to be! selected.

HUGHES’ LEG BROKENH orne S ta r t s S u d d e n ly 'u m l T h ro w s - E x - “-^preOTnutirto'jt.rnumi^iiuirKnrsfar^

D e g ln u ln g o f l lu s y S eason .F m nk' 11 ughos,"u colored expressman of

West Park, had his lt;g broken at the As­bury Park station early last evening. He

‘was slttlng in his wagon, When tho horse started unexpectedly, throwing him heav­ily and breaking liis left ankle: Thebroken limb was set by I)r. Alex. W il­liamson. Hughes’ accident is peculiarly unfortunate, occurring as it does at tlie Uiglnnlng of his l^usy season. • He has a family' ____ ‘ _

D e le g a te s L e a v e fo r C u u v eu tio n .-The local delegaU JS to the annual coil-

vcntion of tho Kxempt Fh*einon’s asAocia’ tlotv left this morning for Dover, X. J ., wlioi*e this year’s conventibi/ is to bo held. Among thoso who went wero F. A. Leg­gett and John Forman of this city, and John J. Smith, Aaron Recti and Mllo£h*ir- (lu of Occan Grovo.

A F e w (Jood T h in g s .A s a life saver.—A doctor may be called,

police aUl summoned, firo dejMirtment no- tlfliHl. • '

$3 shoo salo at Stolnbaoh’s, SatunUiy,

Annual shoo sale, Satimluy p t Steln- Uvch’s, ' t

Ilonnot-IUQ for salo at Kinmonth’s. t *

Steinlmch’s sure*, Saturday. I

“A Tin 1TO1 niliV ^^riiTfiuT^pt^Iesr moanrt of negotiating, buying or selling, ummgingian option or closing iv deal.

A s an incentive to business,^-Residence aiul shop, produced.aiid.consumer,.manu­facturer and siilesrooin me kept in con stant communlcdtlon,, , Givator jthan pills or potions.—In tho speed with which It brings relief or miti­gates disaster.

A sa time saver.—It lessons tho necessity for travel.

A s a promoter of friendship.—It keeps the social world in touch and makes possi­ble Immediate and satisfactory Interchange of inquiry or invitation.

A sa preserver of y o u th —Tho saving of wear and tear of travel. M tho anguish, of anxiety and of petty irritation, keeps away ,tho wrinkles, saves tho complexion aiul keeps tho'dlsposltlon.amiable. ,-"A-s^aTTT' ' to/iivatrimonlal happiness, Wives may bp notilled of any change'in the husband’s hour of return; meals need not be kept waiting and luul temper and dyspepsia are rehdoretl Improbable;

Only a few o f the advantages are lioro outlined of tlu) inany mado available by telephone service, • -The Now York and Now Jersey Telephone

• ComiMiny,170 Broadway, Long Branch, ST.. J

Underwear lMirgains at>Stoinbach’’s, Sat- unlay. . ' t

I ’ll moot you at Stelnbuchrs, Saturday.

Boer Represehtatives to Start for Washington Friday.


IF o r ty - 'y i i i rd A m orl(pan I n f a n t ry K il le d

. O vo r SOO I n s u r g e n ts A p r i l If*.Washington, ^Wednesday/— Geii. Mc­

Arthur stiiuls a cablegram to 1 the 'war de- Xiqv t in e n t confirming :jiews of a n e n gaKo-m ent with tho insurgents at Catubig oh Ajp’ll 15 with; a detach nient of the Forty- thlitlrhlfaiitry-g^i^ofiiT^^na6^)1ace7iM(> Arthur reports 19 killed a nd O-wounded. Over 200 o f the attacking party, were killed, tho street Abeing covered with dead in­surgents. ’.■■■■ ' • .


Antl-Forelgn_Socletv_of._4*IlQxerfL*LKlll T le n -T s m P ro v in c e P e o p le .

London, Wednestlay.—A despatch from Tlen-Tsin, China, says that members .of tho a n ti-foreign society “know n as the ^BbxorsvrHmve massacred a number of natlvechristiansin the Tlen-Tsin province.

V e su v lu s - ls A g a in A c tiv e . ,Na]>les,# Wednesday.—A renewal of the

eruption of Mt. Vesuvius is notcd today.v r. •

A D V A N C E - G U A R D A R R I V E S\ I l ^ l f ,Dozen H ri^ I it T r e n to n llo y s C o n ­

c lu d e d a T r ip to th o S h o re Wib N a t u r a l l n - I I o t - W e a t h e r ^ — --------

The advance guard from Trenton ar­rived in this city yesterday on schedule time with tho hot wave. They evidently came to tho conclusion that the time had arrived to take tip their residence at tlie seashore anil nutuniily.. selected Asbury Park, as tho most acceptable place along the coast. By mistake they.took tlio fac­tory building at Brailloy Park for a hotel and took quartet's there for the night.

about midnight., however, by. the appear­ance, of Ollloer Chapman, l ie corralled tho entire number and escorted them to the township lotlgltig house on South Multi street. __ •________________ . . .

Ti i o -d t»lt*ga 11 on—rtmst sled~t jfr-s boys* ranging from M to Hi years of ag»?. letter developments proved~that the hoys had runaw ay from, home and jvetv making, a tour through the state. The township otllcials have telegraphed tlte chief of police of Trenton and an etVort . is being made to locale their iiaivnts. The. Ixiys will be held uniII they can l»* placed In thy custody of some member of their family. ____'

F R E E T R A IN S A T U R D A Y ..

T h e fiteh^b»j> lt/coni|H m y t o C e le b ra te A n ­n iv e r s a r ie s o f T h e i r I t lg - S to r e s . -----

. Next.Sattuilay will occur tho eighteenth anniversary of the opening of the Ocean Palace store, cortufr Main street atulCook- uiaii avenue, and the fourttf annlverstry of the oponjng of thov Mammoth, corticr Cookman avenue ami lCmorJ* street.4The Stolnliach company announces that

both events w ill be (lltingjy oliserved by inaugurating special sales in all thede-. partments of both ^tubllshments. A free train will bo run. front Point Pleasant to

p. in., reaching" tli is city about 13 o’clock. Returning, tlie .tmln-fvlU leave Asbury Park ’a t 8 p. in., giving the people who come from points sou Hi fully sjx hours in this city. Shoppers who eoiiiofrom' points north tis far us Red Bank w ill imvo their faro refunded. At the Mammoth free soda water will be dispensed to visitors, while at tho Ocean .Palace.an orchostru_wl.ll play. A ll the particulars gun .be learned By m uling their big adyertlsomtMit on tho sixth pugo of today’s Pukss. , , S

M o v e m e n ts o f W n r s h l p s .-Washington, May ltJ.~Tlic Dixie has

arrived nt Manila. 'J’he Buffalo has nvr aired . at-A«o w*tfr- L:ltc‘.,pttltin,mreHms-sa li­ed from Shanghai for Hoiigkohg- Tlie |s la de Cuba has sailed from flongkoug for M anila.. . . ^ kx. : ' *

• . O iir-A n n n K t S h o e S a lo . ...Of 1780 iwiirs of fB),'fl and $5 shoos at $2.00 a pair for nion, wtfmeii and chllditni.X'on.i- mepcing Saturday, May 111;' and .lusting until solit ■

117-20 Stkixhacii*s Masijiotii St'ohk.

t V

' S p o c iu l p i'lc cd n e w c l o th in g ‘7it S to ln b au n ’s , S u tim liiy . ._____ . . f

lloniiot-ino cures indigestion. ■ t -

UNRULY ROBERT BRYANC hases F a m ily O utdoorsr a t l J e l i h a r / E e ^ a p .e s jy .h e n ^ l i’reflto d . b u t I s - F ln a l ly ....

L a u d e d i n J a i l a t F r e e h o ld .- E.conomy and-a continued reign of peace have led the borough of Belmur into dls- cdrdiug her policemen as useless accessories to the town's governmental staff. A n ex­citing Incident ;occurrcd .yesterday, how* over, which proves the need o'?p such guar­dians even in Belijiar, v,

liolxirt Bryan, about 1« ycuvrs of agej son of a liighly rcspected'widow', Mrs. T. A.- Bryan, livitig.on Eighth avenue, Ijecamo somewhat tinruly, it appears, on Monday night. It is said lie seizeti the tablecloth, drugged ftte dishes, on the floor, and not content .with this wreck and ruin, drove the, members of. his family frotii the hoySe with a butchers knife. Yesterday morn­ing he. again ran amuckYwlth the.knife.

Complaint was accordingly niado to Mayor .Tnckson and a warnint \yns Issued and handed to ex-Chief of Police Samuel Hoppock^ who had to bo specially depu- tized to serve the iiistruinent. Bryan Was arrested aiitl committxsd for assault and Imtteiy . on’. Ids mother, {i.iid was to have ’1 jetTti' tjikefi' to Fri^ioid 'yesfi^ Just^ about tm ln time, however, he escaiKHti^’ from Deputy Hopijock, ran down tlie track and hid in the building o f the Shark River Amusement comiuiiiy. When, found by_ t)ie otllcer he was crouching on top of the big'holler, presumably hunting for the safety valve.. He was'taken to Freehold today. v .

F I N E S U P P E R S E R V E DAt Craud Avonuo. Hotel for.'llenent o f

jHolutlon Hospital—tadles* Efforts . Iteivarded liy Liberal -Patronage.

Tho suppor given a t the Grand Avenue hotel last night for the benefit of tho Isola­tion hospital fund proved a grand success, and tliei ladies who managed the affair lire entitled to a grout deal of credit. Tho hos­pital fund was increased, . by a snug amoiint, which accounts for the fact: Ithat those'wlio managed th e event do not r< gret their, bard work. '

Tho largo diningroom- w as; tastefully d(!COKitedforthuoccasiori7^and“ifr-sccmed' as if those in charge o f the' numerous tjibles—hatL^endeavQnid-lto.-outdo^ithcir1

neighbors in .the matter of table decora­tions. .>Euch of thetables was in charge of a committee of Asb\iry Parleys prominent ladies and they‘were aided by 71 number of young women. A ll the ladies were attired in costumes of white. • ’

The menu (fonsistedwjf a ll the delicacies of-thoseuKomsLTved'iirthe~nT0 st~piliTti£ljle~ manner. Supper was served 'from 0 to 0 o’clock and the Utbles were well 111 led dur­ing tho. Gjitire time. During tho evening*

^anfortl’sijrc.hcstm rendered some pleas­ing musib. Mrs.*A. L. Guy of tho Stafford had full chargeof tho culinary department, which was ably managed. Thecommittce in charge was careful to seo that'a ll the jwitrohs received courteous and prompt at­tention'.. .

T A L L I E M O R G A N B L I N DV 1. —————''R l^ h t E y e S ig h tle s s a n d L e f t O i^e . A f­

fe c te d , D u e to O v e r w o r k —* T o C o n - yso itrN o v Y o rlr-S p e c ia lls trT o d a jT ^ ----

Prof. Tall Kseu Morgan, director of tho Ocean Grove auditorium choir and well known in musical circles^ is. In extreme danger of becoming blind. He has entire­ly lost the sight of his right eye and tlie ight of the other Is falling. Prof. Morgan

left on the noon tmln today to consult a specialist in New York. Tho uflllctlon oc­curred very suddenly, It' is said, whilo ho was traveling from New York to this city

-ytrslttnlttyr - — ‘The misfortune seems to hut lightly ef­

fect Mr. Morgan’s usually cheerful spirit, l ie conducted tho choir rehearsal In the Ociuin Grove high school building last.evening'w itlra lliils accuptontinl vigor .

Morgatr siiys ho sttnfereil from'a similar attack about eight years ago, when lu> was totiiiry blind for about six weeks. He ascribes the trouble to weakness of the optical nerve, due to bodily weakness and exhaustion produced - by overwork, lie thinks a rest will remedy the evil.

London, Wednesday.—N ew s of tho cap­ture of, Glencoe, which' Is ;east of Dundee, Is confirmed in the follow ing despatch from Buller received at tho war oillcc tlii .v morning:’“ We occupied Glencoe yester-' day.. The TWriiSviuilerrt K(ive now eviicu* ate<i their Biggarsbui'g. positions^ aiid the l^ree StitferS of the Drakensberg district are much reduced Iii numbers. The Carp- liiift, LydtmbuVg and Pretoria commanders have trekked north with 11 g(itis and en- trencl 1 ed a tG luncoe. Th f ili* 1 a,st train .and: amimlaiiCes left yesterday, morning. This result Is largely due to the excellent work of the y ifth division the' last* few days. Trains aro now runuingvas far a s W essel’s Xek station, half way between Ladysmith iind Dundee.”

Londop, 'Wednesday.—Roberts reports from Kroonstadt, under date of yesterday, a‘s follows:<i‘Two oliicers and six men of the Prince Alfred guards, while, foraging yesterday, were flrtjd o n , hy a . party of Botirs who were' hiding iii a farnihouse oju which a Hag of trture was Hying, Two men were killed ;-0110 olHcer wounded and the other officer and two men captured. ‘ The owner o f t i ie farm says theUoti'rs threat­ened to kill him wh^n he protested against the abuseuf the white flag.”

Duiulee, May J5 (delaytid).—The Boors who evacuated Dtindju* yesteitlay 'liuniber- ed 4.000 and had 18*guns. . • • v

B O E R S R E P U L S E D A T M A F B K IN C ?

I te p o r if H a s R e a c h e d L o n d o n , R u t N o P a r -t l c u l a r T l in e is M en tlo n ed .^ _ _

London, Wednestlay.—A despatch from Ijaurenzo.Marfjtie/, sjiys ir igri’eiMjrtetL that. The Boers have been repulsed at Mafeffiiife with heavy losses. No dates are mentipn- tioncdand it Is unknown whether tho re­port refers to last Sunday’s fight or some now eiigagement. However, the report strengthens belief that Mafeking is pass- diig through the crisis'of thc/siege.

: S Y M P A T H IZ E S W I T l r t M t ® , - '

G o rm a n C o n su l P e e k e W ill T h e re f o r e b e R e c a lle d F r o m C ap e T o w n . *" " -

Boiiln, Wednesday.—Tho UorlliLgovcm-r ment is about'to recall tho German cifiisul, Gonoiiil Fecke, at Cape Town, wiioyi the poolers accuse of entttrUilning v iew s,of British sympathy.


F I R E A T W A N A M A S S AO ld Y. M . C . A •A u d ito r iu m W a s In D a n g e r .

F ir o F ig h te r s R e s te d a t “ I l i l l y ” (5rif!in*s A f te r H a rd R u n . ;____

Shortly Iwfore o o’clock yesterday (j ft er- nooti -an a liirm ^ f lire Was sounded In West Asbury Park. The entile depart­ment responded, but the llro.mon- experi­enced some dillieulty In locating the blaze. It filially* developed that the old auditor­ium at Wunumussa was in danger of being consumed. I t seems that someone was burning brush in that vicinity and the I lames spread as a result of o Jirisk__»ind uiiich had developed. The Hrc. was ex- tlnguisheil, however, before nny.'Sortous damage was doiie

is a result of tho alarui, The weather was very warm and, tJ»oSe who nuido their way out there found themselves tired and wtyiry. Mr.' G rillin’s place was iiandy and many of tho weary travelers found It a convenient place to rest and moisten their dry throats. / *

“ C o lleg e T e a ” T o n lg la t . ./.The Westminster Juniors vvill hold a

“collegts tea” in tho church tonight, coin- numcing at 7* o’clock. Supptjr w ill bo ■served and leejcream, candy and Umionude w ill boon sale. A fishing pond will fur­nish pleasure for the children. G. T. San- fonl and a number of young musicians w ill funvKhluusIcT VlSoTiV select ions will also l)o rendered by local talent and ajady elocutionist will recite. Admission free.

A m ilversavy side a t S te in b ach ’s, S u tu r d a y . . . , ' X

C oleinan’s.phArtnacy, FotirtTuiTul K in g s ley. now o pen ’w ith a fu ll lliitV E very th in g ftesh . G ive us a call. 1U7-JX)

G rand free co n cert a t S te ln b a c h 's Ocean Pa lace, S a tu rday.^ . M , • ' , .

• $T> shoes for $2 n t S te in bach’s, S a tu rday .*

British Push Ahead From Dundee and Boers Trek North.

F I R E D ON F L A G O F T R U C E .

R e p o r t o f R b e ^ ^ e p u l s e . W il l i H e a v y L oss a t ; M u fekh iK —(ie rn iu n Con toil.’- a t C upe C o lony to b e i t e c a l l e d —L oss o f L ife

• a n d P r o p e r ty b y l l lg F lre s ^ -A m e ric a u s 'K i l l O v e r JJOO Iiis iirg eu tH . T

CtteritK in 10 0 R oom s E n eap e 'T h ro u g h W lndoVvs—Ten- S e v e re ly I n ju r e d .

Chicago,Wednesday.—The Hotel Helene, situated on Fljty-Uiird street, was destroy- tnl by lire early this.morning. The Humes MvepB-'threiigh” the“ b'Ullditig ‘ mpidly litid many of the occupants were forced to jump from wituknvs to escitpe tht* Haines. Ten persons were severely .injured, six of whom w ill probably die. The persons were severely injured nnd on e‘or two are thought to have been killed. The building Is a threorstory structure contain­ing 100 rooms. All these werc occupled ijnd tht* place had lieencloscd for tho uight.

he occupants had to' bo arousotpolice; *

■ r” -SU LTA N M A IN T A IN S S IL E N C E . ..

O u r ( io v o ru m e n t M ay S oon Lone I ’a t le n e o a t I l l s F a i lu r e to A c t. . . ,.

-^Vjishingtonr—W'ed nesdar^^^A-s— H iittr wears on and still no answer comes -friim. the Sublime Porte to thc noie Vj»f the Uniied States rcgartlihg the pay 1110111 of indem­nity, the tension hccomes more and more evident In diplomatic circles. State de­partment oillcials decline to diseussHhe matter further than to say that the United States government has tn ke.n n determined .stand and w ill not be iHit,off with silence or tho promise to pay at some indefinite time in.the future. . - •

D ISC L A IM R E P O R T -IS A 11 L U F F .

R e p u b lic a n L e a d e rs -S a y P ro p o se d R e m e - ^ c l i a l T r u s t M eanu ro W i ll P ass .

Washington, Wednesday.— Hi'publlcan leaders in.the house say that tho action- of the com mittee. on judiciary iu reporting h i favor of romeditil trust legislation is not a bluff. They give grave assurance that be­fore adjournment, which may bo expected in about, two weeks,-the measures proposedb.Viniii.Tjiiri ty'TiftIiiTcoiiimittee1■'w ill be en-' acted IIItu a law.


T w o lH ff P la n t s W ip e d O u t^ -L o ss W ill- A g g re g a te F u l ly s r .00,000. • •

St*. Catherines, Out , Wednesday.—The entire plant of the \VeIiaiid Vale cqmpuny uul also • the Ctuiadu . Cycle and Motor cartipany's works were -destroyed by fire early lids morid,ug. The loss will uggtv- gate a half million dollars.

S T R IK E R S .U T T E R A T H R E A T .• ‘ —;•

C a r p e n te r s o f P a to r s o y E n d e a v o r t o F o rc e lioBdes to A c c e d e t o D cm andH .

Pa to iso n, X. J ., WeiljH^day.—The strik­ing carpenters lodliy threaten. to%call out all the . building Crades workmen iti this city'.iC theImssos’do iv'ol t'vcmle tollioir vie” piamls by night. , The bosses remain firm/

S h o w e rs P r e d ic te d .W ashington, Wednesday.- — Showers

prolxdily, With thundorstoruis'tonight and Thurstlay; winds mostly northerly.

Fctu isoda i i t S te lu ljach ’s M am m oth .Sat- u rd u y . ■ '■ - "• / • ' ? '•

- A lbbons below cost a t S tc in b ao h ’s, Sat- urthiy;

S a tu ru a y n e x t ; 'th e n S telnJjuchs. •


- To the Central Railroad , • train serves as a reminder ot

the value of accident insur­ance. An accident policy

, , of the Travelers’ Insurance. 'Company costing but $25 per annum to preferred risks pays $50 a week in-

~ ” “ dem^ity for a total disabilityor $10,000 for death by ac-cident while riding as a pas-

' senger in , any railway pas- . - ! senger car. Let us give YOU

further particulars.

M ltA tJ ROSS A G EN CY .,

208 Main Street.

MoDmouth Trust-AND-

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmouth BulMinjr, Asbury parkj W. j ;


4100 ,000. . S5,000.

Uxecutes all tru s ts know ti to the law . .*^Loans money on bond and m ortgage.'

Receives deposits sObject to check and allow* in teres t on dally balances.

Acts as Truatee, R eg istrar and T ran sfe r Agent. Pays coupons.Makes demand and time loans on approved

collateral, t . .Safe deposit vau lts ."*'—“

A> C. IW X JO N S, P re s id en t.-^ -^ ........•S. B. M.> HARVMY, Vice Pr««Mea».

R. A . TUSTING, S c c n U n .D. c. COarosu;,Trrauur«r.’

D IRECTO RS:R. A. Tusting}R. A. T usting; V: H c« ry.Ml tch e 11 , J><-John P. O’Brien,

O. H, Brown,T. H. Buchan on,JlrC.'Carnfll,' w rj.H arti«9B . Perry R .am ith ,'Col. G, B, M. Harvey, s , A. Patterson, George P. Kroehl . A. O. '. winiE», Bruce a.-Keator, M. D„ IX. H. VreeUnd,

G. D. w . yroom . .

High Grade Fishing TackleRepairing on Rods and Reels.

OlGARSJAND TOBACCO .Im ported Key Wost and Domestic Cigar* and a ll

Sm okers’ Articles.The best cigar th a t 0 cents cad buy.

J . F . S E G E R , 'book^nan Avenue

W E HAYE ITYOU are looking about for youc

ST A T IONERY SU PPLIES:. YOU want the best- goods made

and'want to buy them at reasonable prices.

LETWiriterest you. "OUR prices are popular.

.. OUR line is up-to-date. BLAN K BOOKS. LAW BOOKS

RUBBER STAMPS made to order.

HOTEL REGISTERS, &c.:—-DAILY- RAPERS~deliverech--------

HARRY A. BORDENStationer '^N ew sdealer

Cor. Bond St. and Mattison lye.

H E A D A C H EM uny th o u s a n d pgople Buffer f ro m

' ch ro n ic H e a d a c h e , lln d lu g no re l ie f l o l t h e r in m ed icine, m o d e ra tio n ; o f

w o rk o r o th e r rem ed ie s .I n m a n y easos th e tro u b le Is cau sed In

-d e f e c t iv e eyos, w h ich c a n b a rem ed ied b y sk illed a d ju s tm o n t o f p ro p e r len se s. IV e e x a m in e th e eyes fo r e v e ry iiosslb le d e fc u t a n d B u a ra u te e o u r w o rk . K x - a m in a t lo u free .

S T I L E S & : G O .E y e S p e c ia l is t s

At 2 2 2 M ain S t r e e t e v e ry F r id a y . . H o u rs : 11 to I n . m ., 2 to 5 B. m.

OF A5BCJRY PARK . Mattison Avenue and Bond Street

Between Poatofflce and D ep o t' ' •


OFFICERS: 'GEORaE-F. KROIiH.L, Prosldoat_ tJTH; iWOWK, tiit Vloo FrSitloat M. L; BAMMAN, 2nd Vice Preaidont

M.'V. DAGER, Cashier "M. H. SCOIT, Assistant Cashier

P a t r o n s 'v a l u a b l e s r e a e lv e d " f o r a n f e k e e p i n g f r e e o f c h a r s e .

Forelsn exchange bought and sold Collections promptly acknow ledged




By GBAHT ALLEN.sr , ' --- - .------- '

. j , ICopyrlglifc, 1899,'by arant Allen.] ■ ;^’looked up from m y beetles. The

jji '■ w as warm; " A naked little black 1 gffi. crossed the dnsty main street of the village: just in front of my hnt,

carrying in her hnrid what' seem ed- tome 1b the gloam ing tho largest blos­som I had ever Observed .since (Ry ar-

- rival in Africa. That'-wan a blossom. I t looked like an orchid, pnle cream' color in hue nnd very fantastic nnd bizarreTn shape. Bnt wjiflt’ specially

i ; -attracted my attention nt first sight 'waa ita peeuliar shining and glisten ing effect, like lum inous pqiiit. whicli.mado

: it glow .in .the gray dusk .-with a sort 6f''phosphorescent light snch as one ob-

. serves in tropical sea? on calia summer evenings. ’ . ■■■

To a naturalist, o f course, srich a vision as that w as simply irresistible. •‘Hello, there, l itt le g ir ll” I cried ont in Fantee, V-iiich I hail learned by that' tim e to speak pretty fluently “ Let m e look at yoiir flower, w ill yp n t Where, oti earth did yon get it? " %

B ut .instead'oE answ ering mo civ illy , c. 'like a Ohrfetinn child, the spared little

savage, alarmed at my w hite face,' set . —up' a'w ild ^how l-of terror and amaze-

_ . . m eiit and bolted off down tlie street as -fa s t ns her small bandy legs w ould

carry her. . .' —-W ell, science is science.. I w asn't to

}u; balked of a nnitjjte specimen or m y great collection by a trick like that. S o ,/ flinging aw ay, m y .A giirette and

.. darting out of my hnt I gave chase in.-,— continently nnd rtlshed frill pelt down,

the main street o f T n la u ib a ,h e lter skelter and devil take the hindmost,' in

•• pursuit of my 10-year-old.But I reckoned .w ithout my host.

Children on the Gaboon beat tlie,record ■ for tho quarter . mile. I was qnite

pumped out and panting for breath be­fore X ran that girl'td earth at last by her m other’s door nt the far end of tlie village. • A, dozen or mora,of the negroes,'

'lo iter ing'about op their backs in the". .. dust o f the street, had joined .the hue

and cry With great gusto by that time: They didn’t know, to be sure, what the ■fnss was about but given a w hite man— bestower of ram and niope.v— rushing in mad pursuit and a poor little frigh t-

" en ^ d b ia ck g ir l scampering, aw ay for dear life a t the top of her speed, in

~ T -“abject-bodily-terrprr and,~you-niay.con.-„ lidently reckon on the chivalry of the Gaboon to range itself, autom atically on the side oEthe stronger, and to drive the uithappy small child hopelessly into a very bad corner,

v W hen at last X got np w ith the ob­ject of m y quest, she. w as so alarmed «nd~ blown with her headlong .career

, .'that I felt 'thoroughly ashamed of m y­self. Even the .pursuit of science, I w ill frankly admit, hardly justified me in so’ chasing that frightened little mortal through the street qC Tulamba. H ow ever a bright English sixpence, a

: red silk handkerchief 'and the promise of a box of European sw eets from the old h a lf caste Portuguese trader’s shop in tho village, soon .restored-her'con­fidence/ Unhappily it did . not-restore

~ tha t broken aiid ... dfaggljnT'lin t~prlfel«S3.’ orch id - InlietheU dlfing fligh.tthq.child; had crumpled it hopelessly up in her

: hand and distorted it alm ost beyond the possibility o f scientific recognition/

. AH I "cOtihl liniko opt w ith certainty now w as tha t’the orchid belonged to a new and hitherto nudescrihed species; that it w as large'and luminous and ex­tremely beautiful, and that i f only I could sncceed-in securing a plant of it m y name'was made as a scientific ex-

. plorer. ' - • 'The natives crowded romid with dis-

• interested advice and eyed th e torn and/ — dnrggied-Hjltjssem—e»rio«*ly-—

'moon flower,” they said in their own dialect, “ Very rare. • Hard to get. Cfjihes from the deep shades; in the great forest. ”

_______ ?!Haw_<:M_.ycn 'enrne by - it . my■ c im a r *:: i "asked.

b'ing little }0-year-old.-“ M v.fauier hroiight'it in ," the child*

' answered.’ "He gave it ino n week ago. H a .was out in the covuftijy- of' tlif; dwarfs doing.trade. He w ent for ivory, * and he brought this back to inc. ’’ ' ■

“ B oys,” I.criecl.-to .the negroes who crowded roiind looking on, ' !‘<lo yon know where i t lives-'i I want tb get one, A good English rifle to any man

■" in Tulamba w*io guides me to the spot where X Can pick a live moon flolverl'-

—--------The—men—- sJsook--i-their-,he!idS—and.Bbrugged theirTiB^ulders idnbiously..... ..““.Oh. m il” they all answered, like supers a t the theater,-w ith ono.-accord.,

• ‘'Too far! Too dangerolta!"“ W hy dangeroust" I cried,laughing,

“ T he. liioon flower w on’t bite you. W ho saj» danger in :picking a flow er’/”

My head guide and hunter stood out• from the crowd and looked across at

_ m o aw e htruck.. . “Oh, excellency I'* he

to bring a foot o t thiTihnrvelorft bloom to Enrope, for tho natives. :all spoke of i t w ith a certain liusheil a.we or auperr.

istitions respect. “ It is. the ngjnti<& flower,” they said. , “ It grows i n the dark places— the gardens, o f the ngina. If any m as breaks one off,, that ia very, bad luck; The ngina w ill surely over-

.take nnd destroy h i m . . ;This superstitious a w eo a ly inflamed

m y'desire to possess a root. 'The n e ­groes’ stories showed the moon flower to be'a njost unique species. I gathered from wMit they told m e tb a t tho. blos­soms had a very long spur, or,sac, con* ta ining honey a t its basain great quan­tities; that it w as fertilized nnd rifled by, a hnge evening moth, whoso 'pro­boscis w as exactly ndapte'd in length to the spnr aind. its nectar; that it was creamy w hite in’ order to attract the insect’s'eyes in the gray shades of dnsk, and -that, for the* selfsahie- reason, its petals were, endowed w ith the / strange quality of phosphorescence, till now unknown in tlio vegetable kingdom, while it exhaled by n ight ft delicious perfume, strong eijough to bo perceived at som e-20 yards’, distance, great a1 prize to a man of my tastes.w as simply, irresistible., I liuttle U p m y iiiiiid that, como ■what niight, I .must, conld and would possess ..a tuber o f thti moon Sower, . ' V - - s ■ '.

One fortnight'snfficed for me to make my filial plans. Heajb bribes overcame the. scruples of tlje ffigro.es: The proiu- iso'bf a'- good rifle induced the finder of

me as a guide, Knlly equipped for a w eek’s march and w ell attended with followers, all armed to the teeth, I-made my start'at la s t 'fo r the home of- the moon, flower, " ■ ' ,

To cut a long story short, w e went for tliree days in to tho .prim eval sbaUe of tlie great- equatorial African forest. Dense roofs of foliage shut out the light of day.- Underfoot tho ground was encumbered w ith thick, tropical brush­wood. W e crept along cautiously, hack­ing our way at tiir.es among thej brake w ith our cutlassgs and crawling at others through the deep tangle o f the uuderbrush on all foufB, like monkeys. During all' those .three days w e , never caught sight o f a single moon flower. T h ey were growing very rare now a­days, m y guide explained in most voluble Fantee. W hen he w as a mere boy, his father fonnd dozens of them, bnt now —why, yoii m ust go m iles and m iles’through the depths of the forest and never so much-as sight- on a specie men.

...A.t-lost,-about_jnQon,..Q'n_tha_fQlir.th day out, wo came upon ii torrent, rush ing w ith 'g r ea t velocity among hnga bowlders and sending up the ' spray of its boiling rapids into the trees o f the neighborhood.- I sat down to rest, m eaning to 'm ix tho water from the cool, fresh (dream w ith » spoonful or two o£ cognac from , tho flask iu iny pocket. As I drank it I fossed blick my head and looked up. Something on ono of the treea hard by attracted my eyed strangely. A parasito Btood.out boldly from a fork of J h e branches, bearing a long,1 lith e spray of hnge, lnminou • flowers as big as dessert plates. My heart gave a bound. The priz/> w as w ithin sight. I pointed my finger ih silence to the -tree....A ll the negroes ivitlf ona.voice raised loud shout of

' triiilnplrr TIreiv "worrta"Tent ’tho .airi.‘.‘.The isioon flowee I The moon flower 1’’

I felt m yself for a moment a perfect Stanley or Dh.Ghaillu. „I had discovered the most marvelous a.nd-beautiful orchid Iciioivn to science; ' ■'" . ■

In a” Inomeut I" had tossed off my brandy, laid down my rifle and, m ount­ing mi the back o£ one of my negro porters, was sw inging m yself up to tho. lowest ltranill of the- tree, -where m y iiew tre'aeure shrine resplendent in its own diiii phosphOresc.eiice. I couldn’t

''have trusted any hand, but my own to pick or .egg out of that glorious tuber. tOTi'TTnrtrtiViTatrjt—battiij'rfrom-tliie-baT-fc-

.said in n hushed and frightened voice. “ Thp. moon flower is rare, . It is very

_acam» Tt j;rnw« nnlv itv the dark forest

t- bis awkvyar<T ttfat'/ for a ta?St»te or. tw o I just gave m yself jwp^foiHost en­tirely. •' '**

The gorilla , however, after his Brat' flnaif of surprise was over did not, as I half-hoped,, fling down the; noisy gun and^niako headlong for the rem otest depths of tho fo r e s t Ou the contrary, ho stood and looked a t i t for a few seconds in blank dism ny; lie frowned w ith hie scowling eyebrows; he gnash e<i h is great teeth iu rage. H e soared lika a waterfall.—Then he.seized tho rifle

' deliberately in his great hairy-hands, bent the barrcla almost donble as readi­ly as a mau would • bend a bit of com­mon lend gas pipe and flung i t a^vaiy a n g iily ’'among ths mosaclad bowlders A lter that he looked tip and grinned once more diabolically, show ing . his. great canine teeth in the ' inobt grew*soniB fashion.

W elt • ! don’t- denyj'-as'1 .sny,\that I .was in a state pf bine funk at tho creii tare’s g igantic and alm ost‘supernatural

as it stood and bear it back-in triumph •in my own am is to Tuiainba.-

I had climbed the tree cautiously,, and-wafe standing almost w ith in grasp (if the pri7,e.' wheti a sudden shout

Everything else equally low and best quality.J E R S E Y V E A L A S P E C I A L T Y , Y

JPxested .Liver. .P.W-diIng,;B|ppdPjadding3 gs F£et^EreskJiipe,-H am sr3 aconrC orn e¥ B6e f

^-thtnT^Tiiy^ollmvErs'below-sttirtled-Ji-nd; discomposed liie. t l looked down, nnd hesitated, l i y brain reeled . and sick­ened,, A stran ge/s igh t met my eyes. My negroes, pne and all, had taken to tlieir feet down the bed of the stream

Then ho raised m y rifle a n d discharged the two barrels ut inc.

powers. B ut still the moon flower was a t stake, and J wouldn’t desert It. I w as so horribly frightened that I don’t believo w ife or child or fatherland or freedom would have induced mo to stay one m oment alone in such dire ex trem ities. Bnt When it comes to orchids — well; I say, no mere than that I am, above all things, a scientific explorer. Each of na has his weakness, and m ine is a flower, (That touches m y heart. For that alone can I be wrought up to tho utm ost pitch of daring conceivable or possible for me. , ($

So H ooked at the hugb brute, nnd I looked at tlio iiioon flower. Slow ly and cautiously! gazing dow c all, tho jlnitnm T ”W ont-to~watch-the cireature'e. face. I crept along the brahch, took m y knife, from m y. pocket hnd„ began to loosen tho bark all round tho spot where the glorious parasite wag nil argrowing and a-blowing The gorilla from below stood w atching me and roaring. His-roar seemed like an in ­v i t a t io n t o conie dowii anil fight. I Sever |n my, life 'heard anything so aw fully litiman in its deep bass roll. It reminded me o£ the lowest notes of the stage villa in in the Italian operas,, magnified, so to speak, 200 diameters.

' Presently, «a I w ent on cutting away .the bnfk, as if fo t dear life, and loosen­ing. tlie precious tuber, m y gorilla, who still remained m otionless .by his mossclad bowlder, left oE his-'roaring and appeared .to .grow interested in the .process;, -it the -operation. A change ciiiiio o ’er the spirit o f his^drealn. He looked up and- wondered, w ith vague brute curiosity, not unmixed w ith a certain strange air of low cunning and intelligence. It w as as clear to mo as mm] that he w as saying to him selfan- wardly. -. -

“ W hy dcesti’t the fellow cnt and run for his life 1 D o es .h e think I don’t know l;ow to clilub a tree? Does he im agine I ’couldn’t be up there in a jiffy if I liked— to choko him or scrag him 1 W hat the dickens does ho go on hacking away at- tiie«bark' so quietl; like that for, .when lie ' ought to be all agog to save his own bacon V”

I despaired! of explaining to so rude a creature the im perative nature of scientific need. So,- w ith one pye on tbe orchidJmitl7:»ne on the brute, a t the

u tfe?^ stT p aift'rr^ ™ .'^ .'ta5eT )B riB - aft Creamery. ........ .2 2 0 per lb

S U T T J S R 1 N BBeat Creamery F r l u t , j . , 2 0 o per lb Best Creamery.-; i ... fi^rr'.. . l s o per lb

B U T T E R“BuiBest Creamery

Try our 19c coffeeJflb box shredded cocoamitv...................... 5cFancy evaporated apples Ue lb; 8 lbs.. . . .SBcFancy California ?runes Bo lb; 3 lbs......25c8 cans of milk fo T ... / . ....... ,.2ScJelly ......... ............................ ,5cper glassla r g e bottle ketchup . . . . . . . . , , . , Sc

Bugar 5c per lb to each i.iustomer with other goods. Not over 0 lbs, :

- o f -the -inn.er—land,—-Where .--tlie -ngiriiT dwells. N o man dai'o^iicktt for fear of th e iig in a .’’.—“ Oh(il’“ said I. “ Is that so, m y frien d H Then I'm , n o t ; astonished.''

-!'• For ngiha, a s no doubt you ’re already nwaro. is the 'n a tiv e W est African name for the gorilla ., .. . ' ”.. ‘ W eil, I took hoine. the poor,draggled blossom to m y but, dissected it .cure-

* . fu lly and mado1 wlm t sclemtific study Was possible o f-its unhappy rem ains in their m»ch tattered cqnditiotj. But for tho nest-ten days, as. you,-’can readily; believe, J -c o n ld -th in k and talk an d . dream of nothing' but - moon iiowers.

E=s^torrTfnir’-t~thipli-^vha%R—faefiinatiw -it- exerts ,on a naturalist explorer’'a mind — a new orchid liko that, as big roufad as a desaert plate.and marked.by so ex­traordinary and liifherto unknown a peculiarity in phints m phospliofescence,. for tho' -moon’ 'flowef'wiis pliosphorea-

. cent. Of that-I. hod not tha shadow of a doubt. Its petals gave out by-n ight,*

_ (iainf- and dreamyJnuunoriHueaa,' wb icn • 1mU8t havQ 'nrado,if-“8hit(e liktf> -ft’aapm

indee’d ’ii the dense, durk shade o f n ' - tropical African" fo rest .- . The iuora I inquired of the natives

about the now p lan t.tlia moro was uiy cn iio sitr niaacd to.Dossesi one.. I lon ied

at the.very top of their speed'and wero m aking a ’ most unanimous and inex­plicable stampede toward tho direction o£ Tulamba. . •

For a m oment I cobldn’t . im agine what had happened fo disconcert them. Then.- casting m y glancu- caaiwlly to- ward the spot. whcrifT Imd flung i lw » .. my.-rifle, I became awai;o at once, of tho cause o f this commotion. Thftil- retreat

=wasr well—timeij. By the moss clad •bowjders which filletL the<bed of the torrent t'Omebody w ith a big, black face and huge grinning teeth w as standing .erect' looking up at mo and laughing. I bad never seen tlie some­body’s iiwfnl features before, but. I had no heed, for all that, to ask m yself his name. I ,pau*eci face to face w ith a live male goiTfla."'" -

Fof-it inouiciit; or two the' creature "grazed up nt-me-anu-griiuS r'uised my rifle -.in liis arms, held it

-risk-of contracting a perm anent sqnint for life! I . continued to egg out that magnificent • moon flower, root aiid branch and tuber. ,

The longer I w ent on tlie closer and tlio more attentively did tho gorilla take stock; uf a l}1, niy acts and' ibove- luents, '

“ Well, I deilare, ”"1 could see .him say to liimself ia the' gorilla tongue, opening wide his hngo eyes nnd elevat­ing..!!).surprise his shaggy,, brown eye­brows, “ such an anim al as th is I never yet“did~come~ncrossr-He isn ’t one bit Tifrniii apparently of m ortho radouiit- atile and redoubted king of tho great

clum sily beforo him and, to my intense surprise, taking a very bad a im ,. or rather pointiDg’ i t aiitilessly in tlie fiiiy pulled both triggers w ith oDe-hand aml dischaBKed the twoibiirrela ' iit mo %vitli one pull, simultaneously. • Tlio bullets whizzed past ma sonie Sen yards off. They .knocked off the tw igs beyond, my precious moon flower.

I don’t deny that I.w as astonished. I won’t.deny that 1‘was frightened. To tell tho tfu th J -was never iss’ such a hideous fright before ih nil.my Iifo .' I

'trembled like a je lly —m y protoplasm ■ca«lleek-~-'-I‘rdTm\t:‘-atipposedihe^r<HT,!vti-ii'e- , intended to -fire .or had the siighteat idea in his dim mipd.vjlmt.firing meant, No doubt he.-Cvas only playing with tba unknown object out of pure monkey curiosi ty. . Ha m ust have been almost <!s much terrified nt tho result ns I was. But no m atter.for that, "it was aw k­ward to find oneself face to facq w ith a gorilla Mqiio and,w ithout on e’s riUo

"After suffering from pilfs for flftern yenrs I w/iS uured by using two boxes dr DeWttt’s Witch Hazel Salve," writes W. J. Baxter,.North Broolr.N. It.boatsevory- Ihitig. Beware o f counterfeits. W. R. Ham, 1C7. Main street.

Gabooii^foresf.B u t’ 1 v.’ns most constimedly for ull

that, thotigh 1- pretended .not to be,. N othing but tho presenca before aiy eyes of that magnificent plant would havo induced mo for one moment to face or confront the unspeakable brute there. ■ • -. ; . ....

A t la^t I had finished and' held m y specimen in m y hands entire- The next

I walked slowly anti cautiouslyTilohg the branch of tho tree The gorilla, w ith his .eyes now fixed curiously, on tiio moon flow’iRy p.ut forth t:,r.o . hairy leg in front of-, another and, grinning w ith a sort of diabolical, brutish good Humor, walked step for step on the ground just as cautiously boneatli me.

I came to the -end of the b c t i^ nnd reached the1 point where interlacing branches enabled'^ sjie to get on to an­other tree. I did so som ewhat clum sily, ■for I was . handicapped by the moon flower. The gorilla, ^ till, grinning, looked up and "emarlted in h is own fonant, “ 1 (aa ld do that lot- .1 can tellyoo, a jolly sight better than, you-do.’.’

As he sm iled those words I had lost my balance, and, d in g in g ’ still, to iay, moon fi.cwir in m y.last chanpe for life, lowered m yself slow ly hand; over hand tq the ground in front of iiim.

W ith ii frightful roar the creature sprang upon me and made a wild grab at my precious moon flower. That was- jnoi-fl than scientific human nature cbuld'staud. I turned and fled, enrry- ing- m y speciriien w ith -jae.- B u t my pursuer was too quick. He. caught mo tip in a moment. H is scow ling black fttco was Kliufitly, to .'behold; hiqiin^o

629: C O O K M i O T ; A Y l l N i r ' S

PRICES INPot R oast,. ... ... . . .....% .- 5 to 8P r i m e « R i b R o a s t B e e f , s u c h a s y o u p a y k 6 - r 8 c l b . - f o r . c l bP o r t e r l i o u s e S t e a k

S i r l o i n S t e a k . . . . • • S h o u l d e r L a m b C h o p s , S t e w L a m b . . . . . . i .

M i n c e d H a m v . .

i 6 - i 8 c lb . 1 5 c l b. . - i o c lb . 5c to 7*c lb

1 4 c lb

L e g s o f L a m b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F r a n k f o r t S a u s a g e , ✓ . . . . . . . . . . . . .B o l o g n a . . ;

C r o s s R i b . . . - . . . . . . . . 4. . . . I .T o p S i r l o i n . . . . . . . . . . ; . ' .

' ' E x t r a - F i n e D r y P i c k e d T u r k e y s C h u c k S t e a k . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. • • • . • < t o e lb . . . . . 4 ,3 l b s 2 5 c

— ' ~ i i :c i b

r a c / l b . - T 1 6 c . lb

. . . . 3 l b s f o r 2 5 b

Haw storeJ. L. THOMPSON,

THE GROCERNo. 17 S o u th f l a in S tr e e t ,

opp. Ocean Grove Gates, with a choice : selection o(

S t# le and fancy Groceries,

FreshEggsSpecial Bargains mis Batmdai


• O trftB P IIiB SAnd all rectal disorders or money refunded. Pleasant. Not ft physic. A radical cure. 60d a t Chtw. J. Black, T. M. 8ttw art, L. O. Qrenelle, or of E tt’s Drug Co., Phlla. Pa. Please try it.


•7 0 8 M a ttis o n A v e n u eCoffire m i Burial Casters'on hand or

fnrnfBheJ to order

w hite teetli gleamed fierce and liiileo n s; his brawny, thick hands could have crushed me to a jelly . I panted au'd paused. My heart fluttered fast, then stood still w ithin me. There wtis a second’s suspense. A t its end, to .my infinite horror, he seized— not me-r-oli, no, not m e!—I m ight have g o t tip witis that— but the priceless moon flower.

I w as }ielpless :;o detenu m yself— helpless . to secure or safeguard sny treasure. He 1 0 9 k it from me w ith a griii^ I could sgg through those snnkeneyes what was passing in the creature's dim and brutal brain. Ho w as saying to himself, like men as liis own low grade of cunning: “ If that tuber.wns worth'so much pains to higt to g e t . i t m ust be worth just ag m uch to jno, to keejx So, by your leave, my friend, if yon’l l excuse rue I ’ll take i t .”

I stood appalled and giized at him1. The brute snatched that unique speci­men of a dying or almost extinct genns in .■ his ~jnvr.rth, hairy hands— those clunwy^^reat hands of h is—raised it bodily toTlls^montb, crushing and tear-- ing the beatTliful 'petals -in h is coarse grasp as he tvenfc ate it g lqnly ihropgh —tuber, stem, sprays - blossom— afld swallowed it cojiscientibusly, w ith a hideous, grimace, to tlio very last morsel. I had bat 0110 grain of consola­tion or revenge. I t w as clear tlio taSte1 was exceedingly pasty.

Then ho looked in niy face and burst -into a loud, discordant laugh. That latigh wps hidepns. . '

“ Ali3,l" ;t said in effect. “ So that’s . . . . ,£tfi£aili=

for a ll 'your pains and caro and tronblol” v

I shut m y eyes and waited. K tyjurn would coinu nex t.. H e wonld rend mo in his rage’ for the nastiness o f tho taste. I. stood still ahdjshuddered. Bnt,- alas, ho m eant only-to eat tho .moon flower.

W hen I opened m y eyes ngain, tlio brute had tam ed iiis back w ithout ono w ord 5 o f apology and was w alking off at. a leisurely pace ia contemptuous triumph, shrugging his. shoulders ns lio went, and chqckliiig low to him self in his vulgar dog in the manger joy and

.m alignancy.- I t w as four days Toe? re .. atrngglecf alone, half dead, into Tul/imbo. I rever chmo acrop another of thoso'orchids. And that is w hy at'K ew gardens they have e+ill nojnoojp flower.

1 J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby," Miss., makes the followinf? statement: • I can corttfy that One Mlntlto Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for 1t. My. wife could not got, her- breath und thu. first dn^a of it loltovoU her. It has also benefited my wholo family.” It a c t! iiaroediateiy and cures couijhs* colda: croup, grippe, bronchitis, nsthma «ad all throat nnd, lung troubles. W. li . Ham, 107 Main street.

O a i c z m u *

PENNSYLVANIA JtAILROfiD.Tho Standard Railroa^ o f America

■ On ana after November 19,1899.TlUlNO LrAVE ABUORY rARK-rWKIK-DAVS.

Eor New York ,*\nd Newark, 7 10,8 50 a m , 2 25 an? 5 83 p m .

For Elizabeth 8 50 a m; 2 25 and 5 83 p m .For KahWay, 8 50 a m. 2 26 and 5 33 p m.For Matawan, 8 50 a m, 2 25 and 5 83p m.For Lour Branch, 7 10, ’8 50, 11 00 a m, 215, S25.

5 83, 5 40, 7 0 7 p m .' .For lied Bank, 7 10,8 50 a m., 2 25 and 583 p m. For Philadelphia, Bro^d Street, and Trenton,729

8 C5 a m, la 15, and 4 07 p m.For Camden via Trenton and Bordentown, 729,

8 05 a m, 1315 and 4 07 p m. * -For Camden and Philadelphia via Toms Ulver,

1 23 p n..For Toms River, Island Heights and Intermediate

stations, 1 28 p m.For Point Pleasant and Intermediate stations,

10 59 a m» 2 53» 519 and 0 48 p m.For New Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction,

8 05 a m, 12 15 and 4 07 d m.THAI MB LEAVE NEW YOMTrOirJLBDURT PABK,””'

From West Twenty-Third Street station, 8 55 a m _l2.40,.X^anit.4t6a.p,m^.8uA^y^,9%^.W »55d

4 55 p tu. , r-From UeabroBaes street station, a t 9 00 a m,* 13 50,

3 40 and 5 10 p m , Sundays, 9.45 am , and 5 If p m .

From Cortlandt street station, a t 9 00 a m» 12 60, 340, and 510 p m. Sundays. 945 a m and 51fSm . ,

n Sunday will stop a t Interlaken and Aron In place of North Asbury Park and Asbury Park to *5t off passengers.*hujns leave tnrLiDELPatA (Broad St.) foa

. Asnoav pare, i .*At 820.11 10 a m, 8 80, 4 02 p m week-days,

ket 8treet ^Vhxl f. via Camden and Trentol 7 30, 10'30, a m , 2 30. 3 30pm, week-days. Leavi Blarket Street Wharf via Jamesburg, 780 a m 4 OO p m, weok*daya. iW ASHINGTON AND T H E SOUTH

LEAVE QUO AO STREET, PHILADELPHIA.For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20. 8 £2,

10 20,1123, 11 33 ara,(1280 Limited, Dlnlnj?Car). 1 18 CDining Car), 812, 4 41 (525 Oongresslocsl

• lim ited . Dining C ar),-005, C20, 6 55 (Dlnlo'p Car), 7 31 (Dining Car) p m, and 1220nfcht w o k d«ys. Sundays, 3 60, 720,' 9 Itf, 1123, 11 S3 a m

•113 (Dining Car). 8 J2, 4 41 (B £0 Copgreftolona Limited, Dining 'Cor), 0 05. fl 55 (Dining Car)'

‘ 7 31 (Dining Car), p m. aqd 1220night. •Time tables of jAI other trains ot the systen

may be obtained a t the ticket" offices o r station*- J . R. WOOD, Gen. pass. A g t.

j ; B. Hutchinson. Oeri. Manst?er. •


anthracite Coal 8se4 Exciasivcly, Insnr- in f Clcanliutss and Comlorf

. Time tatilo In effect Jan u ary 8,1000,

TRAINS LEAVE ASBURY PARK.1.For New Y ork, Newark am__________. lou te . 6 17,800 a m, 12 10 -4 00, 6 29 p m Sun­

days from In terlaken station , 7 87 a m ,4 18p m. F or Philadelphia and Trenton v ia E llzabethport,

017, 8 00 a m : 1210. 4 GO p m . Sundays from In ­terlaken s ta tio n ,7 8 7 am , 4 1 8 p m .

For Baltimore* and Washins*tonf 017, 800 am ,- 1? 10,4 00 p m .- ’Bundays from In te rlakea Bta-

” ^tiorr,T37-ff itrr'4'i8-p mr*-*— — ------F or Eauton, Bethlehem , Allentown and H auch

Chunk , .6 17,8 00', a m, 1210, (4 00 to Eaaton), p m. Sundays from In terlaken Btatlon, 4 18 p m .

ForW illcesbarre and Scranton , 8 od a m , 1210 p m. For Buffalo and 'Chicago v ia D ., L & W* B . ,B.»

800 a m , 400 p m . »5 J . H . OLUAUSEN, Oen’l eu p t.

H . P Balhwin. Qen. Pass Afirt


Btianlle Coast Electric B. a. Co.V i a P L E A S U R E B A Y 1


RETURNING LEAVE NEW YORK “ Foofc AVeat IHtU dt.C.. Q0 a.m., S.40 p m.Battery Park..................... i).30 w 3.10 . u

SUNDAYS, ■ - „ ■Leave Plonsure Bay........................ .B.15 p.m.

“ N. Y., foot Weat Kith sfc. . . a.m.(“ Battery Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 3 0 u

naggage cirr.'tid freeV ith paHsqngers.Take c a r which leaveb Asbnfy P ark n o t la te r

than 0 20 H. m . fo r? 2(» a. m. boat. F o r afternoon boat, take ca r not la te r titan 2.20 p. m . Sundays tlio sam e. '

f¥ank H. Walker. P rac tic a l

R a p e r H a n g e r -

.1112 Munros Avenue. West Asburj Park.AOENTrOB

DECORATORS’ PA PER . COtifN ew Y w it a m t .ICAlfSER & A lilj MAN ori»cilla<Iel|)hm .Walt Paper froai iOc’per double rol! and up­wards, Banglng’25o par dnublo roil ar.d 110 wards. 80m# stores advftrcif .: ojioapef. but they mean single rolls. Don’t bo ilccelved. Let me ishowyoo 'ny samples and then com pare prjjea with others, ’ ....

Tbe'FnEss gives more reading matter for one cent than any other newspaper in A# ■bury Parkr; " '“V. ...-

Housefiold FurnitureCONSISTING OP

AT 1,30

Thursday,. May IT

Mattresses, springs, folding beds, carpets, rugs, and matting, knives, f^r]cs, spoons,

1 ^^dishes, glassware; cooking utensils, etc., etc. A line, of new- couches; very nice. Anyone having goods for sale may bring them on Thursday morning and they will be sold on commisson /

... ' '■ ■ — AT—

The Auction Room; M ain S t . an d Sum m ci;ficld A ve '

_____________ D..OATES, "A uctioneer

I R oss - Fenton Farm■f. .- 1 * ’ ’

O n D e i t l J j a k c , A s b u r y j P a r t

. N o w O p e n . . .

^ rictly flrs lc la ss fa m ily tesott. E v e r y th in g n o w sin ce la st season.

T e l e p h o n e 220 a

W I L L I A M G R I F F I N , J r .W E S T ' S V A N A M A S S A


A L L T H E B E S T B R A N D S O F W I N E S A lS D U 0 U 0 R S

11 ' COTTAISfiS T R A D E S O lC lC IT K D l

P o s t o f p i c e B o x 9 0 5 A S B U R Y P A R K , ,N . J


B a lla n ti n e ss EXPORilnxd?AER B e e r— BottIad..by.-Stoatr..P.roceistLnr.d.QUai:antfie{tJt,C3-kaealnany.Qllraa!.s_—-- WIRiES, LIQUORS AND FOREIBN AND DOMESTIS ALES AND PORTERS

— ; ' ■ G o o d s d e l iv e r e d only.ori o r d e r - f r e e o f c h a r g e :

.T e le p h o n e c a ll 6 7 .a . S P R | N Q L A K E , i*-s. J .

jfllsb u rv P a r k I j o t e i r H $ b « r y F a r K B e te ls

The VictoriaT h ird a n d O cean A v e n u e s -

N O W O P E N . * T w e n tie th season

M JSS8._K E M .PE ,,Proprietor

L a u r e l H o u seOpen Judo IS.

Sccond Avenue and 1 Kingsley Street’ *

... Und or samo management.

- F A M 1L V H O T e L -

G ra n d a n d S o w a tl A v o n u o ? ,OPEN ALL THE YEAR.- .

. . Btoam h eat Electric ligut*,- Ali m '

Bnn .parlor.AU modern improvementa

awsonnble prioe*

T h e S ta ffordOpen AH The Yea/a rn e r^ E ih h ^ A x e a u t> M 4 J fj(^ c J i .tr e e t_

Opposite Sunset Lake Special sccommodatlonr for bicycle*For term s addtees M K S : A . L. O 0 Y ,

v u y mm ^ Sixtlr^avanitu. near ocean. AU modernriolly I errace Bteclal spring terms.improvemfcttfs. *


r w i | m m j i • Sunset avenue, one block from oceanj a 1! modern im prove-1 h 0 /VI n f i 1 S o i l moQ,ti: e lectric ligh ts, electric te lls . Tablo JlraicJasa.j venitigiliuncrs. J. K. DODMAN.

The Warwick COO Third avenue. Now open, Largo, cheerful room*.Term s reasonnhfe, •.


The Orange M8 Bluhroo avenue, w Open all th e -y ear. Tliu m oat homo-Uke boahlinK liouBe in to tfn . AU'4m odorn Improvemeuta. Terms- m oderate, ti ■ ’ M. J . QENUNQ.

TheRoyal B'o Grand avenua. llom el Ike hotel.rnn^iyt. , flfrcellerit table.

Open all' tlio year. Bates

ft teamm ooemte.

A \Jl\H V EX T^s

• ' t » H a. - fl (F o rm e r lrS t . Jam es). Corner Cookm an a t ^ .L y f i t n t n I I I O T ^ I nue and^V ebb s tree t. Open all tlio year. Com

A * U l v i v i a i U U i w a mft^diDglmil view of th e sea. B rosd porcheslArge, a iry , com fortable rooms. Steam heatod th roughou t. Service and cuisine mccellent.

l. „ - * VAN AKEN. iTT~

Grand Avenue Hotel Open a ll th e y b jr . Enlarged and im- -proved. Electric ligh ts and gas. Bnn par­lors. S uperior table, t 8JLLL, P roprietor.

O c e a n g r e g c g o t f l s •1 Oseati M vm Boteu

The Alaska8 and B P itm an avenue, 4 and 6 'McClintock itreefc. 'T h is hotel- faopen all i 'le year. Bun parlors and w e llh e *4 ------m onth. Tho only hotel in Ocean Grove i . .. baths. The location ts of .th e best, 100 fee t — — .diosf) to audltorium and poet office, N. B . KILM EB, P roprietor

:uuniocif itreet, inia iiqwi- in 1 well heated room s fo r theooof > Grove supplied w ith sea w ate r

t, 100 fee t from boardw alk and





, V T H E

T U T T L E ,S T O R E



Ti >.< ►O



KITCHEN FU R N IS H ER SThe peoplfe are grasping the situation. We are selling goods for less than they cost other stores. ' We invite comparison.-

W E A R E SELLING MORE GOODS TH AN A T A N Y TIM E IN OUR.HISTORY. ; Come— the feast of bargains is spread' for you. Buy goods at the»Tuttle store and then tell your friends about it. , . 1 • • ■

< > 4> ■










ON; MATTISON' AVE. tP r o f e s s io n a l


nvonu.*, Asbury Pork, N. J. Office hauiu 8 to 12 u' ni., 2 to 3 p. in., & to O p, m. Phone

L. E. HETRICK, M. D.I'ltYSlCIA.N AND 8U H 0K 0N . 631 Cookman

nvenui'. Ofllco hours: -8 a. m. to 10 n, m , 2 p. 'iii. to :i p. m„ 7 p m. to B p. m. .Suiiflttyu, 8;30 to lu.au n. u t.. Special attention to eye, oar ana Kiirgtlry. ■ ToK No. 110. ’■

HR, F. F. 00LEMANNorthwo«t corner F o u rth avenue and Ktni,

etrpot. om co Houra: 0 t o lO n. m .. 1,80 to 2.: p. m .,7 io 3 p . in. Telephone I D.

R. S. BENNETT, M. 0.MTYSICIAN AND SUiiQEON, 510 A sbury » e

mio, A sbyry P ark . Ofllco hours: 8 to 10 a.m ,» 4 .to 3 fti id 7 .to 9 p m, ^ 104-273

120 Main avenue,, u cean u rove, « . j . w Tloura: 7 to 10’a. m .. 2 to 5 p. m .,7 to 10 p. m,

DR. MAE8ARE3 0 . OUR.RIErtnin avenue,, O cean Grove, N. J . Office

IDR, ELLA PRENTiSS UPflAM"' IJOfr Third avenue, Anbury P&rlc, N r J ,” Office h ounm ntll 10 a. m ., 12 to 2 p. m ,t 6 to 7.80 p . m.Tiiloplion?call291. , , ,,,,

H. S. KINMONTH, M. il.710 Orond avenue, and a t KInm onth A Oo.V

. D rue Store, 724 Cookman avenue, A sbury Park,- N . J . ' -H -- '

BURTON BROTHERSDENTISTS, sal Cookta»»a»on««. A sbury P ark .

Baudoulns liulldliiK, 8 . '-V. Cor, Ilnw dw ny and 28Ui Htreot, Now Vork. f!s>w Y ork offlos closed from Msy until Oct*b«r, ■


on JKmorystreet, Afumry Park. Offlcenourflfrom 0 a . m . to 5 p. tri.. Telephone 031.

QE0. L. 0. TOMPKfNS ft. 0. S.DENTIST. Itooms 2,3 and 4, Fostofllce bulld-

Asbtiry Park. Teeth eitracted pa!nle«ly with­out rendering the patient'unconscious. Gaa ad­ministered. Offlcw ft* ro. to 6 p. m.

r. f ooran, d .d.sDFNTI9T. . Successor to tlie Boston Dentists.

716 MattlHou avenue, W lnckler Building.

CLAUDE V. flUERINX*AW, OFFIOBH- -T ransacts general legal bunt*

ness. A cknowledipnents taken fo r a ll e ta too. ltooma 9-10 Appleby Build Inf?,


MASTER IN OMANOEBY, 23 Appleby Building, Anhnry P ark . N. J .

WM. C. COTTRELLARCHITECT. Plans nn'i,opacifications fnr-

nlHhed a t sho rt notice. H otel work a apeclalty 415 Labo uvonue.f-L ; T177"

Sauucl A. Brodbb &BMKST A. AIUtNT.BR0USE &~AREND

' Architects. WSl Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ForBMtlchey B illding, Trenton, N. J, Appleby Aabury Park, N: J. .

. ,:t fr Bt H EVETERINARY BURGEON. T r ^ ta a lT a n l .

m ats. Offlce 608Bewail avenue. Telephone No. 6. Asbury P u rs, N. J .

DR. H. IS, NIILL&RVF.TEUINAH1AN, 705 A sbury avenue. Tolo-

phono No HO f, D urs a Bpoolalty. .

'Dayton Orient ClevelandYale I . Spalding White

Bafnes7 ’ Eagle CrawfordTribune Quaker Sterling .

Tlioan aro som a or tlio w IiogIb I am soiling th is year.


J!r. Timil. Vnmlorvoer Is in clinrffo ol my ropulr.Rliop. Tjjls Inuurcs proiniii und ra liablo roimtring.

. Lessons Olven and Wheels lor Renting. -

M . X . F J B R I i r SCentral Hall 7 t4 M a tt l io n A venue

M. M. CrosbieDealer In...

New arid Sccond Hand -

FurnitureCrosbie Hall

flhmrde and Main

La w n M o w e rs. I f you want to havo-a neat lawn it

requires Ji-oquant cuttlnc, anil wo liavo jUBt tbe .mchlm-. (hut will Oo tlio work to pcrfeotion. Wo liavo five ilKToront kiiidn to aeioot fror; anti ita we have lmndlod thesa mnobtnes for tlio past ton ymim wo aru sure tboj' ■wlil give- satisfaction. Tbe price staijts a t $3 00 and ruaa up to 112.50.'

Green'.pre ClothWbUo the price was tov-* wo seoiirod a larsro quantity of the cloth and are going to givti customers' some tar

•Rains. We lmve it in Kaivanlzed and coppei as well. Wo -li>ivc cliiuken wire that we are soiling by tbo roll or toa at rook bottom prices.

Field and Garden UtensilsSteal, w.Ood !}nd wire .'ralten, boos, grtsea edgora, pruning shears, hand

plows,"fieed drljlB, ctUtlyutors, plowe,'Wheelbarrows" iuid other gooustoo

- numerous to mention.

Bu tc h e rs'Art iclesSaties, •sioavprs;'steels, knives, saws. Ail artloios nre guaranteed to be aa represented.

J . D

1 7 3 Main StreetA SB U R Y PARK

W O N ’T Y O U ?You aro tbo owner of a (rood ©cycle,

aren't you ?«-< You require It to be repaired, —------ --

Don’t youf 'You expect a good mechanic to repair it, Don’t you?Yen desire It repaired at a low price, Don’t you I■ ■You lmve so t itoon pleased with your re­

pairman heretofore,. Have you?.-: v . - __ ■ - L

Do yo<i know, tje are practical mechanics nnd are the lowest priced bicycle ■ repairers it the city ? . . .

Now won’t you let us have a t opportuni­ty to demonstrate that we are the people to do your work ?

OUR MO’i rO -W o do not do all the good bicycle repairing but tbe repairing we do is good, 1


CYCO BIC YCLE CO.548 Cookman Avenue

New K eator Block. . *Send postal and we will .call fo r your bicycle.

F o r S a l e . . . . ..........

FIN E P R O P E R T Y on Asbury avenue, i 1-2 block frotai beach. House con­tains 14 rooms-~io bed­rooms, No price given.

Simply w an t’ offer. For

. particulars, address,

M o n m o u th R e a l t y C o .

ROOMS 1 3 - 1 3


N o rth w « jsiC o rn er M a ttiso n A v o n u e-and-B ond-StfO G t-

a s b 6 r y p a r k , n. j.

PROPOSALSBids fo r B uild ing a S to n e Road W ith

G rav el W ings In L o n s B ran ch ,M b n -•niouth C ou n ty , N ew J e ra e y , *Bids will be recelvedi nddrcsa^cl to John

Gulte, chairm an of ti 'o rm rt com iutitee, Ixini:' Branch City, N. until 13 o’clock noon o f S a t­urday, Mftyi’Oth. ltH.0, aud then- publicly orened by 1 ho roiia com m ittee a t the ofllco of w . II. Do Nyse, UO Hruni’h p o rt avenue, Lon a* Branch City.N.. J ., fo r th e conbtructlon of abou t Iki inlles of■ •sl^ma.road-» U h-Rravel-w lnps^on-ildK hton-ave^ 1 uo, Long Branch. N . J ., under th e provlf Ions of, tbe HI a te Aid Road X*aw.Each bid nju»t bo eccomranfod by caah, cer­tified check or bidders bond, with satisfactory eurotlea, Jn t* e su n t f 81 .€00, made payable io the County Collector of the county of Monmouth N J.. aa a guarantee on the rart of the bidder that ho will enter into a coutract if the contract ahould-1 e awarded to him.

For oi>eclfl'’a t:lone, blank formn of pronf/ui’s and o ther inform ation, apply to John Gufre, chairm an of rood com m ittee, Lonj? Branch City, N. J , o r w . II. DoNyse, en g in es , 00 lirap ch p o rt avonuu, I.OtaR Branch t ’lty , N . .!»Tlm right to inject any br all hlds Is reHorve<l.

JOHN (IWIUK.Dlrctor Boftrcl of Clioaen frttholJer** o f

Monmo>»HuC(UjtJ_ty, N. J. 113 2fl

T H E HAVANA FRAUD.S'PostniaNter Thompnon D cd n rca -He

IiJ Innocent.Ilnvnnn. May 10.—Air. P. Thomp­

son, the Ilnvntm pOKtinHstor, .who has licnn KiiHi)(*iuI('il piMiding inquiry into the methods of tho locnl bflicc,- is iii thc c ity ,, accoflipaninil by*a Hpecinl agent, in-whokc clim^t! Mr. TlioinpHon has beon placed, l ie is very.iiidignmit nt tho course.taken .wjtli rc'spect-».to him -and says ho* has friends .who will stand hy liim.

It is not asserted that Mr. Thompson hns boon gujlty of fraud, but. merely that the accounts of his olllte show.il shoi’tagC of several, thousands, which calls for an ex l | a nation. H e had n joug talk yester­day afternoon with" General 'Wood, the nature of which lias-not been, made pub­lic beyond tlie fact that Mr. Thompson offereil to-assist in bringing* all the guilty .parties, to justice;. ’ 1

The rumor circulated yesterday that the postmaster nt Baracoti had been or

-would-be-ai,rest<?d“pi,oves-uii(rti-investiga— 'tioii to have been false. * He is looked upon merely as a tool of Neely niul as

TiilyIfijTITeleUnniioceTiTTy as^Oie IntHiTiess agent of Neely at Bai*{ieoa, where ho is in 'chnrge o f Neely’s coffee and cocoanut plantation,' It appears that he used $2,- 501) in ebnnectioii with-the* business fronr the' postal funds aiid ’then drew upon Neely for the am ount. As Neely’s funds here, are now in the hands of the' govern-, or the draft has not been honored. I t is. understood thut, there Is no intention to. arrest, this, man, but. he .will have’ to re- fund tlie money arid inay. possibly Jose his post. A special agent will, arrive. at B’nracoa today with orders to instikite a thorough investigation. He will also place a lien upon all o f Neely’s property there.

The Luchh, the < Cubnno'and The Post; are;the only papers that say much regard­ing tlie postal frauds. The Post blames

31 r. ltnthboiic-for-cnreics.sncss. TheLuchay takes his part. The Ctilmno bitteiHy as- snlls him foij “his extravagant regime.” .Tki»..utHer;journals scarcely a 11 ude. to the Tnntter o(Tnorinily, merefy ;giviiig an item or so each day and sometimes not doing w en that* .

(leneral Wood ddes not desire as:yet to "niake further arrests because of the no- rcssit.v as the law stands to have a pre­liminary trial within 43 hours after an arrest. . :* • ■ ■ "

Oeiteral Wood, referring to tlie postal service of Cuba, says:

“Speaking generally,_the-postal service of the island of Culm is in a high state of cllicieney. The, money order bramdi is especially useful, but all the branches have made good records. The service as ‘a whole^should not be blnmod fur_the


-Says Ho W ill ltot In I'rJson Itather Than Comply, W ith a Kecoiit Order Blrido

V- ' by Juatlco liorden. . \: W illiam Russell Ilorneir of W est Grove,

who was recently ordered to paj? ‘ Miss Helen Wolff $2 per week toward tho sup­port of a iim'le child now about a year old, wns taken to the county jail at Freehold this morning. Horner fallkl to furnish the -necessary-bond foi’ the faithful jwr- forinance of tho order of the court and his arrest followed. .I t is reported that he*as­sorted that he would rot. in jail before he- would pay tlia weekly allowance named.

A commit£niont in such a case ft* j>er- petual unless tho defendant changes his mind and consents to:ob„ey the order of tho courfc, or tho court of quarter sessions sees Ht to onler his release. H orner’s iijcarcer: atiori isthcrcfoi’o very indeilnite and may extend over a long period of time; IliH ar­rest ^vas ordered by Jiistice'Uorden^ before whom thQ case was recently heard. Horner iSl]rhuuTfenrm jui^rd‘ITri^arail|ny u Grovo. * ’ • .* • ‘ •• ' . ‘ 1


faults of a handful of rascals.’

S A v n llo v rcd G la u s I n ' C o n r t r o o m ,• Victoria,, B. G., May 10.—A'.man nanf- ed Elliott, who is said to be-a brother o f Henry Elliott, oh staff duty in South rAXwtar-^uul^a-yKfllutlvo-oC^.Loid—Minto,. wns arrested'here for. forgery, f i e was taken into court and "attempted, suicide b y swallowing broken glass. There was a -scene in the* courtroom, nnd the pris­oner was quickly removed to^ the. hos­pital.’ Elliott cannot live. Prior to his attempt on his life he made a dramatic statement concerning his trouble. ■

M i c h i g a n M iner**’ S tr lk c H S e tt l .c i l .Calumet,. .Mich.,.,May ltf.1—The Arca­

dian copper miners who liave bctyi on strike, have accepted an advance of $4 per month. :'Tlie Osceola ;mitie strike lias also -been settled, tlie tramiriors accepting a 5 per cent Increase. /H ie. ira miners ; U t ihe Win thro p have struck. At the Quin­cy mine n6‘ sf-ttlement has -yet-been reuch* ed. It Is^beUevcd that the (Jemnnds for, higher wages 'will* be made consecutive! at nil the Lake Superior copper min/fs, employing in all 35,00p men.

K o n r t h ClnNM 1’o n tm n H tc rn .WitShIngton7 'Mtry 10.—The fo low ing

fourth cinss postmustcrs huve hfew ap­pointed: .

New Jersey—Cherry Ilill, J . f t . Wes­ton. ’

New York—Leek, JVNajder; Seneca,= K = S r ^ lp f5

''Pennsylvania—Enti Claire, G. ir . (*ib- Bbnr Norritonville, ,T. W. Zhnmermau; Penn Valley, y. A. Lovett; Trout ltun, P . P . Snyder.

V oorlices Go1»k to*I3ijropc.Trenton, May 10.—Governor Voorhees1

was af'tiis desk at the stntehouse early, yesteVday morning and was l#tsy all day getting matters cleared up so that he could leave for a tjjp to Kurope, today. The governor had a conference with ^President . W illiam.M.. .Tolmson of the Rouate, wlio will be acting, governor dm*-, ing Mr. Yoorhees| absence from the stute.

Utica Carpenter*’ S trike S ettled .* LjTurn, N. Y., >1 ny Iff.—lTie sfnke" of­the carpenters’ linion in this _ city Jias been settled.' The compromise’accepted colls for a fork ing day of eight h?*irs, with a scale of wages of 28% cents un hour and oiM. e«i0 ts au hour^

"After aufferlrig from severe dyspepsia over twenty yeats and using many reme­dies without permanent eood-T finally teok Kodot Dyspepala Cura. It did mo ao much good I rconmmond It to others,” w iltes J. E, Watkins. X’lerk nnd nenortler/OhlHI* cothe; Mo, It digests what*you eat. W. It. Ham/ltt7 Mulu street. . • ’

S ecre ta ry T u s tin g ’s ICcport W ill .be Sub­m itte d to C ity t/ouncJl a f N o x t :

M eeting— Ofllcer» E lec ted .Tho hoanl .of trustees of the public li-

bnu*y held an adjourned meeting of [their annual April meeting .lastr.night in the rooniff of tho Monmouth Trust company.• A mo 11 g t he" 1 toms .of {iiislrioss transjioted

was the election of officers for the ensuing year. The new oflicqr^ are: President, N . E. Buchanoii; Vice-prcsident, II.' A. Tus- tipg; secretarj’', Morton W . Pennypjicker; treasuivr, A. C. Twlnirig; -

The report of the r(»tiring secretary, R. A. Testing, w as rwul and ordered present­ed to city council at its next-meeting.

I t is expected th a t th e oxfenslvd rep a irs to tlie l ib ra ry w hich aro now undO l^w ay w ill be fin ished by A iirf.'l.' ^


Jo se p h K ogers.Joseph .Rogers, a resident of .Newark,

'died yesterday, aged *83, at his summer home, 70 Lake avenue, Ocean Grove,which he has.occupied only since Wednesday, last- l ie leaves a widow. .Fiinoml services will be Jieltl and the Interment made a t Bloom field, X, J ., Friday afternoon.

LOCAL HAPPENINGS.Mrs. M. E. Flinn of Ocean Grove has

gone to Frazer, Pa., for a visit of about a month. * **. Kxtm help \n advertised for in tho shoe and all. other departments of tho Stein bach company's Mammoth storo.

Samuel*W. Fitzgerald of Ocean Grove ■was-advanced to thd~ second degree'in-the local Masonic lodge last night.

Miss Carrje Corson of Frazer, Pa,, is pleasantly spcndinpf ft few woeks-with-hot: nieces, the Misses Flinn of Ocean Grove. \

G(;orge W. ]>ittcnger has rented his Al- lenhurst cottage for the summer and yes­terday removed to a tent hear the Ross pa­vilion, Ocean Grove. • . '

On Friday evening H ex t Rev. William Vanklrk of New York w ill speak hi the First M. IC.tdmrch on the subject, “Christ and the Winft Cup." A ll are Invited to heat* the address; * .'* John S. King, a prominent citlzcn, aiid one of Plalpfield1 oI(U?sfc contractors aiid builders, who recently died of paralysis at t.he age of 72 years, was the father of. Rob erfc L. King, a' resident of this city.

Tonight fcho strawberry festival of the mun’s league of tho Congregational church will begin in the lecture room of the elmrch, to be continued tomorrow night. .Some novel and original features of- enter tain ment, w ill be provided: No admission will bo charged.: - - * —--------------- - •

OVERTURE-ACCEPTEDW estm in sto r C hu rch M em b ers P e c ld o to

H ear rr o p o s lt io ii to ConHolidute W ith F irst’ P resb y ter iu n C liu relu -

A eongregatlonal -meoting of the West­minster Presbytcriamehureh was held last night a t the -residence of Mrs. A. l^ocka*- feller, 705 Grand avenue, to determine whether or riot that yhttrch . should receive 'tlie overtures from the F irst Presbyterian church looking toward a consqlldation of \h o two churches.

Thomas N.oble was elected chairman and J . P . Leigh secretary. On a inotion of Hiniiu Walton itrwas decided by a vote of 23 to 15 to receivc’and give careful thought and due coin*idemtion to such propositions as the mother church should l>e pleased1 to make.- The Westminster church, lias 1W) inemuers.

$ Prices from May 10 to May17 ( J

; J . J . P A R K E R *


Sailed Past Ashary l^irk ami Arotuid Cape Mny Lubc .Sunday.

After many days the ste;unboat Kepub- He, which for years .piiecT t he'waters of the Delaware fi*om Philadelphia to Cape May, haM-ret-urnet]^*-" ' - ■ " ----- — -~ -

There is a jirospectus out saying that‘the old boat w ill, m u between New York and Long Branch. this summer, but she will not. - . .

She was sailed past Asbury Park nnd around the horn, or, a t least Cape May, from New York, last Sunday, and even tiie little dummy engine on the Capo May railroad screeched\n.noisy'welcome to the ship which had been gone for a year or. more. , .

William F . Russell did not make good for the boat to the First National Bank of Philadelphia, and a syndicate bought the old boat from, tho bank. Possession was given Friday In the Erie basin, Brooklyn.

The new company w ill be known as the Caiie May Steamboat company. Tho boat w ill iMrrifoniirig oirthe old route June. 15.

C h a n c e llo r P i tn e y W untH C h a n c e ry C lo r l t’a Ofllco R e fo rm e d .

E u g e n e G askin,Eugene Gaskin, son of Julia and* the

late Jeremiah' Gaskin, died yesterday a t New Bedford, aged H7 years. . He was un­married.. Announcement of tiip [funeral will be m ade tomorrow* • ■ • • •

C y r I « C lu im p io n S t r o n g M a n . •_J?iilLItivcr,. lass.. ^lay 10.—Louis Cyr, the American champion; defeated itoimi- do, the Gonnnn champion, a t a stt|ength test for $2,000 and the world’s champion­ship last night. Cyr. on the back lift/ raised ^1,S05 pounds to Ronaldo’s Each Innn lifted dumbbells weighing 170 and 154<{* pounds. On the lifting of a JIOO pound hell above the’ shoulder Ronaldo was slightly the belter.

K e n f n v .k y l u t 'o in in ln a lo n '.Newport News.- Vn.. May 10.—The first

class battleship Kent wckyvis now i\ part <»f- the- United ^tatrsimivy,. having, been jilneed In commission at the yards' of the: kewport News Shipbuilding and -lOry- doek company. The new_ battleship, which is a duplicate of.the, Kearsurge, is commanded by Captain C. II. Chester.

S ix ty PlK?»4*lll«*rt I>» “ W r e c k .Poughkeepsie, N. Y„ ,May 1(1.—Sixty

pigs were killed in’n freight wreck on the Centraf railroad lurr7T7'’ The accident was caused by* the breaking of'.nn-ax.l^oii an extra freight .car. Three cars were wrecked, and passenger trains were do* Joyed for fivo homs,_Nf>_Perso»rwas hurt^


Porfioiially-Conducted T our v ia Pen m y I- v an la Kali road .

Over tlia battlelleld of "Gottysbiirg, through tho plcture?<pia Blue Mountains, via Hagerstown and Antletani, and down th e beau ti fill and historlo Shohandoah Val- loy to the unique Caverns of Lumy: thcnca across the rolling hills of Northern Virginia to Washln'gton, is tho;roate of this tour—a pectlon of tho country intensely interesting from both a historic and a scenic standpoint.. The tour will leave..New-York 8 a. m„ and Philadelphia 12.20 p.m ., Tuesday, May 20, In charge of otfo of tho company’s tour­ist agents, and 'will cover a period of II e

p la y e r An~^pBTloueed chapcronrwhoae-ea* peulal charge will bo unescorted ladies, whl accompany tho trip throughout, iltound- trip. tickets,* covering transportation, ear* rlago drives and hotel accommodations, will be sold ut the extremely low'rat&'of $25 from New York, $24 from Trenton, 622 from Philadelphia, ajid.proportionate rates from other points. • > ; *

For Itineraries Arid full Information apply to tioket agents; tourist agent, 1100 Broad­way, Now York; 4 Court street, Brooklyn;, TON Broad street, Newark*,. N. J .; or address,- (leorgo IV. Boyd, assistant goneraf passen- 'uor agent, Broad street station, Philadel­phia. -

Viec-Chuncellor Pitney, in Jersey City yesterday, asked Charles W ._Parker to make up a case before Chancellor Magic asking him to look into and correct the loose methods prevailing in 'the olliee of Chancery Clerk Ij. A . Thompson at Trenton.

Vice-Chanceilor Pit.ney said there was great carelessness in preparing decrees' especially in foreclosure proceedings. • In -otieHstsc^'vheix^co unsel-siiott eeived $10, he was obliged to allow $751. on account of the extra labor eausetl by a faulty decree.- • . .

.Mr. Parker said he did not earo td talk a t length on the subject initil he had laidTl^muttCT'lJCfOT,irtliTrcluineul1m'r~]to“HJtltl7 however, that tlie trouble inainly . existed in cases where^tliere were three mortgages and the third piorigagcc, thi'ough lack of notice, had failed to IIle an answer.

T . M. S T K W A ltT HU VS I ’UO^'KKTY.'

l*uy» F r a n k K. A V rlght S8,oOO f o r F in e I f o u ho a n il L o t u t A iX cniturrtt.

An important real estate transaction was consummated yesterday through. the local agency of William Giffard,.by. whi<»h the property of -Frank E* Wright, at Al lenhurst, jiasses to the ownersliip of Thomas M. Stewart of this city.' The con­sideration Is s;iicl to.have been $8,»VM). • Mr. G iffanrhas several other deals on hand, some of which ho expect s w ill be concluded in a few days. - •


C h a rg o M a d e by A b rn h a m K ininonH o f H e .lm ar -N ot A c te d U pon .

, The May grand jury failed to indict Ed ward Bloodgood of Bel mar, who was charged with assault, and battery with in


¥¥¥$¥¥ ■ «¥t*¥I

C orner L ake A venue a n d JTIaln S tre e t 604 to '608 C ookm an A venue

way d u w pmhigh prices for your groceries, when you can buy the same quality of goods for less money? .W e sell nothing but reliable qualities and guarantee every­thing we. sell to give satisfaction or cheerfully refund your money.. ' i

EVERY-DAY PRICESB a r t le t t P c a r s i o c c a n

a o c B o t t l e C a ts u p lo r io c. L a r g e g la s s J e l l y o n ly 3 c

.B e s t W h it e B e a u s 8 e q t 7 P a c k a g e s o i C o r n S t a r c t i l'or 2 5 c

F a n c y C o ld P a c k e d X o m a t o e s S c c a nB e a n P o r k 5 r - i c lb .

■ C o n d e n s e d m i l k 8 c c a nB a liy O l iv e s x o c b o t t l e 1 B e s t M lx e d 'C a k c s x o c 11>

L a r g e B o t t l e P i c k l e s fo r 5 c - y B e s t N e w Y o r k S t a t e C o r n 8 c c a n







i f ' Wo guarantoo everything wosell to givosatisfaction.oryour money refunded ^J y L Our spoclala aro gold for CABII ONLY ‘a u i will not be chargcd a t theee pdces. J ^ L

* -


T H E G R O C E R ,

Otlier Stores :

Long Branch'Man&animn .L ittle Falla

Cor. Mjiln Street and Lake Avenue, _ 604, 606,608 Cookman Avenue

Tel. 159/

. M l




The Twin Cities Best OutfittersS A T I S F A C T O R Y S U I T S — ------------

OUR BLUE SERGES FOR $8.50The success of our sale proves the suit satisfactory. They are suits

that sell, themselves.'_.CIhg sa;HC flier sees them, selects i.hisy size and-- ,the -sale is made. This can only be done when suits .have an outward appear, ance of goodness. We will vouch for the inside of them. We know that they are all wool and well made; that the color is fast; ,that the

suits are worth the money If you think our knowledge wrong you can get yoffr money returned.

We have then? in different- shades of blue, arid cut in single or double breasted sack coats. Of courser we-also-have them in better

I '

grades at $10 and $12 . vest.

~TRey”are satin lined throughout the coat and


FKKE- - . ' 639-643 C O O K M A N A V E .

Tnnt"to~ let! [“4 > j- a -i mt h anr-rjitun mi HTTTtnrr-n r that place. Justice Cregti prttsentetl the IviperK to the jury and Emmons appean'll lie fore that body, but? no bill was found. Blootlgood fled from Bel mar after the as­sault mid has not vet returned.

AhflccBH Kemoveri From ItroaHthnuc* Alfr\ul T. .Clark of Trenton, a summer

resident, of Ocean Grove and well known In this vicinity, was successfully operated upon for nil abseess'nt the German- hospi­tal, Philadelphia,♦>rct!ai*tly. *;The abscess was on thTnircastbone, ..near, the heart, making the operation a dangerous one. Dr. John F. Denver, a well known sui* getm_' oF tlio (Quaker CityPTemoyeiV tlm aljsccss. * . •

U n c e r ta in a s t o F o r m a l O p e n in g .The Ocejm Grove board of tm deheld ait

ihformal meetiiigat thoOcean Grove High School building last even ing.; The subject, under discussion was whbther or not Ocean Grove should have au opening day. Xo action, was taken and .another meeting will probably bj* held at nu%arly dnt<*. Should an opening day lie decided upon it w ill likely bo eariy in J u n e.. ■ .1

Did i t E ver Occur to You . .

‘ * . * that good material'and workmahfdfip aro m*ceaaafy io good nlcycTtTrdpalrlngK Wo UBe lbotb, anti by having asmall place nhd'low expeiifiBfi are ahl*> to tu rn out fltRtclaaa ^york a t r low figure. Tno TKOU* HKTZKOY GAS MACHINES are a splendid *uc~ ceea. We lmve thnm for sale. Gome sed oura In operation H ydraulic aoala; no rubber or le a ther gagketa used.

J . E D G A R S O O Y

512 1-2 Cookman Ave. '0|>p. rartrlpgfi & ItlchnrjBon’H.

T h e e ;r e s s cuatf c e u is p e r x v te k . '


clt‘S ta t l p rro t Itjc^A B burjr P n t


For the cpnvonlence of o u r patrons a b rauch station has been established ab the B R A D L E Y - BEACH NOTION STO RE, Main street, botween Me Cabo and Cook avenues.

P apers regularly on tuile an£ BUpplled^to new*- hoyjrat office r a t e . ' . '

A d v e rtise m en ts received, and lu on le r to . re­ceive insort Ion Baino day iuumI . b.e‘ jianUed lit a t th is s tation not la tor than 13 00,’


w. V :


T h b D a i l y P r e s s .j . ~ " v~


* PU !II,IO A T IO N O F F IC E :,*.*,G07 M attinoa A v en u e , A slm ry Farlc, N . J .

TELEPHONE CALLS :Editorial Itooms.........Buxines* Ofllce.s........................ ..

50 a «0 b

— T liR ^ ’rS -O K .SUllSCJt I l ’T IO N J' Evening: Kdition.

Ono year (strictly in advance),.. * . *One weekh...»........

-Slnglecapies-.....^*^-....^..,^ y ...........


M orn in g E d ition {.Tunc to Septem ber). 51.00!!■!!!!!!!!!!!

Ton week* . . . . . . . . . ............... *♦One wee*.. . , .........• ............................. .Bi.glp copies .............. .. .....................

A dvertis ing I tn te s on A pplication ,

WEDNESDAY, MAY Kh 1900.• . • H-j • .I \V e iiotico in (the report of r the proceed­ings o f the ; common Council that §10,000 was appropriated tiff*-the public schools for the ensuing year. Inasmuch a? tho law under which the ci ty. nf A sb u rrPaVk is in­corporated distinctly state.-? that- the hoard

'j of education shitll make tip a budget anti present, it to council f.oHtsapprovJil .on or

-before the first of .Tuly each year, the pro-, ceeding looks very irregular. We can liardly lx*l iuve 'tluitultis.stcp was taken iii- tenfionally,‘but to pf ovule against'a u^iTr-

: relief* of 'such a conflict; of authority It- might.be well .to .provide, our -city- fathers with certified copies of ..the law under which Asbury Park is incorporated and a few ealendars.sueh as are. in cunv'ut use.' This precaution might prevent much bad blood and some confusion in the manage­ment of the place. '

m L uFeeling In Congress T h at the

Cos? Is Exorbitant.


R cjiso q s TV lileli ' D e t e r C o n ffresg F r o m / f a k t u r ; T l tn i S te p —T h e T r e n d T o y n r d , - E a t c r n u l l f im —. S y u ip i i th y

AT FA RRAGUT’S BIRTH PLA CEA iln \irn l D on-cJ- LaUrie H i« O ld C om -

' in n u d e r .Knoxville, May IG^Pairfcj.tfc .memo­

ries 'w er£. inspired by the visit- ot A.d: miralrl)e\vej'i . to Low’s Ferry. ’ This is 30 miles ror more from .KTuoxville, following the winding channel of the Tennessee r.iver. , :

Admiral and Mrs. Dewey, members of the reception committee and Daugfitcrs of the__American Revolution* formed a Kpeclal_pnrly_wineh^v.'en t_ d nw 1i tho, river

W A N T E D . x '

Some tangible evidence of that wonder*' ful ironclad agrecmcat whereby .the rail­roads are at the mercy of the Ocean.Grove, association; also, information that' w ill make plain''to- the pul>lic by’ what; ri^ht

. .the railroads could 'enter ~fhto an agrec- . ment-with a third party to discriminate

agjunsfc any particular resort in the mat­ter of train service1, tn be tendered by the-

'aforesaid railroad, which is . a . common carrier. The agreement, if such a thing

. exists, jjiyst bo of .that nature/for •there ra re-no-ivsi rktMoiisi n -the: decds--by—\Vliieh-i

the railroads hold the grounds on whichteiiscly inten»sted nllTue tiuieT wore Rem’ Admiral O’XeiL.elilef of the

cithci*'the«A?*bury'Pin*i^»r^-Ni»!t1\c»-A’sbtu^ d>umi i-of^t>rdii:Hi<a>lu*uid-~a^iriiiibcj^O.C.Park sta t ion s j i re-situated; Thj* ground for tin* Asbury Park station was given by Britton \Vhiie^vithout, restrictions, and the ground for-the* North Asbury Park station was given by .lames A. IJrndlev. also without. rcstVjcfions. . • ; i

IXTKODVCfcC? TJIK C e n .s p s ENTM EK-j , a t u k ;

“Arrangements forsaking the approach­ing census are about- completed. Tht* vast machinery necessary for the accomplish­ment of the stupendous work is almost- in

-order—awirly-cnouglL.so_at}-Jc:Ls*fc_tix_givu-assuranee that the’ wheels will begin to' turn oiV.Tune l. \vben householders will receive initial visits from the inquisitive run mein tors, charged with the duty of as­certaining those facts ami.figures which the ccnisus'contcmplatrsr—"Ir-maynot--be out of place in this connection.” says the Newark News, "to suggesr. that these of- llcials ;ire appointed by tint government to obtain spcci/lc information. tijKin the «c-: curacy of which 'depends tin*- practical value of tht* whole great work. The ques­tions which they ask. -while*, sometimes un­important in >eeifiing. to the. Individualhouseholder:* a:v cjtiest ions designed ti* bring ..our fa^-reaching and Ini porta n't

■Tacts, which have a’ detiniro* bearing iqu»n the cconomio-or • siw.*ia! problems which

enumerator hititself mny be a very l.uxig-'-uifieym sort ofta perVinnjre. a man getting

. so many* nanus for so nt itch money, but herepresents the*r<>\vrnmeni nf the. L'nii'etl.States. wHieb.-thrmi^i—hiiu.ra^ks-fur Lit*formation whirh is t«> uiould lcgi>iati<jn.direr! ei-niioiniemovements ahd'In 111 tenet-tlie hisiory of the fut lire.. ‘*Titi« much is -iaid i<i assist in securing

;l > f»»r ihe. eim;r.ci‘ati»r that, patient, bearjng*•and considerate treatment wWiY-h.iS oficji-rtme.v tl<j,nlcd~hlnt.'~ 'rhe predfr'tlafris-*ly ven t iitv.d 11 |io|fii!rsiUivH liaftlielTTTTllT^*c(.*nsu> is tn bc.the inost valutrhle ofall. be.-'cause tin*, mori. exhaustive an*d accnmte.It c/i n be licit h'*!* exha list! \*i; ordinal rhie.Jnnvever, un)i'>s t-h«* jieoplo thfciiiselves ini*:j>;irt the infonna-tion m in im i witli perfectfranknitris and to the minutest detail. >Suehinformatiou, It- may be well to ndd., \< st riet ly eonUdeTiiiaVi f<>v.lhe ei\ nun- nj i->Nv»inv H'oi *io linujiri '.'iny. iirjltrnaet “ar:oulrcd'in the cotTi>e*of'hiA *Jtil>*joany per- J1*

-. * 'i- *. -'W ashingtonsou oc pers»m-i otncr tlum thiisi-authorized ... ..•p<by t ht; supervUor.,‘

F o 'r ' t l i e B o e rs ,

W a s i i ik g to x , M ay 1G.—[ S p e c ia l.] — T hu. clo.sc v o te by Avhicli 4:he s e n a te d e ­f e a te d th e p ro p o s itio n fo r th e e s ta b ­l is h m e n t o f a n a rm o r p la te fa c to ry iu - d lea 'tt’s t h a t , i lie p ro p o s itio n w h ie li th o s e n a te j c o n m iltfe e m a k e s w o u ld l ia v e to be 'a c c e p te d o t s u c h a f a c to ry , w ill b e ; e s ta b l is h e d , , a l th o u g h th e r e -is a g r e a t .h e s i ta n c y a m o n g m en \ve4I.v e rs ­ed iti g o v e rn m e n t a f la ir s to . e m b a rk u p o n • su ch a la rg e e n te rp r is e . . T h e re is so -m u ch in .tht* ii) a t te r o f em p lo y in g ; lab o r, to g e th e r w ith tlie e ig h t liolir~sys=- tern , a n d . th e f u r th e r f a c t th a t d e m a n d s a r e b e iijg m a d e th a t a l l m a te r ia l enter-] in g .in to th e c o n s tru c tio n o r b a t t le sh ip s si i'a)l Ue- u n d e r th e c ig l j t* h o u r System , th a t n le n ib e rs o f co n g re ss w h o -h a v e

"inade'Yf s lu d '\ r o f tife q u e stio ti th iu k it *very u n w is e d o e n te r upon, a n y lai-ge w o rk w ld c h • Will in c re a se 1p _suc*li^ a g re a t, e x te n t th e n u m b e r o f sk illed la ­b o re rs to ' lie e m p lo y ed byM lie g o v e rn - n ie n t. R u t b e h in d It a l l is th e - f u r th e r f e a r th a t th e r e is a ten d en cy , to w a rd p a te rn a l is m in e v e ry m o v e o f th is k ind , a n d b e h in d t l i a t j u r k s th e .ifc a r o t th e g o v e rn m e n t o w n e rsh ip o f filA prop- e r t ie s o p e r a te d .tfor th e p u b lic g o o d .‘- ' I f a g o v e rn ih e n t a rm o r p l a t e . f a c to ry c o u ld b e e s ta b lish e d ,, a iid t l i a t b e th e e tn 1 ;_ tlio re ’> is •;no d o u b t b u t '- th a t , b o th h o u ses , o f c o n g re ss w o u ld h a v e v o ted fo r I t . .h u t so m a n y s e n a to rs a n d re p re ­s e n ta tiv e s , fe a re d t h a t th is ^ v a s . m e re ly , t l ie o p c n iiig w e d g e to tl^e f u r th e r in - dusU ’ial ^n to rp riH O jo n th e ' p fo rtf;jnf th e g o v e rn m e n t th a t i t j ^ i s dOciOedmettei* to h a v e one m ore, a t te m p t in a d e ^ .o 'se? c u re a rm o r a t .w h a t w a s deem ed a r e a ­so n a b le rprice. ^

T h e y W o re I n tc r c n ie d .D u r in g th e tfousidornU on o f . t l ic 'n a y a l

b ill in tlie s e n a te , esiieeinU y t l ia t p o r­t io n 'r e la t in g to a rm o r p in to , th e re w a s proso-ul, a ilelCKatiou' w h ic h w a s tu -

T lrc re

his .sniioidlnates from tin' navy tle- partmeait. Hesides tlim - were nearly all o f tlie prominent representatives of Caruesle ami the Hinhlchem Steel works on'.land. They scarcely left the nailery .while the armor plate subject wa.s up-. The naval oliicers were in- tin^tT iFirecause .they a r c ' anxious to have soinetlilni; tlone- .iiiitnediately to have armor placed upon the ships that are now; ready • far it. while therpurc- scntatlvos o f tile Croat, slcel f:65uus>< w eic of course Interested because they knew there w as som ething like -flT.- 0(W,0(}() worth of armor to be bought. nud tlie.ve t-oiiipanies Wfinled tlie lmsl- ■nbsS 'llieinselvps-iiistead-of-M iavin"- it- given over to a Rrtveiunicut factory. They showed .evident si,-;ns of satist'ae- tioal v.hen the linal vule’ ileleniiitieil that , the iiovernment would not Iniiiil the-fiWtuzj; uUtU.ee.' . Sj Kismllij- For (Ik- Ilot'rjH.—I~\vas tillIctiii; w lili a‘ distinguished seuat.oi‘, a member of tiie com mittee on foreign relations, who has a jrreat deal to do with nhnplnc everythiiiR in tiie wav (if legislation relalinc-to our for­eign airalt-s. nhoitt the> proposition t o pass a1 resolution of sym pathy for the Itoers. “lie-sa id : ” 1 have a right to my opinion, and i m n y co out’, aud express it.- You iia.vt1 tlie same rijilit to yours anil can'shod (tiiifi is of Ink In sym pa­thy with the Uocrs or any oilier people ynt) choose, -iiut for the (iovt-rniaeui to take.the luntter up is a litlie (litVereut stthjei.1!. Suppose V'litie ^overninent, through Its parlianiciitary or eongres-

fjtt'1— tile-^liiii^tivio^iilti-'-'if— toilnv;— -'I’ll.- Si,,ii:il--IiixIt..— should; |iaf.'i|)lirase,.-.the.liner resolutions (if sympathy whlt.li have licea i-ntj.i)duecil ia tlie house am senate and 'Insert- i'hilippiiies instead of South African republics. W e'as y liailoii w.ouhi in- as mail as”was tin1 Al- nlii-'hty when he dlovvned tlie world. Sup-jni-(> ilurliig tlie_S(.aiil>li war som e nation should Iia.vt- passed? thi-ongli-ei-. niT^ITranclror'it.--'ie.irislatur.i,. a i-esolu-. lion of syinpatl.iy for Spain, eondetnn- iti!.' the position of tlie I 'Jilted Slates. :i.')iis_‘cain:tr.Vi;would .have been iiia.| enough to light about it In aa instant. \'ot} see. the jii-ople of Ilie rnifi'-d Statescan l(itVn‘j.-ticli K.f1ii|i.-n'lt.i--as fire.v-plensei ■liufltflsrsr dilV.M-enrtiiing wheti w e go to speaking of It as a nation."

C o t (1 It n t A le x n iiitr ln .Shine of":>k-miior b'osier’s cidleagties

ate tellinu a story about a recent trip hi- mad" to Old roinI t'oitiforl. When rot’urnln" in the morning, the boat had no iiiore than tied .up at tlie pier than he-ra l)ed-lo-M rs—I--i.srei,-ii mUgrabbed tlie tinilirelhis’ and valises-nad si,ii‘f(>d isiiorc. I lo" wa jkc(t=wp ii=4)ltir*k-Trn(l a

TnrlT^W“Iiere, you,” cried the

• seUalor to th>- Jehu, "ti|ke us up to-,tli" f'aii’o right away." Tin’- driver -wi(s • one • nf those honest dnrkff-s tiilir are sonietimi-s found in _the huslfless.’.and_ht- t-ej)l!eil. “It will cost you ri'-jjt sniart. h()ss,0 t0 g o .to the Cairo: about ST." “ WUat!" roaifd tlio senator. "Sovoii dollars in go up to ij street?” “ W'eU. you see. boss." i-e.-'jtiJliilcd ‘ Ihe darky grinning, ^ifis hear is ni)t. W nshlnglon; it's Alexan-. drla," .Tust then ilie senator looked around and saw hiessoiiiji'rs from the stcatner fr.ijii'lcally gestieulatlng and.



Telephone service has increased m y income to- nearly double.’

.-Many persons will seek ad -'(■“Vice'By-lricDlrone—ivho- ,. a> hr Iind :wL* hesitate to' ask a,physician J c S oir mi,os' wro'r1, '“ ‘I

m ake a call. . ’ p

The, New Vork ahd New | jersey Tdeplioiie Co. p

• • 170 B R O A D W A Y - 8J.ONU BRANCH, N. »• ' • ’ •* ' 1 • • U


rejiclieil..hls destination. Senator Fos- .ter denied it w r y stoutly, but several .senators .who were w ith Jii.tn d e^ w etl It waS an aehtal •occurrence. . ‘ ... .

A utul-ii W. D ukjt, »

on the Omegft,t,«H old fashioned, Uat !>ot- tonled, stern wVeel cruft. At the differ­ent landings the country people had gaih- xu ed . ia.. mmihors.A '\'h cAi_\m:e—tdLJiUP-plied with Hags iiiul cheered the admiralheartily. \

After*tho pnrjy landed a i Low’s Ferry tt walk of a few. lumdred feet brought thehV ' toitho spot on, which once stood the liewti" fog cabin in which Farragut was horti. ; .V httgt* liranching elm marks it. The t memorial»styhe created on the spot i^ of ' tuih’ewn Tenu.esftee niaidde ex.cept’ a single side, which is polished.- This bears tjie.inseription:' ••..Vfbrthpliiee o f Admiral 'David Glas­gow Farragut, bcu'u '.luly 5, J801T Erect1 ed1 by Itonny K ate Chap'ter, D. A; II.. Ktidxvillei Tcnn.,' -Pedicatcd by Admiral G corgo D c w ey M a y 1 o, ,1900. ’ ’

One • t housn nd persons were gathered around the big elm tree when Admiral' JJmvey arrived. The scene w a s{histpric in - itsj' impressive simplicity. V Ailininil Dcw<*y. r.cniov.ed. tlie lhig o f’ Admiral- Far- ragut"which draped the shaft, and there were;short add'r,esses, by Mrs. XV A. Per­kins, regent of the- chapter, and Cbloael I jT T).' Tyson vtuid_ail_drigihal poem by Mrs. Jonathan ; Tipton, . entitled . “Two

J.biroes.’> 1 . ^• A .miniatme-.ivory portrait, ot-Actniiral.: Farragut, ! the work of ti Ideal arfist; llrattson, was presented to Admiral DcSv-. cjfctiri behalf* of .the people o f Knoxville' hj* .ludge O. P. Temple.’ *•. Admiral..‘Dew ey’s response was direct and feeling.‘ “JF cannot tell you how deeply grateful'

i ahi;M he said, What* you have given-me; an opportunity tojVay my hop’iage to the uieiiiory of Admiral Farragut, that great naval conunander, iii my opinion, the greatest in the aiiuais o f oiir country.

‘•’i’his/opinioii I have formed iiol by. reading of his gallant, deeds, hut-front personal-contact With him. -having, served in his .squadron under his iunnciliute com­mand, -Though- I wns'then .but a young man, I am pro.ud to say .that-~F1u-ragut was 'iny friend., . ; •■ “ Maiiy years ago. I took him, for thy special example, and in all the important epochs of my life, particularly during the most recent years, I have always thought before deciding upon a course of action when a. crisis was pending, Wli'ht would Farragut have done under similar cir^ cumstancesV'> - - ,

Iritis wsponse was received witli*hearty tHicers. * toericaT' w a ssu n g , aml“ tlnr admiral shook hands with thl1 ' counti^y i u*j i pb^ w b u-^m*^saiL.Xy g .v^-liim. \ ■ ' ; • / * - •*

The party returned to ICttoxville, and tlnPspeeial train, with Admiral and Mrs. Dewey left for Washington-last evening.

ENVOYS HEREReception Given to Them In

i N tw Y o rk C ity.


G /R LS IN SO LD IE R C L O T H E ST w o T a k e n F r o n i a T r a in C n rry in p f

7"* T.roo|m *t«f'V u1in. ,—•i Chicago, May 10.—Five- girls arcvmiss­ing from thoir houies/in Waukegan, Lake Forest, Winetka and Fort Sheridan, and there is reason to believe ‘ three t»f thein. disguised ns soldiers are on board the traiii now carrying the Third battalion of. the Fifth United States infantry to New York, on its way to Cuba. The other two art.* in jaif, one in this city and one iullauunond. Ind. 7

As the train w as passing over ihe Belt line oft its way from Fort Sheridan to the tracks of* the Nickel Phtte Lieutenant Keoves found a soldier so undersized and effeminate looking .that lie. wondered how such a'stripling could have passed nms- 4i*r.- -'-He - tpu\stioncil—the. .yi).iingsler_>nc closcly" that the soldier began to weep anil confessed to being ii woman. She said her sweetheart was an enlisted man

f the battalion, and'*she had intended going to Cuba with hint. She said she wii.t- Je<sif Sherwood. She refused to

the • up me. of her lover. She wps luruetl over to the police at the Nin«*tj*- liflh stiect .station.

When tho trains had gone. Jessie re­marked to tiie police that •although she bat.l been caught* there-were* four other TvFnTFg

woUld.be Utori*' fortunate. This infor- imition was telegraphed to * Lieutenant licevos- at ' Hammond, Ind. Another search brought another of-the truants to light. This girl, who -gave her name as

iv m Wait: T ill T hey F ind H o w Mc- Ivtidvy 3ic:uij».^tf'Ti,ent Them B c-

—fHri» TiieyjMn.Ue^i-LS e n t-^T h e yIltrve larjvfc I’ojycrrt; ,Now York, Mity lt5.~Three Boers sent

b.v the presidents of-the t^opth African repitblies to 1 make an api?e!il tiTIliiTworld' to save their countries from the power of England- landed on American soil yesl(*r- day an d ’last-niglit niaile their lirst plea in the Ignited States before a linge gath­ering ia tin* parlors of the llotcl Manhat­tan, the Same room in which President Meivintey-, held' his la>t. rcieptioii in thisv cit^. ' • llcfoi'c, .innliy‘ days 'tiave passed they wilj, govern to Wa.sltuigt.ott and- seek tin opportunity io lay . t heir cause before the- na’tio»*s ch ief itiaglsirate hiin.sehV-aK rliough they;:have no assarajtce .that h.: rvvill give them his ear. ' Scores ;:of-invi- tatiolis'hav.e-reached ;them to'visit nearly .-til the*larger cities of this, country,. ami,.. 4’f.t-hoy accomplish nothing else, they hope to arouse it*, powerful public Sentiment in behalf of the^repnblies. ;•The ri'prV'Sontatives of The Boers; are

Abraham Fischer, the chairman and lead­er of the p a r t y ( ’. TI. Wcssel.s and A. D. W, Wolnunaui.s, Ifrkmcn of -itbout middle •si ge. , M r.. Wol iiiarans wa s a ppoin t ecj• I>y lM-esideiit; Kruger, Mr. Wessels^by Pres­ident y-te.nt, and -Mr. .iM-ciici’ wns* the joint; selectioii o'f Jjoth . pres ill eats.'.,. JL lt. dorl;Iruyu. accomjmiue^-tl:cni-as,siicrctary.- TlitCv arrived on the steamship vMttasdani of the rsrethcflands'-Amerieaii line after-a roitgh.passage, head winds-and cross seas having delayed the; vessel. .

W oii't T a lk o f 1*rotee't«rate.• Mt\^Fischer read a rretoria cable dis-

ptttch/anuouiieing^Iiat'tlu* ejivoys catnc here* empowered, in the event o f all .oth­er overtures failing, to negotiate for the establishment o f an American protector­ate over th e Sctuth African* republics. When asked whether their, credentials were broad etui ugh to ; penni t s uch bver- tures,M r;‘ F iseh ^ sa id : .

‘‘We cun not, make any statement as to what we ,may he balled, upon to do 6Hi- chilly. It is not that wc ,c*annot play open cards. Wo have nothing to* hide, but we might find ourselyes saying things prematurely. " * 1 (

“You may say, however, that We came here with .very large, powers. W e have not yet settled just when wc wi.ll go to' \\Casliington, b u t.it will be as’ soon as possible.” ‘ . . ‘ /r . / ' ** '/.. . *

^Yhen asked whetheivthoy expected the pnisident to rcCei^ tiienf in their otli-

.cial capacity or- simply as individuals, ’!SIi'T-:Fischer“paTricd' the- qucsiion-diplo-

W A N T E ® .Qlrl for ponrral housowork; no washing. Ap-

pl.v 002 irmigpuvcutte. ' 117 iu*

/. W A W T E D v1 A young lady wIhIissji position ns stenographer lUid'TJrpt’writer.-* Will give references. AdtirrRS Box 28, Press office. 1 .116-18*.

maticftlly. .MHaving

,ti.on rw kfTaibject,” lie said,

had iio~ ofli ctal coin muni en - I ’res'nfeut "31c Ivi ii feyJ" oit tlie

we would1 pre.fer to leaVe that nmtter tmdisctrsscd until we have heard tile presidents view* We shall then act ttccordib^l.v.” *Vv

A. very handsoino parlor clfindpHor for coal oil; four large lamps; ht*udsomo globes; :chedD.j.piias;on(i.ftj.Kiiue,4;^rJ___

F O K S A L E .$14. Lady’s second hand \ylieel; Crawford,’*)?.

In porfect -running order.- Jujulre U02 Third nvenue., '' N - • 116fl7*

n u r n e i l H e r s e l f to D e a d i ,.Binghamton* X,' T., May Iti.—Oilrs.' Ida

Itoos.e, aged 23 years, . of Les.tershii‘e h n Hied in tiie lliughamtofi ( ’ity'hosplfal as a -result o f . burns tointiieted * hy herself. About three months.ago site atteinpted to ’ commit suicide'by sticking her'licitd’ into' the* stove. Soon after that she. w.ns cpnt- milted t«» the'Binghamton.State Hospital For .the Insane, She was j-oica^d from that instifntion la s t . week, .since’ >vh»Vli- rime'she had been .confined to her bed. Y esterda^afternoon? she asked her-moth--

F O R S A L E O R E X C H A N G E .NIlo building lots, 50xJI0p feet,' adjoining

Ocean Grove floichtg.- Pirlce sevcnty-flfo dollars each;.also property Main sttcet, brad ley I^ach. Apply to WJ8 Fifth avenue, Asbury Parir. l4tf

er-uiThiw;*wMio‘'was attending her,- to go her a drink.; While the eider woman was-gone from the room .Mrs.. II,uose got: ttp,- seized atpl hrolie' a lamp aiid.-.p'mr-; itig tlie kerosene citi over herself, ignited it" She-was-.bttriM'd so budly .ubuilt the head, arms and clW t that, she died’ t wo l i o i t r s - l a t .—:---------- —

F a t a l S J n i n T e x a s .L aredo , - T ex ., .May 1<5.-^1 uch dam age

has resu lted from , w in d . and e lectric stot uis. >J.nan . Va.ls.lty. . wa-s . .kill* <1 iiy ligh tn ing , the ■ L iiredo Yvo<dcn mill w as p a r tly dem olished, th e w holesale grocery house o f H . !*■. V aldex;.w as un.r<m>fod and the bared t) ftlcc tric .L ig h t:-a n d ’. JA»v>*er com pany 's pow er house d am aged , a s w ere a h ttm lier o f <\iher :?trtiC turcs.in th e city . Ilo7.t*jis" (if sm all l.-uiidings and M exican

L .a ml tlio. i»-rrn.

lice of Ilanitnojid. • Whether Lieutenant Jhves tVnn.d a/iy mart? girl soldiers

after leaving Hammond has‘nut been re­ported. ' - . ______

flieeK* tt> F lliiilao^'laiiH , Washington. .May Iti. — At the 'tele-'

en plied requ^t of.Ueai' Admiral Itemey the navy department has cimnierniandeil. the orders for ihe gunboats' Hetinin^ton mil •Concbnl to return to ihe l.'nited States •from the rhilippines.-Miltil they will be remitted on tlmt station for the pi'isent. v The* reason for- this-, act ion is thut ir~i7J~believed that"Jt-ile'tennined-at­tempt will be made by tho Filipinos while the-present j-fiin.r seysoJi lasH tify-mnggli! iU-.iuunitioti«i; of war. a triiHie-'which is sniil tn lutve been almost entirely sup­pressed recently. The two gunboats will iic particularly serviceable in preventing this.kind of .smuggling.

S T ra rr^ im , ■ i fr^TnTt?iT^r.*~ySatitiago i t ’ulia , *J‘I«y;- Iti.r—iW> Kepuh*

lica, a ttew jo n r in d ; to- be (-oniittcted in th e in te re s ts ' l it '‘tin*'4'>yliite pnrt.v in Sau- t.iago *provincl'„ h.:*;>t a p p ea red , 't’lie -p la t­form alleges, ia m o d era te* term s, ih e ne- t’ess.ity . o f gre.usi'mir th e orOerly cl:t>ses in to .a politic:!I o ^ a n ix a tto n w ith a view of influencing th e approitcitirtg s trugg le at. th e p o lls 'a u i fd faboriiig ftir tiie prcp- a ra tiim of th e ; co tm try . foil tju* atlveiit of independenvo tn tiiee- rcim 'blicntr- fonn ’•\yhyn U?q. l.: nU*“i5. .S taves congress fu l­fills th i.» te rm s <j|' i*s; protni^o.7^-I le re iif le v

't in ?—w hite—11 a r-fv-- -y»*TI 1 - b e - k t id w p -: s - 4 h u I 'a r t io o Ut*nitliric:!5io.‘I>emf»craltcov

— IJomocratlc ..State Coiivontion.__

TratiM ivorl F ro m .M anila ,' .Sati I:rauciseo. May Iff.—The transport

Thoi'mls has* urm*ed after a run o f ilti days froiit Maitiln, 1!) friiiu Nagasaki and Iti froin’ Yokohama. Slay brought 111 otli- cers-in the cabin, oil sick soldiers, •lo dis- charm’d soldiersr~H~ntembcfs of the hosTTiT:~t 1 < t'l'j.s7 1TT;7iTTe‘1* pri/oners! 4' confnyt nurses itiql the bodies .of lo soldiers* who dic'd in tin* is­lands., There were no deaths during the voyage. . Among the p’aJisengc.rs-are iJrig-, tulier (jS'eneriil Theodore A. Sell wan and Colonels 4aeoi> Kline, .tolar \Y. Frcnch and Pinion Snyder. *

C u n a jo b n r .Ie H a n k UeNiiibeN, •Washington, May 1(5.—The Catmjo*

iMJJ’ie 'National bank—of Caiutjoharie, N, Y.. which suspended paym'ent aad .was. placed in 4 he hands of a receiver Jan..2o, jittit), Itaving iMintplietl wjth the conditions imposed' llyJJiifj/oinjdroller o f.th e cttr- nyicy preeeilent tn .its resumption ami no\y being in a solvent condition, hay iK'nTTPHfrnTd^^litrimrntrgrinentr-nf-it^ oliicers anrjl directors and permitted to resume business. ’

l*oi»e R e c c lv e ii C o r r ig a n ., Jtome, May H».—The pope yesterday gave tut .audie'nee to-Archbishop Conigun of New York. . . . .

J. C Konnedy, Koiinoke, Tenn., sayp, “I caunot say too nUioli-for DoWltt’s Witch Hazel Salvo* One hox of It cured v/hat the

‘doc to ra called an Intiurable ulcer on iny jaw .” Curtf'jt .piles and ytll skin- diseases, book out Tor worthless Iniitatlons. W. * K. Ram, l«7 Main street. •

The easiest and nfoat effective method of purifylog tho blood and Invigorating the system 1ft to .ttfsa DoWltt’s Little »Early ttlHe»*,*}, the famous jitrtie pills for cleansing tho liver and bowols. VY; ,*-U. *11 an1, 107 Main street, . .

pants and contents soaked by; the down­pour o f rain, -rh^'itio .Ovatide has risen 12’ t eeti.Hud the crops .tn the; low grounds along that stream will again be washedv n I

Mho Democratic.votera of Now Jersey aro reauested to moot at such times anil places as w ay be designated by their local com­mittees to elect delegates to the state con­vention to bo held at Taylor’s opera liouso in the city osf 'Trenton .on / 1 ;

THURSDAY, MAY 31, tQOO, at 12 ^clock, noonrfor-tho purpose of % so- lecting four senatorial and sixteen district delegates to the Democratic national. con:

pane ii i sr^ “guamsT-J-v'City .on tho fourth day of July, 1900, .to nominate candidates respectively for pres! dent angl vico ‘ president of the United States*.. The basis of represaniatlon_iy.lJl J jq. ono delegate for each'’ two, hundred Democratic , votes east afc the gubernatorlai eiectlon of 1898,and ono for each fraction of • the same over one hundred, but each election- pre- qint shall bo entitled: to least one dele­gate, ___

The respective counties are. entitled • to tho number o t delegates herein set forth.Atlantic.*. . . . . . . , ,* 28Hergpn.... . . . . . . . . 0 3

3urJh3KiQni^ J_.i! 42;Camdenv. . . . . . . . . -82:Cape May ......*r>J6,Cumhorltmd. . . . . . . 83

Jlonmouth. Morris.....;.:...; 42Ocean ........ 23^Piafiaio ; i . . . v’ r r w i 'Salem . . . . . . . .Somerset .S u s s e x . . . ; , . . . Union.........Warren .

E s s e x .170loucester *30

H u d s o n .-.. 1 ?4 H u n terd on ....... 2PMercer-.. . . . . . . . . 57 * Total.Middlesex . , . . . . 4&1

Noeesfiary to'a choice,Newark, April ‘JO, 1000.

•WILLIAM B. GOUilLEY, Cbnirmnn Democratic. Stato Committee, . V i-l u a m K .-DEVKr.EUA'faccretari. .



No rtln lio p H Y e t T l i o n c n . ...Chicago, May lt i.-T h e election o f bish­

ops of the Methodist -church has &P far resulted in no chdice. JOno linilot v a s tajccn ycMerday, but none of. the forty odd candidates received the necessary two-thirds vote required under the rules.' The number of’votes.cast was 080, and it was.,predicted that ti. do/^i\ ballots might have to be taken To secure the two bish­ops' desired, The tioard of tellerk closely guarded the result. Dvcn the church lenders and candidates were1 denied the informatiou they sought from tl\e* tellers.

A G i r l S u i c i d e . (Northampton, Mass., May 10.—The

Vtody of Miss lOttnice (Jook, 17 years old, has hoen-fomul-iu-the-Conuccticiit_jriyer. lienr her. home in llatfield. Miss Cook hud been missing since Monday forenoon and was last seen going toward tlie liver. She maltmbledJy committed suicide while insane. 1 She had rccenUy been .contined in U10. Northampton Imam* asylum, bui wius supposed to hnvevn*eovc*vul. '

' .S e r ia l m t i c « s

NOTICE.All pcrsofc nnd mftrclmr.ts aro hereby notified

n o t to tru s t my w tfe.or chUdrcn on m y aceonnf, Us I will a n t be responsible fo t any d o b tao f the ir con tracting a f te r tu ts date.

PETER n. POLAND. Dated Bradloy Boaclt, May 14,1D00. Il5 10-17

AdverttrtcmontJi eonfciiniog n o t m ore then twenty-flvo w ords Inserted u n d er th is heading for twenty-flvo cen ts flrpt insertion aud flfteen c«nta eaclt Biihseqocnt insertion.

KXTKA HI£LP WANTED.Tlnlp-wnntcxffor. sperla t shoe safo and In all

dcjinrtm ents. Apply n t the M amm cib, 8 teln- biii-ir company."— r — :— " r - ----------- lir

K. HERTZBERG*Of Philadelphia, th'o p iano Otner, t\ 111. be a t the Iniper.iul In a fe*r d^ys. P a ittc s dealrlng to have tfcetr niaima tuned enu letiveorders a t the abovo.

• < - *' 117-18-1&*

W A I T E D .L ady w an ts fir*tcln$s rt>om or board and room,

neur the ocean. Asbur.v P ark , from . .Juno until Septem ber. Term s m ust be* m oderate; answ er all w eek. Box SO, Press office. 117-18*

W A N T J S I J .A middle aged w oman fo r 1‘g h t housew ork;

price $3 per m onth. Apply No. iy C orllts nv.e nue. Went Grove._____________

WANTED. .;A ycttng man would like a position as clerk or

would do any s to e ^vorto A ddress -Box 73. Fnradngdale, N. J . 117-19*

T O R U N T .A t Saaside PoJ-krUnfurnlsbcd, a20-ronni,av^II-

loyatcd, w ith hay priv ilese ; m ake a good club lunisa o r riii 1 th e y e a r iw o-d lng 'house . B en t m oderate. Aoplv to F rank Skinner, 110 S Sixth q-rec t, Philadelphia, r a . 115 20

" F O R S A 1*15 ~ "A. rnrrlnfro horse, young*, sound -and centle:

ju s t th e horse for a lady to drive;_good speed miti very free71 river; a lso l) 'w agons. sets ha r­ness, r>O cean

ss, robos. e tc. *N. H. K lhncr, 3 P itm an avenue, •ean G rovo, N, J . -'115-20*

8 A t E . ‘1 onyx soda fountain, com plnte, new; 1 doz..

soda holders, 4 doz. gl'isseu, soda spoens, scales, randy travn, lee cream boxes, etc A pply a t H arry DufTia!d*s, Fourth a 7enuoatid H eck stree t;

!....... „.• 113tf.

M M E . G O F F .Mme. Ooff, thn celebrated w estern F rance*

medium, bar. arrived in th is city and taken par. lors a t No. 4Cx) Hunroft avenue, nea r Cooknian. Can be conHulted on th e .pavt, p resen t a»<l fu­ture . CJIvosadvIvreon all bu8ine«s m a tte rs , ofllce hours 0 to*tb . 113-lb0

D l t E S S M A U E R S .Mins Fuhyon and Bliss G ardner, 11C Bond

j t r te t . Tho P erfec t F iench Curve U ress'C ut­ting r.u le use'd. t ak lnc the inost i.u tu ral and d irect m easurem ents, n ^ u rln g correc t tit. Tim Me*. Dowell wystfin If t referred 113-16*

FO50L K K N T .F irs t floor, fron t, furnjslied rdoni: nrlvuto en­

trance; su itab le lo r oOlce; apply 514 Pongs avo­nuo l.JOtf.

. T O L O A N . .'n '{Ifrin>011 (I^ruiTTubTfc7T«n',“ < '

S 1,000, S3,(.fx)T-S’:.r/00 s^.ioo ~ at r» v c r cer t (.07, St.tDO, fcT*W . fit t y jp H r t rn t.

:»,00?, 55,nio, ^ . 500, $l,f.C0 at 6 percent tieorgo W . .rittengc-r, Hoonx 14, Appleby

Building. y

• F O K S A I v E .Soda* fountoln (Jtnthew es) 12 sy rups, 5

d raugh ts, good as new ; nlso B«bcock curbonater, glassvvaro, silverware, &e., .to", fo r conm leto so d a . fountain outfit. . Slorgau & Parsons, H rtel P run’awlck. :, 07tf

2BOA.K.H>ia;K.S W A N T E D .B oarders enn securo flrgt-oloss- accommodation

a t the BucUhajham, 1104 F o u rth avenue; term a reasonable; bouse beated , gas aad.electric .lights* ha th and a ll tb e com forts o f . home. Mrs. Gep. M. Dey ,38tf

- — t S L O Y E C L E A N E R . ■' >Lndtcs, clean you r kid gloves w ith L a Bello

Glove Cleaner. It Is n o t a liquid Leaves no odor a n d can be’us^d whito the -g love la on-vtho hand. For sale only a t Chad.wlck’s pharmacy^ 014 Cookman avenue.

• D ZA TT. A P F lrE G A T JS ,Contracting Palntep and Deaorator,' E stim ates

‘ prom p tly given.P .O . P ox, 10W. - s . 59tf

. B.i CROWN,145 M ain avenue. Ocean Grove. Open ai the

year.' T_be, ,n iost homeltire boarding cm » e la “ - ■*' —=hBatfdogthteand=ftlb4mrprovymeafe. T erm s reasonable. i»2tr

W f f iK N I N L A K t i W O O DBtop a t tb e T o ^ e r i Main streo t, opposite Laurol

House. |TnrmH reasonably, * •

N Ohas. J . Hunt,: Rnmmr.r seasoa, Atlantic. House, Ocoan Grove


- A rc h ite c t •1 8 6 Broadway _LONG BR A N C H

COSCERSING PIANOS.'I fy o it were a-piano 'dealer havlncr the monopo*

ly of piano sale.** In your town, and-Imd been rak*Ing In two bundro'i per cent, on sales, and If tlio* n ia n w h o tu n e d vlanos for you to r rgvod year* llHaify ut-cldri')*w*?TttVf1u'on IHs oW trticeamrr.and tf lie knocked y<»u o u t of m any of you r r e t imles and sold th e HAlNK piano you sold • #op-SJ50 less, and If in splto o f your augue t disapproval be ntlll continued to cm prices Ia such a ruinous fashion, svouldu’t i t JA Ity o u ?

in talUincrovef th e plana business w ith d b ig .New York m anufactu rer th e other. 4 a y :h ^ o f > 'fered to get fo r ti ie a n y rlauo^on th^ m arket^ r. . -How would you Uk'e to buy ANIf p inna .,form erly T / l v l o r

' p lf f * .....n.-prlcee tho l y ou aro not

so ld ln town, fo r ju&trSWJ Jesi dealer cliarpfcs? Come and.bde" proof acotnst Informatluh. •Tho Princeton , ,W. 0 . DOHM,310 Cookman avenue. - • Piano T uner IB yeara

H ave yom 'p lanos tuued o r required now. Teat tbo worn. If a -tlsfactory pay du rin g tbo season, Plauoa foe je n t , - . _ . - * .

^ ’ : X .a *

S u i E i n c r

O n J e r w e ^ r

Good plain blue or -white and

stnped Balbriggan ’ Shirts and

Drawers that any man can wear;

long and short sleeves;. all sizes

at 2 5 c . We are at present

/displaying tHese^in our win--


. . - X -a

N e$ Ii^ ee

. S ^ r l 5


It pays to buy the best and

that’s the kind we sell. There

is a certain style and finish,

about our shirts that you don’t

see elsewhere.' Many, styles , to

select from. All sizes; =separate

cuffs; G O c .,8 5 c . a n d $ 1 .

x .

_A Ild

C & ps

S I . 5 0 t o $ 3 .0 0 for our

Derbys. Eor any'head, old or

yotlng,'round or square,, ljng.or

short,- big or little. '

2 l3c?to S 1 .^ 5 ' f 0r our'CapS. '

All the newest spring patterns;

some plain in color and some in striking fancy effects.

H atte rs an d M en’s O u tfitte rs

GOB M attlso ti A v e x j u e _


Diamond Jewelry "'V.’ ' ■ Diamonds Artistic Silver _ r. , . * Rich Cut Glass.



PianoDo not read this unless you believe in the best of everything; unless you believe in QUALITY as well as iPRICE. The satisfaction alone of

^Nearly every manufacturer says that his is a’ perfect piano. ■ From first to last,’ however, it is a •long .line from the highest excellence do\gn through the various grades of very goocty good,

. indifferent and bad. The question for you is:Does it pay. to discover the good, even if hard- to ' find ? Is a good piano worth finding? You can get a go'od piano if you-want one, You may have to-take a little trouble and some inves- tigation to get it. Possibly, after all is said and done you will have to depend upon someone else. The papers are full of piano advertise­ments— takes an expert to read all of them without getting befogged. . . . v ■ Remember, in piano buying as in any other buy­ing, you cannot get something, for nothing. Neither-can you buy a piano with satisfaction from.'a.nian who maytoowjots about some £things, DUt mighty little about pianos; We are 'experts. We never experiment on a customer. We never COM M ENCE selling, a make until we have tested it in summer renting stock and know whether it has any" weak points. When we tell you a piano, is firstclass, it is firstclass and we know it— know..all: about it.We have on.y to refer you to our leaders to con­vince1 you' that.we aro- carrying thtf'-best piano each in its'grade. On our floor can be found Webors, Ivers & Ponds, McPhails, Emersoijs and



other makes of almost worT9 wide prominence. A small payment puts a piano in.your Rome. Finest renting^stock on the coast. —

T a ilo r & T u stin g B uilding, M attison A venue and- Bond S tree t

R. A. TustingA sbury, P ark , N. J .



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* . I, H»MJ, W,A\tlJI

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ODjiip p m i .u o |jd jn a n —:c, o u n f •£«t)KJBi)Ojvi •Jioa.w au o o m ip iioa 01 ‘iiri|joiHV

111 ipJiKIO P 'I i iu o ib ji j.< iw iu fs (y jauo fi jo uo|b'sus a u .u u i lo —i f i n m r '.C>i'[)sonyaAV, - 'qnjnnaEl ' I t ip i'O fl -fOjpiUf] ]0 O tlS lK IH |H 0*l

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yCF^C 9 11109 S B 0 9IJJ;

m i ‘91 AYi\r ‘Avas?rNaaAv ‘ssayd a ii vci >ihyj Amiarsv




Is’ the story of oiir Ipring offerings in every d e p a r t m e n t ^ - ^ c ^ v l e i ^ l l - t h a t l s - n e m ^ m l _ d e -

sirable in ^ ....

D R M S S G O O D S•' fancies o f the season. The demand for Wash 'fabrics will 'be

enormous. Challies, dimities and mousselines Mil prevail for mid summer fise. To select here mean's buying right.

Our is ever at the .front and leading com- . petition. It’s perhaps useless to dwell

M illin ery on the completeness of ouf stock or the

ability of our~designers and trimmers. - -

Ready-to-wear garm ents for ladies misses and children,f r o m the common houise wrapper to the most desirable tailor-

made suits and skirts in all clQths,and finish. \

we. pride ourselves on the stock and styles

We have to offer in mens’ and boys’ cloth-

Stairs ing and hats. ' They are easier shown than

told of; besides the impression is more lasting.

■ There’s a-comfort in our shoe room. Comfort in' select

ng, comfort in the price and a comfort in the wearing which

can only come from proper fitting, which depends on experi­

ence and care of selection. —

COOK’S BEE HIVEIs Your R*9$e io Good Gogditioij?

V/? ca.n obtain fittings for your stove witfyp tenb'our? from tbe time you lea ve your order............

W OODW ORTH <£ H A B BRG AH N ,; * 7 1 2 CO O K M A N A V E N U E , B a se m e n t.

GIBFORD <& SONPlain and O rnam ental P la s te r e r s

B rlck la v in i? ' S etting o f M antels. Ranges and Hasttyrs. A lso Boiler S e ttin g and Foundations Eulil, T ile Setthig.

taTisiATEs F urnished for-Aboite, witu Krfehenoes,

' i P o s tn l l lo e B o x 43 , B r a d le y B ea o h , N .



Our New England Bread g

is acknowledged to be the_nearest-lii~tlie._ald„


fashioned home made-

bread y o u always

praised , s o highly-


T . J . W 1N C K L E R717 m A T T I S O X AVIS.

A M i U l t V i 'A R I C

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0A T

PER C EN T. -----

W e have the. above auni to. p la ie in urije or sm all amounts on first mortgage

-loanS-Q" Aalinry Purk. LqehiAxhsUiU-

ST .. LOUIS ST R IK E . ^T^vo Serious O u l S e v e r a l Men

Wounded.■■v|jl...iLntds, May ItJ.-rThe. distinguish­ing .feature’ in tlu* street-ear strike, yes* ir-nluv vviis' :t riot; wliicli. broke out 6 11


WE DEL’SS p e c i a l B a r g a i n s i n

Shades, Tinware, Epamel Ware, Tubs, Wringers, Oil Cloth, Wash Boards, Baskets and general moving time necessities.

> - ■ ■• • • ,v *, ^ 1

‘ _____ ; ‘ . v • . ,

■Fresh Garden SeedsA T W H O LESA LE PRICES

CC• W e T T m c L e x ' s e l l ”



HAS MAFEKING FALLEN?Reports From Pretoria Say

That It Has.


Ill** I '|ti‘!iiiiu' nt* !h.- ( ii-itu^l-.-Vi-tiling* tin- St. Louis tr;ilivit sysij-m, .hiring tho pronress nt*. which two men woro shot. At nil'lltfall the transit’ eompauy and'its.

♦ 10 sniUintf cuipjoyees -were* no nearer

K e l i e f 'C i i I u in i i S'liiM ilil i l i i v e U e l ic l i e d T o w n liy 'M i Ih T i m e . I t I n S ii I cl—T h e

U e M lilf iitn T l i e r e L i v i n g on C u r r i e dl,o e iiH (u . ---- ——

London, Sla.v 10.—A dlspatclf* to. The nriily Muil~fmni 1 iu rcne« 1 'Nl a rqnes says:

“There.is no dmihl iinw tlnit there was desperate. lighting nt Mafeking on Satur­day, hut' it is he lie veil, to havo gone in fa ­vor of the garrison. All that ean bo as­certained oi‘ a trustworthy character fol­lows: *

■••'I’he Boers, using' artillery. attacked the lowu on Sntirrday. Vit.v soon the Katlir location was in Haines, some say as the result oi^slrrll lire, 6 thei:s treach­ery. Fighting al dost* quarters became general, amM^i tin* midst <>f the eonfu- sloti the Inters gained possession of the Katlir location, from whieh point of vuu- tage 1 they, brought guns to hear on the liiwn at close range.

.“ Hy an adroit move the garrison' suc­ceeded ill surrounding the party o f Boers who had captured, the Ivallir 'location. .Severe lighting fallowed, but. according to-the latest repot ts._theHoers still hold tin* location, iu whieh they art* probably surrounded. • •-

“The truth is, I Utdlevo, ’-that'tlie Pte- tnfitr ant hoi*ities; k i 10wing bf t he 1»roRross nf the relief column, gave orders.to Gen­eral Suyman to storm the place. As soon as tin*-Incution was in Ihynes Botu* bidle- titis of victory were tlyiug about every­where to encourage the weal: kneed

laughers; Bneis'Avlio came down yester­day from Pretoria’ jirodneed .two tele­grams hy ollicials, one of-which was sign­ed'by Suyman and said:

“ *1 was'lneky .enough to. capture Ba- den-INiwcdl wi.th !HJU this morning.'

“There is no doubt ahout the heavy lighting aud little doubt of the occupation of the K iiIIm* *tadt. Ihit similar teh*- giiims wei'r ptil'ifishcd at I.Yctoria about Lad.vsinith and quin* recently about W**- nt»ner iiist before-( ’olonel l)altf»»tv was

a ^ u n j u ^ n r m : 11 n'ir“7irnV-reiuj 1 s t 11 an th-y^v^-e at' the same time Monday. -Th.- oiftein^ of tin* rnilnmd coinpany, uiciuber< of : the. empldyecs’ . grievance

•nnntiice and the president of the. po­lice Iina ril w»‘K» iu session for live hours yeVlerday in au emleavor to recntieile the ilirt'erences i-xi-'tiin: between tin* cbmpa- 11 y and its empldyi-es,

(in adj.iurnniciit none of the p a rtie s tuihe cun fe re ..... would ta lk fo r publiva-lion, s im ply s ta tin g th a t an agri‘enu*tit 11: |_i I In -en m - ri v« 11 ai i n 111 1 ha 5 t |i ey won Id inert airaiu tiii^ afteriMM.n. ' • ’ '

'Che 'Sobnrban c.nnjeiiiy. p u rs u a n t to 'l ie ag reeinenY eTlVi te ll . ;\111 ndjly_.with -iIs

Allenhuret and Deal baelheas eft: dwel-

ing property.

J. W . H e tr ic k & S o n ,6 2 5 M a ttiso n A v e n u e .

K o a to r B lo ck . .

JAM ES H. S E X T O i Euneral^Director159 PH ST. JS81T T1K

. A line nneToToaiHket« on hand to ae-* lect from. F low er deaigtm a Bpeelally. Opeu day aud n ight. ... .

T elephone, 21 a. * * • 1lUwidonoe, 410 Bewail avenue. 1

ruKRS Sftocjal AdvortlflemeniH' brlii r Im- n>odlato resulta. _

I r i k i n^._cn 1 pi 1 »y e ,^ . iii n - m i fn 11 sel in bile day and *nk'!:t. J» T his .is- ili«- tir s f tim e since th e s trik e w as iuam rurated 011 the m ad th a t ?a uiixht *scln‘dnle w as 'm a in ­ta ined . F ive Hues w ere opened, .during the (hey by the tt\*ia.-it com pany, all sh u t­tin g dow n 111 d a rk . Very irreg u la r sche’d* ides w ere mu-inlaiiied on these lines. .The

tin* (fra u d A venue line o f the tcm wa<. a ttended bv a -riot ‘clock- a t ' K.istvm"■avenue;, in persons \veivwound**d by bill*

lets* s:dd .to h:ivc •r.cea lired bv B. B. t'ajnphell.' condncNir of one o f tlie car

opening i t ransii ?■ al-*ut V which tv

»ttjjirfc tv<rKTTTr“ ni' [ Bitmdwiiy line an'd by'tanders.liad m ien co'iht"!* at the corner. ofVTweutictIt- and Ku-renin streets, am! two additional names were ailded-Vi. ttie list-.of s t iilv caMialfies as a result. ..Thomas King was. HiIdleil with buckshot, and sonic of the; Icudett rnissilc.s -struck the son 'of Sergeant. HO ward I->o\yd. Iioth of these yomig . men' allegi? t hat they, were inno­cent- bystanders aiul that them was ho occasion: for the shooting, . ; ‘ ; .

• • (ioriuany F ro iu ^ llten . • '1Itei lin. May' Iji.-^I )urij)g the last - sis

days the wcuthorjias 'Jiceir cold in thu Silesian ;itains', in ilarss and in t In* 'rhufiiigia iPfqiest. Thiire • hav.e-hmMi se.viire frbfils -aml'^livirvy siiowfall^ 4n4 wLfuU...h< ui-v.Uy-i.al, I it* i pyic ' OXUUmij . ‘ Posem -atid (Jueillhiburg. r Throtighi Wurttcinberg:. and /.Around I aye a vincyjirils huvc sufTcred, severely*■ Yes- It»rd ay jnot;uUig.‘ the-1eiirpcrjitUre ■ was be- lo\v freezing poiht ih .Kerliti;

W. R. iluaser, Mlllboirn, Ri.,.8avml tho life of Ins littlo clrl by erlvlnpr hor Ou» Minuto Cough Curo when she was dying rrom croup. It is the only harmloas reme­dy that gives immediate roanlts. It qulckly cures coucrhp, colds, bronchitis, grippe, aaymia anil all throat and lung troubles. W: U. Uani,107 Main acroefc. ^

A clispatcn...fronv .tlio X|ocr Jangor at iRielspruit, dated Thursday, vin Kroon- stadt, dcscriblng^thc Zand* rivor lighting, s a y s : . ' ." *

“General Botha, addressing the burgh­ers, said: - • 1 1 - ’ * . .

4* ‘At this same Zand river Great Brit- •nin in 1S52 signed h treaty acknowledg­ing the full sovereignty of the Transvaal. Now. half a century* later, Great Britain lias for the second time proposed to wrest from the Traiisvual by violence the. rights then fully rceoglii/.ed tncrely ‘to gratify her land aiul gold last.’ ’'Stvyn .ldvocntvM lleni»ernte McnHurt*.

'i'he Herald’s European edition pub­lishes the foliowiug-4:iom-ltichard Martl**- ing I)avi*s, *lated I’ri'toria. May 8: r

“ When 1 left Venters burg yesterday at 110011, the British-were in plain sight from the town, approaching in force.

“ Tlie townspeople were hastening away ia carts, wagons and carriages, abandon-' ing their houses and shops,-

“ At Krconstadt people were leaving by special trains. The telegraph and gov­ern incut o 111 chi Is were burning documents and telegrams in tiie public square,

“ I found President Steyn .at’ lns lmuse caini aud hopeful, hut with a train ready. in case, o.t^irltish attack, l ie attributed tin*, defeat to the .Hanking movement of (i.UHD Knglish on'Botiia*s right. l ie said: ‘ “ •Sooner than have this country fall

into British hands,! would destroy all our houses and leave ,}t a-desert,

“ ’The British bejast that they kept the natives from rising. It is.absurd. The natives have sent me hostages voluntarily to show that'they wottltl keep the peaci*. It is we-who bavt* protected the English from ii native rising.* ” — /

.Tjie : jvar.. olliee • last eyeniiig issuPd an. abstract of Itritisfi casualties siiiee the beginning of the war. This shows a to­tal of 120.035. exclusive of the sick iu the lield and the invalids,- including-' the wminded sent home, who,numhe,r i>,t)01.

- b a s e b a l l " s c o r e s /

ItcHtilfM of Yesterday** Gnti»€‘H In tho D if f e r e n t tcOKuvR.

NATIONAL l.i:Al« UK. - •At Cincinnati-- I r . it. E.

Cincinnuli 1 1 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 I) f l - 4 1:1 4.l’litlmlcljihi 1. . . 0 0 '• \ 1 0 II (J U f) 0 » - 4 II a

Hutteiiis—Sjeoil aud l'fcilz; Orth arnJ McFar* lomJ..

M St. I.o iis— . n . 1?. R.St. I.«iiii->...'. 0 t > 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 10 3

The Eighteenth Anniversary of the opening of the OCEAN PALACE store and the Fourth Birthday of the popular MAM- MdTH^-establishment— both at Asbury Park— will be fittingly observed on , ‘


- -V

Annual $2 Shoe Sale iAnnual Sale of Ribbons / ; -

Annual Sale of Dress GoodsAnnual Sale of Clothing

T he Sale of A ll Sales Everybody Invited

FREE TRANSPORTATION. Patrons from all stations as far south as Point Pleasant can come and go on a free special train,

leaving Point Pleasant at 1 .30 p. m . Returning, leave A sbury Park a t 8 p . tn . S hoppers- from points north as far as R ed Bank w ill'have their fdre refunded byap p ly in g a tth e .o frice ,„

P E E E S O I D - A . W A T E EDelicious Soda W ater w ill. be served free1 to visitors at the M am m oth, orchestra will entertain callers at th^ Ocean Palace.

■Aa excellent

Prices reduced in every one of the 23 de­partments for this great event.



•Modern. Business Methods] Modern Department Stores

] OCEAN PALACE- A ^ h l i r V P ^ r l r\ j j ^ ' Cookman and Main * A j U U l j T d l K


THE MAMMOTHCookman and Emory

w m IS lSSSiK

relic veil.'llnUeti-Po^vell'M IiiiteNt Keport-1

“ Food will hist until about. .Tune HV is the latest tdlieiaj word .froiil Colour! Ba- iil^ld^lVlill^iiUU-Ul-I.uriL-UilluiVLet-tUUlui:. ilati* of -Mtfy 7 .’ The British relief colnmit is due at the town now. Ten days ago (rcncrnl Suyman was havint: ilillicult}v ip keejrmg tin* burghers . together owing .to the approach of the Hritish. and when the last press dispatch h-ft *Mafeking ou 5Iay 7 tl c Boi»rs‘had killed t-he previous day one of tin* horse gunrdy itTftl captured several of Co loiud Bade/-1’owe I J*s fi-w remaining horses. ' 1

Kioui riunier’s camp, under tlnto of Friihiy, Mtiy -I. via Out si, Monday, May T, a dispatch says: ” • . •

“ Natives who have arrived here say Hint the bninbaidnienl of Mafeking was rcsuiued-on—Muy—1—bn t.--\vas-not-hea vyr T w i'ht * liiihdreil all'll eighty refugtH'M" from Mafeking have reached Jiore.

.“ I'ntnils who have returned from the northern horUers of :’thc .Transvaal say they saw uo siguj; of Boers. All is 'quiet here. -T h e liners regularly patrol the ncighboiImnil of M afeking,’ hilt .do not seem to be di-posed t.o he aggressive."

Lady Sarah Wilson has. wired to her sisti i*. Lady (Jcorgiana (.‘urzon, from M11 feking, under. <hite_of_.NIa>L'l,..saying

"Our breakfast con sis ted-of., horse huu- sagi»s a.innljm.di of minci'd mule and cur- JjU^yittdcferzxVlLAVrll.1’ - ■ ' ■ = .

It is reported that tho. whole of the liner forces aik . concentrating. on tno Viia!. withilrnwiittf- from Biggarsherg and the southwestern borders; Not more thau_ li,OHO'Free 1S 1 uters, it is estimated,, will litdit on the Van I. .

Iluihyay * con'uiiuuication- with ICroon-' >ljult ex peeled ’to he Tipen on Thurs- «h»y. TbeJ^nmsport’is working smoothly, the trnnps^aml horses are receiving full rations, witter is plentiful and,the health ^ the. troops’is excellent.

mi‘2 8 FILLS r i


rasirivELY Guwiwrctc . r® 3 L t aT H E Y 7 C U R ETT

NOT SIWIPLY RELIEVE.* * * Oh, whnt n btesslng yo u r K idney

Pills bnvc.beeti to t.ie I,coulU nut s tra igh ten up for n year, fltiU w alking nearly k illed m e |Jow I eci’jliL m u n foot'fnee1, an d u h e a I see ’a m an hum ping nloug, I te ll 1dm lo g c t a box o f Tolia-SnnM Klrlnnu Mild n.V.l m t T H tnWTBn * ten iiiiii iu ll uui. . . ._Bon'd K idney Mils nnd g e t well/* J . 'I , . Idnbo, .

_. . . . Cauttffl.OUio,VCCT POCKET OUC.

.25 PILLS 10 CENTS.Uxperior to any hlgH-pHccd tem edy . Bym*U. ,ti receipt o f five a-ccnt gtaxup*. "

For sale by W. R . Ham no £ d i le^IlnR d h ggtata

ltr.ookl.vn.... 1 U 0 0 1 I i o J - 5 12 • 2IJuttut^os- Sudlrolf and C rigjr; litina and Me*

(.iuin*. . •* • . . *At Pittsburg— R. • n . E.

Pittsliiirg.. . , 0 I! l) 0 .0 4 II- (! •— 7 . !l 2U— —1—ll— —0— ——j-

lJaitLTirs-*Tnntu*ldll - and .‘M nivcr; Ivttlnger and. Clarke. . ■ *- *•

At Clihago—. n. n . r .Chicago 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 •—IU T 2Xi-w Y ork ... 0 o 1 1 0 0 a J 1— S 11

—•— v ”

Butteries—Taylor and Nicholslkivvi-rmuti.kta x ju n c o f t h e c l u u s ,

W. L. I'.C. v. . I I 5 .737 Cincinnati.,.. 12- /i :iioo St.


Philalcl’a Bi ouklyn. Mttshurg. Chicago..

12 ’ 0 .j)71 New vo rk ..v a i:j

L. P.O. 0 IU .473 0 11 .1

l:t12 10 .313 Huston.A.MK1UCAN IJIA U ti:.

At Cleveland—t'lfveland. 1;. .Minneajiolis, 4.At Detroit—In-tvi>ii. 1»; Chicajfo, i.;A rbuffalo-Itultalii,' 2; .>Ut\v;< di<'<‘," Ci 's . " • KAst'i:«N in A ta ri:. *At Rochester—I tor hester, 0;- Hartford, I.A t Syracuse.—S ir j fust', 0 ; Wi.rtwlcr, a.A t Toronio—Turouto, 2; Springlldd, 0.

ATI.ANTIC LEAtJL'i:.At Philadelphia—K lniirv 3; At hit-tics; 4.At Head Ing— Heading, G; Scruntuii, 7. At-Wilke.sbam*—Wilkesbam-,. 11; Jeisey City, 0.

Coitilc»v(»iit;rn I ln m lltH .Ilnvnun, May 10.—Two supposed ban-

"dits' jec'eTitly “captured Uenr "Rcincdios have an interesting story to tell if the reports ju>l rcmve-d cnncerniiig thoinJIv.

from $2,000 to $5,000 of the As-burr'Pirk School

. 1 Bonds.

7. FRANK APPLEBY,Cor, rialn S treet and Mattison Avenue

(Jencrnl NVom’l prove? to be True! DTilers were issued recently to-iiMluct* the rural guard iift l^ 1 pniviuco of Santa <’lara to ' 00 men. ( Intern 1 "Wood’s correspondent, assert« that Civil Governor Gomez and General .lesus Montcaguvp decided, if it could be inamige.d, there should la* no- re­duction. Consequently’ two men were employed -to net the part of bandits and to create a small .reign <>f terror in order to make General Wood believe the rural guard, was most uccessary.

S tr ike S liim tfon fa. lIuflfHlo.Buffalo,' May; 10.—Theire arc. no sign*

of a breHlf' in iho deydhad; existing .by tween the ^trikiu^ car repairers imd rlit* •ailroads.. Arbitration Commissioner W ebster. is still endeavoring to bring a bon t:—homo—f or iiw o t—axlii t ratiuiu^-^l’heu strike of the rfdUyay iTreiglit handlers is likewise at a standstill, and ,the onl^ feature1 of ""the d a y . is* a. revival *of t he old story that logul tcainsters will be induced to strike In K.vmijjith’.^

1 0 0 , 0 0 0 R O L L S O F

SEW Will WEIF rom all tho leading m anufactu re rs.

F ro m 5 c R O L L upururdfl .

“I bad stomach trouble-twenty years nml aa vo up liopeof lielreoureil f-Ill liegnri touso Kodol Djop(>ii3l(v Cure. It hft« (lonn m much pn-.ii I call it tno savior 'ot my life,” writes W . It. Wllklnflon, Albany, Teim. It. sliRosta wliut you eilt. >V. II. Hum, 107 Main stroot. •*- *

P A P E R H A N G IN G ,12}£c per. roll aml.up. '

W A L L M O U LD IN G S ,—To match-all papers, 2c u foot and up. ' -


PaperHaiigei and DBcoiatoi54*”543 Cookm an Ave.

Tho circulation of tho. daily Press goes, forward steadily aud rapidly.

• B pad quarters hi the« Unlteu atutes for


; A. & P . BAKING PO W D ERA .£ 1 Pepper Cloven* ii. OC 1. I ivi u s ta rd A tlsp lce -

‘ VnifPi.’ I G infior -Nutm osf0[IUC3 J cinnamon

:>A, & P..EXTRACTS'l-H -H -I-H -I-H -H -K -I-I-I-K -W -H -I


Hna moved lta main ofllce from 812 C'oofc- miin iivoitue to 021 Mattls m a v: mio—Knator liluck. /

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FIBST-GL0SS WORK and FIOtllPTSEftYlCETelephone' 85 tv

W e D oC hcii|»'Paiatiiig

Ami wo do ttond piilntlnef clionp.. W oliavonll tlio most Imtirovod luboi Kftvliic imiciiliipr.V nmi iip- piirauiB, and cun linndld anyJob,

'lilir or ll!l!<>, a t fiir, Idssthan tnimo olio rued by tlio nou proBresalvo painter. •- " •

For any job. biff or littlo, -■ ask ua to ilguro.


S .P . O. Boa;007

T O L O A N$ 8po, $ 1 ,5 0 0 ,

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E le v a to r arid Durrtb W a lte r - ' Risralrig, Spiioinar, & o ..

H B M M B J S W A . .6 1 7 ’ Cookman, 618 Mattison. Aves.