Signs & Symptoms PDF

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  • 7/28/2019 Signs & Symptoms PDF


  • 7/28/2019 Signs & Symptoms PDF


    CHICKEN POX Vesicular Rash (central to distal) dew drop on rose petal

    ANGINA Crushing stubbing pain relieved by NTG

    MI Crushing stubbing pain which radiates to left shoulder, neck, arms, unrelieved by NTG

    LTB inspiratory stridor

    TEF 4Cs Coughing, Choking, Cyanosis, Continous Drooling

    EPIGLOTITIS 3Ds Drooling, Dysphonia, Dysphagia

    HODGEKINS DSE/LYMPHOMA painless, enlargement of spleen & lymph tissues, Reedstenberg Cells

    INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS Hallmark: sore throat, cervical lymph adenopathy, fever

    PARKINSONS Pill-rolling, tremors

    FIBRIN HYALIN Expiratory Grunt

    CYSTIC FIBROSIS Salty skin

    DM polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia

    DKA Kussmauls breathing (Deep Rapid RR)

    BLADDER CA painless hematuria

    BPH reduced size & force of urine

    PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS Nikolskys sign (separation of epidermis caused by rubbing of the skin)

    RETINAL DETACHMENT Visual Floaters, flashes of light, curtain vision

    GLAUCOMA Painfull vision loss, tunnel/gun barrel/halo vision (Peripheral Vision Loss)

    CATARACT Painless vision loss, Opacity of the lens, blurring of vision

    RETINO BLASTOMA Cats eye reflex (grayish discoloration of pupils)

    ACROMEGALY Coarse facial feature

    DUCHENNES MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Gowers sign (use of hands to push ones self from the floor)

    GERD Barretts esophagus (erosion of the lower portion of the esophageal mucosa)


    HYDROCEPHALUS Bossing sign (prominent forehead)

    INCREASE ICP HYPERtension BRADYpnea BRADYcardia (Cushings Triad)

    SHOCK HYPOtension TACHYpnea TACHYcardia

    MENIERES DSE Vertigo, TinnitusCYSTITIS burning on urination

    HYPOCALCEMIA Chvostek & Trosseaus sign

    ULCERATIVE COLITIS recurrent bloody diarrhea

    LYMES DSE Bulls eye rash