Significance of Effective Leadership Group members: 1. Furqan abid 2. Usman jaffar 3. Gc ahmad rehan 4. Gc arham shabir 5. Zain ali asim 6. Mashood rahat 7. Waleed Nauman

Significance of Effective Leadership Group members: 1.Furqan abid 2.Usman jaffar 3.Gc ahmad rehan 4.Gc arham shabir 5.Zain ali asim 6.Mashood rahat 7.Waleed

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Significance of Effective Leadership

Group members:

1. Furqan abid

2. Usman jaffar

3. Gc ahmad rehan

4. Gc arham shabir

5. Zain ali asim

6. Mashood rahat

7. Waleed Nauman

What is Leadership?

Leadership is a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.

As well said by Dwight D. Eisenhower:

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

Leadership is a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of others. Leaders set a direction for the rest of us; they help us see what lies ahead; they help us visualize what we might achieve; they encourage us.

Leadership helps to point us in the same direction and harness our efforts jointly. Leadership is the ability to get other people to do something significant that they might not otherwise do.

Leadership success always starts with a vision.

Henry Ford dreamed of a car families could afford.

Steve Jobs dreamed of an easy-to-use computer that would unleash creativity.

Nelson Mandela dreamed of an integrated, prosperous South Africa.

Characteristics of Leadership:

Studying the characteristic of leadership is useful because we tend break things into characteristics to make big concepts easier to handle. There are common traits that define leadership, and finding them only takes some study of those who have been successful. By actively building on these traits you can develop into a stronger leader.

Here are some of the most common traits in the characteristic of leadership:


In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to be confident.

A good leader is confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team

Confidence in yourself will be strengthened by both positive thinking and by your vision.

Self-confidence leads to success. Highly effective leaders know deep down inside that they and

their team can accomplish anything they set their mission.


A vision, is a leader's ideas and plans for an organization's future. A leader's vision is extremely important because it gives people

something to strive toward: a view beyond the present, into the future of the organization.

A leader is able to paint a vivid picture of where your group or organization is headed. In the end, you should use the vision to motivate and guide action.

For example, Bill Gates is considered a visionary for anticipating that the personal computer could be an crucial part of every household and then developing the products to make it so.


All leaders must make tough decisions. They understand that in certain situations, difficult

and timely decisions must be made in the best interests of the entire organization, decisions that require a firmness, authority, and finality that will not please everyone

Making decisions is easy. However, making quality decisions is much harder.

Remain Focused:

Extraordinary leaders plan ahead.

They think through multiple scenarios and the

possible impacts of their decisions, while considering viable alternatives and making plans and strategies.

Once prepared, they establish strategies, processes, and routines so that high performance is easily defined.

Honest and trustworthy:

Leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity.

True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.


Self-regulation is the control on our emotions and feelings.

Able to create an environment of trust and fairness. In such an environment, politics and infighting are sharply reduced and productivity is high.

Important for competitive reasons.

Functions Of Leadership:

The function of leadership refers to the activities and processes that move a group or organization towards the accomplishment of its goals.

Goal Attainment:

There must be something directing the behavior of group members toward the group's goal. This is the influence function of leadership and deals the mechanisms that motivate members behaviors towards the group's goals.


There must be something that helps the group define its goal in a way that is consistent with the demands of the environment in which operates. Strategic and operational decision making fall under this function. The development and coaching of group members also falls within this function.


Some mechanism must coordinate the activities of group members towards the common goal. Communication, team building and conflict resolution among group members are important processes within this function.


Finally, group members need some mechanism to maintain their morale and keep them interested in staying in the group. Leader socio-emotional behaviors constitute an important element.

Types of Leadership Style:

Four Types


Decision without references to others Followers highly depend upon leader Focus on efficiency Control followers by making policies It creates fear as there is little or no room for



Knowledgeable or skilful team members. Consultative or empowering group members Persuasive More effective and creates higher productivity Voting in group to implement a decision. Time consuming.

Laissez-Faire/Free Rein Style:

Relies on good team work. Relies on interpersonal relations. Creative decisions. High degree of autonomy for the followers .Leader

provides guidance when requested. It works when team is highly skilled , experienced and educated.



Makes decision but may consult. Relations between co-workers and leader are

extremely solid. Leader could start to play favourites in decisions.

Importance of leadership:

Effective leadership brings together diverse people and helps them find common purpose and work towards to achieve purposeful common goals.

Effective Leadership inspires and empowers people to realize their fullest potential and harness their potentials to achieve common goals.

Leaders inspire, direct, enable, and empower individuals to do more with less and achieve their respective objectives.

With effective leadership, all participants within the organization are confident someone they know is working towards the greater good, both on their behalf personally and that of the company, as well as the larger impact created by the specific product or service. And within this system, one of the most critical elements to success is a leader in whom they can place their trust.

Crisis management:

Good business leadership can help a team remain focused during a time of crisis, reminding the team members of their achievements and encourage them to set short term, achievable goals.

New ideas:

Encouragement of people to openly contribute and discuss new ideas in a positive environment makes use of their diverse experience and ideas to improve a business.

Employee relations:

An open and engaging relationship between a leader and their team members demonstrates that they are valued as an integral part of the organization, creating a sense of ownership among team members and developing a closer alignment between individual and team objectives.

A True Example of Effective Leadership is Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Had there been no Jinnah, there would have been no Pakistan.

Role of Quaid-e-Azam:

He was not born as Quaid-e-Azam it was due to his hard work and significant leadership qualities that Jinnah became Quaid-e-Azam. He led Muslims of sub-continent from front in journey toward independence. Due to his high intellect and negotiation skills even leaders like Gandhi and Nehru also regarded him as great leader. It was due to his effective leadership that a country named Pakistan rise to globe. He saved Muslims from octopus of congress. He united the Muslims under a common goal.

Some of his important initiatives were:

Quaid-e-Azam directed the Muslims to attain their goal of a separate nation.

He motivated the Muslims to fight for their rights.

Quaid-e-Azam created confidence in Muslims by giving them proper guidance and advice.

Quaid-e-Azam increased the morale of the Muslims.

Effective leadership of Quaid-e-Azam promoted team spirit.

Quaid-e-Azam behaved with his followers in such a way that they automatically come under his influence. They started working as they were told by him.


Leadership is a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of others. Leaders set a direction for the rest of us.

Leadership helps to point us in the same direction and harness our efforts jointly.

To be a good leader a person should be honest, truthful, have passion, confidence, sense of humor. He should be committed toward his goal and a good communication power.

Effective leadership directs the activities of an organization towards the attainment of the specified organizational goals. Leadership has the motivating power. Good leadership increases the morale of the employees

For an effective leadership leader, follower and communication are all linked together. The absence of one thing weakens the other.

Leadership is like a machine that connects and assemble tiny useless bits into a big part that performs a useful and productive task.

At end I want to share with you a famous quote:

“Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the
