Siege Tank - Game - StarCraft II http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/siege-tank[3/1/2011 1:07:19 PM] HOME GAME COMMUNITY MEDIA FORUMS SERVICES Log in with your Battle.net account to post comments and pe rsonalize your site content. STARCRAFT II GAME UNITS SIEGE TANK BASIC INFORMATION Race: Terran Life: 160 Armor: 1 (+4) Movement: Normal Cargo Size: 4 PRODUCTION Producer: Factory Hotkey: S Requires: Tech Lab Cost: 150 125 Supply: 3 Switch Mode: Upgrades:  COMBAT U N I T S SIEGE TANK The Crucio is the Dominion’s replacement for the popular but aging Arclite Siege Tank. Originally designed to be a defensive security cannon, the Arclite utilized a two-stage configuration: a mobile Tank Mode and a static, long-range Siege Mode. The inherent flexibility of this model was a great success. The new Crucio has been designed for increased survivability, with an enlarged, reinforced turret and hull. The turret layout also features an upgraded Tank-Mode armament package, allowing the Crucio to defend itself more successfully in open battlefields. The Crucio is costlier than its predecessor, but its increased versatility justifies the additional expense. Next Terran Unit: Thor Previous Terran Unit: Hellion UNIT STATISTICS 3D MODEL Siege Tank Siege Tank (Siege Mode)  Log in or Create an Account ACCOUNT SUPPORT EXPLORE Search StarCraft II

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Race: Terran

Life: 160

Armor: 1 (+4)

Movement: Normal

Cargo Size: 4


Producer: Factory

Hotkey: S

Requires: Tech Lab

Cost: 150 125

Supply: 3

Switch Mode:




SIEGE TANKThe Crucio is the Dominion’s

replacement for the popular but

aging Arclite Siege Tank.

Originally designed to be a

defensive security cannon, the

Arclite utilized a two-stage

configuration: a mobile Tank

Mode and a static, long-range

Siege Mode. The inherent

flexibility of this model was a great success. The new

Crucio has been designed for increased survivability,

with an enlarged, reinforced turret and hull. The turret

layout also features an upgraded Tank-Mode armament

package, allowing the Crucio to defend itself more

successfully in open battlefields. The Crucio is costlier

than its predecessor, but its increased versatility justifies

the additional expense.

Next Terran Unit: ThorPrevious Terran Unit: Hellion



Siege Tank

Siege Tank (Siege Mode)

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Tank - Game - StarCraft II

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Attributes: Armored - Mechanical Build time: 45 



Armored unit that can attack ground targets.

Its mobile cannon is most effective against other armored units and


Provides devastating artillery strikes from long range when deployed in

Siege Mode, but it cannot move.

Excellent for base defense, especially if deployed behind a choke point

or in elevated positions.

Placement is crucial to use them effectively.

Needs a spotter to achieve maximum firing range.

SIEGE TECH: Deploys the shock cannon, which boasts longer range and very high area damage.

VS Terran

Launch Banshees to neutralize them.

Build a few Ravens and deploy Auto-Turrets close to the enemy.

Use Medivacs to drop Marauders and Thors right on top of them. Avoid

frontal land assaults.

VS Zerg

Spawn Mutalisks and use them to eliminate the Siege Tank threat.

Research Tunneling Claws to move your Roaches undetected towards the

tanks. Once you are right under them, send Zerglings in to draw their fire




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Tank - Game - StarCraft II

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Comments (219)

and then strike.

VS Protoss

Create a few Immortals; their Hardened Shields reduce the damage of 

each Shock Cannon blast to 10.

Construct Phoenixes and cast Graviton Beam on the tanks.

Train a large force of Zealots and research charge. Be sure to attack from

different directions, and to click on the tanks instead of using the attack-

move command.




SCV Marine Marauder Reaper Ghost Hellion Siege Tank  Thor

Viking Medivac Raven Banshee Battlecruiser

2/21/11 5:58 AM

I like it when they previously did 60 damage before that patch.


3 days, 13 hours ago

Lol at Zerg counters the balance team is so bad.


2 days, 19 hours ago




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1/13/11 4:39 AM

@Mangino: Sorry, but... destroyer? I was not aware of this unit.


1/12/11 2:49 PM

@Froopermoop: Get some broodlords and destroyers for anti air.


1/12/11 6:27 AM

Situation: I am zerg, he is terran. He covers his base with marines, missile turrets surround the base, a few of these babies are sieged up

near the ramp (out of range of neural parasite... :( ) This guy ain't movin'!

Solution: ??

Note: I think the ramp was enough for about 2 ultras, and then they'd get focus fired down in literally a second.


1/22/11 1:33 AM

I want siege breakers like those mercs in story mode!


2/15/11 2:10 PM

@Lewis: yep. battlecruiser operational


1/31/11 5:33 AM

These guys rule put like 5 of these in my base with a handful of mariens... good #**!ing luck dude lol


2/3/11 4:13 PM

These things are awesome if you put them on cliffs with Vikings or battlecruisers to gain additional vision and protect the tanks from air



2/7/11 3:41 PM

We(Terran users) love it so much : )


5 days, 14 hours ago

@Frezer: Then Destroy Like Anything


2/13/11 9:51 PM

If these could shoot air....


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2/20/11 1:16 AMninjatofu

1/28/11 4:27 PM

@Froopermoop: take all the expos. every now and then throw him 30 zlings and blings in there 2 keep him busy. meanwhile

build mass blords and ultras. then fire blords near the ramp the tank will start shooting the blings rush ultras and zlings up

and gg 2 him


1/25/11 6:02 AM

@Mangino: Destroyers are not a unit if you are talking are talking about devourers in the first game then they are good vs

anti air


1/22/11 11:45 PM

@Froopermoop: just get upgraded roaches near them and BOOM!


1/22/11 1:45 AM

@Froopermoop: Siege Tanks are my favorite unit in the entire Starcraft universe. No other unit is quite as iconic. Marines?

Almost, but easily confused with every other space game out there. Mention a Siege Tank, everyone immediately makes the

connection. That's why I use the portrait :D And it's just fun to watch units vaporize under heavy artillery.


1/22/11 1:43 AM

@Froopermoop: Eh, you're mostly right ;) The one thing you're forgetting is that a lot of Terrans like to use a VERY

offensive Siege Tank combo: They use Vikings to spot for the Tanks, allowing them to shoot up cliffs and protecting them

from Banshees, Mutas, Void Rays, etc. However, since you play Zerg, I have the easy answer for that one too ;)

Build Roaches and burrow them, then move them up under the Tanks. If you do it right, you'll be inside their minimum

range, easy kills. The Vikings won't be able to do squat.

Also, yeah, you definitely don't ever want to try to engage Siege Moded Tanks head on with a ground attack. Try a Nydus to

get behind the Siege line (if he unsieges to counter that, you can surround them and kill them) or try Overlord drops. I

would say use Mutas, but those can get easily countered by an easy tech switch to Thors :)


1/21/11 5:18 AM

@Galerunner: It's funny hearing that from a guy with a siege tank portrait. Still, thanks! I suppose it's safe to say that the

terrans CAN'T be very offensive with tanks, since their Evil Cannon of Death (registered trademark) is effectively immobile.

I'm just tired of seeing my hydras being eaten up by three or four of these beasts and the marines just shooting the breeze.


1/18/11 9:20 AM

@Froopermoop: Easy solution: Out expand him. Make it a war of attrition. If he's put that much effort into his base defense,

that leaves his expansions vulnerable. Hit and run to keep him from getting a good expansion, while out teching and out

upgrading. Eventually, he'll be resource starved, and then every tank you destroy is a major blow.


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1/7/11 11:59 PM

@Doncroft: Infested immortals are no option when there is no protoss player on the map, and even if there was one in say,


1/6/11 7:27 AM

@Doncroft: Infested immortals? damn donnie, you know i dont believe that crap one bit.


1/6/11 6:48 AM

@JizzleMuhPiz: ...Infested Immortals?


1/3/11 8:01 AM

As a die-hard zerg player, i've come into many encounters with the Terran tanks..

People, please stop complaining that tanks got nerfed.

I understand that they were hardcore Terran player's favorite units, aside from maybe thors or BC's, but for christ sakes.

They only do 15 less damage vs light units, and that's because they roflstomped anything zerg on the ground, except for ultralisks, but

with the correct micro, the ults wont even hold up.

Really, it's a miniscule nerf.

in my honest opinion, they are still a bit overpowered against zerg.

Against a competent Terran, it's not possible to beat marines/tanks as zerg without teching to some type of air. Mutas are flimsy, and as

soon as you get those, he pumps out more than enough marines to !##! them, leaving your base open for the taking.

Broodlords are amazing against such a combo, but it's a stretch to get that far up the tech tree when they can get tanks so fast.

Third and final option that makes any type of sense is to get burrowed roaches with tunneling claws, until you work your way up the

ramp to find out the terran confused the game for a tower defense.

Ridicule me if you want, tanks need some type of nerf. move them up the tech tree, make them do less damage, shoot slower, less

splash, longer siege set-up time.. accurracy penalty when shooting up/down terrain, even.

Something needs to be done, if only a tiny tweak.

I trust blizzard to get this game balanced as soon as they can, though. They worked wonders with the original.


1/11/11 10:57 PM

@wynr: QQ from another player that used mass lings against siege tanks.

Learn how to use air units bro.


1/11/11 1:50 AM

@wynr: but if u catch them unsieged theyre useles.... pros and cons buddy


1/8/11 8:53 PM



@Froopermoop: just trap him in his base and expand remeber siege tanks have to unsiege which takes four seconds then

siege which takes another 4 seconds in that time destroy rines with bane then flood his base with lings

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12/11/10 7:29 AM



12/13/10 9:43 PM

Definitly good for camping. ;)


1/22/11 11:47 PM

@ZIPIN: just run 20 lings up to them (their minimum range is 2) and theyre dead


12/15/10 9:49 AM

how come no tank weakness???? too good to have 1???-.-||||


12/20/10 10:29 PM

Terran tier comparisons #4: Tier 3 anti-armor. These guys are too expensive for their endurance, and attack damage, but not too

expensive if the siege mode is researched. Their tank mode, however, is actually pretty good against units like stalkers, roaches, and

marauders. Their siege mode, though, is actually very much worth it. Since it can deal splash damage AND bonus damage against

armored units, they can pretty much counter any ground units(except for immortals, of course). The only problem with siege mode is

how they have a minimum range, so zerglings with anabolic boost and zealots with charge can easily intercept them. Against the other

tier 3 anti-armor, immortal, tank mode is much better, because they can only deal 10 damage before immortal's shield runs out, so it's

better to have a quicker weapon. Immortals may seem very much more powerful than siege tanks, but what they're missing is splash



1/1/11 10:26 PM

@AznPanda: mass roach hydra, or roach baneling speedling in early game. Works every time


12/29/10 8:48 PM

as zerg, how do u break a terran wall with at least three siege tanks in siege mode??


1/18/11 9:26 AM

@JizzleMuhPiz: I'd like to agree with you, since you were actually rational in your post, but I feel a little give and take is in

order. If tanks get nerfed, I want to see Infesters get nerfed. I actually don't use tanks very often (expensive and hard to

position correctly) since I prefer a bio-ball/medivac build. Infesters/mutas are the final word in my opinion. Use Fungal

Growth to destroy any light group units, and Neural Parasite any heavy units, then use Mutas to clean up in the air. I feel

your pain, since I recently had to fight a Siege Tank/Marine nub, but I did win. The secret? Siege Tanks are a pain to move

around. Drops and hit and run attacks do wonders.


a 2v2, if a tank in seige mode shot an immortal, it would only take a few splash hits to kill the infestor, releasing the

immortal and wasting 100 minerals and 150 gas.

Doesn't seem legit to me.

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Tank - Game - StarCraft II


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12/20/10 10:16 PM

@Starviper: Tank mode : strong against armored units. Weak against all air units that have anti-ground capabilities and all

rapid-attacking-ground-capable units. Siege mode : strong against anything massed in a group and armored units. Weak

against all air units and melee units that can quickly reach where the tank cannot hit.


12/3/10 7:09 PM

Strong against...? Weak against...?


12/15/10 9:47 PM

@viktor: Strong agaisnt basixcly anything except airs. If you have nothing to protect/support them, then they stink. So

basicly there is no weakness nor no strength. It's all about strategy and placement.


12/6/10 10:41 AM

strong against hydralisk,marine,zegling,zealot but need support like lot of marine thors stuff like that


lol jk