You have a religion quiz Friday. Without using your notes, match each of the elements below with the correct religion (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism). 5 min 1. Siddhartha Guatama 2. Quran 3. Caste System 4. Triumvirate 5. No founder 6. Reincarnation

Siddhartha Guatama Quran Caste System Triumvirate No founder Reincarnation

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Warm up You have a religion quiz Friday. Without using your notes, match each of the elements below with the correct religion (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism). 5 min. Siddhartha Guatama Quran Caste System Triumvirate No founder Reincarnation. The Global Sneaker. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Warm up You have a religion quiz Friday. Without using your notes, match each of the elements below with the correct religion (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism). 5 min

1. Siddhartha Guatama 2. Quran3. Caste System4. Triumvirate 5. No founder6. Reincarnation

The Global SneakerFrom Asia to Everywhere

Warm up

With a partner, you will have five minutes to inspect the labels on your clothes, backpacks, watches, purses, shoes, pencils, pens, and any other items you can find. Do this for as many items as you can. In your notebook, list each item and the country where it was made.

C No talking during lecture/notes

H Raise your handA Discussion, group activities

and individual readingM No walking during

discussion/lectureP sit up and do your work

DefinitionsCopy these terms on your own paper. Economic interdependence – a condition in

which countries have strong economic ties and depend on each other for resources, technology, trade and investment

Free trade – the flow of goods and services across national borders, with little or no government control

Globalization – the development of a global or worldwide, society in which people money, information, and goods flow freely across national borders

Multinational corporation – a large company that has operations in more than one country

What do you see?

When might this have been taken? Give evidence to support your idea.

What differences might you see between this and a basketball scene today?

Read Section 32.3

Read Section 32.4

What interesting details do you see?

What do most of the workers in this factory appear to have in common?

What part of the sneaker are these workers putting together

Read Section 32.5

Read Section 32.6

Read Section 32.8







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The Global Sneaker






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