USS Haynsworth Newsletter Issue # 79 (November Juliet Tango Alpha) April. / May. 2016 (p-1) Official Newsletter for the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee, President Harvey N. Bailey RD3 1960 to 1962 SHIPMATES, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS OF THE USS HAYNSWORTH DD-700 REUNION COMMITTEE, WELCOME TO THE 2016 REUNION ISSUE OF THE HAYNSWORTH NEWSLETTER. The 2016 REUNION WILL BE HELD IN BRANSON MISSOURI FROM 15 TO 18 SEPTEMBER, AT THE RADDISON-BRANSON HOTEL This years HOST and HOSTESS is JACK and SHERRY GROSS, EM3/c 1962 to 1964 The USS HAYNSWORTH REUNION COMMITTEE INVITES ALL OF OUR REGULAR ATTENDEE’S AND EXTENDS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL OF DD-700’s CREW WHO HAVE SELDOM OR NEVER ATTENDED OUR ANNUAL REUNION’s TO JOIN US IN BRANSON FOR A MEMORABLE “HAYNSWORTH FAMILY GET-TOGETHERTO RENEW OLD AND NEW FRIENDSHIPs. ********************************************************************************** ATTENTION ALL SHIPMATES, FAMILIES, AND FRIENDS of the USS HAYNSWORTH DD-700 The Haynsworth Association has activated a new web-site: www.usshaynsworth.org and invites all to visit it. The website is still under construction on some pages and will be continuously updated in relevant areas such as ‘TAPS’ , E-mail address updates of those who have elected to have their e-addresses posted so that shipmates, families and friends of the crew may communicate with each other. On behalf of the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee President, Board Members and Officers we extend our deep appreciation to SO2/c Anthony Barnett, 58-61 for his generous offer to be web-master and custodian of the site! BRAVO-ZULU ANTHONY! (Billy)

SHIPMATES, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS OF THE USS …usshaynsworth.org/association/newsletter/2016-April_newsletter.pdf · Rec’d October 13 2015 from Leonard and Susan Zeringue and Joe

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USS Haynsworth Newsletter

U.S.S. Haynsworth DD-700 Newsletter

Issue # 79 (November Juliet Tango Alpha) April. / May. 2016 (p-1)

Official Newsletter for the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee, President Harvey N. Bailey RD3 1960 to 1962





This year’s HOST and HOSTESS is JACK and SHERRY GROSS, EM3/c 1962 to 1964







The Haynsworth Association has activated a new web-site: www.usshaynsworth.org and invites all to visit it.

The website is still under construction on some pages and will be continuously updated in relevant areas such

as ‘TAPS’ , E-mail address updates of those who have elected to have their e-addresses posted so that

shipmates, families and friends of the crew may communicate with each other.

On behalf of the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee President, Board Members and Officers we extend our

deep appreciation to SO2/c Anthony Barnett, 58-61 for his generous offer to be web-master and custodian of the


USS Haynsworth Newsletter


SHIP’S STORE The following items are available in our Ship’s Store. All orders include shipping.

For all purchase requests, please send check to the address below. USS Haynsworth, DD-700 mesh Ball Cap (specify with/without “eggs)-----$12.00*

USS Haynsworth Patch (embroidered 5” Dia.).----------------------------------$ 5.00

USS Haynsworth Golf Shirt,(Navy Blue ) with: Gold embroidered ship, name, and hull number).S/M/L/XL XXL-----$30.00*

USS Haynsworth DD-700 +Tin Can Sailor License Plate Frame-------- -----$13.00*

‘Navy Pride’ Fleece Hoodie Jacket, w/DD 700 patch. (see insert)--------- ---$170.00*

USS Haynsworth T-Shirts; (select from many DD700 pictures, all sizes.---$ 17.00*

(Contact me at: [email protected] for available pictures or, send me your own!)

(Note: some prices have increased due to increased mailing costs. See *)

Make all checks payable to: “USS HAYNSWORTH REUNION COMMITTEE”

Send check to: James F. Horn (Treasurer)

2 Surrey Court

Chambersburg, PA 17201-8756

James F. Horn

2 Surrey Court

Chambersburg, PA 17201-8756


If your name or address is not correct or any of the

information within is not correct or if you have any

news or stories you wish to share with your ship-

mates, please contact the Editor.

If you wish to discontinue receiving this newsletter,

please return this copy or notify Editor

If you would like to receive the E-newsletter exclusively, call or e-mail me.

It’s great in color!

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG April/May 2016. ( page 3)

Rec’d March 2 from MM3/c Tom Thompson (54-58), St. Clairsville Ohio.

Hi James,-------I want to thank you for the newsletter. I’m sending this check, not sure what I owe for dues. I hope this

covers them. If not enough, let me know. If to much, keep it for the Haynsworth. I hope to make the next reunion. I do

miss them and the people. I don’t have a lot to say, so again, thank you for what you do. Say Hi to your family.

Your Shipmate,-------//S// MM3 Tom Thompson

Anchor’s Away!

(Ed. Note: Thank you for your kind words Tom. Same to you and your’s.)


Rec’d March 2 from Pauline (Polly) Murphy (RD3/c Thomas Murphy 44-45 [D: 11/14/2002]).

James Horn----I didn’t know that Frank Potter, [D: 10/26/2013] had passed. I was going to send Mary (Potter) a note,

but have lost the address. If possible, I would appreciate the address.


Pauline Murphy

(Ed. Note. Consider it done Polly. Thank you for contacting me.)


Rec’d February 19 from Seaman Andrew DeJoy, (52-56), Staten Island, NY.

Hi James,-----I am reading the ‘Newsletter- Mail Bag’ and it brought back many memories of the Haynsworth,

(DD 700). I was on the Haynsworth from 1952 to 1956. To tell the truth, I was on the Port Lookout the day the ship had

the collision, (with the USS Ault DD-698), the Haynsworth got hit on the starboard side. I fell on the deck and the door

hit my back. After the collision we went to G.Q. (General Quarters). We then proceeded to Dry Dock at Naval station

Yokosuka (Japan). After the Haynsworth was repaired we went on a ‘Round the World Cruise’, ending back to Naval

Base Norfolf Virginia. I left the Haynsworth on December 13, 1955.

P.S. James, I don’t know how much the dues are, so I am sending this check. I think that should cover it.

God Bless the Tin Can Sailors! I have lived on Staten Island for over 55 years. Tell Gordon Wolf (BM2/c) I was with him

in 1952. He got out in 1954. There are not many of us left. I am 83 years old.

(Ed. Note: Andrew, thanks for the note and sharing your experience on board the Haynsworth. The Association also

thanks you for the generous check for dues. Consider the greeting to Gordon as done when he reads this issue.)


Rec’d February 23 from LT Malcolm Kenyon, (69-70), Bellingham, WA.

Hi Jim,-----I got the #78 Newsletter today- always a welcome trove of familiar names and memories plus new ‘old’

pictures, welcome gossip and not so welcome ‘TAPS’. Thank you for your stewardship! By dividing your dues receipts in

the 3rd Q Financial Report by the number of remitters, I come up with what I hope is an average figure, so please find

enclosed my 2016 dues. Thanks for sending a paper copy to us old reprobates- they store better in my archive.

R/ Malcolm Kenyon

Engineer 1969

(Ed. Note: Thank you Lieutenant for the kind words. I agree that the ‘TAPS’ report is not a welcomed report and it does

pain me to maintain this list but in retrospect, it does honor our departed with their memorial. As for the printed copy of

the newsletter, there are many that prefer it for the same reason you stated. )


Rec’d February 23 from Dick and Joanie Shail (Seaman 55-59), LaPorte, IN.

Dick and me sure miss going to the reunions. With Dick’s health and also mine, makes it hard to join in on all the fun.

We enjoyed seeing the reunion pictures in the newsletter.

//s// Dick and Joanie Shail

(Ed. Note. We all miss getting back together with you both. We shared many good times in past reunions. Please keep in

touch with the crew and looking forward to hearing from you both again.)


Rec’d March 17 from DKSn Robert Trushenski (52-54) Bloomington, MN.

Jim,-----Missed paying dues for last year but hope this will cover for last year and this. It’s always a pleasure getting the

newsletter. When I get it I read it from cover to cover the day it comes. Keep up the good work.

//s// Robert L. Trushenski DKSn (52-54)

(Ed. Note: Thanks for the note Robert. It is always good to hear that shipmates like you enjoy reading the Haynsworth


USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG April/May 2016 (page 4)

Rec’d January 15 from RMSn Marvin Timm (48-49), Cambridge, MN.

Jim,-----Here are my dues. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your weather---Here in good old Minnesota we are

forecasted to have minus 16 degrees and wind chill od minus 40 degrees Sunday, 17th. Stay warm.

//s// Marv


Rec’d March 5 from MM3/c Charles (Chick) Shedwill (56-60), Sauk Village, IL.

Hi Jim,-----I’ve been lax on my dues lately. Hope the enclosed check makes up for it. I want to give a shout-out to all

the Haynsworth crew especially the circa ‘56’ to ‘60’. Hoping to see you in Branson!

//s// Charles (Chick) Shedwill MM3/c

(Ed. Note: Good to hear from you Chick. Consider your ‘Shout-Out’ passed on. Looking forward to having you join the

crew in Branson.)


Rec’d February 14 from Lorene Davidson (GM3/c John Davidson (51-53), Mexico, MO. {D: 5 February 2016}

Dear James,-----Sorry to have to tell you this but my husband passed away at the Missouri Veterans Home on

5, February 2016. I’m sorry we didn’t get to come to the Branson reunion. I hope y’all have a fun time. Branson is a fun

place. I know because we have visited there lots of times. Please let everyone know of John’s passing.


//s// Lorene Davidson

(Ed. Note: Dear Lorene, Speaking for the crew of the Haynsworth, we are sorry to have the news of your husband

John’s passing. He will be remembered in our reunions ‘Missing Warrior(s)’ ceremony at our annual banquet.)


Rec’d October 13 2015 from Leonard and Susan Zeringue and Joe and Cindy Golemi (SK2/c 68-70) Kenner, LA.

Jim,-----We are overdue in sending to you and Chris, our sincere appreciation for the wonderful time we all enjoyed

with DD-700 shipmates! WHAT A GREAT TIME WE HAD. Still working, Leonard, Cindy and I have not stopped since

our return to New Orleans…(and thank the Lord for this business). We have a little ‘something’ for you and Chris to

enjoy! (It’s not Tony Roma’s… but we know you will enjoy). Sending by UPS.

Warmest regards to you both,

//s// Leonard & Susan Zeringue (Ed. Note: Leonard is a former Navyman and served aboard the USS Tutuila ARG-4.

and as a MR2/c (69-70). He and Joe started the Gas Technology company

Joe & Cindy Golemi ‘CRYOGTC’ and work together)

(Ed. Response: It was a pleasure, finally, to meet Joe & Cindy and Leonard & Susan after many e-mails and telephone

conversations. Chris and I thank you all for the surprise receipt of the famous New Orleans ‘Coffee’ that you sent us.

We hope that you all might be able to make this year’s reunion in Branson, MO).


Rec’d 8 February from Helen Fretwell, (S1/c Horace {Bud] Fretwell (45-46) {D: 30 December 2012} Atlantic Beach, FL.

Hi Jim,-----Thank you for keeping me informed of all the USS Haynsworth activities.

As a daughter of an USS Haynsworth shipmate, I know everyone is very appreciative of all the reunions and newsletters.

My Father is Horace Romero Fretwell. He is no longer with us but he loved his memories and shipmates. Do you write

articles about things that may be of interest to your followers? As a daughter, as my parents aged, I became active in the

personal safety and welfare of my parents. This lead me to the development of a mobile app. The app is called

“SafeNow”. It is a personal safety and monitoring tool. It can be used by individuals living alone of any age or as an

emergency notification tool.

I have included web and store download links for your review. If you think it is appropriate for your followers, I would

love to have an article written about it. I just announced it to Apple and Google last week. Please check it out and let me

know what you think. I would appreciate your feedback. Hope to hear from you soon.

Regards, //s// Helen Fretwell


Rec’d 9 February 2016 from, James Clarke, Son of TM2/c Robert S. Clarke 44-46 , Mountain Home, AR.(D: 2/26/2013). 0

Thanks Jim,-----I enjoyed the newsletter, and it served as a reminder of dues time. A check is on the way to help keep it

going. I study the names of crew members from the wartime crew. I always identify a name, or two, that my dad Bob,

had spoken of with fond and sometimes sad memories. Thanks for all you do in keeping the memories afloat. //s// Jim C.

(Ed. Note: Thanks Jim, I appreciate it. That’s what it is all about, keeping the crew’s memories alive and shared.)

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG April/May 2016 (page 5)

Rec’d 24 February from MM2/c William A. Pratt, 58-60. Phoenix, AZ.

Hi Jim,-----The enclosed check should cover some dues and a ball cap, (no ‘eggs’), and a license plate frame.

I couldn’t make the Buffalo reunion, sure wanted to as I was born and brought up near there, but we do plan on

Going to the Branson Missouri reunion this year.-----See you there.

Sincerely,-----//s// Bill Pratt, MM2/c 58-60

(Ed. Note: Thanks Bill and we look forward to meeting you. We both served at the same time aboard but I never had

the opportunity to personally meet you beings that I was an RD in Operations and you were in Engineering. Too bad!)


Rec’d 11 February from TM2/c David Spendiff, 61-64 Manahawkin, NJ.

Hi Jim,-----I really enjoy the newsletter and feel very embarrassed that I’ve not paid my dues for so long

that I’m not sure if I ever did. You do a fantastic job with the many hats you wear. Thanks for all that you do

for the Haynsworth shipmates. Printing and mailing the newsletter must be expensive, so please send me the

E-Newsletter from now on.----I would like to order the following: 1-Ball Cap w/eggs; 1-License Pleat frame;

1-XL T-Shirt, (your choice). I’ve enclosed a check to cover these items plus extra to help out in anyway it can.

Thanks again for all that you do. Warmest Regards, //s// Dave Spendiff


Rec’d 1 March from BM3/c Raymond Turney, 66-68, Deatsville, AL.

Jim,----Here are my dues for ’16, If I am behind, please let me know and, I will try to catch them up.

I will try to make the Branson Reunion. I could not make Niagara Falls due to health. Thanks,

//s// Raymond W. Turney, BM3 66-68 (Ed. Note: Ray, I hope you are felling better and hopefully we can

meet at the 2016 Reunion in Branson, Missouri.)


(Ed. Note: the following letter was sent to me by a neighbor of F1/c Ralph H. Hensley, 46-48, Mt. Sterling, KY.

The neighbors name is Dennis Warmoth. I post it in appreciation for his comments,)

Rec’d 19 February from Dennis Warmoth, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky.

To whom it may concern,-----My name is Dennis. I live in an apartment in Mt. Sterling, KY. I received your

January Newsletter mixed in with my mail. The newsletter was posted to Mr. Ralph Hensley. Unfortunately,

Ralph’s family moved his belongings out over a year ago. No word was spread as to whether he went to an

assisted Living or to the Veterans Hospital in Lexington Kentucky. I’m sorry to tell you that the Lexington

Herald-Leader had Mr. Hensley listed in it’s Obituaries sometime around the holidays.

I could have let this information pass, but after reviewing your Newsletter and appreciating the time and

work involved, I wanted to share this to update your records. My father was a medic in Germany during the

Korean War. At this time, may I Thank Everyone for their sacrifices and service to our militaries and country.

Sincerely, //s// Dennis Warmoth

(Editors comment: First, I would like to thank Dennis for sending us this letter. Had it not been sent to me, we

would not have known that our shipmate, Ralph Hensley, had passed away. When I received Dennis’s letter,

which did not have the information as to when Ralph had passed on, I searched the web for the

HERALD-LEADER Obituaries and found that indeed Ralph had passed away on 24 January 2016.)


Rec’d 7 March from SKSn Robert Csencitz, 69-70, Breinigsville, PA.

Dear Jim,-----Great job on the newsletter. I read RD3/c Leon Dohmann’s (68-70), mail bag letter. My

brother Joe, (CS3 69-70), and I remember Leon very well. Leon, if you are reading this, we had some great

shipmates and good times together in the final year of the Haynsworth. Remember the good times in the Beer

Shack on the dock and at Sarah’s Lounge in Galveston. After the decommissioning in January 1970, Joe and I

finished out our tour taking a Med Cruise aboard the USS Allen M. Sumner DD-692. Weare both enjoying

retirement. Jim, good to see shipmates from my era writing letters. I remember Don Fitzpatrick, XO and Joe

Golemi, SK2. Joe was my boss! Keep up the good work. Enclosed are my 2016 dues.

//s// Bob Csencitz, SKSn (1969-70)---(Ed. Note: Great letter Bob. I love these kinds of letters and encourage all

Shipmates to send in their ‘memories’.) P.S. Joe, you owe Bob a reply!

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

Continuation of ‘The Jerry Can’ (from issue #77, July 2015) April/May, 2016 (page 6)

Editor’s note: in the July 2015 issue I introduced the history of the origin of the ‘JERRY CAN’ that is so well

known to most all Americans over the age of 50+. Refer to that issue, if you have not read it, for a refresher.

Also, I wish to express my appreciation to TM3/c George Hoffman, Albrightsville, PA for providing this

historic article. Also, I apologize for not continuing this article in the Dec., 2015 issue as promised.


That one ‘jerrycan’ in the Army’s possession was later sent to Camp Holabird, in Maryland. There it was

poorly redesigned; the only features retained were the size, shape, and handles. The welded circumferential

joint was replaced with ‘rollrd seams’ around the bottom and one side. Both a wrench and a funnel were

required for it’s use. And now, it had no lining. As any petroleum engineer knows, it is unsafe to store gasoline

in a container with rolled seams. This ERSATZ, (differing from the original), can did not win wide acceptance.

The British first encountered the jerrycans during the German invasion of Norway, in 1940, and gave it it’s

English name (the Germans were, of course, the “Jerries”). Later that year Pleiss was in London and was

asked by British officers if he knew anything about the can’s design and manufacture. He ordered the second

of his three jerrycans flown to London. Steps were taken to manufacture exact duplicates of it.

Two years later, (1942), the United States was still oblivious of the can. Then, in September 1942, two

quality control officers posted to American refineries in the Mideast ran smack into the problems being

created by ignoring the jerrycans. I was one of those two. Passing through Cairo two weeks before the start of

the Battle of El Alamein, we learned that the British wanted no part of a planned U.S. Navy can; as far as they

were concerned, the only container worth having was the ‘Jerry can’, even though their only supply was those

captured in battle. The British were bitter; two years after the invasion of Norway there was still no evidence

that their government had done anything about the jerry can.

My colleague and I learned quickly about the jerry can’s advantages and the Allied cans’ costly

disadvantages. We sent a cable to naval officials in Washington stating that 40 percent of all the gasoline sent

to Egypt was being lost through spillage and evaporation.

We then arranged a visit to several fuel-handling depots at the rear of Montgomery’s army and found there

that conditions were indeed appalling. Fuel arrived by rail from the sea in 55 gallon steel drums with rolled

seams and friction-sealed metallic mouths. The drums were handled violently by local laborers. Many leaked.

The next link in the chain was the infamous five-gallon “petrol tin”. This was a square can of tin plate that had

been used for decades to supply lamp kerosene. It was hardly useful for gasoline. In the hot desert sun, it

tended to swell-up, burst at the seams, and leak. Since a funnel was needed for pouring, spillage was also a

problem. Allied soldiers in Africa knew that the only gasoline container worth having was German. Similar

tins were carried on Liberator bombers,(B-24’s), in flight. They leaked out perhaps a third of the fuel they

carried. Because of this, General Wavell’s defeat of the Italians in North Africa in 1940 had come to naught.

His planes and combat vehicles had literally run out of gas. Likewise in 1941, General Auchinleck’s victory

over Rommel had withered away. In 1942 General Montgomery saw to it that he had enough supplies,

including gasoline, to whip Rommel in spite of terrific wastage, and he was helped by captured jerrycans.

The British historian Desmond Young later confirmed the great importance of oil cans in the early African

part of the war. “No one who did not serve in the desert,” He wrote, “can realize to what extent the difference

between complete and partial success rested on the simplest item of our equipment---and the worst. Whoever

sent our troops into desert warfare with the [five gallon] petrol tin has much to answer for. General

Auchinleck estimates that this ‘flimsy and ill-constructed container’ led to the loss of thirty percent of petrol

between base and consumer…..The overall loss was almost incalculable. To calculate the tanks destroyed, the

number of men who were killed or went into captivity because of shortage of petrol at some crucial moment,

the ships and merchant seamen lost in carrying it, would be quite impossible. After my colleague and I made

our report, a new five-gallon container under consideration in Washington was cancelled.

Meanwhile, the British were finally gearing up for mass production. Two million British jerrycans were sent

to North Africa in early 1943, and by early 1944 they were being manufactured in the Middle East.

( Continued on page 7)

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

(Continued from page 6) April/May 2016 (page 7)

Since the British had such a head start, the Allies agreed to let them produce all the cans needed for the

invasion of Europe. Millions were ready by D-Day. By V-E Day some twenty-one million Allied jerrycans had

been scattered all over Europe. President Roosevelt observed in November 1944, “Without these cans it would

have been impossible for our armies to cut their way across France at a lightning pace which exceeded the

German Blitz of 1940.

In Washington, little about the jerrycans appears in the official record. A military reports simply, :A sample

of The jerrycans was brought to the office of the Quartermaster General in the summer of 1940.”

Richard M. Daniel is a retired

Commander in the U.S. Naval reserve and a Chemical Engineer.

Posted by: Jerry Can in Jerry Can Tags: 5 gallon,


(Editor’s Note: In the words of ‘Paul Harvey’, “NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY”


MAIL BAG (Continued)

Rec’d 8 April, from daughter of William Breckenridge, TM2 44-45, Karen G.

Dear Jim,-------- I am one of Bill’s daughters, Karen, and I have some bad news to share with you and all of the

Haynsworth family. Dad passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of Wednesday, April 6th, 2016. He had been

going down-hill for awhile, and was staying at the Luther Memorial Home in Madelia where he was receiving physical

therapy. He was regaining strength and seemed to be doing better and we were planning to take him back home soon,

but then he had a sudden setback, another stroke they think. We were still planning on taking him back home under

hospice care, so he could have his remaining days at home. However, he became unresponsive later on in the day and

never really came back out of that, and then slipped away during the night. So, unfortunately, he never did get back

home. Just wanted to let you know what happened. As you well know, the Navy and the Haynsworth ‘family’ were

always a very important part of Dad’s life. I have attached a copy of the obituary I typed up for him for the newspapers.

Also, if you could please keep sending the Haynsworth newsletter to my mother Lavonne, I’m sure she would really

appreciate it. Thank you so much. I have included my address, cell #, and e-mail address if you would want to get a hold

of me for anything or for further information. Thanks again! //s// Karen Gronewold

(Editor’s note: Karen, thank you for informing the crew of your fathers passing. Speaking for the entire Haynsworth

Association and crew, our deepest condolences go out to you and your mother Lavonne on the loss of William. Bills

passing will be memorialized at our 2016 reunion in Branson Missouri in September.) (The following obituary is edited).


William Alec Breckenridge, 91, of Madelia, MN, passed away peacefully on Wed. April 6, 2016 at the Luther

Memorial Home in Madelia. William was born July 4, 1924 in Northfield, MN. He served as a Torpedo Man 2nd Class

(TM2/c) in the U.S. Navy during WW II from 1944 to 1946 aboard the USS Haynsworth DD-700 in the Pacific (Theater).

Upon Honorable discharge, he worked with his brother John driving farm milk trucks. He was a member of the

American Legion Post 19 in Madelia as well as the United Methodist Church. He enjoyed traveling to many areas of the

United States to attend approximately 20 of his Navy Reunions, co-hosting the (1998) Reunion held in Minneapolis, MN.

He enjoyed reading as well as listening to German Polka and Country music. William is survived by his wife Lavonne;

three daughters; six grandchildren; and twelve Great Grandchildren. (Continued on page 12, including picture) **********************************************************************************************

(Rec’d April 7 f/ IC2/c Jim Jackson (Harold J.) 60-62, Apollo, PA.)

Jim-----We have been on the road since the last issue came out. I’m sorry but the guy you have listed in two pictures is

way better looking than me. One with Gus (Scutari) and Patton (Authur). I think you have found that out many times

over. (No Jim, I haven’t so, will the real identity identify himself to me so I can correct the record!) Just wanted to let

you know for sure.----Another thing, you can put me on the electronic listing for the e-newsletter. I don’t need you to

waste money on the postage (and printing).----Pat and I enjoyed the reunion very much. I know we did not go on a lot of

the tours but since we live close to the falls we have done most at least once with kids and grand kids.----The biggest

thing was winning the (Reunion) jacket. What a nice unit it is. It should come with an owners manual! I had to ask a

couple of current duty guys what everything is for sure. I can tell you that in one pocket a 9mm sig with extra clips fits

just fine. LOL. I must say it sure is 100 times better than the old canvas foul weather jackets we had on active duty. It

took me some time on the road to find someplace cold enough to wear. Thanks again. //s// Jim Jackson, IC2/c

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG (April / May, 2016 (page 8)

(Rec’d 3/17/2016 f/ Janet Pankake ( PN1/c, Christian Pankake, 50-52 [Deceased 19 January 2015] Austin, PA).

Jim,-----A note and sending you this letter I received from Maxine Jenkins, ( CS2/c Kenneth Jenkins 51-54, [Deceased-

21 July 2015). Maybe she sent you one also, if not, I thought this would be nice for the newsletter. (Ed. Note; Yes, I

printed Maxine’s letter in the January 2016 issue on page 15). I am keeping busy and doing fine. I enjoy looking at the

newsletters you send out. I don’t know if I paid my dues or not. If not, leave me know. //s// Janet

(Editor’s note; Thank you for your note Janet. To answer your question, dues are paid up to 2015. It is very nice hearing

from you and knowing you are doing well. Chris asked me to say Hi to you also. I will keep sending the newsletter to



(Rec’d 3/18/2016 f/ Gerry Lewis, ( MM2/c Ray Lewis, 56-57) Brick, New jersey.

Hi Jim and Chris,-----Hope all is well with you both. Since last October things with Ray and I have not been good. Ray

had a pace maker put in after a bad fall with bleeding on the brain. He is doing really good now. While this was going

on, I had some serious health problems also. The Doctor said it was found early and I am undergoing treatment. Sorry

we cannot join you this year for the reunion. //s// Fondly, Gerry and Ray Lewis

P.S. Please send only regular e-mail as my computer is old and cannot read ‘Blue Mountain Cards’. I will try to keep

you updated on what is going on. (Editor’s Note; It was very nice hearing from you Gerry. Chris and I are very sorry to

hear that both you and Ray are going through these serious medical problems. Our prayers go out to you both. You and

Ray will be missed by all at this year’s reunion and we hope you will be up to the next reunion.) (Note: portions of this

letter have been edited out. Jim)


(Rec’d 4/18/2016 f/ Kevin Maloney, son of ‘S2/c Martin M. Maloney 44-46 [plank owner] {D: May 3, 1999}.

Hello,----- My dad, Martin Michael Maloney from Worcester, Massachusetts was a plank owner of the Haynsworth. He

served aboard from 1944-1946. He passed away during May (3) 1999. He attended one or two of your previous reunions.

It was a great joy for him. He kept an interest in the Navy and Destroyers. My dad was the leader of the ‘Ancient Order

of Hiberian’s’ in Worcester. He attended the Christening of the USS Barry ( Editor’s addition: DDG-52, Christened 8

June 1991, Commissioned, 12 December 1992. Barry is still on active service. [Ref. Wikipedia.com] ), and presented a

certificate from the ‘Hiberians’ to the Commanding Officer. My dad was a ‘Tin Can’ sailor to the last. I spotted your

announcement in April’s issue of The American Legion magazine. I served in the United States Marine Corps during

Vietnam. One year ago, myself and eleven other Marines returned to Vietnam for a plaque laying and reunion. I know

the great importance of these get-togethers. I wish you all a joyful and wonderful experience.


Kevin M. Maloney

[email protected]

Marty, with Cmdr. Roughead, USS Barry DDG-52

S2/c Marty Maloney, Pearl Harbor, 1944 presenting Certificate from ‘Ancient Order of Hiberian’s’.

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG April / May, 2016 ( page 9)

(Rec’d Wed. Apr. 06, 2016 f/ Marty Irons. Subj. RM3/c John Dyer Jr. Memorial Gathering.

Ahoy Jim,-----On this 71st anniversary of the attack against the USS Haynsworth, 6 April 1945, I was joined in Rutland,

Vermont, by the sister and grand nephew of John Dyer, Jr. RM3/c as well as Father James Lawrence, RC. We gathered

at John’s marker in the Calvary Cemetery to reflect on his life and death. After I provided background information of

the Kamikaze attack, Father Jim read the ‘Catholic Rite of Commitment’ for burial at sea. Helen provided tales of

growing up and John’s service in the Navy. After we recited the ‘Lord’s prayer’ Father Jim read a few more passages

from the Bible to conclude our gathering. Here is the ‘Rite of Commitment’:

Lord god, by the power of your word, you stilled the chaos of the primeval seas, you made the raging waters of the Flood

Subside, and calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee. As we commit the body of our brother John to the deep, grant him

peace and tranquility until that day when he, and all who believe in you, will be raised to the glory of new life promised in

the waters of Baptism. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

It was a moving experience as we reflected on John, his eleven shipmates that perished with him, and the survivors of the

attack [on the USS Haynsworth]. //s// Marty


AIRPORT INFORMATION-BRANSON REUNION 1. Springfield-Branson National Airport: http://www.flyspringfield.com/

Location: 2300 N. Airport Blvd., Springfield, MO 65802----57 miles from Branson, Missouri

Airport Code: SGF

Airlines: Allegiant, American, Delta, United

Car Rentals: Avis; Budget; Dollar; Enterprise; Hertz; National; Thrifty.

Ground transportation to Branson: Gray Line Airport Shuttle: Phone: (800)-237-4466 Yellow Taxi Company: (417) 862-5511; Orange Taxi & Shuttle (417) 234-8828

2. Branson National Airport: http://flybranson.com/

Location: 4000 Branson Airport Blvd., Hollister, MO 65672----13 miles from Branson, Missouri Airport code: BKG

Airlines: Branson Air Express

Car Rental: Enterprise

Ground Transportation: http://flybranson.com/groundshuttle.php

Gray Line Airport Shuttle Phone: (800) 237-4466, Taxi Phone: (417) 332-2227

Note: I have been told that the least cost to Hotel from Springfield-Branson Airport is rental car.

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG April / May, 2016 (page 10)

(Rec’d 4/6/2016 f/ RM2/c Charles (Charlie) Delahanty 61-63, West Seneca, NY.) (Subject: I didn’t know this.)

Guys,-----I had my yearly physical at the VA on Monday. After we finished, the doctor and I were talking casually and I

found out some interesting and useful information.-----If any of us ever have to use an ‘Assisted Living Facility’, the VA

will pay $1,600 per month, for any ‘honorably discharged veteran, towards the monthly fee charged by the facility. In

addition, any spouse of a veteran, (honorably discharged), is eligible for $1,100 per month. Nursing homes are not

eligible for this payment. //s// Charlie (Ed. Note: I also did not know of this benefit. Thanks Charlie.)



WINNERS OF THE RAFFLES AND SILENT AUCTION ITEMS (For those who have never attended one of our reunions, ‘Silent Auction Items’ are crafts and or gifts that attendee’s

bring to the reunions for ‘silent auctioning’ where attendee’s write down on a ‘silent auction sheet’ (one for each item),

and then others may submit a higher amount and so-on. At the Reunion Banquet, usually towards the end after our meal

and entertainment, the winners of each items bid is read and that person pays their ‘bid’ and receives the item. In

addition, every year we raffle off : 1-Navy Jacket; 1-USS Haynsworth License Plate Frame; 1-USS Haynsworth Ball

Cap: 1-Reunion Clock; and a 50/50 chance where attendees purchase tickets a $1 ea. And at the beginning of the

Banquet the purchase is ‘closed’ tickets counted and the winner of the drawing receives ½ of the total collected. All these

activities generate additional funds to offset reunion costs i.e. beverages, snacks, banquet table center pieces and so on.)


Silent Auction Item. WINNER Amount

3D-Patrotic Pictures------------------------------------Dot Morris (SFP3/c Tom Morris 1961 - 1963 $20

Salt Water Taffy----------------------------------------Ann Irons (Martin Irons) [RM3/c Jack McAllister D: 11/11/92] $25

Patriotic Flag and Display stand--------------------Ann Murphy (SM3/c Jim Murphy, 1957 - 1962 $30

‘LIFE MAGAZINE, JUNE 1957’-------------------RD3/c Jim Horn, 1958 - 1960 (Your humble newsletter editor) $5

Christmas Snowmen-----------------------------------Bernetta Schreffler (BT3/c Jim Schreffler, 1956 - 1959 $15

Calculator------------------------------------------------Dot Morris, (SFP3/c Tom Morris, 1961 - 1963 $5

Americana ‘Throw’ Blanket-------------------------Dot Morris, “ “ “ “ $28

Book, ‘Empire Rising’---------------------------------Marty Irons, (Husband of Ann Irons [We celebrated Ann’s B.D.] $15

Patriotic ‘Uncle Sam’ for Lawn---------------------Martin (Marty) Irons (Husband to Ann (McAllister) Irons $10

‘Western Movie’, DVD and Pictures---------------Helena Swaylik (MM3/c Wayne Swaylik -61 - 63) $15

Office Pocket Note and Calendar-------------------SK3/c Jack Henline, ’59 - ’61 $10

‘Melting’ Clock-----------------------------------------SM3/c Jim Murphy, ’57 - ’62 $10

’Wounded Warrior’ License Plate Frame--------SFP3/c Tom Morris, ’61 - ’63 $1

Kitchen Set-----------------------------------------------Sandy Bailey, (RD3/c Harvey Bailey ’60-‘62(Assoc. President) $3

Cloth 2016 Calendar Towel---------------------------MM3/c Wally Lueck ’59 - ’62 (Advanced to LT(LDO) $1

DD-700 ‘Christmas Dinner (Menu) 1957----------RD3/c Jim Horn $2

Total from Silent Auction: $195

Thank You! To all who donated items and Thank You! To those bidding!



50 / 50 (Total was $130, Half = $65) MM3/c Wally Lueck ’59-‘62 (Wally generously returned his

winnings to the Association Treasury!

On behalf of the USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee,


USS Haynsworth Ball Cap------------------------------------RM3/c Calvin Weiss 1945 to 1946 (Mail-in winner)

USS Haynsworth License Plate Frame--------------------TM3/c George Hoffman, -61-’63 Albrightsville, PA(mail-in winner)

USS Navy Reunion Jacket------------------------------------IC2/c Jim Jackson, ’60 - ’62 (Reunion attendee)

Reunion Clock-1 of 3------------------------------------------LT(jg) David Oberholzer, ’57-’59 (Reunion attendee)

Reunion Clock-2 of 3------------------------------------------IC3/c Terry Schneider, ’58-’61 Loveland, CO (Mail-in winner)

Reunion Clock-3 of 3------------------------------------------MM3/c Kenneth (Ken) Fanus, ’61-’63 (Reunion Attendee)

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

April / May, 2016 (Page 11)

(Editor’s Note, SUBJECT: Robert Parker Hilton Sr., Rear Admiral, United States Navy.

[Rear Admiral Hilton served aboard the USS Haynsworth DD-700 from 1960 to 1961 as LTCdr. (XO). The

following narrative, (edited for content in this newsletter) was taken from the “Arlington National Cemetery

Web site: http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/rphhilton.htm I served aboard Haynsworth from 1958 to 1960

And remember our XO LCdr. Hilton on my last Med Cruise in 1960. Since Rear Admiral Hilton went on to

be the highest ranking Officer that had served on the Haynsworth, I thought it to be of interest to the Officers

and crew. The following is extracted from the ‘Arlington National Cemetery’ web-site.)

Robert Parker Hilton Sr., 77, a Navy Rear Admiral who retired in 1983 as Vice Director for Operations on the Joint

Chiefs of Staff, died of congestive heart failure April 28 at Goodwin House East in Alexandria, Virginia, where he had

been receiving rehabilitative care for about a week. Admiral Hilton served 38 years in the Navy, which included

command of a destroyer off the coast of Vietnam during the war there. His ship, the USS Davis (DD-937), was the first

vessel to reach the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) after it was attacked by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats in the

Mediterranean on 8 June 1967. In later assignments, he was assistant chief of staff for logistics at NATO’s Allied Forces

Southern Command in Naples and deputy assistant chief of staff for plans and policy at Supreme Headquarters Allied

Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium. His postings abroad made Admiral Hilton, who earlier in his career trained as an

interpreter in Russian and French, an authority on NATO and it’s joint operations. At the Pentagon, he spearheaded the

development of a Navy staff office that authored the Navy’s maritime strategy for the 1980’s. His decorations included

the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Superior Service Medal,

the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star. After retiring from active duty, Admiral Hilton worked as a consultant at the

Institute for Defense Analysis. Admiral Hilton, who lived in Alexandria, Virginia, was born in DeKalb County, Georgia.

He joined the Navy as a seaman at the end of World War II. He was commissioned an Ensign after graduating from the

University of Mississippi, where he was enrolled in one of the Nation’s first NROTC programs. He received a master’s

degree in Russian Affairs from Georgetown University and other degrees from the Naval War College and the National

War College. He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council, the Naval Institute and Phi

Delta Theta social fraternity. He was an avid tennis player whose license plate read “LOW-LOB”. Survivors include his

wife, Joan M. Hilton of Alexandria; two children, Robert P. Hilton Jr. of Silver Springs and Wendy M. Hilton of Vienna;

and two grandsons.


(Rec’d 28 April f/ Marty Irons)(Responding to the you tube video commercial ‘Food City - Salute’ I sent out same day).

The highlight of writing my books is the contact with these WWII vets.

I had all these boxes and letters at the post office last week and the ladies there asked me where they were being shipped

too (It’s a small town!). Well…an embroidered shirt was headed to a WWII Marine fighter pilot that flew missions with

the Fast Carrier Task Force during 1945….a letter to a sailor from another DesRon 62 sailor…a book to be autographed

By a survivor of the USS Houston who was taken prisoner by the Japanese for 44 months…..an embroidered shirt for a

New Zealand fighter pilot who flew deadly missions against Rabaul in ’44-’45.

I see that video and I see myself as the soldier in the ACE uniform.



Landlubber, former CPT. US Army Reserve

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

MAIL BAG April /May, 2016 (Page 12 )

(Continuation of obituary for Torpedoman Second Class William (Bill) Breckenridge, ’44-’46. Photo of Bill was sent to

me by webmaster, SO2/c Anthony W. Barnett, http://www.usshaynsworth.org Thanks Billy.


Editors statement: Some may wonder why I publish (some) obituaries. I try to stick to 2 (two) criteria.

1. The passing of a shipmate that was deeply involved in the USS Haynsworth Organization, USS Haynsworth

Reunion Committee such as as, elected member of the Officer’s or as a Board Member, or a active volunteer as

a Reunion Host/Hostess, Newsletter editor.

2. When I receive printed obituaries of shipmates from family or friends and there is space available in any issue of

the newsletter due to shortage of letter’s/e-mail from shipmates, family/friends of shipmates. Any comments on my

criteria positive or negative are welcomed. Jim Horn, Newsletter Editor


Obituary of Shipmate RM3/c Walter A. Van Houten, Jr. of Jensen Beach, Florida. Nickname’ Murph’.

Walter, 84, died July 28, 2015 in Stuart, Florida. Walter was born in Oceanside, Long Island, NY and lived

in Jensen Beach since 1992, coming from Blue Point, Long Island. He served in the United States Navy as a

radioman petty officer and was a Korean War Veteran. He was a member of the Navy Memorial and the

Tin Can Sailors. He attended SUNY at Farmingdale, NY. He was a captain of the Oceanside Fire

Department, life member of Volunteer and Exempt Firemen’s Benevolent Association of Oceanside, NY,

and a member of the Treasure Coast Woodcarvers. He was a former building contractoe and retired

superintendant of Buildings and Grounds at Ocenside School District. Survivors include his wife of 62

years, Katherine (nee) Gunvaldsen, two sons and wives, two daughters and husbands, nine grandchildren,

and eight great grandchildren, and one brother. Walter is pre-deceased by his son-in-law, FDNY Fire

Fighter, Pat O’Keefe (who perished) on September 11, 2001. Internment will be at Calverton National

Cemetary on Long Island with Military Honors. Contributions may be made in Walters honor to:

www.MDS-foundation.org, www.woundedwarriorproject.org, or www.NYFFburncenter.com.

NOTE: Walter, (Murph) served aboard 49-50 and also on the USS Beatty DD-756, 50-52.

This notification of Walter’s passing and this obituary was provided to me by Walter’s son-in-law, Les



‘BREAKING NEWS’ Just an hour ago I received the April-May-June issue of Tin Can Sailors.

On pages 12-13 and continued on page 19 is an article about our ship written by Marty Irons. It is about the

USS Haynsworth and titled “Prisoners on the High Seas”. If any of you donot receive the ‘Tin Can Sailor’

paper, e-mail me or call me and I will send you a application form. We get credit for New Members. Jim

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

April / May, 2016 (page 2)


PRESIDENT Jack L. Gross (EM3 62-64) James F. Horn (RD3 58-60)

Harvey N. Bailey (RD3 60-62) 206 S.W. 24th Street 2 Surrey Court

6601 Chestnut Grove Highway Oak Grove, MO 64075-8300 Chambersburg, PA 17201-8756

Luthersburg, PA 15848-5014 (816) 690-8778 (717) 263-8090

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

SECRETARY James T. Schreffler (BT3 56-59) WEB MASTER

James M. Murphy (SM3 57-62) 6921 Somerset Street Anthony W. (Bill) Barnett

1545 14th Court Harrisburg, PA 17111-5251 (SOM2/c 58-61)

Vero Beach, FL 32960-3609 (717) 564-4864 103 East Gate road

(772) 562-3524 [email protected] Camillus, NY 13031-2005

[email protected] [email protected]

R. Gordon Wolf (BM2 50-54) www.usshaynsworth.org

TREASURER 7800 West Vern Drive

James F. Horn (RD3 58-60) Muncie, IN 47304-8820 SHIPS STORE CLERK

2 Surrey Court [email protected] James F. Horn

Chambersburg, PA 17201-8756 (Same as Treasurer)

[email protected]


TAPS (Made known to us since January, 2016 issue)

Name Rate/Rank Time Aboard City/State Date of Passing

ALLEN, RON C. QM3/c 1953 to 1955 FT. MYERS, FL 11 November 2009

BRECKENRIDGE, WILLIAM A. TM2/c 1944 to 1945 MADELIA, MN 6 April 2016

DAVIDSON, JOHN C. GM3/c 1951 to 1953 MEXICO, MO 5 February 2016

HENSLEY, RALPH H. F1/c 1946 to 1948 MT. STERLING, KY 24 January 2016

HILTON, ROBERT PARKER LCdr 1960 to 1961 ALEXANDRIA, VA 28 April 2004

MORGAN, DAVID LEE FTG2/c 1961 to 1963 WILMINGTON, NC 7 November 2014

POAGE, JAMES E. MM3/c 1954 to 1958 COVINGTON, VA 5 May 2012

Van HOUTEN, Jr. WALTER A. RM3/c 1949 to 1950 JENSEN BEACH, FL 28 July 2015

WASHINGTON, WILLIAM W. FTG3/c 1961 to 1962 ODENTON, MD 27 February 2016


NEWSLETTER EDITOR AND TREASURER NOTES On behalf of all the shipmates who receive this newsletter (400+) and those who receive the E-Newsletter

exclusively, I would like to thank all shipmates and family members of deceased shipmates, who continue to send me

correspondence for inclusion in this and all our newsletters. Without these notes and letters there would be no

newsletters to share with all of you so, keep them coming in please. If you have an e-address and have never received

any e-mail from me, then you need to send me your e-address.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Many e-mails have been coming in that state that their e-mail address in the

NEW web site, http://www.usshaynsworth.org has their address incorrectly posted. We have NOT posted any e-mail

addresses on the NEW web site, (as yet), so I and the webmaster have concluded that shipmates reporting errors must

be looking at the old website, www.usshaynsworth.com and not the .org. In review of my records from the .com web

site I found that all of the reported errors were from addresses posted on the .com site. Please review the new site for

current Haynsworth information and report errors in that site. Thank You. Editor Jim horn and web master Anthony

Barnett. [email protected]


Treasurer Note. Below is a comparison of number of dues payers, total income, and average for 4 years.

Year # of payers Total Dues Income Average per payer.

2013 (Full Year) 86 $ 2,478.00 $ 28.81 The increase in Average p/p is

2014 (Full Year) 72* $ 2,998.00* $ 41.64* the result of many shipmates

2015 (Full Year) 63* $ 2,471.00* $ 39.22* self increasing voluntary dues.

2016 (1st Q) 32 $ 1,333.00* $ 41.65* Thanks to all shipmates.*

USS Haynsworth Newsletter


‘NAVY JACKETS’ that are currently available for purchase and 2016 Reunion raffle. These jackets will

be available in all sizes and ordered as needed. The winning raffle ticket picked at the closing banquet

at the 2016 Reunion in Branson, Missouri will be offered a choice between the two and ordered/shipped

per size needed. Both jackets will have the ‘HAYNSWORTH’ patch sewn on the right side/front of the

selected jacket. The cost of purchasing the jackets, including patch, is $170.00 for the blue fleece and

$185.00 for the tan twill. The cost of raffle tickets is $3.00 each.


Front Back

Navy Blue Fleece

(Purchase: $170.00 includes Haynsworth Patch and shipping)

Front Back

Light tan Twill

(Purchase: $185.00 includes Haynsworth Patch and shipping).

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

April / May 2016 Insert 2

These are three samples of T-Shirts that are available for $17.00 ( # 1 ) ( # 2 )

I think this is from the ‘round the World Cruise, 1953 This is from WWII in Pearl harbor.

It has the BIG Haynsworth banner on the hull.

( # 3 ) ( # 4 )

Inland Sea Cruise 1959 leaving Chicago. Circa 1945 / 1948+

( # 5 )

Circa 1960 / 1961

They come in all sizes from kids to XXL and are made on 50% cotton, 50% polyester.

Machine wash with like colors. Use only non-chlorine bleach if needed. Tumble dry-Low.

Do not Iron or dry clean. As stated, these are just a few of the ships pictures available or

your own picture(s) as you might wish. State if you wish the picture(s) on front or back. I cannot

completely guarantee it but I might be able to include your ‘Rating patch’ i.e. MM,

RD/ SO/TM/BM/FT etc.

‘CIRCLE or send own picture along with check. Use my address on other side.

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

April / May 2016 (Insert 1B) Front Front

DD-700 Patch sewn on right Back DD-700 Patch sewn on right Back


. Cost of raffle ticket is $3.00 ea. You need not be present at reunion to win. Mail- in-winner will be contacted.

Please fill in: WINNER can select FLEECE or TWILL

NAME:________________ _________________ Number of chances________ X $3.00 = $________ ADDRESS:______________________________ The previous ‘Foul Weather Jacket’ is no longer available.

CITY:_____________________ ZIP:_________ STATE SIZE: M; L; XL; XXL; ____________ (M-38-40; L-42-44; XL-46-48; XXL 50-52


Without ’eggs’____ With ‘Eggs’____

DD-700 BALL CAP: 1 Chance: $0.25 LICENCE FRAME: 1 Chance $0.25

Number of Chances:_______X $0.25=_______ Number of hances:________X $0.25 =

TOTAL for CAP: $___________ TOTAL for FRAME: $__________

Purchase Price: $12.00 (Includes Shipping). Purchase Price: $13.00 (Includes Shipping).



The 2016 Reunion Clock will be as

shown here, personalized with:




The clock measures 18”H X 12.5”W. Anchor is solid wood with

brass rivit frame around clock face. In addition, 3 clocks will be

raffled off to increase chance of winning one by 3. So, get your

tickets early and go for 1 of these 3 clocks. Ticket price will be $2.00

ea. Good Luck to all! Send check to:

James F. Horn, Treasurer

2 Surrey court

Chambersburg, PA 17201-8756

USS Haynsworth Newsletter




Take Notice of the ‘LAUNCH DATE’ & ‘POST MARK’ on envelope; 72 years ago this month!

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

(Page 2 of 2) April / May 2016 Page 15




Important notice of possible changes to registration form, Page 1 of 2

1. Wednesday, September 14, 2016:--------------------------------------Check-In: 3:00PM - 5:00PM

Rest of evening: On your own and camaraderie in Hospitality Room, ‘Allegiance’. (For anyone thinking of arriving

sooner, remember Hotel rates are valid three days before and three days after). For anyone arriving for evening

dinner, I recommend the Hotels ‘Wildwood Bistro’ or their ‘Time Out Sports Lounge’. For those who are late

nighters, there is the ‘Andy Williams Moon River Theater’ next door to Hotel, or Camaraderie in our Hospitality

Room, ‘Allegiance’.

2. Thursday, September 15, 2016. (Cost P/P is $167.00), (Includes cost of Bus transportation).

9:30 AM---Depart Hotel for ‘Ride the Ducks- HWY 76.

12:15 PM---Lunch at ‘Shindigs Restaurant’ (Included).

2:00 PM---#1 Hits of the 60’s & 50’s too! At ‘Americana Theater’

4:30 PM---Tour of the ‘Curling Vine/ Stone Hill Winery. (Tasting too).

6:00 PM---Dinner at the ‘Stage Door Canteen’ - Welk Resort.

8:00 PM---Show, ‘Million Dollar Quartet’, - Welk Resort. (Optional- Not included in the Days Agenda)

Approximate return to Hotel depends on number taking in the 8:00 PM Show.

3. Friday, September 16, 2016 (Cost P/P is $135.00), (Includes cost of Bus transportation).

10:00 AM---Depart Hotel for Branson Veterans Memorial Museum.

12:00 PM---Lunch on own.

3:15 PM---Memorial Service at ‘Showboat Branson Belle’.

4:00 PM---Cruise + Show + Dinner on the ‘Showboat Branson Belle’.

8:00 PM---Show-‘All Hands on Deck’ at the Dutton Theater. (Optional-Not included in the Day’s Agenda)

Approximate return to Hotel depends on number taking in the 8:00 PM show.

4. Saturday, September 17, 2016. (Cost P/P is $31.00).

9:00AM---Depart Hotel for show, ‘Puttin’ On The Ritz’ at King’s Castle

1:30PM---Arrive back at Hotel.

3:00PM to 4:00PM----BUSINESS MEETING, (all shipmates)



5. Sunday, September 18, 2016 (Check-Out is 11:00 AM.)

6:30 AM to 10:30 AM-----Traditional Breakfast Buffet. (Wildwood Bistro)

Scrambled eggs, Bacon or sausage, Hash Brown Potatoes or Grits, Homemade Biscuits and Country Gravy,

Assorted Fresh Fruit, Orange Juice, and Coffee Station.

Looking forward to seeing all our regularly attending shipmates and especially looking forward to seeing and

meeting shipmates that have never been to a reunion or have not attended one recently. Your Hosts--

Jack and Sherry Gross, EM3/c ’62 - ’64, Oak Grove, Missouri

Jack and Sherry also hosted our 2009 Reunion in Independence, Missouri. Thanks Jack and Sherry

Any questions you may have concerning the information

on Registration form 1 and/or 2, please contact Jack or me at; Jack Gross : [email protected] Tele: (816) 690-8778 or cell: (816) 204-1348

Jim Horn : [email protected] Tele: (717) 263-8090

USS Haynsworth Newsletter




USS Haynsworth Newsletter


27th ANNUAL REUNION BRANSON, MISSOURI September 15 to 18, 2016

Hotel Reservations MUST be made separately in advance of Sunday, August 16, 2015.

After August 16, 2016, reservations will be accepted on a space/date availability basis.

Inform Hotel that you are with the USS Haynsworth DD-700 Party

Radisson Hotel-Branson Check-In 4:00 PM--------------------------Check-Out 11:00 AM

120 South Wildwood Drive (Hotel will do their best to accommodate early arrivals on space available).

Branson, MO 65616 Local Reservation Department: 1-(417)-335-5767------Fax--(417) 339-3602

Room Rate: (includes all taxes and City 0ccupancy fee and Buffet Breakfast .----------------------------$102.95

For those driving: Parking is complimentary. For those flying in, see page 2 of 2 in the News Letter.

Cancellations MUST be received by Hotel 72 hours prior to arrival.



Rank/Rate aboard DD-700: _______________________________________Years aboard: 19_____ to 19______

Street Address:------------------ ________________________________________________________________________

City, State, ZIP (5 or 9)--------- ______________________________________ZIP:_____________________________

Phone, also Cell if applicable: ______________________________________Cell:_____________________________

E-Mail Address:------------------________________________________________________________________________

Names and Relationship(s) of persons attending with you:_____________________________________________


2015 ANNUAL DUES (if not already paid). (Suggested at $20.00------------------------------------------------$________ (NOTE: If you wish to attend the early bird tour on Thursday, you must arrive on Wednesday, 9/14/2016)

THURSDAY, Sep. 15, 2016: (Early Bird Tour, must arrive on Wed. the 14th: (Bus departs at 9:15AM.

Ride the ‘Ducks’ + Luncheon at ‘Shindigs’[10:AM]----------------------------------$42.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $________

Americana Theatre, hits ‘60s & 50s + tour of Stone Hill Winery.-----------------$29.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $________

Evening Dinner at Stage Door Canteen-Welk Resort.(6:00PM)--------------------$31.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $________

‘MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET’ - SHOW (8:00 PM)---------------------$33.00 P/P(___)------= Total: $________ Note: Bus, ($36.00 Per Person)[Includes all Reunion events and return.---------$36.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $________

FRIDAY, Sep. 16, 2016:

Veterans Memorial Museum. 10:AM---------------------------------------------------$17.00 P/P (___)--------- = Total: $________

Memorial Service, Showboat Branson Belle-- (3:15 PM)-------------------------------------------------------------(No Charge)

Cruise/Show/Dinner, Showboat Branson Belle(4;00PM)----------------- ---------$53.00 P/P (___)--------- = Total: $_________

‘ALL HANDS ON DECK SHOW’ - (8:00 PM)-------------------------------$33.00 P/P(___)--------=Total:$________

SATURDAY, Sep. 17, 2016:

Show; ‘Puttin’ on the Ritz’ at King’s Castle: (10:00 AM)------------- ---------$28.00 P/P (___)---------- = Total: $_________

Cash Bar: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Banquet opening. 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. (FREEDOM ROOM)

Entrée’s served with: Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Ozark Salad, Rolls, Champagne Cake, Coffee, Tea.

CHAMPAGNE CHICKEN BREAST:-------------------------------------$24.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $_________

BEEF TENDERLOIN MEDALLIONS:-----------------------------------$24.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $_________

PECAN CRUSTED TELAPIA:----------------------------------------------$24.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $_________

TEMPURA-BATTERED SHRIMP-----------------------------------------$24.00 P/P (___)-------- = Total: $_________

(Meals include taxes and Gratuity)



GRAND TOTAL: (Please, only one check. TOTAL for: Dues, (if applicable)), Tours and Banquet. --$_________

Send completed form to: James F. Horn (For any shipmate that cannot print this form, call me or send me

2 Surrey Court Info (and check) for the ‘blanks’ and I will fill out for you).

Chambersburg, PA 17201-8756

Tele: No. (717) 263-8090 E-mail: [email protected] Cell: (717)372-0855)

Make checks payable to: USS Haynsworth Reunion Committee

Additional Information for Reunion, See page 2 of 2 on page 15 of the News letter.

USS Haynsworth Newsletter



2003, Fort Mitchell, Ky. Hosted by Ed and Kate 2011, Savannah, Georgia. Hosted by Jim and Ann

O’Brien RD3 57-60. (Ed passed away, 5/2/2009. Murphy, SM3 57-62.

2010, Harrisburg, PA. Hosted by Jim and Chris Horn 2009, Independence, MO. Hosted by Jack and Sherry

RD3 58-60. Peace Memorial, Gettysburg Battlefield. Gross, EM3 62-62. Covered Wagon, Mules Ride.

2008, Jacksonville, FL. Hosted by Jim and Chris 2007, Philadelphia, PA. Hosted by Bill and Nancy

Horn. Amelia Island. Hager RD2 54-58. (Bill passed away 9 April 2015).

USS Haynsworth Newsletter

E-NEWSLETTER BONUS PAGE - 4 April/May , 2016

2005, Sandusky, OH. Hosted by Henry Hillbrook This is Henry, proudly holding his 2005

RM3 45-46. (Henry Passed away 19 April 2006). USS Haynsworth Reunion Banner ‘Panel’.


Editor’s Comment’s: Someone recently sent me the top two photo’s and I am sorry to say that I cannot

remember who sent them to me so I could give credit to them. I was taken by the photo in that after so many

years these veteran’s were still available to pose on the same aircraft, (C47), and photo shopped on the photo

they had posed for back in 1944.

The photo’s of past reunions displayed on E-Newsleter pages 3 and 4, are memories many of us have of the

wonderful times we had together at these reunions. The first photo on E-newsletter Page 3 of the Fort Mitchell

Reunion in 2003 was my first and Chris and I regret that we didn’t attend earlier reunions. We have met so

many shipmates and their wive’s that we now consider all of them as our Best Friends so, Thank You to all of

our Haynsworth Family for your wonderful friendships we have enjoyed for the past 12 years. Jim and Chris

U.S.S. Haynsworth Ne 23

General Information and 2015 Reunion Photo’s April/May 2016

The following is a listing of attendee’s at the 26th Annual Reunion of the Crew of the USS Haynsworth (2015).

The list is in the order of receipt of reservation forms submitted to me.

1. Henry Domeracki (Capt. USN [Ret]. Great nephew of Seaman, Henry B. Michalak, 44-45. D: 8/11/1992.

2. Wayne Swaylik, MM3 61-63 and wife Helena from Edison, NJ.

3. Leonard Zeringue, (USS Tutuila ARG-4) and wife Susan from Hahnville, LA. (Friend of Joe Golemi, SK2 68-70).

4. Joe Golemi, SK2 68-70, and wife Cindy, from Kenner, LA.

5. Kenneth Fanus, MM3 61-63, and wife Sally.

6. Bruce Baxter, BMSn, 56-58 (Now a Bosn’n Mate Chief) and wife Jeannie, from Beaumont, TX.

7. Arthur Patton QM3 52-55 and wife Carolyn from Jacksonville, AL, and daughter Kathleen and son-in-law Dwayn.

8. John Sleggs MM3 56-58 and wife Margaret from Hornell, NY.

9. James Schreffler BT3 56-59 and wife Bernetta from Harrisburg, PA. (Jim and Bernetta co-Hosted the 2010 Reunion)

10. Raymond Lewis MM2 55-57 and wife Geraldine from Brick, NJ.

11. Harvey Bailey RD3 60-62 and wife Sandy fromLuthersburg, PA. (Harvey is Association President)

12. James Murphy SM2 57-62 and wife Ann from Vero Beach, FL. Jim and Ann hosted the 2011 Reunion)

13. Wallace Lueck MM3 59-62 and wife Diane from Fargo, ND.

14. David Oberholzer LT(jg) 57-59 and wife Barbara from Bethlehem, PA

15. Jack Gross EM3 62-64 and wife Sherry from Oak Grove, MO (Jack and Sherry hosted the 2009 Reunion)

16. Jack Henline SK3 59-61 and wife Marlene from Gibonsburg, OH.

17. William Neff EM3 53-56 and wife Regina from Lady Lake, FL, daughter Rita, & husband Kirk and sons Will & Eric.

18. R. Gordon Wolf BM2 50-54 and wife Darlene from Muncie, IN. (Gordon is on the Board of Directors).

19. Carl Alesio ME3 47-50 and wife Helen from Schenectady, NY. (Carl and Helen hosted the 2012 Reunion).

20. Jim Jackson IC2 60-62 and wife Pat from Apollo, PA.

21. Thomas Morris SFP3 61-63 and wife Dorothy from Mahaffey, PA.

22. Joseph Perricco RMSn 53-55 from Raleigh, NC.

23. Harold Learson LT(jg) and wife Harriet from Belmont, MA.

24. Constantino (Gus) Scutari FC1 44-45 and wife Francis from Syosset, NY. (Gus is a Plank Owner of Haynsworth)

25. Anthony Barnett SO2 58-61 from Camillus, NY. (Anthony is developer and web master of www.usshaynsworth.org.

The ‘Branson’ DUCK ride.

U.S.S. Haynsworth Ne 24

A Memory from the 2015 Reunion at Niagara Falls New York April/May 2016 (page 14)

I was reflecting a bit on the 2015 Reunion, specifically the opening ceremony. After the posting of the COLORS,

I remember using a song bite I had recorded earlier that year that was received either from a shipmate or one of

my high school classmates. I think it was from my classmate but can’t be certain of it. Anyway, I decided to play

the audio portion of the performance by Kate Smith. Now, I know all of us old salts know who Kate Smith is,

right? For all the younger folk that were at the banquet, I submit the following: Enjoy!

“A NICE BIT OF HISTORY” Frank Sinatra, (another person known well by all us old salts) considered Kate Smith to be the best singer of our

time, and said that he and a ‘million’ other guys first heard her sing “GOD BLESS AMERICA” on the radio,

(Again, for all you spring chickens aka younger folk, we only had radio. There were no televisions, i-pads, smart

phones etc.), they ALL pretended to have ‘dust in their eyes’ as they wiped away a tear or two! (Well, I can tell

you that as I was playing the song, I also noted a few tears in the room as Kate sang).


(The links at the bottom will take you to the video showing the FIRST public singing by Kate Smith).

But, before you watch it, you should also know the story behind the first public showing of “God Bless America”.

The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression. (Again, us old salts remember it also).

Hitler was taking over Europe and Americans were afraid we would have to go to war. It was a time of hardship

and worry for most Americans.

This was the era just before television, when radio shows were HUGE, and American families sat around their

radios in the evenings, listening to their favorite entertainers, and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate

Smith. Kate was also large; plus size, as we now say, and the popular phrase still used today is in deference to

her, “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings”.

As the story goes, Kate was very concerned over the mood of the American people and went to see her friend,

song writer Erving Berlin, and asked him to write a song that she could sing to give comfort to the people. Mr.

Berlin said to her that he already had such a song which he wrote in 1917 but that it went no where. He went to

his file and pulled out ‘God Bless America’. Kate took the song and went to her band, ‘Jack Millers Orchestra’

and worked out the song. The rest is history. Many probably do not know all that much about Kate so here are

some stats. Kate was born on 1 May 1907 in Greenville, Virginia, and named Kathryn Elizabeth Smith. Kate

passed away on 7 June 1986.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/TnQDW-NMaRs?rel=0 original

http://youtube.com/watch?v=rEJo7x9y3D4 color version; includes Patriotic Medley with; Bing Crosby;

Andy Williams, and Tennessee Ernie Ford.