Sherlock Beynon and Lady Gemma's Priceless Collection

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  • 8/2/2019 Sherlock Beynon and Lady Gemma's Priceless Collection


  • 8/2/2019 Sherlock Beynon and Lady Gemma's Priceless Collection


    Sherlock Beynon andLady Gemmas Priceless Collection


    Matt Phillips

    Copyright 2012 by Matt PhillipsScribd Edition

    The Author asserts the moral right to a lay-in

    on Sundays.

    Except in Antarctica this story can be distributed in any

    cover you like. Without a cover even. InAntartica,

    well, thats complicated...

    Published by Gorilla Books Ltd

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    All similarities to persons living or dead are entirely on purpose.

    That said, while the characters are drawn in part from life, they are

    all jumbled up with scandalously imitated fictional characters.

    Therefore they are not an accurate rendering of the individuals at

    all. So much so that any similarities are probably coincidental.


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    To Neil and Gemma

    I hope this short piece of fiction will bring you joy (or at least a

    chuckle or two), as you embark upon the exciting new chapter in

    your lives. It details the little known story of how you both met.

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    Sherlock Beynon andLady Gemmas Priceless Collection

    The man is a clockmaker, said Sherlock

    Beynon, seated on his blue and yellow bean bag next

    to the fire place in his lodgings in Bhaker Street. I

    swear the fellow is a clockmaker, there can be no


    I had considerable doubt. Yet over the many

    years of our acquaintance I had grown accustomed

    to Beynons uncanny skills of logic, his leaps of

    judgement that were rapid enough to seem like

    intuition but were in fact the result of deep and

    considered thought. His penetrating eyes glitteredwith the joy of triumph as he clamped his favourite

    pipe between his teeth. The tobacco glowed red and

    lustrous as he took a deep breath into his lungs,

    before he spat the pipe onto the floor and collapsed

    into an uncontrollable fit of coughing.Blasted stuff, I keep forgetting that I do not like

    to actually inhale the noxious fumes! spluttered

    Beynon, as I hastily stamped out the burning embers

    that were melting a hole in our imitation Iranian rug

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    from Argos. The threat of pyrrhic inferno abated I

    returned the pipe to Beynon. He accepted it

    gratefully, his eyes somewhat watery but by no means


    You see Watson, continued Beynon, waving the

    now extinguished pipe under my nose, a pipe really

    is the most excellent aid to in-depth thought, and the

    effect on increasing a mans standing in societycannot be underestimated.

    Again I was hard pressed to agree. I could not

    abide the smell of Beynons pipe, and was of the

    opinion that it did nothing to increase his gravitas. It

    was true that, within our own social fraternity, therewere certain expectations. That these should be

    fulfilled was of course imperative, and that meant

    Beynon carrying the pipe. Indeed, this also included

    him occasionally lighting the thing, although I wished

    he would remember not to inhale. It was a truth

    unimpeachably acknowledged that to smoke but not

    inhale was by far the safest option.

    It was the need to keep up appearances that

    explained my own somewhat unorthodox

    appearance. It was a little after two oclock on

    Saturday afternoon and I was dressed in a long white

    coat. A row of pens marched in proud formation

    across my breast pocket and a stethoscope was hung

    in a devil-may-care fashion around my neck. Tucked

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    into my pocket were three lollipops (a green, a red

    and a blue) and a small pack of sticking plasters.

    Propped against my knee was a wooden clipboard,

    and nestled into my back pocket was a black and

    white photocopy of my first aid certificate (gained

    when I was at high school). I had long since lost the

    original. It was my sincere hope that the combined

    effect of these items would lend gravity to the maximthat perception is reality. In any event, it was the

    best I could do in lieu of seven years of medical


    As I was saying Watson, the man was a

    clockmaker, and with that certainty I put the case torest. Already the events are growing dim in my mind

    as it clears itself for our next challenge.

    I wondered a little at Beynons liberal use of the

    word case. In this instance I could find no sound

    basis on which to doubt his assertion that the man

    was a clockmaker. I was unlikely to find any in the

    future either, as it seemed certain we would never

    meet the man again. Or indeed meet him for the

    first time, since the gentleman in question was not an

    acquaintance of Beynon or I.

    I had first spied the clockmaker - if indeed that

    was what he was - walking down the street, limping a

    little and carrying a large leather box. He had paused

    several times, stopping to scratch his scalp which was

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    covered in a voluminous woollen hat. The

    enormous hat, combined with the mans striking

    height and grace of movement (if one ignored the

    limp), gave the impression of a stately white heron,

    with a tea cosy on it. All this may have passed

    without comment if but for one singular feature.

    The mans right boot, for indeed he was wearing

    yellow Wellington boots, was leaving a trail of redfootprints down Bhaker Street and, presumably,

    would continue to do so when he reached McLeod

    Road (for that is the direction in which he trod).

    Remarking upon this I had beckoned Beynon over to

    the window.What do you think this fellow is about? I had

    enquired of the greatest deductive mind in Europe.

    Beynon had paused for a second, his eyes going

    flat in an expression of intense mental exertion that I

    was well accustomed to. His hand rose up to his

    impressive mane of hair which he ruffled in a

    thoughtful way. His Tafro suitably re-arranged he

    removed the pipe (which at that time was unlit) from

    between his teeth and declaimed That man is a

    clockmaker. With that he had collapsed back into

    the misshapen bean bag, leaving me watching the

    cosy covered heron man making his way around the

    corner, the leather box balanced awkwardly upon

    one hip.

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    It had become my habit to document the many

    adventures that Sherlock Beynon and I shared. I had

    a journal devoted to our escapades, which at the time

    of these events ran to a full seven and a half pages. I

    had yet to complete my record of the case of the

    missing Tesco trolley, which I fully anticipated would

    put the length of my journal into double figures.

    Notwithstanding my dedication to documenting ouractivities, I did not think the case of the man passing

    on the street who may or may not be a clockmaker

    was likely to feature in my journal. At that time I

    could not have anticipated what was about to happen

    next, and how that weekend Beynon and I would beinvolved in a case that would push the boundaries of

    even his mental capacity, and have us both in fear for

    our lives.

    I was just musing that, given the propensity for

    clocks and watches to be made overseas, and the

    modern proclivity to have all manner of goods made

    by machines, it was likely that there were less than

    twenty men in the whole of London that could claim

    the title of clockmaker. That we had seen one, shod

    in yellow wellys and a tea cosy, heaving a heavy

    leather box down Bhaker Street seemed far-fetched.

    As if sensing my growing doubt Beynon shifted in

    his bean bag, his words cutting across my thoughts.

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    Ah, I fear these long summer days have put us in

    quite a malaise my dear Watson. I fear that I may

    have to take refuge in my music. Panic gripped me.

    Where his powers of deductive genius could not be

    doubted, the same accolade could not be bestowed

    on his musical prowess. His latest obsession was the

    most troubling. Where he had been making progress

    with the violin I feared that his foray into the urbanjungle that is beat-boxing was doomed to failure. I

    could see him limbering up his fingers and sitting up

    somewhat straighter in the bean bag. This was my

    signal to leave. It was either that I would be asked to

    join in, and I was under no illusion as to my abilitiesas a gangsta rapper. Our natural talents aside, I

    couldnt escape the feeling that Beynon had missed

    the essence of the genre. The first time he had

    sprung the beat-boxing breakdown on me he had

    required me to rap out his lyrics while he huffed and

    puffed into his hands. I turned away from the

    window and had just opened my mouth, a pathetic

    excuse poised upon my lips.

    Now Watson, I know you struggled before but

    that is no reason to abandon a new pursuit. You

    seemed to think that my lyrics werent in keeping

    with the essence, the soul, the raison dtre of rap, so

    I have prepared a new song for you. With that he

    handed over a crisp sheet of paper, his own precise

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    and inimitable script printed boldly upon the page. I

    read the first two lines.

    When the mofos in the hood tool up to come and get me,I make some bran muffins and invite them all around for tea

    I couldnt read on.

    I know what you are thinking Watson, but I

    assure you that it is all my own work. I have tried tocapture both sides of society on the same coin, if you

    will. The raging anger and resentment of the

    repressed underclass and the propensity of people to

    bake. Both tied up in a neat bow, no mere song but

    a social commentary on the way we live today and,

    indeed, a musical recipe book for high fibre low fat

    cooking. Beynon paused for a second, a thoughtful

    look upon his face.

    But, I fear, all of this will have to wait. For there

    is the bell, and if I am not very much mistaken a

    young lady has arrived to enquire after our services.

    I had found after a number of years that it was

    best not to doubt Beynon when he was in this mood.

    The fact that the doorbell had not worked for thepast three months would matter little to him when he

    thought he had heard it ring. The marvel I would

    normally feel at his deductive powers was in this

    instance lessened, as I could also tell it was a young

    lady who had come calling, as she stood in the

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    doorway to our parlour. Making my own leap of

    logic I deduced from this that Beynon had left the

    door open when he came back with the milk that

    morning, and the young lady, bored from repeatedly

    depressing the non-functioning door bell, had

    bravely mounted the stairs into our lair.

    Ah, said Beynon, rising from the bean bag with

    animal grace. Do come in dear lady. Come, andwarm yourself by the fire. The fact that it was thirty

    degrees in the shade and the fire had not been lit in

    all my time at Bhaker Street did nothing to erode the

    graciousness of his greeting. The young lady politely

    inclined her head and made her way to the armchairBeynon had indicated.

    In all my time with the great Sherlock Beynon I

    have never seen him react so forcefully to another.

    A man of powerful mental faculty, he seemed at

    times to eschew emotion, devoting his energies to

    the mysteries in which we inured ourselves. On this

    occasion however I could clearly see that he was

    quite taken with our visitor at first sight. His

    piercing eyes seemed to drink in every part of her,

    and he seemed more than usually alert. I could easily

    tell what had inspired his interest, for the young lady

    was indeed beautiful, with long dark hair and graceful

    carriage. As our guest settled herself into the large

    arm chair Beynon paced slowly back and forth about

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    the room. I made to leave but with a wave of his

    hand Beynon indicated I should stay.

    You are most welcome to our lodgings. Would

    you like some tea or something to eat, perhaps I

    should call Mrs. Hudson for some refreshments?

    The lady politely declined, which was an intense

    relief. Mrs Hudson owned the terraced house in

    which we sat. It had been converted into an upstairsand downstairs flat, and while we sat in the small

    parlour of the upstairs level Mrs Hudson resided on

    the ground floor. She had explained, on countless

    occasions and in varying tones of frustration, that

    fetching food and drink were not part of her role as alandlady. Why Beynon persisted in asking her for

    such things was beyond me, but it is not for me to

    question the foibles of genius.

    The lady introduced herself as Lady Gemma of

    Morgan, and while she was cool and composed it

    was clear to us both that she had recently suffered a

    serious shock. Beynon offered her a hobnob biscuit

    from the small stash he stored underneath the bean

    bag and, despite her earlier refusal of refreshments,

    Lady Gemma accepted a biscuit with gratitude and

    nibbled daintily on its edge. Beynon settled himself

    on the beanbag and leaned back into the polyester

    stuffed fabric. Steepling his fingers in front of him

    he closed his eyes. To any other it would appear that

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    he was taking a short nap, so relaxed was his repose,

    but I was well acquainted with the various poses of

    his intense intellectual faculty.

    You may begin when you are ready my Lady.

    Pray leave nothing out, however inconsequential.

    Rest assured if I can help you I shall.

    The lady hesitated, for a second casting a glance

    in my direction. Again I made a move to leave butonce more Beynon forestalled me.

    This is my fine colleague, friend and associate

    Doctor Watson. He has been an invaluable aid to

    me on many a case, and you will not find a finer

    fellow in all of London. I assure you that anythingyou can say to me you can say to him.

    Seemingly satisfied with this Lady Gemma began

    her tale.

    I am grateful to find you in, and do hope in

    earnest that you can help me. Her voice was

    melodious and warm, and I fancied I could spy a

    small smile on Beynons normally impassive features.

    I was referred to you by a close friend of mine

    that works in the Belvedere Tesco Express on

    Picardy Street, she continued. He was amazed at

    how quickly you located the missing trolley, and

    spoke most eloquently of your investigative

    prowess. Beynon waved away the compliment but I

    could tell he was pleased.

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    The day started out in a fashion that led me to

    suspect nothing out of the ordinary. I awoke early to

    the sweet sound of birdsong and the gentle clatter of

    my rubbish bin being overturned by a rabid urban

    fox. As the pneumatic drill at number thirty four

    started up I stretched and enjoyed the heady languor

    of laying abed on a sunny Saturday. It was a quarter

    to six in the morning. I fancied that the combinednoise of light industrial machinery and animal

    combat (a badger had stumbled into the garden and

    was fighting the fox to finish of the remains of last

    nights Chicken Jalfrezi), would make further sleep

    an impossibility. So I rose from bed and decided ona refreshing walk around Plumstead Gardens.

    Ah! interrupted Beynon, one eye open. But

    you never made it to Plumstead Gardens, did you?

    Indeed no, how on earth did you know that?

    asked Lady Gemma.

    It was the smallest thing. As you entered I

    caught the scent of roses, which put me in mind of

    the rose garden at St Nicholas Gardens. As there are

    no roses in Plumstead Gardens I am left to assume

    that you made a change of plans, one that I would

    imagine was precipitated by the small tear in your

    coat sleeve.

    Lady Gemma looked at Beynon as if he had read

    her mind, but quickly regained her composure.

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    Please, do not let me interrupt your account,

    said Beynon. I promise to hold my counsel until the

    end this time. Pray continue from the beginning.

    Lady Gemma finished the last remaining crumb

    of hobnob and returned to her tale.

    I live alone. My house is a simple yet elegant

    place. It has uncommonly good views and excellent

    light throughout most of the day. I have lived therefor nearly two years this coming September, and I

    have never had cause to feel unsafe there. Until this

    very day. When I returned home from my walk

    there was little on the approach to the house to

    arouse my suspicion. I made a pot of tea and, whilethe tea was brewing, I returned outside with a shovel

    to lift a fox corpse (evidently the loser from that

    mornings Jalfrezi battle) and place it in my wheelie

    bin. When I had completed the disposal of the dead

    animal I was pleased to find the tea had steeped to

    perfection, and I enjoyed my mid-morning tea

    together with a slice of homemade cheesecake while

    gazing out of the window. It was only when I

    returned to the task that I had begun the night

    before that I discovered something unspeakable had


    Beynons eyes were closed above his steepled

    fingers, his pose so still he might have been asleep,

    although I knew he was bending every shred of his

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    mighty intellect to Lady Gemmas account. Lady

    Gemma herself seemed in no way put off by

    Beynons expression.

    To illustrate the gravity of my discovery I must

    first provide a little background into the work in

    which I am currently employed. I say employed,

    while in reality I derive no income from it, my noble

    birth meaning I have no such requirement for paidwork. Rather it is a hobby that I take rather


    You gentleman are familiar with the Sunday night

    disco at the Kings Arms? Beynon and I nodded

    enthusiastically, though in reality I had never heardof a disco at the Kings Arms. Nor indeed had I ever

    been to the Kings Arms, and I felt more than a shred

    of suspicion that Beynon was in a similar position.

    Nevertheless our eager agreement achieved its aim

    and Lady Gemma continued with her monologue of


    I have for sometime been campaigning for the

    Kings Arms to devote a disco night to an eighties

    theme. As you will both be aware, the publican - a

    Mr George Smythe - is something of an Acid House

    fanatic. There are rumours that his passion for the

    style dates back to his days as a high school music

    supply teacher, when he moonlighted at the clubs

    under the Alias of DJ Diggy Diggy Dog. A musical

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    career that ended, somewhat suspiciously, at exactly

    the same time as the attempted drive-by shooting of

    Sir Mix-It-Up-Right-Stylie Michaels. As you will

    recall the affair had all the trappings of an American

    gangsta rap turf war, the obvious omission being a

    gun. Eye witnesses reported a car being driven

    slowly past Sir Mix-It-Up-Right-Stylie with a

    gentleman matching the description of DJ DiggyDiggy Dog hanging out of the window and

    screaming obscenities and shouting bang-bang. In

    any event I digress onto matters that have little

    bearing on my case.

    As I said, my campaign for an eighties night at theKings Arms has been a lengthy one, and has included

    a good deal of buttering up of folk and, on one

    occasion, the threat to firebomb someones house.

    The main opponent to my eighties night was the

    Kings Arms resident DJ, Alan, who hates

    archetypical eighties music with every fibre of his

    being. He has said in the past that he will hear

    eighties music in the Kings Arms over his rotting

    corpse, and he will fight to the last breath to avoid

    his beloved speakers being sullied by such aural tripe.

    An eloquent man who holds strong to his principles

    - I feel I could come to like DJ Alan, were it not for

    his hatred of all eighties music, and his well known

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    reputation for violent crime and persistent parking


    Fortunately I found support in the form of

    Suresh, the owner of Sureshs Corner Store and

    DVD and CD emporium. He carries a lot of sway in

    the Kings Arms, and together we lobbied the Pub

    Council. Finally victory was ours, Mr George

    Smythe grudgingly relented and the eighties nightwas due to take place tomorrow evening, at seven

    oclock. I personally led the advertising campaign,

    she said proudly, unrolling a sheet of A3 paper she

    produced from her bag. The poster was simple and

    to the point. The words 80s night. Be There, ordont, its your choice after all were picked out in

    bright red letters, just above Music from Lady

    Beynons Priceless Collection and the address of

    the Kings Arms and tomorrows date.

    We had already sold no fewer than eight tickets.

    Of course it now seems unlikely it will happen, and

    after all my hard work. Lately I have spent all of my

    time on the project. I had wanted to take a trip to

    Oxford Road I understand that a-ha are doing a

    book signing there. I would dearly like to have gone,

    but there has not been enough time. For a moment

    Lady Gemmas eyes welled up, and Beynon leant

    forward with a handkerchief at the ready. Lady

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    Gemma however waved him away, swallowing her

    distress. She was clearly a woman of hidden iron.

    As I said gentlemen, I had finished my tea and

    cheesecake and was rolling up my sleeves to return to

    work. I made my way to the sitting room and

    noticed something was wrongthey had all gone!

    Beynon and I gasped in shock. To this day I am

    not sure why.I had been sorting and cataloguing my eighties

    music collection for tomorrow evening. The wealth

    of this musical repository is vast, and includes

    countless vinyl recordings, cassettes and a large

    number of CDs (produced after the eighties ofcourse). As DJ Alan had refused to play this

    evening, and in any event as he had no eighties music

    in his collection, I had volunteered my catalogue.

    Suresh had also offered his somewhat meagre supply

    of eighties tracks, but as he was offering them on a

    commercial basis and intended to charge the Kings

    Arms 12.50 for the evening my offer to supply a

    superior range for free was accepted.

    While my whole catalogue is unsurpassed the true

    jewel in this musical crown is my vinyl collection, the

    finest collection of eighties vinyl in all the land.

    These precious recordings are afforded their own

    leather case and are my most prized possession. At

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    least they were until this morning, when I swallowed

    the last of my tea and noticed they had vanished!

    Beynon and I gasped again, but as this new

    information was nothing more than an elucidation

    on the original revelation there was little to justify

    our exclamation.

    An abomination! was Beynons declaration.

    Indeed, replied Lady Gemma. It is certainly atragedy. I personally know of no less than six people

    who were looking forward to this evening. The last

    words came with something of a choke and Beynon

    leapt valiantly to fill the pause.

    This has clearly been a most distressing crime.There is little I can do to assuage the trauma you

    have experienced Lady Gemma, but I assure you that

    I will level all of my considerable talents firmly

    against this mystery. If your precious collection of

    vinyl can be recovered then I am the man to do it!

    he declared. Lady Gemma looked brighter at this


    Now, I must inspect the scene of the crime at

    once, no delay. I trust that would be acceptable?

    Good! Watson, go to the street and hail us a


    With there being little passing traffic on Bhaker

    Street, and indeed no carriages for the last sixty years

    at least, I decided to take a loose interpretation of

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    Beynons instructions and instead telephoned for a

    taxi. It was to be there in five minutes. Forty two

    minutes later Beynon, Lady Gemma and I stepped

    into a grubby white Ford Escort and were whisked

    the eight hundred metres to 68 Rochdale Road.

    My friends genius is not something I can

    overstate, and I have often marvelled at his keen eyeand ability to immediately see the hidden in any

    situation. I felt sure he would uncover clues at the

    scene of the crime that would open this closed

    mystery before us like a fragrant lotus blossom

    uncurling its delicate petals to the rising sun. We hadnot even entered the house and his detective instincts

    were thrumming.

    Is everything out here as you left it? he asked of

    Lady Gemma.

    I believe so, she replied.You are quite sure? he queried.

    Yes, I believe I am.

    Its just, there are two details right here, small

    details perhaps, that I thought may have warranted a

    place in your account.

    Such as? asked Lady Gemma, arching her

    eyebrow in what might be the beginning on


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    Well, the first minor detail would be the fact that

    your front door has been smashed from its hinges. I

    can see from here where it lays prone in your

    hallway, torn completely from the frame with what

    can only have been an exceptional amount of force.

    Ah, indeed, what keen senses you have, Lady

    Gemma complimented. Now that you mention it, I

    do not recall using my keys to re-enter the house,and other than thinking it a blessed convenience

    when I arrived home, and when I came back out to

    dispose of the dead fox, I thought no more of it.

    Do not worry yourself my Lady, it is the job of

    the trained investigator to notice such things. Thesecond oddity I can spy is the expensive pair of

    mens boots, black leather, one that looks chewed

    and the other smeared with blood and orange hair,

    that lie just to the side of your shattered portal. As

    you mentioned living alone, I would conclude the

    boots are not yours nor of anyone you know?

    Beynon was once again correct, and was again

    complimented on his observation skills.

    Entering the house we passed over the splintered

    mess of the front door. I entered last, and was about

    to remark that it was nothing short of a miracle that

    Lady Gemma had avoided injury on the mass of

    broken glass and timber when Beynon gave an

    exclamation from the front room.

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    Aha, another clue methinks! When I got to the

    front room he had already produced his large reading

    magnifier (purchased three months previously from

    Pound Stretcher) and was scouring the carpet. It was

    easy to see what had attracted his interest. A large

    wet red stain was spread across the floor around the

    coffee table. My initial thought was that it was a

    large puddle of blood, but the bright hue and thepresence of a paint tin, toppled on its side in the

    centre of the pool, soon told a different story.

    Look Watson, whoever was here must have had

    some trouble, they tracked it everywhere! He was

    right, livid red footprints marched every which wayin the room before heading through to the kitchen

    and disappearing through the back door.

    What have you found? asked Lady Gemma,

    who had paused in the hallway to deposit her shoes

    in a cupboard under the stairs. Her eyes took in the

    enormous quantity of red paint sprayed around the

    room. It looked as if someone had staged a small

    scale Tomatina in her living room, the carpet alone

    resembling the canvass for an artistic poltergeist

    going through a red period.

    Lady Gemma surveyed the room. Hmmm? she

    said, in an expectant tone. It would seem she had

    not yet noticed the cause of our excitement. Beynon

    was unperturbed.

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    There is a quantity of paint in this room that I

    warrant is not in the location in which you left it.

    Vis-a-vis my working hypothesis is that you left the

    paint in the tin. Its relocation to the vast majority of

    surfaces within the room leads me to conclude not

    only that someone other than yourself has been in

    this room, but that we stand a chance of catching the

    perpetrator of this grave crime with red paint daubedin some manner on their limbs. Beynon paused for

    us both to appreciate the wonder of his deductive

    reasoning. For my part I felt a tiny tug of relief, as

    since entering the room I felt sure we wouldnt

    escape without some terrible pun being made.No doubt this was the paint you were using in

    the advertising material for the eighties night,

    supplied Beynon, gesturing at the overturned tin.

    Oh, my. You are certainly good at finding these

    tiny clues that I seem to have missed, said Lady


    Not at all madam, said Beynon, puffing up with

    pride. You will also note that none of the

    footprints are barefoot. This means we are either

    dealing with multiple burglars or that our single

    perpetrator has secured alternative footwear since de-

    shoeing outside your front door. May I take a look

    at your shoe cupboard?

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    Lady Gemmas shoe cupboard was neat and

    orderly, twin racks holding a modest but fashionable

    array of footwear. There was a single gap among the

    ordered ranks of loafers, boots, slippers and kitten

    heels. A gap just big enough for a missing pair of

    footwear. Just to the side of this gap was a dark

    brown stain in the shape of a footprint.

    More paint? I asked.Not this time Watson. This time it really is

    blood, said Beynon. Lady Gemma, are there items

    missing from this rack? Something that should

    occupy that space perhaps? Beynon indicated the

    empty space on the rack as Lady Gemma peered pasthis shoulder.

    My goodness, how right you are. It would seem

    I have misplaced my Wellington boots.

    Not misplaced Lady Gemma, I am certain that

    they have been stolen, along with your priceless

    album collection, and if I am not mistaken a tea cosy

    from the third drawer down in the kitchen.

    My goodness Beynon, however do you deduce

    that? I exclaimed.

    All in good time Watson. I take it these boots

    were your size, a ladys five?

    A lesser lady would have bridled at such an

    impertinent question, but Lady Gemma sailed

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    through any possible offence with an easy manner of


    Indeed they were Mr Beynon.

    Excellent. Now I fear we must be off. Time

    may now play a paramount part in our enquiries.

    Lady Gemma, it has been a pleasure making your

    acquaintance. Rest assured I will do anything in my

    power to return your lost items. I will contact you bytelegram later today.

    Lady Gemma looked a trifle confused until I

    mouthed email at her over Beynons shoulder.

    My thanks to you Mr Beynon, I am already

    calmerI feel certain you will succeed. But are yousure you must leave straight away? Could you not at

    least stay for some tea and a slice of homemade

    cheesecake? Beynon had his hands held aloft, ready

    to refuse the call to stay, but on the mention of

    cheesecake his expression changed.

    Well, there is no point heading out in this

    terrible weather on an empty stomach, he said, his

    hands dropping to his side. I peered idly out of the

    window. The day remained fine and warm, but

    before I could mention this fact Beynon had

    followed Lady Gemma into the kitchen.

    Forty five minutes and two slices (each) of

    cheesecake later Beynon and I were hurrying into

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    Town. The bright summers day washed around us

    like a perfectly chilled fine wine. Birds sung sweetly

    as they darted from tree to tree, passers-by nodded in

    friendly greeting (or at least mild confusion at my

    unusual garb), and homeless vagrants lay contentedly

    in the warm sun, their hands grasping paper wrapped

    bottles of imperfectly chilled cheap wine.

    Beynon and I walked in silence. My friends browwas furrowed and a look of intense concentration

    marked his features. At least I attributed the

    expression to concentration. On reflection the vast

    quantity of cheesecake that we had just consumed

    made it possible that it was indigestion. Not beingmuch of a talker, I had always found it easy to enjoy

    the companionable silences I shared with Beynon, be

    them the product of a profound conundrum or

    excessive desert consumption. I also know how

    much he valued silence when he was digesting the

    minutia of a tantalising case. Such a power of

    concentration. I had often thought that in the field

    of criminology Wales had suffered a cruel and

    profound loss when Beynon had moved to London.

    Indeed too in the field of recipe-based-rap, although

    I was inclined to believe Beynons musical

    endeavours were less a work of unappreciated genius

    and more a crime against humanity, and that it was

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    an irrelevance which country he practiced in, save the

    fact one hoped it was as far away as possible.

    I felt sure I had divined our destination, and was

    also wrapped up in my own thoughts. I had for

    some time been pondering the purchase of a mid-calf

    white coat. The full length variety that I currently

    wore was devilishly hot in summer, a problem only

    compounded when it was layered over trousers. Ihad on one occasion - a trip to the supermarket as it

    happens - opted to wear a pair of shorts under the

    great white coat. While I was decently dressed by

    most modern standards, the sight of my bare legs

    rearing up back and forth from beneath the full-length coat gave me the overall appearance of a

    flasher, and after the third young lady that I passed

    had activated her rape alarm I decided that trousers

    were really the only option. Roused from my

    thoughts I noticed that Beynon was no longer by my

    side, but had stopped to stare in the window of the

    book shop. His eyes were fixed on something and a

    slow smile bloomed across his face. Returning to

    where he stood I too gazed through the shop-front

    glass but could see nothing to excite his interest, save

    the standard promotional photos and an advert for a

    book signing.

    Come Watson! said Beynon, a spring now in his

    step as he turned away from the window. You have

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    studied my methods for some time now. Tell me

    what suspects do we have thus far for this hideous


    I had expected this question at some point. I was

    indeed a student of Beynons craft, and while I could

    not match his natural genius I had made a point of

    honing my own deductive skills.

    I believe we have three suspects at this stage, allbased on the presence of a motive.

    Excellent! Good, good, pray continue,

    encouraged Beynon, as if he had not been the one to

    interrupt in the first place.

    The motives I have are, as you have taught me,the two oldest in all of criminology. The first is

    money, and the second passion. Beynons eyes

    shone with a twinkle as he nodded his head for me

    to go on.

    First we have passion. DJ Alan, the Kings

    Arms resident DJ, has vowed to stop eighties music

    being played at the pub at all costs. Stealing the jewel

    in the crown of Lady Gemmas collection would stop

    the event in its tracks. As a man of great passion,

    and a local with a known history of violent crime and

    persistent parking offences, he has both a motive and

    demonstrated capability.

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    Good work. Man is an emotional creature, and

    passion is a compelling motive. Well done Watson.

    And for money?

    For money we have two suspects: The Kings

    Arms publican himself, George Smythe, and local

    entrepreneur Suresh. We know that George Smythe

    was opposed to the eighties night in the first place,

    and we also know that the likely turnout for anyeighties theme will be low. Lady Gemma herself was

    pleased at having ticket sales of eight, so it seems

    inevitable that the event will be an unprofitable one

    for the Kings Arms. If George Smythe were to stop

    the eighties night he could return to his Acid Housetheme, guaranteeing a more standard level for the

    weekends takings. His suspected involvement in a

    drive-by verbal abusing some years ago shows that

    he also has the capability for acts of daring.

    Finally there is Suresh, local businessman

    extraordinaire, who campaigned for the eighties night

    with the hope of making 12.50 profit on the rental

    of his music collection. With his prime competitor

    out of the way, if the eighties night is to continue he

    stands to make a tidy, if tiny, profit.

    Good work Watson, you have clearly been

    paying attention. And here we are now at our first


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    We stood outside Sureshs Corner Store and CD

    and DVD Emporium. It was a fairly standard high

    street convenience store, one that could have happily

    stood in any town in Britain. The bright orange sign

    that ran the length of the building proudly carried the

    shops name picked out in tall black letters, together

    with the slightly ambiguous strap line Local and

    Stuff.It was widely reported that one could purchase

    anything at Sureshs, not matter what it was. Beynon

    had scoffed at this statement and, one evening last

    winter, had drunkenly declared to the packed crowd

    at the Cock and Bull that he would expose Sureshfor the fraud he was. He decided to put Sureshs

    claim to the test by ordering an alligator egg and

    promising to pay any cost, whatever it may be!

    It had turned out the cost was 16.99.

    Inside the shop the temperature increased by a

    good ten degrees. The large open fronted freezers

    that marched down the walls slowly chugged out

    warm air. In their desperation to keep their contents

    chilled they gradually poured out more and more

    heat from their side vents, an escalating spiral that

    produced temperatures only found in the Gobi

    desert and British corner shops in the middle of


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    Sureshs strikingly attractive daughter, Mary, was

    stationed behind the counter, not a bead of sweat

    showing on her fresh face.

    Come Watson, hissed Beynon in a whisper, we

    must browse for a while to avoid suspicion. While

    we wandered among the dried cat food and paper

    plates it occurred to me that it was rare for anyone to

    browse in a corner shop. The targeted shopping thatthe corner shop user was performing didnt generally

    lend itself to a gentle perusal of the shelves. As such

    our browsing was in itself suspicious. As we

    sauntered into the aisle holding the allied products of

    deodorant, ice-cream topping and motor oil Imentioned this concern to Beynon.

    Indeed, good thinking my man, he hissed. It

    does not appear Suresh is here take this to

    purchase and question the young retailer as to his

    whereabouts! Fumbling on the shelf without

    looking he pressed a tube into my hands. With that

    he shoved me in the back towards the till and strode

    from the shop.

    Hello James, said Mary, smiling at me and

    causing my sweat, which was already coursing down

    my back, to double its flow rate.

    Hhhello, I stammered in reply, placing the tube

    on the counter and fumbling in my pocket for my

    wallet. I was trembling slightly beneath Marys cool

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    gaze. I could hear the end of my stethoscope rattling

    lightly against the buttons on my white coat. Just

    then I glanced down at the item I was buying.

    It was thrush medication.

    In social agony the blush spread across my face

    from ear to ear. It was too late to back out now, the

    item was on the counter. It was purely ridiculousI

    didnt even own a bird! What if she asked me whatwas wrong with my pet? With the grace of an angel

    Mary ignored the incongruity of my purchase and

    calmly scanned the barcode.

    That will be 6.99. Would you like an STD?

    My heart froze. It was true that I didnt get outthat much lately, and that when I did get out I was

    thoroughly absorbed in missing shopping trolleys or

    lost cats. Between that and my work I had devoted

    little time to socialising, and no time at all to pursuit

    of the fairer sex. My most significant female

    relationship was with Mrs Hudson, whom I saw

    weekly when I helped her to empty her bins. Had I

    really been out of the dating game that long? Is this

    how it worked nowadays? I had heard that young

    people were brazen, shameless and to the point.

    Was this how one propositioned someone in the

    modern age? I had been silent too long. My open

    mouth had gone dry and I could see the beginning of

    concern in Marys eyes.

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    Err, an STD? I managed.

    Yeah, you know. Its Dads new idea: Sureshs

    Ticket of Dreams. Its sort of like a local lottery.

    Mary pointed at a poster pinned to the front of the

    till. The poster had the words Sureshs Ticket of

    Dreams printed in black letters just above a yellow

    star with only 1 blazoned across it.

    Its only a quid, Mary continued, and you gointo the draw to win free milk for the month. Its

    like the lottery, only smaller, with a slightly worse

    chance ofwinning.

    The realisation that Mary was not propositioning

    me for casual sex hit like a double blow. First wasthe intense relief that society had not crumbled to

    such a nadir. This was swiftly followed by the

    crushing disappointment that Mary was not

    propositioning me for casual sex. Close on the heels

    of this feeling was a subsequent realisation.

    So, the dream is a months supply of milk? Is

    that many peoples dream?

    Mary sniffed. Dunno, but thats what it is.

    I politely declined the offer of an STD, and

    produced a ten pound note from my wallet for the

    thrush medication.

    Speaking of your Dad, I began, oozing the

    practiced nonchalance of the accomplished spy,

    whereabouts is he at the moment?

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    The young woman handed me my change from a

    small paper cup she had propped on the counter, the

    sophisticated electronic cash register taking no part

    in the transaction. The ten pound note disappeared

    into her back pocket, my eyes momentarily glued to

    its trajectory.

    Es gone to the 7F Store, needs some new

    shoes, Mary replied. Shoes indeed, this would be ofinterest to Beynon!

    Say, do you want to grab a bit to eat with me

    later? asked Mary, her tone so similar to when she

    had offered me an STD that I flushed bright red

    again instantly. With a small chocking noise I ranfrom the shop.

    Beynon was loitering across the road, his casual

    and aimless demeanour disguising the brilliant and

    ever active mind that I knew was buzzing within his

    refined cranium. I had long supposed that it was the

    sheer effervescent activity within his mind that

    generated the visceral energy that seemed to imbue

    his hair.

    Why the haste Watson, has some unspeakable

    deed befallen you? I lapsed to a normal pace as I

    approached him and shook my head, not yet trusting

    my voice to words. With a herculean act of mental

    control I regained my composure.

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    Nothing Beynon, but what is interesting is that

    Suresh is buying new shoes even as we speak!

    Beynons eyebrows quirked up towards his hair.

    Is he indeed. And where can he be found?

    Mary, err his daughter, said he was at the 7F

    Store, I replied.

    Of course he is, I should have known it. We are

    in luck Watson, for the 7F Store is on the way to theKings Arms. Let us go!

    The 7F Store was in the opposite direction to the

    Kings Arms, but it was a point I would not parley

    with Beynon. Once before I had taken exception to

    his directions and had been subjected to a three hourlecture on howeverywherewas on the way to somewhere,

    and that I really shouldnt be so literal about

    geography. Life was the journey, and it took us

    where it will. At the time we had been headed for

    the airport, and in fact arrived at a meat packing

    works. This meant we missed our flights to Corfu,

    and therefore our weeks holiday, and as a result I

    was singularly unprepared for a lecture on

    geographical philosophy. It was not the only time

    Beynon and I had come to blows but it was by far

    the worst. To date.

    The 7F Store was a thing of local legend, although

    7F Store was not its name. The trading name of the

    establishment was simply The Shoe Shoppe, the

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    proprietor one Harold Frankinson. It provided

    quality footwear to the discerning gentleman of

    unusual proportions. It catered exclusively to men

    with shoe sizes well outside the normal range, and so

    had become known locally as Frankinsons

    Footwear Factory For Freakishly Footed Fellas. The

    unspeakable mouthful this moniker presented had

    resulted in the economical abbreviation to the 7FStore.

    As we approached the 7F its door opened, the

    bell hung above the door giving a cheery jingle as the

    customer exited. Hastily Beynon pulled me into the

    narrow alleyway that ran along the side of the store.Quiet Watson, much can be gained by the

    unobserved observer!

    Suresh stepped out on to the street, stooping a

    little to avoid his head on the lintel of the door. He

    was an immense man built on an exotically

    economical scale. His height must have nudged

    seven foot, but there was scarcely anything of him to

    speak of. He was whip thin, the analogy in this case

    being more than usually appropriate, as when he

    turned sideways he became quite hard to see. The

    wiry beanpole of a man stepped clear of the entrance

    to the 7F and it became immediately obvious why he

    needed to shop there. In reflection of the elongation

    of his body two enormous feet surged out from the

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    bottom of his spindly legs. It put one in mind of the

    clowns at the circus, so enormous were his shoes. It

    looked as if he had accidently placed his feet into two

    canoes and, failing to experience any undue

    discomfort, had decided to go about his business. I

    wondered if there was even a shoe size that could

    describe such gargantuan galoshes. They had to be

    custom made, and as an example of the products ofthe 7F Store I suspect there were no finer examples.

    With a curious gait Suresh walked straight past

    Beynon and I, no doubt on his way back to Sureshs

    Corner Store and CD and DVD Emporium. We

    both held our breath as he passed but he seemed notto notice us, the vast feet flapping past with the noise

    of an angry seagull horde. I couldnt fathom how I

    had failed to notice this physiological phenomenon

    before, until it occurred to me that I had only ever

    encountered Suresh at the corner store, where he was

    invariably stationed behind the counter, his feet

    obscured from view. Indeed, it occurred to me that I

    had never seen anything of him from about mid-

    thigh downwards. Until this point, from all my

    encounters with the man, it was entirely possible that

    he ended just above the knee. Even his height had

    remained shrouded. He always loomed above the

    customers, but I had always assumed this was an

    artefact of a raised platform behind the counter, not

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    the effect of an elongated spine. My goodness, what

    if Mary was also a giant!

    Beynon tapped my arm, rousing me from my


    Hes out of earshot now Watson. Goodness,

    quite a sight eh? Now, onward to the Kings Arms.

    With that Beynon strode out of the alley and back

    the way we had come.But wait, dont you want to interview Suresh? I


    No need Watson. I can say with certainty that

    he is not our man.

    I shook my head in wonder. I knew that Beynonwould not reveal his thoughts until he was good and

    ready, but I did not see how he could already have

    established Sureshs innocence. But I also knew

    better than to doubt the master detective. A small

    knowing smile was on his lips and he moved with the

    characteristic vigour that imbued him when he was

    on the scent.

    Before long we stood before the crumbling facade

    of the Kings Arms. It was a sorry site of faded

    grandeur. It had once no doubt been one of the

    proudest examples of sixties brutalism, its poured

    concrete walls surging upwards towards the sky, a

    sky that would so often reflect the buildings glory

    with a leaden concrete grey of its own. It had since

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    been re-clad in a faugh brick cladding, a project that

    the council had declared was to disguise the

    abomination that is the Kings Arms, one of the

    greatest eyesores in Abbey Wood, nay the civilised

    world. I could see that Beynon shared my feelings

    in equal measure.

    It does look a lot better now, doesnt it? he

    declared as we pushed our way through the heavyimitation oak door, 39.99 from IKEA, and into the


    The inside of the Kings Arms looked as if it had

    not changed since it was built. It was the kind of

    pub that was channelling the cosy yet a little hostilevibe that only the great British pub could

    accomplish. It suggested that this was a nice and

    friendly place where you could sit in comfort and

    enjoy a quiet drink.

    Just not for you.

    The interior design effect was much like being

    trapped within a tree. Dark wood panelling lined the

    walls and ceiling, a polished wooden floor

    completing the effect. A brass foot rail, gleaming in

    the dim light, wrapped its way around the dark wood

    bar. A dark wood glass holder hung down from

    above the wooden bar top, its strategic height

    meaning it was nearly impossible to stand with a

    straight back and read the items written on the

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    blackboard behind the bar. This seemingly random

    feature was another line in the Kings Arms defence

    against strangers. The details of the board never

    changed, and if you had to read them you were

    clearly one of The Others, and therefore a sore back

    and a crick in your neck from reading the specials

    was the least of your concerns.

    Throughout the pub private booths were createdthrough the strategic placement of yet more wooden

    panelling, simultaneously creating cubby holes of

    comfort for the regulars and decreasing the available

    seating for those not brave enough to enter the dim

    recesses. So private and secluded were these alcovesthat it was rumoured that old Jack Delaney had died

    in one on a Saturday night in the summer of 1974

    and had not been discovered until the autumn. The

    autumn of 1982 that is. It was said that the smell of

    his decaying corpse had briefly battled with the fetid

    odours from the Kings Arms kitchen but had quickly

    declared a truce, recognising a war it could not hope

    to win.

    As it was a Saturday the Kings Arms was serving

    cooked breakfasts all day, a meal that was proving

    very popular with the assorted locals and those

    wishing to commit suicide through cardiac disease.

    It was clear that the kitchen must once again be

    doing a brisk trade. You could cut the atmosphere in

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    the pub with a knife, so thick was the airborne

    shimmer of grease. In fact, it seemed likely that you

    could not only cut the air with a knife but proceed to

    spread it on bread.

    The airborne grease combined with heavy smoke

    to give the inside of the Kings Arms an appearance

    akin to heat haze. In strict compliance with the law

    the Kings Arms was a smoke free environment,where no one was permitted to smoke. In order to

    comply with the letter of the law but maintain the

    atmosphere its locals demanded, the Kings Arms had

    been hermetically sealed at midnight on 30 June

    2007. The air inside the pub had therefore beenunchanged for years, a luxury maintained through the

    airlocks on every entrance to the establishment, a

    minor inconvenience that the locals tolerated to keep

    things just the way they liked.

    As we approached the bar the landlord, George

    Smythe, eyed us with suspicion. We were known as

    locals of the Cock and Bull, a pub notable for its

    superior supply of oxygen and cheaper beer prices

    (largely as a result of not having to maintain space-

    grade airlocks). Therefore while we were not The

    Enemy (a title attributed to tee-totallers and those

    that didnt consider darts to be a sport), we were not

    exactly welcome.

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    George Smythe was himself an interesting

    character, one we knew more by reputation than

    acquaintance. He was a very small man, five foot at

    the most, and gaunt in the extreme. Where Suresh

    was thin in what appeared a normal way (at least for

    him), there was no escaping the impression that

    George Smythe was wasting away. His back was

    crooked and bent, compounding the impression ofsmall stature, and his short arms looked feeble and

    weak. His voice was dry and rasping, like metal

    pulled across a stone.

    Whatll it be gentlemen, he asked, eyeing my

    coat and stethoscope with that looked like a sneer.Two orange juices if you please, said Beynon,

    his turn of phrase leaving Smythe in a momentary

    pocket of perplexion as to whether this was a request

    or a question. With agonising slowness the landlord

    shuffled down the bar to the small fridge. Lifting out

    a carton of juice with apparent effort he placed it

    gingerly on the bar top. Pulling two glasses down

    from the glass rack, one at a time, he grasped the

    carton in two hands and slowly poured out two

    glasses of juice.

    Thats eight quid, he rasped.

    Daylight robbery! exclaimed Beynon, his

    eyebrows quirking in surprise. Smythe gave a

    gravelly, mirthless laugh.

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    Seals on the side airlock need replacing. Those

    bastards at NASA charge a fortune. You think Im

    made of money? he grumbled. With a grimace

    Beynon dug a ten pound note from his wallet and

    slid it across the counter. Smythe rang up no sale

    on the till and handed Beynon his change.

    As we sipped our extortionate juice another man

    sidled up to the counter. He was dressed virtually inrags, so poor was his attire. His coat was tattered

    and torn and great rents could be seen in his jeans.

    His hair was a ragged mess and I caught a whiff of an

    unpleasant odour battling valiantly to overcome the

    stale smoke-filled grease-laden air that had deadenedmy sense of smell.

    Alright Alan? said Smythe.

    The figure identified as Alan gave a grunt and

    heaved itself onto a stool. So, this was DJ Alan. We

    had two of the suspects right here together!

    Pint please George, said the dishevelled mess.

    Smythe looked embarrassed and shifted his feet

    behind the counter.

    Now Alan, you know youve maxed out your

    slate, and its not like youre even playing this

    weekend. I cant extend you any more credit. Im

    sorry, but you know how it is, Ive got an airlock

    payment coming up next month.

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    The dishevelled mess gave another grunt and was

    about to rise from his perch when Beynon spoke up

    over his orange juice.

    I would be happy to stand the round good

    fellow. I would hate to sit and drink at the bar on

    my own. The presence of both myself and Smythe

    at the bar made this a somewhat incongruous

    comment, but the prospect of a beer and anadditional sale respectively caused Alan and Smythe

    to pay it no attention.

    Smythe pulled the pint, extorted a ridiculous sum

    from my friend and slid the glass across the wooden

    bar top to DJ Alan, who grunted his thanks.So, you are not playing tomorrow night as usual?

    I had been quite looking forward to your Acid House

    stylings, said Beynon.

    DJ Alan shifted on his stool and shot Smythe a

    murderous look, before turning to face his beer


    Nar, tis some gawd-awful chisy nunsense

    instud, he drawled. It was a most fascinating accent

    that I found impossible to place. It was almost as if

    it had been decided that his dialogue should be

    unique but without due thought being given to how

    it would actually sound.

    Indeed, said Beynon in the tone of a man who

    is not one hundred percent sure what he has heard.

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    Yar. I swore twould niver hapin, but den dis

    fule here gonan caved. He nodded at Smythe

    behind the bar.

    Now, now. You know I was left with little

    choice. Its not like I want it to happen either,

    protested Smythe.

    Yar? Well yun niver dud nuthin, nither! said

    Alan, before taking a swig of his pint.And what did you expect me to do exactly?

    Alan paused while he drained his pint to the last

    drop, caught my and Beynons eye with a yellowy

    stare before turning back to Smythe.

    Wull know wut yur capible uf, DJ Diggy! hespat.

    Smythes faced flushed red with anger.

    That was a long time ago, a long time! he

    growled, before collapsing into a fit of wheezing and

    coughing. It was a full three minutes before the

    coughing fit finished, leaving Smythe panting and

    leaning weakly against the bar.

    Well, I must say I have enjoyed this conversation

    in your charming establishment, said Beynon, rising

    from the stool. But I fear my colleague and I must

    be off as we have urgent business to attend to. He

    swept an elaborate bow and turned heel towards the

    airlock, leaving both DJ Alan and George Smythe

    looking a little confused.

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    But we hardly questioned them at all! I said as

    we waited for the outer door of the airlock to open.

    Indeed we did not, said Beynon, heaving open

    the door and stepping out into the sunlight. The

    abrupt increase in oxygen saturation of the air briefly

    caused yellow and purple lights to dance in front of

    my eyes. But there was no need to ask anything

    more.He had a twinkle in his eye and a firm set about

    his mouth. I knew he would tell me no more until

    he was ready. Over the years I had come to accept

    this fact and shouldered it with the best grace I could

    muster.And now Watson, after our hard days work I

    suggest we retire to 22 (upper flat) Bhaker street and

    prepare our evening repast. I think todays events

    have gone very well indeed, and I feel so inclined to

    treat you to my world famous chilli.

    This was good news indeed. I have sampled no

    better chilli than that made by Sherlock Beynon. I

    secretly harbour the wish to one day visit Mexico,

    solely so I can travel the country sampling the cuisine

    and declaring that none noneof it is better than

    that prepared by my friend.

    The preparation of the chilli necessitated a trip to

    Belvedere Tesco, where we received our customary

    one and half percent discount on account of having

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    solved the missing trolley mystery. I had recorded

    this trip for ingredients in exacting detail as I thought

    it would have a bearing on the case. As I have since

    discovered it was in no way relevant I have removed

    it from this account.

    We lay in our chairs (which in Beynons case was

    a bean bag) stuffed to the gills with chilli. I fearedthat I was in mortal peril, and that any moment

    would explode. In a feeble attempt to stave off such

    a gory end I was taking the shallowest breaths I

    could without passing out.

    I say, this is a most singular caper! said Beynon.The case of the lost eighties records? I asked.

    No no, not that. This here, he said, holding

    something small and green aloft. This caper. Its

    the only one left. I thought Id a whole jar left, but it

    seems another trip to Tesco is in order before Iprepare our Sunday meal.

    I grunted in reply. I would usually eschew the

    monosyllabic in preference of the erudite, preferring

    the superfluous phrase to the pithy riposte. In this

    instance however I was concerned that speech might

    rupture my stomach lining.

    Although that too is a singular caper. So

    Watson, who do you think the villain is in this

    intriguing mystery?

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    I shifted on the chair. By good fortune the food

    within my stomach seemed to achieve a slightly

    higher degree of tessellation, providing me with just

    enough room to draw a deeper breath.

    I must say I am not sure. I still think it could

    have been any of them. I was surprised we didnt

    investigate further, at the very least with a view to

    establishing alibis.I paused. Beynon was just smiling at me,

    encouraging me to continue.

    On the whole, I would say the most villainous

    seemed to be DJ Alan. We know that George

    Smythe is not adverse to breaking the law, and themonths-supply-of-milk lottery being run by Suresh

    suggests a cruel and devious mind.

    I secretly hoped it wasnt Suresh. I didnt want to

    see Marys Dad locked away in jail.

    I have little data to go on, so must trust my

    instincts. I think it was DJ Alan, I declared.

    Beynon let loose a peal of amused laughter.

    My dear friend, you have studied my ways

    intently and yet still you look but do not see. Data

    data data. You feel you have none, and yet still bend

    your facts to suit theories, rather than theories to suit


    I was a little affronted.

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    Well then Beynon, its not good sport to mock a

    fellow. Tell me what you have seen that I have


    All in good time good Doctor. All I can tell you

    now is that it was in fact none of the gentleman we

    met today.


    Indeed so. But fear not, I have solved the caseand I know the identity of the culprit. Ponderously

    he rose from his bean bag.

    And now I must leave to confront our criminal.

    But not as Sherlock Beynon I feel. Wobbling

    unsteadily, one hand to his stomach, the greatdetective left the room. I divined the meaning of

    this comment. Beynon, as well as being an expert

    criminologist, was a master of disguise. His

    characterisations both amazed and amused me.

    No sooner had he left than he returned, clad

    exactly as before but with a pair of black rimmed

    plastic glasses perched on his nose. There were no

    lenses in the frame, and a large pink plastic nose

    replete with black plastic moustache dangled from

    the nose bridge.

    Dear god! I exclaimed.

    Fear not Watson, it is I, Sherlock Beynon, not a

    mysterious stranger. I will be out most of the

    evening so dont wait up. Pray send a telegram to

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    Lady Gemma and inform her that her collection will

    be returned by sunrise. With that he left.

    I saw Beynon only briefly over the next twenty

    four hours. I had emailed Lady Gemma as

    instructed before watching TV and retiring to bed.

    The next morning I was enjoying a light breakfast

    when a crash at the door announced my friendsreturn. He strode into the parlour, the impenetrable

    plastic disguise still mounted on his visage, the pink

    plastic nose a little askew and the moustache smeared

    with what looked like lipstick.

    Goodness Beynon, have you only just gotback? I asked. But before my friend could reply the

    telephone rang. It was Lady Gemma.

    My word, I do not how you Gentlemen have

    achieved it, but when I woke this morning my record

    collection was on the front step, came Lady

    Gemmas excited voice. I was as surprised as she,

    but hid my emotions well.

    Do you know what else? Placed on top of the

    box was nothing less than a signed photograph from

    Morten Harket!

    My evasive reply must have given something


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    You know Morten, a-has lead singer? said Lady

    Gemma, her tone carrying her consternation at my

    lack of cultural education.

    Anyway, it is truly marvellous, but now I must

    go and prepare. My profound thanks to you both.

    There will of course be free tickets for you at

    tonights disco. I shall leave instructions at the

    door. With that we had said our goodbyes andLady Gemma hung up.

    Lady Gemma I presume? said Beynon.

    Indeed yes, the collection has been returned!

    As I knew it would be. No you must excuse me

    Watson, for I have not slept all night. I will lie abedthis sunny Sunday in preparation for what I suspect

    will be the finest eighties night in the history of


    It was indeed a fabulous eighties night. Whetheror not it was the finest in the history of mankind was

    something I could not decide, but it was rather fun.

    All of our expectations had been exceeded with an

    attendance topping a dozen, and the music from

    Lady Gemmas priceless collection was the highlight

    of the evening. It had also not escaped my notice

    the Beynon very much enjoyed himself, especially

    when in the company of Lady Gemma. It struck me

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    that she also seemed to enjoy their time together, and

    I fancied I could see the beginning of a fine romance.

    Weary after our evening of frenzied gyration,

    Beynon and I were in the parlour in our standard

    pose on our chairs (which as usual in Beynons case

    was a bean bag).

    What an evening, I remarked. Thank

    goodness it was able to proceed.Beynon nodded his agreement, the pipe (unlit)

    clamped between his teeth.

    You have still not told me how you cracked the

    case, I prompted. Beynon grinned, but to my relief

    it seemed the time had come for him to share histale.

    It really was quite primary school, he began,

    pausing briefly as if this wasnt exactly what he had

    intended to say.

    You had remarked that we had not collected

    enough data from our suspects to exclude them from

    our enquiries. I disagreed. I will now share the key

    pieces of information, that were as plain to you as

    they were to I, that excluded these three men and led

    me to confront the true villain.

    First I will vindicate the noble shopkeeper Suresh,

    supposed motive: money. You will remember that at

    the scene of the crime we discovered some discarded

    mens boots?

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    I nodded.

    And also that Lady Gemma had suffered the

    theft of a pair of ladies size five Wellington boots, in

    addition to her priceless collection?

    I nodded again.

    Good. It is therefore not a massive deductive

    leap to assume the boots belonged to the perpetrator

    of the crime who, having abandoned his shoes at thedoorway, needed a replacement pair. When he opted

    for the Wellington boots he gave us a further piece

    of information, namely that his feet must be able to

    fit a ladies size five shoe. An unusual feat, if you will

    excuse the pun, for any man. This piece of evidence,when combined with Sureshs feet of enormous

    proportions, was sufficient to put our local grocer

    and alligator egg salesman in the clear.

    I heaved a small sigh of relief. Marys dad was

    not going to jail.

    Next we have Mr George Smyth, aka DJ Diggy

    Diggy Dog, who we also suspect on the motive of

    greed. We know he is acquainted with the gangster

    underworld and there can be little doubt he has the

    mental metal to commit crime. But you will recall

    that the burglar gained entrance to 68 Rochdale Road

    through dint of tremendous physical force. The

    door was ripped from its hinges, suggesting not only

    a well built man but an individual of athletic

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    disposition. The man we met yesterday could not

    have managed such a task.

    I was forced to agree. I too had seen all of this

    but had not managed to make the connections that

    Beynon found second nature.

    And finally we have your prime suspect, DJ

    Alan. Suspected of a crime of passion. In this

    instance we again look to the discarded shoes to clearour suspect. You will have noted, as did I, that the

    boots were a quality leather and expensive design.

    The workmanship left nothing to doubt as to the

    cost of this footwear. It can also not be disputed

    that DJ Alan is a poor and desperate soul, who itwould appear can barely clothe himself and is in debt

    to George Smythe. It is impossible that this man

    would be the owner of such fine footwear, so again

    we must exclude him.

    It was all plain as he laid it before me, but I found

    it only opened up more questions than it answered.

    But Beynon, with that being the case, how on

    earth did you deduce the person that did it?

    All in good time. It will help you if you

    understand the exact sequent of events of the

    robbery. I was virtually certain of all that had

    occurred when I completed my tour of 68 Rochdale

    Road. When I confronted the villain last night he

    broke down and confirmed my suspicions.

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    It was of course possible to be led astray by one

    simple assumption that Lady Gemma had madean

    assumption that removed the clue that made

    everything else fall into place.

    Goodness Beynon, what assumption was this? I


    A simple one, based as it was on the available

    facts but without the rigour that must be applied bythe professional investigator. No, the mistake that

    Lady Gemma made was to assume that it was the

    badger, and not the fox, that consumed her left over

    chicken Jalfrezi.

    I was underwhelmed by this revelation but waitedpatiently for Beynon to continue.

    The events unfolded thus. When Lady Gemma

    left for her walk in the morning she noted the badger

    and fox contesting the rights to her leftover meal. It

    was in fact the fox that prevailed, the badger

    departing the field of battle. The fox proceeded to

    gorge itself on the chicken Jalfrezi and, when sated,

    needed a comfy place to sleep. As Lady Gemma had

    mentioned, her house receives all day sun and, given

    the temperature yesterday, I deduced she would have

    left a window open to cool the interior as she took

    her walk. The fox hauled its swollen belly through

    this window and proceeded to take a nap in Lady

    Gemmas house.

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    Our villain arrived at 68 Rochdale Road not long

    before Lady Gemma arrived home. He rang the bell,

    which awakened the fox, but got no reply. It was at

    that moment that he made an uncharacteristic snap

    decisionthat he would steal what he had come for

    and he kicked in the front door. This sudden noise

    startled the fox, already grumpy from Jalfrezi induced

    indigestion, which launched itself through theshattered doorway and attacked the burglar. The

    fox, clearly a fearsome creature to have defeated an

    adult badger, locked its jaws on the mans boot. In

    desperation the man took off the boot not attached

    to the fox and bludgeoned his attacker to death,losing the boot the fox had clamped its jaws to in

    the process. You will note, of course, that while one

    of the boots had a chewed appearance, the other was

    smeared with fox blood and fox hair.

    I did indeed remember the boots being as he

    described, but I had given little thought to the orange

    hair and what it might mean.

    Freed from his orange assailant the man fled

    through the doorway, no doubt injuring his feet on

    the broken glass. His first thought was to protect his

    bare feet. Having abandoned his own footwear, and

    possibly being in some doubt as to whether the fox

    was dead or merely unconscious, he raided Lady

    Gemmas shoe cupboard. It is possible that he chose

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    the Wellington boots at random, although I think

    you will agree there is something irresistible about

    yellow PVC.

    I made no comment.

    Now shod in yellow wellys our man made his

    way to the living room where he spied his prize,

    neatly contained in the leather box. There he has

    slipped and fallen. Quite why I have been unable toaccount for, although I suspect the fox wounds to

    some degree. He has fallen head first against the red

    paint tin (which Lady Gemma really should had had

    a lid on, but thankful for us she did not), which has

    spilled onto the back of his head and across thefloor. Scrambling to his feet he has walked through

    the paint and secured his prize, before making his

    way from the living room. Fearing a reprisal attack

    from the fox he has made his way to the rear of the

    house through the kitchen. On reaching the rear

    door he has caught his reflection in the glass and

    noticed his bright red hair. Fearing his appearance

    would immediately cause a sensation he has

    plundered Lady Gemmas drawers and secured her

    tea cosy as a hat. Henceforth he has left 68 Rochdale

    Road, climbed up and over the wall and made his


    Goodness Beynon, it is all a clear as day when

    you say it. To think what I have seen the same clues

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    but could not piece it all together. But what I do not

    understand is how you deduced the identity of the


    Beynons eyes twinkled and his glee was obvious.

    He would no doubt tell me that it was all primary

    school, or whatever his phrase of choice was, but it

    was clear he was very impressed at his own abilities.

    As well he might, for I felt that the entiremetropolitan police force, with its profound

    resources at its disposal, would be at a loss to

    determine the identity of our villain.

    Would it help to know the motive of the crime?

    Jealousy! Pure and simple jealousy. The green eyedmonster can be a powerful beast my dear Watson,

    and an oft overlooked motivator for crime. Once I

    had applied this motive to my deductions the culprit

    became clear. Our villain was none other than

    Morten Harket himself!

    I was stunned. I had only hours earlier learned

    who Morten Harket was. As the lead singer from a-

    ha his records made up a substantial proportion of

    Lady Gemmas collection. Had it not been my good

    friend saying it, I would have declared the notion


    But why Beynon? Why would an eighties pop

    legend steal Lady Gemmas records? I asked.

    Beynons grin widened.

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    For the very reason I gave. He knew that Lady

    Gemmas collection was the very finest in all the

    world and he coveted it. I imagine his reasoning ran

    thus: he was an eighties star, therefore he should

    have the greatest eighties record collection in all the

    world. The fame of her collection being what it was

    his own record horde, not insignificant in itself, gave

    him no pleasure at all. So he decided that he musthave it. I truly believe that he did not intend crime

    when he set out that morning. But when Lady

    Gemma was not at home for him to bargain with he

    decided he would have the records that very day, no

    matter how he obtained them. He was trulyremorseful. When I confronted him last night,

    incognito, he confessed everything, and committed

    to returning the records the very next day.

    Well, I am satisfied on the why, but goodness

    Beynon, how did you know it was him?

    Lady Gemma mentioned he was in town, so I

    knew he would at least have the opportunity. As to

    the rest, you forget Watson that we had seen Morten

    that very day, walking down Bhaker Street, carrying

    the records and wearing the boots and cosy, the soles

    of the boots still trailing the red paint.

    The man we sawfrom the window! I gasped.

    The very same. I joined this seemingly

    unconnected occurrence to the events at 68

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    Morten Harket, in staunch denial of having nits,

    instead attributes the scalp ailment to the effects of

    his latest hobby. To undertake this past time he

    frequently has to wear lenses and magnifying glasses

    strapped to his head, the chaffing effect of which

    causes dry skin. It is somewhat inconvenient, but

    there is really no way to avoid it. I enjoying restoring

    old clocks and watches, and some of the componentsare so small you need the magnification to be able to

    see them.

    I stopped reading to look up at Beynon, his face

    aglow with victory.

    You see Watson, the man is a clockmaker!

    * * *

    It had been exactly three weeks since the events

    of Lady Gemmas priceless collection. The time hadpassed without much excitement, and Beynon and I

    sat in our cosy parlour, he in his bean bag and I in

    my chair. We were both absorbed in our reading,

    until suddenly the lights flickered on and off in a very

    dramatic way, one moment plunging us into utterdarkness and the next flaring into brilliant

    luminescence. After wobbling on and off for some

    moments they finally settled, a heavy pause hanging

    in the air.

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    What the deuce was that? I wondered out loud.

    Beynon had an odd look on his face, and it was

    some time before he replied in leaden tones.

    It was an omen.

    For my part I rather fancied it was Mrs Hudsons

    pet hamster, which had once again escaped from its

    cage and was gnawing on the electrical wiring in a

    frenzied suicide attempt. But perchance Beynon wascorrect, for I feel that neither of us could have

    anticipated the enormous events that were about to

    overtake us. The gravity of the occurrences of next

    fortnight would shake our world to the very core and

    leave us both with scars we would bear for the restof our lives.

    But that is a story for another time.

    Want more? Also by Matt Phillips...

    The Truth about Sharks and Pigeons

    Fans of humour will love this debut novel. Its style

    has been compared to Douglas Adams and Tom

    Holt, with just a dash of Dr Dolittle...

    Its not paranoia, if they really are out to get you...

  • 8/2/2019 Sherlock Beynon and Lady Gemma's Priceless Collection


    Bill Posters is an ordinary kind of guy. Hes put a

    great deal of effort into it. So why does he think hes

    being stalked by pigeons? Thats not normal, is it?

    As if being harassed by winged vermin isnt bad

    enough, Bills day is just about to get a whole lot

    worse. Hes got twenty four hours to save the world.

    Armed with a secret weapon more suited to the

    bathroom than the battlefield, Bill is joined by Fern,

    chunky knitwear aficionado, and Gregor, Chiles

    second most dangerous assassin.

    Available in paperback and kindle on Amazon:

    orsearch for sharks and pigeons.

    The End of an Era (a short story)

    A short story about impending disaster... with a twist.

    The end of an era is approaching. Some strive to

    deflect the inevitable, others stand united in denial.

    Get it (for free!) on kindle: or

    search for era matt on Amazon.

  • 8/2/2019 Sherlock Beynon and Lady Gemma's Priceless Collection


    A psychological thriller from the author that brought

    us Bill Posters and Sherlock Beynon.

    I remember the flash. Then nothing.

    Dr Collins is an esteemed scientist on the verge of a

    world changing breakthrough, but after a terrible

    accident can remember nothing, including who he is.

    While his colleagues race against time to bring his

    memories back something sinister is creeping over

    his mind.

    What is the presence in the darkness? What happens

    to him during the blackouts? And who is sending

    him messages, messages that seem to be in his own


    His quest for answers will lead him across Europe, to

    the edge of madness and a stunning revelation. A

    dark secret lies at the centre of the mystery, a secret

    that could cloak the world in evil.

    Coming soon! connect on FB (details below)

    to hear when.


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