Shanghai/Ningbo2013 Research Visit

Shanghai/Ningbo2013 Research Visit

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Shanghai/Ningbo2013 Research Visit. CONTEXT 9 ingredients- to educational success. CULTURE/TRADITION. MODERN. Open Door Policy Recent Focus upon Inquiry & Research Learning INSET Teacher research groups (from Finland) Education Levy (from Switzerland) to help poor areas of Shanghai - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Shanghai/Ningbo2013Research Visit

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CONTEXT 9 ingredients- to educational success


• High Expectations• Belief in Hard Work• Public Exam mechanism

Focus upon the social problems- schooling system:A drive to boost the happiness of students & enjoyment in education- President Zhang- PISA for China

MODERN• Open Door Policy• Recent Focus upon Inquiry &

Research Learning• INSET Teacher research

groups (from Finland)• Education Levy (from

Switzerland) to help poor areas of Shanghai

• Better Schools help less successful

• Quota- access to University from less successful schools

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Shanghai Maths

• Taught in mixed ability groups- sometimes broad banded• Maths & Science taught by specialists in Primary schools• Maths students are stunning – theory- practising

ruthlessly until mastery• Application to real contexts = weakness, together with

application /problem solving: being addressed through enrichment programmes and research activities

• Maths specialist routes at higher level- mechanics for engineers; statistics for biologists/social scientists

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Shanghai Experimental School

• Core Learning 26 hours• Maths/Chinese/

English/Sciences/ & Humanities

• Enrichment 8 hours• Opportunities for collaborative

learning & problem solving• Sports, music, art/calligraphy,

group activities & competitions• Fast Learning in 20minute slots• Choice with specialist sessions

in mathematical modelling, programming

• Catch up sessions to support students falling behind

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Ningbo International Hi Tech School

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A Very Special Maths LessonNingbo Hi Tech International SchoolAmbition to make it a playground for learning- where students learn to “behave like little teachers” Mr Lin Principal

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The Ningbo Innovative approach 

• 3 links:1. Before (pre-release/self-learning

questions)2. During (Demonstration)3. After(Consolidation) • 6 ways:1. Teacher provides guidance2. Self-Study3. Study in groups4. Study through demonstration to others5. Learn by researching6. Learn by consolidating all knowledge

• Active learning spreading• Learner confidence and

results had soared• Encouraged no more than

12 mins teacher talk • Employing a range of

techniques to encourage problem solving- to tap into the thinking power of students

• Had taken “Great strength and guts to change”-resistance from all directions

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Kesgrave- Maths remodelling• Re-packaging the

curriculum- GCSE starts from Yr 7- core curriculum units, with short applied units throughout the year

• In Yr 10 the students will be given choice-applied units

• Yr 11- more choice/specialism (new ‘M’ Level)

• Applied units are being developed, such as:

• Codes and ciphers• Modelling weapons• Sport modelling• Bridge

building/mechanics• Sport modelling• Personal finance• Number use/Stats

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PISA headlines 2009

• Sampled across full range of Shanghai schools

• Very small range between their top and bottom performers

• Maths 1st

• Science 1st

• Reading 1st

• 92% of students read for enjoyment everyday-in UK?

• Teacher/student relationships very positive

• Memory skills are LOWER in Shanghai than UK

• Students in Shanghai have a worse attitude towards school than UK- resenting the (unremitting) pressure

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Teaching CommitmentsShanghai/Ningbo

• 8 – 10 lessons @40/45 mins• 7 hours teaching• 2 classes @ 36-48 range• Approx. 80 pupils a week• 25% contact plus 2 hour

session of evening supervision

• All observe lessons, belong to a subject & an age cohort research group

• Write 2 papers a year• An honour to be observed

KHS• 12 @90/95 mins• 21 hours teaching• 10 (ish) @ 26 (ish)• Approx 260 pupils a week• 80% contact- plus stacks of

preparation/marking out of school

• Action research groups- a culture of R & D

• Triads/Observation opportunities in the Teaching school network

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A Chinese Proverb Re-visited

• I hear and I forget• I see and I remember• I do and I understand• We collaborate and we solve all


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Ideal-Values and Vision-5 year plan

• Firstly on your own• In small groups………..plus

nominate a spokesperson• Educational vision – blue sky


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The Master Plan They have developed a 10 year plan (2010-2020) to:• Green plan- healthier and happier.• Every school a good school ambition.• Focus upon every child’s personal development. • Optimise problem solving skills - improve student creativity /flexibility• Innovations to focus upon emotional, attitudinal aspects of the curriculum• A focus upon research skills and Inquiry based learning for students

• The new High school Quality Project uses 40 high performing schools with ‘normal’ resources and equipment to lead and share. Experts from their Pisa team glean what makes them successful and lead teachers are used to share best practise. In the weakest schools, principals are removed, new leaders put in, its name is changed (!) and standards are monitored.

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Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural

• Link to achievement• Lesson plans…….• Share either a good example – or set a

challenge- Pair -> Share• Enriching all lessons

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The toughies- “Stinky Tofu”

Find their Shining Light

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Year 8

• Cricket• BMX• Rock Climbing• Dissecting animals• Capture the flag• Rugby• Pursuit• Code breaking• Trampolining

• Gym• Reading• Drama• Segway’s• Animating• Video game making• Music• Food in 30• Pottery

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What we can apply at Kesgrave?

Adopting a ‘fast learning’ enrichment programme across the school. We could use this to heighten motivation and teach everything from Mandarin to Enterprise, Financial Management to Computer Modelling. We have an opportunity to move from outstanding to world class, by finding and enhancing the ‘bright lights’ all the Shanghai and Ningbo schools search for in their students and staff.

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School Day

CurrentEntry 9.00-9.10 10Reg 9.10-9.25 151 9.25-10.55 90Break 10.55-11.15 202 11.15-12.50 95Lunch 12.50-1.50 60Reg 1.50-2.00 103 2.00-3.35 95PSHE 1 hr rotation• Total 395


Reg & Enrichment 9.00-9.30 301 9.30-11.00 90Break 11.00-11.20 202 11.20-12.55 95Lunch 12.55-1.55 60Reg 1.55-2.00 53 2.00-3.35 95PSHE


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Other ideas

Action research• Extending KHS programme

into subject specific research in addition to cross curricular

Assorted ideas• Extended mentoring• Light touch support beyond

Year 1/NQT• More maths specialists in

Primary schools• Catch up focus- built in• Applied and Active

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Learning without limitsRespectful, trusting relationshipsPrincipled global citizens