DOVER. MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY 3", 1884 THE IEQN ERA FtJBLUHED BYBBT 8ATUIIDAT 11T PUBLI3HEBB AND PROFKIETOUB, OHoe"on BUcIitteli Street nest door to the Satiooal Union Dank. TERMS OF 8UB80BIITION IN'VAHIA- •fiLY Kf ADVANCE. OKK VEAB it-.l" 1 BIXMOHTIII 1- IM ' THREE M0KIH8 &(' ADVERTISING RATES. |lWB.|2WKB.iawBB.| lBO. lloch a " 8 " t " 5 ' llnofa. a " 3 " 4 " 5 " 1 Column. 4 5Q 5 GO 10 00 SCO 4 50 8 no i GO 5 W) 6 26 7 <H>| 8 fill ,G KO 8 Oi)I 1(1 IW 8 (101 HI Eli! 12 Sd 17 (m! 21 <> ( >l ^ °" SPRING GOODS <"' ( ' plwiKftrt to inform our pillions dial our stock is now complete for Hie Spring Trade. We show you Hoys' KuilN l'tinging i:i price IVmii $'1.(10 to iHs.OO. Also mi immense lino of YMI.IIS' Suits in nil fhiiiicw ami lalcst style spring pittcins, such as >'ol»l»y Sacks and flic three and four Button OIicslw- iielil Suits, (in all the popular K S c 2HOB.I 3ao*t.j (J urn.! 1 tn. % 8 £1) 5 00 6 0 BO 9 00 IB 001 lil 0(1 18 50 25 00 81 (H)| i'i 00 00 $10 < lit 00 IT 11 34 (IO| 22 0 2'.) Mil' 45 (HI *7 so «r. wi X 1.DDZD FORZIT1UB. TCOE8 15 0BNI8 PEB LINE. M ANB1UN HOUHIC, 'Corner of Bluckwoll and Bimei tilt. DOVER. N. J. I. S. JOLLEY, Proprietor Tl/TAHLON PITNEt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, n is IT AHD NOTAUT rum IUON EBA BUILDING, DOVEH, N, J. /^ EO. 0. CUMMINS, M. D., GENERAL PIUCTITIONSR, iHD SPECIALIST IN THE TREATMENT OF MALABIAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT TBE PARE HOTEL, DOYEIt, K. J. T 0.raEinvmra,E. M. DOVER, s. J. ANALYSES OH OBr» 4KD MIW0I.U.9, BBItVEYS OF MINES. L. W. THURBER, 8OFJ5BIKTENDIMT OP HJB1.1O S0H00LH OF.MOmilR COUNTY. COTIOB IXH. H. BI10EBE-3 HTUIU!, DOYEB, N. J. Special ofRoe hontu on BatoriUvij from 8 A. t A. BENNETT, M. D. EoMfflOPATHio PcnmoiAH AND DOVER, N. J. Diseases cf woman ami children, ami of tlic eye amt car, special tie a. Oman I 8 to9 A.M. HUDBS. 11 to a and 7 to 8 P. II. OFFICE-IB Hairhonio'a Building, BUekwell OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, ban removed In Tlmrlior'H nc-wUiiiMiiig, in the rmr of tbe Oenlral Hfiil.oad draw briilKif, NEAR THE CANAL BASIS. *3- JolibiuR anil rapainiifi |ironinttj attended to. A Icug iiineriunon in lha busi- nenn, will, IboJiovo, enabio mo to f-ivi<*am- faction lo all customem. Contracts taU'ii »ml matorislB lurniali.nl. JOHN DRUJUMKlf S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (bttweeii the MANSION' HOUSE andDopot,) DOVEH, N. J. The ulace tins been entirely rolHted in a ncHt mauQlicr. LiDIlSH' Riirl CIIILDllEN'8 HAH! 0UTTINQ A SFEOIALTY. DoiiU, from $1.50 ii|i. lYc slutH <lo our best, lo meet the times by giving you tlio very lowcm. prices on everything we oiler for sale. (IN FACT WE LEAD IN LOW PRICES.) PIERSON & Co., OPP. TRE BATVK, DOYER, K. J. MARTIN & BUCK, House, % ud banintil hiuttrs, GRAIHE1W, UILDEllfi and TAPEB HANU- K«H. Oootraoti Uken anil matcrifil-fLirninlicit. BooraBitecorfttoiliu (ronedo utylcH. UavhiK * thnrougli knowledpe of iiotiHc and HJRII paint- Ing.wo fceleoinpeiflitt tu inpft tin- ilcnitndP oral!. Paint »1HJ)I over MIEH Wliitc's mtlihi'-'iy ston-, noxt to Vonglit ft Kiilj-oru'a Amp. Htoro. P.O.Poi 183. J.MARriS. '1M» A.HTTOK KANOUSE & MOLLER, (SUOCEjaoBHTO A. KASODbE,) doalrre fu BOTTLED LAGEB8 ALE, PORTER, MINEBAL WATERS, CIDEE, tic. .IWHOLKiM-E AND I1ETAIL. On eta the Ijrst »nil mu»t Ul'ii.l lu.lucc- 1»CI1» 1Q llOklrTb. DOVER. N. .7. "WILLIAM KING PRACTICAL BOOT AND SHOE JIAKEH, Tho best work at lowest prici's, IlL-rRirnij cbaaplj ana promptly .Ion.'. Noil tool.l Prea bjterian Ohurch. BLokm.il ao-ly WM. T. ALLEN. 8. J- PAlilE ALLEN &. PALMER, BD1LDERS, Dovor, KT- «T. SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. Mathushek Pianos, WRIGHT, ESTEY -AM>~ OAfiH OB IN3TALMENT81 Filly-fivo cc-nle per week will liny t new orRin. Piftuoi unJ Organi ttiDed ami 1 quired. WM. fi. WfllGHT, Officn No. 3 Brick Block, Dover, N. J, Ftctory 3 milBB eiftt { al Dover. . ) FRANK GIBS, MASON AND BUILDER, DDTER.N.iT. Oonlnuta taken udnatenall fnrnlilml. Btoae ind JilolSWdrlr, Pliiiieriij iDd Jobtring p n n p t h utepdod to. Orion tilt u SlIllanH. Baker 1 ! tare wUl recaln WMtlvdpnmpttitnUin. ••' I "'- ' Men's All Wool Pino Muck NiiHs, $12.00 " " " " (in all shades) 10.00 " <ir«y " " !).OO Itiislntss '• " 7.00 Also (iood Suits for MM, S55.O0 ami *(».5O. Freeman V/ood, INSURANCE AGENT. (trriniv-NATioNAf. I;MON LANK nnx,u. IMi. tii:-t.,iv. J. FOR SPUING- WiBAB. The largest line in (litse goods we ever liad, in all griMles, nil similes and prices, to meet the limes. HATS aB€i €APi Yon should sec these while our counters arc lined ivilli them i'loni the Bins' Polo, in nil eulorK mill prices, to the Men's Latest Style Derby mid soft hats. Also a full lino of NECK-WEAR and HOSIEEY. XiK Allfi Hi;AD(.»li;>nTKI!4 I-'OIl KVE11Y1 HlNti IK TUIi Hilt!. A litl'K*! ItsSOrUUt'Ht jllf-t MINER'S OIL SUITS FOR $1.50. Rubber Cups, with or without. Ciipes, llnbltcrllats. tubbcr (Jlovos, liiilibcr S llubbcr (iussiuner ,VE HAVE TILE HEsT WOODS! WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES! WE HAVE THE LAUOEST STOCK! WE CAN 1)0 YOU GOOD! WE WANT YOUR TUADE !! LONDON ud LIVKKVOOL ati.1 ULUBE. (Juiiitul 82II.DO0, r.ANOASUIIiE of MANCHESTER Cupitul 81i),0l)0,()0(), F LIYElli'OOL, (iupitul 810,11(10,1100 1'IIASKLIN OF PHILiDELMIA. Oupllnl S5.(jnfl,u HUDSON OODSTV, J«r«.y City, Capita! iilUO.ll . i.rlh Rritit.li nt.,1 M.io: This London AfiHiinmrn Corporation 01 London, .mpitnl -f 5,r.fK),()(l(). Kprii.R0.-lrt Firo InKnranco Co., Matuai:l]ti W.Htdicati'r Fire Tnmirance Ooniimny ff Now York, cni.itul Jr.ytt.oiHI. Gi;uMiN AMKIIICAS $l,IMIO.0t)< Fllir: AMHOCIATIOK OF l'HItADBI.^HIA. ABMBTH, $3,500,001 Freeman Wood, JuHtic» or DJQl'f'flot null I'olioo Utfflttr OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS AC.Hi: IIAIiltlMV Ktutc VVIKM'I - ^MiviiJor, C»SHll:iy rlUy!'2«\\*, Grain and Garii.Mi , :il D ills, Waller A. A\'...Kl's Mitwei P, BEAPEES :.3D BINDEKS Thomas & Field Wheel HnyEakos, AMERICAN HAY TtDDERS, Ltver and Tread Powers, Lyoii'H I'nii Mills 'I'lut'^ln'iH, <Jlemii»ie. iiC, tu-1 nil otlier lirst-ilc.ei. fflrniiiif; Implrnitiits. SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS, «E0. E. VUOKIIEES, ifiiicct-BMor to VunrliociUrytlitr^,} MORRISTOWN,,N. J. JDbEfH VAN DVKK, Trnnlinii i;;ral. DB. E.C. WMI'H KravB ARU I!H*IK-TUI:* l i wlicliB.Nervwuln.rtraiKn carnal th i'uraiculiolur lnl):ioiw. Wnlii-liilui-K-., M-u Di'prcMHtm, Holti'iimu <>f Hn> heuin n-MuU iiiin*auuy and IcnUiiiK iinst-ry, il«ciy l dtftilt. Ptvnutttro 01-1 Ant--, 11 invimeiw BH if iwwe- i l) ! i t d atnr Kid liv rtiouoi E i Inl- .nee. Eacb bo£ emtnlus Hie ... . _ icot. *t a l.cis, uiBiikx™ tori5(B.'i.t b nil prepaid nil iteeipt cf [.lire. \VF. GUAKANTKR SIX 11OXJ3S b.v us for *ix Lc-vcs, acn.mpniiiul will. S5, w Mllti in™ niado every cffjrt to proctuo tlio cboieo of the most dsairalile fitjlcs ii iHHrket tail biivo sclejteil the lirgest assortmant of jifttturiiH in bnth tlo sl»pl< d fancy Btylefl, overhbown. The lotnliiiy colorn in tlie now '* corkscrew" fnitric uut iu tbe lattst Mjlts at Sauk* nuj Froi;krt nuii oue, thrto nml four buttoi r are the nnly house in the State that has tlio famous ' SAWYER" CASSIMERES in. stock, raid we offer noarh' FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES cf these goods alone. They are strictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partiu- ular as heinjf the best valuo ever given. Other houses may have imitations. Beware of them!! In LmiiT'ttiil Miim.M WKK.HT t >veri liais wi. halt, a Inrgp Tnridy, nt priroH from iJ»lo$2O. iH" \\V ..IKIW by for Ik.i memt Viuieil ..took of [»iiiil« iui,vwh.:ro, .stylish ill sud il. (jnnlly miiiU 1 , u every priufl, from tk> i-hi'iipHflt to tho best, JN OUR BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S MPAKTMEST e have cxcrcififJ Ilic same cimful y&\w, and present u thoroughly itrli^.ic, varied nntl extensive- Htouk cxc.iiB.vely our oivn'mako and correct in every detail. IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT lay be fauuil tip twfit pnn'iblf. Hel.'dioii «.f boll FOKEiGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Ill dmr^t: of tjkiHful l.u.l illtihtic GUIttrH. tr WE IUVF. llDT ONE rillOE TO ALL. AnyHlcclion mndj if not nitislutory u clieorfuliy t'3i-I.fti.gu m rffi.ud your money. \VK SOi.ltl" VOIHI KARl.Y INSPECTION. THE! IRON FEO24T GLOTHISBB, 850 and 852 Broad St., Newark.. (3 nmius sornr OF NEWAKK &, NEW YOHK'K. U. DEPOT.) maeil nulr by R. Killgore, Agent, Dover. C. S. JENSEN, CARPET WEAVER AND DYER, OLFI I»m''HBVTKrt)AN cniHICK IJUILD- INf), DOVEIi, N.J. AIIMtiilrti.rMnittwtiy. l <KmuKilitri"in t'iif l»)-l iiutmiT- Also tiif Kf\U CAItPEl 1 mi liut.l lors-ilu. iul'jtt- ctirtiiiiis clt Awa Hinl dytd. Adjourned Salt! of Ltind Ifm inallrr (if Uii> a-.4ii;iiiiinitnl Fwn^iS. OtH'f, Wlio uts'Klitd iof Hie l«;Uulll ... tliS j tiiko piano tt tlio Court ILJIHO in Mor MONDAY, tlio Stli fllty nt MAY, 1881, at 2 o'clock iiL tin* afiLrmmj. Dutcl April 7tli,188i. ISflO NOTK K. Mate of WilliP .1 Harin, ik'ceiiscd. P UIifiUAi; 1' t.> 11 "•'... rf llio Surrdsato SAGES AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. JOSEPH H. fil All the latest styles on hand and made to order. Our work is all done under our per- sonal supervision, and is fully warranted. Everybody in want of a wagon will profit much by giving us a call before buying^else- where, j in all branotes done in a manner which -is , Tjound 'to give satisfaction^ OKlpm^tar paf will! recfiite prompt at«*-.«—« ^ L k€Sl ' i " '• ud th u'liiiB cy if liit ir l i f/fita kiiiil foreujfiviiii'iit in UJinaction is D. MOLLER'S Billiard Fool Tables u .:cl i i « l im JJIiCNt-WlCK \ iiAI ORCHESTKION L AGE It BEEK WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS RI.VI.VH proud. .1 f.-r Hi., [...trues nr J.lill'U OI'EliA IIDUBK «.•» lilLLIAKD UOUMti. Nursery and Greenhouses Mima Sr., JiniHtlSTOrtN, K. OPPOSITK T«E I'AHIC. PLANTS and NURSERY STOCK Of AM. K1S1J3. FLOWER GARDENS HID our ANl. C*lltt) FilB. CUT FLOWERS AT ALL SEASONS. Thorbni'iiN Flower Seertn FOIl 8AL.E. « T TELEPHONE CAIJTJ 18t, 25-ly S.FeiTfS, Opp. Depot, D. L. 4W. R. R., DOVER, N. J. FiNEGROOERIES, Flour, Feed and Grain, TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars and Spices. SAMUEL PETERSON, STOVES, TIN WARE, 1 unit Willuw Wiirr, Lcml Tiiic, SIHIIH, ,U'ricultiirHL liiipli-inniitii, Stc, lius ruiiiLivt'.! to (In.' I![NO liUIUHNfJ. IN STAKHOl'K, wlit>ri-h[«inilnii)N will fltul n full (.imply nf I'vcrvlliiTiKilicy n^itirc in 1,N line. Tliiiiik- SAMUKL I'ETBIiSON, Stai.lio[ifi, Ajiril lul. 1^1. JOS. YORK, MORRISTOWN, N. J. ],n* r t ' i . n . v c i t ) . . l.iH 11.VV Brick Building oii South Street li«n> I..- will I... p!..[ii«-<l to HI>O nil I.i4 ciBto- toves, Ranges, Tin-ware and House Furnishing Goods, I o «31 D © -i-ffln "lln 1 o B i i day (if Jnimarv neit, miilliBtri'inllH'diitr nf ni:il onlor; ilitoriifBlectini; to brine in ami her chim, mxlur naili «r afilnna- MiHmitPil.wiHliB forever I4 r IK, Ailir.iiiistri Dstt-il tlio e r lux i x w n cru K with tin-will mmi-jeil. h ikj o( A^ril A. It. 1« j\cnn n. MASS. is Co., N . J . BOOT and SHOE STORE. J. 0. KAMINSKI [AS nn:oTEi> TO IIIH KF.W snor ON WARlfGN 8THEET. WHEItl; HE IS PI1E- rAiir:i> TO no CUSTOM HOOT AND SHOE MAKING OF ALL KINDS. SATISFACTION GIVEN. llOTn AH TOWORK AND PRICES. UENtilUL.IIEPAliilNn OF ALL KINDS ?,\\T,S I'ltOSlIT A1TENT10N. 18-3ra es Phosphates. A wiclr ol.Brends of ' ferilutonud WHANft'S, -1ND- ST0CKBK1D6E 1 Notice of Settlement, Nolle* [* Imrcby Rirtn that the tnanniti nf lie ftubucribiTs. i3ii-cntorn (if Dsinjitmiii .1. iVetjterw.il, ilfu'd, "ill IJQauililed mil nutctl by Uiii Btirro^Mtc, and reportnl for ncitlfniont Xn the Orpbniiri'Ci'iirL or tlio CMltity of Morrii, in Uoudnr (1m w<«mtl *)»* of June m i l . QAItltET II. WE8TKKVELT, TinilKBT : A. BENNETT. - YOUNG & SCHOFIELD. r^LLIGJTJ III ij^f r l "'."^n* fc ' • •*• ^ ^ . F -.—. !t>thins new IQ tlie»o ..DEB cunnHintlj-in itoci. W.H- nranco riika Iu tlio beat ootppaL.^ P??**. 1 ESTABLISHED MET i YEARS. lit the array of manufacturers who contribute to maki our reputation what it Is as boot and slioc dealers in this community. IN LAMKS WEAK EDWIN C. BURT&Co. the world's best Hlioc-inakers are represented. LOUNSBERRY, MATHEWSON & Co/s goods used for tlic last ten years by Lord &Taylor of New York. THE H. W. MERRIAM M'F'G Co. justly celebrated for making the best medium priced shoes in America. THE P. COX M'F'G Co.'s goods in Ladles', Misses' mid Children's wear, SMITH & MARTIN, the popular Brooklyn manufacturers, and the Bay State Shoi and Leather Co.'s, while in men's wear we keep the "HURT" goods which are acknowledged the best l>y every one. STACY, ADAMS & Co. who niiike a line of men's wear second to none fdr the price in this country. CHAS. H. HOWARD whose make we have used for twenty-lire years and can testify from experience to their good quality. THE "WALKER" goods and also the Bay Slate goods in men's wear are fully represented. _S^S Most of the above have been used by us from ten to thirty-five years, the entire time that we have been in business, and from the veiy fact that year by year we increased our business and popularity is in itself a suffi- cient guarantee that any of the above makers will give satisfaction to all who use them. oaavilleaKaiu uextyridavevaniuK. aaidltwaa "ftwM" vfiat wuod- !ffe laiwt'lUe boja diaptojeo. 1I» tad no ^A in Saind Boamla »red M .r Andover weirt out iu a l»at nita two ooi»i»i»i»m luat Salunlaj-nlglit ta awuraali. TliDyto»lii»i»» ot what.olio My BaiiilW aflornoon railo.1 tlio "Dovil'a lladlllB worf" Jtelf and got Hood and dnin* on It, tin liaat ta «UloU tlioy w.™ " i a l X a t t.» W tola tbe ahoif and tlongu Ue wna,wlie»hf waah imolt, oatroni! Hwlmmer, Boa. was drowned. Tile story ia Umt Ma two companion., wbo o.ruieil, wont jot to bed, ana btgna to think w|..i &,^r.,1,1 .< ««dft™ttav w«nt to tbe Cranberry iuid ilwiiwcl out lilH dead body. , , A certain jonns man, wbrue uaraii 1 .In not Dare to meutlon, oaiuo to Port MorriH la-tt Buturtoy. Aconl trulil »aa inckiiiB «!' "> tho .iriloli and ta w». lui.turii.ik cuoiujli. tbouBb lio waa oot o railroad limn, lo know ld' ll cj«wpt Ills IPWII lio OPP. D., L. &W. DEPOT, DOVElt. RED5FRONT TEA STORE. NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. The NewYork & China Tea Go,, NEXT DOOlt TO THE POST-OFFICE, DOVISH, TV. .T. i> now nettleil nml reailr tor bimnois in their flue new More with Hie imgeX stack of T T T T T T T T i- at prices which will surprise all. Mymotto is ! quiok sales anil small profitn. Call and rp ' see me bolero buying elsewhere. WI. 0'DWYER, - -Proprietor. o\cr setiii iu Northern Now Jersey, at prices which dofy competition. His inymenfio stock nf GLASS, CHINA, EARTHEN and MAJOLICA WARE can't bo surpassed. Every variety tmiHuiul at prices to suit tho times. Ho alHo keepH a splendid lot of but lio aboul.l u<i hiitna. • ••« i'"t know J!! him out ifmy littrioK a«T Avbll.- mid I m Klml nf it, lor 1 Imve uevur beanl just nicli HfitreuUL of bmllnuBuaBOlwuieftimi any muiiiii lips UH cutoo from tlitwe V"U"R1 H«w« nxl ! Imvc heard wmio iirctty Wd Ifitiyrn^. NnwUiovwiiKinnnn'rurreil in ia JUIOHTIIO :tll the jiuoiilc nf tilunlmpt; u» an liiibitiuil I IH'HOVC '.Tlic imiiHt nf tin- Rliinhoii'ii iii'ojilo IR that them 1H mil n m-loim in Mtauhupt'. Nuw let innnHfc where iluct* tlmt yoimc tisll.iw •f,t tlie rtuff iliRt iiittkwi Ww <lraukl It in Ik.-b- tU,ili«0m«|l.o1l.v K«|HM «id lm^iu[imrj l «iMme!1npr il thiiii'Vam'iiki]1i^wh..«'miUi ii thiUK liku tlmt, nnd tlw iimu wlm would dl tliat liov wliiskiiv knowing imu lie In- tkuowti by'nil thir- (•nminiiiill.T, miKlit ti. bn .Tiimmrtl out of uivilizPil uncicty. ;j 1 Uli« it iiid <i nuin ut I'orl, Morrin liistSutiinlii.v WIM-II h\* muitrt boy was trytni: wnViMiiit Ilmt in knt'iv it nil mul rmmiiin the rink ul Rc-tni^ kill" il irnimiR thfl trmiw. " but i l l knew -who wild von tho whi.tliov, mylf'i.V, I wtmtil hnvo him liulictcil m hur? uriii druuil Jury tmulil bo got tf. tin it." Suji|n)SP it witu ynur boy, or iiiv Imv. What wnulil wo (In ulicuit it. I i\« KSwK'tbTiSni'n'K.Vr^""'™:*; COFFEES. SUGARS, SPICES. P '"KB Miss Nolan, having moved her MILLINERY i.OODS «o tlie line new More in the Brick Block, announce to tlic people of Dover and vicinity that she is now ready for business. Huving , put iu A newbtacit of MTOLI^EEY and FAN0Y GOQDS PillaU TO UOUKilli IN IIEH LINE OF BO3INKH8 WITH iNY MIL- 000)38 ESTJUiasEMiNT IN SIOlim^'COtfimT. INAIlDrnOHTO HEC STOtS S I I E l l i S ADDED AH IMMENSE STOCK Of .. LADIES'UNDERWEAR I as: Ribbons. Feathers, Kats v Flumes, etc. •luiio a K turn <.WJiMrT.aLiral.LW MISS K Q l A N . ^ o . , r!'BRICK BLOCK, DOVER, >. J. WLM- POKIKOREIt. 3<maorg»«..' en«lne, tlio 10), baa J a mto EUmeludatopaand la aut an«.e road.eajn rftli a tiratt new coat of paint, s_r and, • •woft Ear tip BaardjsW W * Co i« in'iK r ™ n « of the Dnitwl SwtM, wfiAte «™rS«. ».»*. to I..WUIlM Walter IMp* It 1> »arr O»IW Uilm to t . In Uuiaaua.forr*m* wh[ Jaj»n« taate (or letten Bnd Jgun». '"at at prejen I h«vn the boon i there »ro tm rplm lmrn from oiirao^»»»_at tbom, u 3,406, wlien the cenrni .« tu'SiMsex County. In • 7,700 h a b i t a n t * ^'" in the J.rt»lijteriiui aveniug to a large nudi Tempenmce Unloa. D ~ y ielii i jugb bo »,„ jrylmdy'n litiaiuetw except bin roalKiuU rnidwH »• ">''« »« «>««y "" ..J nojhiE ii—Unzaing Oiiffey's piinloa. Butui-dav niglit I wiwviikctl diit ni »soimil ileep to ifitciD to U utrenm of i.rofaiiily «n< aiiKimffO tbni ia not lit ti» be jiHiitoil, tiwil i,T tlmt saniB youujl mini, nml mmm <if l/i" ihscolatpa who worn tryiun ti carry Inm muif!. He wus binmil In: would nut L'« IIOHH 1 . lecttiwa LIH futlior 1i.nl ti*l»l him tlmt m».ii, ;«! mid, lo ICIIVP tlis hmiw n*A licrer 1» CMIK; >k to it, and tliu oth«r lclli>' ouiaprelieiiaivo itaowliHtgo of thiH _ Jung quGstioa of the truJtto in iptoxJcut ing liiinor. In a very masterly vox he dis- nowd uf tliu ublwrtf oba of liquor <leaiun to lbu iriunds and active pro motels cf the temiwr- ftnc<] rel'onu; the obargua of iucoualflteney ably niluted. ...inklugol iupoiirjlritency kudu mn to ••»- mark, nui) nnk what can lio niuro iiicnuiiiatiiut th for Qur lourln to liouiisfl Ibis naif of uu lo liint in tltr. oaiwe of sevcu-eigbtiis of Urc.'iiiiitiul IjiirtiucBriatiri tin same proportion if our tmcB 1 Of nil atmurditieo tLc niout uh- iitril, kdkiuK striiight nt it iu a cimiiiion tnao wuy, >lr. t!. 1), Stnyiirr mul wife lii.vo roturucil Froni the Suntli, whvta ihoy hnvo been Hiiend- «g (lie wintrr. >k will ticlon kuvr inr Duku- n. While iu Klwidiilui *fi:im>d from tlic St. ohim river ttimir of young iUlifititurti ii.iuut woytnrKol.l.mi.l lirunuht liiftin with hiui. 'Imy nrr v.Ty ilur 11(. ami IH-UP hitntlliiig with- lit I'cur, mul Ilia! k-iulu mn tu my tliat tlic "IHIUK lVi.iilu of this Pitjsbvti'rian C'lnirrh Ut ohln Hiifiulili- on tlio I'v'euini; ot tho Hli, 'liitrmlav nl lifil wcik, fit tin* jmrwonajjo, nt .1,1,1, lin,. il,.., • iw..Hfliii'innr. «-il| U- «xliit>- l i' tttiuiiiriit. I'Utlic ini^lit t;-. .— ' tin i,|,y l.mi^ ii Ul»." Kit Hlmulil I- u mm oviiiiii^ no tlimlit tlic j)ar«uungi) will ell litlfil nnd nil will U wotconic. Tbe lutl.™ knuw ln>w tu jjet ii]i thn rofre§biuenta. j;litil to WfJi-ume ii our villngo Hr. itchhi'ii II. UnHiiiul uuil family. Mr. I). nkt'si'liiUL'n.iHlir mill in wlilch h!n futlnn- lonR ]md nn iiiU'ivRt. He ir) now lit work uttiiii,' jii HUM- IUOCCHH mudiiuury Iv litep UJI .ilbllic niiHN, mil! will mi ihmltt imikti u ill'I'l'KH llf tllL' Illll-illlrirl, IIH lit! liHH Ijlltll tb» FLOCETOWN. K'>v. It. )1. Cotliim prnaohnd to IIH luwt Kim- »y iiitmioim, niter wliirli mir Huuili.y Suboul :i'v, tl l. Ol fi""('..]liii« WIIH t'lcclcd ClmlriiHin.' dim A. I»nrkpr wan rc-clocUd KUIHTIIIU-H- I'lit; iMiiiiih Senrleit Ansihtaut iSuporiutiiii- fnl; .luwiih 1'arkiT, Siicrtttury and l'wmi. MT; 1. liiiiivim, l.iiirurimi, uuil Roliurt rnrlw ARHlAtaut. Wis Impo thin HOBKH. will linw mi iuori'iise.l iuterest in thin work. Mr. Daniel Scnrlun, who wan tak.tu Irom it-rt to .Mi.iriw l'luiiis Aoyluiii. We have re- •ently leurni'il It »<> ln'Hcr. H« tlitt^ not n>em in rrnt niglils wbh-li U nnt so fnvoniblu. iVt had hoiwd lliat lie would BOOB lie buck. There will bo no wri-ice in Ibitj iiluco iiftl, uiiitbur lovt'M hint niotb.Tuuul.ivo 1 if tin' wkolc win r? Thnl any vlkt-r tU . Oi l>r. He mty, lmt ' mlrnad. ml it in ['rt-sbyl.Mi.rn Clmrrli of Stniibiii.i' wn tb« Iliuracier of.Iodali in tin' nu-riitoR iiuil in n< ••VLWWK '"' will HIIIIW by the help rf u ilnrcd inn]., "Thi! wanl^of tliewiirld" IIH gnnlH tlbriKtianity thisilifltn'iit.itil.ls IM-WI- ifil'a SiM^fnrt timtSlmi' tUkfl'tliink Iboy •t too Hindi nulimfty mid some ii»lb« tliink ,iiorl tiuii! nt» tbat ii mini wim Koinp t" 1"" » !jiu la tlir. KHA tind'l hear «f nuothtr wb.i in T,HC litMlid ii.it Uuil bia .mom tu tlio Kit A liist wl ' (l lt- Wcl1 T tl " ll ' t r!"' m ll> '"' alll< ' '"• ^"'_._ . . . .. '\ „ .. ** .... .1 if '• (i*\\ jUI" J,,«n In uti Ui MOW "J| S ld i.l il i. fell.nv ill "lo'n'i'.Twn led ll.nl till, onlj thuu in 111.' r,,Bi,iotl.wl.ii.!..lliuSlm.l..l..' m «..«•—•• I'.V N-.ul. Miini.ii null IIIH mm 0NH (t WIIH si.inrtl.iiis liko n MIJIIIM mm, ....I \ f^How had to ni.rr.v « pnil <>r wnt.it ronn.l •witU Mm naircllua tbc t.uicnllia in wlrt In lui'a^ i' .illcfilivc. 1 M Iti.pw try to it tli b«™ln« wood warkafHbiimlni win- """, Jmo Mitl.il. live t'rt of fitlii.B ,n window. " ™y lac rjr acrvi-. nu. rigbtlj :)ean Swift lolls ..r n tattor way oi l'"lt'«8 n.ti.tlN. sonir COT. t.ii'J'l"'. Hi.'.v will Have , ( , In Stii'iiliopn. It ia lady tl.al i,,.c:.ii"fr,ii,"ii'"';e | . tl ";'•"'•„, , , I ppp Oo.llft»» tlnl. Ln» i.e<!ii Uilkinu i.l.out liln Hod siinin i» X' iw v " rk ' " 11(lli " (Sn ' 1 ifi Irt notSS "1 «ll-a«lt»cr anyU.Ini! in a .bailll c lint mi olo,,m.nl old CLn.li kol Tli i l rl . | cn bo t uld Snttil ol' )ii"s..ul wiw nit liiirit-liPitdei «d"w imnl-liVnrtfd n« nnti L-V.T ilnrcd to br Tbiw hn.l u lil* time ut H.ifubuV* on M.m av ufalit n birtlidftV wuipriM 1 inirtj-. Tlio Town Ctm.mitV" " ' Hyrain towimliip irt in Stauliow last Batunlftj- nnd, I nm told, i-U>nniiicrtiotnk«lbe wnter ncrnnslolu tli parpHt wnv to tho river. Will flodRomuo, wJiohiw been clerking i |behirui»«.'QtStanWt wi«t,MiW«lMidwr nuinlnK tn Hie 1'- ••• »• »™" N »" J 0 11 ? c 'i>" in a Hurt of cnnddentfal cleric -to the AMioUntaonenl Fwlglit Agont. WUlt i vouiiLMiinu wlio lNtrylna topcrreot blradelf i nlrnnsmnhr, »nd>frin(t bj the put, I neb a good opening mud i tops lie u u be- uniu Resident or tbe Pcnimylvunia B. B. nn ofthcBO iliiys. WnUerBtiuDrmnwvcd tin finoHy ta New nrk Tupdday mornljiE. ' A. J. Brake li butWIng two housei fnr John lirittin in Soutli Stanhope. ' V. It. Diivis hu gone. <b work undoround. ' , Harry Hnrolimoot got lib flagon pinohed miio ou Saturday ulKHt. . . Tbo reKiilnr in on tbly meeting ofttadM, .. S. IHT, Mutunl llonoflt Aeefcelatlon took place it Newori. on Monday evonlnjc 38th i n s t , 6S7 (icmbeiB paid IIUM in Apnl and 37 wjto ad- mitted nt tbe meeting malting altogether 6U lumber* in Booil Blinding. Thoexpeiweii for tbe month we» »187iS0. Tho riio rf:th«lr UE Ulttt. i i ' I UndBrntsiid fhey nro*in'(.WiiB preparations for a lrniiid tinW at tbe meettng of tbfr Vw byUrtas Uito Socloty at I.,l'.MilW«iioit Bveaiiog. The Mite Society fthray* to have a good tlma though. . j I l u t i t l a s redeiTod fctorlfton bu half brother who ta »WBy out in Mwdoo, a oonduator en a railroad. He—*-' other tliinga, «me Bpeoimeni i ani of tho t, mat o ioak It in wnter and HenoDitanamo. D.J. other thinga, «me Bpeoi» o roaurreotion pinnt. The peoallaritv. of tho rttar,fto thatjno ; n*ttor W dead it, mat WMtn yqu have only to ioak It in wnter and ft odniBitDlUeaKain HenoDitanamo DJ B00HT0H. ;. "Mr. unfliMnvP. W. Haramond and ditngii- tar, iu* boftrUinfl at Ui« U. 8.- Uotol, UTfitg rented tlelTtbouM, for thefimnmar to Mr. ChM. Paltor of l W T o r t city. ..:' "'Mr.GflOtK*ftntbony and wife haTS moT&u, tn their hoioe on Wiuioington Btrobt. Her. 1'iitbDr MeOaMhy, of'Biiat Onmpi, _ad Fattier DownnB, or (hin place; deilverml temnarmioe addrowet heforo a latae HDiUcr ~ In St. Joicph'* Hall, on Tuesday everting} fTbundar •vf)nlng a temperanoe meotiiig was held In WwlLlngtflii Ifn\l Surakcrs from Sew 1'otlt oJarowed tto'meeting; tho tern- peraneo people' it* •wofkinc v o r y h t r d to onrry.oni, towa «lootioii, aad it louka u If Oaiey, on Ohnteb rtreot; ahoefly after two p'olwok, Wedneaaay roarniiig/.biit IM not duooTorcdunto tbe roaf bail fallen, in; the Urn nUd niUed romuoit fteadwai tt Vr ahaottiMdeuto do nnthin^0B4 M tbsi ;, out tnoio rare luti yei wsanonlarmMint,out tnoio raw huti... few who knew nhout it until doyHoht. Then win) MIIT onn penou I.TIBR to thtThouM; tho •on, lAwntuw* ,«lio ii-brakeunaw on a train, had iQfl tba hqna«,at cl-^vau, o'ojwkta ,m\ Ui work. T\it hbuia And eyerjUilog ,in»W •via bnmed. Thn'landing vn tnittml fo lev. J. P. Appleton, of the Episcopal nrol), ba« tendered bis reaignatlon tu the •' ion of that Cluircb.to take effect Juue —yet they IIUYO nut taken may action tjpOB it, bat Hbowid thaj will try and ID- auoe aim to star witli UB. Hr. W.W. Middle nad irif» have reu,«<l W*OM now boart of a Ural-claim temucr- anqe liotel under (he mauaeeuieut uf F- lit Coo, wbo has routed tbe V. fi. mid in keeping an excellent boose; ire hope lie will means u Wgeaumberof perniiiaeni as well aa trau- •ient iiosiden. Unite a number of people an? —- '--' there a»a they my h to ft flwt- Dnjvy playing ball theao fine day*, ul thai, a dub from LiUla Fulls game here on Saturday often. , - ...fed nine from tliin-ulace. Why we hare a well oraanlaed club and not depend ob a "rkkednine" to play wbeuever opuottuidty offen I U t the boys get to wurk ana orzanlce a club. The Prwbyterian Sunday School will give D eutertiUjjnient.il Waabingtoi] Hall iu tbe «t«-future. IbtdieveltwUibeiiuoxufllleut aiTair. BJrWalter8cQttV ( LadyoftbeLukt" will be tendered and tlao some otlier eier- daes wblob will nake a profitable, ae well u* oiaes whlob will make a profitable, ae an auuulog ijntartuinmant. An huproretnent iu the way of a ne has been erected in front of the M. E. ew fenco, TIJH W. C T. U. intend at room in oouuectiuu vrltit their rtlns reudiii Wo have had cold wind* for uveral duy* paat, dfilavluc Jiut HkrinE huda and bloBHOiuH. audnutuiriogalnivMtwtuternrca. Iti«prob- ably the tall end of tbe tornado tbat swupt over a portion of Ohio en the 38tU, We went aatUHed witU He ainall en<L Qirdem moklna U-tba order of the day now. The farmera bare their oata owed and are npariogioraorn. AUtUe abowerwouldbu DotiptabTe to atart the pHturea. Hr. John Pooriag hu been putting » neat _ad taitoful Iron fence iu front of lib bouse. A few mota of tbo same sort would addtotho beauty of OBJ 1 Ullage. K«v. Hr. Duurdui-U!, of Btaubope. leoturcd «v. l)r. Uuurduiwi, of Btauhopo. leoturcd the J.*rt»lijteriiui Church hut Tuesday niug to a large nudiftnoo, LerorothuQoiip»)l Dr. Ii. a remarkB showed i l t t ]\v H ti j iniii ing I" Mr. Voorhec y gg limtutt n nont oi paint, which Lolnn tbn IODVH .-t>r.y ninth. Uagt-r Taylor, of lluiUiwn, ilid >rk llohfrt Diirlmiu m.ilhfr ln>y. i-lorry it wi Our temper ha* bocii a :L' ll<> ay Dti'v.- Joyn, but 3 aud tliey TirJi till IH UgllL MMJE.W._. . . . i » Hying visit (tun iliif lt.nl week. Mr, Cuok, tjiir lilutkuuiitli, lurueii his «»w mt In WIULT ut id wont iiwuv 'ITIU laft h^r out. .VIIIMI Im iTturne'l lio fminii lii.4 uow hnd \mu illy uliuni-d. Hho bBfl mort mmindly buan ilii'd liy miino wrck'h who deserved thn il*iiiij WDTUV. Him tlw cow. Her udder wan ' a liliitmB.'ul iimnniT. ltiit. nnuiior >or three wcokri nKO it wns pub- it lliiuf biuL hnikun. uud oiitcri'd 'H IIOIW mid hud taken Abo'tt Hiiit Thn chiin wbo t.iok them must •iluiater, for Abo weigbH 220 lbs. IO In Aim iittw, us ho LIUK, 1 [ire- t iini^li better ibuu tbo one l«Bt. limit, one of nur i-.teemed eiti- vult'Heunt, which we nrc happy to -ill o BTANHOPE. In thn H.E, Clinrch IIIH. Sulibatb tlic con- rrL'iiliiiu, nmriiiiiL' and uvoulnc, WHH liirge. bemonJnR wnSoa vm* about the "Evil irtigno''; pvniine, " Good Samaritan." Thf tiwialilc <m Tuf«day night wins ft pinna- i M. K. Church hnvo de- rttirry ftwtlvnl tUo tliird Al-l'llA. Niut Talki AhoDt Eli Penciling*. In nu interview nt liis liomi- in Morrletowu, Mr. Nastenid: "Wlit-re dn 1 get niy itlcusi From bright tic WHp»p«rfi. I rend tlio ilaily » through very carui'ully. An idunn to luo I jot thorn down. Not in tho form .cs its you men uf Mian* do, but in lino* urveu. Do I evur receive hints or Men* other pcoplu? Oh, yes, tliouBondn of I never use them. Not liaoume they nt £ixul, Imt hucauit' I have to kocp up withlbe tiiufB, nml ulwuys liavtj underway ii(!h nrisin.il iiloas to work on. Do you follow any MyntPm M to tlino or :mcr of work 1" Not at all. 1 work when 1 foel like it. That in ccucnilly nftcr hreakfut. When 1 1 tired I quit i" I* thoro the chanoo for fame w a carica- turist to-dny thoro was formerly f" "Oh,denr,no, Hud I to commence now, the name of Tom Watt would not be hoard outride Ilia own family. Tho war made me." YIUIH1TY H1TWB, Oscar JofTrey Buccee<hi W. A. Btryker as Uorough Attorney of Waihington. The congregation of Qraoc Lutheran Churcli, hiliipsburg^Ul erect anew church edifice. Freeholder McCnuben, of Washington, announce hlnmelt us oandidato for Stato Senator in Warren thin fall, Oaoar Smith, of PhUUptburg, foil from a car«ntaeLehli.hValle7road,.nnd received Injurica whitli rmHUA In hU death. The Court of ErrorthM affirmed the judg- ment obtainoil bj L.I. Btontenburc againat Joaoph Wbartonin the Snuex Courta. The fl&ofcftttitowii QufUt, a Democratio, paper, hope* the new Democnitio Lay Judge ofWartcn oohntr will turn out better thon tnt'oipated. A ralnablD hnrm was •Uilen from the itablo ofaniaaBained.St4tier.near PbiUipaburgt& few nUhta elnm, and It il aald that Smull, tlie dtido torso thief, haa again been soen In that Tioiniry. A AmamuwnedBasaU •tolfuwvenpoondi of sugar fmnl tho Mare of "Aa" Drake at Car- penter^ ^oint, Qnasex County, After a hard huM he woi oToxhntlldd, when ho lettted at t*ofni»rlk i It h'rtatod that a daughter of Klohard Ar- ftgton, of Uontafpiftj BOMWI Connty. despite the temonatnuiom of her parent*, nut away and married a sowing machine agent, ot whom the Canitly had pnmhaMd a machine. ' T h f t h o flew KittaUany honao at Watar'Oapwill^nBaEW ri tt.eDeWareWatarOapwill^BnBaE rix aandred feet in length and ttxteea feet -wide. Tn* building will be liahtod by gas and sup- plied with water <snd eTeetrio o&ll beUs. Idajor Carl limti has Heaiired from Judge Maeie a ride to aoow cause why a new trial •Umldnot be grant*! in the otao ot ChrUtinn Feigeoipas TB- William H. Morrow, a riit for (lander triad.lo Sn'anx county, In which a —"-'waJC'giTOi for'Uw defendant. The cturaabib at the June turn of tbe Sapreaje Court. On Batorday, at' PMllipjlmrg, Vn. ^n«lln Barnetout tie throats of her two young ohil- dreD'anilUion attempted beT own life. 8be li'-atffl Utinr, bttt is m n Wry oriUeal oondi- tion. IndaBrJuiuDtlnlw raUbtutl talk iho reAr«.oon.tiiiuaUy,tn her, children, baing io- Howuilor their welfare when dellriani. and fitieytngfor theia-whenshBTcallxeiitbeir Tale. •••••'•' ••-» - ^ - CUarand3flMtifnl. n utlog HamDton'a Orlnalil SUm, tbe akin aie a trub,nbu.and wwiimi »pf*M»oM. elr (m tram Tin. Trackta, and nU Blctn- . It so pariKtlr twmOen ttut» otnnot

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OHoe"on BUcIitteli Street nest door to the

Satiooal Union Dank.


OKK VEAB it-.l"1




| lWB.|2WKB.iawBB.| lBO.

l l o c ha "8 "t "5 '

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SCO 4 50

8 noi GO5 W)

6 2 6 7 <H>| 8 fill

,G KO 8 Oi)I 1(1 IW

8 (101 HI Eli! 12 Sd

17 (m! 21 <>(>l ^ ° "


<"'(' plwiKftrt to inform our pillions dial ourstock is now complete for Hie Spring Trade. We

show you Hoys' KuilN l'tinging i:i price IVmii $'1.(10to iHs.OO. Also mi immense lino of YMI.IIS' Suits innil fhiiiicw ami lalcst style spring pittcins, such as>'ol»l»y Sacks and flic three and four Button OIicslw-iielil Suits, (in all the popular K

S c

2HOB.I 3ao*t.j (J urn.! 1 tn.

% 8 £1)5 006

0 BO9 00

IB 001 lil 0(118 50 25 0081 (H)| i'i 00

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2'.) Mil' 45 (HI*7 so «r. wi



'Corner of Bluckwoll and Bimei tilt.

DOVER. N. J.I. S. JOLLEY, Proprietor



n i s IT AHD NOTAUT rum



/ ^ EO. 0 . CUMMINS, M. D.,




DOYEIt, K. J .

T 0. raEinvmra, E. M.DOVER, s. J.






DOYEB, N. J.Special ofRoe hontu on BatoriUvij from 8 A.



Diseases cf woman ami children, ami of tliceye amt car, special tie a.

Oman I 8 to 9 A.M.HUDBS. 11 to a and 7 to 8 P. II .

OFFICE-IB Hairhonio'a Building, BUekwell


Carpenter and Builder,ban removed In Tlmrlior'H nc-w UiiiMiiig, in the

rmr of tbe Oenlral Hfiil.oad draw briilKif,

NEAR THE CANAL BASIS.* 3 - JolibiuR anil rapainiifi |ironinttj

attended to. A Icug iiineriunon in lha busi-nenn, will, IboJiovo, enabio mo to f-ivi<*am-faction lo all customem. Contracts taU'ii »mlmatorislB lurniali.nl.




DOVEH, N. J.The ulace tins been entirely rolHted in a ncHt


DoiiU, from $1.50 ii|i. lYc slutH <lo our best, lo meetthe times by giving you tlio very lowcm. prices oneverything we oiler for sale.




House, % ud banintil hiuttrs,GRAIHE1W, UILDEllfi and TAPEB HANU-K«H. Oootraoti Uken anil matcrifil-fLirninlicit.BooraBitecorfttoiliu (ronedo utylcH. UavhiK *thnrougli knowledpe of iiotiHc and HJRII paint-Ing.wo fceleoinpeiflitt tu inpft tin- ilcnitndPoral!. Paint »1HJ)I over MIEH Wliitc's mtlihi'-'iyston-, noxt to Vonglit ft Kiilj-oru'a Amp. Htoro.P.O.Poi 183.J .MARriS. '1M» A.HTTOK


doalrre fu



On eta the Ijrst »nil mu»t Ul'ii.l lu.lucc-1»CI1» 1Q llOklrTb.

DOVER. N. .7.



Tho best work at lowest prici's, IlL-rRirnijcbaaplj ana promptly .Ion.'. Noil tool.l Preabjterian Ohurch. BLokm.il ao-ly

WM. T. ALLEN. 8. J- PAlilE


BD1LDERS,D o v o r , KT- «T.


Mathushek Pianos,WRIGHT, ESTEY


OAfiH OB IN3TALMENT81 Filly-fivo cc-nleper week will liny t new orRin.

Piftuoi unJ Organi ttiDed ami 1 quired.WM. fi. WfllGHT,

Officn No. 3 Brick Block, Dover, N. J,Ftctory 3 milBB eiftt {

al Dover. . )


MASON AND BUILDER,DDTER.N.iT. Oonlnuta taken udnatenallfnrnlilml. Btoae ind JilolSWdrlr, PliiiieriijiDd Jobtring pnnp th utepdod to. Oriontilt u SlIl lanH. Baker1! tare wUl recalnWMtlvdpnmpt t i tnUin . • • ' I " ' - '

Men's All Wool Pino Muck NiiHs, $12.00" " " " (in all shades) 10.00" <ir«y " " !).OOItiislntss '• " 7.00

Also (iood Suits for MM, S55.O0 ami *(».5O.

Freeman V/ood,


(trriniv-NATioNAf. I;MON LANK nnx,u.IMi.

tii:-t.,iv. J .

FOR SPUING- WiBAB.The largest line in (litse goods we ever liad, in all

griMles, nil similes and prices, to meet the limes.

HATS aB€i €APiYon should sec these while our counters arc lined

ivilli them i'loni the Bins' Polo, in nil eulorK millprices, to the Men's Latest Style Derby mid soft hats.Also a full lino of

NECK-WEAR and HOSIEEY.XiK Allfi Hi;AD(.»li;>nTKI!4 I-'OIl KVE11Y1 HlNti IK TUIi

Hilt!. A litl'K*! ItsSOrUUt'Ht jllf-t


Rubber Cups, with or without. Ciipes, llnbltcrllats.tubbcr (Jlovos, liiilibcr S llubbcr (iussiuner




LONDON u d LIVKKVOOL ati.1ULUBE. (Juiiitul 82II.DO0,


Cupitul 81i),0l)0,()0(),


(iupitul 810,11(10,1100


Oupllnl S5.(jnfl,u


Capita! iilUO.ll

. i.rlh Rritit.li nt.,1 M.io:

This London AfiHiinmrn Corporation 01

London, .mpitnl -f 5,r.fK),()(l().

Kprii.R0.-lrt Firo InKnranco Co., Matuai:l]ti

W.Htdicati'r Fire Tnmirance Ooniimny ffNow York, cni.itul Jr.ytt.oiHI.



ABMBTH, $3,500,001

Freeman Wood,JuHtic» or DJQ l'f'flot null I'olioo Utfflttr


AC.Hi: IIAIiltlMVKtutc VVIKM'I - MiviiJor,

C»SHll:iy rlUy!'2«\\*,

Grain and Garii.Mi , :il D ills,

Waller A. A\'...Kl's Mitwei P,


Thomas & Field Wheel HnyEakos,


Ltver and Tread Powers,Lyoii 'H I 'nii M i l l s

'I ' lut '^ln'iH, <Jlemii»ie. i i C ,

tu-1 nil otlier lirst-ilc.ei. fflrniiiif; Implrnitiits.


«E0. E. VUOKIIEES,ifiiicct-BMor to VunrliociUrytlitr^,}


Trnnlinii i;;ral.

DB. E .C . W M I ' H KravB ARU I!H*IK-TUI:*l i

wlicliB.Nervwuln.rtraiKn carnal thi'uraiculiolur lnl):ioiw. Wnlii-liilui-K-., M-uDi'prcMHtm, Holti'iimu <>f Hn> heuin n-MuUiiiin*auuy and IcnUiiiK K» iinst-ry, il«ciy

l dtftilt. Ptvnutttro 01-1 Ant--, 11 invimeiwBH i f iwwe- i l) ! i t

d atnr Kid livrtiouoi

Ei I n l -

.nee. Eacb bo£ emtnlus Hie ... . _icot. *t a l.cis, u iB i ikx™ tori5(B.'i.t bnil prepaid nil iteeipt cf [.lire.


b.v us for *ix Lc-vcs, acn.mpniiiul will. S5, wMllti

in™ niado every cffjrt to proctuo tlio cboieo of the most dsairalile fitjlcs ii

iHHrket tail biivo sclejteil the lirgest assortmant of jifttturiiH in bnth t lo sl»pl<

d fancy Btylefl, overhbown. The lotnliiiy colorn in tlie now '* corkscrew" fnitric

uut iu tbe lattst Mjlts at Sauk* nuj Froi;krt nuii oue, thrto nml four buttoi

r are the nnly house in the State that has tlio famous' SAWYER" CASSIMERES in. stock, raid we offer noarh'

FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES cf these goods alone. They arestrictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partiu-ular as heinjf the best valuo ever given. Other houses mayhave imitations. Beware of them!!

In LmiiT'ttiil Miim.M WKK.HT t >veri l ia is wi. halt, a Inrgp Tnridy, nt priroH fromiJ»lo$2O. iH" \\V ..IKIW by for Ik.i memt Viuieil ..took of [»iiiil« iui,vwh.:ro, .stylishill sud il. (jnnlly miiiU1, u every priufl, from tk> i-hi'iipHflt to tho best,

JN OUR BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S MPAKTMESTe have cxcrcififJ Ilic same cimful y&\w, and present u thoroughly itrli^.ic, varied nntl

extensive- Htouk cxc.iiB.vely our oivn'mako and correct in every detail.

IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENTlay be fauuil t ip twfit pnn'iblf. Hel.'dioii «.f boll FOKEiGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS.

Ill dmr^t: of tjkiHful l.u.l illtihtic GUIttrH.

t r WE IUVF. llDT ONE rillOE TO ALL. AnyHlcclion mndj if not nitislutory•u clieorfuliy t'3i-I.fti.gu m rffi.ud your money.



850 and 852 Broad St., Newark..(3 nmius sornr OF NEWAKK &, NEW YOHK'K. U. DEPOT.)

maeil nulr by

R. Killgore, Agent, Dover.



INf), DOVEIi, N . J . AIIMti i l r t i . rMni t twt iy .l <KmuKilitri"in t'iif l»)-l iiutmiT- Also

tiif Kf\U CAItPEl1 mi liut.l lors-ilu.iul'jtt- ctirtiiiiis clt Awa Hinl dy td .

Adjourned Salt! of LtindIfm i n a l l r r (if Uii> a - . 4 i i ; i i i i i n i t n l F w n ^ i S .

OtH'f, Wlio u t s ' K l i t d i o f Hie l«;Uulll . . . tliS

jtiiko piano t t tlio Court ILJIHO in Mor

MONDAY, tlio Stli fllty nt MAY, 1881,

at 2 o'clock iiL tin* afiLrmmj.

Dutcl April 7tli,188i. ISflO

N O T K K .

Mate of WilliP .1 Harin,ik'ceiiscd.

PUIifiUAi; 1' t.> 11 "•'.. . rf llio Surrdsato



All the latest styles on hand and made toorder. Our work is all done under our per-sonal supervision, and is fully warranted.

Everybody in want of a wagon will profitmuch by giving us a call before buying^else-where, j

in all branotes done in a manner which -is ,Tjound 'to give satisfaction^ OKlpm^tar pafwill! recfiite prompt at«*-.«—« L k€Sl'i" '•

ud thu'liiiB

cy if liit irl i

f/fita kiiiil foreujfiviiii'iit in UJinaction is


BilliardFool Tables

u . : c l i i « l im





RI.VI.VH proud. .1 f.-r Hi., [...trues nr

J.lill'U OI'EliA IIDUBK «.•»


Nursery and GreenhousesMima Sr., JiniHtlSTOrtN, K.





Thorbni'iiN Flower SeertnFOIl 8AL.E.


S.FeiTfS,Opp. Depot, D. L. 4W. R. R.,

D O V E R , N . J .

FiNEGROOERIES,Flour, Feed and Grain,

TEAS, COFFEES,Sugars and Spices.


STOVES, TIN WARE,1 unit Willuw Wiirr, Lcml Tiiic, SIHIIH,,U'ricultiirHL liiipli-inniitii, Stc, lius

ruiiiLivt'.! to (In.'I![NO liUIUHNfJ. IN STAKHOl'K,

wlit>ri-h[«inilnii)N will fltul n full (.imply nfI'vcrvlliiTiKilicy n^itirc in 1,N line. Tliiiiik-


Stai.lio[ifi, Ajiril lul. 1^1.


],n* rt ' i .n.vcit). . l.iH 11.VV

Brick Building oii South Streetli«n> I..- will I... p!..[ii«-<l t o HI>O nil I.i4 ciBto-

toves, Ranges, Tin-ware andHouse Furnishing Goods,


o« 3 1

D ©

-i-ffln " l ln 1

o B i i day (if Jnimarv neit ,miilliBtri'inllH'diitr nf ni:il onlor;ilitoriifBlectini; to brine in ami

her chim, mxlur naili «r afilnna-MiHmitPil.wiHliB forever

I4rIK, Ailir.iiiistri

Dstt-il tlio e

r luxi

x w n cru K

with tin-will mmi-jeil.

h ikj o( A^ril A. It. 1«

j\cnn n. MASS.

is Co., N.J .






UENtilUL.IIEPAliilNn OF ALL KINDS?,\\T,S I'ltOSlIT A1TENT10N. 18-3ra

esPhosphates.A wiclr ol.Brends of

' ferilutonud



Notice of Settlement,Nolle* [* Imrcby Rirtn that the tnanniti nf

lie ftubucribiTs. i3ii-cntorn (if Dsinjitmiii .1.iVetjterw.il, ilfu'd, "ill IJQ auililed mil nutctl byUiii Btirro^Mtc, and reportnl for ncitlfniont Xnthe Orpbniiri'Ci'iirL or tlio CMltity of Morrii,in Uoudnr (1m w<«mtl *)»* of June m i l .



r LLIGJTJ I I I i j ^ f " » r l " ' . " ^ n * fc' • •*• ^ . — F — -.— .

!t>thins new IQ tlie»o ..DEB cunnHintlj-in itoci.


nranco riika Iu tlio beat ootppaL.^


ESTABLISHED M E T i YEARS.lit the array of manufacturers who contribute to maki

our reputation what it Is as boot and slioc dealersin this community.


EDWIN C. BURT&Co.the world's best Hlioc-inakers are represented.

LOUNSBERRY, MATHEWSON & Co/sgoods used for tlic last ten years by Lord & Taylor of

New York.

THE H. W. MERRIAM M'F'G Co.justly celebrated for making the best medium priced

shoes in America.

THE P. COX M'F'G Co.'sgoods in Ladles', Misses' mid Children's wear,

SMITH & MARTIN,the popular Brooklyn manufacturers, and the Bay

State Shoi and Leather Co.'s, while in men'swear we keep the

"HURT"goods which are acknowledged the best l>y every one.

STACY, ADAMS & Co.who niiike a line of men's wear second to none fdr the

price in this country.

CHAS. H. HOWARDwhose make we have used for twenty-lire years and

can testify from experience to their good quality.

THE "WALKER"goods and also the Bay Slate goods in men's wear are fully


_S^S Most of the above have been used byus from ten to thirty-five years, the entiretime that we have been in business, and fromthe veiy fact that year by year we increasedour business and popularity is in itself a suffi-cient guarantee that any of the above makerswill give satisfaction to all who use them.

oaavilleaKaiu uextyridavevaniuK.aaidltwaa "ftwM" vfiat wuod-

!ffe laiwt'lUe boja diaptojeo. 1I» tad no

^A i n Saind Boamla »red M . r Andoverweirt out iu a l»at nita two ooi»i»i»i»m luatSalunlaj-nlglit ta awuraali. TliDyto»lii»i»»ot what.olio M y BaiiilW aflornoon railo.1tlio "Dovil'a lladlllB worf" Jtelf and gotHood and dnin* on It, tin liaat ta «UloU tlioyw.™ " i a l X a t t.» W tola tbe ahoif andtlongu Ue wna,wlie»hf waah imolt, o atroni!Hwlmmer, Boa. was drowned. Tile story iaUmt Ma two companion., wbo o.ruieil, wont

jot to bed, ana btgna to think w|..i

&,^r . ,1 ,1 . < ««d ft™ ttavw«nt to tbe Cranberry iuid ilwiiwcl out lilHdead body. , ,

A certain jonns man, wbrue uaraii 1 .In notDare to meutlon, oaiuo to Port MorriH la-ttButurtoy. Aconl trulil »aa inckiiiB «!' ">tho .iriloli and ta w». lui.turii.ik cuoiujli.tbouBb lio waa oot o railroad limn, lo know

l d ' l l cj«wpt Ills IPWII lio

OPP. D., L. & W. DEPOT, DOVElt.



The New York & China Tea Go,,NEXT DOOlt TO THE POST-OFFICE,

D O V I S H , TV. .T.

i> now nettleil nml reailr tor bimnois in their fluenew More with Hie imgeX stack of








Ti- at prices which will surprise all. My motto is

! quiok sales anil small profitn. Call andr p ' see me bolero buying elsewhere.

W I . 0'DWYER, - -Proprietor.

o\cr setiii iu Northern Now Jersey, at prices whichdofy competition. His inymenfio stock nf


can't bo surpassed. Every variety tmiHuiul at prices to

suit tho times. Ho alHo keepH a splendid lot of

but lio aboul.l u<i hiitna. • ••« i'"t know

J!! him out i fmy littrioK a « T Avbll.- mid Im Klml nf it, lor 1 Imve uevur beanl justnicli HfitreuUL of bmllnuBuaBOlwuieftimi anymuiiiii lips UH cutoo from tlitwe V"U"R i«1H«w«nxl ! Imvc heard wmio iirctty Wd Ifitiyrn^.NnwUiovwiiKinnnn'rurreil in ia JUIOHTIIO:tll the jiuoiilc nf tilunlmpt; u» an liiibitiuil

I IH'HOVC '.Tlic imiiHt nf tin- Rliinhoii'ii iii'ojiloIR that them 1H mil n m-loim in Mtauhupt'.Nuw let innnHfc where iluct* tlmt yoimc tisll.iw•f,t tlie rtuff iliRt iiittkwi Ww <lraukl It inIk.-b- tU,ili«0m«|l.o1l.v K«|HM «id lm^ iu [ imr j

l«iMme!1npr i lthiiii'Vam'iiki]1i^wh..«'miUil» ii thiUK liku tlmt, nnd tlw iimu wlm wouldd l tliat liov wliiskiiv knowing imu lie In-tkuowti by'nil thir- (•nminiiiill.T, miKlit ti. bn.Tiimmrtl out of uivilizPil uncicty. ;j 1 Uli« it

iiid <i nuin ut I'orl, Morrin liistSutiinlii.v WIM-IIh\* muitrt boy was trytni: t« wnViMiiit Ilmtin knt'iv it nil mul rmmiiin the rink ul Rc-tni^

kill" il irnimiR thfl trmiw. " but i l l knew -whowild von tho whi.tliov, mylf'i.V, I wtmtil hnvohim liulictcil m hur? uriii druuil Jury tmulilbo got tf. tin it." Suji|n)SP it witu ynur boy, oriiiv Imv. What wnulil wo (In ulicuit it. I i \ «




Miss Nolan,having moved her MILLINERY i.OODS «o tlie line new More

in the Brick Block, announce to tlic people of Dover andvicinity that she is now ready for business. Huving, put iu A new btacit of



Ribbons. Feathers,Katsv Flumes, etc.•luiio a

K turn

<.WJiMrT.aLiral.LW MISS KQlAN.^o . , r!'BRICK BLOCK, DOVER, >. J.


POKIKOREIt.3<m aorg»«..' en«lne, tlio 10), baa Jam to

EUmeludatopaand la aut an«.e road.eajnrftli a tiratt new coat of paint, s_r


• •woftEar tip BaardjsW W * Coi« in'iK r ™ n « of the Dnitwl SwtM, 1»

wfiAte «™rS«. ».»*. to I . .WUIlMWalter IMp* It 1> • »arr O»IW Uilm tol « t . In Uuiaaua. for r*m* wh[ Jaj»n«taate (or letten Bnd Jgun». '"at at prejenI h«vn the boon i there »ro tm rplmlmrn from • oiirao^»»»_at tbom,

u 3,406, wlien the cenrni.« tu'SiMsex County. In

• 7,700 h a b i t a n t * ^ ' "

in the J.rt»lijteriiuiaveniug to a large nudiTempenmce Unloa. D

~ y i e l i i i

jugb bo » ,„jrylmdy'n litiaiuetw except binroalKiuU rnidwH »• ">''« »« «>««y " "

..J nojhiE ii—Unzaing Oiiffey's piinloa.Butui-dav niglit I wiwviikctl diit ni »soimil

ileep to ifitciD to U utrenm of i.rofaiiily «n<aiiKimffO tbni ia not lit ti» be jiHiitoil, tiwili,T tlmt saniB youujl mini, nml mmm <if l/i"ihscolatpa who worn tryiun t i carry Inmmuif!. He wus binmil In: would nut L'« IIOHH1.lecttiwa LIH futlior 1i.nl ti*l»l him tlmt m».ii,;«! mid, lo ICIIVP tlis hmiw n*A licrer 1» CMIK;

>k to it, and tliu oth«r lclli>'

ouiaprelieiiaivo itaowliHtgo of thiH_ Jung quGstioa of the truJtto in iptoxJcut

ing liiinor. In a very masterly vox he dis-nowd uf tliu ublwrtf oba of liquor <leaiun to lbuiriunds and active pro motels cf the temiwr-ftnc<] rel'onu; the obargua of iucoualflteney

— ably niluted.

...inklugol iupoiirjlritency kudu mn to ••»-mark, nui) nnk what can lio niuro iiicnuiiiatiiutth for Qur lourln to liouiisfl Ibis naif of uu

lo liint in tltr. oaiwe of sevcu-eigbtiis ofUrc.'iiiiitiul IjiirtiucBriatiri tin same proportion

if our tmcB 1 Of nil atmurditieo tLc niout uh-iitril, kdkiuK striiight nt it iu a cimiiiiontnao wuy,

>lr. t!. 1), Stnyiirr mul wife lii.vo roturucilFroni the Suntli, whvta ihoy hnvo been Hiiend-«g (lie wintrr. >k will ticlon kuvr inr Duku-n. While iu Klwidiilui *fi:im>d from tlic St.ohim river ttimir of young iUlifititurti ii.iuutwoytnrKol.l.mi.l lirunuht liiftin with hiui.'Imy nrr v.Ty ilur 11(. ami IH-UP hitntlliiig with-lit I'cur, mul Ilia! k-iulu mn tu my tliat tlic"IHIUK lVi.iilu of this Pitjsbvti'rian C'lnirrh Utohln Hiifiulili- on tlio I'v'euini; ot tho Hli,'liitrmlav nl lifil wcik, fit tin* jmrwonajjo, nt.1,1,1, lin,. il,.., • iw..Hfliii'innr. «-il| U- «xliit>-

l i ' tttiuiiiriit.

I'Utlic ini^lit t;-. .—' tin i,|,y l .mi^ ii Ul»." Kit Hlmulil I - umm oviiiiii^ no tlimlit tlic j)ar«uungi) willell litlfil nnd nil will U wotconic. Tbe

lutl.™ knuw ln>w tu jjet ii]i thn rofre§biuenta.j;litil to WfJi-ume ii our villngo Hr.

itchhi'ii II. UnHiiiul uuil family. Mr. I).nkt'si'liiUL'n.iHlir mill in wlilch h!n futlnn-u« lonR ]md nn iiiU'ivRt. He ir) now lit workuttiiii,' jii HUM- IUOCCHH mudiiuury Iv litep UJI.ilbllic niiHN, mil! will mi ihmltt imikti u

ill'I'l'KH llf tllL' Illll-illlrirl, IIH lit! liHH Ijlltll tb»

FLOCETOWN.K'>v. It. )1. Cotliim prnaohnd to IIH luwt Kim-

»y iiitmioim, niter wliirli mir Huuili.y Suboul

:i'v,tll.Olfi""('..]liii« WIIH t'lcclcd ClmlriiHin.'dim A. I»nrkpr wan rc-clocUd KUIHTIIIU-H-I'lit; iMiiiiih Senrleit Ansihtaut iSuporiutiiii-fnl ; .luwiih 1'arkiT, Siicrtttury and l'wmi.MT; 1. liiiiivim, l.iiirurimi, uuil Roliurtrnrlw ARHlAtaut. Wis Impo thin HOBKH. willlinw mi iuori'iise.l iuterest in thin work.

Mr. Daniel Scnrlun, who wan tak.tu Iromit-rt to .Mi.iriw l'luiiis Aoyluiii. We have re-•ently leurni'il It »<> ln'Hcr. H« tlitt^ notn>em in rrnt niglils wbh-li U nnt so fnvoniblu.iVt had hoiwd lliat lie would BOOB lie buck.

There will bo no wri-ice in Ibitj iiluco iiftl,

uiiitbur lovt'M hintniotb.Tuuul.ivo 1if tin' wkolc win

r? Thnlany vlkt-r


. Oi

l>r. He

mty, lmt '

mlrnad.ml it

in['rt-sbyl.Mi.rn Clmrrli of Stniibiii.i' wn tb«Iliuracier of.Iodali in tin' nu-riitoR iiuil inn< ••VLWWK ' " ' will HIIIIW by the help rf uilnrcd inn]., "Thi! wanl^of tliewiirld" IIHgnnlH tlbriKtianity thisilifltn'iit.itil.ls IM-WI-

ifil'a SiM^fnrt timtSlmi' tUkfl'tliink Iboy•t too Hindi nulimfty mid some ii»lb« tliink

,iiorl tiuii! nt» tbat ii mini wim Koinp t" 1"" »

!jiu la tlir. KHA tind'l hear «f nuothtr wb.i in

T , H C litMlid ii.it Uuil bia .mom tu tlio Kit A

liist wl'(llt- W c l 1 T t l " l l ' t r!" 'm l l > ' " ' a l l l < ' '"•^ " ' _ . _ . . . .. '\ „ .. • ** . . . . .1 if '• (i*\\ jUI"J , , « n In

uti Ui MOW

" J | S l d

i.l il i. fell.nv

ill "lo'n'i'.Twn

led ll.nl till, onlj thuu in 111.'r,,Bi,iotl.wl.ii.!..lliuSlm.l..l..'

m «..«•—•• I'.V N-.ul. Miini.ii null IIIH mm0 N H ( t WIIH si.inrtl.iiis liko n MIJIIIM mm,

....I \ f How had to ni.rr.v « pnil <>r wnt.itronn.l •witU Mm naircllua tbc t.uicnllia inwlrt In lui'a^ i' .illcfilivc. 1 M Iti.pw try toit tli b«™ln« wood warkafHbiimlni win-

" " " , Jmo Mitl.il. live t ' r t of fitlii.B,n window. " ™y lac rjr acrvi-. nu. rigbtlj

:)ean Swift lolls ..r n tattor way oi l'"lt'«8n.ti.tlN. sonir COT. t.ii'J'l"'. Hi.'.v will Have

, „ ( , In Stii'iiliopn. It ia lady tl.al

i , , .c : . i i"fr , i i ," i i '" ' ;e | . t l"; ' •" ' •„ , , ,I ppp Oo.llft»» tlnl. Ln» i.e<!ii Uilkinu i.l.out

liln Hod siinin i» X'iw v " r k ' " 1 1 ( l li" ( S n ' 1 ifi

Irt notSS "1 «ll-a«lt»cr anyU.Ini! in

a .bailll c• lint mi olo,,m.nl old CLn.li

kol Tli i l r l. |



Snttil ol')ii"s..ul wiw nit liiirit-liPitdei

«d"w imnl-liVnrtfd n« nnti L-V.T ilnrcd to brTbiw hn.l u lil* time ut H.ifubuV* on M.mav ufalit n birtlidftV wuipriM1 inirtj-.Tlio Town Ctm.mitV" " ' Hyrain towimliipirt in Stauliow last Batunlftj- nnd, I nm told,i-U>nniiicrtiotnk«lbe wnter ncrnnslolu tliparpHt wnv to tho river.Will flodRomuo, wJiohiw been clerking i

|behirui»«.'QtStanW twi«t,MiW«lMidwrnuinlnK tn Hie 1'- ••• »• »™"N»" J0™11? c'i>"in a Hurt of cnnddentfal cleric -to the

AMioUntaonenl Fwlglit Agont. WUl t ivouiiLMiinu wlio lNtrylna topcrreot blradelfi nlrnnsmnhr, »nd>frin(t b j the pu t , I

neb a good opening mud i tops lie u u be-uniu Resident or tbe Pcnimylvunia B. B.nn ofthcBO iliiys.WnUerBtiuDrmnwvcd tin finoHy ta New

nrk Tupdday mornljiE. 'A. J. Brake li butWIng two housei fnr John

lirittin in Soutli Stanhope. 'V. It. Diivis h u gone. <b work

undoround. ' • ,Harry Hnrolimoot got lib flagon pinohed

miio ou Saturday ulKHt. . .Tbo reKiilnr in on tbly meeting ofttadM, ..

S. IHT, Mutunl llonoflt Aeefcelatlon took placeit Newori. on Monday evonlnjc 38th inst, 6S7(icmbeiB paid IIUM in Apnl and 37 wjto ad-mitted nt tbe meeting malting altogether 6Ulumber* in Booil Blinding. Thoexpeiweii fortbe month we» »187iS0. Tho riio rf:th«lr

UE Ulttt. i • i 'I UndBrntsiid fhey nro*in'(.WiiB preparations

for a lrniiid tinW at tbe meettng of tbfr VwbyUrtas Uito Socloty at I . , l ' .Mi lW«i io i t

Bveaiiog. The Mite Society fthray*to have a good tlma though.

. j I l u t i t l a s redeiTod fctorlfton buhalf brother who ta »WBy out in Mwdoo, aoonduator en a railroad. He—*-'other tliinga, «me Bpeoimeni i ani

of thot, mat

o ioak It in wnter andHenoDitanamo. D.J.

other thinga, «me B p e o i » oroaurreotion pinnt. The peoallaritv. of thorttar,fto thatjno ;n*ttor W dead it, mat

WMtn yqu have only to ioak It in wnter and ftodniBitDlUeaKain HenoDitanamo D J

B00HT0H. ;.

"Mr. unfliMnvP. W. Haramond and ditngii-tar, iu* boftrUinfl at Ui« U. 8.- Uotol, UTfitgrented tlelTtbouM, for thefimnmar to Mr.ChM. Paltor of l W T o r t city. ..:'"'Mr.GflOtK*ftntbony and wife haTS moT&u,tn their hoioe on Wiuioington Btrobt.

Her. 1'iitbDr MeOaMhy, of'Biiat Onmpi,_ad Fattier DownnB, or (hin place; deilvermltemnarmioe addrowet heforo a latae HDiUcr ~In St. Joicph'* Hall, on Tuesday everting}fTbundar •vf)nlng a temperanoe meotiiig washeld In WwlLlngtflii Ifn\l Surakcrs fromSew 1'otlt oJarowed tto'meeting; tho tern-peraneo people' it* •wofkinc voryht rd toonrry.oni, towa «lootioii, aad it louka u If

Oaiey, on Ohnteb rtreot; ahoefly aftertwo p'olwok, Wedneaaay roarniiig/.biit I Mnot duooTorcdunto tbe roaf bail fallen, in;the Urn nUd niUed romuoit fteadwai tt VrahaottiMdeuto do nnth in^0B4 M tbsi

;, out tnoio rare lu t i yeiwsanonlarmMint,out tnoio r a w h u t i . . .few who knew nhout it until doyHoht. Thenwin) MIIT onn penou I.TIBR to thtThouM; tho•on, lAwntuw* ,«lio ii-brakeunaw on a train,had iQfl tba hqna«,at cl-^vau, o'ojwkta ,m\Ui work. T\it hbuia And eyerjUilog ,in»W•via bnmed. Thn'landing v n tnittml fo

lev. J. P. Appleton, of the Episcopalnrol), ba« tendered bis reaignatlon tu the•' ion of that Cluircb.to take effect Juue

— —yet they IIUYO nut taken may actiontjpOB it, bat H i» bowid thaj will try and ID-auoe aim to star witli UB.

Hr. W.W. Middle nad irif» have reu,«<l

W * O M now boart of a Ural-claim temucr-anqe liotel under (he mauaeeuieut uf F- litCoo, wbo has routed tbe V. fi. mid in keepingan excellent boose; ire hope lie will means uWgeaumberof perniiiaeni as well aa trau-•ient iiosiden. Unite a number of people an?— - ' - - ' there a»a they my h to ft flwt-

Dnjvy playing ball theao fine day*,ul thai, a dub from LiUla Fullsgame here on Saturday often. ,

- . . . f ed nine from tliin-ulace. Whywe hare a well oraanlaed club and not

depend ob a " rkkedn ine" to play wbeueveropuottuidty offen I U t the boys get to wurkana orzanlce a club.

The Prwbyterian Sunday School will giveD eutertiUjjnient.il Waabingtoi] Hall iu tbe

«t«-future. IbtdieveltwUibeiiuoxufllleutaiTair. BJrWalter8cQttV(LadyoftbeLukt"will be tendered and tlao some otlier eier-daes wblob will nake a profitable, ae well u*oiaes whlob will make a profitable, aean auuulog ijntartuinmant.

An huproretnent iu the way of a nehas been erected in front of the M. E.

ew fenco,

TIJH W. C T. U. intend atroom in oouuectiuu vrltit their


Wo have had cold wind* for uveral duy*paat, dfilavluc Jiut HkrinE huda and bloBHOiuH.audnutuiriogalnivMtwtuternrca. Iti«prob-ably the tall end of tbe tornado tbat swuptover a portion of Ohio en the 38tU, We wentaatUHed witU He ainall en<L

Qirdem moklna U-tba order of the day now.The farmera bare their oata owed and are

npariogioraorn. AUtUe abowerwouldbuDotiptabTe to atart the pHturea.Hr. John Pooriag h u been putting » neat

_ad taitoful Iron fence iu front of lib bouse.A few mota of tbo same sort would add to thobeauty of OBJ1 Ullage.

K«v. Hr. Duurdui-U!, of Btaubope. leoturcd«v. l)r. Uuurduiwi, of Btauhopo. leoturcdthe J.*rt»lijteriiui Church hut Tuesdayniug to a large nudiftnoo, LerorothuQoiip»)l

Dr. Ii. a remarkB showedi l t

t ]\v

H ti


iniii ing I" Mr. Voorhecy gg

limtutt n nont oi paint, which Lolnn tbn IODVH.-t>r.y ninth. Uagt-r Taylor, of lluiUiwn, ilid

• >rkllohfrt Diirlmiu

m.ilhfr ln>y. i-lorry it wiOur temper ha* bocii a

:L' l l<>

ay Dti'v.- Joyn, but3 aud tliey TirJi tillIH UgllL

MMJE.W._ . . . .i » Hying visit (tun iliif lt.nl week.Mr, Cuok, tjiir lilutkuuiitli, lurueii his «»w

mt In WIULT ut id wont iiwuv 'ITIU laft h^r out..VIIIMI Im iTturne'l lio fminii lii.4 uow hnd \mu

illy uliuni-d. Hho bBfl mort mmindly buanilii'd liy miino wrck'h who deserved thnil*iiiij WDTUV. Him tlw cow. Her udder wan

' a liliitmB.'ul iimnniT. ltiit. nnuiior

>or three wcokri nKO it wns pub-it lliiuf biuL hnikun. uud oiitcri'd

'H IIOIW mid hud taken Abo'tt HiiitThn chiin wbo t.iok them must

•iluiater, for Abo weigbH 220 lbs.IO In Aim iittw, us ho LIUK, 1 [ire-t iini^li better ibuu tbo one l«Bt.

limit, one of nur i-.teemed eiti-vult'Heunt, which we nrc happy to

-ill o


In thn H.E, Clinrch IIIH. Sulibatb tlic con-rrL'iiliiiu, nmriiiiiL' and uvoulnc, WHH liirge.bemonJnR wnSoa vm* about the "Evilirtigno''; pvniine, " Good Samaritan."Thf tiwialilc <m Tuf«day night wins ft pinna-

i M. K. Church hnvo de-rttirry ftwtlvnl tUo tliird


Niut Talki AhoDt Eli Penciling*.

In nu interview nt liis liomi- in Morrletowu,

Mr. Nastenid: "Wlit-re dn 1 get niy itlcusi

From bright tic WHp»p«rfi. I rend tlio ilaily

» through very carui'ully. An idunn

to luo I jot thorn down. Not in tho form

.cs its you men uf Mian* do, but in lino*

urveu. Do I evur receive hints or Men*

other pcoplu? Oh, yes, tliouBondn of

I never use them. Not liaoume they

nt £ixul, Imt hucauit' I have to kocp up

withlbe tiiufB, nml ulwuys liavtj underway

ii(!h nrisin.il iiloas to work on.

Do you follow any MyntPm M to tlino or

:mcr of work 1"

Not at all. 1 work when 1 foel like it.That in ccucnilly nftcr hreakfut. When 1

1 tired I quit i"I* thoro the chanoo for fame w a carica-

turist to-dny thoro was formerly f""Oh,denr,no, Hud I to commence now,

the name of Tom Watt would not be hoardoutride Ilia own family. Tho war made me."


Oscar JofTrey Buccee<hi W. A. Btryker asUorough Attorney of Waihington.

The congregation of Qraoc Lutheran Churcli,hiliipsburg^Ul erect anew church edifice.Freeholder McCnuben, of Washington,

announce hlnmelt us oandidato for StatoSenator in Warren thin fall,

Oaoar Smith, of PhUUptburg, foil from acar«ntaeLehli.hValle7road,.nnd receivedInjurica whitli rmHUA In hU death.

The Court of ErrorthM affirmed the judg-ment obtainoil b j L.I . Btontenburc againatJoaoph Wbartonin the Snuex Courta.

The fl&ofcftttitowii QufUt, a Democratio,paper, hope* the new Democnitio Lay JudgeofWartcn oohntr will turn out better thontnt'oipated.

A ralnablD hnrm was •Uilen from the itabloofaniaaBained.St4tier.near PbiUipaburgt&few nUhta elnm, and It il aald that Smull, tliedtido torso thief, haa again been soen In thatTioiniry.

AAmamuwnedBasaU •tolfuwvenpoondi ofsugar fmnl tho Mare of "Aa" Drake at Car-penter^ ^oint, Qnasex County, After a hardhuM he woi oToxhntlldd, when ho lettted at

t * o f n i » r l ki

It h'rtatod that a daughter of Klohard Ar-ftgton, of Uontafpiftj BOMWI Connty. despite

the temonatnuiom of her parent*, nut awayand married a sowing machine agent, ot whomthe Canitly had pnmhaMd a machine.' T h f t h o flew KittaUany honao at

Watar'Oapwill^nBaEW ritt.eDeWareWatarOapwill^BnBaE rixaandred feet in length and ttxteea feet -wide.Tn* building will be liahtod by gas and sup-plied with water <snd eTeetrio o&ll beUs.

Idajor Carl limti has Heaiired from JudgeMaeie a ride to aoow cause why a new trial•Umldnot be grant*! in the otao ot ChrUtinnFeigeoipas TB- William H. Morrow, a riit for(lander triad.lo Sn'anx county, In which a—"-'waJC'giTOi for'Uw defendant. The

cturaabib at the June turn of tbeSapreaje Court.

On Batorday, at' PMllipjlmrg, Vn. ^n«llnBarnetout t ie throats of her two young ohil-dreD'anilUion attempted beT own life. 8beli'-atffl Utinr, bttt is m n Wry oriUeal oondi-tion. IndaBrJuiuDtlnlw raUbtutl talk ihoreAr«.oon.tiiiuaUy,tn her, children, baing io-Howuilor their welfare when dellriani. andfitieytngfor theia-whenshBTcallxeiitbeir Tale.

•••••'•' ••-» - ^ -CUarand3flMtifnl.

n utlog HamDton'a Orlnalil SUm, tbe akinaie a trub,nbu.and wwiimi »pf*M»oM.elr (m tram Tin. Trackta, and nU Blctn-. It l« so pariKtlr twmOen ttut» otnnot

Page 2: S.FeiTfS,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · 1 unit Willuw Wiirr , Lcm l Tiiic SIHIIH,U'ricultiirHL liiipli-inniitii, Stc, lius ruiiiLivt'.! to (In.' I![NO liUIUHNfJ

THE IRON ERA.The Dover Printing Company,



t intill' DllVI

..ftlcti Coi jell uixl

!...• ijt'ctHni'u iiernlstiMit nynte.ni of ulnixn such IIM1ms dlBtn-m-eil no utlw*r ccnnniuiiily i>riU>«iiein tin- SUitc. Hut the nut hi>r shin nf tliU

wiritnil uuiwiu so finally eatiiuuted, that ItIIIIH nut hucu thought uooeMur.v tu ilefmulthem from nswuilt* em in m tinn from nueli a»<inm«. lint there arn

whothe iilTuira »l tlioami to such SDtneln-i)fn.h(iuijiKo»

lu Hie

s well [ion toil iniity tui the ulclnr rc.idiiiitsord* of ftsjilunutlun mil)'

rst place the Dorp<initiun of Doverluisulwiij* liinu HU largely Ke]mbl[ciHi* DiiiimcrtilH \\a\e never tliouRlil it wist) toiniikeii |iiirt.V i>]ii»)Hilii)u ill tbe t-linrtiT clit-tiuii. In ftu-t, I he lieKt ]H!O|ili' iitoong tbtDi'iiiwraiic c.eniimt liitvu iilwuyn IIUM] miwell Hiitiftfind with the efflofent ami l.iwim*8-llk« iiiiuiu(;«iiii>iit nf the nfl'uim uf tlie townunder tlie H quill! i run iMliuiulgtnit.ini iLiitllu.-y hilvc Ittu'ii aiimug iU warmest MU|i]Hiri-era. Of course tills lias nut I>onn witinfnttorv1<> ilu' l)euii.er,.tic II-IXUTXund tiny, knowingilmt n jiM-ty uoiHiwt wimlil only tic vi'lup tlicirwt'iikiictM, have eiirti'iivorpil to divide theR.'l'"l<Hnn. Mr,u^h l.y .HWU to PWJ.IV ilia-Ficnt .NUH, which Imvo iiNiiiilly taken the H)UII>I!

Imsine** lalenta wlioh (he membon oCoimcUln (eneral, and Major BtoluutLB lapurttaular, bare dcvutuJ to tlie perfornuuict'of tbe du«o* uf Uieir ottioo, have boon wortlimore to tlie town t>viny year tbitn tbe gr«B»miiouut of the MlaricK fii\eti lu the DCCL*Kurily paid vflkbile i>l Hie iMtri>i>ruilou.

NurliHVr tbi'.v bi-i'ii IIIHIIU »r iwrnonal toUIOM who hiivti not IWPQ frifudly Ut tbemTbpy bftvp never gone out nf their way Ineven with thuir opponent*, iiml every perwmhaving bimlnotw dcalinjfi. with the coty

IMilltieul nr pcrnontil ittHUiitimi*. TbU bi tweu HIIDWU in another KCUH#. lu times

rvmi ICvpnhlicuUH hnv< l>n>n

uf Ho-calW cltizenaoft ili'frutul tit this

icket-.,gurn the

utl ultliitUKli; iiruiKirn tu

,1th llirae »tM-nlleii litizeiiM' wov«<-ii.l have mn an ei.nilidi.<«fl njpluiillurly nomliiHteil intiilidaieH uf tin-

Kejmblieaw party, Hlliec then botUB of thesel.uvc utuu euiiditlattw for i.thur

poxilldUH witbiu tliu jiart.v nnd tlie volts theyhuve IDCi-iveil un mieh ucciininurj liuve HIIUWIIthat they liiive had the nuitatl and liuailyujipurt tif the carparutioti KeimhlicuUH of

the town, whereas if they had received theirimposition in tlie wny "f retaliation it U notin'numptuoua tu Hay that they would bavcii'iii defeated. We therefore any- tliut theiMlify mid integrity liinpluiodby tiie unwiitidniinistrfttluu entitle* it to deeeut treatment

at t lo linnrtt. of all in'oplu, Irrespective ofparty, while the uim'l.lsli support Rivennil UcpuLliuuu miuilueoM by those wbu ci>ijioBe It, uhnuld i!<, mine nil it to tho luyitl »nport of every Hi)|m1ilicnii iu the town.

Hut tho tuuHt UeiiuuB offence with wliiiir Common Council lias lieso uUargcil

lute is tlmt tlii'y are, "salary grabbera."

to offer In tvtarn fur tbe tnaUeiuu* diatribe*ottored againat tbe officials of the town andbelieve tlmt thii plidu aUinnieut of fact* will|irovo of more weight wltb voters thu.ii burshwurds baudied iu tho wuy uf rutuliuthiii. Tin;deinj stoning whieh ilie ftoiiublfciuiadiuiim-tmtiuD of toe town hiii alwaytt been alile tonmke bna over proved miftldeut to bringthem the confident;r> or the people tuid over-whelm thitir fatnuihw with defeat.

The ijiu-Biion which in now of greatest concom to tha reHitlcnta unri tux-imyera of tbetown i- whether thcro is u necessity for thicuntlnuanec of tho kind of government * elutve bud for the |nwt tilcviiu yuttra. Soontuny arguii t in t the town biinic out uf debt

lyliodv ought to lie ublu to run It, hutthose solleitoua for iti welfur* will sec ma-

in -why there i* IM great u uectwa.t.v aa a1

HUC nininijjoinciit iu the future. Thurturplun of $2,UU0 belonging to the peoj;Biiy iiftlhiiiti of the revenue*, wblcb tmty be

judiiuuuHly expended, or uarelenoly wasted.Witblu tU« piiat year the present ud mi ni t ra-tion hits jmrcbaaed uud paid for it valuableplant of miiehinury to bejtiii the work wf woktug uenuiiueiit street*, whiuli will iincloubt-edly protaken «iiThey fcui

Notice of Settlement.Notioo li berfl^Rfrim tint tbe «>coan's uf

bo inbiorfber. Admlniitrator of lUurio<Jane , Aeeeucd, will be $.afitl*A inrl gtatci1by tlio 8nrn>K»te,aad»t»rh.-'<[«r nutlletnem,o tb* Ofpbwa1 Court of ths Cvuuty cf Mor-•Is, on Monday tba' aeTeolli da? of Joly n e i t

EFHBAIK WATEHH.flWiiLeciburg, N. J.

Dilsd April SSUi, IBM. 29-Sa

tbe most iniportnat work uiitler-tbe oorpuratiou wan iuttituted.dd l

y geijUttlntiid with the facts

Ty naturally think that Ilioy arrililiiii}{ very heavy Hiilari<t» for tlienittel


To ow'iUfS thtwe iuav«inet)tff they hav<RKlieil to the luwiir.1 practices. Thoy liavt1

wviled thu ehuracU'M of the me lube in ocity HDVcrmiieni, bavo nitmilied thorn in tln-irpiinile lii]ifm«siiinlrrtikbi(;«, nnilhiira ovgone no fur ax to defend violator of the Inin order to oliatmet tba oilleera of tbo to'lu the perfunuancfl of their dnilcB. Ifwemlier nf tho city govcmuidut would ])Ipose inijtbiug for tlm good of the coiumunityIhi-.v wouhl oupent' it In tins fear (hat it m^lilgive them «omo popularity with tbo pcoplowbieb they could not counteract, lloru U ntutie in poiut: A uouplo of yourt> n^o MayorRiebnnlri fumie<l a company nud lad *40,00<lof stock HUbHcrlbod for the introduction ofwnttiriu tlio town. Tho doiuuud for Hiieli unhiRtltutiiiu waH imperative. Tho mill of tbomain purt nf the tuwu Is o]ien nnd gravelly,and it 1M A known fuut that tiinob of the BOW-ajte la flltored iu the wells, making the waterextremely detrimental to tho pulilio huiilili.Tho mon who proponed io remedy thin Lad nuthought of putting tlie city to any oipeuauuliult vcr, it ml lieiiig it private emspany tbonowho did not llfeii them were not lu any waybound to tnkc tlie water thus supplied. Mr.

ut eouBidcrabio expense tu liiuisuli,ileinnmttriited the feaaliillity ot hi* plan liyRiireful aun'oyit, nnd by teats wliioh prorodthat the water vat of the purest quality andthe supply miffirtent to meet tho growth ofthe town for KGncnitionit to corn*. But thu

of tho prnjoeL Tlwy doerled tbe ^itnllty ofthe water and professed to have on foot anroJKnt whieh wuutd supply tho town, Mr.Itichnrds, being governed only hy jmblle nio-tivosin the mnltcr, ami not winking to jcoii-,anlize tbe menni of tho other atookhaldom lu ;

(i ni-hcuio wbiub waa likelj to tie ondangerodby lunlletouB opposition, promptly withdrewno as to place no obrtniutiou lu the way oltbe proposed BCLOUIO uf tbone oppuuouU Dutdid they go on wltb whot they profen«oii tlieywere going to do 1 Not at all. Having de-feated the jilon which would havo proved anueems they droppud out of ttf^ht, und Intronot bceu bmud from ilncti, wtiile tbo townlost a valuable publio lui.Droveiuout, and IbeIn'JO re re of the place were deprirw. of com-ittg muuy tboiiB&nds of dullnn wliioh wouldtnvo been expended In Its noaatructloii. Tliiiin but one uf a number of instances wbenthese dlaturben hare Interfered with theprivate ptsna of publlo-splrited citltenn sim-ply because they were the officers selected bythn people to control the town government

They liovo nlso osjoilcd In the same spiritcf malice the prlvnta character* of the gen-tlemen eompriilng t in CoBitnou Ccuuoll.They hare denounced them as a " ring" anilliinre triqd to make It appear tbut It wiu their.«ole object te squander tbe public inoneyiIn tlio supiKirt of favarilMi Tlieyliuvecliur-iietoritetl tliein us " fa t anil Insolent"Lolilart, with thulr beeli upon tho neeke ofpeople to grind them down, and they haocenBod ttem of eon riant injnutioe to thelax-payers, which ff true would make themwholly unfit to hold the position* that havebneu Intranted tn them. Let us see If thoseidltgaUuns itro homo uut by any fncta i Whofjinniiuie amamber of the HcpnfalloauCom-faon Couuoll of Doyar who Is not a cltlionofIrreproachable character, of good bniini<]nalUeatlonB and well fitted for the positionliehohUf H I I M a l w a y s been the polloyofthe Bepnblloflm to elect to tho Council lep-leaeutatiTe men of tbe community—menlutorettcd in. and olosolj identified with thefeujrinws affairs of the town. la moat in-stances thoy have been h e a r ; tax-payers andtherefore as deeply concerned In an eleal nctuintitration of the town's flnaneea ma n ; one in tbe community could be. la Itreasonable to believe they would be guilty of jextravagance in ttiis dlrtetio'n when

i» boar ft large nhare of tho cost of

c procuring thorn for othen with;]H!ottttloii of dlviilitig wilb them, What

ar.ttlietuctsinthecai.ut If vrbeu tha mwueiututho liaiida of tbe present inlniluli-

trnllon tbe salaries of the paid oflli'inla hadbeon ilxtid at tbe prevunt rates it is toin-u thanprobiiblo tbut we iiuver would biivo lieiirtl aword of crumbling or compliant in regard tothe matter, llut it HO happttucd tliut thotown WHS heavily in debt, mid the Council,ueluutud by (lie lnudablo dwlrr tolitjuidHtetbudoht an ruplillj ns powiblo, pursued thepolicy of procuring all icrviuua aa cheaply

i they could be had. I t was thin tbatinduced the Town Clerk uud Treasurer,for iufltiiuoo, to perform au aiuouut of

urk that in BO me years was worthdouble anil oven treble tho oompcnsotloii hereceived for it. OtLer officers wero pulil inproportion nnd tlieaverano ofsalarios paid

were much lower tbun those ]inld Inother iiKioqioratod towns. Hut when thetowu lieoHuie frua frcm debt a majority of theCouncil weroof tbe opinion tbut its ofllcershould ho given better coinpeimatiou nud inoreaeodthelrsalariea^utuot to iin exorbitant

itent. That the salaries so IIMnot beyond tho valuo of tlio service* reniler-od for them u few faats will show:

Tho Town Clerk, Treasurer, Recorder ofVital Statistics and Clerk of tbe Hoard ofHealth receives -HOOper year for hisaervlcfls.

ianomorethau tho amount paid lor slmilnrrvices iii other plucee, und uo mare than a

porson qualified to fill these positions shouldreceive. In fact we doubt if there ii u publiooffloial noywhere in this section who bits

ren an much work for t ie amount of moneyreceived an IIM the pnwiiit inuimibent. ofthese positions. For «even yearn'.the duties of Cleri: uud Treu

minal sum of $V0 per annum, while inUorriatown, where the duties are tbe same,for our corporation Is modeled after that ot

mnty sent, the Mine oflleer was receivingt500 per year, Tbe Clerk, Treasurer, and Ke-

r of Vital HtfttJitioi In Morristown nowreceives (575 per ysitr for tbo sume service wenow huvo rendered iu under the Inereasodcompensation for $400.

Tbe Marshal receives WO per month for Illsservices aud is tho ouly polloo officer we

pdevoted tlieir time, ut tlieir

u, to visiting other ulub


obtuiiilng idea* of tbe best method*) for proa-cnuting tli!« work. They huvo anuueoded inobtiiinlng at a much lens east than It could bequarried the most durublo mntcrial that emibo i'ouml In thin vicinity fur this jiurpoae.That the value of property will he iuoruaiodnod tho proBporily of the town promotod bytho ]iroper pro seen HOE nf BUOII a work no onewill galpsay,, Tliat all tbo otlier departmoutuoi t i e town coveruiueut will be uonduebid onbusinocs ]>rindplus with the continuance ofjthu present ad minis truti oil thoir history intho punt is sufflcleiit guarantee, Who willsuy Unit nuoh will Iw the uuau if thorn is iutro-


711 Bn«d BL, W«wark, IT. J.,

Write of their Fancy Ooods DcpartmeDl[lint they bare just opened a haudnoiniDortnient of Iluubiirg Eutbrolileries andChildren's Laos Caps. Them gooris are all

- - - TJ, eytrutiug,

all tlie nuwot Corset adaptlugh

ditml ii

tlie presentlug i

tlie COUUDII IIU element that is onlybecause of a feeling of imposition to

idmbiHtratiou! Tlie. tii ou]KiMltlou uiinlil bo over so

well dispused, but wllbnut creating autago-ulsui uud dlsseutlon haw eonlil they satitfythe discordant ulemeut wlioh has Icon de-tnuuiliug it chuugu ? And who would guaran-tee Hint those irbo liave beau serving thotown fuitbfully without remuneration wouldfeel disposed to euutiuuo tbulr effort* iu thatdirection if tbo people they have servedshould give suoh au evidence of disapproval TWe think it Is easy to IBO that tlio beit inter-!S1H uf tbo town would not bo subsorved bylucha

gthe town's expenses, and particularly whena law of the State prevents them from fur-niaUng any supplies or materials to the cor-poration t Further, tbe momben of onrCouncil bare baen roproMUtRtlvM of theliberal and p*rogre«n>e element In tbe oora-munlty.•- *ibey have been the men mostlnrgely engaged in promoting the coinniurclalnnd Industrial adTancemont of the commun-ity, with liiverttnents In the oouoemaof theplace that employ labor and promote buni-DBsui noes It comport with common tenseto sopnoeo that these men wonld legtalate tothe detriment of ttuv Mtntnnnity In which-ttalr own Interests are so largBly s-t stoke IAll tbe facts of tbelr offlolal liUtorr show tbecontrarv to be tbe caso.

When the RepuWican admlnlgtmtion cameinto power eleven years ago they were con-fronted witli a municipal del* of $10,000, andtlie same year the people voted to nave n. firedepartment wkicli cost $31,001), making atotaldebt of 931,000. Hy devising revenues fromhigh licenses anil otter SOUITM, they wereenabled to devote fully four-fifths of tho taxlevy or the town to the liquidation of tbedrtit,ytawl Nor

nplctely extinpiiihed it in nineas this all. None of tlio other

s of the town'were uegiectRd daringthis time. Street* were put in order, upon mlnnd [traded, aud a permanent work of cob-bling end curbing was done throughout thecommunity which Ie now »mntter of pride tosllourretldente. The great progress n.ad<in tho improvement of tbe town during tb<period of the liquidation af this debt In asubstantial monument to mark tba bustbCAsoagaoitr which has chartuteriied tholr officialeetrt. To-day the town boa a caih surpliiH lu1>uk or over (0,000, with no debt, and duringIbe last year enough has been saved from the jappropriations to pay for an extensive plant

' >t macadamizing the streets,vhloli was purchased a t» eostor«2,700.

OnUtde of thomaelvw Tory few In the annraity know tho amount of labor that hasbeen requjrtd to effect tbeao remits, Tbipeople geiiomUy hnvo Ireen oonlniit to knowtbst the affairs of tbe torrawero la competentand honest bendii, wbjcfa thoy have beenable 10 tee by the careful statbtUes fdrntanetlthen ui-detail at tbo end of eoeb year, like

-UMW ynbllahtd in another column. Thete-fore they have gh-eo tba matter bat littlepeMQnal attention, and It is very seldom tbata oltl»e« ba« ever taken the tronbls to visitiha Conncll in stasiou. .Ifther had done «otbajT would know mon of tbe amount of workmvoiredi' Tiwv woald know that for tlie

inipeoUou of contemplAted itreetwpcnti, toe rigid loratiny of bllla, the

taken U dniwbig contract* and obtain.1ng«|inUeti*«U lowest figure^ and In the4et»tJ# of tho onliBaxy-work of tbeCotmeils conalilAriible j « M M a labor' l«u l»cn » -•quired.' And What liare fltt : membersreceived for it In the»f»y of 4onpensation 1

employ. This is uurely not au exorbitantgum and oue who Attends aa faithfully to bisdiitk-i at bos Mnrehn! Kelley ft certainly de-ttcrvlugof the amuuut paid. Iu Morrlstotbe salaries nf tlie polfee aggregate 91,680 peryear, and they have no lampligbttng or otberdittle* t« iwriorm, white to Dover tlie cost Ibut ¥M. But a great deal of talk kite beenrailed because the Marshal is also the lomiHjthter and reoolveB for this scrvioe 930 per

onth. A year ago, when it was oomplalneilthat the Marshal oculd not attend to both,the offices were separated aud the. lamplight-ing pat oat to tbe lowest bidder. Different

s tried at first for 920 and tlioo for $30 permonth to perform tie work, bat gave it upbecause it did not piy, and the Council badto fall back on the Marshal to get the workperformed sotlifoetorily. Botha does notnet98Oj)ermonth from those office*, oamniosuppose. He has to ninploy an uslitant aridafter paying for that service toe net resultsofbtoofneea amount to no more ths,n he hasearned u r. skilled artisan at lili trade.

The Counaei of the town, Mr. Mablou Pit-' ^ J sourrlloug at-

because ho reedrea a salary otfS&Vpyear. He 1B denouueod as an Interloper, wholding a place that others should All, an notbeing a property bolder, and every thing ethat can be conjured. Tie fact* tn bis turnare simply these: Wlion Mr. Leport resignedail Corporation Coontel a year ago last fallMr. A. C. Smith and Mr. Pitney were tlie oulyHepublloan lawyoro left tn tlio plaoe. JuVSmith being n member ct the Council wasdebarred by law from holding tbe positionaud tbe selection of Mr. Pitnoy was thorofoni,very natural under tha oiroumslanoea, ] IIo1

was well qualified tor the position as eunitehave *hown. and bad come here for prae|tice* n ^ permanent residence. Tbe oharge of bianot bDloga property owner is faW, as jeaneasily be proven. His salary of (280 .thisyear lie has fully nui) fairly earned, becamethe amount of work he has performed" inlitigations would Iiuve cost tie town fullyjjthat amount if they lad employed counsel attho usual rates, to «ar nothing of theadvliorywork ho has had to do. We are Informedii«t in one legal contest In which be h u ibeen engaged tbe opposing counsel received;no less than 9100 for tis Benrioei, although bowas beaten in the isine by Hr, Pitney. Bisdutica have required him to try a number of!iQltafor tbe town and the Board of HoHl./ond his suceeifl in tbeta s u l u h u brought totbe town about $80 in Judgments tats year, bc-BIIIM nettling a nntntwr ot important queit lone,inch astbeTaltCityofonr poline court*, [ot*.Within a rear and a half be bos tried acamber of ltuport#oteaMi and has not lostone. That of Bnrchell va. gainmU, Involvingthe right of the Common Uenneil to •npoiut,poundkeeners, anil tho validity or tbe ordi-nance concerning tlie rowing at Urgo of eftt-tlo, n ) tried before Judge W d , p p c ,and afterward argued twiee before the Cnurtof Common Pleas. The bill he prepared fortbe-Legislature, cstabll.blug police courts tncltiMiofthe flrat-clBM, covered aeren pagesof eloselr printed matter, and required alarge amount of time 1B contulUtlon, In ex-amining charter* of other cities, and in con-ferenflawltlinierabevioftboLcgiBlatnre. Inthe oase ot tbe Tows vs. Joaslags lie wastwice before th> JnsUoe's Court. Th* <Wof the Beard of Health TB. Trigenon and Ton-ldu requireo>a great tleftl cf preparation mi

ork, and reunited in a verdict of-9» far thetown. The prosecution of the three oasesbrought against Troirortha reqntred a vasl

mat of lubor, because of the itubbom

Itut there are those who will any that theHA is grinding its own axe—that it it inter-

ested in so far us to retain tbe patronagewhich tbe present soveniniont gives it. IfBuob people will turn to tbe annual reportpublished elsewhere they will see tliat theCouncil baa not (jone out of its way to makepntronage for the EUA—tbat the total am6untof work and adverting given us for tliewhole of the pastyearwua but 903,65. Thattbo prosperily of tbe KitA would not be mater-ially affcoleil by tbe uitiountof profit we madeout of thin putrouoge van tsasily be conceived.Our principal Interest lies in tho continuationof good and cSloient government in toe townof Dover. COL trust this, tf you pleiue, withthe spirit wbkh actuate* the opposition. Thevery individual who baa beeu flinging epithetsand course luuendoos the last year agaiustdecent nun simply because thoy hold officialponitioiiM, and who heralds himself oomtontlyas an udvoonte of economy, ouly a few weeksago induced Asacinblyinau Neighbour to in-troduce a bill in the Legislature fur 1,IH per-Boaal benoflt-a bill which would have In-created the expenses of the town of Dover Itycompelling the Common Couuoll to publishits ordinauoes in Ibi nowapaper. If any onewill olte an instatioo like tlitB where any mem-ber of our town government has nelfialily at-tempted to legislate for his direct personalbenefit at the expense of tlie tax-payers wewill admit tbat it Is un acknowledgment ofhis uufltness to bold office.

in new designs and uro BUK tobuve aUo standurd Linen pooda fovix : Bureuu uud liuffet Covers, Tidiei, Doy-lies, tut. Their stock of Corocta

Btyl»», w well *umong wbiob it tbo Phtftolf to any attitude of the wearer. Largeitook of Ladies' aud Children's Hose, Muslin,lunjiuer weight, aud Oauie Uudorwear. oto.

The; are also agents for SleCall'n fiiuarPutterus, tbe bust in tbo world. Springitylca now received. Thoy exhibit a tine an-sorlnieut of Hunnnor Bkirta ua appended listof priues donioiintrati ; Stfc. 40o,, 41c, 50a,65c., 10c, Tffc., 80c., Wo,, *1, $125, 91.30, #1.00and upwards. Our *3J» French C'utnbrloSuit sold lost year at #6, It tbe (jrentont ij»r.gain encrtid this season. The stuuk of Cam-briaB nnd Percales at So., 10c., 13Jc, uud 15c.

usuully large, Ibo styles excellent andat the prices nornod can't be beat. Viiit ourDresg Doods Department beforu tuying yourSpring DreuHt*. We guonmteu to save yonmoney. We sell a 0-4 Gilbert Cloth at (1.00;sold B year ngo for |1.7fl. All-wool DlaokOnehnierc ot 40u.; lluoratfMe.; elegant quality

TERHUNE k FBEKMAtf,721 Broad St., Nuwnrk,

(Uy Canal Bridge.)

TJEPOIWJ \ NATIIDover, in tlie StiteorNe^. . ^ , . u i l t .of busiiiCBB on Ibe S4tli day of Ajinl, 1SS4.


" itiliactoio

1BBH-1 Ditcoauie, tJO3.O2l.ildrafts, 270.0)1

U, 8. Bonds, to (ocure circulation 100,000.00One from approved reBcrvengouts, 8,113.75Due rmm otlier National Banks, 1 ,202 83Beat KiWte, FuraltarB and F u -

tures, 30,000.00Oarrtat eipenseo ami taiei paid 2,fJU9.U7CbocEsandotlierCialiltoma, 0 7 ' "Bills or other National Banks, 7 0(Fractional Currency, (luclndiug

ilokula) 1,1(., jc ie , lB,Ot-._iiualToDder Nofea, tfO.IBl.00liodemptiou Fund with U.S .Trwanrcr 4,60000



Insuranoe Agent.Dale* attended In full upon HMUonable oom-

niUstovs u d satfobction ffnamnteed. Allkinds of HiMnd-imnd goodsTor lale.

FOB BALE-1 three-spring Wagon, sulky,M hoavy team flumes*, set piiigTe karoess,twfraeat uarrfatKe, luye ios box, refrigerator,wire safe, lot affiiraiture of all kinds.

DRAKE & KIM,BuibltrsanddMletaln LTJMBKR. Abo a com-

lntiiatwkolBuD. DOOM. BMudl. VouldinsiandBraekeU. Lime, Osnent. l*ta. Boonng Pelt andevarjililDK pertalniDK to tho bulldini tiadt. aad atttis lowHt prloei. Bl»tolt(K>nti|{*speclalir> Alaoall tbe leading brwdi of F#rUilura. Contrastsfor bnildlofn taken from tba aicaratlos ot in« oel-ar and materials furnlaliMl. If ran eon tempi* teinildins glv«u*a callanl save maneT. ' -, :A. J. Dn.Kt. J - B . H I H O . I

NOTICE.Too innoil eUotion f"r Directors of Tbe

srount Hope Mining Company wi'l he held •>>be c nice of tbe MtDpiuy at MoQot Hope,"NfiTJerser.on MONDAY, the Bflb day of Hay,fllRbtPtn liuadr«>d and oiabtv-fonr, at twelveo'olook ncou, l u e nodi «•)!! remain oppn forone hour. _ , <nTHBO. BTDROE8,



K nnw open and rrady for badness wltb ftrail line of SAMl'LES or all ki^H. irhiolilmike to order in IDT dyle. Clothes cleaned

il repaired In ftoodorder. Noordfirii»Ilored;o bo t altpn awiy unlosi a gcnultio lit H RUnr-untocd, GiVB me a call.


Delinquent Tax-payers!Notice Is hereby givro to all person* in nr-

j;nrs for taxes due tbo Town of Dover, faribnyoarlSSS, tlnit tbennmce ofauoh who donut pay tbe nanio by


Capital Stodk paid in






AWNINGSfor stores and private bouses made. Alio

- —- TENTS for Bale, 7i7 feel 6CHILDREN'S _Inebes iquaro by

W. B. OOLtABD,Upholsterer,

Dover, N.J .

Letters remaining unclaimedIn thePott Office at Dover,N. J.

Dover, N.J.,UaySd,lB84.ChBB. Nanfoldt,

E.H. Hayward, John Olmiteod,W.F. Baker,

Laura D. Bryant,J. K. Cooper,M. ColllKan,C'bos. Gill,Laura Heddcn,M I

MaryE. lllmda,Carrie E. Smith,

jiirplne ,Undivided profltl,National Dank notes outnl

Evideuda unpaid,dividual denoBltB Bab-toot to chock. tisa,soo.70

Domand ecrtmcateB ofdeposit, 1,309.73

Oortiflodohccks,. MuS.aO

Due to otlier National Banks,Dae to tJltta Btnks and lankem,

STATE of New Jeriey, ICounty of JtorriB, J

bttiK, do Holomnly Bwuar that tho above imniit is truu, to the host of mv ktmnlod^belief. 0E0. D. Ht^KEH, Casl

Subioribed and sworn to beforo me, thi2Stbd&y of April, 1881.

TUESDAY, May 6th,:8S1, will he publlBued as dulioqiiont*, in ue-uordanco witli a resolution of ibe CoiuiCouncil adopted April ZSd, 1861.

WM. U. LAMBERT,Town Clerk.


H. P. SANDERSONb u In Block a nnir lot of


Hr. Chan. O. Qnffen. who will tlnayri btfound at bii Paint Bbop, on Oliuten street,will attend to the selling and will namo Ion-

p ,UAOLOK FintEr, NuUry Pnbilo,


Proclamation by the Governor,ATK OP NEW JBRBKT,ExBctniva SKMBTKRNT, •

Tawmw, April 2M, 18W, .Under the provisions ol"i act entitled "An aet to.wide for the Imposition

if a State tax upon certaincorporations aud for tbecollection thereof,"

J *pril etnht,pril hteBnth,_ - - . , _ - . . and Biglty-four,

3. And be ttannotad; That on or before,ie nnt Tuesday of May next, and annually

..lereafter, It shall be the duty of tbe Presi-dent, Treasurer or other proper officer a'

rcry corporation of the ehnranter speotueithe precedhiB; Bfiotton, to make report ti

tto State B f of As»flMOra, appointed a


To obtain any-of Uio above letter! lay <* tvortlsed" and glvo d&te of thla list.

. a . 0. HINOHUAN, P, M.


U; tfaanOrdmb

Quill ; >pd worknun.Uiii<fr Ihs beat.U ; tfaankafor Ijberalpatronige tn tho pftlt.OrdmbytDlegtapbnaiasDiierorteloplKiDe

attended to,JOHN J0NE8, Undmjkcr,


the brido'< n m h to Osferd. Apill 8SJ,l>y Rev. £ . Clarke Cline; Qco. K., aDarinii,

•' «na JliM Siulie C. LnkniR, cMcRt.kuihl'rofJri.. II. Ukci,.,l,olliofOifnrd.

DONEV-IIUDSON-At tbe reaUonee of tbebrWc'a paronta, near Ceater OroTe. AprilHiih, bj SOT." —

. rad Miii Mary L.

Ceater OroTe. April

flon; ; ' • i \

COLLAKD-VAN DUlfNE-At llinrc.lil.ncoof Daniel B. V u Dujnc, April 9th. by Rer.J. O. Vm Flent, Jibu k CollnrS RndAuguita Vnri Bayne, both of Pipe Broot,

DIED.WOOD-At llOTjUtoi.li, April 30

Wood, rf,lo»pf I tor Admiral jCnmp, U. S. Uary, and daUKhter o

; Hon. JameaWood, ofUorristown.

CUYbER—In'llorriatawn, April 26th, Dr.Join H. Ouyi&.Tl. », V., 1« tie 7Slh'y»rof bia agt. •, . , ; . •

BMITH-At Uorrla I'Uni, April J|tl,, Prank' B.,aoiori!dwardaililAUwli.SnW>;a«ad

1 year ana 8 flayi.

T J learn the drean miking trade In all UsbrinobeB. Apply to

: URB, MAHY LYNCH,B'aeknell St., near B

Dover, N. Jf.

. GIRL WANTED.A f,irl wanted to do general lionieirork.

Apply to iUBS. WM. H. BAKED,

» 1 « . Near Ml. Pl.H.nl,


OPFICB O? COMPXIMLUH oT AOMPXIMLUH ornm?niEA«iTBunoK, April 36th, 1881. ,

to thi prwvWoni 'o^aots of the

flght of the defence through two court*, Inwhloh tho queiUon of tbe ralidlty of onr po-lice eourts WBS raised and settled In favor oftb« town. Par all this he has been allowedno extra eonpeneatlnn whatever, and thisame labor u i results, brought about by nnyotber competent Uwjtr, wasld have w»t Uietown more money tban he baa MMlred.1, Intforriitown the CountMl reeelres (900 peryear in any event, and if the umount of bis•ervirea exeeeda that itun be is given extraeomne&satlon.

As we bare said, our corporation jjovei-n-lent Is vcrj mt»h lite that of Morrislown.

Ourofiwlet being modeled after their*!, thidut.M aaslgnod to tbe dlSere&t corporationofficers are.alMatlbe same. Therefore, noora-parison aa to tlw eaart* of tlie various depurt-nentaof the two plaeea waald be n fair on*'.I l tiie department* we bi*e>Ba«aad we find'•nch a ooniparUon to be aa folloira I

Cover.orriitowoI 675

300Treasurer, Clerk,etc.... I 675Corporation Coona«I.... 300Polfoe., 1,680,

Wot A, !fbea fa

y p« Intoeetly. Is it

!fbea fa W o * i « 10 *aJ*aUlt of decencywrjaadectltatthemotiTeiaiidohajracteri of«h«ie oflletalB snould be aiuiled bjr people

i i i i t t l i f M i, aftot'lhab;

hmm ^ ywhole mktMri- Hurt in* tfButlemen who l«atnp«Mi the preiani town goferamMit taw

• ibeen «tii*U4 «olelj by • -derfre to promotetfie beat Inter**** of the pUee In wbiofc they

i4 t' ^ ^ tatV4 in T ^ " . V "iMDnd up, aa4 « i» nut believe we *i» goingvntslde of the truth when we say tbat tit*


Bo WB find that e n n dliter-enoe In the sboiof tia towna wo obtain tb«tame »eryice«fornratlile«alnprop«tiootLandeeataa county seat, where no eomplaint iseyer made that the offloert an ompalil

The other aalaried officer l i U» Street Oom-mhMioner, lint aa Ua pay only amoimta tewhat*goodmecttaoiJo wonld urn , tttezec^uooiaiitly bam claim that he is overpaid, » dthere doe* not Mem to be rnuah aald In refer.finoetobJioaH. ' . '

We bare derated conddtraklc space tomake these iSaeta plain to our readers, u thatthe simplest may readily undsratand the realcondition of town iffalra. We have nothing

l^ t ]Mra«g i l i rp4tealod proposals will IM reeeivedtot printing tbe voluma of Lawtbe Beulon of llSf the J o i i n i T o e n a t eudlheUlDUtejoiUia llouaaof Aatembly af,tho said >6Mlan, tbe ReparU of State OffleBmInititutlona. Hoaru> »ndCommis^au for thecurrent year, u.d IUCII f.tlier pubbVdocu-menu as may be r e — ' - " " 'rBpeeifioationa of

to be oppolutod tinder the not entitled 'Anact for the taxation of railroad nnd oaualproperty,' slating epeoiflcally tbo followingparticulars, namely i, Boon telegraph, tele-pbone,eable and expreueampany, not ownedby a railroad company and othcrwUo tnxed,*£BJ1 Mtato tbe groM nmount nf it*. Tecolptifrom busineu done In this State for tbo yea.preceding tie first day of January prior totie making of suoh report J ooob elcotrio lightoompany shall state the gross amount ofltsTcoeintfl for light or power supplied withintils State for the year preceding tho first dayof February, prior to the making of iuch re-port l each fas company ahull state the grossamount of its reeeipta for business done inthis State during the same time, and ~amount of dividends earned or dcaiareu *vttbo sane period; each parlor, palace or sleep-ing ear oompany scull state the gross amountof it* reselpta for fare ot toll* for transporta-tion of p&BBongera within this State during

tlie some tine t'eaou oil or ] ) ' " "esgnged In the transportatlt- - . . . .potroleum BUOU state the groea amount of Itireceipt* from the trunnvrtatl0D of oil orpetTolenm thrown to pipes or in and by Ittanks or oafs In Ibis'Btat« during ths saiuitime; eaoh Hre, marb.e,live stock or fiooidemInsurance compuiy shall state the tolaamounts of premiums received by it for Insuranee upon ihe lives of neraens resident orproperty looated within this Btate aurtiig (heume tlma,

" 3 . And be It enacted, That if anyofficeiof any company required by tliis not to makea return M.aforesaid, shall. In such retunmake s falso stateroent, be stiall he dennic.guilty of perjury; If any suob oompany sbnllneglect or nfuso to make such return wltlilnthe time, limited M aforennld, tbe State Itonnlof ABseasonshallaanortalD and fix tho aimof such receipts in suoh manner os uiny bedeemed by them most practicable and theamount fixed by them shall ntnml as the bnaiiof taxation of such company under thin aet.

"4,Andneitenaotea, * • • • • • •tbat all otheroorporaUotiriincarndpatcil undeithe laws of this State, and not hereiubofortprovided for, shall pay a yearly licence feeot tax of oDe-tenth of ono ner centum on theaiuouut of tho capital utoolt of sucb corpora-tions ) provided^ that thin net uliall nut apply

banking corporations,„ , ..meterios or inHdininct

poreiiom or purely charitable or «4u,cntioi>associations, or ntaiiufacturlng compiiuies u .fl^jjIE flojppaniea parrytng pa busbesa in

Under tbo t«rms of an act entitledfor ths taxation of rail read nod

exumlnaUoo at thla otjee on sodnfterllnyS l V f t " * P"W"1" »'U 1» remlTed until

PQQH^ am 3Qtn> am. • : •S. J. ANBERSfjN. Comj.trollot.


Dover, N. J.,offers for ule tbe following properties:

1»L Tho 8tow Ealldioit en Shukwell streetbowDMBpIri bjJcbr Diwe, one «f the bestfctulnsu loeatiOBi lu Dorar.

U. Horns and I*! on tbe XJIlfarook roadformerly owneo by Jcrone B. Yonng.

81. TwoHottMi and Lots on Owns Dill;ROW! propcrtlBs foe ttmet dealrlag retldBncea.

41b. A farm nf GO aeni, new UeOalnsvilia,•lib good boildinji, and all under a highafajlo ol cnlti»»tUjo, ,, . ,

"*«». 1 rarm of." Jp 'juMt on tbe mud fromDorer to Chester, with a good prptptct forIron ore. Lirge AwMvg wTtb eight rooini.

6th. FOOT Eont^and LoU at Bnocainana

Abjq other prapeHfee too namsiant to mas*Han, will be sold on adraDUffwat terms.Properties lundisd for those doilrlng to sell•t teatoaable rates; Wben I ant absent fromtlioO«M Mr. H. Blaoob.rd wilt MI forme inall bostaiM mutters.;

; , t BttAfl DILL.EOOBHO. 3, Katl^aU Onion Dank Building,

Dover, N.J,

crty,'1 approval! Aiirif lOth,'"IBM.""! have ah-pointed, wltb tbe sdvioe tuid (WDseut of theSenate, Edvard Bettla, AbFnham % Rnclds, Alexander O. OatUll aud Allan „ .HoDermott, a State Board of Auossora,whose doty it will be to execute tbe provisionsof both of the above entitled aets.

The returna required- to bo made b<railroad and oanal companies, under tbof April lOtli, 1B84, are rwinfred to be modeon or beforo the first day of July next, underseotlon twenty-one of said act

Tbe State Board of Assessors will organicon the fifth day of May, 1881, at the StateHouse..!! the ofty of Trenton. All returns tobe mauB to themibouid be nddressod to "TheState Board of Assessors, State House, Tren-ton, N.J."

The Assessors In e&oli taxing district In tboState are hereby required to send their nameand poit offiee addrosaos, and also tho name

• post offlee address of the City Clerk oruhlp Clerk, and to ntnrn U the eaidocnorbetore the ftrstTvesdny of Uay,

* .'ltat of all tlie corporations of every kindWithin their taxing districts.

The corporations to be taxed nnd tho ABBOB-son in saeh taxing district will be furnishedwith copies af tbe above entitled Inws uponapplication tu tho State Comptroller.

}a testimony-whereof. I liave her<-'• unto'set mynandand oonaoutlie

Omtf BDftl of fbe BUte to ho[u s.1 pareunfai atBied, at Trenton, iUn* * twentviilura dur tjf April, A. 1).

-• -••' idrcdiinr

3y the GoHKKBT

eighteen uunt




New Jersey Real Estate.Office: 758 BROAD STREET,


LOTS. 0OUNTBV BEAT'S, 4 c . Ao.,



EXCHANGINGoountry property for city property

A SPECIALTY.Loam negotiated on


.kuDCtott: • - - • - MORBIITOWK, N. 3,





PEBBLE GOAT,FROM 75c. to $3.00.

SAVE 25 PER CENT.: j bujlng vnnr BPMSa MILLINEBI of



Speoial Master's Sale of Land.i Cbinoery of Now Jcrae.v—Between AndrewJ, Smith and ethers, ooinplaiofcnts, nndMarqulB D, L. GWOPB and oihcry, ikfend-antB. On bill for partition. Dcoree torsale. n . C. PITNEY, Bol'r.

BY virtue nf & decreo ol tht) Conrt of Oban-eery of Mew Jenej iu tlio cmco above

stated, bearing date the CICTL-UHI day olMnrdi, (ifthtecu hundrcO anil eiglity-fuur, 1ihall expose for ssls at public vonduc, at ihcOourt Honee In ilorrietotvi], TSew Jeney, un

BA1THDAY, the 3Ut day or MAT licit,. . D. I8M. between the honrs of 12 M. and 6I'ctook I1. M., that W to .ar at 2 oVhifttrnoon of'(tid '.iay, nil tint lot. Irs

. .,,-.., . . .jiitnatc.lylitf!. _. ,:parcel of land and premicinK io tho Township of Itocriiiwaj, In tlu-Jonnlyof Morrla and fiialo of Now Jertey,iDitod and bounJed an followi:

Beginning n ilie nixiccnth corner oft, trao!if one hundred and twenty and eighty-cmlundredlhs sores, retntnea to Lemuel Cohbin tlic elov&ntti uay of Julyt 'cvontccn liun-ired nnd ninety-ntne, recorded in Itook P 12,iflfio 291; from llienoo rmiDinp1) north Pixiy-four ili'RroeB andi uortli fiixiy-rour lie;

ei cast fifteen cluirwontj-lwo ilt-firctBciB

" • ; thoaco (3) sit onoobain an . .

:*) north forly-eix dpfire

„...! thirty min-llicnce (2) nortli

^ chaice andeUiy1 inenly-scvnn dontty links; llienrr

st ten * "rye lx ilDRrcesllnhi; thence (5) Booth sovenly-

ilfKi-nes cast tn-elvo ciiaini; thence (C|...ih two di'Rrefrj wret throe cliaiua t u jiglity-t™ links; tlieuco (7) nortlt (irty-ooc

rty-two aoKrccH and thirty minutes east sit-'Cn chains and Iwentv-Uvo linbe; thence (0)

lorth flltviii (legrfcs vtst four chains;icnco (10) norlli eevuntv-Berop dt>Rree« castn cliaine; th<<nce (11) north Dve chains;.eoco (13) north tbirly-tlireo d i r e c t vestirtj-ono cbnina and tovenly llnka; thence

131 font!) iirtj-flve deRrees weU suvontvlalDa aud thirty linki; thencu (11, gouihirty-thrce il^reoscDHt thirty-sevca elm in*id seventy ilukB to the place or bcRilining.iRdlicr with all and sinfiuliir the beicdita-cntsand *pputten«nfC8 to tlie eatd pretaiufBilonclng or in anywise ipportainiog.

JAMES O. lOUNQIiLOOD,Special Mister in ChnDccry of N. 3.

pttetl March 21 tb, ]8H1, 10.00


I A I E are now prepared to show the most complete lines of Ladies',** • Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes we have ever shown, and are

still making a specialty of P. Cox's Fine Shoes, and have an elegantassortment in French Kid, Curacoa Kid, Glove Top Kid, Pebble Goat,

&c. in all the latest styles and all widthsand sizes; no trouble to get a perfect fit. VWe have just opened a splendid line ofLadies' Kid Shoes which we are sellingat $2.00, which have all the style of thehigher priced goods, and all solid leather.

In Men's wear we have an elegant assortment of all the latest stylesin Button, Lace and Congress. We shall at this time mention the cel-ebrated goods of Hanan & Son. These are thoroughly reliable goods,elegant in style, and equal to any custom made work. We will givea guarantee with every pair. We also have a very nice all solid leatherfancy tip shoe which we are selling at $2.00. In fact we keep every-thing in the way of foot wear for Ladies, Gents', Misses and Children,and all at very low prices.









ATliirUonlncli Bpoou Steel, with Double Centers and Cloth Oorcted,bothHeilbleina

DarablE, • . ' ' ' . ' ' & ' < <.',

Bido AajUHlers, Bilvcr Tipped Side SteeU. , - «J. , 4 - — : -. .

Jointed IHckB, Rich Embroijery. .• ••"•.•',.' -5 h?ii*

Bilk Elattie Hips, WARRANTED to rndure the we»r of the oloth. ' ; ^ - ^ S u ;} :V|

No Bonce, ContKnoOorded tbrouRbout'sndiTU'rmlfldnot t obn tk . . .••^>',-. j , •,

Sites from 16 to 32 kept constantly in stock, iu wliilo. r ,

Any color in Silk, Hitin, CouHl or flattten tnftdo Io older. ' '„ "•. ' ; . " '•

Sold witli iinmenao success for four yeatv.

Not ono in i t!ioiiB»nd ImpBrtojt. • • '


Balance on hund toft reportFrom hotel fttirt Bitloou liceDMS,

show and concert lkennen,peddlers licenses,auctioneer licensesl'ollce Justice Wood, flaeeStreet Commissioner Roue for labor done by hands

" " " " Bale of old plank, . . .David S. Allen, Collector, Corpomtiou tax

•' •» " " Itoftd "" " " " " 1882

Randolph Towufihip, UHQ of EDgico IIOIIBB,TotoUleoeipta, ,

$. 1,218 84

90 0080 00U W(10 UO

• * %

1 1)0fi,275 (102,360 00

7fi(!840 00

$11,858 %

LESSONS IN MUSIC.Mr. Thou. Shaw will Rivn privntn hiMtrm.n in thn fullowlug nutatitina: Old Notitn: New Notation, or Toiilc-nol-fa; Ktnv1-fa Notation; Liuig'8 Cumbiued or Uniu•tatiou, and Watt's Map Notation. Alec

f teacliluf! nnnuoiilc Chordi1 ild street, Dover.

DOVER., KT. 3".

lie New System of touching 1pply uthU rcsiduncc, Uold'it-Inip •

WANTED.To eontraet with mjwtent and rewpon-

ainlDg for nio of iron oreAddnu,

I1. O. BOX 15fi,Kavtau, N. J.


Tonolicr of Piano, Violin and Cabinet Organ*,octal attention Riven to TcchnitiuB andt Iteming.islo Quoins over Mr. AieiWIglilon'st tore.

jppmita the Brlcli Dlnot), Saver, N. J,Musia RooiHg open Mnndtvn and DiundayB,

10 to 13 A.M. ' • " I 9 1 m p '


Of NEWARK, N. J.> have now open for thedelivery of Oil a depot at Dover, where a fullsupply of Oil can be had on MONDAY andFRIDAY of each week. All our patrons whoiavor us with tlieir oiders will be promptlysupplied. Our object is to save our customersitransportation charges and delays caused byshipping oil from Newark or New York. Or-ders can fee sent to Samuel Hammond, Boon-ton, (he will fee in Dover on Mondays andFridays) or to onr address where they willreceive our prompt attention. All orders willbe promptly delivered by J. H. Burohell, andempty barrels taken baok.



and be^itis irsju witti a ilti^ uo\r stock of

SEGARS AND TOBACCOS,vorj quality and grade, and In tills lino

lioicp&red to offer tlie lonest prlcor »t WHOLESALE OR RETAIL,

o quality or tbo ariiolo lolj.

I 111!iniluco

WINES AND LIQUORS.1 st vary iniRfl line ofgooili in this J opart in tat, and to retail deslora O&D o^er especialiects to pnrjhaaerfi. Also, on nnnsnallf fine stock of imported Wines and Llijnur

for family and nmlteiutl pnrpoaes. Import til AIOB, Oiugcr Ales and Porters of I]irs. My

DEPOTiKWopiperx, and enlisoribBrs or pui

islioitfrt lime posuibluMir doors tvt an enrlj 1


Paid Street Commissioner and payrolls" BeemerA Palmer, crossing etoue, <tc' J. B. Palmer, '• I. D. Ray, lump lighter, , '1 H. IL Bibhle, damagea,' James Drew, limp lighter,1 Gto. B. Woodhull, lamp lighter,' James P. Kelley, " "1 PardBe A Clark, taohi „1 F. A, Cftnfield, Surveyor1 Alex. Wighton, oil, <fec1 C. H. Eufllte, tcpniiiug tools,' Win. A. Dickerson, repairing tools,1 M. V. B. Searing1 John (3. Force' Morris County Machine & Iron Oompany, machinery,

FIEE DEPARTMENT.Id IVJ. Corcoran, Janitor,1 S. F. Haywird, charges for exiiitgnisbcrs,1 A. H. Bmilb, engineer, ....; Vigilant HoeeCo., appropriatiou

Proteotion H. .t L. Co. ' 'City o( Dovur EuKinu Co. "Jacob.!, Vrecland, repairs,I. 8. Bnird, painting, «...Wm.S. Ooliard, repairsA, Eoderer Jr., "H. F. JohDHon, "John CoiiRle, " .....,••... ..*.,, .••,••,...>,•,,..,Goo. MoOncken, "Mrs. Jane Murray, cleaning ,Dover Iron Co., coalKobertKillaoro,-

2 0016 GO

70 no11C DO

102 ia289 76

$103 00G DO

10 00JiOOO50 007ii 00

5 12

3 0053 KQ41 2B10 00

2 COr> oo

27 16CCO'

POLICE.( 4 6 1 OB

bo Ktippllcd from tlie Htorc or at tlieir reeiil^urir i l . SUNDAY NEWSPAl'EnS d u h





3d—Lowesi Prices

4th—Largest Stock

a James P. Keller, Marshal, *800 WepeeioU 4th of July and oirons day 42 00W. W. Hill, coal aa ™S. H. Berry, look and keys ...,....,.,..., . ,

SAIiABIES. :A. Tn;lar. Assesaor, • S«OG,Dftvida. Alien, Oolteotor ,..., .,...,.„' ;150<J0,,Mahlon Pitney, Attorney, - S50 O0WilUmn H. Uaber t , Clerb, &o 400:O0


- tcccn

|B05 J5

costH, ;..;. ,






Paid Jodgca and Clcri of Election $12 00" Frooman Wood, tax Hats, . . . . . . . . . . j . . 40 111 „

" insurance .,.*,......«.4....w...*<.i.»: = 4SO <> ••' conn. ' • • • " • • • ' i a « 0 •/.

ca csw o o - - • ' ) •

—ja Pilnor, " " „ 460Nntionnl Union Jlank, Diacotrat IS 03Istuic H. .Tolley, dinnen for Eleotion Board, , - . . . . . , . . . . „ . . . . . l . r 8 0 a ; n . , ' , '

.,.......i.,,,.f.,(....,f.,;..u.t!' JDoverI'rintiDR Co., ' ;, ,. ,. , (3Hummel A Tillyor, navertiHing, .i.,.-.;.,.ii,.....i-,i.- ; ( i ; j . . . . 1J»«. P. Keltey, ritooBa fees .,.„...,;„{...>*...».«,..... • !

1. MaTONBHITH,!Coawn Collet. I


Dm«n, N . J , ) . . . ' - -MornaCounty.} ' • ' " ' '

WILUAM B . LAMBEET King July nromftbore iBUejnent u ooirttot and traa.

T Kingooirttot and traa.

Sworn aoi nbMribed U) before nu)thia>3ddtyolApttl, «84



Page 3: S.FeiTfS,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · 1 unit Willuw Wiirr , Lcm l Tiiic SIHIIH,U'ricultiirHL liiipli-inniitii, Stc, lius ruiiiLivt'.! to (In.' I![NO liUIUHNfJ

iooAL jortarw.Local newi upon ever; page.Motri* Courts open next Tuesday.Bocntgn obwrtar election to-morrow.Th* JefiMin for pickeiisl flailing opened yes-

terday.Jttirord v u convicted luxt Satnrday on tlio

charge of forgery.St. Mary's Church, Uorrietown, lias a bftiitl-

eomo usw pipe organ.Tbe address ol Ro*. Tbon. Rau-lings Is now

'21 South lUli St., Newark.

Mrs. Wm. WdKir Pheljm nud flftiitfitDr

suited for Kur«j«i thin week.

C'nrporottmi flfcctimi nest Holiday. Poll*

oiieii iromKi A. ti. tsi7 )-, u.

Wo regret tu learn tlmt tliu mnllitr <if fim-

r<i;jnU M«D»vit ia tuiiioiiwlj- ill.

den. Toil.i'it Pout, «r MmmtmYii tied

iJKIO l>y its recuiit cuU-rtiiiinuuiit.

'Ilic All. Fii-e-limi I'i'CNityli'i'ism ClmrHnvill


Tivn imirn win* iirt Iu be mlildd to tlie 1W

t:il Telejrrin.1] Jim: ilnmifrli tliiK i-oiinly.

Mr. nmiMrtt. JOIIH Mrl'tak, 01 Tn>.v, i-oli-

lir:itt.-it tln-ifnoldiiii wuddiuft Jliu-i-h illli.

Juroli Mint»n, 11 iiuiive of Littk-loii, .linl ut

Mniiitoivn, Oliio, (Hi tli(! lntli nil., ttjff.I 8Ti.

Mr. h. C. llierwirth U;«l tlie. tnt»fiirUiui* to

lost a vnliialili' Jciwy unv <m WoliH-Krlny.

Three cliililrcu iti .ltmn'» llmiiui!. m1 Ifci>k-

A vulmtMc Jiu

WmilHSHI, u n V t m


of <l

' IM-IIHIJUHK t« MP. {'. 1>.

iMH't, fiii'st iu NrWtnli hist

Lori D. Jartard H M amvfotcd of tazgttgap& e n b « ^ i o ? n t la tfee Mlddlwer Of nat^Court* sad jienteiioed to ten j e a n i i 8t*t$Primu.' ¥Ju> cue luu a local ln t tnr t fromthe fact tijatJarrard T U one* a Msldent <*!

D., L. fc W. tmin IBM Rutnrdny, brtu^ns Uto A Midden slop nt a very dangerous place inthe month cHhe tunnel. H l i l t t hReoorderofHoboiceiittiBt bn aiiiy did It Jifun, ami WM sent io the county jail for throe'jontUf.

lu reaponieto en invitation of Mvoral ionic

re of thu Pftralfpuiy nud Old Boontan ilU-

trlot to oorae and hunt out BOIUO wild foxes

which iufitst that country, tbe Ewex County

Hunt will «nd t ie Spring season with a auoc-

wet at tlio fine Brook Hotel, I'iue Uroot,

N. J., Saturday, May 3d, at 10 A. M.

Tho Committee iipjioiiited to iierfeot the or-

aniafitioji of the Eaniloljib Township Sunday

uliuul Apswiatlun will report to n lutieriujf to

Im ueltl in tlio First M. E. Cliurrti ou Monday

.tug, May 12th. Armug'unujiUi will be

11 with Kiiciiki'ts to make tlm 11 icotinu ''»-

ilniiij.', fiiiJ nil worker anil friends uflue

•KirKini & I'M. will Kt«<* autlopon tin-ml


responsibility for sucb action."


odium or cemore ia to

booauBo of tbjH octign it belong* to m« e«clu-

fiivaty, became it w u at my" earnest. solicit*

tiott that tho naiarle* of these official* wore BO

Increased." , . . . - - >. • •-•••

" Did the officials tbemeelvcs demand It

•drawn 1" ,Ho, tbey ueitbor damaaded cor wlltlte

tbeinereuaeofpfiy. Wnilflthe town Tfiwidebt nomo uf tlio offieoi'a of tbo corporation

11 llni-ki-Iittwlcd i)

iiiintfd tip tlie bniMHIIOIIK Hi..' lur^-M mi

t'l* In I In-Shite.

The Bepublian

MUI \M!1.:;,UI

Tlie illMMH'H

ililiuj; !KT<\

ini'l imi,t lilii

ti ('lull i

n[ Iu. M,..-,.I> sm.i

jf WhMtie purpoMofgaifl^ t ic bout Mot-matioBrSepooHnytbeiDQdi-lwfoiCEed ealaryqnartloatbeiepKaantativeof the Eiu visited(lie offioo or iho Msjur tbia week, imd tbiu

lMnBald, Mr. RkhariU, n-vuaoting tho hiereaw of the wkrleaof certainofflojBls is iliif towt tbat we bare culled touk if JOB W e any e^wtlon w itatlug U»reuom for the inoreue and explaining tlie


m]>otieHtlun wholly

l fdn lout time for c

ilKiilttiiiiitt lo tUu p

Whvn tlio tnwn Itwams* freed fioin ltn <jl)ligd-

lioiiN 1 cinitaived tlmt it wan only right «ii(l

pi'<i|jcr thiil tbuBu o/lioiiilB «koiild be piiid »

fuir I'oiiiiH-iwiiUitu for theirncrvirfs. A sense





' tbt-

1! Il



n Inn ,

i i v e 1



lint '

! in <]






1 taut ywimi imvo

•H [titlfl tlj

tlic cb.ir;Hlllll'lli.']

1 to halllut «U1

.Uyua•m X ]•






l thu prcs

l tliuf

Tlic KrilempHnnwt Kiitlu'i'i*, of N"«'w

f i t r , will h<-Biti innirtMon in tit. M;ir,vV«'lu

on Stmduy.

The bill to ullow llie Mth> i'1'lllfl11 l i rt" ( t l

flilr (jrnuuda fiiikd at tlie rei-eiit srwlt.iMH

Tho fli-rninn Vulli-y Lnlheraii ('liun'li

1» repniml this Bummer mnl " m'w I

built for the piwtirr.

Wliewi'u our pntrintiwin t It i* but

inmiiliK tn tin- "BVIT Klon.inB" a»«l »»'1|'1''


Mrs, Adninn, nf Ulix-niinuiliiif, n evu/v w

un, walked to l'tnecpon tlio tillier liny, wl

win! WBH tultcii'» ciistinly.

Afnlrfort1ie(>»l««rp»l:iMiHdiH:il «•!

bold thin—FrSflny—PV«III11K 1" tbr 1'ir,.!.

riimpnrM.iiiif;.-. All lire inviieil.

AHKoldilolliirBfiumlSilMinliiti, arc 1

prctuinm. Uonlcru obnr«u $1K lor mil1 "I

Olid *5 <'urh for thiwt of 1H-U ai»l 1*«1.

In tho Cimrt <if Krron' im>l Ap]"'!'!"

jmlXinoutortlir court U-i-»w in tlio vw

V\,r Ui'i-i


Jw.r Cm

II-.H It. iii'i-

!iriili ,1.

itev. Ilr. II«Urtwny will j.rf:ieli

iicV-," Inuiij; n i-

n CbrfstlMi ICvi.k"I1"

tioii ot tlu

Mr />. Doiiiiuiek, of New Vorlc. will "l-eii 11

fruit aii.l wj(«rii1iin' in il"' Imildiiifj «f I- !»•

St'liwiirz iicst lo tliL- SimsixHliffl iiriiiji'1.

Itrv 8VIV«IIH« Ilfi-kiT, onn «f ttic 0I1!

pnwlirrH"«fil»r Wrwwt M. K C m & w .

died in I'lilt-rniiii insl. Kridiiy at *!»• H^M.I *r.

A very plBitwmit and I'tmiv

portj-wMRivMitiiMi** J""!"1

1ur«i* roiniMiiiy of JOHIIR frirmb

HT hy n


Tt>i> C'lintbiim Township ('oininittf.- meets

to-dny wltii tb« «ltia>«» uf Ms.llwjn, to <1MCIIM

tboqiiiwHiiuof lunemiiiiniiliig tlw «trceta of

that place.

The Tnirtcen of t iit> Mendlmm M. K. Clinwb

liiive imii'biwed tho Suimu'l lti-yni|l'lfl l"11'!'-

rrlv, lidj.ining Hu, Hn-rrli, anil will bold it

for'f si turn wo.

All ibfoI.noi.Hcn. I'fNew 3nmjwill learn

W i th «1i^|. rmrot of the death of « - « o v . Mnt-

l l dn h. Wnnl, wlmtbu

r»l led

genii"":"', nml

Q^upbcr .if thn

1 Sutimlny lust

Mr. Viuti)rGu.v,ai

fur a mimtipr nf yen

Murrlrt County Oi'itrt

atNiinlnff, Ciillforiiin,

I'hn MIUIR Avrniu l'rwibytoriiiti Clmn-li, «r

£.Bt Oruiijie. l.M MteudrA a call to thn Hi>v.

Jusupli H. WhiMiciid, of l^miitoii PlniiiH. tii

tbi- pn(t*irirf« of tlio cl.nrrb.

Mail curriur " Cnrut'y" O'Hrien 011 Tuemiuy

midoiibtfldlyww-«ltlinlif««i n wo«ia« «»n>

TthjintftloiittoBtepnii tlm iriiel( in iront

«rn train at ib!>!>.,L.JfeW.Doiiot.

[t ia propoBPd to build 11 tclephmin from

MorriHlwwu io (Uwntor, ami iiiwndy nrnrly «

Hufiii'lcnt iimnluT wf gubHcribtrH bnvo br-i-u

BUL-ured lo warmnt tlm HiMlprlnkliifi.

Tim deutli of Or. S. it. limit, cAii

Nflwnrlt AdvertiHer, ri'inovi'B fvimi t

ff (ha

of th»


ami vcrwitllc ••ilitni-iul writ PI-in tlm Ktnti'.

The Mny term ut Court l>eRln* «m T.irs.lu;

The term prnminoH to be Tory Mmrt indir.

them bring three or fimr no«t.iblo ilafcndiiu

in .j. il uov.una tin- vivil list is nlnii wi


Ilia BtntoniDnt imlillBbed ln«l wrrls, tin

licv..), 0 . Averil), nf Korku woy, bud ni.-i\ <

ft call from Milford, Ctmn., was liicwrc..

Wo first uotiood the roport iu tlm Ntiwiu


Mr. Goo. W. Onge, an ttlil ami mport<

citizen of Itnontim, dictl at tiif rcKJili'iiro i.l*

Mr. E. A. Bnetar, nn ThU»rt«.T •morning. ^ ^ ^ (,|(V),1V|] , . .„, n „„,,, Wll, „,„.,„„,!

atSo'clPek. li,n,,.Mk «»J ntl(ff from Ui.vutnor'H IHlR.,d.John P. Quarlfis, the eloqueiit col nml linv- Tbi.'ndi.-n for l!i« bnrinl of tbcdpiid-Wiin

J6r, Who rtpnucntfid lbs iron nro prodin'rra i,v- ,],„ ](,,v, n. N. sierritt, after wliich tin1

ofthiaBetltionhoforotlio Tariff Uomiui-nioii, l,i>,ly WHS t-iki-ii todefondod ItuRK, tho cnlrbrntfid Loiij- Iblnnil ' — I - - - .negro mnnlerer. 1 The New Time Table—Sunday Trainu

Dr. ComlictlV. Oittlcr, «f MnrrMiuvti. wboi •lllB' bi'fiw u«i»K "' ITCHM wu ici'civnlicw jufit tnipa ttihimmdf a wife, liaa lu<f ntrn-: | | l ) ' ; ( ' ' ' of tin* <;liiin (;s that will nftoot Dovriderrd Ibo appoiiilineiit of An.Hlstiiiit Sni-pcim j '" ' '"' "L1"' I}-' '<• l t l l" l ! '"" '"'"'" " l ' i"1

il. .tmll.1

Mi1. Win.

)l | ;u tlie eiiivliii uud biihim-i-vlikt' mrllnxlHiqiim wliiel. the ntViiir* uf Uuvtr Imvc l'.-.ncmidiu-ti-il in Ihcp""'-

----- • - - • - - • - ^A Samplo of Cor.siatfluey.

llovui, N, .1., Mnylfil, 1HM.ErnronuF TIN: Jims KB* :-Tlio report of

llie ii'tTiiI fltiiru*'!') vnnem «i TiH'wliiy.•v.-uiiic nswiiln «na« Bin««lur tliingn. ItnlimvH Unit Wm. SUniiP, <;• Firman Tniw-briilgo nml SI. II- Diokemon w*w inenibisrBof tUt; Commit leu Unit fvaincd tint Uoket. Alltiipw Imvo bfrii jiroliibiliotiiHta nt charttrI'lcetiims Jor«f!Vi'ral yuur» and tin* two flrntnaiucil wcro pnrliutilurly outspokcu. Tliii}*did uot btiHsiliitcto deuouiico as byponriU-Hmnl cverytliiiif; elao that wus bad thoae who.otud n^aiiiBt the probibltioii ticket. Vot

•k of '!',.«•,) Clerk, Ti-eapunsr. K«i-(inli!r of

;il Kliiiiuti,-3 nud i;U-rk ui 1be lioitril of

lr;i,ili, I uM!<'i>Tivili<Til(]i;il llic «•"fli iifthrM.

ii>HiiioiiK. .-i'.lininrli,i'ilv i.riinnncil, w it ima

hi in. irt wortlu'Vi-tyilnHiirtliiil tins lici-npnid

"iiril. If tin' jn^plf bi'lievr i l t l i rrcntly-if

lirv ibiul. tl.ul lor tm i.|l.ci< ,",LU«<- Iliiiu I Inn

"Well, tb.it i»

tn tin. K:ttnt»t Iliilil 1

,.. 1. I h', I

,y Kon.l I 1


of costly y ^ fp W f n r the'pnrpoM of mufindftniiiiiigthe streets of DoTer, tlie qnutioa of the bestway of proBceating tlie work uattmlly ftrisea.The Hnyor aiid Street Commlttwi of tbe Cora-nton COOBBU, Tho huve been mart dlrootlyintenrtAd In tlo work, have given it espwialnttoDtion, aiidbflve reached wmo conolUBioiiareSBrdiog it wliicb, ire of T«lna. In the ftratplace they bare made Hrnngemeots to liringbore for tbe work the bard gneiss rook of tinUiliernia mine at a mueb less coat thm com-

iKjoBia Jm fiuarriea, and. they-ha^

apBtwharottwjtiA could l«To do the work to advantage it ie bdicvedUartitBhottldhedoue on it pretty estoudodscale, rather than to keep the machinery', atwork o» amaU toitaliOenU The town U,aowl d « d ( t l All p &$? *

hut0^>In Buctgflad tonflitlort that l\ito& 1little nped for outnide work. There being alaot balance iu hand it is believed that 98,900rt-ortb of innoadamldng OBQ bo diout year witbou| itutfwfofffii?. _ KB

far thli will go may be judaeil from tbe ttcthU ft is believed (ram careful estimate! tbot

rfmfloadafclziDgcaiibedoBo ou< at u cost of from «HM to *G00

bl«ok< Tbi« is lot tlio points iu the prinoipulparts of the town whore waoadamiiing Willba ueueaiary from, curb to ;(iBtb. Oni^doof

Tjnfilmiaipartoftbo town the vwfcmaymde tiglitarandleMUXpenflve•--*--—'

liia wtirkof mi

Iiboi ten* nattei oi oonatderable «ur-priM to man> BepobUaana in tbli plaoe thatthorn ahonld be Bepubllaau ban, who tanreoolTod tbo oaaAimoiu aupjMrt of their parljla deotiona of tie past, vbo nov array tbem-asltei Tritb tlnw »ho are aoddng to dtarapttha party by uppoaltiw moremente. It lanotanewtblnKfurM>ttieoftb«in. Theyliitvaopppaed Bepnilloau candUataa bofore npv,•nd Mm» of them bare nan been inairu.numtal In pjoowing tbe defeat of KepubUcennonjnaoa of food character and vbo Toreveil qniJMid for tbe office, tney loujbl.Sit in ttelr *»n they h»Te keen treatediionikMljUuui Ilioy have treale^ other.,Whantliojbwe boen candlduea for ofBtethey have received the heer^ Mid undividedfiappprtof the very meD they bave apuoiedwltalnvet&nMnnuide nil uanonalftoluiBfor As nnreMe of uniting tht party andpromutiug lta anoceen. But tbore oomea atime vhfrt anob tblnjta paaa beyond the limitofforlioaranoaVlMfl lool. <u If that pollba4 u n beBn;niiohod. ,It ie not a-greatthing for'anibody to dtarojpt and destroy an

l t i j floea suaoeai In euoh vtork formof the potHDel popnlority oi

who eDge|e in it. One bolter oan al-waya do more td damage an orgBuliation thatthreo fupportere/owi do to euatain It. Butthoae who engage in bolting are nmally tbo

ilroct, oflordinB A gowdi h H t > q * ? 1 * A for

nnd a paRRitue on crtoK bido for

pn>f«r drtvlii); on a aoftor to«a. There

\\m otber reoBoue why I t wonld bo of »rl-

niutagp to do an extended work in tbfa ilireo-

ar. LaborfBtwlowMitprphubly

will be for ionic tinio 16 COBQ. ' T j ^ i " "

t u k o t b e l a inot ii bright one iu any resjieot. nud na byr the grater ]iart of tho cost of micad&niist-

r It would funiiali employment•rHiijir [ibouttowuiuatimeofi

ould ny

d iu tho towu for tlioir nupport,inucli o Hut circulating wo-

td tblimn ti) ktjcp biiHiiiDBS going. Undci

!S Ikoguld l.o must ad-

ipcut this y«ir nml there can

lie im iloubt tlmt the $8,000 tlma jicnniinoiitly

ited would lio rrturnod to the tax-poyitrs

low jfurH in tlio uftfiiiK of tbolorco gum»

iiri't-nsiiry every year in Hits waking of

t. m[iairH. It in fur th" peopla to my,

n-vr, wliHlmrtlH- experii'iiiio oftlie 1'rofi-

iliiiiiiifiii-atiimiw tu be omitlnmiil in thin

i-lnutiiiiilt'T, orwliMliOMM the i'l«H'ti<H]

JI'itnlny tln-y will intnidiH'c 11 iir.w fb -

. lin.khii; em'h rxpcrii'iifi', mid ri'suly to

IV tlic (teiii:imlHt>flluiBf ii-bn bavo. nlwuvH

M-I[ il»> impri.vniieiit of ilm t«.vn .imi

• (-onenrm-rt in II. Tlm work in b.v nil

ililstbr iiio8tiia]>urttiiit

• , , : , . - ; , , ! 1,-iMU ,.i-l I

of tin' Hume. Tin' Kill

.1 pn of flu-

(, , ) 1

' in

ne l>lii:f ytar, ivti find the

i niooimnwidiiig to tlio iioujilo

ni^n a ticket that him hut

iinnmof ono ttijltor nvMv and ntixmiher nf

tbti (.'i.iiinum Coiincil ibnt lies voted fur every

liceuw tbnt bus i'»me before him. This HIIOVK

wliol n.uiiy «r lb« i-iliwiw or thld lovn liavo

lfiiiR lu'lii'TPd, t int w»mB «f ibi'M pi'oi'lii linTC

bci-ii governed in their nctlitiis imly by sjil'-'eii.

anil nut fur jiriiu ijilt-—tlmt they arc willing



ne yen

"11 il will ndievH tiiywiriimlmy iis«oriiiti*H

fi'om any iiniintnlion (lint wu lun-u tlciivid

lutve lieM, 1 urn' willii^ U> IIUMVV v.mr qit.'H-

tlon, hut iiinitlifiToiiHidcriititm would mdun:

ludt t tdu HU. At t inct i i i i i 'ubeni t wua ftuuid

that tbt uppriijirbitioii WUH iiisutlicienl to

muko t]ie HIITUI imjirnvornenls duvmrd nc-

cDMsary tbat yonr, 1 pi'fueiitfd tlm ccrjiora-

tiou with IfllK) tti ciiitbli- il to C(>in|i]ele tlie

work which it l ad uii<1crtiili«u. In 1»71,

when tlio imiiif«ipol debt «f 10,(MN) cre.itcd

by i admin IB uliou wn

bountuo'ueccHiiury to plucrt bonds tli:it

uinntitit upon the murki't for mile. Tlio

liiiflicst hid olitnlnod for tint umiii: was 95

cimta on tbo iltillur, wblln a law of the Htnte

sold for lean than 07 emits. To rel ive thn

town from tiiis ililniimn I ]ir

Ht bidder with tbe sum of f200, In-

IT. l.ml.\

i.f the r<

Hlmrt, lo

h^v/wu, In run the

•• tbiH, Mr. Kditor, ns

HICIII'V 'Hill :ie.tHiltc»

diieemeut for him to purrlinite tho bonds at 07,

ivbieb he did. Thnrrfnro, if tlio people be-

lieve, tlmy Imve. lieen wrtinjicd to tbo p-xtdtit

of 8C1IK) tlirongh tbo liiftrease nf Biiliirics

uhieli 1 lulvoraled, tbey fun oft'nat this «iiui

it(;iiiiHt tlie. if7lM) wbinb I have voluntarily

eimtrlbnlr.l for tli» imblic: benefit, mid

whilptiirn* Hlill n-iniilim a linlimcu of »100 in

inv fmiir, 1 tnmt llie>- will at leant admit

it Sfiui

1 f o t . t h o M u r o r o i t b o t n

ii I lihvc bell l


tliem a*

ilitii;iiiiiH mid iii!iuii»ilnture wbu hud only

rii w in'idimal ntiibitinu iind Hellbli (inde,

id vbo hinl no thought(ji-care fur tba inter-

im of «ond "nvisriiiui'nt in Unver. They

'reafmUltoi^UD 11 gtuend 'or public call,

-t tlnwe wbo am ctlizciw in tlio bout seuso

Ihu tenn should dcfuiittheireolflHbscbouien

d act fur tba public goad. I t W M aquiet ,

iiwhiimber nfl'uir, from which thu ffoneral

ting imblio WHS omluded. . \Vh>- the nnoeB-

i ty fora l l thU HCCMOJI CaniiiileH at least

ire suppose! to bo the moBt pnblio lliinps we

TL. Hut here is ouo whoro UIORD wbu u-oio-

«B it not liko fi sot of 0011 Bjdratorn—afraid

lot tlio full lij;lit. of iiublioity fall on what

cy do. And yet they will now try to make

u jiubllo bpliava tiwt tbnir tiukct lvjire-

iota tlie sentiment of tbu oitizuiH of Dover.

illy repiraent* nothing but t lo imilicc

^lIlHhno^oribiiFie whu uinrte it, and u«

trick in1 dnplii*ity on their part- run make it

tin i-a 11Death of Gon. Cuyler.

• vet lli-i-mUi.T-Urii.Tui Jolin « . I'uyler, ' I"1"11'

"on of tin' Uitireil Lh t of Ilir Army, M'u-

evJ,tv-lim, yeiir. Hi* dentil rmnllad , J«J™ J«


ko in curinc for (ho tiner-

nd thn iniproreaittitN tbnt

cd t

which tlicy '

i the jii.'

rlivUM-'l 'tVi-'-i :i"whliiw lii'il n» .-Inlilivu. HIH pul in tlnproweiitlon «f tlwirdntleH."

iu'OKmiM'imdul liim to tlie Kriive. Tlie * - • - •

eldent MiM'n-.liiiiii'M IV. CuyliT, of tin' Kit- AFino Leotara Coureo.

"iiu'Cr ' Gups nf thn Army, 'Hi aWii Um. Dr. Ji'wt'Il, nf Califurnin, <>iif nf tin-

^,i,l Eiillimt ettir-r. illt»1 tn AprlUf ln«t ynir. IU.I.HI able, mid cloqucut m.HikeM on the P;icillc

(leu I 'mb'r wiir> born 111 M H . I - U in lHlll, • fim«1, Icetured to 11 very h i w imdienee IB Ht.

I'litm-il'lbe Mmy u* A-Miint Sur^mi in , Jolm1* M. K. Cbnrdi, Peri OMIU, nn Tuemloy

1K3I TiiittlriHi'litlio i'-n-vU and 8,<mlnol« \ n-on\nK. Himnbjni'l wa-"Tbe Clfrl nf tlic

Hf-Mw, Himiuih the war

with Mex«-1iiiilKl(i-1lxlthr)iii(!li Hit: win- »l

tlic Kfbclliou. mill win IT tired from iielivc

pcrviw bv D]iei\itiiiti of liw in .Time '.W,


Tin- fiiniTiil ni'rvii'i'S wi'iv held in St. Peter'*

Kpist'oiml Cliureh, J!ori-iattiW!i, on ' i i

to tho King of Sisu

tlie Slnineae army.

Mr. Oeo. ScuriiiRing, of Oxford, formerly nf Dover,

l L k i d b K f Cblef


Hsdio Lnkinn, dnu(>tiUT of Cbief Hiijiineer

Lnllni of tlui fiinmce, wore inm-ried nn AVed-

nenday of last v w l .

Mis« Badio Walterm .lauK«tn «f Hit- lale

Bov. Tfios, Waiter*, fonm-rly of Iliiw town, in

meeting witli n umrki-d n\ww HH 11 v.icnli.-l.

and ainga contralto in the Church of the A«-

oennion, New Tork i-jty.

The Jordpyman in of the opinion tbnt " even

BrotbBrGiu-ri9Oii"lmB a capneity for u^cful-

nau . Ou tbe priimiiilo, wo eiipposti, that

nothing -wnii mmlo in vnin, Imwevcr luird il

may bo of comprBliciiaion.

The Mew Jersey Conp-egatioiinl Asaorisi-

tion lwt week elcnted Bev. V. A. Julinoon, nfl

Chesttr, a member of llie Committee* 011

Churcb Extension and en tlm ArmuKcinciitn

flir the meeting ot nest year.

. Ju tlie Uniicd S(..l^ fiiip^mc C.uitt M

Trenton on TiiMditr Rrnrst O. Fuster, nf

Dover, for nBinK tbe mnilH for fraudulent piir-

poseB, was eentenced to tlio Essex cijuiity

penitentiary for tamo mouths.

Jarzel Tnrncr offen-d to give Hie MnuiiK»:rn

ofiheOldLndieii'Hoinoofinrilotninix IHTCS

on Morris Plnina ojiposlte the Presliyteriim

Ohiiroh, but it was tlionj-lit to bo tou fur from

(own for convenience.—Jcrfioyiiian.

Tlie new He.geat of tho Ruyul Arcnuutn for

Oie State of Wow Jersey, Wm. liiek Pcnddt,

hfiB oomminHioned P. II. Iturn-U, df Dover,

Pepnty Grand Hejjeat. with p»-«er ID ins1

tuta Oounelln anywhere | n Dm Stale,

Tho olrails yoBtfiplny drew Rreat crowja ol

people, to Dover, Tho morning train on the

High Bridge liranch wnanuni.lc to carry all

vlio wished tfl come nnd hoi to run buck tr

Port Orom far an extra lond of pue«pngtrs,

GOT. Abbott ha* appointed Chaa. H. Mun

aon Common Plout .JOCJRC tn HU tbo vacancy

oanied by tbe Senata'a rcfumil to noufinn,

and lio will take bin mint on tho hobcb next

Tuesday. He ouly .->lda till tho next session

of thB LeKulntnro.

Jenny Bturgii, living at BelieviUo, 1B re

ported aa miaaing since Wednesday of last

week, on which day the left Morristcrwn ioi

bar borne. A girl by this name was oomiiiiUet

to tlie county jail recently forstonHng^Glrora

John P. HU1, of Franklin.

If tho Madison Englo will inquin into the

iaote it will leom that Jndge Mnmon i» aa

u u b l k b c d fact notwithstanding its (upposl-

tiom. Under the fliroamitanou,h}i »ppoiat-

mont meant " J u d ^ e " Slonipn, wLeOier the

ferioil," nud 111

ihetr^elveH ns ilelijihtcd witb tlm eaniPht,

lirai'tieal and mnvinciuf: luiimier in vbieli li<<

treated IhR 1i»i>i''. At lln> eonehimm »( tlic

li-fture 11 eoltet-timi «f PJi wns tnkfii. Tlii*

vua lliu fourth of tU« uoursi' uf icL-turcH tlii.''

eliiircli Jin j^iven EIIIJI Srinn^p I lit) rcsiillF* ol

vdiieh li:ive netted t.i til.' t'lnnHi alxmt (HI,

wiiieli IIUH lifeii Hiiuieient fur tin- juuelia^ ol

two Isimd^mne unw chinide.liei-a wliich liitvi

l-Mdillv I1oe.11 l.liittil in tiio etliliru, while tin

i:d at i HUUlll

Mit di-

of the SI. I-:. Chureli.

iiki-w ellVel next Monday. Tim Ir.im Null

ow U'uvca hut- for Ki*w V.»ii: nt 1:57, will

•nvo »t UK. Tin- train which urriveH her.

mm Nrw Ynrk ut 1:!H», iUH fi<'t hrro imt

• iiuilo earlier. The niKhtenm-A-< wliirli mm

-nvfH New York nt 7 " i l l leavts nt f, nml

rill nrrive licre nl Ustf.'- Tlio eniinnmt in:

ijiibMirt-Kiiliii' train and will i .mvu l i e r e at

:ao I'. M. Tlio I rnii. wlii.'h li'-.tve^ hern nt

•W.\ A. M. for Ni>\v York, ;md the ni«bt x-

irn>N whii-li U-nvcH New V.irk nt « n'clo.l; will

nu i-vury day in tins we.-I:, Snmli.yri inrhide-i.

New Time lablo.

il U reimrtoil tlmt ft new lime tiiMe will go

im • ITi-cl t u (hi' V..L.&. W. Itnilroail iieM

[outlay, nnd us iiKiml tlie air i rife with

.itnnrii pcrtniiiiiis i« ii. In i idd i l inn to th«

nijiuned new rulliiism pahiif cars, Ibe Tri-

une iH aiitborit.v for tlie htuteniPilt that mure

iindiiy Iraiiis " i l l \«> iiitnnlni-4-il. Il i* fur-

iicr Mild Mint tlie 7 1". M. fnM line ih.in New

11 Siindnj- evening*, wliieb with the t a l l y

Hiridnic t in t Hue would jrfv« jK'nplo an ep-

nr tuni ty fur (ip.-itiliiii; i!i«' Kiililintb in Newrork and vicinity. Hut we nlwnyH bear a

rni t deal abcnl m-w lime tiihlcn before they

ro bHuetl.

A Bonaway.On KiitiirdayaltonmouCliarltrt YOUIIRH nnd

wile Htiirted til Morristown with a timid pitiif roadsters. They (wok fright utftq umlirollofliie-h Mr. Youngs mildmly rniowl to.fl' a (drawer. Sir. Younps drew Ibo nnn llutterworth'B gato, but they turned thomrvo witb Mioli speed tb»t tlio wagon tipped.ind threw tbo occupants to tlio ground. MiYoung* beenmo onttiunled in thn reins nndwns ilrogficd for tumiB dbiUnce, with littirinjnrv. Mrs. YOUDRB waa severely cut in tbehead* and otherwise bniiwd. The honeawere stopped, but not without' eonldcnbltdomagB to tue wagon.—Hanuor.

Badicon Hoses,For yesirs ii:ist lliulisiiii him

front «wik for rosehave HO wiiltMi rtjj ml

tensive *n!e. No! only Nrw Yock city but

l'bilailelnliin, lialtimore. Kinlnumi.l, Wn-th-

iiijitDti city, I'imlmr;;, Ciiidunati, SI. I.HHIH,

I'hii-agd, 'coliunlMi.*, t'levt'land nml utber

The to-oalled Cltiiea*1 oaumabypomqoratsand tbeOhAirmanof it TTBi tutIndlridnalwbotriedifevweela aprto ih-dnoe tbe LegisUtoro to bleed tbe 'tax payenof Dorer by pftwlng K bm to compel the Otna-mon Council to give him patronage.

ObMtluiee ot irbor Diy.Tfee pbratint-bf trMs

l b d 'Ab

ymneh more

irgoly observed on'Arbor Day tlwii TO im-agined. Besides tho nmny tlngla treesplanted by, indlrianala twanty-ono .rnaijleitrereplutatt on the grounds of Draw Berninory, Sheriff Uowell planted a splendid rowon the public road along hi* farm front atWhlppany ana l I i M ( ^ t r t a /



Iftt. # t t d Bo*«r I f v *

'At W B . ,W. Elll1", Uor.r, N. J.

to tlio (junntity pi-ow


tlie Sin to. A Mailm

bc it i

ii full ITO

onth of

"tiicr town

T maiie tbe

ITOJI «f .l:ic

hieh rec

in ibii

iipmiil mcntimi IM n

m«" cni*ii>K 1.y Mr. lVlerH.ii.l

« work ou tloriiialtuiv. Our "li

ill ilouhLleH* i-fiich H,(HKI Iridn daily

iltum i««ii tli.*iru-n'««-,—Ki.Klf.

Tho County In estigatio


•her matt.Ts W

UMI- who wcr

nt to liim we

irwiird anil

hn (jiiL'Ktiunt*


tlu> bids

iift tliuiu,

lay ani\ U

j nil tlie llnan

n wore in Hmmtiui on Tlmrfldiiy of

nd Mondiiy of this wi-k, nud

Hojikiim w.»« on the wilnc

iliiyn, iiuderpHDR II rigul exani


ii.it invent, bi

iiifnrniift that the. qni-^tio

nunwra-ed in it very Hlniiph

tlnfnctorj- inaniur. Some

^'ere harsh in their nnture.

.ee, lie WAR ask til ifliu kn.nv

n th" liridgi'H, or tin; particfl

hat (he bid* were lieforc tliey

hich Im imli|;iiaut1y denied.

B will bo huld at Daontuu to-

A O(oat Iniurtaoa Company,Tho Prudential Life Iimurnneo Company t

Novnrk, of whioh Mayor Eloharui ia a Direc-Mful Company e

in IaduitrlalJiifo tpaarfnoeu >ijji 1—-,, ,ijnoflfcglvethiwBie KMLi&MJ!>»ieUt of Ufa Insurunoo byiBBiiing polleieaBmnll amoanU. ,Tbc PrudenUnl alttoajtU

itlian eight yeit i Jin* iiined nearly 800,000policies, i t ia in reoelpt olaB'lnMniB'of OTBr•1,000,000.annwdly u d : u p a y i n g olnimaitnernt«oflOOper Iwoet l 'n ' iB'operate 1tl:a iatae pridipleji BS tile great EngliJi Com-pany, tho Prndentialof.London,»hloh had;oa i l tBfl ,^tiaj ; : qfjaripjuy,' over 5,000,000ponoiu iamtvi, .'HHK TM-TWiring »n inoonie'of om wKAMwHidbr. ,,

,0 tnSBiiqiUatei"» i lUuUunl Phoaplatoa, Llatoj

«"* Oronid Booo, Land IlaktafcUMtaUtFarttllieia ami1 Com FtrllHie™'aiefliiil«t«»lowe«t«*i«Jrii«abyTVin WJHill, Dover. L

lUt«I Eiei.Ooninii»ptateand Amah Boh for »LS* nerlOO Ilia., at HID DeUyitonlmK » All o»«Bn Irft willB. J ) « M 4 1 0 B a « > * WBT

utually sit down.on tlictn HO lituvily thattbey are offeetu%t)j squelched.' Tho idea,hewarar, of combiniuj to defeat tho Bopub-) 4 M \i'Hy. hafofe tho' ticket of that virty lainnde, or its JIIBJH urn kuown, la somethingnow in tliis vieiulty.* I t showed a raalioiousnita selflflh dbslrt on tlio part of tb6 baiters todefoutojiy, oaailiiiak'i }b$-$vfr, («lgbt putun, no mutter liDW worthy they migbtbeftftho POiiUoai, or bow great might be the de-Biroofthopnrty to u]eot thenii TheBopuu-ljonn ogqens, on liVednwadmy evening, oa oilknow wbo attended it, wan entirely free andij^en;r Tlie nomlntiDB wore clioaoh unnnini-auBly, without n tlfcBentlng voice, and luBTery instance the olHoa sought tbo man, anduotlheman the.offloo. Ia it good Uopubll-oouiBintlieaHo defeat tbe tindlvidod will oftbB par ty ' And can thole vho engage inthiB work ootJjdaln if iu tho lutunj the sanntnoana are nend to dofeut tliem 1 ' :

Wn*tW«»ra Coming To.A number oitfes miwt hohortble and worthy

oitizeni of DOYW. §6me ot wb-om have givenhonwt MtviM for tbe benefit of tbe

town in to Qmaaaan Council, on bring re-quwted by variou* pRrtiea this week to allowtheir nraiBB to be wed M eandidatee uexfMonday, positively declined to do so. Tfaewman were not afraid of defeat, lor they know;hat they pcueai the confident of tbe people,and oould witltpnt any <ia«tton ofdoulit ob-tain an election if they flealred i t But allof them argued that to do their full duty inthe Common QounoUdwnaiicled much of their,time and labor. This the; ware Hilling togive ior tbe benefit of tnecommunity, decnltettia fact tbat tlero was no remuneration forit. But they did object to being constantlyooounoed and vilUflod. in ooarae language•bile trying honestly to do their full duty to

;he pnblio. And tail U t i e m u l t of too vileand Hourrlloua attaclu constantly mada topander to the tattea of the mal tdowby inIlliterate ignoramus who would bo • greatdeal wettltbiar mentally if he pottuqedtenth of,tie brains, buaineBsfitoultiBiciriion'*on»oof tteniBnha revihuaa dUbonestestarygrabiieri/'ato. By a wise provision

of the law no member of the Counofl U D ob-euwlamMit or panonal benefit from hii

ponltion in that »ody, to tbot ia thin sense themeto faot of holding tbe offloo ii volueleiia.aatUiaiiapOTtanttotlio peopleoftlii* com-

manlty whoOier tb«j will have an- uhninistrattou of it« affair, that will 0011 duce to tliimaterial prospurity of the pooplp.and itfaa*waobWah alarming point whan capable and

jorahlo oittseiu will not ooiuent to wr r tbeaaiuo ths rendering of meh aorvise

make* tliora a target for niiBDellaueoui block'guardtnj and abuse, If the people of tbliconununlty Indnne tula apeoies of abuae at* poll* they ivill soonflnd tliat DO man who

b u any regard for hli hoiior will eotuwnIt aa a fnemher nf tho Common CQUBBII of

t U

•djlllll.' mill s

lu-i-started It, nnd by vof tbe nyrt«mit in vogiu

nitt- The '• Uitiz

oil ti.

udt-nt inn•-, t . f I l l O R I

nl inviHti

.owhorc, a.


,'llt Uf 111*


tl'iiirwiib Krciil Hccreey. No fall vlint-

WIIH imu-ii nml Hume ivhn pitliert'<l Ibcru

11 upon Ihn MptuiUit invitiitliin nf lenders

ho took K"<>d rar« Unit no 01m KIHUII.I Im

wl who


mid lie liki-ly tw iH>l«w« Uu-lr


I t wa

fiiH; it


The H. E. General Conference.Tbe, Methodist Enlficopul flonernl Conference

mot at Philadtlphiu un Tbnrailfl.r, nnd enn-

inue fur a men tit. Tl.r CuiifHionct this year

tli 1111 umiat i!iteri'Htaiiiliiiip(irliui(.'t!,

r 1H8I ]* Hie Centenary of Am or i IN in

,1, thu Jk'tlm<lHtKi>iHcuiiul Cbureli

-no i^n i . ' .V ,11 Dalttninrt-jiiRt 0110

vi*nrrt iij'ti. Altliounb iiitrtnlueed

it:i in 17filil>>- llai'hitni Hn-Ii, I'hilip

ind t'a|>lnin Wtlii., nml nllhuncli

Ilislmj, Acuity wuH iijijiniiitoiUiijHHiiitcndent

f tin: Hocicl'i(=4 in 177J, mnl o^unbod tin)

rork npun pbinn inrni.Tl.v adopted bi Entf-

lamt. .M t, iit Hie iiWeiK-i-nf'iiiitniiird American

niiiiintiivH, tlm nicniliirs wero clopcnilent oil

rln- inhiMiTH Ironi Kngland fnrtlie hi ten i-

mi-iit.H. Tlii> Id-vohitiiuiiiry war eansi-d tlio

v.-tnm .if niHsl of •:;•-,. uml il Ucnuno «,••;•-

diir.v It) cUV'ri mi independent tir^nnlr.nliiiii.

In Deei-niber. 1781, M\ty out ufthe, eij;hi.v-

fmirtravislliiiK pmiielu-r* in tbu Now Wt.rttl

nut iu itiihimoK'.. iifv. ThomaH Coke, Ll*

ml F n

*, and twelvi

KtleliltM'H. 1

( Aslm

f Itelitfon,"

nl iiii'sciit ^ovcniiiiK tiiix Ini-Ki* itnil in line nlial

ohitivh, woro udii]it<><l nt tlmt lime, uml tin.

Mi'iiltt'i-t-il hocirllfB licnimo (ir^niiu. During

tlm ii!.»t l iuudml vciu-B tbo oigbty-thren tmv-

«ninjc iin'urlMira liuv.' IiirmiHi>iltoiiTor27,«H),

coiiuliiijtlbo viuimia MiHhixliHtHi.ciiaii.-ri, mid

thii fow Ii nud rod ini'iiiliers to over four mil-

lions lio t\<],- iulicrs ud ut l mil-

lion udhurt'iilH.

oil Tim Nowark Confej

hat they iiniiVs* it i n - a Citi«

ion HliOtvH tin- motives

il. (tnc pliH'ii upon it i

vote, nnd MM if feiirinjt f

njr mi 11 ltiinur ib-jiler a!

Til-ll'le't** IVwofthv ti-iini ttitli twj din

" ticket.

of tin-dr-v

nil ilireotio

hut-lint 1:

«.f D^a.l Si

I wllli the. ideaiif

iil-fur tlit-v kniMV

l.v tbnt Ihi'y c i

Hy toiiniiil tli

"il l bf lili" Uni

Good Work by tbo Fir

iilnrni uHiiv wu.i raised iti

.o'clwk on Wrrtnc.-ility nij;

Ik," H I.ll.l-.IU: • I

J.,1,.1 Dnwe an 11

uyltov. H. A. llutti, Kev.J. N. Fitrgomld,

Hcv. Alox. Ciatit, Itov. S. Pursonn. U\y Dob -

gntca-Thnoibiv h. llunyon, Jumt-H SMIec,

Altornntce—KeT. fl. H. Vuli, Kov. ,1. F, Dodd-

Samuel T. Tmitti. Kobrrt H. Dolintj*.

, ' Oen. Kilpatriok'i Favorite Steed.

' Sjifuklu^ of liorsen, wonrerGinindrd of nil

incident nilutud to UH by Qeu. Kilputrlt-k,

uliowitiji on tlio part of a borne retentive

inniunry, prompt recognition of hb> iniint' i-*«

voice ami u joy llttln tew than liuinini at

Iienriiig tlio familinr tunes after dl""j, ' Hi'jm-

rution. Old Spot, tlio Oemm..'* favorite war

liorno, ]>«ro IIIH nmntcr pidlnntly un long find

lii'i'iliuiH rides :uul in tlio tliick of many a

light. Iiimself more tbiin onoe ftwling th«

luarl. SubMinnnt tn tho war tk'ii. Kilput-

rit'k wiiH Bout to SonMi Atutricti. lln loft the

nlil linrw at the fnrii), with ordorrt tlmt hu

huiild Im Idndl)' I'

uchnd liiii

i'il i

-il fur. Returciiig afte

rnl yoiiw, tlio (li-

ni(,'ht, nnd lvu


ith bin fiiiuily nml rricinla. Ho did noi.

idivisviT, limg ik'nIeH to iiviiiii-o niter thn oiu

iorsn.- r.cnrniiiRiliiit Pj.ot WIIB nl jmnturc in

ilift'ivut fit-lii, the iU'wrnl HCIII for him, mnl

little latiTivnntnlil Hint bis fuvoiitc HIDOIIy tied t nt tin

Thn[• Of Ihf

l.Muiiuil thu f<in

itooil dainuri'ly p

•ho ..no wowl, "

awn. Liko an eel

iclBB. Wilh a -


ot (ho oltl vetorun, who

mwvliiK at tlm ]»)ht, Jn»t

tSin>ll"rniif; out over thn

io r:iiii« hack tin: imhwcriiig

iii.it mnl u lioiiml thu old

if il Imil b.>ru u

ri'd thr fi'iicc nt n lc-tp, and, wltli

m<\\y wn:t, «punicil

HI.IOI! hy tlu-]>ti

h^ Liii! UM Jif

Atl.lfi! tbe (It'n


i liia i rt br.

tiiuniiit und Imanlinu

lii.furti MIN, Uiiwi: ha.l

riairw to afcunt rimm un tho HIU-ODI!

I f rmndthat tlic iulenor nl il \\w all

A iiin;n l»iii]> whii-h Iml broil left

ll]IOlllltflbl(' \M1H --lulltrl.il Id (li.TfS

Kb tin-burning nil ii[ion the tlimr iu-

irnti'd nu <-i|ilnH«n. Th« fhnich <iui<k1y

uiini!iiinte<l t<i n hcil ami lo TIJC nai l , 11m!

nil, lu'd .'lotlii'o nnd ntr:n\- wliicli ircr^ on

• ^otm iilb'd 111.- twn upper Mmii-s i»f the

i«e. with 11 mimki' no ili'iiwi'thnt il WHS im

,-ibl- tu M'.' tlniMi-h il orlueiiilie in it. All

irB nml wimlowB wcro lap t shut anil

-pinsrliiM! In I lie finor and i>iniliii^ Innd-

•chiritiiivcrlhririiKmllii*. Thru with tin-

of tlHitireextiujpiMiora unit h\u-ki-Xs the

lies w.-n-HulKiucd. .ind llie bumiiiK con-

IIH uf tli« room cknia'd (Bit. Mpnutiino 11n-

,],.'rt'i-t.It Imvinjf !•


ile.teriiiliifil imL tit fillnv

the bm Mini; "Ht>l Ibt

em and imek«'t« ba.] fniltxl. Tin

rtainly 11 KOod one nnd rrcdlt 1H dm

f onniH'il (be tire uml exlinsuishiii;

i, HIU!

[•tlmt 11

:veiiiii(; its it

r , l II

tlm m\dM i.l' u U'oi>ik'ii l.lonk.

tbmit ft lirirk wall in il, mid b d n C ri«hl i;

• liiisinc^ ci'iiti'i- of 111it tnwn thu tliuiiPr

[1 t iny Bot TCII wndrr way, wnuW Imv

idf-iH'iliujin mi C-VCII fiwatar confiiiRrnti

vimitcd tlio oupuiito side uf

10 htrcet a f«w yojirs IIJ;II, T t " low on fur-

ltim> ami on ihfl building is covered by in-

Dovsn, N. J., May let, 188Tlio underBliiuod deilro tn rotnra tboir ain-

:<rn tliauks to tbe flromon for tbeprompt andBicient work ou Wodnendny ovenins wbiehwrat tliolr property from deatruotlon andoubtlues nrcvcutdd nn oxtomive confiasra-ou. M. BLANCluns,

For the ow»o» of tbo building.—JOHN DAWE, occupant.

' IcUrBaaiigtc6QI>e»l»n.L. , !

- -TpUOo.Si<)fN^ii^^J.bavo established a vholewle oil houso in thisitywhiehirtll lio of fertai benefit to ttoae

wbii dual in oil nt this place and violaJty*. ItUhwed(taiown f»t t h a t t e i h r a k ^ r f uore tbo h i u t i n u i n f ^ t U lthe DdT&ntaRO of BETIUE thotr euitamen the

« f M whiehtiey WaauJMl vmfa oil InNewark or Now York, TaobouMli centrallylooatea 6n the fcenttal railfoad,and viU bdopflu foi the dalfrory of oil t>n Monaays andFridays ot oaoh iriuk. All orders m be

U dllerea by J, H. Burchell andkbl '

AMnltiplidty of Glfta. !!' iE * r i f O f dMr.Goor](8 n, , ( y

of thli plaoe) aiid bride, who are no W oo tbdrd t id ttoipendsft^diy*

la Dover badqulU Q pwt of weddtai gifts I Vox uveiil ilayi 04expi «i office at Oxford f U filled wiU. p«lragw ibt thB bBppy pair Among Uny Uiinri

hfk cama this way »aA n hogahetd tintalnlnftill pleoea of nest iltlha'WBre/a'W*-with throe doten lamp chimney*, barnh nndboxesrfchhw, |laat, iU»Brw«e etc fab*.

f U l i i t S i a W

gcontributions In that Way.

1 U'I- hn^jjeil nndt'iireHH-

cn,-\i other liko In VON, ni.d I ma ant

iinctl to My tbnt nn welcome I niceivod

• day wnrnied iny lienrtinoii: thim tliat uf

A Buainoss Meeting.

ine^liu^r tf> t'Oiu'iTt fiet'um for the iKlviince-

il <>i' the inti.Tchti uf tbo town by lliu pro-

ion of inanufnetuH'H, or otlirrwine, waa

leldin MeDiivif* Hall 011 Monday evening.

r. K, A. Ilisiniett V,III .-luolml (Jlmirnmu nnd

r. P. O, Holism Si i-n-lnry. Kfiiiwrku wcro

^iutlin^ nieutlvant.ip'H of tbe Unnmtt ti

MiM'Hx lnfulh.it mnl u« it plm'ij tii reMdunoe,

terwhieb it wan remlvwl Ibut a Hoard of

ado HIIOUII! IIL c lanked . On motion a

mmiittei' (.ffivr, as folloivfl, vm appointed

dtafl a CnuBtitiitiirti aad Ily-lnws, and re-

irttn i!ti adjourned Jiice-tinsnt tho call of

i- Cliairiniiu: Dr. If. A. Bunuett, V. II.

.imlHley, J. S. [Jihsini, P. O. Hi-agan and

m. Sinj{l(jt«!i. A further eouimittoo, oon-

HliuK of Jlcsem. I'. O. Hangun, Win H.

uker mid E<\. A, Taylor, was appointed to

siit tijioit tlm iiiisiriMs men of t in town and

Bctirtahi htiwniiiuy will connect thcmseli

•ith ttiiH moTeuient. About twenty-flro wi

rewent lit tbo men ting.

A Typographleal Error.Kclchner, wall known to all nc

mpvr mm in thin ncotlon of tbB State, is now' fiwaitliiH trwuportotlun to the1

Innano asylum. Kclobncr onuo edited a paperit Cntoianqua, and aitorward utartod tbeirst pnper juibllnlicti in tliillijmburg, N. /

He was.Bvpraotical prinfor aad tindentm

busineu well. Prosperity followed, hutwas aoon cot'oft, by Kidehner^nniog the"mble of drinking. Ho gradually aaak, andTar yo*ra has boeo. 4 tfamp printer. Ho waaSever acrtiuinnt tboiigb ha alnpt for many-Mira iu Btation LOUBOI or JQUIB ooon air.'oter[As|Wre^u*^t T ^ t J W » | f K andm one Aoeaalbn was •bronflbfbefore Jndge

WooiIEbrboiDgiamewtatbaiiteransi I"VSTIBHBikedhla nttaeind oeenpatien Peter ooollyi

I,'11 am'iit™grapbloal^inrror.'''^VBr^tno^hflleRround,,']1 .'

An BipcrimenUl Blut of Fortdte.

Ainorie«aiJfottite fawduaa experimental blast in Bbraantof ora at tioZlnnHinosiu PraukKn lwrtMorday riflMbolw Welre feet in depth wan drilled, wontrgsd wilb ativejUj-av* pouudi of J-'o.Foroitopowder, after irhibb -they'lrareflrftdV i l y ! It U" Mtittatcd that tbe

OOOW800tons. Hwu fnrtherestlnatedthath8Costofthebln«tirTouldnot

Irtng great •.IS


Petaoni liavlr:K tholr list r«dy wHIge_I^nilrath U Sam 1-cjt icftdi by calling at theBrlek-DnigStpro i

to get iprlbVon1

UaohinarT at H D Dell*, Wttta, before bujing elsewhere J ' ! Ling elsewhere

' ' ' Voori StockOAU alva^tvb^fotiiid otthand;and aold at tllowest figures at 'W.iV. HIU'i, Dover.

' The Great Walking Hatoi.The interest in tho Intornatlonal walking—

auuinii—ooatsst, sow in progrcw in Mwt-iSquareGarden, New York, la aagwat u

hat which baa orer obaraoteriaod any pedes-trian match yet hold. This is caused by the

adouH Hoores which a n being mido,'hiobnroaheuil of any pcrformanoof of tbeInd on rooonl, and by the deejierate striig-lobiitwccu Pit*Kera!d, the Iriih-AmerioBDjnm'pioQ, and Itowell tlio grout Englishlampion. Kowcll took tho lead from tlieart and held it till Thursday morning,

rhen FiUgerald passed liira and boa slueoicon gaining, although tho ground ia atub-

,- oontoitcd inoli hy iucb. Homo are of;hn apliiion that tho tremendous strain upon

s tn-o Ivmlera may yet bronk them dowti0 that Vint or N.irvmao may bo tho winner.Knowing the local in to rest taken la tbe

r<t we have obtained by telepiiouo theut 12 n'fllock, M., to-dity-Krldfty—wliichfyllows:

einld 403 Vint 1D0ill m Pnnohot ;..,440

Hurty 430Tlie ecoros ofKorumav, lilson nnd Nitaw

tot jiiven in tlio lint roport. At H o'clocknu.- waa but four mllca behind Viut.

The full Hcore at 1 P . M. wait:lajferuld 4B8 Vint JC1-woll. 176 Panolot «fliroiniie 45a llorty i«

Elsou 413.

Have you hBard a suspicion that any yub-o improvement made evor had » job in it>r anybody!Have yon beardof anypublio fanprovemeni

made that wa* not of lOBtorittlbenont to tbtiwn!Havo you heard of ft member of the Couu

oil who over derived a cent of profit from theoffloohohehlf

ve you hoard » ugle word ot proof tothat any ofileer of the corporation him

iot earned toe amoimt of the salary Paw foilisaervioeatHave you beard af a town In the StaU

rhioh WM #0 quickly N B m i of debt uDunt

Have you heard of a town in the State ofita eUo which b u made as great nn advancela thB wvj of iinproveiiieutB tbat promotethe convenience of the people and enhaitbn valuo of tho propurty bolder t

Hare you, in abort, lieurd of a corporationgovornnioutwbiwp meiiibere have beau iro-"iued with a greater coal fur (.Lo tfuooew of

leirtowuiorwliohsvendminiRtered iU afTaint with greutor economy, or witb a batteiapplieaHon of bualueM principle* t

Tbetearea few auegtione whioli injwtfoc> all the people auouldbe carefully oonaider-

ed at thli time nnd balanced against anyprejudice wbioh may have Iteon produced lu'onrmindbyihoBO who have a wlfijh mo-1

Lvelnvtflwiutrying to' efl'eot a change inthe towu government.

Fiih and Frsit lit Center Grove.Jlessrs. Jan. It. Dalrymple, W. M. Heildeuid JOB. Briaat, of Center Qrovo, all own

pondi on tbair, pramiaM, wbicb were rtocki-'dthis week with Geimau carp, obtained fromUttlfl FolU, nenr.pBtorMB. Johu C. Dal-•yinp]^ Boi oOho flr*t named, bUt Fall ictout7,000 iitrawberry plants and tbt- Spring

putouta.BOOmpberryplanUi. Mr. Cbtw.'arsons, uf tho earao place, ban also Bet outKM raspberry planta. . - • .

Thoro arc very interesting revival servicesilag held every Wodnesdny evoning at tliesrost Hill Soliool House, Clienter, by Kov.

I. L. Emblpy. pSBtor, llie fiev. J. B. Iluni,newly Rppolntod paitor of the Chrstcr

[. E. Church, will bfs jjreflent next Woilnce-Say evening. Qullo a number arc anslouitlyseeking'thoir soul'it salvation. A oonliiil ln-

i U n is externled to all. *

Death of Dr. HuntHanfnrd II. Hunt, M. I)., editor of tho New-i'k Advf.Ttlsur, dind Suuduy afternoun ats boiue in Irviuutou, uiiar Newark, 58 yearsd. About 1855 be biseame Pn.fneaor i>f An-nuiy iu the Itiiftulo Mftlltid College aad ed-ir of tlio Ituffulo Uudioal Joumal. Aller-ai-d lie was editor nttlm HunaloCiimmeroialilvcrtiHor, fiiieceeding tbe }nte Ivory Chum-Tlniii. Ho w;is the surgeon of the 100thow York Volunteers, and HubHeiuiently be-imc mitgooit in diii-f anil im-dicul (iituctor ntBwOrlcauu. II.i wux iiwttti'n-d out uf tier-co witli the tui.k «f Bund Lifutrmiii!-

a « k i T » y Phannaoyow oponed with a fiou now utoek of|

)niBs, Itedloiaeg, Palntu, Otli, Qlnsa Putty,is, Supporters, Soa|>a, 1'oriuinery,

'oilet nnd Fancy Goods. Prcsoriptlou do-partmont is 0110'of tho beet in tbo Slate.Prices as low ns any other in the county.

We Shall B«U Againoneon tlio only dry uir Refrigerator,

The BbJgowsy.11 Also ell stoves ftoia 41M). ALI.BH & MOXISOTON.

Lliter Brat.' Standard PtoiphatBi, tbs lowest cauli prices at W. W. IUH'B,lookweli Btreot, Dover,

ilcui Du o Urnl yi'ii of [i

Eht! blrttory oftliO' Saui t

ct'iitfid tlm cditorr-liiii of tho Ntiwnrk

iHiir in 18f>5, and IlK-raafiDr tonk nil

lial jmrt in the nlTairrt or S«H- Jcrncy,

iKH'inlty tif tbr K>'|>ul>litum narly in Uim

nto. lie .h.iw tin. lirst civil rij-htH plank hi

i) «('|iublir»ii plalforni ol N,w Jcrwy. lln

IIVPB a widow anil noli, Willlnm T. Hunt,

110 iu mi n^iHtant tjilitm- of tho Arivortisi-r.

The Booaton Election.

1'IJP clmrti'r ront^flt iu Hoouton to-morrow

111 be bi'tw.'en tlio CitU.'ii-'aiid T.mj.eraiK;.'

1{M«. Tht. CltiKOIlN l.llVC 1UI1I1 ill iltcil tllO

" I t :

For Msyur-Tlniiiias Hyard.[irCl.Tk—ObarbmW. llootli.;ir Coinicl1nieu-,tobn .IIKIUIU, Edwin Wt>r-1, Kobort MoHnir, J.ibii Mtulletd.

Vm- IuspedtorB-WilHimi It. Coilanl, Znnoliire*, lljer.LHOLvKit-Tlmt tlie Hmimiit of (Jorpora-1 Tax to be annefiseil tbirt yenr, lie. t.uih on onti huiidml ilollum

Wu liave uot learned what iiomiiiirtionit Imvolimit) by tho touiponuicu people.

Singular Accident at ths Teabo.' iiiimm, Mirhml Cahill imd I'aUW.k, wcro on Friday «f lint w o k drilling

hole near nnotbrr wtiidi hiul prt'.viounly•fii espl.Mlfd. Hut by HUIIIO HiiiRiilar fruakappears thol there nmained in tlic old hulopart uf a j ; ' 1 1 1 1 * eiirtrtdgo whirli had not:p1oiloil with the remainder, Tlic utmciis-111 uinilti in tlrillinj,' tliu m-w hole causcilla unknown fra^meiit to explodti nnd htilhnn wrro lailly iajareil. (,'nhill wftH terriblyitabniiLtlieboud and body, and yill ]IIHOIU eye, Imt will recover. Hurry'» worst hurtIIB a neverc flesh wound in tbo arm.

Drowning Accident.Joseph l(o*H, at Andoyor, jmtl two eoni-mitnw Houtoolbg on CranboiTyltoBorvoir1 Sutimlny niglit, taking sonic hard elderith tliem. At about 2 o'clock on Sundayorning tho bout cnpnlzcd and all werorowa tint. BOH* Htididhig in tlm bow of thn•at waft tli ro wit farther than bin c.nnpnnioiiHImwero sitting down,anil naved tlioin«plvtB

m l tin Simday within aimut ton fe.et ofitboro. lio was about thirty-iWe. years

d, ami lenvoH a widow witb two children.•SiiBHEX Register.

Verdtot in the Cue of Demurest.Tlm suit broHBlit b j tho exoouton of Oco.. Demurest, of Pniwab City, N. J., againstmry 3, Little, Rocoiver of tbo Oontral Riiil-ulnfNow Jersoy, to recover dnrnigon for3 death ot Mr. Deinareat, wbo won killed ini nccidont at Parker's Crook, noar Long•niich, on July 30.1B82, closed nt Putersoniilny. The jury gAVC avcnlict of $27,500.

Lwt Fall ft verdict WM (riven iu the nameoaiw for $30,000, An appeal w u taken to theSupreme Court and the verdict set *aid<

ground tbat It was excessive. An iipno.ilwill bo taken oa tho verdtot.

.' '.:''- Kew Postal Hot*. .The Post Office Department at Washington

haa given notice that a new postal note in to.•issued.,' This note will not bo pnt ln clr-

mlation until the present supply la oxht

1twiffb«inadobirbA-terpaper tbanthe onenowinuae. It differs

omitjhBioMnoteJpiieyeral respect*,: The• m i i ^ V f i o S JnnlS'frr Which the note

„ drawn is Indicated by coupons on tbe leftif tbe note, while tlie dimes and centM arc

beoldtiotes^ThtdateBand'netpuncbed out, as

In Ihe old.

feariy a. Hilt L*ac. jiitAl trip recently on tho Bol

ridoro division o£ tba. Pannaylvanin railroadit Conlport,'engine 71&'dW : ttre« bnndiempty ooal can with ease. Engineer Johnsonjftia CojiBiiebbrfienonoj^wlio inadp Oie meis-^rementf'iontiitliaitUietraJn^wmBnnicty-ilveino>hnndredtna'of anilolong. ; '-;;' <:

for 35 cent* at 8. B. Berry St. Go's,

dcors should instruattielr (iustotdeni whonae canned goMui to ponr ont the Dottlents ofthe oan when It is cut; it wilt not do to waitfifteen or twenty minute* 1 the can aboald heemptied at anoo.. A fqw-minntea, exposed to

•e air i^glftgiaj^fetejtBViniiataio taHta.

Ptir lbs ' idfommtion o f ttiiwio who OA\ .ite4 iWiijt t lo VrilUo:of the.1 new &vo otat

nickel withoottbo Word\* oento" thereoo»renuutrthat then-were (1,476,518 af than U-ined, ftn(| It wU] probably be many y M n he-fore tbfiy wilt bring iw»p^|*cjninin.' \

ClialTman Uohart, of the Bepubllcaa StaleCcmmittw, and Mr. Halaey, of thn NationiCommittee have •soured a parlor and suite of

i l l , ranroad tmucd an order m.y fortdfldlos ailtnek meafo unoko

dcriag working btturs, under a penalty ofdiimisial tbrtandayi for tho lint offenceand final dlsmUxd from entiilovment fpr tbesecond.

Save Ton Heard!Hare you heardof *ny raalfeaaaiicB in office

during the wntinuanoe of the •dminlrtratlouwbicb bw controlled the affairs of Dover dur-lug the lost tea yean 1

Huve you huard of aoitUon wbo has not re-ceived courteouo treatment in the tnwiww-;lon of public bnslnessl

Have j»u beard of tliuro being it ningk)fthe public moneys corruptly or dishontmt-



GARDEN SEEDS.Freab end reliable, aold by weight aad measure, each as Benin, Cabbage,Beete, Currots, Celery, Com, Cucumbers, Lettuce; Melons, Ouion, Parsnip,Pulley, Peas, liedieu, Spinage, Tomato, Leek, &o. Also Ouion Setts, TopOnion/, Central Park Lawo QTOBH Seed, and rnauy otlier vorieties of seedscot ennioeratai3,

PAINTS and OIL.Our stock is largo. Atlantic White Lead, Boiled aocl Bav Linseed Oil,Turpentine, Ready-Mixed fainta in 1 Ib,, quart, half gallon and gallonoans; Patty, Varnish, Dryera, Colors, Faint Bruslies, Window OIHSB, 4C.

KALSOMINING MATERIALS.Jolinson'B Dry Sized KnlsoniiDes and Moore's Knlsominea in WliitefauilullTinlB in 1 to 6 Iba. packages; Puris White, Wtiitiug, French Zinc,Wliite Crtue, Qfonnd Glue mid ull tba coloring materials at low rak-K.

'- Also WbltO Wash Lime.

INSECT POISONS.1 Woliave them all. Insect Powders, Liquid Bed BUR Poison, Outn Cam-

phor, Powdered Bornx, Alum, Oiijenne Pepper, "Wbitfl Hellebore nnd. Whale Oil Soap.

REMEMBERFor all tbe abovii nrtii-lrn nnd nrytbing eiso you tvisli in the dmy lineeomo to tlic CORNEH DBUG HTOltli of




Bxpreu Wtgoni.r 50 cents at llorty U Co's llnidwnro Store.

WHIPPANY.More doiitlm of old iintiro nmiaente liavo1'iirwil litre during tlie [mat- few monthsan Imvo oecurn •! iu uiuiiy yoaw beforu,nl 0110 uini.1 in udilml tu tlio lfst. tills week,iirvrv Kltolidl, nu old nnd wtill tnown rca-1-11K dioil nt biriliKuni litiro IIIBI Sunday nlchtilisr nn illoeHs bin tine nwirly a. yuiic. *Ii-.ilcliol was 11 cnnicnttir ltv tnido and fur.iiy wiiw viw thu fato biuilsl Coplilan'flMILT mi'i'lmiiii!, Imving dono all tlio tiir-ili'.r v-oi'k in tlm ninny itiniruvftineuttt tlintilliinim nimlc to lib) inillit nud tirojiurty•n iliiriiii: the IIIBI 2() ycMira of bU llfu. Ilo11 built liiy frnrc uniund tbo Cattiollo Com-lyhvrciin. l i« nuwber of nonuty brliluit•oss tbe Wliinpuny r i rcr in this vicinity.sdeittli wuHouupcd by dropsy und hiMirl

mm: TbnluiTalidf-ncn on Wednesday o

b r l i h t l d o e

dLdutl iUatonii. Tho Rov.

brtiiiK. His remninn wore interred in;rcoii cemetery, Morristown.Ibidii'i of II111 CaUiolio Cliurau will holdro aii.l Mnv fmfivnl iu Ht. Mnry'a ncliooloil We«liii*m1iiy t^vcuiiiK f.fucstweok.

'tiling will beiirovided tn ninlco it pl«nn->r thocu n'lin utt^iifli including u band uffur U10H0 wln> lire foml ofamiwi^.

Tho ruilmMil la itll tlie (elk licsro Oils wisek.)H itiiiil the rcmt«« is ti: bo stnkoil out nt mmenl Unit it is an tiliHi)!«t MUT tlihiji tliirt linif.1!* in tliu road wliieh ban brnn wirvcyed no

"ton from Mtirrwtown to Onlilwell.Aliirye iiinigrPi*atlmt mmemltlcd (it tbu JI.

;i)i>ot«d (IID liov. Mr, J'IIIHIHOII, n eolnri'iivanlicr mid ni«siinii»ry would occitwy tlmlijiit but b« iiiilnU to ntnfco lil» aii^arnnci-.


Mr. nml Mrs. Churlnfl Vunnjts im-t. wilb 11

ilHrTi^ftHi'mlJuii, rW]1j]KUo!iC"hiir wuy tonrrirttnwn tbu «>lr« wlilali Mr. Y. ww (triv-iK,licnniun(rlulihiiii'<I by tbu rnli«iii(C »f »Jiiiibrrllu. imtl rmniPiHnt«iy rnn nt fullh] d.

Mr. lluHisrlli'Ld'rtrefiiliHiiT, tliciliiviipm l ui turn into tin- yurd Imt miiweilntnl Btrnck riRi

nil' difiiluyiiiK new iiml utimi'tivi- e»m\* f»r S]»riHK wi'.ir in






CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, SEERSUCKERS, Etc,W feel confident that an inspection by the ladies will

latisfy them that wliile we have taken especial care that our[elections shall be the newest, they have also been made withview to durability of wear and stability of colors.



IKS'oci-iitmiitrt nf tliti earriiign Itcing tlm.wunt nud BBTi-wly linilnBd.wliih.tbo IHIIWHiieil bi tbp Imrn'lwviiiR tbo vdilnlfl Iteliind

'in will xliotltTnl. Mt'ilinil uitl WIIH inum:-ilely Buniimmwl «ud tlio injmt-ii uro now

TualWi.vtwinn.'lmr.ili wus crowilfiillimtimlny, there ln-iiiK ]»'"»l'le in uUfmliun-e<m iiViK!ibi.niiK t<nvn« to lii-nr Mr. Sinilb'H

Mr. unit Mrn, gmitli cxpei't to remain withtorn few woi'kH.

Wans Than Heathenintents whn Mrv itiiir

ll b

daliDtiis Kit ilt»Irtr for fuoil ttiye nntliiuB to mgrot.

)1J by Itobt'tt KIlitioio,

Fp, bad l>re, Uo wiseceuti per I

Ward Off tlia Firit,Attackand j

iblcilwltliUjBlifiiBlu. Utailadie, Hiztlneu, r*iua In Blile •nilHack Coiiillnitliiii. Kxroailw Plow nt Ortan. In-

ti»(i!oTl]ir*t,Uck of Circulation of tlie Blood,mldutel'aiiuultHi'EDj'Epuril*, UlabAtcti, Kliine;

indUver Cure ili*y itoulii not bo In uouittnt leire«B, for tboy notonlj curt. Dl«bBie»,Bt.alua, h e , but nrcTout them by removing tlia

t UrgolK)tUw*IU0 Hold byltob-

tonlj curt. Dlie, h e , but nrcTout them by

ijoiptoms. UrgolK)tUw*I.U0illgDra Dover

Srlve Doll Care Away,Bo obcorfnl, tie plosnant, bo liipjiy, be Lealtliy.

Heiltb Ii well tli. Die rarinnt^H'a Blood rurlflnr,*eti upon tlio Livei and Kianoyn, it rejjiihles IbcjmeU «nd putlfloB tha Wowl. il »rts iipon tho

dlswtlon. ll- ciirritB off tlie olit blood and malnew, iod Ii RCquirlnx a urtat repulaUoB tar 1cnrentBorofulOiiiAlTdcUon.Uotli.I'liiipKB.Uborii,

id alt Skin DiieuL'M. JTica It.0O a bottle. Holdr Uobert Rillaoio. Dornr.








School Furniture.



Iwvinc pnlirjjt-il tlielr siure L«B nilad It Witli



SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOWS,AST1NOS FOR ALL PrOWH. All kluJ* of Agrlriiltiirnl Implements, Wagon and


at Manufacturers Prices.nine Fitruial'liitf «ni»ili, »'••">»'"' I r ( >" W U I P . All bouglit for cn«h ami «oltl n(






AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER.3-ply Carptt «1 f BRUSSKLS, 71> cti . t ALL WOOL, 00 cta.i IHOBAlNfl, US c u . U F .


FURNITUREinclude, everytUim that are NEW and ARTISTIC. Solid Wal-

nut Bed-room Suits, Mnrtle Top, of «t(bt pieces, 845, andivcr tthlni die AT PRICES THAT CAJi'T BE BEAT.

An InBpection of our aood. and prices wilt convinceall that these itatemenu are not an emttr boait

or an adTerlltins schenle'to draw.


CESTENMAL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,

nU»« M M lo th. W.he.tiljtoor . n .ItinntVEJV

PBOF. AM0B AL10WAY, Pramin,


Page 4: S.FeiTfS,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · 1 unit Willuw Wiirr , Lcm l Tiiic SIHIIH,U'ricultiirHL liiipli-inniitii, Stc, lius ruiiiLivt'.! to (In.' I![NO liUIUHNfJ

BEOKHT SCHOOl LAW DECBI0H8,,NKW F<ICNI>I.*SI», N. J., Ai.ril lfltli, 1864,

i .min lnosKiu:

liurcou l>f Kdi.satiuii, WiufoiixtOB. D. il.win fc fur Hie vahmiiln infonnntioti itCIHIIII'1 1M. in the hutuU i>f i VIT.V I muniWII.HII tnii.li>.>*. 1 null', in brief, only aDDII I ' {luittU nf law Hart n u y bo of Rcaiuw to tirliixil DtliciTB. YMHW.

J . 1'. C'KrVvo;AMlie legislature Oilii OBtftMi«li lolmol

tiiotn, eo it cnn cbnugo or abolish them.lHntrlct inwttntfri ehould lir- brlil after

Tho no tWnf Nclioul mooting abould beact mid »-x illicit, aud broad enoual inliim.F* to im'imle tbu bu»inem actually dn

If tin lioni- »r meeting l« fired by »t»tutweiiting onlletl Inter in tbn ita.y is illegal.

TiiiHtunH have no |ww«r to urdiranHuctnt [luiitlitT lime, tltox Hint untiiurizeil by la<

The tti>st cviiit^iicPofbuHiiieBitlrftiiBWJtfldii. Kcboiil luwtintf w it* rowinl*.

The iiiirooriCM for wlifcb money ii tontiiwd liy taxation miut be deolureil byvntors hi seliool meetiiiR.

tlnk'Mt tlio exact oijtecta are syodlloa mtlio HIM to In devoted to eaob U'dotirmitin- lux In void.

Tlii> Bfcitc ia the owuer (if liul'lic UPDOlirojKirt.v itn<l seliool fund's and tliJH inWiisnii wliyimcli properly iHOKMiijit from

When roul ratittc ix conveyed to ttr.liitruatcp* fur school iiurinnwa, unit tufa in<-x)trcm<cd In t i n ilecd, tba liiiii lUflH mart

A l.ti.'dlfl school bonw U a Vtutliing beltin!! «" tlie i»nli1i« and ilr«ij.tic.l for aeiinnl.tublUWd ontl conductr.d under null lie will

"A nrovuinu thnt a nclinol o BE cor elinll Iitbn roiitnil mid iniinit^iucot of tlie sclIIUUM* doe* notimipi-wiT him tu bind ibotiicl liy a contnict of inmirimce.

If ii IIOUHC tic* Itnraeil tlio insurance ummini,)) b« obtained by tho r r td i l im b.v |uUlnueut, for Ibe proji.-rty of a school fanIn- Krimirilicd, uor atibjeefeu U> a niwhwilini.

Tlio insurance iif ii putilio school bulldiiil mill occiijiied for jtublic erhuult mul

ot bel

d ifpublilow* o

ennnot be tiilleinr otlmr i»iriiD

Tin' ]IIIWIT« mid dulii-H nf » county fleudcnt »t' iiutjlti' iimtriirtiou arc d«rjitirt-Iy from utiilLitc.

An iiuuwptfld re«lj!iiFiIin» tlw* not nrein riu-fiiir.v* I l l s the rlglitoud duty " f a '»«lirr to net until tlio aertiitnnee of IIIB reslgitii>n.

Tnisl(i(-*'cfiii not only iu niirsimnrc of 1»<tlio.y cuunot bii coutiwltinl (u not UIIII-HS tluw i- flonijillcil wllliliii every nubntnn

t i l n tbtir iierinitted to netd wiHi

In New Jersey It U DUO oft lie dutiofi nfineoninratetl trustees to employ tfunliTbo ituly ol'tbt*f trasiees in tho neloctiintimi'linr*. in not inlnMtrinl merely, tlir.v(ililij-iu. to examine into tlio, iimililloatioiintivirbcru mill (o exeruiiw jiiiliinimt mid die<m<tli>nln tlieirnclcctlou. It in the performniici'ofim imjinrtiiiil public d u t y l n tlie excmillion of ni.ioli cuiifemwe nud com\iarittunjiii]{;i-nii>iitH arc

The iiotinu of n lnsjutttj- of i. nchool bomwill not bind tlin iliutriol when ntliermirof the lioiird liad nn tint too of tliu artlaidid not pnrtieiimtd in IT.

1'utillo oJllcors citnnut onncruet with _ ..BPlvceiwinillvidimlsiirntiiniinnt net jndicinion tlieirown into Mint, x* Tliey aliottltl not oip,v t wo conflicting offlwN.

Scbool (iffloorn nre not uorsonally and indvirtually liable for tho violation of contraotiundo In tlio ooursn (jftbeir tiffieiai duly.

ProcivdlUKS to reniore u Ht'liool officernot liHtlr bo tiikcn until tbu notion otpiuj'iiT imllioritiuH linn boon in volt od liy <liliifnt of fsniiir'diifliiito vlciliiliun nt duly.I Tliu luwfOTliitlnlliponipUmnPuliiruteiuiliwho bill nnt II cyrtiflciild. Tlio tcuclitir In nemiilovod wilbiii the inuntilnu mid ioteilttills TirovtMou until licitiii-aKCfl in tho ioliiirj-n of bin dntiea us tcaclier,

Tin- liiriiiR »(n (mliatitnt? by a tenchor tdor airy ordinary olrcumalarmoBisn brentb <oouttnet, tlmn^h tlir rninpulcncyof tlio nu1fitituto l« iiiKiiifBtiouod. >f r'M

A minor who |IOHBO8WS tho CBSoutial'(iui.l>nr:itliniri in rcpiml luumrnl chtwelur, lenruiiiiand ability, mid who lnut'obtaiupil tbo rcqu»ilo fcrlificato. «my, with the IUBVUI o th ipnroiitu, outer into n valid con tac t to K>BC

•A to'nolii.r onnnot recovnr vajjes if fr..iim>iuiift.>Ui; altUmijili ho lms liui'u cmjiiuyijtir u (U'lluitv lunitUi of time) proyoH io be 1ciiiiiiH'tiiit mid tillable tu teatm tw liruuohtiil'iuritriiu tiou lHiu«;iiReu employed to teaclIn- linn lirnkeu tlio tijirot'iiient tm tils tmrt.

If »tciiolmr lawfully employed is lilsmiwithout!nut oi.n»o tie mar mouvor wncoi fo,tliu wliob time ior wbiult In- in oiimloytd.

Tbo toucher i» reniio'noilile for tlio dlselpliuof hin 'NCIIUHI and fni* thn procrfati, tiinilutanil ilcportnxmtnf liis pupili, It Is hislmpersitive duty to maintain good order ami t-ti roualra ol tiiR punils aVUEtlifal potfonniini'i. . f lhdr duties, i i n . r fnlU In thin It» I* IiiulforJhisjKiaiUan.


EDITOR ni' TIIS EIU;—Bomctinio ngo weeIciuii-.l im invitittlon to tho young tnurintanimc up into tliemluing region ol Giliiniul otlior onmifio*. Thono oonnttcs are ITiciuitien of n>U and silver mliios. It he huistudied ctiifogy carofuUy, and acqnired

Sraficieiit knowlmice or iho olBMlfi(.*oUonit rnnl«, unit vb*t are the piwulittr otarao.

tprifttins of tliB rookft that nro lftely ' n nnongold, sneh. A kuowletlgewMiio'Vuy ttoucflolnlTO him. The soil bcitrinic rocJu of Qllniastand out very prominently to the eye of nkwn ceologirt. Ho sloulil li»w » piuiiolkuowlcdgfl of tbo igiiomin and motaumrpnicrocliH or tho older juilfojoie onwu Thla iterftuibulatiana over tbosa ruggedtains Urn K<>14 seokeria not likely to H<> wrousin his nurifarou* nenreh. Tie ifret explorersto this State -were undoubtedly Spaniardanil probably some were Meaiouns. In tbovuar 1540 about 300 8pati1anl» with V n m iCoranada ns tlieir olitv«lrou« leader, leftSnttln tu noble Bayontnrew to orplop* •'leuKtb&nd hrcodtli of tell 8t«te. Tbeditbm prooceded nortliward-throHUli«t« the Mttroe of Oila. Then llicy had towwprceipitou» tMtntalm to roach Bio del Norte.Theucc they wended thdlrwny Ity a i t n u iwhich kniiuht tham to Ban Lull Valley.Pwru ttoncotboy madethelr m w r t l lCristo Plies to the p-eat plaliw nf SoutberaColorado. Thow adrmit.irere bad t? ooatendwiHi&ltnoHtlpsnriiiorintalile(llfflcultio«,prirWmiB, Hiivasei, «nd wild betuta. It was notVMVflougQnial eutoriiriie to venture outiun tVacklCM region. They spout martin itroveniiiiK tlio utrpnmB and cauonti in neeroiof gold but found uoiio. After sufferingfutiRiie nf body and lawuturte ofmind th«yTfiturncd to Spain, and enunolated to IKings tliot tlioir expedition woa a fruit]cone. They luadvertently p«w«l orer «onof tho riohest nuriferou< iWks that hare ImdiHooT«red in tha niiiori.1 vorld, arid exploredparM that ore unmrpa»ed for tlieir boanty,fertlHtyi and grandeur. We need not ««n«tol.nrnm to Spain and sxk them to srant uione favor, that we tniglt liavo perraiMion t<TlilUheold Archive* and see a nablkwtlotof that expedition filed awav thore clear),

S C ' t t . e y «»tted aspw'tfof adventure I11otlisre DnrinR the lrouidemJeffewon,in the year 1803, when waitecauie lie rightful powwwor of this l>tteCnl- " " - ' — « ~ -

la UMinr UM "an e^dWcn ww eauippeiil.ythe'warD.partoWt ««nmWiWby M.

1806 an e pr Department o

, a man if a Wjtat, and a bold e

f hi

l.y the War Department o o m m w j W yPlko, a man if a W j t a t .and*dwntooai

i S d b l d explorer. D r e w ooulilNo hards__. J t i i W hhn.1 l4o'hard8UiwEcoSd "'tor

Wm from dischargiag riRWly 61« •!he viffOEonslj prwecuted Us oilintotliin Slate, aud nuuoubtouly "of Colorado owe Um anamouutof D ••for lita discovery .of thU boautifnl »*•»«•

1.1B memory t ' lntba W«f 1«»another c r " "dltlon Was orSnpiic<l io explore acrtwplttltm, tbo KocKT Moiintnlns towahlsJ'Miflc canst. "This cxpodltios'i route 1thmugli lome parts of Colorado. They trar .«d over Bomo rookn and soil, nod bcaenthtlieir feet lay the prtoioui metals, bnt theywere uaoonnclous of their existence anil re-turned ttt tLeir ea«tern uomu -without dla-covtrinu gold. Colorado did not commenceto mnke history until tlie dlMOTory of theprcdou§ metal*. The diaooTery nf geld Inthena mountains a«ourred early in the springof 1839, m noon a* it was known Clear Creelv u noon thronsod wltfa an iramenw «migro-tion »l mlnen. Itrenolrftd utordy miners to1>« th« nrsilpioneui - to dlaooyer gold. Forthereii acl«r ftlllnltjeilrJtlDjbetween them.Gold to t^tnia lbs groat oentriMlal lair. Inthe year 1809 aom*Tof the gold hurterH re-turned dj)u6n»olatc to tlieitdifferent homothers piuhed their way throneb deep camand rugfreti ravinoH hi & state u/awpBullliKiny," O, could I but And it." But ana nan waiindorailaltle uud eonmsBons, nunoly J. HGregory, who pushed hu cxplontatons intoihcflo higli altitudes amlil yawullis chumi,flense forents, and feroelaiu animals. Thesedid not daunt him. Jle now only ROIII-did not daunt Mm. JIo now only golil•purkUnnrpUttortDC. pwduui gold -What •Srani epoohlii hll hUtoyrva* Hay Gth, 1859,wiles Its diicorered the first sold Dcnrinil d i b Stat f C l d G ilode in tho Stale of Colorado. 0report mineI- oituaUiin (iilfla Co., aaar Blaok llawk,and is myacent to tho Bobtail mine. TheGregory mine ha* been working since Its firstdiscovery. It has been very prolific la Itsdiriderdi. aud has amply remunerated Itsdifferent comp&niea. We feel norrj to say ilhas iferaftt j o i r i o t rfolescenoB u n l p r "perlty, and lite the greater number ofInim'i'lnUd* Jlteau^yT* U waning rapidlyiDtoKatattuitdtvidnid nsd senescence. W*hnvo been initruoted that the Caribou mineIs sold to one of the old proprietor! (whobought the others ontl for the mm of (150,000.We have >ot beakd when they expect to startagain. il<t« F.,ha* charge of a mine downa'-SanJUBii. Lejuenaudproip«ctoriaiethfibuck bdnii of tlw mining operatloni to5dr>"

WMkly Iron fiopm.The EnginMriBg'and Wnlng Jburhkl 1

] o t o j JAMxaiua 'Pla—Bo*ln*«» eontfamei doll

and qalet- «UH no marked cUangea. Thanis no nuked tendency on the part of ntikersat standard :timaas to Mil, nor do eoiuumendiU i d e* to h lidiipliy « r «Mle*y to pnrahaH snpplieiMill irons ore urt inadi butler than the^

Ho. 1 Xoaatoj at fN""• ind Ony Forge,

_ . , been no u lnofBcMBMrpiftiiriilnhteinaini qniat ior Po^«lgn at*afexshin, and3Dp&eesLSpiegel

- -—1— 1—1^-1...^ tnfffo a t UJJ lower

Hr. Wm. Flock, *f Flocktown, W.J, hatimrchawd • -fine new piano of T. Jtf, Slepi»er-logo, of UiuikulUlownTwhiab h» maTe aprwwat to his daughter, tin. Jacob Trimmer,of Califon.


A. B. SIMONlias returned to Dover and will opeii

TMCA.Y 1 s t , 1 8 8 4 ,


NEXT TO W. H. BAKER'S,with a fine Hue of

CLOTHINGfor Men, Boys and Youths.

HATS, CAPS,- 4 H D -

Gents' Furnishing Goods.

MY CUSTOM DEPARTMENT<illcontain a Qui liuo or all klndi of Clulbi,Ciseimerts Atid Wontedi far Spring and

Summer *e»r, tod especial palna willbo taken it all times Io guarnulec

R good K&rmeiit, veil matin indor correct fit at tlio low-

est pOBilblo cost.


Split ntmbto, L»nc*woml, Ilornbeaniand Common Trout, Black Bms

• nd Pickerel BUDS.

Heels, MUCH, File*, Ilrtckn, UmLcln, e t c

Broeoh and U n n l e Loadlnc O u u ,

ana »il tliclr flunrei.






W. S. BABBITT'S SOUIIIIH ploctd upon Us counters c large

uuwbtir 0 [ |)tecei of half wool dress

gotnifl for Spriug and Stimmer wear at

five CUDU a jurO, m Blue, Bruwu or

BJnck. Several tljousaad yards of Black

Manchester Gaalimeies wbicli bars be^n

selling tor twetty-fi?e cents a yard ace

now reduced to fifteen cents per yard

by the quantity, large or email.

Ligbteolora mediuta and taaoj dresa'

goods are nil reduced to pries to about:

one bnlf of what tliey liaio teen selling

for in part wool, all wool and silk,


Oar new, liirge a&d well stocked OAB-

PET HOOM in our fiecond Btory in filled

with bargains of all kindB. We

Bragaola Carpets, (reanootB) from forty

cents upward. Body Brussels off tlie

piecn sixty-flTe cents up. Ingrain Car-

pets from twenty firo cents upward.

Cbica Mnttings in largo quantities in

new etyks at very lowest prices. Lino-

leum, English, Bcotcb and Auierican Oil

Cloths, Shade Hollands and Fixtures.

We bare competent workmen for mak-

ing BDI] laying carpotn.




r pasiengor llt*tm,to l


In N«* XOJUC, foot of Liberty St.. Nurtb r i f r

IN BaaoELTM, {BrooUyn Bridge Tier.)

d t Sh Q d

JiewTorkSrookiya ft. Valton st

PHILADELPHIA.Cor, Oth »nd Green nil.

" 8i tndB«rki "TrentonNk

A.II. A. 11. P.M. F.H



Ilia WINES,i of Die bost.l.onilgliont this cnuutv

nronlcl Kive him a call (which will pay them)tiuforo buying eliuwliere. All orders cent by

II will receive piompt attention.J . J . BACKOFF, Dover, N. J.


BLAOKWELL ST., DOVER, V. J .iRmindapeolflMtloniforbDildings.OontrMtf

tiken tnd miteri»li rnrnituod.

Slate RoofingWith better facilities I am enabled to put

on SLATE KOOFS cheaper than erir adngnone bat the best quality ol Bl&te and em-playing flret-olafla meobanies. I oan goar<sutee material and work in every pattiontar. TBI Sbeathlng Felt tiways on hand.

Dated October mtb, iftflO.

SHERIFF'S SALE.Iu Clianeory of New JerseT-Detweou tlio Mu-

tual Life Insurance Company of KBIT Hork,complBinant. and Pnvid It. Vanneai, fireDavid R. Vannfjsn, Tlie InliablUtiU of t i tTownelilp of Peijupnnoek In the Oonuty ofilnrria, (ml Garret IL Vanness, defondanti.Fi. fn. tor sale of mortgaged premiaes. Da-t u m b l o to May term, A. 1>. 1881

F11EDERICK O. UDBNHAM, Sol'r.By vlrtoa of thn above slated wntofflori

racial in uiy hamli, 1 ihal) expose far sale at.'ublln VBIKJUO, at tbo Court House ia Uor-

MONDAY," tlie lOtli day of MAY nest,A. D. lBfli. betwctjti the lioure or 13 M. and 5ii'docb P. H. , t l ia . 1B lo Bay nt 2 o'ulook in tliealternoon of aaiil day, all Iliat traut or paredaf land and pruniiei , hereiuafttir partiouhrlyJesuribod, aitaate, IJIBK aud hmntj in tbolonnaliip of Fcquanuook, ID (he Coooty ofUorrli and Stato oF New JtT«sy.

Beninnfiig at * Blade stuntling OD t!m east>iile of lormenr tli« Movaik and Pomptoaurupiko road, distant aii ohalna and elgbt


. 7.59 10,M. 8.06 11,08. 8.09 11.13

8 14 11.17


mTaller • 8 1411.17 6.1 Ffclier 8.38 11.25 4.15 6.


Cover <

. 6.11 11 43 429 BhS

. 8.(4 1H4 4.88 668

. 8.50 HOT 4-88 7.r

. 8.53 It 68 4.4! 7.1.

. 0.03 11! 02 4 53 7.17

. 9.07 12U7 4.A7 7.31o 0.1S 19.18 S.1I6 7.80

i.K. A.M. A.1I.F.M. F.M.G«rmui Vsllej 7.15 8.8011.851.15 0.16CbD«terArrive 7.80 8.4511^04.80 7.00


A.V, I.M.P.IJ.P.MBooktmy 6.20 X1.B9 B.fiD D.4BDover 6 . » .H.07 8.38 B.S1

. . 6.83 12.13 8.83 5.69. 6.42 13.91 8.43 0,08. 6.44 13.99 8.44 6-11. 6.49 13.80 8.48 G.lfl. 6.63 13.81 8.69 O.I. 6.66 13.80 8.5G8!.

. . 7.00 13 44 4.00 6,307.0T 19.60 LOT 6.30

Port OramKenrilV lGary's . .FlandersBftrtleyNsaifhrlg.itGorman Valley,Middle ValleyVDrnoyOallfoD

Newark "Trenton "

l'bilidolnlilsOor. 3d *na Berks "

" 9thBni1Oreen "Droohl jnr t .Fal toa t t"Now York "




0 LOT 6.304.14 8.(74.10 0,614.3S BM*88 7,1]

6.17 9,076.43 0,307.16

C!i«torGerman Talley

turupiko laid, distant silinks onacoureo ofuortb

l i t f



Trains leave Kenvll for Ulnmsink and LnkoHaatteoajf at 9:00, k.u.', 12:30.6:10F.H. Forall stations io Ogdea »t 19:35 v. a .

d, cm be prooared «t OerminVillcy to and Trom HCILWUI'* HcutiUin • *tFtnndora to and from Badd'i Like, "

EASTOK OojnrKrnoBB.—GODDEOUOB II*t Hlah Bndaa to and from Button.J. K. WOOlTES.Oon. Ham

Coleman Business College,707,700,711 tc. 713 BROAD BT.,

Opposite Centre Market,V E W A R K ,

Iteceiroi a hrser LOCAL inn NATIONALptUrooago combfnei than ftnj other Oommer-GialSohaollnAmerioa.

Tue attendant from Essci todeoantlea ii double t iu t of a w houRDd it employ! more tbaa double ihetoMhers,

Write for the finest wboal utt jogae erer

' OOLEUAM ft PALHfl, Proprietors.



Contnats Uken md materialu farniebeil f>»

B U I L D I N G S , B H I D U E S .

whetheiofBBIOS crflTONH.

Office on Morrli tUeet, next to former IBOKE u tmUOlDg. Dorer, H. J.



SUSSEX St. GROCER,still malctalns bis reputation for Icaeping full

and complete stocks of




Pass. Ag'iT'c'k Afi1


(UOBBIfl ktXD EaaBX D1VWI0N.)Depot*in New York, root of JJarolay 8t.aat)

bwtofUlirlitopbertlt,B U N U U E K T

flru minutes east fnrty-two cbalos and tweinine links Inby tbe vaini*uhilnsanafi


KDUNN&BR0.Improved Low Pressure, Steam

Heating Apparatus

and all manner of private and pnblio buildings,



T64 &. 766 BROAD STREET,

NEWARK. X. J .often laparlor indnoeneiilB In educatingvounff men aodladiei. OaUlogiie and OollegApaper, fres.

a - VISITORS WELCOME. •£»0.T.MILLBB, Pitaolpil.

. . irperof tha name i i Lonoe ( .gain uoriL one dogreo west ttroy-four links to u coruorof 111

< i miiicu (3) by the lamo uortli eight;(.effreiii anil forty-fivo mlncles emt cistfnains soil trfitj hnkB to Fnipiaunuu;thouco (l)unitre»m tlie several coursee

iof lo the Rorner oi Jaines J. ManJuciilo'eI*nd; tliouce (6] alonR In* liDea nortb ei

'egrcvB and fortT-flVB tniiiDtea wtmine and niuety-nro llnhs to a post;' (6) north four degree* and thirty rain-nan two elialna aail (litvt-lglit Jinks i< (7) norlh elglity-nine degreea anil

forty-live minutes west fort]-two cbitna andiwentv-niUB hnkB (o hli oorper at the afaro-'aid road; thenco (8) by tho name louth o&<dcfiree and fifteen minutCB cait eight chalmnud tncut* litilie 10 tlio place of befflaniDs

itaiulng tbirtT-uluo acre* and tblrtven ban!t]tba uf no acre; but after deducting twen

ly eeven hundredUiB of an acre for schoolbauso lot, tli ere remains thirty-eight acresand eighty-six handredthB of an acre, bo thosame more or lers.or or lers.

ff tbe samoprinin m by Charlesife by d e d d

aet conreyed to Mar.fltic*nov and S»r»td B l S 1803 l

yv andS, 1803l r k

tlia Vnnnm by Charles W.fltic*nE. Ins wife, by deed dated Bepl.. S, 1803, anruoonled in tbc office of tlio Clerk at theOoauty of Motru, au Sept 20, ISM, in Book HC r D O ] » l 4 8 A,pnRel48, Ac.

WILLIAM H. HOV7ELL, Sheriff.Dated Itircb 11,1881. M0 80


UNION HALL BUILDING,Blaekwellbtreet, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of the lateit and moat Improved itylei, forwarmingpubUcandprlvato buildings. A large

M j o r t a t of Btjovei, obeap for ouh.




D0VEE, N. J.

JFFIOE fcdlolnlng tha Dover Lucbor Oooi'pany'amill. Oontiaota taken, and plans,

ipeoiaeatiooiftnd nuttrlila of every ktnd for--.od ror baildinni. Jobbing a ipeelklty.

SLATE RpOI-INq.8I*te furnlalud from tho belt qnirries b ;

be small quantity ot ewr load, ind laid, tf do-ireo, bv oiperionood workmBn i t loir rats*.


r u « IMIR| .B lequence o\«neir-AbnieMiilaaiofUeniory^alTerBalLas-

iltnde, Pain in tho Back, Dimoeai of Tliion,Premature Old Age. and nuny other dlseiseslint lead to Innnily or Consumption tnd a'ramitnre G n u ,

-™KljJ».friw whem the8 meaiclu^ismglit^H) NOT ilEFUND, bnt rehr jou lo

mioBfictattri, andjhe rennlrcmBnta areth Ihl* tbey »ro seJdoin, If e m , compliedIi.. BM tfifitJirUtetl itairaniee. A trialidfl ilnttle'pkekatcB or Orty'i aptetUowlll

jrince the moit akeptical of its retl intnt*,OD aceonot nf counterfoil.", we hare adopted

Yellow SVjTMjper; the only genuine.9-ToIl Hrttettlars In onr pamphlet, whichdMirs'toCienil tree by mall to everyone.9 - Tbe gpeolOo Medicine is sold by allftirlits at | 1 per inokage, or fix packigoaM.orwiqiMMailrae by malt on facie-

Blnfcofike monejr. b>»drlrewin(f;THE OBAT MitolctKE CO.. Buffalo, S. T.


KEBOSBNB OIL,••'"•:""• I i i N T E B N S A M )

BBITrAMIA WABB,Ktal aaaortnieiitof



LBADEItB.indall tindi of Jobbing in my line,done in tho best manner and at the abortaii

ottoe. Hlgboet price a paid for old Iron.Copper lead and pewter taken in exchanger goods ' 'Cpper

for goods,

Oominenoing J1OMDAY, JUflli 18:b,LEAVE N£W 1'UfiK.

AtTiaoA. JU. fKiLutau JUaii Trala),ooD-ueoting witu lliu iJoontou Urancli at Xtenvllletut ituoii ton; tlie Oliaater Brauob at Duvet- forduocusuuua aud Ulieftlor} tlie tlasiei Bailroadt rt'nturlou.forAudoYer.NeWtoD and atUta-

tiuarj; tln>D.,L. & W. U. &, at WashingtonfurMsnaaiaUjMak.WaterGap.titruiiu'Bbiirg.doianton, llingbstDtOD, Utica, itiutiileRidprlngs,Homer, Oortlaadi Srrtcuse, Oaveftcmil pointi on tlie L*ckawapp# siiii Bloumi-linrg aud Delaware and HUUBOO BaUroidi:..isoatPhMlpsbarg wltbLeblgh YiihflM].road and I*tilgh and SusqtiehaDUft' Bulroadfur Botkleliain. Masob Ubnmk, B«adln« andHarriibniE,

At T.3O A. M. Biogbamtcii Mall (DrafflutsBoom Cariiittaoued) from Hew Sork ri t . P»t°eraon andBooaton.ruua tbroaab to WaterQap, Blcoadiborg, Borafltco, ^ » a t lioua

dUihamtonuouneotUiC at Dp, g,

andUinghamton.uouneotUiC at Do?or witliOhester BaUroad, at Waterloo with Sussexflallroad for Andover, Heirtoo and all Bti

D l ith B U l t Bad for Andover, Heirtoo andat Delaware with BiUlntowo

lth l b S l i i ttiaaB; at Delaticranton, vlthton, Klngitou, ffumberland, ftc,train from N J

BiUlntowg SlTiBione Dinvltl

d all Bti0 Br., attot Pitts-1 N t i

alMraBbarg SlTiBion toffilkeib.ne, Dinvltle, Nortii.

Paitonger* 'taking thisk HUimn aotlBooiitpn



AN OB9UTAK0SPROVIDIS'a foran election af members of

tbo Gammon Council of Doror. PissodApril 14th, 1BH.

Bo it ordainea l>y IUD Mayor, Recorder, Al-dtrmeu and Common CooDoilracn ol Dover, natollovra:

8EO. 1. That an cicdiun ehall ba held onMonday tho Qfth day of May next, at tlie en-gine UOOBO, in DOTCI, between tho board of 10o'clock in the fureuoou, and 7 o'clock In thoafternoon, for a Uecorder, one Alderman andTO Common Oonneilmen, all to servo lorvro yo*ra.Sea. S. That Syl-cater Dtclonon, Charles H,

5«RIUB, and Charles II. Muusnn sliill ho In-pector* or Jndses of tho election .provided Ioru t i e Ont section of this ordinance, nnder,-lioso direction and imnection, or th« direc-

tion and inspection of any two of them, saidelection shall ho hold, ffboso duty It shall boo receive tbe volog, conduct tbe election

' - - and determine the qoaliQcttloni o^agrccablywitu Ibo aot of Incorporation

of Dover ind ;bJB UrdiuaQco, and koep oooiorder <lanoB the famo <jr said emotion, andMid InepectorBor /u(lrjw>or,»py tyo of thai

umberland, ftc, P a i t o n g * taking thitrain from New Jtork, HUimn aotlBooiitpnoan connect at Washington witu train for1'billipBbttrg, Esaton, Bstnlebem, 411entoiD,IlaniBburBandpolsti oo tbe Lettab Vallej.uml Leblgl) and BuBquehtona BailrokilB; aiPbllUpsborg with BeWldere filnnioii or Pa. fi.B.forLambertville, Trenton And Pbilidelpbit.

At o.W A. M. Buffalo and Oiffego Eiprtia(DrairlngBdom Can) Wutor Qap, Btrouda.burg.Scranton, Blngliamton, OWCKO, Ithica,rVaverly.filmtra. Mount Uorris and BuHalo.Ainu Syracuse and Quwego, couDtclins •{lllogliamton lor Dlioa and Biuhauia Bp/WfiLt.

AilO.lOA.U.DDVcrAooonimodatloa.AtlHiUU M.Esiton Exprceu.At l;0C p. Xlnilra Eipreii, Drawing Uoom

Oanattaatud runi tftrougii to Watir Oa,]), a.roadi.t^ tBlb}tonB/raaDa«aDdOBii f t

_. a. forpitUtoTBaire. PuHBgen taking tola Main from Ne*toik, Paten on and Booaton e*n oonneol at Waali-ingtonwlU. tnln No, B,

LoaVeNev York at3.30 P. M (Eaaton Ex.preas) connecting at Waterloo for Andover,Newton in a Dranalif ille, and at 1'blllipBlnrevlth LohlgL Vallov Ballroad aud Uliifili auH8a8quehannaR.lt, for Bethklieiu, Alieutowc,BeadmeandHarriaburg.

«i8u p . u . , L , n r Express fur SummitomtrdBVllle,lJa6ltln?ii[igeand tilpointaoa

atd Delaware lUilroad.) Obttham.'MorriBtowa, Morns Plains, Danville,

t a j y a n d Dover.At OilW P. M, (Haokettatowu Express) stop.

ing at Uilborn Bflraniit, OliaUiani, Uadlaou,wtiflfli gpst tu Hacketta-

W»terloj vi(|i IraidoTeraud Newton.

tm P . n . Oswegonud Buffulo Eif Irom NewYork (Bleeping o in attached) via. PateraoQ &Soonton tLroacli to Water Gup, Btroudiburg,Bcranton, BmBTiftmtoa, LliieLlltratbon,Oorl-land, Humer, Dyiaonte and Oaweco.AtBlDgtiam too witb train for Graene.OxfoM,

Norwich, Rio L lit Id SprioaB, Utlci, Ac. lliiiiraln rcna through to OaWfoo Buffalo andnichfliJd SprinRS^ntnrit to Iiiiucal'StiDda)mornlnRB.

At f i t s P. U. Dover Aeoommodation ToiUhatham, Uorriitown tnd Duvtr.

For BernardaTille, Baakinnriilga, Lyons,Mlllington. Stirling, Gillette, Berkeley Belgh.andalfitatiODB on P.eialo and Delaware R,B. (N. J . WAat Lino Batlnad) 7:80, lOilft AM. and 1:30 and S:SD P. H.

A. SEASON EB. Be pcrln undent.


Trains arrive and depajt Irpm thUitalion

PROVISIONSof tbo best grades; alie

F L O C H , F E E D . G R A I N , B U T T E R ,C H E E S E , EOGS, a to .

Stiingers vbitloe Dover »ro lnritsd to caU andexamino tuy good*. Popalir prices plaoe Itbtmwithin tiie rwotaof tbosewbosemeaDR ire United,and my One assortment cannot fall to DIMH andsatisfy tbe moat critical buyon. JOHN ABNDT.







lUHNHOfflKCobaving enlarged uud extended, tlieir etoro from Market street to Ciiuiplioll street, i

through tho entire block, now offer a stock of over

$75,000.WORTH OF CARPETS AND FURNITUREconsisting of Uoquettes, Velvets, Body ErnsseU, Tapeairiea la all grades, Three-pi;

Extra Supers, and low-priced Ingrains, Bag and Hemp Oarpeta.

PARLOR SUITS.In all Blyles and prioee, both Ebon; Rnd Walnut Vmme, and coveriagB in PLAIN ai

DUOOADED SILK PLUSH, ItAW BILE C0VEUING8 la all gradei, REPand HAIR OLOTH, all ol nlromolj low priou.

WALNUT BED ROOM SUITS.Marble-top, eight pieces, In all tbe latest atylea. from $400 down as low as $4r,



GEORGE E. YOOKJIEES,(Sueccsnor to VoorLeea Brotbon)





Seeds and Fertilisers,SAFES AND SCALES.





Wing at Uilboorriatowo a



Oawego Etpreii* S.38Dover Expreti 7^0Hwkett»toirnEip.7:»lfiktlcn Expresi &43Dover Acoom. 11:15





OB Hall Si«OsvegeExpreia* StOTDover Aeoom. B;MUoffdo Kipreu* 8;07

E*tton Aconm. 8:S8

* Via, Bocnton Branolj.

BastoDlIal) 0;D5Bistfh'toQ Mail* S:SDBoffalo Eipr.BB 10:37

P.M.Dover AQOOOI. 19 ASEuton Expresi 9:00Klmin Rxpress*9;99Eaiton Express 8:9SDoferSxprasi 6:30H'keti«kiWGEip7^JHket«kWGEip.7^JOurego E t p / 8i36DoTerAcebm. 10.1W


tvnfr ty?a ol them,onj titno t» fime, notall, t t oocMlon may

-jo. 8. That IL.: n ld Inspecion or Jtiihjea-lull bottote they open tbe poll severally lakoan oath or MHrratUuii betorG any person com-petent (o idalnltlGr IU osth b? law faitbfnltvind imuartiaji), to cieoute tlie doty or Inipoo-oror JiidBB of laid eleciioa as required bylav, u d that tin said Jntpeotors or any twuur them shtll i t tbo Lonr of ten o'oloolc ia:he forenoon or MoniUj, May fill, next,">d *ttti» Place deaignatod In leotion first ol*LB5rSR?":"»b » e«w * > d_. to bo trade

ion that tlie poll ia opened. . - . — of roiu.and ilnllcontiime

0 rcceivo ttrn roles ot all legal votera nntllho hour of BDven o'clock in tho jfternaon ofihBBimodiy.ud no longer.

fur /Ucurcfrjia

For ficuralg'a

For Niura'gta

For fleuralgta

For Rheumatism

For Rheumatism

For Rhaumatittn

For Rheumatism

For a Lama Back

For a Lame Back

For a Lamo Back

For a Lamo Back

Doctor Tbomcn' £cltctrte Oil

Doctor Thomas' Bohctrtc Oil

Doctor, Thomas'* Echctrie Oil

Doctor Thomas' Echoinc Oil

mki ta l lb lhoduvot thoTon]* w«Uenilat Ibo (l>co of »l«otbn atlhi

"Juror ten o clook in ilie lorenoon of tlie daypt oloctlon jforcnld, and tbos aid there tokvep a faittiful and fall roghtry ol tbof tlio volet, ,bo ,u.n rela,"nd* » » - l " > l « Uia t l ' t r

d Bbal lSi ;* » » - l " > l « Uia tlK..ot reaidouc. „(eacu pertoBi vollng, and trcry psraon at thotime or oflflrlnglil, vote RbaU trnlv Btatn thet»ct I. » b l J ' h , Z u ™ * " H V f»ct I. »blJh,Zu™.HVou» oftnial to m,to tbo itah'toont aroreiala, tbo

vote of inch tenon ,ball not b« rettlvcd .nil? ' ^ i b f " c ! " diiaUlitvof tbo Tom Oletk,II stall be Ibo dnty of a.11 InapMtora OTTJils.; or >ni tivo of them to appoint Home

» d 5 ° » ' l « » i I»""n to clUlu,™ th<

PRIM W e and II.OO.—> !mmjiiscD..?ni'i,a«rr»a.ii.i.» ! • br W. H. OOOOAI^.

ilerkBlull before he mitlieb, mtry of any vntei

w. 5. Thst the clerk of wWeliolion, o n -der 111© injection of the In spec ton or Jo-litei

e mmcalo of the pcraom elected and to whatoffioo,«ipective]yj wbloh oertiflckte ahall be

r Ibo said Inapectora or " ''fUierai * •- -

,»•«•«• Tk't tlie aald Impsetoraor Jodto,ofolootion «n<]tb.0l«r« .bill bo ontllled to

n iJacb" ""'"" tbn anm ot Urea dol-

OEOIiOE IlICnABSS, Mayor.Arnar: W. B. L u r m i , Oloik. . JM«

NOTIGE.TIHE ,nnn»l maelln's of ib« 8k»kboU»n ol

tbc VoioD Tornplao OomDaDT. wmto baldtbebolslalWi,

Hay 18th. 1881, f(

•nplao Oob>».D>, » m j . bold'ooaport, K. J., on TUX8DAT

Director, for Uia mining l i a r and tnn i•neb other biialiMaa aa maj come blfore tho


naxwaBi).A.M. P.M,10.37 7.(010.17, 6,6310.07 6.,70,57 e,a0.17 «.S59.85 8.100.10 9.1B






Isaac N. Doty & Co.,NEWARK, N. J.

The greater portion of our Spring Drcaa

Gooda are now in stem and open for inapeo-

tlon. Epery lady in Dover and vioiuity la

aware that our collection of Foreign and

DonuMtio Drees Fabric* La tho largest and

mqsf yarled In the fjUfte, and at all tiai-u

afo ftffiitpd to curphasDn.

For tbe tatoming suuion now colors

Larch, Titian Red, Mouiitiiin ndiaABU, I

u and Golilon

We defy competition in them, in Btjles and priosa, as wo bought ont a bankrupttablfohment and we are selling them at whohs&Ie prices

BSTAMBLBD BBD ROOM SUITS.Ws lead tbe city la large assortment and low prices, ae we make a specialty of tliom,


besides an Immeme stock of Writing Desks, Bookcases, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Miand Pier Glaaset, Chiffoniers, Extension Tables, Marble Top Tables of all kinds, Offiiand DlntoR Ohaln, Fanoj Oarpet and Haltan Kocktrs, Easy Ohnirs, Hnir; Husk »nEleelstor MatrreBSss, Blankets, Stoves, IUnges, i t . In fact we h«ve tbe LAI ia lS8T00K OP HODSEHOLD FtJHNITUBE and lowest prices ia the State, In our line.

We invito everybody to call and see the largest Oerpotnud Furniture Store iu tlio Stnlrilliout urging lo buy. With twenty four years' experience in the business, and nn it

memo capital, »e defy oompeUtion and sell 30 per oent. below auy house in the Irode.Weelly and monthly payments Uken without eilra charge.Goods delivered free in BQy part of the SUttD



NEW ARRANGEMENTS.Meiohaut tailoring will ba carried on nt NO. 4 BRICK BLOCK as folio

beginning witb tliia dale :

FIBST—The materials need in oar CD8TOM DEPARTMENT will givecause for complaints.

SECOND—Every garment will be out by n Bnt-class and prncticnl cutter, nin ttievarj latest styfo.

TH1EI)—The Tery beBt tcilors have been eeciiral for the sole benefit of cmDmew,

VOUBXH—No garment will bo .illowei! to leave tbe iiremiaes unless eotiisatufactiQn is aoknowledged b j tlie customer.

I trust that tho above factn will bo a sufficient guarantee lo every imlividmana espeoiaily to those wbo are obliged to seek elsewhere for a euit of olothcs.

'» BAVB ALSO 1 BBAK KBw BTOCK OP READY-MADE CLorHINQ for all, from thsmallest child to the [urgent man. UKNTS' FOI.NI.SHIKQ GOODS, tho beat, lendtniand latest styles of HATS AND CAPS, TRCKKS, VAIISES, SATOHEL3, A C , at




lvo movinR poppet valves. So loss from frictionotioii vilvca. Hiclieat posniblo per cent of itco

Q •ppticitlon. (Fully atcured by patents.)

'WMle In port* by slide or rotaiEconoraiea] snd darsble. Osti





teb erery demand ol lha public In Itlino of bntlnt-M. UTSTBltt) may be heIM MItr*trie •>(- •*'• rcit*nr*nt or In anyquKntltr tar Ikon* tomumpUan, while• food LWfCIl M K re«§oo«l>lr prfrorarbe ubtklned at any hour of (he laKy 01

A spodftltj U mado of sumiljiug wcildincnparties and balls vlth nil kinds of uonlucHoacirr. cakfii, ivnd utiiw ediblu. Mr

• Notice of Settlement.Kolloe » bei*bj giroa th»t the >aconnts ot

.hestblcritor.EuontrixQfE.izftbetblloderer' will be tndilmi »od it»wdhy the

' ' for ialllem< ' "Orpiiuu' JJotirt 01 the County or Morris, en

D.tcd SUitb M4,18M. IM

saof ..»!"5. w.' nrau'it "TM Ira,"

Cedar, Sea Sviillow, Baltic Bli

Brows. NrtW raatflriala apo

Bison and Prunella Cloths,Panama'Checks, Ottomans,

Chsviots and Tweeds.We probably allow tlio richest asfiortiorat o

FRENCH SATINESlownrk. Tho i>att«riiB uvo very o W c

nud cokrsliril l i imt mid effi'ttive.


and Foulards


159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J.


SoRftrn, CtunlifH, CiuinR.1iy the 100, qnnrtorgallnu.i teudedtn. itunsuiublB

BOILERS!Hori2ontal, Tubular, Flue, Yertioal andPortable. Insurance policy with each.


THE DOVEB LUMBER Coffers to liuildora tbo bust opportunities in tho purchase of LUMBEEof every grado and description inoludiiig LOW PEI0E8 uud tho (mmadvantage of having

Lumber Worked to Orderby machinery at tbo placo where it iB purolinsotl, gre&tly lossenino th

coBt of buihUng by tho great saving in manual labor. Onrstock always inoludea

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsnnd LUMBER of evory doscriptiop, and especial pains me taken

to give satisfaction in every particular.iunDS President.GEOBOK

WM. H. LiKBiBT, Seo'y and Trew

I. W. Biuuiiii, Qen'IMMagar.

RUPTURESCaretl by tbc COLL1NO8' METHOD in t>«

SO to OOikjs without sprinu trniBor itoppln~ 'L. tes*rd]oiH of agu or period of affliction.

liliteil Atidomiual Supporters ly tniil.Prices modorito. Addrem

Sox 65, Stanhope, K.J.Oc cill tt French Boof iloais, gppeiito thi

PreabTtOTUn Oborob. 30-Ir


Ml. "itme premiHi occupied by (lie inbsoriber onIfope afstrott. A large iind veil ap-

... Mlionwiwui xronndsi viih water mm-rcaiBnt and fruit of all k b u on the premiss*


• -POHT O B A M , W. J ; ;





ir LEGAL TEST, 103° FH8H.1

. no gito thorn tbo boneOt ol onr pureoosl aperteat intiifttoUon, both Ia quilltr sad pnotExtra Enffine Oil,Tallow Engine Oil,No, 1 Engine,Dark Engine Oil,gpdrm Idiehinary Oil,No. 1 Machinery Oil,DnrkLabric*tinB Oil,Rftilnad Lubricator,Bhsftbg Lubricator,WeotVirsioia Oil,11 Crown l?Wool Oil, .Staslnlus Spindle • OilNp.18fto. l lMX

Brick PTG6«O<J Oil,W. B. Spora Oil,W. a Whule Oil,Prime Neatsfoot Oil,No. 1 Neatefoot Oil,aHeadliglitOn.lSONo. 1 Lard Oil,W. Pore Salad Oil,Prime While, U6?,Gasoline, 80",Bark Our Oil,S Packing Oil,


rmmn, and giarantuu Ib&ai to give

11 Crown" Light Componncl'• Pajanic" Di r t Oomponnil,Rolling Mill Dream,Axle Orease,Sperm Signal Oil,W. Btiainod fi lms Lara OilIt. HoaJliftht Oil, 1B0".P. W«leiWUteOil,I20»,W. TOiito Cotton Seed Oil,

Gasolino, 880, *

TBI aaXmaAS Olt Oo., nBl>> nor oi THru An.. K n u i ,



stool cUhin mil Cenads spruce tobdi i r j taB.olesB. Tlisy^'tvo HidboHtofgatiB

rsction. Tiiry also ko<j) In Btocb " THE NEWEMPIRE" Hot-Air, Gas and BKU'lHirnineCookiiic htovc. the best baking stuvu ttt tlitn-urlil, Aluo, a tiirgo aBBurtmtiit of other style*of Oooltinir Btovett, ItanRC. I'arlor Stove*, Ac.for BUMMEK AND WIN'TBB BKK. AIHO, t

'an stoL-k of HiliUWAltli, (J0TLEUY,f,. Wooden, Oupper, I 'kin aud Jajmnned

TIUffAHE. O'l Olottm, C u r ^ u , Lamps,tB and Qttv, bird Oajjos, I-'tmtliere, Pratt'e

Astral Oil (nmi oxplogiw.l At«o. (halers inCOAL, ltoofiiij;, I'lmnlint; and Jol. Woilpromptly utteutlcfl to. l-'Hirbnuh'ti ficiilcii n(

iifacturer'fi ptici'H. Tlicy ulmi lutvi- onehealiovn icali>H In front of tliHr lilirt. ofnpRB lur imblio ww[;liiii^. Old Iron, ('on

per, BtBBB, Lead, )Ugn ttid UrooiibactH tafce[chBDRC for goods.


Also, nittniifacitircra c( Jliitniclln H.-lf-Tiglil-L'liiug Wire bpiiujf Boil Jkitkim.


LAGER BEER!on lap at HEILLY'S, Hunaoi HI., Duvtr, N. J

opp. Mollofa OIILTH llouBf.









taken tlte plnco on Black we 11 street,iloorfton, niorrla, opiio.Hc Pardee &

Clark'a, wlitn he IIDI aptnt-d «. n«w ltc«-•anrant, »ml Mill keep a full and fruitBlock of Uyatrta at all tlinti, aerved Inall alylct,ar tola fay (Iioqnartor nnmber.nirala and LiiiirUtu funililicil nt alliour«, Pnrtlea tuppliwl »vllli Oyttcri,onfeet!oner>-, Sigart, &c, of }i\c bf«luulUy alrensoiiniii,. ,«le». AH •>}"»(enpencil In the iircMince of the luijtr.10 3m



831 BROAD St.


mm is come- A S D -

MBS.S.TREWARTHA,. - w - .„..


Base Balls and Bats,The Professional Dead Ball,

Marbles of all sorts,Wagons of all kinds,

Jumping Ropes,and a groat variety or

Wooden ToysWELL A8 THU TJHUAL L 4 B Q E fiTocj.




low aH llicy can bo boufibp i>laijo in Um comttry.


BEEMER % PALMERill cmtium, liu. I>,|.,inc>> it IL« old Haaa,Jil ..ml-iiTOr In liei a hrae angrnnaut uO(l(!K 111 Ills lirid tlt tt lit), GUlHUliUg o[

COAL Ar D WOOD!Sfraiilnu aurl LCIH- I of all HJZCH ; also Bi-

imiiinons 0«nl tcir bl i . Hiiillliiiig. OorJ m<lm\v(n\ nmi nidit ready for urn; always on IIIUJ,

Flag Stones; Curbing,Oi'derr rcotfivoil and cnntrBCts taken fur Lai.:f!flulo»«.H.8 uud Belling ciirb, tudalloihtr

wcrk renairitiB Blue BLono will be promptly

iASONS' MATERIALS!Hnrcl nnil T^lo liricK, Lime, Coiticnt Cal-

-iooil Diwicr, Unit, Kite mil Frontlirifk, Fire Clay. Orders will lie

promptly filled i t I D


Saw Mill.for hard wood lumber cut to any nUa «ml

leuRtli duBircd elnaya on haod.400 cordi seasuQBd wood for sale.


Cover, N.J



FUIteuAST io tlie order of t lo Surrogateof tlio County of Morris, inado on the

bird day of March A, I), ono thousand•iElit liundtcd and uigbty fom noticea hereby fjivun to all [ipraons lmvinii ojalnvi^iinat tlie CRIBIU at Julin Oghorn lute dtlit) County ol MorriB, decciaaeiJ, to preceut IIIP

me, nndcr (itilli ur alllruwtinn, 10 ilia null-nliera, on or beturo tlio tInrJ day n(

Dccoinber next, being nino inuntha ttam thu(into iif BR((I order ; ami any cruditor neckot-•)K to brlus iu and oiliitiit Ins or her claim,nderoatbor nlllrmntioD, witliin Hie IIIDOBOmllod.will bt; lorovor burred oi hie or burBlion therefor ngalunt ILo Eitjuutorn.Dated the third ilay or March A. D.1884.


Eicon tor 9,

Treartit claimi to William P . Onbum, Bt&u-Qite, N. J. U-lOw




Shop on Clintoi* 8t., Dover.Ineiiinrioncool If ye.ts in Djvor on tba

• Sit !'°rf' " ""» «"atantai I OI.T or mybilitytoploasothapublic. Mvmottj)iB "a iv tatiafaclion to all." ' j . jy

County Collector's Notice!I will bo at tlio afllec ot the Burrogato. Mor

mtown, for fbe trunenciiott or Conniv butiPSB.OH Tlnirailay of caul, nveli a m i ' s ! ilinJlk-r ol Oeorjo 'niol.arda, & , .', Do,, r, ,!,"Ionda», Tniijdajs, Wclnct l ins Ind Fridajs

\VM H > IXTlli.'iiT.

SMOKE TIIFJ PUG CHUB,the beat iiyo oept cigar in tbe market. All

oiduru of tlio trade' supplied by

J oil ii B a r r e t t , Boou toa« N . J .

N. B.-An elogatit oigarliRlitor is proaonLetiiritli tbe llrat order for 1.000 ciuflre.



anu cvorytlilng for FARM AND ftAHDEN.


Morristcwu, N. J.SEND FOIt GATALO..UE.

WM.H.LAMBE11T,Coimtr Colieotoi



PORT ORAM, N. J.tbo Mndpal Hue. or atumaulpsi1™ " o r k t 0 U ' e r p o o l »t LOWEST

"™week at homo. 15 ontill Trop PariRolutoly ,uro. Notist. Capital n i t•qiilriil. tailor, if von » , „ ! | , n , i ::•«« at wlu'di mnoim or d r < o j ,r iilil, c m make Ereat iiay all tbe

. Kork, with Mifiolati'ct'rtaiotv, nriloir jiarllcnlars to B. I U I X I T T i Co., Polllanil

SHERIFF'S SALE!Iii Chancery of Now JiTsev-Uolwccn JamcB

Ilohnch, coiniilitlnaut, aud JuHtnli Curlmf;and Uarolluo CarlinK t-ia wife, New tun W.Criino ami Marcus M, Cruue, ileli'inluiilH.Fi la. fur Kale of nioftfiaecd ptutniBOi lk-tnriublo to May Term, A, D. VHH.

J.S.SALMON, Sul'r.

ByTirltiv <if tbo aliovi! utatt-d writ of lienfucias in mj liaudB, I t-lmll mnoco Itir tale at1'nblic Vt'iitliu', nt tbu (.'oitrt Honso in H»r-riatuivii, H.J. , t i i]

MONDAY, the 12tli Jay of MAY licit,A. D. 1BH1, l e U e ' i i ilio hoiirn uf 12 M. and 5ii'cliick I1. M., that ii to uny at 2 o'clock in tboAltcincpii of taiil day, all tlie lollowlnjr Ji-.hcnltiil (rant or purer! oi land and premium,Hitnnio, ijjjiB anil liqiiB in tlio Town of ftioniten, in tlio C n n t y of W"rriiJ anil State al NeVfJcrsoy, Iul Iul ami bctiiidodka )oljow§,to-wit!

lief inning at a point in tbo BOiilboa»ter!vline or WmblnRtou streot, distant i i i tf^woand \ half tvot irom tlio noitlieagt corner ofWai-liim-ton and Harrifion st reels, »nd thence

feet; tliencn'lfl) noitb th i r t / t i ro degreci e^tfutj-twi> and a half feet ; tlience (8) northliHy-eigbt dcRrt'Ci neat ot-o bnndred feotto\hc line ol U'stliinctuti gtreel j Ibencn (1} *ontlialong the linn of WriBbinRlou street flfly-eiRlit

•K*M* west B«ty-two and & lislf r«ot to tbe

lielnp tin) e&nio land and iirem,=ee eonveveilio Iho u!d J[»FphCarlliiRbj tho B&id StppbonIt. Cuok, hy ticca rUteilHeptemlKir 17tli, 1809.

_ , , „ WM. B. HOWELL.Shoiiff.Datml Jhroli Cth, 1881. 1720




n T i T n n BO,I.Iauc™, ror,»,t.

i l l I / l Pi ™;1|ii«»o'i!»oii«wi1ic;IIIII.J rlclil oivay Uian anvtliioir eina in thin

. broad road to lormoe




mwofaotiMer iiiicl detlar In





B. Undalty b 8011 DOTO, X. 1.-1AlloniMontottDai.Cbeato^.JBraoa at Bnnaill, Boefaawar, N. J.