HA8THE LflRQEST Northern New Jersey. :«: on ffladcweUlStreet next door to the national Union Bank. : OK IMVAKI. AU.7 IH A»VA1TO»._ iiu .„ .... ' .... »aoo Hoimn : 100 MONTUO...... 60 ASVJMiTIBUrQ HATES. fwE jPeroentage added for eitrae, I/oou notion, Rltoan mnb pnrHIM*. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31,1894. NO. 40 JEWITI a. HDMMEU RW1 K»taUaiiu" luaurauoe Ageut. Offloe m Tie Oao, Rlobudi 0o.1Store, DOVBtt, N. J. fiOGIMWAY, K. J. ABENTB FOB THE ! 0UN.1X AUTOMATIC WHAM TOJLTJLUM. I^UOENRJ COOFBB, ATT011M1V ATLAWinn MASTER u> 80UCIT0H IN CHAliCEBY Offloa In the Tone Building, Ores J, A. LNHl'S Srona, DOVKIt, H. t. yum o COOWHI, BOVEtt H J Inrar.no. Broker and Comintailawr of Daed*. Firr.Llfe B'«m II i>«r, Bmelorer.' LI.- bUtr'.nd L<™ B'ort Inparaoo. Our Io- euraoot iii.urM HttKl &lata bnucht and euraoot iii.urM aoltt on Coauuwon jr-ljr, OENEBAL PRACTITIONER, p anautuY ur TBS mnAnuonror BIIBTJ- U«ar>O.naaej, " - - Utts. on north *>• of Bt.c«w.l] etnel and about WO hat mil of Warran Unat, MVM, ». i. r. BOWKB, ARCHITECT, M0IUU8T0WN, N 3 •aai fLma, OOB. QOTO 1CAH0UDB * HOrjaUSOia BAXXBY r.tr«kB~d, SUSUXBTBUT, flVBAB. CABAL BUDOB.) SoTlft, R I. JOHN DBUKKKBI gHAVWOjuro BAlBCUTTlHa SAI/OOH, MANSION HOUSE, COB. SLMIBWM, m BolMX, 8TW0JT, DOVEB, H4 OH. B. WII4JAM8, KABO" AMD 8LATKB, 'ronomui, K, 1 far all Bind, of work U and larbMBiaMik MINING MACHINERY IK.0RRIS COUNTY MACHINE^ JfiON Co TOHIIilOll at 00OM1R, FDUXBAL UIBBCTCIBB, tJD Oa*aUL >Va«BBnw» VI •"•""WJ.4 *1J MS O0MPBE880BB, «<?*«*• a JflSOISES, mi mvrwNe, OU»TT«o™Mp Of PUBLIC BtBOOtft Omo»-BLACtW«tLBt,DOVER, M 1 aoi»lCA.Bi.toU)l TIU\KK8. rRKSHAN: new JKHflifv iauB.iaanra oa rraoB. lumuBrua, DOV*B,K J. H. BPAHOMB, JB-, _ FLOBETt, OOU> BIBSBT, DOVKB, H. J. m- , SIOTABT PUBLIC, . J. , FuiBjolqgna Sausage. j . .«*•*«• aiW»•—Jj. aa "—J, _*J««t— « K> flw. MK0DSH BBOS^ Batekni, (MI O«HW» n«ov»ur. i. PRICES. All Wool IngndnCiirpet, per y»td ..... IB ota TlpoRtrp JJrpgiwls,Carpet, ; « r ; u d .. 45 ota Vt-trol O^rput) jxjr jarrf .... , . 76 ota Boilj Broasels Carpet, per yard .. .. 90 els Antique 0»k Bedroom Suits ... $1000 AiTtiqooO«i Beiioox Suits 16.00 AntiqnoO»l bedroom Bolts 2000 Farlvi Sai^ inVjujh OovtrioR 20 00 •arlor Snijii, ill tlosb Oorsnog MOOO wlorBnitf,inBagOoreriDg... 8000 Pu not bpy a range, nntil ^ou hnre Been tLe Famona Fortlaad. Over 600 now in me. Warranted a good bnKtr or money refunded, and tl^o onl;|)laQe tjiey oan bfl porchaflod ai is at our eatablislunent. THS MOBRIS oowirre SAYINGS BAKE. •ouurowp. • . . . UIHniUTBO MAKCtl M. !•¥«, HUU. Bain>»T«aJTlMMIII-aT. HULL. BUIUOIBSI Hanrr WMUUar, U&Bll Storing Furniture Where people O»Q tfcore Farni'nro ID a olean pltroe at low rates where they are goltg, and.»uohin the New Buildiug ulBS^Bl Street, Fnvniinro nmoved with TUB. 0PIQS 0. VHN HORN 73 Market Street, Near Plane St., ECONOMY! COMFORT! SAFETY! POBNIBB P0MP8, dnlk or QftAMlNQMd PVLlSm large g . VOOHBKK« MOEBIBTOWNN. J., HAJEtDWARE! ; IRON MERCHANT, iaoe.rAinir» Masons and Builder*, ooTaa. a. i. OoBtraota te"^!** ot work atkan aaa apinara n u a i m i x ATTIBDID to ilWMTPEWISE! VAN HORN L t many; orders for gooda to be delivered in the Fall, ho ureat Out in Two Trice Bale. N. B . - Orders are s with OT without a depotit Oanh or oredit. to be de all TELEPHONE SSO. Beit Sugar Cured Eama Beat Sugar Cured 8b.ould6ta. BestSXXX KinneiotaFlour, bag. 3 lbB. Beit Oingor Snaps 3 lb«. BeatBodaCrackers. . etti John, paoksge ftuajter O»W, paokage. ., Hoods 8»ri»flftrina Fine T»Wo Claret v NEWARK, N.J ODIGK: 1E4L: GASOLINE: STOVES I Ute » Wl Une oi them at lownt pnew OIL STOVES AMD OH. CUB STOVES, KVBIWEA.T0B8, CBEAH FBEE2EB& I (hall »U tbo NEW DEERINQ MOWER, •Ueh hai gireo Uw .beat aatUfwtion. One of thcaa in tua six y«*ra, onj 7*««nta (or rapaita. numbing, Tinning, Steam BMtta* ud Hot Water Heating done In He beat manner^ I). 8. ALLSN, Dover, N. J. Cor. Blac^woll ?nd Morris Sts., Dover. j. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager. 41ao dialer in Bmall Hoaloal Instruments of all kinds, Trim- mlnfi and 8appll»e, Sheet Xasio and Kiuio Book* Vranw on Baad mA navla to onUr.. Ordan takan for Crayon Md OHPortpalto. LAWN MOWERS at cost to close them out. CRUSHED STONE. AJUJ Eta otSluanUtf, ifallraed wU. Itiiaa tba SeUnn, tUkavuma u a WMteni It. B. and natal ILIl.otlftTj.mr Uinm OB0U1E BlUfr. Sup*., tttt . STYLE 7 FIT WEAR PRICE A POPULAR Shoe must combine thoso four quarters. 20 years ex- perience convinces me that no maker on earth comes nearer to filling these re quirements in ladies' Shoes than Lounsborry, Matho«s & Co. Our stores in Dover, Boontoa and Passuic are al- ways full of them- COAX. AND PUQAB- Frvm I lie Amtrlenn Ktoiionitot. TIIH b<ul pralnet tit our coat roin •iiuipUonatthe colllario* lath* » wa importaJ I,i»4,8.7 torn and PX Good Soavda in Morru. I Tbe ntfuropta reing made to prevent tfae PPABTA. A water pipe route la now botng mrvuyod P. O. HEAGAN, Opp. D. L. & W. R, R. Depot, DOVER, N. J. L. LEHMAN & CO. We sell Groceries and .Provisions cheaper than any other store in Morris County but for CASH ONLY. ISO . 9o. .BBo. 2Oo .200. ...llo. lOo. , .,680. .ISO. ..300. Nextto Hflvpr 1 I Post Office IJUlul.J.. U. QOOOS DELIVERED HREE. DOVER BOILER WORKS ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS !F\ K. BIRCH, Proprietor Meara Bollen, Maoke {.tacks, Oil Tanks, Chemical Pans, Ore Buckets ana all kinds <tf Sheet Jron Work. BEFAIBjNG PROMPTLY ATTENDEE TO Old bi'ileni Uken ip exchange. Coal and Wood, Barrelled and Loose Lime. Hair, Platter, «'«menf, Front and Conmon Brick Flashing 8teps, Cnrbing (Sills, Sl»te M«n- tel», ete.,,efc. (OR. MORRIS AND OICKERSON STREETS, XJOVOH, 0C»J. f- NEW COAL YARD COAL CHEAP, BUT NOT CHEAP COAL Before buying your wiiitor coal, call on MART IN & BRAY, Berg;en> St., - - Dover. N. J. Lehigh aEd 8orantpn Coal, Blook and Split Wood, Finest Brands or Minnesota Floqr, reed and Grain, oral! kinds, Hay and Straw. TO BEGINNERS YJlnudnld Qoolh and noh»n.PMibecoiiirinfo«(thou ^nrm ud li w.lanttiaalnj>nllatil«IIIcbanI»i£IUIiiU:a PERFECT" and "PROVIDENT" RANGES QABOLINE AND KESOSENE OIL STOVES For SummerOmVlng. OiullD.of HOUSPHOUP FURNISHING GOOPS J. T. KERR, ASTECIAiTli !, liastVtU It, Dover, N. J on at 178,185,115 -OM. Tb« overage ia!ueof American coal at tli< mine fall 10, Tdobulk of ths oaal I* u«d lr- ifttaturbK ami tn transportation r>n land and ae* Wiien modfor these purpowtt it > (IKlit tn luge quantities, many purchaser* ^n-ncilng lor a j ear', supplr at a time. Tii* quantity ot coil entering lav> bouts boM OKUiUtnptlon ia Ion tlitn half of the en- tire output of the O>.DM. To fully forman of tfie aTeiage omc to Ibn coCBumsr tuiist catider the poUtinn of the market 'hon It la told aud tbe climatic conditions of the ouatry. Lesa coal It uted In tbe H<mth th*n l a tha North, and more la tbe East than in tha West. Tba merer tba market la lo the mine, the cheaper la tha am at ooaAto lbs cooiunitr. Tha warmer tbo climate, tbe lighter ia tbo amatid, Toe nearer tbe manufacturing < ri «nd acftWrd, the greiUr tlin eonimtnp- 00. Wltbaoal worth 11.10 etthe mine; with I.MO.IW) tona used y.arly at tbo inlnoa i i more than half the entire output told In large uaotlUfs for manufacturing and tratuporta- on ; and w'th tha rentavindtr only ut*dfor DUtetiald puipoaea, we .believe than ths r»«ge coat of ooal to tbe consumer wilt oat row* $i per ton delivered. Our actual annual oomuroptlon of ITS, 185,- 15 tone of ooal at (4 per tan ia a total expen- litnre of »712,740,^00. ThU divided nmouug illation ot 09,000,000 peoplelaanaverage ilooitotJIO.Wper capita. Trowiry Doportmep, liui given tha rOta] oooaumptlon of iugar in the United itatcs at4l8a,2D»)G00pounda during the fiscal 'ear ending June SOtb, 3SW, ' At least SO per cent, of the itigar coroumod > tbla country Uof thebeat grades, ranging i Tallin from 6 to 7 ooota or more pn- pound i the coDflutBer, tbougfa cdtUig more money i the interior marktU that are diatant from Whoa we ooniidar that tha coat of augarU greater the farther tbe dUt&nce from Hair " k, PhllaStlpbto, Boaton, Ne-/ Orleana or Ban Francisco, and the Biteot ot ULQ pop\ita- of the ooontry outaide of thm fiveoltln with tlielr 8,000,000 foh»bit#QU oaiy, it c«n readily uodorataod tbat th»other 60.000,- O00 people are paying much more heavily for itIr migu-than tne f«tr. ' U a m s e rMaonftble, therefore, to etlmaU that tho actual averaga oott of all IUJM oab- irned In the United Butea wiltoxoeedDcenta •r pound, BBwe know that 60par cent, of It oftfaehlgh-at grades, Ur. Hat tuft*** io the contrary notwltfastwiding. It wa take only fijj' ornta aa tbe average Mt p«r pound of an gmdea ot iugnra to all >niuiaera, wa will bare, for tbe 4,31.1209.000 sund', a total outlay of 1333,670.633 per mourn, or. for our population of 03,1300,000 ptrnnt, an ararage of |3 S3 per capita for lugaraa compared wltb a ptr caplt« ao*t of HO.Wfor cool. In OQQalderiaK the t nT«cto! freeeokl and a tax upmauffar. It muit be remtmborrd that, according to tbe Democratic theory, the coa- aumer yaya the tai. i Ocr import, of ooal la 18D2 were l,sai,Bt7 Ant, upon wblch was collectedftduty of 75 per too, or a total Of 91,023,018 in a aingte yrar. Thia It the «.tet.t of thtt rt-Ksf that would be accorded to tbe American' uople by rres coal. | Our connumptlon of rojar l~it r^ar «u 4,-; 843,BOG>,600 poundi, wh'ob, at an averaga price cebta p»r paond, would bs wortb 1110,- 1. Aa ad valorem tariff of 40 percant, upon toll ntniunt would ba (47,775 301, A pound* would be H,4e0'01S, ftiaiflng a t o u l breakfait table tax «(143,204,510. Free ooal WOJW tbna. tcconlinjtothe Dem- wratla .harry of (ha con*uraer p.jl"* -ha K«t a raTiDf to ll» ptwpU ol I l.OiQ.OlS, t ornta per cipi'al, whlls Uxrd augat would coat them 1 103.901,810 ITTJ wnta for vtvtf man, woman an* child tn the country, f be direct loia by inch Democraua legi.UUon would have b*eo 75^ cente for *vwy iodl- vldgal,aloUl addJUonal burden of #53,t90,- .ROUI loaded with penone* liigbwAv le»dlng from Bfmard.rillB thnugh Oreen Village to Uadl- anil tbeuce toP.timnlt and Newark, u Btroardtivllla ta noar UaiUaa tbe road la fairly good, and from Dear Chatham to Newark it ii wolknt and labring further itoa tlitdlroct line from tin Gr'wo Village blgbwar, near UadlaOn, to Chatham, there ii a rough, oarro w and often rj dlfflcultT row). Tbe pt>mob grower Ing to market haj hia choice of making along detour to reach the Horrlatawn turnpike, or i liia load for tbe three mllea ot rough road described. Every man who ha,nla crops to market, and ev-rjciutomer of tfeote crop*, .ulfer. for that poor itrip of b'fbwaf,' It la a tax .-irt »i muob u If It appetred to tha annual MIL TtililioneUIiutratioii. ! UtTfit Count/ tdaka a raretul tatimate at tha pumberot tupakera whodobuBlneaalDNAw York and H-wirk. but make tbelr home, for port oftheya*^ It- dlfterent towna of MorrU County ; let;tl>e of tbeae bomw befigured,jwd than arowtaln ttt« Dumber of thote who faiare carriage andbor*«. Tha totola will! be found tobe tanrmou> Deprive .tote ^at- ofgoodro«J«Qr.oimpcd tban tod^aa tbey hare too often In the paat-matw ,the roada good at their ownexpeiue-and Morrk Cuuntr will loan more, taj road ioiproPtment would It B»m. to u^Kal tbogoou road mOTemfeof i UorrLa County Un ltnpoitaat. to i h . " parity of tbe county aa anything that baa been done for the Iaat century Inth*t beavtl- fuln-ctloD. Tooppow Hlatoatvtuiptto ja- lury to svery dtiien,—Hawarii Bunday Ciil 8TANHOPJB. * ivMa of Robert Ujprley bai left a va- cancy lnci>Uenihfp whloh will be bard/to HI). He bad resided la By nun tuwnahlp, Riaavitla, nearly the wnola of WiUte and b-ld nt different tlmee UMt of ,tha Importaiit offlo*. of Syrsm towntblp und trai known foi his InUgrity. Like Paul, for the put tea yeara be had but little detfre tolive but aV »l«d to depart to roat Hawaa about 80 yeata of age. ' '• Joha Bu-kman,«selM jaara, died In tie ateraoa hoaplttl on Toeadyr nlgbt lai. attd wai but led at Waterloo Minatory after /uneral iorvlos In the tfturaa there, H« had Krid manr JMTB in Byratn He'waa a very oodt- peleatpfMson and dlad ofdrnpqr. Ba wia IX SOllK'T FBDTB- Ta»r« ! • atudled effort to m»k»th« farm«T tUeya Ibat he baa not bc.n ttnefltted la any way by the prcttc'tirt tariff. 1 Tbe Varying llnea of argymtnt arc czbuutiog, (f not oaa- Tloolng. How and .hen a bold frllo-r, who doht beUav* Ibat farmere knoff . . . », argute -ottrtty 1 rpai the ManiaipUaa that tbk OToduot* of the aoil hw not bent protected; wMlo tbe prodoctioni of «rl*ln 'aaitbocB. Otooaraabelfaa, and lit* tri*ntlcaul.y; but If nobody take. the [Mini 'JO tell him to In aa polits termi aa M elro^mitancea will warrant, be goes right a (a Ua teektaaa caretr. - Arjotlur hat learned KHH9 dltcntioa iw—pfobably by coming op plump agabut « t » e wall, CgotmUvely «p**Wng Aojbow, be dotna't dare tomaka raoh aaaertlooa at tha other horla nbont ao recklesily. He ttoniAott bimaelt wltb nteerlnf at tin pntendad ** protwtlon to ag'(ottUow, aod tban'proraedi to prove that tbe (armur hai not been, benefited, bccauN fanai and farm produota have d'dinwl la Tala* andtf pr»' teation, ' That la tpeabaa. -Heinaydcoalrea ' iw Who do not stJp to look Into tbanaion of tbiog* for.tkemwlyM. fiat'anp'poae bo wan to argun that ratn doei Mfarmir no gjod, would anybody believe Lm| Would anybody eren IOmaoh • • liaten ) him1 Would not everybody -.purs. Una aa eitlrsr a fool or a madman t And yet he might precisely tbe aama argum-nta thait em- ploye agalaat protection, might wy; "During all tbew jeanyoa hava been hav ing rain, moat ot tbe time In abundance, and j et a«a wbare: ytm are 1 Yoar fartsa ltare do- olinad in valua; your producla'haredsprecl- at«d; you can icaroalj make a Urfog by all IT tjU and all your economlsi. Tnoa look, the miUIotialn. rolling ID wealth wrung from boneat toll I Bio htm growing riohoff » l froltiof yourlaborl HowoinanythlDg uadw which inch thlagi are fldal to jou who ttU toe mil I Though the caaea are not r,*ra,l!eJ, tbearga- mcata would tw, aodfa*would do one ot two thicgi j either ha would prova that rain Iano benaa. ti the farmer, or he wonld prove that he had not produced any crgunuat agalaat protvottctu To hi*, •rgumtyit agalnt n(n, ereryhody would at oooe reply i '• You bare left out tbe •11 Impnrta&t («Btor—how much worn oft abould wa be without it, or how taaah has It done to tare ua from deatraotion T To hla argument, agalnat protection, think- ing own will mtka tbe t»m« rep\y; ana thernarbe need look far Into tba matter to oonvlnoed—it they arewilling to ba ootv uctd at all—ol tu good effects ia Baring from atlll greater trouble. .. WOOBPOAV; I don't mud anyona havlnK a food hfarty laugh at the right time, but I do dwpUe a " ' gtggler. Irogrettavaytiiatwe toW-j|iectad. It ii u.n-lly ai with improvotuenU In the country diatrleta, more than road imyra»cooenU, Krom Friday Atttr prabfttily ISO uatll yeatorday mornlDg ldd i h fc drop-y. fho< rowdfaa wiio pl.jed tbelr high fanU*- tlo trlckaat Badd L\ke tut Sunday may bm a harder Urn*of 1. brfor© tbff girt xnutfa older than thay hava alrWly had. It It bo good olUKan that wilt go to a hotel and or any 1 otberotber place ••*d kick »'door (n ,ao4 rowdy around through a Bout*'. They wei* Informed that there wai a ovpie lo the boa* b«forethfiy ooa,m«aeed thtir raakat la fall., but they did not regard thl«- Jnaotneptaoeto th-y would oo. bv.y» g it away aUvn l%t alro* with sore beadi * ' ' \ • Hany will attend tba ainual iport day A A Cor.:lih delegate iie*-m«d to ba n r r coin* .b from the w*y be dlaplay«d tiu> eoba MS) blllito an altsmiU * day or two after tM oonvtotlon Johmlon will nanr •*• ,tbi >w this ttta» f rsm ymm\ pwpUM&i CatherinePolaudied at BuM Lak*a4IM Fonat Bouw on Buodar Urt, flbt wai onrt 07 years of age and a'msmbar of tbe Komaa] Oathollo Church. Hfti'mmaln*' ware aaot.td berlatartaldanoe, N*. 160Z>zlngton aremj*,! Now T.irk City. ab« w«. a t>ar«ra o( wealth.' Tt»M E aodPrtftbyuHuBttodajr * " no to Itolan'a Point, for aoaatl planlo > d»y ot tail week. "' ''' Bharlff Quodermu, of BCEMBX Coanty, wa* 1 ID (owntbli weekgatttuff rtady forttMSap-, totaber Urm of ciurt at Hawton,' Bjnun willfurnUhthre«petltJdrort. . ' " Tbe Bummer g a u t i ui vUtorj are begin- ning to gtt may (o depart ,to' tt«ir city homsa. • ' " ' ' •••••"• _ There will lie a large turnout of UMTtttr- auta of tba Twenly-aerciitb .tl-aitaieat, Saw Jerwy Volunteera, at Boonton,' oaW»dnia- d-7 nnt, sept. OO>, it th* third raunloc Tbsyatl want in 'taka'OAl. Hlhdril by tfce lundatHl tlvebltna hearty graapof friend? •tip I.ta*.j»eUi«lait ooe.M.ttWboi'a la blue areifut getting to bahoJMot gray. unbend 860. Tbe arch bridge near Polk Bros', (tore mu •old Iaat Friday- A. Ur. tXido, of BambuTgb, waa awarded tba contract for tbe atone work lor 1115 and a new Cork party thairon irork for (265, both contract! to be oampletad i thfrty-flre day*. Ur. Bartm. Aroo.4 g*ie a vloltn ooocert iuTitmad'* IItil Balurday evening, aiafated byUn. Eltajor Q. Fergwoo, a pbinol*. of New ITork. About 10Qwars present and pronounced the muslo grwid, WUU-m S. Hot* baaS™d<-2 Bad fenced wn Unnia ground, and hla city Iwardar- aad tbelr Menda now gat plenty or exercise, aod, to bU deiilment, ravenon* appalltca. SparU'i genial boat, Samuel Oeorge, of ^ntral Hotel, btu tbl« rammer U*n maklna; trouod bla botel and out building*. Ur. GHwrge baa changed Usbai- from tbe north to aouth end of the bemae and placed a billiard table to Urn former roon Be alao ba« a large &od pl***- aat tltUag room oa the mtat flwr, and 1 will mire to any for UtMttnaw, artlttlc doffgui, ,, bla bar, raattlng and titUng rooffla will noeit any la Burnt Gaunt;. Tbe M-IUMT of a jrouog girl, CbariMC. Biaton, who wai iirretled aoro* tune aga In Wm towu and placed la limbo, «mln«d Ui rMdaa lut ffednaaday •vmlnf. I bare utltanudtrom * reliable aoort* that ths natter baa bean twttlad for few paltry.do!- Now ha cin, Ilk* anoth-r of tUs toHii, •erk for ami ruia aaatber aud'stlU gono< JMDl«hfd. Tb» Tweoty-wventh Hew Jeraay Volun- Vet«ranA«OGiaUon wlUbcldthalrthlnl mcutj reuuioo la tbe roomi of John Bill t^rtimbor 6th! ' . ' ' 'Ao agent [a wmted in Bparta by tbfi MB* n*7 Boclaty for tha Pnreatlon of Cmalty . Anlmala. Prof. Honuaui I*eaeb haa aNavln b-Mn^ti- gagf>d I I priuolpal of oar publlu erto3l; Mia. Dilla Durliiw aaalxUot. Hobool will txuvene Stptember 10th. Barmy Valley and too, of Ogdatuburg, while 1 ptsalBg ' jrooib our Tillage Sunday withatMltasd<xrt,uixl«rto6kto pusaUr. Babb. wbentba fracUoo* oolt bolted into (lie milk wagno. teaiiag a whaal lfl «tlin|an and Uiroarfog bofii oooupantu qut. itartlng on a run sod Uchiev »t every Jump. Old man Alley bold oa tba Uaeanil, altar being Iragged about 600 yard*, auooteded Inatop- t>\h* tbe cult. Both ba and hli MUMoaped G. B Fiuttr reigned up hta bone at tba oVpot lut Thanday aod without tying It wtnt Into Uw depot to tnomat mom* but- aaat, and whan nady to depart fooad Uat bla horn and. oarrteg* badtloptd. '8lartlB« on a dry *rofc ba aoon found bla Bc«e in «ait- tnfforhlmupla th* »(ll*ra. Afrlwdhad uiiitMttahdiwdajnage'doae. QaorgaMja , ba will tfae n u t time. ' ' Bntb ot our o)dar mllla arc npatrlns and Mnguptlwlr pr»ana fid will oomo»«cw« '" taafowQ^* 1 IaoderftaiidaailttM- Gobl* nor Decker *O1' buy any ippUathia fall only worfe than odiharM. •.packbrbaa about 300 baritJa ofJm-y .htahe on hasd, m » * tofakdtacomf ort reckoo. Vatnae B. Tltaan, takinc adnntMe of tb« y w'ltbM- and b w water, tM-buUtaad load lotooth'hi. Wanklll andOlan not- ^..leadlntto Hi grtife mUI.M« tltttnN. • " mbla coat Matter Hahlon Boehtlk. wkQI _. _ •peodlDK tiro moDtfc* with hii fatbH-, will r*- ^atereon WadBWlay to pewpar* 'or 1 BJc* ICortia, of New Vork a t y , la born* .TWt% toottHTon a two WMfcs > rMttloD, ' I*' a Itnbtwll HMAt f otmrtaUoa kid and ionabar on ika gionad for Ifha motion of a Iwalllog kooMMI Swrta. ftvamu. - Hlaa Ulli* Vkb* la *UUa« Mead* In Dorar. BervralBpai^UHattaDdMl the itUd4I«towtv voM laat L mak. They aaw the tnttmg nha^MU aod die, ta* drtnr bottndlnf nn- hamiarjBpiiitkaair.liak one oCtbam a»y. - tturaMnmt WMKX half w g n a t Mat Mn Em-da* racw, tMttnta Itoipottn got •tUrtkta. • • Wartao yanEIrk aaiimiiee ale amek crop at'S.OOO fc*ti-U. H* t*»((«t>d bwt Vflday r»- turoa from Up flrit lUtMMOt that twtM blu Mayor Frothlngbam and family arrlnd ome from Analna, Loo* Uand. )aat FrMer. William VIU imd famUy, f Mhawef ying Iiland are Tlatttng Gap g , Auioog the iuNti at EtaaUo Villa tMe eek art Mr. T E. Low* and three. Mnda, of UorrlitowntKaatv i.'W. Liwe, otUotfit- townjE J. Ball.cf Apolla. N; V., and Wti S*, Credey, of Newmrk, :: ' ' * " BohoDl wUl reopati ntxt Tneeiay. A number of- people froa. thle pleoa at- endMl the ooncert at Point PiaeMnt tali* Fri- day «Tftnleg and itjnit > 'Very pkiMaBt lUatarJ. H. Lowe andlltUe atitar. MM FW.nl>, ban been aotadlng'a f V U a p V t irfda *. Rev. K. H. Brown, who aw had) cbargt of it. Feter^ %(*cbpa] Church rortMpwiaU aioQtb», left the' Ltka on "Wedaeaday for Kortk Yakltnai Vaablogtoti. 'wbar*towQl bare chavw* of'Ht. WonaaN parUb.'^ Hr. Brown made mairy frieoda during Ui aliort •Uy here, wWsnaUy riagrar h(t tet' ; Hotel firaaUa will daw BBrt Wad Uept.4th, • • • - ••• •"•'* '•' ' Ulie Blrdts I.?we apent Iaat flnnrlar Daattaaiaeetor lUai AsnlaDiray. Tl rf XlUlUt b b Ule Dorar \ Ur*. tenye , Ur*. Trlpp,rfXlUaola,-wvUMa b a n abaaat ten Jean, la ren-wlng aeqidatataM aronacl toe Lake. .' - -fiimncAfM. . BABTUT. ; Mi-t Jenola Hajward la viailAng at R. RJ1- ! Wilton Aptmr rlJUd hla jriiter oo Wedaaa- J.'c. HU1 bu twnpttd a pcatitoa wltb Uta £bat«r Oo. ai monldw. ' ' _ ' ' ?Tfae band will play for tha Ooggnttttonai falratCliHt«roaeaotomba-.tli. TtvbUtlw WI'IIiniHi i iiMtiiiiiuiiT TTili waanni ' ' H. A PeHkrt b'u a bouat foil of olty Uorrto Chamberlain baa retnrnad from hta trip in Ntw York BUU, John Conoffr worked e c t n at Bo|»*ooo( JancHonlait w»ek a. oparatoV. W. Yfanr la kalaomtolag Uw actool room anifvaralahlncUMtiaaka.' Thl. will ( u t o v ackool room in good order lor UMopcolngbf •chool. Tall jour children not Waoratcb. Uu ftabJ or deaka'aod aae they obey. A fiuobur rrom tt.UpUc* attendad tte fal r et Flocktown la^t Prid»y avanlnf. Tba Bart, ley lur.il rurulah<d themurio, but two oitloa from German V*uI«ycouVtooi«iJ<Jy tb* good mnita. ' " WHT. UPFftB Tbe Bprioga and «*elb oo the hill are very low at prcaent and par* water la rery aoane The Lower Hlbtrnlaball dab beat tbaban from off lie hill Iaat Saturday by tbe oMOtoB. Twenty of the mtra emplojed at thatVliar- ton mice ha»e bein laid off. Tbey hare got n i r 10.000 toes «t or» vtoolud oa tta tank tt _.. _ .ourformer priodpal, ha- cept.HHbeporiawQfprindpalotth.Mi % MT WaiTer, of Baokitta- extent, I should think they would go eome ) plaea where tfaer oould hear ploaty of it' witbouteomtog to the HOUM of Odd. They] foine. that they were cbildrai themadres' once, aoa If tbeir crying la to ba compared with their giggllojj their moatha were uey«r ttnlgbt * ' AU who attended church on Bomtaj eveo- ig rnJoyed a good pennon XIhlnk. BoiaamjTE.- Deafneaa Oannet B« cored by local applIcaUcna as the; cauoot reaeb tfc» duoaand portion ot the ear. Therflfonty ona way to core d*afan*, and that ii br oonstltu tlooal rtm*dlM. DeafKeat Ii cauo^d bysnln- flkiord amdWon of the mooMu lining of tie Euatmctifan Tuba. When thl* tnt»e la InBam- t&you have a rumHtrg aound or Imperfect t .__, j_ t _., t . .._.._ cio^j, d^j. , Inflamatlon con be taken out and thta tube, restored to It* normal condition, hearing will tie destroyed forerer; nln* caaca out of ten »r« tamed by catarrh, which la nothliut bat an lafiamedsoa-. dlUou of ta«xaiiooua nrlMte, VTe will glte One Hundred Dollan for any ceMOf Deofnetf be cured * - •, of Edtaon, - ' H f n tha form«r part ol Quite a number of oar young people took trip to Ut Tabor on aanday. A nocober of onr yoong nun . - BUotrto Blttara. Thia ramady li btcomlDg ao well know and ao popular aa to aced no apeolal mant.ati. All who bare mad Electrie.Bittortringiht, >amo ecu* ot pralaa.—A purer medldoe doea not «.Ut and It laguarontrodtoda KHUwt If claimed. Electrlo Blttara will core all dlaratot of the Ilrer and Kldoty** uwvo pimptoa, Solte, Salt nbouta and oU»r affectlcna canaed by Impura blood.—Will drive Iftdaiia from the tyitemand pravent Mwella-cnre »H MmUrUtu' ' ~ ' of Headache, Conatipattati and Indit»^an try Eloctrto Bitten—Bntlrv , eatlifkction KHamrJeed, or moWy rrXundsd.—Frloa' CO iad*..«Qv* bottle at ""• ' ~" i- jond for eircalara, free P. J, OHENEV S: CO,, Toledo, O, 0"SoU by DTUggtiU, 73c. BUm, Pert Ornm, and F. H. JenUu 1 Drug ttCbAi Cbarlta Farbar.of Saaton, Pa., WMI I Bparta lart •-«*. Tbe jabi>) SIBMT. aBbartftliiad away olty mdothmlaat Tkunday eratOng with tfotnatoa ConiMVtiaiMltqidttbwqwnt* ly iD^otfotMd bj po'ltfeaawof tu* to-ra, wbo gtw>hn matb ynim for Ma trait Dataoenioy arhQ|t qu-JJiUa, but I mn afraid If IM itf tbe m mgda be will gci dMuoad ifaaM. . brflblU kaa laooiaa a l.w Ma «• nomlpir tor nbv'i QromVlaallMiiUi oojiloaUj anJ B r lU l d i l I M j j aJ ioV r, wlU laaalo cold, mmi Baal ara Ion, ho aBKilaBtCBfavdivBoB BAd toknniliis WljI^Ud d » h Wm.ClMunp.OQ, 3r. dot, good daal of NoyCMtfvpwrto|iat^pMaeiit avl ws MaroaT M0 work VT aiiti tcou nutty ot <Mtt ^yolii^a !iaf»PBirtn|iatt«laaii1 Bud«n w»ro( wdrk vr Unt Iron tnaay ot owy'eyou^s. MMn( at da fonana Ii ba%piikarl aa aKdljaapoaUila. aWpiaa.rai l alTwl wrlia IttaIMH oi tk ooBdi lo BBW yortSUt.. B>tn WlUUn palo >Ml to ta. Ooaon <0M*wtr,J<sbi »Wi.r 1Vr,/oha8,.n-, rj UIBmt. M t M , Jr., hkn atarlad to «rtatt«aH«r«townaa»«. -' ' A laria oowd aWaalid ttja Ualoa BBOir- a from bar. toUto HofUooa* Jka M •odptt WoManlBsd rmt about |7O. A L dawa^SdlvalL Oc bar. ball haa wa. AshaM at 0» neUn«rlBa«BiilaylBit br a-HDnotll to ). DaM0o,tluBtar tBlrirtot BookawQ'a •b, nMckai for Ua BVBBUB d»b BBI run tot t C t i Maat •l>aad a. Cor taair mornt . TW, Utt«l hi. l«, l d b it two tatotaWtaaRa, , , Labor Dayi promlaaa to be an m. jijatile m M oar YUlaca. Ian tana at <a» otskek al«p, bttwaan Port Oltm lad M. Sopa.:' Admlawoa toaDi 10 ota. U n . FalM, ul Brooalji, vataaltiraiaadirauam 0. Bk l r«B|ata at mm Usk Barrack, il ra«B|aita, at mnm oU. l i a Bntarprka Band, of Dorcr. and taa M Blg Six QuaiMta," ot Fort Oram, WlU luroltt naiil! lo U» aftaroooa and •ngloa. B ..__ .'obtbigroond. - .WorrttrotfrulkmUUMan.tob.alow jwt atonMDt.-- -.'-.' - "ffews/ amaiu, e Bonto; BBool plo-nlo na bald lot "thohrbld It.11 n h . p t andawooaMSnaneUUr. ,_.-• wuAbaUcuoat«kJ*ltnUMBakr orchard on laat'Bandvkrtarnnoaand It wa. • i l atknrM by poop!. Irom DJTM- and tUl Vufnlr/: 'Itwonldb.milfor tboM'tbakdo udtiK. In brtaUnc the BibbaUi toUara to. CN^mbdmnit *.iUrMn)te.tli.aaobatb day toka»»ni»lj." trial IlainM DanWa, or Kiwaik, Ua ra- brotd tot<r hooa af»r a WMIA TW< wilt Hit. B. Bamtt V S ' r U b lira. £ d . bookman, of Port Onm, KpaBt to. dn'tUa -WMk 'ilatUic htt uat, Hn. BlFil. ' ' 5>. I l l x Drain, of M.w York <•», an aowxllnx. tl»!r T*»tioi wHb. tWr »aat,Ura. C bao" " anon. iflMtATUiB WUtoM-a, who bat bran eon- nMl to Bar boma artaral waaU bj alctaiaa l«roTlol .tU<l. nritloj bai'mmal to Fort Oram. Tb. T.rdtet t IlplraeMltalawjerandbladlMt, too, to UTbtbanrdlotot tta jury oamlmoa. A anat inr/ aompoaad of tbi Amarloan pahlla bu'rrndand an nnanliaoDj virdlot on Dr, ' : HanVa Hombbu Comb CorB la a, HMCOOS, acrialDa; tkat Its promlM. of a anAdy mra forooo<b>,ooUi ami broMblal trolbfcaarB tlwaj.oarrl.dont to tu latter., Thlaphaa- •nt^vMdjM bju not baan obfaOaad w f t W i rnat palw taken/to main It "tta bwtoooB* cure on tbe marlnrt. IT/ a botila wban jou lamaoodcbbrcolduid yon will UIOBEto ' tba |>ananlnioni w arer attar. Star alia by • Rb B*in Droitt ot KMri, , j.tf tnxu from a'comnlfaatlon of dlsBBM'ot feciajB weaknmandllVrraiidUducrtr0IiKh»; DOT boatUnnltoOrnatoroa b j m i j i l r . ad.! SosMbokll^ tba moat rteaaatud, met attecUreniedlolQO known. XSo. and too, per palfafa al E. DUcon^to*tton, Denr,

DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, …test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06aoi»lCA.Bi.toU)l TIU\KK8. rRKSHAN: new JKHflifv iauB.iaanra

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Northern New Jersey. :«:

on ffladcweUlStreet next door

to the national Union Bank. :


iiu .„ . . . . ' . . . . »aooHoimn : 100

MONTUO...... 60



jPeroentage added for eitrae, I/oou notion,Rltoan mnb pnr HIM*.



RW1 K»taUaiiu" luaurauoe Ageut.

Offloe m Tie Oao, Rlobudi 0o.1 Store,

DOVBtt, N. J.





ATT011M1V AT LAW inn


Offloa In the Tone Building,

Ores J, A. LNHl'S Srona, • DOVKIt, H. t.

y u m o COOWHI,BOVEtt H J

Inrar.no. Broker and Comintailawr of Daed*.Firr.Llfe B'«m II i>«r, Bmelorer.' LI.-

bUtr'.nd L<™ B'ort Inparaoo. Our Io-euraoot iii.urM HttKl &lata bnucht andeuraoot iii.urMaoltt on Coauuwon


OENEBAL PRACTITIONER,p anautuY ur TBS mnAnuonror BIIBTJ- U«ar>O.naaej,

" - -Utts. on north *>• of Bt.c«w.l] etnel and

about WO hat mi l of Warran Unat,MVM, ». i.




•aai fLma, OOB.








KABO" AMD 8LATKB,' r o n o m u i , K, 1

far all Bind, of work Uand larbMBiaMik



TOHIIilOll at 00OM1R,


tJD Oa*aUL >Va«BBnw» VI


MS O0MPBE880BB,«<?*«*•

a JflSOISES,mi mvrwNe,

O U » T T « o ™ M pOf PUBLIC BtBOOtft

Omo»-BLACtW«tLBt,DOVER, M 1aoi»lCA.Bi.toU)l

T I U \ K K 8 . rRKSHAN:

new JKHflifv iauB.iaanra oa


lumuBrua, DOV*B,K J.



m -


, FuiBjolqgna Sausage.

j . . « * • *« • aiW »•—Jj. aa "—J, _*J««t— « K> flw.

MK0DSH BBOS^ Batekni,(MI O«HW» n«ov»ur. i.

PRICES.All Wool IngndnCiirpet, per y » t d . . . . . IB otaTlpoRtrp JJrpgiwls,Carpet, ; « r ; u d . . 45 otaVt-trol O^rput) jxjr jarrf . . . . , . 76 otaBoilj Broasels Carpet, per yard . . . . 90 elsAntique 0»k Bedroom Suits . . . $1000AiTtiqooO«i Beiioox Suits 16.00AntiqnoO»l bedroom Bolts 2000Farlvi S a i ^ in Vjujh OovtrioR 20 00

•arlor Snijii, ill t losb Oorsnog MOOOwlorBnitf , inBagOoreriDg. . . 8000

Pu not bpy a range, nntil ^ou hnre Been tLe Famona Fortlaad.Over 600 now in me. Warranted a good bnKtr or money refunded,and tl o onl;|)laQe tjiey oan bfl porchaflod ai is at our eatablislunent.

THS MOBRIS oowirre

SAYINGS BAKE.•ouurowp. • . . .

UIHniUTBO MAKCtl M. !•¥«,



Hanrr WMUUar,U & B l l

Storing FurnitureWhere people O»Q tfcore Farni'nro ID a olean pltroe at low rates

where they are goltg, and.»uohin the New Buildiug u l B S ^ B lStreet, Fnvniinro nmoved with T U B .

0PIQS 0 . VHN HORN73 Market Street,

Near Plane St.,


POBNIBB P0MP8, dnlk or

QftAMlNQMd PVLlSm large






Masons and Builder*,ooTaa. a. i .

OoBtraota te"^!** ot work atkan aaa

apinara nua imix ATTIBDID to


t many; orders for gooda to be delivered in the Fall,ho ureat Out in Two Trice Bale. N. B . - Orders are

s with OT without a depotit Oanh or oredit. to be deall


Beit Sugar Cured Eama

Beat Sugar Cured 8b.ould6ta.

BestSXXX KinneiotaFlour, bag.

3 lbB. Beit Oingor Snaps

3 lb«. BeatBodaCrackers. .

etti John, paoksge

ftuajter O»W, paokage. . ,

Hoods 8»ri»flftrina

Fine T»Wo Claret v


ODIGK: 1 E 4 L : GASOLINE: STOVESI Ute » Wl Une oi them at lownt pnew



I (hall »U tbo

NEW DEERINQ MOWER,•Ueh hai gireo Uw .beat aatUfwtion. One of thcaa in tua six y«*ra,

onj 7* ««nta (or rapaita.

numbing, Tinning, Steam BMtta* u d Hot Water Heatingdone In He beat manner

I). 8. ALLSN, Dover, N. J.

Cor. Blac^woll ?nd Morris Sts., Dover.j . R. DALRYMPLE, Manager.

41ao dialer in Bmall Hoaloal Instruments of all kinds, Trim-mlnfi and 8appll»e, Sheet Xasio and Kiuio Book*

Vranw on Baad mA navla to onUr.. Ordan takan for Crayon Md OH Portpalto.


to close them out.

CRUSHED STONE.AJUJ Eta otSluanUtf, ifallraed w U. Itiiaa

tba SeUnn, tUkavuma u a WMteni It. B. andnatal ILIl.otlftTj.mr Uinm

OB0U1E BlUfr. Sup*.,tttt . 0 »





A POPULARShoe must combine thoso

four quarters. 20 years ex-

perience convinces me that

no maker on earth comes

nearer to filling these re

quirements in ladies' Shoes

than Lounsborry, Matho«s

& Co. Our stores in Dover,

Boontoa and Passuic are al-

ways full of them-

COAX. AND PUQAB-Frvm I lie Amtrlenn Ktoiionitot.

TIIH b<ul pralnet tit our coat roin

•iiuipUonatthe colllario* lath* »wa importaJ I,i»4,8.7 torn and PX

Good Soavda in Morru. ITbe ntfuropta reing made to prevent tfae

PPABTA.A water pipe route la now botng mrvuyod

P. O. HEAGAN,Opp. D. L. & W. R, R. Depot, DOVER, N. J.


We sell Groceries and .Provisions cheaper thanany other store in Morris County

but for CASH ONLY.


. 9o.

• .BBo.



. . . l lo.


, .,680.



Nextto Hflvpr 1 IPost Office IJUlul.J.. U.



!F\ K. B I R C H , P r o p r i e t o r

Meara Bollen, Maoke {.tacks, Oil Tanks,

Chemical Pans, Ore Buckets ana all kinds

<tf Sheet Jron Work.


Old bi'ileni Uken ip exchange. Coal and

Wood, Barrelled and Loose Lime. Hair,

Platter, «'«menf, Front and Conmon Brick

Flashing 8teps, Cnrbing (Sills, Sl»te M«n-

tel», ete.,,efc.


X J O V O H , 0C»J. f-


Before buying your wiiitor coal, call on

MART IN & BRAY,Berg;en> St., - - Dover. N. J.

Lehigh aEd 8orantpn Coal, Blook and Split Wood, FinestBrands or Minnesota Floqr, reed and Grain,

oral! kinds, Hay and Straw.

TO BEGINNERSY Jlnudnld Qoolh and no h»n.PMibecoiiirinfo«(thou ^nrm u dl i w.lanttiaalnj>nllatil«IIIcbanI»i£IUIiiU:a



For Summer OmVlng. OiullD.of




!, liastVtU It, Dover, N. J

on at 178,185,115 -OM.Tb« overage ia!ueof American coal at tli<

mine fall 10, Tdo bulk of ths oaal I* u«d lr-ifttaturbK ami tn transportation r>n land

and ae* Wiien mod for these purpowtt it 1«> (IKlit tn luge quantities, many purchaser*^n-ncilng lor a j ear', supplr at a time.Tii* quantity ot coil entering lav> bouts

boM OKUiUtnptlon ia Ion tlitn half of the en-tire output of the O>.DM. To fully form an

of tfie aTeiage omc to Ibn coCBumsrtuiist catider the poUtinn of the market

'hon It la told aud tbe climatic conditions ofthe ouatry.

Lesa coal It uted In tbe H<mth th*n l a thaNorth, and more la tbe East than in tha West.Tba merer tba market la lo the mine, thecheaper la tha am at ooaA to lbs cooiunitr.Tha warmer tbo climate, tbe lighter ia tbo

amatid, Toe nearer tbe manufacturing <ri «nd acftWrd, the greiUr tlin eonimtnp-00.Wltbaoal worth 11.10 etthe mine; with

I.MO.IW) tona used y.arly at tbo inlnoa i imore than half the entire output told In large

uaotlUfs for manufacturing and tratuporta-on ; and w'th tha rentavindtr only ut*d forDUtetiald puipoaea, we .believe than thsr»«ge coat of ooal to tbe consumer wilt oatrow* $i per ton delivered.Our actual annual oomuroptlon of ITS, 185,-

15 tone of ooal at (4 per tan ia a total expen-litnre of »712,740, 00. ThU divided nmouug

illation ot 09,000,000 peoplelaanaverageilooitotJIO.Wper capita.

Trowiry Doportmep, liui given tharOta] oooaumptlon of iugar in the Uniteditatcs at4l8a,2D»)G00pounda during the fiscal'ear ending June SOtb, 3SW, '

At least SO per cent, of the itigar coroumod> tbla country U of the beat grades, rangingi Tallin from 6 to 7 ooota or more pn- poundi the coDflutBer, tbougfa cdtUig more moneyi the interior marktU that are diatant from

Whoa we ooniidar that tha coat of augar Ugreater the farther tbe dUt&nce from Hair

" k, PhllaStlpbto, Boaton, Ne-/ Orleana orBan Francisco, and the Biteot ot ULQ pop\ita-

of the ooontry outaide of thm fiveoltlnwith tlielr 8,000,000 foh»bit#QU oaiy, it c«nreadily l« uodorataod tbat th» other 60.000,-O00 people are paying much more heavily for

itIr migu-than tne f«tr. 'Uamse rMaonftble, therefore, to • etlmaU

that tho actual averaga oott of all IUJM oab-irned In the United Butea wiltoxoeedDcenta•r pound, BB we know that 60 par cent, of Itoftfaehlgh-at grades, Ur. Hat tuft*** io

the contrary notwltfastwiding.It wa take only fijj' ornta aa tbe averageMt p«r pound of an gmdea ot iugnra to all>niuiaera, wa will bare, for tbe 4,31.1209.000sund', a total outlay of 1333,670.633 per

mourn, or. for our population of 03,1300,000ptrnnt, an ararage of | 3 S3 per capita forlugaraa compared wltb a ptr caplt« ao*t ofHO.W for cool.

In OQQalderiaK the t nT«cto! freeeokl and atax upm auffar. It muit be remtmborrd that,according to tbe Democratic theory, the coa-aumer yaya the tai. i

Ocr import, of ooal la 18D2 were l,sai,Bt7Ant, upon wblch was collected ft duty of 75

per too, or a total Of 91,023,018 in aaingte yrar. Thia It the «.tet.t of thtt rt-Ksfthat would be accorded to tbe American'uople by rres coal. |Our connumptlon of rojar l~it r^ar « u 4,-;

843,BOG>,600 poundi, wh'ob, at an averaga pricecebta p»r paond, would bs wortb 1110,-1. Aa ad valorem tariff of 40 per cant,

upon toll ntniunt would ba (47,775 301, A

pound* would be H,4e0'01S, ftiaiflng atoulbreakfait table tax «(143,204,510.

Free ooal WOJW tbna. tcconlinj to the Dem-wratla .harry of (ha con*uraer p.jl"* -ha

K«t a raTiDf to l l» ptwpU ol I l.OiQ.OlS,t ornta per cipi'al, whlls Uxrd augat

would coat them1 103.901,810 ITTJ wnta forvtvtf man, woman an* child tn the country,f be direct loia by inch Democraua legi.UUonwould have b*eo 75^ cente for *vwy iodl-vldgal,aloUl addJUonal burden of #53,t90,-

.ROUI loaded with penone*liigbwAv le»dlng from

Bfmard.rillB thnugh Oreen Village to Uadl-anil tbeuce to P.timnlt and Newark,

u Btroardtivllla ta noar UaiUaa tbe roadla fairly good, and from Dear Chatham toNewark it ii w o l k n t and la bring further

itoa tlitdlroct line from tinGr'wo Village blgbwar, near UadlaOn, toChatham, there ii a rough, oarro w and often

rj dlfflcultT row). Tbe pt>mob growerIng to market haj hia choice of making alongdetour to reach the Horrlatawn turnpike, or

i liia load for tbe three mllea otrough road described. Every man who ha,nlacrops to market, and ev-rjciutomer of tfeotecrop*, .ulfer. for that poor itrip of b'fbwaf,'It la a tax .-irt »i muob u If It appetred totha annual MIL TtililioneUIiutratioii. !

UtTfit Count/ tdakaa raretul tatimate at tha pumberot tupakerawhodobuBlneaalDNAw York and H-wirk.but make tbelr home, for port oftheya*^ It-dlfterent towna of MorrU County ; let;tl>e

of tbeae bomw be figured, jwdthan arowtaln ttt« Dumber of thote who faiarecarriage and bor*«. Tha totola will! befound to be tanrmou> Deprive .tote ^at-

ofgoodro«J«Qr.oimpcd tban tod^aatbey hare too often In the paat-matw ,theroada good at their own expeiue-and MorrkCuuntr will loan more, tajroad ioiproPtment would

It B»m. to u^Kal tbo goou road mOTemfeofi UorrLa County U n ltnpoitaat. to ih . "

parity of tbe county aa anything that baabeen done for the Iaat century In th*t beavtl-fuln-ctloD. Tooppow Hlatoatvtuiptto ja-lury to svery dtiien,—Hawarii Bunday Ciil


* ivMa of Robert Ujprley bai left a va-cancy lnci>Uenihfp whloh will be bard/toHI). He bad resided la By nun tuwnahlp,Riaavitla, nearly the wnola of WiUte andb-ld nt different tlmee UMt of ,tha Importaiitofflo*. of Syrsm towntblp und trai knownfoi his InUgrity. Like Paul, for the put teayeara be had but little detfre to live but aV»l«d to depart to roat Hawaa about 80 yeataof age. ' '•

Joha Bu-kman,«selM jaara, died In t i eateraoa hoaplttl on Toeadyr nlgbt lai. attd

wai but led at Waterloo Minatory after /uneraliorvlos In the tfturaa there, H« had Kridmanr JMTB in Byratn He'waa a very oodt-peleatpfMson and dlad ofdrnpqr. Ba wia

IX S O l l K ' T FBDTB-Ta»r« !• • atudled effort to m»k»th« farm«TtUeya Ibat he baa not bc.n ttnefltted la any

way by the prcttc'tirt tariff.1 Tbe Varyingllnea of argymtnt arc czbuutiog, (f not oaa-Tloolng. How and .hen a bold frllo-r, whodoht beUav* Ibat farmere knoff . . .

», argute -ottrtty 1 rpai the ManiaipUaathat tbk OToduot* of the aoil h w not bentprotected; wMlo tbe prodoctioni of «rl*ln

'aaitbocB. Otooaraabelfaa,and lit* tri*ntlcaul.y; but If nobody take.the [Mini 'JO tell him to In aa polits termi aa

M elro^mitancea will warrant, be goes righta (a Ua teektaaa caretr. -Arjotlur hat learned KHH9 dltcntioaiw—pfobably by coming op plump agabut«t»e wall, CgotmUvely «p**Wng Aojbow,

be dotna't dare to maka raoh aaaertlooa at thaother horla nbont ao recklesily.

He ttoniAott bimaelt wltb nteerlnf at tinpntendad ** protwtlon to ag'(ottUow, aod

tban'proraedi to prove that tbe (armur hainot been, benefited, bccauN fanai and farmproduota have d'dinwl la Tala* andtf pr»'teation, ' That la tpeabaa. -Heinaydcoalrea' iw Who do not stJp to look Into tbanaion oftbiog* for.tkemwlyM.

fiat'anp'poae bo wan to argun that ratn doeiMfarmir no gjod, would anybody believeLm| Would anybody eren IO maoh • • liaten) him 1 Would not everybody -.purs. Una aa

eitlrsr a fool or a madman t And yet he mightprecisely tbe aama argum-nta thait h» em-

ploye agalaat protection, H« might w y ;"During all tbew jeanyoa hava been hav ingrain, moat ot tbe time In abundance, and j eta«a wbare: ytm are 1 Yoar fartsa ltare do-olinad in valua; your producla'haredsprecl-at«d; you can icaroalj make a Urfog by all

IT tjU and all your economlsi. Tnoa look,the miUIotialn. rolling ID wealth wrung

from boneat toll I Bio htm growing rioh off»lfroltiof yourlaborl HowoinanythlDg

uadw which inch thlagi arefldal to jou who ttU toe mil I

Though the caaea are not r,*ra,l!eJ, tbearga-mcata would tw, aod fa* would do one ot twothicgi j either ha would prova that rain Ia nobenaa. t i the farmer, or he wonld prove thathe had not produced any crgunuat agalaatprotvottctu

To hi*, •rgumtyit agalnt n(n, ereryhodywould at oooe reply i '• You bare left out tbe•11 Impnrta&t («Btor—how much worn oftabould wa be without it, or how taaah has Itdone to tare ua from deatraotion T

To hla argument, agalnat protection, think-ing own will mtka tbe t»m« rep\y; anathernarbe need look far Into tba matter to

oonvlnoed—it they are willing to ba ootvuctd at all—ol tu good effects ia Baring

from atlll greater trouble.

• . . W O O B P O A V ;

I don't mud anyona havlnK a food hfartylaugh at the right time, but I do dwpUe a

" ' gtggler. Irogrettavaytiiatwe

toW-j|iectad. It ii u.n-lly ai withimprovotuenU In the country diatrleta,

more than road imyra»cooenU, Krom

Friday Atttrprabfttily ISO

uatll yeatorday mornlDgl d d i h fc


fho< rowdfaa wiio pl.jed tbelr high fanU*-tlo trlckaat Badd L\ke tut Sunday mayb m a harder Urn* of 1. brfor© tbff girt xnutfaolder than thay hava alrWly had. It It bogood olUKan that wilt go to a hotel and or any1

otberotber place ••*d kick »'door (n ,ao4rowdy around through a Bout*'. They wei*Informed that there wai a ovpie lo the boa*b«forethfiy ooa,m«aeed thtir raakat la fall.,but they did not regard thl«- Jnaotneptaoetoth-y would oo. bv.y» g it away aUvn l%t alro*with sore beadi * ' ' \ •

Hany will attend tba ainual iport day A

A Cor.:lih delegate iie*-m«d to ba n r r coin*.b from the w*y be dlaplay«d tiu> eoba MS)

blllito an altsmiU * day or two after tMoonvtotlon Johmlon will nanr •*• ,tbi

>w this ttta» f rsm ymm\ pwpUM&i

CatherinePolaudied at BuM Lak*a4IMFonat Bouw on Buodar Urt, flbt wai onrt07 years of age and a'msmbar of tbe Komaa]Oathollo Church. Hfti'mmaln*' ware aaot.tdberlatartaldanoe, N*. 160 Z>zlngton aremj*,!Now T.irk City. ab« w«. a t>ar«ra o( wealth.'

Tt»M E aodPrtftbyuHuBttodajr * "no to Itolan'a Point, for aoaatl planlo >d»y ot tail week. " ' '''

Bharlff Quodermu, of BCEMBX Coanty, wa*1

ID (owntbli weekgatttuff rtady forttMSap-,totaber Urm of ciurt at Hawton,' BjnunwillfurnUhthre«petltJdrort. . ' "

Tbe Bummer gauti u i vUtorj are begin-ning to gtt may (o depart ,to' tt«ir cityhomsa. • ' " ' ' • • • • • " • _

There will lie a large turnout of UM Ttttr-auta of tba Twenly-aerciitb .tl-aitaieat, SawJerwy Volunteera, at Boonton,' oa W»dnia-d-7 n n t , sept. OO>, i t th* third raunlocTbsyatl want in 'taka'OAl. Hlhdril by tfcelundatHl tlvebltna hearty graapof friend?•tip I.ta*.j»eUi«lait ooe.M.ttWboi'a lablue areifut getting to ba hoJMot gray.

unbend 860.Tbe arch bridge near Polk Bros', (tore mu

•old Iaat Friday- A. Ur. tXido, of BambuTgb,waa awarded tba contract for tbe atone worklor 1115 and a new Cork party tha ironirork for (265, both contract! to be oampletadi thfrty-flre day*.Ur. Bartm. Aroo.4 g*ie a vloltn ooocert

iuTitmad'* IItil Balurday evening, aiafatedb y U n . Eltajor Q. Fergwoo, a pbinol*. ofNew ITork. About 10Q wars present andpronounced the muslo grwid,

WUU-m S. Hot* baa S™d<-2 Bad fenced •wn Unnia ground, and hla city Iwardar-

aad tbelr Menda now gat plenty or exercise,aod, to bU deiilment, ravenon* appalltca.

SparU'i genial boat, Samuel Oeorge, of^ntral Hotel, btu tbl« rammer U*n maklna;

trouod bla boteland out building*. Ur. GHwrge baa changedUsbai- from tbe north to aouth end of thebemae and placed a billiard table to Urnformer roon Be alao ba« a large &od pl***-aat tltUag room oa the mtat flwr, and 1 will

mire to any for UtMttnaw, artlttlc doffgui,,, bla bar, raattlng and titUng rooffla will

noeit any la Burnt Gaunt;.

Tbe M-IUMT of a jrouog girl, CbariM C.Biaton, who wai iirretled aoro* tune aga InWm towu and placed la limbo, «mln«d UirMdaa lut ffednaaday •vmlnf. I bareutltanudtrom * reliable aoort* that thsnatter baa bean twttlad for • few paltry.do!-

Now ha cin, Ilk* anoth-r of tUs toHii,•erk for ami ruia aaatber aud'stlU go no<JMDl«hfd.

Tb» Tweoty-wventh Hew Jeraay Volun-Vet«ranA«OGiaUon wlUbcldthalrthlnl

mcutj reuuioo la tbe roomi of John Bill

t^rtimbor 6th! ' . ' ''Ao agent [a wmted in Bparta by tbfi MB*n*7 Boclaty for tha Pnreatlon of Cmalty .Anlmala.

• Prof. Honuaui I*eaeb haa aNavln b-Mn ti-gagf>d I I priuolpal of oar publlu erto3l; Mia.Dilla Durliiw aaalxUot. Hobool will txuveneStptember 10th.

Barmy Valley and too, of Ogdatuburg,while1 ptsalBg ' jrooib our Tillage SundaywithatMltasd<xrt,uixl«rto6kto p u s a U r .Babb. wbentba fracUoo* oolt bolted into (liemilk wagno. teaiiag a whaal lfl «tlin|an andUiroarfog bofii oooupantu qut. itartlng on arun sod Uchiev »t every Jump. Old manAlley bold oa tba Uaeanil, altar beingIragged about 600 yard*, auooteded Inatop-

t>\h* tbe cult. Both ba and hli MUMoaped

G. B Fiuttr reigned up hta bone at tbaoVpot l u t Thanday aod without tying Itwtnt Into Uw depot to tnomat mom* but-aaat, and whan nady to depart fooad Uatbla horn and. oarrteg* badtloptd. '8lartlB«on a dry *rofc ba aoon found bla Bc«e in «ait-tnfforhlmupla th* »(ll*ra. AfrlwdhaduiiitMttahdiwdajnage'doae. QaorgaMja ,ba will tfae n u t time. ' '

Bntb ot our o)dar mllla arc npatrlns andMnguptlwlr pr»ana fid will oomo»«cw«

' " taafowQ^*1 IaoderftaiidaailttM-Gobl* nor Decker *O1' buy any

ippUathia fall only worfe than odiharM.•.packbrbaa about 300 baritJa o fJm-y

.htahe on hasd, m » * to fak dtacomf ortreckoo.• Vatnae B. Tltaan, takinc adnntMe of tb«

y w'ltbM- and b w water, tM-buUtaadload lo tooth' hi. Wanklll and Olan not-^..leadlntto Hi grtife mUI.M« tltttnN.

• • " mbla coat

Matter Hahlon Boehtlk. wkQ I _. _•peodlDK tiro moDtfc* with hii fatbH-, will r*-

^atereon WadBWlay to pewpar* 'or1 BJc* ICortia, of New Vork a t y , la born*

.TWt% U» toottHT on a two WMfcs> rMttloD,' I*' a Itnbtwll HM A t f otmrtaUoa kid and

ionabar on ika gionad for Ifha motion of aIwalllog kooM MI Swrta. ftvamu. • -Hlaa Ulli* Vkb* la *UUa« Mead* In

Dorar.BervralBpai^UHattaDdMl the itUd4I«towtv

voM laatL mak. They aaw the tnttmgnha^MU aod die, ta* drtnr bottndlnf nn-

hamiarjBpiiitkaair.liak one oCtbam a»y. -t t u r a M n m t W M K X half w g n a t MatMn Em-da* racw, tMttnta Itoipottn got•tUrtkta. • •

Wartao yanEIrk aaiimiiee ale amek cropat'S.OOO fc*ti-U. H* t*»((«t>d bwt Vflday r»-turoa from Up flrit lUtMMOt that twtM blu

Mayor Frothlngbam and family arrlndome from Analna, Loo* Uand. )aat FrMer.William VIU imd famUy, f Mhawef

ying Iiland are Tlatttng Gapg ,Auioog the iuNti at EtaaUo Villa tMe eek

art Mr. T E. Low* and three. Mnda, ofUorrlitowntKaatv i.'W. Liwe, otUotfit-townjE J. Ball.cf Apolla. N; V., and WtiS*, Credey, of Newmrk,:: ' ' * "

BohoDl wUl reopati ntxt Tneeiay.A number of- people froa. thle pleoa at-

endMl the ooncert at Point PiaeMnt tali* Fri-day «Tftnleg and itjnit > 'Very pkiMaBt

lUatarJ. H. Lowe and lltUe atitar. MMFW.nl>, ban been aotadlng'a fVUapVt

irfda * .Rev. K. H. Brown, who aw had) cbargt of

it. Feter^ %(*cbpa] Church rortMpwiaUaioQ tb», left the' Ltka on "Wedaeaday forKortk Yakltnai Vaablogtoti. 'wbar* to wQlbare chavw* of'Ht. WonaaN parUb.' Hr.Brown made mairy frieoda during Ui aliort•Uy here, wWsnaUy riagrar h(t tet'; Hotel firaaUa will daw BBrt Wad

Uept.4th, • • • - ••• •"•'* • '•'' Ulie Blrdts I.?we apent Iaat flnnrlarD a a t t a a i a e e t o r lUai AsnlaDiray.

Tl rf X l U l U t b b

UleDorar\ Ur*.

ten ye, Ur*. Trlpp, rf XlUaola,-wvUMa ban abaaat

ten Jean, la ren-wlng aeqidatataM aronacltoe Lake. .' - -fiimncAfM. .

B A B T U T .; Mi-t Jenola Hajward la viailAng at R. RJ1-

! Wilton Aptmr rlJUd hla jriiter oo Wedaaa-

J.'c. HU1 b u twnpttd a pcatitoa wltb Uta£bat«r Oo. ai monldw. ' ' _ ' '

?Tfae band will play for tha OoggnttttonaifalratCliHt«roaeaotomba-.tli. TtvbUtlwWI'IIiniHi i iiMtiiiiiuiiT TTili waanni ' '

H. A PeHkrt b'u a bouat foil of olty

Uorrto Chamberlain baa retnrnad from htatrip in Ntw York BUU,

John Conoffr worked e c t n at Bo|»*ooo(JancHonlait w»ek a. oparatoV.

W. Yfanr la kalaomtolag Uw actool roomanifvaralahlncUMtiaaka.' Thl. will ( u t o vackool room in good order lor UMopcolngbf•chool. Tall jour children not Waoratcb. UuftabJ or deaka'aod aae they obey.

A fiuobur rrom tt.U pUc* attendad tte fal ret Flocktown la^t Prid»y avanlnf. Tba Bart,ley lur.il rurulah<d themurio, but two oitloafrom German V*uI«ycouVtooi«iJ<Jy tb* goodmnita. ' " W H T .

UPFftBTbe Bprioga and «*elb oo the hill are very

low at prcaent and par* water la rery aoaneThe Lower Hlbtrnlaball dab beat tba ban

from off lie hill Iaat Saturday by tbeoMOtoB.

Twenty of the mtra emplojed at thatVliar-ton mice ha»e bein laid off. Tbey hare gotn i r 10.000 toes «t or» vtoolud oa tta tank tt

_ . . _ . o u r former priodpal, ha-cept.HHbeporiawQfprindpalotth.Mi

% MT WaiTer, of Baokitta-

extent, I should think they would go eome )plaea where tfaer oould hear ploaty of i t 'witbouteomtog to the HOUM of Odd. They]foine. that they were cbildrai themadres'once, aoa If tbeir crying la to ba comparedwith their giggllojj their moatha were uey«rttnlgbt * '

AU who attended church on Bomtaj eveo-ig rnJoyed a good pennon X Ihlnk.


Deafneaa Oannet B« coredby local applIcaUcna as the; cauoot reaeb tfc»duoaand portion ot the ear. Therflfonty onaway to core d*af an*, and that ii br oonstltutlooal rtm*dlM. DeafKeat Ii cauo^d bysnln-flkiord amdWon of the mooMu lining of tieEuatmctifan Tuba. When thl* tnt»e la InBam-t& you have a rumHtrg aound or Imperfectt . _ _ , j _ t _ . , t . . . _ . . _ cio j, d^j.

, Inflamatloncon be taken out and thta tube, restored to It*normal condition, hearing will tie destroyedforerer; nln* caaca out of ten »r« tamed bycatarrh, which la nothliut bat an lafiamedsoa-.dlUou of ta«xaiiooua nrlMte, VTe will glteOne Hundred Dollan for any ceMOf Deofnetf

be cured * -

•, of Edtaon, -' H f n tha form«r part ol

Quite a number of oar young people tooktrip to U t Tabor on aanday.

A nocober of onr yoong nun

• . - BUotrto Blttara.Thia ramady li btcomlDg ao well know

and ao popular aa to aced no apeolal mant.ati.All who bare mad Electrie.Bittort ring iht,>amo ecu* ot pralaa.—A purer medldoe doeanot «.Ut and It la guarontrod to da KH UwtIf claimed. Electrlo Blttara will core alldlaratot of the Ilrer and Kldoty**uwvo pimptoa, Solte, Salt nbouta and oU»raffectlcna canaed by Impura blood.—Willdrive Iftdaiia from the tyitemand praventMwella-cnre »H MmUrUtu' ' ~ 'of Headache, Conatipattati and Indit»^antry Eloctrto Bitten—Bntlrv , eatlifkctionKHamrJeed, or moWy rrXundsd.—Frloa' CO

iad*..«Qv* bottle a t ""• ' ~"i-

jond for eircalara, freeP. J, OHENEV S: CO,, Toledo, O,

0 " S o U by DTUggtiU, 73c.BUm, Pert Ornm, and F. H. JenUu1 DrugttCbAi

Cbarlta Farbar.of Saaton, Pa., WMII Bparta lart • -«*.Tbe jabi>) SIBMT. aBbartftliiad away olty

mdothmlaat Tkunday eratOng with

tfotnatoa ConiMVtiaiMltqidttbwqwnt*ly iD^otfotMd b j po'ltfeaawof tu* to-ra, wbogtw>hn matb ynim for Ma trait Dataoenioy

arhQ|t qu-JJiUa, but I mn afraid If IMitf tbe m mgda be will gci dMuoad

ifaaM.. brflblU kaa laooiaa a l.w

M a « • n o m l p i r tor nbv' iQromVlaallMiiUi oojiloaUj anJ B

r lU l d i l IM j j a J i o V

r, wlU laaalo cold, mmi Baal ara Ion, hoaBKilaBtCBfavdivBoB BAd toknniliis

W l j I ^ U d d » h

Wm.ClMunp.OQ, 3 r . dot, • good daal ofNoyCMtfvpwrto|iat^pMaeiit avl ws MaroaTM0 work VT aiiti tcou nutty ot <Mtt yolii^a

!iaf»PBirtn|iatt«laaii1 Bud «n w»ro(wdrk vr Unt Iron tnaay ot owy'eyou^s.MMn( at d a fonana Ii ba%piikarl aa

aKdljaapoaUila.aWpiaa.rai lalTwl w r l i a

I tta IMH oi tk ooBdi lo BBW yortSUt. .B>tn WlUUn palo • >Ml to ta. Ooaon

<0M*wtr,J<sbi »Wi.r1Vr,/oha8,.n-,rjUIBmt. M t M , Jr., hkn atarlad to«rtatt«aH«r«townaa»«. - ' 'A laria oowd aWaalid ttja Ualoa BBOir-a from bar. t o U t o HofUooa* Jka M•odptt WoManlBsd rmt about |7O. A

Ldawa^SdlvalLO c bar. ball haa wa. AshaM at 0»neUn«rlBa«BiilaylBit br a-HDnotll to). DaM0o,tluBtar tBlrirtot BookawQ'a•b, nMckai for Ua BVBBUB d»b BBI run

tot t C t iMaat


a. Cor taair mornt. TW, Utt«l hi. l« ,l d b i t two

tatotaWtaaRa, ,, Labor Dayi promlaaa to be an m.

jijatile m M oar YUlaca. Ian tana at <a»otskek al«p, bttwaan Port Oltm lad M.Sopa.:' Admlawoa toaDi 10 ota. Un. FalM, •ul Brooalji, vataalt iraiaadirauam 0.B k l r«B|ata at mm UskBarrack, i l ra«B|aita, at mnm o U .l i a Bntarprka Band, of Dorcr. and taa MBlgSix QuaiMta," ot Fort Oram, WlU lurolttnaiil! lo U» aftaroooa and •ngloa. B..__ .'obtbigroond. -.WorrttrotfrulkmUUMan.tob.alow jwt

atonMDt.-- - . ' - . ' - "ffews/

amaiu,e Bonto; BBool plo-nlo n a bald lo t

" t h o h r b l d I t . 1 1n h . p tandawooaMSnaneUUr.

,_ . - • wuAbaUcuoat«kJ*ltnUMBakrorchard on laat'Bandvkrtarnnoaand It wa.• i l atknrM by poop!. Irom DJTM- and tUlVufnlr/: 'Itwonldb.milfor tboM'tbakdoudtiK. In brtaUnc the BibbaUi to Uara to.CN^mbdmnit *.iUrMn)te.tli.aaobatb daytoka»»ni»lj." •

trial IlainM DanWa, or Kiwaik, Ua ra-brotd tot<r hooa af»r a WMIA TW< wiltHit. B. Bamtt V

S ' r U b

lira. £d . bookman, of Port Onm, KpaBtto. dn'tUa -WMk 'ilatUic htt uat, Hn.B l F i l . ' '

5>. I l l x Drain, of M.w York <•», a naowxllnx. tl»!r T*»tioi wHb. tWr »aat,Ura.C b a o " — "anon.iflMtATUiB WUtoM-a, who bat bran eon-

nMl to Bar boma artaral waaU bj alctaiaal«roTlo l . tU< l . nritloj

bai'mmal to Fort Oram.

Tb. T.rdtet tIlplraeMltalawjerandbladlMt, too, to

UTbtbanrdlotot tta jury oamlmoa. Aanat inr/ aompoaad of tbi Amarloan pahllabu'rrndand an nnanliaoDj virdlot on Dr, ':

HanVa Hombbu Comb CorB la a, HMCOOS,acrialDa; tkat Its promlM. of a anAdy mraforooo<b>,ooUi ami broMblal trolbfcaarBtlwaj.oarrl.dont to t u latter., Thlaphaa-•nt^vMdjM bju not baan obfaOaad wftWirnat palw taken/to main It "tta bwtoooB*cure on tbe marlnrt. I T / a botila wban joulamaoodcbbrcolduid yon will UIOBE to 'tba |>ananlnioniw arer attar. Star alia by •R b B*in D r o i t t

ot KMri, , j . t f tnxufrom a'comnlfaatlon of dlsBBM'ot feciajBweaknmandllVrraiidUducrtr0IiKh»; DOTboatUnnltoOrnatoroa bjmij i l r . a d . !SosMbokll^ tba moat rteaaatud, metattecUreniedlolQO known. XSo. and too, perpalfafa al E. DUcon^ to* tton, Denr,

Friday, August 31,1894.


rreeidoDtCloTclaudbtvabtcuiaa ft port;tiro perfidy &ad SIM crowned blmielt w!diiCoaor In permitting ths Qarnuui Tariffbill to become a law without his stgnatunand iu bis cowardly surrender hat loet allr«i*c. tbat the peuple b u beld for blm ucuura^NUB man. Iu llie fate of bis letterMr. Wilson, It « u not ccnaldercd pusithat lie would I* a passive party to !"enactment of a law tb«t ha had character..ae boiug conceived tu perfidy and diaLonjmd it w&i* iMJlJorcia tiy thrp^ wbo f svs ncredit for linvcrltj of convictions and tcourage U> umJntaJii them, that ho woimark "veto" acrocH the emasculated UimotBuri! and return It to the Bouse withrtttglug nieuogo of danuncLatlaa. . Oacontrary, lie penuitUd It to become • 1tvnd in explanation o( bit bumtltatlnj ptlon wrote e, letter to Oougrensman Calings, ot Mississippi, nhfch was destgrodtbe public, in which ba Indulges bis bentpbrasomt-klng, itnd <lrelar* that this lfi tmthe first Bklnnlsh ID th« great battle fitariff reform.

The Democrat* have practically opstwdcampaign In Northern New Jersey byrenomloatlon of Jobmton Cornish forCgreMaiMi from ttia Fauith District. Tinhad been a great deal safd about an oppwtloa that was crjslaliiioR and Uu,tshow iUolf at tho can von HOD, but tba onl•vaUgonlun tbowo was lrora the Wantage itrie, of Sunaes, wliote live delegate* rotedHenry a, Uarru. Outage ot this lltldiversion Uiw coaf tuition was monotououiouttMod, and o on) ID nil on wu made utmalmoui. Tbo cooiBdy part of the couvtuticicame w,.b tlie reading of the resolutionWilliam Vf. Cotter, of Kim lug too, be ofHyperion lochs, was Delected to readIitlinlcaUona and the philosophical deduct*of tbe committee oa resolutions. Cotterplcturwciue and eloquen tand wheo.be: readtho tuition which Ikrew all tho blame for tlfinancial and tuliHtrl&l dtsutvn upon t1

poor Itepubllcaos, La grew Into* flnufiftud etlrred tbe tluggisli blood ol the, loyal lo!lowers of Andrew Jack BOO and Johnrto

tCornish Mil they emitted a faint applai*In fact bs wassd so eloquent that witbe nominee came before the conventionthe leactiuu from tbe iotbato •trainCotter's ikquencfl was upon them itliey »bTbiut.ie.aoguagBot a ureal V>*in!cratlotage, "c*old Bsadfltnnclatn." ''Jobnljpointed wllh pi Me to Isle record In CongFe**,and wo must confess that if he It proudit we have nndenire ta dfeturb him Inwlf-satisfnclion, and la Justice must say tlh«dld wjjfltbo WM Bant to Washington to io,oTett If It was not for the best Interest! ofecuatitueata. Tba catua&<ga wilt be & ho'oorj, and tba Republican* niutt nomliwisely If they want to dettat Johnstonnlib. He lions of tbose men against wboatgument or logic b u DO HTect fiver/bod;Iltfa him and niaoy will vote for him becausefce Is "a gocd fellow." Tbs itepul"must take ootrnlnnce of tbls great elementol strength lo their opponent when thsjmake their nomination.


The uiofuloef s of a (rood working library •a President of the United States waanUacm.]? Illustrated Iu tba memorable da]wbeD tha " American CyclopicdiaMr. Cleveland with speech after speech fordelivery to the Mayor*, and etUians of Bouta-weetern towns.

Mr. Cleveland.,man, but bla library methods are itlll thoseaf tUe patient toiler in the alcove.

Uaving on band during tho put tea dajtbe, Job of ectflpodng a letter to Mr. Catcb-ings, anddeiirlugtoputto Catching! the li(amy ot treason in a stroDg aud strikinglanguage aa poaalble, the Pntl dent-goes to bl

- book shelves. He doos not take down tbecjclof trdlo es before, for he wldom contultbat once familiar work now, eioept undi•treas of absolute necessity. He reaches In-stead for his copy of John Bartletfs " Ffcmil-lar QuoUUonn." I'urclng to " Treason " Intne Index, be flndi tint:

" Treason can but P«ep, 112."That will not sniwer. "Tr«aBon can bl

p*ep" Is too uodlgtilOBQ for h Mtnl otCelal ex-ecutire oomrouoicatloo, It suggests cblcketisTho next indicatiou |» tbls;"Corporations cannot commit treason, 8.,

Tbat Is manifestly unavailable. It I* toofavorable to tbo truita Neit:

•' Treason doth never prosper, 89.'Butltdoea pro*p*r, and Ita prosper

what Ur. CleveUbd wanU to complain of toCaterings, BabeturastotbenextllD*;

" Treason fl'>urlahed over us bloody, 1H,Tbat might do, bat a reference to page 114

shows Ur. Clevtland tbat bloody treasonmixed up wttH tbe fall ot Oreat Cffisar. anunpleasant idea to contemplata.

* "Treason bus dona his wont, lfll.1

Tbe lame objection applita. Trsasnn baadone h(( worst, and Duncan la "malice domeatto, Corelga l«vj, aatblsc oantouch blm further." IE thl* be tnason, make tbs most of It, 489/

Tbe Hune trouble again in the quotationfrom Patrick Story's speecb In UM conven-tion; "Cffissr bad hit Brutus; Charlsf theFirst bis Cromwrll," and so forth. Bat theMvenlh indlcatloD Is a find:

11 Treason, like • deadly blight, 626.'Tba,t<s the sort of treaaoa b« wants to to-

prtH on Catclilngs'a mtnd. Going swiftly tapage EUS b« scoot with tbe tattilaction otdlfooTerer thwe lines from "LtOJa Bookta:"

"Onion. tontroB toenrs* the slaveWbo#e UMSOD, like m deadly bllgbt,

CotnH o'er tbe councils of tbe brave,And blasts them In their hour of might 1"

Juet the thing for Catching*. And go,with patient, laborious care, our FrasUantroundsont hli period (bus;

"ItoiemTvl** wltb the rank and fU« oftheDemocntlupBrty.who believe lo tariffreform sail know what It Is, wbo vttOM toaccept tie results unbodied io this bill u UMend of Ui« mr , wbo *re sot blladad tofact tbat tbe Ur«ry of Democratic tariff rt-fonn hat btjcs ttoln. and worn intbasorvloaot Republican imit«eUaa, and whomaTktd tbe places when tha deadly bllgbt oftrtuon bas bla>t«dthe counsels of tbs bra1

' In their hour of might"It la true that tha figures of speech are

somewbstmliod, and tbat tbe patch llae be-tween tbe Hen. Grorer Cleveland's rhetoricand Tom Uoon'ai Is' rather too obvious; bulthat doeiut matter mocb. It Is a preciousprlfllege to get ibis glimpse of tbe tcttulworking of • ma-wire inlad In foil and efha-tlve opantlon.

SOHOOLEY'B KOUNTAIN.The imall boy ii now counting the dayi

till tcbaol opena. Can It be poadbW b« Uanxious for It to begin I

We o n glad to bur Kiss H. Evslyti SooddenlslEnprovlDg otter a very •etere attackOf quinsy.

Heotrs. Fred. Vooraeei and Andrew Claw-•on, of Hew York, tpent Sunday at home.

"We had a call from Fred. Barton, of Oer-man VaOlej, Iait week. Fred, la wellbend la this place.

HUa BBIIO WaDdllnir, of El I-both, U thegnert ct Him Uarft WaudUng,

Anumberof our TOUDI people attendtd th#festival «t PtocktcWB. Uit frid»y n A l e

, Tbey report a frtmt crowd and a good UrnItwuqultoamouMB, *Ut belnc oleamd tcgo toward gvUlnn a new organ for thalr&nnday •cbooL

Uaiter Ruwell EusUbf. of Port Own, ItrtriUot-ttstmndfatber, Ssmael Bo*d3w.

Hsiter Barry Haoo, of your town, andMrt. Bchnyler and daughter NaJUe. of HighBridge, are tba gt*«ta of Ur*. W. a Cook.

Tbe Heath House bis bad • vary •ucawfui•nuoo nader me monagefflent ot W. S. Cole-nun, aad they still have about oas bandntfgnats.

Tb9 T. F. S. 0. B., of UUs place. IntendbolltoR « box sociable tomorrow (Tbunday)vvenlng. QuIUa lengtfay prDgram la Mag

' pnpamd *Qd u la boptd; all wltt h*T« a pteas-. ant evening.

W« uuderatasd the manager of the Dorlo-oonrt Intends dosing tha faooM Oo September.l«t Tteseajon at tbat bouse bos been vsry1

aUm, and as there or* very few people thereI at present, It domn't pay to keep the hoasa

open. They Intand making si gnat many• improremetiU thfi fall, •monf others r~*~

Ung steam hfat all thrown thshoosU>e paopla who «lth to stay Ut« m«rfoTtob>. TuedtT p*opUaro Jostt-glonlntfto find ont t U t the Call BMVtfc* m tfca JDCtuv'kins a n tbe rout delignUol Dart ot thevbolfl « t r , and it Is hopad lhat ftftsr IbH wemay bars bcardwi UU tar tato tUfftU.

Bna I

PORT WOBSIS.William Atno, ticket agent at Orange has

.i«n *pendlog a. we«k In BUmboye.Harry Cope, of fltanbnp*, is engaged to

{4acb.1t LaFayotbe u principal of tba school,•hero ha will have out. issisUnt HIB fattier,A. B. Cope, principal ot tbe Htanbopo school,t&ugbt in tho Lafayette school boforo bemoved to Btanbope. If tlie boy will onlj-malto u sucoentful a teacher as his father bi«rlll ba one of the tx»t educators In tbe SUtiHorrf Wood, son of Conductor L. K. W oi .goes lo tha BuiJd'i L«ke tcbool and EUieBmith took charge of the DrakestownAll tbHeare graduates ol tbdBlaiiope pul)ii nctool, and 1 have DO doubt UJPJ will icredit to tbexnselves and tbelr teacher la tbel

Hug.nd Mrs. Thomas BU>ea and fan.

we boarding at Caw'* hotel *t Stanhope }i

Rov. Cbarlea Aoderaan, of Savanna, wliand boy are vUitlng W. B. Bally, of HtanbopUr. Bally, by the way, is thtj father of Mil

Drake Budd, of Newark, la Tlilting In Btan'tape also.

Judginc by tbe trunks tie steamers arbringing to Hope.toon? station 1 should sa;the Bummer boardenat Lake Hopatcong ar(oing cityward,

Tbe Hew York fTorld is trying to raisebreeu about tbe Htw Jersey rahoo. boobujatneca How much a column don "World get for opposing the books ofAmerican Book Company and poking Ita notInto tbe builufcai ot <M people of Mew JerwjIt hnppeni that J sm acquainted with tbifegsntefa rival concern. la tha World orat Its agents, tod I Whose baslneni Is It it tlagenU of tbe two book publishing bouats puttbe books of th« two houses tcr all they arworth for pay, during reoeas or vacati<rathar I It la a free country. Mr. World, aia man's vacation la bis own nod If h» choosesto peddle books or go up In a ballon whbusiness Is It but bis own and bis employe]In this connection it might he, well to Informtha World people that tbe teacher of tfae pubMo KUDO, at Bt*nhope—or the principalrather, for there are several tesciiers—IA.uoa B Cope. It I* well to be fablorloaU:correct whore you can, Juit as well ss not.

I met tbe pcwldeat ot the HaeketUtownbank, Ur. Seymour timltb, the other day.

Rev. Ur. Ixmery, of HackotUtofrnt paidvisit to Lake Uopatcong one days laat wwfc.

Mrs. Bmerson tjtala,of tfewsrlc, and chil-drnn have been visltliig Mrs Btoin'i motber,Mrs. J. H. Blaaelt, ot SUuhcpe. Tbeyhome Wednesday.

Tba story ia that Mrs. J, H. Cose, of Btan-bope, woa bitten oa tbo hand bf a mosquitoweek or two ago and ber arm swelled up ,sba could not use It. I am glad to say Itgetting down to Ita 1101 ual slite again. Loolout for Jersey mosqultaea. Mr*. Cue is tfairoo'her of lira. E T. Itodda, of your town.

A young, nan who dwell* In Netcoug sabe went over to Budd'n- Lake laat Sunday nltL

|a/rlead. Their went Into tbeForeit houseBDd bad a drink of tw*r a piece and paid fait end went out, After awhile they wanted

3more beer aud wttDV lo thn bar rooio dooittao barkeepsr met thorn <*itb a obaii

sud tried to break It over tbe Netcocgbead, breaking tbe cltsir Into llndllpg woodand cutting tbs young man's bead open. HiIt going around showing a bloody collar,necktie and underibirt In proof of bis story.Tbere may be two sides to tbe story of course," ut it tbe story tbe young nan tells be true

by should the Forest Ilou e at DudJ't Lakibreak ti» law with Impunity »ny nBleep's plaoe at Snlppenport where Bo!tlog«n' flddl« waa done up a couple of weoks'ago, If current rumor (a to be relied on f

It la sail on pretty good authority tbatyoung can wbo HTM at Sbippenport, whosename Is Jake Herman, C9 yean otd, aenultedJames Delaney, the taut wbo t*ndi gates f<tbo railroad eompsny at that crotring.happeD to know Jsmes Deloney and baiknown blm for somn years. He Is a qulQ .sober Inoffensive Jlttlo man, old enough to beyoung Hainan's father. But the young macgot so lorchsgeri with Jersey lightning on thaiSunday that he thought It unart to lick BEoli) man. Great.3 whiskey 1 and Herman IsIts prophet 11 don't believe much in lynchUw, but It lbat young man sver getadrunk

ough to make a. fool of himself and Uckliold man BRAII. I tuggest that the m<m

Bhlppenport fire blm into ibe pond wbloh Isclon hf tbars and mty bs whtn he gets ouibo will sober up and bo a good boy strain.Tbere sre aamo Toangtters around Fort Mor-rii who get whiskey aomewbere and getdrunk too. Tbey think It smart to throwstones at tba borne of Urs. Sbamneyer, breakhtr windows and break I ho door In. Niceyoung men they I but whers do they get tbeliwhliker r Tbore Is nHtbor hotel nor fl«loor' 1 tbla town, but some of tha boys will get off

ad get full ones In awblle. If nnr good terneraoot friends would do a little lees workItb tbelr tnoutbi and more with their hands

Bud feet tbe; might find out"Everybody In Wssblniton Is drunk to-

day but mp," Mid a Washington, WarrenCounty, man whose duty brought blm to thi*cownlutTotieday, I hid forgotten that theDemocratic convention for the nomination of

Congnassnua for the Fourth Congcttstona.'Slstrict, ooniliUnf ortbecountlMof Warren,llanterdon, Homerset and 8afseit was fa •*•slon. CnnFressmsn Carolsb (fotUienoralna-' 1. Tue Wofld -y= lib dlrtrlc. is naturallyMmocntic, but the nllroadmcii of Thflllpfmrg •"• >f t«r blm and bis plum may vanishBcmembrr there are others betide U10 rail-roadmen after Cornish, Personally Ur. Cornita U m fine Mow, but whoa men find themselves out of work and wiges io spite of1>enaoeraUo promises, whtn bs finds tbe3emooratlo party clothed wllh " perfldy and

lUihonor," as Ur. Cievtiand bas It, largely onaccount of Mr. Cornish's vote, I don't won-' tha World think* Ur. Carnuh msy lose

plum. What difference does It make toyou or I, who. have, to labor for our lUlaj,whether Mr. Clevsland signed the Oonnsntariff bill or allowed it to bwotnaUw wlta-out bis signature, "perfidy, dishonor" u dall)

But yesterday and Cteiar mlcbt bavs stood•galtut the world;

Now QOU so poor u to do him nverenca.1

Oh, ye vibe Balnls, beboU youi light,roar star; ye would bs slaves SUM) bondman,

and ye an." Veil his fat* that jou may lookupon yonr prophet without being tibuted bythe light ol Us countenance. Ko«er Q. Millt,of Tsxas, Mid that whin be ToUdforUamongrel tariff bill bs ww between tbs deviland the deep sea, and be preferred to jumpinto tba sea and run tba rUk ot swimmingtabors, but Mr. Oavelaad ta apparently tontwavvyto swlm>ndao pr«fers to ba rosisleT.

TbtblU U • taw all UM MOM without hisBit-nature, It ii a law til the sans and weU?» to abide by it, avsn U tbs President'toesBBDdaboinUyto a member from lUsris-rippl, rtwl.Tisj a Una from Tbomasj Moore'iFlrawonblppar without saying by your leave.

"On tor a ixmgtw to curst tbe alare,Wnosa treason lika a deadly blight,

Cants o'sr tlj» ooascUs of tbe brave,And blast* them in their bourof might"

WbJ.1 toed Is than In launchlos; Btataplatitude at tnifts, Ur. ClereUnd, wtven yonbow Uwkaee. to tteblttnt trust ot all I Was'. tbat" thrift might folio TT fawning r'

Und« Ute McKlokj bill, says the Ban,root was taxrd. The ttew Oonuon tariff

admits kinds ot wool t»o, tncamel's hair and wools of like cbaractarrbloh bar* hitherto been imported fromfrrksy, Byria, Qrseos and elsswfaera. Our

wires csn all wear estnel1* had* shawls now.rait watch how they will chaspan ia prise.'.nd thin flax and1 tow made from flax Is toma In f re* hereafter, and we oan all draaitow suits Ilka Tom Reed, of MMo. NoUoeiw tbe employs** of tba Barbour Flax Spln-og Oompaoy will fatten and become

tnllUooalm and pay Inooma tax now tbatflat. It on tbe free list. Among tbe otbsr

ratU*«d Irotn doty a n fnah fl*h clill klndi. Ullow, sre«& peas, pUQU, shrub.,-inesj broom oorn, cahbages, tnsb milk aadrolksofegn. (Whatdid tna FinanoeCom*ilttMdowithtnewhltejri Tha indaoemeau

pUIn. A still more signal abandonment ofour own producers Is presented In a eohednlerblch leu la free shingles and stavea of all;tnds, pine and epmoe olapbosnli. laths,

picket* and paling*, bubs for wagon whoels,sr, gun blocks aad all like blooks or sticks'hsn rongb bewc or tawsd only; alsorall-

" Uss, pailng poets, tflegraph and tnWr JO poles cf cedar, tlmlNr for spars or forlOildlogwharTM.wblte ploe aMbuawood,t not planed or finished. Tho oiw bill taxaa

our sugar and ptjrmlU oar diamonds, to coma* free. Watch bow our rogar blUa will

_ ma down boya. Kobwet, formerly on thaLYM list, will harewftar pay a doty ol 3 to 4MtaagaUoD, and tbedear oldLUIy of tharallcy will pay 10 per oaot sd valorstn bsr*-

Istfalith* lUly of which tbe Savior•BehoU Uw lllUesj of- tte flsld bow

they grow. Tbey toll not, nelUur da theyspin, btt. Tsrily I say unto yon tbat Bdomoo' all Us glory m not arroyedllke one of


And Johnston Cirnlsa rotsd for thU tariff>OM todtUDemocrhtioeonTtitttonorUus

district issues a bull s«sJnst trust! I And thewpU sra expeetatd to belteTe wkat Uw eon-tctlon aays ami rot* for Johniton Oornlsh•pla—tbe man wbo " mrrovad hl> mind and,tTsupto party what was mea&tfor man-nd."Of oonrsa the peopl* or tfce Foartb Con-

gnastonal District wiU do It tor, tu ByronmldofVoora, "TomcDrloTCia lord."

Xr*nBnsMxOotuit]r ileated a KepgbUcaniber'IT last fall, axod X bars not httai tbat" • Ian done uytbins; to make) the people

rbotlrctadhlmuUmadofUm. If tfce man.•h^ Tot»d af tlnst UM best Intsnst* oC bis<miUto«it» aud plarsd enekoo because Uiirly, or part ot it. deoumdedlt ISDOC slsouds » y at b m t this time I colas my pitas.JoIuiUssell.ofatanbope. has anew bomH a n j WooO. Dt aumtopf, plajrsd baU with

lawren at Morrtirtown 1M* week, matfdosayUwllmbnof Uw Uw laid out « *a-fOIowiforfalr. B, • . i

B.QQKAWAT.Master Willie Goodalo fi visiting his Vncl

John Lawrc&ct, at KeavLI.Mrs. David Hyler, of Cleveland, Ohio,

visiting frieudiatandneer Ruckanay.Loeluy Todd bai returned home after spend

Ing several dayi with frlcadsat HouthaniptunL I.

John rirlimau, or Notcorg, fotmerlrthis place bad a very bad uunorago ono da]tbls week.

A. Korea U working In BrooklyiJohn Fleeter lnviUdauumberof bli friends

to attend a claai bake at Long wood ou Tueday, which they readily consented to do, aithey al l itport a good time.

Internal Revenue ColleoLor Loiey,MorriatoviD, w u to town «>» WodauMlay taicg aa account of tbo playing cards that aIa titockt In tha ttorea.

Lludulo; Underbill, of Newark, paidfraternal visit to friends at tbls place 1Wedmwdsv.

SberifT Backer w u In town on Monday.Wm. Bond, Jr., attended tbe DemocratJi

Convention at Washington on Tuesday.Ur. and Urs. Herman KUhoroge, of Hei

York City, were tbe guests of H. A. Uoodaiand wife on Wednesday.

Fred. Reeves, of Monlitoiru, wai In townWcdbttor.' visiting friends

Augustus Sanflimd andrtvoitly of this tstvlled fur tin'tleu last Wedoe*dny.

John Norrl* bos had bit building repainted,whlck ts oucafled It; Strait Broa. & Co.

Dr, W. Uougb, or New Y.irk City, vbjlfilends a t thfo plaoe for a few days.

Mr. and Mm. Edgar Brinkft»hoff, of Pooton Plains, visited Mends at this place fia few hayi.

Ilieliard Devore baa moved from BidThompson's house into J. P. Btl-kle's tiouu.

Christopher Keller is liavlng bis bouse rmodeled.

George Ililer, of Morris Plalni, paidBbort visit to tbls place Tuesday.

MS* tlALL TOPICS.The Brooklyn Field Club were defeat*

hero last Saturday by tbe Liberty A. A. b;the following score.gLibertyA.A...3Brookly

__ _ . . .. 2 3 2 0-1riV. C O O D 0 0 0 3 4 0 —

DEBTZX.LB,illas Mamie Vattderhoaf U vlsltltis

Fred Bloom's family at Tottenvllle, fltatenIsland.

Tbe bridge tbat spans tbe Den Brook on tbsPoralppany road, near tfals plaoe, oollapa«dTuesday afternoon while B. K & G. W.Stlckle'a log teams were crositng it witbheavy .og. Tbo teams had just got over wbeotha front wheels weat doim. The a!>uttnenfbeing quite low tbe horses pulled It out wit]out further damage. Tfae loss of the bridgevery Bmalt, as Ik ts a, wooden itructtife.Freeholder QI11 bai had It put in temporaryrepair.

There was quite an unexpected death inthis place, Monday (artootm. Qarret Bpear,an old soldier, took up bis homo wltli hiswita In a tenement bsuie nair (be. cburch thetint of last week,. »nJ Fridoy lut itna v\Ing for one of tbe fanner* of tbs plow. W>be came homeiu the evening tie complainedof a bad feeling In tils atwnsch, which wa,•uppoaed by bis wife to be a summer trouble,but which soon decelojied Into lnilwistlonand llrer trouble, coming his death In therery ihort period n»med. Tbedeoeated waa69 yoam old- He leaves two grown sonsbe-ildes the widow to mourn bis loss. Ha wasUnited States penaloftai*.

Our new church receive* a wonderful nun.'her ot vtatar* that came from tar lutl n ulo view ita merits and demerit!, but AS yetera to hear the first ouvenw criticism fromono of the visitors, Tfae architect end com-munlty should feel elated over th* atruoture.

W. T. Lighten Is tbe proud fattier of abouncing boy,

Tutor hai dowd, or at least the meetingslave for another year, al'hough tbe Masontaa not been as briik as tome In tee ysorsgone. But numbers do not always go tomake success. Take tt all to all Tabor b uiftd • grand snason. Borne of tbe best enter-*tomei.l« were carried on by the Ladles'

Social League. Then tbo prtaablng ta* beenof a blgh ord*r, teptclklly is this true ot lastBanday morning, whtn Ret*. Dr. Gray, cban-collar ot Syracuse Univtrilty, officiated « 'preacbid one of the greatest sermons everdelivered at Tabor. Tha twenty-fifth anni-versary of tbe Young People's meeting wasof great Interest 8*feral minister* and Uj-men who attended the first meeting gaveremnlfcent talks. Ths young people of Taborpreientod Dr. Lo»ery, tbe venerable leadero[ tbti meeting, witb Prof. Strong's Com-ment&ry for bte continued and efSoiant laborsas leader of the meeting. Monday eveningtbe ladles gevaaiilter reception In tha Tab-eruaole to oelebrate the quarter oantury ofTabor's existence. Dn, Colt. Butts, andRevs. Bebout Hays, L?«ery and SenatorSmith made addreaaM. The MetropolitanQuaitetie, of Brooklyn, sang some mosttoautif ut selections and w«re eccored WT«raltimes. Tim Tabernacle was beautifully deoo-ratad with biu.Uoct rare plant* and a,oliieorod, b«sIdM twenty-fife gilt lliiks attaobingtbe past to the present. Tola chain wat sus-pended over tbe grand entrance with (henumber 1809 and 18M at each end, In allearning • v«ry beautiful effect.

U.DQBWC0D AND V10IBITX'e bvt* oaca told by a mldftat ot Ship-

peDport tbat lait Banday was tbe quletwtSonday tbat that plaoe bad seen thSs nimmar.1e also advised us to kasp tt» good work;oing, and It ws needed aay baclctnf ba-DUld be the man to back in.Tbere seems to be a bond of uymnsthy

feting between tbe railroad gateiuet. of Doverand Bhlppenport, botb enjoylog discolored(yea.

Last Saturday night a party of sports fromthis vicinity had a corn roast near themountain pond. Tbe most prominent featurewas a k f of beer, and attar tiiiy had eatenthe corn, they drank the beer. After tbat

, began to opttate, they tackled the corn eobiand the next day all that could be seas m i. _ busk*. It is funny that men wutt to gatlower than twine.

The lake. U <ettmg to be very low, nod byappearance*, If tie watar falls muchlower, tbe steamboats will bs unable to ODD*down to tbe Undine dock. But we forgetsotMtUnf-there li tha steamboat ooapani'smud digger, which we suppose cam dig tha

Then Is a grc i t deal ot talking done abouttba proposed mfjoadamlMd roadt. The quea-tioo tnlgbt be aakad, Who will be emplojjdto perform Um labor thtreou 1 Ho doubt tbework will be taksn up by Uw 000tractors,and would It not b* a good Idea for tbe twm-bidders or wboeTer has tbe matier In band toaffix a elause oa Uw contract saying tbat nonebat American oltisms abould U •mptoyed todo the work f Now Is the Ume to flnd outwho ths1 proposed impraTameQUare i o t a s tobenefit, American or Dago Isbor.

Tbs miuleals held under the aosptcea ofHu* Atldla Baker at her n-L1.no., LochAngle, Point PJesjant, was larsjsly at-tended, and about 175 w u nstted for theLedgewood Baptist Church. Thanks a n dueto all who participated In tha work

ReT, Austfo, of ths Baptist Cborcb, w utaken 111 during tha morning ssrvtoas lastBanday. W« hope for bis speedy recovery,^ s b u only been wlta us a abort time, u d

u made many friends.lUaa Louis King, wbo bai been serlouilj 111

for some time, ts g*ttl»g better, which IsVertut oaws to bar boot of friends.Jos. UoBlroy, of Iisndlng, beoame tired ot

M a g a baoh«Uor, aa t» took tiuto hlnu«U awife in the person of Miss Haggis UoBlroy,of tha sam* place. W e wish the yoo&g

iple Rnooth -ai imton the soatrlmotilal sea.1 w.re unable to torn tbe wtaet data,

iut tha event took place ..boat two w *|o. James hai tbe cigars, boys.Miss PJosle Tloe, cf Landing, spent last

week vjiit>ng friends la (tail plsce.Ulss Warsaw. Facchw. of J u i e y City, it

'tilting bar ooustn, Mbs Bessie Fanober.WiO.

U M . Wtttehaod, of Brooklyn, la Waiting ati D, Hogn'LWilllum Oollia and Fred. Jrnkir., of CbM-ir, v?en In town Monday.J. RMner has bad bis lnsiranoa settled tole satisfaction cf all.Onr Sunday sebool had a plo-nlo In P. L .rjont'. grove last Thursday.A. B. Bryant, of N s * York, spent Sunday

•1th hit parent*.Charlie Turner, of Orange, was. la town

Sunday,H. B, Balsey and familj , of Bontb Orange,asat Sunday witb Mrs. Halsay'a parenta,Ir. and Urs. J, P. Harvey.Ur. Hettoz. carpaatar and bolldar, of

Aockaway, was ia tn»a Uondsy. He willIraw U s plans for Biduer's new barn.

~ ' J. Dlclcorson li vary boiy paut lnc

Oa accoft

Oa account of a lams horse B, Q. H o m yfatM to make bis trip to lbs lake on HondayTor the first Ume this summer.

Sam ual fJard oar has a newpliCorm springwagon. It'aadaady.

Ed. Cbambm and Goo. Btrowd are drillingand blasting: took for Dr. J . V. Dehorn*,

Whan tha tax rained on apple jtok oardlitUlert all bad faustntas In Ne w York.


BTQaXRQXJt.IVfc* Uw tnoK EnjuThe Qjclonea, of Ttower Stockholm, and tbewampAng«U,o(Hou»iid,bothehilisaociid

j(Q4of both ptaow, will play a tarns of tallnart flatorday af tamoon,

Frank Kdaall did not haro bit daw* lo tFHday nljbt, bat It will come off next 1W.2T.ifgbt.

Hallo, Whirlwinds, when a n yon I Tbo"rTUrlwlndiaOtBtockfaolm. and tba iiolJow-' *s, of Holland, had a Bam* of ball, but

HoUonUcka won »*u gums. IDi l i r UMLh, 1


When a man telle you he will give ran $8.00 worth for one,it's false. Some people may claim to do BO, but if they dothey certainly must have been Ugh priced, and they arestiU.

Low Prices

HONEST DEAUNGIS OUR MOTTOWe sell the Best $8.00, All Wool Suit in Horrid County. The

BeBt$1.00 Child's. Suit from 4 to 14 years in the State.All other goods in Proportion, No use tiring your brainwith prices, come see for yourself. Iion't believe falieadvertisers, but ooll on

TAYLOR BIROS-Sassei it., lover, H.J.




t woilU remindind nijr ciutcmen tmiIU depATtmeau ana

nijr ciutcdepATtm

All kinds of Watches, Clooks and JewelryCleaned, Repaired, Bepolished and other-

wlso Renovated aa Eoijuirod,



GOODS PRICES STYLESWe are ready with the Largest, Finest and lowest priced line ofFinoFall

Clothinff ever exhibited In Newark. And when you've reached \Uz be« that Npwark can produce, yon are pretty near the top.

Truly a rich and handsome showing of the Ready-to-Wear article,itronfrest statement we can make in print is more than substantiated in the stock,

S o u r as the new Tariff Bill aflects prices the man who buys here will reap fultbenefit. In the buying of our goods and for many months back we have practi-cally been living under the new Act which we deemed Inevitable, And pricesare lower than ever before.

TV MEN'S SUITS , .An elegant line of all the new weaves and designs in the latest shapes of Sacks,

Cutaways and IVmce Regtuls. Our own rtliftble make, cq\^a\ 10 fine custom work


We show a galaxy of new and original styles designed by ourselves and madeicre at home iu Newark, School suits, suits for every day and for drtss occasions

«4.OO TO »14.OOShort Fant Suits from

fesa.oo T O .010.00We've made the largest trade In the history of our house. We'll get it,


MCGREGOR & Co.8 5 0 ft 8 5 2 Broad St. - - - - NEWARK, N. J.

Notlae of Settlementtint tha BOOOUPU of tho

_ _ . _iot ot Oonellui O'Brtea,diXMucd, wlU be sudlted snd «t«ted br the SWTO-r»te«nd reported for •eUlcntent to th«qrpb.ns'S w t o l u i O o u n t T - o I U r . n i . , oa Holiday, U*Cf Hi dar of Norember pexL


• and BiUllaia.


.. It Htwftltt WBpsctsl nUeoUon gitea ta Uie

'Mason Method of Touch tad Technlc'F»U Urm oomnwawM Sept ITU., IBM.

40-lm Addnsss, BOX 1«, Dover. N. J.



Uplielataring done i»•11 lt'« Iranohei —«rBkoVweU St, - - Dover, N.J.

HEATH & DRAKE.l a ordvr t o m*k»TToeia tor V a w > U

OtwAa, w« -will d o — out tlia fealuoaof S a k a l O«rt and 1 M S



CUoIul Aw'u H. Y^ opU). aai A t n l Init.(Dr. EnBpps).

DPTICKBOCBS: 1 to l :90ukl 6:80 to 8 F. M.DULT, ezoept HbmUjr And FHdmy.

1 to liU.OKLT.


C Gortd WIlhoDl Ite Kolfa

E. KATHER, M. D.,ikin, Cancer and Malignant Diseases


otwdRttldatoa: 1H Hamilton Ate., CoaxBtnlffat atreet u d Eris Track.) '

P A T E H S O N . N . J.CborolUllon Hoars: 10 to 14 A. »., S to 4 F. V.

Chronic Diarrhoea13 cured by tbe use of our Pills, speciallyprepared and sold in yellow wrappers.Matte surq of this. If they don't, writeus fully, and we'll send a special pillthat will, at the san}e price. This issome trouble, but _ • -

Dr, Deane's 'Dyspepsia Pills

coonvi VLOBAL


age yard.CWdttn<*¥l<yttBdn€t,w*n.t0e.,BDw.

35c.T y»rf. •Children'*noundngs,mra50c., now,

Kkimir kad Medlom WJdtiWens,,.,.80 JOo Ho Ito 1M IBe BSo 76oNow Bo Bo Be JOo Mo ISO tBo Bte

[lain NfclnsoOacs «Bd I * i m » - .Wem... . . . . . . .HUa iflo Bta SBo 880How 80. HO llo I k Kto

site, weU worth I1.U, at

•1.07 mOt.

SILKS.Hnajaimiuaa WaabBUKa,TaIaeccc at .*


58 cmt>.ind Taffeta BHka, lua | l

IS cent!,Jc India Bflka

4*c, aoc., 65c, 75c

DRESS GOODS.Tool Dw« Goods, nl«a|00o, si ,

33c. ysnJ.StxA Dnea Qood»,>»ln«Wo,86c f 1 p,n

48 cenU.98 cents*Hi8baiU0Bbf oar ttookof Qanr Buila at ISM

777 and 778 Broad Street,NEWARK, N; J.

We have just placed on sale thefollowing lines of shoes for Children,Misses and Boys, suitable for schoolwear. They are all new goods, andexcellent value at the prices quoted.120 pro,ChildaDongolaspringhool shooa . c ~ „ „ : _

sizes 6,7 and a at 4 o t " P a l ~

120 prs Child's Grain scriar tip spring healshoes, sizes 6 to 10 at 70c. pair

60 prs. Child's Dongola tipped spring heel >. o r —_ j _button shoes, sizes 6 to 101-2 at 9 O C - P a l '

no Gratosourtl^spr^g heel p 8 c <

240 p8c_ p a i | .

$i.3S pair

New lines of Ladies' Kangaroo Calf anddrain Shoes arriving daily-

Our stock of Men's Kip and Calf Bootsfor fall and winter wear is now ready-

Tne Deo. Riciianls Bipany.DOVER, New Jersey.


011x0 ATixniioH m Tax roLLowrao:

It givee mo pleasure to iwquakt my friendswith tbe hot that ttey 0*11 have teeth eitnetedwithout pain by tba nae of Dt. Jeuop's localAnBaihebd *t the office ol Dr. Freeman, Dover.

Has WsnL P On P A U O ,Book»»ay, N. J , April 8th, 1893.

Ttj the " Looal An«i Uietio at Br. Freeman'solfloe and be ooariaoed that it is all tbat is claimedfor it. HaS.H.£sTWiaE,

Noleong, N. J., April 'JIBI, 1898.

I can ohMifnlly reoommend tbe "looiil Aura-thetio" «M eitewtJDg teeth.

H B , THOKAJ KHINA,Fott Onun, April 24th, 1893.

D>ia b i s :—I am so well plowed with tite nseof 'jo to> .1! Aunthet'o ID hanng teeth extractedthat yoa hr.ve my permission to nse iny name anywty voo i_:ue»e as r.-ferenoe.

Ms. Lnra WHOM, •Btoohope, S . J., Hay, 1st, 1898.


DR. B. C. VBEEIiAND,alter ten yean experience, having a well knownreputation lor extracting teeth, has aooepted apMitiott with Dr. Kceeman.

PB. FBBEMAN baa the exolasive right to useDr.JeawpVLootdAnaesthetic. •


Prospect Hill School,

LT,Ui«tsi<l«jrotOCTOBB&t\ . D . , 18W, twtween tba hwSi-ol v» i .j'cJoclcp. st.,ttistisb>s>y rt t o'clock In timtltr-

qd ol Lud sod pnsn>tM hmhuttS fmeoSlT" *|t"^S.WN *•* ***** to **» Township





BnppaHwl by • oomptuv of Fint-OaM

fimta win m

Oaldam Uchta aw• capadaUjJ




OF DIXIEA Socmsion ol Beialllai Sle{» Fta'.ms

a,«m8.aat<laaa». Amlrti-rulpnaentauonwlicaediletliimdleclaara


POPULAR PRICESAdmission - : - - - ago.Eeaorrad Beats - - - 5Oo.

HovreaaalaatXUIfftn'aSroff Btctt.-. ^


net ml.Iwldtiot 01 Horn's St.,

one door Broth or Brick Block..

o m o E HOURSn to 9 a. m.

ta 8 p. m.



Faltw's Geler; Comixwnd (Bo,

Orif n'i N«mir« ; . , . . . . . 6T«.

Hood's B»rssp«rtlls.. ...I.....fl7«.


Cutlcnr., So»p. . . , . . . . ' , . . .„ . . . . . . . . . . , . .14o.

puUca«RfM»»«it.......... . . . . . . ,70c

tbsjn's Corapoond.'.,,.,.•,..,.....',...680.

Psukoli, unti l . . . . . . , . , :

BukoL.taTg*.... . . . . . . . . . . . , : . . . „ .„ . . .7*« .

*. (The «,<nl n«POiHK cut In tvary plaater)

AJlcoc-lHaatar, I<V,

OmorU B ^

Attwood'allUteni... 13d,

Wjrfh', Baal, Iran and Wlna.'^ B7o.

l ^ 81.,

U.mn'.Fooil . ltn. . . T!*. . . ,

taphil^ mall . . . . 8ft.

noiloida Ackl Ptapbalea, b u t , 69o

W.nlpoWaEo.nlalono'L.011 Bit.

Fellow^ Bjiji

amnrtMitma artfclo al

"f>BVQ BTOllGS !oVr Try

627 and 629 Broad St,MJWAHK, K. J:-.•'•,.' j ;

'\~V7O/D4YENPOHT, ~ / ^ . •;

ATTOKilET-tT-LAW,- 'M a t o anj SolWtortoObaawy »ai H o l ^ j

• . . • • ' • . I * o b l i o . ' ' ' •. '

OmCK 4TDAVKKF0RT«0QRNEK^BnlablM Vail.,; ; p. o ; borer,». J.


DK. GEO. W. MoDAVITMM RDIOTMI hla Dfwtal l^rlm to U« mtns uvorUlAoua,'. ]n>ur aim, u i I. i^pared u do

all Uuda of duotol voxt In UM beat Runnerllannleaa anestbeUa uacd In.exteoUnc toatiL



KRKLIEW &Funeral Directorsand Embalmers.

All calU rmpondod todtr or alt houribf Uie nlglit

NlglaBell i t Om» ilowr'uD ManUttt. All workKvuuwatMxl la OTWJ nxpoct,




8oj.'>hofl!Soifai,v:cy:: i / : , vcalc^UMvawn JeiMTOolbt

Frloei f8.50 upward

; laoonlurojr, Coevlot, and Caatunttrt, at - :

4Bo. par pr; u d niward

B o y s ' B t e l e n • ' " , ' ' ' • . ? ' } . • , • • • ' • ' ! ' • • •, •.

~ «od«r»le Erinei

I! WlMMItUH 1 * lew*] CWj;. ;j«ty«iy IiowFigntea •.


HH' I41rli, aunt, tw» • « Mttirsir

In fMtfataok&Muimd English Gloria, TV

Hi tins'fctnllrajn. Osnosn Flsitls.' 40 toebM wlds. hiuu

txitortiigi,twwsjo«lt(oriWl(r . * . .' • . '•'•••"..•-:";• V ' 6 q o . . ^ e r y » T c l ;r iSUk « « 1 W o o l Mixed OUwtols , «uIUbl« W

M d r K a U school droMM..' , . ',:,-••'•.• ~v-:- '.:•••.. '••:.•. • - 4 ? o ' p e r y w t l •

; vEiurriJiHltrfllnh.li-aiectsWlmtiMtwo-•' . i o i » l e a « u , t t ••-- -•-.•• ••«•••

" .•.:••.••.•''-;: \ : - - / - ' K $ 9 o " i r t r y a r i l

(lemon HovBllks, ii'luciios widtC basket- eta. tiro-louad^aoiusnl, C&wioU, Hail-

- " - -—v'-TorbE*Urdrsss8«,st



•>:.-/• 69o per yardUlaMa*anddilUnaiiebwinaU«t/taa . •

: atLowFrioos


• vTHE


Friday, August 31,1894.

Entered at U» Fort Offloe at ttower, R.as BeoaadU tt

Tile Bute JPeir begins at W a w l j on Honday.

TheCountj-Boardof Aaw-aorswIUmtrtatWorristown on Tnenday.

TbenliiBUenth «rjnuoi „„waj held at Peapsok Wednesday.

The lo»nraai» oorapaniei Java raised tberate In HacketUtowB 50 per cent

at tbe jalKttt.

. " AbarncoEtalntogtwentytoaaofbay,Tmy Hills, noa destroyed by fire Baturd*j

Tbe Koirli Cacal Company hare tauedordcri proMbhlai tbe use ol row boats ontbeoanal.

L. D, Bclvfart hu sold bis handsome; sorreltwmtoA, L Bohvfwi,apromta6ntPftterBonliquor * "

- You are ritht about aiktag the Lord totake can of you at night if you are going u>slerpfn a folding bed.

Toe Ironsides play at Hoclaway on_ day, and as tbey were beaten on tbalr Ust

visit tbli gama will be for blood.The stock of tbeNew York and

Concentrating Company has been increased•250,000 making a total of 11,750.000.

There 1» again talk of building a railroadfpur from Bfenbope tu Budd'e Lake with tatpurpose ol building large foe houses ibere.

The Dover Banil bu been engaged to playfnr three dajg, Bept. 8tb, 8«J and Ktb, o

, Zuok's lAks View Hours, Like Hopotcong.- - ^ ^ ( t ^ o n d Will Rsy.wore spearing 0au «

W«dneB3a; tnght ond among UiDir catch waan eel 43 inches long taA wtlghlag?)£ piundt

WinhJogtoh firemen an a little bit vainJust now, at they bave a right to ba beamof tbe orrl VBI of timlr nsw La FruieeBteatnei

Mature b u her ImtaotablB law*. If a mandoM not exerotw, hit hlool becomes lhiggtsh.Negleotlog to advertlta h u t ! . . . .(, <;oa trade.

Thore will U a rpocUl tneetfog ot BtestnerCompany, No 1, on Turodsy night at tighto'clock, and every member Is requested to boprnant.

Tie Profalbltlonltfai of tbe Fourth Districtvrlll bold tbvlr Cdngreialotial convention atWashington next Thursday, tbe Oth of SepUmber.

l l n flremeu of Bwnton will hild a dsmbake oa Houdsy. The Board of Fire War-iena have been Invited to attend) but havedcclltwd.

Tbe New Jersey Btote Council of the Jr. OU. A. U. win bold 14 twenty-nftn onoutlsession to Condon next October, beginningon tbe fStb.

£elv(d«re' mills an now paving the sameprlc*-«jity tents per bushel far wheat, rvo•n(| corn—such a coincidence never bolngknown before.

Toel*df*sof tbe Millbrook M. K. Churchwill hoW o fa!* and feKlval on the ground!adjoining tho church Wednesday afternoonao4 evening, BepMitli.

F. V. Wolfe and Frank Bsguwaa banMI4I rinrcausd a lot uf Un. Tooke gtrokBron Elliott itrert, and Mr. Wolfe hoi brokengvbuad for a boute on bis lot

At B t John's Xptocopal Ohnroh, Dover,Monday, AuguttdOtb, ot 11:30 P. *. , attss Lt*ileJ Hay, of Iroola, wasRt B«r. T. A. SMrkev, D. D.

There vrill ba a great K»m« cf ball at thsBtAln Hoapttol gronnda nsrt Tuesday, whenths Cuboo Giant* cross bats with the Boo,Pita] team: Tbe game wlU be called at

„ U-«dn«i4oy nlgbt of last weak TreatThorp and wlf« atortod for tberalr. Their horn ran away and boththrown mt, Mrs. Tbarp being pretty hodlyhuit. '

Titus Bujdtr, ,whb hoe bovn employed, attbe ear shops for-some time, will remov* hfefamily to Euton to-oay- He will Vsovo •lort* number of (riond* who iteret bit de-parture. , ' - :

U wiU ba a saUofooMtm to UMtro gorn Itthis town toknowthatthey • M hawaehoooto ssa * tfolly food show next Tuesday and

[hto. Ulllon

ot Orange, Is ving friends In town.

T. A. Dlckrrsoa Is eojoylna; a w«ek> *Uonot ArtrarjPark.

W M Mainlo Mogvlra, of Brooklyn, H vIng relatives in tola vicinity.

Jos. H. Holoney Wt on Sanday njght totttwid a fiuwalat Blngbanpton.

Edward JetiiiUBAirettiniedaftoi-aw•ojoutn In Hew Tort and elsawherp.

W. 7. Hookwcll and irlfo are vUlOngtlsfather, K. O. BookwtU, at Hordtown.

P«rttta ocraitj, lor a three weeks TWIRobert Klllfor* on4 bU brother

» enJoTlng an tmUui at Portland, 1HtH&aUeQlmm, wnoaaibeenqalUIUat

bsc homo, ws an gtod to note at Inapimrlng,Un. F»Utok Maloney and eUldran, ol MoworkdtT.tr* vlattlni friends In Dover owl

vidnlty,Mrs, BU Somon. of Boootoo, fau botn

tbe coast of Mn. Jam- Qtll, of Ebudolphftventt«,tl)U«nek.

Mrs. Hogiis Oravs^of Kins Hill, ba. spent(bo post weak vUtlog frieods In Jsner d r j

It U eeJd l U t Heary Jobnaton bat MOOT-'•rad hi. bealtb and fa oaottd*rlng tbt matterot cuing ioto politlee agata. He will hare aeaaooeiust weak when to* PrahlMtloB Coo-

„ , Kn, XatU4a Siyer. ot fhUlipebarg, WMUk w to tt» HWTU rialo. Hospital kat wwk•ad her four children to th» wrtmty almahome. Her boeband d««*rta4 ber osd ab»become inwoo from deapdndeooy. -

'ihiaC jr.Ooyle AtaooloUoa, ol Bobokas,will take a daj<a ooting at rSeaurar* lsla&4 onlAbcr Dty. Tbey will be aooompmnlad bythe P o w Bond oedUgoM wltboct atyingtJjat the mndo will be of ths bate.

Mareoaii Hagtn « u off duty put ot Jam-day from an' Injury received obaatnaj tmope.He follawid them Into a bey M i nod Mlttrnnib isJnriDiE blmeait » that ae baewalkedrtioHMttoforwnnlaaya. •.

Doj, Btpt Bfl, tte XAdi«o> Aid Hoclsty of tt*Urooo *L fi, Coaroo, wtll hoUftpoaohudloo orram festival (n tbi bawatnt of theobttrch. AoordloIlnrltaUcsjUextodded.

At ono of tba rtrlrol awfloai at H t Taborlost weik jurt as ta* choir fltilsfced sloglcg intbo most afftctlnf fflo*norr " Wo Know ootWUrtBofot»U»,"soB« t i f u n r i oa u sgoo, and t is effect wMsotwwkat BttrtUng. *

Tbep^yof H o C n y i C t aOpera Hoiueloa Batnrday w u lotemUogonly In akawlBi bow btdly eo oa aileg«dt c t v i eon act" A oat eoncart la tbt flood ol

RnbartJ Bowen, of ihUelt7 tisaaatm<plovootltbo oar shops, bubeen pkoelattbe bead of tba our Rpalro daparttnoat atHobokeobyBoptJ. W. Biker. H*«Doassd«If A Dfafce,fonwrly of Davei'aodva*shop,.

irexlS*Ddoyatob< th* last loofjei wen 1mof th* OMBW will bo b*ld fn tbe FlrM MHlwdMOfaurob Bov Dr Oollnway, tho pwj

; will ban e&arg* and will gfv» ChokW/doxsrelBBoon B-bi. aritbmfUo. Sorrioss to


H e fair oC St. Hory's Ckurch at nackotts«o*ac*ro to a CIMS on Saturday "feW* A *falrDOiicAovor»90D When too ooataot

Is •am -HI be Ineroacsd to tTDO or

Ai will ba tree by advertlrnneBt oa flnlpogt Martin ft Bi.y tan opeata'tk* oUBcrcan ftreat ooal yard, d b J d U i

i U l h d k Soaaltaej will noalle Sour, feed, grate, hay,

known aad iWr bosIaoK atorrs -»Hh bigtavrotpeots of suoot ••.

Tbtn Is owns nncertaintr wo oodomoBdamong Kodmwoy *port»njm cooceitfnt tkoopm Beawn for some goaio.1 Wo will jastrtate fur tbflr psoeflt tbat UM lift prinW Uthe £AA loot weak ts correct, kavlns/ b*enprvpondrcira) by Pish and Gams Cuemls-•ICSCT Hazard P. Frothingtam.

W. M. Yiober hoi fanned a oaportnsraUpk*ltb Vnudt D. Browo, of kllne Bill, oo4 tU

BJOfPrawnBrothsri. TWy«™ .B effloeta Dover, bat horoBOt ye* etcared

Isoe. Tbej will give foil partlcnltn fas colomns later. Watch for Uu> prlna

A>J, Vneiuid, Jr., cnMrtoleed a^ flroof Uayootc frisndi otoprogreVo wtalst party on WedMsdsj nlgat at kliis on Bargen lUoot.: 1M On*, tadkrf.« waa won by Uhs Clara Rhbarta, tha• ganUamsuft jwlM'^y Charho Bobssm

UK.' "booby" by. I*opgJd Bkrwtrf*r tbs gsra« i«ftiMhBisnlB wanaWred.

i n ffloctrlbdirwaa aoioandlag tbo

Hatal Brtelln wiU olote attar bnakfaftt o«xt

Ool. Henry I*!rd will bo plMdpal of theMaadhua eebooli Uua year.

John I. Blsir paawdbie « d birthday l u tFriday and la eUU I a goo* hmlth.

Th* TryptteooawtU play aauua ot baU withFort Onua at tbe latter plass to-morrow.

Oae fihytWas In tali town brought fiveboblaa to town UU wwk, and tbe world ittli

Tha Hethodbt and Fretbyteriw Saaday•chooli at Btaahope, a n having a union pto-

Jo at Like Hopatoong to-day.Tbe echoola of Randolph Towothlp will

begla en Monday, September ID, Inttead ofon the 4th u prerlowl/ mentioned.

. Th* Democrstic papnn which have Iwen laoppotllloii to Johmton Oorniih are beginningto hedge, u w» enppoeed tbey would.

The Bacnment of tbe Lord1! Sapper willbe c*lebi»t** fn thn Pretby terlaa Chorch of

A BE1LLIAKT ATFAIB.Laik Friday errata? ComnJsdonar ofiberleaB. P. Frothlagliam, ol l i t Aaing-

ton,(aTflt,dIaacr at Hotel Breelln i i honorof Governor Werti out the GommUdonert ofPUhtrfetof UteBtatc Owing ta the earlouiIllaeei of a daughter of Governor Werte itwas Ijnpoorible for him to attend.

Among tlwee [reeent war* Freefdmt Fftlfferot Oemden, Commlatitoer Olark, of Hewarft,CommiMloMr Frothlngbam end wile, oIMt.Aillngton, Kr. KDA Mn. Albert TUt, Ool. AaeW, Sloklnaonaad wlf», of HacktWfifc, Mr.J. a UcUoiUrs, Qor. Warts' Frivtta S*ow-Ury, aod bit wife, iSr. and M n RobertDunlap, Ur. and Mr*. Banry Altenbraadt,Mr. Jaa. ti. Brealln, Ool. Kloc, of Florida,Col. Weiiervelt, cf X*w York, and Mr. andHrr. BH H. Btearji.

r vat oervtd In the private diningroom ot tha BNSUS at 9 o'clock.'


A Deputy R«r«nue Oo)!*otor woe In townttterdayinrtruoUDgdufennatto aall any

mare nlaylag card* until tbay put ataenpaHpoo them.

The InUrchasgwbU Tact Cotnpuy wbtehmotti from Bocntoo to UU<w, K.T . , aboabayearago,haa folhd andialn thehandatitha Sheriff.

Rev. J. J, Tlgb«, of Boontoo, la thla week'Bulletin, Ukae Bra. Do Cacay, of The Boca-ton, o n r hit knee and dilate hta I router* withvigor and precLiiori.

We are terry to tar bi our frtrad. Charleyopklm, the Boootoa poetmeatw, that beurt get m a y to mare, for we have It tram

a Democrat high la authority ttitt uli eoelpwill begatbtr«dbetar««leetioa.

Jadge G»org« H. Beattr, of Warrencounty, dlcdot Fclday laet aa*d 88 yH« wai one of the mwt pcore(o«ii( tren la thecounty, and bad etood blgb In tbe politicalclreulb of the DemootmUo party,

A trotting match for tffOO will oome off atthe HorrleiownDrivJpg Fora, Friday, Sept.7U, between Louta Duobam't b. g. Dale, aodJowph Ptck'a g. g. Gfo'ge Solid. A racefor MorrWtown horaaa that navADaverbMtdntbrca t&inuiw, entoonoo trf, U obo optn«d,U wlntwr to reoeWe a a»t f t

VMMMOMALB.Newton P. EioBey, cf Newark, I, vlaltlog

U )tii«all apMit Snudny with rriandi In

Tbe sptoehto were wtll rooelved and fra-uently appUudeatWhen the guests wen Btatad at tfao table It

was a chssrfn) ocefie. Tbo room andth* lobloi decoraUd beautifully and In ri. Tht> ladlos* eostumoa ware elifant and

UwaamcttoUota of ti.e u r n flul*ed oufc aplclure oompUta lo alt th« Aotails of beauty.Too company was a brilliant and caDgealalone and badinage oM roportoo aided th&tttotU of the ohef In tbo eojojmttit of the•lotlleut menu, ffhen Hiyor Ftatbinghomundrrtoksi to do anything bo doea It wftfa allUs tnlgfat and tbo alnMr on Friday tilgfat wason« ot tbo most oompleta and rtdiorcho affotnever given at tha Brttlto,

Hloaot Carrta I Bd Jalla sfougar, cf Hobo.ken, are sprodfai • f e - dor- with tholreosBla, H I M Annie Orlmra.

Thoniaa J. Busoll, OoBanl Ag«at for toeEqalraldo Ioonratieo Co.."with hU «U* andohMreo, spent Soaday In itaniopo.

atar Jaina* SmlA, Jr., of New Jersey,wktoBunps forW.bealtti, and Betw-

tos? He¥borscn wlU follow la a weak.Onbadoy Uiwra. J, V. Bator, K. 3 .

Btampf sad H. H. TBOMM* wot* tha gaeetsof Hr. W, J . JCoBooaot tho Woodpoti HOVBB.

Tba Klsaei Trlgaaowaa, who t w o boon

ovo ntnrtMd *> their hoeoe la BrUgopor*,

Tbe Dover Bind w#at up to X«lw Hopat-oorg Monday night to eennada Mr. JohaAldrrd, of New York, who b u noentir builtaootUgetbere. Mr. AMrad <r«not expect-ing • vlelt from the boyi aad knew nothingabout their viilt anUl Uuj began to play nn-der bit window. He came oat on the porchand, at the ooncluloo ol te pteoe, he InvlUdtbanKaoDdtreated thtm royally, A cam-ber of btoMeiMhfroin&otalBmllttUppenedtobeprawnt and tbe boy« had a Jolly titnafor tbe ret* of tar erening.

A coople e l the b u d ooyi awith Mr. AWred and wanted to eurprtee him.They dM and now be wante Uwm to •orprleeU n again. There wot Dotting too good forUttta.aad tbe boya eay that be one of themoat boapltoble man they n t r met. Ontltelr way home tbay atopped at XMdgewovdandtfrmadcdAaaetablvBMD Chorlla Baker.B> got up and Invited aU bud* In. It woewitrly. In taw morning wLea tbey reach*]

D.M. Barrell,(mrhas been v « y Ul for tha bet six moats*, stilltta to •critical shape, with llMlo or DO hop*of recovery. ' • -

Charles A. Diekenon eook bUloot weak, and epott It smorg tn* Ustorio

ot tbe Wyonfaw Tolley, Fa. HbfaaOy afioonpoakd Win.

MiN CalUsa iokww, of rttafson, U vWt-* horaant Mn. J. H. ffrtmiD, otnwdorpli

>, and her grtM fanblo Ui, a id Mrs.

T. a t O. A. Vote*.Tbe pork nutting lut Bandar wit t, T y

tnooatafal ear floe tnd wot la ebon* of a d*l-ogettoofromtheDovarcarefcopa, C.K.ElypnaVftnc; Borlpturt. lenob by John Qlbbcna;prayer by Wo, Many, followed by briefbddrtete* by Joha Oil],'Wm. Heddao, JohnattjboM, Wm Many j tbe Secretary, on In-vttaUon, eaid, % t»m cla«x« wordt, Mr, DotscCered pranr, HAT. O«ar*ngi prcowaoadU t b m d f l i J ^ e j ' Q l d t l l

Hta Mobtl Waor, vt tab town, *&o hwboon VUUCH at Hoofcottetown. n t a n c d onMonday, SftewtBoooooipaaledbjberfrioBdHim Annie HeHear, wl» H urn her foatt.

-itraUanle, Hlot d a n oad Mortar WalterWlle«i,ofSswirt,4reBpe«>d[ogaweetwltbHr. and Mrs. J. B. HsUowoy at E**t VanrJunetloB. Oa 'ItmraUy tho parr/ spent avery pleasant day taUnf In Hw auny beautl-

Mr. and Mn. TnA, BtaeeT, Mn, A. D J»«,t ^ Un. V. K. Plkter, ax* IMUB ot Mn. O.W. Ellh and Mn J, » . Qtona, of Povtr.M EOto lU MT t i n j a p U Mrt EOto W T jp

odecn eiopptflf at PgoghkMpde, Newbarg,ea-Tarttcltjr aed aeb%ry Fork fora few

T t a B q a N f a f tSncoerpanleB of Dtrter met at W. H. Ool-lonft OB WiAaeeiay •vetaaf to sake «r-

for S

A. flro wUl te btt» OB BhwfcweUbsicw MaTor HoOMckoVs oorrtift

Jhetorjr. TMtiroatsoiBorMBVajUMwillbesMtcDSdaleqaal dlokuHM from tho Bro, ahydrant w u bo reserve] for each of taesooadatogl fon Mgoal they wUl ratw eoBM

theBn. After tlsot Pro%oottQ« Hook andUddov OoBspaBj wlU gtv» on oshiMtion ol

earing. B F Totow hoe klodly <•«-a t a i J u p . p callre«i*lag aet to b» fc*td by fb*track

T t o U A U l k t btmy .eaklbf tloae wlU lake op a sood dealoftfaoo.The flreaMB ore' reqtMeaMl to o«a*t«ctaeMCtM boaw ai 1:» o'ejodt taorp. IMmperwUl.be':sar*eaa*tba Park Hone. DOTBBaad wttl fmataa moeta tafoagbemt U* day

BOF Boa Over.I** Batoraiy noramg frrf 9pu<«lar, aonH-OoaaotlaMa Bpaagbr, • « . ploying tn

fnertrfkdelKMawrAaaaatnuilaa. OoeHBoderar1* wapoaa eaaw alaag owl tha boji eV

p r t d Xuawd at caechlati enbaUad, Fred •mrnvM to eUab m between

wkeolt, bat lost ale fcoUtAl feilto the•row), the bind wbe^of tbe w

T J dpejaUt

k lBBfltugimr tbe boy n*U tlw driver lookrooad, and be » w tbt Ultli lallotr Ijlag on

de) (rand and, M i t Bippojed, oortally la-j « « L Be'-eeipeek*aBpa»J total into UMhone* aad *H nainail , otoitrangeay Fred did not ee«a tob» n a t a t t a wfaraleJMtj niuwltkap He wet ooaeUar-•Mr bmlatd, but not tertooaJy kort.

oRlls.aHDQgorian.ubodwWlo ontslnaimt d thaHnrd mine,whomhe) WHO wnploysd. A tiwnbar ct oar

np oat of the mine In awaeobtxithalf wavaplt

Btmok a sUe ix«'or sad woo Htfowa f -om tbob»f*, Blt« was thrown under it end WUd.David VoEQr*n was also thrown oat bat bad

nl m!nd eooogB to roll oWi of the way^tbo.otlwr cor. Mr. BIti » u dragged alontdlstaao* *p toe traok tad « H COUwith bli feet »<oInUQ(towajrtU thtmoath «ttBoboft ibaBriBt that botad Nan tarntdooaplotalyoter. Chorio* Lofevr., tbe t h M

n In tbo ear neaped without Injury.

r _ . _ O * U M B W W O I # .TbopabUasEhooU wlU o><a for tk* i

jr Oraogt, on Banday, tbe mbtorman lostJkn) ot laa'cor, wbldt de«qeodeJ|.ttBO otrgradsaat a rapid speed. In making a

«tf»«of jampvd tbs w»ok aad toppledwttosldo, T M ear woo nUodwllhmea,A. mod ofaildrss. About twenty wore

y Injured, Bonw of them baring limboTwo of tbo children will pwbobly

U« ,r f l nipU.TQdi e w twill t» raoalred this year aoootdlir j to tbtoMdbtrMlJnea, T*e dietrlot ander tbt nawlaw will bt entirety WltUn tfc* bnraafli Urn-Ito, buk for tbe new tehool year jmpfli will btd i l S tb BUM OB kat yaar, a number of

tototbdltfcHbu Mary F OolnoM, wtu hoa been ft

ttaehor la tho pttbUu odkaoli far • Wimlior ofy>oj»,l«mijpiod,andtbefa«utrBaobaeoUUHIJMWM try fci Brssogarmnt at HJBO L O MDot^oCSOTV,

PeUtea T T aOllrw B-)Ud Almaa&T

Foranano a te lAgalplerra9Uoed Cuuumtiera Pooimai Wlndaor

Rlet de Bowf, piqaTet garni, CawneCbouiQeor Gntlaee


Woodoock, sur canape, oux OraMon*Fried Sweet Potatoes


Oarbollle do Nougat PeUIs Four. AseortlsOelee a la ereme, frappe To Ul Frotti

fruit Cbeese CrackersCafe Noli.

After dloner •peechM were taada p*rt»ln-ing lo tbe stocking; of Lake Hopatoong andall ether UkM and pondB In thla Motion.Prwddeotrfoiffer'sipeeoh woe practical andto the point. Among ether things be sold behoped tbat tho ootnmlttionert would see Chattil tbe Uktola MorrU ooanty wen thoroughlystocked aod taken care of. AjComtnlaionerFrotblngnam bos cborgo of thU oectfoa, a&dao he bat fats whole heart lo tbe wort, wo oanoMuro tbe President of tlvt Commljelon tbatnothing will bo left uadwo la Harris.

Commissioner dark'* speech wai full ofrlt and buinnr and bts lllurtratlons wore apt

and to tbe point,i was fs'.UmwS "uj Oorambadoner Frotli'un aad U>«re.

• toqaalated

st Ptldaj night lUobord Fdrebtld'i bonevnu stolen from bli stablee In Now Vernon,aod OD the same nlgbt a pbaetou was stilaufromtne suble of Peter Nutt, of Westernavenue, Uorilstowa, and with It a good setofharoees. Tbgcarrlagewaspulledrromthe

D awl taken down tbo road bait a milem it WM bavttHsed to toe horse whteh

had b«*a tied t-> the tcoc*. Tb« offidsle np«ct thst on orgonlud gang ot borso tbtovsaore working thla section. It Is only tew*watks ago that B-njamin Sire's borie wosstolen from his form OD tba outskirts of Mor-rlotown.

Fred. Allen, of Bosklngrldge, drove np toNew Vernon, four mites from tbe formerplooo, Uit HWAKJ algbt to attend Ber*Ices Intoe Methodttt Chnrch thtre. B« tied hi*bores tinder the sheds near the charch, aadwhen be came out to go borne, tbe horsa ondboggy were none, and he b u not seen orhoard from them ilnce, Ttl«f« tbe fourth

B ol horn sUallng In this immedlstevWnitj daruig tbe put two months ond nottho tligbttrt due to the tblevei. It seemsthat a gang is ojBtetuaUcally worhfrg theCounty.—Binntr.

•Can aond Boadt.fiomttlmaagom pablfehed anartlolere-Angtothegoodroada of Mount Arlington

Borough. Blaoe that time won lmpro*e-meafaibave bwn made and the good workoan be traced directly to Mayor B. T. Froth-Ingham. AtUobnuidt <v*«ae baa beragraded,wUeiMdandmutdotntaed foraafdirable diebuwe bcyotd tbe arob bridge

ver the ravine. Tba work woe done by Con-tractor T. J. AUun, of SUnhope, who it workIn Iblt line cannot be Improved upon He iseanfal and pkbirtaklrig, leavee nothing. nn-& u , and fafe wukapeaki for iteaU. BeeldeaAltenbrondt Rivenoa Mt .A»lington avennebaielao bean mtcadimtud, tnd BOW If therood from Do er to H t Arlington ttatlon

l ' d th td t b fl

. j l d t ^ i l a g l O f .Tbe park nuettnge will bt oootlnned doriag

Beptndbrr unltta Monoj; wbon ttormy intke bonding. Boaday nejt, Scptembtr 3d,wt •zptc4 Bw. Oharkt KoGon&lok, of Boon-ton, lo aprok. Tba atatetnant BBOHU bringoutalorgeaadlaooe.

g'iod thore woutd not be a flaar

rive In the eoantry. Tbe money for maaa-djuatttug Altenbrondt avenue from tbe archbrUgt to*Mf. Berry otma out of the pxk'tof Mtyor *rothlngham. Other expeneivtImprovement!,ten been mad* In thatborough that he t o . paid for. He U the kindof litlatn that any (own may juatly t» proud

Snrnlay, Soptambor Ifltb, Rov. Wm. BUw-g*rwUlop*ak.

All ycuog uen who dwiro to join the cdutioUooal dosisB should loon their namo with

Vanoty «ho Spio* o l U f a .There Is aotUag boctftta noDUnd so mnoh

as a change, e*eo U ts<nly acbangeof lloon.Bnt what wo mesa to convoy (a that too amebof an? oa* thing beeonas moootoaoao. Tboelerfc, t M for hours at Us desk, sooko ralox-atlne on his flvlng wheol; tbo polloeaaii, onhU root far boars (I), flndi rolotstioB In anooiycbsirbyUs,orany other frisod's flro-elda;.atnaatadgorodby aohrew ot a wireowk* reUsaUon by'tlltlag a o u o n r hisfcoad,udoi tfeo bov dJatpposn, ha B>BBOwith ooaoaUtMa at hta rtflogtedooiutoaa&ooa* tbo bottotn of tbo growler. Evsn at tbotheatre bow many plays aro uwaotonouswhsa all on t ie one tbano { how a bit of BOO-ttmont ta rollerod b / a hearty tsagfa, a merrydaw* or oomiaaoat;. And If "vorfolgr U Uwkptoo ol life," i t raooWt parffotioo 1B tbegroat Qowdy, " Baa Oraldnt Harry Throe,"•blea wlU bo preeootod at Baku OperaUotneofitTBoodoy nigfat by UM Qomo ofeaabratt^, Hies lilllsn Kennedy, and hercotajonv of ptoyrri. Wedando* ovonlngshe will praontiADaQgaler ofDixie."

' Another o o v p lostltat*^- .I«Bt Saturday sight D M M ProoUoot

rronk T.l-»t«rB.ot thli plow, WOBI down toStirUogottl lostltawd c o u p Bo. 11, of thePatriots Order Bota of AoHrtco. Tha «aap• t a m with twentyRMmQovi,aBd UtcrsU agre*4 oitportaolty and bright prosi»oai of araptd growth. The oghtn areiTSM* Pdoal, Oeargo Sounder*; rrcsfdant, Kicbos»sThwao; Vfcio PneUent, BvaaH Bowasaa;Maaiw.flf Form*,8aaiiMt Ortattaj Ooadne-toe, W. H. Bender", Rscordfog Seerotory,Hlehard Thomat; « w n « W etcrotai7, **•ttur Bhho; TreaoONr, Jostph CkMon-

w o s n . - ' • • • • ' ; • • • : •

Aftar tho camp w u instituted tho PatrioticDistrict PremUeot wojkod tro nltri to mtefa atrain home. "Dory" ft r J H j * be bad a clubiBoaCh hand ood wore a palrof opera gtoosesto dtooora poqriblo aaositant*.

Onattrt Ball dame of tbt aVaaoo.Tbt liberty Ben Ball Olnb will ploy tbe

gnat IroneSdt*. of We wark, on Mood ay nextIt wiUoertoialvbetas gome of tbt »«*oo,Tba Itot UBM toeee rwnirfrwwi ployed In

a«a>inaboaMtNHO woabyasoonot?toSfatnav l a w , aejwenrar U It gawollr«ntidpaw4 Uwt tbt XAictn wUl b a n tohuaUeto wm tab time. Tin Ti inalei aneoaOdentto uptet tboae woo tbty eonaUartbelr atroDgeat rirola thla ttiu*. Tbt gonwwill be oalbd at 3 r. u, Parii« tbt efter-roon tbe Bookaway Comet Bud wfll rendercb&tco wluctiune. • :

•Wt* S t Haidared tJahoF MoOarthy,aged S3 ewl»la»U, ri

Hoo&t Bop*, eenplorea t t WocntOjBket, H. L,la bridgw oauetrartlng, tnd'd a oprMTaar»-day night by going to abep on tba Hew YorkandKewEacUnd Banned track atWooa-anekab Hedltdlnth* boepftol from Oftrne-tandtkn'l, and an outopty ooafirmud tbemedtct.1 tumlaer't miptdow. that th* manwai dot ttn»ti by a train/ Tbt ntdlc&I tx-amfnarUunkBtbetnati^ tkrOl waifractaradby a Wow from tam blBbt laetrnment, andthat bt WM then plutd by 'the ride of tbetrack to avert •mpidoQ from Ltht Bjtailantt,

Don't JFoiftt . *when jaa want to buy U&derwaw. Fort Md goods and law prtoat it will pay jon lo

Jt tfte Donr BOOM of J. H. Grtsun.

Tat Dtet Soda Wat* In aU flayai t,t KU1-' S B t

Tbe game of base ball on tie Hospitalgrotnas lait Baturday proved a flnt-clsatgame, and nj*ny tpeotatori tpjoyed It. Wewere beorUly glad to see tbe Alphas otBrooklyn ae»tn, for Uie lu t time they vlalted09, two mouths ago, the first Inaug only waspisyM BB the elemeDta stopped the guide.Tbo rorolt which accrued to tbe Uoatftolteam was attained only witb tho utmost stroesaad strain, so wall did tbo vlott!ngto*Di pky,though not without some errors, wbton ctbwa d(*tiy. Th« scoro HAS as foUowi ;Hospitals 0 0 8 0 0 1 t O—8Alphas 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 - 8

Next Saturday ths Jersey Cltf baa? hillclub will play. On the 4 to fart. ttmCubmGlints. Very much ouri™)^, hti been ta-listed ss to the resalt of tha Utter loam,whose prowess la so well known ond almostleued by tbe » far " iDvlnclbleo of tbeHotplUl dlMttoad," who' bave nsver lootgome dartag tht two eeatoas tbrougb wblcathe sport has been running.

i*he moat Ittoaatly intereetlDg game of buebill l ist bos lietn played on tbe Rrckowaj-grounds (his year will be a* nothing com-pered to ths gome that will be payed th*reon Monday, Labor Day, when the secondB a m~ will bo pltjrf with ths Ironsides olHewarV* 'When the lart gomo waa playedtbe IroMidtt ? ? " iurprfrsd wtta a d&fett,ond tbey ore com'C« UP stondoy to wipethe chagrin of that dor??*"11 lb8lr °"n' 'Llbertjs Uv» a remarUL'!^lUrvu* u * u l 'liut np an tlegaot orticle o* !**u< l**1"-bolUUy Monday should SM a great $*<>*& o t

Uils game.

We ore proud ot tbe Tryphenil,\lak w« &kv« o good n o u n tor alltl

lug i-hcn we tUk about theTrypbonw. Tbeyttwk Uv Bowoitt Academy niuo {QUIlast Saturday v> tbe tuoe of IS to 9, and theyliave ou'r beflo defeated "s*Ic« tbe entirereason. Ci Satarday tbey play tbe Horrlo-toirn Field Olubatttorri*to»n.

Tfae foUow.r* of tbo Orange AtbleUe ClubBafftVaU t w » ore jubilant over tbe magnlO-oent bell belob> pl»j«d by that team this

in, and have LMD omlous to havs tbrirfavorites meet one of tbelr National Leagu*tooms. All of the strongest amateur teamsand seml-profMifont] nines In the E*it havebeeo defeated, wltb apparent ease by theOrange plovers, and the msnagement oan*eluded to Utt tbs real strength of the team bysecuring Bt LiuU, ot the National Lugue toplay at Orange Oval, B u t Or&ogr, Fridayafternoon of thta week. ThtiaiateatUIng wldesorfod lntenot, oed *>•- "

rW bring all it« strength to :..--wla. Bt Loala resptoto tbrlr playing"Bblllty,and will UN tbelr beet players* to guardagUnitdoroit.

£*bor Par »t Part Oram.A i.«y of enjoym*at may be bod on Hobdayf sproaiogtbe day at Fort oram. At) out'clock Bbarp tbt btta tall gtmt bitweeo ttt

Fort Own tnd Mt. Hope dnbi will ta played.Tbeee arabe played, a tea iaatng gran beforetbb seaeoa end a floilf oantasted g»nw tavjbe looked for. AdmlnlontoelllOoMiU. At

o'clock fn tht Fine Qrove Mrs, Lnogent X.Ales, of Brooklyn, will detlnr on oddrow,

'TbePuanoUooiisplNoyand itsAt 7 o'clock Wo, O Barrack,, of

subjectjre*&lta.«~ftamtfi|toD, will d>ll*ar on addrese. Ur.Barrack U a ftee speaker ana is ibe PeopledPerty eandldaU for Oongrets ta this, thefourth district There have been fnvitoUoassent to Mpraatntatina of the BefrahUoan,Damoeratia and Prohibition partite to defendtheir parties on tbe question of flnanotoathatday, Tbt Enterprise Bud, of Cjver, willdboonnt mntio throagbont tb» aftarmoa andtwalog. The, Big 8U QntrWviwiu ting.

. Ohurch Votot.Bar. Or. BtJloway having rttarntd bomt

from hie vacation will preach In tbe Prteby-ttrtaa Charon on Banday at 11 A . M. and 7:30

Rev. W. 0. B-lntay, of DunollM, N. J.,preached* nrj Intonating ibath mornlnt ]tal. At tbt artniag lerrioethe pastor ooooladtd tbt atrtw ot termnta ontbeFroUgal Bon,

thttt Inetraetira ear-moos have evfdtnotd tbt public appreciationof tbelr iDtomdng character. Anothertertot may bt linked for lo tht near future.On Sunday ttext Bev. O. W. MbCormlok,

irof toe Boonton M. B Ohurob, wlUpreoohbotbinor&iagaiMltvtDlog AoprdialInTltatioah«ktetMledtoaU. 6 f

-TbtSttfe'nU* iThe «taw Valr-

open et Waverly onMotday atst, «Dd wlU <x*tW throoghoatIbt'wttk. Tbo VrtJWtioa promiM to Umore papnlar than aver, ani tba new plan ofoftsingonaltoUnaybaB bttn found to bttiaseUtnt The exhlbltiaa U klwati wtUworth Beting, and them It DO pUot etberaone Beet ta many duTeraet r^prtMntatrnt of.oar varied Jersey popnUtlon than at tbtWavarljFeJr, ramer tnd meohanlo, mana-faetartr tud reloUer, the rich and ths poor,tht yoong and the old alike pttronlet the<alr,andget u much tatbtacUon In aeaob oihar u In tbe tbow itself. One laa

rhloh promises to be etttpttooaUy good tailyear will be tbe exhlbtUon ot bonet and thatrotting ractt. < ;

After 30 S a n .On complaint otaaageototttieD, L. and

W. R, It., iomp\> H. Trondo, an Icaliso, hasbtra arrt*t*4 for having stolen a packagefrom the can Utweea oCarrbtawtL and UorritFUlneoa Jalf SUt but Trondo fled to NewYork dty, but oa th« S of the presentmonth tn Ittlltn nfflotr toned bin there endstarted forHorrlstown wlrh bin, but at Can>snt station tbe prisoner jumped off the train

aad took leg boU for liberty with tbe officertn hot pursuit. The shoe* wit long and hot,but after a four mile ran, and near Hew Vtr-Bon, Trondo wot overhauled and It now in

Complete Assortment 'of Ifif*nUandOhndrtn1eUoe Capet; UwnHots, abort and lOQg; White Dresees, Ion*and abort; Cloaks pt prloea to anJt the time*at Uw Dover Bator of J. H. Grimm.

, BAtea t.t AabTirr Park.BpecUI rates for board and roam dartag

camp meeting or DDUI October lit.U. J. HARDEN,

SIS 4t& Anone, Aebary Fork.

Eavt your •jet ""»'«"< aod Ctlaeaae madebrA.J*TCro-(R.O.), JflW.EMBt N-V.

Tloor OU Olotb,QDo, tod We. KTura jsrf, at tbt Dortr BetE1T» 8 tor*, S O M E rtmt, Dom,

QSSBBAXi STONB'fl BEFOBT-WiixiiJi B, KJHQ, ESQ., County £ngioeer.

DIAB BIB—A very brief examination oftbe topography of Morrii County disclosesao njany oppcrtanitlea for tbe Improvementof roads by relocation that It semi iteoeeaaryhi mtke very careful sorvejt of many of tbeUae« la order that the &otd Committee siayjudge of tb« Importance uf Uw alterationsthat might be mode In each case. I think Itexpedient, therefore, to niska a preliminaryreport on thU subject, transmitting to yoand Uie committee the Information I have

6 so far from personal Biploratton ofto* ground ami from study ot ths topogrsphl-

iapa cf tbo county. In order tbat thecommittee msy, u Boon at poettble, -ordurtucb eurreje as tuny may deem it wiae to

te, ond tbat I may give some penonafsupervision to tbe mirvey of BURgeitedchanges of UDM during my stay. I regardthis u of more importorjoe In tbe beginning

•oar woik than any otturoeairtuioe whichnreodof. I aeod joti btrewith profile» of

the principal roadt la the coantv, totho«x<t«nt of 103 nillea, oa they appear on ttu topo-grapliical maps published by the State of NewJersey u d the {felted Bt&tes. Upon tbeseprofiles I have marked tbe changes neoeisaryto rtduoe the bUla on all tbm lines to a 4per cent, grade, wlalcb, I tblnk, can be madeatteadanl Ibalt lor all ji<ur cjunty roads,

if ot Uieoe mads now mn from 10 to 13per cent., and tbe obange wauld mor* thandoubts tbe loads that could bo hauled, on

t of tbo road*, in addition to th« gaintna4e by improving tbelr foea while, torgeneral trawl, a i p " cent grade as (helimit vp which a bora* will trot easily wltb allgbt load and down which he wilt trot with-i^helng jarred or crowded by the vehicle,The leuHM*1 o ( th* chlnKe* AaA *&* a a w l*o e t

sugg«ttod on tbeao TS3^* * n*He*l end ioottof the changos which ore iaifc w *~C,twlU oho shorten the Unm or leave this kngthtfae same os beforo. Tbeee altered roads, inoocnMtion with tbe roadi tbat reyolre t

alteration, would give a system. r*dl*Ui_from Honittown to tie ooanty lines at sixdlfltrrotpoiota, namely : Uhntoam, Butler,Woodport, Leading, Hftokettatiwn and Ches.ter,onollof wbkb the ttc*pt»t hllli wouldbe those In MorrUtawu ltfilt> tojeUier withtbe roods fmm Dover to Woodport, Boontcnto Botler and Meadhsm to 'the ooooty linenear Bonuu-divUIe, all equally eaay in grade,wfal]e tbe some grade* con be extended toUt. Freedom, Soboolev's Uouataui, Ii

Mt. OUrv, ond i-robftbly to many' which are. now onW tawhui by

hills. A. cew \it» can be runby e**y droo*ht from Horrlitiwn to Whip-pany and from tbtro a dead level to PomptoaPfaict, If It sBould be thought dealrobln (a

to reaob a large and populoui sectionot tbe oonoty wbkh, having no rood to Mor-

n now conies alt Its trade ond travelto Kvwark anil Fatorwjn.

ThefolIowtBg U a spiclflo Uatot t'le i,v»

A fiQAP 8WIHDLE." WbaVi Uie price of aoap V It a qunUou

tfast if 111 make uiaar a man lu ChecW lookUeee days. Wedneadiy two i

divvft Into the quiet village end put theirhorses up ol tho hotel. Ti'ey thoo went aboutsaving that they would give a free exhibltioin Uie oveatng. As »oon as thf twIHEliihadows began to fall tbe iliowmoa drove outia front of the hotel, rigged up alight and ttiecrowd of men and boys that usually make upthe audience of euoh abowi begun (i aawmble.A vocal uola wai tbs oiwulo? i>ar( of the pro-gram and Mien one of tbe slick roffuoa tthe teen of Charter that tbey w«re igtroduc-iag B> now cure lor axln blemishn and erup-ig & ntion*; that Mery s contained ft tlckst,

h d U f i; y pg ,

ouid efory ticket tli»t hid a uaU fa itwould draw a priie at tbo close of the

Th i f tb fpoet'sf f

pThe merits of tbe soap wero aphraFfB and for the tmoll

thl ril d

the diaUnoe between th* old and newroutes t

Between Waterloo end Dover by way ofttcong, Port Morrti', Hopotcjog LtnJtng

and Port Oram, l&l-tenth mDes. (Hew Uni4-tcath cf a mite longer than old turnpike.

Between Dover and Morris Plains, commenelng near Roakaw*,? township Hue, newline 7 5-t«ntha mlhs, 5-tentha shortsr.Between Morrlatown and Mendhatn, 1 75-100

mile*. (Oistonos somr)Between Mendbom and Chester, i 1-teuth

mile*. {Distance cam').MonlstflwntoMt. Freedom ond Baocsjunno

by Ue&dUam road to Brookiidt, 7 O-ttnthamlloa. (Sow line 1 & toathi mllea longer thantbo old turnpUr),

Mendbam toward fiirnardavllle, tlotBerwtcounty, 8*-tenUnmlIoi. (New lino 8-teuthaollfa obortei).

MorrijtowntoWnlppany.aC-lOmnes, (newline 3-W mllMtborter)

Boonton to Butler, 8 85100 mlloi, (new line

milts,MOM MouoUto, new Una(Ilstonoe ian» J

The dlltsronoo ID total rim a^d fall oa aUMM lines as compared witb

illustrated by tbe figure* given DO the Boon-ton and Butler profile. The total riio fromBoonton to Butlrr and book by the preeentao being 1.M5 feet and by the DOW line <K»)»t-In s4d(Uoo to the ctu&gta in the lines some

kills wlU rrqulro reduction by cutting and (UKIng. :Tfala work, jfharolt ts heavy.-eaa bad«eso mlMuthewinteraalnfumni-rondlreoomnwEd the Immediate eurv«> of sacn 1*.nollUss, as for iMtaoc*.,-ths ~KOOJQ(«» Hills on UM ttesdhun road auj UteOrecnpood Mountain pen rntwren Dover andBarkthtoe Volley. , .

Respectfully joar*,'ROTHTOKE,

Consulting EnginH".Marrlstowo, N. J-, Aag. apth/ISM. . .

Tbe now mop of tbo county on a largo ecalewill be ready next week, utd the proposed*)H|w can bt laid down on it, before tbo•xt noottog ol the Board ot Freeholder..Aiuthar subject damai.dli}fl, immediate oon-

sidorstioo, such oa wUl in owny pUeeB affecttba locations and grades of the county readsU the ofBrmatlOQ ol railway grade aroaalngs,and wherevsr It ootaio ponlUo to ocoomplUbthis, 1 would luggwt tbat tho oimmlttee bo

Aid with ehiotlone, plane ond estimBtnof ths cost lu urder tbat they inay ouaterwith tbo rallwaj atiUmritlee and arrasge for

props? division ot the oxpaose

WUl 10108 One Oomo pWill not eome good, sober family pbyelolan

take op his or her practice In BpurU. Tbereprobably Is no plsoe or re*ideno6oretitnn]u<-tngpleMla tfali vicinity fo/*whlch*gooa,sober f*mlly physician to to badly Mian).It Is true, Bparta has a physician e,nd ths,t Isoil con bt sold, e«c*pt that be does all In bispower to. avoid an" opponent Ho cannot h»rvlitd upon; he omanot stay hlmtelf lonerooough ta visit a patient twice in lireutr-four boars, and tbe only pbyrioUn to bt bid

eight mi\r* tway when tbe Sparta phystolon it Ul(n. It might tmthl\illy be stldthat several Sparta people hove died far tbawont of a doctors core tad treatment, endthe Sparta phytlolan h u bora oalled, foranumber of tbete u d bos been unable to an-swer tbe call. A ttaion la Just closing, andone tbat would of been o her'tic for • goodphysician undentandinKhit business and howto take street It. Wilt &ot ewne one oome)

WorklDgmtn while eogned to diggtag a•ocn Saturday for (be fouodotlon of a etont

retaining wall In tbe rear of ten new Mo'Ipto Block, la Morrtatowb, noeartbed reren-tn buman .hulls. Poring the occupation of

Horrbtown by tbe Revolutionary forces «nold beptlit Ctraron oa tht groaod we* usedoa a imaUpoc hospital and SOD of Wasblng-

I'S patrlattQ army eaooumed to the drttdTney were buried In the old oemettry

j g the ebureh. The boaee foand S«t-urda>vrl|l be relnttrred In tbe BrorgnenCemsterj, • -,

Oomlan KtnoBBlnatedi.'Tht Dtfaocnta ol tbe Vonrth Congressionalistrict tent tbeir teprettntaUitt to Wsjb-

[DgtooTvetday to oomlaattaoandkUttforCongme end of ooartt Joboeton, CoroEtb wottbt notnfajot. There vi«i'eji tmbryotla at-tttnpt to raise an oppodtkn by eome Sussesd*k«otte,wbopresttited tbt name of HenryB. Htrrla, bat that gentleman WSJ declaredto bt not a candidate and tbt aotatnatioo *imemadeaQantmoot. Mr. Ooralah nWde » .pe«chrtdUog hU totolty to tbt Presibnt tad tbtparty platform, and Urn oil together thwk

. 0 . X- Amnivtroarr.-Tne T. P. B. C. E. of tbtJFretbytaHon

OhanA of Otnnan Valley -Uia,Ubr»t* theirseoaad onnlvarsory nsit Btobath. trtulng.

H. Rooncrmat will d*Urer tLeoddree. ofBrelconie, and Mr. Martin .Xatber Oax, the

luamdtat, will be tbt ortior ofTbt wall-known sblUty ol both

Uwat genUttam awakens l d > U«trtetlaUwooaaBl<m.

AsTOU u tho Tolls.Charles Flood, who twtceatcsped fron tbe

MorrU Plaint Hospital, was arreitod at Phil-Hpsturg last week; for burglary. Flood Iiauppoood to be Insane, bat, kowevor, thatmay ba bo WM son* enough to twin xooke blaesrapofroathaasylani, and woo at libertyWIMO boootnmll^d itkls lott actooly by n ( ! .cese/uUy keeping out of sfght of tbs authori-ties. Probably be wUl now hare a chance toshow his abUltfeo toreoopefrom State prison.

Xi&lntT at Bndd> l*ke.InthtOountjr Clerk', offloa et Wework

yMterdor nrtlclaS t-t luvCrpci .vjon wore Bledby tba Budd'a Xjoke Ul&Itig otid XUUngC Th l i H I *iW C05 f

yCompany. Tht <apltsi

Ufa (1000 to tdc Is * i W C05, ofCompany. Tht < p s i H 5, of

wUofa (1,000 to p*td up. Tbe laaa-pontortAdrian a. Flunci, of Bichmond

Conqty, K. Y.; Mama a fell*, of Brooblyiand Jrrmncis 8, King, of Hswotk.

Tarte Ipeelol Toloeoi Lou durtalitt at t , ffie. and U.M a

TMar.oUnawpattema tbi* seoton. Twenty-five per otnt. radar regular orioe, Do&tmlsjtiiem at tbt Dcrrtr Banr ot J, E.Grimm.

Kid-Summer piearineT Bolt.td , I* & F. H. Dickenon Dommeooed to-

daytodoBtoDttUBummer goods wltb a bigcutlo price*.

Qarttul OonetalTkllor made, Rtort fitting, aU boat a&4 flvt

hooks. Begttlor price 75 08ats,wUl tell for t,short time at 47 cents at Donr Bat Hive.

OUT Batlrt StockoCWlnter Goodtwfll btwld ata twrlflce.

of fa thli priceless compound was tobecome the property of any one wbo wouldput np the price and th-re wai tbe praapect

> prln ten tlnira the value of tbemotteT expeoded. Tatn toe men of Chester,whose outiclei uev«rkoairaua.brtuto[i, beguito buy »ap for pltuplee aad blotcbes on theakin. When the $2 meti wens eibaust*d tli«prico dropped to tl.CO, tlan to «l, then to SOoeota. Tuofaklr kept talking, and ho WHB S«glib ani elicit asaoy man who oysr lired ontbft ffuUlhlllty of bis brotber mat), until al>out10 o'clock, wben he ttW the people wbo li»dbought the eoap tiiat tua tlofc U would becaihod la tbe hotel. Tl.oy picked up theirtraps, put out the Ifgbt and Induced a manBtstidlog by tbe carriage ta carry tfae (ticktint supported their light into tbe note), tbeawhipped up their borsM and drove out ortown with from $00 to (IS of good money for

tbey gave a compound uf Bawduit thatlooked (omBtbtuK Hta -™»o.

There we-1- . * "*--~i "..«n> a gooo many men who oonis pretty smmri who wer« nipped by

the fakirs. There mun't p*tb*pj cn» in thecrowd who bought oosp fro-a any faith ta It*healing quallUei, but the pottibllfty af get-ting a prize toolr thPm oil their feet and theyaove token another draught at the w«H i

THE BMIIH PIOSIO.ThU is Uusgrekt aveat lu tb* picnk Uns

tbe large aeotlon of country ce&taringtn Vpock. Wblletban waanot tbo vast multitudepre»tnt which theNe» Tork p>i>«rc «j ' 'yet the crowd » M very large anil ot a veryqclet chiractti. Tbo daw of people one Hintthrrft wu above the average lu dreia andmanners, and apj>ar(int iutcUlgence. Tht[omily wboee xrouads wen opeo to tbe pub'lie aro actuated eaUraly by public spiritedmotive*, and bave HO deaire to turn to pruQtany of tie growing kucoua of its anuunlgatbericg, now in its 18th yeex. Tlie oratluoby Iter. Danlal H. Ov«rU>c, upon the subject,n From Bondage to Liberty and Uie Dunzcnot Liberty," was carefully prepartd a-id de-livered I&aa entrgetlc and fordbls manner.R«v. Diolrt W. RWor, o( the M. E. Church,of Fvapack, waa asked to speak, u vrat al«o[{«v. V. F. Chamliirs, of Oarman Valley.Daiiiibeiegent'eiiirn entered Into tbo iplrlto( tbe occAaloo and occupied a few moment*with Bome remarta in a humorous vein. Tbelatter gentleman paid a well dettrveJ tr(-but* to tbeBmllb rurally/or toolr commend-

enterprite and famllj prllo. Mr.lierltiu.ot Cbestur, »njt ft nimiter oti ol a comic sang, which fiat Itubeuud

U> wltb open-mouthed delUht by a. number atpreeont. Others felt at tbo time tbat

thoold proverb, "O,gift boroo In the mipropriate.

glit not lo lookuth," H-SS peculiarly ap-

An Uafortnn>t« Acquaintance.or«nc« Knlgbt, aged 18 yeora, daughter

of Dr. Wm. KnltUt, of Clinton, attended tbePorrners' plcnio «i Poeker Island recently.While there the mads the acqtaJntmwi ot unun ttiloe her age, and waa eutlced away byhtm. They came to. FlBmlngtou and tooksapper bt Mounts Hotel, rfgUterlog fromNew \ork. Mrs. Mount bocorae satUHsdt u t they were not man nod Mlc, nod thayw«n ordered to leave the boute, Thtitlioydid.

The Clinton Democrat, ID ipeaUagor (heutable affair, ttyai " Tbe girl (* of

romaDUa nod Independent dltposltloD, anaber father had immediate itepi tslcen to flodber and sovs her from possible henn. He wassuccewful, ond y«eterd«y tWedoesdaj)oelved a telegrum VUtA the Is at Wildtrood,Capt May County, whore h« went ot once."

—We understood tbat sites Ktitght v$xsrtod In tbe dty of Bwton hy tbeblaok-

beartcdscoundrel who eiitlced heroway, giv-ing her just enough mon'y to pay her fart toFbtlodelpbUi-mony mtlee distant. Ho iasaid to be well known In tbe city of Newarkos a concert hall singer, and that bt* ntme IsBird. It b vohe hope! Ibtt UM scoundrelmay be armted and mods to suffer the fallpenalty of tbe low. fie oteo goec hy thtoame of Joha A- Lewis..

Tbe girl ny i that Lewis, or Bfrd, look herfrom Flemlngton to Kastoo on Uie nlgbt oftbe Ibtb, aod that sight they puwd to a tele-graph office. Nnxt momlDg Ihey went to tbeAtnericoQ Hotel in Bailoo and rvmained un-til Ean<Uy mcmlog, whta hegtve her motipyto pty her fere to Phiiadelphta, (Hrtoting torto t oettoin hotel. Iae'eid of going there,however, Uiti Knlgtt. who bed grown wearyof the romantic port of tbt affair, wont to anIntelligence office and woithtre employed by anun named Zimmerman as a domestlo, tu1who took her to hVs home In tbe southern pertof the State. To Mn, Zimmerman she madeknown her (ndentfty, with the ivsult tbat herfather wot mode known ot her w a e t b

Taxation of Ohurob Property.Isut jav tbe Asseteor of the Seoopd ward

of Ffallllpeborg, tami) tbe Parochl&l SuhoolBuilding and Cttholfo Club R-oms cf 8r,FhUlIpe farltb. The Connnivloiiem of Ap-peal last year eiempted tfae school Gliding

it kept the Ux m the olab rcons. Tbe COMwas argued before tho State Board otTau-tlon by the Very Rev. Deen Bark* oa behalfof the church and by e i Judge DaWltton thopart of the town, he ot the time being TownAttorney. Tho deciilon wot given in favorot the church corportUoii. Notwlthttaodlngtbt decision ol tbB CcttmMooenot Lut year

1 of tbt Bte>U Board of Tsaatioo, the•tttor taud both huUdlBgttbli year tgala.

The case came before the qommtettcners ofAppeal lost wtck.aod It wot decided ta oorrr

o the Bapreme Court It will be a oostlyt for the town, but at matter* now stood

there U DO other way oat ol (be difficulty.sot win be watenei wltb macb Interest.

a tOK*» FLA1XB.Tbt Btenunent ot the LwftBupper wiltbt

admistond in tht Presbyterian Church nextSanday morning,

The ChriiUon Bodrovor Bodety held It*monthly oonMcnUon iKttUsg bat Bundajtrtnlng. It wai led by 8. Arthur Johtnon,ood proved to be Ttry (nUrtetlDg.

Hut Jesuit ChamberWn, 'of PUuder»,leatmftwdayawtUi bar slater,Mrs. W. 0.

Borbron.Arthur Johnson started for Illinois oa

[ondar. - - ' •Mn. Bono Mnrphy, of atorristown, to

l l t b U t U J L C f i l d 1Mn. B o o M r p y , orrs

plflng tbt.M«<Ut at Un . J. L. CampThe public lohoolwill opm nextTuctdty,

w Uh If Irs V. L. Llailtberry oe teoohrr. r7ooil beortly wokome her bock o«.ofn.

Hiss tlost Draka la sufferhtg from o aovarecold ou the lungs. "

Tbt pnjrr totellng on Wednesday waslargely attended, offer wbloh tbe tenion bedtbeir meeting, to receive nnv who wished tojoin vttlb the church on tbe coming Ssbbith.

Tbe tvme oU eorjg, dry as ever; thlofc we'Uove sotna rain J -Tb*M. A a.oflhfa pIaM,tod tbe State

Hospttol Juniors will crosa beta on the for-met'e grouod on Labor Day at S-.80 p. x .


A young Uen^.ChHitlanAseocIetlon bost*en formtd to this piece wltb about fortymember*. A oomtnittM faai be*n appointtdto mean rutncriptloot for tbe parchtee ot aplot of gnmnd and the erection of a suitable,building. -TSIB will Include meeting andreading rootnt on4 a gymnasium. A great(nsjorlty of our people ore htnrtily LuterestedIn I*, and ore Joining to give tht association

Tht people who have been summering heret n letting ready to go back to tbt city fort h l t « r

Mrs. Johnson sailed last vreek on theBtrarla for Liverpool. tih» mil bo absentabcat two uotiths.

Fnderio Cromwell and famtlvaro T.sit weeks at Bar Harbor and in tbs WhiteMount aina.

Qtorge Bryion baa been on A vacationto Saratoga, tbe Boosoc Ucuntalns u i l theBerkshlr* BI11«.

Tha Hill Top Sunday School had Its yearlfpicnic at Bhongum Fond lost Week, and themt& Butnber of children fell In tbe water.Tbe peach crop U heavy, aad the price* are

low again.

Cloth Inff Clean e4.8. C. Larson Is now ready to dean and re*ftlryour ulolhlag before the cold weatbarBOM*. ToavlUilnd anew lloeot samples

•nd cloth far snlta tniJa to ord«r. Tforget tha pU», \a Baatx »t»«t, Dover,V.3.

GERMAN VALLEY.Mn-.T. F. Chmbon, tllas Janole Button

aid Mfis Luella Wise btve bean FpeudlDg acouple ol weeks ot OOMQ Drove.

Rev h. Miller, D D. ( wlfft aud son, ofHarUlolr. N. Y., ara tbe gueete of Mrs.William Dufford.

Mrs. Uanoe aod BOO, of Morrlatown, havebwn -vlalUDg friends la town for the past

Miu AHL 'n«t.. **. . ;*lj?:"betnB ea 'Wy Ht^belB. A

tiev. Bborp, of Brookljo, lathe guuKef. W. H. Uelp for tbe preeent week,preacbed botb momiog owi erening tnLutheran Cburcb.


tlm apliJiilDi; uliivl nan uiilvtraal, and A L L W O O LPiirKtiM-'ltufrualilutiublaKullH. u rule, too, «i nhlcli I

' • • - • • • jo t f u r clothl t iK)bewuw It Uabyvelurial, lit, nit ajjd ilnlali.


unf&vonblu crilfclaui tu oTury point, rtyle, n

Oa Sunday ?toj4 Woolbull and family,Morrtato*D1WB«)BttIiehonieofE. D. Bartlu.

H«7. T. F. Chamben delivered an ezcellonaertnon on Sunday morning laet.

U n . &ho«QbeIt 1B tcjojlng a well tnmt&rewt with friend* at Moirittowu, Hew " 'andetse*bere,

tin. IVIUUn Dufford and brother.Hitler, owg a duet ID tbo Lutheran CburcbSunday t>tbe cow. . _ _ _bear Ihmn uog togetQer often,

Bebw we ({Ire you a list of tenchera tbihave been tagtgfd by tht new board ot tntees i German Valley,"" - - - - -of Fompton Plaint anof Fompton PlaFlora Dlckerwu,

IDI oa piof Mend)

irincipa), and Mfi*bam, aa atnlatautO UfT t F hPbUbowen, Ml» KramaO. UofT, ot FreDoh-

town; flusetatarove, Qto»-ge H, Silher, olPJeawut Qrore i Bcboaler^ Uauot&ta, UtssUulda Obero;, of Trenton; Bt^jihemlmrg,Utta Lanrihel Freftsne, of Orange; Park or,Joseph P. Lelgbton, of Parker; Uaurlgbt,If faa Jennie L\ke, o! Naurijiht; Pkcktowo,UlsaRiaalla 8. Ltrton, of Oilord. MiddleValley baa not been decided upon at yet,Nearly all tbe above have pron "tobe6(ftoientt*apb6ri,andooin .recommended: School wtll op«a a«xt TueS'dsy oornlnir.

William Johnson, of New York, joined blalife on Saturday at tbe borne of Lymaitlce.Tbe tomato canning; factory Impeded f

open next week ot Mi J die Valley under theiopervlslon of Qtorg* A!p»ogh and ArabDowiu. We-wbhtbemthegnaUatiueoosiiatheir new uaderUktag.

MISB Lulu Bwackbamer, the organist at theLuthern Cnurcb, Ia (resting tbe ooBgregatlooto some excellent musb in the way ot volun-taries and M for*. We fuel Tery tbi

ui assure her U Is'appreciated by all.

Hr. BrlnkerboS te tnovlDK bis houeeholdlDg bitwill stogoods at thla writing and will store them la

tbe hall untU e. house U vacited for htm.Mrs. Olllen will move to Ksurlght uext

week, and Stewart Balds will go to Keavll.Weoreiairy to part wltb auch good neigh,bars.

Some ot our peopta oiteodod the Smith pioiloot Peipock on Wedoesday and rrport the

usual number of flmitlii on bond, as well astha enoimona amounb rf provision.

J. W. Welth la vat ttnprovl&s very lapldl]ot tba p m w t time.

BUOOABUSNA.Oo Bolurdiy lut the l i t Hops base ball

duboatEtto Bnccaaatuui to GIMBI bats »Hhi, oarrjtaf off the, honors of tht day,i being 9 tp 10 in favor of the .Ut.

ffope boyi. This w»* the b*«t gome tbat baabe*n playsj oa the gOQods tola eeaaoa., Bothtides were **«ftQ.d to play ball and conse-quently did B0td3s.n;f cupping. Thulwjtbave arranged foi a galo day on Monday,Sept. 3d. In the morning ths Chester ninewlU cross bate with t ie aecood nine of thisplace and! {attt« afternoon too bovefromBI*bernfa will meet the first nine at 3 o'ctoolc,An aioellent game [a expected os the visitorsbave the Dame of being a strong- team, Iatbe oft&raum and evening there will be apeoon and ioe creum festival en tfae Ul l fcld,tbe proceeds for the benefit of the club. TbnRojcbury Comet Band will be prestot bothafternoon and evening and will furnish tomeexcellent music. Come, bnjs and bring jonrgirla; Oome, girls, and make thefetlownjiroewith you.

Mm. ofathbu Curl, of Dover, tas been•peBdio* H few OoyB with her diugbtor, Mrs.LstmSkelleager.

Mr, sod lira. Dirid OUIr, ol Draketowc,were the guests o tJ .N . Youngon Baturday

Mr*. L, Httaann, of Hew Tori, It ipendlagfew days with Mr*. B, HtrrtostoQ,James Pltaberbert, ot Hewark, Is (pendingle week with friends In thli vicinity.Mtw Neltla Riahter spent Ttmrsday and

Friday ot but w«ek ta Boonloo.MISB May Alpaugh has raturaed alter a

week's icjcrarn with frlenda lo Dover andNewark,

The Adriance Buckeye Mowers,Reapers and Binders.

PRICES GREATLY REDUCED.Tke Wiard Bulky Hay Hako,Spring Tooth Cultivators.Syracuse Cultivators, $1.25.Screen Doors Complete, SLOO.Iilghtniag Ioe Cream FreeseiB, tl.45 up.lawn Mowers, $3.26; all clsei.Fishing Tackle, Boat Oars and H&mmooks.Kotnington Bi0T0le», 26 1-3 lbs., $126.00.Gales'Safety, 18B3 pattern . -Majestio Light Hoadster, 1894 patternBoya'Safety, Pneumatic Tire, 125.00.


ea ,Frank King b »ltt t t

up hli poittlon asll «ntor Colemaa-narabtoatpostimuUr oat will enter

at Newark the first of the month. WhltSaldTrowbrldee, of Dover, hot beta selected to

U tbo vacancy.W. A Qardaw U «pcadliig a few days wltb1«ndJ In Newark.U n . B. A. BtaliJard it vloitlog at Sew

Roctaelle itarlcg tbe prtMntweck.i Fr«r of oar young people went driving onSunday l u t attd QHtly found ttnnueWes atUt, Tabor, Tbey arrived home oafely thatnight or at Jeoit were hen the next morning.

Toe taocban raiding in tbi* vicinity have•scared the (allowingschools; Edward Fitc-faerbvrt Lao the Mine HOI aofaool. W. P.Fitsherbert goes to Pompton Plains. MlitRellle Rigbter to fierkablre Volley. MissKay Alptugh hoi tbe Alpaugb sobool, andGeorge Carwla goes to Bergen county at oplace cillsd Korwood.l c

Our sctool opens oa Tueeday, thejtb, withI. 1>. HoonlDg ot its h«od and MJia Shavger

<A Rockawajr, hat GhorgB «f tba primary dettirmeut

Howard Eveland, of Jersey City, hoi beenipendlngafew dajifn town

Muter Edward Kllpotrick is ipandlog efewwoekaot Laka'Sdward, H. V.


Lottera remaining unclaimed In the PottOffice at Port Oram, IT. J.Port Oram, B. 3., Aug! Slat, ISM.

Prank Boraick, Mr*. Annie CoJjtau,UIM Mamie Ddoley, Thantu Hiocock, -Mrr. N. Howard, D " - ' "

Bltan lUcsduge.To obtain say of the" above tetters layad-

vertbed and give dote of this listJoicrDOWITIMO, P.M.

COIL—K0PP—Wednesday, Aag. 15, at 8 P.*., by tba Ker, B . VL Sharp*, p*ttor ot r*~tnebvteriaa Cburob at C&kBIdge, N. _.Miss EoiUe A. Doll, of Jersey City, to Ur!Charles D. Kopn, of Booaton, N. 3., at tbtresidence ot tiffbride, Ho. u'Seunoa ave-nue, Jersey City EetgnU.

FOUND.A ladlet coei bctircen 8L irsryl chureh, Itovei

and West Sl&ckweU Bt. Iu quire *t Uib offlct>.

Notioe of Application.KoUce Is hwcbj j^ven Uut tie lubwrllier will

DOTsrot the next ngulor meaUne forailcc••nipiritoiM,flnloiMa«ilDMlt llanora «t whobiato la hU »o« buUJlOH oa tiumei ttrret

"Window sbftd«a, ir,SOo. tnd gGc .Bt tbaDow Bee HJfe Blony




ARoctiona ol Ibo Stomach and BowelsAo Dlon-hoao, Pein m lha Stonaoh o

SovroU, OromDB.Cliolerastorbxia, Dym-entciTt SiafcHaadocbe, IntlleosUon

Tlatnlenoe or Wind Oolio anaSet, B

T l u Vlorlda Bleua K »FordJnitrfttaddDmUnH&d to Tb>

ft B«tun Ok. mrus T^n,™

It la a taluBl le T*ml)r MfOirlnr, r*r rciiLrly wrU.wblBluU[ian»ainru>i(c»t«(ciniLh« r lle-Hnu

HiudnrhA. <lillfn<<«

BA ttftfitom in TwoLtj-nn Oont BolOeo."













TOWEL SALE• at the Baker Building

16x3OHUCK TOWELS 2OcPr.17x34-18x3617x32 Hemmed18x38 Fringed Damask20x40 Plain Crash

25c Pr.25c pn29c pr.29c pr.29c pair

18x40 Pure White Turkish 25c pair18x86 Brown Honey Comb 25c pair

Stampsd Linen Goods, Lacs Curtains



Wife—Can you let me have somemoney, di-iir? I am going stopping.Husbjiiid—Cn'ot lioiivt'Uri! Maria, you'llruin mi*. Wife (calmly)—All I %?aot laloi " - • " — . . . .


fur II

vnts for oar fare.—Cloak Uerlew.late.

T/nfclr Oomi>etltlon.Th*r» U uo raoson why Uie United Rl*t#n

QoTemroant sliould compete ID tho printingbusiness with private concern*. There aremany n w j q i why It ibould not Indulge |p•neb oompetltlOB, paper and Frew, Uie

tf of the printing bu-iueui, stttes thatf—It's Retting veryUtllk' Juliiiny—Gnlii" to bod! during tbe put fiscal year ibe govern i

IH mum mid iniuiiiUH in bed'r" jreoelved e7,243,bO5 for the printing of apwUlIt'H man' lime I request oovelopra alone. It baa also dom

other work (or individuals which U mudI-ss Jiutiflaolu Th* United TypolMt,

" T i I gut'

,vu In dry goodilrnw lire you'

•w—jfot a st<Muivl-lMlu,Wllilt UVV JUU dolllfi » ( . . „ . . _]iil>? Hi own—I gut-as I lmvc. I'miviililny tor my clutugf.—LlfeV Cfllen-rtur,

Mi--1 linvo loved you long. Will yoube mliir-Y Sin—Oh, Mr. Suilta, till* llno sinl<li"i-fcurli a surprint*! He—Xea,I know, (h'.in-«t, but your fattier audimUliir keep writing to kuow my In

Futlu-r McNnlly (with rleliteous In-(Ucnmlfni)—v\r stuiineuu ye, G'Blearv,,\v'n : Imlf illirank, O'Blcnrjr (a,1>olo-jit'iifjilly}—Oi know it. yi-r wumhlp, butU'tt iiul tny fault. Ol'vtt dhplut all tlietui.m-y ol lmil.-Pm-k.

Tln> lit. HIM-, Mr. CdHsouk—I gn-tttlyr,;ii-, my ilt'iir luiultiin, thnt your lius-li.uitl its iliHtluii\ lu mi]* a harvest ofi;iiv«. Mm. Swiftly Cay—Indeed, Ift-iir ».., UIMIIIIJ.; lit- IIIIH liit-u on out. fortltu lust llm-e tloyn.- HiirUius Lift.

M Nntljv HvlilHjMTiDK lo lit-r tath-er fn'lii Hie riinnlry, who IK IIIIUHK withlii-r mill a imrty *>f ulty «»««*)— V'atlicr! Von muxiii't tuck yuur uttiikiu uu-IUT .viHir cliIn, Her Kutlier (In rubunttuiusi—I know U, Km'Ij'. But 1 alu'lp i t tut wifi'ty |ilu fi-r to l i i It.—Clilcugulti-uunl.

K»Ri»1>o<ly « Wti Kicked.yA young rutiKhkot'pHlun, 11 few flnya

slim-, lOikwl m> n (rloud 011 MurkHHiiwt mill looU him lioinc to luuda-uitWltllolll IKltlftt tO tlie foniltT'H WltV.Sin* ciilltil him one Hide and exjiliiluLiIthat tliun' w<'iv only a ilou-u ruwo.vHtfi's, tuitl ivlieii their friend haileaten Ills quota of four lie must not bo

K d to take nioi.>. All thin the hUH-t


1 tln-lr*t!U«'«ni!HI Wlieu*

America, wbtcb will meet la Hepumbcr, U.0 follow tba r ent t ottbe

NaUoaaJ Editorial AuocUUoi. In coatidericgU t b i t d to preMat to Btrong t*nn

in unfalrneu of the tJnitedi»ot doing jab printing In

BULes Govern-

Loss of FleshIs one or the first signs orpoor health. Coughs, Colds,Weak juunKs, Diseased Bloodfollow,


tho Cream o; God-liver Oil,cures «U of those weakness-es. Take it In time to avertillness If you can. Phyiiciana,the world over, endorse It.

tti'l t ideti l i idbi SubstltufaslM fclMtt * B.WM. M. T. Ail DrifaM.

t t i d ma luojHtcrx Hit IIIIHI HHked him to take BOItuuiv. The wifi- liiuk<-d dlstrcHHed atin* K"i'St (li'tlhitil, 'Hie buii\>ninlKIHIIII that Ids I'rli'iul rtlioulcl huve niuThe u-lff lufikiil UH If Hlie VivtvtiKiuiy, utul tlw KH«SI flnnly «'fuat\lallow the rest of the oyeUTS tobriMij,'ht In from Uie kltcheu. IAtln> wifo mild to her liunliatul:

••How oould yau urt'i' him to haimore oyuli'ifi wheu I cxiiLilmvl to y(thai there weren't any intire'/"

"I 11 in w r y wirry," «::lil t!ie uenlUuuhliAtLd, "Im! 1 r.»i-u(.t nil about It.

"U'lmt iio you sniipiiHc I wan kidIng yiiti under Uie table for?" retortcthe wife,

"Hut joii didn't kick me," said tinLusliiiniV—I'oufilikeeiiale N«W8-P

Art'i-iitliifc Ihe Iitrvllslil*.•ffoiulirrnl ure the Hindoos for 1.[>tliiR tlic Ini'vltiiblt'. Toll onen-no tluit lie niii^t taUi- oanlor oil, a- will ilvnin Um uli-nKlliims tup \o tt't-'H mid utimck Ills I!]m. Tell hit lilrt Iff; tiniKl he aniinitiUeit, n

will i n v e n t tli'» lluili for rtlntncnnent, and tunbc n« he HOUH It sce<l. T,-II him thai he Is to l)i> hnn/,'.il. ultli mi toiu-li of emotloti whter, he will reply, "Jo huttkin" ("WilliT IK ,-r.leivd"). JtiHf IIH If lie hTii ioM that h<- IIIIHt have hla c«>r

No Ito"in NThe tmmp with n

i>d the mini with mse, Kir," lie «.

k tlI lea



new %hg t\p\iu,uoney In hla no<-k<..|d, "will yim «\

lilnn; tiwlnyV"ioxle?" anked I

iitlcrnnii, Houicwliat niiTixIed."It'H Iiulliin, Hlr, for Mnu-tiui.i.iink-fnr-11-dliiH1." - '-That's all l-lKi'l- hut I never

Mahmenioule her>re."tramp asmmed a htok of iTli

"What," ho exehdiaed;r M h l r

• hrtio uuiOBlor

"No; never did.""Did you uvpr hear of Abndinin Ui

ooln'f""Lincoln? Unroll)?" queried th

" W I 'tlemn tehliig

lieurd *Th» tm..... . . . ."I'prlinits you vi

Omni?'"Ctiu't euy 1 o v « MA.""You've ocrlnliily lienrtl

tern?"•'Washington? WimMn

tlio fi-iiUimiun rubied h\* chin thotij:uifully. "U't me see; whnt wtw hln lluninw?" - •• - 1

"(iLorgo, sir—a«>r«p Wunlilutttim.1

"No; I never liuird of .him. Wwas lie?"

The tramp took n long look at IIIBproposed bi'iiefuetor.

"Well," hivsald, "Li: was a limn whonover iiontt what yim are floln' now \uBrent eliujip," and the tramp had tinKfiitU'inun in a hole lii' couldn't gv\out of without puylng it dime mul tuttliif,' Hhort further expIuiitlMun.—DetrolFree Press.

An Important Point."Oh, ray, Mamie," ezclnlmud Mi

"you just ought to see Harry nluce hijoined the JCrttlonaiaunrd. H« l o kper/eetly lovely."

"He muatl" rejolnetl .Momle,turimaly.

"I do BO hope there wou't be an;•ivnrl"

"It woalil be dreaaful \t Hurry wer«to gel kUhnl."

"1 waun't thlnklDR of (baL Lotspeople go to war without getting kUlud.But-lio'd bo'Just oerttdn to'spoil itUclotbcs/'—Waeliloglou Hiar.

Batlilylng a (irudfe.. "Any letters hen; fur Ausalun Jacob-sonr* asked the tall, tame-Jointed manwltn yellow ,bnlr ;nud 11 tuft of fadedwtUskers on the pxlrvinu southern froa-tier or Ills pointed ehtn.' Tbe TllIiigD poHtmiuitiT got up from

Ills chair and looked through Ubox.

"None," ho replied, I i | '-ii"Any p m w n rTlie jKiatiiiimter exainltied tha

tents of HUOIIHT plK«m-hole. ~ ~"No pripers r»»r' JftCobion.""J^ellurs 'r pnp«rn-fur Alabena Dul-

seeaa ltivta HnycraftT* - • " ""1 ilon't think there lire.""IVish ye'd Io«k an' otf."The itosttuuater looked tarough,

H boxes.' '

"Anything fur Barker Ealt)?" '"No." i"G»c«s ye'd bi>ttfr look."The ofllctnl inMiuxtcd tlie boxes again.".lust as 1 told yoii.*' Nothing fi

Enln.""Sliiifi PO1IICIIUIB7"AnoUiw weury uwircb through stalled


Tho {icntUtcat mun at the •windowkept It up till Uiu potitiuuster had ns-ciTtnlutHl by pcrHOoal Investigation thntthen* n'ag 'neltlier lotter'iioP1 paper- Intlio ottleo for GUen Htigylos, Em cryWhvflhouBe, Barney Stedmun, Hlchory-Tivyuian, Nelson MelVlt, •Ja.rrls-KInftn-foprry or Honiur Beiiroe, nnd then nmtlexvay rehiotnoOy for tin Impatient agrl'rulturiflt from thn BnlnliridRtf ndRli-liorlii)od who hnd beim waltinB nvenilimtps nnd was becoming threatetilneami linngproUB. «

"\VUdt mtuhi you ttPk for fill t!io»cfolkn" umll ?" IiiciulrcO 'an acqufllntuncits the umn with the failud cUa*whInkere BtftUHxl nutttlde the building. "Dothey live nut in your section ?"

"No. They don't live anywhere, aaI know of," was the reply.

"Then what did you mean by mak-ing Uie postninater go to all that trou-ble for nothing?"'-""»• ' ' "

"VTC bwn nsVUi', fur mall at Oilsawftta fur tnhility uenr oerea monthj,nn' cover pot riblnnied thlai;," repliedUio other, "wltji it. vtiullcttro chacUc,"nn' I'm n-p-'ttln* even irlth tbe EUT*-mDnt, b'ficsh! Tliiil'B all."


It la a world of la, waj or nrltl t s .Cupid irtll lie If It ploue hl» fancy.Pleasure 1*~always la •Igh'f of pifln.Beouty ii'tcarceljr an offset la ntu-

phllty. :' • 'A woman'* Million Is close kin to

her love. - •, • •The weaker th« brain, th» ^noro o

' tbo mouth.What J» beat in mon»y )• least oftci»

pot ootof i f ' - 1 ' *- * • **** -If a man slnctrelr bellorsi ho Is a

Chrlstiau ho Is a Ohrlstian.Death Is the great certainty, as mar-

riage Is the great uncertainty.Each day !« a brick In the super*

structure of oar\ir6k,'audit Is with usto see that th*r *** tfot b'rtcks' with-out ntrflw.

TongiufUcVsWhen the Puritans went to

church they had always lo expect nuttact by the IniJanl.' " • ' " ;

oifc H i k T h t ' W T t h h

•*- way in the world to be sureof having the best paint, and thatis to use only a well-cstablishcQbrand of strictly pure white lead,pure linseed oil, and pure colors.?

The following brands are stand-'.ard, "Old Putch" process, and arualways absolutely

White Lead"Atlantic," "Jewett,"

"Brooklyn."* If you want colored paint, tint

any of the above strictly pure leadswith National Lead Co.'s PureWhite Lead Tinting Colors.

T b e » tolors arc told In one-pound can*, eachcan being lufficiett to tint 13 pound 1 of Strict!Vi.it White Lead ihe dcalrcd shade; they are 1no icnte hady-inlzed paints, but a combinationof perfectly pure colon in Ihe handiest formtint Strictly pure While U a d .

Send DI a postal card rad l e t our 000k 01paloti and cotor-card, free.




BEST COURSE OF BUSINBSa TRAININGrt»p«uitttntin»andnon«y. Pleaa-

antaal l bdd

A CAUTION IWhen 70a suik for Baliantlne's Export, tx

sura vou tet It. Do not nxwpt u r otberBtmrx bMSUiaa SOOM ODC «*y• U Is Just M (WudA stnail fUm at the genuine Is batter (i*n s

" of chsap imitation. < > For asJa itf sJl





Soda and Mineral Watero




— Atsin QiNQER


ASUHOQS of the Stomach and Bowels

As Dltnhcet , pain m Xb» Btommoh 01Bowels, Or*mps,Chglar»Morbui, Dya-

scUtTi Biek Hs#d»ch«, IndiaTMtlonnatolaaee vt W m 4 Colic t>&a

Bo* Sickness.

It IK • TalUalile FUnllr lledicinfl, portkulajir ser-rk«>h!« to children uul delicate femttat, tulS~!-- snsU, Nerrau* Headache, Giddiness,


tV~8o1d at Uie Stom fu Twentj live Oeat Bottles.

. Look through my poem

you may possibly oon-

olnde its the way to ob-

tain value when wanting

anything in the form of a

ppod shoe. It is not one

l od at variance with the

fl£8t canse of seloqting

reliable goods at a price

JTightly aiuig to thrir

bonafldo quality-

May 18th, 1804.




Although Mr. Cle»el"ud described the Gor-man fill! M rank irltb perfldy and brvulcdwith dlaboDor, be b u waumed tbe rwpooal-bllity of anowlog it to Uwome a law. Vftwt-ever, tbenrcn, WB may think of tbe nowtultT, wa ttfi»e pot to put up with It for atime, sad It Is worib while to note tome ofthe salient feature* wherein It differs fromtbe JIcKlnlfjr act on the one hand and tbeWilson bill on tbe other.salvM for the mmmnt to tbe most Importantsrttctas, which up t i jetteidaj p&lddutlw, but which will QOW be admitted free;to articles which were admitted free undertM McKinlej ac., but wblcb will now betued; t3 those on which the Wtl&a billu'aced du'iw, but which the (feeate trans-ferred to tbe treo lUt, and to t imo of tbtkwthat tlie Uouw niado tree, lut on nbluhduUo* were levied by tlm Senate

AUIODR tbe CUUIIUMIIUM whlcli till yeaUr-dsj wtre t&ied, but which will now come lafree, the Drat placo < f course, belargi towool. Tbe B* w tari/T aduitU free all woo'sthat have hitherto Lean tmporUtd from

Auatralla, New Zealand, (Ji[i*of a rid H.IJW, Rwth'.'«nad<, tfljjether with the whcallel longwooU or c-tnliiog wool*; oliO *\\ h&lr ot Ibecamol, eoat, nlpeca nnd other |lb& animals,

earners hair and mcbwools ot Ilka character aa have hltborio beenimported from Turkey, ByrU, Egjyf, Or cocoand eltewLere. Another tmportaut sjbeduteor adoilulons to tbe free list covers flax, uotbaciled or drested, aud low cf ttix; hempand tow of htrnp, and twine msdo wholly orin part of Idle cr Tamplco fibre, manilfl,

iK the ot'ucr jiro-ducU whtub are rt>llrved from duty ura (reahfl:b of all klmlr, tullow, wilt, green poase Iubulk or pacing", plants, trre; abruh* and

laea, Urooiu corn, oal»b*Rei, cider, CrerUmilk and yolk of egg* Tba opportuull'es hereifTorod to Brlttah Ainerlrao compotlt-ri are

loo i>l>i!oua to DtoJ ijOlutlog out. A Mill

pro-tlvala U p<eunted

- v ^ ^ U e d u l e whlh tola In, duty frt*.eulilglM BDd Starrs of all kinds P'ue "J1*spruce clapboards, lutlii piol<eU an! pallnK-;hubs for wheels, wagon, oar and gun blocti,and all Hlce blocks or lUcks, when rough

gwd, o r u w d only; also pftvlngMd tl««, and telegraph and telrphone posi

of cedar. Prttf, like wise, I* tlniber used fcspars and lu building wb'arvei, ho wo an

ilded, together with

Frank *H. Tippett,FIEB INSURANCE


DOVBH. •:- Wew Jersey.

Joseph Moneas


more algn

ho aiiWriU-r litrubj- RIVOS nnUua Ui&t ho laIJiraJ to tAko entitniflH for LUIIIHIIKH and daairiiiK and JJLUUK at iJiort notico aud In a'kiiiunllkt! niaunur. itavliiR liad a long ex-k-nuo lu lliu curiHuiti-j- bualncHH and Laving

a tiulve iw to Ibe qiiaJIfj" a aliara of Uie

lDIHIIV«f Ills norkc, lio rtwiHtluuUlu putroan^ ami aOD our work yuu iimj

aMinutilty lou to do ID l

W I L G O X & B E R R 7

Carpenters and Builders.

Dover, N. J.

I'lana, «peclflratlnnffor bulldUigt, ConUvctS

^ a i u i d m « U r i « l i « • - • * " * -


that is easy

of d'


ber of hrmloek, whit* wood, sycamore, wtiltpfna and buswood, If not pmnDod or QQIIIIMAtnong otfew things mai'e t tw ere pwlntyEcuinr, potB*b, coltiiawwl (JII WHJ croU- olWe bare said that Certain artielej on wJethe WCaon bill levltil a doty w«etran^Iorreby tbe Benat« to tbe free Hit. Among thesewere Opium, crude or ma-ufotturel; builaps of flax, jute or hemp, and begs fur grainmade of burlaps; and sunoy cloth, together•Ith all similar material for CDverl-cotton, whether mado wholly or In parthemp, IUx, jute, or Jute butt. Moreo»or, nwvtfsQrf witn'thn cjmei'Ions made by the

House to tbe CenaiHan lumbprmen, tbe Ben-ate removed the lac wlileh even tbeWtlioabill hud placed en lumber, wlwa planned ortongued end grooved On tba other hand theSenate ImpoKd autloa on sev«n articlewhich nere adroUUid free under the UKfnley act, and wblcb were Ml on tbe toelist by the Wilton bill. We «arc*ly n«ed' to*sy that by far the tnuit mom^otoui *theae cbaDKBf was that made with re'ereooeto«Bg»r, not above No 10 Dut*h alaodtrdcolor, whlcl, fr«e up to Monday and Uti fnsby the Houw, will now pay so adduty ol tQ per cent Mbhssfn, also, formerlyfree, will hect»forlli be subject to a tax offrom S to i cents a fall00. Th» H*B otber•rOclfei, f«nc*rly free, a>n.d lett un'&ied bythe Wilton bill, btitniweut-Jectodtdadutj,ore ^*t*ct oll*es green and prepared, pliapple*, cocoatiuta and, tiirhlila or lllle* *t 1Talley, the flnt four paying 90 per cent, athe last named 10 per cent! n1 valorem.

Wo come, la>tty, to certain product whichwt-re lax'i] under tbs HcKfnley act andwhich tho Wilson bill made fno. but whichthe Benate put baolc on tbe dutliGomplcuiui aiuong thrae !• refined iug»V,wb'cti, luBteod of tbe half cenV, per poiformerly lerled, will now pay one eighth ola C4ut In addition to tbe it) per pent, ad valorem lavled ca raw tugar. Iron

mlunuBcwt, Wblob the House ad mitt*fioe, are now lUtiject to a duty of 40 MI

ton, instead of 1!> c*»t>, Tttleh t\jey paidup to Monday. We regtrd with unmliratlifactloD urlaln otbi r altcroiinni made ItheSenabtln ibe Wlltou bill, b«cau« theli

t-) check In some degree tbt>anton sacrJQoe of Ihe agricultural interestsf oar Nnrthdrn BUt-s t i tho« tit tha &ian Doralbliin. Thus applw, gieen nrrlpe,

dried or eTaporatnl, wrre eiempted fromduty by thn BUUB«, hut thB HeiU T D ttfm a tax of 20 per wnt ad taloremToesatnaduty !• lmpo«d on boof, mutton,'pork, Ucon, and hamn, and, In abort, upon

pTtwrved. ima, »lao, Insiead ofenttrlnf fne, f» to pay 1 cent a pound, Wremark, fioaliy, tint rgRS, with whiut tbCiuiadiui* were prrpirlDR to Qoodour mar.kata wten the Wilson bill relieved them fromtaxation,' will be ti'a largo extent; tbsuks totbe Benale, stoppeJ at the frojlter )>y • dutyofSoeDtsperdoiei).

We may'refer on aoothar oocaalon to soiot tbe noteworthy pofatsln which the dutiesaposed by tbe now tariff differ frno tbosvied by the McKtnley a--t. "*

— of the phttleal MMtf..' totlah often' comei'»*.••' from u&nmtural,pei>-

nlelou* hablU, con-tr«t*d l through


' viii wuauH*Ian, t»rvouj debility. Impaired memory',low aplriU, Irrita-tle Wmpirvatd »'thou-•and and OM.denuigatneny ex mltd mudbody. Epyepgy, .paxmljsis, •oXtontog oftlm brain and even dread inaanltr aome-t l a u l t t h t d l U ;time* result tnm

To reach, reclaim and restore such unfort-oates to health and twppin***, Is thaalm of

-liopuhJUbarxof •book writtenlnplain butthuto.laiuruag*, oa'tb« natura, symptonuand cureblli^ by horn© trMnenVof-iueiiJtseasea; This book will ba seat sealed, in

lain envelope, oa r««lpt of .ben ceate loamps to pay postage.Address,. -World'iiDtowiw

•KUUon, 0G3 Uain 8t,, Bui

For poverty of the bloodand all other conditions result-ing from constipation, go bythe book on BecchamVpills.

Book free, pills 25c. Atdrugstores; or write to B FAllen Co, 365 C^nal s.t' NewYork. _ _ ^ _ 2 _ _ _ ! -

Buoklan'a Axsles. Salre .Tba heat salve In the world for Outs, Bores,

Bmlac*, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, foyer Sortu,Attar , Chapped Handt, Chllblaini, Coreaid all Bkin Brrjptlons, and posJUrslj cure*Rk^'or po pay Wqulrsd.' It U quam&toodUi gtva fct t tct Httafaetlon, or money T*-fd&ded. FMoa t#«lity.B»» osots par. box.

Uby'Bobert Xllbjen, Oorst-, Orsum,1 . 0 0 , , ' r c f t Oram. F. TI. Imkin*.

.Ckaatsc- ^ - ' ' 'r •

Or. H*i«'a ffooMhfll* Ol&tnu&t.Is ttw fioast remedy ID the world. It abso-

itely- CUTM catarrh. It cores BirnTaLjt* andiwamaUsm. ConspQM Ukeiiaglc. ~

•ait rbenm la-'ttt* most i ooOlr - -a t rbtom l a t b * moat iooOlDg matmar.srei Inflamed and granulated cyallda," Coraduhi aao CCWJ. Can U taken' ihtaroallr.

A paaltlfi tparlfia for pneumnnlar * Cuta,brnlMa, horn*, cbllbtalti, torM of long stand-

drnlMng, e

, ga and banloaa are cored quickly;fr J l b * l

g, q u i y ;dl^ereut frotn sJlebe ;* aoperlor to *U e l » ; |thas no equal' *5c' and fiOc' bozea. ' l^TftlucbMpesl l l d R

r DrPt atcre. m

I w o LlTra SMTBO,Hra. riioobe-)Thornai'71 of .'Juncilon City;

IL1, w u told by htV doc[ors~'atie nod Con-•amption and that tben was no bone forbV, but two bottios Dr. K'tg'-Kew Die-rWery completely cured her and aha M J I 11«rrdr."ir)lfi.- Iff. tbU. ^ger*. 1 * PlorUaSt.; Ban Francisco, .offered from a dreadful

approatbtti, CownimpUon^Uled with.; vult ever7ihbg"elH than bocght one

Sottle of Dr. TCIrfgi ir«wDI«i6f « y anil'lniwd weeks was cored. U*U naturally thaak-fnL! It U •acb'.rtealtai'or wnfch tbeeaartaampln, that prara tha wondarfal efflcacj ojthti tnedt&tMi tb .^iii«t* alb4 Cojd*.' Pit*trial boUlce kt ttobortKlllgoiiVi Prufi SU»rp,Do»er ; TUT*,'drmmi Co."aDruffBtore, Port

nm, and P, W. JenklctaV prug Store,

Jobbing Promptly AUerjed to-

BUAVE ROOFS-We furnish flrst-clai.ilateandputonBlatormifstiygoodniechaDics

Backet'e Bheatbing Taper alwnyi on b'ondOOloe and BhoponBlacfcwell Bt., noxt U

Dover Lumber Compaay's Mill.

N It. WlLoox. A. B. Bin


WlUlam II, Aifcrd, con\plaJii.B.u1, aud

***** «y»» h "wf VS&SI- Lyon

NjrrU, tmiMliutii J.Mrs-Jumwt I1. 1'lilllpa »'i(l " i - - .fusJantK. rl. fa. for solo of niortK<ltmI 1'reiiiiKM, IUtumabli) to twtoberTenu, A. D. teui.

E. K. BKWIHB, Bol'r.

BV virt.ua of tha abate »Ut<«l writ at fli-ri facl

tut Hunte »

m, N. J.

MONDAY, tlie Ifrtti day ofBepteuiber next,

A. D. tm, betwenn the hour* of IS 11. ando'clock i'. H., that la to nay at N o'clock la thtafternoon uf Mid day, ail tlioae two laW, tract* oituircelH of land and premise* situate, lying and beIne In tlie Townntilp ol lVa«hingtoo, in the V 'of MorH* and HUle or Ken Jersey.

UeRlniiliyt at a point Iu tha eOuUicw* line irooJ iMillnff from Crane's mltl La Drakeatwetitr-ooa Feet from tlie corner of Hugh 31 et.^,.well curb, salil paint belDfr ID the line leading toUietarm bcuac OD tlia pifiiilatw Lena Hotter do-aeribod and ran* flrst alonv the wuthMstaJde of naidroad fltmtti, fortyulne and tliree(]uarters degTwavrwt, Beventeen cliaina and iweoty-oiw Uuc tocorner bt Jamua Uartlu; [HJ Btong Cl* Une eoutli,nfly-eiffhtaacl a quatler degree east, aeeen chainsanil Borootr-fikht llnlu to another comer of Mar-tin's: (8) atlll uonir bla Una south, forty-thn« anda tu(C.<M«,recB> wtjst, two clialM nu\S fltleea VluVato nnolhur of. Uuiln1* uurnert; (4) soutb, Ufly-foiir and a half deem* east. Mventeen chains andflftfllirkito another ot Martin's earners north,thirty- BIK atul thrae quartor«1tdi!Kr«« vast, '—chains nad forty tlnks: (S) south, fifty-sun"

Martin's tine south, Wty derives eoat, weenctuUns; CD souUi, twenty Dlnsdwnuceaul, tliirty-twodiilninndUi-nty-di llnls to a Btalte andi n i n n d U i n t y d i lint* to * utata andstone corner 10 UarUn and William Drake's; (H)aouUi,8lxiy-alxUeirrae«c!ast,'«tz GIUUDS and livellDim to lionoa In Jolin lt«ed'tf lino: (0) n• i i tyand* Imlf ilcffreMI cut ," • -x l lata lorockal t rtump

i 1U»J'* lino: (0) E•et* out, eight chainsk Ktump and stout

[olin need's: (10) north, tulrty-one d(t, fourtcori cUSm and nil?-BUTtn IVDILB ID Bn of itonce* (II) Miilh, auconty-thrm degreflfiit, Bfty- tliroe links to a white oak tree; (It)Hi, seventeen ami a quarter degrees wen,.t«tn clinic* md flfttcn llnVevo nsomer io tlie

linu of Mrs. I). E. Craofl, over tho p!pS of Hack-etUtown Acqueduct Cotnnaay: (IS) over tha pipeof tald Company north, forty-wx and ihroe-nujir-teriltKreus WCHU Utnty-atechataB and fortya*echatoa and forty

eniJ pljm; (14) uoutb,

mill a quarter tlcKiwv wi*t, ten clialus ami twen-ty clfiUt I Inks; (IB) north, nrty and a quarter de-grcea west, four ehalns and JlflTllais; (17J norib,Forty-four anil a q u t e d « r e w s t throediauu to & cornta- oulinks from a tr lnut t

ns and JlflTllaiuarter de«ret«

upwite to o»d

quarter de; (17J norib,west, throe

diauu to & cornta oupwite to o»d tKtuty-nevonlinks from a trnlnut t « e [ (18) nortli, tlilrtj-lirooand a Imlf df m w s w « t . flvu cbaloi and thirty[lulmtoacoruurlntbo line over aiie pipe of tbeIlackettatown AojueduuL Company; im B J D

OTET Ibo ptJK ot eaiJ Ooinpany In Bold lIlackettatown Aojued

north, forty-seven dt>tr

pyinpanyaU eler

; i m BJODKIn Bold lane

run chains to

iwvenud, bo U*

iasoiiolu Wln

o above

TUe Hecond Tract Iwgtns at a corner-atltra linear the«atrr osteal tta II*cLAcnuoducl Oompuny, beliiff tba fourteentli eorai

lunijinr - -nil tlitrt


frreesweat.fl~ UH>W"

thectd u l n s and thirty links to a cornerllaeorsBtdnaUr pipe; (0) (buncoUna of enW water plpu to ilia place

EDMUND A. BACKER, Sheriff.Jereeyuuui, Er*. 118.(0 BT-Jt


Between David Sharp, complaltutnt, and James H."~Mrn' and Martha U BTOUD, his nlfo, defend-

^••VV. *? ; i ° f " d o . * ' tnortrngad •premlaea.


indue attba'ODurtHDuaerIaaiorrlatowii,'Hrj^

MONDAY, the £lth day of September next,

. . D., 18H, between the hours of 19 U. and fi o'clock'. H that Is to aay, at two o'clock in lbs afternoon>t suit day4, all those tracts or ptroeli or land and>mnlsM situate^ lying ana being In tbe Townshipsf Itaibury am

andSUteof N, In th (uut/ o St bounded and described

ia n d S U t e o f New *!*P?t bounded and described

?TheBeaonil Lot, in' theTowiublp of JefTersoo.idnff a part of Uie lands that wera comujed toWiul A b d d f d O dtidnff a part

Wiularo A/e' h SO

of JefTersie lands that wera comujed todeed frotn Amd Oompton, dntet

ehfWJJT SOU), 1HTB. Bock O 10.T«B«Srf5. S c . "•*the part hereby conrejed la tlieeetond tr"sold deed, and Ui(*¥in tbacrlbed as foUoik AS tbe >'P«I1 Lot," oonUli "

f*-- ! 'ladeedImotnyrdeil In


vs: IhJntacres mat

ferenM is hereby made to said lasfor a more particular' aescrtptloi

aledin theTomuttp d Hoibury, and Is dweritwdhi on order of Uw Orph*M'Court of the Oounty

UOITIB Biado on tha Slrt day of DeOraibor, 1BTS,

esecntiixotlho«rt*^o(TimoibyS(mlhard,•old tract containing about ID acre*, oousls

K-o tracts known aa tbo CrotM) and CVim lobclniruunU of which Thiiothy Southard diedand coQreTed to Atnd Oamotbatiy S U I J C

slstiiur DIlots, onl

ed selxed.c i r u of which Thiiothy Southard died selxed,and coQreTed to Atnd Oamotbatiy S U I J C, Joan,eyeautrlxor tbe estate of Timothy Southard,

ss^srsoutli, twaro dPfT«« «nt, Iblrteon chatoa u djn-nty links to tbe plan of begtonlnp, conulnlnit

jWysU nnd nfty-thrw OD*bundrSath« acresVweotr-ci«hto&ehundredthswen* inVtududthBro-

In, brfnjf part of Hieabowe dewribed tract, themrenalna^ flfty-cine and owHiuarter acrtai itrict

But Uipre Ui to t r dnTiKtrd from tlio two aboTO-tao ibol inU ooimliiullnff tho fourth lot of this

Teyanee, Uuw certain lots of land oonrayedTOtit njUoeu from William Ay«» anJ «Ueto

a i 0 « • ^

UptlOompton by order of (ha Orjduu*' Ooort;S5F V^SSI? premlaea onntejeftoJanwa U.tvma by m u i M Ayen and wfe, by deed dated

Jaree/roaa. Era,A, BACKER, Sheriff.


he m a n c t u r In New, Iiaa boea called for to-

Cleveland arrived In Washington muohbeneflted by bis raoati -The NewportCountry dub was Incorporated-—TNew Yorkoonatltutlona! coarontlon votedagainst extra Jadgea lor tho court of np-poaii bepon, and tbe olty ooiuiiiUtefl'ra-ported ttiiiuDdbituita moderating legisla-tive latrofuonc* in iminlolpnl oontrQl—A!|>apar by ex-Judgo I'libmos M, Cooloyan tha olvlo duties of lawyen was nod attho viuual ['looting at tba American Bai

clatlou iu Son*toga Itu«i|rultl<>nwus ol>e(H-ved at Cbaatauqun. TVTQd d u l tM * ' j l f

adinlnUtratlon has deoiiled to rccngntthe lUTorclgnty of Nlcjinigua over tliMosquito , resorTatlon Many proml-

t itepuljlicuiii will tak£ Uie utuoip lati a during tbJ oAuipalgu, g l g

today Jainea W. CunvtrBe a wellknown buBtnesw mun of Ikieton, 61dKwatupaoott, Mau. Tharoargaali^tloaprotoctive committee las luuod & Dlrcularto AtoblHOQ utockliolilore callingposits uf the stock wltli tliecoitiQittUB t l i o n Albrlglit, 04, tied a bear/ charge

filiotlntoa crowd of foungiueD, wound'Ing olplit -first Llautonaat Walsh ofthe FUtoeutli Doltod SUiWs Infantryilruck bla ootninnnatng oluoer,' ColonelCrolton, while tlio Inttor mu ohaDgl ;guard mount nt a camp ut Kvonswn, Jilt.Tbe jirovocjtt ion, If noy, Is out knownThe Dwet I.N, H.)BpinnoiByntod toitrikeout of sympathy for tho foil Btrer andNew Bedford utrlkora John Newell,proaktoit of tha Ijikn filing ana MtohlgunHontburn railroad, dlad at Toungatowu,O., of apoplujty It ll reared tlmttwopartleg of Aiuoncnn tourists were lost onthe sou uf AJOV durtDK tba oyclone thatdestroyed 1,000 Urea them The Nation-al Cengue For tlie Abolition of the House of

irus umdo u dmii not* trot Ion In Hyde park—It was announced that MniOiigni

»oou to mako Ills IIDUIB ID NUW YorkSohn Smith ot Uuttula caunnUted sulby tuklngmurpliintiat the Hotel ilnrnuiBt. Louis Tito o o m m i

e, Loa & Go , andbuildings, stored w i h tt Norfolk, V^

- l

luotod for governor by tha Nebraska R«~publicans Suooes»ful teats with thepnournntlo guns were mad* at Bandy Uoolc

-Ex-CongtvHmaii H. Cloy Krana wasuouilnated for gomunt by ths Itepubllo-

< of Tanpeups Ybeauboommittge of— New York Republican state oomrntt-tee,' In the conUef b*tw«en rival orfcanlta-UoQt In Albany county, decided In favoiof the Barbos ttiatlon A petition VMai#d In tb* United States oiroult courtaokln« for thfc removal of Sarnuol M. Jar-rls and Roland 11. Con It 11 n aa receivers bf

_'ie Jarvla-Conklln Mortgage com ponyFive poisons we re. Instantly killed on

a wagon vrhloli Wai atruok by an expteAStrain 'on a crosflns; now Basle, Ky.Conneotlont -• PronlblUo'nlets nominatedDa Witt O. Pond of Hartford for governc

Three deserting Chinese sold low vroicaptured In New York state and wil l boHDt back to China, Tftoro tboy w i l l n«eiieauted The anjrsgonicnt of tbo our 'ayoungnatsontoPrfDOGfta Maud, thePrlno*

Tbe king o l Korea b»'declared him-self Independent of China, Tb* reports ofChinese Tlotoriss' at Chungho are not con-firmed. Tbe s inking bf ihe E6w-8hongwas Justified* The <t»or Is sufferingfrom influenea Only tbe senate wn* l oseealon. No .ooalaess was ^ransaotod,owing to to1* absshos of n quorum.

Twonty-tbtiso ibbuiand ootton mill ope-ratives wdt* looked but at Fall River,Mut.—rOerikria) Mfttioger tit, John of tbaRook Island railroad twtlfled tefora thonational labortjomanlstion In C h i c a g o —Moordeld Storey of Boeton dtllvered tb i•nnutil ad4 i*u bafon to* Amerloao B«r•JBOoIatlori," his inbjMt being "The Am*r-loan Lfg l f l l a tur t"—Dr, Edwftrd EverettHate itotQied 4tChauUuqvnon "Povertyand Pauperism.' ' T - ^ - A Uiriporsrj reoolvorwas appolntau fof ths United flUtbs Cnd-It SyiUrn oompcny.of Newoxk, N, J.<^—It w u announced that the Leiow com-mittee would begin Investigations ngalnon Sept. 10——Both Iwanobssi o( oongreaaw a n In swstonV' In >b« s»nat* buslDeos•ma* blocked because of tb* lbablllly to ob-tain • qnonito. ' In ttw house the reporto i tho committee) on oara! affairs regard-ing tho Armor plate snandai w t i received.

' ' ' fraud bad been porpo-

t Oiand

a oatnp rnMtlug at tbe. riving p»tk F tw Bt

M . « ^ - •Sn> p a - de»tMyed th» b u i k l a s°?P ot 8. F. Jooea & Co., th» pcWJIio*.Vok itoreroom and hotel, a Jewell/ itoiwud wroral other bulldlnga.

Tueaday, Ang. a*.Tha new UrltT bill haaom« * law with-

mt ths prasldent's slgnatare. The presl-lent wrote a letter to Mr. Catchlngs ex-ilalnlngbiifallnrotonotin thsoaw. No[oorum WIM present In either bousa, and

only a little roatlne buaioeM was trans-acted George M. Pullman toaUflad b*-

a tba national labor oommlsilon In1

IOBIO—r-Thc national convention of< KnlghU of Pythias was formally

opened In Washington with'a epeaohbyVIoo President SUvanaon CongreM-

»w of the Ssvanth Wlaoonilnttiot ii dead Tht closing axarclaaa of

ouemblr aaason »t CbaUUaqun, N.were held Am a tour boat races

* held, tn the harbor at Newport, R. LGoodbotfy, tha' Irish champion, de-

atedl/orned In tbe tannIs finals afcNaw-irt, R. I. President ChoaU mads auwtth fu Uio Now York onastlttitlcnalmvoutlon urwliitf tlia separation of

. municipal unit notion hi tmb #Uite siliK *vi^i—-An Italian subbed a fellowworkman nmr Port Jefferson, N. i., kn&Woa almost lynohed by his oom pan Iocs• Further ttfflda-vit* wera mnu* at Fat-ewon, ti. J., charging August Millar withhaving causa the death of Max Ohlaaehlu-goi and wlt& oompllolty lo tht killing rftwo other men Dnigglst WIndolph ofBrooklyn tlircw ammonia upon two. bur-glars who. entered his wtahliihnieat, oneof whom was coptured while the otbergot nway Senator Stewart, tbe oors-tpondant in the Glswoook divorce ault,says tha action Is an attempt at blackmail

Tbe locked out weavers of NeW Bed-ford, MsBfl., mada an appeal for futd*Forest Urea are.ragingnaar Falmoutb,Mui' Tho now JapAntn mlnUUr ar-rived In Waihlngton A funeral oar ona Ban Fr&nolaoo street) railway ran *wayon a Btoep grade, and several woman woie•erlotuly hurt In the 10 round 'go be-tween J&<&. MeAuMffe and Yuung OtlSotha decision wai awarded HoAullffe on

its-—Tons of new crop tea artlred ati Yotk by steamer from (he urieut•Rear Admiral Sksrrett li •triouily

111 ln Denvflr Ll Yiina hai botB mad*oommander In ohlof of tbo Chi Dew forces.Many Japan one ara leaving Sbanghal forhome—-Tho Britannia's •ngagnnadtff'onthe western ooast of EDgbinil * bav» beencanoelod. Tho Gould* may insist on thsrace for tha Caps Mar cup btlng Mll«d, The Dutch expedition against the )••land ot Ijombak, ttaal) Indlea, bu'be*D ds-fwtad by tbe natlvs*—It Is rlbnled that

t l v t G e n e r a l Antonio Esetawad his Msoolatas wen taken from tbegUDtoat E»nntagton a* Ban Frauolsooand an now prisoner! In that city TbeJdll - - - .-adopted. It provides that tha opurt of a.peals Is to OQiialgt of m m members; tflat•arm) court* of seaalgita are to,be ubol-

•d W judieeafte* 18*5—^-Tbe Investiga-tion of Sr, Elyof the WlaboDsIn state unl-

" . oaHapsed-^-Tniwi ' men ware.todeaUi byJumberwhile riding

in a fnlgb* oar uear Fort Atkinson, Wla.• ' ' •The nUsinpt'ol China to float a loanofl,000,000eMlaIiaafall«d. Th*Japanesemlnlsfatr hi &sbol Ii reported to bar* been

Vlgllans specially surveyed. The BrlUn-^s , defeated the BatanltA—The pope haewtltUn a letter to M.Xtniu«t, formarlyunder secretary of. slate, oonfJnolng tbepapal adhesion to the French republic—A. Btuoker, .'Ctlwi^'b-iard of tradebroker, shot And killed himself In Wash-ington natk.' Be was a' small trader, andthe announcement of his f altar* was post-ed shortly, before news of hi*-death wasreceived-—William 0. Bland, a fjltta-biirg alderman; oommUted sulalds by uk-

'••tBrda7.ABg.sa.Fin broko oat In a mine at Franklin,

Wa«tL, anfl 87 menwer* itHTooatetl withint f*w mlnatet. Thelr'bodles w«ro'all r»-

oovered byrctouing partlas. Over UO menwho w*r».,»hui in 'by tnb flames Idaghtheli way ap to tbe aurfooa and escaped,fho mine U stlH on flrs The abaft

houH oi the AtnetbTat mln6 at Cnede,Colo., bQra&A'ard th> cast dropped. L1U<ing four mlhrn—QenehU E«U uyathat heud'h l i suty won k«»t aboardth*it«inltgton againitthtlrwlll^—WJ1-

1 Sar, the well-known "athlete,d eylolde by boDginf hlmaelf atVint. N. J, It U auppaawd be-

r— of despondlni over bis noentarart— T h e Amerloan line sUamcr New YorkbMt th* wirtwart moid train Southamp-ton by oos hoflr, ihaklfaff the trip la 0dayi'Jitlioan-and 88 tn lnatatBoth

ffdayi . t l ioanand 88 t n l n a t oQTualkN o| nwfi«M wm* iriMirton, Anaoliitlon that an adjoarnniflnt alae diashould b* ted en TaeMar nut was passed.In %b« tenata tb* grsatn past oi tba uiqpw u devoted to ueoutln mAZn btull tb b tw u dvoted to ueoutln mAZn btulnes*.lu tbe bousa an attampt to paua tb* antl-an«uhlit bia^y oonaent falLsd. A num-ber cf umDpftrtanl tbaasum were pas**l— T n e h waa i » changt. In th* labor IU-uatlon Tal K«w(Bidford ani1 Fall River,'MaM.-f—-H; a Kinf)'«w*U known mine.

vmHt waiifsaaUy«tc*on Oe'mwt Iri'AtUQla.Dj a fomwr.smplom, who Walt-1 •M'ta bt M b i d p U f l J J tea'ta be arreebid—-CsJifornla BemoontthimilnifmiTnilnsMiiiin' Tmim n Bndd'forr»ov#ni5r-4—Kdwarf Fulson, 80, Islooked up in 1 Jail at B»tn, N. T., onebame ol bHudlarism, bank burglary,fdrgtry, attempM train wrecking and at-tempted unmet: Hti oompanionttur•ta.M'i . evldeooe—SherifJ' -Taggart -Buffrio and nbaw bad • sorlmmace witha baad'of Coiajitea and azresiedth* leed-w,-'an sjlegid Polish "odunt,witb 00 of hlifoll(mar«.-Te»vsral o( the Coxeyitoa werewounded by guTuhoie during the flgh^and often am' lu' »*e hospital loflerlDg

th* dabbing ttisy-wws given wheuresisted arree* The Chinese at-

A m t orpa ot 0,000 Japanese whlohhadkeau landtd'fmn'wanhlpa, drore thaia

back to tbe sbose and ktllod 1,800. Onlyaoe man itat kUleAlaibeflabt attCbusg-ho—The Britannia took •hstWolTortoncap, sadllng over the eooree olono, tb* Sa-

l«rt P. Mortoa'ntQrned from Europeand mad* 4tnl«ttt»terii«iitabjaat*h« gOT-.erooiibip nomination——Eighteen. par-KDi wire bMly tnjnitd by the oT*rtnrn-lng of a trolley oar near Oring*, N. J.^—Anmrohlrt JClllerwat arnattd In Pat-tewm, N, J., OD tb* obarge of killingMax OeWotchlaagir hilt Marct -Tte



-I- FINIINK VOIKOEfilS St., (Near the IUrerj DOVtUl, N, J.

y n a t l r a * I t Is lnled hatthe Italian government has any Intentiontaoruto ailurayalty la UtoUy Wil-liam O'Loug-hlan died on the Cunaid lin-er Boythla on her passage, from Boston lol t

- WednMday, AB|. 9*.

Th* second wulon of th* Fifty-thirddd, and both Uotuaa adjourned

sine die ivJapanss* ministerwas presentoC at the White HiPresident Cleveland 'la propnrlati to rs-taru to Buuard't Bay today The NewYork constitutional convention modifiedthe pnvtslon ot tbe city article relatingto tbe removal of sollee com m leal oners bytbe governor—Wrann defeated Good-body In the UmitsDnala at Newport, n-

\ag tho Amorlcan oliamplonslilp •. i President Wlokss of the Pullinau

oompanr testified before the national la-bor commlaaton Governor Wait*, ot

Colorado woe arrested on * charge of nn-lawfully opening and retaining a letter~—Man than ft,00O,00O damage hae betadone by forest flies In Michigan Tliopardon of CoJonol W.B. Hayes wee atoared by persistent efforts of bis devotedwife. It Is supposed that they have goneto Saraaoo, Mich. Aohllle Tomasl ob-tained an absolute divorce from hie wife.Lulu May Tomasl, who ! • known OD the

oomloop'era stage as fielen BertramOne nan w u klll«I,,two.fatally Injuredonaadoce'n hurt during a riot ln Ghl-oaga ' The riot alarm was sounded andmany arreate' made-^-'-A sahoolteaehsrla Ecfcsriy, Ina., hws fallen heir to estates

In Ireland «lq©d at $8,000, DOU Severalpersons were shot during m battle betweenthieves end olttieii laOhlo City, O —A eearch for ooDtrabandwblakjln Black-vlHe, fl. O., ttaulted' l o ' * row, daringwhich a dispensary oonstabV'and a tnorobant were shot dsed——There WM a badbreak In the SMe sanal • * BHghWn, K.

T. A Leke Shore train was held up hT

tramps now. Erie, Pa-,, and peesengeTacompelled ^ to ooatYlbDte .money—Theprboesslon of the uniformed rank of theJUlghte-ot Pythias la'Washington weereviewed b/Pweldtn*-1 Cleveland Dls-patches from Bhangaal wild that the'Jap-aseae vtne cepcrtsd te' fce> laBalng atTakn, preparatvry U> jnanhlng on Pe-king, and that they ,w«te,messing troopeand. wsMbrpa oj> tba X ^ U ' E U n gWlllUm1 'Cou'tte' vpptl, eevanth earl ofAlbeniarle, died^VTbe cbolsra U spread.Ing rapidly I& Anstrtan Btteala It waereported tbat ibefW.ofc" troops at Tim-buktu had been: rented by %»*7 Tauregs— - A hundred aoldlers. ware overcome byheat during cavalry maneuywe a*e* Vlen.ntr^—Tbe queen's yabhlllOn, with the-JrVlDoess LouUe and suit on board, ranaehoreat Corves; Tbeparfy}re>e landedla the vaofatV bo*t-^fc-Poe*mJ*UrCltaeon Ohaee of Bortonvlllej, N. TJ, at-tempted nlfnde by catttnjj hta tbieat

Tbe supreme ooonpU ol the Catbolle Ben-aBt and Belief auoolatloa, fca *

Bold by Bobsn .mih^rs. Dorar N.J.




rinuriTin, Copper, and Sheet Iron

Roofing, Zin.0, Shaat I f ad,

XeadPipe, Pnmpt, fto.



Ms ol Seel Mate.OT1CE Is bareby given that by ilrtun of a warrant buued by Philip J. II. Bawott, Jobo Horg

_ and Frank O. Uedden, tlioTuwMblp Oommlttee at tlie Toircshlp of Saudolpb, hi tlie County oiUorrli. to make Ute unpaid U X M atwexsod on Iand>, linemen's. heredlumeDta anil real estaUi In thesaid township ID Uie year eighteen hundred and niaety-three, the subecriber, Oolleulor of taxes for the

id U ^ l t b f a ^ d U d l l d m

a. the hour of Uo'clock P. H., « t the MANSION I1OU&IS IN DOVKH, In aald tawwblft sail the U'*nenwnto, benill(am(mUi ati,| real eutotc beruuodcr duwrtUxl nt uublk Touduo, fur ILe Hliurlud tenu

SCTsdlnfi thirty years, for which •Byperaonw iwmuus will agree toitaia the MUOO and pay EU<0I, with tbe btereat thereon at Uie r*te of twelro p*r mr.it. per annum from tho Kth day of D«oeiu-iSS, to«ellier witli all cMto, foop, chargea and expeuaoe. ' '


WaaUngton spV* «rfBBuffalo upnM* «:W"-loaejptcM 6:44

Porantoa exp.* 11;1SDover eooom. 11-30

4. Buonell, Mrs. J, Dfi. Bowman, itouortT..9. Ihinui, Jnhn.B. Ctaur.C.lj..,;

1. (tougle, Jolu1. Carr, Tl'onuu J1. Crane, lira. JoL5. OollIKaflh WUlioni

«. Curr, Tboiiias

A. Dunback, Isaiah.. . . .

4. Combsliooc

4. Cramer,J .B. . . ,

A. Outlar, Augustus.. . . .

fl, ISusliolm, James

1. EIOM, Theodore

g. Eu-lo, Mrs. Oatiatiae

1. fteeman, MoaesT

I, Feeder, <Jt>orj[e

It Furoe,Crnu

I. aillcu, Chas. A . . . . . . . . .

i. Oaynor.John.. . '..

71. Hiilbert, Charles ,".

1. Ilopler, Peter

l. " " . . . . . . . . . .

7, IliiKUaon, IIeal«r Estate

t. Harris, MrB.MaryJ . . . "

B. Jonas Mary E

& Johnson, Stephen P

1. KlaK,n«yld

0. Kanutt, Jacob

0. Kelley, Hlci-ael

t. Laroon, t'etcr.

1. i*onanl,J. L :

S. Lowe, Wrt. Margaret

8. I^nch,Thomaa Eatale". '.,

1. Murpuy, Hra Oeorgo.

1. Morris, Maria

1. Morrmoc, Mm Wm Kstste . . „

t Nmtmar. Mm W Rstaln

] lTonl, ivonlc

0 Pow«r«, John

1 Randolph, Thomas

1. Bchafcr.U Elute ,

4 flinlth, luter

U 0cuj(lcr, Jowpli

a Santera, Mrs Harah

1. Trewsrthe, Un..

n. Thompson, W. C- ,

1 Vickary, W. J

1. VaoderLoor, timer ,

. Haute and lot on Contra! avenue., Home and lot ,. Houw and lot In (Jamb's Hollow. Iloum and lot at Mount Freedom, Home on? lot on back road tajrondalti. Tltn»anA(in&-ltfelI«cna,jDtnalIiBB>Dri>nd

, PufpUoy. Iloiue and lot nu htrk atenuo, Dover. Hoiueaodlotgaaonnan streM,I>ov«r....., Home and tot on Crane Mil. Uoiwennd lot. KOUM and lot next u>.WUIlam UoQlnness... eutjocrm. One hundred acres In Oomb's llollow• Farm .. . . .1. P m M l i puu» farm. UdMrt BUtes" lann, so umu •. Voung'c lol, fourteen acraa.. Bance'lot, six acres. I'ond propBrty ,. 1'letwB property,(Utyacm....

lmn>U*d aud fifty

, Joblierson- Qeortfa Plerson, flrtyacnM

. Onehundred acres

. Form .'

. Farm

. House and lot oi. Dutch H|U

.l ilouwandlotlnSWjtovrn.IKiTu-.

. I ot, corunr Morris and Cforj«t*l alreeU,

. Tlinber land, Jolm floynor. Hou»e»nulotonBlackwellatre«t,DoTer.... Houseandlot .„. .„.. .; . . . . . . . .. HouM^opADdUuU.iipattolaaaoBsdel..

UobUsVnBpT. SMDover aooom. 0 00Buffalo express* 0:48


A t 130,6:00, ISO*, 7:8), QUO*, fl«), ««»• ,

hlb, i . U.; ISrfJO M, lrf»*, StOO, SflO, 4,-00».

»rf»», 11 iSO. '•Via Bocnton Biwiob.


Eaxtward. Stations. Iftatuartl..U.P.U.P.U. . A M. PH. P.M.

7:60 WOO 4:10 Cheater lOsSfl 8*5 6iS3,

„." ''few ,£ •- '.'^SWffRR'Si;19 18^7 1^5 JpncUoo 8:43 3;S9 ":D0

K80 5:00 Port Of«n »:40 8^5 8^7n-M 9KW Doter S^S 8:30 5 53

M HMkettstown Bspreas stopi mt fortOram Koinf cu t at 7fll A: « t golnj weit at

M L • '• " ' '

. House and lot on Suuexatrect, Dorer !

• House and lot In Dovfr..

• nouwan<l lotot tFmleHckstreet ,Dorer . . . S 51

. Houaeandlot B H

. Farm,Join*Cramer.. M *

. UoiiKaudlotoaFeiiLiatinockBtniet , , . . . . . . 48 1!

• Forty-*n*, Join* Butindl . ' . . . ' . . . . . 10.80

. Farm J< 44

• I^t on Ford avenna I OH

• Lot on Qcrman itrpet, Dover. ATB

• TwoloUouChrytlalatreet .JoIiuBrls^t . . . . « TB

. House and lot. Joins Msrttn McDonald 1 Si

House and lot on Maple avenue 11 US

. House and lot on MoFarlan street, Dover.... IS till

Hou»aftndlotonEaht l ) lackBrtI.Ht. ,now, « U

Ilomeandtut 14 So

. House and lot on Qernuui atreet, Dover 9 RI

Lot t i u t to Tnomaa oram in

Farm at Oolilen romnr , • H »

Joins Nixon , .

Houiwsntl loL

Kami , 3


German strc«t, Itovvr...


I. Wall, B«rlha.

I. Wall, Bertha

B. Who»lcr,K.J

7. Woodward, Ttawlum

T, Warden, Mrs. CUiae.

I. Y . H . a i




lIoi iManil lotoDprctiardatnet.Uover. . . .

PannonTlllDillroad,....'.......Lawrence farm


Payment must be uad* brfore Uie coodiialoa of the sa le ,

W lUieas my Itand I hi* 80th day of Autfiat, A. V. 1MH,

HORACE L. DUNHAM, Collector of T«J

"5eeing is Believing."Simfli, Bmaijut, Giu

these word* mean nuch, but tp .tee "The Kochatei" fill impiu* Ithe tratH ntore fojxibl;,- ~;Iu iur- (telpul light il poRI u d brigtitcrthan gu light, lof ter than electric

light, and more cheerful than either.' T h echoices! biic*-bi*c in the pallet of » Van-derbilt reveals nothloiaiwr. Wehavei.^co <


Depot ln Now York, toot of Barcloj BL andloot of Cbriitopber Bt.





Bufl&lo txprtmf 0:41

Orwcfcueipreu* 0:10jrer express C:6O

i oooom. 1rn «prns»*n tooll '


jonaocom. B:Wkltlksxpreas* 8^7Dover accora. 1

•Via. Boonton Branch.

Kaatou mall 9£8BufTalo expresB* 10:17Dover exyreae 10:5S" ittat'nip!.' llKM

P. KDoTorttOCWU 13i37fcaaUm e»pre» &A0iUmlra expreaa* 2:26pover aocom. fi Ji2fjuton express BrfJfldcrsnton eip.» 6^4BopetocmgExp* 8:48Dover express eaft

'ilteUirtown s ip T;18


ArrlvtDover. Horrlitowo. Jloniitown. Pover.

A. M. 6:S4A H." B:1T '••' 8:38 »

10:80 " 10.581 1 * 8 r"



T:ia '8rf«



n n TIBLB nr B,FICT JD» I 17,18H


For Mew York, Newark and Eliz-abeth, at 6.C1, A. a.; 18.-09, 8:31,8:541. a. : '

For PhiladBlphiti at 6fil, A M ;a O B 8 3 1 ' S S i

WPor lung Branoh, Ocean Grove,A»bnrj> Park a id poiiila on K«wTori: and Long Branoh ftaihroad,ai.6:51, i. M.i,8ai v. M.

- For all Btadons to High. Bridge»t8!6i; A. iciWK)?, 33l7S:5*>Tii.

For l a k e Hopatoong at 6:518 4 8 A. «.[ 18KIB, 8:31i 6:6i,-fliiSr . » . • • • ' • • • " . • • • ' • • • • - • • • • . ' •

Foi all utatiom to Edison at 6:51;8^3A.* 3Mr.u. '

Fot]Booka»«at 8:16,9:15,11:10l-416ftW718For BibernU «t 9:16 i . x., 1:10

p. * • ' ' v •

For EiltoD.AJleutown and ManobChunk at 6£1, i . *.; 8*1, 6:54,T.». • • - •

Iaaro Ne» York at 6O0, 9:10A. a.- laO, LSD, 400 450 f. K.

Lsaye Eockaw.y at 6.43,8:44 4.M.|'laflO,833,6i4i640 r. HP M.• I M T « Port O n m at 8:10, 9:10,HAS A. a.; 1.10,0:14, 7:14 p. a.


H.P. BAUlWlb,Oa.Fu.Al*

••The Rochester.er''


TBE SUEBI4N llfifflTTISG COIFffl,3 Brick Block, Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.

>'AND'BOYS' CLOTIillNO,adies' and Children's Capes, Jackets and Ready-made Dresses.

Also the largest stock of







1 " ' " - o i » U R » I N -


Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.•R»qKET «N0 f 9B0LL U W I W DONE TO O|l0EI«:


Ciroil Withont the Knife^ " BY

B. HATHEB, M. D,,Skin, Conce. »nd Mal , s n o n t D! M M 1 ,





. K n . P P , | ,