Sexual Harassment Prevention Training In-Flotilla Training U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training In-Flotilla Training U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

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Page 1: Sexual Harassment Prevention Training In-Flotilla Training U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Sexual Harassment Prevention TrainingIn-Flotilla Training

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Page 2: Sexual Harassment Prevention Training In-Flotilla Training U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary


Devotion to Duty

Not just a motto,a way of life.

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Integrity is our standard.We demonstrate uncompromising ethical conduct and

moral behavior in all of our personal actions.

We are loyal and accountable to the public trust.

We value our diverse work force.

We serve with pride.

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Integrity is our standard.We treat each other with fairness, dignity, and compassion.We encourage individual opportunity and growth.We encourage creativity through empowerment.We work as a team.

We serve with pride.

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Integrity is our standard.We are professionals, military and civilian, who seek

responsibility, accept accountability, and are committed to the successful achievement of our organizational goals.

We exist to serve.

We serve with pride.

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ObjectivesUnderstand sexual harassmentKnow what it looks like and who is affectedUnderstand why it mattersKnow how to report it

Eliminate it!

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What is it?

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such behavior has the potential to impact terms or conditions of employment, employment decisions, advancement, election, selection, recognition or the work environment.

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Have you ever seen or participated in sexually harassing behavior?

You may have answered no. Are you sure?

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While you may perceive your behavior to be friendly and harmless, a co-worker may find the behavior offensive.

It is not your intention that matters, but the impact that your behavior has on others.

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Reasonable Person Standard

How would my conduct be perceived from the perspective of a typical adult of average intelligence in the same situation?

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Tangible Employment Action is one specific area of harassment

This refers to conditions placed on a person’s career or advancement in return for sexual favors, or submission to conduct of a sexual nature.

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Hostile Work Environment

Here a radio program that the coworkers listen to constitutes unwelcome conduct that is sexual in nature and unacceptable.

If they are not responsive to the request to end the behavior, then this may become a hostile environment.

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Hostile Work Environment

If they are not responsive to the request to end the behavior, then this may become a hostile environment.

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Sex discrimination

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Sex discrimination

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Sex discrimination

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Sexual Orientation

Don’t Ask

Don’t Tell

Don’t Pursue

Don’t Harass

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Sexual Harassment

What does Sexual Harassment look like?

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Verbal Sexual Harassing Behavior

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Non-Verbal Sexual Harassing Behavior


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Non-Verbal Sexual Harassing Behavior

Visual Consider the Impact

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Sexual Assault is not a matter to be handled in the Civil Rights/Equal Opportunity arena - it is a criminal matter that will be handled under the Uniform Code of Military Justice or by Civil Authorities as appropriate.

The Coast Guard will not tolerate any instance of rape or sexual assault.

Personnel who commit acts of sexual assault will be dealt with swiftly and punished severely under the UCMJ or the Criminal court system.

Sexual assault violates every fiber of the core values instilled in each and every Coast Guard man and woman. There is no room in our Coast Guard for those who commit acts of sexual assault.

There are significant emotional and legal issues involved in every case of sexual assault which must be dealt with sensitivity and with attention to detail. COMDTINST 1754.10B provides commands, CGIS, medical and support personnel with additional guidance in dealing with cases of sexual assault.

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How is the Coast Guard Affected?

Reduced Productivity


Unit Cohesion


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Sexual Harassment

Who’s affected?

What are your responsibilities?

What can you do?

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Individual Costs of Sexual Harassment










Panic Attacks

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Effects of Sexual Harassment

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Complaint proceduresAll reports of sexual harassment should be resolved at lowest possible level

Employees and members who believe they are victims of sexual harassment have the right to file discrimination complaints.

Both civilian and military must begin the complaint process within 45 days of the last occurrence of harassment.

Military members begin the complaint process through their chain of command. Their civilian counterparts begin the process with either the Equal Opportunity Advisor or the Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor.

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Complaint proceduresAll reports of sexual harassment should be resolved at lowest possible level

Report incident to FC unless the subject of the report is the FC; in that case, report to the Division Captain

Optionally, contact CGAUX Civil Rights Counselor at the District Level

If investigation provides validation of sexual harassment, members found engaging in this behavior may receive an oral or written reprimand, or may be administratively removed from the Auxiliary.

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How would they feel about my actions?

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Be approachable and receptive and encourage open communication.

Maintaining a positive environment discourages harassing behavior.

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Sexual Harassment affects everybody.

We are all responsible for preventing it.

Raising awareness, being proactive and encouraging open communication can help prevent it.

Eliminating Sexual Harassment allows all of Team Coast Guard to focus all our energy on our mission.

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We will not tolerate sexual harassment!

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Knowledge Check

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Unwelcome sexual behavior directed toward an individual, when employment decisions affecting the individual are based on submission to or rejection of the conduct, or when the conduct is intended to interfere unreasonably with the individual’s work performance or to create a hostile working environment, is:

Sexual Harassment

This for That

Tangible Employment Action

Sex Discrimination

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Unwelcome sexual behavior directed toward an individual, when employment decisions affecting the individual are based on submission to or rejection of the conduct, or when the conduct is intended to interfere unreasonably with the individual’s work performance or to create a hostile working environment, is:

Sexual Harassment

This for That

Tangible Employment Action

Sex Discrimination

TEA harassment and Hostile Work Environment harassment are specific forms of sexual harassment. Other forms of sex discrimination don’t necessarily involve sexual behavior.

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Your new supervisor often winks, gestures and touches you when you pass by. You don’t respond favorably to these repeated and unwanted advances. One month later, your supervisor cancels your attendance at a training seminar.

What type of sexual harassment could this represent?

Sexual Orientation

Tangible Employment Action

Sex Discrimination

Hostile Work Environment

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Your new supervisor often winks, gestures and touches you when you pass by. You don’t respond favorably to these repeated and unwanted advances. One month later, your supervisor cancels your attendance at a training seminar.

What type of sexual harassment could this represent?

Sexual Orientation

Tangible Employment Action

Sex Discrimination

Hostile Work Environment

This example represents tangible employment action harassment as the supervisor cancelled your training because you didn’t respond favorably to the advances.

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You must pass through a narrow hallway to reach your supervisor. As you travel through the hallway a co-worker looks you up and down (“elevator eyes”) every time you go by. You feel uncomfortable about this and try to avoid this route whenever your co-worker is there. This could be an example of:

Sex Discrimination

Tangible Employment Action

Hostile Work Environment

Sexual Preference

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You must pass through a narrow hallway to reach your supervisor. As you travel through the hallway a co-worker looks you up and down (“elevator eyes”) every time you go by. You feel uncomfortable about this and try to avoid this route whenever your co-worker is there. This could be an example of:

Sex Discrimination

Tangible Employment Action

Hostile Work Environment

Sexual Preference

By intimidating you with “elevator eyes” your co-worker is creating a hostile work environment.

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Which situation is always considered sexual harassment?

Trading advancement opportunities for sexual favors

Telling a dirty joke because you think it’s really funny

Asking a colleague for a date for the first time

Staring at a colleague of the opposite sex

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Which situation is always considered sexual harassment?

Trading advancement opportunities for sexual favors

Telling a dirty joke because you think it’s really funny

Asking a colleague for a date for the first time

Staring at a colleague of the opposite sex

It is acceptable to ask a colleague for a date as long as you are not breaking any fraternization rules. It’s important to consider the impact of a joke and how it will be received. Staring, while usually considered rude is not harassment unless you make the recipient uncomfortable. But trading employment or advancement rewards for sexual favors is always considered sexual harassment.

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A couple hugging, kissing and touching could be considered an example of:

Verbal Sexual Harassment

Tangible Employment Action

Physical Sexual Harassment

Visual Sexual Harassment

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A couple hugging, kissing and touching could be considered an example of:

Verbal Sexual Harassment

Tangible Employment Action

Physical Sexual Harassment

Visual Sexual Harassment

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PO Smith has been subjected to sexual harassment. What should he do first?

Deal directly with the offender

Report the behavior to the offender’s supervisor

Report the behavior to the highest senior in the chain of command

Ignore it and hope it won’t happen again

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PO Smith has been subjected to sexual harassment. What should he do first?

Deal directly with the offender

Report the behavior to the offender’s supervisor

Report the behavior to the highest senior in the chain of command

Ignore it and hope it won’t happen again