Settimanale gratuito 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II

Settimanale gratuito 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II · 2014-11-23 · 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II | CABOTO 3 ANNUNCI DI LAVORO mONDO ELETTRICISTI

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Page 1: Settimanale gratuito 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II · 2014-11-23 · 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II | CABOTO 3 ANNUNCI DI LAVORO mONDO ELETTRICISTI

Settimanale gratuito26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II

Page 2: Settimanale gratuito 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II · 2014-11-23 · 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II | CABOTO 3 ANNUNCI DI LAVORO mONDO ELETTRICISTI

Phorms is a school network in Germany which operates a number of bilingual schools offering education in English and German from Early Years through to Secondary School.

For our school site in Munich we are seeking to appoint a passionate and dedicated

Head of Primary School (as of school year 2015/16) The candidate we are looking for:

holds a Master’s degree in Primary Education

has a proven track record in a leadership role in education

has gathered experience in both national and international school settings

is passionate about primary education

has high expectations of children's achievements and behaviour and is committed to working with an international parent community

shows the ability to effectively pursue and foster educational excellence

is knowledgeable and experienced in curriculum work and curriculum development, ideally knows the Cambridge Programmes

is experienced with multi-lingual educational programmes

is able to create strong and effective teams of staff and is experienced in leading them

is a native English speaker and commands the language perfectly in both spoken and written English; a certain proficiency in German would be beneficial

is experienced in the management of school operations

shows a strong interest in all local aspects of the school environment including the cooperation with lo-cal authorities and other institutions

The successful candidate will be an inspirational and creative leader who is committed and caring, appreciative of cultural diversity and local regulations. She or he is capable of making and communicating thoughtful and sound decisions and has the ability to develop and maintain trust amongst all participants of the school com-munity.

Please apply online at our website: http://www.phorms.de/en_pms/Careers/Vacancies

For further information please visit www.phorms.de

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mONDOELETTRICISTI - Openjobmetis Spa agenzia per il lavoro seleziona per importante azienda cliente elettri-cisti. Il candidato ideale è in pos-sesso di attestato/diploma elettrico/elettrotecnico, ha maturato almeno due anni di esperienza nella instal-lazione, manutenzione, riparazione di impianti elettrici civili e industria-li, preferibile l’esperienza su impianti fotovoltaici. Si valutano candida-ture anche alla prima esperienza di lavoro. Richiesta disponibilità a trasferte di medio - lungo periodo all’estero. Luogo di lavoro: Estero. Openjobmetis Filiale di Lecco, Via Digione 3 23900 Lecco (LC), tel 0341/287924, fax 0341/287900, www.openjob.it.EXECUTIVE CHEF - Qualifications: Diploma or degree in touristic disciplines; 5 years of previous ex-perience as chef in extra - EU coun-tries would be an asset. Required Competences: Good knowledge and skills in the food preparation; Good leadership and personnel manage-ment in a multicultural environ-ment; Good knowledge and practice of IT programs; Fluidity in English language;Good organizational skills. Work Purpose: The Executive Chef is responsible for: Food quality control; Management of food & beverage orders; Supervision and preparation of first and second courses to desserts; Management of the catering activities; Organization of Kitchen’s activities; Management and selection of suppliers; Supervi-sion of Kitchen’s staff. Location: Various abroad (Extra EU Countries). Please send your cv in accordance with Personal data protection code,

Act no. 196/03, via email to: [email protected].

SUD AmERICABRASILEDIRETTORE DI STABILIMENTO - (Retribuzione 100.000 €-110.000€) Referenze: JB-0000015Z. Questa è un’interessante opportunità per entrare a far parte di un’importante azienda del settore Automotive. Il/La candidato/a, rispondendo diretta-mente all’Amministratore Delegato, si occuperà di: gestire lo stabilimen-to in tutti i suoi aspetti tecnico-orga-nizzativi garantendo il corretto svol-gimento delle attività; monitorare e analizzare il conto economico al fine di verificare eventuali criticità e aree di miglioramento delle performance ed applicare azioni correttive; coordinare e gestire i responsabili delle varie funzioni, in particolare: Produzione, Pianificazione, Qualità, Logistica, Manutenzione del sito. Requisiti. La risorsa deve possedere i seguenti requisiti: avere 7/10 anni di esperienza in ruoli analoghi; fon-damentale la provenienza da settori manifatturieri (metalmeccanico, au-tomotive, ecc); richieste competen-ze tecniche di stampaggio plastico; conoscenza della metodologie Lean e del sistema WCM. Completano il profilo: flessibilità; pro attività, ca-pacità di gestire il team. Badenoch & Clark. http://bit.ly/1p9p8UN.

SCANDINAVIASVEZIASENIOR IT ADVISOR - UniSystems SA is a leading European ICT Solutions and Services provider founded in 1964 and operating internationally

through its subsidiaries and offices in Athens, Brussels, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bucharest, and Limassol. We boast a substantial and suc-cessful track record in the delivery of large-scale, mission-critical, in-novative and reliable information systems and services for the Bank-ing, Telco and Public Administration business sectors. We are positioned as a client oriented focused provider to the European marketplace, and considered as a lead supplier of ICT services to European Union Institu-tions, Agencies and International Organizations. We currently have a vacancy for a Senior IT Advisor, (m/f) to offer his/her services within an important European Institution in Stockholm, Sweden. Tasks and responsibilities. Development of IT vision and strategy; advice in IT governance and management, hard-ware and software, telecommunica-tion, information systems, security, quality, policies implementation, information systems and architec-ture, software development. Analy-sis and evaluation of organizational structures. Skills and experience: University degree with minimum 6 years of experience in IT OR non university degree with minimum 12 years of experience in IT. 4 years of Experience in Support/coach the participants of governance bodies in their respective tasks. Proven work experience as senior consultant in various organizations. Training and coaching competencies and skills. Excellent oral and written and charismatic communicator. Good knowledge in IT consulting matters. Excellent language skills in English, both written and spoken. Remu-neration. Company offers a competi-tive remuneration package based on qualifications and experience. In-terested? Candidates who meet the above requirements may forward an English version of their Europass CV quoting the reference code UNI-SITADV-31/11/2014 at: [email protected]. Applicants must be eligible to work in the specified loca-

tion. All applications will be treated as confidential.MS SQL DATABASE ADMINISTRA-TOR - UniSystems SA is a leading European ICT Solutions and Services provider founded in 1964 and op-erating internationally through its subsidiaries and offices in Athens, Brussels, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bucharest, and Limassol. We boast a substantial and successful track record in the delivery of large-scale, mission-critical, innovative and reli-able information systems and servic-es for the Banking, Telco and Public Administration business sectors. We are positioned as a client oriented focused provider to the European marketplace, and considered as a lead supplier of ICT services to Eu-ropean Union Institutions, Agencies and International Organizations. We currently have a vacancy for a MS SQL Database Adminitrator, (m/f) to offer his/her services within an European Institution in Stockholm, Sweden. Task and responsibilities. The selected consultant shall main-tain the database servers, review the database setups and configura-tions and where possible find and propose areas for improvements. The consultant will create work-ing procedures for the other team members. The consultant will also discuss with the development teams and the other administrators how possible design changes can solve problems in future releases. Weekly reports will be submitted to docu-ment the work done. The consultant shall be based in the ICT Infrastruc-ture section. The consultant will re-port to the ICT BackOffice & Testing group leader. Skills and experience. University degree with minimum 3 year experience in System Admin-istration, or non university degree with minimum 5 years experience in support Administration. Excellent experience working as DBA in MS SQL 2005/2008. Excellent experi-ence working with big databases (>100Gb). Excellent experience in code review, e.g. for TSQL stored

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procedures. Knowledge of HA (High Availability) and load balanc-ing solutions. Experience working with database design and working together with a development team. Experience with GIS DB (ARC GIS). Experience with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. Mi-crosoft certifications on SQL Server will be a plus. Good knowledge of server & storage hardware, operat-ing systems, server applications and scripting. Excellent language skills in English, both written and spoken. Remuneration. Company offers a competitive remuneration package based on qualifications and experi-ence. Interested? Candidates who meet the above requirements may forward an English version of their Europass CV quoting the reference code: UNI- Ref: UNI-DBADMIN-24/10/2014 at: [email protected]. Applicants must be eligible to work in the specified location. All applications will be treated as confi-dential. Madame Cristina Vernet.GIS DEVELOPER - UniSystems SA is a leading European ICT Solutions and Services provider founded in 1964 and operating internationally through its subsidiaries and offices in Athens, Brussels, Amsterdam, Is-tanbul, Bucharest, and Limassol. We boast a substantial and successful track record in the delivery of large-scale, mission-critical, innovative and reliable information systems and services for the Banking, Telco and Public Administration business sectors. We are positioned as a cli-ent oriented focused provider to the European marketplace, and consid-ered as a lead supplier of ICT servic-es to European Union Institutions, Agencies and International Organi-zations. We currently have a vacan-cy for a GIS Developer, (m/f) to offer his/her services within an important European Institution in Stockholm, Sweden. Tasks and responsibilities. The tasks will mainly include: con-tribute to system development and update the in-house Enterprise GIS; successfully and in collaboration with the in-house GIS development resources undertake the software development tasks assigned to him/her, that are part of the broader GIS software development activities. The software development tasks can be as: EMMA Go Mapping: develop save mapping session functional-ity, develop attribute table editing functionality. EMMA Geogallery, improve storing, search & discover functionalities. Develop add-ins and widgets for the web in-house GIS applications to retrieve and map data fetched by other in-house systems. Provide software develop-ment support for SharePoint and Silverlight tools in support to in-house GIS applications. Write ap-

propriate technical documentation for the assigned software develop-ment tasks. Support the software testing and deployment. Skills and experience: university degree with minimum 4 years experience in IT, or non-University degree with minimum 6 years experience in IT. Strong knowledge of the following standards: Web Feature Services (WFS), Web Map Services (WMS), Shapefile. Excellent knowledge of ArcGIS API for Java script, ArcGIS Server 10. Experience in software architecture design, implemen-tation and systems integration. Proven experience in developing Enterprise GIS solutions. Experience with SharePoint (MOSS 2010) and Microsoft Internet Information Ser-vices (IIS). Experience in agile de-velopment methods, including Test Driven Development. Strong knowl-edge of data classification / sum-marization algorithms for GIS and their implementations. Proficiency in programming in .NET Framework 3.5 (VB.NET, Java script, ASP.NET, EF) and Microsoft SQL Server. Extensive experience in developing SOAP/REST web services. Familiarity with the EU INSPIRE directive. Experi-ence in technical documentation writing. Excellent language skills in English, both written and spoken. Remuneration: company offers a competitive remuneration package based on qualifications and experi-ence. Interested? Candidates who meet the above requirements may forward an English version of their Europass CV quoting the reference code Ref: UNI-GISDEV-31/11/2014 at: [email protected] (Mme Cristina Vernet). Applicants must be eligible to work in the specified loca-tion. All applications will be treated as confidential.BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DEVEL-OPER - UniSystems SA is a leading European ICT Solutions and Services provider founded in 1964 and op-erating internationally through its subsidiaries and offices in Athens, Brussels, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bucharest, and Limassol. We boast a substantial and successful track record in the delivery of large-scale, mission-critical, innovative and reli-able information systems and servic-es for the Banking, Telco and Public Administration business sectors. We are positioned as a client oriented focused provider to the European marketplace, and considered as a lead supplier of ICT services to Eu-ropean Union Institutions, Agencies and International Organizations. We currently have a vacancy for a Busi-ness Intelligence Developer, (m/f) to offer his/her services within an important European Institution in Stockholm, Sweden. Tasks and re-sponsibilities. Design, development

and testing of business intelligence solutions including: DWH and other analytical repositories; online ana-lytical data processing (OLAP); data mining or rules based solutions; ETL processes; reporting applications. Performance analysis and optimiza-tion of BI solutions including: DB and analytical repositories; ETL processes; reporting. Other tasks will include: writing of technical and user documentation; document-ing and executing the deployment and configuration of BI platforms and systems. Skills and experience: University degree with minimum 4 years experience in IT, or non-University degree with minimum 6 years experience in IT; minimum 4 years of experience in BI systems design and implementation after completion of studies; experience with Agile software development

(e.g. SCRUM) or other iterative development processes (E.g. RUP). Good knowledge of BI architectures, BI reporting tools, ETL tools and modelling tools. Good knowledge SQL, MDX, metadata management. Good knowledge of OLAP (online analytical data processing) and data mining tools. Good knowledge of different BI platforms (e.g. Microsoft BI, MicroStrategy, BO, Cognos, IBM, Oracle, SAS,..). Knowledge of UML and BI modelling standards. Knowl-edge on Microsoft Team Foundation Server. Excellent language skills in English, both written and spoken. Remuneration: company offers a competitive remuneration package based on qualifications and experi-ence. Interested? Candidates who meet the above requirements may forward an English version of their Europass CV quoting the reference code Ref: UNI-BIDEV-31/11/2014 at: [email protected] (Mme Cristina Vernet). Applicants must be eligible to work in the specified loca-tion. All applications will be treated as confidential.BUSINESS ANALYST - UniSystems SA is a leading European ICT Solutions and Services provider founded in 1964 and operating internationally

through its subsidiaries and offices in Athens, Brussels, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bucharest, and Limassol. We boast a substantial and suc-cessful track record in the delivery of large-scale, mission-critical, in-novative and reliable information systems and services for the Bank-ing, Telco and Public Administration business sectors. We are positioned as a client oriented focused provider to the European marketplace, and considered as a lead supplier of ICT services to European Union Institu-tions, Agencies and International Organizations. We currently have a vacancy for a Business Analyst, (m/f) to offer his/her services within an important European Institution in Stockholm, Sweden. Tasks and responsibilities. Gather and docu-ment the business requirements. Conduct feasibility and related stud-ies. Create and maintain technical and user documentation. Model, analyse, and improve business pro-cesses. Perform business data mod-elling. Perform stakeholder analysis. Specifying user interfaces. Docu-ment standard operating proce-dures (in cooperation with the QA). Assist stakeholders in prioritizing requirements. Develop use cases/user stories and assist in developing test cases. Contribute to testing in different stages. Prepare training material. Conduct user training. As-sist the ICT-S section in developing and implementing standards. Skills and experience. University degree with minimum 4 years of experience in IT or non-university degree with minimum 6 years of experience in IT. Minimum 2 years of business requirements gathering and analysis for complex and scientific applica-tion including tasks described in the Tasks and Responsibilities section above. Experience with require-ments engineering, developing use cases, user stories, and drafting user interfaces. Experience with requirements management in Agile development processes (SCRUM). Extensive knowledge and experi-ence in software modelling tech-niques and modelling of functional requirements. Experience in process mapping, workflow process analysis and process reengineering. Experi-ence in coordinating with technical experts, developers and users. Proven experience in facilitating meetings, scheduling and managing of time. Excellent team player, but also able to work independently when requested. Experience with UML and CASE tools, for instance Sparx Enterprise Architect. Advanta-geous: Experience with the tools used at ECDC (MS Team Foundation Server, Sparx Enterprise Architect). Advantageous: Experience with application development using MS

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SharePoint. Advantageous: Experi-ence in our client’s business domain (epidemiology/public health). Excel-lent language skills in English, both written and spoken. Interested? Candidates who meet the above re-quirements may forward an English version of their Europass CV quoting the reference code Ref: UNI-BAN-31/11/2014 at: [email protected] Cristina Vernet). Applicants must be eligible to work in the specified location. All applications will be treated as confidential.

DANImARCAMOULD CONSTRUCTOR FOR COMPLEX TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS - Mould Constructor for complex technical solutions - Denmark. Are you an experienced tool constructor within injection moulding? This is an opportunity to work in a chal-lenging position with state of the art equipment to continuously improve the Lego® Brick for the builders of tomorrow. Work description: If you want to use your skills and knowledge in the design of moulds made for the world’s greatest toys, this is your opportunity. You will join a team of dedicated profes-sionals who design +600 3D moulds per year. Use your innovative and analytical skills to find solid techni-cal solutions. Your role is to be a trusted partner for your customers in Lego when it comes to advisory, mould design, form production and development. Mould Design has the responsibility for norms and standards, and as such we have high impact on the quality of the Lego products. In overview, your pri-mary tasks will be to: Deliver good and solid mould design - primarily redesign with focus on simplicity. Create mould specifications using Siemens NX CAD, Teamcenter (PDM) and BTC (standard library). Analyse mould design-related problems and turn these into solutions. Deliver specialist support to the produc-tion, Mould Qualification and other departments. Contribute to ongoing optimisations of systems and pro-cesses. Contribute to development of new concepts - the moulding platform of tomorrow. Require-ments: to succeed you must be ambitious and thrive in an environ-ment with ongoing changes in pri-oritisations, systems and processes. Moreover, your profile matches the skills listed below: Technical educa-tion - Engineer / Mould Designer / Mould Technician. 1-3 years experi-ence within mould design and/or mould making. 3D CAD experience, and extensive Excel skills. A global mindset capable of creating strong relations to many people across geographical, cultural and profes-

sional borders. Motivation towards working with lean principles. Solid experience within MS Office and preferably also SAP - if you do not already know SAP, you are ready to be a fast learner. How to apply: please e-mail your cv and applica-tion to: [email protected] with in the object the keyword (Lego Mould Constructor).

EUROPATECHNICAL PRODUCT MANAGER - With more than 300.000 jobs ad-vertised per month on StepStone’s jobboard in 24 countries and even more job listings exchanged through the 131 countries that joined The-Network.com, we are looking for a product manager that will reset the way one job can be posted on many job boards at the same time (Multiposting). As product cham-pion, your areas of responsibilities range from the conceptualization of the new multi-posting tool to the follow up of the development and coordinate of the deployment activi-ties. This function is a group wide position that can be based in Brus-sels, Dusseldorf, London or Paris. Main tasks. Business ownership of the multiposting product line. En-gage with key stakeholders through The Network to document business needs. Definition of product re-quirement supported by StepStone for different use cases. Project man-agement of your own development activities. Contact to key players (in local markets) and liaison between the StepStone business and the de-velopment. Contact to HR-Software provider providing interfaces to job boards. Your profile. Techni-cal experience in software design gained through business analyst or technical product management role. Project management knowl-edge with good communication & coordination skills. Ideally experi-ence in working in the software industry/ HR Software provider in data exchange (jobfeeds, multipost-ing tool, …) in a role of technical pre-sales consultant. Willingness to travel internationally. Fluent in Eng-lish (working language) and other languages (like German) will also be appreciated. We look forward to receiving your application in Eng-lish. Contact: StepStone n.v./s.a |

Koningsstraat 47 Rue Royale | 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles. Julie Coomans, Recruiter | Tel: + 32 (0)2 209 98 49. E-Mail: [email protected] LINGUIST FOR SEMANTIC SEARCH - (for our offices in either Brussels, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Munich or Warsaw) For our Search Team we are looking for a fluent English speaker with a strong back-ground in Natural Language Process-ing to improve semantic matching in the recruitment domain. With over 260,000 jobs, 8.1 million CVs, 13.6 million active subscribers and 25.4 million monthly visits the data is big and the challenge is even big-ger. We need an experienced and creative professional to develop advanced technical solutions for our search engine and help take it to the next level of quality. The search team is split across offices in Brus-sels, Berlin, Munich and Warsaw, so you will work in an international environment with a team of experi-enced and like-minded colleagues. Your responsibilities. Work on the specification and design of projects that contribute to the improve-ment of quality in job search and CV search. Work on the testing and maintenance of quality for ongoing projects. Process and analyze data to inform the evolution of semantic search. Implement tools to extract value from data resources. Be re-sponsible for the quality of linguistic resources (taxonomies, dictionaries, grammars). Monitor developments in semantic search technology and evaluate for the recruitment do-main. Our requirements. Degree in Computational Linguistics, Comput-er Science with Linguistics or pro-fessional experience with Natural Language Processing/Text Analytics. Professional or high-level academic experience with information re-trieval/semantic search. Experience in at least two of: natural language processing (including symbolic or statistical parsing), machine learn-ing, data mining, computational semantics. Experience with writing grammars for natural language. Ex-perience with writing code for text analytics. Fluent English speaker (the working language is English). Good knowledge of German is a plus, knowledge of either French or Dutch is desirable. Experience of software such as Weka, Mahout or Lucene is a plus. Previous experi-ence in software development in a professional context is a plus. E-Mail: [email protected] - Azienda leader nel settore del decoro ambiente e articoli da regalo con sede in Italia provincia di Venezia cerca rappre-sentante monomandatario per Svizzera, Austria, Germania. Of-friamo importante parco clienti già

avviato e da sviluppare. Trattamento provvigionale di sicuro interesse. Richiediamo conoscenza lingua Itali-ana e tedesca. EDG Enzo De Gasperi, Via Grandi 2, 30036 Santa Maria di Sala (VE), fax 00390415739964, www.edg.it.

IRLANDABAR/RESTAURANT/HOTEL - Bar/Restaurant/Hotel Experience? Apply today for a fun, fast paced position within Consultonomics. If you have experience in bars, restaurants, ho-tels, pubs, club promoting or similar you could be our next team mem-ber. We are looking for people from a hospitality background to assist with our customer services, custom-er relations, sales and promotions teams because we need people who: enjoy working with customers face to face; are confident with their communication skills; understand the value of good team work to get the job done; thrive in a fast paced environment; are over the age of 18 years old. If this sounds like you so far, you probably want to know more about what you would be doing if you are successful. Your key responsibilities will include: speak-ing to potential new customers about products and services face to face. Giving demonstrations and presentations to customers. Helping with general sales enquiries. Provid-ing outstanding customer services/customer care. Benefits include: Fun team, full time hours, nights out and social events, competitive earnings, training and support, travel oppor-tunities and advancement into team leading roles is also available. Apply today! We will be looking to hold quick in person interviews as soon as possible, followed by a trial day for top applicants. You’ll need to be available to start work in the next 1-2 weeks. Applicants will need to be self motivated as you’ll be work-ing on an independant basis and earning in relation to the achieve-ment of your sales targets. Loca-tion: Limerick City. Payment: €300-380 per week OT. E-mail: [email protected]/TRESS - (Full & Part Time) We have a vacancy for an Expe-rienced Waiter/Waitress. Fluent English essential, excellent terms for successful candidate. Apply with Cv and Cover Note outlining previous experience and suitability for the role. Location: Tipperary. Company: Horse and Jockey Hotel. Contact: Tom Egan, tel. +353 0504 44192, email: [email protected]. Web: www.horseandjockey-hotel.com. FRENCH SALES & SERVICE ASSOCI-ATE - Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. is currently recruit-

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ing Sales & Service Associates with French and English for our Customer Contact Centre in Cork City. The Sales & Service Associate will receive and process calls from travel agents, business houses and the general public, book reserva-tions and provide information on all Starwood brands/properties, in a professional manner with specific emphasis on sales and service to the caller in accordance with guidelines, policies and procedures. Position Requirements: Candidates must be computer literate with an excel-lent telephone manner, the ability to work independently and have strong aptitude for Sales and Cus-tomer Services. Fluency in French and English essential. Company Benefits: private Medical Insurance, occupational Sick Pay Scheme, em-ployee Assistance Programme (EAP), career Progression Opportunities, continuous Training & Development, tuition Reimbursement Scheme (up to 100%), PRSA - 10% employer contribution, generous Incentive Scheme, 20 vacation days per an-num + an additional day per annum per years service (up to 5yrs), Staff & family member discounts at our properties, subsidized City Centre Car Parking, free gym Membership, free internet access on-site at Link @ Sheraton, Cycle 2 Work Scheme, local Business Discounts. If you wish to apply for this position please logon to www.starwood.jobs and apply online.EXPERIENCED BARISTA - (for high Volume Catering Units in Dublin) An great opportunity has now arisen for an experienced Barista for an excellent catering units in Dublin. Reporting in to the Catering Manag-er we are looking for someone who has previous experience working in a high volume cafe/restaurant or catering unit. Some of the require-ments of the role will be: to produce coffees in a timely manner and to a high standard. To assist in the preparation of food and snacks. To keep work area clean and tidy at all times. To help promote sales within the unit. Excellent Customer Care & Hygiene skills. Be able to work on your own iniative and also part of a winning team. In return we can offer: a very competitive salary, day-time hours, no nights involved, the chance to work with this excellent Catering Company. Ongoing train-ing and advice from your Catering Manager. For more informationon this new and exciting position, please call Fiona on 01 4045511 or email: [email protected]. Step One Catering.PRESALES SUPPORT EXECUTIVE - ITALIAN SPEAKING - A position available in our Client PresalesTeam for a Italian speaker. We are looking

for the right callibre of sales profes-sional who will consistently over achieve within the campaigns that we manage on behalf of our clients both for English speaking and Italian speaking campaigns. Responsibili-ties: as a Presales Support Executive you will be responsible for increas-ing sales of our client’s products by ensuring all inquiries, leads and development opportunities are maximized. This is a telephone based role and your focus will be on uncovering ‘sales ready’ or ‘market-ing read’ leads, coordinating ap-pointments and follow up calls for our client’s sales team. Your primary goal will be to identify new business opportunities whilst ensuring an excellent experience is provided for all potential customers. Gaining a good understanding of our clients’ needs, you will aim to make highly qualified sales appointments for the sales team from the leads you generate. Requirements: fluent in both English (Professional Business level) and Italian (Professional Busi-ness level). Strong negotiation skills. Self Motivation and a proven track record in sales within the B2Bsector is very desirable. Excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills. Computer skills with a good working knowledge of Word, Excel etc is a must. Confidence. The ability to meet Key Performance Indicators on a daily, weekly and monthly ba-sis. If you are interested in this role please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected] PERSON - (Galway City Centre) We are now inviting applications for the position of Bar Person at the Park House Hotel in Galway. Our contemporary 4 Star non-function hotel is ideally located in Eyre Square. We are an Irish-owned and managed hotel. Established over 33 years ago, we have grown our busi-ness through consistently delivering the highest standards. This is a full time, permanent position. The ideal candidate should: have at least two years experience in a full time bar position in a Hotel; have a customer service orientated, sunny personal-ity; have an ability to work as part of a team and on their own iniziative; be fluent in English. We offer a com-petitive salary, meals on duty, ongo-ing training and excellent opportuni-ties for advancement with the hotel. Park House Hotel. Irish-owned and managed the Park House Hotel is a true success story of Galway. The Park House Hotel has evolved from a 70-seater restaurant “Eyre House Restaurant” to the Award Winning 4 Star hotel that it is today. The hotel has very strong credentials in food and service, being the proud recipi-ent of many awards. Contact: Anne Marie Dowd, tell. 091 564924, web

www.parkhousehotel.ie.CUSTOMER OPERATIONS MANAG-ER - BILINGUAL ITALIAN - Responsi-bilities: create a high performance team and foster a positive, flexible and collaborative team spirit. Ensure team have the resources, coaching and feedback they need to handle each customer contact with qual-ity and in a timely manner. Agree clear and achievable targets with your team and regularly update them on their performance against these. Drive team to meet and exceed performance expectations and take a balanced approach based on seasonality. Communicate regu-larly with your team through 1 to 1 meetings and group huddles. Work closely with our Workforce Manage-ment Analysts in order to under-stand staffing requirements and agree work schedules. Support your team through giving regular perfor-mance feedback ensuring your team know the quality standards we have set and why they are so important to our customers. Address any per-formance or attendance concerns as they arise. Recognise and give praise for achievements and ef-fort made by agents. Ensure team use work modes consistently and accurately to contribute to more stable, reliable data for forecasting and scheduling. Work closely with training and quality to identify and solution quality improvement op-portunities and action training gaps identified. Assist with recruitment and training of new team members. Identify development opportunities for team members to support their career growth. Empower team to take ownership and responsibil-ity for customer issues. Work with management to deliver on change initiatives which will benefit the business and the customer. Support your team on issues which they escalate from our customers as re-quired. Collaborate and build posi-tive relationships with key stake-holders within and across teams. Stay connected with the customer by spending at least one hour per week working on cases and handling occasional escalated issues. Con-stantly evaluate workflows and find ways for them to be more efficient. Represent the team on projects/initiatives as appropriate. Lead by example in trying to excel in our customer service delivery and en-courage your team to reach for this goal. Maintain a level of commit-ment which includes more than just showing up for work, more than just performing to expectations, seeking out additional responsibilities, iden-tifying one-self as a go-to person, flexibility with change, and a passion for the Customer and Cartrawler. Requirements. Up to 2 years’ ex-

perience managing at team ideally in a Customer Operations/Contact Centre environment. Fluency in a Italian is desirable. Ability to build a strong, connected and purpose driven team. Proven experience in leading, inspiring and motivating a team. Motivated to be a consistent high performer- identifies ways to improve overall team performance; taking initiative to identify areas of opportunity; receptive to feedback. Strong resilience and positive focus in a fast paced and ever changing environment. Approachable with excellent communication skills (spo-ken and written) and confidence to lead engaging team meetings and morning huddles. Relentless commitment to quality and high standards. Ability to prioritise tasks and delegate as needed. Ability to encourage an environment of flex-ibility where change is embrice. Desire to provide superior customer service with a hunger to strive to improve it. Eye for detail and organi-sation - someone who looks to get it right and done on time. Team work and relationship building is essen-tial as we work in a collaborative environment. If you are interested in this role please send your CV to: [email protected].

GERmANIA(SR) MANAGER CRM/FOCUS AU-TOMATION - Zalando’s success also tells the story of our exceptional team and our efforts. We are always happy to welcome new colleagues who join us in creating the world’s best online fashion experience. Thanks to our eCommerce expertise and can-do spirit we’ve become one of Europe’s biggest eCommerce companies in only a few short years. Today, Zalando operates in 15 countries. The core of our business is to be cutting edge in each and every of our fundamental pillars: fashion, internet technology and logistics. Zalando SE, which is based in Berlin, operates the international business and takes care of our busi-ness development, comprising of management, marketing, IT and administration. Your tasks. The development and constant optimi-zation of automating possibilities in email-marketing. You develop effec-tive and efficient contact strategies on a base of analytical methods and implement them with our customer intelligence and data mining team. Your tasks also include deriving measures from internal or external analyses as well as project man-agement. Automation of various email-marketing campaigns with higly individual contents and contact times for customer loyalty, accre-tion and sales increase. Integration

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of content management systems for an efficient administration of current advertising media for 14 countries. You formulate concepts for synchronization of several pro-grams and interfaces like campaign management systems, email service provider, content management sys-tems and data base contents. You evaluate and integrate needed tools and programs. Process design, opti-mization and coordination for qual-ity assurance, performance moni-toring and efficient administration. Goal oriented project management including leadership and develop-ment of international project teams. Your profile. You graduated in economics with a focus in engineer-ing, informatics or another compa-rable area. You have several (2-5) years of experience in the field of e-commerce, CRM or product man-agement in e-commerce. You have strong analytical and conceptual skills and very good technical know how. You were able to prove your project management skills. Experi-ence in using automation programs is a plus. You excel in communica-tion and are great when working in a team. You are fluent in business English and German. You are a team player and you have good communi-cation skills. You are an expert in MS Office (especially Excel) and open towards working with new software. You work self dependent and very structured. You are highly interested in e-commerce trends. Our offer. Boredom doesn’t get a look in here! Zalando is a working environment where something new happens every day. An international team of experts to inspire and support you. Training and further develop-ment opportunities to expand your skills and help you on your way. A corporate culture where your skills are judged only by your results - our motto: wear sneakers, not ties. At-tractive employee discounts in our online shop. A feel-good team: We don’t just work well together, we also like to get together after work. Want to join us? Then we’d be more than happy to receive your applica-tion, which should include your earliest possible availability date as well as your desired salary. Please apply through our career portal. Any further queries? Please do not hesitate to contact us via email // Natalia Amer: [email protected] BUYER - mytheresa.com is one of the world’s leading online stores for luxury fashion. Every season our international buy-ing team selects the most beautiful looks and key pieces from more than 180 designer collections. By featuring top brands like Lanvin, Stella McCartney, Miu Miu, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Saint Laurent,

and many more, mytheresa.com has a unique offer. Our international team includes about 200 talented and committed members from the fashion, online marketing, and IT as well as business economics and the operational industry. To support our Buying Team onwards, we are currently searching for an ambitious Assistant Buyer (f/m) based in our office in Munich, who works closely with our Buying Director during the daily business and has great com-munication and organization skills. Your responsibilities: close col-laboration with our buying director concerning his day to day schedule, calendar bookings and travel sched-uling. Assist and support the team during buying trips to Paris, New York, London and Milan. Work with buying and commercial brand staff to record and place orders in ap-pointments. Liaise with brands and company shipping division regarding deliveries. Work with retail team concerning in-season stock move-ment. Communicate sales analysis with brands. Your qualifications: academic degree, ideally in Business Administration, Fashion or other relevant qualification. Enthusiasm for international luxury fashion. Strong analytical and organizational skills with ability to work well under time pressure. Reliability, detail ori-entation and the ability to work in a team. Willingness to work flexible hours especially on weekends dur-ing buying trips. Excellent written and oral communications skills in English, additional German knowl-edge is an advantage. Experienced with Excel, PDF and Photoshop. Self-confidence as well as excellent man-ners. Our offer: excellent working atmosphere in a dynamic, successful team. Non-hierarchical environ-ment, flexibility and quick decision-making. Great scope and freedom to act on own authority. Please send your application in English includ-ing your resume, cover letter, job references and salary expectations to Susanne Herzog on [email protected] (max. 3 MB). Fur-thermore, do not hesitate to contact us directly in case of questions (+49 89 679707-233).BIG DATA/DATA MANAGEMENT LEAD - (Frankfurt) At Sapient Global Markets, we are quite literally on the front line of the biggest issues facing the global markets leaders today - investment banks, asset management firms, wealth man-agers, oil and energy firms, and government and regulatory bodies. Driving transformation and lead-ing change within these industries requires big thinkers who bring insight, knowledge, technical acu-men and passion for innovation. What we offer is the opportunity to

join a recognized leader in develop-ing and delivering groundbreaking solutions for today’s dynamic global marketplace and an award-winning culture that fosters growth and leadership. As a Manager, for Data Management at Sapient Global Markets you will have multiple re-sponsibilities including management of project teams, leading business analysis, providing best practice points of view for data manage-ment practices and also being the authority for data governance and workflow. You will guide the design and requirements of projects work-ing closely with the client’s business and management teams. Using your expertise on enterprise-wide trends you will also act as a trusted advisor to our clients and teams and realize new business opportunities. Typical engagements include data management strategy, gap analysis, operational process improvement, vendor or market utility selection, change and project management. Primary responsibilities: establish data management strategy at a business level for our Clients. Pro-vide data management solutions that meet business needs. Lead analysis, estimation, planning and

implementation of system and pro-cesses related to data management. Provide best practice points of view in a consultative manner to clients’ senior leaders. Provide leadership and business direction for multi-disciplinary, international teams. Develop solution design using best practice project methodologies and tools. Support or lead design, esti-mation and planning tasks for the solution using functional and techni-cal expertise. Business development and proposals to develop client rela-tionships at all levels. Requirements. Fluent spoken and written German (business speaker level) and English. Ideally you will have achieved a University Degree or Masters in a subject such as Business Administra-tion or a related discipline ideally with IT affinity. Significant relevant work experience in a consulting firm or other client-facing role. Practical industry expertise in investment banking, capital markets or energy trading. Strong understanding and experiences in applying data man-agement requirements to business models and processes front-to-back. Profound understanding of data management practice within the organization, information flow,

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and data governance issues. Un-derstanding of data mapping, data processes and system flow. Ability to design and implement processes for populating, maintaining, and verifying large quantities of data e.g. for listed and over-the-counter in-struments. Profound understanding of data integration, data quality and reconciliation challenges. Knowl-edge of technology trends and rel-evance to client’s business. Experi-ence in design and implementation of data management processes and control frameworks. Experience with vendor data management ap-plication installations in addition to custom application development and support. Ideally experience with market data vendor integration and management such as Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, and/or Markit. Understanding of Data Visualization and Business Intelligence concepts and technologies is helpful. Ability to co-ordinate with internal busi-ness lines to identify data needs, prioritize projects, and implement solutions. Openness to travel and work at client offices. To apply, use the link http://bit.ly/1Fd0X9R. For more information, visit www.sapientglobalmarkets.de and www.sapientglobalmarkets.com.CALENDAR PLANNER FLASH SALES - We’re Wayfair, the larg-est online-only retailer of home furnishings and house wares in the United States and we’re ready to make Berlin our new European Headquarters! The Wayfair Group was selected by Glassdoor as a top company to work for and #16 on the Forbes most promising companies. Here at Wayfair we’re never done, we like transparency and are ‘go to’ people. Are you a startup enthusiast and ready to join one of Berlin’s hottest new international compa-nies? If so, then keep on reading! The Wayfair division Joss & Main is a rapidly expanding flash sales site for the home, expanding a fast growing, successful business from the US to new European markets. Joss & Main is seeking a passion-ate, hyper-analytic, style-savvy, and results-driven individual with strong attention to detail to join our assort-ment planning team in as a Calendar Analyst, a newly created role. As a Calendar Planner you will focus on improving our customer experience through careful management of our daily event calendar across cat-egories, seasons, and trends. While past retail experience is a plus, any experience level is welcome to ap-ply. You should be very comfortable learning on the fly and be excited to develop new skills. The person in this role will rely on traditional retail and merchandising concepts and a metrics-driven approach but

execute those concepts in a very field-specific and nuanced way. Re-sponsibilities. Three primary areas of concentration: Calendar analytics and management (60%); ad-hoc analysis and event support (30%); trend analysis and Implementation (10%). Plan and continually review calendar to maximize daily coverage for all key product categories and styles. Identifying and executing on opportunities for editorial storytell-ing along the way. Identify gaps and opportunity areas to close. Assist the marketing team in the creation of content-based email and direct process flow. Assist buying team in the production of events. Act as primary point of contact for all buy-ers in managing calendar changes. Work closely with our Buying & Cu-ration team to manage vendor and theme overexposure. Collaborate with Marketing, Creative and Buying regarding key dates. Closely review event performance metrics, which will influence calendar change deci-sions; develop new event, category, and class performance frameworks & metrics to drive insight. Present monthly, quarterly, and annual updates to buyers and senior man-agement. Assist PR with product selection for high-profile television or print placements. Develop new standardized and ad-hoc reporting formats with senior buyers. Stay abreast of consumer and market trends, develop trend reports and drive trend presentations. Recom-mend new product categories to enter and/or products to introduce based on trend observations. Who Joss & Main is looking for: strong communication skills and comfort working cross-functionally in fast-moving environment, demonstrated passion for interior design, profi-ciency in Excel, Word and Outlook (SQL as a plus), savvy, quick think-ing and comfortable in a dynamic, strong organizational skills, process orientation and attention to detail, experience in retail merchandising and/or familiarity with retail/mer-chandising concepts (assortment planning, product merchandising, etc.) would be a plus! And finally, our proposition to you! Of course the usual competitive salary, bonus, office snacks and drinks and Friday evening beers, but also: an awe-some team right in the startup hub of Berlin, Kreuzberg; career path guidance. We want to share our company with you in stock units. A huge opportunity to be an early entrant and set the stage with us. We pitch in to your gym mem-bership and office sport events. Monthly team events. And let’s not forget the chance to join the next global giant in ecommerce. Apply now! We´re happy to hear from

you! Work with us! Please apply in English via our recruitment system Jobvite and have your CV and a motivation letter (or however you want to express you´re the right candidate) ready and use this link: http://bit.ly/1y1Abkg.COMMERCIAL SALES & MARKETING TRAINEE (F/M) - RB is the world’s leading consumer health and hy-giene company. Every day, across 60 countries, we work with the best people to challenge conventional thinking and strive to find even better ways to give people innova-tive solutions for healthier lives and happier homes. That’s how we gen-erate the game-changing ideas that built 19 iconic powerbrands around the world - well-loved names such as Nurofen, Strepsils, Mucinex, Det-tol, Lysol, Finish and Vanish. High impact, consumer-led research is the heart of the company’s success. Ranked in the TOP 20 on the Lon-don Stock Exchange, our relentless drive to outperform has trebled our revenue since 2000 and qua-drupled our market cap. Thrive in an environment of high autonomy and accountability? Keen to be at the heart of the fastest growing health and hygiene company? Visit rb.com for more information on our career opportunities and graduate programmes. For our location in Heidelberg we are currently seeking a Commercial Sales & Marketing Trainee (f/m). 2 years, 2 functions. Join us as a trainee and put your thinking into action straight away: be responsible for delivering busi-ness results from day one. Have maximum exposure to the business and management team and deal with totally unfamiliar situations. Work alongside some of our most successful people to gain new skills and get their support. Take charge of your career and ensure it devel-ops the way you want it to. Where? You will be based in Heidelberg, Germany. When? The start is in March 2015. Responsibilities. In the 2 years of your trainee program you will get to know our business and work in field sales, key account management and in marketing - responsible for one of our world-leading powerbrands. You will learn how to develop promotional plans, negotiate with retailers and that’s just the start. You will support the implementation of new product launches and secondary place-ments at the point of sales and help managing major key accounts. You will implement sales strategies and promotions, analyze and optimize the distribution, classification and price situation. You will participate in the implementation of category management measures in collabora-tion with business development and

continuously monitor the market development. You will assist in the volume and sales planning as well as the monitoring and implementation of sales and gross margin goals and you will be responsible for deliver-ing business results from day one. You will have maximum exposure and deal with totally unfamiliar situ-ations and work alongside some of our most successful people to gain new skills and get their support. You need to ensure a smooth running of the “daily business”, i.e. forecasting, financial planning, marketing budget control, packaging design, etc. and support the brand management team in developing whole marketing mix incl. TV copy, media planning, etc. You will take responsibility for your own projects in various areas such as in the preparation of product launches, provide market analyses on the current develop-ment of brands (among others with AC Nielsen), and develop and implement creative projects such as designing the website and providing competitor analyses. You will also cooperate with our agencies to set-up and organise consumer promo-tions. Necessary qualifications and personal skills: minimum bachelor’s degree and approximately 1 year work- or internship experience with preferable 6 months in a commer-cial environment (sales/marketing) in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry. International experience and openness to different cultures. Extra-curricular activities. Achieve-ment orientation, will to succeed, and hands-on mentality. Initiative, self-starter approach, and strong communications skills. Strong intend to influence and to make a differ-ence combined with very strong entrepreneurial thinking and com-mercial mind-set. Strong analytical thinking as well as problem solving skills. Open-minded, change agility and team-spirit as well as leadership ability to become one of our future senior managers. Fluency in Ger-man and English is compulsory; any additional language is a plus, as you will develop your career internation-ally. If you think like us and are up for the challenge then we could be right for you. Please send your application via email to [email protected]. For any questions please call Ms. Maria Sabsch +49 621 3246-255. We are looking forward to your application. For more information visit: www.rb.com/de.

BELGIOETUDIANT SHOP ASSISTANT - (pour décembre et janvier) Le groupe Calzedonia consiste des marques Calzedonia, Intimissimi, Tezenis et

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Falconeri. Crée en 2012 en Belgique, Calzedonia Belgium branch est en plein expansion. Pour accompagner le développement de la marque en Belgique, nous sommes à la recherche de étudiant(e)s pour les marques Intimissimi et Calzedonia pour la période de Décembre et Jan-vier dans notre magasins à Avenue Louise, Rue Neuve et City 2. Tâches. Calzedonia recrute un(e) Shop assis-tant pendant les mois de décembre et janvier dans notre magasin de Avenue Louise. Ambassadeur(rice) de notre marque, vous assurez l’accueil, le conseil et la fidélisa-tion de la clientèle. A l’écoute de la clientèle, vous conseillez et realisez les ventes de nos produits. Vous avez une excellente présentation, vous etes dynamique, motivé(e), souriant(e) et vous avez envie de rejoindre une marque et un groupe vous donnant la possibilité d’évoluer par votre travail, motivation et ambition. Vous avez un intérêt pour la mode et vous avez de bonnes capacités relationnelles. Une pre-mière expérience dans la vente sera appréciée. Vous assurez en équipe le bon fonctionnement du point de vente. Vous participez activement au merchandising. Vous participez aux différentes tâches liées au quo-tidien de la boutique (gestion stock, réassort ...). Intéressé(e)? Veuillez envoyer une lettre de motivation ainsi que votre CV à l’attention de Mademoiselle Mancuso à l’adresse mail: [email protected] et men-tionnez “Etudiant(e) Intimissimi/Calzedonia”.EMPLOYE DISTRIBUTION STATIS-TIQUE - Tondeur Diffusion est une PME familiale de 65 personnes créée en 1930 et active dans le secteur de la distribution de presse. Nous distribuons sur toute la Belgique près de 1.700 titres, essentiellement des revues spé-cialisées, à près de 3.000 clients (du libraire indépendant à la grande surface). Fière de notre culture familiale, nous portons un grand intérêt à nos employés et nous for-mons une véritable équipe! Nous recherchons un(e) employé(e) au service réglage pour notre siège de Bruxelles (1070 Anderlecht). Votre fonction. Vous êtes adjoint(e) du manager du service réglage, et vous déterminez le nombre d’exemplaires de nos titres à livrer à nos clients. Vos principales missions seront les suivantes. Mise à jour des fichiers clients et statistiques. Gestion du planning d’expédition. Traitement des fichiers et réglage des distributions. Adaptation des distributions existantes. Nouvelles implantations. Gestion des remises en vente. Répartition d’avis et de matériel promotionnel. Constitution de dossiers statistiques destinés

aux éditeurs. Calcul de prises (com-mande de quantités aux éditeurs). Description du profil souhaité: vous avez un diplôme en statistiques, en logistique ou en mathématiques. Vous avez une expérience profes-sionnelle relevante. Vous parlez parfaitement le français. Vous avez une excellente maîtrise de Microsoft Office. Une connaissance Filemaker-Pro est un plus. Vous êtes motivé(e), respectueux(se) des délais. Vous êtes rigoureux(se), organisé, pré-cis, avez le sens des priorités et êtes résistant au stress des éché-ances. Vous êtes créatif et capable d’initiatives. Vous avez le sens de la communication et du travail en équipe. Vous êtes disponible rapide-ment. Nous vous offrons: un contrat à durée indéterminée, un travail à temps partiel (mi-temps), les condi-tions salariales de la CP 218, des chèques-repas, le remboursement des frais de transport à 100% et la possibilité de souscrire à notre assurance groupe, accès facile via transports en commun, engagement immédiat. Intéressé(e)? Veuillez envoyer une lettre de motivation ainsi que votre CV à l’attention de Madame Tondeur à l’adresse mail: [email protected] ANALYSE BUSINESS-RESPONSABLE D’EQUIPE - Service Public Fédéral Justice située à Bou-levard de Waterloo 115, 1000 Brux-elles recherche un Attaché Analyse business-responsable d’équipe. Tâches. Vous analysez la nécessité, la faisabilité technique et la rentabil-ité économique (coûts-bénéfices) des applications ICT spécialisées les plus importantes et suivez ces applications au sein du ministère public et de la chaîne pénale (po-lice - ministère public - cours et tribunaux - exécution des peines). Vous consultez les utilisateurs finaux et les experts. Vous dévelop-pez des solutions qui permettent au ministère public de réaliser ses objectifs stratégiques. Eu égard à la position dans le service d’appui du ministère public, vous devez veiller à ce qu’une architecture d’entreprise (architecture SOA) soit implémentée. Vous travaillez en étroite collaboration avec le chef de projet, vous gérez le business case, déterminez le scope du projet et veillez à ce que celui-ci soit con-forme à l’architecture d’entreprise et aux objectifs stratégiques. Vous remplissez une fonction de liaison, vous assurez le dialogue entre le business (les experts business) et l’ICT (les experts ICT) ; en ce sens, vous serez un interlocuteur à part entière pour les deux parties. Vous gérez le projet et veillez sur le processus du projet de manière à ce que le scope et les objectifs du projet soient réalisés. Profil. Une

bonne connaissance et une expéri-ence de Sharepoint. Une bonne connaissance et une expérience de SQL. Une bonne connaissance et une expérience des technologies .NET (C# et ASP.NET), ainsi que de Visual Studio en tant qu’Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Familiarisé à la technologie Mi-crosoft. Familiarisé à la Business Intelligence et aux statistiques. Une bonne connaissance du business (ministère public). Une bonne con-naissance de techniques d’analyse business. Une bonne connaissance d’organisation/de stratégie, en particulier de SOA. De bonnes apti-tudes conceptuelles et communica-tives. Une connaissance de base de la deuxième langue nationale constitue un atout. Etre familiarisé au BPM et aux services web con-stitue un atout. Il y a 1 poste vacant au service d’appui commun auprès du Collège des Procureurs généraux et du Collège du Ministère public. Echelle de traitement est 0A21 (min 25.880,00 - max 31.560,00 salaire brut annuel suivant l’ancienneté, non indexé). Index au 01/01/2013 à 1,6084. Intéressé(e)? Vous pouvez poser votre candidature jusqu’au 30/11/2014 inclus. Vous corre-spondez au profil et vous souhaitez postuler? Veuillez envoyer une lettre de motivation ainsi que votre CV à l’attention de Monsieur Goffin à l’adresse mail: [email protected] en mentionnant clairement la référence SOJ/014/085.VENDEUSE EN BIJOUTERIE DE LUXE - Bureau de placement d’hôtes et hôtesses d’accueil et d’événementiel situé à Bruxelles. Tâches. En tant que vendeuse, vous êtes chargée de l’accueil et information aux clients mais aussi de la vente des produits en magasin. Parfaitement bilingue fr/angl, excellente presentation, sens du service, flexible, souriant, poli, débrouillard, aimable, ponc-tuel, investi, sérieux, reponsabilité, réactivité. City One propose un CDD de trois mois à partir de mi-décembre (formation rémunérée). Trois mois de prestation à temps plein (5j/7). Possibilité de découler vers un CDI en cas de satisfaction. Intéressé(e)? Veuillez envoyer une lettre de motivation ainsi que votre CV et PHOTO! à l’adresse mail: [email protected]. Pas de photo = cv non traité.AIDE - SOIGNANT - Fuchsiactivity si-tuée à Rue des Fuchsias 26-28, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean recherche un Aide-soignant. Tâches: aide-soignant avec numéro de Visa. Pour un temps plein. Travail parfois le week end, en soirée ou matinée. Toilettes, aide aux repas. Intéressé(e)? Veuillez envoyer une lettre de motivation ainsi que votre CV à l’attention de Madame Zovi à l’adresse mail:

[email protected]. Candidature uniquement par email, ne pas télé-phoner. Merci!

LUSSEmBURGOJUNIOR PSFT TESTER OFFICER - Uni-Systems SA is a leading European ICT Solutions and Services provider founded in 1964 and operating internationally through its subsidiar-ies and offices in Athens, Brussels, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bucharest, and Limassol. We boast a substan-tial and successful track record in the delivery of large-scale, mission-critical, innovative and reliable information systems and services for the Banking, Telco and Public Administration business sectors. We are positioned as a client oriented focused provider to the European marketplace, and considered as a lead supplier of ICT services to Eu-ropean Union Institutions, Agencies and International Organizations. We currently have a vacancy for a Junior PSFT Tester Officer (m/f) to offer his/her services within an European Institution in Luxembourg. Tasks and responsibilities. The consultant will be integrated within the team work-ing in our customer’s upgrade PFST HCM 9.1-9.2 and will be involved in: test and deploy applications and patches in a testing environ-ment; preparation and execution if the Systems Tests; preparation, coordination and support to execu-tion of the UAT Tests; preparation of user guides/training material and session. Skills and experience: University degree with minimum 3 years of experience in IT OR non university degree with minimum 6 years of experience in IT; minimum 1-2 years of testing experience in BMC Remedy IT service Manage-ment and /or PeopleSoft; proven experience in problem analysis and testing preparation & execution; ex-cellent knowledge of either French or English and, at least, good oral and written knowledge of the other; customer orientation and willing-ness to integrate a small functional team. Remuneration: company offers a competitive remuneration package based on qualifications and experience. Interested? Candidates who meet the above requirements may forward an English version of their CV quoting the reference code: Ref: Ref: UNI-PSFTTEST-10/12/2014 at: [email protected]. Appli-cants must be eligible to work in the specified location. All applications will be treated as confidential.RECEPTIONNAIRE - Turbolux sarl re-cherche un Réceptionnaire (h/f)pour un Concessionnaire Poids Lourds au Luxembourg. - indus867. Tâches : réception clients, prise de rendez vous, coordination avec l’atelier.

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Profil. Formation: Mécanique auto, PL; - 2 ans d’expérience comme réceptionnaire PL, éventuellement en auto si pratique de l’allemand ou du luxembourgeois. Bon relationnel, organisé, maitrise des outils bu-reautique. Français, l’allemand ou le luxembourgeois seront un avantage. Offre: CDI après 6 mois d’essai en intérim. Date d’embauche: immédi-ate. Salaire à négocier selon profil. Intéressé? Veuillez envoyer votre candidature à Gilles Schaufelberger ([email protected]). At-tention: seuls les cv au format Word ou RTF sont acceptés!

SVIZZERAINFIRMIERS DE BLOC OPERA-TOIRE - AB Placement de Personnel recherche des Infirmiers de bloc opératoire (h/f) avec expérience en instrumentation pour la Suisse. Of-fre: contrat durée indéterminée 41 h 30 semaine, taux d’activité: 100 %, 3 postes, prise de poste: au plus tôt, postes dans le canton de Vaud-Val-ais-Fribourg-Genève dans hôpitaux et cliniques privées, salaire brut: de 4500 à 6500 euros selon expéri-ence, 13 salaires/année, 5 semaines vacances/année, 10 jours fériés/année, possibilité logement. Inté-ressé? Envoyez votre candidature par mail à [email protected] (Madame Mabillard Francoise).IMPIEGATO CONTABILE - Per Studio professionale di commercialisti sito in Canton Ticino (Svizzera itali-ana, vicinanze confine di Chiasso), cerchiamo impiegato/a contabile

esperto/a in contabilità svizzera. Il/la candidato/a ideale: è diplomato/a in Ragioneria o laureato/a in Eco-nomia; ha una buona esperienza nel ruolo; conosce la contabilità svizzera, deve infatti aver lavorato almeno un paio d’anni in aziende svizzere o meglio in studi profes-sionali in Svizzera, svolgendo man-sioni contabili; conosce la lingua inglese ed eventualmente il tedesco; risiede in fascia di confine (meglio se provincia di Como). Si valutano candidature di persone libere subito o in tempi brevi poiché la selezione è molto urgente. Studioemme Srl, Via Veronese 2 21100 Varese, tel 0332/241720, 0332/239656, fax 0332/497462, www.studioemme.va.it.CAPO REPARTO TORNITURA - Per azienda cliente ricerchiamo capo reparto tornitura. Mansioni: lavora-zione protitipi acciaio inox, utilizzo macchine transfer, conoscenza linguaggi di programmazione, coor-dinamento team e turni di lavoro, gestione produzione. Requisiti: for-mazione meccanica, almeno 3 anni di esperienza come capo reparto, disponibilità al lavoro a giornata, su turni e al sabato. Candidature non conformi ai requisiti non saranno considerate! Rif. TOR_1404. Inviare cv a [email protected].

mEDIO ORIENTEEmIRATI ARABISALES DIRECTOR - (Dubai) Retribuzi-one: 100.000 €-110.000 €. Ref-erenze: JB-000001E6. Questa è un’interessante opportunità per entrare in qualità di Sales Director a far parte di una società multinazion-ale operante come EPC nel settore oil & gas per la progettazione e realizzazione di impianti on shore. Il/La candidato/a, riportando diret-tamente al MD avrà le seguenti responsabilità principali: definizione delle strategie e delle politiche com-merciali di concerto con gli obiet-tivi di gruppo a livello nazionale ed internazionale; organizzazione della struttura commerciale e selezione delle risorse necessarie ad implementare la forza vendita; definizione degli obiettivi di vendita e del budget commerciale al fine di ottimizzare i risultati; collaborare strettamente con le direzioni delle altre funzioni aziendali al fine di sviluppare e proporre nuovi progetti e nuove soluzioni in fase di offerta tecnica ed economica. Requisiti. La

risorsa deve possedere i seguenti requisiti: laurea in Ingegneria o cul-tura equivalente; almeno 7/10 anni di esperienza in ruoli analoghi in ambito Oil&Gas/EPC; ottima cono-scenza della lingua Inglese. Bade-noch & Clark. http://bit.ly/1yEaJ2O.

ASIAAREA MANAGER COMMERCIALE - Prestigioso marchio ceramico che si distingue per la elevata immagine dei suoi prodotti realizzati in diversi stabilimenti del gruppo, ricerca un area manager commerciale con reale introduzione nei singoli mercati dell’Estremo Oriente dove l’azienda è già presente con una propria rete di agenti e clienti. La posizione prevede una buona auto-nomia operativa e reali possibilità di crescita professionale. Al candidato prescelto saranno affidati anche altri mercati esteri. E’ richiesta plurien-nale esperienza come funzionario o agente di ceramica nell’area indi-cata. Ulteriori informazioni saranno fornite in un primo colloquio. ISO Selest, tel 0536 805038, fax 0536 807373, www.isoselest.it.


mANTOVAIMPIEGATO COMMERCIALE ESTERO - Per nostra azienda cliente op-erante nel settore metalmeccanico ricerchiamo la seguente figura pro-fessionale impiegato commerciale estero. La risorsa inserita si occuperà di gestire gli ordini, le spedizioni e i rapporti con i clienti e i fornitori, di offrire assistenza al cliente. Valutiamo candidati in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: ottima conoscenza della lingua tedesca; preferibile esperienza pregressa in ruoli analoghi; autonomia operativa, capacità di problem solving e predisposizione alla gestione del cliente comple-tano il profilo. Iniziale contratto in somministrazione, scopo assunzione. Sede di lavoro Mantova. Adecco Filiale di Mantova, Viale Europa n°5 46100 Mantova (MN), tel 0376327867, www.adecco.it.

TRENTOEXPORT MANAGER - Co.Mark spa, azienda leader nel settore dell’internazionalizzazione, fornisce un servizio di consulenza export personalizzata a pmi ricerca export manager, che gestisca aziende clienti Co.Mark supportandole nella creazione e nello sviluppo di reti commerciali all’estero. Attivita principali: sviluppo dei mercati, delle

reti distributive e dei brands aziendali; definizione ed implementazi-one delle strategie commerciali; costituzione e consolidamento delle relazioni commerciali con partner dei paesi di competenza. Si richiede: laurea, esperienza pluriennale in ufficio commerciale estero/sales di pmi, conoscenza molto buona di almeno 2 lingue straniere (inglese e tedesco). Completano il profilo grinta,alta capacita di problem solving e di autonomia di gestione. Si offre: CCNL Commercio/Tempo indetermi-nato, formazione adeguata e percorso di crescita in azienda moderna e strutturata. Retribuzioni equiparate ad esperienza ed in grado di sod-disfare tutte le candidature. Sede di lavoro: Trento e provincia. www.comarkspa.it.

VENETOBACK OFFICE ESTERO - Centro Studi Srl società Autorizzata dal Minis-tero del Lavoro che opera nell’attività di ricerca e selezione di personale qualificato ricerca per azienda tra Padova e Venezia un/a impiegato/a commerciale estero con una conoscenza molto buona della lingua in-glese. Il candidato ideale ha già una esperienza pregressa in un ufficio commerciale estero, sa gestire gli ordini dall’offerta all’evasione gesten-do il mercato sia italiano che estero. Contratto a tempo determinato di 6 mesi con possibilità di indeterminato subito dopo. La persona ideale sa gestire il proprio lavoro in autonomia e ha un carattere solare, posi-tivo e dinamico. Contratto metalmeccanico industria. Inviare il proprio curriculum vitae con Rif. BACK/ING a [email protected] provvisto di autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali.

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INGLESEEXPORT ACCOUNT - Randstad Italia Spa, filiale di Trieste, offre interes-sante opportunità di inserimento ad un Export Account c/o nostra azienda cliente di Trieste operante nel settore dei servizi. La risorsa che stiamo cercando possiede un’ottima conoscenza della lingua tedesca e inglese (livello madrelingua), ha già maturato esperienza di vendita telefonica e diretta ed è abituata a lavorare per obiettivi. Spirito di iniziativa, attitudine commerciale e buona predisposizione al contatto con il cliente completano il profilo. La risorsa sarà impegnata nella ricerca attiva di potenziali clienti per lo sviluppo del mercato estero. Sarà inoltre impegnata in attività di traduzione testi e interpretazione. Offriamo contratto part-time 20 ore settimanali a scopo inserimento. Luogo di lavoro: Trieste. Si richiede la disponibilità a brevi trasferte all’estero. Randstad Filiale di Trieste, Via Machiavelli 12 34132 Trieste, tel 040 632961, fax 040 774831, www.randstad.it.ADDETTO/A AL CUSTOMER SERVICE - Per azienda settore moda e design ricerchiamo un/a addetto/a al cus-tomer service madrelingua inglese, con conoscenza fluente di una seconda lingua. Il/la candidato/a si occuperà di gestire le richieste dei clienti stranieri che contattano l’azienda attraverso vari canali (mail, social network e telefono). Si richie-de: diploma o laurea, conoscenza a livello madrelingua della lingua inglese e di una seconda lingua; la conoscenza delle lingue verrà testata in sede di colloquio, buona conoscenza del pacchetto Office, buona conoscenza del mondo dei social network. Si offre contratto iniziale a tempo determinato, fi-nalizzato all’inserimento a tempo indeterminato. Retribuzione com-misurata all’esperienza. Luogo di lavoro Milano centro. I candidati in possesso dei requisiti possono inviare il curriculum vitae in for-mato word. Adecco Filiale di Milano Corso Porta Romana, Corso di Porta

Romana 19 20122 Milano (MI), fax 0286995074,www.adecco.it.INSEGNANTE - Wall Street English cerca insegnante madrelingua inglese, laureato, con certificato TEFL/Cambridge e permesso di sog-giorno valido. Preferibili esperienze nella mansione. Richiesta flessibilità oraria in quanto i corsi si svolgono mattino, pomeriggio e sera. Preferi-bile mezzo proprio. Inviare cv alla mail indicata specificando il riferi-mento TL = Teacher Livorno. Centro per l’impiego di Livorno, Via Marradi 116 Livorno (LI), tel 0586 -269711, fax 0586-269745.TRADUTTORE - Maw Men at Work Spa filiale di San Donà di Piave cerca traduttore in possesso di diploma o laurea in ambito linguistico, espe-rienza come traduttrice profession-ale. Richiesta madrelingua inglese/americana e/o russa, francese tedesco. Zona di lavoro: limitrofi San Donà di Piave. Maw Filiale di San Donà di Piave, Via Jesolo 17 30027 San Donà di Piave (VE), tel 0421596009, www.maw.it.IMPIEGATO BACK OFFICE - Per azienda cliente situata in Treviglio ricerchiamo un impiegato back of-fice commerciale. E’ richiesta una buona conoscenza del disegno mec-canico e una precedente esperienza maturata nel settore metalmecca-nico. E’ gradito il diploma di perito meccanico. Indispensabile un ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese, anche madrelingua. Randstad Filiale di Treviglio, Viale Oriano 15 24047 Treviglio (BG), tel 0363.305.800, fax 0363.305.808, www.randstad.it.

FRANCESEOPERATORE INBOUND - Visiant Contact per la propria sede di Concorezzo, provincia di Monza e Brianza, ricerca operatore inbound in lingua francese. Il/La candidato/a ideale è madrelingua francese op-pure è diplomato o laureato anche senza esperienza, purché conosca fluentemente la lingua francese. Appassionato/a del settore motoci-clistico o automotive, utilizza bene il pc, ha spiccate doti comunicative,

ottima capacità di problem solving ed attitudine a lavorare per obiettivi. Dopo un’adeguata formazione sarà in grado di gestire in remoto tutte le informazioni richieste dall’utente. Si richiede una disponibilità part-time su turni da lunedì a venerdì (orario 9- 18). Offriamo contratto CCNL delle telecomunicazioni a tempo determinato. Visiant Contact srl, Via Salvo D’Acquisto, 27 20863 Concor-ezzo (MB), fax 0396110203.TRADUTTRICE - Per azienda cliente di Reggio Emilia, cerchiamo una traduttrice madrelingua francese. Si richiede esperienza pregressa e francese madrelingua o conoscenza eccellente. Si offre: contratto a tem-po determinato Per candidarsi in-viare cv all’indirizzo e-mail [email protected] CALL CENTER - Secre-tary Plus S.p.A ricerca operatore call - center lingua francese. La risorsa verrà inserita all’interno del call - center e si occuperà dell’attività di vendita dei prodotti dell’azienda in Francia. Il candidato ideale ha matu-rato un’esperienza all’interno di call - center di vendita modernamente strutturati, gradito il diploma di scuola superiore o laurea a indirizzo linguistico. Requisito fondamentale eccellente conoscenza della lingua francese, preferibile se madrelingua. Sede di lavoro: Torino. E’ previsto un inserimento iniziale in sommin-istrazione al V° del CCNL (4 ore). Secretary Plus Spa Ufficio di Torino, Via Mazzini, 42/C 10123 Torino, tel 011 812 026 6fax 011 839 049 7, www.secretary-plus.it.TRADUTTORE - Maw Men at Work Spa filiale di San Donà di Piave cerca traduttore in possesso di diploma o laurea in ambito linguistico, espe-rienza come traduttrice profession-ale. Richiesta madrelingua inglese/americana e/o russa, francese tedesco. Zona di lavoro: limitrofi San Donà di Piave. Maw Filiale di San Donà di Piave, Via Jesolo 17 30027 San Donà di Piave (VE), tel 0421596009, www.maw.it.ACCOUNT MADRELINGUA FRAN-CESE - OneVision, agenzia di pro-duzioni video ed editoriali ricerca account madrelingua francese (non full time), con ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese, per la gestione

dei rapporti e coordinamento delle produzioni con importante cliente internazionale, per la sede di Milano. Requisiti fondamentali sono inoltre la conoscenza delle strategie di comunicazione, forte autonomia, attitudine al problem solving, amore e cura particolare per i dettagli. È gradita esperienza pregressa (anche minima) in società di produzione video, servizi editoriali web e/o agenzie di comunicazione. Per invio cv: [email protected].

TEDESCOEXPORT ACCOUNT - Randstad Italia Spa, filiale di Trieste, offre interes-sante opportunità di inserimento ad un Export Account c/o nostra azienda cliente di Trieste operante nel settore dei servizi. La risorsa che stiamo cercando possiede un’ottima conoscenza della lingua tedesca e inglese (livello madrelingua), ha già maturato esperienza di vendita telefonica e diretta ed è abituata a lavorare per obiettivi. Spirito di iniziativa, attitudine commerciale e buona predisposizione al contatto con il cliente completano il profilo. La risorsa sarà impegnata nella ricerca attiva di potenziali clienti per lo sviluppo del mercato estero. Sarà inoltre impegnata in attività di traduzione testi e interpretazione. Offriamo contratto part-time 20 ore settimanali a scopo inserimento. Luogo di lavoro: Trieste. Si richiede la disponibilità a brevi trasferte all’estero. Randstad Filiale di Trieste, Via Machiavelli 12 34132 Trieste, tel 040 632961, fax 040 774831, www.randstad.it.PROGETTISTA ELETTRICO - Per importante azienda dei settori dell’impiantistica, dell’automazione e del software industriale cerchiamo un progettista elettrico che si occu-perà del disegno di schemi elettrici di distribuzione per importante cantiere della Germania. Dovrà sviluppare planimetrie (vie cavi, layout sale quadri) e effettuerà so-pralluoghi in cantiere, ed inizierà la progettazione con relativa stesura dello schema elettrico. La risorsa

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ideale possiede diploma di perito elettrotecnico e/o una laurea in ingegneria elettrica o elettrotecnica e ha maturato comprovata espe-rienza nella realizzazione di impianti elettrici. Il candidato dovrà essere madrelingua tedesca oppure dovrà avere un’ottima conoscenza della lingua. Inoltre possiede una svilup-pata capacità di coordinamento di squadre. Indispensabile disponibilità a lavorare con continuità in tras-ferta. Manpower Filiale di Treviso, Via Nino Bixio 37 31100 Treviso (TV), tel 0422419672, fax 0422572634, www.manpower.it.PROGRAMMATORE PLC SIEMENS - Per importante azienda dei settori dell’impiantistica, dell’automazione e del software industriale cerchiamo un programmatore plc Siemens per impianti di automazione (macchine trattamento aria) per importante cantiere situato in Germania. La risorsa inserita all’interno del team tecnico, risponde direttamente al responsabile di funzione e si occupa dello sviluppo software di progetti specifici. La mansione prevede an-che la messa in servizio e il collaudo dell’impianto. Il candidato ideale possiede diploma di perito elettro-tecnico e ha maturato esperienza di almeno 3 anni nel ruolo. Richiesta conoscenza del tedesco a livello di madrelingua e disponibilità a trasferta continuativa in Germania. Manpower Filiale di Treviso, Via Nino Bixio 37 31100 Treviso (TV), tel 0422419672, fax 0422572634, www.manpower.it.IMPIEGATI UFFICIO ETERO - Syn-ergie Italia SpA, filiale di Roseto degli Abruzzi , cerca per impor-tante cliente operante nel settore metalmeccanico impiegati ufficio estero. La risorsa si occuperà di assistenza e ampliamento pacchetto clienti, contatti prevalentemente con il mercato tedesco, organiz-zazione vendite. Il candidato ideale si presenta con i seguenti requisiti: requisito imptescindibile: tedesco fluente/madrelingua, ottima cono-scenza di inglese e francese, es-perienza di almeno 2 anni in area commerciale, rapporti con l’estero, disponibilità a viaggiare. Luogo di Lavoro: Provincia di Teramo. Syner-gie Filiale di Roseto degli Abruzzi, Via Napoli 8 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE), tel 085 8999218, fax 085 8996157, www.synergie-italia.it.OPERATORE/TRICE TELEFONICO - Synergie Italia SpA, filiale di Cor-sico, cerca per importante cliente operante nel settore del customer service operatore/trice telefonico conoscenza eccellente tedesco. La risorsa si occuperà di: gestione chiamate inbound, supporto dell’acquisto nella moda e in gen-erale in ambito commerciale, sup-porto della spedizione della merce.

Il candidato ideale si presenta con i seguenti requisiti: ottime doti comu-nicative, esperienza pregressa nel customer service, conoscenza livello madrelingua della lingua italiana e della lingua tedesca. Si offre: som-ministrazione + proroga, part time 24 ore (lunedì-sabato 8.00-21.00). Luogo di Lavoro: Milano (zona piaz-zale maciachini). Synergie Filiale di Corsico, Via G. Di Vittorio 10 20094 Corsico (MI), fax 0245100365,www.synergie-italia.it.IMPIEGATO COMMERCIALE ESTERO - Per azienda del settore metalmec-

canico ricerchiamo un Impiegato commerciale estero. Il candidato ideale, madrelingua tedesco, è in possesso di diploma di scuola media superiore o laurea, oltre alla lingua tedesca possiede un’ottima padro-nanza anche delle lingue inglese e francese, ed ha maturato esperienza di almeno 2 anni in ambito com-merciale, area Europa. Si richiede la disponibilità a frequenti trasferte estere. Si offre: iniziale contratto in somministrazione. Manpower Filiale di Giulianova (TE), Via Gram-sci 63 64021 Giulianova (TE), tel 085/80.04.279, fax 085/80.27.122, www.manpower.it.TRADUTTORE - Maw Men at Work Spa filiale di San Donà di Piave cerca traduttore in possesso di diploma o laurea in ambito linguistico, espe-rienza come traduttrice profession-ale. Richiesta madrelingua inglese/americana e/o russa, francese tedesco. Zona di lavoro: limitrofi San Donà di Piave. Maw Filiale di San Donà di Piave, Via Jesolo 17

30027 San Donà di Piave (VE), tel 0421596009, www.maw.it.ADDETTO/A SEGRETERIA COM-MERCIALE - Per ampliamento dell’organico di azienda specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di prodotti per l’edilizia di alta gamma selezioniamo addetto/a segrete-ria commerciale che si occupi della gestione dei fornitori stranieri, della documentazione tecnica e dell’archivio elettronico. La risorsa ideale possiede diploma o laurea, ha una conoscenza da madrelingua del tedesco e molto buona dell’inglese,

ha ottima dimestichezza con i prin-cipali strumenti informatici e ha maturato minima esperienza nel ruolo. E’ richiesta la disponibilità a saltuarie trasferte nei paesi europei. Manpower Filiale di Treviso, Via Nino Bixio 37 31100 Treviso (TV), tel 0422419672, fax 0422572634, www.manpower.it.EXPORT AREA MANAGER - Azienda alimentare italiana, leader nel pro-prio mercato di riferimento, cono-sciuta per la qualità dei propri pro-dotti, ricerca: export area manager paesi di lingua tedesca (Germania e Austria). Il ruolo, di nuova creazione, prevede la responsabilità di affian-care il distributore e di trasferire i valori dell’azienda al mercato tedes-co, comprendendone le dinamiche commerciali e le criticità/opportu-nità. Il candidato ideale avrà: laurea preferibilmente economica, 4/5 anni di esperienza in ruoli Export e/o all’interno di funzioni marketing/trade marketing con coordinamento internazionale, conoscenza ma-

drelingua/fluente della lingua ted-esca, parlata e scritta, conoscenza fluente della lingua inglese, pro-venienza da aziende che operano nel FMCG, preferibilmente agro-alimentari. Dovrà inoltre distinguersi per: energia e forza propositiva, doti comunicative e relazionali, capacità di trovarsi in situazioni sfidanti. E’ richiesta la disponibilità a viaggiare intensamente. Il contratto previsto è a tempo indeterminato. Sede di lavoro: da valutare in funzione della residenza del candidato. Saranno contattate solo le candidature ef-fettivamente in linea con tutti i req-uisiti richiesti. Rif: Export Manager, fax: 02 / 700 551 680.

RUSSOCUSTOMER SERVICE - Obiettivo Lav-oro spa ricerca per propria azienda cliente operante in ambito finan-ziario madrelingua russo customer service. Mansioni previste: fornire informazioni di tipo finanziario a turisti e clienti. Requisiti: conoscen-za lingua russa a livello madrelingua, ottima conoscenza dell’inglese e dell’italiano, ottime doti comunica-tive, presenza idonea al contesto. Sede lavoro: Aeroporto di Fiumicino. L’attività sarà su turni: 7-15 e/o 14-22, dal lunedì alla domenica, 5 giorni settimanali. Durata iniziale del contratto 2 mesi con ottime pos-sibilità di contratto di apprendistato. Verranno pertanto tenute in consid-erazione le candidature di risorse in possesso dei requisiti previsti dalle norme di legge riguardanti l’assunzione in apprendistato. Obiet-tivo Lavoro Filiale di Roma Goito, Via Goito 58/A 00185 Roma (RM), tel 0644741301, fax 0642014085, www.obiettivolavoro.it.EXPORT MANAGER - Maw Divisione Permanent seleziona per impor-tanti realtà operanti nel settore termoidraulico site in provincia di Brescia, le figure di export manager per i mercati transcontinentali tra Ex Unione Sovietica e l’Asia. Le risorse prescelte di occuperà delle seguenti mansioni: scouting clienti, gestione offerte, incontro con i clienti/distrib-utori/grossisti/importatori/contrac-tors; gestione della trattativa eco-nomica; sviluppo e consolidamento della relazione con i clienti attivi; risponderà direttamente al direttore commerciale per le trattative più importanti. Sono richiesti: laurea in materie economiche/linguistiche; ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese e russo; ottima predisposiz-ione al raggiungimento degli obietti-vi. Sono richieste inoltre: esperienza pregressa nella mansione commer-

Caboto seleziona commerciali web con ottimo inglese, anche madrelingua, e preferibilmente con esperienza internazionale o di negoziazione con clienti esteri.

LE SUE mANSIONI- analizza il mercato di riferimento- contribuisce a definire le strategie commerciali- lavora a strettissimo contatto con la redazione- contatta i potenziali clienti proponendo loro i servizi di Caboto- partecipa se necessario a fiere ed eventi di settore

IL SUO PROFILO- conosce il web, la comunicazione digitale e i social network- è autonomo e capace di lavorare con rigore e autodisciplina- ha ottime capacità di comunicare in inglese, oralmente e per iscritto- non teme di coinvolgersi in un’azienda giovane e informale

La mansione è perfetta per chi cerca un lavoro da svolgere a casa, magari da conciliare con la propria vita familiare. La tecnologia ci aiuterà per tutto il resto

Per saperne di più e inviare la tua candidatura visita la paginawww.caboto.info/commerciale-web/

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ciale almeno triennale; possibilità di trasferirsi in provincia di Brescia per candidature provenienti da altre città; disponibilità a trasferte per almeno il 60% del tempo, voglia di crescita professionale e ambizione. Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza della lingua russa e o madrelingua con ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana. L’azienda offre: Brand riconosciuto dal mercato di riferimento, inserimento diretto, affiancamento e formazione tecnica sulla vasta gamma dei prodotti a catalogo; ruolo di crescita e pres-tigio, ambiente dinamico. Zona di lavoro: Provincia di Brescia. Maw Filiale di Brescia Permanent, Gio-vanni Bosco 1/E 25124 Brescia (BS), tel 030/2943787, 030/2424962, fax 030/2403445, www.maw.it.GUEST RELATION OFFICER - GI Group spa ricerca 6 guest relation officer di lingua russa. Posizione: Il guest relation officer deve garan-tire un servizio di eccellenza nella cura e nell’assistenza dei clienti all’arrivo durante tutte le fasi del soggiorno fino alla partenza. Si prende cura degli ospiti in tutto e per tutto, fornendo loro assistenza, risolvendo i loro problemi e dando loro risposte ad eventuali domande e/o richieste. Deve saper andare incontro ad ogni esigenza dei clienti, fornendo tutte le informazioni utili sulla città, sui mezzi di trasporto, su orari e luoghi per svolgere acquisti (contatta all’occorrenza il personal shopper), prenotazioni di escursioni e/o di spettacoli. Requisiti richiesti: madrelingua russo o conoscenza flu-ente e certificata della lingua, buone conoscenze informatiche (pacchetto Office, Internet/posta elettronica), buone doti comunicative, attitudine alla soluzione di problemi operativi, resistenza allo stress, propensione al lavorare in gruppo, propensione all’apprendimento, precisione e scrupolosità. Adeguata formazione d’inserimento. Saranno contattati solo i candidati ritenuti idonei al ruolo. Sede di lavoro: Varese. Gi Group SpA Filiale di Varese, Piazza Repubblica 5 21100 Varese (VA), tel 0332831892, www.gigroup.it.CORRISPONDENTE - Esperienze richieste: con esperienza per attività di corrispondenza commerciale, ordini ed attività di traduzioni. CPI di Sassuolo, Viale XX Settembre 30/A, 30/B -41049 Sassuolo, fax al 0536-881126, [email protected] RECEPTIONIST - Temporary cerca per importante azienda cli-ente, hotel receptionist madrelingua russa. La risorsa inserita si occuperà dell’ attività di check in/out ospiti. Gradita esperienza nella mansione o in contesti alberghieri. Requisiti richiesti: madrelingua russa, cono-scenza ottima della lingua inglese e

della lingua italiana, ottimo stand-ing, conoscenza nell’utilizzo di PC e pacchetto office. Luogo di lavoro: Milano centro. Contratto: in som-ministrazione. Orario di lavoro: full time 40 ore settimanali, su turni. Dovrà essere garantita massima disponibilità a lavorare turni (la re-ception sarà aperta H24) e nei week end. Temporary filiale di Milano Navigli, Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 52 20143 Milano, tel 02/36513555, fax 02/36516816, www.temporary.it.GUEST RELATIONS ASSISTANT - Temporary cerca per importate cliente delle/dei guest relations assistant. Il/La candidato/a ideale deve essere madre lingua russa conoscere fluentemente la lingua inglese e la lingua italiana. Il/La candidato/a dovrà possedere el-evate capacità di problem solving e preferibilmente aver maturato un’esperienza pregressa nel medes-imo ruolo in strutture, alberghiere, tour operator, di elevato standing. Il/La candidato/a ideale dovrà occu-parsi di: accogliere gli ospiti all’arrivo seguendo poi le loro esigenze durante tutte le fasi del soggiorno e fino alla partenza; pianificare le attività per gli ospiti fornendo tutte le informazioni utili su orari, luoghi per svolgere acquisti, prenotazioni di escursioni e spettacoli; pianificare e coordinare l’offerta dei servizi di cordialità per gli ospiti; assistere tutti i reparti della struttura al fine di erogare un servizio eccellente in linea con le aspettative e le esi-genze del cliente; fornire assistenza personale mettendo a disposizione le proprie competenze culturali e linguistiche; assistere i clienti con le traduzioni. Dovrà essere garantita massima disponibilità a lavorare su turni dalle ore 07.00 alle 23.00 e nei week end. Richiesta indispensabile conoscenza della lingua inglese ed italiana. Richiesta ottima conoscen-za della città di Milano sia dal punto di vista geografico che organizzativo. Contratto: in somministrazione. Luogo di lavoro: Milano. Tempo-rary filiale di Milano Navigli, Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 52 20143 Milano, tel 02/36513555, fax 02/36516816, www.temporary.it.CORRISPONDENTE - Contenuti e contesto del lavoro azienda con sede a Maranello, ricerca corrispon-dente madrelingua russa con espe-rienza per attività di corrispondenza commerciale, ordini ed attività di traduzioni. Richiesta anche ottima conoscenza lingua inglese. Con-tratto di lavoro: tempo determinato. Centro per l’impiego di Sassuolo, Via XX Settembre 30/A 30/B 41100 Sassuolo (MO), tel 0536.883318, fax 0536.881126.TRADUTTORE - Maw Men at Work Spa filiale di San Donà di Piave cerca traduttore in possesso di diploma o

laurea in ambito linguistico, espe-rienza come traduttrice profession-ale. Richiesta madrelingua inglese/americana e/o russa, francese tedesco. Zona di lavoro: limitrofi San Donà di Piave. Maw Filiale di San Donà di Piave, Via Jesolo 17 30027 San Donà di Piave (VE), tel 0421596009, www.maw.it.

RUmENOAUTISTI - Cerchiamo urgentemente personale che parli il romeno oppure persone di madrelingua romena per inserimento rapido in azienda come autista di furgone - trasporto merci da Firenze a Bu-carest. Figure ricercate: 2 autisti patente b oppure c. Si offre: con-tratto a tempo determinato per 6 mesi con inquadramento a norma di legge (contratto Italiano) - vitto ed alloggio. Miglior candidato: fedina penale pulita - no alcol - no droghe - persone abituate con il duro lavoro avendo da affrontare una tipologia di lavoro impegnativo e di responsabilià - parlare il romeno. Accettiamo candidature solamente con curriculum vitae da spedire rispondendo a questo annuncio.Info tel: 0039 388 7853325.

CROATOIMPIEGATA AMMINISTRATIVA - MAW ricerca per azienda della provincia di Trieste una impiegata amministrativa con conoscenza delle lingue sloveno-croato a livello madrelingua. La risorsa verrà inseri-ta in un contesto logistico, pertanto si richiede la provenienza da realtà mediamente strutturate anche del settore GDO, ottima la capacità di gestione di tutti i processi di maga-zzino, dai contatti con i fornitori, alla gestione degli ordini e relativa capacità di amministrazione dei processi (verifica bolle, fatturazione, emissione ddt). La candidata ideale ha maturato una esperienza pluri-ennale nella mansione, sa gestire in autonomia tutte le fasi, è una persona versatile e dinamica nella mansione. Si richiedono capacità di lavorare in team, flessibilità oraria ed orientamento al risultato. Si offre iniziale contratto di somministrazi-one lavoro con orario part time, su turni, con ottime prospettive di inserimento c/o azienda cliente, con orario full time. I candidati in possesso dei requisiti sopra indicati possono mandare un dettagliato cv

in formato word e l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali all’indirizzo e-mail: [email protected]. Maw Filiale di Trieste, Via Ginnastica 40/b 34125 Trieste (TS), tel 040-636274, fax 040-3720608, www.maw.it.

CINESEMADRELINGUA - Per azienda itali-ana ricerchiamo madrelingua cinese per l’ufficio import. Indispensabile minima esperienza nel ruolo, es-sere madrelingua cinese ed avere conoscenza fluente della lingua inglese e italiana. Disponibilità im-mediata e full time. Adecco Filiale di Firenze Baracca, Via Baracca 2 50100 Firenze, tel 055368548, www.adecco.it.OPERATORI DI SPORTELLO - E-work s.p.a. ricerca per primario cliente “operatori di sportello lingua ci-nese” per Milano. Si richiede: diplo-ma scuola superiore con votazione minima 70/100, ottima conoscenza della lingua cinese o madrelingua, ottima conoscenza degli strumenti informatici, doti comunicative e organizzative. E-work Filiale di Milano, Via Via Finocchiaro Aprile, 5 Milano (MI), tel 02.97191200, fax 02.97191277, www.e-work.it.ADDETTO VENDITE - Per punto vendita del settore fashion di No-venta di Piave (VE) cerchiamo un addetto vendite con conoscenza a livello madrelingua della lingua cinese e buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. Sono richiesti ottimo standing, dinamicità, disponibilità immediata al lavoro full time anche nei weekend e festivi. Importante esperienza precedente in vendita nel contesto lusso. Randstad Filiale di San Donà di Piave, Via Jesolo 44 30027 San Donà di Piave (VE), tel 0421.560703, fax 0421.53076, www.randstad.it.GUEST RELATION OFFICER - GI Group spa ricerca 6 guest relation officer di lingua cinese. Posizione: Il guest relation officer deve garantire un servizio di eccellenza nella cura e nell’assistenza dei clienti all’arrivo durante tutte le fasi del soggiorno fino alla partenza. Si prende cura degli ospiti in tutto e per tutto, fornendo loro assistenza, risolvendo i loro problemi e dando loro risposte ad eventuali domande e/o richieste. Deve saper andare incontro ad ogni esigenza dei clienti, fornendo tutte le informazioni utili sulla città, sui mezzi di trasporto, su orari e luoghi per svolgere acquisti (contatta all’occorrenza il personal shopper), prenotazioni di escursioni e/o di spettacoli. Requisiti richiesti: ma-

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drelingua cinese o conoscenza flu-ente e certificata della lingua, buone conoscenze informatiche (pacchetto Office, Internet/posta elettronica), buone doti comunicative, attitudine alla soluzione di problemi operativi, resistenza allo stress, propensione al lavorare in gruppo, propensione all’apprendimento, precisione e scrupolosità. Si offre: contratto a tempo determinato dal 01 marzo 2015 al 31 ottobre 2015 Liv. C2 CCNL Turismo, full time su turni: dalle 7 alle 15,00; dalle 15,00 alle 23,00. Si lavora, alternativamente in base ai turni, nel fine settimana e nelle festività, in quanto la coper-tura va garantita sempre. Adeguata formazione d’inserimento. Saranno contattati solo i candidati ritenuti idonei al ruolo. Sede di lavoro: Va-rese. Gi Group, Piazza Repubblica 5 21100 Varese (VA), tel 0332831892, www.gigroup.it.HOTEL RECEPTIONIST - Temporary cerca per importante azienda cli-ente, hotel receptionist madrelin-gua cinese. La risorsa inserita si occuperà dell’attività di check in/out ospiti. Gradita esperienza nella mansione o in contesti alberghieri. Requisiti richiesti: -madrelingua ci-nese, conoscenza ottima della lingua inglese e della lingua italiana, ottimo standing, conoscenza nell’utilizzo di PC e pacchetto office. Luogo di lavoro: Milano centro. Contratto: in somministrazione. Orario di lavoro: full time 40 ore settimanali, su turni. Dovrà essere garantita massima disponibilità a lavorare turni (la reception sarà aperta H24) e nei week end. Temporary, Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 52 20143 Milano, tel 02/36513555, fax 02/36516816, www.temporary.it.GUEST RELATIONS ASSISTANT -

Temporary cerca per importate cliente delle/dei guest relations assistant. Il/La candidato/a ideale deve essere madre lingua cinese conoscere fluentemente la lingua inglese e la lingua italiana. Il/La candidato/a dovrà possedere elevate capacità di problem solv-ing e preferibilmente aver matu-rato un’esperienza pregressa nel medesimo ruolo in strutture, al-berghiere, tour operator, di elevato standing. Il/La candidato/a ideale dovrà occuparsi di: accogliere gli ospiti all’arrivo seguendo poi le loro esigenze durante tutte le fasi del soggiorno e fino alla partenza; pianificare le attività per gli ospiti fornendo tutte le informazioni utili su orari, luoghi per svolgere acquisti, prenotazioni di escursioni e spetta-coli; pianificare e coordinare l’offerta dei servizi di cordialità per gli ospiti; assistere tutti i reparti della strut-tura al fine di erogare un servizio eccellente in linea con le aspettative e le esigenze del cliente; fornire assistenza personale mettendo a disposizione le proprie competenze culturali e linguistiche; assistere i clienti con le traduzioni; dovrà es-sere garantita massima disponibilità a lavorare su turni dalle ore 07.00 alle 23.00 e nei week end. Richiesta indispensabile conoscenza della lin-gua inglese ed italiana. Contratto: in somministrazione. Temporary, Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 52 20143 Milano, tel 02/36513555, fax 02/36516816, www.temporary.it.JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER - Syn-ergos srl seleziona per multinazi-onale di impianti food processing un junior project manager (Rif. HJ-5216). Il candidato, preferibil-mente laureato in discipline ingeg-neristiche, ha maturato una breve

esperienza nel settore impiantistico. Requisito fondamentale la cono-scenza della lingua cinese, italiana e inglese. La risorsa da inserire sup-porterà l’ufficio tecnico occupandosi principalmente di: analizzare le esigenze del cliente del mercato Asiatico circa la fattibilità tecnica del progetto; collaborare con l’ufficio commerciale nella fase di preventi-vazione e con l’ufficio acquisti nella fase di sourcing; supervisionare le attività di progettazione, sviluppo e installazione di commessa; gestire le relazioni con il cliente finale e con i sub-fornitori del mercato asiatico; Titolo di studio richiesto: laurea in ingegneria meccanica. Residenza o domicilio richiesti: Parma/Reg-gio Emilia e province limitrofe. Si valutano anche candidati di-sponibili al trasferimento nei pressi dell’azienda. Sede di lavoro e mobil-ità territoriale : la sede di lavoro è Parma, sono previste saltuarie tras-ferte nella sede cinese dell’azienda situata a Shanghai. Inquadramento contrattuale: assunzione a tempo determinato secondo il CCNL Metalmeccanico Industria. Reali possibilità di crescita professionale. Tel. +39 0376 324703, fax.+39 0376 1760126.SALES ASSISTANT - Synergie Ita-lia spa, filiale di Milano, cerca per importante cliente operante nel settore lusso 1 sales assistant ci-nese livello madrelingua. La risorsa inserita si occuperà di assistenza e vendita alla clientela per presti-gioso brand. Il candidato ideale si presenta con i seguenti requisiti: - esperienza pregressa nella vendita assistita in contesti di lusso o me-dio alti, - conoscenza della lingua cinese livello madrelingua, ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese ed

italiana, ottimo standing, disponibil-ità a lavorare su turni dal lunedì alla domenica nella fascia oraria 7.00-22.00, disponibilità immediata, preferibile residenza in zona Milano nord-ovest. Orario di lavoro: FT. Livello, contratto e retribuzione sa-ranno proporzionati all’esperienza. Luogo di Lavoro: Milano. Synergie, Via Marangoni 20123 Milano (MI), tel 026704981, fax 0266703281, www.synergie-italia.it.SALES ASSISTANT - Per negozio sito in Leccio presso The Mall, si ricerca una figura di sales assistant madrelingua cinese. La risorsa dovrà occuparsi dell’accoglienza clienti e della vendita dei prodotti. E’ richi-esta precedente esperienza nella masione e nel settore lusso. Per candidarsi inviare il cv a [email protected].

ARABOEXPORT MANAGER - Maw Divisione Permanent seleziona per impor-tanti realtà operanti nel settore termoidraulico site in provincia di Brescia, le figure di export manager per i mercati transcontinentali tra Ex Unione Sovietica e l’Asia. Le risorse prescelte di occuperà delle seguenti mansioni: scouting clienti, gestione offerte, incontro con i clienti, distrib-utori, grossisti, importatori, contrac-tors; gestione della trattativa eco-nomica; sviluppo e consolidamento della relazione con i clienti attivi; risponderà direttamente al direttore commerciale per le trattative più importanti. Sono richiesti: laurea in materie economiche/linguistiche; ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese e arabo; ottima predisposiz-ione al raggiungimento degli obietti-vi. Sono richieste inoltre: esperienza pregressa nella mansione commer-ciale almeno triennale; possibilità di trasferirsi in provincia di Brescia per candidature provenienti da altre città; disponibilità a trasferte per almeno il 60% del tempo, voglia di crescita professionale e ambizione. Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza della lingua araba e o madrelingua con ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana. L’azienda offre: Brand riconosciuto dal mercato di riferimento, inserimento diretto, affiancamento e formazione tecnica sulla vasta gamma dei prodotti a catalogo; ruolo di crescita e pres-tigio, ambiente dinamico. Zona di lavoro: Provincia di Brescia. Maw Filiale, Giovanni Bosco 1/E 25124 Brescia (BS), tel 030/2943787, 030/2424962, fax 030/2403445, www.maw.it.

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Page 15: Settimanale gratuito 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II · 2014-11-23 · 26 novembre/2 dicembre 2014 - n. 36 - anno II | CABOTO 3 ANNUNCI DI LAVORO mONDO ELETTRICISTI