Session 9 Week 5 Production log/ First week of editing

Session 9 week 5

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Session 9 Week 5

Production log/ First week of editing

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Reshoot of the rejection sceneIn this week we did a reshoot of the rejection scene because we felt that some of the shots we filmed could have been done differently for the scene to look better. As the director, working with the camera person we had to redirect the shoot. Problems? In this reshoot we never had any problems, the main problems that we had doing the first scene were overcome. The initial problem of the spacing in the corridor wasn’t a issue this time because we decided to change particular angles to suit our location. For example originally we had the shot where Hermione says no and walks away in a mid shot, but we changed it to an over the shoulder view shot.

Original Final

In addition to the reshoot of the rejection scene ,we also decided that we would shoot a newly crafted scene with Hermione sitting on the stairs planning her revenge for Harry spreading the rumors, which would allow the audience to link the events which would happen later to Hermione's words.

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First week of editing/Using Final Cut pro

Now we had finished shooting it was time to upload what we had filmed onto MacFinal Cut Pro, where we would edit the shots recorded to produce our short film. At this stage, the editor would be the main person in putting the film together through editing the shots filmed, whilst the rest of the crew would help to make sure the correct shots, transitions and sounds are used.

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An introduction to using Final Cut Pro

After importing everything off the camera onto the software, it showed up in this format which allows us to see:

The footage wind:All of the shots we filmed uploaded and split into sections.

Here it shows the shots are organised into time slots depending on how long the shot is. Ranging from 10-30 seconds up to 10minutes

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Viewing window: which allows you to see what we are editing and how it looks.

The time display: which shows you how long the shots are and how much time they take up from the total film.

The time line: which shows you the shots that you place, which you are using for the film. It allows you to edit by dropping and dragging around the shots to organise them. It is also used to do fine cutting and put in transitions and other effects.

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The transitions: This shows us the different transitions such as fade and blackout which can be applied to the film.

Tools such as select, position and blade which allows you to edit the footage on the timeline.

Import footage tool.