5 th IAEE Asian Conference 15-16 February 2016 Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium Minerals Council of Australia

Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

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Page 1: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

5th IAEE Asian Conference

15-16 February 2016

Session 6

The future of nuclear power and new energy

technologies in Asia

Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium Minerals Council of Australia

Page 2: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

5th IAEE Asian Conference

Session 6: The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia

15-16 February 2016

Changing Australian attitudes towards uranium and nuclear

Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium Minerals Council of Australia

Page 3: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium


• Evidence of change

• Drivers of change

• What next?

Page 4: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium


• Evidence of change

• Drivers of change

• What next?

Page 5: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Changing attitudes

5 Source: SACOME

South Australia Polling - 2014

Page 6: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

6 Source: www.adelaidenow.com.au

Response to SA Royal Commission announcement

Changing attitudes

Page 7: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Changing attitudes

Essential Research poll – Nov 2015

Source: Essential Research

Page 8: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Changing attitudes

Essential Research poll – Nov 2015

Source: Essential Research

Page 9: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium


• Evidence of change

• Drivers of change

• What next?

Page 10: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Drivers of change

Industry Performance – Economics

Source: ASNO, Office of the Chief Economist, Prof Sinclair Davidson & Dr Ashton de Silva – ‘Realising Australia’s uranium potential’ Oct 2015


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Total Australian production (tonnes) 7,657 8,936 5,710 6,196

Total Australian UOC exports (tonnes) 6,971 8,391 6,701 5,515

Value of UOC exports ($A million) 607 823 622 532

Australia exports as % of world uranium requirements ~11% ~10.7% ~9.9% ~7%

Expressed as % of total Australian electricity production ~82% ~99.6% 77% 65%

Direct jobs Indirect jobs Total employment contribution

Economic contribution

Current 2,000 1,000 3,000 $0.6 billion

Page 11: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Drivers of change

Industry Performance – Radiation Management

Source: ARPANSA– ANRDR in Review, Issue 2 – July 2015


Page 12: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Industry Performance – Environment management “water qualities measured in Magela and Gulungul Creeks for the 2013–14 wet season were comparable with previous wet seasons, with the results indicating that the aquatic environment in the creek has remained protected from mining activities.”

“measured responses of the snails during the 2013–14 wet season, combined with the results from the monitoring of fish and macroinvertebrates conducted in the recessional flow period towards, the end of the wet season, continue to confirm that the downstream aquatic environment remains protected from the effects of mining”

“results from the most recent sampling and analysis conducted in October 2013 show that the levels of uranium and radium in mussels collected downstream of Ranger continue to pose no risk to human health”

Source: Supervising Scientist, Annual Report 2013-14


Drivers of change

Page 13: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium

Drivers of change

Industry Performance – Stewardship

Transportation Non-proliferation


Source: ASNO Annual Report 2013-14

Page 14: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium


Recognition of Environmental benefits

Source: Bravenewclimate.com Source: Centre for Integrated Sustainability Analysis, The University of Sydney

Drivers of change

Page 15: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium


Economic imperatives - Growth and jobs - Focus on comparative advantage - Low cost energy

Drivers of change

Page 16: Session 6 The future of nuclear power and new energy ... · The future of nuclear power and new energy technologies in Asia Session Chair: Daniel Zavattiero Executive Director - Uranium


• Evidence of change

• Drivers of change

• What next?

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We’ve had several years now of steady progress….

- China bilateral agreement (2006) - WA removed ban on nuclear power (2008) - Uranium to India - ALP policy change (2011) - UAE bilateral agreement (2012) - NSW uranium exploration (2012) - India bilateral agreement (2014) - SA Nuclear Royal Commission (2015-16)

What next?

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But there is still reform to be done….

- EPBC Act reform - Remaining state bans – policy inconsistency - Transportation restrictions - Nuclear power and industries are still prohibited

…these continue to be a drag on Australia realising economic opportunity in the uranium and nuclear sectors

What next?

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Conclusion Attitudes are changing There are many drivers behind this industry performance economic opportunity and potential But further reform is needed to best position the country and the industry to capture those economic opportunities


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