DESCRIBING PLACES Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mempelajari materi ini, kamu diharapkan memiliki kemampuan berikut. 1. Memahami ide pokok dan fungsi sosial teks deskriptif mengenai tempat. 2. Mengidentifikasi tempat dan karakteristik yang dideskripsikan. 3. Menggunakan participial adjective dan preposition of place. 4. Menulis teks deskriptif mengenai tempat dengan mudah. A. Introduction Bacalah artikel berikut ini dengan saksama. The Rijksmuseum The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the largest and most important art and historical museum in the Netherlands with about 1 million art objects in its collection. The museum was built with Gothic and Renaissance styles by architect P.J.H. Cuypers. The museum is owned by the State and aims an overview of Dutch art and history to show to a broad public. There are many famous collections of works by Rembrandt (The Night Watch), Johannes Vermeer, Vincent Van Gogh and Frans Hals as well as delftware, sculpture, Asian art and prints. Taken from: amsterdam-travel-guide.net bahasa inggris Kelas X K-13

Sesi 16 - Cloud Object Storage | Store & Retrieve Data ...-+Bahasa...Adjective juga dapat berbentuk degree of comparison. Perhatikan contoh berikut. 1. Industrial areas have the most

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Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari materi ini, kamu diharapkan memiliki kemampuan berikut.1. Memahami ide pokok dan fungsi sosial teks deskriptif mengenai tempat.2. Mengidentifi kasi tempat dan karakteristik yang dideskripsikan.3. Menggunakan participial adjective dan preposition of place.4. Menulis teks deskriptif mengenai tempat dengan mudah.

A. Introduction Bacalah artikel berikut ini dengan saksama.

The Rijksmuseum

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the largest and most important art and historical museum in the Netherlands with about 1 million art objects in its collection. The museum was built with Gothic and Renaissance styles by architect P.J.H. Cuypers. The museum is owned by the State and aims an overview of Dutch art and history to show to a broad public. There are many famous collections of works by Rembrandt (The Night Watch), Johannes Vermeer, Vincent Van Gogh and Frans Hals as well as delftware, sculpture, Asian art and prints.

Taken from: amsterdam-travel-guide.net

bahasa inggris







Vocabulary Corner

Delftware: ceramic pottery

Exercise1. Where is the museum located?

2. How many art objects are in its collection?

3. Who built the museum?

B. Adjective Adjective adalah kata sifat yang menunjukkan sifat atau keadaan. Perhatikanlah gambar-gambar berikut ini.

Taken from: answersafrica.com Taken from: doyoutravel.blogspot.co.id

Di samping untuk menggambarkan seseorang dan lainnya, adjective atau kata sifat juga dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan tempat. Misalnya untuk mendeskripsikan gambar pertama, kita dapat menggunakan kata sifat ancient, sedangkan untuk gambar kedua kita dapat menggunakan kata sifat crowded atau bustling.

Perhatikanlah contoh kalimat di bawah ini.

Ancient (historic) is a place that has a long history. e.g. Rome is one of the ancient city in the world, which was established thousands of years ago.

Bustling (lively, fast-paced, hectic) is a crowded, busy place. e.g. Tokyo is a busy, bustling city, the world's most populous metropolis.

Picturesque (lovely, charming) is interesting in a unique or unusual way (visually beautiful).e.g. Sulawesi, Raja Ampat, and Maluku are picturesque of Eastern Indonesia islands.


Sebagai catatan, beberapa adjectives hanya digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan tempat, seperti ancient, bustling, picturesque. Nah, sekarang perhatikanlah latihan di bawah ini dan cocokkanlah definisinya dengan adjective yang sesuai.

Definition Adjective

small, contained within a small area. huge

big, enormous, giant, large, very big. compact

cheap, not costing very much. cosmopolitan

rich, various, mix of cultures and languages. polluted

dirty and contaminated. inexpensive

captivating, intriguing, very interesting. fascinating

Adjective juga dapat berbentuk degree of comparison. Perhatikan contoh berikut.

1. Industrial areas have the most polluted air and water amongst other areas, do you agree?

2. London is bigger than Tokyo, isn’t it?

3. Bucharest is as fantastic as Warsaw in Eastern Europe, is that right?

C. Participial AdjectiveParticipial adjective adalah adjective yang menggunakan -ing dan –ed.

1. Past participles (-ed) yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perasaan atau pengalaman seseorang.

Contoh: I’m bored.

2. Present participles (-ing) yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan tempat yang menyebabkan perasaan seseorang.

Contoh: I didn’t enjoy the city because it was boring.


- The old theatre is a frightening place to visit in my home town.

- We’re frightened of the dark caves and forest.

- Bunaken island is one of the amazing places to visit for our next holiday.

- We are amazed by the spectacular Bunaken island.


Participial adjective juga dapat menggunakan degree of comparison.


- Lombok is as amazing as Bali.

- A small village is more comforting than a busy city.

- Toraja is the most exciting destination ever my father has visited so far.

Sekarang, simak dialog di bawah ini dengan saksama.

Marla : “Hi Dani, have you ever been to Viet Nam?”

Dani : “No, I haven’t. How big is Viet Nam?”

Marla : “The country is much smaller than Indonesia.”

Dani : “Oh! That sounds great! What can you do there, Marla?”

Marla : “Of course, you can visit the famous Mekong River by cruise, Halong Bay by boat, and spectacular treks. Viet Nam differs from Jakarta, where it doesn’t have many high-rise buildings. They have got many two-storey and three-storey shops.” I personally think, Halong Bay is the most amazing place to visit.

Dani : “Oh, yes those places are interesting, they are wonderful and sophisticated places to explore then. I’m amused and excited.

D. Preposition of PlacePreposition of Place adalah preposisi atau kata depan untuk menunjukkan tempat atau posisi. Berikut ini contoh preposition of place yang biasa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu tempat.

1. at, in, on (di)

at for aPOINT (suatu titik/tujuan)

in for anENCLOSED SPACE (tempat terbatas)

on forSURFACE (di atas permukaan)

at the corner in the park on the board

at the train stop in Tokyo on the door

at the window in a bottle on the carpet

at college in my pocket on the list

at the main entrance in a mall on a ship



- The post office is at the end of the main road.

- The planet Earth is in the solar system.

- They live on the 2nd floor at 2 Puri Mutiara Street in Cilandak, South Jakarta.

2. across (ke seberang), through (melalui), to (ke), into (ke dalam), towards (ke arah), onto (ke atas), from (dari).


- The horse walks across the bridge.

- The black car drives through the tunnel.

- We go to the cinema.

- He goes into the kitchen.

- We go five steps towards the house.

- They jumped onto the table.

- He picked a flower from the garden.

3. above, on top of, on (di atas)

Above digunakan jika dua objek tidak bersentuhan, sedangkan on dan on top of digunakan jika dua objek bersentuhan.


- The pictures are above the couch.

- The pillows are on the couch.

- The keys are on top of the refrigerator.

4. under, below, underneath, beneath (di bawah)

Under digunakan jika objek di bawah menempel dengan objek di atas. Below digunakan jika objek di bawah terpisah (ada ruang jarak) dari objek di atas.

The ball is

under the boxThe ball is

below the box


Underneath dan beneath adalah kata yang lebih formal untuk menggantikan under dan below.

5. behind (di belakang), in front of (di depan)


- The mouse is in front of the box.

- The mouse is behind the box.

6. beside, next to (di samping), between (di antara)


- The black ball is between the two square blue boxes.

- The blue box is beside/next to the black ball.

E. Preposition in Dialogues Perhatikanlah dialog antara Dora dan seorang ibu berikut ini.

Dora : “Pardon me, Mam. I’m sorry to trouble you, can you tell me how I can get to the nearest supermarket, please?”

A woman : “Of course, it's that way. Keeping walking straight ahead then after you pass the library you have to turn right. Then take your first left and it's in front of the MRT station. You won’t miss it!”

Dora : “Thank you so much! I have only been in Jakarta for a week.”

A woman : “Oh, I know that feeling. Jakarta is so big.”

Dora : “So just to double check. I need to keep walking straight ahead till I will pass the library, then I have to turn right. It's across the MRT station. Is that right, Mam?”

A woman : “Yes, exactly.”


Dora : “Thanks for helping me, madam. I must go now, hopefully I haven't miss the train!

Thank you again, Mam. Goodbye.”

A woman : “Alright, goodbye and be careful, dear.”

Setelah memahami dialog di atas, tentukanlah apakah kalimat di bawah ini Benar (True) atau Salah (False).

1. Dora doesn’t know the way to get to the supermarket.

2. Dora asks the woman on the street.

3. Dora is from Jakarta.

4. The supermarket is in front of the bus station.

Untuk menanyakan petunjuk arah ke suatu tempat, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat berikut ini.

• Can you please tell me how do I can get to …?

• How can I get to …?

• Do you know the way to …?

Untuk memberikan petunjuk arah ke suatu tempat, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat berikut ini.

• Go straight ahead until you see … then turn right/left.

• Cross the junction and keep going for about … kilometers/miles/meters.

• Take the first/second/… road on the right/left and you will see … on the left/right.

F. Reading ExercisePerhatikanlah gambar dan teks berikut ini.

Taken from: volcanodiscovery.com


Krakatoa - The World's Most Infamous Volcano

The island group of Krakatoa lies in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. Krakatoa is infamous for its violent Plinian eruption in 1883, that destroyed the previous volcanic edifi ce and enlarged its caldera. Collapse of the former volcanic edifi ce, perhaps in 416 AD, had formed a 7-km-wide caldera. Caldera collapse during the catastrophic 1883 eruption destroyed Danan and Perbuwatan volcanoes. This eruption, the 2nd largest in Indonesia during historical time (the most violent being the eruption of Tambora in 1815), caused more than 36,000 fatalities, most as a result of devastating tsunamis that swept the adjacent coastlines of Sumatra and Java. After its quietness of less than a half century, the post-collapse cone of Anak Krakatoa ("Child of Krakatoa") was constructed within the 1883 caldera. Anak Krakatau has been the site of frequent eruptions since 1927.

Taken from: volcanodiscovery.com

Exercise1. When did the caldera collapse?

2. List the adjectives found in the text!

Vocabulary Corner

Infamous: well-known of bad impact

Edifi ce: large cone shape

Adjacent: side by side