September 2019 Featuring eco-theologian, author, and TEDx speaker, Rev. Michael Dowd, ProFuture Faith is a dynamic eight-session DVD course that bridges the gap between head and heart, science and faith. The basic format for each session includes conversation around the 20-minute video presentation and guided discussion led by Pastor Jeffrey Ingold. Sept. 12 Un-Trivializing God—Reality as Thou Sept. 19 The Purpose of Religion and the Necessity of Science Sept. 26 The Epic of Evolution—A Cosmic Timeline Oct. 3 Thus Sayeth Reality—What is Inevitable; What is Needed Oct. 10 Thus Sayeth Reality—What is Futile; What is Urgent Oct. 17 Why We Struggle—Un- Trivializing Mythic Wisdom Oct. 24 Impermanence and Death as Sacred—Embracing Limits Oct. 31 Staying Sane, Sober and Inspired in Contracting Times 10:00-11:30 am Thursdays in the Conference Room St. Lukes is excited to announce a new format for Thursday morning study. Beginning in September, we will be meeting at 10:00am for a new 8—week series described below. All who are interested and available on Thursday mornings are invited to attend.

September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

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Page 1: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

September 2019

Featuring eco-theologian, author, and TEDx speaker, Rev. Michael Dowd, ProFuture Faith is a dynamic eight-session DVD course that bridges the gap between head and heart, science and faith. The basic format for each session includes conversation around the 20-minute video presentation and guided discussion led by Pastor Jeffrey Ingold.

Sept. 12 Un-Trivializing God—Reality as Thou Sept. 19 The Purpose of Religion and the Necessity of Science Sept. 26 The Epic of Evolution—A Cosmic Timeline Oct. 3 Thus Sayeth Reality—What is Inevitable; What is Needed Oct. 10 Thus Sayeth Reality—What is Futile; What is Urgent Oct. 17 Why We Struggle—Un- Trivializing Mythic Wisdom Oct. 24 Impermanence and Death as Sacred—Embracing Limits Oct. 31 Staying Sane, Sober and Inspired in Contracting Times

10:00-11:30 am Thursdays in the Conference Room

St. Luke’s is excited to announce a new format for Thursday morning study. Beginning in September, we will be meeting at 10:00am for a new 8—week series described below. All who are interested and available on Thursday mornings are invited to attend.

Page 2: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

Page 2 The Encourager www.stlukeselca.org

Pondering Pastor

McCauley Diehl Circle - Tuesday, September 3rd at Noon in the Conference room.

Katharina Circle - Tuesday, September 3rd at 6pm. Clean the church kitchens then go out to dinner.

Connie Counts Circle - Wednesday, September 4th at Noon in the conference room.

Circle Meetings

To be upset over what you don’t have is to waste what you do have. Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! Psalm 23:1 TLB

Join us in the Parish Hall following the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, September 15th to celebrate Pastor Ingold’s first anniversary at St. Luke’s. Cake will be served, and we encourage you to bring cards or fill out ones that will be provided to thank Pastor Ingold for a great first year of ministry.

Celebration Pastor Ingold’s First Year Anniversary

SCHOOL’S IN SESSION As I write this CMS is back in session. College students have returned to or started for the first time their campus life and classes. Streets are crowded again with yellow school buses shuttling students as sidewalks are streaming with young people making their way to and from their places of education.

RETURN TO FALL SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 15 This is a reminder to me that very soon our congregation’s life will return to the scheduling we’ve come to associate with Fall. Worship will return to 8:30am in the Chapel and 11:00am in the Sanctuary. Sunday school will take place at 9:45am as we prepare Christian Education events for disciples of Jesus of all ages.

CAROLINA PANTHER GAMES There are Panther home games scheduled for Sundays: September 8, October 6, November 3 & 17, December 1, 15 & 29 all of which start at 1:00pm. I am hopeful those of you who plan to attend these games will honor God in worship, first. God deserves that. You need it. 8:30am is a perfect time to accomplish that. Wear your jerseys. That’s cool.

PASTOR’S CLASS I am enthusiastically preparing to teach a Pastor’s Class, beginning on Sunday, September 22nd which will run for 4 weeks, through October 13th. I will be using a delightful resource crafted by Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the Sunday school hour and is open to all who want to delve deeper into the meaning of being a baptized person who happens to be Lutheran.

THOUGHTFUL THURSDAYS I am also preparing to launch a new series of studies I am calling Thoughtful Thursdays. These studies, which I will guide, will take place at 10:00am - 11:30am weekly. We will plan to meet in the Conference Room, but if we need more space to accommodate more people (wouldn’t that be wonderful) we can consider another meeting space. See the advertisement for more information on the first series.

VITALITY & SUSTAINABILITY The Vitality & Sustainability Study continues into its next phase which becomes a discernment process. The Congregation Council Executive Committee will soon be providing a survey to the

membership of St. Luke’s. It’s vital to our discernment process, regarding the future vitality and sustainability of St. Luke’s and its ministries to members and community, that we learn from you what you think. The question we are hoping to answer through all of this is, “What do we need to do to ensure the ministry of St. Luke’s is vital and sustainable well into the future?” Let’s answer that sacred question together.

ANNIVERSARY On September 10th, I will mark the beginning of my second year with you as your Pastor. I am grateful for the honor. I am hopeful in the challenges we face as we consider together what it means for us to be the Church of Christ Jesus in our day and age. I am blessed you have allowed me into the midst of your lives as I strive to be a reminder that not any one of us is alone in this world, but that the Holy Spirit of God is our constant companion. I am enthusiastic about all that this next year offers as together we grow in our faith in God and in one another. Thank you for entrusting me to be a partner with you of this journey. Bring on year 2! Peace, Pastor Jeffrey

Page 3: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

Page 3 The Encourager www.stlukeselca.org

Plans are underway for God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday on September 8th. Service projects will take place both offsite and at St. Luke’s for members of all ages to participate in. Signups will be available all Sundays leading up to the 8th, but if you aren't able to sign up before then, please come the day of to participate in the day of service. We look forward to serving our local community on Sunday, September 8th at 10am.

God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday

Christian Meditation 101 Course Begins October 22nd

Christian Meditation can open our awareness of the loving Spirit of God that is always within and surrounding us. In this course, you will learn ways that Christians through the centuries have practiced becoming still in God's presence. Each week will focus on a meditative practice that you can incorporate into your prayer life: reading scripture, calming the mind, moving the body, expressing creativity, living in the dark night of the soul, and contemplating with the mystics. Deacon Sue Setzer will teach the classes on Tuesdays at 7pm from October 22nd through November 26th, 2019, in the Conference Room. Please contact her at [email protected] or 704-607-5033 if you are interested or have questions.

CCT’s “Back to School Bash” A HUGE Success!

Many, Many thanks to all who gave pencil pouches,

glue, pens, scissors, pencils, crayons, spiral notebooks,

bookbags, composition notebooks, as well as other

school supplies for the “Back to School Bash”.

We had ten men from St. Luke’s Lutheran Church attended the annual CALM (Charlotte Area Lutheran Men) chicken and corn roast. We heard from our key note speaker, Tony Zeiss, about the building of the Bible Museum in Washington, D.C. He took us through the many themes found in the Museum. In addition, we heard from our Bishop, Tim Smith, about the annual ELCA convention in Milwaukee, WI. He spoke about the re-election of Elizabeth Amy Eaton as Bishop of the ELCA and the many resolutions passed that addressed social justice issues facing our country.

On August 22, 2019, the Lutheran Men in Mission met at Trio’s for lunch honoring Pastor Stephen Johnson and his wife, Joan, who are moving to Philadelphia, Pa. Pastor was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for his many years of tireless service, outstanding leadership and spiritual guidance in our many outreach missions and initiatives. We will miss them.

SLMIM will begin meeting again on Monday, September 9, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the church conference room. Those who have an interest in becoming a member are welcome.

Lutheran Men in Mission

The Connie Counts Circle will start meeting on Sept. 4th in the Conference Room at 12pm. We have missed everyone over the July and August break and look forward to everyone being together. A letter was received from Helen Evans with update on her activities in her new home at Carmel Place so we will hear from her. We do hope everyone feels better now that Fall is near and cooler weather will give us more energy. Dessert will be furnished so bring a sandwich for your lunch.

Connie Counts Circle

Page 4: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

Page 4 The Encourager www.stlukeselca.org

Church Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm

Friday 8:00am - 1:30pm

Noisy Offerings for 2019

Jan. Experience Mission (S. Johnston) $1983

Feb. The Relatives-Youth Crisis Center $501

Mar. Agape Dental Ministry $345

Apr. ELCA World Hunger $1619

May Mission Possible $495

Jun. Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club $219

Jul. Habitat for Humanity $348

Aug. Classroom Central $459

Sept. On Eagles Wings

Oct. CROP Walk

Nov. Jr. Arthritis Foundation

Dec. Urban Ministries

A Peak into our Fall Schedule

God’s Work. Our Hands, September 8th 10am-10:30am God’s Work. Our Hands Service Projects 10:30am-12:30pm Wednesday, September 11th Dinner 5:15pm “Living Waters” Worship Service 6pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 7pm Thursday, September 12th OWLS 10am Sunday, September 15th Early Worship 8:30am Sunday School 9:45am Late Worship 11am Friendship Hour 12:15pm

Drop In is in need of paper towels, toilet paper, fruit in juice and salt-free vegetables for our guests. Thank you in advance for your help. Donations may be left in the church office or in the grocery cart outside the Education Center office.

Drop In

Women’s Retreat

Abundant Living In Christ Retreat for Women Unplug and reboot your body-mind-spirit at Lutherock Friday evening through Sunday morning, October 11 – 13, 2019. Explore what loving yourself as you love

your neighbor means. Walk in the mountains and eat nutritious food someone else prepares. Practice meditation and chair or floor yoga. Worship and have fun with other sisters in Christ. Deacon Sue Setzer will lead the program with help from Sarah Ingold, Yvonne Richie, and Karen Weston-Chien. The cost for the retreat is $170 (4 meals, 2 nights, double occupancy). Make checks payable to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church with “Women’s Retreat” on the memo line, give checks to Diana Brooks or Kathy West in the church office.

St. Luke’s Ladybugs Visit Shut-Ins A small but undaunted team of Ladybugs buzzed around town on Tuesday, August 20th to visit some of our shut-ins. Janet Eve, Karen Smith, and Rebekah Woodward went to see...

Martha Reid at Sharon Towers...Martha has an oxygen tank now. She is still very alert and has a great sense of humor. Her family had recently helped her celebrate her 89th birthday! We enjoyed helping her remember many of the people she knows from St. Luke's Pat Eatman at Carriage Club...Pat is having trouble with her feet. She is unable to get to the dining room now and is having meals brought to her room. She was so happy to have visitors and loved the chocolate and flowers. Janet and Jack Eve have been close friends with Pat for a long time. They help her in so many ways. Janet stayed with Pat, while Karen and Rebekah journeyed on. After a delightful lunch at Red Rocks, Karen and Rebekah drove to Aldersgate to visit with Sue and Peter Setzer. Peter's voice is still very strong and we enjoyed singing some hymns with him. We stopped by The Cypress to see Henry Schatz, but he was sleeping. We left him some chocolates and a promise that the Reindeer will visit in December!

Ladybugs Update

September 15th we will return to two services: 8:30am in the Chapel & 11am in the Sanctuary

Page 5: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

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Judith Abner Pat Eatman Guenter & Eva Franz Mary Gallagher Jan Gardner

Carrie Graves Carolyn McKee Martha Reid Elsie Robinson Henry Schatz

Our Shut-Ins

In every congregation we find some members who, due to age and sickness are no longer able to get out as they once did. They are confined to home or in a nursing home. They are lonely and miss their church and church family.

How can we respond? A card, a visit, maybe a little gift to lift their spirits and let them know they are not forgotten. It’s the little things that mean a great deal when you no longer can be active in your church family.

Please remember our shut-ins with visits, calls, cards, and prayers.

October 20th at Independence Park, 7th and Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 We are walking and raising funds to help end hunger and poverty

internationally, nationally, and locally. A portion of our proceeds benefit our 3 local partners, Crisis Assistance Ministry, Loaves & Fishes and Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina. Our 4.1 mile walk symbolizes the distance people in developing nations walk everyday to get water.

CROP Walk 2019

Did you know Loaves & Fishes accepts nonfood items? Well, they do!! They accept diapers, baby formula, and personal care items. Donations may be placed in the grocery cart outside of the Education Center office.

Drop-In News

July Drop-In Tiffany, Fernando and Cynthia Shine made hamburgers and hot dogs which our guest loved. Melissa Sweet-Eubanks, Ron Eubanks, Riley Gilliland, Becky Miller, Terry Cheville, and Anne Rowe supplied the manpower and side dishes for our 50 guests. Marilyn Schuster, Ruth Heberlig and Alice Bostic worked to make the day run smoothly. Bedder, Bedder & Moore provided their monthly generous donation of sandwiches and cookies. We celebrated 5 birthdays.

August Drop-In We had 57 guests. Kathy and Jim West led the effort to bring an amazing salad bar for our guests. Team members were Pete Schmidt, Rhonda Crisp, Bonnie Jones, Susan Taylor, and Becky Miller. The Dolans provided food. Our worker bees were: Marilyn Schuster, Ruth Heberlig and Alice Bostic.

The Loaves and Fishes pantry was very busy with people selecting groceries to help stretch their budget through the next month and we celebrated 9 birthdays. As always Hutch and Karen would like to thank the entire congregation for the support of this ministry especially, Yvonne McCathern for her faithful donations.

Changes for Drop-In Hutch Hutchins has stepped down from co-leading Drop-In. He has become an important part of this ministry and fortunately he will still continue to stop by on Drop-In Saturdays to spend time with guests. Joining Karen Weston-Chien as the new co-leadership is Becky Miller. She is also passionate about the ministry and has volunteered each month for the last five years. As part of the leadership transition Marylyn Schuster and Pete Schmidt have committed to ordering and picking up supplies and managing the Loaves and Fishes food pantry respectively. So there are changes but the mission is the same, to provide a place where people who have a mental illness can gather together and enjoy the fellowship of food, conversation and a mean bingo game and be able to stretch their budget with the gift of food and toiletries.

We thank Hutch for his service, and we will remember Hutch’s sage advice whenever he was asked how to respond to a situation at Drop-In, “err on the side of mercy”.

We continue to need and enjoy new volunteers. All it takes is three for three - we need three hours of your day, three days a year. Drop-In always occurs on the third Saturday of each month. Please contact Karen at [email protected] or at 704-575-4947 if you can join us.

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CONNECT WITH ST. LUKE’S Come check out our website and find access to great resources like the church calendar,

our full-color newsletter and more!


NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Newsletter articles may be emailed to:

[email protected]

by Monday, September 23rd

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes are always in need of fruit in-juice and canned meats (salmon, tuna, chicken, Spam, corned beef hash or ham). They are also in need of no-salt added canned vegetables. Donations can be put in the grocery cart outside of the Educational Center office.

There are several dates available to sign-up to place flowers on the altar and beautify the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. The signup chart is on the bulletin board across from the Business Office. Flowers may be placed in honor or memory of a group, loved one, friend or family member.

Altar Flowers

St. Luke’s has a dedicated group of people who visit our shut-in folks each month and take communion to them. Spending time with our shut-ins is a rewarding ministry and the team receives as much of a blessing as the shut-ins do. If you are interested in joining this group or just finding out more about what we do, please talk with Rebekah Woodward or call the church office.

• Joy Cooper visits with Martha Reid

• Cozette Nowak visits with Mary Gallagher and Betty Paysinger/ Julia Passmore

• Patsy Schober has just joined our

group and will be visiting with Eva/Guenter Franz

• Marilyn Schuster and Rebekah Woodward visit with Carrie Graves and Carol/Dean Cash

• Rebekah Woodward also visits Elsie Robinson

• Pastor Stephen Johnson, who is moving away has been visiting Pat Eatman. We will miss him dearly and are looking for someone to visit Pat.

Eucharistic Ministry Team

August 28 - Exhibit Tour of Eleanor Brawley’s photographs: Families of Abraham - meet at 2:30pm in front lobby to go to Myers Park Baptist—Rev. Mia McClain, speaker. Be back in time for dinner! Next 3 Meetings held in Great Room A Sept. 4 – 1:30-2:30 Rabbi Dusty Klass, Temple Beth-El will speak on the Jewish Faith. Sept. 18 - 1:30-2:30 Mark Siljander, former congressman will address Islam. Sept. 25 - 7:00-8:30 Panel discussion, music and food. We will discuss The Golden Rule from each faith perspective and serve desserts from each tradition ~ Cantor Elias Roochvarg - Jewish

Rev. Ben Boswell – Christian Shaun Ahmad – Muslim

Join us for an evening of unity and hope!

Finding Common Ground Exploring the Abrahamic Faiths

Page 7: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

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7/28/19 10am - 109

8/4/19 10am - 105

8/11/19 10am - 135

8/18/19 10am - 110

8/25/19 10am - 107

Mission & Outreach

Group Rotation for September 2019

A. Keen, R. Jones C. Fairman, J. Eve C. Nowak, R. Heberlig K. Elgart, D. Brooks

Bereavement Committee

Prayer Request

Presbyterian Psychological Services

EmbRACE Mental Health 5K Race and Fun Walk We need your help! We are planning a 5K Run/ Fun Walk on November 9th starting and ending at Sycamore Brewing & Beer Garden. We are raising money to enhance our counseling missions to the community which include the Women in Transition program, pro bono therapy and counseling for the Char-Meck Police and Fire Department employees and families. If you have questions or would like to join in the fun, please contact Dreema Brunnemer at [email protected]

Members Lucille Pushman Aldred, Darrin Beltran, Ryan Borachok, Phyllis Burnett, Carol & Dean Cash, Deborah & Stan Hager, Steve Lamb, Kevin Lynch, Betty Paysinger, Carol Richardson, Bill Robertson, Robb Rowe, Ernest Schumacher, Jo & John Sigmon, David Woodward

Shut-Ins Judith Abner, Pat Eatman, Eva & Guenter Franz, Mary Gallagher, Jan Gardner, Carrie Graves, Carolyn McKee, Martha Reid, Elsie Robinson, Henry Schatz

Parents Who Are Expecting Gabby & Alexandra Jenkins Valerie & Andreas Moresi Laura & Tim Wales

Friends & Family Frank Avery (P. Brooks), Annabelle Barger (J. Dolan), Robin Blair, Robin Boisseau, David Bostian (P. Thorne), Brad (C. Richardson), Cierra Brunson (A. Lee), Holly Carper (B. Dolan), Duncan Chambers (S. Frick Chanbers), CJ, Russ Cleaton (R. Purpur), Amber Collier, Andrew Connely (Jo Sigmon), Jean Coon (K. West), Ree Ree Doster, Marion English (M. Howell), Earl Fischer, Janet Forrest, Jane Fox (B. Maas), Joe & Criss (J. Eve),

Stacy Gabrielle, Garren (Maggie/J. Sigmon), Amy Gregg (R. Purpur), Alice H., Cindy Harrison (K. West), Betty & Mikell Hammond (K. Hanson), Rebecca Hammond, Beverly Ann Hartman (R. Purpur), Doug & Jennifer Higgins, Ben & Bev Jones (P. Thorne), Joy, Ginny Kolb, Karen Knowlton (R. Purpur), Lauren, Terri LeGault (C. Beckham) Alberto Lee (Vilma & Tony Lee), Ben Lemons, Curt Lorimer (F. Lorimer), Gay McKeown (P. Moser), Michael, Mike (M. Lachacz), Olga L. Millan (Vilma Millan Lee), Emma Nash, Margaret Nevils (M. Brown), Deb Petty (M. Lachacz), Gordon Platt (C. Graves), Cynthia Pushman (E. Pushman),

Eric Robertson (B. Robertson), Alex Sansone, Sarah, Tim Schrand (P. Thorne), Margaret Shelton (V. Stolen), Diane Shin, Brad Stewart (F. Lorimer),

Audrey Trull, Eve Vega, Elaine Walsh (K. Walsh),

Carol Walton, Bidney Watts (J. Passmore), John Weddington, Doris Wentz, Bob & Sissy Weston.

8:30 Greeters Needed

If you go to the 8:30am worship service and can help by being a Greeter on Sunday mornings, please contact Vilma Millan-Lee to volunteer or for more information at 980-265-1520

Noisy Offering for September 15 will be donated to: On Eagles Wings

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Page 10: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:15am Choir Rehearsal

10am Summer Service

11:15am Friendship Hour

11:30pm D & D

12:30pm D & D

2 Labor Day/Church Office


3 12pm McCauley-Diehl Circle

6pm Katharina Circle

4 10am Property Committee


12pm Connie Counts Circle

7pm St. Luke’s Cloggers

5 7pm Scouts Troop Mtg.

6 7 2pm T. Schlick-Private event

8 10am God’s Work. Our Hands


10:30am God’s Work. Our Hands

Service projects

12:30pm Tone Deaf Disciples

9 4:45pm Flute Choir Rehearsal

5:45pm YOC Rehearsal

6:30pm Men In Mission

7pm Scouts

10 3pm Court of Honors

6:30pm Court of Honors

7pm Scouts

7pm Beer & Bible (Triple C


11 5pm Wed. Dinner

6pm Living Waters Worship


7pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

7pm St. Luke’s Cloggers

12 10am Thoughtful Thursdays


14 3:30pm C. Graves/E. Platt-

Private event

5pm Youth Group/Movie Night

15 Noisy Offering-On Eagles


8:30am Early Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School

10:15am Adult Choir Rehearsal

11am Late Worship Service

12:15pm Friendship Hour

12:15pm Council Meeting

12:30pn Confirmation Class

16 4:45pm Flute Choir Rehearsal

5:45pm YOC Rehearsal

7pm Scouts

17 4:30pm 3rd Tuesdays

18 5pm Wed. Dinner

6pm Living Waters Worship


6:45pm Tone Deaf Disciples/

Optional Practice

7pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

7pm St. Luke’s Cloggers

19 10am Thoughtful Thursdays

20 9am Drop - In Center setup

21 10am Drop - In Center

22 8:30am Early Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School

10:15am Adult Choir Rehearsal

11am Late Worship Service

12:15pm Friendship Hour

12:30pm HS Hangout

23 9am Newsletter deadline

4:45pm Flute Choir Rehearsal

5:45pm YOC Rehearsal

7pm Scouts

24 7pm 3rd Space —Trivia Night

(Sugar Creek Brewery)

25 5pm Wed. Dinner

6pm Living Waters Worship


6:45pm Tone Deaf Disciples/

Optional Practice

7pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

7pm St. Luke’s Cloggers

26 10am Thoughtful Thursdays


.28 12pm Sinfonia Rehearsal

2pm Prep. Rehearsal

29 8:30am Early Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School

10:15am Adult Choir Rehearsal

11am Late Worship Service

12:15pm Friendship Hour


4:45pm Flute Choir Rehearsal

5:45pm YOC Rehearsal

7pm Scouts

September 2019

Jake - out of the office

Jake - out

Page 11: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the



15 Patsy Schober

22 Brenda Maas

29 Hutch Hutchins


1 Julie Bartlett

8 Phil Brooks

15 Lucy Ilderton

22 Keith Brunnemer

29 Becca Dolan


1 Paul Sullivan, Michele Sullivan and Patsy Schober

8 Paul Sullivan, Michele Sullivan and Patsy Schober

15 Bob Morris, Helen Morris and Renato Moresi

22 Bob Morris, Helen Morris and Renato Moresi

29 John Hofland, Evan Hofland and Joel Moser


1 Samuel Hofland/Tiana Sullivan 8 Henry Ilderton/Reid McKee 15 Caroline Lemons/Sean Borachok 22 Ainsley Sullivan/Duncan Ritchie 29 Jessica Behm/Taylor Stolen FRIENDSHIP HOUR

1 Helen Morris 8 Deb Hofland 15 Janet Eve 22 Karen Campagna 29 Diana Brooks


15 Vilma & Tony Lee

22 C

29 Hutch Hutchins


15 Brenda Maas

22 Jake Dolan

29 Hutch Hutchins


1 (10am) Karen Smith

8 (10am) God’s Hands. Our Work.

15 Dreema Brunnemer

22 Jake Dolan

29 Pete Schmidt


ALTAR GUILD 1 Janet Eve/Karen Smith

8 Karen Smith, Jan & Gary Brauer

15 Karen Lyons/Karen Smith

22 Karen Smith, Jan & Gary Brauer

29 Karen Smith/Terri Wells


1 Melba Isley



22 Jack & Janet Eve



1 Carrie Beckham/Steve Lamb

8 Jake Dolan/Becca Dolan

15 Keith Brunnemer/Ann Rowe

22 Mike Campagna/Yvonne Ritchie

29 Tom Ainsworth/Vanessa Stolen


09/03 Alice Bostic 09/03 Mary Gallagher 09/03 Pat Sweet 09/03 Susan Taylor 09/04 Chris Behm 09/06 Duncan Barringer 09/06 Sue Setzer 09/07 Archie Hayes 09/07 Riley Lynch 09/08 Gabrille Jenkins 09/11 Jo Sigmon 09/11 Patsy Schober 09/12 Rosalie Steinitz 09/12 Kaleb Pietras 09/15 Dalton Sluder 09/16 Ruth Heberlig 09/18 Mark Elgart 09/19 Jeff Mills 09/19 Harrison Rosti 09/20 Jerry Crosby 09/21 Guenter Franz 09/23 Jack Eve 09/24 Julie DuToit 09/25 Rhonda Crisp 09/25 Virginia Floyd 09/25 Taylor Stolen 09/27 Pat Throne 09/29 Elijah Ingold

Page 12: September 2019 - St. Luke's Lutheran · Daniel Erlander entitled, “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life”. The Pastor’s Class will take place in the chapel during the

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church


Pastor …………………………..Rev. Jeffrey R. Ingold Dir. of Music/Facilities Rental Coord.Mr. D. Jan McCoy Youth & Family Minister………………Mr. Jake Dolan Business Administrator……………...Mrs. Kathy West Administrative Assistant………….Mrs. Sandra Taylor Sexton…………………………….…Mr. Archie Hayes Council President………………..…Mr. John Hofland CCDC Director………………..…….Ms. Dawn Peebles

Worship Schedule: Early Worship 8:30am (Chapel)

Sunday School (all ages) 9:45am (Various locations) Late Worship 11:00am (Sanctuary)

Nursery provided at 11:00 a.m. for children under 5

Phone: 704-523-7981 Fax: 704-523-7744

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: M-Th 8:00am—2:00pm F: 8:00am—1:30pm