By The Reverend Canon Stephen C. Casey The Rector writes: Dear friends: Once in awhile, after the services are over on a Sunday morning, I book a hotel and leave town for a 36 hour retreat at one of my favourite haunts - Bombay Hook, in Dela- ware. Bombay Hook is a National Wild Life Refuge comprising salt water and fresh water ponds near the Leipsic River, which runs into the Delaware Bay. Located on the Atlantic Flyway, Bombay Hook is a major stopping point for migrat- ing birds, but year round there is always something to see. On my recent visit, in the space of a little over one hour I saw over twenty species of wild birds, as well as a rangy old red fox, who wan- dered by my cell phone camera lens, rolled over in the dust, then went on his way looking for his next meal. Its amazing what discov- eries one makes on such road the words of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins came to mind: Glory be to God for dappled things/for skies of couple-colour as a brinded cowHe fathers- forth whose beauty is past change; Praise Him (Pied Beauty, Gerard Manley Hop- kins). Now, in the turning of the seasons, the schools are be- ginning a new term, marked by the school bus which has returned to the church parking lot. The choir is about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- dar there is much to look forward to as the weeks march inexora- bly closer to Advent and Christmas - the beginning of Christian formation, the Par- ish Picnic, parish auction and fun night of mystery; the Acolyte Festival, the Her- shey Handbell Choir, Les- sons and Carols, Christmas Eve. And this year, a special event. In October the diocese will gather in convention at the conference centre of Spooky Nook. On the Satur- day morning of the conven- tion a Eucharist will be held (Continued on page 2) visits. About 8 miles from Bombay Hook lies the tiny little community of Wood- land Beach, a hamlet of no more than 15 houses on the coast of the Bay with a thin strip of sand, a parking lot, and a jetty, that goes out into the bay for young and old to spend their days fish- ing, while watching the ships sail towards Wilming- ton and the New Jersey Shore across the water. At high tide, the road leading to and from Woodland Beach floods, making it an island, which if only for a few hours some how adds magic to the place. Returning to Lancaster by way of Strasburg, I gloried in the fields ready for har- vest, corn as high as an elephants eye,and tobac- co, some with large green leaves yet to be harvested, and others stacked in neat rows, their leaves yellowed and awaiting being hung in barns to dry and turn brown. Driving along the winding Special points of interest: Worship services and Parish hours are on the back cover of the Scepter Staff and Vestry Members are listed on the back cover of the Scepter Choir Picnic 2 Vestry 3 Parish Picnic 4 Night of Mystery 6 Movie Review 9 Graduations 8 Auction Baskets 9 Inside this issue: ST. EDWARD’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH September 2016 Reflections From the Rectors Desk Scepter “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

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Page 1: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

By The Reverend


Stephen C. Casey The Rector writes:

Dear friends:

Once in awhile, after the services are over on a Sunday morning, I book a hotel and leave town for a 36 hour retreat at one of my favourite haunts - Bombay Hook, in Dela-ware. Bombay Hook is a National Wild Life Refuge comprising salt water and fresh water ponds near the Leipsic River, which runs into the Delaware Bay. Located on the Atlantic Flyway, Bombay Hook is a major stopping point for migrat-ing birds, but year round there is always something to see. On my recent visit, in the space of a little over one hour I saw over twenty species of wild birds, as well as a rangy old red fox, who wan-dered by my cell phone camera lens, rolled over in the dust, then went on his way looking for his next meal.

It’s amazing what discov-eries one makes on such

road the words of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins came to mind: Glory be to God for dappled things/for skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow…He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change; Praise Him (Pied Beauty, Gerard Manley Hop-kins).

Now, in the turning of the seasons, the schools are be-ginning a new term, marked by the school bus which has

returned to the church parking lot. The choir is about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen-dar there is much to look forward to

as the weeks march inexora-bly closer to Advent and Christmas - the beginning of Christian formation, the Par-ish Picnic, parish auction and fun night of mystery; the Acolyte Festival, the Her-shey Handbell Choir, Les-sons and Carols, Christmas Eve. And this year, a special event. In October the diocese will gather in convention at the conference centre of Spooky Nook. On the Satur-day morning of the conven-tion a Eucharist will be held

(Continued on page 2)

visits. About 8 miles from Bombay Hook lies the tiny little community of Wood-land Beach, a hamlet of no more than 15 houses on the coast of the Bay with a thin strip of sand, a parking lot, and a jetty, that goes out into the bay for young and old to spend their days fish-ing, while watching the ships sail towards Wilming-ton and the New Jersey Shore across the water. At

high tide, the road leading to and from Woodland Beach floods, making it an island, which if only for a few hours some how adds magic to the place.

Returning to Lancaster by way of Strasburg, I gloried in the fields ready for har-vest, corn as “high as an elephant’s eye,” and tobac-co, some with large green leaves yet to be harvested, and others stacked in neat rows, their leaves yellowed and awaiting being hung in barns to dry and turn brown. Driving along the winding

Special points of interest:

Worship services and Parish hours are on the back cover of the Scepter

Staff and Vestry Members are listed on the back cover of the Scepter

Choir Picnic 2

Vestry 3

Parish Picnic 4

Night of Mystery 6

Movie Review 9

Graduations 8

Auction Baskets 9

Inside this issue:
















September 2016

Reflections From the Rector’s Desk


“For everything there is a season, and a

time for every matter under heaven.”

Page 2: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

at St. Edward’s. This will be the first time in the parish’s history that we have hosted a convention Eucharist, which, considering that we shall be celebration the 35th anni-versary of the parish, is fitting somehow. And in December, Bishop Scanlan will visit us again for her “Episcopal Visita-tion” - a time for celebration and confir-mation.

The author of Ecclesiastes writes: For eve-rything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. As seasons turn, I am conscious that God is present in all our days; and thankful to God for the sights and sounds of nature all around, and for the community of fellowship that makes up the holy people of God. Whatev-er this particular season holds for you, may you find yourself enfolded by this all inclusive love of the God of all creation - whose beauty is past change; Praise Him.


Fr. Stephen+

(Continued from page 1)

Parish Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-day: 9 AM – 3 PM

Tuesday: 9 AM – 1 PM

Parish Administrative Assistant: Michelle Bentley


Production Staff:

H. J. “Mac” Miller

[email protected]

If you're the last person to leave

the building following Sunday ser-

vices or an event, please take the

time to make sure all the lights are

turned off (including the rest

rooms) and the doors are locked.

Page 2 S CE PT ER


Reflections Choir Picnic at the Sternberg’s

Patrick Ishler Choir Director, Matthew Sternberg, Dina Ishler, Carol Cotnoir

Carol Cotnoir, Libby Sternberg, Fr. Casey and Jack Esbenshade

The “rangy fox”

Page 3: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

Page 3

Patrick Ishler rehearsing with the choir.

Military News

Please keep in your prayers those close to us who are serving in the military.

Dustin Burleson Brandon Fox

Gordon Frankenfield

Matt Fuhrman

Adam and Christina Grim

Jack Hawk

Drew Johnson

Anthony Koser

Alex Kube

John Lewis

Richard Mutari

David Peck

Capt. Andrew Pfeiffer

Rev. David J. Sparks

Mike Spurr

David Sternberg

Allison Tomich

Evan Westgate

Seamas Whitesel

1st Lt. Thomas Whitesel

By Peg Reiley

Senior Warden

After our retreat in early June, vestry did not meet again until late August. We had a short meeting to begin to “regroup” for the upcoming months. We hope you had an enjoyable summer. Many of us will get back to our regular routine of school/ work/ meetings/ etc. I am always a little sad at this time of year - summer is my favorite season!

Thanks to everyone who has donated clothes to the Community Aid Clothing Bin. St. Edward’s has received a check for $203.00 for the first quarter! As you start to put away your summer clothes and bring out your fall and winter items, please consider donating clothes and shoes that you no longer wear.

Many of you are aware of the construction of the Amos Herr Dream Park in East

Hempfield. St. Edward’s has given a do-nation which was graciously received. The actual construction will take place in Sep-tember/ October. We have decided to sup-port the volunteers by providing some meals/ food for the build week. Watch the bulletin for more details regarding the date and time when we will be taking food/ drinks to the builders.

The Diocesan Convention is taking place on Friday/ Saturday, October 14/15. Eu-charist will be held at St. Edward’s on Saturday (10/15) at 9:00 am. Estimated attendance may be 300+. We will be need-ing many helpers from St. Edward’s that morning - folks to be greeters and wel-comers and parking attendants. Service will end by 10:30 am as meetings resume (at Spooky Nook) at 11:00 am. You will be hearing more information over the next few weeks. Please consider volunteering.

Enjoy what is left of summer and let’s hope for a short, mild winter :)

Vestry Notes


Include your news and announce-ments in the next Scepter.

Due date for October will be:

September 20th. Send articles and announcements to:

[email protected]

“We must never allow September 11th to be-come a time for protest and division. Instead, this day must remain a time for promoting peace and mutual re-spect.” —Archbishop Timothy


Page 4: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

Parish Picnic

Third Saturday of

Each Month

5:30 PM Next Service

September 17th

Rite II

Saturday Service

Men’s Group

This year the Diocesan Convention will be held at the Spooky Nook Conference Centre on Friday and Saturday, the 14th and 15th October. At each convention, there is a convention Eucharist, which this year will take place at St. Edward’s at 9 am on the Saturday of the convention. Although planning for this service is still in the early stages, we do know that we can expect upwards of 300 hundred con-vention delegates as well as visitors from Lancaster attending. What this means is that we shall need a number of volunteers from the parish to assist in welcoming and greeting, ushering and guiding, and a group of people to assist in finding park-ing space for the increased number of vehicles. In the coming weeks, look for sign-up sheets in the narthex for the vari-ous tasks that will be required. This is a wonderful opportunity for St. Edward’s to serve the diocese.

By Mike Patrone and

John Meyer, co-chairs

The summer is over and we have our first breakfast on September 24th. We are in the process of lining up speakers for the coming year. At the end of 2016, John Meyer and Mike Patrone are stepping down as co-chairs of the Men’s group. They are looking for one or two men to take over this position. We will still be part of the kitchen crew and will give counsel to those wanting to be co-chairs. We meet the last Saturday of the month at 9am. Hope to see you there.

S CE PT ER Page 4

Don’t miss out on our Annual Parish Picnic September 10th!

Diocesan Convention Eucharist

On Sunday 11th December, Bishop Scanlan will make her first “official” parochial visit to the parish. It is cus-tomary at Episcopal visitations for parishioners who seek it, to be con-firmed. On page 412 of the Book of Common Prayer, we read: In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are ex-pected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop. This is also the occasion when those persons who have been baptized in a church in Ap-ostolic Succession, may also be re-ceived into the Episcopal Church. If any parishioner wishes to be confirmed or received when Bishop Scanlan makes her visit to the parish, they should notify the Rector as soon as possible.

Bishop Scanlan Visit to St. Edward’s

Page 5: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

Kid’s Corner

Page 5

Bible Quiz

Which of the following sports does Paul use meta-phorically to describe the Christian life? A. Fishing B. Running a race C. Boxing D. Both B and C E. All of the above Answer: D (See 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.)

Sometimes you have a growth spurt

on the way to church and when you

get ready to serve the altar you realize

your shoes no longer fit.... Piper han-

dled her painful situation with grace....

Full answer key on page 9


On Saturday 8th October, the Acolyte Festival at Washington Cathedral will take place. Brian Newsome is coordi-nating the event for people from St. Edward’s, so please keep an eye out for notices from Brian as we receive more details about registration from Wash-ington Cathedral.

Acolyte Festival

Page 6: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

Coffee Hour Fund Raising Event

Page 6

Thank you to the following parishioners who have faith-fully hosted our 8 AM and 10:15 coffee hours during the months of July and Au-gust. Being a coffee hour

host is a wonderful way to participate in ministry and meet the people of St. Ed-ward’s! If you would like to host an upcoming 8 AM coffee hour, please contact Bev Hess. If you would like to host an upcoming 9 AM or 10:15 AM coffee hour, please contact the parish office and we will sign you up. We are working on a new sign up board for Coffee Hour Hosts for the 9 AM and 10:15 services for September 2016 – August 2017 so once that is posted in the parish hall you can sign up there for future months.

Gloria Kacinko

Richard and Gail Irons

Julie and Jerry Hoff

Mark and Barb Jakiel

Bev and Larry Hess

Roger and Ginny Kloepping

Stephen and Catherine Donohue

Sue Bianco and Peggy Thomas

Austin and Deb Morrow

Carl and Carol Cotnoir

The Milligan Family

The McLaughlin Family

The Troop/Cardwell Families

Alice Will

Mary Snyder

Liz and Buddy Yeager

Ted Cardwell

R.B. Mullineaux


Don’t miss our 2nd Annual Night of Mystery Fund Raising Event October 22nd!

Patrick Ishler

By Patrick Ishler, Choir Director

Come and join us in fellowship and song - join the St. Edward's choir! We will begin our weekly rehearsals on Thurs-day, September 15th. Rehearsals begin at 7 pm in the nave at St. Edward's. All

voices - men, women and children are welcome. If you have any questions contact choir director, Patrick Ishler at [email protected] or 717-683-6886. We hope you will join us!

Join Choir

Page 7: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

Colonial Worship Service

Page 7

Bishop Audrey Scanlon, of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsyl-vania, observed a Colonial worship service Friday July 7th at Bangor Episcopal Church in Churchtown. The service was conducted using the denomination’s 1662 prayer book with the Rev. Canon Mark Scheneman, Bangor’s priest-in-charge, presiding.

The church, founded in 1722, is the oldest congregation in the diocese; its present stone edifice was built in 1830.

In the 10 months since her installation, the bishop has been touring the diocese, which stretches from Lancaster to Altoona and from the Mar-yland to the New York state borders.

The Rev. Canon Mark A. Scheneman walks with

his congregation toward the sanctuary of the

Episcopal Church of Bangor in Caernarvon on

Friday night

The Rev. Canon Mark A. Scheneman

leads the congregation in prayer.

The Rev. Canon Mark A. Scheneman, dressed

in Colonial attire, stands beside the Rev.

Audrey Scanlan, bishop of the Central Pennsyl-

vania Diocese of the Episcopal church.

From Lancaster News LNP

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S CE PT ER Page 8

Movie Review: Finding Dory

by Glen Bentley.

I’m probably in the minority, but I never considered Finding Nemo one of the better Pixar movies. It’s the same thing over and over, and it’s ultimate point—a jeremiad against what’s now known as helicopter

parenting—was beaten into the ground. I always thought Dory, the forgetful fish voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, was not only the most annoying character in the mov-ie, but one of my least-favorite in all of Pixardom. Now, 13 years later, we have its Dory-focused sequel. Outside of Toy Story, Pixar hasn’t done well with se-quels and its last one, Monsters Universi-ty, was clearly a revisiting of a universe that had exhausted all of its ideas the first time out.

So I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Finding Dory is delightful. The new movie beats its predecessor for several reasons: it has a better story and support-ing cast. It gets more creative with loca-tions, character, and the animation has advanced immensely since the first mov-ie in 2003.

In Finding Dory, set just one year after the first movie, the titular Blue Tang fish looks for her lost parents. She’s helped by Nemo and his father Marlin, along

with a new cast of characters: there’s Hank the cranky octopus (voiced by Ed O’Neill) and a bickering shark and whale (Kaitlin Olson and Ty Burrell.) Fans of The Wire will be glad to know that a pair of sea lions are voiced by McNulty

(Dominic West) and Stringer Bell (Idris Elba.)

In a brilliant stroke, the new movie is set not in the ocean, but rather in a Califor-nia aquarium, opening all kinds of story-telling creativity. And the part involving the search for Dory’s parents is quite moving, with a perfect payoff as well as a lesson that isn’t as belabored as in the first film.

After last November’s The Good Dino-saur—which I’d completely forgotten everything about by the time I got in my car afterwards—Finding Dory is a return to form for the animation studio.

Book Club News

Linda Frankenfield

Contemplative Spiritual Director

Exploring spiritual freedom together

After our summer sabbatical, we will come together to discuss the classic "Screwtape Letters" by C S Lewis. Please join us Thursday September 15 at 1:00 at the church. All are welcome.

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Page 9

Basket Auction

Sign up sheet in the Narthex

Tickets for our Basket Auction & Night of Mystery go on sale September 25th! Bid-

ding for Silent Auction begins September 25th.

Page 10: September 2016 Reflections From the Rector s Desk · 2016-08-26 · about to resume rehearsals, and the Praise Band return after their summer hiatus. In the parish calen- ... September

Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I (said)

10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

Contemporary Service ((2nd Sunday, Sept – May) ).


12:00 Noon – Holy Eucharist with healing


5:30 Holy Eucharist Rite II (Third Saturday)

2453 Harrisburg Pike

Lancaster, PA 17601


Phone 717-898-6276

Email: [email protected]


The Reverend Canon Stephen C. Casey, Rector

The Rev. Hank Morrow, Jr., Deacon

The Rev Eugene F. LeFebvre, Honorary Associate Priest

Peg Reiley Senior Warden

Michelle Bentley, Parish Administrative Assistant

Parish Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thurs-day, Friday: 9 AM – 3 PM

Tuesday: 9 AM – 1 PM

Staff Worship Services

Vestry (year term ends)

Camille Horine (2018)

Raymond H Kiefer Ph.D. (2019)

Bradley Mattson(2019)

Brian Newsome (2018)

Mike Patrone (2017)

Peg Reiley (2017)

Henry Spire (2018)

Becky Troop (2019)