10/13/2016 The Starter Kettering Community eNewsletter September 2016 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1125874689011&format=html&print=true 1/6 September 2016 IN THIS EDITION Contact with Kettering Public Feedback at Kettering City Council Meetings How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent Confidential Shredding Day SilverLink Emergency Alerts PRCA Activities Guide Quick Links New LED Street Lighting Road Construction Update Fire Station 36 Residential Leaf Collection Preschool Promise Kettering Sister Cities Beggar's Night NEW LED STREET LIGHTING INSTALLATION Beginning in early October, nearly 2200 streetlight fixtures throughout the city of Kettering will be replaced. New LED streetlight fixtures will replace outdated mercury vapor and high pressure sodium lighting fixtures. The biggest change residents will notice is that the new LED lights provide a true‐to‐ color, consistent white light whereas the existing streetlight fixtures cast an orange colored light that can vary in intensity. The LED fixtures have many benefits including increased energy efficiency, improved nighttime visibility and safety, reduced glare and reduced maintenance costs. The conversion project will be complete by the end of 2016. For more information please click here . ROAD CONSTRUCTION UPDATE

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September 2016 


Contact with Kettering

Public Feedback atKettering City CouncilMeetings

How Your Tax Dollars AreSpent

Confidential Shredding Day


Emergency Alerts

PRCA Activities Guide

Quick Links

New LED Street Lighting

Road Construction Update

Fire Station 36

Residential Leaf Collection

Preschool Promise

Kettering Sister Cities

Beggar's Night


Beginning in early October, nearly 2200 streetlightfixtures throughout the city of Kettering will bereplaced. New LED streetlight fixtures will replaceoutdated mercury vapor and high pressure sodiumlighting fixtures. The biggest change residents willnotice is that the new LED lights provide a true‐to‐color, consistent white light whereas the existingstreetlight fixtures cast an orange colored light that canvary in intensity. The LED fixtures have many benefitsincluding increased energy efficiency, improvednighttime visibility and safety, reduced glare andreduced maintenance costs. The conversion project willbe complete by the end of 2016. For more informationplease click here.


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Click here to read thelatest Contact withKettering magazine online.  


Kettering City Councilmeets the second andfourth Tuesday of eachmonth at 7:30 p.m. in theKettering City CouncilChambers, 3600 ShroyerRoad.

Every City Council meetingoffers an opportunity forpublic comment, bothregarding pendinglegislation and othermatters. Council membersgenuinely appreciatehearing from our citizens.

Click here for moreinformation and links toCity Council meetingminutes and archivedvideos of City Councilmeetings.


The City of Kettering wantsyou to know how your taxdollars are spent.

  Construction is underway on the replacement of theasphalt surface of Stroop Road in the section betweenShroyer Road near Town & Country all of the way to theintersection with Dorothy Lane near the Greene. Theold pavement will be removed first, followed by theplacement of new asphalt and pavement striping. Whilethis work is underway traffic will be reduced to onelane in either direction. The anticipated completiondate for the project is early November, with theunderstanding that work conditions are weatherdependent.

Montgomery County recently started a water mainreplacement project on Shroyer Road. The City ofKettering is coordinating closely with MontgomeryCounty and the Kettering City Schools on this projectwhich is expected to take 6‐8 weeks. Following thecompletion of the water main project, Vectren will beinstalling a gas main under the walk on both sides ofShroyer Road.  It is anticipated that this work will onlyrequire curb lane closures. The City of Kettering will bemilling and paving Shroyer Road in the summer of 2017.

Both of these projects will require shifts in traffic flow,so please watch our website, Facebook page andTwitter for the latest traffic updates.


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We believe in financialtransparency and makingcity financial informationaccessible for our residentsis a priority for City Counciland administration.

Our website makes it easyto access to detailed cityfinancial information,including salary data.  Clickhere to learn more.


The City of KetteringKetterGreen committee ishosting a Free ConfidentialShred Day this Saturday,September 17 from 9:00am‐ Noon in the GovernmentCenter parking lot at 3600Shroyer Rd.

This opportunity is forresidents only, limit of 10boxes per car and nobusiness shredding please. Please do not bringmaterial in plastic bags. Wewill have volunteersavailable to help unloadyour material.

For more information aboutShredding Day please clickhere.

The City of Kettering iscommitted to improvingthe social, economical andenvironmental well beingof our community.  As partof this commitment, theCity has formedKetterGreen, a committeethat helps promote andorganize environmental

events within the City

 Construction recently started on Fire Station 34 at 2575Woodman Drive directly south of Tenneco.  

Fire Station 37 will be located at 1300 West DorothyLane. The planning and design of this station isunderway. Construction of this station is expected tobegin during the summer of 2017.


   Fall is here and the City of Kettering Street Departmentteam is preparing for leaf pickup season. The City willbegin in District 1 on October 17 and will continue thecollection of leaves until December 4.

The city is divided in to districts and crews workthrough the districts in numerical order in several

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events within the Cityfacilities as well as thecommunity.  


The City of Kettering is aproud partner in the newSilverLink service. SilverLink is a free andconfidential informationand referral service forseniors administered by theUnited Way of GreaterDayton.  Just dial 2‐1‐1 orcall 225‐3000 to reach help24 hours a day.  For moreinformation about the Cityof Kettering's extensiveservices for seniors clickhere.


 Did you know that inaddition to our City ofKettering Facebook pageand Twitter posts the Cityof Kettering uses a systemcalled Code Red to notifyour residents of emergencyincidents and criticalcommunity alerts? Please take a moment toenroll by clicking here.  


rounds.  Our recommendation is that you begin rakingleaves as soon as they begin to fall and keep raking asneeded throughout the fall.  Simply keep the pile inyour yard at the curb edge and rest assured that ourteam will be back around to collect them. As always,leaves will be picked up and taken to the City's leafcomposting center where it will be converted to leafmulch and compost.

Please remember the following tips for leaf pickup:

Call 296‐3255 (FALL) or click here to find out thecurrent district where crews are completing leafpick up.Prior to collection, rake your leaves to the edge ofyour yard along the curb, but not into the streetwhere they will block traffic and cause a hazard.Do not bag your leaves or block storm drains.Make sure leaves are not under, between oraround parked cars.Please don't rake anything except leaves out tothe curb for pick‐up. Branches, sticks, grass andother yard waste clog the machinery and throwthe crews off schedule.  You may take your treebranches and brush to the City's Yard Debris Drop‐Off Center located on Woodman Center Dr. orplace them in your trash toter for pick‐up byWaste Management on your normal trash pick‐upday.Remind your kids they should NEVER play in leavespiled along the roadway. Motorists, as well as thePublic Service crews, can't see children hidden inleaves.


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Click here to view the new Fall Activities Guide online.  


Contact Kettering MayorDonald E. Patterson 

Contact Kettering CityCouncil  Report a PropertyMaintenance Concern  Learn More About JobOpportunities at the City ofKettering  Visit City of KetteringFacebook Page   

  Click here to learn more. 



Representatives from the Kettering Sister CitiesAssociation shared highlights from their exchange trip ata recent City Council meeting.  Emily Zimmer presentedKettering Mayor Don Patterson with a special gift fromthe Mayor of Steyr, Austria.

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 The Starter ­ Kettering e­newsletter | www.ketteringoh.org

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