September 2010 Vol.3, Issue 1

Sept '10: Freshman Guide to ACE GW

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First Issue for new readers at George Washington University.

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September 2010 Vol.3, Issue 1













STAFF Co-Editors In ChiefKwasi AgyemanSamuel [email protected]

PoliticsSamuel [email protected]

BusinessJosh [email protected]

CultureAbike [email protected]

MusicEric [email protected]

Fashion & PhotographyMelissa [email protected]

SportsNkwa [email protected]

LayoutKelcey [email protected]

Copy EditorsSamuel CollinsKwasi Agyeman [email protected]

ManagerChance [email protected]











Our last issue, “INVASION: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube” explored the effects of social media on the lives of young people, especially college students. We wanted to know more about our readers. We collected tweets, secrets and even had a best dressed contest. We do care! Since sharing is caring, we filled our pages with great tips, from Imani Bentham’s article about Facebook stalkers to Josh Joseph’s tips on personal and business branding. As always whether it is music, lifestyle, culture or fashion The ACE Magazine, strives for an open forum.

We love our readers, especially our new ones, so we looked out for them. In this issue, “The Freshman Guide to ACE GW” our focus is on our first-time readers. We have been working all summer to make a cool student guide about “Gdubb.” We basically traveled and wrote great articles about our adventures. We hung out with the Tea Party when they battled the NAACP, took a quick trip to Spain just for fun, and we interviewed Lebron James’ former teammate and new assistant coach for the GW Men’s basketball team, Donyell Marshall. Throughout our mission we kept Wiz Khalifa on repeat and still got our minds right to focus on the D.C. mayoral race between Mayor Adrian Fenty and Chairman Vincent Gray. Long story short, there is a lot in this issue.

We have developed an online presence with the help of our new staff member, Lauren Helper. We have a lot of great articles, blogs and information that we put on our new website (www.acemagazine.org) and on our Twitter feed (@theacemag). Check it out!!

The school year has started and if you did not hit the ground running, the ACE Magazine is here with a water bottle and a pair of sneakers. We are here to help our readers get in a position to be successful this school year. Read the blogs and the helpful links on our Twitter feed.

With all that said, look out for our next issue. It’s our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! Yes, GW and the non-believers it has been two years and we are going all out to make it a very special event. See you in October!!!

Youngest In Charge, Kwasi Agyeman

& Five Star Journalist,

Samuel Collins


www.acemagazine.org @theacemag

NOTE: If we missed your organization the staff sincerely apologizes, please send information immediately when asked in the future


Some politicians and political pundits have deliberated about the unhappiness of the American people.

Conservatives and liberals have put forth different conclusions for why Americans are so unhappy with their elected officials. Conservatives conclude that Americans are upset at government overreach, while liberals conclude that Americans are disgruntled by “obstructionist Republicans.” For a while, these politicians’ speeches and pundits’ conversations have become reduced to meaningless statements.

Governor Tim Pawlenty, (R-MN) has been described as the Republican version of President Obama excluding the president’s oratorical and empathetic skills. Someone that is compared to the President obviously has a promising future, but Gov. Pawlenty has fallen into the gaping partisan abyss that primes politicians to make simple statements to describe complex ideas. In a recent interview, Gov. Pawlenty was asked about the country’s mood. Responding he said, “They’re really worried about government overreach and government spending.” His response is a talking point that does not reflect his true beliefs. The Republican Party supported the USA Patriot Act, an example of unequivocal government overreach. Republicans also continue their fight for the Bush tax cuts and for growth in the defense budget. Thus, Pawlenty’s talking point response does not help educate the ignorant, nor does it explain his true position on the issue. Debatable is whether the Patriot Act, the Bush tax cuts, and a larger defense budget is good or bad, but not debatable is the hypocrisy in standing with a cut and dry statement; being against government overreach and spending when records show support for certain government overreach and spending.

Later when asked if Republicans bear any blame for partisanship in Washington he said, “Given the fact that the Democrats control the White House and they control the Congress, they completely control the entire governance structure of the country, it’s on them.” This response is a call for Democrats to rule America independently of Republicans, in the hopes that Americans choose they want Republicans to rule independently of Democrats. This type of governing is radical and would lead to an unsustainable government. Pawlenty’s radical idea implies he does not believe in bipartisanship or in The Constitution—which strongly attempts to prevent radical changes. People familiar with Pawlenty’s views knows he does believe in The Constitution, which provides evidence for the claim of his talking point response not providing the full honest story.

Governor Pawlenty is an intelligent man who understands issues are complex, but unfortunately also

realizes how to dumb down truths to falsities to benefit his party. Most Americans choose to focus on other aspects of their life more than they focus on politics. When politicians openly dumb facts down and twist the truth the democratic system becomes susceptible to being destroyed. Governor Pawlenty does not believe the statements he made, but actively and knowingly chose to make deceptive statements.

Democrats and Republicans have contributed to the overly and unproductive partisan climate, but there are some new, non-career politicians that can change the system. Older career politicians should be expected to bathe in the broken partisan structure, but new politicians like Gov. Pawlenty, President Obama, Sen. Bayh (D - IN), and Rep. Aaron Schock (R- IL) should work towards progressing politics to a respectable arena. A respectable arena for politics means that when a politician makes a statement it is what they believe fully, and it is not meant to denigrate the opposition but to explain their specific disagreement. A change in politics would mean a public that understands their politicians’ stances, and also understand that complex issues have complex answers. A progressive political system means a better political system that only new, young elected officials with care for America can create.




By Corey Jones

The Tea Party has been accused of racism for quite a while now, though never as publicly as when the NAACP filed a

formal resolution condemning its “racist elements”, claiming the constitutionalist movement wanted to “push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.” This accusation may not have been such a bad thing for the Tea Party as it allowed the otherwise nebulous claims of racism to take credible form and be scrutinized by the media and public.

As the media was forced to report on the issue

and hear from both sides, Tea Party leaders were ready to dispatch the scores of African American leaders, speakers, and prominent activists to combat the claims publicly. They were also equipped with footage from Tea Party rallies showing crowds erupting in support of black keynote speakers, and still more footage directly and irrefutably disproving the claims of racist slurs being hurled at a congressman. For these claims of racism, as with most falsifications, sunlight really is the best disinfectant.

But rather than spending this column criticizing the NAACP for its resolution or listing off the facts that disprove the claims, I would like to defend - not the resolution itself - but rather the intentions behind it, which I believe were positive, and then submit my ideas on how the NAACP’s goals could be better achieved. I truly believe that the origins of the Tea Party and the NAACP are surprisingly similar. They were both formed out of an understandable frustration with the status quo in a country where their members felt they had no voice. Both organizations pledged to fight for constitutional rights. Both organizations believe that their members are treated unjustly under the law and denied liberty. And at the times

of their respective formations, I believe both organizations were right in their assumptions.

But it is strange to see the NAACP, which once used the Constitution and Declaration of Independence as the chief defense of their goals, now criticizing a group that is defending the very same documents. Our Constitution, a document written precisely to defend the people from an out of control government, has been contorted and ignored to the point that the federal government is now the largest employer, earner, creditor, debtor, lender, consumer, property owner, insurer, health-care provider, and pension guarantor in the world. As Mark Levin said, “the Tea Party is taking to the streets to show the nation that America has strayed so far from what originally made us great that we are looking more and more like Rome everyday.”

The NAACP, however, is another story. Some critics claim that with a black president it is no longer relevant - I disagree. The NAACP is one of those rare organizations that should have the goal of one day becoming irrelevant, but until then, still has an important but ever-changing role to play. The country has proven that racism, while admittedly

not completely extinct, has been largely replaced by goodwill and a true desire to see African Americans succeed in all sectors of society. Where pockets of overt racism do exist, they are condemned by all tenets of mainstream thought. This should cause the NAACP’s role to shift away from pointing out racism and towards leading African Americans to a successful post-racial standing in America. Obama’s election was the largest display to date of the country’s willingness to move beyond race. Though the election has understandably become an emblem of a new age of race relations it has also unfortunately given rise to a tide of sensitivity, misunderstanding, and oversimplification. The president’s critics have been accused of racism and his ardent supporters have been accused of blind support based on race. Neither accusation is fair.

However, because of Obama’s race, I believe the NAACP takes his administration very personally. How could they not? This is what the organization has been striving towards for decades. But the NAACP must realize that even though race is an important part of the Obama Administration to them, it is not nearly as important a factor for those that are not African American. And that is not racism.

A frustrated Tea Party member recently said he does not care if the president is black or white or Ronald Reagan’s




Last year January, Barack Obama gave his inauguration speech, became president and GW students went wild.

Two years before that, Adrian Fenty was voted mayor of the District of Columbia and most DC college students could have cared less.

This time around things have changed, Obama now faces a steadily increasing backlash, taking away his golden boy image and somehow the name “Fenty” is associated with D.C’s rise to prosperity among local college students. But for every fundraiser money-lined cloud comes a few other fundraiser money-lined clouds. In Fenty’s case there are 10 other candidates. However the political lens is focused on the push to the September 14th Democratic primaries between Mayor Adrian Fenty and D.C. Council Chairman Vincent Gray.

Fenty has the numbers in favor. According to the local TV station FOXDC, over his 4 years in D.C, there has been a 25% drop in the murder rate, the lowest since 1964. He went on to build 16 playgrounds and 9 fields / courts around the city. The rise in the beautification of the city, such the as the construction of the new Nationals Stadium and renewal of the Southeast Community Hospital has sparked a resurgence of growth in D.C. However some feel the resources put into these developments can be put towards poorer communities. The type GW students rarely see.

Fenty’s main drive has been to revitalize the city by building infrastructure that will continue to bring investments and grow the city for years, which in turn will help fund other sections of the city.

Gray has the people behind him. As a native Washingtonian and alumnus of The George Washington University, Chairman Gray is what many of his supporters consider the antithesis to Mayor Fenty. With “One City, Leadership We Need,” as his slogan, Chairman Gray says his initiatives have all DC residents’ interests at mind regardless of their economic status or their place of residence. Supporters tout his experience as Director of the DC Department of Health Services and his relationship with the DC Council, whose cooperation is needed to pass laws in the city.

His biggest initiative is a reform of the public school system, making it a lifetime endeavor starting at Pre-K and going onto when students turn age 24,adding resources to the University of the District of Columbia to make that possible. While Mayor Fenty has been criticized for transparency in his administration, Gray has promised a more open administration. While many support him, Gray’s critics question his managerial skills as well as his ability to make the hard decisions that will probably anger many DC residents.

D.C. has become a microcosm of the issues that people across the nation care about the most: education, homelessness, employment, and health. On September 14th, residents have two candidates to choose from. The both say they have different ways to get D.C to the one place it needs to be, a thriving city. Fenty or Gray, who cares? As legal residents of D.C, thousands of college students have the power to single handedly decide the fate of the city. The choice is yours.

son, he would still oppose him just as vehemently. The creed and written proclamations of the Tea Party are entirely, 100% based on the size and reach of government and say nothing about race, background, or even social issues.

To put it simply, I believe that the NAACP’s constant accusations of racism are no longer helpful to race relations in the U.S. The nation is already hypersensitive to tolerance and fairness to the point that any racial injustice on the part of a national movement or party will be instantly exposed as unacceptable. Overactive accusations of racism only damage and frustrate the progress that our country has made in regards to racial equality.

Therefore the NAACP would better serve their members by leading them towards a post-racial standing that they find satisfactory and equal. As long as they act like the nation is filled with racists waiting to thwart their efforts to get ahead, they will only send the message that there is little African Americans can do on their own to reach their full potential. I believe the organization must instead acknowledge that African Americans now have

every opportunity to succeed and then it must lead them up over the crumbled barriers that stood in the way years ago. They can lead the effort to clean up inner city communities, encourage strong family structures, help keep kids in school, and encourage them to believe in their own ability to be the next African American president. I think the Tea Party, the Republican Party and the nation as a whole would be fully in support of the NAACP’s efforts.



By Kwasi Agyeman & Samuel Collins

It matters a lot! It’s hard for most DC college students to see the need to care, since most of our schools are in the better parts of D.C. However we must be proactive and do what we can to help the city overall. The primary election is on September 14th. If students are interested, GO TO FENTYREELECT.COM

Few students at GW know what D.C. offers beyond Foggy Bottom and the rest of downtown. Its rich history and unique culture mesmerizes students from all over who stay post - undergrad. Chairman Gray represents a relentless dedication to making D.C. better for those who need it the most, D.C. residents. For more information about this candidate, visit his website, http://www.vincegrayformayor.com











Mayor Fenty is the best candidate, because he has a proven track record. He has taken D.C from a city filled with blight and poverty to a place on the rise. He stands for what is right for the whole city and is not busy canoodling with council members or stopping the city’s development due to critics. Especially since these new developments help all D.C residents, new schools for kids and new businesses bring in jobs for locals (Verizon Center, Nationals Park etc.

Mayor Fenty, he has the facts and stats to back him up. Chairman Gray, only political stand is that he is “Not Fenty.” He has not brought any major changes to the city, nor have any of them been positive on a whole. The last major decision he made was cutting a street trolley, which put the city in debt, for loans borrowed to construct an aboveground transportation system. No one in this whole city can honestly say D.C has not gotten better in the 4 years, since Mayor Fenty. It’s bigger than the new buildings and hospitals, its city image that has dramatically changed.



Chairman Gray recognizes that there is a D.C. beyond downtown and in order for the city to move, the concerns of ALL Washingtonians must be addressed. There is nothing wrong with development but when you fail to include the people in your decisions then that are a recipe for disaster especially if they were to thank for your rise to the top.

Gray has managed a district agency and argued about issues facing our city. His relationship with the city council will make for a better political climate unlike the one we have seen in the past couple of years. As a product of a the public school system and a private university in the District and a resident of Southeast, Gray’s commitment is to the people first, and not outsiders.




With the cost of college tuition on the rise, and textbook prices becoming increasingly expensive, college students across the country are doing whatever they can to save a buck. Read on to learn how even the most cost conscious student can conquer the outrageous prices of your local campus bookstore.


Your school bookstore is not the only place to purchase textbooks. Multiple sources are available, including but not limited to online, local small used bookstores, or other students selling their old books. Make the most of the resources available and compare prices to your school bookstore to make sure you are saving money.


Nine times out of ten, your class syllabus will tell you to purchase the most recent version of a class’ textbook. Do not take this for face value. Often times only a few minor grammatical corrections and page numbering separate the newest version textbook from the previous year’s version. Ask your professor if you may use the previous year’s version, which always sells for cheaper and leaves a little extra cash in your pocket.


There is no better textbook store than a friend that just finished taking a class you have just signed up for. Chances are they will have the previous version of the book, but buying the book directly from another student is a surefire means to save money. Just double check with your professor to make sure the version of the textbook will still be used when it comes time for you to take the class.


Textbooks online will always be cheaper than any college campus bookstore. If you can get your hands on the Name, Title, Author, and possibly ISBN of a textbook, websites such as Amazon.com or Half.com will be your best friends and overall best option for saving your money.


Our minds, as well as our pockets know just how expensive college has become. With the direction our

economy is going, coupled with inflation and increasing demand for bachelor’s degrees both in the workplace and at home, it won’t be getting cheaper any time soon. Nobody wants to take out a loan, and institutionally funded financial aid is becoming harder and harder to come by. So, what’s the solution? Scholarships.

Despite boasting the sometimes intimidating, and even more-so, misleading ‘scholar’, scholarships are the ultimate means to help with the ends. A friend of mine and recent graduate of Stanford University was able to attend school essentially free of charge by applying for financial aid, and then applying for and being awarded enough scholarship money to cover the remaining costs. The best part is, most of them are free. And you hardly have to be a ‘scholar’ to get them (although adding ‘scholar’ to your resume certainly wouldn’t hurt).

Think of it this way. Scholarships are, in their purest form, free money. Some rich ol’ chap or lady out there has some extra money to kick around. They’re either scholars themselves, warrant strong support for the cognitive and scholastic progression of younger generations, or in some

cases just looking for a tax exemption. Hell, some may just be looking to get a building on your campus named after them. Regardless the reason, the simple fact remains that they have the money, and they are dying to give it to you.

There are endless options online for scholarships. Begin your search by creating an account at scholarships.com and fastweb.com, two amazing sites that search the Internet for scholarships, and then filter them according to your specifications. Be sure to ask an advisor as often times your university may offer scholarships of its own. Finally, do not be afraid to ask your peers. Although they may not talk about it openly, college students come from a wide range of places and can undoubtedly offer a new perspective or new ideas worth hearing.

A wise man once said, “Don’t let laziness stand in the way of free money.” Thousands of dollars that can be used to help pay for your college tuition are but are a mere two page application away.



Everyone is using it…And if you are not, then you are “pound sign” or “hash-tag” losing (#losing). There

has been an increase of users on social media sites on the web, but not everyone knows how to use it to its maximum capabilities. With Facebook reaching over 500 million users in July and Twitter growing exponentially, you can miss out on vital information if you do not use these sites. Everyone from your grandmother to your future employer is using social media to get what they “want.” If you do not have any social media accounts here are five reasons to get at least the big three:


Twitter and Facebook are easy ways to get your name out to friends, followers and whomever else happens to stumble upon it. Take advantage of this! While many people pay for advertisements and flyers, social media can be used to promote just as well for half the cost. Whether you are publicizing a professional event, student organization, or your little cousin’s birthday party, get the word out to the people you want to be there. I like to call this viral marketing.


Twitter, Facebook, and now Linked-in connects you to a whole world of people at your finger tips. You do not have to be everyone’s friend because there are filters that focus on common interest. If you want to meet people that love a certain type of music or artist you can do that. Your mom might have told you “not to talk to strangers”, but throw that rule out the window and socialize. Network, network, and do some more networking. Meet people that will matter to you, share some of the same interests and ideas, and are in the same field of work. You never know how you can be benefit from a new friend, follower, or connection. People are knowledgeable and these sites connect them to you!


You want to make sure that you are getting the word about who you are and the RIGHT word. This will help when you apply for that job. A lot of people on these sites fail to fill out their profiles forgetting key information that make them who they are and different from the next. Learn to make people interested in what you have to say, what you are about to do, and make them want to get to know you with CONTENT driven tweets and posts. Please remember to be yourself; you never want to sound too professional and legitimate because even in the professional world #fake stinks!


A plethora of events happen in your area that you may not know about. Stay on top of what is going on and who is going to what. I personally use my Twitter and FB to see what events of interest are happening in the area that I may want to attend. If key people are there, #WIT (we in there)! Use this for your advantage and find out important news stories. Social networking sites can be your go-to place for the “know-how” and the “what’s happenings” globally and locally! Or it can put you in the hands of an employer!


Experts share and exchange tons of information on these sites. Get to know these people and pick their brains, read their articles, and follow their blogs. In order to become more marketable and an expert in your own right one day, you must obtain this brain power from those who are already notable in their field. Follow experts, tweet them, and link them.

With this said I hope you found this article interesting. Be sure to use it as a reference when needed.


Meshach Cisero, a junior in the School of Business, is a marketing and sports event management major. Cisero has begun doing freelance work in the field or marketing, product & personal branding, and event services underneath his new found business venture ENGAGe. For seminars and group presentations bookings and inquiries please contact: [email protected] or check out the blog: www.mcisero.wordpress.com or follow him at: www.twitter.com/i_tweetlive

A comprehensive and effectively used social media network profile can do phenomenal wonders for any individual, young professional and future entrepreneur. They bring exposure, traffic, and heightened awareness, as well as encourage calls to action and energize various sectors of the online community in many different ways. Taking advantage of these networks can set you apart from the rest of the competition. This column will outline strategies to effectively give you an online identity that you can be proud of.



It took me about a week to finally realize I was living in Spain. Culture shock hit me hard as I was living with a

Spanish family and taking 3 classes entirely in Spanish. On top of that I was trying to immerse myself as much into the culture as I could.

My first memory of culture shock was when I first experienced the Spanish practice of siesta. This is when everyone comes home after work, eat a huge lunch, and nap for a few hours. Siesta is commonly practiced throughout Spain, but I learned very quickly that it is taken much more seriously in the city of Sevilla, one of the hottest cities on the European continent. If you were outside during siesta time in Sevilla you could easily fry in the 115 degree weather. At 3 p.m. everyday there was not a single person moving around in my Señora’s house. Everyone was knocked out on their beds. As a college student, I took well to this Spanish custom of napping.

Walking everywhere was not so easy to get accustomed to. I lived in Triana, a fabulous barrio, or neighborhood filled with young people and an eccentric vibe. Because I lived outside of town, it took me about 30-40 minutes to even walk to class in the hot weather. Nonetheless, I was extremely fortunate to have such a great Señora as a host. She cared for me and while she spoke absolutely no english, I thank her immensely for helping me to become fluent in the Spanish language.

I was fortunate enough to travel nearly every single weekend. I travelled to San Lucar, a beach town, Málaga, Granada, Cordoba, Cadiz, Tarifa, Extremadura, Carmona, Nerja, Paris and finally Morocco. These trips were mostly funded by the program I was in. We would learn the history of the town through private tours by day, and by night we learned the history of the bars and discotecas (nightclubs)!

My spontaneous trip to visit my sorority sister was unforgettable to say the least. I stayed in a 2 star hotel in an equally bad neighborhood. I felt independent and liberated from the experience and although I was lucky I could speak Spanish with the concierge of the hotel , I became the most aware of the advantages of speaking multiple languages fluently.

My trip to Morocco and subsequent trips in the region to Tangier, Tetuan and Chauen offered me priceless new insight and perspective. The poverty of Morocco was strikingly apparent. While waiting in customs on our bus, outside there were people running up to the cars and begging for money, or begging the officers to let them into the country. Going to the bathroom was an ordeal as the bathrooms consisted of a room with a hole on the floor about the size of a tennis ball. There were flies everywhere and the sewer system emanated a strong, pungent smell that seemed to stick to your clothes and hair. The streets of Morocco were the most eye-opening. There were people on every corner, selling a variety of products, children chasing you for money, and overall general chaos. The highlight of the trip was the Moroccan markets where I practiced my bartering skills and received some amazing items that I was able to bring home as gifts for my family and friends.

The stories I have of both Europe and North Africa go on and on. Studying abroad in these regions has been the single most rewarding and fascinating experience of my life. Not only did I witness amazing sites, I also cultivated many life long friendships with people from Spain and Morocco along the way. The things I saw, ate, and participated in while abroad truly are indescribable. I encourage everyone to take their studies abroad; you are guaranteed to have a life changing experience.




Paris: City of Lights, City of Love, a place of relaxation, art, croissants, crepes, and fashion. I have never

encountered someone with a negative attitude of Paris. However, living there I realized that there is another side to Paris that is probably not any different than what I would normally see in any other major city in Europe, and even in the United States for that matter. Not everyone in Paris is living the good life. There are those who face hardships day in and out and struggle to get through the day.

As my friends and I walk towards the Eiffel Tower, immersed in our conversation of the day’s classes and plans for the weekend, a woman approaches us with a small piece of paper, whispering the writings to us with a hand stretched out ready to hold any pieces of generosity given to her. We look at her, look past and around her, only to see hundreds of other men and women just like her. Each person has a different gimmick; each trying to get through the day. The woman who approached us walks away empty handed.

To some, our actions may seem unkind or selfish, but to those who live in Paris our actions may have been wise or cautious. Locals know that showing one of these people kindness can sometimes lead to the chances of being swindled, further harassed, or feelings of obligation to give to the hundreds of others in need.

An entire portion of my study abroad orientation was dedicated to pick pocketing and crime in Paris. I was shown typical pick pocketing scenarios, told real life stories, and, of course. As a traveler, you must take all necessary precautions: rest your backpack on your chest, carry a zip-up- purse and wear it in front of you, beware in a “shoulder to shoulder” crowded metro car, don’t look like a confused tourist, and don’t give out money. I’m sure a few thoughts danced around the minds of the other students and I. “Aren’t we in Paris? City of Lights! City of Love!”… “These are only stories”… “This would never happen to me.” The reality of it was that it could, and it happened everyday to even the most street smart Parisian.

Purses, money, and wallets seemed to vanish in a second’s notice. Once, my friend’s purse was stolen right from beneath her nose. Another time, my friend was eating at a university’s cafeteria, filled with students just like us, had placed her purse down, took only a moment to take her seat, and turned around only to realize that her purse was no longer there. Bank cards, identification, camera, and a

cell phone were all gone. She spent the entire day trying to locate her belongings and her calm nature eventually paid off: one week later her belongings were found in the outskirts of Paris.

At Montemartre, an area filled with art, culture, food, and steep cobblestone roads, dozens of men stood at the base of the steps of Sacre-Coeur, a well-known French church. These men stood ready with strings to tie around the hands of tourists. They’d say a saying, call it good luck, or do anything to convince you to pay them. Some would even tie your hands together with the intention of having one of their friends snatch one of your belongings.

These are only a few examples of the types of scams performed in Paris alone. Pickpocketing and scams pose a serious concern for Parisians, from the pickpocket

warning signs in elevators to my host mother’s constant concern of the type of purse I carried and how I held it while traveling Europe, it was not hard to tell that pickpocketing and scams pose a serious concern for Parisians. I recall being on a date at Montemartre; my date was so concerned that he had to tell me to please pay attention to my purse a total of five times: “Faites attention à ton sac si te plait!” “Please pay attention to your purse!’

I won’t soon forget the woman at the Eiffel Tower. As she walked away, one of my friends turned to us and said, “I feel bad for those people sometimes.” Another responded, “I never do. All of these men

probably don’t really need the money, or have families to support.” She retorted back, “Well, yeah, but what about the women? They probably have children at home to take care of.” As I stood there listening to the conversation, I looked around and could only think, “Is this the only source of income for these people?” “How can all of them expect to be helped?” Being in Europe, and Paris of all places, made me realize that this glamorized region is not all glitter and shine; there is reality here too and many of people are in desperate need of help. It serves to show that no matter where you are, it could be Paris, someone is in need; someone is worse off than the rest. I had to go to another country to be reminded of this, but I learned the signs of need are not always so obvious. You have to pay attention, understand what put these people in this situation in the first place, and hopefully try to prevent it.








WELCOME TO DC !U STREETLocation - Centered on U St., NW & 12th St, NWMetro - Green or Yellow LinesFun Spots - 9:30 Club, U Street Music Hall, Ben’s Chili Bowl, Busboys and poets, etc. Notes - Eclectic mix of historic neighborhood standbys and newer shops, restaurants and nightlife

GEORGETOWNLocation - M St, NW starts at 29th St, NW Metro - Closest to Foggy BottomFun Spots - Sports Zone, Blues Alley,Georgetown Cupcake, etc. Notes - Upscale shopping and diningclose to campus

DUPONT CIRCLELocation - Near Connecticut Ave. & P St, NWMetro - Red lineFun Spots - Kramerbooks, Dupont Circle Famers Market, Embassy Row, etc. Notes - Close to campus, mix of upscale and independent stores and restaurants

ADAMS MORGANLocation - Near 18th St. and Columbia Ave., NW Metro - Red lineFun Spots - Jumbo Slice, The Diner, Queen’s Cafe, Madam’s Organ Notes - Diverse international restaurants and nightlife


“Freshman 15”, “Fresher Five” or “Fresher Spread” all refer

to the dreaded weight gain that most undergraduates will experience in their first year of college. Due to the severe lifestyle change, college students have a difficult time addressing their dietary needs and become victim to malnutrition. A person has a certain amount of calories needed to consume in order to maintain his or her weight. That amount varies from person to person as it is determined by age, weight, and height. When a person consumes more than average amount of calories needed in a day, weight is gained. The weight gain is typically caused by intake of excessive amounts of alcohol, consumption of unhealthy snacks and meals, stress, and lack of sleep and exercise.

Although weight gain is often not a major concern for most students

in the freshman year with the many other stressors in their lives, it can lead to many more serious problems including body image problems, eating disorders, and depression.

College offers many temptations. Now, that we are on our own, we can eat whatever we want, when we want to eat it. Most freshmen take advantage of this opportunity once free of wholesome family meals. Freshmen are more quick to recklessly indulge in all that college dining has to offer.

For most students, convenience is a key factor in their eating habits. Because of this, nutrition is often sacrificed. With dining halls filled with fast, unhealthy options, it is sometimes difficult to find a healthy alternative. Lack of a structured diet causes many to over eat, either eating

several unhealthy meals a day or less than three large meals with excessive snacking between these meals.

Alcohol consumption also becomes a major obstacle in the freshman fifteen challenges. Alcohol contains a large amount of calories in a small amount of liquid, which leads to unwanted extra calories. For an example, one 4 oz. frozen daiquiri drink is 216 calories without added alcohol.

SCHEDULE MEAL TIMESAttempt to eat at regular times and try not to skip meals. Plan your meal times with your day to day routine. Make these meal times consistent. Avoid changes as it can cause you to eat more meals or less meals in a day. Make sure that the allotted amount of time is enough for you to eat slowly and properly digest your food. Keep the between meal and late night snacking to a minimum.

CHOOSE A MIX OF NUTRITIOUS FOODSInstead of fast food, high in calories and saturated fat, select healthier alternatives. Skip the Wendy’s or Chick Fil-A and opt for a salad from the J-Street café. For breakfast, instead of a bacon, egg, and cheese from GW Deli, choose oatmeal and a banana from J-Street.

LEARN ABOUT NUTRITIONThe Lerner Health and Wellness Center (Hell Well) offers personal nutrition advice from a registered dietitian. It of-fers a free 30-minute consultation constructed based on your personal goals. Schedule an appointment at the Campus Recreation office, Suite 217 in Hell Well. A $10 deposit fee is required to ensure attendance but will be returned at the end of the appointment.

WATCH YOUR ALCOHOL CONSUMPTIONAlong with the major health concerns alcohol consumption raises, it also affects your weight. Keep in mind the term beer belly when determining how many games of pong you want to play. If you are going to drink, do so in moderation

GET ENOUGH SLEEPRecent studies show that healthy sleep patterns are impor-tant to maintaining a healthy weight. Sleeping is also a good way to manage stress, which causes overeating. Therefore, make sleep a priority and try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Avoid caffeine and napping during the day, as it will negatively affect your sleep habits.

GET ENOUGH EXERCISESchedule exercise into your weekly schedule. Try to plan for 30 minutes to an hour of exercise at least 3 times a week. Instead of taking the elevator in Thurston to your floor, take the stairs as a healthier option. Hell Well offers many fun workout activities throughout the week. Gaining weight during the first year of college is not inevi-table. A few simple changes to your daily routine can help you fend off excess weight while keeping you physically and mentally healthy.



By Imani Betham


AatashContact Iman Sheybani-Nezhad [email protected]

Aatash is the GWU student organization devoted to the representation of Iranian culture through dance and performance art. They combine Persian and other Middle Eastern elements that play important roles in the diverse culture of Iran, with their own unique twist, in order to spread appreciation and interest in this culture on our campus. Aatash is also the Persian word for fire, and their goal is to keep this fire burning with a team of dedicated and talented dancers.

Amnesty InternationalContact Rory Gerberg [email protected]

Amnesty International’s mission for the 2010-2011 school year is to continue promoting awareness of human rights violations. They do this through aggressive publicity efforts, speakers, debates, and screenings. They are also committed to letter writing, the traditional and effective strategy on which Amnesty International was founded. Underlying all their actions is a desire to see awareness of, respect for, and action taken in support of human rights within the GWU community increase.

Camp Kesem GWContact [email protected]

Camp Kesem provides a safe, supportive and exciting camp experience for children who have a parent who has died from cancer, is currently in treatment for cancer, or is in remission from cancer. Campers have the unique opportunity to build friendships and gain strength from peers facing similar challenges.

The on-campus organization is designed to build, maintain, run, and support this camp.

Capital FunkContact Jonathan Chien [email protected]

Founded in the spring of 2004 at The George Washington University, Capital Funk was created to compete in BustAGroove 2004. Since then, they have expanded to local fundraiser shows, university events, and various other East coast competitions. Their team is a family and they support each other’s endeavors both inside of practice and out. CFunk is committed to spreading the love of dance in the DMV area.

Caribbean Student AssociationContact Cyrille Payne [email protected]

The fundamental goal of the Caribbean Student Association (CSA) of The George Washington University is to preserve the cultural identity of the Caribbean through effective programming. CSA seeks to raise awareness about issues that are relevant within the community. They aspire to promote social and cultural interaction among the Caribbean students on campus and the GWU community. This organization upholds Caribbean culture and unity in all its manifestations.

Engineers Without BordersContact Micah Foster [email protected]

As a service organization, they work on international and local projects to help improve the quality of life for disadvantaged communities through education and implementation of sustainable engineering projects. In doing these projects, their members are given the chance to learn new engineering skills and work with a dynamic group of people.

Fourteen Grade PlayersContact Aly Seeberger [email protected]

This energetic student org provides students, both theater and non-theater majors, with the opportunity to direct, produce, act, and tech shows as

an extracurricular activity.

Green GWContact Justin Fink [email protected]

Green GW strives to unite the student body, administration, and faculty alike to create a more environmentally friendly and green campus while simultaneously increasing awareness of environmental issues.

The GriotsContact. Adam Layne [email protected]

The Griots is an organization dedicated to the storytellers of GWU. The Griots hopes to be an outlet for the poets, spoken word artists, lyricists, writers, and all individuals who may or may not consider themselves oral/literary artists, but wish to explore these aspects of their creativity.

GSPM International Student AssociationContact Yehonatan Abelson [email protected]

The mission of the International Student Association is to give assistance, guidance and encouragement to the international students so that they can explore the subjects within the Political Management field that interest them. More specifically, the ISA will focus on the overseas political arena and compare it with the US.

GW Cherry TreeContact Callie [email protected]

GW Cherry Tree’s enthusiastic group of people wants to provide the undergraduate student community with the best yearbook possible and to foster a positive learning environment for the development of individual goals within the scope of yearbook production. International Affairs SocietyContact Geoffrey Louden [email protected]

The International Affairs Society of the GWU is established to promote a better understanding and general

awareness of international affairs as they concern the students of the university and to cooperate with the entities of the university to ensure a gainful academic environment. They strive to develop a cognizance of the importance of relations among the nations of the world and the institutions that promulgate those relations, as well as of the culture and view of other peoples and nations.

J Street HooligansContact Dave Braneck [email protected]

J Street Hooligans exists to give GW Soccer a traditional supporters group inspired by those that follow European and Latin American teams. It will give the soccer team a stronger home field advantage as well as building school spirit.

The Pink RibbonContact Maley Hunt [email protected]

The missions of The Pink Ribbon is to raise awareness for breast cancer in the GW community, organize fundraising events for DC-area breast cancer causes, and to create an ongoing and sustainable dialogue for this cause in the GW community.

Racially and Ethnically Mixed Student Association (REMIX)Contact Jillian Hubbard [email protected]

The purpose of REMIX is to build a community for multiethnic students at GW and provide a forum for these students to voice concerns or raise questions. They promote awareness of the unique societal position of multiethnic students on GWU’s campus. The Student Association (Legislative Branch)Contact Jason Lifton [email protected]

Students of GWU have the right and responsibility to achieve a system of representative governance. The SA was created to foster students’ rights and responsibilities, and establish channels of




communication within the University. The Association will promote the general welfare of students and campus organizations, and cultivate interest in activities. The Voice Gospel ChoirContact Anthony Bellmon [email protected]

The Voice Gospel Choir strives to provide current students with an opportunity to receive and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the ministry of song. Focusing on fellowship, the members of the choir seek to spread God’s love and uplift the spirits.The Voice is a non-audition choir that combines contemporary gospel music with praise dancing and sign language to celebrate the magnificent Word of God.

Word Up! Bible StudyContact Abisola Okanlawon [email protected]

Word Up! is a radical college outreach ministry which provides a spiritual and social support system, through fellowship in a faith-filled environment, equipping students with biblical principles consistent with the teachings of SOFCC in order to enrich their lives indefinitely.

WRGWContact Jamie Benson [email protected]

Located in the heart of Washington DC, WRGW combines the benefits of a professional studio with those of a learning environment. Their mission is to provide GWU with high quality music, sports, news, and special event radio programming. WRGW is a community station dedicated to programming and supporting the local music community, new artists, and an eclectic variety of music.

GREEKS Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (or PIKE) at GW is the largest Fraternity on campus, composed of men representing a wide array of backgrounds and interests. The men of PIKE are involved in all areas of Greek life, student government, and student life at GW, and have over 25 varsity and club

athletes. During the 2009-10 school year, PIKE won GW Chapter of the Year, its third consecutive Fraternity Intramural Championship (the Pikus Cup), and the GW Greek Week.

Delta Tau Delta, “Delts” Its mission “Committed to Lives of Excellence” drives the Delts’ actions, programming and essence. The Brothers of Gamma Eta are leaders that have the passion for bettering themselves, their campus, their community, their academics, and the lives of those around them.

Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Inc.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is the first African American fraternity established for black men on Dec. 4th, 1906. Since then, Alpha Phi Alpha has been producing leaders who have been serving their communities with pride.

Alpha Kappa Alpha, Soror-ity Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, is the first Greek-lettered sorority established and incorporated by African American college women. Founded January 15, 1908, at Howard University in Washington, D.C., Alpha Kappa Alpha prides itself on culti-vating and encouraging high scholastic and ethical standards and maintaining a progressive interest in college life, and to being of service to all mankind.

Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity Inc

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is based on Achievement. The concept of achieving in all field of human endeavors, whether that’s in the classroom, at work, sports or even just trying to be the best you can be. Since 1911 the Nupes have been doing it all.

Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority Inc. http://www.dstmb.org

The Mo Bossy Mo Betta Mu Beta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated was the first Black Greek Letter Organization on GW’s campus. Mu Beta has worked tirelessly

to offer quality programming that is informative, impacting, and interesting at the same time. They invite you to to take full advantage of the fun and beneficial programming we have to offer to the GW community.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

The fraternity embodies its motto “Culture For Service andService For Humanity” and promotes brotherhood, scholarship and service. The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma are the Fraternity’s most valuable resource and strength.

Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad /Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.

The hermanas seek to unify women through the promotion of community service programs that highlight the contributions of women and people of color with an emphasis on the Latina, with an emphasis on academic and professional advancement to members of historically under-represented groups. On December 6, 1997, the Theta Chapter of Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc was founded as the first Latina focused sorority on campus. Pi Delta Psi, Fraternity Inc.

The fraternity is the first and only Asian-Interest Fraternity at the George Washington University. Its mission is to instill values that nurture the continual growth and development of the individual through academic achievement, cultural awareness and friendship

Sigma Psi Zeta, Sorority Inc.

The sorority is a multicultural, Asian-interest (but not Asian exclusive) greek organization. As a cultural, social, educational, and community service oriented sorority, the sisters of Sigma Psi Zeta are comprised of women from diverse backgrounds with a common goal to create a better environment for our community.

Kappa Phi Lambda, Sorority [email protected]

An Asian interest sorority that was founded at GWU in May of 2008. Kappa Phi Lambda is a cultural sorority with an emphasis on service and strong sisterhood. Our national philanthropy is the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum and we hold events for anti-human trafficking awareness, Asian immigration rights, women’s health, women’s leadership, and more.

Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.

Mu Sigma Upsilon was founded on November 21, 1981 at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, as the first Multicultural Greek Letter Society. Its founders were determined to establish an organization that brought together all women, not matter the background.

Alpha Nu Omega,Sorority Inc. [email protected]. On November 3, 1988, Alpha Nu Omega was founded promoting leadership in ministry through spiritual growth. The purpose of Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Incorporated is to present a Christian alternative, to minister to the needs of the whole person (spirit, soul, and body), and to promote an attitude of academic excellence.

Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, IncContact: Vanessa Garriga [email protected]

The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señori-tas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. is Latina based, non-exclusive organization made up of women from all cultures. It upholds the values of sincerity, loyalty, and unity while promoting academ-ics, service, sisterhood, and cultural enrichment.







BASEBALL Last year’s record: 26-28 (14-13 A10) Conference standing: 7th

MEN’S BASKETBALL Last year’s record: 16-15 (6-10 A10) Conference standing: 10th Postseason: A10 tournament – 1st round loss at Dayton College Basketball Invitational – 1st round loss vs. VCU

WOMEN’S BASKET-BALL Last year’s record: 6-22 (3-11 A10) Conference standing: 10th Postseason: A10 tournament – 1st round loss vs. Duquesne (neutral site)

MEN’S CROSS COUN-TRY Conference standing: 7th Postseason: A10 championship – 7th NCAA Mid-Atlantic Regional – 21st out of 28

WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY Conference standing: 10th Postseason: A10 championship – 10th out of 14 NCAA Mid-Atlantic Regional – 18th out of 28

GOLF Conference standing: 5th Postseason: A10 championship– 5th of 12

GYMNASTICS Conference standing: 7th Postseason: EAGL Champion-ships –7th of 8 NCAA Regional – 23rd

WOMEN’S LACROSSE Last year’s record: 5-11 (3-4 A10) Conference standing: 6th

MEN’S SOCCER Last year’s record: 10-8 (4-5 A10) Conference standing: 9th

WOMEN’S SOCCER Last year’s record: 7-8-4 (4-5-2 A10) Conference standing: 7th

MEN’S SQUASH Last year’s record: 9-9 Postseason: Lost semifinal to Middlebury 6-3 Finished year ranked 20th nationally

WOMEN’S SQUASH Last year’s record: 9-4 Postseason: Won Walker Cup Finished year ranked 20th nationally

SOFTBALL Last year’s record: 6-39 (3-20) Conference standing: 10th

WOMEN’S SWIMMING Conference standing: 10th

MEN’S TENNIS Last year’s record: 11-10 (3-0 A10) Conference standing: 1st Postseason: A10 tournament – Championship loss to Xavier, 4-3

WOMEN’S TENNIS Last year’s record: 11-11 (3-2 A10) Conference standing: 5th Postseason: A10 tournament – semi-final loss vs. Charlotte, 4-3

VOLLEYBALL Last year’s record: 21-12 (8-7 A10) Conference standing: 5th Postseason: A10 tournament – 1st round loss vs. Temple

MEN’S WATER POLO Last year’s record: 9-22 Conference standing: 5th (CWPA Southern Division)



I know you have a UConn connection with Coach Hobbs. Could you elaborate a little bit on how that brought you here?

I was already at UConn before Coach came. He came during my junior year. It’s funny because he was the rookie, the new coach on the staff. A lot of people questioned him at first, but after awhile people started believing in him. He was a guy I know who helped me tremendously my junior year with learning how to put the ball on the floor, shooting pull-up jumpshots and things like that. Since then, we’ve remained friends. We’ve been remaining close, checking in with each other periodically. When the job opportunity came up, I called him up, he gave me an interview and the rest is history.

Can you talk about the impact you had working under Coach Calhoun before you went to the draft?

It was great. He’s a very fiery coach. He demands a lot. An extreme yeller, but you’ve got to have thick skin. He’s a great coach. If you look at the history of UConn players that play in the NBA, they’ve played a very long time. I think if you can deal with that stuff, you can deal with anything in the NBA. He prepares you very well for the NBA.

Since this is your first collegiate coaching job, what can you take from both Coach Calhoun and Coach Hobbs and bring that to GW’s roster?

I coached a little bit of AAU before I did here, so I have a little bit of experience. Obviously not at this level, but you want to take a little bit of both of them. You’ve got Coach Calhoun who’s a very fiery person, and like I said, is in your face, a screamer, a yeller. Coach Hobbs is more of a laidback coach. I haven’t seen him as a head coach to see if he’s a screamer and yeller and stuff, but I know that as an assistant he was laidback. He liked to talk to you, give you a lot of feedback. You probably want to take a little bit of both of them, especially as an assistant. You’re usually the mediator between the head coach and the player. You’ve got to take a little bit of both of them depending of the situation and depending on who the player is.

What are the differences between the college game and the pro game?

It’s just like the difference between high school and college. In high school, you’re pretty much dominating; there are not a lot of great players. Ususally in your conference or whatever, you’re usually the best player by far. When you go into college, there are a lot more better players, but if you’re that standout player you’re better than a lot of players. In the NBA, everybody’s good. I think that what a lot of fans don’t realize is that in the NBA, as a fan a lot of times you say, “Oh, that player’s not good; why is he in the NBA?” or this and that. A lot of times, there are players that are in the NBA because they do one thing specifically good. And there’s some people in the NBA because they’re very good practice players. They get the starters ready for the game and stuff, so they are good in their own way. At the pro level, they’re so much stronger, faster, more athletic, smarter. It’s just a different thing. You take football, for example. Reggie Bush was so much faster than everybody and dominated the college game. In the pros, he struggles sometimes because everybody’s faster and stronger and know how to play the game.

With all that being said, do you have any predictions or expectations for the team this year?

I just want us to be the best team we can. This team is kind of similar to my team at UConn. When I went to UConn, we had eight freshmen. Our freshman year, we were 21-10, struggling a little bit, but sophomore year, we definitely struggled because we finally took over. But by our junior year, when it was our time, that’s when we became the team that we needed to become. This team is like that. Last year they had five freshmen come in who played a lot of minutes, so hopefully this year they mature a lot and it carries over. It’s going to be another learning year, but I think that because they had a lot of minutes as freshmen, they should be pretty good this year and know how to play the game.



By Nkwa Asonye

Coach Donyell Marshall brings an extensive amount of playing experience to Foggy Bottom. After starring for the University of Connecticut Huskies for three years, the consensus All-American left college early for the 1994 NBA draft to be selected fourth overall by the Golden State Warriors. The 18-year NBA veteran played for eight teams in his career, including the Cleveland Cavaliers. During his tenure there, he played alongside its former star forward, LeBron James. This is his first collegiate coaching stop since his retirement in 2009.





When you use a word that is realer than the word “real,” you know you’re as trill as they come. Bun spits, “And when it comes to being trill, I’m the litmus test,” and not many would be willing to argue against that. Bun has been trill since 1987 when UGK, comprised of him and the late Pimp C, came on the scene. Trill OG is the perfect title for a Bun B record, but I can’t say it’s the perfect album. Just from looking at the track list and features, it would seem Trill OG is just a cross-section of the current atmosphere of hip-hop, but you have to listen to the songs to really understand.

Bun B has always had a special ability to smooth flow on a track, and he brings the same classic Bun B on this album. While Bun is putting it down, his guests add their touches to the album, and they all give off the air of paying homage to a great. Unsurprisingly, the two most notable songs on the album come from the collaboration of Bun and everyone’s favorite rapper, Drake. The pair provides a good mix of pop and trill. As much as I enjoy UGK, I can’t say that this album is up there in Bun’s catalogue. While the album is catchy, it leaves you with few quotables other than Drake’s hooks. All in all, it’s a solid attempt from Bun Beata, but one that falls short of his previous offerings.

Most people know what “kush” is, and everyone knows what orange juice is. But most don’t know about Wiz Khalifa. If you know Wiz, you know kush, you know OJ, and you know “Kush and OJ.” Wiz Khalifa has been gaining in popularity recently, and K&OJ is probably why. K&OJ is a rhythmically entrancing compilation of music. The tracks effortlessly transition between each other and seduce you with every hit of a snare and pitch of a synth. Wiz’s commentary on tracks adds humor “Shoutout to my homie Spitta...I just wanted to say that (laughs)” and “Your [girl] can see this from across the street [homie]. It’s pimpin’ over here...maccaroni (laughs).” But when Wiz raps, there’s nothing funny about. On “The Statement,” arguably the best cut on the mixtape, Wiz rhymes: The weed is rolled, the drink is cold. It’s new to you, to me it’s old. C-E-O. These off-brand [dudes] aren’t really the future, Ms. Cleo.”

While listening to K&OJ, you are hardly fazed about the fact that 87% of Wiz’s lyrics are about marijuana because he is simply rapping about his life. His life really is weed, weed, and more weed. The fact that he only raps about what he knows adds a genuine air to the mixtape. Every song is different, but every song is the same, and that’s what is so addicting about Wiz Khalifa’s music. That’s also where he is needs to grow. If Wiz wants a wider audience, he needs to expand his appeal. For the time being, his formula works, but song after song about weed, girls, and money can’t be done successfully. After his last song, “Supply,” finishes the feeling your ears have is similar to smoke lingering in the air as the last “paper plane” lands. If you don’t smoke, you’ll feel like you have been smoking for years after listening to K&OJ.

Trill O.G. Bun-B

Kush & OJ Wiz Khalifa



2.5/5 ACES

4/5 ACES


Sir Lucious Big Boi

Outkast’s Speakerboxx is the best-selling hip-hop album of all time. Usually accompanied with Andre 3000, southern emcee Big Boi has just released his first solo album, Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty. It would have dropped a couple of years ago if it wasn’t for “creative differences” with former record label Jive Records. Apparently, the album wasn’t “radio friendly” enough and they were concerned with how successful it would be. They weren’t sure how they would market it. After listening to the album, I’m sure Jive is wishing they had taken a chance with this one.

Big Boi’s word play flows over the heavily southern influenced beats perfectly on every track. Sure to be a fan favorite, “Daddy Fat Stacks” has a heavy hitting bass and word play that is vintage Big Boi. “Shine Blockas” is a soulful track that features Gucci Mane. Both songs are very different but have the same high quality. They exemplify how versatile the album is without losing its connectivity. Along with Gucci, many other fellow ATLiens like T.I. and B.o.B are also featured on the album.

Big Boi has definitely shown that he can make it as an accomplished solo artist. With verses that include lines like “Pick on somebody your own size and [mess] around, get kilt/ But not like the kilt above the knees/ BB will plant you [dudes] like seeds, or fertilizer for the trees,” it’s clear that he’s trying to make a statement. In the past, it seemed as if he was a shadow figure to the fan favorite 3 Stacks. But Big Boi is a creative, original artist that often times doesn’t really get the recognition he deserves. Sir Lucious Left Foot will have fans looking forward to what Big Boi does next, even if it is without Andre.

The Letterman Phil Ade The last time we saw Phil Ade, he was riding the bench of the junior varsity squad, and with his latest effort, The Letterman, he has gone directly to the pros. Though he’s progressing, he went back to hip-hop basics. “The Letter” sets the tone for the mixtape both lyrically and sonically. How you down to earth, but claim you astronomical/ In news periodicals/ and articles/ with artists headin’ for the mainstream, you don’t seem very nautical. Cleverly hidden metaphors are laid all along the tracks of The Letterman; if you fail to listen closely, you might just miss a skillfully planted punchline.

Beyond the punchlines, Phil Ade has much more to offer; he can create an intoxicating hook, sing it, and create compelling stories. When every other line in most songs is “something something like something,” your ears get tired of the same formula. Phil Ade provides an authentic and fresh rehash of the classic hip-hop style. Funny enough, “My Story,” laced with scratches and samples mixed by his DJ, showcases his ability to piece together a vivid and focused story. Where the mixtape falls short, however, happens to be his love/club/love in the club songs. “Out Your Clothes” is definitely not a song I would put on for a lady friend. Phil Ade’s rapping is fine, but the hooks on the songs are subpar. Ade’s hit song, “Hollywood” makes a reappearance on this mixtape, but with the addition of Raekwon, Wale, Tabi Bonney, and Raheem Devaughn. Phil outshines his guest stars on the go-go driven remix, proclaiming “We’ll be straight in a few secs (sex) like a nympho.” After his stellar remix, I thought his mixtape would end on a high note, but Ade takes it even higher with “Yesterday.” He ties all his skills that were showcased separately throughout the mixtape in one song. “Yesterday” sounds similar to a B.o.B cut, but with a few significant differences: better singing and better rapping. Phil Ade achieves his goal of receiving his letter and making a name for himself. The former JV pine rider is now riding the coattails of other successful DMV artists.

ALBUMSBy Malcolm Bouzi


3.5/5 ACES

3.5/5 ACES

Distant Relatives Nas & Damien Marley

There are many times when artists aren’t able to make the music they want to or fully create their world. Either they simply don’t have the tools to do so, or their record label won’t allow it for fear of not being able to rake in the desired profits. Thankfully, and somewhat surprisingly, Bad Boy and Atlantic Records were righteous enough to allow Janelle Monae to fully realize her vision. The results left a product that you simply must listen to in order to believe.

Janelle Monae could not have arrived at a better time. R&B needs a fresh face and perspective to take it to another level, and she just may be that artist. Her first studio album The ArchAndroid is a continuation of her alter ego, Cindi Mayweather’s adventure through Metropolis and a follow up to her debut EP Metropolis: Suite 1. Cindi is to this world what Neo is to The Matrix; a sort of messiah figure. This intelligent album feels like an epic trilogy at times with high quality production throughout. The attention to detail is amazing. Each segment builds and adds to the story and leaves you wanting to hear more with every new track. Janelle could have done without a couple though, with songs like “Neon Gumbo” feeling a bit unnecessary.

There are great funky, soulful songs like “Tightrope” and “Faster”, and then there are others like “Oh Maker” that show off Janelle’s vocal talents. Her inspirations are visible throughout the albums. Shades of Steve Wonder, Michael Jackson and even James Brown serve as models through which Janelle chooses to tell her story. Her imagery and ability to channel her emotions help her birth this tale.The album as a whole is something mainstream audiences aren’t used to, and that may have a negative effect on its sales. Even so, The ArchAndroid is an engaging blend of soul, rock, dance, and R&B of which she should be extremely proud.

Nas is the creator of arguably the greatest hip-hop album of all time, Illmatic. Damien Marley is the son of the legendary Bob Marley and has emerged as an icon of the Caribbean through his reggae music. At the 2009 Grammy’s, Nas announced that he would be working with Marley on an album to raise money for schools in Congo and fans marked their calendars.

Nas and Damien Marley’s Distant Relatives is refreshing proof that music is still made today for more than personal profit. With no hint of recycled flows or fabricated lifestyles, the maturity and quality of these two artists is evident throughout the album. As a duo they connect brilliantly, and this is most evident on the album’s first track, “As We Enter”. They weave in an out of each other’s rhymes: “(Nas) I’ve got the guns/ (Damian) I’ve got the Ganja/ (Nas) And we can blaze it up on your block if you wanna.” Everyone knows what Damien can conjure from his hip-hop influenced single, “Welcome to Jam Rock”, but the song “Count Your Blessings” will leave you reassured that this is the son of Bob. Nas’ lyrics are as vivid as ever, and he is still able to bring to life the ink from his pad. On “Leaders” he is in top form: “Malcolm on the podium/ Shells drop to linoleum/ Swipe those/ Place them on display on the Smithsonian.”

With all these positives, the track “My Generation” seems a little out of place. It features the wonderfully talented Joss Stone as well as Lil’ Wayne, whose inclusion seems like somewhat of a paradox, considering the content of the song. His verse was a valiant attempt, but the gap in ability between him and Nas was just brought to light. The song also includes the cliché children's choir chorus, which might push the track into the “corny” category for some. Nevertheless, the whole of this album is a beautiful and powerful mixture of reggae and hip-hop. For those not used to an album of such ambition, Distant Relatives deserves at least one full listen.

The ArchAndroid Janelle Monae


4/5 ACES

4/5 ACES


This season it is all about the refined and modern hipster. Embrace the cool temperatures by redefining what it means to be sexy while still pairing your classic looks with edge. Replace your ripped tee shirts, with more structured designed

shirts. Spice up your wardrobe with leather and aviation apparel outerwear, sexy lingerie, and a new pair of shoes! FOR WOMEN, retail is offering a mix between edgy and classic looks, so add leather for attitude, lingerie to show your goods, and knitted and cotton long dresses and skirts to accentuate your curves to prepare you for chilly nights. FOR MEN, aviator jackets with shearling can further add to the mystery of being a male. And, the downtown hipster mixed with business casual is back! Try classic suit components paired with basic chinos, tees, and oxfords. The following fall must-haves are sure to get you back to school looking quite fashionable in an affordable price range! Not to mention, these looks are available in retail stores within walking distances and metro accessible to GW’s campus.



A hit overseas because of its ability to captivate all facets of international trends and styles within a $5 to $150 price range, Zara is located just a block off of M street. Apparel available for men and women .

1238 Wisconsin Avenue NW, or 1025 F St NW


Located in Georgetown, this high end contemporary women’s boutique specializes in the new “it” designers. Although prices compliment and cater to an i-bankers salary, you are, without a doubt, getting what you pay for. Check out boutique for designer styles like, Helmut Newton, Chloe, Diane Von Furstenburg, rag & bone and Dolce & Gabana.

3222 M ST NW 202.298.8080


Men are back to shopping, and this fancy sneaker boutique is controlling the demand for men’s fashion. Not just an outlet for sneaker heads to get all their street wear styles, like 10deep, but also to bring some international style influences to DC, like Comme Des Garcon and Clarks footwear.

1781 Florida Ave. NW 202.265.1830

Stage Consignment Shop

Thrift stores and consignment shops are always an option to purchase unique designer clothing at a bargain price. Plus, there are tons of them in DC. We recommend visiting Stage to stay on top of the trends and add a little ubiquity to your wardrobe.

3289 M Street NW(202.333.2355



By Melissa Henderson


Eric Peavy: Top: Supreme Bottoms: J. Crew Sneakers: Vans Hat: Swap meat in Hawaii Watch: G- Shock by CasioOutfit 2: addition-

True Religion Jean Shirt.

Vasilika Poniros: Top: Theory Body suit; Bottoms: men’s dockers Shoes: Sam Edelman

Oxfords Outfit 2: Top: Urban Outfitters, Intimate: Dolce & Gabana; Bottoms: Citizens of Humanity Belt: Vintage Shoes: Giuseppe


Cameron Smither: Shirt: J.Crew; Tie: J. Crew Bottoms: BDG Urban Outfitters

Shoes:Sperry Top-Sider Bag: North Face







Smoother than butter, a love like no otherThat’s her love.

For me and me only, the kind of love you seeMakes me

Strong as opposed to, weak in the kneesAs strong as the beat of a healthy heart in heat

The rhythmic beat pumps her love through my beingAnd as it livens my extremities, I’ll not discred amenities of

Her flowing passion, generously, embodying my soul, my mind, my lifeFor her love is my, everythingLike anything she does is me

So anything I feel is sheHer body takes no shape to me, no shape described ungraciously

But favorably.Her endless curves leave me looking for words

To express my desire toPlease her like no other dude

Could doI tell her – see you, you make me want to buy that jewel

To marry you, to say I do, so when I finally have that chanceI’d be a fool, to leave you staring down an empty isle

While our wedding veil conceals a smile, a smirk, a grin, that showsYou know, I’ll be the one to

Stroll that ceremonial path with you to endless dedication;My hands are sweaty, the perspiration so heavy

Still I’d remove that white lace curtain, to let your full beauty shine inIt’s my personal sun, such a heavenly one, that sheds light on my earth

My body, my temple, subservient to God’s own gift before meI only pray that I’m worthy, Oh God let me be worthy

To harmonize with the songs from her eyes, the light brown lyricsSinging out from her spirit

Can you hear it?I can hear it

I can hear the choirs of heaven that have surely spoken through these round gatekeepers of all emotionMy spiritual token

Yes, to me, her eyes are more, they speak to meThey speak of a life meant, for you and for me

A better place for us to be, just say you’ll go away with me…You’ll be my queen, and I your king

My pledge to you, a God-fearing vowBe with me forever, for worse or for better

Two hearts beating as one, making love as new days comeFor our love is, love, that’s never, ever done.

HER LOVEBy Adam Layne



“Poppin’ bottles wit beautiful females who can be models, and your only problem is the there are too many pretty faces to talk to.”

All negativity should be blocked out of your head and filled with positive thoughts and harmonic tunes. The music is booming ‘BIG MEECH, Larry Hoover to …Hey Hey Hey.”

The police shut down parties early but you still had a good time while it lasted. The BBQs are my favorite part from end to start. The delectable scent of chicken and burgers hit the air, got us sniffing out the nightly moves and if you get there too late-- you lose!

Never remember how it started but how it ended.

As I reflect on my summer I would say it was a successful one. New endeavors were developed and discovered. Opportunities were created and drunken nights became nights of reflection. The summer is a time to have fun, relax and discover yourself therefore that is exactly what I did. In addition there is nothing like a summer with your friends to accompany you through the fun. Friendship is essential to your heart and allows you to grow as a person...

A great summer is a good experience that will only get better. Slowly we begin to see a shift in the weather and school is calling. For you newcomers all I can say is be active, stay on top of your work and most importantly have fun. College is all about balance so take advantage of every chance. This is a reflection of your near future at a glance. Remember you are the master of your fate, and the captain of your soul. This is my Welcome to you all!

It’s only the beginning now ...a pathway yet unknown At times the sound of other steps ...sometimes we walk alone The best beginnings of our lives May sometimes end in sorrow But even on our darkest days The sun will shine tomorrow. So we must do our very best Whatever life may bring And look beyond the winter chill To smell the breath of spring. Into each life will always come A time to start anew A new beginning for each heart As fresh as morning dew. Although the cares of life are great And hands are bowed so low The storms of life will leave behind The wonder of a rainbow. The years will never take away Our chance to start anew It’s only the beginning now So dreams can still come true.

NEW BEGINNINGSBy Gertrude B. McClain

I gave my self as an offering, My blood. I gave you my things—Disregarding what my mother told me. The private places. Our timing was off,But you drank my wine with a grin. Wiped your mouth with my sleeve, I’m wearing what was you Left stained,but I’m still hungry And then I knew you. ItchingI’ll spread your sweet venom I am addicted,come closer. Leave wounds so that I will at least have the scars There is a little left. Taste it.

Take me in,And burn what you reject Your sting distractsmy appetite Come here. And you are?

By Lindsey McClainADDICTED

By Patrice Laquinte


Summer was Fun but Never Stays