The Deadly Assignment


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The Deadly Assignment When the bus dropped me off at school, I made my way to my locker. There were a seniors‘ side of the locker, the juniors‘, the sophomores‘, and finally the freshman‘s‘. Our lockers were painted in a greenish bluish color. I opened my locker easily and took my clarinet and walked toward the band hall. ―June, wait up!‖ I looked behind me and saw my best friend Emily trying to catch up. ―Good-morning Ms. Porter.‖ The class replied. ―Good-morning class.‖ Ms. Porter said.

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The Deadly Assignment

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Chapter 1

The Regular Morning

―Ring!‖ my alarm ringed. I groaned. I was only 6:00 A.M on October 30. It was another day of 9th grade. I slumped down the stairs and made myself breakfast. I ate eggs and bacon and a glass of milk. I used the bathroom in my room and changed clothes. Since it was colder than usual, I wore a sweater on top of my T-shirt. I slung my backpack over my back and went down the stairs. RING! I heard my brother groan. I smirked; I knew that he had a big exam today. I tied my black converse and locked the front door behind me.

As I was walking to my bus-stop, my cell phone rang. I stopped and fished it out my pocket. I saw that it was my brother. I rolled my eyes as I said, ―What do you want Alec?‖

―Where‘s my breakfast?‖ Alec asked.

―Alec, you‘re in 7th grade. You make your own breakfast.‖ I answered annoyed. I mean Alec was in 7th grade and he still asked me to make his breakfast. ―And I‘m not your servant.‖

―Well, what do I eat then?‖ Alec asked in a whinny voice.

―There should be bread in the fridge so, check that out. And if there‘s no bread, oh well. Bye‖ I answered abruptly.

―Wait-―Alec started. But it was too late; his sister had already turned her cell phone off for school.

When the bus dropped me off at school, I made my way to my locker. There were a seniors‘ side of the locker, the juniors‘, the sophomores‘, and finally the freshman‘s‘. Our lockers were painted in a greenish bluish color. I opened my locker easily and took my clarinet and walked toward the band hall.

―June, wait up!‖ I looked behind me and saw my best friend Emily trying to catch up.

―Hey Emily,‖ I replied. Emily‘s golden hair was bouncing down her back. I always envied that.

―Did you finish your book report?‖ she asked.

―Yup, oh see you later!‖ I answered. I sighed. Since Emily played the flute, we barely had any classes together.

After Emily said good bye to me she walked toward her science class. When she went in, she sat in her seat. Her seat was next to the window and was behind the most popular boy in school, Derek. Derek was shorter than Emily so she could easily read the board. And on her right sat a very timid boy named Andrew. Andrew had untidy black hair and green eyes. He was the brother of 7th grader Nickie. Despite their green eyes, Andrew and Nickie had NOTHING in common. Nickie was bold and loud- sometimes- and was an..well-not-so-smart student, while Andrew was timid and was an straight ―A‖ student. Emily shook her head. Ring!

―Good-morning class.‖ Ms. Porter said.

―Good-morning Ms. Porter.‖ The class replied.

―All-right, please get out your homework from last night.‖ Ms. Porter said.

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As Emily got her homework out, she glanced at Andrew‘s report. Her eyes widened. Andrew had written 40 pages of his report! Emily had written only 10 pages and that was hard.

―Andrew would you please pick up everyone‘s report?‖ Ms. Porter asked.

―Yes, Ms. Porter.‖ Andrew said in a small voice. As Andrew picked up everyone‘s report, Ms. Porter said, ―Today we‘re going to do the blood experiment, I have your partners and NO trading.‖

Emily rushed to where the list was. She found her name and …‖Yes!‖ she thought. Her partner was Andrew! ―This is going to be super easy.‖

―Now class, please line up and we‘ll go to the lab.‖ Ms. Porter said.

The lab had goggles, blood testing devices, and a bunch of other things that Emily didn‘t know.

―Now, get with your partner, grab a coat, and some goggles and sit down.‖ Ms. Porter said.

After everyone got ready, Ms. Porter explained how to do the experiment. She used Roxy as her example. As blood started to ooze out of Roxy‘s finger. Emily suddenly felt dizzy. She felt butterflies in her stomach and….everything went black.

Chapter 2

It was 9:15, baseball practice. A boy with sandy brown hair, sea blue eyes was outside in the field practicing. ―One more and let‘s go inside!‖ barked a coach.

―Yes sir!‖ shouted a bunch of boys around the ages of 15 through 17.

After trying one more time, all the boys ran to change.

―What do you have next, Henry?‖ said a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

―I have math next. What about you Gavin?‖ replied Henry, the boy with sandy brown hair and sea blue eyes.

―I have language arts,‖ Gavin answered. ―I‘m goanna try to play hooky though-I left my report at home.‖

―Good luck with that, later.‖ Henry said.

Henry sighed. Some boys never change. Unlike most boys who played sports, Henry always had his homework done, was a straight ―A‖ student, and was very popular –even among the senior girls. His sea blue eyes making all the girls blush when they caught his eyes. Henry had one problem. The girl he liked didn‘t notice him; he only had two classes with her and they were math and social studies. He always tried to get her attention but nothing worked. The girl was just too perfect to notice him. She had perfect long blonde hair that went down to her back, her perfect blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight, and her grades were always perfect 100 A‘s. She never missed and assignment (just like Henry), all the clothes that were on her was always beautiful. She never missed a single day of school, all the boys asked for a date, but she always refused. She was perfect. And her name was Lindsey.

Lindsey walked to her math class. Today was the big test. Everything that she learned was on this test and Lindsey had studied all night long. Still, she was nervous. She knew that this test was going to be a BIG part of her grades. That wasn't the only reason she was nervous. Today she had an important meeting with the president of the United States. She knew what the meeting was about: the….well the opposite side of the group…. Of course, not

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many people knew this except a few people from the government, but Lindsey was part of the other groups... Which was another "spy group." The ―other group‖ was trying to hack into the secret and important government documents, steal a bunch of famous paintings, kidnap billionaires, destroy monuments, and do a bunch of other things. The ―side Lindsey was on‖ had to stop them. Lindsey was the only member available, but she couldn't do it alone...She needed a "gang" of kids that would join her. But finding these kids weren't easy. The kids needed special abilities. Such as super-smart, strong, distraction, small, quiet, camouflage, and much more. Finding kids with these abilities wasn't going to be very easy. Lindsey sighed. She was going to worry about that later.

Henry had already finished his test when he heard a "ping." He looked around and spotted a green pencil case. He picked it up and found a note that said:

"Meet me after school in the baseball field. Bring your backpack too."

The note was written in perfect cursive. Henry wondered who it was from....

Chapter 3

June had no idea that her best-friend had fainted when she moved up to first chair. After band ended, June rushed to her locker, took her notebook and waited by the girls' bathroom for Emily. June waited 1 minute and Emily still didn't come. She spotted Andrew from Emily's science class. "Hey Andrew, wait up!" June shouted.

"Oh, hi June." Andrew replied.

"Where's Emily?" June asked.

"She...um, fainted. She's in the nurse's office right now." Andrew said. As soon as Andrew said that June ran to the nurse's office. She spotted Emily lying down and rushed to her. "Emily! Emily! Are you all right? Emily?" She shook Emily but it was no use.

"She'll be awake in a few minutes." said a voice behind her. "I'm Nurse Heather. And you are-"


"Nice to meet you June. Emily was carried here by two boys. I think they said there was a blood experiment. She'll be fine." Nurse Heather had dirty blonde hair, greenish bluish eyes, and was slim.

Emily didn't remember what had happened. But after she woke up, everything went by a flash. First she was awake and then..Boom! School ended.

"Where are going after school?" June asked.

"Rock climbing." Emily replied. Ever since she was young, Emily had loved climbing. Climbing trees, mountains, buildings, ropes, ladders, and everything else. Emily had always been an expert at climbing. Climbing just soothed her down. Like in fifth grade, when her teacher had assigned her project with the boy everyone else wanted and she got hurt by all the other kids. She was first mad at herself and then realized it was her teacher's fault. Since she was steaming mad, her mother took her and June to the new rock climbing place with sort of real lava. She kept climbing and climbing. Her anger kept her power up. She beat the middle scholars, the high scholars, and even the professional trained kids. She never got touched by the lava. She simply kept on going. Eventually, Emily cooled down. Climbing was now a hobby of hers. Nearly every day, Emily climbed.

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Chapter 3

Henry lightly slammed his locker closed, and walked outside toward the baseball field. He spotted Lindsey there.

"Hi Lindsey."

"Hello, Henry. Did you bring my pencil case?"

"Um..yeah..here it is. What are we doing here?"

"Just wait for 33 seconds..."

After exactly 33 seconds a black helicopter landed. Out stepped a man in a formal suit.

"Hello Jay." Lindsey said.

"Lindsey." Jay replied nodding. "Is this the person you were talking about?"

"Yes sir. Henry, this is Jay, also known as the president of the United States."

Henry stood up taller and said," How do you do, Mr. President?"

"Please call me Jay."


Henry, Lindsey, and Jay all stepped in the helicopter and went to a place where Henry didn't know. He took a test and an athletic test. Some of the questions were hard. The athletic test was fairly easy.

"Let's see...very good. You passed." Jay said. "Now go over to the office and wait for me." Henry obeyed Jay.

"Now Lindsey please collect the other kids from this file..."

"Yes, sir."

Lindsey didn‘t know how to do it. She had to convince kids with the names of Alec, June, Emily, Luke, Nickie, and Andrew to hop on the helicopter and fly with here some place very secretive and take a test. Her first stop was Los Angles, California.

She walked down streets until she found the right one. ―This is it.‖ She told herself. She rang the doorbell.

―Hello?‖ said a boy about 14 or 15 with blond hair and blue eyes.

―May I speak to Luke Nicholas?‖ she asked.

―That‘s me‖

―Ok. Well, I‘m a person from the government and I would like to take you somewhere to take a special test for about 20 minutes. Is that ok?‖

―Hm…..what kind of test?‖

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―A test to test your abilities.‖

―Ok! Wait…how do I know you‘re not a kidnapper?‖

―Do I look like I would kidnap a kid?‖


―I promise.‖

―All right.‖

Lindsey took Luke to the secret place. There he took a test of catching items and running.

―How did I do?‖ he asked.

―You passed.‖ Lindsey replied smiling.

―So…do I get a prize?‖

―Kind of..just go in the room and a man with a black suit will explain everything to you.‖


Chapter 4

―I am Nickie Cort from Brooklyn, New York.‖ Nickie said. ―No…that wasn‘t good enough. How about ‗This is Nickie Cort from Brook-―

―Ding Dong!‖ the doorbell rang. Nickie sat straight up. Had the people from Hollywood finally realize her talent. Would they take her family to Hollywood and leave her nerdy brother in this house alone? Nickie was excited. She quickly brushed her glossy black hair, put mascara on, and walked down the stairs. She opened the door ready for the flashing cameras for her….

―Hello,‖ Said a girl with pretty blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, smiling. Her teeth were perfect. White, lined up correctly, and well…perfect. Nickie was suddenly flushed with jealousy. ―Is this the residence of Andrew and Nickie Cort?‖

―Why yes it is,‖ Nickie replied. ―And you are…‖

―I‘m someone from the government and I want you and your brother to take a test for your abilities. ―she answered.

―Abilities?‖ Nickie thought maybe this isn‘t too bad…..my abilities might become noticed! Nickie was excited-

―Who is that Nickie?‖ Andrew asked.

―Oh it‘s-―Nickie started.

―Are you Andrew Cort?‖

―Yes I am.‖

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―Well, can you and your sister here come with me to take a test for the abilities you have.‖

―Can I see your government ID?‖

―Here it is?‖


After the test, Nickie felt flustered. The people had asked her to play certain parts in a play or a movie. The people had told her she had passed and to go sit in the room over in the corner.

Nickie went inside. She saw her brother, a boy about 16, and a boy that caught her eye. He had blonde hair, sea-blue eyes, and was quite tall. Nickie knew that this was her now-ultimate-goal. To attract this boy.

―Hello,‖ Nickie said. ―What‘s your name?‖

―Me?‖ the boy asked.

―Yes, you.‖

―Um…Luke.‖ Luke answered.

―Oh, my name is Nickie. And I‘ll be going to Hollywood soon.‖


"Yup!" Nickie batted her eyelashes. She knew this boy was the one. All the seventh graders were too lame for her. The eighth graders were a bit better. But a ninth grader, totally! Ninth graders were so much cuter than any of the seventh and eighth graders. They were going to high school! That was the main difference. Not middle school, but high school. And this boy, Luke, was her target. His blue eyes were the sea, and his blonde hair was sparkling. Nickie was head over heels. This boy had to be the one.

Chapter 5

Alec had returned from school with a growling stomach. His sister was so careless that she forgot to make Alec's breakfast. "Some sister." he muttered under his breath. Alec had shaggy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that every girl fell for. There was nothing that he and his sister had in common. She had brown hair, he had blonde, she had blue eyes, he had sparkling blue eyes (there's a difference). She was in band, Alec was not, she was smart, Alec was more...un-smart, she was in good shape, and Alec was more skinny. Besides the fact that they were popular, they had nothing in common. Alec played video games and ran a lot, and June, his sister, read more.

After Alec closed the door someone rang the doorbell. "Ding dong." His sister ran down the stairs and frowned. "Who could that be?"

"I don't know." Alec opened the door and found a high school girl, a little older than his sister, with long blonde hair and perfect, sparkling blue eyes standing in his doorway.

"Hello. Is this the residence of June and Alec Gracemore?"

Before I could answer, my sister said, "Yes this is and you are?"

"I'm someone from the government. We would like to test your abilities."

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"What abilities?"

"For you, to soothe people and animals with your music, and for Alec to run away very quickly and hide in places where people can't find him."

"How is that ability? Can't anyone do that?"


"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch. Don't worry it's not a scary thing."

"How do we know we can trust you?"

"What about this." The girl took out a wallet with a special ID. My sister's eyes widened.


"Wait we're-" I started and then my sister grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the helicopter the pretty high school girl was going toward.

The helicopter had black, smooth leather seats. Alec looked through the window and suddenly felt nauseous. They were at least 500 yards from the ground. Alec always felt a little sick when he went higher. He was also afraid of heights, but that didn't stop him from riding roller coasters. But that was a different story.

"Um...is there a bathroom here?" June asked.

"No." the girl said softly.

"My brother..Often pukes when we ride a plane or get higher of ground..." his sister started but Alec had already puked.

"Oh dear..... Just wait here for a second..."

Alec's stomach hurt. He would have fallen down to the ground if it wasn't for his sister that had caught him.

"Just sit down." she muttered.

After landing and cleaning up the puke, the helicopter came to a stop. They were on a building that was pretty high. Alec felt like he was going to puke but his sister shoved him in the elevator.

The lobby had many people that looked like spies or secret agents. They were black clothing, dark sunglasses, and had some sort of gadget. Alec was no computer whiz but he knew that this was not a joke.

Chapter 6

Luke was tired of this girl, Nickie, just keep on bragging about herself. She kept on flipping glossy black hair over her shoulder. She pretended that the hair fell out of place by itself, but Luke knew better. She didn't let Luke out of sight. It was annoying.

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Then, the door creeped opened and a boy with shaggy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes came. "Hi," the boy said. "I'm Alec."

"Alec!" Nickie screamed. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because of none-of-your-business-reason." Alec replied.

"Well. you better leave before-" Nickie started. Alec had turned his head so that his eyes were sparkling even more. And Nickie saw it; she couldn't take her eyes off.

―Alec, stop it.‖ Ordered the girl behind him. She had long light brown hair and blue eyes.

Alec shrugged and stopped. Suddenly Nickie was speaking gibberish.

―She‘ll get over it in like..15 minutes.‖ Alec said.

―Oh…‖ Luke said.

―Well…um….hi.‖ said the girl behind Alec‘s sister. ―I‘m June Gracemore and I come from NYC. What about you guys. Oh yeah, and Alec‘s my brother.‖

―I‘m Henry from NYC.‖ Henry had sandy brown hair and sea blue eyes.

―I‘m Andrew and I‘m also from NYC. And this is my sister Nickie.‖ Andrew and Nickie had nothing in common despite the fact that they both had green eyes and black hair. (Even though Andrew‘s was untidy, and Nickie‘s was glossy.)

―I‘m….Luke..And I come from…Dallas, Texas…‖ Luke managed. All these people were from fancy New York City! And…he was just a regular boy from Dallas. He just moved to Dallas after his parents died in a car crash. Originally, he had lived in a small town near San Diego. But he was forced to move to his aunt‘s luxurious home in Dallas.

―Cool.‖ Henry said.

―Thanks.‖ He replied.

―So……how old are you guys?‖ Alec asked.

―14.‖ Andrew answered.

―14 too.‖ June answered. There was something about June that caught his eyes. The way she spoke, the way she moved, the way… she did everything.

―14.‖ Luke answered.

―15.‖ Henry answered.

―12.‖ Alec answered.

―I‘m 12 and I‘m on my way to Hollywood. Of course, most 12 year olds can‘t do that….‖ Nickie said.

―I‘m Emily, and I‘m 14 years old from NYC.‖ Said a voice. Everyone jumped.

―Emily?!‖ June said.

―Yeah….‖ Emily said. She had long wavy golden hair with friendly and warm hazel eyes.

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―How…What…How…did you get..here?‖ June managed.

―By a helicopter. Duh.‖ Emily said.

―Wow….‖ June said.

―Well…now that you guys know each other better why don‘t we start the video.‖ Said another voice. Everyone jumped and looked around. They saw Lindsey with her back against the door.

―Do you think they‘re ready?‖ said another voice. Everyone jumped except Lindsey. They saw Jay. ―Do you think they‘re ready?‖

―Of course they are,‖ Lindsey said. ―The sooner the better.‖

Jay nodded.

―Is there any more people out there?‖ Alec asked.

―No.‖ Jay answered.


―Now, allow Lindsey and me to explain what your purposes are here and why you are here.‖Jay said.

―You guys are here because of you special abilities. With those abilities, you can be part of this organization.‖Lindsey said.

―I have a question,‖ Andrew said. ―What kind of program?‖

―A program for and of spies.‖ Jay said.

Suddenly, everyone started talking at once.

―HOLD ON!‖ Jay said yelling.

―First we need to show you guys a video to explain everything at once. And if you have questions after that…then you may ask.‖

Chapter 7

Andrew was excited and suspicious. Why would a bunch of people just take students from the United States and well…just take them here. Of course, he knew that these people were from the government but…what kind of organization of spies….would just take kids….

The video started with an introduction. The narrator started to talk. ―Hello. My name is Robert Johnson…and so on it went. Andrew understood everything but still had questions. At the end, Jay asked if anyone had a question and 5 hands shot up including Andrew‘s.

―Yes, June.‖ Jay said.

―Why do you guys take kids, not adults?‖ June asked.

―Because kids are easier to train than adults in many different ways. Kids can learn everything in about 2 years, and for adults…it takes about 5 to 7 years.‖

―Yes, Henry.‖

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―How do you search for the quote ‗right‘ kids?‖

―We keep record of every single kid and most of their grandparents used work for this program too.‖

A few hands went down.

―Yes, Andrew.‖

―What if we don‘t agree to work for this program?‖

―That would be tough…hm...Well…we would erase that person‘s memory and send them to a whole different country.‖

Andrew nodded. No point of disagreeing. Andrew sighed. His life was just getting straight ―A‘s‖ and not getting attention. His sister, on the other hand was…different. She wanted attention and didn‘t care about her grades. She begged their parents for this special shampoo and conditioner for extra glossy hair (even though her hair was glossy enough). He wished his sister was more like Alec. Alec was more quiet and wasn‘t as braggy as Nickie. Andrew shook his head. Nickie would always be Nickie, a girl who always has to brag, a girl that had a nerdy brother, a girl that would (possibly) become a movie star, and a girl with a HUGE heart. Even though Nickie was always annoying, she had a big heart. Once when Nickie was in fourth grade, there was a new kid named Courtney. Courtney was a new girl from Japan and didn‘t have friends. Her way of speaking English so poorly made everyone pick on her. But there was only one person who didn‘t pick on her. That was Nickie. When Nickie realized that the new girl Courtney was getting bullied, she was furious at her friends for picking on Courtney. She shoved her way toward Courtney and told everyone how they were cruel and mean. Her words brought a crowd of students and teachers that moved them to tears. She explained how they would feel if they moved to a whole new country and had to learn a new language. The principal herself came to hear this moving speech. Everyone told Courtney sorry and now, Courtney was Nickie‘s best friend. Nickie‘s speech was so first-rate and moving, she was asked recite the speech in front of the school board and people videotaped it. Andrew thought good memories……..

Chapter 8

It was night. June had changed, brushed her teeth, and was ready to sleep. ―Beep!‖ her cell phone rang. It was Alec texting her.

“I can’t sleep.”

“Me too.”

“This is weird.”

“I know.”

“Will we ever go home?” That was one thing that June couldn‘t comfort her brother about.

She didn‘t know if they would ever go home. Sure the place was nice. With a huge bathtub, a king sized bed, fluffy pillows, a 100 inch flat screen TV, a Mac laptop, a nice, soft, couch, but……this was so..not like the house June lived in. Her house had a nice couch, a 50 inch flat screen TV, a queen sized bed, a laptop, and her dog. June missed everything, even her brother Alec and how he made June roll her eyes. Her eyes started to get misty. Tears started to roll down. June started to cry.

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Alec wanted to go to his sister‘s room but knew that she would shoo him away. He missed her. The way she rolled her eyes when Alec said something stupid, or the way she dumped everything that was Alec‘s in his room. He remembered the time when Alec was in 4th grade and he got a really bad cold. June made cookies, hot chocolate, bought him presents, and did a bunch of other things that made him feel better. She even made him breakfast until he was in 7th grade…..Alec couldn‘t bear it anymore, he missed his sister too much.

“Alec, wake up!” was the thing Alec saw when he woke up the next morning.

“What” Alec texted back.

“Are you awake?”


“Good. We need to meet the other people for breakfast. Where something nice.”

“Ok. What time”

“7:30. Ok. Take a shower, where nice clothes. And…DON’T BE LATE!!!”

“Ok.” And that was the end. Alec took a shower and changed into jeans and a sky blue polo shirt. He

combed his shaggy blonde hair. By the time he was done, it was 7:25.

―Don‘t want to be late.‖ He muttered. His sister came out and said, ―You look nice.‖

―Thanks. You do too.‖ His sister was wearing black leggings, and a pink-sort-of-a-dress-thing with high heels.

All the exclusive things, she was having the time of her life. With her glossy hair down, her makeup on, and her green eyes looking very pretty. She wore a white knee length dress with sparkles. She wore white very high, high heels. She heard her phone. Her brother had texted her.

“Where are you?”

“in the lobby. I’m almost there.”

“You better be. You‟re the only one left. Everyone‟s waiting for you.”

“Ok. I’ll be there... Now!” As Nickie entered, people stared at her. She saw her brother and headed

toward him.

―You‘re 20 minutes late.‖ Andrew said.

―So…..who like cares?‖

―Everyone. They want to eat.‖

―Oh, well.‖

After Nickie finished, she saw that someone had texted her.

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“Who are you?”

“Alec. It’s your fault that I was starving.”

“So...like who cares?”

“I do.”

“Alec, it’s not Nickie’s fault that she was late.”

“Who are you?”



“And I’m Emily!”

“Hi Emily! :)”


“Hi everybody!!!:)”


“Hi. I‟m Andrew.”

“Doesn’t like everyone know that since you have the nerdy font?”

“Hi Andrew!”


“Hi! Why don’t we include the other boys?”

“Sure! Let’s do it! >.<”


“How do we do that?”

“Like this.” Suddenly, 2 more people were added to their chat.


“Hi! Who are you?”




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“Hi! Who are you???:)”

“Hi! You must be Luke!”

“Yeah…I am….”

“Hi! I’m Nickie!”

“I’m June.”

“I’m Emily.”

“I‟m Andrew.”

“I‟m Henry.”

“I’m Alec.”

“Um…Hi…nice to meet you…”

“So...Do you guys want to do something after eating???”

“Sure. Why not get to know each other better.”

“Good idea!”

“Ok….But why not do it like this…like texting?”

“Yeah! This may be easier.”


“I‟ll go first. My name is Andrew Cort. I come from NYC. I am a straight A student. I like to

read, solve math equations, and like to fix electronics. Um...June why don't you go next?"

"Ok. Thanks Andrew. My name is June Gracemore. I come from NYC. I am also a straight A student. I play the clarinet. I like to read, do the clarinet, and surf on the internet. Alec you go next."

"Ok...My name is Alec Gracemore. I come from NYC. I am a average

B/C/A student. I like to surf on the internet, listen to music, and play

video games. um.....Emily??"

"Sure! My name is Emily Lambert. I come from NYC. I am a mostly A student. I love animals, listen to

music, and play the flute. Next..Luke?"

"Um.. ok..I come from Dallas, Texas. I am a mostly an A student. I like to play baseball, surf

on the web, and listen to music. Ok..Henry?"

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"Thanks. My name is Henry Watson. I come from NYC. I am a straight A

student. My hobbies are playing baseball, reading, and surfing on the web

and listening to music. What about you Nickie?"

"Thank you, Henry for calling on me. Anyway. I come from NYC. But..I was born in Brooklyn. I am in drama. I was in all the main roles for our school plays since kindergarten. I-"

"Um...thank you Nickie. I think that's enough."


"Hey, Luke. You said that you like playing baseball, right?"

"Yeah...that's right."

"Do you want to-"

"People! this is a chat with other people. WE don't want to be left out. “

"Just ignore her. She just wants to be included in EVERYTHING.”

“Hey! That‟s sooooooooo not true. Just cause you‟re nerdy and stuff doesn‟t mean people should like, listen to you. I mean that‟s sososososo mean! Isn‟t that-“

“First of all, calling people „nerdy‟ is mean. Second of all, I‟m not trying to be bossy. I‟m just

trying to point out something. Like it‟s ok if-“

“Um…you guys…you know everyone doesn’t want to listen to your whole argument. You can..you know…create your own private conversation…”

“June’s right.”

“I agree.”

“Same here.”

“here too.”


“Ok. Nickie, I‟ll talk to you in real person for this argument.”

“Wait that’s not what-“

“All right. 3:00 in my room argument. Deal?”


“Wait! That’s not what I-“ But it was too late. Nickie and Andrew had already exited.

“That’s not what I meant.”

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“We all know that except Andrew and Nickie…But don’t you think it’s ironic that even though Andrew

really smart he thought your comment the other way..”

“I’m gonna hear their whole argument and record it. I wanna

hear/keep it.”

“I‟m going to leave. Bye” And Henry left their conversation.

“Um…me too.” And there were only 3 people left.


“Um..I’m gonna leave. Bye.”

“I’m…going to practice my clarinet…bye..”

“Me too…I’ll practice my flute…bye.” Now, everyone was gone.

At 3:00, everyone waited in front of Nickie‘s room to see what was going to happen. Everyone decided to text since voices could be heard.

“Well..this is something you don‟t do every single day.”


“Do we just wait here?”

“Yeah. Until something big happens. Like Nickie screaming her

lungs off. Like-“

“That’s enough Alec.”


“I wonder when this will start…………”

“Me too.”

“About…now?” Suddenly, t hey heard Nickie‘s voice. She was screaming. Screaming her lungs off.

“There’s the scream……”

“That‟s really loud.”

“I know it’s-“

“Something sounds wrong! Alec don’t you hear that Nickie’s scream is different a little like she’s screaming for help?”

“I guess-“

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“I hear that too!”

“Open the door on the count of three. One. Two. Three!”

When they burst open the door, Nickie was halfway in the window. There was no sign of Andrew.

―Nickie…what happened here.‖ The room was a mess. Feathers from pillows were flying everywhere, the blanket was thrown halfway across the room, there was shattered glass on the ground, and there was juice stains on the carpet.

―What happened here?‖ June asked, again.

―I….it..he….it‘s all my fault.‖ And Nickie fell to the ground and started to cry. June and Emily took her to June‘s room and Emily said, ―We‘ll take her from here.‖ And shut the door.

Chapter 9

Nickie couldn‘t believe what happened. Her brother was now kidnapped, her parents were going to be murdered tonight, and…..Nickie was the whole blame. The people found out her brother‘s technology skills by her. Nickie had posted many videos of herself on ―Youtube‖ and in one of the videos, her brother came. The people must have realized his skills and decided that he was useful. So, they kidnapped him and decided to murder their parents since well…they felt like it.

―I…they..kidnapped him!‖ Nickie said bursting into tears. Nickie couldn‘t help it. Even though her brother was nerdy, annoying, and too neat, he was always there for Nickie. He went to each of her concerts, plays, and musicals and videotaped them and turned them into a customized DVD. He helped her on her homework when her mom and dad were no help…..

Suddenly, Nickie realized that Andrew still had his cell phone! I she could text him and ask where he was..maybe she could find him! She fished out her cell phone and started to text her brother.

“Andrew!” For a second no one was there, but then something came up.


“Yeah. Where are you???”

“In some box or crate…”

“Ok. Get Everyone else to join.”








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“Andrew? Wait whose Andrew. Is he-“

“He’s the one-“




“napped! He‟s the one who got kidnapped!!!”

“Um…yeah…people, the kid you got kidnapped is still here.”

“Oh yeah, sorry,”

“No biggie.”


“Where do you think you are?”

“No! First of all who kidnapped you?”

“These people with black suits. They had the letter S.O.F.R.”

“I wonder what that stands for…”



“who are you?”


“Hey! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking???”


“I‟m sorry but this is urgent.”

“What is it?”

“The S.O.F.R. broke in here and took something.”

“What did they-“


“Andrew, what were the letters again?”

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“Wait, what happened?”

“Allow me. Nickie and Andrew were going to have their „battle‟ in

Nickie‟s room and the others decided to „spy on their battle.‟ But then we

heard Nickie‟s scream and busted in the room and everything was ruined. But

Andrew wasn‟t there. Nickie said that he was kidnapped.”

“And she‟s right. I did get kidnapped.”

“Ok. Everyone we‟re going to text this through down stairs in the same room. Andrew, don‟t text, just read, ok?”


“That was Andrew‟s last text.”


“Why can’t he text.”

“Because the people who kidnapped him could trace him texting but can‟t trace if someone is texting him…”


“Why don‟t you guys tell me who you guys are.”






“Ok. Thank you. And I‟m Lindsey.”

“And I’m jay.”

“Now, let‟s talk this through for Jay. Why don‟t you explain, Henry?”

“All right, So-“

“That’s all right. I know what happened through the video cameras.”

“So shouldn’t we chase them?”

“I think it‟s time.”

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“All right meet me…NOW!” Suddenly, the ground disappeared, and everyone fell down. They stopped at

a secret laboratory.

―Where are we?‖ June asked.

―In a secret place that you guys don‘t have to know.‖ Jay answered. ―Ok, for this mission you guys will need these bullet proof, fire proof, water proof, electric proof, and…here are your weapons. Guns, knives, daggers, swords, laser pens, and other things. Here you go and off you guys go!‖ and they were off.

Chapter 10

June was dressed in comfortable jeans, and a light blue T-shirt. Everyone was dressed the same way. They were on a private jet with book bags. June‘s book bag was black with her name woven in it. Inside it was a laser pen, a silver bracelet, a knife in it‘s pocket, food, a mac laptop, and a pen. She realized it was cold and looked for something to cover her arms. She spotted a black sweater and put it on. It was snug. The sweater had the word ―Oxford‖ on it. Cool, she thought.

―Hi.‖ Emily said.

―Oh, hi.‖ She replied.

―Here‘s your clarinet.‖

―Thanks.‖ There was silence. June put clarinet in her new book bag. ‗How did this get here?‘ she thought. She felt her phone ring.

“Get ready to jump.” Lindsey texted.

“Wait! Why-“ But it was too late. Soon June was in the air trying to get her back pack up while trying not to fall too quickly. But as soon as she put her book bag on, the parachute just popped up.

"Whoa!" she yelled.

"DUDE!!! THIS IS SO COOL!!! I ALWAYS DREAMED OF SKYDIVING!!! WHOA!!! SEE 'YA LATER SUCKERS!!!" Alec yelled. June sighed. At least her brother studied hang gliding or sky diving or whatever it was called, she wished she had at least paid attention to the facts he always blabbed about. As the parachute slowed June down, she looked for other people. 'I guess I'm the only one...' she thought...

Suddenly, she felt that her parachute got heavier. "What-" she started.

"It's me, June!" a voice yelled. "IT'S EMILY!"


"YOUR WELCOME." the more they got down, the colder and foggier it got. Soon, June couldn't see anything at all. She could barely make out the shape of her hands.


"WHO ARE YOU?"June asked.

"IT'S LUKE!!!"


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After June, Emily, and Luke landed, they looked for the others. "I wonder where they are..." Luke said looking around.

"IN COMING!!!" yelled a voice. Suddenly Henry, Alec, Nickie, and Lindsey appeared from nowhere.

"Follow me." is what Lindsey said. No 'Oh sorry for that abrupt fall' or 'Are you guys all right?' just a 'Follow me' with no smile. June sighed. Maybe this was what a life of a spy was like. Maybe this was too tough for her. She just followed Lindsey in the fog.

They walked for hours until Lindsey came to a stop got a car from somewhere. They got in the car and Lindsey drove. June found an iPod in her backpack and searched the songs. The songs were in a different language so June couldn't understand, but the music sounded pretty cool so, eventually she found herself listening to the song.

"You're still listening to the iPod." Emily said.

"So..."June said.

"I tried listening but it came out as a whole different language so it got too annoying."

June shrugged."I like it either way." Emily shrugged and went back to reading her book. June started to wonder what language the songs were in. It wasn't Spanish, Italian, English, or German. 'I wonder what language it is...' she wondered.

The car came to an abrupt stop.

"Sorry." Lindsey said. "We'll have to get out."

After everyone came out the car, June realized that they were in some forest.

"We're going to practice your skills here for a day or two."

"A day or two!!!" Alec shouted.

"A day or two..hm...that wouldn't be too bad..." Nickie said with great interest.

"What kind of practice?" Emily asked.

"Fighting and other things..." Lindsey answered.

"Oh." Alec said.

"You guys have to choose your weapons. The choices are sword, dagger, bow and arrow, knife, gun, laser (like laser pens), and..."

"What kind of gun?" Nickie asked.

"The kind that has its bullets made of diamond..." Lindsey answered.

"What does this silver bracelet do?" June asked.

"That's a crossbow and a bow and arrow combined." Lindsey answered.

"Cool." June said.

"I call the laser thing." Alec piped up.

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"I call the knife." Henry said.

"I call the gun!!!" Nickie said jumping up and down.

"I'll use the crossbow and arrow thingy." June said.

"I'll use the....sword..." Luke said uncertainly.

"I'll use the dagger." Emily said bravely. The dagger's point looked deadly sharp.

"You sure Emily?" Lindsey asked.

"I'm sure." Emily replied. Lindsey nodded.

"Wait...why are you asking Emily if she's sure about the dagger?" Alec asked.

"Because the dagger's point is super deadly." Nickie said in a know-it-all voice.

"Oh." Alec said still sounding confused.

"Now for the gadgets...." Lindsey started.

"We get gadgets as in those gadgets in spy movies?" Alec asked.

"Yup." Lindsey said.

"THAT'S SO COOL! I CAN'T-" Alec shouted.

"Alec." June said. Immediately Alec stopped.

"Sorry." Alec muttered.

"The gadgets are the communicating ear plugs, the x-ray vision sunglasses, a special laptop that shows whose DNA it is and where they live and etc., an person tracker iPod, a disguise kit, a watch GPS, an inflatable bike/scooter/skateboard thing, and the black book bag you guys are wearing." Lindsey said.

"How are the book bags special?" Alec asked.

"They're water proof, fire proof, electric proof, and bullet proof." Lindsey answered.

"Whoa." Alec said with his eyes widening.

"But...for June, since you can soothe people with the sound of your clarinet, you should carry it." Lindsey said.

"Sure." June muttered.

Chapter 11

Playing with guns and knives

Practice was using your weapon and practice on your target. The gadgets worked pretty well. Everyone got a brief lesson on disguises from Lindsey. The trick was to act normal and act like the person you were acting. They also learned how to make a fake passport under 5 minutes. There was always a simple trick to everything. Lindsey

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pushed everyone hard, telling them that they had to save Andrew quickly. Sometimes, Nickie would burst to tears when Lindsey mentioned Andrew. June felt sorry for Nickie.

"This is too hard." June heard Alec whine. Lindsey had assigned partners to fight each other and Alec was hiding from Nickie's bullets. June's partner was Luke. He was pretty easy and sneaky since he was so quiet. June aimed hard but couldn't catch him. 'If only he would stay still...' June thought. Then, June suddenly realized something. 'If I can't aim him in a particular stop, then I'll aim everywhere!' June quickly got her clarinet and played a lullaby. It was a soft song that the song could make anyone go to sleep.

Luke tried hard to attack June but the sword was too heavy. So, he just ran away. Then he saw June stop and get her clarinet out, he thought I'll just attack her with the sword now.' But that was his mistake. June had started to play a song that wanted him to lie down and sleep. His eyelids seemed to get heavier by each second...

June saw her chance of attacking. She called Lindsey and said that she had won. Lindsey congratulated her.

"Why do we learn how to use old fashioned weapons?" June asked.

"Sometimes fighting the old fashioned way beats the new fashioned way." Lindsey answered smiling. Her eyes were sparkling under the sun, her long blonde hair was shimmering, and her teeth were....perfect. June wished her body was also perfect as Lindsey's...

Alec was dodging bullets from Nickie. She fired and aimed fired and aimed and so on. The best Alec could do was run away and hide- the best and only thing he could do. He reached in his pocket for his laser pen. It was ready. ―I guess this is your shot to show me if you‘re good enough for the great Alec.‖ Alec said. Alec pointed the tip of his laser pen toward Nickie. She was looking for him. ―Ready….aim…and…FIRE!‖ Alec said to himself and the laser shot forward pushing Nickie against a tree. He had won. Alec called Lindsey and she came to see what had happened.

―Good job Alec. You seem to be very comfortable with that laser pen.‖ Lindsey said with her brilliant smile.

―Um…I guess…‖ Alec said trying not to stare at her.

After everyone returned to the camp, they took a shower and changed clothes. ―That was some practice…‖ Nickie grumbled.

―Yeah, it sure was.‖ Alec replied.

―Ok. Now that you guys are comfortable with your weapons, we have to travel to London by tomorrow or else it might be too late…‖ Lindsey said. Everyone stared at her blankly as if they wanted to ask the question how they would travel from a forest in San Diego to London before the morning of tomorrow which was only 24 hours.

―We‘ll have to move quickly which means now,‖ Lindsey said in a sterner voice. ―We have to pack very quickly and then travel.‖ Everyone started packing. Alec got his black book bag and put in his gadgets. The iPod, the watch, the inflatable bike/scooter/skateboard, sunglasses, and his laser pen. He also put in an extra pack of clothes. He saw his sister shoving her clarinet in her book bag. He sighed. Alec took out his phone and looked if he missed any calls.

―Are you ready Alec?‖ asked his sister.

―Yeah…‖ Alec said putting his cell phone in his pocket.

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The next hour seemed like a blur. First they were getting everyone in the car, and then…BOOM! They were on the road. Alec continually asked, ―Are we there yet?‖ just for fun but no one took it as a joke. Alec sighed. Would his life ever be the same?

Emily was tired. She was going to London, missing school, had her very own dagger, was going to rescue a boy who was kidnapped 24 hours ago, AND had to listen to a boy who was saying, ―Are we there yet?‖ every 5 seconds. Her life was a mess. Poor Emily tried to sleep but Alec always spoke when he spoke so he always woke her up. ―ALEC!‖ Emily yelled. Everyone woke up. ―What‘s wrong?‖ June asked.

―Everything!‖ Emily replied.

―I‘ll play a song and why don‘t you try to get some sleep.‖

―Ok.‖ As soon as June began her song, Emily‘s eyelids started to get heavy. The song was light and happy. She felt that nothing was wrong and that she was still in New York City...

Chapter 12

Lindsey was worried. Worried that they might not save Andrew on time. Sure she had been on many missions, but this was different. This was with kids who had never had any certain training. If this mission went wrong, everything- BOOM! Lindsey looked around. She found someone hiding in the trees with a gun pointing at the car. ―Everyone wake up!‖ Lindsey said. ―Get your book bag on and get ready to leave!‖ More people came out and started to throw bombs. ―Everyone leave NOW!‖ Lindsey yelled and everyone ran away.

Luke ran as fast as he could until he was out of breath. He only remembered that these people where trying to throw things at him, but he had dodged all of them. He looked around him. At least it was safe here. He grabbed his book bag and looked for the communicating ear plugs. He found his iPod and looked for the others. They were far away from him. The closest person was Alec. Luke packed his things and set out to look for Alec…

Alec was resting. Closing his eyes and telling himself it was just a dream. Sadly, it wasn‘t a dream. It was real. Alec heard something. Afraid that it was someone who would hurt him, he hid.

―Alec?‖ A voice said.

―Yah?‖ he replied.

―It‘s Luke.‖


―Um. So can you like, come out?‖

―Ok.‖ Alec came out. He found Luke.

―What are we supposed to do?‖ Alec asked. ―I dunno.‖


―Um….What‘s that in your hand?‖

―What thing-― Alec saw a piece of paper in his hand. ―I don‘t remember this in my hand.‖

―Open it.‖ Alec opened it to find a note that said:

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“Try to get to London quickly as possible. I won‟t be able to accompany you but you guys will be fine. Meet me at the Big Bang at

12:00 P.M. on November 16. See you there!

Signed Lindsey “

―The 16th is only what….15 days away?‖ Luke muttered to himself.

―I guess…‖

―We have to find the others today and then travel as quickly as possible.‖

―Got ya.‖

Alec and Luke found June, Nickie, and Emily, but no Henry and Lindsey.

―I wonder where they are…‖ June said.

―They‘ll be fine.‖ Emily said.

―I guess we‘ll have to start traveling.‖Luke said looking at the ground.

―I guess so.‖ Alec said.

―Where are we?‖ Nickie asked.

―We are in….a forest in North Dakota…‖June said

―Wow…we traveled a lot.‖ Emily said.

―We better start too.‖ Luke said.

Everyone rode their bike until they saw a train station. They bought 5 tickets to Cleveland, Ohio.

―We‘ll arrive in like…13 hours.‖ June said.

―Um…do we…like have too? Can‘t we just ride a plan?‖ Nickie asked.

―Alec can‘t ride planes. He throws up.‖ June answered.

―Oh….‖ Nickie said.

Chapter 13

The train had a lot of passengers. Most of them where adults that looked like they were going to a business trip. Alec examined his iPod looking at what kind of tools it had. The iPod had a person tracking device, a comic book, songs that were in a different language, and a translator. ‗Not very fancy.‘ Alec thought.

The rest of the trip was extremely boring. There was a man who wouldn‘t take his eyes of the computer screen, there was a man and a woman with a baby who never stopped crying, and there was a family with two kids- a girl and a boy- who wouldn‘t stop arguing. The kids and the parents fought about what to eat, who should sit where, and all that nonsense. Alec knew that this trip was going to be a rough ride.

Nickie was terrified of trains. She once rode a train when she was 7 years old. The family was going to visit their grandma. Little Nickie ran to front of the train when her parents weren‘t looking. The train started moving and there was a door open. Nickie fell out the train and almost died, but was saved by the ribbon on her dress (she hated that dress because it wasn‘t ―cool.‖) the ribbon got caught on the handle and she was dangling. She smacked her

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face on the open door and she got a bloody nose. Her father eventually saved her and the family left the train and DEMANDED for a refund.

Ever since then, Nickie had never ridden another train in her life. Now, she was riding a train again. She hoped that nothing bad would happen to her again.

The train stopped and they were in Cleveland.

―What nice city.‖ Said a woman.

―We should really use the disguises.‖ June muttered.

―Ok..so what disguises should we use?‖ Alec asked.

―June can be the mom, Emily should be the old grandma, Alec should be the young boy, Luke should be the dad, and I‘ll be the girl.‖ Nickie said.

―NO WAY!‖ everyone yelled looking at her.

―You‘re crazy, Nickie!‖ June yelled.

―I am not being a dad!‖ Luke yelled.

―I can not be AN OLD GRANDMA!‖ Emily yelled.


―Fine…‖ everyone said muttering.

Chapter 14

Nickie was in the bathroom getting her disguise on. A girl who was visiting Cleveland with her family. Nickie had to make fake passports quickly. The grandma‘s name was Alice Waters, the dad‘s name was James Waters, and the mom‘s name was Cindy Waters, the girl‘s name was Jenny Waters, and the boy‘s name was Kevin Waters. Jenny was 1 year older than Kevin. Jenny was 13 and Kevin was 12. ‗Just act normal‘ she thought. Nickie (now Jenny) wore jeans, a green T-shirt that said ‗Drama Club,‘ wore white sneakers, and carried a light blue bag. She got her notebook out and wrote:

―Jenny Ariel Waters: April 2nd, 1997. (now 13)

Kevin Dylan Waters: July 28th, 1998. (now 12)

James Samuel Waters: January 15th, 1968 (now 43)

Cindy Maria Avengno Waters: March 6th, 1970 (now 41)

Alice Elizabeth Waters: August 17th, 1930 (now 80)‖

―That’s should do the trick‖ Nickie thought.

Everyone was dressed perfectly. June (Cindy) was dressed with tan pants, a light blue blouse, a green cardigan, with a brown wig with white hair. Luke (James) was dressed with jeans, a red T-shirt, and a brown wig with white hair. Emily (Alice) wore a light brown skirt that went down to her ankles, a white blouse, glasses, and a wig with lots of white hair. Alec (Kevin) wore jeans, a white polo shirt, black sneakers, and carried a black book bag.

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―Cleveland is beautiful.‖ June said.

―From now on, we have to act like…you-know-what..‖ Nickie whispered.

―Cleveland is beautiful.‖ June said. (now Cindy.)

―Whatever.‖ Alec said. (now Kevin.)

―Kevin Waters! Put that DS down now!‖ June shouted.

―Ok….‖ Alec grumbled.

―Now Kevin, you should listen to your mother.‖ Emily said.

―Yeah Kevin, you should listen to grandma.‖ Nickie said.

―Oh yeah-― Alec started.

―Children! Enough of this nonsense! Our family did not come to Cleveland to argue, but to sight see and spend some time with grandma.‖ June said sounding like a real mother.

―Listen to your mother.‖ Luke said.

―Yes father.‖ Both children replied. The plan was working out smoothly.

The grandma had a wheelchair so the family got in front of all the line.

―Excuse me.‖ The grandma would say sweetly whenever that happened.

The family got on the next train.

―Now, why don‘t you kiddos get some rest?‖ June said.

―No thanks.‖ Alec answered immediately.

―Alec.‖ Both the parents said in a dangerous tone.

―Fine.‖ Alec answered in a whiny tone.

―You need your rest to live long.‖ Emily said in a matter-of-factly voice.

―Yes grandma.‖ Alec said. Nickie looked around. She smiled. They were acting like a regular family.

―Are you the Waters family?‖ asked a gentleman.

―Yes we are.‖ Luke answered.

―This is a message for you guys. Have a nice trip.‖

―Thank you.‖

Luke opened the letter. It looked like a letter from Lindsey. It said:

―Dear Mr. James Samuel Waters,

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I have an idea for the new “Water Down.” It is a new motto. Since it is too special, I cannot say it in this letter. Instead

I would like it if we met someplace….like the Big Bang around….12 P.M? Please be there. This is an urgent idea. Enclosed are 5 plane

tickets to London. The time and plane are on the ticket. Please come. Thank You.


Mr. Lai-Ned Saeiy

At the bottom of the note, it said.

“Take out all the „unneeded letters‟ from the signature to reveal me.”

―Who‘s the letter from?‖ June asked.

―It‘s from a kind sir named Mr. Lai-Ned Saeiy.‖ Luke answered.

―May I?‖ June asked. Luke nodded.

June read the letter many times and then got her cell phone out….

“The letter’s from Lindsey.”

“You sure?”


“It’s from Lindsey!???”


“Are you-“

“Emily, you can’t chat. An 80 year old grandma chatting/texting would just look weird. STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!!”

Emily put her phone away.

“Luke and I also have to put our phone down. Nickie and Alec can though.”



“:) :) :D >.< ^^”

“:) :) :D >.<^^^”

“Watch this!!!

^ ^

( )


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“LoL not!!!!!!!”

“What eve….”

Nickie shut off her phone. This was going to be a long ride….

Chapter 15

Emily didn‘t want to be an 80 year old grandma. She wanted to be something else…She got a piece of paper and wrote:

Dear Jenny,

This is from your sweet, dear Granny. She doesn’t want to be alone in her house. Instead she wants to be free and young just like you. Why don’t you write letters to me anymore? Is there too much homework in eighth (8h) grade? What about your brother Kevin? Why doesn’t he write letters? Does he have a lot of homework too? Your mother and father send lots of letters to your lonely Granny. She expects you to write letters too. Granny promises that she would write back to Jenny no matter what. Your cousin Heather writes to me almost every day! Bless that sweet heart of hers! I wish you could write letters to me as much as Heather, dear. Now, why don’t you think to yourself about your old, wrinkly grandma and make her young again.


Your Sweet OLD wanting to be YOUNG Grandma


I would REALLY like it if you made me young again.


Alice Elizabeth Waters

‗That‘ll do the trick!‘ Emily thought. She slid the letter over to Nickie. Nickie raised her eyebrows and started reading it. Her eyes narrowed. She started writing. After a few minutes she slid another piece of paper. It said:

Dear Sweet Granny,

I’m so sorry that I don’t write you a lot of letters. I wish I could….but I just have too much homework! Cousin Heather doesn’t have a lot of homework anyway… I’m sorry but you can’t get younger. Nothing will make it happen Granny. You’re perfect the way you are. Sweet, nice, caring, and…OLD. (hahahahaha) :P :) Opps….Sorry about that Granny. I bet you didn’t know what that meant. Bye



Emily was furious with this letter. She decided to get her back. ―Jenny dear, would you please give your Granny your pillow so she can sleep?‖ Emily asked.

―Sorry-― Nickie started.

―Why Jenny would love to give her pillow to you Granny. Don‘t you Jenny?‖ June asked.

―Yes, ma‘m.‖ Nickie grumbled.

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―That‘s a good girl.‖ Emily said. Her plan was working. Nickie couldn‘t sleep well without her pillow.

Chapter 16

‗It‘s payback time!‘ Nickie thought. First, Emily took her pillow, then she told Nickie to shut her phone up, and now….now she was talking about letting Alec stay in the hotel and bringing Nickie on the stupid tour of Cleveland. She needed a plan to get back at Emily…BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! CRASH! CRASH! BOOM!

―What‘s going on?‖ Alec asked.

―What kind of train ruins peoples‘ sleep?‖ Emily asked.

―We‘re sorry to say but the train cannot move forward. We would like all the passengers to remain calm. Let me repeat it: PLEASE REMAIN CALM! A train will come in 5 minutes to pick you guys up to the same station same time. So, please get all your stuff ready. Thank you.‖

―Get your things together, children.‖ June said acting motherly. ―I‘ll take care of your things, Granny.‖

―Thank you, my dear Cindy.‖ Emily replied. June smiled. As Luke and June got their luggage down, Nickie looked in her bag to see if she had everything she needed.

―Are you the Waters family?‖ asked an attendant.

―Yes we are.‖ Luke answered.

―The train is ready for you guys. Have a pleasant afternoon.‖ The attendant replied.

―Thank you.‖ June said. The Waters family got everything together, and started to leave the train. The other train had ripped leather seats, dirty carpets/floors, no bathroom, and had mice running around. The other passengers were there too. Everyone looked uneasy. ―Are you sure this is the right train?‖ asked a man.

―I‘m not so sure…‖ Luke answered.

―I‘m Thomas Porter. My wife-Sally- and I were going to visit Cleveland-already did- and then go back to New York City, but this train is nothing like the we were on before…‖

―I‘m James Waters, and this is my wife Cindy, my children Jenny and Kevin. And my mother Alice. We‘re from Cleveland and we were going to go sight-seeing in New York City on the nice train we were on….but looks like our ride changed…..‖ Luke said. Something about the name Porter ringed a bell in Nickie‘s head. The name sounded very familiar…

Chapter 16

June gasped in her mind. The name Porter…It was Emily and Andrew‘s science teacher-Ms. Sally Porter. This was just an odd coincidence. Now, June was sitting next to Luke-acting like they were a married couple in front of her best friend‘s science teacher- talking to Mr. and Mrs. Porter.

―So, Mrs. Porter-― June started.

―Please, call me Sally. And call my husband Thomas.‖ Ms. Porter said.

―Er. Sally…do you have any kids?‖

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―Thomas and I have one child and her name is Dawn. She has deep, dark blue eyes, long soft black hair, and is a wonderful child. She…we…she isn‘t with us anymore…‖ Sally said sadly. ―She‘s only 14 years old and…we…lost her…Dawn was only 8 years old that time…

She was mad at me for not buying her the right sunglasses. She said these exact words: ‗They were right about you. You and dad. They said that you guys couldn‘t take care of me properly and…they were right. You and dad could never take care of me the way I wanted you guys to…I told you that already. They said that I was more special than regular kids. That I could make a difference in another world-a world of spies; they want me there. They gave me two choices: join or die. I‘m going to join, not because I don‘t to die…but to make a difference in another world that you‘ll never be part of. If you try to search for me…they‘ll kill you. Don‘t search for me. Just pretend that I

never existed!‘ The next day, there was a note that said: Your daughter joined for a good cause. Don’t try to search for her, because we’ll take your lives if you search for her. No questions. Your daughter, Dawn, is in good hands. Don’t worry about her. She’ll be fine. Enclosed are 10,000 dollars that you spent on Dawn. Forget that you ever had a child named Dawn. Don’t tell anyone about it either.

Signed: the S.O.F.R.

Victoria Dark

We were scared of using the 10,000 dollars, so we didn‘t spend it…‖

―I‘m so sorry, Sally.‖ June said in a comforting voice.

―It‘s…fine…‖ Sally said wiping away a tear.

―We told you not to tell anyone.‖ Said a cold voice. Everyone looked where the voice had come from. There stood 5 kids about 12-15 with black jeans and black t-shirts. The girl who had spoken seemed like the leader. She had icy cold super dark blue eyes. Dark black hair. She was dark.

―Who—who—ar-are—you--?‖ Thomas asked shaking.

―Victoria Dark,‖ answered the girl. ―Your precious daughter, Dawn is in good hands. And for you two-―Victoria pointed at June and Luke ―Are going to be killed.‖ Victoria looked back at Thomas and Sally.‖ We warned you. But your time is up.‖

As Victoria pointed her gun at Mr. and Mrs. Porter, a girl with dark black hair and dark blue eyes stepped up. ―Do you remember me? Mom? Dad?"

Chapter 17

June couldn't believe it. Dawn. Mr. and Mrs. Porter's daughter was part of the S.O.F.R. And now, Dawn was going to allow Victoria to kill her parents.

"Dawn, stop it." Emily said in a stern voice. Dawn looked at Emily and snickered. "What are you going to do to stop me old grandma? Throw your purse at me?"

"Sadly no sweetie." Emily replied in a sweet voice. Emily threw the granny clothes away and was dressed in blue jeans and a light blue polo shirt- their uniform. Her long golden hair was tied into a ponytail and she had her weapon and gadgets ready. The other 3 kids gasped.

"If-if- you-they-you-it-I-you-who-what-me-you-they-if-what-who...WHO ARE YOU?!?!" blurted out a kid who seemed about 12 or 13 years old. The kid had light blond hair that covered one of his eye. His eyes were friendly and dark blue.

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"I'm from the other side," Emily replied. "You have our friend Andrew, right?"

"Yeah, we have him locked up in Seoul, South Korea." the kid said bravely.

"BLAKE!!!" everyone shouted.

"WE TRUSTED YOU WITH THAT INFORMATION AND YOU TELL THE OTHER SIDE WHAT IT IS?!!!!?" scolded a girl with spiky black hair and black eyes. "I'M GONNA-"

"HOLD ON!!! IT'S MY TURN TO SPEAK! NOW BLAKE. WE REALLY REALLY REALLY TRUSTED YOU WITH THAT VALUABLE INFORMATION. EXSPECIALLY ABOUT THE ONE IN SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA AND ABOUT HIM HAVING TO CHOOSE IF HE SHOULD OUR SIDE OR THEIR SIDE AND MAKING US-" the boy who was speaking threw his hands over his mouth. The girl with spiky black hair put a murderous stare that moved from Blake to the other boy. Dawn and Victoria stepped back a little.

"Dawson Night Storm. Now we trusted you with that information that we didn't tell Blake. Now-"

"Hey! You didn't tell me something..." Blake started but then shut his mouth up.

"As I was saying. Now YOU'RE ACTING LIKE THE BLABBERMOUTH OF THIS TEAM!!! AS MUCH AS WE TRUSTED BLAKE, WE TRUSTED YOU DAWSON. IF THIS COUNTINUES TO HAPPEN...THEN IT'S YOU-KNOW-WHAT AND YOU WON'T BE ALLOWED TO COME THE MISSIONS AND YOU'LL HAVE TO STAY IN THE YOU-KNOW-WHERE." the girl finally stopped. June realized that this girl didn't give out anything. Not even what the you-know-what was and where the you-know-where was.

"AND FOR YOU MISTER. THIS GOES WITH YOU TOO." the girl's word seemed like fireballs being thrown. Each word more hurting than the one before. June realized that everyone had thrown their disguises away...but her. June quickly threw her disguise of quietly and got her weapon and had her gadgets ready.

"Um...thank you Blaze, for that scolding to Dawson and Blake...And now back to them..." Victoria said uneasily.

"Now where were we," Dawn asked herself. "Of course! The killing part."

"Dawn. Don't do it." Nickie said bravely. "Your mother and father-Sally and Thomas Porter- are innocent. They did nothing wrong. You're the one who did the wrong things. It's time to fix your mistakes, because....when you lose something important as your parents....it may be impossible to bring them back..." Nickie now had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Don't try to fool me girl," Dawn said harshly. "I know how good your acting skills are."

"Dawn, please. Your parents tried to give you what you wanted but you just took it the wrong way. Why don't you just talk to your parents to figure this out?" Emily suggested.

"Dawn, focus." Victoria warned.

"Sorry, but we have business to finish-" Dawn started but then realized that her former parents were gone. "They ran away. There's no point in looking for them. They'll come to us. Let's go." Dawn said.

"But what about-" Blake started.

"We'll let you guys go this time but next time, it's fighting." And with that they were gone.

Chapter 18

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The train stopped and Mr. and Mrs. Porter were nowhere to be seen...

Luke wanted to make sure he knew what their names were. "Their names were Blake, Blaze, Dawson, Dawn, and Victoria. I think we should talk to Mr. and Mrs. Porter and I also think that Dawn still cares about her parents..."

"Me too." June said quietly. She was looking at the view.

"Where do you think Mr. and Mrs. Porter went?"Alec asked.

"How would I-" Nickie started.

"To the airport." June replied briefly.

"How do you know that, June?" Emily asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" June asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"If you were 40-50 year old couple, and you just figured out the your long lost daughter and her 'new friends,' want to kill you. Did I mention that you have 10,000 dollars in your bag? What would you do. I would quietly get out the train when it's slower and when the other people are distracted-especially your daughter and her 'new friends;-and simply get out, go to the airport, buy clothes, eat, and buy tickets to another country. I'm guessing France, Italy, or England."

"Why wouldn't you go home?" Alec asked.

"The moment right after Ms. Porter told us about Dawn, Victoria came. I would think that Victoria and her gang have been keeping an eye them for quite a while. So, I wouldn't go back to my house, but someplace that I've never been...like France, Italy, or England."

"Why France, Italy, and England?" Nickie asked.

"I bet that Mr. and Mrs. Porter always wanted to visit those three countries before. Am I not right, Emily?"

"Mrs. Porter always wanted to go to those three countries..." Emily said.

"See. We need new disguises and to the airport A.S.A.P!"

Chapter 19

The disguises were chosen. They were going to be a group of teenagers from San Diego High School that were picked to go to England. Emily was the photographer, Alec was the interviewer, Nickie was the reporter, Luke was the video/camera man (since they had to make video journals), and June was the info person (since she knew a lot about England.) and the survey person too.

Alec liked his disguise. An interviewer. He was going to where a neat black wig, clean and neat jeans, and a T-shirt that said: San Diego. This plan was perfect. They were going to walk around and randomly interview people to ask where they were going. If they found the Porters in the crowd they would ask them questions. They would pretend to do a survey of how many people would visit the certain places. Then, they would ask where people wish to go.

Alec looked around the airport. The airport was huge. He found a couple that looked like the Porters. "Isn't that the Porters?"

―That‘s Mr. and Mrs. Porter all right.‖ Emily said.

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―Hurry! Let‘s go toward them!‖ Nickie said. They made their way toward the Porters.

―Hello,‖ Nickie said in a cheerful voice. ―I‘m Dakota Wenning from San Diego High. My team and I are doing a survey on where people in the airport of New York City would travel the most. This is my crew: the interviewer Grant Helfing (Alec), the cameraman Sam Gwetchen (Luke), the picture taker Kimi Watson (Emily), our survey/info person Courtney Bangs (June), and me the other interviewer Dakota Wenning (Nickie).‖

―We—we—really—sho-ldn‘t—do—do –this—― Mrs. Porter answered.

―No, you really should do this.‖ Nickie (Dakota) answered.

―I—I-guess….‖ Mr. Porter.

―Good,‖ Nickie (Dakota) answered.‖So, are you visiting Europe, another state in the United States, Africa, or Asia?‖

―We‘re..visiting Europe.‖ Mrs. Porter answered uncertainly.

―Ok. Which country are you visiting?‖

―Um…England…‖ Mr. Porter said.

―Ok! Thank you for your time. And may I have your last name?‖


―Thank you! San Diego High, that was the Porters. Another family visiting Europe. Well, we‘ll catch you guys later! Bye!‖ Nickie said to the camera. She turned to the Porters with a dazzling smile. ―And thank you guys for doing the survey. Have a nice trip!‖

―You—you-too…‖ Mr. Porter said.

―That. Was. Good!‖ Nickie said jumping up and down.

―I got that all on tape.‖ Luke said.

―Good.‖ June said. ―Let‘s check it on the lie detecting machine.‖

―We have something like that?‖ Alec asked.

―Uh…yeah.‖ June said. The lie detecting machine detecting the Porters of lying about where they were going.

―Where do you think they‘re going?‖ Emily asked.

―I‘m guessing…Asia.‖ June replied after a few minutes.

―How are you sure about that?‖ Nickie asked. ―Well, you were wrong about the Europe thing.‖

―They were going to Europe, before we asked them. They probably thought that we were going to stalk them after the Dawn thing…‖ June said. Everyone nodded.

―But which country?‖ Emily asked.

―First, we need to get to England, and then…we‘ll go to Seoul, South Korea!

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Chapter 20

The plane ride went smoothly. Alec slept the whole way so he didn‘t barf even once. After arriving, the kids went straight to the bathroom for disguises. They agreed that June was the girl who lived in England and brought her cousins from America to England. (Since June knew the most about England.) June dressed in Capri jeans, a light green T-shirt, and brown converses. She put on a blonde wig. Her name was Bridget Smith and her relatives‘ names were: Cameron (Emily), Ben (Alec), Tiffany (Nickie), and John (Luke). They all were blondes.

―This is the England airport.‖ June said with her English accent.

―This place is truly wonderful Bridget.‖ Emily said.

―Of course it is Cameron.‖June replied.

―Ben, put your DS away.‖ Nickie said.

―‗Tiffany put your DS away.‘ ―Alec said imitating Nickie. Nickie rolled her eyes. Alec rolled his eyes. ―You‘re hopeless.‖ Nickie said.

―You‘re hopeless.‖ Alec said copying Nickie.

―So…how old are you again Bridget?‖ Luke asked.

―I‘m fifteen.‖


―Are we going to the London Tower?‖ Emily asked eagerly. June‘s eyes sparkled. ―Of course! We‘re going there right now! It is truly brill. Oops. I mean brilliant.‖ June said.

There way to the London Tower was sunny. ―Wow.‖ Emily said. ―England is truly beautiful.‖

―Yes it is.‖ June replied.

There were only four people around the London Tower. ‗One of them has to be Lindsey.‘ She thought.

―What do you think?‖ June asked.

―Whoa.‖ Alec replied. ―It‘s huge.‖

―Of course.‖ June replied looking around. One of the four people left. The remaining people-not including them-were men. One of them wore jeans and a white T-shirt. He was on his cell phone talking to someone-his girlfriend?-. Another person had a business suit and continuously looked at his watch. The last man was the most mysterious. He had sunglasses, a dark trench coat, and kept whispering to himself. ‗I wonder which one is Lindsey.‘ She thought.

―That‘s Lindsey.‖ Nickie whispered in June‘s ear.

―Which one?‖ June asked.

―Formal suit.‖

―You sure?‖

―Yup. Watch this.‖ Nickie stood up and made her way to the man in the business suit.

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―Hello, mister!‖ Nickie said bravely.

―Um…hello…‖ the man replied.

―I‘m Tiffany from the United States. I love the London Tower. Don‘t you?‖ she asked.

―Um…yeah...I guess…Ms...Um…Tiffany…‖

―Awwww. You don‘t have to call me Ms. Tiffany. You can just call me Tiffany without the Ms in front of it.‖


―Anyway. What are YOU doing here?‖

―I‘m waiting for someone very important.‖ Nickie looked at the man curiously.

―You aren‘t shuddering anymore.‖ She whispered. The man whispered something in her ear and she nodded. ―THANK YOU MR. WHO EVER! IT WAS VERY NICE TALKLING TO YOU!‖

―Ok…so….‖ June asked. Nickie dropped something in June‘s lap. It was a note. June opened it. It said:

"Good job finding me and using the disguises! :) Enclosed are tickets to Seoul, South Korea. I'll find you guys at the airport! Meet

me there!

-You know who"

"Are you cousins ready to go home, yet?" June asked in her English accent.

"Yup! I'm hungry!" Alec shouted.

5 hours later...

Alec was all packed up. He had his bag, his disguise, and his laser pen with him. The new disguise was a family going to someone's wedding in Seoul, South Korea. Alec was a 10 year old boy named Mark, Nickie was Alec (Mark)'s twin Mary, Emily was the 17 year older sister of Mark and Mary named Margaret (usually called Meg), June was the cousin of Mark, Mary, and Meg named Savannah, and Luke was the other cousin of Mark, Mary, Meg, and Savannah named Roy. Alec got a tattered note book out from his book bag. He opened to a fresh new page. He grabbed a pencil and wrote.

Name: Mark Austin

Age: 10

Family: Margaret Austin and Mary Austin and parents (Georgia and Jackson Austin)

Home: Boise, Idaho

Purpose of flying: For his Aunt Sabrina's wedding with her new Korean husband

Birth of Date: July 6th, 2000

Place of Birth: Conrad, Montana

Date of movement to former residence: When Mark Austin was 3 years old (2003)

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Alec stopped. He smiled. This would be enough information for now. He shoved his notebook and pencil into his book bag and went to find the others.

"When does the plane leave?" Alec (now Mark) asked.

"5:25." June (now Savannah) answered. Alec slumped in his seat. 20 more minutes.

"Don't slump in your seat Mark." Emily (now Meg a.k.a Margaret) said.

"Ok." Alec mumbled.

"Hey Mark," Nickie (now Mary) said. "Guess what? I bought a bottle of orange soda and I don't have to share it with you!"

"That's not fair!" Alec shouted.

"Now Mark, calm down. Mary, give Mark some of the soda." Emily said. Alec spotted June scribbling something down. He sat next to her and looked.

"Name: Savannah Ann Morgan

Date of birth: January 30th, 1994

Former residence: Brooklyn, New York

Family: Tabitha Mariel Hills Taylor (Mother), David Jay Taylor (Father), Montana Ariel Taylor (Sister), and

Lance Avery Taylor

Purpose of flying: Aunt Sabrina's wedding"

"I wrote the same thing." Alec said. June looked startled.

"I didn't know you were here...." June said. Alec shrugged. He went back to his seat. He had nothing to do. 'Dozing off for a while can't be too bad...' he thought and within minutes, Alec was asleep....

―Alec! Alec! ALEC! MARK! WAKE UP!‖ someone shouted in Alec‘s ear. Alec woke up. June was shaking him.

―What?‖ Alec asked.

―It‘s time to get on the plane.‖ June said. Oh right. The plane. Alec sighed. ―I‘m coming.‖ Alec replied. In the plane were lots and LOTS of Koreans. Alec could tell because they all had blackish brownish (some people dyed their hair brownish orangish) hair and brown eyes. ‗Wow. We‘re like the only Americans on this plane.‘ Alec thought.

―You are…Mark Austin?‖ asked a lady.

―Um…yeah…‖ Alec answered.

―I see…..‖ the lady said. The lady stood up and dropped a piece of paper on Alec‘s seat. ―Excuse me! Lady!‖ Alec started but then realized that this paper said for Alec. Not Mark Austin. Alec started to read the paper.

―This is Lindsey again. Sorry to just act like a lady you have never seen…. Anyway my name is Kristen Seven. I will have light brown shoulder length hair with blue eyes. Be careful for them… (you know who: Dawn and her gang.)They are on this plane. You will find the Porters in the airport. Trust me. Pass this message on. From: Lindsey (The next letter is for Mark Austin.)‖

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Alec found the next letter.

“Dear my dear family members,

This is your dear Aunt Sabrina. I‘m so glad that you guys (Mark, Mary, Meg, Savannah, and Roy) can come! I‘m so excited for the wedding! Your new Uncle George will meet you guys at the airport. He will be wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans. I‘ve told him everything about you guys. He‘s really excited to meet you guys. Be nice to him, please. The wedding will take place on Saturday. George will take you guys to the hotel. It‘s very nice actually. Please sleep early. (You know about the time change. Right?) Also, remember to change your clocks! I may be at the airport. Maybe. It depends on if I finish my wedding plans on time or so. I‘ll see you guys later!


Aunt Sabrina


There‘s a letter from your soon-to-be Uncle George.‖

There was another letter. It was from ―Uncle George.‖

Dear my future nephews and nieces,

Let me explain something. My name is George. I like to play golf, watch TV, play videogames, and play games with kids. I am really excited to meet you guy. I hope that all of you guys and I can get along well. Well, that‘s all I can write. See you guys later!


Uncle George

P.S. George=Henry‖

‗Wait! If George is Henry…Sabrina must be Lindsey!‘ Alec thought. He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and wrote something down.

“Our Aunt Sabrina is actually Lindsey! And the person Aunt Sabrina (Lindsey) is going to marry is George. And

George is really Henry! Read these letters! We‘re going to meet Henry at the airport! This is NO Joke!‖ Alec passed the paper to June. She started at the note and looked confused. Alec passed her the letters. Her eyes widened and June wrote something down. She passed the note to Alec.

“We have to tell the others, but we have to be careful. Very careful, because of you-know-who‘s-gang is here. We

need to tell/warn the others about this quickly! Let‘s pass the papers down un-noticelingly. And, no one can comment because of…yeah. Let‘s call the group…um….Moon! So the Moons are here. Let‘s act casual and act normal.‖

Alec nodded toward June. ―What do you think Aunt Sabrina‘s husband is going to look like?‖ A lec asked.

―I don‘t know. He‘s probably Korean, Mark.‖ June said.

―Oh….right.‖ Alec answered.

Chapter 23

Nickie was sleeping peacefully. She was having a perfect dream. Something or someone poked her. She ignored it. It poked again. She slapped it. Hard. ―Ouch!‖ the something she had slapped was Luke. Nickie‘s eyes

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widened. ―I‘m so sorry about that. I really didn‘t mean that. It was a very very bad accident. I hope you understand that I-―

―It‘s okay, Nickie.‖ Luke said. As soon as he said the name ‗Nickie,‘ 5 people turned their faces toward them. All of the faces had dark blue eyes that Nickie recognized. They were the Moons. ―I—This—she—I—she—― Luke started.

―Forget it. You guys are the other side,‖ said a girl that Nickie thought was Victoria. ―I think you guys remember me as..Victoria Dark. There‘s no escaping this time!‖ Victoria said with a mean laugh. All the Moons took their disguises off. The other passengers gasped.

―All of you put your seatbelts off and duck!‖ Dawson ordered.

―Dawson, make sure everyone follow orders and if they don‘t-― Dawn put on a cruel smile, ―Shoot them. Blake and Blaze, go to the where the pilots are and take over. Victoria, take care of the flight attendants and make sure they don‘t call for help. And for you guys-― Dawn pointed at the rest of them. ―Should really take your disguises off. There is really no need for disguises-anymore. Why don‘t we do some talking and...well some killing.‖

―No.‖ Nickie said fiercely.

―No? Did you just say…Oh….aren‘t you the drama queen of the group. I hear that you‘re a no-brainer. Trying to act like a brave tiger? Aren‘t you a sweet thing? But, this acting stuff won‘t get you anywhere.‖ Dawn said. Her words repeated in her had. A no-brainer? Was she the drama queen of the group? Was she trying to act brave? Was what Dawn saying true? Nickie was lost in thought. Nickie realized that everyone was staring at her to answer. She also realized that Dawn had gotten a knife out to kill them.

―I…Well, what are you then? You‘re trying to act like the boss and everything. Aren‘t you?‖ Now, everyone was looking at Dawn. Dawn smiled. Not a nice smile but a cruel smile.

―Well, aren‘t you treading on thin ice? I should say that I am the boss. Not acting like one. So, I guess-―

―Give up now, Dawn,‖ said a voice. Everyone gasped and turned around. There stood Lindsey. She had her bow and arrow. She started to walk toward Dawn.‖All of your members are unconscious and are tied up. Any last words, Dawn?‖ Lindsey asked.

―You—You‘re lying! They aren‘t captured!‖

―Oh yeah? Henry!‖

―Henry?‖ Dawn asked. Suddenly, Henry came dragging the other Moons. They were tied together and were unconscious just as Lindsey said. Dawn gasped. Victoria mumbled something and opened her eyes.

―Where am I?!?! How-Why am I tied up?‖ Victoria asked loudly.

―Victoria? How could you guys let this happen? How could you guys get yourselves captured?‖ Dawn asked. She had little tears in her eyes. She looked hurt and angry at the same time.

―Dawn? Why do you tears in your eyes?‖ Victoria asked. She seemed to be surprised.

―How could you guys let me down?‖ Dawn asked. Now, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

―Are you crying because we let you down? Why would you be crying though?‖ Victoria said. Dawn looked away. She sighed.

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―So many people have let me down. Friends and family….and now you guys….Do you know how that feels? Nobody understands! The Porters were never my real parents. My birth parents left me in an orphanage when I was only 1 year old. I was too much for them. Then…the orphanage just threw me away. They put me in front of someone‘s home. I was too much for them too. Then, the Porters came. They seemed to care about me…but I was wrong. One night I heard then arguing about where to send me. They were thinking about to send me to an orphanage or to keep me. I was furious with them. I should have seen it coming. I was heartbroken. I ran away and left them a riddle to solve. It was a test. A test to see if they could understand me. If they could solve it and buy the correct…item. Just as I thought, they failed. Then, I met Victoria and her gang. They treated me like a family member. You guys promised me we would never be caught and NEVER let me down…but you guys LET ME DOWN!‖ Dawn started her story from whispering to shouting.

Nickie understood that she had been let down by every friend that she had made. Even her parents.

Chapter 24

"Dawn....I had no idea about this. I'm....sorry." "Victoria said. All the Moons gasped. They had never heard Victoria apologize in all their missions."I....I'm sorry for letting you down."

"It's....it's fine. I'm sorry too-for over reacting." Dawn replied quietly. Victoria nodded. Understanding. Lindsey cleared her throat.

"I hate to break this, but...I have one question to you guys. Who's driving this plane?" Lindsey asked. Everyone's eyes widened. Panic spread. The passengers started to freak out.

"EVERYONE! CALM DOWN! SIT DOWN AND PUT YOUR SEATBELTS ON! NOW!" Nickie yelled. Everyone followed her order. "Now what do they do?"

"For once, I think we should work together," Lindsey said. Dawn nodded. "Ok, no fighting. For this once only." Lindsey and Dawn shook hands.

"Dawson and....you." Dawn said pointing at Henry. "You two go to the pilot place and take control. Work together. Victoria and Nickie, you two calm the passengers down and make sure no one is at the bathroom and etc. Blaze and.....you" Dawn said pointing at Luke. "You two find the flight attendants and when you find them come back here with them. Blake and you" This time the 'you' was June. "You two....um what do they do?" Dawn turned to Lindsey. Lindsey thought for a while.

"They can help Dawson and Henry for controlling the plane."Lindsey said. Dawn nodded, agreeing.

Suddenly, Nickie and Victoria came running toward them. They were panting.

"There-there-is-a-is-per-son-gun-dead." Nickie tried to say. Trying her hardest.

"Who's dead?" Lindsey and Dawn asked at the same time.

"A-" Victoria started but was interrupted by a scream.

"It's coming from the pilot place!" Dawn shouted. "Let's go!"

All the girls raced toward where the pilots (Blake, Dawson, Henry, and June) were. Lindsey said, "On a count of three, we bust in. One....Two...Three!" The door opened and there was blood everywhere...

Chapter 25

"What happened here?" Lindsey and Dawn demanded.

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"All the flight attendants were hiding here and wouldn't let us out. Then a man-no a figure- came in and shot all the flight attendants but didn't shoot us. That was pretty weird. When the figure was shooting, Blake started to scream like crazy. The man escaped through the window-over there- after he killed every flight attendant and...well you guys are here..." June explained.

"We can't show the passengers this," Lindsey whispered. She looked up. "How many minutes till landing?"

"Um....25." Henry answered.

"Good," Dawn said. "We need all the passengers to do certain procedures. Nickie and Victoria tell the passengers if they have a baby to put the baby like this-" Dawn demonstrated."And make sure to tell them to take off all high heels; no glasses or sunglasses; put all bags, blankets, etc. on the floor, all tables up; seat in regular position; no talking; no food; no eating; and...that's about it." Nickie and Victoria left.

"Henry and Dawson, start controlling the plane. Blake and June, help them." Lindsey ordered. Henry and Dawson followed their orders. Suddenly, Luke and Blaze burst in the room.

"We couldn't find-" Blaze started but Dawn cut her off.

"It's ok. We'll explain later. I want you and him to start cleaning in here." Dawn said. Blaze and Luke found mops and started to clean. Lindsey froze.

"What's wrong?" Dawn asked.

"Emily. Emily's missing." At first, Dawn didn't understand and then she realized that one of the other side members weren't there. There were a total of 6 of them...but there was only 5 of them now.

"Where could she be?" Lindsey asked. She looked frightened.

"What if she's..." Dawn started.

"No. She can't be. Emily would know better than that." Lindsey said. 'Or would she...' she thought.

Chapter 26

No one knew that Emily was missing. Dawn thought about where she could be. It wasn't like Dawn cared about that Emily...but Dawn needed something to do. She started to pace around and around. Her eyes were focused on the floor. Dawn kept on thinking about the 'What ifs' but just cleared them out of her mind. 'She couldn't have been killed...or could she have...' Dawn thought. She tried to think when she was talking about her past and everything else. 'I think she was there...' It was no use just thinking about it. Even Lindsey seemed to have been thinking about it and if Lindsey was thinking about...well it was important. Dawn had always envied Lindsey for her brain and her good looks. Where ever she went...everything seemed to get...well bright. Dawn couldn't explain...but everything just went bright. Then, her thoughts went back to Emily. Dawn knew she couldn't find anyone just thinking. She knew the right thing to do. "Let's go find that Emily." she whispered to Lindsey. Lindsey nodded in agreement. Then, they started their journey to find Emily.

"Let's write down a list of places Emily can be." Lindsey started. Dawn got out her notebook and her pen.




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Lindsey looked. "Erase the last one." Dawn erased the last one. They went by the order but couldn't find Emily even though they looked twice at the places on the list. Now, the list looked like this:








"Wait!" Lindsey shouted. "Isn't there a big freezer?"


"Let's go there."

"It's too cold. I'm not going."


"Fine!" And Dawn ended up going to the freezer with Lindsey. As the two girls carefully made sure that the door was opened they went in. "It's really cold in here." Dawn said shivering.

"Maybe we should-" Dawn started. But it was too late. The door had automatically shut behind them.

"I'm sure we left the door open...right?" Lindsey asked. Dawn nodded. "Then...who closed the door?" Lindsey sounded nervous.

"Emily...Are you-you-in-in-he-re-?' Dawn asked with her teeth chattering. There was no answer. It seemed to get colder and colder each second."Is-is-it-it-ju-st-me-or-is-it-ge-t-ting-col-der-each-sec-ond?" Dawn asked.

"It's not just you." Lindsey said. "Look!"Lindsey pointed at a chair. Both girls ran toward it. Lindsey gasped. "It's Emily!" The girl was barely breathing. She was tied tightly on the chair. Her golden hair was down. "Poor Emily...." Lindsey said as she helped Dawn undo the ropes. After the ropes were undone, they checked to see that Emily's hear was...well beating. She was still alive. "Let's get her out of her." Lindsey whispered. Dawn nodded.

Suddenly, something from Emily's pocket dropped. In the dim light, Dawn could see the outline. It was a laser pen! Dawn grabbed it and made a hole at the door. Fortunately, the hole was big enough for the girls to climb out of. "We need to find a doctor." Dawn said after they had escaped. Lindsey nodded in agreement. They managed to carry Emily to where Dawson and Henry were. Lindsey cleared her throat and grabbed a speaker.

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"If there is anyone on this plane that is a doctor, please get up and come to where the pilots are. Thank you." Lindsey said. Two women came. They were both from the same place and were around their forties.

"I'm Dr. Lodge." said a woman with a green business suit.

"And I'm Dr. Kettle." said a woman with white pants and a light green blouse with a blue cardigan.

"Thank you Dr. Lodge and Dr. Kettle, would you please check this girl?" Lindsey asked kindly. The two doctors examined Emily.

Chapter 27

Victoria was tired. She needed a massage. She wanted sleep in her extra comfy bed. Her orangish reddish brownish hair was a mess. She got up to complain to Dawn.

When she went in she saw Dawn talking to two ladies. Then... she saw a boy who was absolutely gorgeous... He had sandy brown hair and sea blue eyes. He was perfect. He was tall with a cute smile. He wore dark jeans with a Yankees T-shirt.

Victoria looked at her clothes. She was wearing a cute pink blouse with ribbons, a dark jeans skirt that almost reached her knees, and black ballet flats. She straightened her hair making sure it looked nice. She pulled out a mirror from her pocket and checked her face. Her dark green eyes were staring back at her. Most people didn't know that she had green eyes. They thought that she had blue eyes. She had light freckles around her nose. Victoria's worst feature was her eyes. She hated the fact that they were...well dark. However, her best feature, her hair was a good distraction to her eye color. Her hair went down to her waist and was perfectly straight. Victoria made sure her hair was perfect and then made her move.

She walked toward Dawson and said, "How many more minutes?"

Before Dawson could answer, the perfect boy answered. "5. You should really get to your seat."

Victoria batted her eyelashes. "I'm sorry, but I forgot where my seat was. Could one of you boys please help me to my seat?"

"Not a chance," Dawson said. "You do it Henry."

"Sure." Henry answered. Victoria did a smile to herself. The boy-Henry- was going to walk her!

"Thank you." Victoria said sweetly.

"No problem." Henry answered.

"So Henry, how old are you?"

"I'm 15." Henry was only one year older than her! This got Victoria excited.

"Oh...I see."

"Here's your seat." Henry said.

"Thank you." Victoria said once more. Inside her head, Victoria scolded herself for only learning two things. The first thing was his name and the second was his age. They weren't very useful information but they did teach Victoria something...

Henry went back to where the pilots were. He saw that Dawson was doing a good job. He smiled.

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"So, what did Victoria want?" Dawson asked.

"Oh, she just asked me one question. My age." Henry replied. Dawson laughed.

"I know what she's into."

"What's she into?"

"She wants to get your attention."

"In other words?"

"She likes you." Dawson whispered in Henry's ear.


"You don't sound surprised."

"These kind of things happed a lot to me."

"I understand."

Chapter 28

2 hours later

The plane had landed safely. Emily was all right. She just needed rest. Lindsey went toward Dawn. "We made a good team, but...I think that was our last time to be a team. Sadly. I hope that you have a good path in front of you." Lindsey said. Dawn nodded in agreement. They shook hands and walked away. Emily was in a wheel chair and everyone went to a hotel and slept...

Emily dreamed of being in someplace cold. Very cold. When she woke up, she was actually in a very comfy bed sleeping next to June. Since she didn't want wake up June, she quietly got up and got a note book out of her book bag. She grabbed a pen and started to write.

"Date: 11-??

I am writing this at 5 A.M in the morning. No one else is awake but me. I dreamed of being in someplace really cold. Was it really

just a dream? Or was it like real? I can't think straight. I'm not even sure how we got in this hotel! I think that someone did something to

me...But I'm not sure.

I believe that we are in Seoul, South Korea. The view is amazing. You can see the mountains and all the tiny apartment buildings.

This is amazing as I have said before.

Next summer, I'm asking my parents to take me here! The weather seems nice. (I wrote down 'seems' not is.) I believe that time has

changed...I wonder where Lindsey and Henry is... I hope they're all right. Well, I think I will write some questions down now.


-How did I get here?

-Where is Henry and Lindsey?

-Are Henry and Lindsey all right?

-What happened to the plane?

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-Where was I the last few hours on the plane?

-Did we meet the Porters?

*Remember to have these questions answered when everyone awakes!

From: Emily in Seoul, South Korea

Time: 5:06 A.M.~5:10A.M

Bye! :) ^^>.<"

"Good morning Emily." said a nice kind voice. Emily turned to where the voice was. It was Lindsey.

"Li-Lind-Lindsey! How-Why-What-" Emily said.

"I'll explain everything after everyone is awake. In the meantime, I'm going to make breakfast."

After everyone ate breakfast, Lindsey started to explain everything. Emily nodded. "I understand everything now."

"Emily, I have a question. What were you doing in the freezer?" Lindsey asked.

"I-I-I-don't-re-member......" Emily said sadly. Lindsey nodded.

"Ok! Today, we're going to the airport to find the Porters and find more about Dawn's past. We're going to leave at 8 o'clock so get ready!" Everyone started to get ready.

Luke had brushed his teeth and was choosing his clothes. He decided on long jeans, a T-shirt that said 'Dallas, Texas,' and a black Gap sweater. He put his socks on and put his sneakers on. He looked at the clock. It was 7:47. 'Well, I guess I'm early he thought.'

Soon, Henry came out and then Alec came out. The three of them just sat down and waited. "We should check on the girls." Henry said for what seemed like a million years. Luke and Alec nodded.

Alec said, "You go, Henry. You're the oldest."

"No, Alec you should go since you have a sister." Henry said.

"I don't want to go!" Alec shouted.

"Fine. I'll go." Henry said. Luke started to follow Henry.

"I'll go with you." Luke said. Henry nodded.

"HEY! Don't leave me behind! I'm coming too!" Alec shouted. They walked across the hall and knocked. No answer. They knocked again. "Who is it?" asked a voice from the door.

"Um. Are you guys ready? It's almost 8." Henry said.

"We're coming!" shouted another voice. And then the door opened and all the girls came out. "We're here." Nickie said.

Luke focused his eyes on June. She was wearing jeans and a light blue sweater. Her blue eyes were sparkling with joy. Her brown hair was in a ponytail. Then, he just looked at the other girls. Emily was wearing light

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colored jeans with a blue jacket. Nickie was wearing black leggings, a jeans skirt, a pink blouse, and a white jacket. Lindsey had her hair down, she wore jeans, a purple top, and was carrying a sky blue sweater.

―Let‘s go.‖ Lindsey said. The ride to the airport was smooth. When they went inside the airport, things didn‘t go as smooth….

Chapter 29

June sighed. It was the crowded airport all over again…They had split into different groups and was trying to find the Porters. Lindsey was positive that the Porters were here. June was with Alec. They stuck together trying to find the Porters.

―Isn‘t that the Porters?‖ Alec asked. June nodded.

―It‘s them all right.‖ June replied. June and Alec told the others that they had found the Porters. Everyone rushed to the same place.

―I‘ll the talking.‖ Lindsey said. Everyone nodded in agreement. ―Hello, are you Thomas and Sally Porter?‖

―Um…yes…‖ Mr. Porter answered.

―We talked to your daughter, Dawn a few days ago. We would like to know her past better. Would you please tell us more about her past please?‖ Lindsey asked.

―Um…well…can we do it someplace else?...‖ Ms. Porter asked.

―Most certainly. We can do it over there.‖ Lindsey said pointing at a seat with no people.

―We aren‘t Dawn‘s birthparents. We adopted her when she was left on our doorstep years ago. She was a beautiful little girl with a kind heart. She seemed to have trouble making friends. She liked the colors dark blue and black for a weird reason. Thomas and I gave her everything she wanted.‖ Ms. Porter said.

―Was Dawn her given name or did you guys give it to her?‖ Lindsey asked taking notes.

―Well, that‘s kind of-― Mr. Porter started.

―No. I‘ll explain. Thomas and I have always liked Japan and South Korea. We had our wedding in Japan and our honey moon in South Korea. I had a Japanese friend whose name was Sakura and it means cherry blossom in Japanese. We loved that name and gave that name to our child. Since Sakura was a Japanese name, we also decided to give her an English name. At first, we wanted to name her Cherry…but we found her during dawn..so we named her Dawn. We gave her a silver locket with her Japanese and English name. I believe she still has it.‖ Ms. Porter said.

―I understand. Has Dawn ever known about her Japanese name?‖ Lindsey asked.

―No. We never told her about it. I believe that she still has her locket and having no idea what it is…and well…….I guess she‘ll never know…‖ Ms. Porter said.

―Did you give her a middle name?‖ Lindsey asked.

―Yes. Her middle name was Jin.‖ Ms. Porter replied.

―Jin? Oh yeah, Jin means precious in Korean. Since Dawn was like super precious to you guys, you gave her the middle name Jin!‖ Lindsey said. Mr. and Mrs. Porter nodded.

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―I think that‘s enough information. Thank you so much. Bye!‖ Lindsey said. ―That was a lot of info on Dawn‘s name. I think this may be her one weakness.‖

Chapter 30

June didn‘t listen to half the things the Porters had said. June was reading the novel Emily had written. Emily wanted to become an author when she grew up so, she wanted June to read her first novel.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princess April. Princess April had soft pale skin, long shimmering gold hair, and

gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. Everyone loved the princess and the princess loved everyone. Every prince wanted to marry the

princess. But the princess didn‟t want the prince to marry her for her beauty only but also for her heart. Her parents went to the oracle for advice.

The oracle said that Princess April was too beautiful and perfect for any mortal. She would placed on a mountain and meet her doom. Her parents

were terribly worried about the doom part but the princess did what the oracle had said. She traveled for days and days until she reached the top of

the mountain. She stood and waited for her doom. Suddenly, a horse came and said, “Princess April your doom is here. Jump off this mountain.”

Princess April looked around the world one last time and jumped to her doom. Everyone watched the beautiful princess going to her doom. Princess

April plunged through the sea. There, she saw a figure coming toward her. Since she knew it must be her doom, princess april bowed down to it. The

figure said, “my dear april you have passed your doom and shall ride this creature until it orders you. Farewell for now…”

The princess rode the creature for hours and finally came to a stop. The creature told her to go up the steps and there shall be people. Princess april

climbed the 1 billion stairs. When she came to the top she was panting and sweating. She knew that this was no way to go show her presence. So,

she wiped herself and cooled down and then entered. In there was 12 different people. Princess april looked at them curiously. The king (or the person

who seemed like the king) said,”this is princess april, she has passed her test and must be realesed.”

“Wait your majesty!” shouted a boy no older than April. “Shouldn‟t she atleast get some shelter for the night and food?”

“Hm….you are right Edward. We shall have a feast! “ shouted the king. The boy, Edward, had jet black hair and green eyes.

“Hello. How do you do?” Princess April asked him.

“I‟m…fine thank you.” Edward was trapped by princess april‟s beauty. Her eyes were beautiful. Edward wanted to look at it all day

long. Her long shimmering gold hair caught his eye. It looked so real….and her smile…………Edward could have stared at her smile all day

long and never get tired of it. “You are beautiful as Aphrodite.” He finally said after staring her.

“Who is Aphrodite?” Princess April asked.

“Aphrodite? Aphrodite is that goddness. “ Edward said pointing at a beautiful woman. The beautiful woman noticed Edward pointing

at him.

“Edward, how dare you point your finger at a goodness.”

“I‟m so sorry but I was trying to show you to this mortal. Princess April.”

“How do you do your majesty?” Princess April asked with a bow.

“My…you are one beautiful mortal. You do deserve someone better than a mortal man. Maybe a minor god or a…demi-god!”

Aphrodite shouted. “Edward here is the son of Poseidon. Am I now right?”

“Yes, Aphrodite.” Edward answered.

“Oh! I just love love stories like this one of you two. You two will make a perfect couple!” Edward and April stared at eachother.

April realized that Edward was…pretty handsome. His green eyes sparkled with joy, his smile made April blush, and his face was just a

masterpiece! He was perfect. April blushed when she realized that she had stared for too long. Then, she realized that he was staring at her too.

“The girl….Princess April is very beautiful…” Edward started. This made April blush even more.

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“And Edward does seem like a very nice boy…” Princess April started.

“You guys are perfect! Edward, show her the garden!!!” Aphrodite said before leaving them. Edward grabbed April‟s hand and brought

her to the garden. Even though Edward had let go, April could still feel the heat from his hands.

Edward was surprised at his actions. For grabbing a princess‟s hand like that! He should have been sentenced to jail. “I—I‟m sorry

about that.” Edward said.

April smiled. “It‟s fine.” Her smile was dazzling under the moonlight. Her face shined in the darkness. “Are you truly the son



“Do you have control over water?”


“If you wanted to would you blast a bunch of water at me?”


April smiled. “Why not?”

“Well….because…I…I…like you…” Edward said looking at the ground. His face was red.

“I think I like you too.” April said. Edward looked up.



“How old are you?”


“Oh. I‟m 18.” April nodded. She smiled. Edward smiled.

“I like your smile.” April said.

“I like yours too.”

“Thank you.”

“So…What do you want to do?”

“I don‟t know…”

“What‟s left to do?”

“I guess one thing.”

“What‟s that?” April asked.

“That‟s this.” And after saying that Edward-

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June stopped reading. She looked at Emily as if she were crazy. "Emily! I told you-" she started but then looked around to see that other people were talking and she was too loud. So, she got her phone out and started to text Emily.

"Why didn't you tell me it was a romance novel?"

"it's not."

"then why does it have...well kissing?"

"because i wanted it to have it!!!"

"you know that i hate romance and stuff!!!!"

"but you read Percy Jackson and it had kissing."

"but it had a lot of adventure before it!! your story starts with the stupid romance and then possibly the

adventure. i'm not reading it anymore!"

"well...please june"

"NO! i hate romance novels. i like adventure, fantasy, mystery...all those things. not stupid romance. you

should really read the Shadow Children series. it's really awesome."

"What?!?! no way! i like romance! i don't like adventure fantasy and mystery. and i will NOT read the Shadow Children books! end of discussion!"

"gee, emily. don't be so upright..."

"I am not upright! well....actually i am. it's mostly because you won't read my story!"

"hi! this is Alec!!!"

"@Alec: who told you could join?"


"@alec: your sister is being rude."

"@emily: she always is...one time i asked her to read my report and tell the truth and she said it was horrible and that i would get an f and i did..."

"@Alec: i was only telling the T R U T H!!!!!"

"Ok. whatever. @June: PLEASE READ MY NOVEL!!! I AM BEGGING YOU!!!

@Alec: go away"


"i know right? JK."

"that's not nice!"

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"i said JK."

"what about you Alec?'

"gee...sorry...don't be like sooo up right Emily. what's your novel about?"

"it's about a princess name April and she has to do tasks to her family from danger and doom. &she meets a demi-god named Edward."

"Who's his godly parent?"


"you should like change his name."

"under one condition. you have to read it! hahaha!!"

"don't read it Alec! You'll regret it afterwards!!! It's really a romance novel!"

"Romance! I hate romance novels. they suck!!!"

"Gee thanks-"

"Emily? What's wrong??? EMily!"

"maybe she died."

"As if!"

June looked at Emily. Emily went toward her and whispered, "My phone's dead." June nodded in understandment.

Chapter 30

Somehow, time had gone by quickly. Now, it was night. June had taken a shower and was now in bed. She looked at the clock. It was 11:45. June sighed. She looked over to where Emily was. Emily was already sleeping. Tomorrow was a big day. They were going to free Andrew. Lindsey had warned them that there were two more Moons. There were a total of 8 Moons. Just like them. There were Dawn, Victoria, Blaze, Dawson, Blake, Justin, Night, and Storm.

Dawn was 14 years old. She had spiky black hair and dark blue eyes. Her skin was pale. To June, Dawn seemed like the leader. She was always in charge and told the group what to do. She never flinched or looked scared. She always looked ready for a fight.

Victoria seemed like the Nickie of the group. She had orangish, reddish, and brownish long perfectly straight hair. She seemed like the drama queen. She seemed to have dark blue or dark green eyes. June wasn't too sure. Victoria acted like the boss, but well...wasn't. She was more like the assistant. She was always dressed fashionably. She looked about 14 years old.

Blaze was a little mystery to June. She had light blond wavy hair. Sometimes, her hair even looked white. She had fierce orangish and kind of hazel eyes. They weren't warm and friendly like Emily's. Blaze was skinny and was quiet short. Looking like that, most people would underestimate her, but June knew better. She had seen Blaze scold and that seemed to be her ability. When Blaze was scolding, it felt like rocks being thrown. Every word was

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much more powerful than the one before. She didn't seem to lose control...but just a scolder. Other than that, June didn't know anything about Blaze. She looked about 13 years old.

Dawson was tall and muscular. He acted like he could beat anyone up, but he was more like a blabbermouth. He looked like he could be the boss, but....he was better not. Dawson had brown hair and brown eyes. He didn't have fierce or dark eyes like the rest of them. He remineded June of the football players at her school. Dawson looked like about....14 or 15 years old.

Blake was also a mystery to June. He looked like the younger brother of Blaze. He had light blonde hair and blue eyes. He was short and skinny-just like Blaze. He seemed to be the main blabbermouth of the group. When she was working with Blake, he seemed like a sweet little boy. He was awfully quiet. June had learned that Blake liked to watch movies and go to amusement parks. He liked Sponge Bob. Blake was only 10 years old, but was very intelligent. He could speak 16 different languages and solve difficult math problems under 3 minutes. His vocabulary was supreme and yet he was only in elementary school. He knew history like a pro and knew science like a true scientist. Blake's dream was to become a musician. He wanted to learn to play the clarinet. When June had told him that she played the clarinet, he asked her if she could give him lessons one day and she agreed. She couldn't let a kid's dream down.

June knew very few things about Justin. Lindsey had given them all the information she knew about him. Justin had very dark brown hair and green eyes. He was 14 years old. Justin was the technology wiz for the group. Just like Andrew, he had been taken a few days ago. He came from Los Angles, California.

Just like Justin, June knew very few things about Night. Night had dark green eyes and black hair. She the security person. She was very good at keeping things, people, and places safe. She was 15 years old. Night had once protected her mother from murderers and they both had survived. Night had very pale skin. Her skin almost looked white. She was also a computer whiz.

Storm was the hider. He had pale brown hair and blue eyes. He was petite. Storm was only 12 years old but-like Blake-was super smart. He knew every single country in the world, spoke 16 different languages, was a math genius, was a perfect speller, was a big reader, just a variety of vocabulary words, was a history pro, and was like a true scientist. Unlike Blake, Storm wanted to become a professor when he grew up.

June sighed. She wanted to become a professional clarinet player or a professor one day. ‗My possibilities of becoming those things are getting lower every day.‘ She thought. ‗Maybe I should just become a nun. You never have to marry, you just follow those religious rules and..yeah.‘ She sighed again. As she closed her eyes, she began to fall asleep…

Chapter 31

―Riiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg!‖ went the alarm clock. I groaned. It‘s just another boring day of school I thought. I opened my eyes. I was in a hotel. That‘s odd, I thought. I‘m supposed to be- Then I realized where I was. Today was the day we were supposed to rescue Andrew! It wasn‘t like I was excited or anything…But I was a little pumped. I looked around. Everyone else was still asleep. I looked at the clock, 7:30. Not bad, I thought. I gobbled down my breakfast and took a quick shower. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a green T-shirt. I dressed quickly as possible and watched as the others slowly woke up. I noticed that Lindsey‘s bed was empty. She‘s probably doing something of her own, I thought.

―Well, I guess I‘m not the only early bird here,‖ said a voice behind her. I turned around. It was Lindsey. ―Sorry, I didn‘t mean to startle you.‖

―It‘s ok. What do we do with the others?‖

Lindsey looked at the others. ―Well, I guess we‘re going to wake them up the hard way.‖

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I looked at her completely puzzled. ―The hard way?‖

Lindsey smiled in amusement. ―Yes, the hard way.‖ And then, she grabbed Nickie‘s pillow off her bed and her blanket. Nickie groaned. ―Give it back!‖ she said still half-asleep.

Lindsey looked at me, ―Get some cold water in a bucket!‖ I ran to the bathroom, grabbed a bucket along the way, and started to fill it up with ice cold water. I struggled to hold the weight of the bucket. I managed to give the bucket successfully to Lindsey. She dumped the whole thing on to Nickie! Nickie shot up. ―Ahhh!‖ She screamed realizing that she was all wet. Lindsey shoved her to the bathroom and instructed her to take a shower in 5 minutes and dress in certain clothes.

―And now…for the rest of them…‖ Lindsey said. I smiled. I seriously had a lot of fun dumping ice cold water to the other kids. It was hilarious to watch them shoot up and wake up screaming or shivering. After that, we (Lindsey and I) would send them to the bathroom with a timer and clothes. If they didn‘t make it before the timer rang…well they had to hurry. When the kids came out of the shower they were grumpy or…just the way they used to be. Nickie was the most grumpiest. She hollered and screamed at Lindsey and me. Even though she looked pretty good…well her mood wasn‘t. She gobbled up her breakfast and while she was in the bathroom, she vowed for revenge. For the next 2 hours in the car…I tried to avoid Nickie.

2 hours later…

We had arrived at the place where they were holding Andrew hostage. It looked like a completely ordinary building to me. It was tall, had windows, and had people going in and out. We had go in the building separately. I went up the elevator and went to the highest floor there was: the 23rd floor.

The 23rd floor was darker than the lobby. The lights were dimmed and…well it was a little mysterious. Trust me, I‘m not a girl like Nancy Drew who would snoop around…but I knew I had too. As I carefully and quietly went down the (what seemed like an) endless hallway, I glanced behind my back every 5 seconds. I felt someone or something following me…it was just this feeling. I found a door with the lights on. I heard voices. I leaned against the back of the door and tried to listen. Unfortunately, it was too hard to hear the voices. I heard footsteps coming near the door so I hid behind some boxes that I found near the door. Someone opened the door.

―I thought I heard something hear…‖ said a voice.

―Forget it. It was probably nothing. Maybe it was an-― started another voice. The voice sounded more…little.

―No! I know I heard…AHA! I FOUND YOU!‖ snapped the voice and it pushed the box in front of me. My face was frozen with fear. The face put on a cruel smile. They dragged me into the room. For some reason, I didn‘t scream. I remained silent…

The room was filled with all these science experiment things. I realized the two people who dragged me here were about my age.

―Who are you?‖ asked the first voice that I heard. He had very dark brown hair and green eyes. June guessed that he was Justin.

―I think she‘s one of…them‖ said the other voice. She had green eyes and black hair. She was probably Night.

―Are you Justin and Night?‖ she blurted out.

―That‘s for you to figure out and for us to know.‖ Said the boy whom June guessed as Justin frowning.

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―Are you…Nickie or Lindsey or Emily?‖ asked the girl. June could have laughed if she wasn‘t so scared. She wasn‘t even wearing a disguise! How could they think she was Nickie or Lindsey or Emily! They were all beautiful and graceful so unlike June who was ugly and un-graceful. The only graceful thing she seemed to be at seemed to be playing the clarinet!

―That‘s for me to know and for you to figure out.‖ She answered. The girl frowned.

―She‘s not Lindsey for sure.‖ The girl said.

―Of course not! She doesn‘t even have blonde hair! Wasn‘t there another girl? What was her name…Um…wasn‘t it like um…Emma?‖ the boy asked.


―IT‘S NOT LIKE MY FAULT THAT THE BOY ACTUALLY GRABBED IT AND PUT IT IN THE PAPER SHREADER!‖ the boy yelled. The boy and girl glared at each other.

―Anyway…what is her name, Night?‖ the boy asked.

―I believe it was Julia or June or Julie.‖ The girl (Night) replied.

―Oh yeah! Her name was Julie!‖ the boy said.

―I wouldn‘t be too sure about that…I think it was June.‖ Said Night.

―No, I‘m positive that it was Julie.‖

―NO! It was June!‖





―IT WAS JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‖


―IT WAS JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!‖

―JUNE!‖ The boy and girl were looking fiercely at each other.

―Um…can I like…um…go..now...‖ I asked them nervously. They ignored me. I decided that it wouldn‘t really matter to them if I escaped so I was heading toward the door when I caught a glimpse of Andrew. I must have gasped too loudly, because the boy and girl snapped out of it. They growled at me and put me in chains. I was hanging on the wall as they argued over what my name was and everything turned black...

Chapter 32

I looked around. I sighed. I was still in the same place: The headquarters of our enemies. I was chained and was unconscious...but I eventually woke up. I saw Night and Justin arguing. I sighed. They always did that. Argued

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and never got over it...it reminded me of Nickie and I. We always fought each other and ...well never got over it...I looked around the room. I must have looked too fast, because I nearly overlooked a person in chains a few feet away from me! It was a girl. Then something hit me. It was June!

I couldn't believe it! It was June! From our side. She was there! I couldn't believe it! I was going to speak until I realized that she was unconscious...I would have to wait until she woke up...In the mean time, I realized that Night and Justin were still arguing. 'They'll never get over it.' I thought. I looked at the clock. It was nearly noon. My stomach growled. Even though I'm a skinny person, I've got to eat. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday's morning. Suddenly, a piece of paper came in the room through the window and landed on a table next to me. I struggled to get the paper, but managed to grab it.

"SOS! Please help me! I am on the 23rd floor of this building! Please come! If you happen to get this piece of paper, please come in to the 'Spike-Ready' company building in Seoul, South Korea! I am

begging you! If you manage or even try to save me you will get a reward. SOS! Please come!

-A desperate person"

I heaved a sigh. It was hopeless...The wind had eventually turn the paper back to where it had came from. I looked at June. Her eyes started to open...

Emily was on the 15th floor. It was also her lucky number. She looked around. She saw rooms with people inside them. 'Andrew isn't here...' she thought. She was about to go to the elevator until she noticed a sandwich shop. 'I am hungry...' she thought and she turned to the sandwich shop.

The grilled cheese sandwich she had ordered was delicious. It was warm and toasty...it was delightful in her mouth. Every bite was better than the one before. To top it off, she ordered some pink lemonade. It was the best lemonade she had ever tasted. It was cool, sweet, and sour...just like a real lemonade. In the shop, she spotted Dawn, Victoria, Blake, and Blaze talking. Emily quickly went to the restroom and wore a disguise. She got out a note book and a pen and started to write.

"Name: Angele Catherine Martin

Age: 15 (almost 16)

Birthday: December 16th

Place of Birth: Paris, France

Current Residence: Paris, France

Purpose: Visit friend but stopped for a sandwich

Handwriting: My name is Angele Catherine Martin. I am from Paris, France.

Emily calmy walked out of the restroom as a new person. She wore jeans, a light green blouse, a silver bracelet, a silver necklace, blonde hair wig, makeup, and black ballet flats. It was perfect. She walked to the counter and ordered coffee. She sat at the table most nearest to the Moons. It was too loud to hear their conversation so, Emily just played on her phone. A waitress came and gave her the coffee. The waitress asked Emily to sign the receipt.



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TAX: $ 0.45

TOTAL: $ 2.01




There was a free coupon. Emily smiled. Her coffee was pretty good.

"Um...could you sign this please?" asked the waitress. Emily took the pen and signed: "Angele Catherine Martin"

"Here you go." Emily said. The waitress looked at her signature.

"Your name is Angele Catherine Martin?" the waitress.

"Yes I am."

"Are you French?"


The waitress's eyes widened and she walked away. Emily shrugged and kept on drinking her coffee.

At the next table, the Moon's food came. They had ordered two grilled cheese sandwich, a sloppy Joe, and a five meat stack sandwich. Emily just stared at her coffee. 'Maybe I should get something else to eat...' she thought. Then, an alarm went off and everyone started to run out the door. There was only Emily and the Moons left...

Emily saw that the lights were off and the only light came from outside.

"Aren't you going to run away like everyone else?" asked Blake. Emily pretended not to know him.

"What's zee point of running?" Emily asked in her French accent. She acted like a person whom knew English pretty well but still couldn't get rid of her French accent.

"Are you French?" asked Blaze.


"Cool." Blake said. Emily just nodded.

"Blake, solve this problem." said Victoria. Blake solved the problem in 54 seconds.

"Here you go." He replied looking satisfied.

"You, French girl, what's your name?" Victoria asked.


"Full name."

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"Angele Catherine Martin."

"Does the 'Catherine' start with a 'K' or a 'C?'"


"Oh, I see..."

"How old are you?"


"When's your birthday?"

"December 16th."

"Cool! It's your sweet sixteen this year!"

"Yes, it is."

"You don't sound happy."

"We-French people-don't do those...sweet sixteen."

"Oh. What a bummer. What are you doing here?"

"Visiting a friend and a friend of hers told her that this sandwich shop was really good...so, I decided to come here to taste the food."

"I see." Emily just nodded.

"I'm Victoria."

"Nice to meet you Victoria." Victoria nodded.

"Want to come with us to...well find certain people?" Dawn asked.


For the next few minutes, Emily was hanging out with the Moons. They were going floor by floor to search for these "certain people." While they were going, Victoria kept on asking questions about France or the fashion. She wanted to know everything about Emily or...Angele Catherine Martin. To Emily, Angele Catherine Martin was just a regular teen girl from Paris, France who was visiting her friend in Seoul, South Korea.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Victoria asked.

"Sadly, no. But I really want one."

"Oh. What a bummer. I have one. I mostly use it to text people and...yeah." Emily nodded in understandment.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Do you have a crush?"

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"Oh. I do."

"You do?"

"Yeah. He's tall, has sea blue eyes, and has sandy brown hair. Promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise."

"You can't tell the others because...well he's from the other side..."

"The other side?"

"Yeah...the other side...the side we're supposed to hate. If the others know...well they'll kill me...and well...I don't want that to happen..." Emily nodded again.

"Do you want to know his name?" Victoria didn't wait for an answer. "His name...is Henry."

Chapter 33

June opened her eyes. She tried to remember where she was...then she remembered! She was captured by Justin and Night! They were supposed to have Andrew somewhere... June scanned the room until she caught a glimpse of black hair. She squinted. It was hard to tell but definitely Andrew's hair. She wanted to yell, "Andrew!" all the way to him but she knew better. She just had to get Andrew's attention...

"Ah...the princess finally awakes." said an icy voice. June looked over her shoulder. There stood Dawn, Victoria, Night, Blake, Justin, Blaze, and...a girl who sort-of-looked-like-Emily. She was the same height and everything...but June wasn't too sure.

"Before we do something with you...We shall do something with your friend over there." Night said pointing at Andrew. Blaze and Night carefully unlocked Andrew's chains and jerked his to this machine.

"This machine will show us everything you know!" Night said. Andrew looked a little scared. "And your other friends have already taken their punishment." Dawn said.

"What other friends?" June asked.

Night pretended to look suprised. "My, aren't you updated. Don't worry, sweetie. I'll update you. Your other friends...or shall I say Nickie, Henry, Alec, and...well we can't really say Lindsey since we didn't find her...anyway those friends of yours are dead. We found them, captured them, and...well we didn't really kill them....but you get the point! And after we're done with your friend Andrew...well you'll be the last one alive...not counting Lindsey. But, I believe that Lindsey has run away since she was too scared."

June suddenly felt anger inside of her. "No! Lindsey would never do such thing!"

Dawn stepped forward. She looked at June straight in the eye and said, "Oh yes she did." Then, she went back to her original spot. June spotted Justin. She thought of a way to distract some of them...at least for a while.

"Hey! I have a question for Justin and Night!" June shouted.

Justin and Night looked at each other and then looked at June. "What do you want?" snarled Night.

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June looked at them and said, "I just want to know if you guys figured out my name yet." June said that with her most sweetest voice. Night and Justin's face turned red. Then they both laughed. "We already figured out your name." Justin said.

"What is it then?" June asked in her most innocent voice.

"It's Julie." Justin said.

Night looked at Justin with her mouth opened to a shape of an O. "It's June." she said after closing her mouth.



"IT'S JULIE, NIGHT! CAN'T YOU EVER GET ANYTHING RIGHT?" Justin blurted out. Night put on a murderous gaze that was fixed on Justin. "I can't get anything right?" Night asked. Justin nodded. Her stare got more fierce by every second.


She exploded with words. Just rambling on and on, but her eyes stayed on Justin. For some reason, Justin couldn't look away. Trying to look away from Night was like...stopping the winds from blowing. It was just impossible. If he tried to move...well it was nearly impossible, because not only could he not look away from Night's eyes, he couldn't move either. He was frozen stiff like a statue.

After what seemed like years, Night stopped her explosion. Her hair was back to normal and so were her eyes. Her eyes had started to glow for some reason...

Anyway, Justin stumbled and sort-of-hid-behind-Dawn. Night must have forgotten what had happened because she looked very confused. Then, she must have remembered something because she started to glare at Justin again. ―Her name‘s June.‖

Justin looked at Night and said, ―Julie.‖





Dawn stepped in. ―Guys, if you don‘t know her name, then why don‘t you just ask her?‖ Night and Justin looked at June.

―What is your name?‖ Night asked.

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Then, June said, ―That‘s for me to know and for you guys to figure out.‖ Night just turned her back to June and went back to Andrew.

―Now, that the machine‘s ready, we can start it! Then, we‘ll be able to see everything you know!‖ Night said with a sinister laugh. June struggled with the chains, trying to get out, but nothing seemed to work…

Suddenly, the door burst open. There stood Alec. ―I-I-I‘m….here…‖ Alec said panting. ―Is it…too…late?‖ Everybody looked at Alec. He looked around the room and said, ―Oh…sorry I didn‘t know you guys were…um…like in the middle of something…I guess I‘ll leave until you guys finish.‖ And Alec left the room

―ALEC! GET BACK IN HERE NOW!‖ screamed June. Alec-once again- burst through the door and came in. ―Are you guys finished?‖ he asked. June rolled her eyes. Her brother could be such an idiot sometimes…

―Um…Are you guys finished?‖ Alec asked. He looked around and then saw June in chains. His eyes widened and then he started to laugh. ―June…are..you…like…pretending to be held hostage?!?!‖ Alec asked trying his hardest not to laugh. June glared at him.


―I think that is enough,‖ Dawn said frowning at both June and Alec. ―Lock him up too.‖ Blake and Blaze had handcuffs and were heading toward Alec. They tried to handcuff him, but Alec was too fast for them. He was like a cheetah.

Blake and Blaze finally gave up. They were sweating like crazy and were panting. Then, Dawn called for someone else. The door burst open and Dawson was here. Dawson managed to grab a hold of Alec for like 3 seconds but lost him. Strangely, Alec didn‘t even drop a sweat. About 30 minutes later, Dawson collapsed. He was all worn out.

Suddenly, Alec snatched the key from Victoria and quickly un locked June‘s chains. Then, he threw the key out the window. The other Moons were now glaring at June and Alec. ‗Uh-oh..‘ June thought. June was about to jump out the window, but she stopped when she saw a brand new clarinet a few feet away from her. ‗It was probably Blake‘s…‘ she thought but she didn‘t hesitate to rush to the clarinet and quickly lined it up. She took a deep breath and started to play. She started to play a slow waltz. It was happy, sad, and a little hopeful. She saw Alec blocking his ears. The others started to sway and fall to the ground to a good night‘s sleep.

After June stopped her song, she realized that there were no cars outside that were moving. Everyone was asleep! June had put the entire city to sleep with her song! Even Alec was asleep. June rushed to him and shook him, trying not to wake the others. Then, she remembered Lindsey‘s ―hard way‖ to wake up people. She found a cup and also found where the sink was. She got cold water and carefully dumped it on Alec‘s head. He shot right up and looked around. Alec was about to say something but June slapped her hand over his mouth. She put a finger on her lips motioning that they couldn‘t talk loudly or else the others would wake up.

Alec and June cautiously stacked everyone against the wall. They were still asleep. When all the Moons were staked up, there were a total of 5 of them. ‗That‘s seems right.‘ June thought but it felt like she was missing something…or someone. She felt like someone wasn‘t here.

Suddenly, June remembered. She turned around to where that person had been and found had escaped…Andrew wasn‘t there anymore…

Chapter 34

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Alec and June looked everywhere for Andrew, but could not find him. He was nowhere to be seen. They trudged as they returned to the 23rd floor, but something felt wrong…

June looked behind her to find a quick shadow moving away. ‗That‘s strange…‘ she thought. ‗If everyone‘s asleep than how could…wait! They can‘t be awake yet…‘ As they entered the elevator, June felt something following her. The elevator suddenly stopped abruptly.

―What‘s going on?!?!‖ Alec demanded. June looked around. There was no sign of light.

―Maybe your song made the elevator go to sleep!‖ Alec said laughing. June didn‘t laugh. Somehow she knew that it wasn‘t her song…it was someone. It was someone that wanted her and Alec to not go to the 23rd floor.

―Alec, someone doesn‘t want us to go to the 23rd floor.‖ June managed to say.

―You‘re right about that,‖ Said a voice behind her. June and Alec spun around to see Dawn, Victoria, and the other girl that looked somewhat like Emily. ―What? Did you expect us to fall for your stupid song trick? Of course not. We‘re not thick headed like the others. We know your talent or…your abilities.‖

―What do you want from us?‖ June demanded.

―We want you guys to die.‖ Dawn said modestly.

―Why do you want us to die?‖ she asked.

―You guys know too much. You know where our head quarters is, you know all our names, and you guys got involved too much in our plan.‖

―What is your plan?‖

―Our plan is to take your friend, Andrew‘s intelligence and use it to get revenge.‖ Victoria said.

―Why you-― Dawn started.

―Don‘t blame her, my dear Dawn,‖ said another voice. ―Why, I‘m surprised that you haven‘t accomplished it yet. You have had plenty of time, you know. I believe you had too much time, but yet you didn‘t accomplish your goal.‖ Behind Dawn stood a man. It was Jay.

―Jay! Have you come to…..um…like save us?‖ Alec asked.

―Yes and no,‖ Jay said with an evil smile. ―Yes, because I am going to get you guys out of here, and no. Because I wouldn‘t really call it saving.‖

―What do you mean?‖ June asked. Now, Jay seemed like a completely different person. He seemed more…evil.

―I‘m here to kill you guys.‖ Jay said.

Chapter 35

June froze. She couldn‘t believe it. The person that had hired them…was going to kill them! ―What about the others?‖ June asked.

―The others? Oh…them. They‘re already dead, thanks to Dawn‘s gang.‖ Jay said. He stepped closer to June and June stepped back.

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―What about Lindsey? They didn‘t catch her.‖

Jay frowned but then laughed. ―Don‘t worry about Lindsey. Yes, it‘s true that they didn‘t catch her…but I‘ll catch her myself after finishing with you guys…‖

―What about them?‖ June asked pointing at Dawn, Victoria and the other girl.

―They will be killed as well, and Emily, you can stop hiding like that. Please, do take your disguise off.‖ Jay said with another cruel smile. The other girl with Dawn and Victoria took off her clothes, wig and shoes and was dressed with jeans a T-shirt and was wearing a sweater. It was Emily. "You caught me."

"Please, I've caught people with better disguises. I myself am a master of disguises."

"Now, why don't you tell us why you-" Emily started.

"Why the plans have changed, Jay. Or should I say Scott." Dawn said.

"Well, I guess you have figured out my true identity. And for the change of plans, well...you guys are the only people alive. Did you guys know that?" everyone shook their heads. "Well....anyway, the new plan is very simple: I kill you guys and I get my revenge and do certain things that children shouldn't hear of."

"Wait, if you said that everyone's dead...then are you saying that..." Victoria said.

"I'm not sure about the rest of your gang...but I'm pretty sure that they're dead." Jay/Scott said. He pulled out this remote control thing and pressed the red button. Suddenly, the elevator spun, and soon, they were on the 23rd floor. June, Alec, Dawn, Emily, and Victoria were on one side of the room while, Jay/Scott was on the other side. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at them...

Everyone had pulled out their weapon. Dawn had a knife, Victoria had a gun, Alec had his laser weapons, Emily had her dagger, and...well June hurried to get her bow and arrow/a crossbow out. It was 4 against 1. Everyone had weapons. It was just like a videogame except they only had once chance....and that chance was now.

Alec had his weapon ready. The lasers. There was a pen, a sword, and a shield. The pen was just a laser pen. The sword's blade was laser and could cut through anything. And the shield blocked anything as well, but the laser sword. Alec had his laser shield strapped on his arm, his pen in his pocket, and his sword in his hand. Everything was ready.

Scott had his gun mainly pointed at Dawn. Dawn only carried a knife that was about 5 or 6 inches long. Victoria had a gun similar to Nickie's. Victoria aimed...and fired.

Chapter 36

This is where the real fighting began. After Victoria shot her gun and missed, Scott kept on shooting. The 5 kids tried hard to dodge his shots. There were a few close calls...but no one got hurt. There was a few fabric torn...but besides that everyone was ok. June was on a shelf shooting her arrows, Victoria hid behind desks and shooted, Alec was always hiding somewhere else, but he sent laser beams every now and then, Emily and Dawn were battling Scott. Scott was very fast. He kept on dodging their weapons. Every now and then, he would get a little cut by Emily or Dawn, but those cuts didn't last. For some reason, his skin repaired and he was in perfect condition.

Scott shot again. The bullet was heading right toward Emily. BOOM! CRASH! No one saw what had happened, but Emily was on the floor in good condition but a bruise on her knee. Next to her lay Dawn. She was clutching her side. June jumped down. She ran to go next to Dawn. Scott shot another bullet. It missed June by a centimeter. June continued to run toward Dawn. When she got to Dawn, she saw her sitting down and clutching to her side. Emily was also there. Looking at Dawn's side being shot, June understood what had happened. Scott was

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aiming for Emily's chest when at the last second, Dawn had pushed Emily away-jumping. So, instead of her heart getting shot, Dawn got her waist shot.

"Are-are-you ok, Dawn?" June finally asked. Dawn groaned. "Are you ok?" This time June asked louder. "I-I-I'm-fine..." Dawn managed with a weak smile. Another bullet was shot toward Dawn, June, and Emily. This time, June's left hand got shot. June fell to her knees. If one of her hand was like that...she couldn't shoot any arrows. Emily rushed to her. "June! Are you ok? Are you-" Emily noticed her hand. "I'm so sorry you guys. It's all my fault.." Emily burst into tears. June patted her back with her right hand. "It's ok, Emily it wasn't your fault." June said trying to comfort Emily.

June looked around. Alec and Victoria were distracting Scott. Dawn had managed to limp/crawl to the corner and rest for a while. The battle was still going on. Emily stood up. Before June could stop her...Emily charged at Scott...

Emily miraculously dodged every bullet that was shot by Scott. She stabbed Scott in the stomach and he began to stumble backwards. As he stumbled backwards, he shot his last bullet at Emily. Emily got shot...She fell down and June and Victoria ran toward her. Emily had been shot at her back. It wasn't shot at her spine, but near it. June, Alec, and Victoria managed to carry Emily toward Dawn. Dawn looked at Emily and shook her head.

"That's too much blood loss." Dawn said. What Dawn said was true. Emily had already lost too much blood. Tears began to form near June's eyes. Emily had always been June's best friend since 1st grade, she couldn't disappear now...or could she?

June remembered everything she and Emily had done this year. They had gone rock climbing once, gone to a party twice...done a pep-rally...3 times...June laughed. She remembered all the happy times she had spent with Emily before they got pulled into this mess...June made up her mind. If Lindsey came back, and they won, she was going to ask if she could quit. This was too much for June. Her parents were probably worried sick about her and Alec.

Dawn found a first aid kit. There was only one "super-bandage." A "super-bandage" cured any injury and restored the blood. Dawn knew that she was also in trouble. She had lost as much blood as Emily, but didn't say a word about it. She wanted to let everyone know that she was fine...even though she would die of blood loss in a few hours...

"Here, put this on Emily's wound." Dawn croaked. Her voice sounded a little bit strange. She handed the "super-bandage" to June. June took it.

"But what about you?" June asked.

"I'm fine. Emily already lost too much blood. I didn't lose as much as her..." June looked at where Dawn had been sitting. There was a pool of blood. June's eyes widened.

"No. You take it, Dawn. You lost too much blood. More than Emily..." June started.

"No. Let Emily take it. I'm fine, but Emily isn't. Look at her. She can't even walk.‖ Dawn said, frowning. Suddenly, Victoria snatched the super-bandage from June and put it on Emily's wound. June tried to take it off but it wouldn't come off.

"You can't take it off after you put it on. It will eventually become a part of Emily's skin. If anything-like a bullet or a knife- gets stabbed or shot at that place, the blood and skin will return as it never happened." Dawn finally said. Dawn was more paler. She was still losing blood... June felt horrible for letting Victoria just snatch the bandage out of her hand.

"When-When-Emily wakes up...let's not talk about this..." June said quietly.

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About five minutes later, Emily woke up. She looked around. "Did-did-didn't I get hurt?" Emily asked. Her voice was raspy. Victoria gave her a glass of water. Emily drank it. "What happened?"

"You woke up." Dawn said. She was still pale. June was getting worried.

"Dawn, why are you-" Emily started, but June cut her off.

"She's feeling a little tired, that's all. Right, Dawn?" June asked. Dawn nodded. She was feeling a little tired. She felt like she had nothing inside of her left...like she was worthless now...

Chapter 37

Even though Scott had mysteriously disappeared, they still heard gun shots somewhere. Everyone was safe. They were still hiding. Emily was feeling much better, Dawn was still pale, June was trying to attack with a knife (Dawn's knife), Alec and Victoria were just fiddling around. Emily was worried of Dawn. Something had happened when she was out...Emily tried to remember, but she couldn't! 'Silly, me.' she thought. 'How could I remember something if I wasn't listening or if I was unconscious?' Emily walked around. Thinking. She was-her thoughts were interrupted by a nearby gunshot. Everyone hid. Suddenly footsteps were heard.

"Do you think he's gone?" asked a voice that sounded awfully familiar.

"I think so. Don't worry. He can't defeat us. There's only one of him and eleven of us. We can beat him." said a voice that sounded Lindsey.

"That was pretty harsh. I wonder where the others are..." said another familiar voice. Then, it hit June like a ton of bricks. It was Lindsey, Henry, Luke, Night, Justin, Blake, Blaze, Storm, Andrew, Nickie, and Dawson trying to find them! June came out of her hiding spot and said, "It's me, June!" the others turned around and where smiling. Slowly, Alec, Victoria, Emily, and Dawn came out of their hiding places too. Everyone hugged and shook hands. They were glad to have the whole group back together...

Lindsey cleared her throat. "I think that we should join to be groups again. And this time, we will not separate, but stay together..." everyone nodded their head in agreement. "Ok, then. Let's go!:"

For the next 10 minutes, everyone got armed and was ready to fight once more. This time, they were stronger and more armed better. They looked all over the place for Scott but couldn't find him...

After an hour of searching for Scott everyone gathered back in the 23rd floor. Nobody had seen Scott. Suddenly, the lights went out and suddenly came back on. There was a piece of paper. It said:

"This battle isn't over yet...


After many pair of eyes read the note, everyone agreed on one thing. Go back home. June was riding a plane with Lindsey, Henry, Emily, and Alec back to New York City. (Andrew and Nickie‘s parents flew their private jet, and their parents weren‘t killed.)

June woke up. It was a Saturday. The clock said 5:45 A.M. She got up and grabbed her note book and a pen.

“November 15th –Thursday

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5:45 A.M.

Ok, I just got off a plane about…..12 hours ago. Mom and Dad were

scolding us (Me and Alec) about leaving no message or anything like

that. They said that they were worried sick. Anyway, Alec and I couldn’t

tell them that we and a bunch of other kids had seen a bunch of people

die, use a bow and arrow and a laser pen to defend ourselves and fight,

jumped off from a plane, and…well other crazy things. Lindsey promised

that next summer, that we would defeat Scott once and for all. She

sounded pretty confident. Anyway, I’m ready for it! We created a new

name: The Abilities. Anyway, now, we’re (even the Moons) are united. I

want to know what Scott’s revenge was…well, I guess that’ll have to wait

since I have to get ready for school!

-June Pearl Gracemore :D >.<”

June looked down and smiled. School was going to start in a few hours. There was going to be dozens of questions and homework as well. ‗Oh, well…‘ she thought. There was a whole, new summer in front of her. ‗This summer sure will be exciting…‘ she thought…

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