Sense Symphony Rainforest 2008 - 2009 Documentation of Creative Process, Project Development and Exhibition By David Rose

Sense Symphony Exhibition Documentation

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Sense Symphony Rainforest 2008 - 2009

Documentation of Creative Process, Project Development and Exhibition By David Rose

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Documentation of the Sense Symphony Rainforest New Media Instal lation and Multi-sensory Performance August 8, 2009 - Project 1 Art Gallery, San Francisco

Sense Symphony Rainforest is an art piece that engages the viewer’s unconscious responses. This artwork in its foundation is a hybrid. Blending performance art, new media installation, and experience design. This alchemic blend of sensations creates an unspoken dialogue between the natural/technological elements of the art piece and the body and mind of the viewers. This collaborative performance and installation acts as a transformative space, a bridge to a new world of sensation. Sense Symphony Rainforest creates a space of metamorphosis where memory, imagination and perception all transform into a new perspective, shifting the meaning of place, where identity, consciousness and our relationships to nature and technology are questioned.

The Visual:

The Video Mixing Interface

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A total of four projectors were used to surface the walls and ceiling of Project One Art Gallery. The visual performance lasted for six hours, moving through video and imagery reminiscent of nature with an occasional burst of ultra high tech imagery. The projections were mixed in sync with the Aromascape and Audio Environments; causing a consistent engagement with the other teams throughout the performance. This total focus on the moment allowed the maximum level of multi-sensory saturation and cohesion for every instant during the performance.

The Illuminated Space The Auditory:

Jimmy B using CD Turntables and Vinyl simultaneously

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A select group of internationally established DJ’s including Jimmy Love of Non Stop Bhangra donated their time to perform the auditory aspect of this multi-sensory performance. Jimmy B of Green Gorilla Lounge performed during the 2 hours when the Aromascape was in full effect. Fully encompassing sound proved to be very important as full saturation of each sense is essential in creating the depth of sensation I was going after. This included professional grade audio monitors to submerge the viewers in the selected auditory environment.

The Aromascape:

Ingredients for the Aromascape Essential Oils in Pure Form

Shell Thomas performing the Organic Aromascape

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Shell Thomas led the Aromascape aspect of the project. The organic essential oils and specially crafted hydrosols used were chosen to specifically reference both familiar scents and exotic fragrances. Excellent ventilation was used to ensure the distinct quality of each aroma. Shell Thomas, Alice Encinas and Lauren Mills custom crafted the twenty mixtures. Each aroma was used in rotation, in aromatic alternation during the two-hour Aromascape performance.

Alice Encinas Duvernell performing the Aromascape A Full Sensory Experience:

The three elements, light, sound and aroma harmonized majestically. Each element was performed by a different team of individuals, which allowed for dynamic communication between the different teams. A non-verbal multi-sensory conversation between the three teams became evident. The visual team would shift pace and color to the music, causing the Aromascape team to shift scents. This dynamic multi level conversation between different teams

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controlling different sensations was open to the interpretation of the viewers who were engulfed in the artists’ environment. The balance created was euphoric at it base, bridging the gap between reality and the world of imagination. Familiarity was bridged with the abstract as familiar sounds, smells and images were integrated seamlessly with highly modified unfamiliar sounds, images and smells.

Future Plans:

Future plans include the development and construction of Multimedia Structures with the assistance of Argentinean Architect, Roque Tomatis. Eventually holographic technology will be integrated into the new media installation art aspect of these multi-sensory art pieces.

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Participating Organizations & Collaborators:

Alice Encinas Duvernell (The Nova Studio)

David Rose (MODA Creative Media Agency, Studio 53)


Jimmy B (Green Gorilla Lounge)

Jimmy Love (Surya Dub, Non Stop Bhangra)

Project One Gallery

Shell Thomas (Cane Restaurant Consultants)