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3J1 nrrtunrb

tttl'ttts, ph'nsn rl'S ittt~ rottt­

pnttittttships ttf llttr 3~i~,h

· .... rlllltll ~t'nrs is thl' pttr­

ptlSt' tlf this ·§\'tttltr ~cnr

h tlll k ttf the rlnss ttf '3 5



~tmbrrB of thr <!Iltt!l!l nf ·35 I

BAHBAitA DAM~ "Ad<lit•"

"SI1r 1nus mad•· for lw1•1JY tlwuolt t s."

Had etlutll 1-2-3-4. Tt•nni l'-4. Tru•·k 1.

\\"li.I,IAM 'l'KIN~ "Bill"

"If loruins tt•crc jud[JCd by fcrt. I"d loP- a Solomon."

Bu kcthall 1-2-3-4.


.. 11,. stoops for ~totliiTIIJ but tftr. door."

1-~J.LJS B ILEY "Elly"

"l"m ,1ot i11 tlu roll of common t111:1l."

I.urlin..:-ton High ~chool 1-2. llu kcthall a-4. Bu t>lmll ~-4. S('ltior Hand 3-4. Gl<>c

luh 4. Student 'ouncil 4. Year Book Committee

tAHII-~ BI~C"HOFI-' ")t. B."

".-tf'U 11'111 '771CTT)/, tiCt.•cr

tJitm, a siH chews It r daily !Jit m."


"I'll s• • uo" lwfon• slwrtlu. a 11:: • I; from some 'J'hllrs­doy.

Ha kt•tbull 2-:1-4. Foothall 2-.1-4. Track 2-3-4. "The Hat" 4.


SINE 110\'J<;H .. S •t.•nt..-t.•"

" .A ,?l'illi II[J 1l'drk• r ull tl1 c tt lui•.

CEOJH:t.A. A BHAUN ''(~eorgie''

"/ 1nn ?to orator as Urutus, ()IIIII 8JII u/; riullt 011."

IOHT< I!' BH<H'KW A Y ")tort"

''Alwaus 011 tlu 81)(11."

Football 2-3-4. Junior Piny ~l.


".-1 crnfty l:nav• "' • ds tiO l•rok• r."

Band 1-2-:l-4. On•ht• tra 1-2-3-4. Hi-Y 3-4.


"11•1/'llfl tJ11• fun/ of 11 11U·

ti• ul tnan."


"/ hwll' vou arc frdl of goml t1 atu rc."


Hbl.l~N HANDA "Dyni•"

"A 'll ord tn vour {ar."

I batt• 2-3-4. lntrnmurnl 1-2-3-4. l)('('lnmntinn I. Jo~x­t~mpnn Spcnkmg 2. Honor

oct t) 4. "The Bat" 4. Drn­m tic 1. Salut.lltnrian.

JOHN C'LAPI'Jo~R "Sio't'py"

"Itt the spring, a votmg mat '11 fanrrt ltght/y turns to thought• of lot ."

I oothnll 1-2-3-4. Haske~ ball 1-2-8-4. Bn eball 4.

"l.tf•'• a ''"I and all tlunf}ll RhOII! if,"

I thought RO otrrc and tJOu I kfiOIO it.

LIJ,LlA:-.' CRAIG "Lill>"

"• I" tll II'IBC, if I can '"dtJ< ltrr."

Drn rna tics 4. Honor Soci­et) 4 .

• IJE ZERKlE "Suzeltt•"

", tl'Cd und slottlu. aud tilth all uracr."

Bn kcthnll 1-2-3. \' ollo•y-hllll 1-2-3. Studt•nt ('ouncil 2. Trllck 1-2. Tcnni 2.

DUI.<'JJo: DUN 'AN "Dunk"

"• llf IJII%ul inln lht llflltl• 0111, drwming alu:aus of tllf future.''


<;OIWON J~!'IU:R "Gordy"

",\'IHI81 n111 lltltf 8f11tfy tfu

r~ol atJr•,, I'm 1111rt lh• for­nu r' not ., tttc."

f ootbnll 1-2-8-4.

J l N Jo; \\'OOD TOC'K "\\'t_Hldir"

", '1ln•c• Ill of tlrr Gotl , orly "onktts • I attr.r."

Orator) 8. I ramntlc 4.

~ HVIN FEATIH:J{ •· tar\ ••

"What I must dtl Is all thut cottr{r/18."

Hi-Y 2-3-4. Student ('oun-cil 3. tomtor 3.


"For mi111 nu 11 part, at ti•(JC (;,,,]( to 'tnf."

;\1AIUORJJo: FOCHTMAN .. ~\!arJ."t-"

"Simplirit11 lllltl

tlwdl ir1 lltr lunrt." trutl.

Bn,.kethnll 1-2-3-4.

IO:NDALI, FORD "1\t•nny"

"For Ill i8 just th• •1•dt t kind tdaos• tlfltuns '" l't r t·nry.'•


J n:s I· HA::-EH "Jim"

"Jt I CUllnot all lu fflUIItPT8, nor aU ·masters raJnaot Ill' follou·crs.''

Bn k<'tlmll 2-3-4. Bnst~hall 3.

It u:-;SEI.L FltAS I~H "Hu~ty"

".''lu]l of the /ul1orinp man is U'P f."

Foothn ll 2-3-4.

EVE GALI!'\SKI .. Go .. (;o··

"T .. unt lacr 110t. Blu is {ool­;, IJ tl ('r.."

Drnmntic 1-2-3-4. I ntrn-murnl.

JIO:Al':!'o:E <:AI..S'l'EH ",Jo-.Jo"

"/lou• JIIIT< in heart and sound in head.''

Drmn:aticg 2.

.JU!'o:IOH <:II.ES "'l~nor.h·•

. "J,if:. ill no JOke, girls "'II r.

Bn kctbnll 1-2-3.


"II• r o1r-n mail 71Wkts her '' ay . .,


JU 'E GOLDEN "Goldil"

"I w wr did r• 1'' nt {or do­ing good, nor Blaall not nu 1 .''

Alt'l'HUR C~ltAIIA\t .. J.\ rl"

" t ttwn u·lao to his busi­"' ss t• nds. u 11d ca r• tla twt for f• male frit uds.''

CYRil, C:HEE~WA Y u(;n s)"

"The JullJCst of fl11 jolly."

Football 1-2. Track 2. In­trumurnl 1-2-3-4.

.T 1-: ::-; c; IUJ I.IW. ''Chil'k"

"So su·• c f of {llt't', such (Uif/c/ (ITUf'l."

E)tiL HARMON •·J.~nton··

"I'll rUII II milt, but 'rot for a Camel.''

Bn~•·hnll 1-2-3-4. Track 2-3-4. Intramural 1.

RICH AI{() HAYES "J)it•k"

"Misr1dt/, thou ur1• swijl to • nl•·r. ill lltt f.lwa•Jht of It I It Bf riOU8 1111 tl.

Choru 1. Football 8-1. Track 2-3-4.


OR\ 11 IF, Hl N. IIERGFjH "On> ..

CHAN('F.Y K~IGHT "Chance"

"Not to /,no 1 me arg 1rs your If unl. no 1 1 ."

lntramurnl 1-2-3. Football 2-8-4. Glcl' Club 1-2-3-4. Stud 1 t Councal 4. ''lldle of Bnrc llon'l" 2. "Count and th<' C -((1 • 3. "St \cnteen" 3. ''1 h B.tt" 4. l'lnss Pr i­dtnt 4

Gl H1 HUI b KONLE ••Gt rtc"

"11 r /.; 1 ow notlti1 g of to­morro"', o11r busntcss s to 11, ltaJ•JII toduy."

Ha kt thull 1-2-S-4. lntra­murnl 1-2-3-4.


"T/u clt val ru1111ot t11 a tt•omn1 '11 1011{/IU. ·•

llramatie 8. Debate 1.

HOY 1,A WRENCE "llt•rhy"

HUe not rousc-t0148 of th,, 8tZt,

11', rr. t/ r £1innts but hal/ as n,isr.''

Sport lnnagcr 1-2-8-4.


"A horst .' A horse! •lt!l kin(ldom for a lwrst !''

Jla cball 3. Glee Club 2. Ba kethnll 2.



"(;cntlr thou art and tlurn­for• to I.e 11 o11."

Bn k<>tball 2-3-4. "Count nnrl Co- d" 1. "Scvt:'ntcua" 2. "ApJII Sauc•" 3 "Tht Bat" 4. Gl , Club 1-2-3. !), lamn-

i< n 1-2. Orator) 3.

HOBl' HI' L DINt.TON "Bob"

"Our tar."

l•rt[Jlat rmrllrultlr

ALICE tACDOl'GALl. " taccit"

"I or u latJhl }It urt liv• s lo ••II·"

<"horu 1-2 Dramatics 1-2-3. Hn k tbnll 1-2.

HOIIEH'l' MA'I"I'ESO:-.' "'riny•·

"(). tl 111 this. too. too solid Jl•sh 1toul.l mtlt."

!·'Him )tiLLEH "Fndolic"

''!It luokttl IIJIOII Ids 1vork 111111 tt•us Jll·outl of 11"iwt lie 1111(( tltlllt ."

Orchestra 1-2-3-4. Hand 1-2-3-4. Stutlt•nt 'ouncil 1-2-3-4. IIi-Y 3-4. Honor 8ociel) 3-4. "An Old 8punish l'u -ton1."

HI-:'I'TY )100DY "llt•tt jp"

"II IIIJJill·tJo-lut·l:u. fn ir aml /rt t.

Nothinu tltt rt is that u or­rits tlu."



'"Tis <ducation, forms the comn1011 mind."

<~Nl.:S WSII. ·•Aggi( ....

" lw li VtlB at 11ea ce tri tl• all."

;\t \RGAHET !'<ELSON "Nellie''

"/Ji/c is ,ust a lwu·l of r/, rrrit 11.

HI<'IIARI> NEWMAN "l)i<'k"

"Til•'ll jfcr, '"''

11•/io from studi< 11

lOIII/ lltltf lllf'7'Ti/1f."

SAil IE NOW A 'K "'~adie"'

":-rlrncc hr a 1I'Oman is .fil.:t SJlt rc/1 in a man."


"G~t•c it to tmd< r tanding, .but ~ro tongUI."

lla ketbnll 1-2-~-4. Phys-ical I.:.Iuc.ution 2-S. Dramnt­ic 1. Intramural ~tannger ;i, \'ollc)hall 1-2-3-4.

I' 1'lti<IA I'All.K "Put"

"/Jik• tl~t riJIJJlc of t/11 riv er, So u•c luard lur ~ncrrv


Gl •t• <'lull l-2-3-4. Bn ket­bnll 2-S-4. I'Pp 'lui,. 2-3-4 . . 1 unior llrnmntic 2. Student Coun il 2-4.

ST .:-<J.Jo;Y PIS HCZYK ·•stnn·•

"lou look trisc, pray cor­,., ·t that error."

JO~!<;l'HINE POLL K "Jo"

" lrt•alfll rcud•t and •1lad to aid.

0 I srtc-11 stuff friends ltTe t11adr.''


I>rnmntic 2-3.

!!-3-4. Bn kethall

R '1'.\toND RIClBtoND ... ·nridt,u"

",\"o llllt 11 ould I!UPJIOBt it, lwf I am nuturollu u l>uBh/ul ?11tl Pl."

Manistt••• 1. F oothall 2-3-4 . Bn ebnll 2-3-4. Intramural 3-4. Honor Society 4. "The Bnl'' 4.

\.AIL HUSSEI.l. "Hap"

"A ma11 must 8tan(/ < rcct, 111111 not be kt vt 'rcct by others.''

ll i-Y ;{. . "'l'ht> Bnt" l. "Old Spanish 'lhtom.'' "llellp of Burcl'lonu.'' Foot­ball 2. Glt• • Club 1-2-3-4. Bnnd 1-2-3-4. Orche trn 1-2-S.



"Mar had a lrtltl! lamb.''

C'I.AHA SCHRAM "Ciartt'"

lndmn HI\ r 1-2.

HOIIEHT • Ell H "Boh"

"// 11 ords 11'l'T< musu•, he uould lw a /lrass band.''

"Th lint" 4. Orclu trn 1-2. Band 2. lntrnmural I.

MAHY ELLA S~tlTII ". mitty"

"/lc ,/mmcd to Cttlrh tJOilTBd/ td/c,"

LLOYD :sTA!"LEY "Stnn"

"lie nncr llllrill tltt mtd-111U1tt otl, tn tuarcli o/ us<· lurs knou 1 dye.''

Trnck 4.

"Jlr U'tll! 1111 d and 110 som· llf r that u·r stltlom rauolt t him smiliny."


EDNA 'J'ILLO'I'SON "Ttllit•"

" 'o "'' altlt 111 ltkc th flU Itt mtnd.''

Kf. NNETH '1'11 ... 1 OTSON "K( nny"

"far ma 11' 111 arrli lJr/orc u • fi d a I' art 1111 manly "' d o k nd.''

MARG,\ItE'r TltETHE\ EY " 1nnd "

'J'ED UI'TO. urrt~l"'

"Ah. 1111d · , lh< tlts/ollll't far, II /lltf/t/SIJ/111 l!lrtltii/{'T


Bn~kt•tbnll l-2-8-4. Fnothnll 1-2. 'l'ra<"k 1-·1. Bn • hull 2-4. Tt nni 2-3-4. Clnss l'rt!tiH ent 3. Student Council a.



"To /•lush is lu•ltt r tltatl to ttu-.• pal• ."


IHllWTHY W};Nz "!lot"

•·r~ot•r al jirst sitJitl iR all 71[!111,

/:ttl 1 Jll'< f• r u l!atmd lool.-."

"Count ·uHI Co-t>d" 1. llrn­mntics 1-2. Truck 1. Ornton

. CIPc Clul• 1-2-:l.


"Jif'T< '11 ,,a:ra4''

Footbnll 4.

al all-a rou)lcl


Drnmntic 1-2-4. GIC<' Cluh 4. St>nior Choru!l 3-4. Bn -kethnll 1-3-4.

EI.l'ZAHln'H WILLIAM~ •• 1-;m rny"

"I ''a f.-, tlu tnlll!t o/ all tl.at COfllf'B,

11111 tit• lt ast of all that gots."

ANNA \\li.Lk "Ann"

Bn kt•thnll 1-2-3-4. Voii••Y· hull 1- 2- 3-4. mee f'luh 3. Chorus 3. "Olrl ~pnnish Cu -ton1."

ROIH~RT BA R.-;Es "Bobby"

"U'r.c modtsf - crimson to J11JCd /lmm r."

Band 1-2-3-4. Intramurnl 1-2-3-4.

l en

LI<;TA WILLSON ··t .. t•c"

"13kc thr dtr.JIUI( of the /M• sf,

;\'o1u lnwws lu r 1111 urd /tl•l­inpH."


K THRYN \\'OODRUFF "'.Kntf~ .. ,

"II• r vo'l"• 's lnu• a?td hard to ltra r.

11l~ss /1<-r lwn~t II"" arf! f/11 'tr '" ar."

I .. OllbE 1.;\'t<;HIIART ... I4oui ,,.

"H'isr.ly 1111d .. lou•: they sfuw/,/ Ilia• r1111 Just."

WI I.LIA~I WORK "\\'illit•''

"TIL JJTOJil r study of tnan­l:llld 11 mun."

Footbnll 2-3-4. Honor So­cit•t:r 4.


" h ou· c trick tl'orth tu•o oj that."

MILIHU:Il I'I<;.'IfBEitTON ..PPmhy''


!. • nttounl ~ouor ortrty

'l'ht> Peto~r·g:t ( l~:~pkr of tl11 '\ ttional I lonor SIH·idy wa~ t·~tuhli~lwd in I !l:!fi.

nnd sinl't' that tilllt' Ita initi:ltt d to liH'Illlwrship otlt' hundrt·d :md twenty fhe twlent . :\1 iss Bt>t•ht· is fnculty :l<h·isor.

Only fiftt•t•n Jll'r c£'nt of a <'l:t s i £'le!!ihll· for mtmht r hip. fht: per c•~:nt cho til

cluring till' .Junior yt·ar and tt•n pt r t'l'llt in tht' :'enior yt'ar. Tlti fiftt•tn JH r t•tnt i st'k<'lt'd from tht• t\u·nty fiH• per eent of student-; highe t in s<'holnrship. The~ :1rt' t'lt·dt'd by the f:u·ulty und the socit'ty mt•mbers on a basis of l'holar hip. k.td ership. C'lt:lradt•r, nnd st•ni<-t'.

The :'cniors t'lt'<'ll'd in 1 n:u :3.3 irwludc: llt'l<'n Chandn. Lill inn Craig. l.dn \Yillson. Haymond Hi<-hmond. und \ri11inrn \\·ork. The :'udor (')('('lt-d in thdr Junior yc:t r nre: Eli7.nhdh \\•illinm . prt'sidt'ut: Fn·dt'ri<'k \1 iller. s l'rdnry: trt•:t -urt'r, Georgiann Br:nm.

The initintion of tht• .Junior mt·mher~: \'t•ra f.a,,rent·e. H:1ehcl Linn£'11. \\.illiam • t'tllltnn. ( arl Pctt·rson. nud Flon·ru•t• Snydt'r. followt'd an elahorntt' dimH·r whi<'h '' :ts sen t•d nt tht· ,.\l:t on it• Tt•rttplt• on ~l:ty I :Jth. A nutlllwr of part·nts :111d Aluumi nu•mhcrs a \\'t·ll a~ lllt'lllht'r~ of tilt• Fat'ulty \\t'rt' prc..,t·nt to mak~ tlti tht• l:trg st :mnual mt•t•tin~.r in tht• history of tht' s<H'it•ty.

S :EB.

Qilnss 1f1tstnry

\\'p hoardt•d tl11• tr:ti11 "Thirty-Fi, t•" for our four-yt':tr journt·y i11 St'}>kmlwr. 1 Ha I. \Vt• h:td :ts our t'hil'f t'll~itu·t·r ~~ r. Bond. our ht•ad tirt'man was Lt•slit• nrct'n­\\:ty. and Fn•d ~Jilin :nul Bob Bishop :ts aid.... \\•e h:ul a smooth jourrwy and ... topped to rt•fm•l in .Jmu·.

After rct•upt•r:ttinu; for thrt't' months. in St'ptt-mllt'r. I !}:J:!, Wt' agaill rt' ... lliiH'd our .i ourru·y with lllll<'h 'iu:or :md dm. This tilllt' \\ t' lwd :ts t'hit•f t•nu:irwt•r ~~iss

I lt·slillg- and ht'ad firt•Jitan Lt'ta \Vill~on with Lt• ... \it• (;rt•t•nway and Hoy Lawn·nt•t• :t" aids. The track~ \\t'rt• t'lt·ar :tnd \\'t' 'llt't't'ssfnll~· t'O\t'rt'd tht' ..,t•t•ond lnp of our j ourrH'Y in .I unt·.

In St•ptt•rnher. JH:Ja. :tftt>r rct•t•n·mu: )lis~ l•nrn ... lt•y :h t•hit'f f'nglltt't'r nnd Tt•d 'ptort ns firt•nt:tn with I.da \\'iiJ..,on and Emma \\'illi:tnl'i :Is aids .... tartt-d up n~.rain .

.,)m\ in~ down in Ft•hruary long t'nouu.h to prt'"t nt tltt• .Junior play "Applt-~aut•t·.'' \\'p climaxed tht' yt·:tr hy royally t•ntt'rt:tining tlu '-'t nior~ at tht• .1-Ilop whit'h was st:tu;t·d as a tiowt'r garden in tht• u;ym.

Aftt'r twt'ht• wt•t•ks' rt' ... ting- Wt' ag-ain .u::ttlh·rt·d tou;t'tht•r for tht l:tst lap of our journt·y. t'hoosing :1s t•ngint·cr ~Jr . .l.tt'ohs. as tirt•rnan Ch:tJH'l'! 1\.rllght. with Pnt P:trks :tnd Kt>nda\1 Ford a" aids. During this trip \\t rounded tht first t'Ur\t' hy prt'~t'nting "Tht' Bat." a thrilling rny .. tn~ play. On \lty lOth. Wt' slowt'd dm\n cnmtgh to ht· highly t•ntt-rtnirwd hy the .Junior Cl:ts~ :1t tht .J -Hop in tht' gym. \Vt• 11rri' t•d :tt our final dt'stination with a happy nowd of t'ighty-fin· pa ... st·n~.rt•rs.

el l''l't'n


( a rl Spitler s ll }J (',. i 11 t I' 11 d (' 11 t

Lin ford Bon<l .;.l/ a I he 111 at i cs

Scit• nee

I·' a I It's ling For('nsics

onst trHT l\Jdz~er '-,oc ial Scit•nct•


Frank S . .J acohs Principal

1F. arttl ty


Samut·l Tril'kt•y JJ usic

\V:tltt•r ~~ al' ~~ill an l'h.'JAical Educal ion

L: nn Ba rtldt ,'-,( lr'llCt'

H usst•ll H ohcrts .l!anual .1 rl.'i


.\Iar,iorit· Furman 11 isfor.11

I.imH·a Sj ohcr~ .llathcmtlf ics

.\Iagdalt-nt• Fox f>h.JJXical J~'tlucalion

P·wlmt \Yolkt·nskin .'-,ocial .'-,c lt'11Ct'



Ht th ( rothcrs ...... 1cial '-,cu•nct•


Annaht•llt• Lomhnnl ('ommt•rcial

Arnold \Volgast ( 'oach

lf i.\f () T,l/

T. A. 'I'rt·loar J/ a nu a! . 1 r Is

Linnea Olson C'lol hiny

\t·l lit• I. Ht•t·hc f.ali!JIIU[ft'.\

.\lit'l' Farnslcy Fnylish

..i\Iarcell:t l\lt•ver Food.\

..\I ild rul .J l'n..,en ,'-, CH' II Ct'

.llall t•mafics

Arh·tw Yan '\ t ss ,'-wcial '\elf net

Dora ~iln•r illusic

Hos:tlit• Stt-ch English

]) ra mat ic.\


rutor 1!iounr.a )

Elizabtth Williams. V aled1ctonao

Helen Chanda \alutatorian

This yt•ar th<' ~<'hola~ti<' r<'cord of tht· studt•nb \\a-. <':tkulated on tltt· s:unt• basi~ as tht· prl'<'t'dinl-{ year. Four was -.d as tht' hiu;ht'st po-.-.thlt· ~t'Ort' t•orrt•-.porul­lTlL?; to an "A" avt'ragl', thn•t• as a "B" a\'cral-{t'. Eli:.r.alwth \\ 'illi:un-. qualifit'd for \ tledidorian with an :1\ cragt• of !U\.)i, llt'l,·n Chand:t w.t~ !-l.tlut:ttorian with an aH rag<' of :~.iOO.

Tltt• ~tud<'nts who ret'ehed a "B'' :nt'ragt· or higher art':

Lillian Crail-{ ....................... !J..).)()

.J IITll' \\"ood-.to<'k .................... a.r, 1.)

St t na Boyt•r ....................... :J,:J!):J rn dni<'k ~~ ilkr .................... a.:wo \\ Illinm \York ...................... :J.:Wi ~~ Ildred Haht'r ..................... :J.2.)0 G·t'orgiana Braun ................... !L I ()i

Hohnt Ludington ................... 3.0i I

t hi r t ,. t•n






fo uri t•t• n


i\thlrtir!i I

Tht: 11thletk tt- llh of thl' -;(']tool distinguisht·d tht:nl'<t•h l' ... in :tll porto; tlwy compett-d in tfli.., yenr. ~t:trting the foothall .... t·a~on witl1 o11ly one ldtt•r-m:m. \\"illiam \\'ork. the boy.., did t:xc·er<lillgl) well. losiug IH't two g:mw ..... ont• to Boyn"' ( 'ity nnd ont• to Trnn•rse ('it:. The folio\\ ing ~rnior-; partit•ipated iu g:lllll's and ga\1' sufficient ..,t•rvict' to t•:trn .1 letkr: \Villiam \Vork. captain: Ch:uwt•y Knight, (rordon Eckt•r, ~Iaurict• \\'IH·cler .. John Clappt•r, and Hnynwnd Hichnwnd.



1\thlrttrs I

For tht• lir~t tinw since IH:J:!. Petoskt•y sllt't't'l'dcd in capturing tht• Big Six :md :11-.o the Hegional tourr~:mu·nt hnskt tlwll trophy. Tilt• hoys <':tnw throu~rh tht• M'a-.on \\ ithout losing :t single ( lass B ~anw. They dropped mw ganw f':t<'h to ( lwrlc, oix nnd llnrhor !-'prings. hmH'\t'r, lo~iwr hut two out uf sixteen g:mws. The Wt' k folltn\ ing- tlw tournnment here. the hoy~ jourrwyed to .\It. Ph·asant to participatt· in tht' qtwrter lin:d~ of tht· Statl'. hut tht·y \\ t•n• det\·ated hy Alma. Seniors on the first squad wt•n•: Ted Upton. Bill Atkin . .John Clapper, Ellis Bailt'y. Boh Bishop, .James Frn~cr. uncl Hoy Lawrent·e.

TJ.i, b the set•ond yt·ar the ~dwol Jw., sponsort•cl :1 ha~ehnll team. This yenr n·pn·~t·ntntin•., of six ~c·hool~ ~ot tog-dht•r :md organized a league. b:tch of the ~ix scl10ols :tn• to pia.'· hn•ln· gamt•s. Tht• sc·hools in the lt·ag-ut· art': Pdo~kt•y, Charle­' oi. . h:t.,t .J ord:tn. I l:trhor Spring~. Pell~ton, :md Alan~on. Senior~ on tht' .... qu:td this \'t'nr :trt•: l~llis Bailt·y. Ted pton. lbymond Hichmond. and .Jolm lappt•r.

The !-'ophonwre~ took lir~t pl:t<'t' in the cl:t~~ track nwl't, hut wh:1t St•niors par­ticipatt'd, t•anw through \\ ith flying colors. }•.mil Harmon is our outstanding track star. lit• i-. t'XJH'dt'd to t•omc through with flying colors aJ...,o in tht• milt· run at



lmh11's llih11 of 1935 ' I

Jean Gruler Ellis Bailey

) ou tll't•d not u;o wanderinu;. far or Twar, Tht· hdtt-r u;uy (or u;irl) you want i-. herf' .''

Ye~. and tht• lw~t lookinu;. too~ .lt•:m'~ IO\·ely lwir :uul ~pnrklinu; eyf'~ h:n· won her tht' honor of lwinu; the he~t lookinu; u;irl of tilt' Cia~-. of ':~.1. Elli-. Bailn· <·arrit'd oft' tht· honor of ht·ing tht· ht"-.t looking St nior hoy.

A plt·a~ing pt·r-.onality and an :unhitiou ... nature hrouu;ht ChaTH't'.' h..n1u;ht th' Yote of tht• most popular hoy a~ \\'l'll a" tlw namt• of t'IH~~ hoostn. uul Gcon~ic Braun as tht• mo-.t popular u;irl. Clas~ hoostt·r title for th · girl~ wa~ won hy Patrit'ia Purk-.. !"ht•, too, hn-. dt'\'Ott'd mu<"h time to her <"ln-.-. nnd ha-. ht•t•n willing to l~t·lp in any wny sht• t'Ould.

Other rc ... ulb of tht' :-it•nior election art':

Optimi ... t ................ Emm:1 \\'illi:un~ .............•.... (,ail Husst•ll Pt·~..,imi-.t ............... Il t'lt·n Chanda .................... Bill \\'ork .\thlt"tt· ................. Cit·oru;it· Braun .................... Tt'd ~pton Cut-C'p ................. En·lyn \\':tkd'ord ................. Ray Hi<"hmoTHl (~ossip ................. Ilt'lt'n Chanda .................... Husty Frast•r Book- \\'orm ............. .\Iildrt·d Hahn .................... Boh Ludington \Yittit·~t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1mw (;oldt·n ..................... Hny Hi<"hmond C'utest Couplt• ........... .\Inry O ' Donrwll ............ ....... Bill Atkin~ .\Io~t Diu:nitit·d .......... .I t•amw Gal~tt~r ................... Ellis B:tilt·y Fa-.hion Platt- ........... .\Iary O ' Donnt"ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1\d ~pton Bluffer ................. En- (;alinsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Iort Brockwny Artist .................. .Jennnt• (ntlstn .................. . (J til Hu-.-.ell .\Io ... t Suct•t·~-.ful . . . . . . . . l•.mma \\'illiam-. ................•.. Fred .\Iiller Best DaTH't'r . . . . . . . . . . . . llt•len ( opt• ............ ..... ..... Boh Bi:-.hop

.All of the~t' Senior~ han· lwcn popular through their four n·ar-. of high school. and we wish tht·m t·ontinul'd popularity and ~IH'<'t'ss.

s t'i't' n t t't' n


\\\•. the ... tudcnb of the t Ia~~ of 1 !1!1.;. our~dn·.., m thl' lapse of ten ye:trs to he.

Barbara Adttms .....• \n author of t'akc and cnndy rt't'IJH' hook.

Bill Atkin~ ......... A -,alt•snum for n·ntil:ttt·d par:tchutt'~.

Cll'on Baill'y .......• \ t':tptnin in the mnrint• .

1 Pis Bailey ........ Ownn of n harht'r ..,hop for Titi:m~.

'\ orm Barne!'> ....... Famo1h :1 n·hited n·siding at Clnrion.

Boh Barrw.., ........ ( :thallt'ro in ~unny Spain.

~Inri · Bischoff ...... A dinnt'r hell rin~t·r on a r:mt'h.

Boh Bishop ........• \n im en tor of n po..,t:t~J:t' ... tamp ''lit'kt'r.''

~int' Boyer .........• \ tran-lin.~.r snlt·slady for "Blonde:-.::."

(;t·or~J:ian:l Braun .... A holdl'r of cottagt· pnrtics l'Yny \\t'l'k-cnd.

~lort Brockway ..... A hnmit on llog Island.

C11rl Budtner ....... A writer of a ~equcl to ''nt•ntlcmcn Pn•ft'r Blond~."

~tnn Burek ........ .\l:tnag"t'r of a d:nH't' Judi at Boyne ( ity.

})ori.., (:tin .........• \ feedt•r of littlt· one!'> on the farm (little chieks).

I It•lt·n Chandn ...... At thl' hend of a famous ddedivt• ngt'll<'Y· .John ( lappcr ....... A dealn in st'cond-hand autos.

Ilt•lcn Copt' ........ A mistrt·~s of a mhhit r:ITlch at arp Lnkl'.

Lillian Crni~ ....... A pri\'atl' st·<·rl'tary \':unping hn ho-. ... .

Suf• C'zcrkie ........ A ..,ketchl'r of drt''ist•s for Schinport•lli.

I>ulcic Dunean ...... A singl'r of jazz ..,ong" 0\l'r F-L-0-P.

(,ordon }•,eker .....•• \ ston•kt't'JH'r wintering; in Florida.

Louist' E't•rhnrt ..... A nur .... t• doing pri,·atc duty .

.\I:tn in Fcnther ....•• \ dt'signn of Ilarhor'.., tir .... t .... ky..,n:q>t·r.

Hny Ft·nther ........ A m:m:t~J:t'r of a poolroom for hi~h .... ehool hoy ... . .\Iar,iorit• Fo<"htman .• A ..,horthand instrudor at Da,·anport. (irancl Hapich.

Kt•ndall Ford ....... A kt't'JHT of hachelor apartmt'nb .

.1 im Fraser .........• \n inn·utor of a \'l'ntilakd dinm~ suit.

Ru~ty Frn~rr .......• \ harl'lll at Boyne City.

g,. · Gnlin .... ki ......• An extr:t at Hollywood .

.1 l':UHH' (ralst --r .....• \ lH'auty opt•rator at IIt•rpoJ..,Jwinwr's .

.1 unior Gilt•s . . . . . . \ ... :til or on warship in thl' .\I l'clitnrarwan Sea.

Barbara (iokt•e . . . . A haskn in the sun of Californi:t.

.hnw (roldt•n .......• \ ... :tll':-.lacly of a freekll' n·mo\'t'r crt'am. Art (imham ........ A diplomat st•n·i('ing at Pari~.

yril (lnTnway ....• ( hief hody stript•r for Sandlie's .

.1t'an ('ruler .......• A kinckr~artt•n tt':H·hn for hoys.

Emil Harmon ...... A musi<-al coal-ht·a\'t•r on tht' P .• \1. railroad. HiC'harcl Haye.., ...... A e:mdJe..,ti<'k maker.

OrYilk Hunshf'rg-cr .. A sdt'ntiti<' farmer west of Pt toskt'y.

Chanct·~ h..mght ..... Tht' highest paid audiont•t•r :1t all ... tate fairs.

Gntrudt' h..onll' ..... A wife of an ahsl'nt-mindt'd profe-.sor. Harryctt.t K rei1r .... Tht' first woman mayor of C'on\\:l_\.



<Ula11s Jrnphrr!f

Hoy La wrcrtec ...... A medic:d l>o<' for inj urcd footh:dl plnyer .

I lt·nry I .t• ( ;rnnde ... A lmrkt•r in sidt' -.how for P:t t·nunt and Bailey C'irC'u

,\I a rp;t• Lt·wi-. ..... .. ~onwont.'.._ swt•t•tht·:nt.

Boh Ludin~ton ..... A radio tlt'Ws hro:ult•aster.

Alict• .. \lncl>ougall ... A mis-.ionary in India.

Boh ~lntk on ....... A pro-.pemus shot• eohhlcr in hie:& go.

Fred .\1 illf•r ........ A le;ult•r of n (it nn:w hand in I lu11gary.

Bl'tt." .\loody .......• \ kt't' JH'r of lwust' for tlm•e.

Kt•mwt h ~I ort':ltl .... A f mtwu~ scil'nt i-. t in :\1 r. HolHI' Ia ho r:t tor~.

Atrnl' :\Iusil ........ Owner of :t n·g<'tnhlt• gnrdt•n in Flint.

:\Iar~nrcl ~el on .... \\':litrt• ~ iu tht• .\rendi:t.

Hi<"llard ~L'\\'Ill:ltl •••• ~uptrintt•tult•Jlt of .lat'k-.on :md Tindell nt \\'almtcllll'('.

!-\ad it• ~ 11\\'a<·k ...... :\Iotllt'r of h\ in-..

:\lnry 0'1 >onncll .... Originator of f:a-.hiorwhle t'lotht's for wormn.

Pnt Pnrk .......... l'rl'-.ident of :t mntrimonial :agency .

.\lildred i'<'mlwrton .. :\latron of a girl-.' home.

~t:mlt•,v Pi ... :trl'zyk ... ~i:x da,\' hicyclt· ridl'r .

• 1 o-.t·phillt' Pollak .... I )e-.igrlt•r of :t fH<'t' powdt'r to hidt· blu-.hcs .

.\lildn·d Hnlwr ...... .\l:tllagn of :t hook -.hop.

Hnymolld H ichnwnd .. ~tu•t·cssor to Lollgft·llow.

(i til Hu-.sell ........ ( ryi11g clown in Hinglill!,!' Brother .. .

'\,tll<'." ~<"hil'dt•l ..... llo-.tt·s" on the Cnited Air LitH's.

(lara ~<'hram ....... Doll lad~· in a dn·us.

Boh ~t·hr . .... ..... Chant pion whistlt·r 11\' t•r ~t:ttion B. 0. ~. I l. .\I:try Ella ~mith •... Hu11nin!,!' a hoarding houst•.

Lloyd ~tardt·y ...... A horst• Doctor

I>t':tll .SunHH'r ....... Boss of twt·nt~ '\ t wshoys.

Edn:• Tillotson ...... Famous dam•t•r Ill a rt's}H'<'tahle night <'luh.

h.t nrlt'th Tillotson ... Ba ... ., tuba playt•r in ~in!!' ~in!,!' BarHL

.\Iu r!,!':t rd Trdht'W '\' . ~ urw doing night duh·. . . Ted Cpton ......... Famous drummer in "Cnh" Calloway's Orehe-.tra.

Euni('t' \\·nkdield . .. \\'ift• of a pnstry hakt•r.

}•,, t•lyn \\':tkt•fonl ... I nstrudor of a ('lass of Fn·shnwn in hall room darwiug.

Dorothy \\'t•rtz ...... A modt·l at .;\larsh·dl Fit'ld-..

)I orris \\'ht•t•ler ..... Tt•m·hing Domt"-.ti( :-.<It TH't ' in :1 !,!'iris' s('hool.

~yh·ia \rhitt' ....... :\1we<l typi-.t. ElizaiH th \\'illiarth .. Heprt'st'rttnti\'t' of 1-H Cluh at \rashin!,!'ton .

. \nn:• \\ J!]j., •..••• •• Opt'ratin~ an air- routt- lwtwt•t•n Petoskey and Cenlt'nt Pl:mt.

Ld:~ \\ 111-.on .....•. ~t'lling tlo\\ t•rs on Fifth a\'t'ntlt'.

\hrit• \\'i:xson ...... Hunnin!,!' a hm lwtwt•t•n Pdoskt•y :111d Pi<"kt•rt•l Lakt•.

1\. tthryn \\'oo<lrutf ... Tr:nt"ling salt'slacly for Lt·s (;rt•t•nway's hook of Etiqt~t•ttc.

r \lilt' \\·o<Hlsto('k ..... In diplomati(' St'l'\'i('l' nt Paris.

\\ dli:ttu \\'ork ...... Famous jo<"kt'y at ~an Palmo.


<!llal1!1 ltftll

\\'e. the Senior ( Ja,, of Pcto-.key I ligh ~chool lwinu; Ill 11 -.ound state of miJHl. hcrehy hr<lue:tth the foJio" ing:

Barh:~r:t Adan.-. ..... ~ly thrt·e nhserH'<' n Wt'ek to Haeht' l Limwll.

Bill Atkins ......... ~ly ro-.y cht ek to Lester Ste' ens.

(leoti lbilcy .......• \ly "Captain'-." h:tt to c;I'OTJ.~t' Paulu-..

1'11'-. Bailt·y ........ ..\ly plnce to meet my .u:irl frit·rul to -.orr~t· luck,· undn-.... tudent. 111111 Barnes ....... .\ly shop ability to Tohy Southwood.

B... Ba rtu·-. ........• \[ y red h:li r and f rc(·k )e.., to II onwr ( rolden.

~larie Bi-.t•hoff ...... ..\Iy typin~ nhility to :\ oel Fochtman.

Boh Bishop ......•• .\ly gruce in d:uwin~ to \'t'rnc Kemp. Sinr Boyl'r ......... ~Iy ability to takt• note ... to Yioln \\'odt'k.

(Jt•orgi:uw Braun .... .\ly ''special deli\ t'ril's'' to ..\I i-. .... . \ldz:,!;er.

2\Iort Br<H'kway ..... .\Iy mu ... t-n ' t -toul'h- it to -.ome u;n•en frt·shy.

Cnrl Budtner ...... ..\Iy ... tn<"omb to StPYcn Lei ... mer.

St:~n Burek ......... ~Iy ha .... hfulnt•,.., to " ... \Iutt'' Pit•hl.

I>oris ( nin ......... ~Iy low lt'ttns to ..\larjorit Knight. I lt·lt·n Chanda ...... .\Iy out -of- town dat, . .., to h...tk Orult•r.

,J olm ( lap per ....... ~Iy hair <'Ut to anyone \\ ho want:-. it.

Ile]en ope ........ My d:uwing ability to h..·t~ Koho-.ki. Lillinn C r:lig ....... ~Iy "nh '..," to ..\1 iss lit -..l.ng .

.:-iue Clt.erkic ........ ..\ly diqudk hook to Dorotht•a .\1 iller.

l>ult'ic I>nn(':lll . . . . . ..\Iy IIH't'k Yoit'l' to Bill Ill'nry.

(;ordon Ecker ...... .\Iy running l.{uard position to :\l,·rt Starmer.

Louis1· E' t•rhart ..... J\ly quid mnmll'rs to Paul Ilenr~·. ~Ian in Fcatht•r ..... ..\Iy gdtinu; calh·d out of cla..,...t·s hy ''.\Ia<"" to Al ~turner.

Hny Ft•:1ther ....... . My t•xcu-.c-. for ht'in!{ ~~b~t·nt to ''Chu<"k'' Andt'r ... on. \1 ~-jorie Fo('htman . . ..\Iy sWI'I't ~milt' to .11'nny Grt'u;ory.

h..t ndnll l•onl ....... .\ly hlond hair to I>on Ernst .

.Jnn Frnser .. ... ... . ~ly quidness to P:wl 1\.h-dt'r.

Hu ... -..ell Frn .... cr .. .. .. .\Iy w:n· with the "omtn to Stan Lt•ro. I<.. \I• ( ,aJin ki ....... ..\Iy bri!{ht color-. to Borgia Fettig .

.1 en nne (,:tl-..ter ..... ..\Iy ft"minine wny-. to Bt"tty Tompkin-.. .

.Junior (Jiles ........ ..\Iy ti:tming-youth terHll'rwie~ to .Junior Guilla mw.

Bnrbarn Gokt•t• ......• \I,v ability to u-..t• tou<"hing word-.. to Hobnta '\ 1chol ..... • Junt• (,olden ....... My lllllllt'rous frt·cklt•s to .\I i..,.., Bt't'lll'. Arthur (irnh:nn ..... .:\Iy dusty hook~ to m_,. dt•ar h•adlt'rs.

Cyril (,r t•nway ..... My wa,·y hair to Bob Grt't'JH\'1'11.

.1 enn (rruler ........ ~ly rt'ndt·z,·ou-. for hoys to .1 t'<tn Shurtz.

Emil Ilnrmon ....... :\Iy ahility to run the milt· to Dit'k Power ... .

Hi<"h:ml Ilnycs ...... .\Iy \Vorld History and ~ociology hook-. to \I1.,s hmnnn. Orville II unshngl'r ... ..\Iy inten~st in typing to Clt·n h..mght. ChatH't','" Knight ..... My old Cht•rland to .Art Tn loar.

Gertrude Konl • ..... :\Iy hnshful w:ty-. to Edith ~t·ott.

Il:irryt•tla Krieg .... My flowt'r gardt'n to Man zerkit•.


Qlluss ltlill Hoy Lnwrc JH't' ...... .\Iy \\:ty-. with Coa('h \\"olgw·•t to Boh I>u ( l~aine.

M~t r!.!'t' Ll'Wis ....... .\ly t · a~lt• t•yt· for foot h:dl pl:tyt•r-. to .\I a rcia H iehmund.

J lenry I.e ( ;rnndt• ... .\Iy foot hall knowlt·dge to 'l't·d I )omhro ki.

Boh I.udingtou ...... .\Iy farming ability to Linford B. Bond .

.Aiit't' .\l:u·I>ou~.rnll ... .\ly -.lt·ndt·nu•-,., to Klltherint· Lnrwa ter.

Boh .\lattt·-.on ....... ~ly imuwn-.ity to .Joe Burek.

Frt'd .\lillcr ........ .\Iy 11111 it·al :.hility to Olher .Jud\\8,\',

Bt•tty .\loody ....... .\ly gift of ~nh to .Junt' .Kf'mp.

Kt•nndh .\1 ort·au . . . .\I.'· ability to take dcctrie shueks to OJH' who cnn tnke it. A!.!TH'" ,\Ju-.;il ....... .\Iy ... tatuu· to Loui"c <iruler .

.:\largart't ~t·l on .... .\ly hlond hair to Flon•nct• Snowdt'll.

Hit'llllrd Xt>WIII:tn .... .\Iy litH' to Ed .\Iei-.tt-r.

~adie ~ 0\\'llt'k ...... .\Iy my..,tt-riou-. quit'tne-.s to Loui-.a Tnylor .

.\lar~· O'I>onut'll .... .\ly :thility to hrc:tk te ... t tuhe.., to Euniee B hun.

Pat Pnrk... .......... .\Iy inten•.,t in h(n·..,' ha ... kt'thnll to Shirll'y Smith .

.\I i ld rt•d Pt•tnlwrton .. .\ly ... t r:ti !,!ht loek.., to .\In rion Pol b.

~tanlt·y Pi ... are;-;yk ...• \Iy ability to play ;1 dolin to Philip Lnn/.,

.Jost·phirw Pollak .... • \ly -.wt'd hlushl's to llt•len Host' .

.:\Iildrcd Halwr ..... . .\Iy ridt•s to and from st'hool to .\Inr!.!'aret Brcmmt•yr.

Haymond Hit'hmond .. .\Iy ahility to kid tt Bt'ht'r.., to Carl Pdcr ... on.

(;·til Hu ... st•ll ........ .\ly fort•i!,!ll roll's iu :tding to "Ht•!.!" (;rct'll\\:ty.

"ann· St'hit'dt·l . . . \h <'llrly lo('ks to .\lnry Lt'a ... ing.

('lara S('hram . . . . . \I' Wt•ak \'Oi<'t' to Ali<'t' I hum.

Boh St'hr .......... .\Iy hit('h- hiking honw from -.<·hool to Bill Brt•nmH') r •

.\lary Elh Smith . . . .\ly way with lllt'n to Bdty Pn· ... ton.

Lloyd !-It tnlt•y .. .... .\Iy Ion!,! w:tlks honw to (,ordon Swt'nor.

lk:tn Sumnt•r ....•.. .\Iy Boy Seout ahility to li!,!ht tirt'' with :1 hox of m:tl<"llt':-. to (;Jt'nn lluhh:nd.

Fdn:t Tillobon ...... ~ly Spani-.h way-. to Audn·~ h.ondzt'ila.

h.t nrwth Tillobon ... ~Iy homt• t'XJH'rit-m•t• in Ph~ .,H . .., to .ltutior Ll·m.in~ .

..\Ltrgard Trt'tht'\\':ty . ,\Iy ft'minint' look., to Phylli~ Schmitt.

'I't'd lipton ......... .\ly rolt• of the "littlt• r:t-.cal" in .\li~~ Lombard\ <"lass to one \\ ho applil·.., for tht• joh.

Eunicl' \\·akt·fit'l<l ... .\Iy -.pn rt' timt• to h.. 1thryn Stark.

Dorthy \Vt•nz ....... .\ly inlt•rt•..,t in out of town date, to Edna I• oltz.

1•.\'t·l\'n \rakdord ... ~h· ahilit\· to hold Ill\' man to Ho,amurul (;ris\\old. . . . . Morris \rltt•t•lt'r .. ... .\Iy nwnly way-. to Harold Bt•yt·r.

~yh·i:~ Whitt• ....... .\Iy sin!.!'ill!.!' in typin!.!' to .\l:tr,iorit• Vit'th.

Eliz.tht th \Villiam-. .. .:\Iy -.t:w;t• ahility to Dorothy ~l'rgt'nt.

Ann.• \\ dli~ ........ .\Iy ability to play u;uard to Eloinl' Clwpman.

Lda \ \'tll-.on . . . . . . \l ~ <'ht't'rful voiet• to \l argarl't Lt·shr•r.

~\I ant \\ ''""on . . . . \ I\ gi!,!glt'-. to \lar~ Burt k.

Katt \Yoodrufl' ...... .\I~ mystt•riou-.nt .,.., to \ lr. \Volu;a-.t.

.J lltlt \\ ood-.tol'k .•... .\Iy quid W;t~., to Elt-anor But' II.

Bill \\·ork .......•.. .\ly 1l:dnty Foothall Pant.. to two needy Fre~hmeu.

h~ · P nl !/-o 11 e


Tl11• .J-1 lop of I H:J.i, \\ hil·lt wa-. !!'i\ t'll nt tht' Pdoskt') -B:ty \•ic\\ Cmmtr) Cluh

nnd the lli~h ~l'hool gymna ium ns tht• fiwtl u;l'-.ture of l10spit:dity of tlu .Juniors

to tht• gr:uluating t•lnss. hnd lll:tny distincth t' fl•:tlllrt• thnt m:ull' it ont• of tht most

intcre.,tin~ of I I i!,!'h ~chool parties of rt't't•nt year-..

Tht• dt'lh·ious hanqut'l at tht' club :llld tht' dt'corntions at hoth the <·luh nnd tilt•

!rym. <'rt':tled n tnulitionnl Oril'nt:d ( hint'St' atmosphcr<' that sl't tht• party apart a

• omt•thing long to ht• rt·memhercd.

One hundrl'd ninety six -.tudcnts and guest-. t•njoycd the wonderful h:liHJIIC't

which wa ... prepnrcd hy .:\lr-.. Earl Pre-.ton. this season's eluh hostf•s-.. :md st•rH·<l hy

girl.., of the I Iid1 ~<'hool hom{' l't'OJIOtlli<'s <'lass.

Henwining at the tahlf's for a progr:un th:ll \\ n" }ll't'sentt-d \\ ith A mold \\' olgnst

n mning tilt· dutit' of to:t,tmastl'r, l>r. B. II. \'nn Lcu\t'll, nwmher of tht• ~<'hool Board. \\fl introdn<'ed ns !!'UC't spenk ·r. I>in·dly nddressin!!' till· student . I>r.

Ynn Lcun·n in :1 \ery ui<'e t:alk. llr!,!'l'd them to makt· the mo-.t of tiH·ir opportunities :ts thl'y wert• !!'h t'll them nt this tinw.

A pre ident of tht' .J tudor l'lass :llld t?;l'nC'ral t•hainnan of thC' .J I lop. \\'illiam

.. eumnn gn\t' thl' \\t·koming :uldn·s.... Chatl<'l',\" Knig-ht, ~t·nior <'lass pn· ... idt•nt, rt'slllllldl'(l.

Tilt• Chirlt'st' tht'lllt' \\'lis t'ontinut'd :tt tht' u;ym when· tht• dau<'inp; pa dy was ht•ld.

At one end of tht• room tht'rl' rt')lOsl'd :1 htwt• Chint·~t· dr:won t'll't•dht·h· )i~rhtl'd with ~ ...... . ......

n red Hood light. Continuinu; around tltl' oult-r t•du;t• of thl' dmH't' floor Wt'l't' hand

(lr:n\ 11 Jl:llll'l" pl:t<'ed :tt f'rPqut•nt intl'n :tis.

Lyll' bldy's or<'ht>str:t. who hrou!,!'ht with tht'lll thl'ir own floor show. had tht•ir

pl:H't' 11t tht• othl'r t'nd of tht• room on a r:tisl'd nnd ..,tn·:tnwr t'll<'lOsl'd platform.

Confetti :nul lwlloons, dropped from tht• low fal'-t' t'l'ilin~. nddt•d :t furtht•r <'olor note.

'I'ht· hi!.!:ht'st point on tht' d:uH't' program <'llllH' about II ::W o't lo<'k \\ ith the

gr:md mnr<'h. Tnkin!,!' tht' lend in thi" form:ttion Wt'n· \Villiam '\l unan and hi ...

ernest. ~I:1rp:aret Leshl'r. :md Ch:mn·) h.mght and his ~ut·st. .:\l!ldn·d Gihhs. of

Il:trhor ~prin!,!s. Th renwining studt nb and tht•ir !!'IH'sts then ft•ll in lint•.

Tht• p:ttrons and patront•sst's Wl'rt': II. C. Spith·r. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .la<'nhs.

Mr. and .:\1 rs. \\'olgast. and Dr. and ~~ rs. Van Ll'U\'l'n.


illar rul uurr utr

HE\?. A . II. PELLOWE. Pre idi rw

P roces ... iorwl. " CororHlt iou Jl :trch" ( .\leyerhter) .............• ll igh :-\C'hool B.md

Lo rd '.., Pra ye r .. . ................................................ \ udit:tH'l

I Iy mn . "Conw Thou Almighty K ing-" ................................• \ udit ne<'

lin oc:t lion ............. . ............................... H C\. \. . II . Pello\\ e

Sniptu rt' Ht·acling .............. . ....... . ................ He,. E. P. Linndl

"~ow Le t E' t•ry Ton gut• Adort• Tltt•t•" ( Bach ). . . . . ... . ... .. .... S e nior ( ho ru

.\ddt·e ~ .... " Tilt• Pa th to Su<'<'t'~s ful Li,·ing" .................. He ,·. l~dw:Jrcl Ba iley Pn~tor Trin ity g, :mgcli<'a l ( 'hu rch

Hymn. " .\I_,. Faith Look... Cp to 'I'Itt•e'' . ... . . .. .... . ... . . . ... . ........ Aud it' ll<'l'

" :\o" tltt· I>ny J., On·r " ( Barnhy ) .. . .. . . . ...................... Sen ior Cho ru

Bent•diction ..... . .............. . ........ . .. . ..... . .. . ... Ht·\. (; , l\ . \\'en \' t•r

He t•t· ... -.iona l ...... . . . .. . . . ... . ..... . ... . .. .. ... . ... . . . ... I l igh School Band

CL\SS I>\ i

" Pagt"ant Commt•morating the Tri-Ct·ntt·rtnial

of tilt•

American High St hool "

' 'Suite for String.., '' ( Bot·n-.<•ltt•in ) .. . . .. .. .. ... . . . ... . .. . . .... . ~tring Enst•mhlt•


Episodt· I Tilt· First Latin (ir:unmar S<"hool. w :;.;

" I> rink to .\It• Only \Viti! Thine Eyt·.., ' ' .. . . . ...... . .. . .. . . .. ... String Enst·mhlt•

l•. pi-.odc I I Estahlishmt•nt of tlh· Law of IIi 1-7 in .. \las..,a<"IHr..,t'tts

Episodt' I I I Till' Op<'ning of tilt· (~trl•.' II igh School. \\'or<'t'sh'r. 1 S:! l

Episoclt' I\ Tltt h.. .tlamazoo Casl'. I ~72

"Old Folks at I lomt' ( Foste r ) .... .. ... .. . . ... .. .. ....... . . . String Enst'mhl •

Episodt• , .

Epi-.odt· Y I

Friday Aftnnoon Exercises .\hout I S!IO

Ch:nt"·inu· C'on<'t')>ts of Edu<"ation :tnd ExJ>an .... ion of the Curriculum .... /!">

Epi .... odt• \ ?I I Tht' St•t·ondary St'hool of 1 !I:L;

\I tnu:d Arts. I>mm· ... tic .\rts. :md .\rt ExhihititHh

Comntt•rdal and Ph,·si<"al hducation I>t·mort-.tralion"



(h-crture .... "~pirit of Youth" (Sordillo) .............................. .

"The ~potlight" (Brockton) ..................... II igh ~ehool Hanel

I m Ot'ation ........................................... Rev. Edward S. I>oan

"Ik:tr Lnnd of Home" (~ilH'Iins) ............................. Douh!c ~t'xtt'ttt·

~nlnt:ttory. "The History of Public Edueation in .Michignn" ........ Hch·n Chanda

(herturt·. "Tiw Trojan Prim•t•" (Holmes) .................... High School Hanel

Ht•marks hy Class President ................................. Chan<'t'Y Knight

Prt'st·ntntion of Aw:trds

'' IIow Swt'd the .Moonlight" ( 'alleott) ........................ Double S<"xtdtc

Y alt•didory. "'I'ht' II istory of the Petoskey Pu hl ie Sehoob" ..... E lizahdh \Yill i:uns

Prest'ntntion of the Cl:tss of I !J:J,) .......................• Prin(•ipal F. S . .J neohs

onferrinf.! of Diplomas .......................................... Homer ~ly

Prl'siclcnt Board of Educ·ation

~lan·h. "Jnwr(•argill (Lithgow ) ............................ High Sc·hool B:mcl

Reception for the ~tmors m tht' High Sehool Gym ............... Student Comwil




TO A PI ' ( I L

I krHm not wh~re thou art. I onh· know that thou wt·rt on mv dc:-.k, Bt·nu.t if ul and <·on kn ted a monu·r;t hat'k, And a:-. I turn my he:ul To 'it·w tiH' dock, :oiotn" lwartlt•:-.:-. wrdt'h wt·nt we t with

t ht•t>. Pt·n•hatl<'t': it may hnvt• h 't'tl till' guy

krum not '"·ho he wns nor shall I :1:-.k. I stolt· it from.

LiH·:-. ot gre:1t mt'n nll rt·mind u:-.. A-. tltt'ir pagt·., o't•r Wt' turn, That wt•'rt· apt to leaH' ht•hind us, l.dkr:-. that wt· ou~ht to hurn.

~Iort Brot'kwuy-"Don't you think Ill\' mu ... ta<'ht• is bt·<·oming ?''

• Bill 'York-" It might ht' <·oming;, hut it i:-.n't hert' yd."

"Ahhit•. make a st·ntt-m·t• with the word stoi<'."

"Tht• stoi<' 1s tht• hoid what hring;s lht· hoihy."

Karl "I 10\t' vou .so mu<'h. darling. that I dream of n;u t \t n· timt' I slt-t·p."

Ha<'hel L.- ':Oh, Ka;l. if you hn·ed mt• propt·rly. you \\otddn't lw :thlt· to slt•t•p at all."

Vi<'ar ".\nd what parahlt' do you likt· he:-.t. my son?"

Boy "Tht' ont .thout tilt' multitudt• that loafs and ti:-.ht.,."

h.t nnt'lh 1\Ioreau-" ,Vhat 1s u pea­nut· '

Boh .\Iatte~on-".A }>l':tnut i:-. a <'<H'oa­nut':-. littlt• hrotht•r with his whiskers :-.han·d oil'."

( oa<"h " ·olga ... t-'' Did you take a :-.howt·r ?''

( ham•t·~ 1\..mght " ' o, is on· mi-,s­in~ ?"


.J n~z ~I u ic-Conglomerntion of tin cans, fr,,·ing p:m , :md goof .

Sleep ~orncthing enjo~ ed durin cia

Student One '~ ho hu) hook , h c:m c they look o niet• in n hooken

lin h What tht· otlu·r ft•llo\\ hn left on hi plate.

:\1 r. H:trtlt•tt (i n C'hPmi tr~) "\\'e ha\t' learued tlwt ht'at t•xpand and C'o)d ('Ontr:tds: nO\\, .John, r,.i\t• Jll(' :111

ex amp IP.'. .John Clappn "In tht' winkr the

days <'Ontrad aud are short. I 11 :-.Uill­

Tllt'r tlu·.v t'Xp:tnd and :trt' long."

.I unt• (;oldt•n "Are you on nn errand for tht• tea<"ht•r?

.J t•an ( rrult·r 'o. it\ my hun ion" that m:tkt· lilt' w:tlh. so slo\\ ."

".John." <':tllt'd his wift· from tht• IH"d­room, " I ht•:trd that clo<'k strikt• two a you < .utlt' in."

" ) t'S. dt'ar. It was ht'g;inning to :-.tnkt tt·n. hut I :-.toppt'cl it for fenr it \\Ould ,,nkt• you.''

\lr . .l:t<'ohs-"I heard that in ... tt•a(l of gomg to :-.('hool you wt•nt to a :-.llll\\ thi a ftt-rnoon."

Hav Ft•atllt'r-''That i.,n't true. aiHl I\ t' got a string of ti:-.h to prO\ t' it."

Tht· on) v l'Our:-.t• in whi<'h :-.olllt' ft•l ­low:-. will . gr:uluate, i:-. the eour:-.t• of timt'.

Haymond H i<•lunond kct'pt'r) "I want '>Otnt• ('O<'k roat'ht·s wit h.''

( to a -.tore­powder to kill

Ston·kt't'JH'r-"Do you want to take it with 'ou:.

H:ty ,o, I'll ju ... t .,t-.nd the little r:ts<'als .nound nnd you ('llll ruh tlwir little tummies with it."




Now ] lny lllt' do\\ 11 to n -.t. B for(' I tnke tomorrow'-. tC' ... t: If I should die before I "akP. Thnnk (iod I'll haYe no te t to tnkc.

Karl Buctttwr " I lnw t'Olllt' t ho .... f• f kl f . " rec ... 011 your nee:'

Boh Bartw... "I ..,Jept in lht ..,Jwde of a ... creen door. "

Coach \\'ok:ht " 1 hnd :1 fish on my line ~o hig tlwt the fellow~ \\ otddu't ]tt me hnul it iu for fenr of sw:uuping- tht• l)Ont."

Berhie LawreJtl'C '' Yep. th..: :unc thing lmppened to me \\hen ] wn on the '.1. B. ,J ohth.' "


The ... tudent who comt•s to school with n ... mile on hi.., f11cc.

The te:u·ht'r who tell you ht' i gh in~ you n zero for your O\\ n ~ood.

The denti t who <·nil him elf "pain ]c .... ..

.\lnurit'e \rheeler " I mn~ be poor, hut l OIH't rode' in a e:trrin~t."

Bill \\'or!... " Yt• • "heu your mother pusltt·d it."

First ~tudntt " \\'h.\· :1re -.ome tenC'h ers h:dd he:tdt•d ?"

~l'<'ond ~tudeut " B( t•nuse HO Ycg · t :ation ~ro\\ ... ahoH' tht· timht•r line."

Tht• day i dr:n\ in~ \ t•ry near \rht·u wt· mu ... t lt•:n t' thi~ ..,<·hool. And with that day then· <'OilH'~ ft•:tr To tht• Thinkn. tht• Clown. tht• Fool.

A ft•:tr that i.., of thP 'n ... t unknm\ 11

Tlwt lie.., itt tht• di ... t:lllt haz,•, A ft•:tr thnt t"hilt... th to tht' bmw And It'll\ t•.., our sou).., adazt•.

\\'ith I )iplom:t grn•qwd within our hand \\'(' now must fnt•t• tltt• \\ ay ... of Lift•. And on thnt road \\ t' mu ... t tnkt• our ... tnnd To shnrt• hoth hurden.., of .Joy :tnd ~trift•.

Tht· Class of "ar;" llltl\ t's on fort'' t•r Until n time when \\t' mu ... t nlt'd .\ PmH·r that will s\dftly Sl'\t'r

All earthh· tie ... :tt (iod'~ .Judgnlt'nt :-\ent.

H ay111ond H it"hmond.

h •r.11/y-six



tr •r> n f y-set•t•Jt

