Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low

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  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


    The Gambia& Senegal - West AfricaNovember 2012 - October 2013




  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low



    Discover SenegalTe French coast of West Africa awaits you

    Although relatively new to British holidaymaSenegal has long been a avourite holiday des or our European neighbours who, or many yhave enjoyed the year-round warm welcome sandy beaches o this unique and beauti ul co Senegal sits on the Atlantic Ocean, at A ricas most westerly pointMali, Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania, with The Gambia almost ent

    enclosed within it. It has three mighty rivers and these provide a go ertile land and some wonder ully intricate coastal lagoons and w that are a joy to explore. Because o this abundance o water and esupports a great wealth o wildli e, including numerous birds rom waders to large raptors, and various mammal species such as wartmonkeys, manatees and dolphins.

    Senegals people and its cultureSome might argue that Senegals greatest attraction is its thriving which draws rom centuries o the regions tribal history and also tmany incursions rom outside cultures, including the French who wdominant imperial power here during the 19th and 20th centuries uindependence in 1960. This myriad o in uences has used into an e whole, which you can see in the local dress, music, cuisine and arMany o the ethnic groups o The Gambia and Senegal are related,many customs and indigenous languages and, as in The Gambia, vshould adopt an in ormal but modest standard o dress as the majoSenegalese are Muslim. You are guaranteed a warm welcome rom they adhere to the traditional values o respect or others and good

    Language As Senegal is a ormer French colony, French is the o fcial languaga basic knowledge o the language would certainly be use ul. Genespeaking, in the resort areas, English isnt widely spoken but hotelparticularly at reception, and tour reps will usually speak some EnO the local tribal languages, Wolo , Malink, Mandinka and Fula amost widely spoken.

    Our Senegal hotels You will discover that Senegal o ers a range o excellent accommo with a number o luxury hotels, some with spa acilities, and propegenerally provide a level o cuisine that is some o the fnest in Wes We are proud to have selected a range o hotels that re ects this higstandard. We are specialists, and we work closely with a care ully agent in Senegal, who knows the country inside out. Our agent pro

    Souimanga Lodge

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low

    3/29Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at


    trans ers to your chosen hotel as well as providing a representative serviceand excursion programme in the majority o our hotels. Ultimately webelieve it is essential that we match the right hotel with the right customer.Our sta will be happy to discuss which hotels suit your needs, so pleaseuse their personal knowledge and call them on 0845 338 8700.

    Hotel standards As we have mentioned, Senegal o ers some excellent accommodation,however an o fcial system o classifcation is not yet in place. There ore, to give guests a clearer picture o what to expect rom a hotel, we haveour own rating system based upon standards within the country, a thoroughinspection by our own sta and any eedback rom our customers.Its important to remember that our hotel gradings may not compare to acorresponding star rating in the UK or Europe so we have there ore placedmore emphasis on the accuracy o our descriptions and photographs so our guests can gain an honest and air view o a hotel be ore they book. Further details on our hotels can be ound online

    Get out and see the real SenegalI you like to take time out rom soaking up the sun there are plenty o opportunities to get out and explore Senegal, whether its just or ana ternoon or on longer organised trips. Many guests love to browse the colour ul A rican markets and they are the per ect place to pick upmemorable souvenirs and practise your bartering skills! Most sell traditional abrics, pottery and costume jewellery and cra t markets will o er an arrayo intricate and extremely attractive woodcarvings, artwork, musicalinstruments and metalwork.

    During your holiday, its also worth taking time out to sample some o Senegals abulous music. Senegal is home to some o A ricas most amous

    musicians and singers, including Youssou NDour, Baaba Maal and Ismal L.Every May, Saint-Louis in the north o Senegal plays host to the Saint-LouisInternational Jazz Festival, which attracts per ormers and audiences rom allover the world.

    Sport is also extremely popular in Senegal; like most A rican countries, theSenegalese are mad about ootball and youll spot impromptu matches taking place in most towns and villages you pass through. Another avouritespectator sport is lutte wrestling; this traditional wrestling, with muscular fghters dressed in loin-cloths and adorned with lucky amulets is better experienced in village surroundings under the light o ickering oil lamps.

    At each hotel youll also fnd a range o excursions on o er including4x4 bush trips, mini sa aris, quad biking or visiting local towns and villages,all run by experienced guides who can give you a real insiders view o thelocal area go online see what tripsare available.

    Senegal currencyThe local currency is the West A rican CFA Franc, although Euros are alsoaccepted in the hotels (fxed rate o 1 Euro = 656 CFA Francs). Credit cardsare generally accepted in hotels and restaurants though they may incur asurcharge. Travellers Cheques cannot always be changed.

    Medication We strongly suggest you consult your doctor be ore booking Senegal. Although no vaccinations are compulsory or entry certain medication, including anti-malarial tablets, will be rec You may be required to show a yellow ever vaccination cert travelling between Senegal & The Gambia.

    A antastic climateSenegals climate is pleasantly tropical with year-round av temperatures between 29OC and 34OC, uninterrupted sunshine November to July and a short rainy season between the m August and October, when sudden but spectacular rainstopunctuate the hot sun.

    = London average

    Sunshine hours(Average)

    2 1 1 6 5 3672 4 5 6

    10 7 6 21 19 1422207 10 13 17

    8 9 9 6 6 86910 10 10 10

    Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar May Apr Jun July Aug Sep Oct

    Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar May Apr Jun July Aug Sep Oct32 31 31 29 31 32303232 34 33 32

    TemperatureOC (Average maximum)

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    4/2956 For more advice or to book call the experts on 0845 338 8700


    Senegal has much to o er holidaymakers o aand tastes and we o er the choice o holidayi two di erent regions Saly & La Somone anSine Saloum Delta, 65 kilometres south o Sa

    Senegal resort areasWhich resort to choose?Saly & La SomoneThe resort o Saly is located on the Petite Cte, approximately 80 kilometressouth o Dakar and 65 kilometres north o the Sine Saloum Delta. As wellas being one o the most important fshing ports in Senegal, Saly is an idealholiday destination that has long been popular with French and Belgian touristsand as such has a very established eel, with its variety o hotels, palm- ringedsandy beaches, calm clear waters, bars, restaurants, shops and a wide range o activities.

    The smaller resort o La Somone is only a short drive rom Saly and enjoys anidyllic location beside a stunning lagoon, home to the Rserve de la Somone,a birdwatchers paradise. Nearby you can also visit the Bandia Nature Reserve,a small but per ectly ormed wildli e park where you can see roaming reely:gira e, rhino, zebra, ostrich, antelope, bu alo, bush pigs, impala and many other birds and animals. For the more active, both Saly and La Somone have severalexcellent water sports centres, o ering a range o activities such as jet skis, water-skiing, catamarans, kayaks and windsurfng, and several excellent fshingclubs o ering world class deep sea fshing. Quad and buggy tours or horse treksare available in and around the resorts and Saly is home to an attractive 18holegol course as well as the Accrobaobab Adventure Park, where you can climb,

    swing and slide on a series o nets and ropes amongst the baobab trees.

    The Sine Saloum DeltaThe Sine Saloum Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage site, an 180,0area that encompasses the Saloum Delta National Park, and a truly so Senegal. Formed where two rivers converge on the mighty Atlantiits a region o great diversity consisting o a unique estuarine enviroglorious beaches, mangrove swamps, sand islands and ever-shi ting The region is a joy to explore, and whether youre picking your waydrawn buggy through the great herds o baobab trees and salt craters the local women, or quietly navigating the lush greenery o the labyr waterways in a pirogue, youre sure to absorb the regions gentle ma

    Thanks to its ecological diversity it is also rich in animal li e, and or the Delta will certainly not disappoint; home to a stunning variety oas amingos, pelicans, herons, gulls, terns, egrets and avocets, many hotels will arrange special birding trips to view them in their naturalFor the fsherman, it is an anglers dream with a wealth o fsh in bothrivers and the ocean; you might even spot the odd manatee or dolphcoastal lagoons. Many o the hotels have their own boats or piroguesspecialised fshing trips, as well as more leisurely sightseeing trips al to deserted beaches and local villages. For some hotels in the south o

    Saloum Delta it is easier to y into The Gambia due to shorter trans e

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low



    No. of Nights

    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr

    954 939 918 947 1113 1199 962 955 946 1009 955 944 1015 988 9391056 1045 1025 1047 1244 1273 1064 1068 1054 1116 1049 1038 1116 1094 10451192 1183 1174 1306 1379 1382 1205 1199 1188 1253 1191 1179 1253 1227 1178



    Twice weekly ights rom Gatwick anManchester. Weekly ight rom Birmi All ights are direct to The GambiaIn- ight meals, 20kgs luggage allowa trans ers are included in brochure priUpgrade to Premium Class or legrooSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight inPrices are in s per person on Hal Board in a Standard room rom Gatwick on a Tuesday and include 65 APD, 20 ADF and 35 o other known taxes and charges.

    For 11 nights rom Gatwick or Manchester, add the extra night cost to the 10 night price and add the applicable ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 30 Apr 42

    BIRDWATCHINGThe spectacular le aux Oiseaux nearby is home to the worldscolony o the king stern, as well as caspian sterns and herring gspecies spotted in the area include the great Abyssinian hornbieagle and goliath heron to name just a ew.

    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on Hal Board

    More Online

    T he Keur Saloum Hotel sits in a fantastic position perchedabove the stunning rivers of the Sine Saloum Delta, whichmeander into the distance in each direction. A highlight or many is the hotels panoramic terrace that allows guests to relax in com ortable chairs or hammocks and take ull advantage o the amazing views, with the sun setting over the mangroves beyond. Setamongst the gardens are 48 A ricanstyle round bungalows, surroundedby numerous shady trees, aromatic shrubs and owering plants. Each isindividually decorated, o ering simple but com ortable accommodation or a relaxing holiday. For an extra special location overlooking the jetty and the river we would recommend upgrading to one o the spacious suites, which are beauti ully decorated, with a lounge area and an extensive private terrace. Away rom the busier tourist areas, you are per ectly placed to discover thereal Senegal and the hotel o ers a varied excursion programme, enablingyou to explore the local area; this includes making use o its many boats to take you fshing, or a picnic on a deserted beach or to explore one o the other villages along the river. In the evening, the open-plan bar andrestaurant is a great place to mingle and swap stories about your day whilstenjoying reshly cooked ood.Trans er time rom Banjul to Toubakouta: 3 hrs (including a erry trans er o approximately 45 minutes).

    Keur SaloumSine Saloum

    Fishing Relaxing Birdwatching


    Swimming pool with sun terraceGi t shopPanoramic terraceFree Wi-Fi in bar 54 rooms


    Twin or double beds Air-conditioning


    Suites larger rooms with lounge area, bath-room with walk-in shower and separate wc,dressing room, terrace/balcony, air-conditioning


    CUISINEBar and restaurant o ering continental break astand menu o the day lunch and dinner


    Tennis, table tennisMountain bikes, kayaksFishing & excursion programme


    Hal board includedFull board 13Single room rom 93rd person sharing -10Child sharing(2-15 years) -16

    All supplements and room upgrades are per person per night based on twin occupancy

    Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at


  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


    No. of Nights

    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr


    1678 1669 1647 1673 1968 2125 1699 1689 1680 1742 1683 1672 1719 1643 15941889 1868 1848 1863 2224 2333 1898 1887 1878 1938 1875 1864 1893 1812 17632359 2348 2336 2596 2873 2859 2386 2368 2369 2425 2349 2338 2377 2257 2208


    Wednesday and Friday scheduled ights romHeathrow, Manchester, Bristol, Newcastle,Birmingham to Dakar via BrusselsIn- ight meals, 46kgs luggage allowance and trans ers to and rom Dakar are included in brochure priceSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight in ormati

    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on Hal Board

    Prices are in s per person on Hal Board in a Garden suite rom Heathrow on a Wednesday and include 65 APD and 140 o other known taxes and charges.For 12 nights, add the extra night costs to the 9 night price and add the Friday ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 17 Dec 106, 18 Dec 31 Dec 120, 1 Jan 30 Apr 106

    N estled on the outskirts of the Saloum Delta National Park, the Royal Lodge is a truly beautiful hotel offering thehighest standards in accommodation. Located next to a near perfect beach that is virtually deserted as far as the eye cansee, the focus here is on quality and relaxation.On arrival you will be whisked away along bougainvillea-lined pathways to your own private suite, o which there are only 26. Each is beauti ullydecorated and urnished in A rican style with a spacious bedroom andseparate lounge area, large picture windows that open out on to a private terrace and a magnifcent bathroom ft or a flm star with an impressivesunken Jacuzzi bath. At any time o the day you can enjoy a drink at the Pelican cocktail bar; youcan even swim up to the bar rom the hotels abulous infnity pool, ramedby palm and baobab trees. For some pampering, the hotels beauty salono ers a variety o treatments.The restaurant Les Paltuviers overlooks the swimming pool, which isbeauti ully illuminated at night, and its menu o ers a mouth-wateringselection o dishes. Choose a bottle o wine rom the hotels impressive winecabinet to accompany your meal, and then relax and take in the picture-per ect tranquillity.Trans er time rom Dakar to Palmarin: 4 hrs


    Infnity swimming pool with Jacuzzi and sun terraceSun beds and mattresses, shades and towelsBeauty & massage salon(payable locally)Gi t shop, laundry serviceFree Wi-Fi26 rooms


    Twin beds, mosquito nets Air-conditioning, ceiling anIron and ironing boardTea &co ee making acilitiesBathrobe and slippers JacuzziMinibar, hairdryer and telephoneSatellite television and DVD player More Online

    DISCOVER RURAL AFRICA Get out and explore the local area with a range o excursions: a horsdrawn calche through the bush to view the birds or hyenas in thenatural habitat; a cruise in a traditional pirogue; or travel urther afabsorb yoursel in the poignant history o the slave trade at Gore Is

    Le Royal LodgePalmarin

    Relaxing Beachfront Couples

    For more advice or to book call the experts on 0845 338 8700



    Restaurant Les Paltuviers(bu et break ast and la carte lunch and dinner)Cocktail bar Le Pelican, 24-hour room service


    Sea view suite overlooking the sea rom 22Royale suite has a private plunge pool and sea views rom 68


    Hal board includedFull board 15Single room 603rd person sharing -30Child sharing(2-11 years) -64

    All supplements and room upgrades are per person per night based on twin occupancy

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


    No. of Nights


    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr

    1264 1249 1230 1298 1564 1693 1357 1344 1335 1389 1328 1317 1349 1313 12641344 1329 1305 1397 1689 1748 1449 1432 1427 1475 1429 1417 1465 1391 13421523 1507 1486 1814 2035 2009 1676 1667 1656 1712 1643 1628 1687 1578 1529


    Wednesday and Friday scheduled igHeathrow, Manchester, Bristol, NewBirmingham to Dakar via BrusselsIn- ight meals, 46kgs luggage allowa trans ers to and rom Dakar are inclubrochure priceSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight in

    Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at

    Prices are in s per person on Hal Board in a Standard room rom Heathrow on a Wednesday and include 65 APD and 140 o other known taxes and charges.For 12 nights, add the extra night costs to the 9 night price and add the Friday ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 17 Dec 45, 18 Dec 30 Apr 55

    More Online

    EXPERIENCE LOCAL CULTUREThere are some unique opportunities to experience the cultureregion at this special property: watch traditional Serer wrestinor attend a Catholic Mass in a local village with A rican drumaccompanying voices o the congregation.

    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on Hal Board

    D elta Niominka, situated on the island of Dionewar, offers guests the best of both worlds with white sandy beachesbordering a blue ocean and the natural delights of the nearby rivers and bolongs of the Sine Saloum Delta.The hotel o ers its guests extremely com ortable accommodation and goodcuisine in a spectacular location the Sine Saloum Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage site - and is a superb choice or those seeking natural beauty,peace and tranquillity.The spacious rooms are set in cottages amongst the colour ul gardens, all

    decorated in a modern style, but still very much in keeping with their A ricansurroundings. Choose a beach ront cottage and you will open your doorsdirectly onto the hotels stunning, white sandy beach. The atmosphere hereis per ect or a relaxing beach holiday the two pools, one with a Jacuzzi, areadjacent to the beach with abulous views o the Delta and beyond. I you do want a change o scene, the private jetty has a selection o pirogues and smallsailing boats or you to enjoy some sea or river fshing, bird spotting or even or just a leisurely cruise relaxing and topping up your tan whilst taking in the wonder ul surroundings.Trans er time rom Dakar to Dionewar: 4 hrs (including a boat trans er o approximately 30 minutes)

    Delta NiominkaSine Saloum

    Beachfront Relaxing Birdwatching



    2 swimming pools and JacuzziSun beds with mattresses, towels and shadesBeauty & massage salon(payable locally)Fitness room, gi t shopFree Wi-Fi in bar 54 rooms


    Terrace or balcony Air-conditioningBathroom with shower Hairdryer


    Cottage larger garden view room with minibar,satellite TV, DVD player 13

    Cottage sea view larger sea view room withminibar, satellite TV, DVD player 19


    Bar and restaurant o ering continental bu etbreak ast and themed bu et meals


    Occasional evening music or entertainmentBoat trips, kayaks/sailboardsTable tennis, ptanqueFishing centre and excursion programme


    Hal board includedFull board 13Single room 143rd person sharing -12Child sharing(2-11 years) -20

    All supplements and room upgrades are per person per night based on twin occupancy

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


    No. of Nights

    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr


    1317 1306 1287 1332 1628 1944 1453 1409 1398 1443 1379 1368 1427 1338 12891443 1432 1418 1496 1769 2135 1607 1518 1515 1568 1521 1505 1553 1454 14051744 1733 1706 2029 2474 2478 1949 1857 1849 1915 1848 1837 1878 1796 1747


    Wednesday and Friday scheduled igHeathrow, Manchester, Bristol, NewBirmingham to Dakar via BrusselsIn- ight meals, 46kgs luggage allowa trans ers to and rom Dakar are inclubrochure priceSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight in

    Prices are in s per person on Hal Board in a Standard room rom Heathrow on a Wednesday and include 65 APD and 140 o other known taxes and charges.For 12 nights, add the extra night costs to the 9 night price and add the Friday ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 17 Dec 69, 18 Dec 31 Dec 80, 1 Jan 30 Apr 77

    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on Hal Board

    Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


    No. of Nights

    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr


    1128 1117 1099 1158 1506 1583 1193 1167 1158 1259 1199 1188 1227 1198 11491251 1239 1219 1247 1658 1672 1274 1253 1262 1343 1245 1234 1308 1276 12271427 1415 1373 1705 1964 1819 1454 1445 1434 1564 1462 1443 1499 1477 1428


    Wednesday and Friday scheduled ights romHeathrow, Manchester, Bristol, Newcastle,Birmingham to Dakar via BrusselsIn- ight meals, 46kgs luggage allowance and trans ers to and rom Dakar are included in brochure priceSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight in ormati

    Prices are in s per person on Hal Board in a Standard room rom Heathrow on a Wednesday and include 65 APD and 140 o other known taxes and charges.For 12 nights, add the extra night costs to the 9 night price and add the Friday ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 17 Dec 47, 18 Dec 31 Dec 65, 1 Jan 30 Apr 47

    More Online

    WATERSPORTSRoyam enjoys a antastic location overlooking the bay o Saly and ta variety o watersports on o er or the more active, including water wake boards, jet-skis, pedaloes and kayaks. Pro essional instructorshand or tuition and will even arrange jet-ski tours o the local area.

    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on Hal Board

    T his attractive, friendly hotel is fantastic for both familiesand couples looking for well-priced accommodation witha good range of facilities. Its pretty African style bungalowsare dotted throughout the colourful gardens in a beautifulbeachfront location within easy reach of the resort centre.The unique spiral shaped pool is defnitely a ocal point o the hotel shadedsun beds surround it and the pool bar serves drinks and snacks all day tokeep guests re reshed. Out o the sun, the lounge, which is adjacent to the pool area, o ers books, board games and satellite television to occupyrestless sun worshippers and youll also fnd an internet area and gi t shopselling souvenirs and displaying artwork rom local Senegalese artists.For dining, the hotel restaurant spills out onto the pool terrace, o ering a variety o local Senegalese and European dishes. Another striking eature o the Hotel Royam are the extensive lawns, bordered by colour ul shrubs andbougainvillea, which lead down to the palm tree lined sandy beach thatsreserved or hotel guests. Here, relax on the white sands or take advantageo the various water sports on o er.Unwind urther at the hotels beauty salon situated close to the beach where, in cool and airy studios you can enjoy a therapeutic massage or oneo the many beauty treatments on o er.Trans er time rom Dakar to Saly: 2 hrs

    Hotel RoyamSaly

    Lively Beachfront Families



    Swimming pool, childrens poolNightly live music and occasional entertainmentMassage and beauty salon, gi t shop, TV loungeLocal art gallery, internet and Wi-Fi area120 rooms


    Air-conditioningBathroom with shower, hairdryer


    Superior - with minibar, located in a prime posi- tion rom 10Deluxe - as superior with at screen TV anddirect sea view rom 23


    Restaurant - continental break ast, la carte lunchand dinner Pool bar serving a selection o drinks and snacks


    Hal board includedFull board 15Single room rom 143rd person sharing -9Child sharing(2-11 years) -19

    All supplements and room upgrades are per person per night based on twin occupancy

    For more advice or to book call the experts on 0845 338 8700

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on Bed & Break ast

    No. of Nights


    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr

    1202 1193 1174 1195 1518 1656 1297 1279 1268 1335 1276 1264 1318 1264 12151284 1275 1253 1277 1687 1765 1414 1395 1387 1447 1388 1379 1415 1347 12981506 1494 1457 1694 2099 2018 1693 1674 1664 1724 1655 1643 1657 1573 1524


    Wednesday and Friday scheduled igHeathrow, Manchester, Bristol, NewBirmingham to Dakar via BrusselsIn- ight meals, 46kgs luggage allowa trans ers to and rom Dakar are inclubrochure priceSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight in

    Prices are in s per person on Bed & Break ast in a Standard room rom Heathrow on a Wednesday and include 65 APD and 140 o other known taxes and charges.For 12 nights, add the extra night costs to the 9 night price and add the Friday ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 17 Dec 54, 18 Dec 31 Dec 68, 1 Jan 30 Apr 63

    FISHINGThe hotels fshing centre is one o the best in the country or de fshing and the knowledgeable sta are on hand to help both exand novice anglers improve their technique. Depending on theyou can catch a variety o fsh including Tuna, Mackerel, GrouDorado and Blue Marlin.

    More Online

    W ith a long standing reputation for offering its guestsexcellent cuisine and comfort, the Hotel Espadon isperfect for those who want to relax and unwind but still have

    the convenience of the resort within easy walking distance.The hotel enjoys a superb beach ront location and a riendly, relaxingatmosphere, with rooms nestled amongst the palm trees in two-storeybungalows. Each is com ortably urnished with a private terrace, whilst the colour ul urnishings and dcor add a certain A rican charm. A pool and sun terrace area o er plenty o space to relax, plus the white

    sandy beach is right on your doorstep, its clear, calm waters dotted withsailing boats and water sports. For keen anglers the hotel has its own world-class fshing centre with our pro essionally crewed boats.The Espadon has a reputation or antastic cuisine and the hotel che takes ulladvantage o the resh produce o the area, in particular the sea ood, whicharrives directly o the fshing boats. Meals are served in the main restaurantalongside the swimming pool where you can choose to dine under the starson the candle-lit terrace. The Le Ponton bar, built over the water andreached by a jetty, is the per ect place to enjoy a light lunch. Come theevening, it is trans ormed with coloured lighting and cushioned seating intoa stylish cocktail bar or the per ect end to a per ect day.Trans er time rom Dakar to Saly: 2 hrs

    Hotel EspadonSaly

    Relaxing Beachfront Couples



    Swimming pool and childrens poolSun beds with mattresses, shades and towelsGi t shopBeauty spa(in adjacent hotel)Free Wi-Fi in public areasOccasional evening entertainment Watersports, gol course nearby49 rooms


    Air-conditioningTwin bedsMinibar, telephone & hairdryer Satellite atscreen televisionFree ADSL internet access


    LEspadon restaurant bu et break ast, la cartelunch and dinner Le Ponton restaurant/bar o ering light lunchesClub House Bar terrace bar by thepool/beach


    Sea view - overlooking the sea 16


    Hal board 19Full board 37Single room rom 153rd person sharing -9Child sharing(2-11 years) -24

    All supplements and room upgrades are per person per night based on twin occupancy

    Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low



    All-inclusive includSingle room rom 13rd person sharing -1Child sharing(2-11 years) -30 All supplements and room upgrades are perperson per night based on twin occupancy


    Ocean view with a partial sea view 15Ocean ront larger beach ront room 29Family rooms are also available on request


    La Plage restaurant bu et break ast, lunch, tea and dinner Restaurant Atlantis la carte restaurantBeach bar La Plage


    Air-conditioningTelephoneSatellite televisionBathroom with shower Hairdryer Sa ety deposit box


    Large swimming pool with childrens poolPrivate beach3 bars, discothequeBeauty salon(payable locally)Gi t shopLaundry service142 rooms


    Entertainment team day and nightNightly live music and evening entertainmentScuba lessons, aqua aerobics and water poloTennis, beach volleyballPtanque, table tennis, watersports

    This elegant all-inclusive hotel has undergone a totalrefurbishment in the last few years and enjoys a fantasticlocation nestled between a white sandy beach and thelagoon of La Somone, with the busier resort of Saly only a 20-minute drive away.Decameron Hotels & Resorts is renowned or providing unique, highquality holiday experiences and this hotel in Senegal is no di erent, suitingholidaymakers o all ages. The spacious com ortable, bungalow-style roomsare decorated in a colour ul blend o modern and A rican dcor and are

    scattered amongst the pretty gardens, all with a private terrace and attractive view; some o the beach ront rooms open directly on to the sandy beach or a bliss ul panorama as soon as you wake up. Your all-inclusive package o ers good variety with dining o a high standardin the 2 restaurants. The restaurants and bars, as well as the swimming pooland sunbathing terraces, all have commanding views over the beach andlagoon, with tables arranged both inside and outside to enjoy al resco diningduring the balmy evenings.This hotel has everything you need or a holiday as active or as relaxedas you like, as many activities are also included in your package, such as ascuba diving trial in the swimming pool, a range o non-motorised watersports rom the beach, tennis, volleyball and even the weeklymanagers cocktail party.

    For something di erent, the lagoon next door is home to some 150 specieso birds, with pelicans and amingos being the most prominent. The sighto these beauti ul birds will appeal to everyone, whether youre a keentwitcher or not!Trans er time rom Dakar to La Somone: 21 / 4 hrs

    ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGE All meals and snacks Unlimited local alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages Wine served with lunch and dinner Non-motorised watersports: windsurf, kayaks, etc. Daily activities programme (aerobics, soccer, volleyball, etc) Nightly entertainment featuring local and staff shows

    More Online

    Royal Decameron Baobab ResortLa Somone

    Beachfront Lively Birdwatching


    For more advice or to book call the experts on 0845 338 8700

    The Royal Decameron Baobab Resort has to haveone o the best locations in Senegal - no matter

    which way you look, there is a antastic view! Alison Collins, Product Manager

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    No. of Nights

    1-Nov 15-Nov


    4-Mar 25-Mar

    26-Nov 10-Dec



    4-Apr 11-Apr

    16-Nov 25-Nov



    26-Mar 3-Apr




    12-Apr 30-Apr


    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES on All-inclusive

    1288 1279 1260 1286 1593 1719 1378 1338 1329 1376 1328 1315 1399 1331 12821412 1399 1386 1419 1795 1843 1506 1459 1453 1498 1457 1446 1518 1448 13991695 1686 1659 1934 2228 2155 1807 1774 1766 1809 1769 1748 1814 1737 1688


    Wednesday and Friday scheduled igHeathrow, Manchester, Bristol, NewBirmingham to Dakar via BrusselsIn- ight meals, 46kgs luggage allowa trans ers to and rom Dakar are inclubrochure priceSee pages 80 & 81 or urther ight in

    Prices are in s per person on All-inclusive in a Standard room rom Heathrow on a Wednesday and include 65 APD and 140 o other known taxes and charges.For 12 nights, add the extra night costs to the 9 night price and add the Friday ight supplement.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 17 Dec 65, 18 Dec 31 Dec 85, 1 Jan 30 Apr 70

    Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at

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    For more hotels visit

    Please see our website or morein ormation and photographs o theproperties eatured below.

    Hotel Neptune Set amongst colour ul, tropical gardens, the Hotel Neptune has anexcellent reputation or service and quality and appeals in particular toguests who are looking or a peace ul retreat. The serene and spacioussuites are in keeping with the hotels tranquil atmosphere whilst theNeptunes restaurant is well known or its excellent cuisine. More Online

    S A L Y

    ama Lodge Unique Nestled amongst a grove o coconut trees, is the unique and wonder ulTama Lodge. The thatched Senegalese style huts exude charm andcharacter, their doors opening directly onto the golden sands. While away the day in one o the shaded hammocks scattered on the sand and dine in the open-air restaurant by the light o the ickering lanterns. More Online

    S A L Y

    Les Collines de Niassam Unique This is an enchanting and unique lodge, lovingly created to blend with the

    natural beauty o the landscape. Stay in a quirky lodge within the grounds,a stilted lodge over the lagoon or even a tree house lodge cradled in oneo the majestic baobab trees! Dine on the open veranda and enjoy the wonder ul views at sunset. More Online

    S I N E S A L O U M

    Souimanga Lodge BoutiqueThese 7, charming luxurious lodges set in an idyllic riverside location werebuilt with an emphasis on attention to detail and personal service. Enjoy the bliss ul peace and tranquillity and per ect unspoilt views, and relax andindulge in the infnity pool, massage suite and excellent gourmet restaurant.

    More Online

    S I N E S A L O U M

    Domaine les PaltuviersOverlooking the river, this hotel is a great place to relax and unwind or use as a base to explore the surrounding region o the Sine Saloum Delta.Thatched bungalows are scattered throughout the grounds, along with aswimming pool, sun terrace and a restaurant with lovely views down to the jetty where pirogues and kayaks can be taken to explore the creek. More Online

    S I N E S A L O U M

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    15/29Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at


    For a antastic holiday away rom the beach why notget up close and personal in this incredible countryand experience the true sights and sounds o Senegal.

    Our choice o 3 & 7 night private tours give you a real insight intoSenegal and A rica by venturinginto the heart o traditional villages,colonial towns, countryside and through stunning natural parks. As aprivate tour, you can choose when tostop to take photos or explore areas that interest you, unlike on massorganised tours.

    With our pro essional Englishspeaking guides you will travel alongdiverse routes by boat, 4x4 and evenon oot. Stay in charming hotels,enchanting village camps, or sleepunder canvas beneath starry skies,

    sampling traditional, local cuisine.From the busy capital, Dakar, and thepoignant history o Gore Island, to the natural beauty o the Pink Lakeand the Sine Saloum Delta, to thesplendour o the old, colonial towno Saint-Louis, to the magnifcentscenery across the ochre duneso the Lompoul Desert, there is

    Grand Coast Adventure*- Saharan Camp in the Lompoul desert- Djoudj Park or the Langue de Barbarie National Park - Fishermen at Kayar - Saint-Louis- Pink Lake

    3 nt

    per 5

    Sahel Adventure- Domaine de Bango- Djoudj Park or the Langue de Barbarie National Park - Saint-Louis- Journey through the bush and Lake Guiers- Visit to This and Richard Toll

    3 nt

    per 6

    Senegal Panorama*- Saint-Louis and Sine Saloum Delta- Missirah, deserted beaches o Djinack - Djoudj Park or Langue de Barbarie National Park - Grand Mosque o Touba- Shell Island and Bandia Nature Reserve

    7 nt

    per 1

    Eastern Senegal & The Gambia*- Sa ari in Niokolo Koba National Park - Bedik & Malink villages- Dind lo water all- Kedougou market- Colonial Janjangbureh

    7 nt

    per 1

    Nuances o Senegal*- Dakar city tour & Gore Island- Pink Lake- Saint-Louis and Langue de Barbarie National Park - Saharan Camp in the Lompoul desert- Joal/Fadiouth & Mar Lodj Island

    7 nt

    per 5

    Senegal toursGet up close in this amazing country

    Prices based on 2 sharing, excluding ights. *Tours also available rom T

    so much to take in. You can alsocombine a tour with an extendedstay at the hotel o your choice inSenegal or even The Gambia.

    New or this winter, we can nowo er a variety o Senegal tours romThe Gambia. Flying in and out o Banjul and combined with a stay inone o our Gambian hotels, choose rom the ollowing:

    Senegal Panorama Grand Coast Adventure Nuances o Senegal Eastern Senegal & The Gambia Also shorter tours to Saint-Louis; the Sine Saloum Delta & the Islando Dionewar; the resort o Saly.

    For urther details on all our tours rom Dakar or Banjul, please call our reservations team and we willhelp choose the per ect tour or you tour prices include trans ers,accommodation, all meals andexcursions as detailed in the itinerary,local guides and an English-speakingguide/driver who will accompanyyou throughout the whole o your tour. Get ready or an un orgettableadventure...

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    Multi-centre holidaysExperience the diversity of West Africa

    You do not have to be an adventurous traveller to combine stays in two or more di erent hotelsor locations. This extremely sa e region o WestA rica has a lot to o er and those that venture alittle urther afeld experience more o the truepersonality o the countries and their people.Twin and multi-centre holidays are becoming increasingly popular withinThe Gambia and the small distances involved add to the appeal; alternatively why not consider travelling into Senegal or a chance to discover a di erentculture and landscapes? We arrange trans ers or all tailor-made holidays.

    2 luxury hotels to experience the 2 countries in sumptuoussurroundings, or or a special occasione.g. Coco Ocean Resort & Spa in The Gambia & Lamantin Beach Hotelin Senegal

    Properties offering unique experiences o the surrounding area, the people and wildli ee.g. Sitanunku Lodge, The Gambia & Keur Saloum, Senegal

    2 all-inclusive properties , both in excellent beach ront locationse.g. Royal Decameron Baobab Resort, Senegal & Sheraton Gambia Hotel,The Gambia

    Twin centres between The Gambia and Senegal You can choose to y in and out o Banjul or start your holiday witha ight to Dakar and travel through Senegal to end in The Gambia.Trans ers are generally via the Barra erry which is a way to experience the real A rica in its own right, however i you choose Sitanunku Lodgeas one o your properties, which is situated on the north bank o theRiver Gambia and reached by ast boat rom Mandina Lodges, it is onlya 35 kilometre road trans er rom the lodge to the Senegalese border.

    Here are some suggestions but we are happy to tailor-make holidaysbetween the 2 countries and can advise you on distances and travel times involved.

    Holidays within The Gambia and SenegalIt is possible to combine virtually any combination o hotels inThe Gambia or Senegal usually with a minimum o 3 nights in any oneplace, however our Unique Collection properties and boutique hotelslend themselves particularly well to a multi-centre holiday.

    To the right are some o our avourite combinations. Call us i you would like to discuss your ideas at most properties room upgradesand di erent board bases will be available so the trips can be tailored to suit your taste and budget.

    A coastal hotel with a more remote, peace ul add-on, either on thebeach or in the A rican bushe.g. The Kairaba & Sandele Eco-Retreat or Mandina Lodges

    2 boutique hotels or an opportunity to sample the best o The Gambiae.g. Ngala Lodge & Coco Ocean Resort & Spa

    2 or 3 Unique Collection properties to experience more o thereal Gambiae.g. Mandina Lodges, Chimp Rehabilitation Project and Sitanunku Lodge

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    Cruise and hotel twin centreOur Rivers o West A rica cruise proved to be very popular last winter, with very positive eedback once again, especially the shorter 5 night option startingin The Gambia which can be coupled with a stay in a hotel o your choice.

    This cruise operated by Variety Cruises, will allow you to join the boat ineither Dakar or Banjul and cruise up the majestic River Gambia on board the riendly and com ortable MY Pegasus with a maximum o 46 guests.Optional excursions available along the way enable you to explore thenatural beauty o this region o West A rica. For urther in ormation on theboat, acilities on board and the itinerary please see page 53 or visit o Senegal - now also rom The Gambia We also arrange tours o Senegal with a private driver/guide. In addition thisyear we can o er customers ying into Banjul the opportunity to experiencemore o Senegal on one o our customised 3 to 7 night tour itineraries.For more in ormation on all options see page 67.

    For more in ormation about multi-centre holidays and to discuss your ideascall 0845 330 4567 or 0845 338 8700, email [email protected] or [email protected] or

    The scope o places to stay in The Gambia illustrates

    how this country o ers so much more than just traditional

    winter sun. Varying your hotel base introduces you to more o

    the locals who are among the most riendly and welcoming

    people in the world. I have enjoyed multi-centre stays in

    The Gambia most recently combining Ngala and Sitanunku

    Lodges. Ngala Lodge is a colonial mansion which has been

    turned into a wonder ul place to stay. There is nowhere else

    quite like it. It is discreet, intimate with a warm and welcomin

    atmosphere, in a per ect position overlooking the mighty

    Atlantic Ocean. Sitanunku Lodge is a joy to retreat to and you

    have the river on your doorstep. You can canoe or fsh, go bird

    watching or explore the local village. And there is a plunge po

    with abulous views as well as reshly cooked ood. For a holid

    like no other head or Sitanunku. A unique river experience.

    Combining these two delight ul properties really opened my

    eyes to how easy it is to travel around The Gambia and

    enhance your experience by choosing contrasting hotels

    and locations.DEREK JAMES

    Norwich Evening News

    A personal


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    A special holiday Weddings, honeymoons & special occasions


    WeddingsThe Gambia is a antastic choice or a wedding and o ers excellent value or money, enabling you and your guests to enjoy an un orgettable day without the expense o a wedding in the UK or other destinations abroad. We have arranged over 100 weddings in The Gambia, everything rom a

    simple service just or the couple, to large unctions or parties o over 50 people. Whatever your budget and party size we can fnd a location that will make your occasion truly special. You could take your vowsoverlooking the Atlantic Ocean at the stunning Coco Ocean Resort &Spa, hire Ngala Lodge exclusively or your wedding party or have a simpleceremony in the exotic gardens o the Senegambia Hotel. Our weddingplanners have visited all the hotels and know them well; they will behappy to assist you in choosing the right location or you. For morein ormation and to download a brochure email our wedding co-ordinators at [email protected]

    Atlantic Suite at Ngala Lodge The Gambia, pages 22-23Relax and unwind with your own private hot tub on the terrace ov the gardens and ocean.

    Floating Lodge at Mandina Lodges The Gambia, pages 28-29

    Stay in a our-poster bed in a unique lodge oating on the river in tho the A rican bush.

    Beach House at Coco Ocean The Gambia, pages 20-21Celebrate in style with relaxing spa treatments, la carte cuisine aluxurious surroundings beside the beach.

    Sitanunku Lodge The Gambia, pages 30-31Enjoy relaxation and privacy in this romantic, water ront hideawayunder the breathtaking, uninterrupted night sky.

    Ocean Front Room at Royal Decameron Baobab Resort

    Senegal, pages 64-65Step directly out o your room onto the white sandy beach at thisall-inclusive hotel in a breathtaking location at La Somone.

    Royale Suite at Le Royal Lodge Senegal, page 58Enjoy your own private plunge pool and luxurious suite overlookiat this stunning hotel on the outskirts o the Saloum Delta Nationa

    For more ideas and help with planning your honeymoon call our reservations team on 0845 330 4567 or 0845 338 8700.

    HoneymoonsBoth The Gambia and Senegal are exotic honeymoon destinationsaccommodation to suit all tastes whether youre looking or comluxury and relaxation, or a unique cultural experience you wont oMore adventurous newly-weds may wish to see the contrasts betw these two neighbouring countries on a twin or multi-centre honeymsee pages 68-69 or ideas. Listed below are some o our avouritehoneymoon locations.

    Special occasions Are you looking to book a special holiday or yoursel or a lovedone to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion? Whatever the celebration, we have selected the best hotels in thebest locations and have many upgraded rooms that are not available through other operators. We can also arrange private trans ers,upgraded ights, owers, champagne, cakes and other extra touches to make the event truly special.

    eymoon cal338 8700.

    330 4567 or 084

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    Group travelSchools, sport teams, musicians, conferences... We have assisted many groups over the years travelling to West A rica including educationalgroups, sports teams, extended amilies, musiciansand con erences, with and without accommodation in act, in the last year alone, we have organised trips or over 60 groups.I you are considering taking a group to The Gambia or Senegal, our

    dedicated group co-ordinators can advise and assist you. With 25 yearso experience we have the knowledge and expertise to tailor-make your per ect itinerary and our o fce sta in resort can also o er help andsupport during your stay. Our service to group leaders includes:

    Free places year-round rom 1 ree or every 6 paying passengers Dedicated group co-ordinators in the UK to make arrangements Subsidised leader amiliarisation trips Group leader pack contains use ul in ormation and tips Free private in-resort trans ers or groups o 15+ passengers Free places on excursions (i confrmed be ore departure) Free Gambia/Senegal guides including money o vouchers or

    restaurants (Gambia restaurants only). We can also suggest suitable con erence acilities, book meeting rooms,arrange transport, reserve restaurants and much more. For more detailso what we can o er and to receive an indication o ree places available or your pre erred travel dates call our groups team on 0845 330 2116.

    Let me start by extending my deepest gratitude to you and all the sta at The GambiaExperience or your hard work, on many

    occasions at such short notice, in providing The Royal Gibraltar Regiment with suchan outstanding service, time and time again.Your hard work is much appreciated.

    From all ranks o the Regiment, thank you.


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    Sustainable tourismWorking positively for Te Gambia

    Tourism brings many bene ts but at the same time it can adversely a ect destinations, bothenvironmentally and socially. We strive to work positively towards protecting the natural beauty,

    wildli e and culture o our destinations so that uturegenerations can continue to enjoy them.

    We have been awarded 5 star sustainable tourism status, the highest levelpossible, by the Association o Independent Tour Operators (AITO) or our policies and practices and continually encourage our clients to behave in asustainable manner.

    Further details o our sustainable tourism policy and how customers can getinvolved can be ound on our website at

    Opt in & o set a carbon o set scheme We work with the Tourism Industry Carbon O set Service (TICOS), o eringyou the chance to help o set some o the environmental damage aircra temissions cause. By accepting our Carbon O set Scheme, a donation o 5per person will be invested into our Gambian projects, including tree plantingand the manu acturing o low-energy Mayan Turbo Stoves. These schemeshave been care ully chosen to not only o set carbon but to also have a positiveimpact on the local communities. Visit our website set

    or to see how your contribution can make a di erence.

    Working together with other initiatives As well as the sustainable work we do directly, we are also aware that thereare many other organisations and individuals with an a nity to The Gambia.

    We believe that by working together, o ering mutual support and sharingknowledge, the bene t to The Gambia can be greater.

    Below are just a ew o the organisations that we have developed arelationship with in recent years.

    Gambia and Avon Fire Services in Partnership a UK charity with the aimo preservation and protection o health by the provision o re andrescue vehicles, training and equipment in The Gambia.

    Sandele Eco-Retreat an excellent example o hotel sustainability and a

    ront-runner or ecological construction in The Gambia. Kaira Konko Scout Project o ering local scouts schooling, training and,

    where possible, employment. Horse & Donkey Trust a UK based charity aiming to keep horses and

    donkeys healthy in The Gambia. Nyodema a local community group, ounded by a member o The

    Gambia Experience sta , whose choir and A rican drumming group raisesmoney or health and education projects in The Gambia.

    JOLE RIDER a UK based charity supporting Gambian education throughBikes4A rica and Books4A rica.

    The Eden Project an inspirational environmental charity working in TheGambia in conjunction with Makasutu Cultural Forest.

    Further details o other charities and organisations we work with can be ound on our website at

    We are always happy to learn o new initiatives within The Gambia and welcome hearing rom new organisations, so please get in touch.

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    A-Z What is includedThere are no hidden extras to add to our brochure prices, which include a luggageallowance, all taxes, trans ers and meals onoutbound and inbound fights. The brochuredholiday price includes:

    Return fight between the UK and Banjul/ Dakar with in-fight catering o a hot meal

    Luggage allowance of: economy ights to Banjul 20kgs (30kg i you purchase our Gold Package), Premium Class 30kgs.The luggage allowance on fights into Dakar

    with Brussels Airlines is a very generous46kgs (2 pieces o 23kg), Business Class64kgs (2 pieces o 32kg)

    Transportation between the airport and your accommodation

    Accommodation based on 2 sharing andmeal basis is as detailed on your bookingcon rmation invoice

    The services of our resort staff and localo ce please note that our representativesdo not visit any o our Unique Collectionproperties or Hibiscus House in TheGambia or hotels in the Sine Saloum Delta,Senegal (except Royal Lodge) wherea 24 hour contact number is provided

    Welcome meeting (excluding above hotels) Airport departure taxes from both the UK

    and The Gambia/Senegal CAA ATOL protection contribution UK Air Passenger Duty (APD) 65

    (Premium Class/Business Class 130) 5 Gambian Government tourism tax

    ( or Banjul fights) Banjul Airport Development Fee (ADF) of 20 Welcome drink on arrival in Banjul/Dakar A Gambia Guide and/or Senegal Guide for

    package holidays Resort map for Gambia holidays Christmas and New Year Gala dinners

    In order to help you plan your visit we have compiled a short A-Z o use ul in ormation about our holidays to The Gambia and Senegal.

    You will nd a wealth of further information relating to these and other subjects on our websites or alternatively call one o our reservations

    team and use their rst-hand knowledge.

    Airport hotels,car parking

    and lounges We can o er a range o hotels with or withoutparking to suit all budgets located at or near

    the airport o your choice. For your convenience we can also arrange business lounges at all o our UK airports and the air-conditioned FirstClass Lounge in Banjul Airport on certain days.Conveniently located car parks are available atall airports, which o er a ree 24 hour trans er service to and rom the airport terminal. To makea booking please visit call HolidayExtras on 0871 360 1367.

    Book with con denceThe Gambia Experience and The SenegalExperience are trade names o Serenity HolidaysLimited. Most o the holidays and fights in thisbrochure are ATOL protected by the Civil

    Aviation Authority. Our ATOL number is 1866.Please see page 3 or our Fair Trading Charter or more in ormation.

    We are also members o ABTA and AITO. AITO

    is the Association or independent and specialistholiday companies. Member companies, usuallyowner-managed, strive to create overseasholidays with high levels o pro essionalism and ashared concern or quality and personal serviceas well as sustainable tourism. The Associationencourages the highest standards in all aspects o

    tour operating. See page 79 or the AITO charter.

    Child and in ant discountsTo quali y or a child discount, children must be

    between 2 and 15 years old on return to the UK i travelling to The Gambia (2 and 11 years old toSenegal). They must share a room with 2 adultspaying brochure price. In ants under 2 years onreturn to the UK are charged a ee o 45 tocover administration costs but are not allocateda luggage allowance (except Monarch Airlines at10kgs) or a seat on the aircra t.

    Tings to know

    before you go

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    Check-inFor all fights to Dakar and Banjul rom Gatwick please ensure that you check in at least 2 hoursprior to the departure time shown on your t ickets(3 hours rom Banjul) except when travelling inPremium Class, which is 90 minutes. For regional

    fights to Banjul check-in is also 90 minutes prior to departure time. Our airport representative willbe at the check-in desk to assist with any queries

    that may arise. I you are collecting a ticket ondeparture, please ensure you allocate su cient

    time to pick up your documents.

    CurrencyThe Gambias currency is the Dalasi (45 Dalasi

    to 1 in April 2012). Credit cards may also beaccepted, although conversion to US dollars isnow used; please check with individual hotels(surcharges will apply). Use o debit cards isrestricted. The currency in Senegal is the West

    A rican CFA Franc but Euros are also accepted inhotels ( xed rate o 1 = 656 CFA Franc).

    Excess luggage Airlines are very strict about luggage allowanceand only consider limited requests or anincreased allowance rom registered charities.I you are carrying more than your allocatedamount you will have to pay an excess luggagecharge at check-in (approximately 15/kg) and

    we cannot guarantee that the airline will acceptall your luggage. I you do have a large amount o luggage, we can advise on sending it by reight.

    Flight delaysOccasionally, despite the best e orts o allconcerned, fights are delayed or reasonsbeyond our control. In the event that such adelay occurs, we will always do our best toprovide a snack or meal when appropriateand in the case o an overnight delay, provideaccommodation, although this may not be your holiday accommodation. Should there be anextended delay to your homeward fight we willendeavour to delay your departure rom your holiday accommodation.

    Foreign O ce travel advice We are working with the Foreign andCommonwealth O ce to do all that wecan to help British travellers stay sa e overseas.Their website at packed with essential tips, travel advice andup-to-date country speci c in ormation.

    Gambia Tourism Board57 Kensington Court, London W8 5DG

    Telephone: 0207 376 0093

    Holiday questionnaireTo help us improve our service and ensurestandards are maintained, we should bemost grate ul i you would take the time tocomplete our questionnaire in resort andreturn it to our resort sta prior to your departure. Your feedback will now inuence theratings displayed online or each property.

    We will also donate 10 to The GambiaExperience School Development Fund or every100 completed questionnaires received.

    LanguageThe o cial language in The Gambia is Englishand in Senegal it is French. In both countries

    tribal languages are also spoken, these includeMandinka and Wolo .

    MedicationNo inoculations are compulsory i travelling rom EU although you may be required to show a yello

    ever certi cate when passing between The Gambiand Senegal. You should consult your doctor beforbooking, who will recommend certain medicationespecially or malaria prevention. All medicines

    should be carried in hand luggage.

    Passports and visas A ull British 10 year passport is required or eninto The Gambia or Senegal, valid or at least 3months a ter you get back to the UK. I you nee

    to apply or a passport, do so at least 12 weeksbe ore departure. For other nationalities pleasecall our o ce or details. For long stay holidays The Gambia, travellers must have their passporstamped by the Immigration O ce every 28 dayBritish passport holders on our trans ers do not

    require a visa or entry to Senegal.

    Prices and surchargesOur prices are based on the cost o uel as o 4th May 2012. I the cost o uel does rise, wemay be orced to introduce a uel surcharge tocover the increased costs to us. In the event o any other security costs or taxes being levied,

    there may also be an increase in prices printedin this brochure, please see section 11 o our Fair Trading Charter on page 83 or more detailThe publication date o this brochure is 11th

    May 2012; prices will be superseded by anysubsequent editions o this brochure.

    Private trans ersUn ortunately we are unable to include private

    trans ers as standard within any o our holidaypackages due to a shortage o suitable vehiclesin The Gambia. However, on request we canorganise private trans ers to your accommodatioin either air-conditioned cars or minibuses or per car each way to/ rom the airport (maximum4). There is a supplement or Unique Collection

    private trans ers, however standard trans ers or these hotels usually operate direct and with smanumbers. For prices in Senegal please contact u

    RequestsI you have any requests or your holidayaccommodation or fights, please ensure that

    they are requested at the time o booking. We shall be pleased to pass on your request to the airline or hotel, however we cannotguarantee that they will be met.

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    Room check-in and out timesThe standard international practice is to letrooms rom midday to midday, however timesdo vary. Check-in times are usually between2pm and 3pm, check-out times between 11amand 12 noon on the day o departure.

    Senegal Embassy39 Marloes Road, London W8 6LA Telephone: 0207 938 4048

    TicketsThese can be expected 2 weeks prior to your date o travel together with your accommodation

    voucher, luggage labels and our GambiaGuide or Senegal Guide or clients takingaccommodation, which we hope you nduseful. Your actual ight timings will be those

    shown on your tickets; please check themcare ully as soon as you receive them. In addition,please check your return fight details with your representative or our resort o ce.

    Time di erenceNo di erence in time except April October

    when the UK is one hour ahead, due to BritishSummer Time.

    Trans ersTrans ers will be in coaches, mini-buses or 4x4

    vehicles and may not be direct to your hotel,however please contact us i you would like

    to arrange a private trans er or your party.Trans er times rom the airport to your hotel inThe Gambia vary rom 25 to over 50 minutesdepending on the hotel and route taken. For more details see pages 12-13. Trans er times inSenegal can be anything rom 2 hours to4 hours. The trans er to Senegal rom Banjul

    will also include a crossing on the Barra Ferry,

    which may be on oot (escorted) to avoid tra c queues. Some o the journey to hotelsin the Sine Saloum Delta will be along an unlitbumpy track. For trans er times see hotel pages.

    Summer holidaysIn Te Gambia & Senegal Although The Gambia & Senegal are o ten thought o as purely winter sun destinations, some o our customerspre er to travel in the green season when the beaches are virtually empty and the resorts are quieter.

    July and August holidays o er great value, especially in luxury hotels, when it is high season in the busier Mediterranean resorts. Throughout the summer the average temperature remains at 30C; May and June are particularly good months to travel as the weather is much the same as during winter. From July to October humidity is higher and there are short spectacular tropical storms, however these normally occur at night. We fy to The Gambia throughout thesummer rom Gatwick, and to Senegal rom 5 UK airports. Not all hotels, restaurants and acilities will operate during summer so i you have any queries or

    to request a summer pricing supplement, please contact our reservations team on 0845 330 4567 or 0845 338 8700. For details o additional hotels openduring summer and any special o ers visit our website.

    Ngala LodgeBoutique HotelSee Gambia pages 22-23

    Coco Ocean Resort & SpaBoutique HotelSee Gambia pages 20-21

    Sunset Beach Hotel

    See Gambia page 49

    Sheraton Gambia Hotel

    See Gambia pages 36-37

    The Kairaba Beach Hotel

    See Gambia pages 24-25

    Royal Decameron Baobab

    See Senegal pages 64-65

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    FlightsThe Gambia Winter 2012/13 Tuesday and Friday direct daytime fights rom Gatwick (weekend breaks,10 & 11 nights and longer duration holidays available) Wednesday and Saturday fights rom Manchester (10 & 11 nights andlonger duration holidays available) Tuesday fights rom Birmingham Premium upgrades and legroom seats at a supplement 90 minute regional and Premium Class check-in in UK Airport Gold packages available including airport lounges

    The Gambia Summer 2013 Direct, daytime fights rom Gatwick (long duration holidays available) Legroom seats at a supplement Airport Gold packages available

    Flight only ticketsFor fight only prices, including one ways, fexible tickets and long duration

    fights, please visit

    The Gambia Experience o ers the widestchoice o year-round fights to The Gambia.

    *Flight arrives the ollowing day. All fights operate via Brussels with Brussels Airlines (NB: transit time may be longer on return fights).Flights also available rom Bristol and Newcastle. Flight schedules are subject to change. na - not available.

    From Day UK UK Flight AvailableDepart Depart Arrive Supplements Upgrades

    Gatwick Tuesday 0900 2240 nil nil nil Legroom

    Gatwick Friday 0915 2315 10 30 20 Premium/Exit

    Manchester Wednesday 0810 2235 30 70 40

    Manchester Saturday 0900 2305 40 90 50

    Birmingham Tuesday 0900 2255 30 90 40

    Winter 2012/13 Flight details to Lopold Sdar Senghor (Dakar) International Airport

    Winter 2012/13 Flight details to Banjul (The Gambia) International Airport

    to 10/12 11/12 to 31/12 rom 01/01

    From Day UK Senegal Senegal UK Approximate FlightDepart Depart Arrive Depart Arrive Transit Times Supplements

    Heathrow Wed/Fri 1025 1945 2235 0925* 1h 55m nil/50

    Manchester Wed/Fri 1025 1945 2235 1025* 1h 15m nil/50

    Birmingham Wed/Fri 0935 1945 2235/na 0905*/na 2h 45m nil/50

    T H E G A M B I A

    S E N E G A L

    Airport gold packageOn departure dates when Premium Class is not available we are able to o er anenhanced service rom Gatwick Airport, exclusive to The Gambia Experience.This package will include use o the business lounge in both the UK and in Banjulon your return, an additional 10kg luggage allowance and a complimentary drink on board the aircra t in each direction. Supplement rom 75pp.

    Trans ersTrans ers times rom Banjul airport to our resort hotels range rom 25-55minutes. See page 13 or more details.

    Senegal fights All Senegal brochure prices are based on scheduled fights to and rom Dakar (via Brussels), with the exception o the hotels Keur Saloum and DomaineLes Paltuviers, which are based on fights to Banjul.

    Wednesday and Friday fights rom Heathrow, Manchester, Birmingham.Bristol and Newcastle.

    46kgs luggage allowance in economy class

    Programmed fights operate rom November to April and are non-stop. Additional Christmas fights may be arranged, call or details.

    Carriers are: Monarch Airlines and Thomas Cook Airlines. Flight schedules are subject to change.

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low

    26/29Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at


    Fly in stylePremium Class is available on

    all our Friday Gatwick fights throughout winter. On our other Gatwick fights legroom seats areusually available, to the right aredetails o the bene ts they o er:

    Supplements Premium Legroom

    Return 299 120

    One way rom UK 190 60

    One way rom Banjul 130 60

    Premium Class fying includes increased Airpor t Passenger Duty(Government tax) charges o 130 per person.

    Christmas and New Year additional Premium Class supplements apply toeach sector as ollows:

    From UK: 21 Dec 80, 25 Dec 50, 28 Dec 50From Banjul:28 Dec 50, 01 Jan 80, 04 Jan 80, 08 Jan 50

    Travel InsuranceOur travelling customers should be adequately insured or their own well being, there ore we are again pleased to o er our insurance policy with tagis, with no price increases and still include ZERO EXCESS on all claims or all types o policy (excluding

    personal liability which is 250). Our policy is tailor-made to the speci c needs o our customers and includes additional areas o cover, such as delays or cancellation due to heavy snow, sandstorms or volcanic ash.

    Single Trip Adult 18-65 Adult 66-79 Child 2-17Up to 8 days 35.60 71.35 21.30

    Up to 17 days 41.80 85.30 24.40 Up to 24 days 45.90 94.50 26.50

    Annual multi-trip Adult 18-65 Couple Family 83.60 144.90 160.20

    Premiums per person (including 20% Insurance Premium ax)

    Summary of Cover

    Longer durations, couples, amily and worldwide annual policies (excluding US, and including 17 days winter sports cover)are also available.

    Cancellation or curtailment 5,000 Medical expenses including medical

    emergency assistance 5,000,000 Missed departure 1,000 Missed connection 1,000

    Personal accident 25,000 Personal possessions 2,500 (400 single item limit) Personal liability 2,000,000 Legal expenses 15,000

    (All maximum limits per person)

    Full details o the policy will be sent with your con rmation invoice and

    there is a 14 day coolino period rom date o sale wherein the policymay be cancelled withocharge.

    The policy does notcover any pre-existinghealth conditions o

    the people travellingand other people upon

    whose health the tripmay depend, unless aHealth Check has beencarried out by calling0845 408 0585 andcover is con rmedin writing.

    Premium Legroom

    Seat pitch 33 33

    Pre-bookable seats

    Dedicated check-ins in UK & Banjul

    Executive lounge at Gatwick X

    Priority boarding at Gatwick X

    Baggage allowance 30kg 20kg

    Separate cabin X

    Individual entertainment system X

    Enhanced meal service X

    Complimentary bar service X

    Com ort kit X

    First Class lounge in Banjul Airport X Priority boarding at Banjul Airport

    Number o seats 50 Variable

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low

    27/2982 For more advice or to book call the experts on 0845 330 4567

    Ring The Gambia Experienceon 0845 330 4567

    or The Senegal Experienceon 0845 338 8700

    How to

    Book Call ourExpert eamOur reservations sta will be happy to share their knowledge o thecountries and help you plan your holiday. Our o ce opening hours are:

    9am 7pm Monday to Friday9am 5pm Saturday10am 4pm Sunday

    The o ce may be closed during national and bank holidays.Calls may be recorded or training purposes.

    Loyalty discount Valued clients who have previously travelled with The Gambia Experienceor The Senegal Experience in the last 3 years will quali y or a discount o 35 per person, a reduced deposit o 50 and a 10% discount on insurancepremiums. The discount must be claimed at time o booking and is available

    throughout the year on hotel-inclusive holidays only, booked at the ullbrochure price and cannot be used in conjunction with a group discount.

    Visit your localravel Agent

    I you obtained this brochure through a travelagent, you will be able to book with them.

    Visit or chat online

    You can check availability, prices and book your holidayor fight 24 hours a day online at , or

    Making your bookingOnce you or your travel agent have con rmed your holiday reservation,

    we will issue our con rmation invoice by the ollowing day. It is essentialyou check that all the details are correct and advise us immediately i theyare not. Any changes at a later date may incur an amendment ee.

    PaymentOn con rming your holiday we require a deposit o 95 per person(50 or repeat customers), payable by debit or credit card. In addition,

    i our insurance is taken this must also be paid or at this time. The balancemust be paid at least 8 weeks prior to departure, either online or by

    telephone, by cheque, bank trans er, debit or credit card. For bookings made within 8 weeks o departure, ull payment is required at the time o booking.I we do not receive the appropriate payment, we reserve the right to cancelyour booking and you will be liable or cancellation charges in accordance

    with our Fair Trading Charter. Please make cheques payable to The GambiaExperience/The Senegal Experience and send to Serenity Holidays,

    Atlantic House, 3600 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire,PO15 7AN. Any monies paid by credit card are currently subject to a 2%charge to cover costs levied by the providers (no charge or debit cards).

    Deposit - 95 per person

    Make sure you have adequate insurance

    Check your con rmation invoice

    Balance paid 8 weeks prior to departure

    Seek travel health advice rom GP

    Complete Additional Passenger In ormation (API) online

    Payment by cheque, bank trans er, online,debit card or credit card (2% charge)

    Booking Checklist

  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low


  • 7/31/2019 Senegal 2012-2013 Only Low

    29/29 0845 330 2046

    The Cape Verde Experience Corsican Places Sardinian Places Great Escapes - Short Breaks 0845 330 2345 0845 330 2056 0845 330 3434

    We are an independent company where emphasis is very much on quality and service.

    We offer specialist holidays to other destinations and all provide excellent value and choice.

    Travel Agents Stamp

    Reservations0845 330 4567 (+44 1489 866 939)

    Administration0845 330 2044 (+44 1489 866 901) [email protected]

    The Gamba Resort Ofcec/o Senegambia Hotel, The Gambia

    Reservations0845 338 8700 (+44 1489 866 947)

    Administration0845 330 2083 (+44 1489 866 978) [email protected]
