Seminole State College Collegian Seminole, Oklahoma • Volume 36 • Number 6 • February 2008 SSC Regents Convene for First Meeting of the Year The Seminole State College Board of Regents convened Thursday for the first time in the new year. At their Jan. 22 meeting, the SSC Board heard reports on campus activities, approved a policy change, fee increases and two contracts. During the President’s report to the Board, Utterback provided a list of the College’s accomplishments during 2007 including the construction of a new maintenance building, softball complex and a 150-bed residence hall. Also mentioned were the renewal of the College’s original Upward Bound grant, a Veterans Upward Bound federal grant, a new Upward Bound grant and an Upward Bound Math-Science grant. Additionally in the area of financial accomplishments, the Seminole State College Educational Foundation’s Capital Campaign – kicked off last year – has resulted in gifts and pledges totaling $700,000. The President also gave an update on preparations for the Higher Learning Commission accreditation visit and invited the Regents to attend Higher Education Day at the Capitol scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 27. Additional announcements included the Trojan Baseball Season Kick-off Banquet, the renewal of the “Peek into Engineering” Summer Academy, and an update of the TRiO Program success. The Board received an official announcement of the retirement of SSC’s Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Rebecca Kennedy. “It is also a bittersweet moment when someone of Dr. Kennedy’s caliber retires. We are happy that she has reached this milestone in her career, but know that it will not be an easy task finding someone to fill her shoes. It has been an honor to have someone of Dr. Kennedy’s talent and character a part of the Seminole State College family,” said Utterback. Next on the agenda, the board voted to renew SSC’s annual contract with Suzie Brewster & Associates for consulting services in Washington, D.C. during 2008. The terms and conditions of the contract remained unchanged from the 2007 agreement. The Board also approved an institutional materials board policy. The policy was created in response to the Tuition Lock Bill (HB2103) which requires colleges and universities to adopt instructional materials policies. It provides guidelines to be used by the College in trying to maximize instructional effectiveness while minimizing student cost. The next two items approved by the Board allowed a $5 per credit hour increase in the Outreach/ Non- Campus Fee and a $5 per course increase for lab classes effective Fall, 2008. The increase will help with the rising cost of fuel and laboratory supply costs, and will only affect students enrolled in these courses. The next action item, minor change orders to the residence hall construction project, was tabled. Utterback explained that the item had been placed on the agenda in the event that the change orders were ready for consideration. They had not been received at meeting time. (continued on next page) Seminole State College Regents Jon Flowers, Shawnee, Marci Donaho, Seminole, and David Wilson of Seminole, tour the new Seminole Nation Residence Hall with SSC President Dr. Jim Utterback following Thursday’s Board meeting. Regents also explored the College’s new softball complex.

Seminole, Oklahoma • Volume 36 • Number 6 • February 2008 … · 2009-02-17 · Seminole, Oklahoma • Volume 36 • Number 6 • February 2008 SSC Regents Convene for First

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Page 1: Seminole, Oklahoma • Volume 36 • Number 6 • February 2008 … · 2009-02-17 · Seminole, Oklahoma • Volume 36 • Number 6 • February 2008 SSC Regents Convene for First

Seminole State College

CollegianSeminole, Oklahoma • Volume 36 • Number 6 • February 2008

SSC Regents Convene for First Meeting of the Year TheSeminoleStateCollegeBoard of Regents convenedThursday for the first time in the new year.At their Jan. 22 meeting, theSSCBoardheardreportsoncampusactivities,approvedapolicychange,fee increases and two contracts. During the President’sreport to the Board, Utterbackprovided a list of the College’saccomplishments during 2007including the construction of anew maintenance building, softball complex and a 150-bed residencehall. Also mentioned were the renewal of the College’s original Upward Bound grant, a Veterans Upward Bound federal grant, a new Upward Bound grant and an Upward BoundMath-Sciencegrant. Additionally in the areaof financial accomplishments, the SeminoleStateCollegeEducationalFoundation’s Capital Campaign –kickedofflastyear–hasresultedingiftsandpledgestotaling$700,000. The President also gavean update on preparations for theHigher Learning Commissionaccreditation visit and invited theRegentstoattendHigherEducationDay at the Capitol scheduled forWednesday, Feb. 27. AdditionalannouncementsincludedtheTrojanBaseballSeasonKick-offBanquet,the renewal of the “Peek into Engineering” Summer Academy,andanupdateoftheTRiOProgramsuccess. The Board received anofficial announcement of the retirement of SSC’s Vice President

for Academic Affairs Dr. RebeccaKennedy. “It is also a bittersweet moment when someone of Dr. Kennedy’s caliber retires. We arehappy that she has reached thismilestone in her career, but know that it will not be an easy task finding someone to fill her shoes. It has beenanhonor tohavesomeoneofDr.Kennedy’s talent andcharacterapartoftheSeminoleStateCollegefamily,”saidUtterback. Next on the agenda, theboard voted to renew SSC’s annual contract with Suzie Brewster & AssociatesforconsultingservicesinWashington,D.C.during2008.Thetermsandconditionsofthecontractremainedunchangedfromthe2007agreement. TheBoardalsoapprovedaninstitutionalmaterialsboardpolicy.The policy was created in response to theTuitionLockBill (HB2103)

which requires colleges and universities to adopt instructionalmaterials policies. It provides guidelinestobeusedbytheCollegein trying to maximize instructional effectiveness while minimizing studentcost. The next two items approved by the Board allowed a $5 per credit hourincreaseintheOutreach/Non-Campus Fee and a $5 per courseincrease for lab classes effectiveFall, 2008. The increase will help with the rising cost of fuel and laboratory supply costs, and will onlyaffectstudentsenrolledinthesecourses. Thenextactionitem,minorchangeorders to theresidencehallconstruction project, was tabled. Utterback explained that the itemhadbeenplacedontheagendaintheevent that the change orders were ready for consideration. Theyhadnotbeenreceivedatmeetingtime. (continuedonnextpage)

Seminole State College Regents Jon Flowers, Shawnee, Marci Donaho, Seminole, and David Wilson of Seminole, tour the new Seminole Nation Residence Hall with SSC President Dr. Jim Utterback following Thursday’s Board meeting. Regents also explored the College’s new softball complex.

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(continuedfromcoverstory) The board retired intoexecutive session to discuss termsof employment for the president’s2008 contract. After returning toopen session, the Board voted torehireUtterbackandgrantedhimathree percent salary increase. Theraise reflects the same increase giventofacultyandstafflastJuly. Board Chair WilliamHarrison Jr. said that the Board was extremely happy with Utterback’s serviceasPresidentof thecollege,and were pleased to award this raise. “The tremendous growth that the College has undergonethisyear,andpreviously,isagreataccomplishment that was achieved through great leadership. We areexcited with the College’s progress and extremely optimistic aboutSSC’s future and Dr Utterback’sleadership,”saidHarrison. Utterbackthankedtheboardand stated that he was honored to serveaspresident. “I want to say publicly how much I appreciate the support of the board,” said Utterback. “This is an outstandinginstitution—madegreatby all the people associated with it — regents, faculty, staff, studentsand community supporters. It is a privilege to be a part of SeminoleStateCollege.” Two items were approved on the consent agenda: ratification of the 2008-2009Academic Calendarand the acceptance of the 2007ACT “Faces of the Future” survey report. Board members present atthe meeting included: ChairmanHarrison, Jon Flowers, Jeff Miller, David Wilson, Roger Nansel, BillHuserandMarciDonaho. TheSSCBoardofRegents’next meeting is scheduled forWednesday,Feb.13.

Seminole State College2007 HIGHLIGHTS

• Awarded degrees to over 300 students in May

• Constructed a new maintenance building, softball complex and a 150-bed residence hall

• Three-year Capital Campaign kicked off by SSC Educational Foundation - gifts and pledges have totaled $700,000

• Expanded its academic outreach efforts through the delivery of online classes and instructional educational television.

• Implemented the most comprehensive Self Study in the institution’s history, consisting of a campus-wide Steering Committee and extensive sub-committee structure in preparation of the Higher Learning Commission 2009-2010 continued accreditation visit

• Receivednotificationoftherenewalofa$1.3 million Upward Bound grant, a new $1 million Upward Bound grant, a $1 million Veterans Upward Bound grant and a $1.2 million Upward Bound Math-Science grant

• Seminole State College transformed into a “wireless campus” for internet connectivity

A detailed list can be found at www.sscok.edu

What the latest news about SSC? Visit us on the web at


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SeminoleStateCollegeCOLLEGIAN/February2008 3

Seminole Citizen of the YearCongratulationsareinorderforSeminoleStateCollege


who was named “Citizen of the Year”attheSeminoleChamberofCommercebanquetJanuary31,2008!

Kenneth, right, was presented this honor by last year’s recipient, Bob Swearingen, who also is a Trustee of the Foundation.

Visit with Congresswoman Fallin, AskinsLeft: SSC President Dr. Jim Utterback introduces U.S. Congresswoman Mary Fallin (Oklahoma 5th District) to members of the President’s Leadership Class during a visit to her Oklahoma City office on Jan. 30.

Right:MembersofthePresident’sLeadershipClassservedasvolunteerhostsfortheSeminoleChamberofCommerceAnnualBanquetonJan.31.SeveralofthestudentstheopportunitytometguestspeakerOklahoma’s Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins following the banquet.

What do Benjamin Franklin, Chocolate, and Your Education have in common?

Come to the February 21 basketball game and find out.

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2008 Trojan Baseball Alumni Banquet

February 2

Keynote SpeakerRandy Hughes, 1978

Brian Kelly, 1988

Head CoachJeff Shafer

Dr. Jim Utterback

Master of CeremoniesBrian Cavalli

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The Seminole State COLLEGIAN is published during the fall and spring semesters by the Seminole State College Office of Media Relations, under the direction of Yashanda Anderson Scruggs. The staff reserves the right to edit submitted material for spelling and style. Consideration is given to all submitted material, but submission does not ensure publication. No anonymous material will be considered. All views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Seminole State College. The COLLEGIAN is distributed on the SSC campus and mailed to over 200 friends of the college. Seminole State College, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and other Federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, handicap, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services. This publication, printed by the SSC Print Shop, is issued by Seminole State College as authorized by the President of the college. At a cost of $280; 1,000 copies have been prepared and distributed. Questions, concerns, can be directed to Yashanda Scruggs at (405) 382-9525.

Criterion Five Engagement and Service

As called for by its mission, the organization identifies its constituencies and serves them in

ways both value.

Core Component 5a: The organization learns from the constituencies it serves and analyzes its capacitytoservetheirneedsandexpectations.

Core Component 5b: The organization has the capacity and the commitment to engage with its identified constituencies and communities.

Core Component 5c: The organization demonstratesitsresponsivenesstothoseconstituenciesthatdependonitforservice.Core Component 5d: Internal and external constituenciesvaluetheservicestheorganization provides.

SSC’s Self-Study Spotlight: A Snapshot of Criterion Team Five’s Duties

CritertionFiveTeamMembers:Co-Chairs: Valarie Watts, Nursing Instructor; Tracy Jacomo, Social Science InstructorVice Chair: Brenda Cates, CounselorMembers: Dr. Jorge Nuehaus, Nursing Instructor; Diana Lynd, Child Development Coordinator; Lori Eberhart, Science Instructor; Dan Factor, Campus Police Department Coordinator; Doris Bohuslavicky, Child Development Instructor; Carol Parker, Child Development Coordinator; Jamie Mills, Student Support Services Adviser; Sharon Bryant, Employment Readiness Director; Carol Hartman, Business Training Coordinator

A few of Criterion Five’s members hard at work. Left to right: Dr. Jorge Neuhaus, Tracy Jacomo, Sharon Bryant, Valarie Watts, Carol Hartman.

What are they doing?Asyouhaveprobablyheard,andhopefullyreadintheCollegian,SSCispreparingforavisitin2009bytheHigher Learning Commission. Preparing for a Higher Learning Commission visit is not an overnight project. In case you forgot what this accreditation thing really means, it is a voluntary peer review process that provides colleges and universities with the impetus to critically evaluate their purposes and whether those purposes are being achieved. In order to achieve such an important task, many committees have been formed and delegated tasks. Each team consists of SSC faculty, classified and professional staff, administrators and students. The Criterion Team Five Team is responsible for researching, organizing, compiling, documenting (do I really need to go on?) information that related to SSC’s outreach programs and services. Just to name a few, this includes business and industry development, workforce and community involvement, and service learning. Don’t you feel better knowing that your teachers/advisers/supervisors get lots of fun projects too? Tolearnmore about the Higher Learning Commission, visit their web site www.ncahlc.org.

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SeminoleStateCollegehasreleasedthenamesofhonorrollstudentsforthe2007fallsemester.Threeseparatehonorrollsrecognize students for their academic achievements. The President’s Honor Roll is comprised of students who maintain a perfect 4.0 grade-point-average in at least 12 credit hours of coursework. Students named to the Vice President’s Honor Roll must have a 3.5 grade-point-average or better and no grade below a “C”. The Part-time Students’ Honor Roll is for students who maintain a 3.5 grade-point-average with no grade below a “C” in at leastsix,butlessthan12collegecredithours.Students named to the President’s Honor Roll include (listed by hometown):

BOLEY John Gonzales

BRISTOW JordanRidley



COLLINSVILLE AmySchultheissKerrySchultheiss






HOLDENVILLE AprilGentryWhitneiGrubbsSabrinaLeonGary LewisHermanPetsemoieKarlaSmithNyssaWard




OKEMAHLauraBorgesEdwin DeereGlendonGunterSarahMasseyAllenMcCormickOWASSOJoePatterson



SASAKWAJanessaEpleySEMINOLE BrettBreedloveKendall DiazAnnetteGibbsNanGoforthBrett GowdyKylerJohnsonJenniferKeenPaulaKempElricLittleSarah LowryStewart MccoinSaehanParkKimberlyParksDelaneyPennockJudyScottAudraTrammellBrandiWoodLuke YatesArisara Yenjai

SHAWNEEHoney AtwaraSandraBalderasChuCliftonNatashaGibbsFlorettaGrayKellyHarmonJason HawkDonna HenzelChristopherHodge

ShaneHodgeKatherineHollandMatthew HollandDenverHullTonyaKeloughFreddyLloydJenniferNolanSusanRussellAmberSacksKatherineSchepper-SmithJohnShoemakerAngeleSlagtandJulieTaylorSageTomlinsonKateWallgrenJonathanWebbSaraWhitesidesCandisWoolpert


TECUMSEHAnnaAlexanderRyleighByrumVirgie CochranNatashaDuganTiffany FowlerJohnLyleDavidNorthripOliverPetreeJonathanStricklandMelissaTimperley


WEWOKARobinChesserVickie HendricksLisaPhillips

Students named to the Vice President’s Honor Roll include:



BENWHEELER,TEXAS NicholasStieferBOLEYMarshallWilkins



CHANDLERColeEmmonsSusanHicksAraceli MartinezJustinStoneJosephHumphrey


DAVENPORT CliffordWilson

DEL CITY TimothyProctor

DENTON, TEXAS AshleeMohair


DEWEY Nicole Crawford


EASTLONDON CassandraKleber


HOLDENVILLE CheyenneCrosslandSavannah LoweBradNormanDylan Yeager

JOPLIN, Mo.JodelleKirk



LONDONJoseph Ikhinmwin


MAUDJustinGossLindsey GriffinDarlettaHindsDerickRobertsonRobertWatson

MELBOURNEAndrew CarterBrettLittle

MIDWEST CITY MichaelBlairNEWBRAUNFELS,TEXAS CalebCurtisCalvinHoffman



PLANO, TEXAS AaronRosborough


Fall Honor Roll


SAINT PETERS, Mo.ColeGermann

SANGER, TEXAS Brandon Griffin

SEMINOLE AprilAllisonJaneneAndersonKatieArnoldBrookeBellesAngelaBurtonYuphin Chee-winkulthongHarryCoatesFuscateCoodyJackHargroveLindaHoffmeierScottHortonDustinKerleyEmilyKieselMfishaji LaddRebeccaLessleyJennyPearsonSonnyRhodesRyanRookerJustinSteffyNicole SwisherDrew TaylorCrystalWindJonathan Young

SHAWNEEDustinBrannanMichaelCainBo ChavezHayley CheatwoodMistyCraigWesley FowlerJoshuaGierhartMeredithGierhartJamesHatchEmilyHeckJacieHutsonJacobHutsonKathrynJohnsonLisaLyonsDerrickMcanallySamanthaMcdanielMarlaMillerChrisNguyen

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SarahRooneyDonnette ShawTracyWalkerAdrianne Young

SNYDER ChelseaMichael

ST WILLIAMS ON-TARI CassandraHarrison


TECUMSEHKaylaBattMarshaBinauAaronBuchananSylviaCopelandTiaCreekAmberFreeman-VanceBaileyHillermanTinaHutchinsonKristenJonesAudraWilliamsJennifer Young

WETUMKABilly Brown

WEWOKAMathew ChesserRyanDavisNickHensleyAshleyLucas

Students named to the Part-time Honor Roll include:

ADADustinBuckAmberBunyardMattLandgrafChris Vandeveer

BOLEY GloriaLugrandTracy Owens

BRISTOW Keri Rowan

CALVIN SharileeStrickland

CHANDLERLauren CheatwoodNaomiHillAmyMillerAlyssaScattergoodShirleyTaylorJeremyWarkentine




DAVENPORT ClaytonWilson



EARLSBOROKimberlyAringtonKolinJonesLatashaMccormickTylerPorterJessicaRutledgeHollySprinkleHARRAHCourtney LewisAllen Vaughn

HENRYETTA RobbieBladesJoshuaHarelsonMelanieHayden

HOLDENVILLE JoslynAlcornJesseBlackCheri BrownRickyBuchananJasonColbertJohnCrosslandLauraHennehaXochilt MaldonadoShaneMullenLinda OwnbeySergioRosalesBrentStevensSamuel TowRonaldWiseman

KONAWAShannaDixonLaurenGibsonAmanda PrewettLUTHERTonyaStover




MCLOUDWesleyDavisDeborahSolingerDeidre Yarbrough

MEEKERWilliam BlochowiakHaley CaldwellRaymondLackeyBrandyPirtleKathleenStapp

MORRIS JubilynNunn

NEWALLAAdrianBlancoRebeccaHuffMichelleMerrimanColbyPerkinsMary VickersJaredWalker

OKEMAHDeannaHinkleSamantha HowserShariLombardDorisMckinnonJessicaThomasKenya Titsworth

OKMULGEEKristinaAdamsonNancyAppletonMarilynDouglasAngeliaMccallYolanda MonahweePaulaStaudt


PHILLIPSBURG, NJ RosaleenCraniey


PRAGUEJenniferCraigJimmyGoodnightJayHortonChad ImhoffHeatherJacksonSandraMooreRebekah SaizMachelleSmithRebekahSmithKatrinaSnyderNacoelWarnerAlyssaWright



SEMINOLE AprilAnsonLorettaBearLarryBeaufordChristinaBelsheRussellBoydSheleeBryantMackenzie CauseyBrittanyChamblessRyanCloudRhondaCoatesCrystalConleyRaymondDeLeurMarilynDixonRebeccaGatesKristaGreenBonnieHansonWesleyLaneErinMarshallBrianMitchellCodyMitchellJessicaMorganAshleyNeelKirstenNeelKristinOliverNatalieOttoCarriePierceKaseyPresleySarahPriceGeorgiaRamseyJackieSchottSkyelerSebournLeslieSmithLarrySneedBeckyStalnakerCorrie StanfillPhyllisTuckerLoretta UnderwoodJames Vanlanding-hamReinee VegaCrystalWashingtonJenniferWilcoxMadonnaWilliamsCalliWoodEmily YatesSHAWNEEJessicaAllenMelisaBalmesMichaelBenderMonica BradshawAndrew BrownStephanie BrownEricBuchananAngelaBurnsBraidenButcherGuyCagleRhondaCagleKaseyClarkClaytonCollierSallye CountzJessicaCranmoreKellieEtheridgeBelindaFisher

LisaFixicoAmandaGerardsHeatherGilmoreRonaldGivenPamGoettschEileenHamptonSharleanHaneyTaylorHarpVernon HasbellStephanie HawkDanielHeatherlyJennifer HernandezStephanie IsenhowerMichelleJohnsonDanielleJordanBritanyLakinsAmandaLangstonConnieLangstonPatriciaLeverettLesliLimebumerRebeccaLittleNicholasLongTyler MaxwellRichardMayBenjaminMcalisterDarindaMcelfreshMelissaMoodyChristianMyersHollyNeelyAmberO’ClairShalandaOrangeAngelPalmerShaunPatatMartinaPerryLyndsayPickensHannahPourchotAngelaPresleyStephaniePrestonEthanPriceMicahQuickRenitaRakAlissaReedForrestReedRobert SanchezCourtneyStarkDustin StutzmanSaraSuttleAlexisTaylorFloydThorntonKelsieTuckerKiraTurleyScotlyn Vallanding-hamEmmaWesleyNancyWestfallAmandaWileyJanice Wingfield


SPARKSMicah Blackwell



TECUMSEHAmandaAkeKrystalBoyceTheresaBradleyJohnClarkErikaGilpinCaraGrahamLeslieHicksNancyLucasMalloryMaloyMark NewmanAllenRogersSarahSellersDeborahSipesJacob TiffinTinaTreat

WELLSTONAshley YoungWELTY AlainaWatts


WEWOKAAmandaBevelhymerErinBumgarnerKoriCaseyLaceyChristopherRachelFaraniSharronGalletanoClarissaGoodnightChristopherCJen-ningsAleshaJohnsonAmandaJohnsonCanaanJohnsonKaylaKanardBarbaraKincadeDianaLovelaceStephaniePostonTara SheffieldAlexisStreaterJustinSylsberry

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Upcoming Basketball GamesDay Date Opponent Location Women Men

Mon. Feb. 11 Murray State* Tishomingo 6:00 8:00

Thurs. Feb. 14 Northern Oklahoma - Enid* Enid 6:00 8:00

Mon. Feb. 18 Western Oklahoma State* Seminole 6:00 8:00

Thurs. Feb. 21 Redlands C.C.* Seminole 6:00 8:00

Mon. Feb. 25 Northern Oklahoma - Tonkawa* Tonkawa 6:00 8:00

Wed. Feb. 27 Murray State* Seminole 6:00 8:00


opportunityto support our teams.


Upcoming Softball GamesDay Date Opponent Location TimeFri/Sat Feb. 8-9 Galveston Tournament Galveston, TX TBAFri/Sat Feb. 15-16 Blinn College Festival Brenham, TX TBAMon Feb. 18 Texarkana College Texarkana, TX Noon/2:00 Paris Junior College Paris, TX 6:30/8:00

Upcoming Baseball GamesDay Date Opponent Location Time GamesSat. Feb. 9 North Central Texas CC Gainesville, TX 12:00 7,7Tues. Feb. 12 Cowley College Seminole 2:00 9Thurs. Feb. 14 San Jacinto CC Houston, TX 7:00 9Fri.-Sat. Feb. 15-16 Blinn Tournament Brenham, TX TBA 4 gamesFri. Feb. 22 Iowa Western Seminole 2:00 7,7Sat. Feb.23 NorthCentralTexasCC Seminole 1:00 9Tues. Feb. 26 Murray State Seminole 2:00 9Thurs. Feb. 28 Frank Phillips College Borger, TX 2:00 9Fri. Feb. 29 Frank Phillips College Borger, TX 12:00 7,7