SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a particular smallholder irrigation scheme development trajectory in South Africa? THESIS TITLE: Patterns and Possibilities: Development pathways on smallholder irrigation schemes in RSA

SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

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Page 1: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive


QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a particular smallholder irrigation scheme development trajectory in South Africa?

THESIS TITLE: Patterns and Possibilities: Development pathways on smallholder

irrigation schemes in RSA

Page 2: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

“Principles, Approaches and Guidelines for the Participatory Revitalisation of Smallholder Irrigation Schemes

Water Research Commission

Jonathan Denison Siyabu Manona

Page 3: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

Smallholder Schemes:317 Schemes49,800 ha31,300 “farmers”250,000 impacted

Commercial irrigation1.4 million ha

Smallholders 3.8 % of area

Former homelandsPoorest areasHigh political priority

‘Investment’ R300 – R400M annually

Planning Commission 2012 !!




Page 4: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a


Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land for the purpose of enhancing plant production.

irrigation scheme

irrigated farming enterprise

Page 5: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

Irrigation scheme - the agricultural project involving multiple farm units that depend on a shared

diversion / storage / distribution system

irrigation scheme

irrigated farming


Page 6: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a
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Page 8: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a
Page 9: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a
Page 10: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a
Page 11: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

Catchment management perspective - IWRM

Page 12: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a
Page 13: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

Cahora Bassa Reservoir (Mozambique)

Zambezi Valley (Zimbabwe)

Musengezi smallholder scheme

Great dykeMusengezi Wilderness Area

Page 14: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

D r. S . T . A very

P ro jec t D irec to r

H yd ro-g eo log is t

Mr. D . O d era

Irrig a tion E n g in eers

Mr. N . Mb wam b oMr. J. O m ari

L an d S u rveyors

Mr. N . N jorog eMr. C . Joyah

D ig ita l M ap p in g &G IS E n g in eer

Ms. W . G ith in ji

A u toC A DD rau g h tsm en

E n g in eerin g Task Team

Mr. J.Den isonCivil En g in eer

E xten s ion S p ec ia lis t

Mr. D . Ford

H orticu ltu ra lis t

Mr. P . Mills

C red it/F in an ceS p ec ia lis t

Ms. E ls Boerm a

C rop s , M arke tin gan d A g ro-S ervices

Ag ron om istMr. H . Metelerkam p

S oil S c ien tis t

Dr.M. Lowole

S oil/C rop S p ec ia lis t

Dr. S . Mu g h og h o

S oils

Dr. B . Pu rves

A g ricu ltu re Task Team

Mr. S . Msin d oAg ricu ltu ral Econ om ist

E n viron m en ta l S c ien tis t

Ms. S . G ord on

G en d er S p ec ia lis t

Ms. L. Mih owa

W ater U ser A ssoc .S p ec ia lis t

Mr. A. Mag alla

R u ra l D eve lop m en tS p ec ia lis t

Mr. S . Carr

S oc ia l an d E n viron m en ta lTask TeamMr. T. Sh ab a

Social Scien tist

M r. J .D en ison

P ro jec t L ead er

M O A I (Irrig a tion D ep artm en t)

S tu d y C oord in a to rM r C rosb y M p h an d e

D on or O rg an isa tion san d N G O 's

C on su ltan tsan d C u rren t P ro jec ts

Page 15: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

“Focussing more emphasis on the improvement of physical infrastructure is not sufficient. There is a

need for a more comprehensive approach, encompassing the development of both physical capital

and social capital that provide complex systems … to use irrigation water.”(Neeraj et al., 1998).

“Smallholder irrigation is a highly case-specific, potentially complex, dynamic socio-

biophysical entity influenced by a considerable number of internal characteristics

and external driving forces and factors, and is a driver of considerable change on

downstream sectors and users. Have we recognised this special nature of

irrigation within livelihoods, food and cash production, river basins and the

environment?” (Lankford, 2001).

“Integration will be key in this new approach: integration across scales, components, stakeholders and disciplines” (Merrey et al., 2003).

Irrigation schemes are complex systems

Page 16: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

systems thinking –> irri scheme“ While a genius must have more of the gray matter than a sparrow, the idiot may have just as much as the genius…The difference between them must be explained in how those substances are organised “ (ie. neural pathways)

“Systems must be treated as wholes with properties of their own”Prof Ervin Laslow explaining general systems theory (1972)

• systems of organised complexity are everywhere (atomic, ORGANIC, SUPRAORGANIC)

• we cannot compute the behaviour of the system (ie. the whole) from behaviour of its parts

• complexity of the system can be understood by GROUPING and observing PAST BEHAVIOUR

• SIMPLIFY but not too much -> focus on STRUCTURE -> identify RELATIONSHIPS

• the system has a life of its own (ie components can change but system maintains character)

• systems degrade and disorganise – constantly needing energy to maintain

Page 17: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a


Accumulation of interconnections and adaptations over a long period of time gives the system ‘depth’, (ie. resilience – the ability to withstand shocks)

Too few interconnections (e.g from rigid rules that prevent healthy interactions) result in stifling order leading to extinction.

An absence of boundaries (rules and rights) leads to chaotic collapse.

When complexity is too low, there is little incentive for learning. When complexity is too high individuals are barraged and tend to shut down.

There is a layer of self-organising complexity that lies at the edge of chaos where creativity and productivity are greatest – choice is

a critical element at this optimal point.

Systems can be understood by looking at patterns that describe potential evolutions of the system.

Rihania and Geyerb (2001); Dawkins (1989); Flynn (2004); Dooley and Johnson (1995)

Page 18: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

COMPLEXITY and adaptive management

Capability to experiment is more important than classical expertise.

One must manage systems to be in-control and out of control (learning by experimentation) at the same time.

A complex system is never in equilibrium – it lies in the middle ground between the predictable and chaotic.

Day to day management – logical, analytical, procedural.

Response to dynamic external forces calls for innovation – Inherently uncertain, dynamic and to some extent a random process.

Dooley and Johnson (1995); Lemonick (1993); Knapp (1993)

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Adaptive management across two domainswith a feedback loop

irrigation scheme

irrigated farming


Page 20: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

adaptive management - organisationally

irrigated farming


irrigation scheme


INDIVIDUALfreedom‘out of control’experimentation

Page 21: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

THESIS: Factors - complex system - pathways

• Assess factors within the “bio-physical” system

• Develop scheme typology (survey/analysis)• Classify 129 schemes with typology• Refine farming typologies (previous work)

• Link scheme typology to likely farming typologies and establish appropriate development path

Page 22: SEMINAR: Irrigation schemes as complex systems and the need for adaptive management QUESTION: Which factors and circumstances favour the selection of a

Scheme typology in progress

Tomlinson Commission – 50’s & 60’s

Bantu family unit for subsistence

Gravity flood irrigation - furrows

Very low running costs

1.6 ha based on maize needs per family

Homeland development – 70’s & 80’s

Modernisation – high tech and production oriented

Macro-economics (multiplier effect and trickle-down)

High yields

High running costs – pumps and pipes

Specialist management requirements

New irrigation land-holdings conflicting with original PTO’s

“Revitalisation” post 1998 - technology type – costs - complexity- land holding arrangements- forced groups (WUA / co-op farming)- JV partnership dependency

- land-exchange prevalence- proximity to urban markets- water reliability / availability

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Business Farmer

Commercially oriented farmers on larger farms

Equity - Labourer

Commercial partnerships, JV’s or sharecropping

MIX of styles in scheme

reality and in plans

Smallholder Farmer

Lower risk, diversified livelihoods on smaller farms, sale, food

Food producer

Intensive gardens on small plots, high% poor, high% women

Farming central to livelihoods Diversified



farming typology – established (2007)validated (RSA) & aligned to AgWA Partnership in Africa

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listening and learning !