Seminar 3 Solution 2015

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Seminar 3

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  • 1 | P a g e

    Seminar 3

    Question1 (Chapter 9: one-tail test, form of hypothesis, mean)

    The owner of a local nightclub has recently surveyed a random sample of n =

    250 customers of the club. She would now like to determine whether or not

    the mean age of her customers is greater than 30. If so, she plans to alter the

    entertainment to appeal to an older crowd. If not, no entertainment changes

    will be made.

    1.1 The appropriate hypotheses to test are

    Answer: H0 : 30 versus H1 : > 30.

    1.2 Using the sample information provided, calculate the value of the test



    t = (30 30.45) / (5 / SQRT(250)= -1.42

    1.3 Suppose she found that the sample mean was 30.45 years, and the

    sample standard deviation was 5 years. If she wants to have a level of

    significance at 0.01. (One-tail test)

    Answer :

    Reject H0 if t > 2.3263 (use the table E.3)

    1.4 Suppose the test statistic does fall in the rejection region at = 0.05. what decision should she make?

    Answer :

    Do not reject H0. because t statistics < 2.3263

    Question 2 (Chapter 9: one-tail test, proportion, form of hypothesis)

    A major Blu-ray rental chain is considering opening a new store in an area

    that currently does not have any such stores. The chain will open if there is

    evidence that more than 5,000 of the 20,000 households in the area are

    equipped with Blu-ray players. It conducts a telephone poll of 300 randomly

    selected households in the area and finds that 96 have Blu-ray players.

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    2.1 State the test of the hypothesis that is of interest to the rental chain.


    Propotion =5000/20000=0.25

    H0 : 0.25 versus H1 : > 0.25

    2.2 The value of the test statistic in this problem is approximately equal to

    Answer: 2.8

    2.3 Given the level of significant = 0.05, the p-value associated with the test

    statistic in this problem is approximately equal to

    Answer: 0.0026

    Note: Probability of Z=2.8 from the table E.2 = 0.9974 then p-value = 1-0.9974 =


    2.4 The rental chain's conclusion from the hypothesis test using a 5% level of

    significance is____. Why?

    Answer :

    The rental chain's conclusion is to open a new store because P-value of Z=

    2.8(0.0026) is less than 0.05 then reject H0 in favor of H1.

    Question3 (Chapter 10: pooled variance, t test, difference between two


  • 3 | P a g e

    Are Japanese managers more motivated than American managers? A

    randomly selected group of each were administered the Sarnoff Survey of

    Attitudes Toward Life (SSATL), which measures motivation for upward mobility.

    The SSATL scores are summarized below. Given the level of significance at


    American Japanese

    Sample Size 211 100

    Sample Mean SSATL

    Score 65.75 79.83

    Sample Std. Dev. 11.07 6.41

    3.1 Referring to table above, the researcher was attempting examine

    whether the Japanese managers are more motivated than American

    managers. What is an appropriate alternative hypothesis?


    H1: Japanese > American

    3.2 From the analysis in table above, the correct test statistic is

    Answer: -11.76

    3.3 The proper conclusion for this test is


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    At the = 0.05 level, the p-value (6.150883E-27) is lower than 0.05. The proper

    conclusion is this evidence indicates that Japanese managers are more

    motivated than American managers. (Reject the null hypothesis)

    Question 4 (Chapter 10: Z test, difference between two proportions, form of


    The Wall Street Journal recently published an article indicating differences in

    perception of sexual harassment on the job between men and women. The

    article claimed that women perceived the problem to be much more

    prevalent than did men. One question asked of both men and women was:

    "Do you think sexual harassment is a major problem in the American

    workplace?" 24% of the men compared to 62% of the women responded

    "Yes." Assuming W designates women's responses and M designates men's,

    4.1what hypothesis should The Wall Street Journal test in order to show that its

    claim is true?


    H0 : W - M 0 versus H1 : W - M > 0

    4.2 Suppose that 150 women and 200 men were interviewed. What is the

    value of the test statistic?

    Answer: 7.173 (see more details in the table below)

    4.3 Suppose that 150 women and 200 men were interviewed. For a 0.01 level

    of significance, what is the critical value for the rejection region?

    Answer: 2.33 (see more details in the table below)

    4.4 Construct a 99% confidence interval estimate of the difference between

    the proportion of women and men who think sexual harassment is a major

    problem in the American workplace.

    Answer: 0.25 to 0.51 (see more details in the table below)

    4.5 Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference between

    the proportion of women and men who think sexual harassment is a major

    problem in the American workplace.

    Answer: 0.28 to 0.48

  • 5 | P a g e

    Question 5 (Chapter 11: One way ANOVA, Mean squares in One way

    ANOVA, F statistics, Tukey-Kramer procedure)

    5.1 In a one-way ANOVA, if the computed F statistic exceeds the critical F

    value. What decision should you make?

    Answer :

    The computed F statistic (exceeded the critical F value) falls into the

    region of rejection. Then, reject H0 since there is evidence of a

    treatment effect.

    5.2 Why would you use the Tukey-Kramer procedure?

    Answer: Tukey-Kramer procedure can be used for making comparisons

    between all pairs of groups or testing differences in pairwise means.

    5.3 How to calculate the F test statistic in a one-way ANOVA?


    F test statistic =


    F test statistic =

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    5.4 How to calculate the degrees of freedom for the F test in a one-way


    Answer: Among group : (c - 1)

    Within Group: (n - c)

    Total : (n - 1)

    Question 6 (Chapter 11: Analysis of variance summary table page 423)

    A research company wants to compare the mean sales-to-appraisal ratios of

    residential properties sold in four neighborhoods (G1, G2, G3, and G4). Four

    properties are randomly selected from each neighborhood and the ratios

    recorded for each, as shown below.

    G1 1.2, 1.1, 0.9, 0.4 G2: 1.0, 1.5, 1.1, 1.3

    G3: 2.5, 2.1, 1.9, 1.6 G4 : 0.8, 1.3, 1.1, 0.7

    Interpret the results of the analysis summarized in the following table (Hint:

    Table11.1 page 423):

    Source df SS MS F P-value

    Neighborhoods 3.1819 1.0606 10.76 0.001

    Error 12

    Total 4.3644

    6.1 Referring to table above, the among group degrees of freedom is

    Answer: 3

    6.2 Referring to table above, the within group sum of squares is

    Answer: 4.3644-3.1819=1.1825

    6.3 Referring to table above, the within group mean squares is

    Answer: 1.1825/12 = 0.98542

    6.4 At the 0.05 level of significance, what conclusion can you make?

    Answer: P-value (0.001) is less than the significance level (0.05), and then null

    hypothesis is rejected. You can conclude that: The mean ratios for the 4

    neighborhoods are not all the same.

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    Question 7 (Chapter 13 : Regression)

    7. 1 What is Y-intercept (b0)? Or what does it represent?

    Answer :

    Y-intercept (b0)is the predicted value of Y when X = 0, or it represents the

    estimated average Y when X = 0.

    7.2 The managers of a brokerage firm are interested in finding out if the

    number of new clients a broker brings into the firm affects the sales

    generated by the broker. They sample 12 brokers and determine the number

    of new clients they have enrolled in the last year and their sales amounts in

    thousands of dollars. These data are presented in the table that follows.

    Broker Clients Sales

    1 27 52

    2 11 37

    3 42 64

    4 33 55

    5 15 29

    6 15 34

    7 25 58

    8 36 59

    9 28 44

    10 30 48

    11 17 31

    12 22 38

    Referring to the table, what is the estimated slope parameter for the sales

    generated by the broker?

    Answer : slope parameter for the sales generated by the broker = 1.1186 (

    Topics: Section 13.2)

    The link below is the quick guide of how to run regression with MS-Excel


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    7.3 Referring to the table, what is the estimated average change in the sales

    if client goes up by 1.00?

    Answer : Yi = 17.6919+1.1186 X1

    If client goes up by 1.00, the estimated average change in the sales will be


    7.4 Referring to the table, what is the coefficient of correlation for these


  • 9 | P a g e

    Answer :

    r = + 0.886 if b1 > 0

    r = - 0.886 if b1 < 0

    b1 = 1.1186 ; b1>0 then r = 0.886

    (More detail on page 530)

    7.5 Referring to the table, what percentage of the total variation in sales is

    explained by clients?

    Topics: Section 13.3

    Answer : percentage of the total variation in sales is explained by clients is R

    square , it equals to 78.46%. For multiple regression, the total variation

    explained is Adjusted R square (Coefficient of multiple determination; see

    more details in section 14.2) .

    7.6 Referring to the table, what is the standard error of the estimate, SYX, for

    the data? (Formula is on page 516)

    Answer : Formula is on page 516


    SYX =5.804

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    7.7 Referring to the table, what is the standard error of the regression slope

    estimate, Sb1?


    The standard error of the regression slope estimate(Sb )= 20.197

    7.8 How to measure the variation in Regression? (Hint: See more details on

    page 514)


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    Measures of variation in Regression can compute from


    SST= 1227.38 + 336.869= 1564.25

    (See more details on page 514)

    Question 8 (Chapter 14: r-square, adjust r-square)

    8.1 In a multiple regression, what is the coefficient of multiple determination?

    What is the value of the coefficient of multiple determination? How to

    interpret this value?

    Topics: Section 14.2

    Answer :

    The coefficient of multiple determination represents the proportion of

    the variation in Y that is explained by the set of individual variables (Set

    of X; X1, X2, Xn )

    The value of the coefficient of multiple determination has to fall

    between 0 and +1.

    2 =


    If 2 = 0.78 ,interpretation should be : The coefficient of multiple determination indicated that 78% of the

    variation in Y (e.g., Sales) is explained by the variation in the set of X

    (e.g., price, promotional expenditures).

    8.2 What are the differences between R-squared and Adjusted R-squared?

    Topics: Section 14.2

    Answer :

    R-squared assumes that every X (independent variables) in the model helps

    to explain variation in Y (Dependent variable). So, it gives us a percentage of

    variation in Y that can be explained by our prediction equation (set of Xs).

    Adjusted R-squared tells you the percentage of variation explained by only

    those Xs (Independent variables; only those IVs that pass the t-test) that truly

    affect Y (Dependent variable). Only that it takes into account both sample

    size and the number of IV's (formula: Adjusted R-squared =1-((1-2)(1)


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    With a sufficiently large sample size and a sufficiently small number of IV's, our

    Adjusted R-squared and R-squared will be nearly equal. But when sample size

    is small and/or there are a large number of IV's, the Adjusted R-squared will

    be smaller. To penalizes you for adding independent variable(s) that do not

    belong in the model. So, you can expect that the value of the Adjusted R-

    squared will be less than or equal to value of R-squared.

    (See more details
