_______________________________________________________________________________________________ SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design | 1 SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design Guide Version: 1.0.0

SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design Guideportal.sellerdeck.co.uk/docs/user_guides/SellerDeck-2014... · SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design | 3 Introduction Introduction SellerDeck 2014

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SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design | 1

SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design Guide

Version: 1.0.0


SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Design | 2

ContentsContentsContentsContents Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................3

Themes and Wireframe ....................................................................................................................................................4

Classic Theme................................................................................................................................................................4

Smart Theme.................................................................................................................................................................5


How the Responsive Design Works ..................................................................................................................................7

Tablet: .......................................................................................................................................................................8

How can you customise the SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Designs?.................................................................................9

Company Logo...............................................................................................................................................................9

Colour Scheme ............................................................................................................................................................10


Changing Element Positions........................................................................................................................................12

What positions can you change to?........................................................................................................................ 12

Changing number of sidebars .....................................................................................................................................13

Fixing Widths...............................................................................................................................................................14

Turning off the Responsive part of the site ....................................................................................................................15


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IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction SellerDeck 2014 has two new themes and a new wireframe. All three themes are responsive.

This document will cover:

- The differences between each theme and the wireframe

- How the responsive design works

- How you can customise the SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Designs

This document will not cover the new features of SellerDeck 2014 or GFS.


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Themes and WireframeThemes and WireframeThemes and WireframeThemes and Wireframe There are two responsive themes in SellerDeck 2014, the Classic Theme and the Smart Theme.

Classic ThemeClassic ThemeClassic ThemeClassic Theme The classic theme is all based on right angles, squares and rectangles.


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Smart ThemeSmart ThemeSmart ThemeSmart Theme The Smart theme is more rounded with curved corners.


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WireframeWireframeWireframeWireframe The Wireframe was built so that you can create your own design and have it responsive. You are able to add the CSS

design to any of the elements.

These are the only real differences between each theme. The functionality is the same for each of them.


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How the Responsive Design WorksHow the Responsive Design WorksHow the Responsive Design WorksHow the Responsive Design Works The responsive design works with the use of CSS.

The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is what tells the site design what it is going to look like, what colour it is and what

size things are displayed at. There are areas within the CSS that are called Media Queries, these are what make the

design display differently at different sizes.

The best way to understand how this works is to open up one of our responsive sites. Grab one of the side edges of

the browser and bring it in to make the width of the site smaller. As you do this you will notice that elements of the

page will move, change size and change appearance completely. For example, as you make the width of the site

smaller, the menu will suddenly change from the Mega Menu, to a drop down menu at tablet stage. You will also

find that the two side bars will move to appear in one column under the main content.

With Mega Menu:


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With Tablet:


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How can you customise the SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Designs?How can you customise the SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Designs?How can you customise the SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Designs?How can you customise the SellerDeck 2014 Responsive Designs? This section will take you through a number of customisations you are able to do to the responsive design.

- Logo Change

- Colour Scheme

- Fonts

Company LogoCompany LogoCompany LogoCompany Logo To be able to change your company logo, go to:

Design > Themes > Corporate Logo


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Colour SchemeColour SchemeColour SchemeColour Scheme To be able to change your colour scheme of your site go to:

Design > Themes > Advanced Theme Configuration > Color Scheme

The three main colours you need to take note of are:

- Palette Color 1

- Palette Color 2

- Palette Color 3

These are what control your main colours on the site.

Other Colours Explained

- Background: The area outside of the website content

- Text: Main content text such as the product full description

- Required Field: Changes the text of fields required to be filled in by the customer (such as ‘Name’ in the


- Link: the colour of hyperlinks

- Visited Link: the colour of hyperlinks once visited (E.g. Google links turn Purple)

- Active Link: the colour of hyperlinks when being viewed in another tab in the browser

- Mouse Hover Over: the colour of hyperlinks when hovered over by the mouse

- Form Background: the background colour in the checkout

- Form Emphasis: The checkout header colours

- Search Highlight: the text will change to this colour when searched for

- Error Highlight: the colour of the text in an error message.

- Palette Background: The background of the main content area.


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FontsFontsFontsFonts Like previous versions of SellerDeck, you are able to change the Fonts of SellerDeck to set families.

To be able to choose the font-family you wish to use, go to:

Settings > Site Options > General > Scroll down to ‘Appearance Settings’ > Default Font for Heading / Default Font for

the Store.

You have a number of options pre-programmed into the software:


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Changing Element PositionsChanging Element PositionsChanging Element PositionsChanging Element Positions There are a number of main elements as part of a SellerDeck site:

- Section List

- Brochure Links

- New Product List

- Best Sellers List

- Info Links List

You are able to easily move the positions of these elements. Go to:

Settings > Site Options > Design Wizard

On the next page is a screen shot to show you what each name is referencing.

What positions can you change to?What positions can you change to?What positions can you change to?What positions can you change to?

- Section List: Left Sidebar, Main Menu Bar and Right Side Bar

- Brochure Links: Left Sidebar, Main Menu Bar and Right Side Bar

- New Product List: Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar

- Best Sellers List: Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar

- Info Links List: Top and Sub Header


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Changing number of sidebarsChanging number of sidebarsChanging number of sidebarsChanging number of sidebars You will also notice there is the option to change your site from having two side bars to one sidebar.

This will simply remove the right hand side bar, as well as any content within it. You would need to change positions

of the marketing lists, to the left hand side, to still view them.

Info Links List Section List Brochure Links

New Products List Best Sellers List


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Fixing WidthsFixing WidthsFixing WidthsFixing Widths There is also the ability to ‘fix’ the widths on desktop. It will still allow the site to become smaller and adapt to

tablets and mobiles, it just stops the site spanning the full width of larger screens.

To do this, go to: Settings > Site Options > General > Site…

- … Width For Main Area

- … Width of sidebar(s) in pixels

- … width of web pages in pixels

When filling in the fixed widths, you will need to also do some calculations.

One example of fixing the widths is the following:

- Width For Main Area: 1000

- Width of sidebar(s) in pixels: 170

- width of web pages in pixels: 1340

You will notice that the main area has a width (in this case 1000 pixels)

Then the sidebars have a width of 170 pixels each.

Therefore the Width of Web Pages is a total of the Main Area plus the Sidebars. As there are two sidebars in this

example, we add each sidebar width twice, totalling 1340 pixels.

If you only had the one sidebar the total would be: 1170 pixels.


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Turning off the Responsive part of the siteTurning off the Responsive part of the siteTurning off the Responsive part of the siteTurning off the Responsive part of the site You also have the ability to turn off the responsive part of the website.

Go to: Settings > Site Options > General > Scroll down to Appearance Settings > Change the ‘Adapt Page Layouts to

Screen Size’ to ‘False’.