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Self-evaluation Form Ougd505 Level 5

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN LEVEL 05 Module Code OUGD505


Module Title Design Practice 2


NAME Anthony White

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?!!During this module, I’ve developed my technical grid system skills. When researching for my logo, in Studio Brief 2. I stumbled across various logos which use the fibonacci system to create a logo using the golden ratio. I attempted to apply this scheme to my own logo design, and I believe it was successful, the logo appears clean and well rounded. The feedback I’ve received has been extremely positive. It’s something I will definitely like to experiment with further in the future.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?!!Throughout this module, I’ve developed my practical skills in terms of creating consistency within my design work. During Studio Brief 2, I created brand guidelines which helped me guide the design work, in a manner which keeps the work consistent. It removed a large portion of the development stage, for example where to place the logo on the page. The guidelines determined the logo must be placed at the top, centrally. Knowing what to do with aspects of the design increased the rate of production is it removed the decision making of the design. !!I think I’ve also expanded on my craft skills in this module. Typically, I shy away from creating packaging design, as I’m not very good with nets, or production. Usually a technical error I don’t notice until everything is printed. Although, primary research, finding boxes, taking them apart and seeing the nets, how they work and dimensions of the box. To which I can then apply to my own packaging design.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?!!A strength I can identify in my work is the constancy across the brand I’ve created in studio brief 2. Something I usually struggle with, in OUGD504, my brand application was quite weak. However with the use of brand guidelines and a more developed colour set, I was able to create a much strong brand presence. I will capitalise on these in the future by apply brand guidelines and more developed colour sets to future projects, to aid in the direction.

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What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?!!A weakness I can identify in my work would be in Studio Brief 3, the film poster brief. I really didn’t enjoy the film I was given, It wasn’t to my taste, and I struggled to find any contextual themes to base the poster off, based on my film studies background, other than the narrative device, which was just a man being hanged. I really should have developed my idea further. I wasn’t happy with the final poster in the slightest.

Identify things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?!!Start designing earlier, develop the project further, get a better result.

!6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: !(please indicate using an ‘x’) !!5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

1 2 3 4 5

Attendance X

Punctuality X

Motivation X

Commitment X

Quantity of work produced X

Quality of work produced X

Contribution to the group X

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.