Mol. Endocrinol. 2003 17:1106-1116 originally published online Mar 13, 2003; , doi: 10.1210/me.2003-0032 Lindsey B. Lutz, Michelle Jamnongjit, Wei-Hsiung Yang, David Jahani, Arvind Gill and Stephen R. Hammes Androgen Receptor Ligands Selective Modulation of Genomic and Nongenomic Androgen Responses by Society please go to: http://mend.endojournals.org//subscriptions/ or any of the other journals published by The Endocrine Molecular Endocrinology To subscribe to Copyright © The Endocrine Society. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0021-972X. Online

Selective Modulation of Genomic and Nongenomic … Modulation of... · Endocrinology 17: 1106–1116, ... (13). To test the role ... maturation when compared with mock-injected oocytes

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Page 1: Selective Modulation of Genomic and Nongenomic … Modulation of... · Endocrinology 17: 1106–1116, ... (13). To test the role ... maturation when compared with mock-injected oocytes

Mol. Endocrinol. 2003 17:1106-1116 originally published online Mar 13, 2003; , doi: 10.1210/me.2003-0032  

Lindsey B. Lutz, Michelle Jamnongjit, Wei-Hsiung Yang, David Jahani, Arvind Gill and Stephen R. Hammes  

Androgen Receptor LigandsSelective Modulation of Genomic and Nongenomic Androgen Responses by

Society please go to: http://mend.endojournals.org//subscriptions/ or any of the other journals published by The EndocrineMolecular EndocrinologyTo subscribe to

Copyright © The Endocrine Society. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0021-972X. Online

Page 2: Selective Modulation of Genomic and Nongenomic … Modulation of... · Endocrinology 17: 1106–1116, ... (13). To test the role ... maturation when compared with mock-injected oocytes

Selective Modulation of Genomic and NongenomicAndrogen Responses by AndrogenReceptor Ligands


Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department ofPharmacology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75390-8857

Steroids can induce both transcription-dependent(genomic) and independent (nongenomic) signal-ing. Here, several classical androgen receptor li-gands were tested for their ability to modulategenomic and nongenomic responses, focusing onthe role of the oocyte-expressed Xenopus classicalandrogen receptor (XeAR) in mediating these pro-cesses. Cellular fractionation and immunohisto-chemistry revealed that the XeAR was locatedthroughout oocytes, including within the plasmamembrane. RNA interference and oocyte matura-tion studies suggested that androgen-inducedmaturation was mediated in part by the XeAR in atranscription-independent fashion, perhaps by al-tering G protein-mediated signaling. While induc-ing minimal transcription in oocytes, all AR ligandspromoted significant XeAR-mediated transcription

in CV1 cells. In contrast, only testosterone andandrostenedione potently induced oocyte matura-tion, whereas dihydrotestosterone and R1881 ac-tually inhibited testosterone and human chorionicgonadotropin-induced maturation and signaling.These results suggest that the nature of a steroid-induced signal (genomic vs. nongenomic) may de-pend on the type of target cell, the receptor loca-tion within cells, as well as the ligand itself. Theidentification of molecules capable of selectivelyaltering genomic vs. nongenomic signaling may beuseful in delineating the roles of these pathways inmediating androgen responses and might lead tothe development of novel compounds that specif-ically modulate these signals in vivo. (MolecularEndocrinology 17: 1106–1116, 2003)

STEROID HORMONES ARE traditionally known tomediate most of their signaling and subsequent

biological activities by modulating transcription withintarget cells through interactions with receptors in thecytoplasm or nucleus. In recent years, however, in-creasing evidence has suggested that many steroid-induced signaling events are triggered independent oftranscription. Further, some of these transcription-independent, or nongenomic, signaling events seemto be mediated by the same classical steroid receptorsthat modulate steroid-induced transcription. For ex-ample, classical estrogen receptors within the plasmamembrane appear to be mediating estrogen-inducedactivation of Src in osteoblast (1) and breast cell lines(2, 3), as well as rapid increases in estrogen-inducedphosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and nitric oxide syn-thase activities in vascular endothelial cells (4–7)

In addition to mediating nongenomic estrogen ef-fects, classical steroid receptors may also be promot-

ing nongenomic steroid-mediated signaling in Xeno-pus laevis oocytes. (8–11). Modulation of classicalprogesterone receptor (PR) levels in oocytes by over-expression of PR or through the use of antisense oli-gonucleotides to reduce PR expression modestly al-tered progesterone-mediated maturation of isolatedoocytes, suggesting that the PR might be playing arole in mediating progesterone-induced signaling invitro (9, 11). Furthermore, androgen-induced matura-tion, which may be the primary physiologic pathwaymediating Xenopus oocyte maturation in vivo, wasattenuated by classical androgen receptor (AR) antag-onists, suggesting that androgen-induced signaling inoocytes may be in part mediated by a classical Xeno-pus androgen receptor (XeAR; Refs. 10 and 12). Inter-estingly, although testosterone and androstenedione(AD) are equally or more potent promoters of oocytematuration than progesterone and are produced atsignificantly higher levels than progesterone in vivo, nostudies to date have confirmed that androgen-inducedoocyte maturation does indeed occur independent oftranscription. Furthermore, the role of dihydrotestos-terone (DHT), the most potent physiologic promoter ofmammalian AR-mediated transcription, in mediatingXenopus oocyte maturation has yet to be determined.

The effects of AD, testosterone, DHT, and the ARligand R1881 on both genomic and nongenomic sig-naling were examined to 1) characterize the signaling

Abbreviations: AD, Androstenedione; AR, androgen recep-tor; CMV, cytomegalovirus; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; DME/H/BSA, DMEM containing 20 mM HEPES and 1 mg/ml BSA;DNABD, DNA binding domain; hCG, human chorionic gonad-otropin; HuAR, human AR; Kd, equilibrium constant; LBD,ligand binding domain; MBSH, modified Barth’s solution;M2R, muscarinic receptor type 2; MMTV, mouse mammarytumor virus; PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome; PR, pro-gesterone receptor; XeAR, Xenopus classical AR; XePR,Xenopus classical PR.

0888-8809/03/$15.00/0 Molecular Endocrinology 17(6):1106–1116Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2003 by The Endocrine Society

doi: 10.1210/me.2003-0032


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pathways involved in androgen-induced maturation; 2)further examine the role of the XeAR, in mediatingandrogen-induced maturation; and 3) compare the rel-ative abilities of DHT and other compounds to pro-mote oocyte maturation.

We found that androgen-induced maturation didin fact occur independent of transcription, and, likeprogesterone-induced signaling, could be inhibited byG�� signaling. Further, injection of double-strandedRNA oligonucleotides targeted against the XeAR intooocytes specifically attenuated AD-mediated matura-tion and activation of the MAPK signaling pathway,suggesting that the XeAR was playing a role in medi-ating these processes. Finally, whereas testosterone,DHT, and R1881 were all potent promoters of XeAR-mediated transcription, only AD and testosteroneinduced nongenomic signaling and maturation inoocytes. In fact, both DHT and R1881 served asantagonists of testosterone- and human chorionicgonadotropin (hCG)-induced oocyte maturation. Theidentification of AR ligands that differentially modulategenomic and nongenomic signaling may lead to thedevelopment of other selective AR modulators thatcan be useful both scientifically and clinically.


Androgen-Induced Maturation of XenopusOocytes Is Transcription Independent

Progesterone-mediated maturation is known to occurindependent of transcription (13). To test the roleof transcription in androgen-mediated maturation,oocytes were incubated with actinomycin D for 24 hbefore the addition of testosterone. As seen in Fig. 1A,testosterone-induced maturation was identical both inthe absence and presence of actinomycin D. Underthese conditions, actinomycin D was a potent inhibitorof transcription within the oocyte, reducing luciferaseproduction by a nuclear-injected cytomegalovirus(CMV)-luciferase plasmid by greater than 99%(Fig. 1B). Actinomycin D had no effect on androgen-induced activation of the MAPK signaling pathway aswell (data not shown), confirming that this earlierandrogen-induced signaling event was also transcrip-tion independent.

Nongenomic Androgen-Induced Maturation andSignaling Are Inhibited by G�� Signaling

Previous work has demonstrated that nongenomicprogesterone-induced maturation and signaling inXenopus oocytes might be occurring by a “release ofinhibition” model, whereby addition of progesteroneovercomes a constitutive G�� signaling that is in-hibiting maturation (14). The nongenomic nature ofandrogen-induced maturation suggested that andro-gens might be functioning in a similar fashion. As seenwith progesterone, overexpression of G�� in oocytes

significantly inhibited testosterone-induced matura-tion (Fig. 2A) and phosphorylation of p42 (90% inhibi-tion; Fig. 2B). Further, activation of endogenous G��signaling by overexpression of the G�i-coupled mus-carinic receptor type 2 (M2R) and treatment with theM2R agonist carbachol inhibited both testosterone-induced maturation (Fig. 2C) and phosphorylation ofp42 (90% inhibition; Fig. 2D).

Nongenomic Androgen-Mediated Signaling andMaturation Is Mediated in Part by theClassical XeAR

As mentioned in the Introduction, classical steroid re-ceptors appear to play important roles in mediating

Fig. 1. Testosterone-Induced Oocyte Maturation Is Tran-scription Independent

Oocytes were treated with either ethanol or 10 �g/ml ac-tinomycin D for 24 h. Oocytes were then injected with theCMV-luciferase expression vector and incubated overnightwith either ethanol or testosterone at the indicated concen-trations in the continued presence of actinomycin D. Thepercent maturation at each concentration of testosterone isindicated in A, whereas the percent of luciferase activityrelative to ethanol-treated (without actinomycin D) oocytes isindicated in B. This experiment was performed three timeswith identical results.

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nongenomic steroid-induced signals in several tis-sues, including bone, breast, and endothelium (1, 2, 7).The ability of AR antagonists to specifically attenuateandrogen-induced maturation in Xenopus oocytes (10)suggested that the classical XeAR might also be play-ing a role in nongenomic signaling in oocytes. We usedRNA interference to determine the importance of theXeAR in androgen-induced maturation. Oocytes wereinjected with either buffer or double-stranded RNAoligonucleotides targeted against the XeAR. Becauseendogenous XeAR expression in oocytes could not beconsistently measured by Western blot (see Fig. 4A),immunohistochemistry was used to detect changes inXeAR levels, revealing a qualitative decrease in ARexpression within oocytes of approximately 30–50%(data not shown). Sixty hours after injection, oocyteswere treated with either progesterone or AD, as bothsteroids are equally potent promoters of oocyte mat-uration and therefore are most easily compared. Injec-tion of the XeAR-targeted double-stranded RNA oligo-nucleotides had no effect on progesterone-inducedmaturation when compared with mock-injected oocytes

(Fig. 3A); however, AD-induced maturation was signif-icantly inhibited (Fig. 3B) in the oocytes injected withthe RNA oligonucleotides. Higher concentrations ofAD (1000 nM) overcame the inhibitory effects of theRNA oligonucleotides. This rescue by saturating con-centrations of AD may have been due to multiple fac-tors, including AD stimulation of the remaining endog-enous XeAR, or AD stimulation of endogenous PRreceptors within the oocytes [AD binds to the XeARand XePR with equilibrium constants (Kds) of 44 nM

(Table 1) and 1400 nM (data not shown), respectively].To test an earlier nongenomic signaling event trig-gered by steroids, activation of p42 ERK was similarlyexamined. Injection of the XeAR-targeted double-stranded RNA oligonucleotides into oocytes inhibitedAD-induced phosphorylation of p42 by approximately80% in comparison to mock-injected cells (Fig. 3C,lanes 5 and 6) but did not reduce either progesterone-induced (Fig. 3C, lanes 3 and 4) or insulin-induced(Fig. 3C, lanes 7 and 8) activation of p42. Notably,100 nM AD was used in these p42 ERK phosphoryla-tion assays, which is an order of magnitude below the

Fig. 2. G��-Mediated Signaling Inhibits Testosterone-Induced Maturation and Phosphorylation of p42 ERKOocytes were injected with either 10 mM HEPES (Mock) or cRNAs encoding the G� and G� proteins (A and B), or the M2R (C

and D). Maturation or MAPK assays were performed at 36 and 48 h, respectively. A, Oocytes were incubated overnight with eitherethanol (no testosterone) or the indicated concentration of testosterone. Maturation was then determined visually. B, Oocyteswere incubated for 4 h with either ethanol (�) or 500 nM testosterone (�), followed by Western blot analysis using theanti-phospho-p44/p42 (top) or the antitotal-p44/p42 antibodies (bottom). The percent decrease in phosphorylation relative toethanol-treated cells was calculated using NIH Image Software and is noted underneath (90%). Note that Xenopus oocytes onlyexpress p42. C and D, Maturation and MAPK assays were performed as in A and B, only oocytes were treated with either wateror 30 �M carbachol for 1 h before and throughout the incubations with testosterone (as indicated or at 100 nM for the MAPK assay).All experiments were performed at least three times with nearly identical results.

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aforementioned Kd for AD binding to the XePR; there-fore, significant AD signaling through the PR seemsunlikely under these conditions. Injection of nonspe-cific double-stranded RNA oligonucleotides had noeffect on AD, progesterone, or insulin-induced matu-ration (data not shown). Together, these data suggest

that the XeAR is playing at least a partial role innongenomic androgen-induced signaling in Xenopusoocytes.

The XeAR Is Expressed in the Nucleus,Cytoplasm, and Plasma Membrane ofXenopus Oocytes

Because nongenomic estrogen-induced signaling ap-pears to be mediated primarily by classical ERs thatare associated with the plasma membranes of targetcells (1, 2, 7), the subcellular localization of the XeARwithin oocytes was determined. Western blot analysisof extracts from fractionated oocytes injected withcRNA encoding the XeAR revealed that a majority ofthe XeAR was expressed in the nuclear/cytoplasmicfractions (Fig. 4A, lanes 3 and 4); however, a small butsignificant amount of XeAR was also detected in themembrane fraction, both in the presence or absenceof testosterone (Fig. 4A, lanes 7 and 8). These resultsare similar to those reported for the Xenopus PR,where approximately 5% of receptors were reported inthe membrane (15). Similar analysis of mock-injectedcells revealed virtually no detectable XeAR expressionby Western blot (Fig. 4A, lanes 1, 2, 5, and 6), sug-gesting that endogenous XeAR levels are below thelevel of detection by this method.

To examine endogenous XeAR expression, immu-nohistochemistry was performed on sections from un-injected oocytes using two different anti-XeAR rabbitpolyclonal antibodies that recognized either the amino(Fig. 4B) or carboxyl termini (Fig. 4C) of the protein.Oocytes from albino frogs were used in these studiesto eliminate background signal from melanin aroundthe cell surface of the animal pole. These studies con-firmed that endogenous XeAR was expressedthroughout the oocyte, with significant staining in thecytoplasm and nucleus, as well as within the plasmamembrane. Addition of testosterone had no effect onreceptor localization (data not shown). In contrast,XeAR expressed in COS cells was found in both thecytoplasm and nucleus in the absence of steroid butlocalized primarily to the nucleus upon stimulation withtestosterone (Fig. 4D). Unlike in Xenopus oocytes, nosignificant membrane expression of the XeAR wasobserved in these or nonpermeabilized COS cellsoverexpressing the XeAR (data not shown). These re-sults indicate that the subcellular localization of theXeAR may be dependent upon the cell type, and theyalso suggest that the AR expression pattern within agiven cell might predict the nature (genomic vs. non-genomic) of its response to androgens.

Testosterone, DHT, and R1881 Are PotentPromoters of XeAR-Mediated Transcriptionin CV1 Cells

To begin studying XeAR-mediated signaling, andro-gen-induced activation of transcription was examinedin Xenopus oocytes and CV1 cells. Nuclear injection of

Fig. 3. Injection of Double-Stranded RNA OligonucleotidesDirected Against the XeAR Specifically Attenuates AD-Induced Maturation and Phosphorylation of p42

Oocytes were injected with either 10 mM HEPES or theAR-specific double-stranded RNA oligonucleotides (siRNA).After 50 h, maturation assays using progesterone (A) or AD(B) were performed. p42-phosphorylation studies were alsoperformed as described (C) using 100 nM progesterone(Prog), 100 nM AD, or 200 nM insulin (gift from Robert Dob-bins, UTSW). The percent inhibition of phosphorylation isshown underneath. These experiments were performed atleast three times with similar results.

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both double- and single-stranded plasmids containingeither the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) pro-moter or an androgen response element driving lucif-erase expression resulted in very high constitutive lu-ciferase activity that was not enhanced by addition oftestosterone, AD, DHT, or R1881 (data not shown).These results are consistent with earlier studies dem-onstrating constitutive activation of these promoters inoocytes (16). Interestingly addition of flutamide oftenresulted in a 2- to 3-fold reduction in this constitutiveactivity (data not shown), suggesting that endogenousXeAR might be mediating this constitutive transcrip-tional activity.

Because the high constitutive activity of the AR-promoters precluded studying XeAR-mediated tran-scription in oocytes, transcriptional studies of theXeAR were instead performed in parallel with the hu-man AR (HuAR) using CV1 cells, which do not expressendogenous AR. As noted in Table 1, testosterone,DHT, and R1881 were all potent promoters of XeAR-mediated transcription, with EC50 values of 32 nM,14 nM, and 44 pM, respectively. By comparison, theEC50 values for testosterone, DHT, and R1881-induced transcription via the HuAR were approxi-mately 10-fold lower, at 4.2 nM, 1.7 nM, and 5.5 pM,respectively. Notably, although the EC50 values varied,the maximum signals induced by all three ligandsthrough both the human and Xenopus ARs werevirtually identical (data not shown). Additionally, AD-mediated transcription in CV-1 cells could not be ex-amined due to their innate ability to rapidly convert ADto testosterone (data not shown).

The Dissociation Rates of Ligands from the ARCorrelate with Ligand Sensitivity

The 10-fold higher potency of the HuAR relative to theXeAR could be due to differences in receptor inter-actions with DNA, ligands, or transcription cofactors.To determine which region of the AR was most in-volved in regulating the potency of steroid-inducedtranscription, the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of theXeAR was replaced with the homologous region fromthe HuAR to make a Xe/Hu chimera (Fig. 5). The LBDsof the human and Xenopus ARs share approximately90% identity, whereas the DNA binding domains(DNABD) and A/B regions are 100% and 35% identi-cal, respectively. Surprisingly, testosterone and DHTresponses by the Xe/Hu chimera were similar to thoseof the wild-type HuAR (6.9 nM and 4.3 nM), suggestingthat receptor-ligand interactions may be playing im-portant roles in regulating the potency of Xenopus andhuman AR-mediated transcription.

Interestingly, the importance of the receptor-ligandinteraction in mediating the potency of the transcrip-tional response was supported by examination of theligand dissociation rates from the different androgenreceptors (Table 1). Although the Kd values for Xeno-pus and human AR binding to testosterone, DHT, andR1881 were all similar (Table 1), their ligand dissocia-

Fig. 4. The XeAR Is Expressed throughout the XenopusOocyte

A, Oocytes were injected with either 10 mM HEPES (Mock)or cRNA encoding the XeAR (AR). After 48 h, oocytes weretreated with either ethanol (� testosterone) or 100 nM testos-terone (� testosterone) for 1 h. Membranes were then sep-arated from the cytoplasm and nuclei (Cyto/Nuc), and bothfractions were analyzed by Western blot using a rabbit anti-amino-terminal XeAR antibody. Equal amounts of proteinwere added to each lane. The location of the XeAR is indi-cated (AR). B, Sections from uninjected albino Xenopusoocytes were probed with rabbit serum containing an anti-amino-terminal XeAR antibody (immune) or its correspondingprebleed serum (preimmune). C, Albino oocyte sections wereprobed with a rabbit anti-carboxyl-terminal AR antibody(Antibody) or the same antibody pretreated with a neutralizingpeptide (Antibody � Peptide). D, COS cells overexpressingthe XeAR were treated with either ethanol (� testosterone) or100 nM testosterone (� testosterone) for 1 h followed by fluo-rescent staining using the anti-carboxyl-terminal AR antibody.

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tion rates differed considerably, correlating very wellwith their relative potencies. For example, DHT andtestosterone dissociated from the XeAR approxi-mately four times faster than from the HuAR or Xe/Huchimera, consistent with the higher EC50 values (lowerpotency) for DHT and testosterone-induced transcrip-tion by the XeAR. Similarly, R1881 dissociated fromthe XeAR and Xe/Hu chimera significantly faster thanfrom the HuAR, which correlated with the higher EC50

values for R1881-induced transcription by the XeARand Xe/Hu chimera. Perhaps differences in the stabil-ity of ligand binding to the AR partially explain the

observed differences in potencies of the various li-gands on transcriptional activation of the human andXenopus ARs. This concept would be consistent withearlier work demonstrating the importance of the sta-bility of ligand-receptor binding in regulating humanAR-mediated transcription (17).

R1881 and DHT Antagonize NongenomicTestosterone-Mediated Signaling in Oocytes

Having determined that all of the AR ligands testedwere potent promoters of XeAR-mediated transcrip-

Table 1. Comparison of Activation and Binding Properties of the Xenopus and Human ARs

Steroid XeAR HuAR Xe/HuChimera

EC50 Test (nM) 32 � 13 4.2 � 2.3 6.9 � 3.6(n � 9) (n � 3) (n � 4)

DHT (nM) 14 � 6.1 1.7 � 0.5 4.3 � 1.5(n � 7) (n � 3) (n � 4)

R1881 (pM) 44 � 27 5.5 � 3.0 33 � 2.0(n � 3) (n � 3) (n � 3)

Dissociation raterelative to HuAR

Test 3.8 � 1.4 1 1 � 0.05(n � 3) (n � 3)

DHT 5.5 � 1.9 1 0.7 � 0.01(n � 2) (n � 2)

R1881 19 � 5.5 1 7.1 � 4.9(n � 3) (n � 3)

Kd (nM) Test 0.82 � 0.07 1.03 � 0.4(n � 3) (n � 3)

DHT 0.64 � 0.07 0.45 � 0.16(n � 3) (n � 3)

R1881 0.73 � 0.06 0.8 � 0.22(n � 3) (n � 3)

AD 44 � 24 24 � 13(n � 3) (n � 2)

Transcriptional activity was measured in CV1 cells transfected with the cDNAs encoding the various ARs. Cells were incubatedwith the indicated steroids for 48 h and luciferase activity assayed. Results represent the average of the indicated number ofexperiments (n) � SD. Dissociation rates of the indicated steroids were measured in COS cells transfected with the cDNAsencoding the indicated ARs. Each experiment was performed in triplicate and repeated at least two times. Results are shown asthe average dissociation rate relative to the human AR � SD; thus, higher values indicated more rapid dissociation of the steroidfrom the receptor. Kd values for the indicated steroids were measured in COS cells transfected with a cDNA encoding the XeAR.Each experiment was performed in triplicate, and results are shown as the average Kd � SD (n as indicated).

Fig. 5. Schematic Comparison of XeAR, HuAR, and Xe/Hu Chimera ProteinsThe percent identity of the A/B domain, DNABD, hinge domain, and LBD are indicated in parentheses. The A/B domain contains

the AF1 regions, whereas the LBD contains the AF2 region. The chimera consists of the XeAR protein containing the HuAR LBDin place of its own LBD.

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tion, we next examined their effects on nongenomicsignaling. Initial studies revealed that all ligands boundto and were absorbed by Xenopus oocytes equally(data not shown). As previously shown (10), testoster-one (Fig. 6A) and AD (Fig. 3B) were potent promotersof oocyte maturation. Surprisingly, DHT, an importantandrogen in mammalian male sexual development anda potent promoter of XeAR-mediated transcription inCV-1 cells (Table 1), was a poor promoter of matura-tion, with an EC50 more than 10-fold higher than that oftestosterone (Fig. 6A). Additionally, R1881, the mostpotent promoter of XeAR-mediated transcription(Table 1), did not induce oocyte maturation at con-centrations of up to 1 �M. Instead, R1881 was a potentantagonist of testosterone-induced maturation (Fig. 6B)and almost completely blocked testosterone-inducedphosphorylation of p42 (95% inhibition; Fig. 6C).These results suggest that R1881 is acting as an in-

hibitor of nongenomic testosterone-induced signaling,perhaps through binding to the XeAR. DHT also inhib-ited testosterone-induced maturation and phosphory-lation of p42 (Fig. 6, B and C), though to a lesser extentthan R1881 due to the lower concentration of DHTused to avoid its partial agonist qualities. As seenpreviously with flutamide (10), the R1881 and DHTinhibitory effects on maturation were specific toandrogen-induced signaling, as they did not attenuateprogesterone-induced events in oocytes (data notshown). In addition, the inhibitory effects of R1881 andDHT appeared to occur independent of transcription,as they blocked testosterone-induced maturation sim-ilarly both in the presence and absence of actinomycinD (data not shown). Furthermore, 1 �M R1881 and100 nM DHT had minimal effects on both constitutiveMMTV-luciferase activity (3.2- and 1.2-fold inductionover baseline, respectively) and MMTV-luciferase

Fig. 6. DHT and R1881 Inhibit Nongenomic Signaling in OocytesA, Maturation assays were performed on the same preparation of oocytes using testosterone, DHT, or R1881. B, Oocytes were

treated with ethanol, 100 nM DHT, or 1 �M R1881 for 1 h before addition of 40 or 150 nM testosterone. The percent maturationwas determined after incubating for 16 h at 16 C with testosterone and the inhibitors. C, Oocytes were treated with 100 nM DHTor 1 �M R1881 for 1 h before addition of testosterone (300 nM and 100 nM for the DHT and R1881 experiments, respectively).Western blot analysis for phosphorylation of p42 was performed after 4 h. The percent inhibition of phosphorylation is shownunderneath. D, Ovarian fragments were pretreated for 1 h with ethanol, 100 nM DHT, 1 �M R1881, or 20 �M flutamide, followedby addition of 100 U/ml hCG. After 12 h, ovaries were teased apart and the percent of mature oocytes determined. The fractionof mature oocytes relative to those treated with ethanol (maximum maturation � 30% of stage V and VI oocytes) is indicated onthe y-axis � SD (n � 3). All experiments were performed at least three times with nearly identical results.

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activity in the presence of testosterone (1.5- and 1.4-fold induction above activity with testosterone alone,respectively) in oocytes. Given its lower affinity forthe XeAR and its own high potency for promotingmaturation, we were unable to find a concentrationof AD that inhibited testosterone-induced oocytematuration.

Flutamide, R1881, and DHT Block hCG-InducedMaturation of Oocytes in Intact Ovaries

The ability of DHT, R1881, and flutamide to inhibittestosterone-induced oocyte maturation in vitro af-forded the opportunity to test the importance of tes-tosterone and AD in mediating oocyte maturation in anintact organ under physiologic conditions. Xenopusovaries were treated with hCG in the presence ofethanol, DHT, R1881, or flutamide. After 12 h, DHT,R1881, and flutamide had reduced the number of ma-ture oocytes in the ovaries relative to ethanol-treatedoocytes by 40%, 52%, and 45%, respectively(Fig. 6D). Under these conditions, steroid productionwas nearly identical in all samples, with very highrelease of testosterone (�50 ng/g ovarian tissue) andAD (�25 ng/g ovarian tissue) in the setting of virtuallyundetectable production of progesterone (�1 ng/govarian tissue). Notably, DHT production was alsonearly undetectable under these conditions (data notshown). The high levels of androgen production byhCG-stimulated ovaries likely explain the incompleteinhibition by DHT, flutamide, and R1881, as they can-not completely antagonize endogenous androgenbinding to the XeAR at the concentrations producedover the course of 12 h. In fact, addition of micromolaramounts of AD or testosterone does not significantlyincrease hCG-induced oocyte maturation in the frogovary (12), suggesting that saturating amounts of an-drogens are produced under these conditions.


Regulation of steroid-mediated transcription in-volves many factors, including the levels of specificsteroid receptors and transcription cofactors ex-pressed within the target cell. As more examples oftranscription-independent, or nongenomic, steroid-induced signaling are described, the complexity ofsteroid-mediated actions becomes even greater.Here we have demonstrated that certain androgenscan differentially affect genomic vs. nongenomicandrogen-induced signaling. We have shown thatR1881, the most potent activator of XeAR-inducedtranscription tested, was in fact a strong antagonist ofnongenomic androgen-induced signaling in oocytes(Fig. 6). In addition, DHT, another potent promoter oftranscription, served as either a weak agonist or an-tagonist of nongenomic signaling, depending upon theconcentration used. The discovery of androgens ca-

pable of selectively altering genomic vs. nongenomicsignaling may lead to the development of useful re-agents for teasing apart the roles of these two path-ways in mediating various steroid-induced actions.Similar to the synthetic estrogen receptor agonist es-tren, which appears to prevent bone loss in micethrough a nongenomic mechanism (18), the develop-ment of selective genomic or nongenomic androgensmay eventually also prove useful clinically to modulatevarious physiologic responses to androgens.

One example of a physiologic response that canbe modulated by selective inhibition of nongenomicandrogen-mediated signaling is the marked inhibi-tion of hCG-induced oocyte maturation by R1881and DHT in intact X. laevis ovarian follicles (Fig. 6).These functional studies are also significant in thatthey confirm the physiologic importance of andro-gens in mediating oocyte maturation in the Xenopusovary (10, 12). Although the direct role of androgensin mammalian oocyte maturation has yet to be de-termined, androgens do appear to play importantroles in normal mammalian ovarian and oocyte de-velopment (19), as well as in ovarian disease statessuch as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS;Ref. 20). If these androgen-mediated effects aresimilarly transcription-independent, then the devel-opment of molecules capable of specifically modu-lating nongenomic signaling in the ovary might beuseful in treating PCOS or other forms of infertility.Notably, the relatively weak AR antagonist flutamideimproves infertility in some women with PCOS (21,22); however, the large-scale use of flutamide intreating PCOS will likely be limited, given its abilityto block both genomic and nongenomic AR-mediated signaling in a number of different tissues.

How are androgens mediating nongenomic signal-ing in oocytes? These and other data suggest that theymay be signaling at least in part through the classicalXeAR expressed in oocytes. First, we have shown herethat oocytes injected with XeAR-targeted double-stranded RNA oligonucleotides were less responsiveto AD-induced maturation and phosphorylation of p42than mock-injected cells but were equally sensitive toprogesterone and insulin-induced signaling (Fig. 3).The specificity of these XeAR-targeted RNA oligonu-cleotides was further supported the inability of severalnonspecific RNA oligonucleotide pairs to alter matu-ration induced by any of the agonists tested (data notshown). Second, several known inhibitors of AR-mediated transcription, including flutamide, hydroxflu-tamide, and bicalutamide, significantly reduced AD-and testosterone-induced signaling and maturation inXenopus oocytes (10), as did the known AR-bindingproteins DHT and R1881 (Fig. 6). Together, these datasuggest that flutamide, hydroxyflutamide, bicaluta-mide, R1881, and DHT may be inhibiting maturation byblocking testosterone and AD binding to the XeAR.Although plausible, in order for an AR other than theXeAR to be the primary mediator of androgen-inducedoocyte maturation, this novel receptor would have to

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bind to the same array of AR ligands as the classicalXeAR. Further, given the results of the RNA interfer-ence studies (Fig. 3), the activity of this alternativeandrogen receptor would have to be regulated in part byendogenous XeAR expression levels within the oocyte.

It is still possible, however, that one or more moleculesare playing additional role(s) in mediating androgen-induced oocyte maturation. Recent work has de-scribed a novel family of high affinity membrane ste-roid receptors with structure and signaling similaritiesto G protein-coupled receptors that may be involved inmediating progesterone-induced oocyte maturation infish (23). When expressed in somatic cells, the spottedseatrout membrane progesterone receptor appearedto modulate a pertussis-sensitive decrease in intra-cellular cAMP in response to progesterone, suggest-ing a role for G�i in the maturation process. Similarmembrane steroid receptors might be involved in frogoocyte maturation as well; however, as shown hereand elsewhere (14, 24), frog oocyte maturation is notdependent on G�i signaling; in fact, activation of aG�i-coupled G protein-coupled receptor (M2R) inhib-its androgen induced signaling and maturation inXenopus oocytes (Fig. 2). Notably, this inhibitory effectby M2R signaling does not appear to be due tochanges in endogenous XeAR-mediated transcription,as MMTV-luciferase activity in oocytes treated with orwithout testosterone is minimally affected by M2R sig-naling (�2-fold changes in activity compared withbaseline, data not shown). If a member of this novelfamily of steroid receptors were involved in Xenopusoocyte maturation, it would likely be signaling throughdifferent G proteins and would need to bind to andro-gens as well as progesterone.

Given that a population of XeARs appeared to beassociated with the plasma membrane (Fig. 4), onepossible model to reconcile much of the existing datamight be that the classical and novel steroid receptorsare acting in concert in the membrane, much like theclassical ER and GPR30 (2, 3, 25) may be doing inbreast cells. Such a model might explain why overex-pression of the XeAR alone is not sufficient to signifi-cantly enhance androgen-mediated signaling andmaturation (10). Furthermore, this model adds anotherlevel of complexity to androgen-mediated signaling,suggesting that the complete actions of an individualsteroid may depend not only on the expression levelsof classical steroid receptors and cofactors within thecell, but also on the subcellular location of the classicalsteroid receptors, the presence of other signaling co-factors or steroid binding proteins in the membrane,and the binding properties of the ligand itself.


Oocyte Preparation

Oocytes were harvested from female X. laevis (Nasco, FortAtkinson, WI) and treated as described (26, 27). Briefly, fol-

licular cells were removed by incubation of the oocytes for 4 hat room temperature with 1 mg/ml collagenase A (RocheApplied Sciences, Indianapolis, IN) in modified Barth’s solu-tion (MBSH) without Ca2�. Oocytes were then washed andincubated overnight at 16 C in MBSH with 1 mg/ml BSA, 1mg/ml Ficoll, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 0.1 mg/ml streptomy-cin. Stage V–VI oocytes were selected and maturation assayswere performed on each preparation to determine its sensi-tivity to steroids. Due to the variability in steroid sensitivitybetween preparations, experiments were done using at leastthree different preparations.

Steroid Maturation Assays

Oocytes were washed with MBSH and incubated with theindividual steroid [progesterone from Sigma (St. Louis, MO);AD, testosterone, and DHT from Steraloids (Newport, RI); andR1881 from Perkin-Elmer Corp. (Boston, MA)] for 16 h.Twenty oocytes were used per condition. The ethanol con-centration was kept constant. Maturation was detected byvisualizing germinal vesicle breakdown (13). For the matura-tion inhibition experiments, oocytes were pretreated for 1 hwith 30 �M carbachol (Sigma), 100 nM DHT, or 1 �M R1881,before addition of steroid and throughout the signaling ormaturation assay. Again, ethanol concentrations were keptconstant.

MAPK Assay

Activation of the MAPK cascade was measured by examiningp42 phosphorylation (14). Twenty oocytes per condition werepreincubated with or without the inhibitors for 1 h, followedby incubation for 4 h with the inhibitors and the indicatedsteroids. Steroid concentrations were used at or near theEC50 for maturation of the oocyte preparation used for eachexperiment. Oocytes were then solubilized in lysis buffer,lysates were resolved by electrophoresis on 10% polyacryl-amide gels, and proteins were transferred to Immobilon-Pmembranes (Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA). Membranes wereprobed with a rabbit anti-phospho-p44/42 MAPK antibody(Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA), stripped, and re-probed using a corresponding rabbit anti-p44/42 MAPK poly-clonal antibody that binds all p44/p42 regardless of phos-phorylation status.

RNA Synthesis and Injection

cDNAs encoding the XeAR (10), the G� and G� proteins (14),and the M2 muscarinic receptor (gift from L. Jan, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, CA) were cloned into the Xenopusoocyte expression vector pGEM HE (L. Jan). All pGEM con-structs were linearized and transcribed in vitro with T7 RNApolymerase (Promega Corp., Madison, WI). Stage V and VIoocytes were injected with 50.6 nl cRNA at a concentration ofapproximately 200 ng/�l using a Drummond automatic injec-tor and injected oocytes were incubated 36–48 h in MBSHbefore maturation or MAPK assays were performed. Oocyteswere incubated for 48 h before membrane preparations wereprepared.

RNA oligonucleotides were purchased from Dharmacon(Lafeyette, CO). The coding sequence for the RNA oligo-nucleotide was AAGCAGAAGCAGCGCCGCAAA. Stage Vand VI oocytes were injected with 50.6 nl of a 30 �M solutionof the double-stranded oligonucleotides and incubated forapproximately 50 h before the maturation or MAPK assayswere performed.

For the actinomycin D experiment, oocytes were pre-treated with either 10 �g/ml actinomycin D (Sigma) or anequal volume of dimethylsulfoxide for 24 h. Oocyte nucleiwere then injected with 23 nl (20 pg) of a CMV-luciferaseexpression plasmid [gift from D. Mangelsdorf, University of

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Texas Southwestern (UTSW), Dallas, TX] and immediatelyincubated overnight with either ethanol or testosterone at theindicated concentrations in the continued presence of eitherethanol or actinomycin D. Oocytes were lysed in ReporterLysis buffer (Promega Corp.) and luciferase assays per-formed as described (10).

XeAR Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry, andImmunofluorescence

Oocytes were injected with either 10 mM HEPES or XeARcRNA as described (10). After 48 h, oocyte membrane andnuclear/cytoplasmic fractions were isolated (14), and XeARwas detected by Western blot (10) using a rabbit anti-amino-terminal antibody (Bio-Synthesis, Inc., Lewisville, TX).

For the immunohistochemistry studies, oocytes were iso-lated from albino X. laevis frogs (Nasco, Fort Atkinson, WI),fixed in paraffin, sectioned, and mounted on slides (MolecularPathology Core Facility, UTSW). Slides were incubated over-night with a rabbit anti-carboxyl-terminal XeAR antibody(Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA) that hadbeen previously treated with either PBS or excess neutraliz-ing peptide (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.). Alternatively,slides were incubated with serum containing the rabbit anti-amino-terminal antibody or its corresponding prebleed se-rum. XeAR was then detected using the Vectasin ABC kit(Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA), and slides wereviewed and photographed using a Nikon (Kanagawa, Japan)stereoscope and digital camera.

For the immunofluorescence studies, COS cells weretransfected with the XeAR cDNA as described (10). After 48 h,cells were treated with either ethanol or 100 nM testosteronefor 1 h at 37 C. Cells were then treated as described (28).Briefly, cells were fixed for 15 min with 3% paraformaldehydein PBS and permeabilized for 10 min on ice with 0.1% TX-100in PBS. Slides were then incubated with the rabbit anti-carboxyl-terminal AR antibody, followed by incubation with afluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated antirabbit antibody(DAKO Corp., Carpinteria, CA). Cells were then examined andphotographed using a fluorescent microscope (Carl Zeiss,Jena, Germany).

Transcription and Ligand Dissociation Assays

Cells were grown in complete medium consisting of DMEM,10% fetal bovine serum, 100 IU/ml penicillin, and 0.1 mg/mlstreptomycin.

The Xe/Hu chimera cDNA was created by PCR. The A/B,DNABD, and hinge regions of the XeAR were cloned usingthe primers ATGGAGGTGCACATAGGGCTCGGC (corre-sponding to the start codon of the XeAR) and AATGGCTTC-CAGGACATTCAGAAAGAT (corresponding to 1627–1653 inthe XeAR coding sequence). The LBD of the HuAR wascloned using the primers ATCTTTCTGAATGTCCTGGAAGC-CATT (corresponding to 2008–2034 in the HuAR coding se-quence) and TCACTGGGTGTGGAAATAGATGGG (corre-sponding to the stop codon of the HuAR). The two PCRfragments were then added together, and a final PCR wasperformed using the two outside primers. The chimera wassequenced to confirm its identity.

For the transcription assays, CV1 cells were transfected bycalcium phosphate precipitation with an MMTV-luciferaseplasmid and cDNAs encoding either the XeAR, HuAR, or theXe/Hu chimera. Cells were then incubated in complete me-dium containing 5% charcoal-stripped fetal bovine serumand the indicated steroids for 48 h, and luciferase expressionwas measured as described (10).

For the ligand binding and dissociation assays, COS cellswere plated into 12- or 24-well plates and transfected withthe empty pcDNA3.1 vector or cDNAs encoding either theXeAR, HuAR, or Xe/Hu chimera (10). For the binding assays,transfected cells were washed once at 4 C with DMEM con-

taining 20 mM HEPES and 1 mg/ml BSA (DME/H/BSA) andincubated for 1 h at 4 C with DME/H/BSA containing varyingconcentrations of [1, 2, 6, 7-3H(N)]-testosterone, [1, 2-3H(N)]-DHT, or 17�-methyl-3H]-R1881 (Perkin-Elmer Corp.). Cellswere then washed three times with cold DME/H/BSA andsteroids extracted from cells by incubating with 100% etha-nol for 30 min. The total counts bound to cells and in thesupernatants were measured by liquid scintillation and theKds calculated using Scatchard plots. AD binding was stud-ied similarly, only transfected cells were treated with 1 nM

radiolabeled testosterone and increasing concentrations ofunlabeled AD. Kd values were then determined using thePrism software (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA).For the dissociation assays, transfected cells were washedonce at 4 C with DME/H/BSA and incubated for 1 h withDME/H/BSA containing either radiolabeled 1 nM testoster-one, 2 nM DHT, or 1 nM R1881. Cells were then washed threetimes with cold DME/H/BSA and incubated with 10 �M un-labeled steroid at either room temperature (DHT and testos-terone) or 37 C (R1881) for 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, or 300min. At the appropriate time points, cells were washed threetimes with DME/H/BSA and steroids extracted. The totalcounts bound were measured by liquid scintillation and thespecific counts bound calculated by subtraction of the back-ground counts from the pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Disso-ciation rates were then calculated from plots of time (x-axis)vs. the natural log of the percent of specific counts boundrelative to t � 0 (y-axis).

hCG-Mediated Maturation of Oocyte inOvarian Fragments

Ovarian fragments of approximately 100–200 mg werewashed in MBSH and treated for 1 h in 2 ml MBSH with eitherethanol, 20 �M flutamide, 100 nM DHT, or 1 �M R1881.Ethanol concentrations were kept constant. hCG was thenadded at a concentration of 100 U/ml, and the ovarian frag-ments were incubated at 16 C for approximately 12 h. TheMBSH was removed, and steroids were extracted and ana-lyzed by RIA (10). Oocytes were manually removed from theovarian fragments, and maturation was determined by visu-alization of a white spot on the animal pole.


We thank Richard Auchus (UTSW) for his useful and in-sightful comments and suggestions. We are also in debt toMichael McPhaul (UTSW) for advice concerning the tran-scription assays.

Received January 28, 2003. Accepted March 7, 2003.Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to:

Stephen R. Hammes, Department of Internal Medicine, 5323Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75390-8857. E-mail:[email protected].

This work was supported by funding from the NIH(DK-59913) and the Welch Foundation (I-1506). S.R.H. is aW. W. Caruth, Jr. Scholar in Biomedical Research.


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