Sefyll Mailing Oct 2011

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  • 8/4/2019 Sefyll Mailing Oct 2011


    Hi everyone

    Welcome to this Sefyll Extra mail-out.

    We have lots of opportunities for service users to

    get involved and share their expertise in variousgroups so please get in touch if you are interested.We provide ongoing training and support to helpyou in your role.


    What is Recovery?

    Recovery Implementation Groups

    The Mental Health Charter

    Eating Disorders Service

    Training Opportunities

    Intro to Welsh Politics


    Mental Health and Housing Group

    For more info please contact Sefyll on 029 2022

    2000 or [email protected]

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    What is Recovery?

    The term Recovery has no one commonly agreeddefinition.

    Mind describes Recovery as:The uniquely personal and ongoing act of claimingand gaining the capacity to take control of life that

    is personally meaningful and satisfying, withopportunities to perceive her/himself as a valued citizen. Theperson may develop and usetheir self-determination to grow and thrive, despite thepresence of the limitations andchallenges invited and imposedby distress, its treatment and thepersonal and environmental

    understandings made of them.People with mental health problems have described

    it in several ways:

    Recovery is not the same thing as being cured.

    Recovery is a process not an endpoint or a

    destination. Recovery is an attitude, a way of

    approaching the day and facing the challenges. (P

    E Deegan)

    Recovery... is about what was lost: rights, roles,

    responsibilities, decisions, potential and support. It

    is not about symptom elimination, but about what

    an individual wants, how s/he can get there and

    how others can support them to get there. It is

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    about rekindling hope for a productive present and

    a rewarding future and believing that one deserves

    it. (Curtis, 1998)

    The Recovery model focuses on potential, strengthsand interests not on limitations. It is a holistic

    model which looks at the whole person not just

    their illness and symptoms. Working within a

    Recovery model in Cardiff and the Vale will require

    changes in attitude from both service users and


    Service users have to be prepared to step out of

    the 'sick role' and start to regard themselves as

    autonomous people with the capacity to come

    through a period of mental distress and develop

    their individuality, self awareness and self


    Professionals need also to look

    at people's potential, and to

    stop being managers and start

    being facilitators. They need to

    start looking first at people'spotential for development

    rather than at how their mental

    distress may restrict their lives.


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    If you would like to be a part of making the

    Recovery model a reality in Cardiff and the Vale

    read on for info about how you can get involved!

    Implementation of the Mental Health RecoveryPlan


    Work has been going on for the last 12 months todevelop a plan to deliver Recovery focussed

    mental health services across Cardiff and theVale of Glamorgan. A Recovery steering group wasestablished 12 months ago which produced theAdult Mental Health Charter. This was launched inFebruary 2011 at an event at County Hall whichmany of you attended. A Recovery Action Plan has

    been developed and agreed and now 4implementation groups will proceed with thedelivery of this action plan. The 4 groups are :

    Recovery Education

    Changing the Culture

    Redefining Service User and Carer Involvement

    CommunicationService users are needed to take an active part inthese groups. You will be provided with ongoingsupport and training you will need enthusiasm

    and time to help make the plan a reality.

    If you want to find out more please contact Linda orAnna on 029 2022 2000 or [email protected]

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    Charter for Mental HealthEvery person in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

    has the right to mental health services that:

    1. Make a positive difference to each person theyserve.

    2. Stop doing things that are not working.

    3. Are guided by the individuals views about whatthey need and what helps them.

    4. Treat everyone as a capable citizen who canmake choices and take control of their own life.

    5. Work with respect, dignity and compassion,regardless of age, disability, gender, language, race,religion, sexual orientation or background

    6. Recognise that mental health services are onlypart of a persons recovery.

    7. Recognise, respect and support the role ofcarers, family and friends.

    8. Communicate with each person in the way that is

    right for them.

    9. Understand that each person has a uniqueculture, life experiences and values.

    10. Give people the information they need to maketheir own decisions and choices.

    11. Support their workers to do their jobs well.

    12. Challenge us and them attitudes both within

    mental health services and in the wider society.

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    Eating Disorders Service

    Do you have personal experience of an eating

    disorder?Would you like your voice heard in developing

    local services for sufferers of eating


    There is an opportunity to contribute your ideas and

    thoughts into the decision making processes byattending various policy implementation groupswithin Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

    The Eating Disorders service are a friendlywelcoming group who value the input that serviceusers have into their work. You will receive ongoingtraining and support to help you in your role.

    If you are interested please get in touch to find outmore on 029 2022 2000 or [email protected]

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    Recovery - training for service users

    Sefyll has arranged for AWARE a Cardiff and Valebased user-led training

    organisation, to provide trainingto other service users aboutRecovery.

    If you have heard of Recovery

    but are not sure what its all

    about and want to know more

    then this training is for you.You will learn about the concept of Recovery and

    also have the chance to think about what Recovery

    means to you.

    The training will take place on 21st November from

    2pm until 5pm at the Cartrefi Cymru Meeting room,

    Curran Rd Cardiff. (This is very close to our officefor those of you who have visited us).

    To find out more please contact Anna or Linda on

    029 2022 2000 or e-mail [email protected]

    Training Opportunity

    Intro to Welsh Politics for Service Users

    Oct 6th 2011, 1.30 4.30, Venue in centralCardiff (details on booking).In Wales, the more you know about politicalstructures and how decisions are made, the easier itwill be for you to start to plan how to campaign and

    influence decision makers. This active andparticipatory workshop will provide you with

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    relevant, up-to-date information about the differentlevels of government, what issues they can make

    decisions about and where powers lie in Wales.

    Who is this course for?This course is aimed at service users who arealready involved in voluntary and community

    organisations who want to influence decisionmaking in Wales.

    If you are interested please contact Anna or Linda

    at Sefyll on 029 2022 2000 or

    [email protected] Health and Housing group

    This group is trying to improve housing options and

    support for people with mental health problems.

    They would like to invite 2 more service users tojoin the group to share their experiences and tohelp collect views from other service users aroundhousing issues.

    The group is planning to hold a large workshop inOctober to look at the issues around mental healthand housing in Cardiff and the Vale.

    They would also like as many service users aspossible to attend the workshop to share theirexperiences and views about housing.

    If you are interested in housing issues and wouldlike to get involved please give us a ring to find outmore on 029 2022 2000 or e-mail us on

    [email protected]