1 SEE Health Network Prepared for presentation at the 13 th CRS meeting of the NDPHS Brussels 21-22.4.2008 and Regional Cooperation in SEE

SEE Health Network

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SEE Health Network. and Regional Cooperation in SEE. Prepared for presentation at the 13 th CRS meeting of the NDPHS Brussels 21-22.4.2008. Overview. Review of the history of regional cooperation Recent developments in the regional cooperation in public health in SEE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: SEE Health Network


SEE Health Network

Prepared for presentation at the 13th CRS meeting of the NDPHS

Brussels 21-22.4.2008

and Regional Cooperation in SEE

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• Review of the history of regional cooperation

• Recent developments in the regional cooperation in public health in SEE

• The vision for the future

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Stability Pact for SEE(History and Structure)

Established in 2001 to promote peace and stability in the region; later to assist SEE countries to EU integration and accession

Leadership provided by Special Coordinator, Dr Busek; Regional Table and Three Working Tables.

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Stability Pact for SEE(History and Structure) – Con‘t

Working Table I – DemocracyWorking Table III – Security and DefenseWorking Table II – Economy– Initiative for Social Cohesion

• Employment• Housing• Health• Social Protection• Social Dialogue

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Regional Cooperation Council

• Stability Pact (SP) handed over to Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) – 28 Feb 2008

• From a conflict prevention and confidence building initiative in South Eastern Europeto a regionally-owned Regional Co-operation Council

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Regional Cooperation

• Regional Cooperation is important:

– To SEE itself • fighting organized crime, • to increasing trade and attracting

investment,• to strengthening disaster preparedness

and prevention– a prerequisite and a tool for the European and

Euro-Atlantic integration

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Stability Pact beyond 2007SEE Cooperation Process

Economic and Social Development Infrastructure Justice and Home Affairs Security co-operation Building Human Capital Parliamentary Co-operation (overarching theme)

Gender mainstreaming; social cohesion and involvement of civil society

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Regional Co-operation Council (RCC)Secretary General from the regionSecretariat in Sarajevo, BIHCo-financing of the future regional set-up


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Stability Pact SEE Health Network

Dubrovnik Pledge, 2001– Regional Collaboration; agreed on seven

Public Health priority areas (regional projects) of common concern

Skopje Pledge, 2005– Reinforcing the regional collaboration on

Public Health priority areas– Stressing the importance of investing in health– Achieving and sustaining Regional Ownership

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Second Health Ministers ForumWith special participation of Ministers of Finance

“Health and Economic Development in South - eastern

Europe in the 21 Century”Skopje, 25-26 November 2005

The Skopje Pledge: Health - an essential

investment for economic development

Long-term commitment of governments to public health and health system reform process

Transforming SEE projects into long-term programmes for regional collaboration

Maintaining, expanding and strengthening partnerships

Full transferring of ownership to SEE countries (MoH) by 2008

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Public health as a bridge to peace, reconciliation, stability and economic development

Ownership and leadership of the SEE countries

Strong partnership between - 9 SEE countries (ALB, BIH, BUL, CRO, MDA, MNE,

ROM, SER, MKD) - 9 donors/partners (BEL, GRE, ITA, FRA, HUN, NOR,

SVN, SWE, SWI) - 4 international organizations (coE, CEB, WHO/EURO

and SP-SCI)

Regional cooperation in 8 priority public health areas

Over 8 million Euros raised and in implementation

Health system approach applied

South-eastern Europe Health Network: Main features

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Health Policy and Technical AdviceWHO – COE

Serbia Belgium,Greece,Italy, Switzerland, WHO

Institutional Capacity and Intersectorial Collaboration for Access to Safe Food Products

Bosnia and Herzegovinia

Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, WHO

Enhancing Social Cohesion by Strengthening Community Mental Health Services

Croatia CEB (loan)Reconstruction and Modernization Of Andrija Stampar School of Public Health in Zagreb, Croatia


Croatia Norway, WHOInstitutional Capacities of Public Health systems for Strengthened Tobacco Control

Romania Switzerland, Slovenia, CoE, WHOBlood and Blood products

Bulgaria Greece, OSI, GI,WHO

Information for Community Mental Health Services

Albania France, Greece, WHO

Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases

Moldova Norway, WHOImproving Maternal and Neonatal Health in SEE

Leading Country Partners/Donors

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SEE Health Network

PoliticalMoH Fora (once in 4-5 years)PresidencyExecutive CommitteeSecretariatRegional Meetings (twice yearly)National Political Coordinators (Alternates)

Technical projects

Project Steering CommitteesRegional Project Managers & OfficesCountry Project Managers & Offices

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Road Map for SEEHN beyond 2007

SEEHN continues to operate in line with the MoH commitments: Dubrovnik and Skopje Pledges

Increased ownership and/or responsibilities by the region in line with the SEECP/RCC

Continued leadership and support by Partners and Donors

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Regional Cooperation – Health

• SEE Health Network (next steps)– MoU on the future of regional cooperation– 2 Ministerial declarations on Mental Health and

implementation of IHRs– ‘Call for Proposals’ for the location of the seat of SEEHN

Secretariat– 18th Meeting of SEEHN in Chisinau Moldova (May 30 –

June 1, 2008)– Statement by SEEHN Presidency of Moldova during the

Health Systems Performance - Ministerial Conference in Tallin, Estonia, June 2008.

– Joint meeting with European Commission TAIEX on manpower mobility in Health, June 30-July 1, 2008.

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Visionfor the future of SEEHN

and the regional cooperation in public health

health system reforms

contributing to economic development of the region

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The future SEEHNEnhanced forms of cooperation and organizational

capacities New Secretariat of SEE HN in the region

Regional Development Centres for the agreed technical areas of cooperation

SEE financial contributions (based on GDP of the country as for RCC Secretariat) for the

Secretariat/annual SEEHN meetings

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existing or new institutions in all SEE

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Tasks of the Regional Cooperation Centres

-Promotion of the SEEHN policies and priorities-Information sharing

- Networking- Innovation- Research

- Fundraising- Projects implementation

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The Stability Pact for SEE is transformed into Regional Co-operation Council based in region.Regional ownership and contribution will increase considerably after 2008Continued Partners support essential even after 2008In the Health area a similar approach is followed